Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending
10/15/08. You should consult your doctor if you are taking any
Marijuana Use Takes Toll On Adolescent Brain Function, Research Finds -
Science Daily, 10/15/08 - "chronic, heavy
marijuana use during adolescence – a critical
period of ongoing brain development – is associated with poorer performance on
thinking tasks, including slower psychomotor speed and poorer complex attention,
verbal memory and planning ability"
Resveratrol Prevents Fat Accumulation In Livers Of 'Alcoholic' Mice -
Science Daily, 10/14/08 - "The accumulation of
fat in the liver as a result of chronic
alcohol consumption could be prevented by consuming
resveratrol, according to a new study with
mice. The research found that resveratrol reduced the amount of fat produced in
the liver of mice fed alcohol and, at the same time, increased the rate at which
fat within the liver is broken down" - See
resveratrol products at Amazon.com .
Surfing the Web Stimulates Older Brains - WebMD, 10/14/08 -
"Middle-aged to older adults
who know their way around the Internet had more stimulation of
decision-making and complex reasoning areas of
the brain than peers who were new to web surfing ... reading didn’t stimulate
the same number of brain areas as Internet searching"
D A Key Player In Overall Health Of Several Body Organs, Says Biochemist -
Science Daily, 10/13/08 - "In a paper published in the
August issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Norman identifies
vitamin D's potential for contributions to good
health in the adaptive and innate immune systems, the secretion and regulation
of insulin by the pancreas, the heart and blood pressure regulation, muscle
strength and brain activity. In addition, access to adequate amounts of vitamin
D is believed to be beneficial towards reducing the risk of cancer ... Norman
also lists 36 organ tissues in the body whose cells respond biologically to
vitamin D. The list includes bone marrow, breast, colon, intestine, kidney,
lung, prostate, retina, skin, stomach and the uterus ... deficiency of vitamin D
can impact all 36 organs" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Parkinson's Disease Linked to Vitamin D Insufficiency - WebMD, 10/13/08 -
"Participants provided blood samples, which showed
vitamin D insufficiency in 55% of the
Parkinson's disease patients, compared to 41%
of the Alzheimer's patients and 36% of the healthy participants" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
John's Wort Relieves Symptoms Of Major Depression, Study Shows - Science
Daily, 10/13/08 - "Cochrane Researchers reviewed 29
trials which together included 5,489 patients with symptoms of major
depression. All trials employed the commonly
used Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression to assess the severity of depression.
In trials comparing St. John's wort to other
remedies, not only were the plant extracts considered to be equally effective,
but fewer patients dropped out of trials due to adverse effects" - See
St. John's wort at Amazon.com
St. John's wort at Amazon.com .
Consumption Not Associated With Breast Cancer Risk In Most Women, Study Suggests
- Science Daily, 10/13/08 - "Consumption of
caffeine and caffeinated beverages and foods was
not statistically significantly associated with overall risk of
breast cancer"
D Deficiency Common In Patients With IBD, Chronic Liver Disease - Science
Daily, 10/13/08 - "analyzed
vitamin D
levels of 504
inflammatory bowel disease patients ...
almost 50 percent of the patients were Vitamin D deficient at some point, with
11 percent being severely deficient ... 92.4 percent of
chronic liver patients
had some degree of vitamin D deficiency and at least one third were severely
deficient. Severe vitamin D deficiency was more common among
cirrhotics" -
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Pediatrics Group Doubles Children's Recommended Daily Vitamin D Intake -
WebMD, 10/13/08 - "The new guidelines are especially
important for breastfed babies, since
breast milk isn't rich in vitamin D ... I would
have probably gone with 400 IU in the first year or two of life, and after that
I would have increased it to at least 1,000 and also monitor the vitamin D
[blood] level" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Power: Why Fruits And Vegetables May Protect Against Cancer's Spread -
Science Daily, 10/13/08 - "They have shown that a
fragment released from pectin, found in all fruits and vegetables, binds to and
is believed to inhibit galectin 3 (Gal3), a protein that plays a role in all
stages of cancer progression" - See
pectin supplements at Amazon.com .
Soup May Help Fight High Blood Pressure - Science Daily, 10/13/08 -
"Saiga and colleagues extracted collagen from chicken
legs and tested its ability to act as an
ACE inhibitor in the
laboratory studies. They identified four different proteins in the collagen
mixture with high ACE-inhibitory activity. Given to rats used to model human
high blood pressure, the proteins produced a
significant and prolonged decrease in blood pressure"
Ginkgo Extract May Reduce Stroke Damage - Medscape, 10/10/08 -
"They found that mice pretreated with
EGb761 had smaller brain infarcts and less
neurologic dysfunction than their untreated counterparts ... Treatment with
EGb761 after the stroke (4.5 hours
post-reperfusion) was also associated with a significant reduction in infarct
size" - See
Ginkgo biloba at Amazon.com .
Flavonoids’ heart health benefits in the blood vessels: Study - Nutra USA,
10/10/08 - "A daily dose of
quercetin or
led to improvements in endothelial function, a key marker of
cardiovascular health" - [Abstract]
St. John’s Wort for Major Depression? - WebMD, 10/10/08 -
"Can taking an herbal
supplement be as good as a prescription medication for people who are
severely depressed? ... Researchers in
Germany think so" - See
St. John's wort at Amazon.com
St. John's wort at Amazon.com .
SAM-e Hurt My Heart? - Dr. Weil, 10/10/08 - "Since
SAM-e is ultimately converted in the body to
homocysteine, it is theoretically possible that taking it could elevate
homocysteine levels. But that doesn't happen. In fact, SAM-e actually appears to
lower homocysteine by helping the body metabolize it"
Antioxidants Could Help Huntington’s Disease Sufferers, Study Suggests -
Science Daily, 10/10/08 - "strategies to strengthen
antioxidant defences could help to prevent
the progression of Huntington’s Disease ...
oxidative stress and damage to certain macromolecules are involved in the
progression of Huntington’s Disease (HD)"
FDA Approves Silodosin for the Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia -
Doctor's Guide, 10/9/08 - "Results from both trials
showed that silodosin 8 mg QD
for 12 weeks resulted in significant and rapid relief of
BPH symptoms, compared with placebo, as
measured by the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS). IPSS includes
irritative and obstructive symptoms"
Coffee Drinking May Help Protect Against Type 2 Diabetes - Medscape, 10/9/08
- "Compared with participants who reported not drinking
coffee daily, those who reported drinking 4 or
more cups of coffee daily had a 30% reduction in the risk for
diabetes ... Compared with participants who
reported not drinking black tea daily, those who reported drinking 1 or more
cups of black tea daily had a suggestive 14% reduction in the risk for diabetes
... There was no apparent association with green tea"
FDA OKs TMS Depression Device - WebMD, 10/8/08 - "TMS
is much safer than ECT. Unlike ECT, TMS does not
require sedation and is administered on an outpatient basis"
Kidney Disease Increased Sharply In The United States In Past Decade -
Science Daily, 10/8/08 - "A 30 percent increase in
chronic kidney disease over the past
decade has prompted the U.S. Renal Data System (USRDS) to issue for the first
time a separate report documenting the magnitude of the disease, which affects
an estimated 27 million Americans and accounts for more than 24 percent of
Medicare costs"
Vitamin D may protect skin from within: Study - Nutra USA, 10/8/08 -
"Atopic dermatitis (AD)
... All of the participants were given daily
vitamin D supplements of 4000 IUs for 21 days ... After supplementation, the
skin of people with AD showed statistically significant increases in
cathelicidin from 3.53 to 23.91 relative copy units (RCU). Moreover, normal skin
showed a “modest increase”, said the researchers, from 1.0 to 1.78 RCU" -
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Taking herb 'helps depression' - BBC News, 10/8/08 -
"Overall, the St John's Wort
extracts tested in the trials were superior to placebo, similarly effective as
standard anti-depressants, and had
fewer side effects ... Doctors think it works because the herb keeps
serotonin, a chemical which makes you happy, in
the brain for longer" - See
St. John's wort at Amazon.com
St. John's wort at Amazon.com .
Possibilities -- But No Proof -- To Prevent Alzheimer’s - Science Daily,
10/8/08 - "Physical activity and healthy living ... Diet
... Alzheimer’s vaccine ... Cardiovascular therapies ... Nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) ... Estrogen ... Mental fitness"
Of Key Hormone During First Trimester Of Pregnancy Could Lead To Earlier
Diagnosis Of Gestational Diabetes - Science Daily, 10/7/08 -
"New research shows women who develop diabetes during
pregnancy (gestational diabetes mellitus) have reduced levels of an
insulin-sensitive hormone, adiponectin, as
early as nine weeks into the pregnancy"
Abstracts from this week's
Doctor's Guide Nutrition/Dietetics
plus abstracts from my RSS feeds (Click here
for the journals, the PubMed ones at the top):
milk, yogurt, and dairy intake in relation to bladder cancer risk in a
prospective study of Swedish women and men - Am J Clin Nutr. 2008
Oct;88(4):1083-7 - "Total dairy intake was not
significantly associated with risk of bladder
cancer [> or =7.0 servings/d compared with < 3.5 servings/d: multivariate
rate ratio (RR) = 0.87; 95% CI: 0.66, 1.15; P for trend = 0.33]. However, a
statistically significant inverse association was observed for the intake of
cultured milk (sour milk and yogurt). The
multivariate RRs for the highest category of cultured milk intake (> or =2
servings/d) compared with the lowest category (0 serving/d) were 0.62 (95% CI:
0.46, 0.85; P for trend = 0.006) in women and men combined, 0.55 (95% CI: 0.25,
1.22; P for trend = 0.06) in women, and 0.64 (95% CI: 0.46, 0.89; P for trend =
0.03) in men. The intake of milk or cheese was not associated with bladder
cancer risk ... These findings suggest that a high intake of cultured milk may
lower the risk of developing bladder cancer"
between simultaneous PSA and serum testosterone concentrations among eugonadal,
untreated hypogonadal and hypogonadal men receiving testosterone replacement
therapy - Int J Impot Res. 2008 Oct 9 - "testosterone
replacement therapy (TRT) ... does not appear to significantly influence
serum PSA expression and no significant
correlation was identified between PSA and serum testosterone among eugonadal,
untreated hypogonadal and hypogonadal men receiving TRT"
fiber intake in relation to coronary heart disease and all-cause mortality over
40 y: the Zutphen Study - Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Oct;88(4):1119-25 -
"Every additional 10 g of recent
dietary fiber intake per day reduced
coronary heart disease mortality by
17% (95% CI: 2%, 30%) and all-cause mortality
by 9% (0%, 18%). The strength of the association between long-term dietary fiber
intake and all-cause mortality decreased from age 50 y (hazard ratio: 0.71; 95%
CI: 0.55, 0.93) until age 80 y (0.99; 0.87, 1.12). We observed no clear
associations for different types of dietary fiber. CONCLUSIONS: A higher recent
dietary fiber intake was associated with a lower risk of both coronary heart
disease and all-cause mortality. For long-term intake, the strength of the
association between dietary fiber and all-cause mortality decreased with
increasing age"
Intakes of
long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and fish in relation to measurements
of subclinical atherosclerosis - Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Oct;88(4):1111-8 -
"After adjustment for potential confounders, intakes of
long-chain n-3 PUFAs and nonfried (broiled,
steamed, baked, or raw) fish were inversely related to subclinical
atherosclerosis determined by cCIMT but not by iCIMT, CAC score, or ABI. The
multivariate odds ratio comparing the highest to the lowest quartile of dietary
exposures in relation to subclinical
atherosclerosis determined by cCIMT was 0.69 (95% CI: 0.55, 0.86; P for
trend < 0.01) for n-3 PUFA intake; 0.80 (95% CI: 0.64, 1.01; P = 0.054) for
nonfried fish consumption; and 0.90 (95% CI: 0.73, 1.11; P = 0.38) for fried
fish consumption"
- See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
glycemic index and the risk of age-related macular degeneration - Am J Clin
Nutr. 2008 Oct;88(4):1104-10 - "a higher mean dietary
glycemic index was associated with an increased
10-y risk of early AMD in a comparison of
quartiles 1 and 4 [relative risk (RR): 1.77; 95% CI: 1.13, 2.78; P for trend =
0.03]. Conversely, a greater consumption of cereal fiber (RR: 0.68; 95% CI:
0.44, 1.04; P for trend = 0.05) and breads and cereals (predominantly lower
glycemic index foods such as oatmeal) (RR: 0.67; 95% CI: 0.44, 1.02; P for trend
= 0.03) was associated with a reduced risk of incident early AMD ... A
high-glycemic-index diet is a risk factor for early AMD-the recognized precursor
of sight-threatening late AMD. Low-glycemic-index foods such as oatmeal may
protect against early AMD"
Pure dietary
flavonoids quercetin and (-)-epicatechin augment nitric oxide products and
reduce endothelin-1 acutely in healthy men - Am J Clin Nutr. 2008
Oct;88(4):1018-25 - "Dietary
flavonoids, such as
quercetin and
(-)-epicatechin, can augment nitric oxide
status and reduce endothelin-1 concentrations and may thereby improve
endothelial function"
dietary fish intake has contributed to decreasing mortality from CHD among the
older population in Hong Kong - Public Health Nutr. 2008 Oct 7:1-6 -
"The time trend of
CHD mortality was inversely related
to the trend of fish intake. The frequency of
fish intake may have a substantial impact on the population for the prevention
of CHD deaths in Hong Kong"
- See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Neat Tech Stuff :
Health Focus (Cancer
Related Cancer Topics:
Popular Cancer Supplements:
Alternative Cancer News:
Adjuvant Therapy - Life Extension Foundation
Chemotherapy - Life Extension Foundation
Clinics Offering Alternative Therapies - Life Extension Foundation
Prevention - Life Extension Foundation
Cancer Radiation Therapy - Life Extension Foundation
Should Patients Take Dietary Supplements? - Life Extension Foundation
Surgery - Life Extension Foundation
Treatment: The Critical Factors - Life Extension Foundation
Cancer Vaccines - Life Extension Foundation
A Natural Way To Beat Cancer? - Intelihealth
- Cancer, the Immune System and
Nutritional Supplements - natmedonline.com
- U. of Texas Center
for Alternative Medicine Research in Cancer
Cancer Prevention and Diet
- Vitacost
The Healing Power of Proteolytic Enzymes
- Dr. Murray - "The clinical research that currently
exists on proteolytic enzymes suggests
significant benefits in the treatment of many forms of cancer.2 Specifically
these studies have shown improvements in the general condition of patients,
quality of life, and modest to significant improvements in life expectancy"
Recently I have seen lycopene products being touted for their anticancer and
antioxidant properties. Are these claims valid? - Dr. Murray
Unpopular veggies vital for cancer protection: Study - Nutra USA, 10/7/08 -
"Significant inhibition of all the cancer cell lines
tested – stomach, lung, breast, kidney, skin, pancreas, prostate, and brain –
was observed for all the extracts from cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli,
kale, Brussels sprouts, and curly cabbage, and vegetables of the genus Allium,
such as garlic ... These chemopreventive effects are likely related to the
formation of organosulfur compounds following mechanical disruption of these
vegetables, namely isothiocyanates from cruciferous and a series of allyl sulfur
molecules from Allium vegetables"
Coffee consumption and the risk of cancer: An overview - Cancer Lett. 2008
Sep 30 -
"Habitual coffee drinking has been associated with a
reduced risk of mortality and chronic diseases, including cancer. The favourable
influence of coffee is supported by several plausible mechanisms due to the
presence of a variety of biological compounds such as caffeine, diterpenes,
caffeic acid, polyphenols as well as volatile aroma and heterocyclic substances.
