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> Aspirin
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News & Research:
Daily Aspirin Linked to
Increased Risk of Heart Failure - Medscape, 11/24/21 -
"In data from 30,827 patients at risk for HF enrolled in
six observational studies, the hazard ratio (HR) for developing HF among those
taking daily aspirin at baseline relative to those who were not was 1.26 (P ≤
.001) over 5.3 years of follow-up. In the 22,690 patients without a prior
history of cardiovascular disease (CVD), the HF risk increase for exposure to
daily aspirin was about the same (HR, 1.27 ... Interestingly, this study
reported that aspirin use was associated with an increased risk of readmissions
for HF ... Overall, the incidence rate of HF per 1000 person-years for the
entire population before adjustment was 14.5 in the group on daily aspirin
versus 5.9 in the nonaspirin group"
Low-Dose Aspirin May Help Shield You From COVID-19 WebMD, 3/15/21 -
"Because the study was a look back at prior data, it
wasn't designed to show cause-and-effect, only associations. But Magen's group
found that people who'd already been taking low-dose aspirin to reduce their
risk of heart disease had a 29% lower risk of contracting COVID-19 compared to
those who didn't take aspirin, and that rates of aspirin use were much lower
among COVID-19 patients than among those who didn't get infected ... Among
people who did get COVID-19, the time it took for SARS-CoV-2 PCR test results to
go from positive to negative was significantly shorter among those who used
aspirin, and the duration of their disease was two-three days shorter, depending
upon preexisting health conditions"
Daily Aspirin Tied to Lower Risk of Various Digestive Cancers - NYT, 4/21/20
- "Researchers pooled data from 113 studies and found
that daily aspirin use among people aged 40 to 75 was associated with a 27
percent reduction in the risk for colorectal cancer, a 36 percent reduction in
stomach cancer, a 33 percent reduction in esophageal cancer, a 38 percent
reduction in liver and gallbladder cancer, and a 22 percent reduction in
pancreatic cancer. For all these tumors, the favorable effect increased with
duration of use"
Low-Dose Aspirin Might Cut Cancer Risk - WebMD, 12/4/19 -
"Low-dose aspirin reduced overall cancer death risk by
15% and all-cause death by 19% among more than 146,000 people who participated
in a cancer screening trial conducted between 1993 and 2008 ... Overweight folks
also experienced a marked decline in their risk of death from gastrointestinal
cancer (28%) and colon cancer (34%)"
Migraine headaches? Consider aspirin for treatment and prevention - Science
Daily, 12/3/19 - "high-dose aspirin, in doses from 900
to 1,300 milligrams given at the onset of symptoms, is an effective and safe
treatment option for acute migraine headaches. In addition, some but not all
randomized trials suggest the possibility that daily aspirin in doses from 81 to
325 milligrams may be an effective and safe treatment option for the prevention
of recurrent migraine headaches"
Canadians told to stop taking aspirin to prevent first heart attack, stroke
- Science Daily, 10/2/19 - "Kolber and Fritsch reviewed three large, randomized,
placebo-controlled studies published in 2018 that showed the risk of major
internal bleeding associated with taking an aspirin a day is higher than any
preventative benefits"
"It's Not You, It's Me" -
Is it Time to Break Up With Aspirin? - Medscape, 7/25/19 -
"In summary, the three recent trials have confirmed the
notion that the benefit of aspirin in modern primary prevention populations is
small and for most individuals is probably not worth the risk in bleeding.
However, for individuals who are at elevated CVD risk and low risk of bleeding,
consideration for use of aspirin is reasonable and should be discussed in the
context of shared decision making between the patient and their provider. Should
we break up with aspirin for primary prevention? For many of us, the answer is
yes, but we should understand that it isn't aspirin that's changed, we have"
Study: Low-Dose Aspirin's Risks Outweigh Benefits - WebMD, 5/14/19 -
"Researchers said the findings support a recent change
to guidelines on low-dose aspirin: The blood thinner should now be reserved for
people at high risk of heart attack or stroke ... Others can skip it ...
Instead, the average person should focus on controlling their blood pressure,
blood sugar and cholesterol, eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise and
not smoking ... The guidelines say people over age 70 should avoid aspirin if
they do not have overt cardiovascular disease. But it may still be considered
for certain people ages 40 to 70 who are at heightened risk of cardiovascular
low-dose aspirin found to have no effect on healthy life span in older people
- Science Daily, 9/16/18 - "In the total study
population, treatment with 100 mg of low-dose aspirin per day did not affect
survival free of dementia or disability. Among the people randomly assigned
to take aspirin, 90.3 percent remained alive at the end of the treatment
without persistent physical disability or dementia, compared with 90.5
percent of those taking a placebo. Rates of physical disability were
similar, and rates of dementia were almost identical in both groups ... The
group taking aspirin had an increased risk of death compared to the placebo
group: 5.9 percent of participants taking aspirin and 5.2 percent taking
placebo died during the study. This effect of aspirin has not been noted in
previous studies; and caution is needed in interpreting this finding. The
higher death rate in the aspirin-treated group was due primarily to a higher
rate of cancer deaths. A small increase in new cancer cases was reported in
the group taking aspirin but the difference could have been due to chance."
