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Anti-aging Research > Marijuana
Note: The problem with marijuana is that even if you do believe it has
medical purposes (which I don’t), 99.999% are faking it and look at the damage
that does. It entirely outweighs any benefit to the other 0.001% (if you really
believe they benefit) when you consider the DNA damage to the future fetus,
increased schizophrenia, 8 point lower IQ, loss of productivity which hurts
America as a whole and society has to make up for, increased injuries from
traffic accidents some involving loss of limbs (that they have to live with
their entire lives) and some involving deaths (which their families have to
mourn their entire lives), etc. These fully outweigh the 0.001% that people
believe will benefit from it (which I don’t).
I can’t think of any medical
condition including pain where you’re not better off being as healthy as
possible and marijuana is counterproductive to that. The DNA damage to the
unborn fetus is permanent caused by the damage to the eggs and male reproductive
system prior to pregnancy. It’s not something where you can lay off it, get
pregnant, have the kid and then start again. Those kids have to live with those
defects for their entire lives plus some are even passed on to their kids.
or wrong, I see the medical marijuana people as being selfish in believing their
rights outweigh all the negatives. I don’t buy that argument that 99.9999999%
have to assume the consequences and be the bleeding hearts for the perceived
0.0000001% even it that perceived were true. Maybe the recent
30% increase is
Autism was due to the increased legalization. People don’t seem to have a
problem if it’s caused by a recreational drug, just if it’s caused by those evil
pharmacy companies. We should try using that thing that’s between their ears.
Why aren't all those moms that protested the pharmacy companies out there
protesting the pot houses? Maybe because it's not cool or politically
correct? People need to do what's right not what's cool.
Another issue is what it does to your hormonal balance. The same people
who want to outlaw BPA because it disrupts hormones don't have a problems with
marijuana which much worse and disrupts hormones to the point of causing male
boobs. If BPA is affecting the unborn due to hormone disruption just think
of what marijuana is doing but again it's cool to protest those evil companies
that produce plastics but it's not cool to protest pot houses.
Click here for what Jerry Brown says about
There are a lot of doctors who make their money by
telling people what they want to hear. I consider Dr. Gupta on CNN
to be one of them. Some polls even show doctors think it should be
legalized. Doctor's don't have time to sit around reading studies
all day like I've been doing for a long time. I've gone a few
rounds with regard to a lot of issues that doctors have told me that I
pointed out were wrong. I've probably even got one of those
"difficult patient" secret marks in my medical records like that episode
of Seinfeld. I'll bet most have read few if any studies on
marijuana let alone the negative ones and I doubt very much that they teach
marijuana courses in medical school and I doubt if they are even aware
or scholarly or read the studies in the issues I raised above. Doctors were doing Camel and
Lucky Strike cigarette commercials in the '60's. I still
have my saliva glands along with no other after affects after stage III
neck cancer because I was one of those difficult patients and disagreed
with every single doctor on radiation treatment. It’s alarming to
see people act like zombies and consider anything that a doctor says to
be written in stone. There are even
doctors selling OxyContin prescriptions at Starbucks for god's
The whole issue reminds me of the days when they
claimed there were no problems with tobacco despite more and more
evidence. There's even evidence that marijuana might even be a
bigger carcinogen than tobacco in addition to all the other problems I
mentioned above. I was also in the minority back when everyone
thought tobacco was cool. ‘Medical’ my butt. I read the abstracts
on things like this every day. It's about as medical as tobacco and
alcohol. Remember Granny on 'The Beverly Hillbillies' that had to have
her moonshine for her 'arthritis'? Who picks up the tab for those
$500/month schizophrenia meds due to the increased schizophrenia?
Try the taxpayers. And let's send more jobs to India because of
the eight point decrease in American IQ. Who pays the lifetime
disability from the lifetime birth defects and increased traffic
accidents? Too many people don’t think.
There are other natural options for pain such as
Resveratrol inhibits glycine receptor-mediated ion currents - Biol
Pharm Bull. 2014;37(4):576-80 - "These results indicate that resveratrol
regulates glycine receptor channel activity and that
resveratrol-mediated regulation of glycine receptor channel activity is
one of several cellular action mechanisms of resveratrol for pain
regulation" - Note: Resveratrol for pain relief? Sounds like it’s
a much better choice than destroying your health (and society) and
getting stoned with Mary Jane plus destroying your health just increases
pain in the long run plus resveratrol has anti-aging properties.
500 pot shops in L.A.? Do that many people really have a
medical condition? I researched it some more and here’s a good
article on it. See:
Adolescent Cannabis Use
Tied To Depression, Suicidal Thoughts - Medscape, 2/19/19 -
"The systematic
review and meta-analysis included 11 studies and more than 23,300 adolescents
and teens. Results showed that the cannabis users were 37% more likely to
develop depression in young adulthood than their non-using counterparts ...
Similarly, the pooled odds ratios (ORs) for suicidal ideation and suicidal
attempts were 1.50 and 3.46, respectively, for the adolescent cannabis users
compared with non-users"
Experts challenge claims about medical marijuana's impact on teen
recreational use and opioid deaths - Science Daily, 2/22/18 -
"several recent studies have shown that
chronic pain patients who use cannabis do not use lower doses of
Cannabis consumption increases violent behavior in young people in
psychiatric care - Science Daily, 10/7/17 -
"sustained used of cannabis is associated
with an increase in violent behaviour in young people after
discharge from a psychiatric hospital ... the use of cannabis
resulted in future violent behaviour and not the reverse (for
example, a violent person might use cannabis following an episode of
violent behaviour to reduce their tension) ... chronic cannabis
users have deficits in the prefrontal cortex, a part of the brain
that inhibits impulsive behaviour"
Chronic Pain and Resveratrol: The Pleasure of Relief -
Psychology Today, 2/6/12 - "resveratrol, a
compound found in these foods, may be beneficial as a treatment for
acute and chronic pain conditions ... resveratrol, a natural product
found in the aforementioned foods, might be effective in the local
treatment of post-surgical pain. They reasoned that activators of
AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) may represent a reasonable
treatment option, because AMPK activators inhibit two important
pathways involved in the sensitization of peripheral pain receptors
... resveratrol profoundly inhibited ERK and mTOR signaling in
sensory neurons in a time- and concentration-dependent fashion.
Further, interleukin-6 (IL-6) is felt to play a role in pain; again,
resveratrol had an impact, potently inhibiting IL-6-mediated
signaling to ERK in sensory neurons, blocking the perception of
pain. And, resveratrol administered at the time of incision
completely blocked the development of persistent pain sensitization,
preventing the transition to a chronic pain state" - See
resveratrol products at Amazon.com
11 ‘Fitness Foods’ to Help You Get in Shape Faster - ABC News,
4/4/14 - "Scientists found that the cherry
juice had a significant effect on pain reduction. In addition,
strength loss averaged 22 percent in the placebo group compared to
just 4 percent in the cherry group" - Do we really need
500 pot shops in L.A. that does the same thing as cherry juice?