Current evidence suggests that coffee consumption is associated with a reduced
risk of liver, kidney, and to a lesser extent, premenopausal breast and
colorectal cancers, while it is unrelated to prostate, pancreas and ovary
cancers. Coffee drinking may still help reduce death due to liver cancer"
Raspberries Slow Cancer By Altering Hundreds Of Genes - Science Daily,
8/27/08 - "examined the effect of freeze-dried black
raspberries on genes altered by a chemical carcinogen in an animal model of
esophageal cancer ... The carcinogen affected the activity of some 2,200 genes
in the animals’ esophagus in only one week, but 460 of those genes were restored
to normal activity in animals that consumed freeze-dried black raspberry powder
as part of their diet during the exposure"
Mushroom extract demonstrates immunity benefits - Nutra USA, 8/25/08 -
"measured the production of two cytokines – Interferon
(IFN-y) and Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF-a) – for 30 and 60 days ... These
cytokines are produced by white blood cells and used by the body to prevent the
growth of abnormal and cancerous cells ... the production of IFN-y and TNF-a
increased within four weeks of taking the recommended of AHCC and continued to
boost the immune system for at least four weeks after AHCC consumption stopped"
- See
AHCC at Amazon.com
Dietary Supplement Use in Cancer Care: Help or Harm (.pdf) - Hematol Oncol
Clin North Am. 2008 Aug 1;22(4):581-617 - "Immune
Modulation ..."
C Injections Slow Tumor Growth In Mice - Science Daily, 8/4/08 -
"high concentrations of ascorbate had anticancer effects
in 75 percent of cancer cell lines tested, while sparing normal cells. In their
paper, the researchers also showed that these high ascorbate concentrations
could be achieved in people" - Note: I was taking about 8 grams of
vitamin C per day when I had neck cancer.
Maybe that's what saved me.
Compound Hits Elusive Target In Cancer Cells - Science Daily, 7/11/08 -
"A natural compound from magnolia cones blocks a pathway
for cancer growth that was previously considered "undruggable," ... has been
studying the compound honokiol ... We found that it is particularly potent
against tumors with activated Ras" - See
honokiol at Amazon.com
Red Yeast Rice Is Good For Your Heart, Study Suggests - Science Daily,
6/9/08 - "a partially purified extract of Chinese red
yeast rice, Xuezhikang (XZK), reduced the risk of repeat heart attacks by 45%,
revascularization (bypass surgery/angioplasty), cardiovascular mortality and
total mortality by one-third and cancer mortality by two-thirds" - See
red yeast rice at Amazon.com
Cuts Cancer Death In Men - Science Daily, 5/29/08 -
"Men who walked or cycled for at least 30 minutes a day had an increased
survival from cancer with 33 per cent, than the men who exercised less or did
nothing at all ... a more extensive programme of walking and cycling for between
60 and 90 minutes and a day, led to a l6 per cent lower incidence of cancer. But
these activities only led to a five per cent reduction in cancer rates among the
men who walked or cycled for 30 minutes day, a finding which could be due to
To Block
The Carcinogens, Add A Touch Of Rosemary When Grilling Meats - Science
Daily, 5/21/08 - "Rosemary, a member of the mint family
and a popular seasoning on its own, also has benefits as a cancer prevention
agent. Apply it to hamburgers and it can break up the potentially cancer-causing
compounds that can form when the meat is cooked ... Rosemary’s antioxidant
content makes this method possible thanks to the presence of phenolic compounds.
Those compounds – rosmarinic acid, carnosol and carnosic acid – block the HCAs
before they can form during heating"
Dietary flavonoid intake and risk of cancer in postmenopausal women: The Iowa
Women's Health Study - Int J Cancer. 2008 May 19 -
"After multivariable adjustment, lung cancer incidence was inversely associated
with intakes of flavanones (HR = 0.68; 95% CI: 0.53-0.86, all results highest
vs. lowest quintile) and proanthocyanidins (HR = 0.75; 95% CI: 0.57-0.97). Among
current and past smokers, those with intakes in the highest quintile for
flavanones (HR = 0.66; 95% CI: 0.50-0.86), and proanthocyanidins (HR = 0.66; 95%
CI; 0.49-0.89) had significantly lower lung cancer incidence than those in the
lowest quintile. Similar associations were not seen in never smokers. Isoflavone
intake was inversely associated with overall cancer incidence (HR = 0.93, 95%
CI: 0.86-1.00). This study provides further support for a beneficial effect of
flavonoid intake on lung cancer risk, especially among current and past smokers"
- See
bioflavonoids at Amazon.com
Vitamin D and cancer: maintaining levels key to protection? - Nutra USA,
5/12/08 - "After adjusting for various potential
confounding factors, the researchers report that people with the highest level
of 25(OH)D (76.3 nanomoles per litre) were 55 per cent less likely to die form
fatal cancer than those with the lowest levels (18.1 nmol/L)" - [Abstract]
- See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Serum Levels of 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Predict Fatal Cancer in Patients Referred to
Coronary Angiography - Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2008 May 7 -
"After adjustment for possible confounders, the Cox
proportional hazard ratio (95% confidence interval) of the fourth 25(OH)D
quartile was 0.45 (0.22-0.93) when compared with the first quartile and the
hazard ratio per increase of 25 nmol/L in serum 25(OH)D concentrations was 0.66
(0.49-0.89)" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Curcumin and cancer: An "old-age" disease with an "age-old" solution -
Cancer Lett. 2008 May 5 - "The activity of curcumin
reported against leukemia and lymphoma, gastrointestinal cancers, genitourinary
cancers, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, head and neck squamous cell carcinoma,
lung cancer, melanoma, neurological cancers, and sarcoma reflects its ability to
affect multiple targets. Thus an "old-age" disease such as cancer requires an
"age-old" treatment" - See
curcumin products at Amazon.com
Serum Levels of 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Predict Fatal Cancer in Patients Referred to
Coronary Angiography - Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2008 May 7 -
"our data suggest that low levels of 25(OH)D are
associated with increased risk of fatal cancer in patients referred to coronary
angiography and that the maintenance of a sufficient vitamin D status might
therefore be a promising approach for the prevention and/or treatment of cancer"
- See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Multi-targeted prevention and therapy of cancer by proanthocyanidins -
Cancer Lett. 2008 May 3 - "A wide variety of botanicals,
mostly dietary flavonoids or polyphenolic substances, have been reported to
possess substantial anti-carcinogenic and antimutagenic activities because of
their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Proanthocyanidins are
considered as one of them, and are abundantly available in various parts of the
plants, such as fruits, berries, bark and seeds. Their modes of action were
evaluated through a number of in vitro and in vivo studies which showed their
potential role as anti-carcinogenic agent. We summarize and highlight the latest
developments on anti-carcinogenic activities of proanthocyanidins from different
sources, specifically from grape seeds, and their molecular targets, such as
NF-kappaB, mitogen-activated protein kinases, PI3K/Akt, caspases, cytokines,
angiogenesis and cell cycle regulatory proteins and other check points, etc.
Although the bioavailability and metabolism data on proanthocyanidins is still
largely unavailable, certain reports indicate that at least monomers and smaller
oligomeric procyanidins are absorbed in the gut. The modulation of various
molecular targets by proanthocyanidins in vitro and in vivo tumor models
suggests their importance, contribution and mechanism of action to the
prevention of cancers of different organs" - See
grape seed extract at Amazon.com
Pycnogenol at Amazon.com .
Some say the grape seed extract if the
same as Pycnogenol without the patent markup.
Veggies, Exercise May Cut Cancer Risk - WebMD, 4/15/08 -
"Overall, women who engaged in recreational exercise 30
to 150 minutes per week were 50% less likely to have breast cancer than women
who exercised less than a half hour per week ... People who ate quercetin-rich
foods at least four times a week, on average, were 51% less likely to have lung
cancer than those who ate none"
From Reishi Mushroom And Green Tea Shows Synergistic Effect To Slow Sarcoma
- Science Daily, 4/8/08 - "Both the reishi mushroom
(Ganoderma lucidum; Lingzhi) and green tea have long held a place in traditional
medicine in China and other Asian countries, for the general promotion of health
and long life and for the treatment of specific diseases. More recent scientific
studies have confirmed that both enhance the body¹s immune functions and hold
the potential for treatment and prevention of many types of cancer" - See
reishi at Amazon.com
green tea extract at Amazon.com .
Dehydroascorbic acid as an anti-cancer agent - Cancer Lett. 2008 Mar 28 -
"dehydroascorbic acid has the remarkable ability to
eliminate the aggressive mouse tumours, L1210, P388, Krebs sarcoma, and Ehrlich
acid - Wikipedia - "Dehydroascorbic acid (DHA)
is an oxidized form of ascorbic acid"
Evidence Shows Red Wine Antioxidant Kills Cancer - Science Daily, 3/25/08 -
"Rochester researchers showed for the first time that a
natural antioxidant found in grape skins and red wine can help destroy
pancreatic cancer cells by reaching to the cell's core energy source, or
mitochondria, and crippling its function ... The new study also showed that when
the pancreatic cancer cells were doubly assaulted -- pre-treated with the
antioxidant, resveratrol, and irradiated -- the combination induced a type of
cell death called apoptosis, an important goal of cancer therapy" - [WebMD]
- See
resveratrol products at Amazon.com
Indole-3-carbinol as a chemopreventive and anti-cancer agent - Cancer Lett.