Aspirin disappoints for avoiding first heart attack, stroke - Medical
Express, 8/26/18 - "aspirin did not help prevent
first strokes or heart attacks in people at moderate risk for one because
they had several health threats such as smoking, high blood pressure or high
Regular aspirin use linked to increased risk of age-related macular
degeneration - Science Daily, 1/21/13 -
"age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which is a leading cause of
blindness in older people ... The cumulative incidence of neovascular AMD
among nonregular aspirin users was 0.8 percent at five years, 1.6 percent at
10 years, and 3.7 percent at 15 years; among regular aspirin users, the
cumulative incidence was 1.9 percent at five years, 7 percent at 10 years
and 9.3 percent at 15 years, respectively ... Regular aspirin use was
significantly associated with an increased incidence of neovascular AMD"
Regular Aspirin Use 10 or More Years Ago Associated With Increased Risk of
Type of Age-Related Macular Degeneration - Science Daily, 12/18/12 -
"data from the Beaver Dam Eye Study, a longitudinal
population-based study of age-related eye diseases conducted in Wisconsin
... The average duration of follow-up was 14.8 years ... regular use of
aspirin use 10 years prior to the retinal examination was associated with
late AMD (age- and sex-adjusted incidence, 1.8 percent for users vs. 1.0
percent for nonusers)"
NSAID use linked to reduced hepatocellular carcinoma risk and mortality due
to chronic liver disease - Science Daily, 11/28/12 -
"Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the most common
type of primary liver cancer, occurs mainly among patients with CLD ...
performed an observational study of 300,504 men and women aged 50 to 71
years enrolled in the National Institutes of Health-AARP Diet and Health
Study who reported their aspirin and nonaspirin NSAID use and were
followed-up for 10-12 years ... Study participants who used aspirin had a
41% reduced risk of HCC and a 45% reduced risk of death from CLD, whereas
those who used non-aspirin NSAIDs experienced a 26% reduced risk of CLD
mortality but no reduced risk of HCC"
Aspirin may slow the decline in mental capacity among elderly patients,
Swedish study suggests - Science Daily, 10/22/12 -
"Of the 681 women, 129 received a low daily dose of
acetylsalicylic acid, equivalent to a fourth of an aspirin, to prevent heart
disease. The Gothenburg study shows that acetylsalicylic acid also slowed
decline in brain capacity among the elderly women ... At the end of the five
year examination period mental capacity had declined among all the women and
the portion that suffered from dementia was equally large in the entire
group. However, the decline in brain capacity was significantly less and
occurred at a slower pace among the women who received acetylsalicylic acid"
Aspirin May Help Men With Prostate Cancer Live Longer, Study Suggests -
Science Daily, 8/28/12 - "The study looked at almost
6,000 men in the Cancer of the Prostate Strategic Urologic Research Endeavor
(CaPSURE) database who had prostate cancer treated with surgery or
radiotherapy ... The findings demonstrated that 10-year mortality from
prostate cancer was significantly lower in the group taking anticoagulants,
compared to the non-anticoagulant group -- 3 percent versus 8 percent,
respectively. The risks of cancer recurrence and bone metastasis also were
significantly lower. Further analysis suggested that this benefit was
primarily derived from taking aspirin, as opposed to other types of
Aspirin reduces cancer risk: Is it time to include it in cancer prevention
guidelines? - Science Daily, 4/9/12 - "In six
primary prevention trials of daily low-dose aspirin, randomization to
aspirin treatment was associated with an approximately 20% reduction in
overall cancer incidence between 3 and 5 years after initiation of the
intervention (metaodds ratio [OR] = 0.81; 95% CI 0.67-0.98) and a 30%
reduction during follow up more than 5 years after randomization (meta-OR =
0.70; 95% CI 0.56-0.88). Cancer mortality was also reduced during study
follow up that happened more than 5 years after the start of aspirin use
(meta-OR = 0.63; 95% CI 0.49-0.82) in analyses that included 34 trials of
daily aspirin at various doses. Surprisingly, the size of the observed
benefit did not increase with daily doses of aspirin above 75-100 mg"
14 Things You Might Not Know About Aspirin - US News and World Report,
Daily Aspirin May Help Prevent and Treat Cancer - WebMD, 3/20/12 -
"analyzed data from 51 trials originally designed to
examine the impact of daily aspirin on heart attack and stroke risk ...
taking a low-dose aspirin every day reduced the risk of death from cancer by
37% after at least five years of use ... In a second study, the researchers
examined the impact of daily aspirin therapy on cancer metastasis, or
spread, by analyzing newly published data from five other large trials ...
Over an average follow-up of six-and-a-half years, daily aspirin use was
associated with a 36% reduced risk of cancer with distant spread"
Aspirin reduces the risk of cancer recurrence in prostate cancer patients,
study suggests - Science Daily, 5/2/11 - "After
10-years from completion of treatment, 31% of the men who took aspirin
developed recurrence compared with 39% of non-aspirin users (p=0.0005).
There was also a 2% improvement in 10-year prostate cancer related survival
associated with aspirin use with a trend toward statistical significance"
Dampening inflammation with aspirin - Science Daily, 1/4/11
Aspirin Cuts Death Rate From Several Common Cancers - Medscape, 12/7/10
"The researchers showed a 21% reduction in the number of
deaths caused by cancer among those who had taken aspirin, compared with
those who had not ... The investigation also showed that the benefits of
taking aspirin increased over time. After 5 years, death rates were shown to
fall by 34% for all cancers and by 54% for gastrointestinal cancers ... This
20-year follow-up established that the risk for cancer death remained 20%
lower among those who had been allocated aspirin than among those who had
not for all solid cancers, including lung, prostate, brain, bladder, and
kidney cancers, and by 35% for gastrointestinal cancers ... The fall in the
risk for death broke down according to individual types of cancer: 60% for
esophageal cancer, 40% for colorectal cancer, 30% for lung cancer, and 10%
for prostate cancer"
very low dose of regular aspirin wards off bowel cancer, study finds -
Science Daily, 9/15/10 - "After a year, taking daily
low dose aspirin was associated with a 22% reduced risk of developing bowel
cancer, and the magnitude of the reduction in risk was cumulative, rising to
30% after five years ... taking NSAIDs of any kind did not influence the
risk of death from any cause nor did it increase bowel cancer survival"
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) use and breast cancer risk in
the Western New York Exposures and Breast Cancer (WEB) Study - Cancer
Causes Control. 2010 May 25 - "Recent aspirin use
was inversely associated with breast cancer risk (adjusted OR 0.80, 95% CI:
0.68-0.94); the strongest reduction in risk was observed among those who
took >/=2 pills/day on days that aspirin was taken (OR 0.74, 95% CI: 0.61-0.