News & Research:
Marijuana Users Have Triple the Odds for Leg Artery Disease (Study) - WebMD,
5/15/23 - "Smoking cigarettes has long been linked to
peripheral artery disease (PAD), a condition where the buildup of plaque narrows
arteries and limits blood flow to the legs or arms ... Now, a new study suggests
that marijuana may have a similar impact, after finding that users had three
times the risk of developing PAD ... The takeaway for this for providers,
particularly in younger adults, is that these data suggest a red flag ... And
what that means is that providers need to be asking at each patient encounter
for their patients to be very transparent about cannabinoid use, no judgment
involved, but we need to be using this as a risk factor for both coronary and
peripheral artery disease"
After a Decade, Marijuana Legalization Is Not Going Well | Opinion -
Newsweek, 5/8/23 - "A decade's worth of data are in, and
the promises of marijuana legalization are increasingly proving empty. From more
marijuana-related hospitalizations to higher usage rates and an expansion of the
illicit market, the effects of legalization have been detrimental to public
health and safety, communities of color, and even the environment. Politicians
who bought Big Marijuana's line about big tax money have also been made to look
Researchers find link between cannabis use disorder and schizophrenia -
NBC7, 5/9/23 - "According to researchers, 30% of
schizophrenia cases involving men ages 21-30 could be prevented by averting
cannabis use disorder. The researchers say both cannabis use disorder and
schizophrenia can be treated but can "profoundly impact people’s lives." ... The
researchers added that those with cannabis use disorder cannot stop using
cannabis despite the effects it has on their life ... The National Institute of
Health says common symptoms of schizophrenia include hallucinations, delusions,
thought disorder and movement disorder"
Does weed help you sleep? - Washington
Post, 4/3/23 - "In fact, daily users of cannabis
typically report more sleep disturbances than less regular users ... The issue
may be that regular users have developed a tolerance for the drug — meaning they
may need a higher dose to achieve the same effect as someone who rarely uses it.
Sleep problems can also result from cannabis withdrawal ... When used regularly,
[cannabis] can lead to tolerance and dependence, as well as disruptions to sleep
architecture, resulting in worse sleep in the long term"
Daily Marijuana Use Now Linked to Heart Risks - WebMD, 2/27/23 -
"cannabis users were 34% more likely to have heart
disease than those who had never tried marijuana"
Pot is making people sick. Congress is playing catch-up - Politico: 2/6/23 -
"Now that a growing body of evidence says marijuana is
bad for you, more regulation is in the offing ... the policymakers overseeing
legalization were flying surprisingly blind about its effect on public health.
Only recently has a steady flow of data emerged on health impacts, including
emphysema in smokers and learning delays in adolescents" - Note: "Now
that a growing body of evidence says marijuana is bad for you, more regulation
is in the offing ... the policymakers overseeing legalization were flying
surprisingly blind about its effect on public health. Only recently has a steady
flow of data emerged on health impacts, including emphysema in smokers and
learning delays in adolescents" -
React then think. Who couldn't see this coming but we had to bow to the pot
lobby's propaganda. Now it's going to be impossible to reverse the legalization.
CBD not shown to be safe enough for use in
food or supplements, FDA says - Washington Post, 12623 -
"I’m sure the FDA probably concluded that no matter which way they went, it
would involve trying to fit a very big genie back into a very small bottle, and
create a political firestorm" - Note: Who couldn't see that coming. React
to the pot lobby then think about the consiquences later. For example, pot is a
recipe for homelessness. It decreases motivation, can lower IQ by five points,
increases susceptibility to schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety and it's a
gate drug.
Is pain relief from cannabis all in your head? - National Geographic, 1/6/23
- "The JAMA Network Open analysis found that positive
articles appeared in the media even when the research conclusions being reported
were neutral or negative … The media seem to be fact-resistant in this case,
because no matter what a trial says the media will report with a positive angle.
So it’s a no-brainer why people keep asking for these medications … People with
this pain might be especially prone to having a placebo response … It may please
patients in the short term for doctors to recommend cannabis … but at the moment
the scientific evidence does not support the treatment for pain"
Ask a Doctor: Is marijuana as bad for me as
alcohol? - Washington Post, 12/12/22 - "Most health
claims for cannabis aren’t backed by science"
Placebo Effect a Major
Driver of Pain Reduction in Cannabis Trials - Medscape, 12/9/22 -
"Investigators found that while the effect size of
cannabinoids on pain intensity was significant, the placebo effect was about the
same ... The researchers speculate that the sheer amount of media attention
surrounding cannabis trials may have contributed to a strong positive bias
toward the efficacy of cannabinoids in pain therapy."
Lung Damage Looks Worse in
Pot Smokers - Medscape, 11/15/22 - "Scans of the
lungs of pot users have turned up an alarming surprise: Regular smokers of
marijuana appear to be at greater risk for lung damage than are people who smoke
tobacco alone."
Four Commonly Abused Drugs
Linked With Atrial Fibrillation - Medscape, 10/26/22 -
"cannabis (HR, 1.35)"
Cannabis, cocaine,
methamphetamine, and opiates increase the risk of incident atrial fibrillation
- Eur Heart J 2022 Oct 18 - "Methamphetamine, cocaine,
opiate, and cannabis uses were each associated with increased risk of developing
incident AF. Efforts to mitigate the use of these substances may represent a
novel approach to AF prevention"
Mental Disorders Up in
Youth With Prenatal Cannabis Exposure - Medscape, 9/14/22 -
"Among children who had been exposed to cannabis both
before and after their mothers knew of their pregnancy, the mean Total Problems
score on the CBCL was 31.47 ± 23.41, which was significantly greater than the
23.78 ± 19.66 among those whose mothers consumed cannabis prior to knowing of
their pregnancy only (P < .001), and the 16.70 ± 15.55 for those who were not
exposed to cannabis at all (P < .001). Similar relationships were found in the
various subscales of the CBCL ... On the PQ-BC, among the children exposed to
cannabis both before and after their mothers knew they were pregnant, the mean
score was 3.14 ± 3.32 for psychotic-like experiences, compared with 2.95 ± 2.97
(P = .26) among those exposed to the drug only before their mothers learned of
the pregnancy and 2.01 ± 2.54 (P = .03) for those not exposed at all.