2008 Feb 29 - "Indole-3-carbinol and its metabolite
3,3'-diindoylmethane (DIM) target multiple aspects of cancer cell-cycle
regulation and survival including Akt-NFkappaB signaling, caspase activation,
cyclin-dependent kinase activities, estrogen metabolism, estrogen receptor
signaling, endoplasmic reticulum stress, and BRCA gene expression. This broad
spectrum of anti-tumor activities in conjunction with low toxicity underscores
the translational value of indole-3-carbinol and its metabolites in cancer
prevention/therapy. Furthermore, novel anti-tumor agents with overlapping
underlying mechanisms have emerged via structural optimization of
indole-3-carbinol and DIM, which may provide considerable therapeutic advantages
over the parental compounds with respect to chemical stability and anti-tumor
potency. Together, these agents might foster new strategies for cancer
prevention and therapy" - See
indole 3 carbinol at Amazon.com
diindolylmethane at Amazon.com .
beta-Sitosterol induces G(2)/M arrest, endoreduplication, and apoptosis through
the Bcl-2 and PI3K/Akt signaling pathways - Cancer Lett. 2008 Feb 29 -
"beta-Sitosterol (SITO) is a potentially valuable
candidate for cancer chemotherapy ... results suggest that SITO induces
endoreduplication by promoting spindle microtubule dynamics through the Bcl-2
and PI3K/Akt signaling pathways" - See
beta sitosterol at Amazon.com
Selenium Levels and All-Cause, Cancer, and Cardiovascular Mortality Among US
Adults - Arch Intern Med. 2008 Feb 25;168(4):404-10 -
"we found a nonlinear association between serum selenium
levels and all-cause and cancer mortality. Increasing serum selenium levels were
associated with decreased mortality up to 130 ng/mL. Our study, however, raises
the concern that higher serum selenium levels may be associated with increased
A Ray Of
Sunshine In The Fight Against Cancer: Vitamin D May Help - Science Daily,
2/13/08 - "It sounds too good to be true … a little
inexpensive pill that could block the development of some cancers, strengthen
bones, prevent multiple sclerosis and alleviate winter depression ... But it’s
not science fiction. The “new aspirin” could be Vitamin D ... during the winter,
Canadians take at least 1,000 units a day of Vitamin D" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
DCA or
dichloroacetate for Cancer - Dr. Weil, 1/17/08
Sunlight: Good for Bad for Cancer Risk? - WebMD, 1/7/08 -
"In populations with similar skin types, the incidence
of all kinds of skin cancer increases from north to south, they found ... The
incidence of internal cancers -- colon, lung, breast, and prostate -- also
increased from north to south. But Setlow's team found that those who lived in
southern latitudes -- and who made more vitamin D from sun exposure -- were much
less likely to die from those cancers than were the northern latitude residents"
- See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Is There an Anticancer Diet? - WebMD, 12/6/07 - "Raw
cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli,
broccoli sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower seem to reduce
bladder cancer risk by about 40%"
Chemoprevention, Naturally: Findings On Plant-derived Cancer Medicines -
Science Daily, 12/6/07 - "rats fed a diet containing
Polyphenon E, a standardized green tea polyphenol preparation, are less than
half as likely to develop colon cancer ... After 34 weeks, rats that
received Polyphenon E developed 55 percent fewer tumors compared to the
control rats that did not receive Polyphenon E. Moreover, the tumors were 45
percent smaller in rats treated with green tea extract" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
And Cancer Prevention: New Evidence For The Protective Effects Of Fruits And
Veggies - Science Daily, 12/6/07
Night Shift Work May Cause Cancer - WebMD, 11/30/07 -
"They note that shift work may raise cancer risk by
suppressing production of melatonin, a chemical involved in the circadian
rhythm" - See
melatonin at Amazon.com
Molecular basis of the potential of vitamin D to prevent cancer - Curr
Med Res Opin. 2007 Nov 21 - "Research strongly
supports the view that efforts to improve vitamin D status would have
significant protective effects against the development of cancer. The
clinical research community is currently revising recommendations for
optimal serum levels and for sensible levels of sun exposure, to levels
greater than previously thought. Currently, most experts in the field
believe that intakes of between 1000 and 4000 IU will lead to a more healthy
level of serum 25(OH)D, in the range of 75 nmol/L that will offer
significant protect effects against cancers of the breast, colon, prostate,
ovary, lungs, and pancreas. The first randomized trial has shown significant
protection against breast cancer, and other clinical trials will follow and
ultimately lead to improved public health policies and significantly fewer
cancers" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Zyflamend, a polyherbal preparation, inhibits invasion, suppresses
osteoclastogenesis, and potentiates apoptosis through down-regulation of
NF-kappa B activation and NF-kappa B-regulated gene products - Nutr
Cancer. 2007;57(1):78-87 - "Zyflamend inhibited
receptor activator of NF-kappa B ligand-induced osteoclastogenesis,
suppressed tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-induced invasion, and potentiated the
cytotoxicity induced by TNF and chemotherapeutic agents, all of which are
known to require NF-kappa B activation. Zyflamend suppressed NF-kappa B
activation induced by both TNF and cigarette smoke condensate. The
expression of NF-kappa B-regulated gene products involved in antiapoptosis
(inhibitor-of-apoptosis protein 1/2, Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, FADD-like
interleukin-1betaconverting enzyme/caspase-8 inhibitory protein, TNF
receptor-associated factor-1, and survivin) and angiogenesis (vascular
endothelial growth factor, cyclooxygenase-2, intercellular adhesion
molecule, and matrix metalloproteinase-9) was also down-regulated by
Zyflamend. This correlated with potentiation of cell death induced by TNF
and chemotherapeutic agents. Overall, our results indicate that Zyflamend
suppresses osteoclastogenesis, inhibits invasion, and potentiates
cytotoxicity through down-regulation of NF-kappa B activation and NF-kappa
B-regulated gene products" - See
Zyflamend at Amazon.com
Antioxidants Could Provide All-purpose Radiation Protection - Science
Daily, 11/5/07 - "Inositol and inositol
hexaphosphate (IP6) protected both human skin cells and a skin cancer-prone
mouse from exposure to ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation, the damaging radiation
found in sunlight ... Twenty-three percent of treated mice developed tumors,
compared to 51 percent of untreated, or control mice, which developed
tumors. Moreover, the mice in the treated group that did develop cancer had
only half as many tumors as the control mice" - See
IP-6 products at Amazon.com
. Note: IP-6 was one
of the supplements I took when they told me I only had a small chance of
survival from neck cancer.
Click here for the full story. I
still take it.
Extra Weight = Extra Cancer Risk - WebMD, 10/31/07
Chemical In Red Wine, Fruits And Vegetables May Stop Cancer, Heart Disease,
Depending On The Dose - Science Daily, 10/30/07 -
"very high doses of antioxidant polyphenols shut
down and prevent cancerous tumors by cutting off the formation of new blood
vessels needed for tumor growth ... the same polyphenols play a beneficial
role for those with diseased hearts and circulatory systems by facilitating
blood vessel growth ... the amount of polyphenols necessary to obtain an
anti-cancer effect is the equivalent of drinking about a bottle of red wine
each day" - See
grape seed extract at Amazon.com
Hypoxia enhances LPA-induced HIF-1alpha and VEGF expression: Their
inhibition by resveratrol - Cancer Lett. 2007 Oct 3 -
"Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a bioactive
phospholipid that is involved in various cellular events, including tumor
invasion and metastasis ... Collectively, these results show that LPA under
hypoxic condition enhances cell migration through the sequential induction
of HIF-1alpha and VEGF, and that this enhancement is efficiently blocked by
resveratrol" - See
resveratrol products at Amazon.com
Vitamin C Stops Cancer - Science Daily, 9/10/07 -
"Both of these cancers produce high levels of free radicals that can be
suppressed by feeding the mice supplements of antioxidants, either vitamin C
or N-acetylcysteine (NAC) ... Some rapidly growing tumors consume enough
energy to easily suck out the available oxygen in their vicinity, making
HIF-1 absolutely critical for their continued survival. But HIF-1 can only
operate if it has a supply of free radicals. Antioxidants remove these free
radicals and stop HIF-1, and the tumor, in its tracks" - See
vitamin C products at Amazon.com
Compound In Broccoli Could Boost Immune System, Says Study - Science
Daily, 8/20/07 - "This study shows that there is a
whole new universe of cancer regulation related to DIM ... There are
virtually no other agents known that can both directly shut down the growth
of cancer cells and enhance the function of the immune system at the same
time" - See
diindolylmethane at Amazon.com
Coenzyme Q10 Summary - U. of Texas Alternative Medicine - See
coenzyme Q10 products.
Green Tea Boosts Production Of Detox Enzymes, Rendering Cancerous Chemicals
Harmless - Science Daily, 8/10/07 - "In a study
of 42 people, the concentrate -- composed of chemicals known as green tea
catechins in amounts equal to that found in 8-16 cups of green tea --
boosted production of the enzymes, which belong to the glutathione
S-transferase (GST) family, by as much as 80 percent in some participants
... GST enzymes are believed to be crucial to the body's defense against
cancer-causing chemicals and other toxins, according to the study's lead
investigator, H.-H. Sherry Chow, Ph.D., a research associate professor at
the University of Arizona. They modify the cancer-causing molecules that
would otherwise damage cellular DNA, thus rendering them inert" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
. My favorite is
green tea extract at Amazon.com .
Vitamin D and calcium supplementation reduces cancer risk: results of a
randomized trial - Am J Clin Nutr. 2007 Jun;85(6):1586-91 -
"Improving calcium and vitamin D nutritional status
substantially reduces all-cancer risk in postmenopausal women"
Cancer Benefit From Vitamin D? - WebMD, 6/8/07 -
"Women in the four-year study took 1,500 milligrams of
calcium supplementation either alone or with 1,100 International Units (IU) of
vitamin D each day ... women who took both supplements wound up with nearly 60%
less risk of cancers at the end of the study compared with women who took
placebo" -
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Ginseng May Relieve Cancer Fatigue - WebMD, 6/4/07
Aspirin Help Keep Cancer At Bay? - Science Daily, 4/16/07 -
"those who said they regularly used aspirin had a 16
percent reduced risk of developing cancer more than a decade later, as well
as a 13 percent reduced risk of dying from cancer over this same time
period, compared to women who did not use aspirin. But there was no
statistically significant impact on cancer incidence or mortality among
women who used non-aspirin NSAIDs"
Broccoli, soy anti-cancer benefits suggested - Nutra USA, 4/16/07 -
"this attraction between CXCR4 and CXCL12 draws
cancer cells to the organs they spread to ... exposure with either DIM or
genistein cut movement by 80 per cent"
DCA: Cancer Breakthrough or Urban Legend? - ABC News, 2/5/07 -
"In one group of rats where DCA was given after the
injected tumors had been allowed to grow, the tumors immediately (in the
authors' words) decreased in size"
Cheap, safe drug kills most cancers - New Scientist, 1/23/07
Curry A Day Keeps The Doctor Away? - Science Daily, 1/11/07 -
"the chemical compound capsaicin -- which is
responsible for the burning sensation when we eat chillies -- can kill cells
by directly targeting their energy source ... It could mean that patients
could control or prevent the onset of cancer by eating a diet rich in
capsaicin" - See
curcumin products at Amazon.com
Composition May Be Key Player In Controlling Cancer Risks - Science
Daily, 1/3/07 - "This study suggests that body
composition, being lean as opposed to being obese, has a greater protective
effect against cancer"
More evidence for tea’s anticancer potential - Nutra USA, 12/21/06
- Research shows benefits
of cranberries -MSNBC, 11/20/06 -
"Cranberries may prevent tumors from growing rapidly
or starting in the first place ..." - See
cranberry supplements at Amazon.com
Onion and garlic use and human cancer - Am J Clin Nutr. 2006
Nov;84(5):1027-32 - "The multivariate ORs for the
highest category of onion and garlic intake were, respectively, 0.16 and
0.61 for cancer of the oral cavity and pharynx, 0.12 and 0.43 for esophageal
cancer, 0.44 and 0.74 for colorectal cancer, 0.17 and 0.56 for laryngeal
cancer, 0.75 and 0.90 for breast cancer, 0.27 and 0.78 for ovarian cancer,
0.29 and 0.81 for prostate cancer, and 0.62 and 0.69 for renal cell cancer"
- See
garlic products.