90). Adult lifetime use was also associated with breast cancer risk (>10
days/month, adjusted OR 0.68, 95% CI: 0.46-1.00). Use of ibuprofen or
acetaminophen was not associated with breast cancer"
Aspirin Use Linked to Aging Macula Disorder in Older Individuals -
Medscape, 5/4/10 - "People 65 years and older who
frequently take aspirin have an increased risk of developing aging macula
disorder — a loss of central vision similar to age-related macular
degeneration — according to a population-based ... the odds ratios for grade
1 early aging macula disorder rose with increasing aspirin intake frequency,
and reached 1.26 (95% confidence interval [CI]. 1.08 - 1.46; P trend < .001)
for subjects who reported daily use ... Similarly, the odds ratio for grade
2 early aging macula disorder was 1.40 (95% CI, 1.16 - 1.68; P trend < .001)
in daily aspirin users; for neovascular aging macula disorder, the odds
ratio was 2.26 (95% CI, 1.66 - 3.08; P trend < .001) in daily aspirin users"
Regular use of aspirin increases risk of Crohn's disease by 5 times, study
finds - Science Daily, 5/4/10 - "the researchers
discovered that those taking aspirin regularly for a year or more were
around five times more likely to develop Crohn's disease"
Regular analgesic use increases hearing loss in men, study finds -
Science Daily, 3/1/10 - "For aspirin, regular users
under 50 and those aged 50-59 years were 33% more likely to have hearing
loss than were nonregular users, but there was no association among men aged
60 years and older. For NSAIDs, regular users aged under 50 were 61% more
likely, those aged 50-59 were 32% more likely, and those aged 60 and older
were 16% more likely to develop hearing loss than nonregular users of
NSAIDs. For acetaminophen, regular users aged under 50 were 99% more likely,
regular users aged 50-59 were 38% more likely, and those aged 60 and older
were 16% more likely to have hearing loss than nonregular users of
Anticancer Effects of Aspirin: FAQ - WebMD, 2/19/10
Continuous Aspirin May Lower Mortality Despite Increased Risk for Recurrent
Peptic Ulcer Bleeding - Medscape, 12/1/09 -
"Continuous low-dose aspirin therapy may increase the risk for recurrent
peptic ulcer bleeding but potentially lowers mortality rates ... Compared
with patients who received placebo, patients who received aspirin had lower
all-cause mortality rates (1.3% vs 12.9%; difference, 11.6 percentage
points; 95% CI, 3.7 - 19.5 percentage points). In addition, patients in the
aspirin group had lower mortality rates resulting from cardiovascular,
cerebrovascular, or gastrointestinal tract complications vs patients in the
placebo group (1.3% vs 10.3%; difference, 9 percentage points; 95% CI, 1.7 -
16.3 percentage points)"
Aspirin May Prevent Prostate Cancer Recurrence - WebMD, 11/6/09 -
"use of anti-clotting drugs, including aspirin,
appears to lower the odds that cancer will recur in men undergoing radiation
treatment for prostate cancer ... taking an anticoagulant lowers the risk
[of recurrence] by almost half"
Aspirin May Help Treat Colon Cancer - WebMD, 8/10/09 -
"Certain patients with colorectal cancer who begin
regular aspirin use after the disease develops may greatly improve their
odds of survival ... Patients with colorectal cancer who started regular
aspirin use for the first time after diagnosis had a 47% lower risk of
colorectal cancer death and 32% lower risk of overall death than nonusers of
aspirin ... The survival advantage was seen only in those with
Cox-2-positive tumors. Most colorectal tumors are Cox-2-positive"
Benefit Of Aspirin For Healthy People Is Uncertain - Science Daily,
Evidence That People Make Aspirin's Active Principle -- Salicylic Acid -
Science Daily, 12/22/08
Aspirin May Prevent Liver Damage That Afflicts Millions, Study Finds -
Science Daily, 1/26/09 - "Simple aspirin may prevent
liver damage in millions of people suffering from side effects of common
drugs, alcohol abuse, and obesity-related liver disease"
Who Take Aspirin Have Significantly Lower PSA Levels - Science Daily,
11/16/08 - "PSA levels were 9 percent lower in men
taking aspirin (the NSAID most commonly used) compared with men who did not
use aspirin"
Aspirin Does Not Prevent Heart Attacks In Patients With Diabetes, Study
Suggests - Science Daily, 10/20/08
Regular Low Dose Aspirin Cuts Asthma Risk In Women - Science Daily,
Aspirin Could Reduce Breast Cancer And Help Existing Sufferers, Review of
Studies Suggests - Science Daily, 3/6/08 -
"Anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin may reduce breast cancer by up to 20
per cent"
Aspirin Associated With Reduced Colorectal Cancer Risk in Men -
Medscape, 2/12/08 - "men who reported regular
aspirin use (at least 2 times per week) had a
significantly lower risk of colorectal cancer compared with those who were
not regular aspirin users (multivariate RR, 0.79) ... However, men reporting
6 to 14 standard aspirin tablets per week had a multivariate RR of 0.72, and
those consuming more than 14 tablets per week experienced a multivariate RR
of 0.30" - Note: A RR of 0.79 is a 21% reduction, a RR of 0.30 is a
70% reduction.
High-dose NSAIDs May Prevent Colon Cancer - oncologystat.com. 2/5/08 -
"people who took more than 2325 mg of aspirin weekly
reduced colon cancer risk by 21%, compared to people who took less aspirin.