Significant findings were primarily driven by exposure following maternal
knowledge of pregnancy"
Potent Cannabis Linked to
More Worldwide Addiction - Medscape, 7/26/22 - "One
of the highest-quality studies included in our publication found that use of
high-potency cannabis, compared to low-potency cannabis, was linked to a
four-fold increased risk of addiction"
High-strength cannabis linked to addiction and mental health problems -
Science Daily, 7/25/22 - "people who use higher potency
cannabis could be at increased risks of addiction as well as psychosis"
Marijuana use is much more common in US states that have legalized recreational
cannabis use - Science Daily, 7/19/22 - "the
rates of cannabis use and daily cannabis use have increased across the U.S., and
that current cannabis use and daily use are substantially higher among
individuals residing in states that have legalized recreational cannabis use,
relative to those where cannabis use remains illegal. The study also found that
rates of cannabis use are even higher among Americans 12 and older who smoke
cigarettes, and who reside in states with recreational cannabis laws, compared
to those who live in states where cannabis was illegal in 2017 ... It remains to
be seen how increased lawful accessi and growing use of cannabis among adults in
all states -- almost regardless of legal status -- will impact the adolescent
population. Recent trends, however, outline a potential explosion in both of-age
and under-age use ... among adolescents ages 12-17 who used cigarettes daily,
the majority (73 percent) had used cannabis in the past month and almost one in
three (30 percent) used cannabis daily. Among adolescents who did not smoke
cigarettes, 5 percent used cannabis in the past month and one percent used
cannabis daily"
Where Pot Became Legal, Car Crash Deaths Rose - WebMD, 7/19/22 -
"after marijuana legalization, the rate of car crashes
with injuries increased by nearly 6%, while fatal crashes rose by 4%. No
increase in these crashes was seen in states that hadn't legalized marijuana"
Marijuana use is much more common in US states that have legalized recreational
cannabis use -Science Daily, 7/19/22 - "the rates of
cannabis use and daily cannabis use have increased across the U.S., and that
current cannabis use and daily use are substantially higher among individuals
residing in states that have legalized recreational cannabis use, relative to
those where cannabis use remains illegal. The study also found that rates of
cannabis use are even higher among Americans 12 and older who smoke cigarettes,
and who reside in states with recreational cannabis laws, compared to those who
live in states where cannabis was illegal in 2017"
Correlates of Self-Reported
Medicinal Cannabis Use for Physical Health, Mental Health, and Sleep-Related
Conditions in a Population-Based Survey of Canadian Youth - J Stud Alcohol
Drugs 2022 Jul;83(4):528-536 - "Medicinal cannabis use (MCU) ... Relative to
youth reporting NMCU only, youth reporting MCU for physical or mental health
conditions had greater odds of reporting daily cannabis use, cannabis problems,
vaporization and oral ingestion of cannabis, and tobacco use. Youth reporting
MCU for physical health reasons also had greater odds of both illicit drug use
and prescription pain medication use, whereas youth reporting MCU for mental
health reasons had greater odds of prescription sedative use. Youth in both the
physical health and mental health MCU groups reported poorer health and mental
health compared with the NMCU-only group"
Cannabis products demonstrate short-term reduction in chronic pain, little else,
review finds - Science Daily, 6/6/22 - "Evidence
behind the effectiveness of cannabis-related products to treat chronic pain is
surprisingly thin"
young people begin recreational cannabis use illegally in states that legalize
it - Science Daily, 5/26/22 - "Once a state
legalizes recreational cannabis, residents are more likely to start using it,
including those too young to do so legally, report researchers at University of
California San Diego. The findings, published online in the May 26, 2022 issue
of Addiction, counter claims that legalization does not increase cannabis use,
particularly among youth"
Is marijuana a gateway drug? - NIH - "Early exposure
to cannabinoids in adolescent rodents decreases the reactivity of brain dopamine
reward centers later in adulthood.47 To the extent that these findings
generalize to humans, this could help explain the increased vulnerability for
addiction to other substances of misuse later in life that most epidemiological
studies have reported for people who begin marijuana use early in life.48 It is
also consistent with animal experiments showing THC’s ability to "prime" the
brain for enhanced responses to other drugs.49 For example, rats previously
administered THC show heightened behavioral response not only when further
exposed to THC but also when exposed to other drugs such as morphine—a
phenomenon called cross-sensitization."
Cannabis-Related ED Visits
Increased 18-fold for Older Californians - Medscape, 5/12/22 -
"Researchers in California found an 18-fold increase in
the rate cannabis-related trips to the emergency department visits among adults
over age 65 in the state from 2005 to 2019 ... "very little" is understood about
the risks and benefits of cannabis use in the elderly"
Long-Term Cannabis Use
Linked to Dementia Risk Factors - Medscape, 4/14/22 -
"A large prospective, longitudinal study showed
long-term cannabis users had an intelligence quotient (IQ) decline from age 18
to midlife (mean 5.5 IQ points), poorer learning and processing speed compared
to childhood, and self-reported memory and attention problems. Long-term
cannabis users also showed hippocampal atrophy at midlife (age 45), which
combined with mild midlife cognitive deficits, all known risk factors for
Marijuana for medical use may result in rapid onset of cannabis use disorder
- Science Daily, 3/18/22 - "individuals at greatest risk
of developing the addictive symptoms of CUD were those seeking relief from
anxiety and depression, suggesting the need for stronger safeguards over the
dispensing, use, and professional follow-up of people who legally obtain
cannabis through MMCs"
AHA Statement Reviews
Marijuana's Effects on Brain Health - Medscape, 2/15/22 -
"Numerous research studies challenge the idea that
marijuana use is harmless, and instead demonstrate that cannabis, especially Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol
(THC), has adverse effects on brain health ... Findings collected from animal
studies demonstrate that THC interferes with normal development of signaling
pathways and hinders synaptic plasticity. The authors also point out that these
studies show connections between neurons are affected in the short-term, whereas
in the long-haul, this contributes to changes in how neuronal networks work ...
Prenatal THC affects neuroanatomic areas associated with cognition and emotional
regulation, including the prefrontal cortex, limbic system, and ventral
tegmentum of the midbrain ... cute marijuana use affects impulsivity, memory,
and behaviorial disinhibition, they note, that "can affect performance in
real-world activities," such as driving. The long-term effects of cannabis on
cognition are "less well established." ... Neuroimaging research has highlighted
structural changes in the brain, but these data are inconsistent ... Functional
MRI studies show cannabis users may experience functional changes in regions of
the brain that play a role in cognition, particularly with prolonged use ... A
relation between cannabis use and increased risk for stroke"
How does cannabis use affect brain health? Caution advised, more research needed
- AHA, 2/10/22 - "Animal studies indicate that
marijuana’s psychoactive component, THC, may lead to behavioral and cognitive
Chronic Marijuana Use
Linked to Recurrent Stroke - Medscape, 2/8/22 -
"cannabis use disorder (CUD) ... patients with CUD were 48% more likely to be
hospitalized for recurrent stroke than those without CUD"
Marijuana Use Linked to
Nausea, Vomiting of Pregnancy - Medscape, 2/7/22 -
"Overall, 15.8% of participants reported moderate to severe nausea and 38.2%
reported mild nausea. A total of 5.8% of participants tested positive for
marijuana use based on THC levels in urine. Those with incrementally higher
levels of THC, at least 500 ng/mg of creatinine, were 1.6 times more likely to
report moderate to severe nausea"
long-term cannabis use can damage lungs - Science Daily, 2/3/22 -
"prolonged cannabis use led to over-inflated lungs and
increased the resistance to airflow to a greater extent than tobacco ...