Aspirin May Be
Newest Cancer Drug - WebMD, 10/2/06 -
"In test-tube studies, the researchers find that
aspirin does what some of the most cutting-edge new anticancer drugs do. It
seems to keep newborn cancers from growing the blood vessels they need to
become full-blown tumors -- a process called angiogenesis ... anticancer
effect may not be due to blocking Cox enzymes at all" - See aspirin at Amazon.com
Do 'Real' Exercise
to Prevent Cancer - WebMD, 9/28/06
Antioxidants and Cancer Treatment? - Dr. Weil, 9/14/06
- Sun Exposure Cuts
Cancer Risk at 16 Sites, Study Says - Medscape, 8/15/06 -
"solar ultraviolet B irradiance is associated with
reduced risk at 16 sites of cancer through production of vitamin D. These
cancers include 6 sites of gastrointestinal cancers, 3 cancers of female
sites, 3 urogenital cancers, 2 types of lymphomas, and 2 upper aerodigestive
tract cancers"
Vitamin D Targets Thrombosis in Cancer Patients - Doctor's Guide,
Encouraging Results For Folic Acid As A Cancer Prevention Drug - Science
Daily, 6/12/06 - "31 of 43 patients with the
precancerous laryngeal lesion called leucoplakia demonstrated 50 percent or
greater reduction in the lesion size after six months of taking folate
supplements. In 12 of 31 responders, there was no evidence of the original
lesion ... Folate deficiency is the most common vitamin deficiency in the
United States"
Broccoli, Cauliflower And Genetic Cancer - Science Daily, 5/18/06 -
"cruciferous vegetables ... are abundant in
sulforaphane (SFN) ... those mice fed with an SFN-supplemented diet
developed significantly fewer and smaller tumors"
Product Review of Supplements for Cancer Prevention (Green Tea, Lycopene,
and Selenium) - ConsumerLab.com, 4/20/06
Vitamin D May Prevent Cancer Risk - Medscape, 4/10/06 -
"For each 25-nmol/L increase in predicted level of
25(OH)D, the risk for cancer decreased by 17%. Higher 25(OH)D levels were
associated with a significantly decreased risk for colorectal cancer (RR,
0.63), pancreatic cancer (RR, 0.49), esophageal cancer (RR, 0.37), oral and
pharyngeal cancer (RR, 0.30), and leukemia (RR, 0.44). There were no
significant relationships between other types of cancer and 25(OH)D levels"
- See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Vitamin D May
Protect Against Cancer - WebMD, 4/4/06 -
"At least half of American adults suffer from
vitamin D deficiencies that place them at increased risk of cancer ...
taking at least 1,000 international units (IU) of vitamin D daily can slash
the risk of breast, colon, and other cancers" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Vitamin D and Cancer: A Goldilocks Paradox? - Medscape, 3/30/06 -
"In laboratory models, vitamin D reduces cell
proliferation and increases cell differentiation, improves cell adhesion,
and inhibits cancer progression and metastasis"
Vitamin D - Cancer Prevention and Other New Uses
- Life Extension Magazine, 3/06 -
"Once considered little more than a compound that
promotes healthy bones, vitamin D is now recognized as an important weapon
in the fight against cancer ... While the Institute of Medicine suggests
400-600 IU of vitamin D daily, the American Medical Women’s Association
(AMWA) advises that all men and women over the age of 50 should consume
800-1000 IU of vitamin D each day"
Ginkgo Biloba Extract: More Than Just For Memory? - Science Daily,
2/24/06 - "treating mice with an extract of leaves
of Ginkgo biloba both before and after
implanting human breast or brain (glioma) tumors decreased expression of a
cell receptor associated with invasive cancer. This decreased expression
slowed the growth of the breast tumors by 80 percent as long as the extract
was used, compared to untreated mice" - See
ginkgo biloba at Amazon.com
Grapefruit flavonoid could repair DNA, may protect against cancer -
Nutra USA, 2/15/06 - "Naringenin, a flavonoid found
in grapefruit and oranges, helped to repair damaged DNA in cancer cells"
Broccoli chemical's cancer check - BBC News, 2/7/06 -
"A chemical in vegetables such as broccoli,
cauliflower and cabbage can boost DNA repair in cells and may stop them
becoming cancerous ... Vegetables such as broccoli were found to contain a
compound called I3C" - See
indole-3-carbinol at Amazon.com
to get vitamin D? - USA Today, 1/29/06 -
"Adults who consume 1,000 international units (IU)
of vitamin D daily might lower their risks of colon, breast and ovarian
cancers by up to 50% ... Essentially no one in the United States is getting
Vitamin D Needed To Cut Cancer Risk, Researchers Say - Science Daily,
12/28/05 - "Taking 1,000 international units (IU) of
vitamin D3 daily appears to lower an individual's risk of developing certain
cancers – including colon, breast, and ovarian cancer – by up to 50 percent"
- See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Nude Mouse Tale: Omega-3 Fats Save The Life Of A Terminal Cancer Patient
- Science Daily, 11/14/05 - "In 2000 he was told by
his doctor he had only a few months to live ... But five years later, he is
still alive, and has even gained a little weight ... It was a nutritional
intervention, drastically increasing the patient’s intake of omega-3 fatty
acids" - See Mega Twin EPA at
A Shopping Cart of Cancer Fighters - Intelihealth, 10/31/05 -
"Broccoli sprouts, cabbage, ginkgo biloba and garlic
appear to have a role in preventing a variety of cancers"
Spice Ingredient May Cut Breast Cancer Spread - WebMD, 10/17/05
Coenzyme Q10 New Applications for Cancer Therapy
- Life Extension Magazine, 10/05
Broccoli May Fight Lung Cancer - WebMD, 9/15/05
Compounds Found In Cruciferous Vegetables Block Lung Cancer Progression
- Science Daily, 9/15/05 - "A family of compounds
found in cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, and
watercress, blocked lung cancer progression in both animal studies and in
tests with human lung cancer cells"
Study: Vitamin C May Fight Cancer - WebMD, 9/12/05 -
"Vitamin C appeared to boost production of hydrogen
peroxide, which killed cancer cells and left healthy cells unharmed ... The
levels of vitamin C were so high that they could only be achieved through IV
Curry Spice May Curb Breast Cancer's Spread - WebMD, 6/9/05 -
"Less than a quarter of the mice in the
curcumin-plus-Taxol group had cancer that spread to the lungs. So did
half of the curcumin group. In comparison, cancer spread to the lungs in
three-fourths of the Taxol group and almost all (95%) mice that got no
treatment" - See
curcumin/turmeric products.
Scientists: Sunshine May Prevent Cancer - CBS 2 Chicago, 5/21/05 -
"vitamin D increasingly seems important for
preventing and even treating many types of cancer ... In the last three
months alone, four separate studies found it helped protect against lymphoma
and cancers of the prostate, lung and, ironically, the skin. The strongest
evidence is for colon cancer"
Statin Drugs Linked to Reduced Cancer Risk - WebMD, 5/16/05 -
"During a six-year period, women who used statins
reduced their risk of breast cancer by more than half (51%) compared with
nonusers ... Statin users were 48% less likely to develop lung cancer than
nonusers ... statin use reduces the rate of prostate cancer by 54%" -
Zocor at International Anti-aging Systems.
Chinese Herb's [danggui longhui wan] Component May Fight Cancer - WebMD,
Chocolate compound stops cancer cell cycle in lab - Nutra USA, 4/18/05 -
"the breast cancer cells stopped dividing when
treated with pentamer and that all four proteins were inactivated ... the
novel aspect here is that a pattern of several regulatory proteins are
jointly deactivated, probably greatly enhancing the inhibitory effect
compared to targeting any one of the proteins singly"
Grapes May Stop Cancer Cells - WebMD, 3/31/05 -
"We are getting direct evidence that these
components in grapes work synergistically in fighting cancer"
Flavonoids work together to inhibit cancer cells - Nutra USA, 3/30/05 -
"Components in grapes, including some newly
identified ones, work together to dramatically inhibit an enzyme crucial to
the proliferation of cancer cells"
Cancer-Enabling Enzyme Can Be Blocked Naturally: Danish Research Confirms
Cancer Breakthrough Approach by Matthias Rath, M.D
- Life Extension Foundation, 3/21/05 -
"Vitamin C, the amino acids L-lysine and L-proline,
and a green tea extract known as Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) work
together to synergistically block the spread of cancer cells through
connective tissue"
- Avoid mixing supplements,
cancer treatment - MSNBC, 3/11/05
Herbs That Pack An Anticancer Punch
- Life Extension Foundation, 3/8/05
Green Tea Extract Shows Potential As An Anti-cancer Agent
- Science Daily, 2/23/05 -
"green tea extract interrupts a process that is
crucial in allowing bladder cancer to become invasive and spread to other
areas of the body"
- See
green tea extracts.
- Green Tea's
Record Against Cancer Grows
- WebMD, 2/15/05 - "In effect, the green tea extract
may keep the cancer cells confined and localized, where they are easier to
treat and the prognosis is better ... you should drink four cups a day.
Green tea supplements are also available, and at least one study has shown
that you may actually get more powerful antioxidants from supplements than
from drinking tea" - See
green tea extracts.
Dog's tale of survival opens door in cancer research
- USA Today, 7/24/02 - "The treatment is a cocktail
of so-called
anti-angiogenic drugs,
which have been widely researched for more than a decade and work by
starving tumors of their blood supply. Researchers say the three-drug
combination, which Haber mixed into Navy's regular dog food, targets the
cancer from many angles ... When researchers heard that Navy was cancer-free
after receiving a cocktail of drugs already approved by the Food and Drug
Administration — Celebrex,
tamoxifen (sold as Nolvadex) and
— the treatment became known as the Navy Protocol ... Navy's treatment,
though experimental, cost $2,000"
- Carrots may help
ward off cancer - BBC News, 2/9/05 - "After 18
weeks, rats who ate carrots along with their ordinary feed, and those given
feed and falcarinol supplement were one third less likely to develop
full-scale tumours than rats who were given just ordinary feed"
Popular Arthritis Drug [Celebrex] KO's Lung Cancer - WebMD, 5/21/02 -
"In a small study of 16 patients with early cancer
than had not spread beyond the lungs,
patients who took
Celebrex along with chemotherapy
benefited from the treatment, and the cancer virtually disappeared in five
patients ... In eight other patients, tumors shrank, and four more patients
had stable disease ... The expected complete clinical response rate --
meaning that tumors are no longer visible by X-ray -- with the chemotherapy
alone "is just 1%, so these results were very encouraging."" - See my
COX-2 inhibitor page for natural COX-2 inhibitors.
- Vitamin E in Food
May Fight Cancer - WebMD, 12/15/04 - "Most
supplements provide a different form of the vitamin, alpha-tocopherol ...
Gamma-tocopherol aced its lab tests. It inhibited the spread of prostate and
lung cancer cells without hurting the healthy cells ... Mixing several forms
of vitamin E -- including gamma-tocopherol -- was even better at blocking
cancer's spread" - See
Jarrow FamilE (contains all eight members of the vitamin E family, includes
Tocomin) at Amazon.com
Citrus Shows Promise For Certain Childhood Cancer
- Science Daily, 12/1/04 - "Orange juice and other
citrus contain potent natural compounds – limonoids – which showed dramatic
results in killing certain cancer cells"
- An Apple a Day
for Cancer Prevention - WebMD, 10/18/04 -
"exposed cancer cells to various antioxidants found in apples ... one type
of antioxidant, called procyanidins, triggered a series of cell signals that
resulted in cancer cell death ... Rats getting "apple water" for six weeks
had half the number of precancerous lesions in their colons compared with
rats eating the regular diet ... compared the cancer patients' diets with a
group of people without cancer ... Those who ate both green leafy and
cruciferous vegetables got "particularly strong" cancer prevention
Plant food combo offers higher cancer protection - Nutra USA, 7/19/04 -
"rats fed a combination of tomatoes and broccoli had markedly less prostate
tumour growth than rats who ate diets containing either food alone"
- Healthy
Lifestyle Can Lower Cancer Risk - WebMD, 7/7/04 -
"The nine guidelines to better ensure a cancer-free life are:"
Modulation of carcinogen metabolism and DNA interaction by calcium glucarate
in mouse skin - Toxicol Sci. 2004 May;79(1):47-55. Epub 2004 Feb 19 -
"Cag exerted its antitumor effect possibly by
inhibiting the carcinogen-DNA binding, which appears to be due to reduced
DNA synthesis and AHH activity"
- Women: Walk
Away From Cancer - WebMD, 3/29/04
- Green Tea's
Cancer-Fighting Target Found - WebMD, 3/15/04 -
"the antioxidant, known as
EGCG, binds to a protein found on tumor cells and dramatically slows
their growth ... the antioxidant required to produce these anticancer
effects was equivalent to those found in the body after drinking only two to
three cups of green tea" - See
green tea extracts.