Men who took 7 to 14 aspirins a week had a 28% decreased risk, and those who
took more than 14 aspirins weekly had a 70% decrease in their risk of
developing the disease. The advantages were only seen after 5 years of use,
and taking less than 1½ pills weekly did not reduce the risk of developing
the disease. The effect was also seen with the use of other NSAIDs, such as
ibuprofen and naproxen"
Regular, Long-Term Aspirin Use Reduces Risk of Colorectal Cancer -
Doctor's Guide, 1/23/08 - "the benefit of aspirin
was not apparent until after more than five years of use. The greatest
reduction in risk was observed at cumulative doses of more than 14 standard
tablets (325 mg) per week, which is higher than normally recommended. The
benefit of aspirin use appears to diminish less than four years after
stopping use and is not evident after four to five years of discontinued
Aspirin Limits Prostate Cancer Therapy - WebMD, 12/26/07 -
"Abnormal liver-function tests forced some of the
men to quit Eulexin treatment before they could finish the six-month study.
This happened to 37% of men taking aspirin, but only to 16% of the men not
taking aspirin"
Over-the-counter Pain Medications May Reduce Risk Of Parkinson's Disease
- Science Daily, 11/5/07 - "regular users of
non-aspirin NSAIDs reduced their risk of Parkinson's disease by as much as
60 percent compared to non-regular users and non-users. Women who were
regular users of aspirin reduced their risk of Parkinson's disease by 40
percent, especially among those who regularly used aspirin for more than two
Aspirin -- Just For Men? - Science Daily, 10/17/07 -
"Trials that recruited predominantly men
demonstrated the largest risk reduction in non-fatal heart attacks ... The
trials that contained predominately women failed to demonstrate a
significant risk reduction in these non-fatal events. We found that a lot of
the variability in these trials seems to be due to the gender ratios,
supporting the theory that women may be less responsive to aspirin than men
for heart protection"
Low-Dose Aspirin Plus Statins Protects Against Colorectal Cancer -
Medscape, 10/4/07 - "Dr. Brenner's group observed a
modest risk reduction of colorectal cancer among regular users of low-dose
aspirin (adjusted odds ratio = 0.77). A stronger association was found with
regular use of statins (OR 0.65). The strongest risk reduction was seen in
subjects who used combination low-dose aspirin and statins (OR 0.63),
especially if both drugs were used for at least 5 years (OR 0.38)"
Adult-Strength Aspirin Cuts Cancer Risk - Physician's Weekly, 7/16/07 -
"Patients who had a daily intake of adult-strength
aspirin (325 mg or more) for at least 5 years had a 15% lower overall risk
of developing cancer. “Long-term daily aspirin use was associated with lower
incidence of colorectal cancer (rate ratio = 0.68 among men and women
combined) and prostate cancer (rate ratio = 0.81) and a non–statistically
significant lower risk of female breast cancer (rate ratio =0.83)"
Aspirin May Help Fight Cancer - WebMD, 6/5/07 -
"Compared with women who never used aspirin, aspirin
users were 13% less likely to die of cancer, 25% less likely to die of heart
disease, and 18% less likely to die of any cause during the study"
Aspirin's Colorectal Cancer Prevention Mechanism Revealed - Science
Daily, 5/23/07
Aspirin May Stop Colon Cancer - WebMD, 5/10/07 -
"people who took a full-dose aspirin tablet every
day for at least five years had as much as a 74% lower risk of colon cancer
10 to 14 years later. In the U.S."
Baby Aspirin May Be Best for Heart - WebMD, 5/8/07 -
"The review shows that aspirin doses greater than 81
milligrams per day haven't been proven better than baby aspirin for the
heart and may increase the chances of stomach bleeding"
Aspirin May Protect Against Cancer - WebMD, 4/17/07
Aspirin Help Keep Cancer At Bay? - Science Daily, 4/16/07 -
"those who said they regularly used aspirin had a 16
percent reduced risk of developing cancer more than a decade later, as well
as a 13 percent reduced risk of dying from cancer over this same time
period, compared to women who did not use aspirin. But there was no
statistically significant impact on cancer incidence or mortality among
women who used non-aspirin NSAIDs"
Too Few Take Aspirin for Heart Health - WebMD, 4/10/07 -
"only 41% of Americans over 40 regularly take
aspirin ... expected to see greater than 70% utilization rates"
Aspirin Or NSAIDs Won't Prevent Colorectal Cancer - Science Daily,
Aspirin 'blocks prostate problem' - BBC News, 12/9/06 -
"taking NSAIDs was found to prevent or delay
enlargement of the prostate"
Aspirin May Be Newest Cancer Drug - WebMD, 10/2/06 -
"In test-tube studies, the researchers find that
aspirin does what some of the most cutting-edge new anticancer drugs do. It
seems to keep newborn cancers from growing the blood vessels they need to
become full-blown tumors -- a process called angiogenesis ... anticancer
effect may not be due to blocking Cox enzymes at all"
Aspirin May Cut Enlarged Prostate Risk - WebMD, 8/30/06 -
"Men who reported daily use of aspirin or other
anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen and naproxen, were 25% less
likely to develop moderate to severe enlarged prostate symptoms"
Remarkable Research Uncovers Lifesaving Benefits Beyond Cardiovascular
- Life Extension Magazine, 7/06 - "Exciting new
research findings support a disease-preventive benefit for aspirin in other
potentially lethal conditions such as skin cancer, colon cancer, and
Aspirin for Preventing Flushing from Niacin - Medscape, 6/13/06 -
"the impact of flushing can be minimised by careful
dose escalation, administering 'extended-release' NA at bedtime,
administering ASA 30 min before 'extended-release' NA and avoiding alcohol
or hot drinks near the timeof administration"
New Stroke Guidelines Underscore Importance of Aspirin for Women -
Doctor's Guide, 5/17/06 - "aspirin was associated
with a 17% reduction in the overall risk of stroke (P = 0.04) and a 24%
reduction in the risk of ischemic stroke ... The guidelines do not recommend
the use of aspirin for prevention of a first stroke in men"
Hopkins Study Shows Low-dose Aspirin Suppresses Clumping Of Blood Platelets
In Both Sexes - Science Daily, 3/26/06
Study: Aspirin
Can Help Women's Hearts, Too - ABC News, 3/22/06
Aspirin Cost-Effective at Preventing Heart Disease in More Men Than
Previously Thought, Study Shows - Doctor's Guide, 3/6/06
White Blood Cell Count, Inflammation Linked to Cancer Deaths - Doctor's
Guide, 1/24/06 - "those with a higher white blood
cell count, a sign of inflammation, were more likely to die of cancer ...