cannabis use may also impair the ability of the lungs to extract oxygen from the
breath. This is a known consequence of smoking tobacco, but has not been
demonstrated with cannabis until now ... Respiratory doctors recognise that some
patients who smoke a lot of cannabis have a distinct form of lung damage -- a
very severe form of emphysema that is sometimes called bong lung -- but little
is actually known about this condition ... The latest findings that heavy
cannabis use leads to over-inflated lungs, increased airway resistance and
impaired oxygen extraction may reflect the early signs of this disease"
UCSD releases study on cannabis consumption, driving ability - 10News,
1/26/22 - "the THC group displayed significantly
diminished ability on a composite drive score that assessed key simulated
driving variables such as swerving in the lane, responding to divided attention
tasks, and following a lead car. The non-placebo participants smoked a cannabis
cigarette with either 5.9% or 13.4% THC ... The study authors said driving
scores did not differ based on the THC content of the cigarette. Both the 5.9%
and 13.4% groups performed similarly, suggesting that users "self-titrated" by
smoking in such a way to achieve similar highness levels"
Marijuana Use During
Pregnancy Raised Risk of Adverse Neonatal Outcomes - Medscape, 1/28/22 -
"Overall, the risk for seven adverse neonatal outcomes
was significantly increased among women who were exposed to marijuana during
pregnancy, compared with those not exposed. The researchers identified increased
risk for birth weight less than 2,500 g (relative risk, 2.06; P = .005), small
for gestational age (RR, 1.61; P < .001), preterm delivery (RR, 1.28; P < .001),
and NICU admission (RR, 1.38; P < .001). In addition, they found significant
differences in mean birth weight (mean difference, −112.30 g; P < .001), Apgar
score at 1 minute (mean difference, −0.26; P = .002), and infant head
circumference (mean difference, −0.34cm; P = .02) between women who used
marijuana during pregnancy and those who did not ... The view among many women
that prenatal cannabis use is safe and without consequence "is a false narrative
perpetuated by a combination of outdated evidence and recent changes to
state-level cannabis policies,""
Cannabis poisoning in young children increased nine times after legalization
- Science Daily, 1/7/22 - "Ontario saw nine times more
emergency department (ED) visits per month for cannabis poisonings in young
children under the age of 10 after Canada legalized recreational cannabis"
Relation of Cannabis Use to
Elevated Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Risk Score - Am J Cardiol
2021 Dec 17 - "atherosclerotic cardiovascular risk
(ASCVD) score ... Ever cannabis use was associated with 60% increased odds of
high-risk ASCVD score (odds ratio [OR] 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.60 [1.04
to 2.45], p = 0.03). We also observed a dose-response relation between increased
use of cannabis and a higher risk of ASCVD. Those reporting ≥2 uses per month
had 79% increased odds of high-risk ASCVD score (OR [95% CI] 1.79 [1.10 to
2.92], p = 0.02) and those reporting ≥1 use per day had 87% increased odds of
high-risk ASCVD score (OR [95% CI] 1.87 [1.16 to 3.01], p <0.001]. In
conclusion, cannabis use is associated with elevated CVD risk. Individuals using
cannabis should be screened for CVD risk, and appropriate risk reduction
strategies should be implemented"
College Cannabis Users
Report Worsening Depression, Anxiety - Medscape, 12/22/21 -
"Nationally, results showed significantly higher PDQ and
GAD scores, indicating worse depression and anxiety; and lower FS scores,
indicating lower self-esteem among cannabis users vs non-users"
Suspect Cannabis With
Diabetic Ketoacidosis and High pH - Medscape, 12/17/21 -
"Cannabis use should be considered in anyone with type 1
diabetes who presents with symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) but has high
pH and bicarbonate levels, new research suggests ... Now recognized as cannabis
hyperemesis syndrome (CHS), it has been recently described in chronic or heavy
cannabis users ... The condition can be life-threatening ... Serum bicarbonate
was 19.2 mmol/L versus 9.1 mmol/L in users versus non-users, respectively, a
highly significant difference"
Cannabis may contain heavy metals and affect consumer health, study finds -
Science Daily, 12/16/21 - "Cannabis plants -- which are
used to produce industrial hemp, medical marijuana and cannabidiol (CBD) oil,
among other products -- have an inherent ability to absorb heavy metals from the
soil, making them useful for remediating contaminated sites ... Compounding the
problem, Bengyella said, is the fact that some cannabis strains have been bred
specifically for phytoremediation, which is the use of plants to remove
pollutants from soil, water or air ... eavy metal contamination in cannabis can
cause various health problems due to the fact that the heavy metals are rarely
metabolized, and therefore, accumulate in specific areas of the human body. The
most common mechanism of heavy metal toxicity in the human body is via the
production of reactive oxygen species and free radicals, which can damage
enzymes, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids, and cause cancer and neurological
issues ... Cannabis consumed in combustive form represents the greatest danger
to human health, as analysis of heavy metals in the smoke of cannabis revealed
the presence of selenium, mercury, cadmium, lead, chromium, nickel and arsenic"
Cannabis use could cause harmful drug interactions - Science Daily, 12/13/21
- "a group of substances found in the cannabis plant --
and their major metabolites found in cannabis users' blood and found that they
interfere with two families of enzymes that help metabolize a wide range of
drugs prescribed for a variety of conditions. As a result, either the drugs'
positive effects might decrease or their negative effects might increase with
too much building up in the body, causing unintended side effects such as
toxicity or accidental overdose ... One study focused on a family of enzymes
known as cytochrome P450s (CYPs), whereas the other looked at UDP-glucuronosyltransferases
(UGTs), another enzyme family. Together, these two enzyme families help
metabolize and eliminate more than 70 percent of the most commonly used drugs
from the body ... Cannabinoids stay in your body only for about 30 minutes
before they are rapidly broken down ... The metabolites that result from that
process stay in your body for much longer -- up to 14 days -- and at higher
concentrations than cannabinoids and have been overlooked in previous studies
... If you have a kidney disease or you are taking one or more drugs that are
metabolized primarily through the kidney and you're also smoking marijuana, you
could be inhibiting normal kidney function, and it may have long-term effects
for you"
Cannabis impacts sperm counts, motility in two generations of mice - Science
Daily, 12/2/21 - "This is a warning flag. You may
take cannabis for some kind of momentary stress, but it could affect your
offspring ... The researchers bred several of the male mice to unexposed female
mice. The male progeny of the exposed group also showed lowered sperm count and
motility. Cannabis-exposed sons also showed evidence of DNA damage and
disruption related to sperm cell development"
Mothers' Use of Cannabis
in Pregnancy Tied to Anxiety and Hyperactivity in Offspring - Medscape,
Pot Use in Pregnancy May Harm the Fetus - WebMD, 11/16/21
PA Cannabis Legalization Will Have Dire Consequences - RCP, 10/14/21 -
"Legalization is no longer about the 5% THC ditch weed
of Woodstock. Instead, today’s marijuana “buds” regularly contain up to 30% THC
– the main, psychoactive compound in marijuana that makes a user feel “high” –
while the increasingly popular concentrates, such as dabs (inhaled through
vaping devices), contain upward of 99% THC ... Expanding the creation and
promotion of this new, super-charged drug into Pennsylvania will create major
public health consequences. Recent research has found daily use of high-potency
marijuana is associated with a five-fold increase in instances of schizophrenia
and psychosis. The addiction rate alone is up from one in 10 just a decade ago
to one in three. Considering these figures, the idea of normalizing and
promoting marijuana use – amid the COVID-19 pandemic, no less – is simply
baffling ... Pennsylvania’s “law enforcement agencies and justice system do not
have the manpower or time to handle minor marijuana offenses ... Opioid-related
deaths have increased year over year in states where marijuana is legal for both
medicinal and recreational use ... In California, Gov. Gavin Newsom is spending
millions of taxpayer dollars on public-awareness campaigns urging Californians
to purchase marijuana only at state-licensed pot shops. Why? Because
California’s illicit market is reportedly outselling the “legal” market at a
rate of three to one ... A Colorado study found that the state pays $4.50 in
costs for every $1 in marijuana tax revenue ... The unfortunate reality, though,
is that marijuana legalization has so far resulted in social injustice and
worsened inequities" - Note: I got into a huge pissing contest with
the potheads on NextDoor dot com over a pot dispensary proposed near me. The
arguments they used were that it would reduce opioid addiction, increase tax
revenues, put the Mexican drug cartels out of business, reduce crime (noting a
small study near the border that claimed crime was reduced), etc. Every argument
they used is proving to be wrong and every argument I used such as the increased
risk of schizophrenia is proving to be right, but what else is new? How much are
those $600 per month schizophrenia meds plus disability (who is going to hire a
schizophrenic) costing taxpayers?