Intentional Weight Loss of 20 Pounds or More Linked to Decreased Cancer Risk
- Doctor's Guide, 12/1/03 -
"Compared with women who never had any weight loss
episodes of 20 or more pounds, women who had ever experienced intentional
weight loss of 20 or more pounds, but not unintentional weight loss, had an
11% reduced risk for any type of cnacer"
- Some Herbs May
Fight Cancer - WebMD, 10/28/03
- Diet &
Exercise: It's for Cancer, too - WebMD, 10/27/03
- Natural
Products for Cancer Patients - Separating Hope from Hype
- Dr. Murray's Natural Facts, 10/8/03
Cancer Fighter: Vitamin B-6 - Physician's Weekly, 8/11/03 -
"Washington State University researchers suggest
that consuming more vitamin B-6 can ward off cancer. The vitamin Converts
folate to a form the body can use to produce thymine, a component of DNA"
- Vitamin cocktail
cuts cancer deaths - BBC News, 8/4/03
- Pizza Prevents
Cancer? It's Part of the Mediterranean Diet
- WebMD, 7/21/03 -
"Gallus and colleagues sifted through diet surveys
completed by 5,500 Italians ... regular pizza eaters had 34% less risk of
oral cavity and pharyngeal cancer, 59% less risk of esophageal cancer, and
25% less risk of colon cancer ... Italian pizza is less than 50% crust, 20%
tomato sauce, 20% mozzarella cheese, and 4% olive oil ... There's less
refined carbohydrates, plus cooked tomatoes, which are a rich source of
lycopene, a natural chemical that has been shown in numerous studies to
protect against cancer ... We think that there's a specific compound in
cooked tomatoes that is protective"
Detoxifying cancer causing agents to prevent cancer
- Integr Cancer Ther. 2003 Jun;2(2):139-44 -
"There is now growing evidence for the possible
control of different stages of the cancer induction by inhibiting
beta-glucuronidase with D-glucaric acid derivatives, especially with its
salts (D-glucarates) ... the consumption of
fruits and vegetables naturally rich in D-glucaric acid or self-medication
with D-glucaric acid derivatives such as calcium D-glucarate offers a
promising cancer prevention approach"
Alpha-Tocopheryl Succinate Seen as Auxiliary Cancer Treatment -
AltMedicine.com, 5/22/03 - "alpha-tocopheryl
succinate has inhibited and killed both human and rodent cancer cells in
test tubes (in vitro) and later in the living body of rodents (in
vivo)—without causing normal cells to proliferate. So far, tests in living
human bodies have not been conducted"
- Fruits:
Cancer-Fighting Foods - WebMD, 2/19/03 -
"Compared with those who ate the least
fruit as children, those who ate the most
were about 40% less likely to get cancer 60 years later ... a variety of
nutritional factors might explain fruit's protective effects, such as their
high antioxidant, fiber, and vitamin Content. But when they looked at the
cancer-fighting impact of vitamins C, E, and beta carotene separately, no
single nutrient emerged as the winner"
70 Percent Of Cancer Is Preventable - thesandiegochannel.com, 2/4/03 -
"We have good evidence that breast cancer, prostate
cancer, and colon cancer are related to increased dietary fat and too many
calories ... As far as something to add to your lifestyle -- physical
activity. This can cut your risk of colon and other cancers by as much as a
- In Praise of Spirulina
- CancerDecisions.com, 12/12/02 -
"In a 2002 Japanese study, 12 adult males were
administered an oral hot water extract of
spirulina, and the number and activity of their natural killer (NK)
cells was measured before and after treatment. (NK cells destroy tumor cells
by binding to them and delivering lethal chemicals that kill on contact.) At
the study's end, there was a significant increase in the production and
cancer-killing ability of these subjects' NK cells ... Spirulina also shows
potential for decreasing the adverse effects of both
and radiation" - See
spirulina products.
Nutrients Are Key to Preventing Cancer - Intelihealth, 12/3/02 -
"Cancer doesn't just arise overnight. A few tiny
cells gone wrong slowly grow over decades. Whether the result is a
life-threatening tumor depends on genes and environment including food ...
Up to 35 percent of cancers are related to dietary habits ... people who eat
lots of fruits and vegetables generally are skinnier. Obesity increases
risks of cancers of the uterus, gallbladder and possibly colon and prostate,
while a large weight gain after reaching adulthood is linked to breast
cancer ... Not everybody gets equal benefit from nutrient-rich diets, a
discrepancy that probably points to genetic variability. For example,
scientists studying lung cancer rates in part of China found people with the
lowest cancer risks also were genetically deficient in an enzyme that
metabolizes certain nutrients in
cruciferous vegetables"
Ability To Cope With Stress May Play A Role In Cancer Progression
- Intelihealth, 11/2/02 -
"Studies have shown that people who adopt active
coping strategies have better immune function and lower
levels, and just the opposite for people who use passive coping strategies"
Cancer-Fighting Foods, Supplements Against Cancer - Dr. Janson
Newsletter, 12/02
Soy, Cow's Milk May Fight Breast Cancer - WebMD, 9/27/02 -
"A combination of soy
and cow's
milk could have some beneficial,
anti-cancer nutrients ... She explains that
conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA, is the key to the cow's role in cancer
prevention. CLA is a minor fatty acid found in milk and milk products and
beef ... He says he thinks the most potent cancer-fighting component of soy
is a compound called genistein ... He
demonstrated that by feeding rats a diet containing genistein before
exposing them to a cancer-causing drug. The number of
breast tumors was reduced by 50%" - See
CLA products.
Eating Healthy Lowers Cancer Risk - WebMD, 9/20/02
Avoiding Weight Gain Has A Major Role In Cancer Prevention
- Doctor's Guide, 9/13/02 - "Obesity
is linked to
colon, breast
(in postmenopausal women),
kidney, and
... associations with cancer risk could be explained by alterations in the
metabolism of endogenous hormones, including sex steroids, insulin, and
insulin-like growth factors. These can lead to distortion of the normal
balance between cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis"
Experts outline convincing evidence on diet and cancer
- USA Today, 9/13/02 -
"Poor diet is thought to account for about 30% of
Aspirin Lowers Pancreatic Cancer Risk - WebMD, 8/6/02 -
"A new study shows regular use of
aspirin might lower your risk of one of the
deadliest forms of cancer ... women who used aspirin cut their risk of
pancreatic cancer nearly in half ... the more aspirin use a woman
reported, the less likely she was to develop pancreatic cancer ... Other
NSAIDs did not have the same effect"
Sunlight, A Cancer Protector In The Guise Of A Villain?
- Intelihealth, 8/6/02 -
"Their theory was that
vitamin D, which the skin produces when exposed to sunshine, somehow
prevents the growth of malignant cells ... researchers are looking into
vitamin D as a possible remedy. Clinical trials in people are now under way,
testing whether the vitamin or similar compounds can treat tumors or bolster
Novel Method of Enhancing Anti-Fat Effects of CLA - Life Extension
Magazine, 8/02 - "CLA is not just for fat-loss.
Studies show it may help protect against many diseases including
atherosclerosis and cancer ... CLA is also able to inhibit the growth of
prostate cancer. CLA, as the article went on to say, can be considered a
powerful prostate cancer preventative, as well as a partial treatment"
- See
CLA products.
Green Tea Cancer Benefits Detailed - USA Today, 7/9/02 -
"polyphenols in
green tea help eliminate free radicals ... Hsu discovered the
polyphenols actually separate healthy cells containing the P-57 protein from
cancer cells, which lack the protein. While the healthy cells are sent to
safety, the polyphenols attack the cancer cells ... The polyphenols go after
the cancer cells' mitochondria, the main energy source in cells. The
destruction of the mitochondria weakens the cancer cells, and eventually
leads to their death" - See
green tea extracts.
A Report on Curcumin's Anti-cancer Effects - Life Extension Magazine,
7/02 - "Imagine a natural substance so smart it can
tell the difference between a cancer cell and a normal cell; so powerful it
can stop chemicals in their tracks; and so strong it can enable DNA to walk
away from lethal doses of radiation virtually unscathed.
Curcumin has powers against cancer so beneficial that drug companies are
rushing to make drug versions. Curcumin is all this and more" - See
curcumin at Amazon.com
Vitacost .
Cimetidine (Tagamet) For Cancer Treatment - Life Extension Foundation,
Vitamin K Therapy Slows Spread of Liver Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 5/29/02
- "Results show that 59 percent of patients treated
vitamin K-II were alive at two years
compared to 29 percent of those who were not given vitamin K-II (p=0.14).
Invasion of the cancer into the portal vein
occurred in 2 percent of the vitamin K-II treated group at one year and in
13 percent at two years, compared to 21 and 55 percent of controls,
respectively" - Vitamin K3 (menadione sodium bisulfite) is put in
animal foods and animal vitamins. Places that sell it in bulk are
http://www.dyets.com/ordering.htm ($156/kilogram). A company at
360-387-0129 called me and said they sell it also. Also see
liver cancer.
Black Raspberries Fight Cancer - WebMD, 5/3/02 -
"Earlier studies have shown that blueberries and
strawberries also have cancer-preventing properties. But black raspberries
seem to work even better. Berries are chock full of
antioxidants, chemicals that help block tumors from forming.
Antioxidants sop up cancer-causing molecules called free radicals --
damaging substances produced from your body's everyday functions"
Japanese Ministry Looks At Cancer "Remedies" - Intelihealth, 4/12/02
Common Foods Help Prevent Cancer - WebMD, 4/10/02 -
"found that regular
green tea drinking cut
cancer risk in half ... men who ate more than two servings of
tomato sauce per week had a 23% lower risk of
prostate cancer than men who ate less than one serving a week"
Exposure To Sunlight Lowers Risks Of Four Cancers
- Doctor's Guide, 4/4/02 -
"exposure to sunlight contributes to non-melanoma
skin cancer. "By contrast, several ecological studies suggest that sunlight
may protect against female breast, ovarian, prostate, and colon cancer, all
diseases that contribute to a substantially higher proportion of cancer
mortality in the western industrialized world." ... Some studies have
suggested an association between circulating vitamin D in blood, which is
largely derived from sunlight, or dietary vitamin D and colorectal, prostate
and female breast cancers"
Sunshine May Keep Certain Cancers at Bay - WebMD, 4/4/02
The cancer preventative agent resveratrol is converted to the anticancer
agent piceatannol by the cytochrome P450 enzyme CYP1B1
- Br J Cancer 2002 Mar 4;86(5):774-8 -
"This observation provides a novel explanation for
the cancer preventative properties of resveratrol. It demonstrates that a
natural dietary cancer preventative agent can be converted to a compound
with known anticancer activity by an enzyme that is found in human tumours"
Sun May Protect Against Some Cancers - WebMD, 3/14/02 -
"new findings from an independent researcher suggest
that getting too little sun may increase the risk of dying from a host of
other cancers ... Sunlight exposure increases the body's production of
vitamin D. People who get lower amounts of sunlight exposure therefore
manufacture lower amounts of vitamin D. Grant says vitamin D may have a
protective effect and taking vitamin D supplements might offer adequate
protection to people who get little natural sunlight"
'Gift Of The Magi' Bears Anti-Cancer Agents [myrrh plant (Commiphora
myrrha)], Researchers Suggest - Intelihealth, 12/4/01
New research shows how broccoli beats cancer - Life Extension Magazine,
11/01 - "Sulforaphane is most highly concentrated in
broccoli, as well as in other
cruciferous vegetables, such as Brussels sprouts, cabbage and
cauliflower ... animal studies to date have shown that sulforaphane can
dramatically reduce the number of malignant tumors, reproduction, growth
rate and size, as well as delay cancer onset"
Does Green Tea Aid in Cancer Prevention? - Life Extension Magazine,
Unlocking the power of curcumin - Life Extension Magazine, 9/01 -
"research is discovering that
is a powerful carcinogenic inhibitor, slowing cancerous cell proliferation
by inducing apoptosis, a pre-programmed set of processes within a cell that
results in its death"
Report: An Innovative Approach to Cancer Therapy - Life Extension
Foundation, 8/01 - "For cancer patients the main
anti-cancer supplements are
pancreatic enzymes"
Cancer: What You Should Do If You Have It - Life Extension Magazine,
Study: Power Lines May Aid Cancer Cells - Intelihealth, 10/29/01 -
"electromagnetic fields disrupted the functioning of
the hormone melatonin in individual cells ... Scientists have accepted since
1987 that the substance suppresses the multiplication of cancer cells ...