The study also suggests that aspirin may have a greater protective effect
against cancer for those with high WBC"
Aspirin Reduces the Risk of Cardiovascular Events in Men and Women, Though
Effects Differ Between Sexes - Doctor's Guide, 1/17/06 -
"use of aspirin significantly reduces the risk of
cardiovascular events in women and in men, due to reducing the risk of
stroke in women and reducing the risk of heart attack in men"
People with Rheumatoid Arthritis Underuse Prophylactic Aspirin -
Doctor's Guide, 11/21/05
Aspirin Reduces Mortality in Women with Stable Cardiovascular Disease -
Doctor's Guide, 11/21/05
Aspirin May Be a Lifesaver for Women - WebMD, 11/17/05 -
"During a six-and-a half year period, women taking
aspirin were 17% less likely to die from any cause and 25% less likely to
die from heart disease, compared with nonusers ... Among the women, the use
of aspirin was associated with a 17% reduction in the risk of stroke"
High Blood Pressure: Nightly Aspirin May Help - WebMD, 9/15/05 -
"After three months, these were the results: ...
Aspirin at night: Significant drop in blood pressure ... Aspirin in the
morning: Slightly higher blood pressure"
Long-Term, Regular Aspirin Use Associated With Significant Reduction in
Colorectal Cancer Risk Among Women - Doctor's Guide, 8/23/05 -
"Among women who regularly used aspirin (2 or more
standard [325-mg] tablets per week), there was a 23% reduced relative risk
for colorectal cancer compared with nonregular users. However, significant
risk reduction was not observed until more than 10 years of use"
Aspirin May Cut Prostate Cancer Risk - WebMD, 7/5/05 -
"Those who had taken aspirin regularly for a long
time were 15% less likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer. Other
anti-inflammatory drugs were associated with an 18% lower risk of prostate
Aspirin May Prevent Colon Cancer Recurrence - Doctor's Guide, 5/20/05 -
"Recurrence-free survival was 55% lower in aspirin
users than non-users (95% CI, 0.21-0.96), disease-free-survival was 54%
lower (95% CI 0.23-0.95), and overall survival was 51% lower"
Aspirin Therapy in Elderly: Risks vs. Benefits - WebMD, 5/19/05 -
"heart disease protection gained from low-dose
aspirin use may be offset by serious cases of bleeding. Nelson and
colleagues write that the overall balance of harm and benefit "could tip
either way.""
Drug Treats Migraine - CBS 2 Chicago, 5/19/05 -
"acute migraines are likely to be helped by simple
old aspirin"
Aspirin, COX-2 Inhibitors Effective as Adjuvant Therapy in Stage III Colon
- Medscape, 5/16/05 - "The chemotherapy provides
about 35% improvement in survival compared with surgery alone for that stage
of colon cancer, Dr. Fuchs said in an interview. In comparison, aspirin or
the two cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) inhibitors produced a reduction in risk of
recurrence and death that was about 50% beyond what was achieved by
chemotherapy after surgery"
Aspirin Beats Coumadin for Brain Blockage - WebMD, 3/30/05 -
"Aspirin is safer and no less effective than
Coumadin for treating dangerously blocked brain arteries ... many patients
with blocked brain arteries may be able to avoid the expense and
complications of treatment with Coumadin (also known by its generic name,
Aspirin Sensitivity Found in More Than One Quarter of Cardiac Patients on
Aspirin Therapy - Medscape, 3/14/05
Baby Aspirin Safer for Preventing Heart Attack - WebMD, 3/10/05 -
"The new study shows that taking more than 100 mg of
aspirin a day increases the risk of bleeding -- from nose bleeds to bleeding
in the brain"
- Aspirin May
Delay Prostate Cancer, Extend Life - WebMD, 10/4/04 -
"more than nine in 10 men who took aspirin or
another NSAID
were alive 10 years later compared with fewer than seven in 10 men who didn't
take the painkillers ... evidence is mounting that
prostate cancer may develop in areas with chronic
- Daily Aspirin
for Heart May Not Work for Some - WebMD, 7/21/04
Research Shows Aspirin Therapy Didn't Work in Almost Half of Stroke Patients
Studied - Doctor's Guide, 7/20/04 -
"nearly half of patients who suffered a stroke or
transient ischemic attack (TIA) after having been committed to aspirin
therapy were "aspirin resistant," meaning the aspirin wasn't producing the
antiplatelet (blood-thinning) effect needed to avoid these health threats"
- Too Few Women
Take Aspirin to Protect Heart - WebMD, 6/1/04 -
"Regardless of their heart disease risk, women were
far less likely than men to take aspirin. Just 46% of the high-risk women
took aspirin regularly for their hearts, compared with 59% of high-risk men"
- Aspirin May
Protect Against Breast Cancer - WebMD, 5/25/04 -
"taking aspirin at least once a week for six months
or longer reduced the risk of breast cancer by 20%, compared with women who
never took aspirin. Taking a daily aspirin reduced risk by more than 25%"
- Statins Fight
Vision Loss - WebMD, 4/15/04 -
"Patients taking aspirin were 37% less likely to
develop this new blood vessel growth"
Statins and Aspirin May Protect Against Severe Vision Loss in Elderly -
Doctor's Guide, 4/13/04 -
"Those already on aspirin were about 40 percent less
likely to develop this new blood vessel growth, technically called choroidal
- Aspirin May
Ward Off Some Cancers - WebMD, 2/17/04 -
"regular aspirin use may prevent Hodgkin's disease
... The finding holds true only for aspirin and not for other drugs of its
class such as ibuprofen ... aspirin is the key to preventing esophageal
cancer" - See aspirin at Amazon.com
- Aspirin Use May
Prevent Colon Cancer - WebMD, 2/2/04 -
"Regularly taking aspirin -- more than two tablets a
week -- reduced the risks of polyps by 25% ...