who use cannabis frequently more likely to have premature baby - Science
Daily, 8/19/21 - "babies born to parents (aged 29 and
over) who had used cannabis every day for a period of time between the ages of
15-17 were estimated to be considerably more likely to be born preterm or to
have a low birth weight, when compared to babies born to parents who hadn't used
cannabis as teenagers ... There is already evidence that frequent adolescent
cannabis use increases the risks for poor mental health, but our results
indicate there may be further effects that individuals may not anticipate ...
The more we study heavy cannabis use in the teens, the more problematic it
looks. Given growing political and industry drivers for legalisation of use,
there is a pressing need for bigger and better research into understanding harms
arising from heavy adolescent use"
Second-hand marijuana smoke exposure associated with respiratory infections in
children - Science Daily, 7/29/21 - "parents who
regularly smoked or vaped marijuana reported that their children experienced
more viral respiratory infections in the year prior to the survey, compared to
children whose parents did not smoke tobacco or marijuana"
Marijuana Use Tied to Higher Odds for Thoughts of Suicide - WebMD, 6/22/21 -
"14% of men and 18% of women with cannabis use disorder
thought about suicide, compared with 4% for either sex not diagnosed with
problematic pot use ... Nearly 9% of men and 13% of women who were daily or
near-daily users thought about suicide, compared with 6.5% of men and 9% of
women who were occasional users and 3% of both sexes who were non-users ... 51%
of men and 57% of women with cannabis use disorder thought about suicide,
compared with about 40% for either sex not diagnosed with problematic pot use
... 56% of men and 55% of women who were daily or near-daily users thought about
suicide, compared with 43.5% of men and 47% of women who were occasional users
and 38% of men and 34% of women who were non-users."
predisposition to schizophrenia may increase risk of psychosis from cannabis use
- Science Daily, 4/15/21 - "The research shows that
while cannabis users had higher rates of psychotic experiences than non-users
across the board, the difference was especially pronounced among those with high
genetic predisposition to schizophrenia."
cannabis use linked to heart disease - Science Daily, 4/12/21 -
"Arterial stiffness was greater in cannabis users than
in non-users. The team measured how fast a pressure wave travelled down the
artery; stiffer arteries transmit a wave more quickly ... In cannabis users,
cardiac function -- inferred from how the heart moves as seen in
echocardiographic images -- was lower than in non-users"
Cannabis legalization and link to increase in fatal collisions - Science
Daily, 4/6/21
Pot Use as a Teen, Less Success as an Adult? - WebMD, 3/29/21 -
"A teenager who uses more marijuana than their identical
twin is less likely to wind up in a highly skilled occupation with better pay
than their brother or sister ... twins who smoked more pot did more poorly in
school, which set them on a rockier life path moving forward ... Those teens had
a lower GPA, on average, less academic motivation and more discipline problems,
and were more likely to hang out with antisocial peers ... Pot use can affect
regions of the brain associated with learning, memory and attention"
THC Persists in Breast
Milk 6 Weeks After Quitting Cannabis - Medscape, 3/19/21 -
"projected time to elimination of more than 6
Cannabis for Migraine
Strongly Linked to Rebound Headache - Medscape, 3/9/21 -
"patients who used cannabis were nearly six times
more likely to have medication overuse headache than those who did not use
cannabis ... Patients with medication overuse headaches may have more
comorbidities, such as anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders, that are
driving the cannabis use. The patients on cannabis also had higher rates of
opiate use, which itself is a stronger contributor to medication overuse
headache and may indicate the presence of other pain disorders"
Cannabis Vaping Triggers
Respiratory Symptoms in Teens - Medscape, 3/9/21 - "Vaping
cannabis significantly increased the risk of respiratory symptoms in
High-Potency Cannabis
Products Linked to Suicidality - Medscape, 2/22/21 -
"According to a report from the Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking
Area, between 2014 and 2017, the number of suicides positive for marijuana
increased 250% among those aged 10-19 years (from 4 to 14) and 22% among those
aged 20 and older (from 118 to 144). "Other states are seeing something similar,
and there is an emerging research showing a relationship between suicidality and
the use of marijuana, especially high-potency products that are available in
legalized markets," ... During that same 3-year time span, the proportion of
Colorado youth aged 12 years and older who used marijuana in the past month
jumped by 45%, which is more than 85% above the national average. "Similarly,
among college-age students, we've seen an 18% increase in past-month marijuana
use, which is 60% above the national average," ... 48% of young marijuana users
reported going to work high (40% at least once per week), and there has been a
170% increase in youth ED urgent care visits for marijuana-related illnesses
such as cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome or first-episode psychosis. State
health officials have also observed a 148% increase in marijuana-related
hospitalizations ... The use of high-potency products also doubles the risk of
developing generalized anxiety disorder, triples the risk of tobacco dependence,
doubles the risk of other illicit substance disorders, and it at least
quadruples the risk of developing first-episode psychosis in young people ...