They exposed two batches of the [breast cancer] cell to two different levels
of electromagnetic field ... In both cases, the ability of melatonin to
suppress the growth of the cancer cells was found to have declined. In some
cells with smaller concentrations of melatonin, the suppressive effect was
entirely absent"
Diet, Cancer, and Confusion - WebMD, 10/24/01
Cancer Patients Need Regular Advice About What To Eat
- Intelihealth, 10/24/01
The Co-Q10 - Cancer Connection - Nutrition Science News, 7/01
Preventing Skin Cancer: There's a Doctor in Your Kitchen, Household Items
Like Aspirin and Green Tea Can Ward Off Cancer - WebMD, 4/30/01 -
"Vitamin A ... Diet ... Green Tea ... Soybeans ... NSAIDS"
Red Wine, Coffee, and Almonds May Lower Prostate Cancer Risk, Protective
Effect Linked to Dietary Boron - WebMD, 4/5/01 -
"men who consumed the greatest amount of
were 64% less likely to develop prostate cancer, when compared with men who
consumed the least amount of boron"
Somers' cancer treatment worries some experts - CNN, 3/30/01 - see my
Iscador page
Regular Physical Activity Reduces Cancer Risk - Doctor's Guide, 2/13/01
Colon Cancer Prevented, Promoted by Diet - Nutrition Science News, 2/01
Honey May Prevent Recurring Tumors - Intelihealth, 12/15/00
Coffee May Offer Bladder Cancer Protection To Smokers - Doctor's Guide,
Vitamin B12: Surprising New Findings - Life Extension Magazine, 12/00 -
"High levels of
homocysteine are consistently linked with DNA damage ... the accepted
standard for vitamin B12 sufficiency (i.e., plasma concentration <150
pmol/L) may not be adequate to minimize chromosome damage rates"
Ulcer Therapy, Vitamins May Team Up to Prevent Stomach Cancer, Drugs Halted,
Healed Abnormalities With Cancer Potential - WebMD, 12/8/00 -
"people who took the three-drug combination alone or
in combination with
vitamin C and/or beta carotene were
three to five times more likely than people who received no treatment to
have a reduction in the size of precancerous stomach abnormalities."
Flaxseed Lignans Show - Nutrition Science News, 10/00 -
"The plant lignans found in
flax, namely matairesinol and
secoisolariciresinol, must be converted by gut bacteria to mammalian
lignans, namely enterolactone and enterodiol. These mammalian lignans have
been shown to have chemoprotective effects in cell and animal studies ...
Epidemiological studies show breast cancer patients have low urinary
excretion of enterolcatone and enterodiol, suggesting that consumption of
lignans may exert cancer-preventive or protective effects"
Breathe Easier With Fruits and Veggies, Study Finds They May Lower Lung
Cancer Risk - WebMD, 10/9/00
Astragalus Asserts Immunity - Nutrition Science News, 10/00 -
"breast cancer patients given a combination of
astragalus and ligustrum as an adjunct to irradiation treatments showed
a statistically significant decrease in deaths from one in two to one in 10
... In another study of patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer,
the effectiveness of conventional chemotherapy (chemotherapeutic regimen not
reported) was compared to the effectiveness of chemotherapy in conjunction
with the same astragalus-ligustrum preparation. Those with squamous
carcinoma of the lung showed a significant increase in mean survival time
from 204 to 465 days"
Studies Suggest Eating Garlic Does Protect Against Cancers - WebMD,
10/4/00 - "studies suggest that there may be a 30 to
50% reduction in colorectal cancer in people
who eat a lot of garlic"
Diet Tips To Stave Off Cancer - Intelihealth, 9/5/00 -
"Make sure two-thirds of your plate is filled with
fruits, vegetables,
grains and beans and only one-third is devoted to meat, poultry or fish"
Chemicals in apples slow cancer growth in lab tests, scientists report -
CNN, 8/30/00 - "The stronger the concentration of
apple extract, the slower the rate of reproduction among the cancer cells
... The anti-cancer effect, a spokesman said, was strongest in extracts made
from unpeeled apples"
One More Reason To Eat Your Broccoli, Chemical Compounds Found to Prevent
Lung Cancer - WebMD, 8/25/00 -
"The protection comes from chemicals known as
isothiocyanates that are found in these vegetables ... men with no
detectable levels of isothiocyanates had a 36% greater chance of developing
lung cancer than those who did have the chemical in their bodies ...
isothiocyanates inactivate certain cancer-causing chemicals in tobacco
smoke. The compounds may also work as antioxidants to help prevent natural
damage to cells in the body"
Researchers Find Phytochemicals In Apples May Fight Off Cancer -
Intelihealth, 8/22/00
NCI Looks to Nutraceuticals - Nutrition Science News, 8/00
Prostate Cancer and Cruciferous Vegetables - Life Extension Magazine,
Follow These Tips to Reduce Your Cancer Risk - WebMD, 7/27/00
Lower Vitamin C Means Higher Cancer Risk for Men - WebMD, 7/18/00
Study Examines Red Wine Antioxidant - Intelihealth, 6/30/00
CLA and Cancer - Life Extension Magazine, 4/00 -
"feeding CLA to female
rats while they were young and still developing conferred life-long
protection against breast cancer"
Cancer's Sweet Tooth - Nutrition Science News, 4/00
Flavonoids may help fight cancer, study finds - CNN, 3/30/00
Researchers Find Cancer-Fighting Chemical In Hazelnuts - Intelihealth,
Vitamin D Is For Cancer Defense - Nutrition Science News, 3/00
Herbal Aids for Cancer - Nutrition Science News, 3/00
Unusual dietary treatment may fight pancreatic cancer
- CNN, 11/29/99
Cancer Prevention Diet - Nutrition Science News, 8/99
Using natural therapies for the prevention of breast and other forms of
cancer - Life Extension Magazine, 6/99
Chinese Herb Boosts Action of New Lung-cancer Drug - Intelihealth,
CO-Q10 and Cancer - Nutrition Science News, 4/99
Vitamins Show Promise In Improving Cancer Treatment - Intelihealth,
Great Expectations: Hot Herbs in '99 - Nutrition Science News, 1/99 (See
the section on
Anti-HIV activity in vitro of MGN-3, an activated arabinoxylane from rice
bran - Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1998 Feb 4;243(1):25-9
Review of the effects of trans fatty acids, oleic acid, n-3 polyunsaturated
fatty acids, and conjugated linoleic acid on mammary carcinogenesis in
animals - Am J Clin Nutr. 1997 Dec;66(6 Suppl):1523S-1529S -
"Conjugated linoleic acid is unique in the sense
that concentrations < or = 1% are sufficient for producing significant
cancer protection and that this effect seems to be independent of the other
fatty acids." - see my
CLA page
- Soy Intake May Reduce Risk
of Uterine Cancer -- New Cancer Research Study - Doctor's Guide, 8/29/97
- Natural Sugar-Phosphate
Compound Shows Promise In Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 3/30/98 -
"What if a common, naturally occurring substance could shrink tumors, stop
their growth, even make cancer cells normal again? A University of Maryland
School of Medicine researcher is finding that it can." - see my
IP-6 page
Selenium Is Found to Reduce Cancer Mortality by 50 Percent - Life
Extension Magazine, 6/97
- Researchers Credit
Processed Tomato Products With Reduced Cancer Risk - Doctor's Guide,
Study: Grapes inhibit cancer growth - CNN, 1/10/97
Progress on therapy of breast cancer with vitamin Q10 and the regression of
metastases - Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1995 Jul 6;212(1):172-7 -
"The numerous metastases in the liver of a 44-year-old patient
"disappeared," and no signs of metastases were found elsewhere. A
49-year-old patient, on a dosage of 390 mg of
vitamin Q10, revealed no signs of tumor in the pleural cavity after six
months, and her condition was excellent. A 75-year-old patient with
carcinoma in one breast, after lumpectomy and 390 mg of CoQ10, showed no
cancer in the tumor bed or metastases"
Other Cancer News:
Severe Stress More Common Among Long-term Cancer Survivors - Science
Daily, 9/23/08
Palms Can Foretell Cancer - WebMD, 9/23/08 -
"The symptoms: curling or thickening of the palm with swelling of the
fingers, making the hand look wooden. It's called PFPAS -- palmar fasciitis
and polyarthritis syndrome"
Untapped Potential Of Antidepressants For Cancer - Science Daily,
9/11/08 - "Antidepressants work by affecting levels
of chemicals known as prostaglandins. These are ephemeral, infinitesimal
signallers self-regulating every cell in the body, including those serving
mood and immunity ... Prostaglandins are responsible, paradoxically, for
both cell function and dysfunction. Excessive prostaglandin synthesis
depresses immune function and may induce cancer ... An ideal anticancer
agent would inhibit prostaglandins in such a manner as to shut down the
pathogenesis of cancer. The article indicates that antidepressants have such
Cancer Cells Come Unstuck And Spread - Science Daily, 8/21/08
Modafinil Reduces Severe Cancer Fatigue - Clinical Psychiatry News, 8/08
"Among those with severe fatigue at baseline,
patients on modafinil
had significantly greater reductions in fatigue, compared with those on
placebo" - See
modafinil at International Anti-aging Systems.
Overcoming Resistance To A Cancer Drug - Science Daily, 6/24/08
Cancer Treatment Targets Both Tumor Cells And Blood Vessels - Science
Daily, 6/18/08
Treatment Can Make Cancer Stronger - WebMD, 6/10/08 -
"About half of patients are cured -- that is, all of
their tumor cells die ... The other half of the time, some tumor cells
survive treatment. These cancer cells are more aggressive than they were
before treatment"
Narcolepsy Drug Fights Cancer Fatigue - WebMD, 6/4/08 -
"The narcolepsy drug Provigil may help to relieve
the debilitating fatigue often experienced by cancer patients undergoing
chemotherapy ... patients taking the drug who had the most severe fatigue at
the beginning of the study demonstrated significant improvement, compared
with those in the placebo group" - See Provigil (modafinil) at
Between Inflammation, Cancer Confirmed - Science Daily, 6/2/08 -
"Chronic inflammation of the intestine or stomach
can damage DNA, increasing the risk of cancer ... Researchers have long
known that inflammation produces cytokines (immune response chemicals that
encourage cell proliferation and suppress cell death), which can lead to
Good And Bad Side Of Anti-cancer Compounds - Science Daily, 4/10/08
TRIALS - Diabetes Care. 2008 Mar 28 - "The
incidence of malignancies was significantly lower in rosiglitazone-treated
patients than in control groups (0.23[0.19-0.26] vs. 0.44[0.34-0.58]
cases/100 patient*years" - Note: I was taking rosiglitazone when I
had my neck cancer. Maybe that's one of the things that saved me. I've
since switched to pioglitazone (as an anti-aging measure to prevent AGEs, I
don't have diabetes).
Strengthening The Tumor-fighting Ability Of T Cells - Science Daily,
The Association Between Statins and Cancer Incidence in a Veterans
- J Natl Cancer Inst. 2008 Jan 8 - "After
multivariable adjustment, a statistically significantly decreased risk of
all cancers was also associated with increasing statin use"
Statin Drugs May Cut Cancer Risk - WebMD, 1/8/08 -
"The veterans were followed for five years, on
average. During that time, 9% of those taking statins were diagnosed with
cancer, compared with 13% of those not taking statins, VA records show"
Eating More Red And Processed Meats Linked To Greater Risk For Bowel And
Lung Cancer, Findings Suggest - Medscape, 12/10/07 -
"people who eat a lot of red and processed meats
have greater risk of developing colorectal and lung cancer than people who
eat small quantities. They also indicate that a high red meat intake is
associated with an increased risk of esophageal and liver cancer and that 1
in 10 colorectal and 1 in 10 lung cancers could be avoided if people reduced
their red and processed meat intake to the lowest quintile"
Treatment For Spreading Cancer: Llymphatic Vessel And Lymph Node Function
Are Restored With Growth Factor Treatment - Science Daily, 12/3/07
Novel Mechanism For Spread Of Sarcoma Tumors Discovered - Science Daily,
Freezing the Pain of Cancerous Tumors - WebMD, 11/27/07
Mechanism Of Action Of EGFR Inhibitors in Cancer Chemotherapy - Science
Daily, 10/30/07
Combination Targets For Cancer: Some Drugs Work Well Together, Studies
Suggest - Science Daily, 10/29/07
Cancer Treatment: Support Crucial - WebMD, 10/23/07
First Clinical Trial Of Apatone For Cancer Treatment Promising - Science
Daily, 10/5/07
Decrease in Cancer Risk for Pill Users - WebMD, 9/11/07 -
"researchers found a 12% decreased risk of any
cancer in oral contraceptive users compared with women who never used birth
control pills"
Diabetes Drug Kills Some Cancer Cells - Science Daily, 8/14/07 -
"Four weeks later, the p53-deficient tumors in mice
treated with metformin were half the size
of the p53 deficient tumors in control mice"
Stress May Help Cancer Cells Stay Alive - Doctor's Guide, 4/10/07 -
"the stress hormone epinephrine causes changes in
prostate and breast cancer cells that may make them resistant to cell death"
Untried cancer drug [DCA] bought on web - BBC News, 3/29/07
Chemotherapy Drug Packs A One-two Punch - Science Daily, 2/20/07
Gum Disease Ups Pancreatic Cancer Risk - WebMD, 1/16/07 -
"subjects who reported gum disease were 64% more
likely to have pancreatic cancer ... Michaud and colleagues suggest that
long-standing gum infections trigger a body-wide immune response:
inflammation. Inflamed tissues give off chemical signals that promote tumor
Personalized Cancer Vaccine Improves Disease Free Survival - Doctor's
Guide, 10/20/06 - "administration of the BiovaxID™
anti-cancer vaccine formulation resulted in long-lasting remission in NHL
FDA OKs New Cancer Pain Drug - WebMD, 9/27/06
Cephalon Receives FDA Approval of Fentora(TM) (fentanyl buccal tablet) for
the Management of Breakthrough Pain in Patients with Cancer - Doctor's
Guide, 9/26/06
Blood Pressure
Drugs Counter Cancer? - WebMD, 5/23/06 -
"After crunching the numbers, the risk reduction in
veterans taking ACE inhibitors was 53% for colon cancer, 52% for pancreatic
cancer, and 46% for esophageal cancer"
Equivalent Of 2-4 Drinks Daily Fuels Blood Vessel Growth, Encourages Cancer
Tumors In Mice - Science Daily, 4/4/06 -
"the tumors of the mice that ingested alcohol ...