while higher doses of aspirin (325 milligrams per day) may be necessary for
optimal prevention of polyps, the risk of severe gastrointestinal bleeding
remains a serious concern"
Regular aspirin use linked to pancreatic cancer - USA Today, 10/28/03 -
"women who reported 20 or more years of regular
aspirin use, with an average intake of at least two or more tablets a week,
had a 58% increased risk of pancreatic cancer, compared to those who did not
take aspirin. Among those who took 14 tablets or more a week, the risk was
86% greater"
- Aspirin
Therapy: How Much Is Too Much? - WebMD, 9/22/03 -
"In this new study, higher doses of aspirin were no
more effective than low-dose aspirin therapy at preventing heart attacks and
strokes ... Just under 2% of the patients given low-dose aspirin alone
experienced life-threatening bleeding events, compared with close to 4% of
patients taking more than 200 mg of aspirin a day. Among patients taking
aspirin and
3% of patients in the low-dose aspirin groups experienced serious bleeding
vs. 5% of those in the high-dose aspirin group"
- Painkillers Cut
Aspirin's Heart Benefit - WebMD, 8/25/03 -
"half took 325 mg aspirin on alternate days; half
took a placebo ... The aspirin group had 44% fewer heart attacks than the
placebo group -- 139 heart attacks in the aspirin group; 239 in the placebo
group ... Those who regularly took ibuprofen and
other common anti-inflammatory drugs did not get that protective effect"
- See
aspirin at Amazon.com
Aspirin Reduces Risk of Leukemia by Half - Physician's Weekly, 8/4/03 -
"women who took aspirin two or more times per week
were 55% less likely to develop
leukemia than those who never used aspirin"
- See aspirin at Amazon.com
- Aspirin May Be Better
Than Ticlopidine for Recurrent Stroke Prevention... - Medscape, 6/10/03
(Ticlid; Roche) does not appear to be superior to aspirin in preventing
recurrent strokes in African-American patients"
Night Time Aspirin Regimen Found to Reduce Blood Pressure - Doctor's
Guide, 6/4/03 -
"Researchers randomly assigned participants to 3
subgroups, which received a regimen of no aspirin, 100 mg aspirin after
waking, or 100 mg aspirin before sleeping ... The subgroup following a
regimen of evening aspirin administration showed a reduction in the 24 hour
mean of 6.2 mm Hg in systolic blood pressure
and 4.1 mm Hg in diastolic blood pressure ... the effect was not evident for
the subgroups receiving no aspirin or morning administration" - See aspirin at Amazon.com
Aspirin May Protect Against Parkinson's Disease - Doctor's Guide, 4/4/03
"Dr. Ross hypothesized that since
inflammation is thought to play a role in the neurodegenerative process
leading to Parkinson's disease,
anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin may help slow the progression of the
disease ... The study showed that there were 17.7 cases of Parkinson's per
10,000 person-years in the patients who never took aspirin or were taking it
on one occasion, compared with 6.8 cases per 10,000 person-years in the men
who were taking aspirin on both assessments ... No conclusion could be drawn
regarding the use of other NSAIDs and
Parkinson's, he said, because too few of the men reported taking the drugs"
- See aspirin at Amazon.com
More Migraine Relief Seen with Over-the-Counter Combination than with
Sumatriptan - Doctor's Guide, 4/4/03 -
"Patients are more likely to get relief from a
migraine episode if they use an over-the-counter (OTC) treatment that
combines acetaminophen, aspirin, and
caffeine at the first sign of an attack than if they use 50 mg of
sumatriptan (Imitrex)
... Among the OTC subjects, 87% had responded to treatment at 2 hours,
compared to 75% of sumatriptan subjects (P=0.045). The differences seen 24
hours after treatment showed that 66% of the OTC subjects had sustained
relief, compared to 49% of the sumatriptan group" - See
drugstore.com acetaminophen products
- NSAIDS May Help
in Alzheimer's Prevention - WebMD, 4/1/03 -
"For those using aspirin, the reduction in risk was
13%, a finding that was not considered significant ... Those on an
NSAID for one to 23 months had a risk reduction of 17%, and those termed
long-term users, beyond 23 months, reduced the risk of developing
Alzheimer's disease by 73%" - See ibuprofen at Amazon.com
aspirin at Amazon.com .
Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Appear To Protect Against Alzheimer's
- Doctor's Guide, 4/1/03 -
"compared with non-users, people who took any type
of NSAID were 28% less likely to develop
Alzheimer's, which was statistically significant. But, among
aspirin-only users, the risk of Alzheimer's was cut by 13%, which was not
significant" - See ibuprofen at Amazon.com
aspirin at Amazon.com .
- Does a Daily Aspirin Really
Help? - Dr. Weil, 1/31/03 -
"Joe Alpert, MD chairman of the Department of
Medicine here at the University of Arizona, notes that any dose from 81 to
325 mg daily can be effective but that the current consensus is 162 mg .