12% of U.S. 8th graders self-reported marijuana use in the past year and 7% in
the past month, compared with 29% and 18% of 10th graders, respectively"
Frequent cannabis use by young people linked to decline in IQ - Science
Daily, 1/28/21 - "The results revealed that there were
declines of approximately 2 IQ points over time in those who use cannabis
frequently compared to those who didn't use cannabis. Further analysis suggested
that this decline in IQ points was primarily related to reduction in verbal IQ
... Previous research tells us that young people who use cannabis frequently
have worse outcomes in life than their peers and are at increased risk for
serious mental illnesses like schizophrenia. Loss of IQ points early in life
could have significant effects on performance in school and college and later
employment prospects"
Cannabis Tied to
Self-Harm, Death in Youth With Mood Disorders - Medscape, 2/1/21 -
"cannabis use disorder (CUD) .... the risk for self-harm
was three times higher, all-cause mortality was 59% higher, unintentional
overdose was 2.5 times higher, and homicide was more than three times higher in
those with versus without CUD ... The take-home message of these findings is
that we need to be aware of the perception that cannabis use is harmless, when
it's actually not"
How Much Does Marijuana
Impair Driving? - Medscape, 12/1/20 - "There's one
thing we can conclude from this study — and a bunch of things we definitely
can't ... The thing we can conclude is that THC leads to levels of driving
impairment that are similar to what we see with alcohol intoxication ... A
typical marijuana cigarette — what the kids call a "joint" — contains about 10
times the dose of THC given in this study. I can buy gummy bears on Amazon with
twice the CBD dose this study provided"
Marijuana Raises Post-Op Dangers After Heart Attack - WebMD. 11/10/20 -
"Marijuana smokers are more likely to suffer
complications like excess bleeding or stroke if they undergo angioplasty to
reopen clogged arteries ... Pot smokers who've had a heart attack or needed
clogged arteries reopened also are at a greater risk of subsequent heart
problems ... Patients were 54% more likely to suffer from potentially dangerous
excess bleeding if they had recently smoked pot ... The patients also were 11
times more likely to suffer a stroke after their angioplasty ... 67% of heart
attack survivors who used pot had a subsequent heart attack, compared with 41%
of nonusers ... Marijuana users also were more likely to land in the hospital
for another round of angioplasty or bypass surgery"
Marijuana use associated with complications after heart attack or procedures
- AHA, 11/9/20 - "Two separate studies find dangerous
complications following heart procedures for marijuana users ... Smoking
marijuana (also known as cannabis) may significantly increase the risk of stroke
and bleeding following procedures to open blocked arterie ... Similarly,
marijuana users who had a heart attack or procedures to open blocked arteries
were more likely to be readmitted to the hospital for a second heart attack or
cardiac procedure than non-users"
Brad Pitt: Multiple Divorces,
Depression And Addictions - YouTube - Note: I thought this was
interesting. Many pot enthusiasts claim that pot cures their depression
when studies show the opposite. Sounds like Brad Pitt is agreeing with the
studies that it increases depression.
Prenatal cannabis exposure linked to cognitive deficits, altered
behavior - Science Daily, 10/14/20 - "While rats
eventually caught on, those whose mothers were exposed to
cannabis were more likely to revert to the old pattern and make
regressive errors ... They also took more trials to learn the
rules ... Male and female juvenile rats whose mothers were
exposed to cannabis also engaged in far fewer play behaviors.
The male rats were especially hesitant to engage with other rats
in their initial social introductions ... Moreover, adult rats
whose mothers were exposed to cannabis exhibited anxiety-like
behavior in new environments.When placed in a large, elevated
maze with open and closed arms, the rats were more likely to
stay in the closed arms of the maze and explore the open,
exposed arms less ... the finding is significant because it
shows cannabis vapor administered to a rat during pregnancy may
cause its offspring to have age-dependent effects well into
Cannabis use appears to encourage, not replace, non-medical opioid use -
Science Daily, 10/8/20 - "The study, which compared the
probability of non-medical opioid use on days when cannabis was used with days
when cannabis was not used, included 13,271 days of observation among 211
participants from the greater New York area ... Our results suggest that
cannabis seldom serves as a substitute for non-medical opioids among opioid-using
adults, even among those who report experiencing moderate or more severe pain
... In other words, our study suggests that cannabis is not an effective way to
limit non-medical opioid use"
Cannabinoids associated with negative respiratory health effects in older adults
with COPD - Science Daily, 9/30/20 - "The study
analyzed the health data of over 4,000 individuals in Ontario ages 66 years and
older with COPD from 2006 to 2016 ... Compared to non-users, new higher-dose
cannabinoid users had a 178 per cent relative increase in hospitalizations for
COPD or pneumonia, and a 231 per cent relative increase in all-cause death"
Pot Users Need More Anesthesia, Painkillers: Study - WebMD, 10/7/20 -
"Users of cannabis products who had surgery for a broken
leg required higher doses of sevoflurane, an inhaled anesthetic that keeps you
asleep during a procedure. These folks also required nearly 60% more opioid
painkillers per day while recuperating in the hospita ... marijuana users who
have heart or lung health issues might face some danger in the operating room,
depending on how much additional anesthetic they need during surgery ...
Sevoflurane has a very clear dose-dependent effect on blood pressure ... The
more sevoflurane you receive in the OR, the more a patient's blood pressure
drops. If you have heart problems or lung problems coming into the OR, it could
be dangerous"
Prenatal cannabis exposure associated with adverse outcomes during middle
childhood - Science Daily, 9/23/20 - "Cutting to the
chase ... clinicians and dispensaries should discourage cannabis use among those
who are pregnant or are considering becoming pregnant ... However, when we look
at exposure after maternal knowledge of pregnancy, which corresponds to when
endocannabinoid type 1 receptors are expressed in the fetal brain, the
associations with child psychopathology largely remain -- these children tend to
have more psychotic-like experiences, more impulsivity and attention problems,
and social problems ... This raises the intriguing possibility that prenatal
cannabis exposure may plausibly impact child behavior"
Pot-Using Drivers Still Impaired When High Fades - WebMD, 1/14/20 -
"Compared to nonusers, heavy marijuana users had worse
driving performance during the test. For example, they hit more simulated
pedestrians, went over the speed limit more often, made fewer stops at red
lights, and crossed the center line more often ... The researchers also found
that the start of marijuana use before age 16 was associated with worse
performance on the driving simulator."
Cannabis use shows substantial risks, no benefits for cardiovascular health;
more research is critical - AHA, 8/5/20 - "Smoking
and inhaling cannabis, regardless of THC content, has been associated with
cardiomyopathy (heart muscle dysfunction), angina (chest pain), heart attacks,
heart rhythm disturbances, sudden cardiac death and other serious cardiovascular
conditions. In states where cannabis has been legalized, an increase in
hospitalizations and emergency department visits for heart attacks has been
New Insight into
Neurobehavioral Effects of Legalized Cannabis - Medscape, 7/10/20 -
"although cannabis consumption did not affect most
short-term neurobehavioral measures, it delayed recall memory and impaired
balance ... It does not appear that the potency being used matters that much ...