were nearly twice as heavy compared to the mice that did not have alcohol
new cancer vaccine and cutting-edge medicines that target tumors may help
finally win the war on cancer - US News, 4/3/06
The New Cancer Fighter (And Other Hot Drugs On The Way) - Time, 3/20/06
Think Twice Before Exercising When Getting That PET Scan - Science
Daily, 3/9/06
Even Mild Muscle Activity Impacts Positron Emission Tomography Results -
Doctor's Guide, 3/8/06
- Late-stage cancer
patients flock to Mexico - MSNBC, 2/3/06
Fever of Unknown Origin: A Marker for Occult Cancer? - Doctor's Guide,
Chronic Diseases Common Among Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancer -
Doctor's Guide, 5/18/05
- Child cancer survivors
face health problems - MSNBC, 5/16/05
- Newest cancer drugs target
tumor growth - MSNBC, 5/13/05
Treatment Used To Battle Deadly Cancer - CBS 2 Chicago, 5/13/05
Cytosine Arabinoside (Cytarabine) Derivative Shows Early Signs of Efficacy
- Doctor's Guide, 4/22/05
Cure for cancers 'in five years' - BBC News, 4/8/05
'Vaccine' Is Set Back as Treatment Fails in Trial - The New York Times,
Endocrine Disorders Overlooked in Cancer Patients - Clinical Psychiatry
News, 4/05
Most Cancer Deaths Preventable - WebMD, 3/31/05
Newly Discovered Compound Blocks Known Cancer-Causing Protein - Science
Daily, 3/27/05
First-ever Compounds To Target Only Metastatic Cells Are Highly Effective
Against Breast, Prostate, And Colon Cancers - Science Daily, 3/26/05
Compound Inhibits One Critical Pathway In Breast Cancer Growth - Science
Daily, 3/24/05
Cryoablation Is Effective In Treating Cancer Patients' Pain - Science
Daily, 3/18/05
Cancer Vaccines: A Two-pronged Attack? - Science Daily, 1/27/05
- Alcohol May Fuel
Cancer Tumor Growth - WebMD, 12/10/04
- Celebrex Makes
Cancer Cells Self-Destruct - WebMD, 11/30/04
- Cancer Cells
Die Naturally When 'Defect' Fixed - WebMD, 9/20/04
- A
One-two Punch For Tumors: Double Drug Combo Attacks Tumor And Blood Vessel
Development - Science Daily, 9/16/04
- Other
Illnesses Ignored in Cancer Survivors - WebMD, 9/13/04
- Missing Link
Ties Cancer to Chronic Infection - WebMD, 8/5/04 -
"Infections provoke an immune response from the body. Part of this response
is inflammation. Inflamed tissues swell, redden, and leak fluids full of
chemical signals to the immune system"
Physical Symptoms Appear To Predict Cancer Prognosis
- Science Daily, 7/27/04
- Cancer-Related
Fatigue Linked To Depression - WebMD, 7/19/04
Fatigue In Cancer Patients May Be Due More to Depression and Poor Physical
Performance Than Physiological Side Effects - Doctor's Guide, 7/19/04
Research Shows Anti-cancer Drug Is Safe - Science Daily, 7/15/04
New Compound 'Highly Efficacious' At Reducing Human Tumour Growth
- Science Daily, 7/6/04
- Targeted
Treatment Takes Aim at Cancer - WebMD, 6/10/04
- Beating A Killer -
US News cover story, 4/5/04
Chemotherapy Combination Shows Potential as Safe Treatment for Solid Tumours
- Doctor's Guide, 11/24/03
Oxandrolone Helps Patients With Cancer-Related Weight Loss to Gain Lean Body
Mass - Doctor's Guide, 10/31/03
- Flight Crews
Have Higher Cancer Risk - WebMD, 10/21/03
Antidepressant Therapy is an Important Component of Cancer Management
- Doctor's Guide, 7/24/03
Implantable Device More Effective than Conventional Delivery Methods for
Relief of Pain for Advanced Cancer Patients - Doctor's Guide, 6/5/03
Zoledronic Acid Reduces Skeletal Events in a Variety of Solid Tumour Cancers
- Doctor's Guide, 6/3/03
- No Such Thing
as 'Cancer Personality' - WebMD, 6/3/03
- Cholesterol
Drugs May Prevent Cancer - WebMD, 6/2/03 -
"Overall, taking
statins reduces risk of developing cancer by 20%, but that protection
increases to 36% for people who take statins for four years or more ... But
the benefit stops about six months after the patient stops taking the drug"
- Note: Red yeast rice is a
non-prescription statin. See
red yeast products.
Oxandrolone Safe for Patients with Cancer-Induced Cachexia
- Doctor's Guide, 6/1/03
Whole Body Magnetic Resonance Imaging Could Replace Bone Scans In Cancer
Patients - Doctor's Guide, 5/7/03
- Cancer Death:
Obesity a Major Risk Factor - WebMD, 4/23/03
- Sickle Cell
Drug Lowers Risk of Death - Doctor's Guide, 4/3/03
Learning To Cope With Cancer's Misery - Intelihealth, 4/1/03
Keppra (Levetiracetam) Helps Alleviate Pain, Reduce Narcotic Use In Cancer
Patients - Doctor's Guide, 3/20/03
- Cancer
Treatment Shrinks Tumors Faster - WebMD, 2/28/03
Antipyretics Ease Discomfort In Febrile Cancer Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 2/5/03
- New Standard of Care
for Painful Bone Metastases - Medscape, 2/4/03
Epoetin-Alpha-Increased Haemoglobin Improves Quality of Life for Cancer
Patients - Doctor's Guide, 12/17/02
FDA finds worrisome chemical in potato snacks - USA Today, 12/4/02
- 'Pill-Cam' Beats
X-Ray in Finding Tumors - WebMD, 12/3/02
Marine-Derived Compound [Kahalalide F] Shows Promise in Advanced Solid
Tumours - Doctor's Guide, 11/25/02
New Weapon In Cancer War [Advexin]? - CBS News, 11/16/02
Researchers Find "On-Off Switch" For Cancer Cell - Intelihealth,
Scientific Evidence Still Lacking That Cancer Survival Affected By Mental
Attitude - Doctor's Guide, 11/7/02
New Cancer Vaccine Starves Tumors - WebMD, 11/5/02 -
"Mice that were given the vaccine showed slowed
blood vessel growth and were able to fend off tumors when injected with
three different types of cancer cells (melanoma, colon, and lung)"
Sedatives Said to Be Underused in Cancer Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 10/22/02
New Targets For Cancer Treatments - Doctor's Guide, 10/21/02
Studies Show Elderly Can Tolerate Strong Cancer Drugs
- Intelihealth, 10/21/02
- Implantable
Intrathecal Drug Delivery System Fights Cancer Pain
- Medscape, 10/4/02
New cancer drug shrinks tumors, doesn't extend life
- USA Today, 9/24/02
Experimental Therapy Kills Cancer Cells Using Amplified Dose Of Body's Own
Immune Cells - Intelihealth, 9/19/02
Male Airline Pilots Have Slight Increase In Risk For Skin And Prostate
Cancers - Doctor's Guide, 9/17/02
Experts Outline Convincing Evidence On Diet And Cancer
- Intelihealth, 9/12/02
- Hemoglobin Predicts
Quality of Life in Cancer Patients
- Medscape, 8/29/02
Elitek (rasburicase) Has Been Approved By the FDA in the United States
- Doctor's Guide, 7/17/02
Phenylalanine, Tyrosine Diet not Well Tolerated in Advanced Cancer Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 6/25/02
Cancer in Context: What Are Your Odds? - WebMD, 6/4/02
Celebrated Idea For Curing Cancer Proves Hard To Translate From Mouse To Man
- Intelihealth, 5/30/02
Cancer Pain Relief - WebMD, 5/29/02
Researchers learning to end tumor's blood supply - USA Today, 5/16/02
Cancer May Progress More Rapidly in Alcoholics - WebMD, 5/15/02
Girls Surviving Cancer Face More Battles - WebMD, 5/6/02
Hypertension Linked With Higher Cancer Mortality - Doctor's Guide,
Keeping Weight on Cancer Patients - WebMD, 4/26/02
Fatherhood After Cancer - WebMD, 4/11/02
Drug [phenoxodiol] stabilizes cancer growth minus side effects
- CNN, 4/9/02
Nutrition crucial to health of cancer patients - USA Today, 4/9/02
Protein Analysis Helps Treat Cancer - Intelihealth, 4/9/02
Cancer Patients Need Weight Kept On - Intelihealth, 4/9/02
Major Advances With Cancer Gene Therapy - Doctor's Guide, 3/27/02
Costly Cancer Treatment Aimed at Protecting Kids' Hearts Offers no
Additional Benefit - Doctor's Guide, 3/15/02
Socializing Helps Cancer Patients - WebMD, 3/12/02
Designer Cancer Vaccines Look Promising - WebMD, 1/30/02
Cancer Care Makes More Progress - WebMD, 1/18/02
New Cancer Drugs Promise Fewer Side Effects - Intelihealth, 12/17/01
Cancer-Fighting Drug [LDP-341] Wins Praise - Intelihealth, 12/11/01
- Poor Adherence,
Insufficient Prescriptions, Key Factors in Ineffective Cancer Pain
Management - Doctor's Guide, 11/30/01
- Cryosurgery Turns Bone
Metastases Into Iceballs Of Dead Tissue
- Doctor's Guide, 11/30/01
- Suramin Plus Chemotherapy
Regimens Appear To Give Cancer-Fighting Drugs Greater Impact - Doctor's
Guide, 11/1/01
- Aranesp (Darbepoetin)
Reduces Anemic Cancer Patients' Fatigue Levels
- Doctor's Guide, 10/24/01
- New Combination Therapies
May be Key to Life-Saving Cancer Therapy
- Doctor's Guide, 10/22/01
New Molecule Starves Cancer Cells, Makes Tumors Vanish - WebMD, 10/3/01
Molecule May Kill Cancer Cells - Intelihealth, 10/2/01
Reducing the Toll of Cancer Treatments in Women, Procedure Could Save
Fertility and Hormone Function - WebMD, 9/25/01
Second-Stage Trials Begin For Endostatin - Intelihealth, 7/13/01 - "The
Phase I trials found Endostatin to be safer than any cancer treatment in
Study links processed meat to cancer - USA Today, 6/22/01
Ferraro using thalidomide against blood cancer - CNN, 6/19/01
- New Patient Guideline Aim
to Control Nausea/Vomiting in Cancer Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 6/18/01
Rush is on to develop new wave of cancer drugs - CNN, 5/30/01
'Cancer' and 'cure' don't go hand in hand, but recent advances may change
that - WebMD, 5/29/01
Closing In on Cancer, No magic bullet yet, but the drugs are getting smarter
- Time Magazine, 5/21/01 - "current drug trials,
even for new cancer treatments, are based on the old chemotherapy model.