Those with a history of gastrointestinal bleeding should be cautious about
taking aspirin"
NSAID Use Linked to Lower Incidence of Alzheimer's - Clinical Psychiatry
News, 1/03 -
"The largest reduction in risk was among former
users of NSAIDs or aspirin who had taken the
medications for 2 years or more. The incidence of
Alzheimer's disease in that group was 29% of the rate seen in nonusers"
Large Study Supports Use of Aspirin to Reduce Risk of First Heart Attack
- Doctor's Guide, 11/18/02 -
"An analysis of five studies supports early findings
that patients who use aspirin therapy have a 32 percent reduced risk of
first heart attack"
Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatories Decrease Risk Of Recurrent Myocardial
Infarction In Patients Taking Aspirin - Doctor's Guide, 10/30/02 -
"Patients taking aspirin who were also taking
NSAIDs were significantly less likely to experience recurrent
AMI than those who took only aspirin"
Anti-inflammatory Drugs May Require Two Years' Treatment to Prevent
Colorectal Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 10/22/02 -
aspirin or an NSAID
for at least two years reduced the risk of colorectal
cancer by 32 percent"
- Pain Relievers
May Prevent Alzheimer's - WebMD, 9/23/02 -
"The study found people who took aspirin or other
NSAIDs for more than two years before the study began were 45% less
likely to develop Alzheimer's than those who
didn't. And the longer the participants had taken the drugs, the more
protected they were against the disease ... previous studies have suggested
that aspirin and other NSAIDs might protect against Alzheimer's disease by
inflammation in the brain ... their findings
show that the beneficial effects of NSAIDs in preventing Alzheimer's take a
long time to accumulate and don't become apparent until years later"
Aspirin May Negate the Benefits of ACE Inhibitors - Doctor's Guide,
9/13/02 -
"Although aspirin (ASA) and angiotensin-converting
(ACE) inhibitors have
been shown to reduce ischemic events after myocardial infarction (MI), ASA
may attenuate the beneficial effects of ACE inhibitors among patients with
CAD or left-ventricular dysfunction ... patients receiving an ACE inhibitor
with ASA had a higher rate of death or recurrent MI compared to those
receiving ASA alone ... Interestingly, the higher rate of adverse outcomes
with this combination was present even in those receiving the 80 mg dose of
ASA ... No mechanism for this adverse effect was suggested"
Low-Dose Acetylsalicylic Acid may Interfere With ACE Inhibition in Type I
Diabetics - Doctor's Guide, 9/4/02 -
"Low-dose acetylsalicylic acid (ASA, Aspirin) may
increase systolic blood pressure in type 1
diabetic patients, especially in those taking
angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors ... Compared to those not
taking ASA, patients taking ASA had higher systolic blood pressure (SBP)
(151 plus or minus 1 versus 134 plus or minus 1 mmHg; p<0.0001) and
diastolic blood pressure (DBP) (84 plus or minus 1 versus 80 plus or minus 1
... Similarly, in patients without CVD and not taking antihypertensive drugs
(n=37), SBP was still higher in those taking ASA (142 plus or minus 3 mmHg)
compared to the 1042 participants who were not taking it (128 plus or minus
1 mmHg)"
- More Data
Shows Additive Benefits of Aspirin - Medscape Cardiology, 8/2/02 -
"aspirin may be able to protect blood vessels from
the deleterious effects of inflammation and infection, 2 factors thought to
initiate and promote atherosclerosis ... Aspirin may also have a preventive
benefit among patients at high risk of ischemic stroke ... patients who took
low-dose aspirin before going to bed had a significantly greater reduction
in blood pressure than those who took aspirin at other times of the day ...
aspirin prevention therapy is best suited for people at high risk of
developing CHD (those with a 5-year risk of >/= 3%), since the benefits of
aspirin use in this patient population significantly outweigh the risks"
- Aspirin Lowers
Pancreatic Cancer Risk - WebMD, 8/6/02 -
"A new study shows regular use of
aspirin might lower your risk of one of the deadliest forms of
cancer ... women who used aspirin cut their risk of developing
pancreatic cancer nearly in half ... the more aspirin use a woman
reported, the less likely she was to develop pancreatic cancer ... Other
NSAIDs did not have the same effect"
- Take Aspirin
at Night for Heart Benefits - WebMD, 5/15/02 -
"Aspirin didn't affect
blood pressure if given in the morning. But when given at night, it had
a significant effect: a 7.0 mmHg decrease in systolic blood pressure (the
top number in a blood-pressure reading) and a 4.8 mmHg decrease in diastolic
blood pressure (the bottom number)."
- New Test
Predicts Sudden Death Risk - WebMD, 4/15/02 -
"those who suffered sudden cardiac death had higher
levels of a substance called C-reactive protein (CRP) ... CRP is released
when blood vessels are inflamed ... the findings of this study show that the
levels of CRP in the blood are even more telling than once thought ... we
can intervene with lifestyle counseling and drugs like
statins and aspirin"
Aspirin Lowers Colon Cancer Risk - Intelihealth, 4/8/02 -
"A daily baby aspirin modestly reduces the risk of
colon cancer by preventing the growth of ominous polyps ... the
80-milligram baby aspirin size taken daily reduces this risk by 19 percent
... the researchers found that 38 percent of those getting baby aspirin had
new polyps, compared with 47 percent of people getting placeboes. However,
little benefit was seen among those getting full-size aspirin. Their
recurrence rate was 45 percent"
Scientists Examine Long-Term Risks And Gains Of Painkillers -
Intelihealth, 1/22/02 -
"The studies reflect scientists' growing interest in
the idea that a common condition, inflammation, may underlie many chronic
and debilitating diseases - like Alzheimer's, heart disease, osteoporosis
and diabetes - and that drugs that fight inflammation may have a role in
preventing or delaying those diseases, or at least slowing them down ...
Originally, the effect was attributed to aspirin's ability to prevent blood
clots, which can cause heart attacks or strokes. But now, researchers think
part of the protective effect may come from aspirin's ability to quell
inflammation in the arteries, helping to prevent blockages"
- An Aspirin a
Day to Keep Prostate Cancer Away? - WebMD, 6/7/01 -
"A growing body of research has suggested that
people who regularly take aspirin and other NSAIDs have a lower risk for
cancers, including breast cancer and colon cancer. And though the definitive
word is not in, new research presented at the annual meeting of the American
Urological Association suggests that regular NSAID use can reduce the risk
of prostate cancer too"
Frequent aspirin doses cut risk of ovarian cancer - USA Today, 3/6/01 -
"Taking aspirin three or more times a week for at
least six months appeared to cut women's risk of developing the most common
type of ovarian cancer by 40%"
- Aspirin
Greatly Underutilized Among Patients with Diabetes - WebMD, 2/13/01 -
"A simple aspirin is one of the cheapest and most
widely available therapies for preventing life-threatening complications of
- Aspirin May
Ward Off Pregnancy Complication - WebMD, 2/9/01 -
"Taking low doses of aspirin could be a good way to
prevent dangerously high blood pressure from developing during pregnancy."