Extended exposure to THC may also negatively affect brain regions that are
associated with the control of coordinated movement, and create brain-activation
deficits in motor control regions that persist well beyond the effects of
short-term intoxication"
Marijuana use while pregnant boosts risk of children's sleep problems -
Science Daily, 7/2/20 - "analyzed baseline data from the
landmark Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development (ABCD) study, which is
following 11,875 youth from age 9 or 10 into early adulthood ... Mothers who
said they had used cannabis while pregnant were significantly more likely to
report their children having clinical sleep problems ... Those who used
marijuana frequently were more likely to report somnolence symptoms (symptoms of
excess sleepiness) in their children, such as trouble waking in the morning and
being excessively tired during the day"
Parents who use marijuana and alcohol are at a higher risk of ‘physical abuse’
at home - MarketWatch, 7/19/19 - "Parents who have
used marijuana in the past year are more likely than non-users on average to
discipline their kids through corporal punishment (like a slap or spank),
physical abuse (like a hit on the head or a kick) and also nonviolent tactics
(like loss of privileges or time-outs)" - [Abstract]
of high-potency cannabis four times more likely to report associated problems
- Science Daily, 5/29/20 - "We know that people who use
cannabis are more likely to report mental health problems than those who don't
use cannabis, but we don't fully understand how recent increases in the strength
and potency of cannabis affects this. This study gives us an estimate of the
increased likelihood of mental health problems from use of high-potency
cannabis, compared to use of lower-potency cannabis, and we are able to account
for the effect that people's early adolescent mental health symptoms may have on
this relationship"
Long-Term Effects of Early
Adolescent Marijuana Use on Attentional and Inhibitory Control - J Stud
Alcohol Drugs 2020 Mar;81(2):164-172 - "Findings suggest
that marijuana use may adversely affect cognitive development, especially during
the sensitive period of early adolescence. Results emphasize the need for
further prospective work to investigate relationships between early adolescent
marijuana use and the development of executive functioning"
cannabis hemp oil effectively treats chronic neuropathic pain - Science
Daily, 5/20/20
Long-Term Effects of
Early Adolescent Marijuana Use on Attentional and Inhibitory Control - J
Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2020 Mar - "High levels of early
marijuana use at ages 12-14 significantly predicted low levels of adolescent
attentional control at ages 18-21 (β = -.20, p < .05), above and beyond early
attentional control, early alcohol use, and antisocial problems ... Findings
suggest that marijuana use may adversely affect cognitive development,
especially during the sensitive period of early adolescence. Results emphasize
the need for further prospective work to investigate relationships between early
adolescent marijuana use and the development of executive functioning"
Marijuana may impair female fertility - Science Daily, 4/2/20 -
"In the new study, researchers treated cow oocytes, or
female eggs, with concentrations of THC equivalent to therapeutic and
recreational doses. The oocytes were collected and matured into five groups:
untreated, control, low THC, mid THC and high THC ... The eggs' developmental
rates and gene expression were measured. The researchers evaluated the ability
of embryos to reach critical stages of development at specific time points. With
higher concentrations of THC, they found a significant decrease and delay in the
ability of the treated oocytes to reach these checkpoints. "This is a key
indicator in determining the quality and developmental potential of the egg,"
... THC exposure led to a significant decrease in the expression of genes called
connexins, which are present at increased levels in higher quality oocytes.
Poorer quality oocytes, with lower connexin expression levels, have been shown
to lead to a poorer embryo development. ... Preliminary data also showed THC
affected the activity of a total of 62 genes in the treatment groups compared
with the non-treated groups. "This implies lower quality and lower fertilization
capability, therefore lower fertility in the end,""
research sheds light on potentially negative effects of cannabis - Science
Daily, 3/30/20 - "More than 50% of the study
participants reported having experienced coughing fits, anxiety and/or paranoia
while using cannabis ... The researchers found the most frequently occurring
adverse reactions were coughing fits, chest/lung discomfort and body humming,
which a subset of the study group reported occurring approximately 30-40% of the
time they were using cannabis ... Panic attacks, fainting and vomiting were
One Joint May Cause Psychotic Symptoms: Study - WebMD, 3/18/20 -
"None of the findings came as a surprise to Dr. Scott
Krakower, who specializes in substance abuse treatment for teens and young
adults ... Prior studies "have demonstrated that cannabis may be linked to
future onset of psychotic and other mental health symptoms," said Krakower, who
is assistant unit chief of psychiatry at Zucker Hillside Hospital in Glen Oaks,
N.Y. He said the connection is especially strong for younger pot users, those
who use the drug frequently, and people at genetic high risk for psychosis ...
"What is especially concerning are the psychotic symptoms, which are least
transient in nature, and may be difficult to predict," Krakower said, and
"patients may not realize that even a one-time use of marijuana may cause
Marijuana Allergies on the
Rise - Medscape, 3/6/20 - "As business flourishes
for operators in the cannabis industry and for the legal profession, Burnham
said she worries that there isn't enough protection for workers. "Do workers
exposed to plant material on a daily basis have adequate workplace protection,"
such as masks and gowns? "There's a downstream effect that impacts people that
nobody has really thought about," she pointed out ... If the cannabis industry
becomes driven by money, with a lobby like the tobacco industry, there will be
no way to keep people who are vulnerable from using cannabis ... Is an
occasional joint, much like an occasional glass of wine, okay? "We don't know,"
said Burnham. "We just don't have enough information about it.""
Marijuana Use May Increase Risk of False Memories - WebMD. 2/11/20 -
"It found that taking just one hit of the drug doubled
people's number of false memories of a virtual reality scenario, CNN reported
... A false memory is one that didn't actually occur or one that differs from
the way an event actually happened, often influenced by suggestions from other
Cannabinoids Do Not Reduce
Cancer-Related Pain, Has No Clear Effect on Sleep Problems - Medscape,
1/28/20 - "Change in pain as measured by a numeric
rating scale did not differ significantly between cannabinoids and placebo
overall and when only phase-3 studies were included in the meta-analysis ...
Change in pain intensity, a secondary outcome in one trial, did not differ
significantly between cannabinoids and placebo either"
Cannabis for Sleep:
Short-Term Benefit, Long-Term Disruption? - Medscape, 1/24/20 -
"chronic administration of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) may result in tolerance to
the sleep-enhancing effects of cannabis ... Medical cannabis users reported
taking the drug for an average of 4 years, at an average quantity of 31 g per
month. The primary mode of administration was smoking (68.6%), followed by oil
extracts (21.4%) and vaporization (20%) ... Results showed that of the total
sample, 24.1% reported always waking up early and not falling back to sleep;
20.2% reported always having difficulty falling asleep; and 27.2% reported
always waking up during the night"
Routine Cannabis Screening
in CVD Patients: Have We Hit a Tipping Point? - Medscape, 1/21/20 -
"The authors call for "routine screening for marijuana
use" and a "broad commitment" from government and researchers to pursue
marijuana-related research to clarify the CV safety profile. They cite the
increasing use and potency of marijuana and a spike in reported cannabis-related
adverse health effects ... Observational studies have suggested an association
between marijuana use and a broad range of CV risks, such as myocardial
infarction (MI), arrhythmias, and cerebrovascular events ... When you actually
look at the chemical toxin profile of the combustion products of marijuana
compared with tobacco when both are smoked, it's actually quite comparable ...