Success is measured by how much tumors shrink--or disappear--within a few
days or weeks. Because angiogenesis inhibitors work on the blood vessels
that feed tumors rather than on the tumors themselves, they usually take
longer, sometimes as much as a few months, to show any effect"
- Temodar (Temozolomide)
Promising For A Variety of Cancers - Doctor's Guide, 5/15/01
- New Generation Agent,
ZD0473, Shows Promise In Resistant Tumors - Doctor's Guide, 5/15/01
Two New Vaccines Use the Immune System to Fight Cancer, Experimental
Approach Boosts the Body's Ability to Fight Disease - WebMD, 5/14/01 -
"It may be that one of the best weapons against
cancer is already flowing in your veins -- immune cells called T-cells.
Cancer researchers have been working for years to find a way to train these
cells to fight cancer. And now two new studies suggest it may be possible to
make a cancer vaccine using this 'in-house' force"
- Gleevec (STI-571) First
Effective Treatment For Gastrointestinal Sarcoma - Doctor's Guide,
Drugs Aimed at Shutting Down Blood to Tumors Are Safe - WebMD, 5/13/01
New Leukemia Drug Works for Incurable Stomach Tumors, Too, Todd Hendrickson
says that last August he had "about 60 days to live - WebMD, 5/13/01
New Drug [C225] Fights Difficult Cancer, Drug gives those with no options
new lease on life - WebMD, 5/12/01
Opinion: Breakthrough Cancer Drug Like None Other, 'Smart Bomb' Chemotherapy
Opens Window to Future Treatment -- and Hop - WebMD, 5/11/01
Leukemia pill [Gleevec] shows promise against stomach cancer - CNN,
5/14/01 - "A study of 148 GIST patients showed 59
percent went into remission, and the results were even better in those with
the most common type of mutation"
New Cancer Drugs Disappointing - Intelihealth, 5/14/01
Doctors Encouraged By Cancer Drug - Intelihealth, 5/13/01 -
"they expect the medicine to become a standard
treatment for colon cancer and probably other tumors, as well ... The latest
treatment, code-named IMC-C225, produced no cures, but it did shrink tumors
by at least half in nearly one-quarter of patients with end-stage colon
Health Focus: Imagine Beating Cancer With A Pill - Intelihealth, 5/2/01
Giving the Immune System a Second Chance to Kill Cancers - WebMD,
4/30/01 - "What happens is we get tolerance. The
[antitumor] arm of the immune system just ignores the tumor and lets it go.
Our challenge is to overcome this ... take a patient's own tumor cells,
irradiate them until they are dead, and -- very soon after autologous bone
marrow transplant -- use them to vaccinate the person against the tumor"
Cancer Screening Tips for Women
- WebMD, 4/24/01
A Peek at the Future of Cancer Therapy, New Drugs Aim at the Molecular Heart
of Cancer - WebMD, 4/24/01 -
"Far more impressive are results from a human study
in Germany. In recently released results from this preliminary study, the
drug was given to about 30 people with a wide range of cancers -- breast
cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer, melanoma, esophageal cancer, gastric
cancer, and even cancer of the appendix. Most patients received 100 mg of
the drug twice a day, every day. There was no toxicity. And over three to 28
weeks of observation, none of the cancers got worse"
Breast implants linked to brain, lung cancer - USA Today, 4/24/01 -
"those who had received cosmetic breast implants
were more than twice as likely to develop or die of brain cancer, the
studies found"
- Two-Step Titration Helps
Switch Cancer Pain Patients From Intravenous To Transdermal Fentanyl -
Doctor's Guide, 4/22/01 -
"Slowly switching cancer patients from intravenous
to transdermal fentanyl in a two-step approach prevents pain crises"
Number Of Cancer Drugs In The Pipeline Surges - Intelihealth, 4/12/01 -
"Among the drugs are vaccines that trigger the
immune system to attack cancer cells, monoclonal antibodies that seek out
and destroy cancer cells, other antibodies that deliver a toxic payload to
cancer cells, and small molecules that set off a reaction in cancer cells
known as programmed cell death"
Cancer Pain Finally Gets Some Attention - Intelihealth, 4/11/01
Cancers Linked To Fat, Inactivity - Intelihealth, 4/6/01 -
"Up to one-third of cancers of the colon, breast,
kidney and digestive tract are attributable to too much weight gain and too
little exercise"
Experimental Drug [Glivec] Cures Stomach Cancer, Report Says
- Intelihealth, 4/6/01 - "a 55-year-old Finnish
woman whose incurable stomach cancer had spread like a brushfire through her
abdomen. Every time a growth was surgically removed, several would erupt in
its place. Her frustrated doctors at Helsinki University concluded she was
beyond the reach of chemotherapy and radiation ... Within two weeks the
tumors began to shrink ... the Finnish woman is in good health, living a
normal life despite having a cancer that previously was always lethal"
Guidelines released for cancer pain treatment - CNN, 4/4/01
The Future of Cancer Therapy Is Specific, Drugs Will Target Only Molecules
Involved in Cancer - WebMD, 4/4/01
Autologous Hapten-Dinitrophenyl Offered As New Approach To Cancer Therapy
- Doctor's Guide, 3/30/01 - "hapten, dinitrophenyl,
appears to be comparable to high dose interferon for the treatment of a
number of cancers ... there is no apparent reason why this therapeutic
approach should not be offered to a larger number of patients, or to its
development as a standard cancer therapy"
'Blood Biopsies' Can Replace Some Cancer Operations, Docs Turn to Blood
Draws to Detect Recurrence, Assess Treatment - WebMD, 3/29/01
New Technique Lets Doctors Make Quicker, Better Treatment Decisions -
WebMD, 3/26/01
Heparin May Reduce Cancer's Spread - WebMD, 3/12/01 -
"This study on mice shows that (injectable) heparin
prevents platelets from sticking to the cancer cells, making them more
vulnerable to the immune system's natural cleanup action"
Cancer pill (Glivec) speeds through testing - CNN, 3/1/01 -
"In 88 percent of patients their white blood cell
counts fell to normal levels. Almost half the patients had what's called a
cytogenic response -- the genetic defect for the disease was reduced or
could not be seen."
Studies link lymph vessels to cancer growth - CNN, 2/1/01-
"Preventing the growth of lymph vessels, not just
blood vessels, may be a way to doctors to treat cancer, according to three
new studies on human cancer growth cell in mice."
Viruses Find a Useful Purpose: Fighting Cancer, Promising New Approach Could
Help When Cancer Recurs - WebMD, 1/31/01
Bone Marrow Transplants a Thing of the Past? Blood Stem Cells Best for Some
Cancer Patients - WebMD, 1/17/01
A Kinder, Gentler Bladder Cancer Test, Urine Test Aids Early Detection
- WebMD, 1/16/01
Salmonella for Skin Cancer? - WebMD, 1/12/01
New Scan Tells Whether Cancer Treatment Is Working, Simple Addition to
Existing Test May Save Lives, but More Study Needed - WebMD, 12/19/00
Study Hints Coffee Might Dampen Cancerous Damage From Smoking -
Intelihealth, 12/13/00
Cancer That Kills the Young May Have Met Its Match - WebMD, 12/6/00
New Drug Said To Help Some Leukemia - Intelihealth, 12/4/00
Cancer drug (Glivec) produces dramatic results - CNN, 12/2/00
A New Look At Cancer Treatments - Intelihealth, 11/17/00
Sea Squirts: Cancer Fighters From the Sea - WebMD, 11/15/00
New Cancer Drug Shows Promise - Intelihealth, 11/10/00
- Endostatin Shows Promising
Anticancer Activity With Low-Toxicity Profile - Doctor's Guide, 11/10/00
Promising New Therapy for Advanced Breast Cancer - WebMD, 11/9/00
New Anticancer Drug Gets Passing Grade - WebMD, 11/9/00
New cancer drug appears safe and promising - CNN, 11/9/00
Early Report Shows Endostatin No Magic Bullet Against Cancer -
Intelihealth, 11/7/00
- Megestrol Maintains
Weight, Appetite In Cancer Patients - Doctor's Guide, 10/25/00
- SU5416 Showing Promise in
Controlling, Shrinking Colorectal Cancer Tumors - Doctor's Guide,
T-Cell Transplant May Train Immune System To Kill Cancer - Intelihealth,
Jack-O'-Lanterns May Help Fight Tough Cancers - WebMD, 8/1/00
Ingredient In Marijuana Causes Mice Tumors To Grow Faster -
Intelihealth, 7/26/00
Virus Shows Anticancer Potential In Laboratory Studies - Intelihealth,
Cancer Prevention Trump Card Clearly in Your Hands, Environmental Factors
Play Bigger Role Than Heredity - WebMD, 7/12/00 -
"Most cancer is caused by environmental and
lifestyle factors such as diet, smoking, drinking alcohol, and being
Blood Thinner May Reduce Cancer - Intelihealth, 6/29/00
Can Certain Drugs and Nutrients Prevent Cancer? - WebMD, 6/23/00
Cancer Drug More Effective When Paired With Vaccine, Study Says -
Intelihealth, 6/13/00
Melanoma Treatment Holds Promise - Intelihealth, 5/31/00
- Thalidomide Promising in a
Variety of Cancers - Doctor's Guide, 5/24/00
Cancer Drugs Show Danger And Hope - Intelihealth, 5/24/00
Experimental Drug Strangles Cancer's Blood Supply - WebMD, 5/23/00
Immune-bolstering vaccine extends lives of patients in cancer study -
CNN, 5/23/00
Why thalidomide may be making a comeback - CNN, 5/22/00
Researchers report promising results with leukemia treatment - CNN,
Controversial Drug Useful for Advanced Type of Bone Marrow Cancer -
WebMD, 5/22/00
New Drug Might Stop Cancer By Targeting Genetic Flaw - Intelihealth,
Little Results In Cancer Drug Tests - Intelihealth, 5/11/00
Study: Microwaves Help Treat Tumors - Intelihealth, 3/31/00
Radiofrequency Energy Can Kill Solid Tumors in Kidney - Doctor's Guide,
Using Arthritis Drugs To Treat Cancer - Life Extension Magazine, 3/00
- Fewer Incidences Of
Endometrial Cancer Recurrence In Patients Who Take Estrogen
- Doctor's Guide, 2/7/00
Serendipity And Hope In War On Cancer - Intelihealth, 1/18/99
- New Cancer Drug, Apra,
Promising Without Conventional Chemo Toxicities - Doctor's Guide,
When will we cure cancer? - Time, 11/8/99
- Thalidomide Investigated
For Various Types Of Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 11/5/99
- IntraDose Shows Promise In
Treatment Of Primary Liver Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 11/4/99
- Doxycycline Inhibits
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Growth - Doctor's Guide, 11/3/99
Targeting Blood Vessels May Work For Many Ills - Intelihealth, 10/7/99
- Oncoseed Available In the
U.S. For Prostate Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 10/5/99
Combretastatin A4 Prodrug Shows Reduction In Tumor Blood Flow In Humans
- Doctor's Guide, 10/5/99
- Leuvectin Results Show
Promise For Kidney Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 10/5/99
- New Radiation Treatment
For Large Tumors - Doctor's Guide, 9/30/99
Cancer vaccine may help body fight off relapse - CNN, 9/28/99
- Hycamtin Effective In
Combination Therapy For Ovarian Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 9/21/99
More evidence supports tumor-shrinking therapy - CNN, 9/17/99
Tumor-Shrinking Drug To Be Tried On Humans - Intelihealth, 9/14/99
- Beta LT Increases TNF At
Drastically Lower Doses Than Typical Anticancer Agents
- Doctor's Guide, 9/2/99
Scientists discover two new cancer-fighting proteins
- CNN, 8/5/99
- Study Shows Taxol Improves
Survival In Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 8/4/99
Researchers Target Elusive Cancer Cells - Intelihealth, 7/26/99
Let's Consider The Alternatives In Cancer Research - Ask Dr. Dean,
- Less Toxic Bone Marrow
Transplant Technique May Have More Powerful Anti-Cancer Effect
- Doctor's Guide, 5/21/99
- Taxotere Increases Survival
Rate For Lung Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 5/17/99
- Taxotere Plus Adriamycin
Outperforms Standard Combination In Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide,
- Taxotere Combination
Regimen Promising For Treatment Of Prostate Cancer - Doctor's Guide,
A year after raising hopes, tumor-starving drugs still in lab - CNN,
New Trials Show Cancer-shrinking Drugs' Power, Researcher Says -
Intelihealth, 4/30/99
Salmonella may have use as cancer fighter - CNN, 12/30/98
- A Cautious Awe
Greets Drugs That Eradicate Tumors in Mice -New York Times, 5/3/98
Why does a Vitamin A derivative kill cancer cells? - CNN, 8/21/97