Statins and
Aspirin for Chemoprevention in Barrett's Esophagus: Results of a
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis - "Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 2013 Dec 31 -
"aspirin chemoprevention was both more effective and
cost less than endoscopic surveillance alone. Combination therapy using both
aspirin and statin is expensive but could be cost-effective in patients at
higher risk of progression to EAC"
Long-term Use of Aspirin and Age-Related Macular Degeneration - JAMA.
2012 Dec 19;308(23):2469-78 - "Among an adult
cohort, aspirin use 5 years prior to observed incidence was not associated
with incident early or late AMD. However, regular aspirin use 10 years prior
was associated with a small but statistically significant increase in the
risk of incident late and neovascular AMD"
Aspirin Use and Cancer Mortality in a Large US Cohort - J Natl Cancer
Inst. 2012 Aug 10 - "Compared with no use, daily
aspirin use at baseline was associated with slightly lower cancer mortality,
regardless of duration of daily use (for <5 years of use, RR = 0.92, 95% CI
= 0.85 to 1.01; for ≥5 years of use, RR = 0.92, 95% CI = 0.83 to 1.02).
Associations were slightly stronger in analyses that used updated aspirin
information from periodic follow-up questionnaires and included 3373 cancer
deaths (for <5 years of use, RR = 0.84, 95% CI = 0.76 to 0.94; for ≥5 years
of use, RR = 0.84, 95% CI = 0.75 to 0.95). Conclusion: These results are
consistent with an association between recent daily aspirin use and modestly
lower cancer mortality but suggest that any reduction in cancer mortality
may be smaller than that observed with long-term aspirin use in the pooled
trial analysis"
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, paracetamol, and risk of endometrial
cancer: A case control study, systematic review, and meta-analysis - Int
J Cancer. 2012 Jul 9 - "We analysed data from the
Australian National Endometrial Cancer Study (ANECS), a population-based
case-control study ... For the meta-analysis risk estimates were pooled
using a random-effects model. In our case-control study women who had ever
used aspirin in the last 5 years had significantly lower risk of endometrial
cancer OR=0.78 (95%CI: 0.63-0.97). There was a significant inverse
dose-response (P-trend <0.001) such that women who reported using =2
aspirin/week had almost half the risk OR=0.54 (0.38-0.78). No significant
associations were observed between use of half-aspirin/day, non-aspirin
NSAIDs or paracetamol and endometrial cancer risk. The results were similar
when examined by cancer subtype. Nine studies were included in the
meta-analysis. The overall pooled risk estimate for any vs. no use of
aspirin was 0.87 (0.79-0.96) with no evidence of heterogeneity. The pooled
risk estimate for obese women (BMI=30 kg/m(2) ) was 0.72 (0.58-0.90) but
there was no association for non-obese women. Overall these results suggest
that aspirin may reduce the risk of endometrial cancer, particularly among
obese women"
Intake and Survival After Breast Cancer - J Clin Oncol. 2010 Feb 16 -
"Aspirin use was associated with a decreased risk of
breast cancer death. The adjusted relative risks (RRs) for 1, 2 to 5, and 6
to 7 days of aspirin use per week compared with no use were 1.07 (95% CI,
0.70 to 1.63), 0.29 (95% CI, 0.16 to 0.52), and 0.36 (95% CI, 0.24 to 0.54),
respectively (test for linear trend, P < .001). This association did not
differ appreciably by stage, menopausal status, body mass index, or estrogen
receptor status. Results were similar for distant recurrence. The adjusted
RRs were 0.91 (95% CI, 0.62 to 1.33), 0.40 (95% CI, 0.24 to 0.65), and 0.57
(95% CI, 0.39 to 0.82; test for trend, P = .03) for 1, 2 to 5, and 6 to 7
days of aspirin use, respectively. CONCLUSION: Among women living at least 1
year after a breast cancer diagnosis, aspirin use was associated with a
decreased risk of distant recurrence and breast cancer death"
is associated with reduced cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in type 2
diabetes in a primary prevention setting: The Fremantle Diabetes Study -
Diabetes Care. 2009 Nov 16 - "Regular low-dose
aspirin may reduce all-cause and CVD mortality in a primary prevention
setting in type 2 diabetes. All-cause mortality reductions appear greatest
in men and those aged >/=65 years. The present observational data support
recommendations that aspirin should be used in primary CVD prevention in all
but the lowest risk patients"
Aspirin and Folic Acid for the Prevention of Recurrent Colorectal Adenomas
- Gastroenterology. 2007 Oct 10 - "In total, 99
(22.8%) of 434 patients receiving aspirin had a recurrent adenoma compared
with 121 (28.9%) of 419 patients receiving placebo (relative risk, 0.79"
Aspirin reduces cutaneous flushing after administration of an optimized
extended-release niacin formulation - Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2007
Feb;45(2):78-88 - "Aspirin significantly reduced the
incidence, intensity and duration of flushing associated with reformulated
niacin ER"
Long-term use of aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and risk
of colorectal cancer - JAMA. 2005 Aug 24;294(8):914-23
Low-dose aspirin in the primary prevention of cancer: the Women's Health
Study: a randomized controlled trial - JAMA. 2005 Jul 6;294(1):47-55
Aspirin–Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor Coadministration and
Mortality in Patients With Heart Failure - Arch Intern Med.
2003;163:1574-1579 -
"the combination of high-dose aspirin with an
ACEI was independently associated with the risk of death ... and that
the combination of low-dose aspirin with an ACEI was not" - See aspirin at Amazon.com