So we would anticipate that the cardiovascular and pulmonary effects may also be
similar ... Concerns have also been raised about potential interactions with
commonly used cardiovascular drugs and cannabinoids, including THC and CBD,
which are metabolized by the cytochrome P450 enzymatic (CYP) pathway in the
risks associated with cannabis exposure during pregnancy - Science Daily,
1/17/20 - "maternal exposure to THC during pregnancy has
a measurable impact on both the development of the organs of the fetus and the
gene expression that is essential to placental function ... Real risks
associated with cannabis exposure during pregnancy ... The researchers say both
of those factors are likely contributing to the growth restriction that they
observed in the offspring" - Note: I mentioned last week about how
there sure seems to be a lot of wrong way drivers on the interstate in San Diego
since they legalized pot. Additionally, I’m old but it seems like everyone else
is losing their memory. I have to follow-up which seems like five times on
everything from adding someone onto my membership at the gym, making an
appointment with Scripps (plan on at least 10 calls to schedule an MRI), BathFitter installation, a loan, etc. You cannot make
just one call or email and consider it taken care of anymore.
Pot-Using Drivers Still Impaired When High Fades - WebMD, 1/14/20 -
"Even when they're not high on marijuana, recreational
users of the drug display signs of impaired driving ... Compared to nonusers,
heavy marijuana users had worse driving performance during the test. For
example, they hit more simulated pedestrians, went over the speed limit more
often, made fewer stops at red lights, and crossed the center line more often
... The researchers also found that the start of marijuana use before age 16 was
associated with worse performance on the driving simulator."
Driving Under the
Influence of Marijuana and Illicit Drugs Among Persons Aged ≥ 16 Years — United
States, 2018 - Medscape, 1/8/20 - "First, because
NSDUH data are self-reported, they are subject to recall and social desirability
biases. Second, variations in laws and regulations among states and counties
regarding marijuana could have resulted in negative responses to the NSDUH
substance use survey questions for fear of legal consequences, leading to an
underestimation of the prevalence of the use and driving under the influence in
some jurisdictions. Third, the NSDUH questions are not limited to driving under
the influence of marijuana only or each illegal substance only; therefore,
persons might be driving under the influence of more than one substance at a
given time. Fourth, self-reported data are subject to the respondents'
interpretations of being under the influence of a drug. Finally, NSDUH does not
assess whether all respondents drive; therefore, reported percentages of
impaired drivers might be underestimated."
Don't Believe Online Claims for Pot's 'Benefits' - WebMD, 1/2/20 -
"A lot of the dope you read online about the benefits of
marijuana is just hooey, but it can influence attitudes and actions ...
Researchers used a tool called a Botometer to gauge whether posts came from
users or from automated software called bots ... What we found was that the
proportion of bot posts that talked about health claims was larger than the
proportion among non-bot accounts ... Moreover, researchers found no reference
to scientifically proven uses for pot"
Regular Cannabis Use
Linked to Cardiac Abnormalities - Medscape, 12/30/19 -
"The study was published online December 21 as a letter
in JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging ... "It has been shown before that the frequent
use of marijuana increased the risk of myocardial infarction and hypoxemia, but
a direct pathological effect on the heart has not been shown until now,"
Oberbarnscheidt told theheart.org | Medscape Cardiology"
Scientists discover medicinal cannabis substitute for treating Parkinson's
disease - Science Daily, 12/19/19 - "Our
study suggests that a derivative of HU-308, either alone or in combination with
amantadine, may be a more effective treatment for dyskinesias and a much better
option than using an unproven potentially harmful substance like cannabis ... By
reducing inflammation in the brain -- such as with HU-308 -- these immune cells
can support normal neural function again, rather than inhibiting it ... First,
our study shows HU-308 is equally affective so a drug like HU-308 will be useful
for those people who can't take amantadine. Second, for those who can tolerate
amantadine, taking the combination may have even greater benefits than taking
either drug alone. That means we may end up with a much more powerful treatment
than currently available by ultimately prescribing both"
Possible link between cannabis use and structural changes to heart - Science
Daily, 12/20/19 - "Analysing MRI images from the
UK Biobank population study, the team identified an association between regular
cannabis use and an enlarged left ventricle -- the heart's main pumping chamber
-- together with early signs of impairment of heart function ... The analysis
also found that people who had used cannabis regularly but given up had similar
heart size and function to those who had rarely or never taken the drug"
- And who pays for the disability costs and the $250/month Entresto for the ones
on Medicaid? The taxpayers, i.e., me. Then there's the costs passed
on the manufactures who hire these people which effect the price of goods I buy. See my blurb below. I'm
just tired of hearing that it doesn't affect me.
People With Depression Turning to Pot for Relief - WebMD, 12/17/19 -
"But in their misery, many might be turning to a risky
solution that's likely to make their condition even worse -- marijuana ...
People with depression are twice as likely to be using pot as those who aren't
depressed ... With increasing legalization in the U.S., previous studies have
shown that perception of risk associated with use is declining overall ... The
results of this study show that this decline is even more rapid among this
vulnerable population ... We have no evidence whatsoever that marijuana helps in
these psychiatric disorders but, nevertheless, people believe it ... Symptoms of
depression that might be heightened by marijuana include lack of motivation,
listlessness and isolation as well as a lack of pleasure and interest in things
people used to enjoy ... People who are depressed may be more likely to take
risks ... They will go out on a limb hoping this agent may help them ... it
might be that instead of turning to marijuana to relieve depression, cannabis
use actually causes depression among typically healthy people"
while pregnant: Doctors urge caution - Science Daily, 12/3/19 -
"In the latest issue of the Journal of Maternal-Fetal
and Neonatal Medicine, physicians reviewed sonogram data from nearly 450
pregnant women who self-reported daily marijuana use. They found that daily
cannabis use is associated with delayed fetal growth, which can put a baby at
risk of certain health problems during pregnancy, delivery, and even after birth
... Those problems include low birth weight, hypoglycemia, low Apgar scores,
among others, and in the most severe cases, delayed growth can lead to
stillbirth. Physicians also found an increase in placental vascular resistance
in both the second and third trimesters, which can "disrupt the necessary flow
of oxygen rich blood through the placenta," and can lead to delayed growth ...
"Recent data from JAMA (The Journal of the American Medical Association)
indicates that marijuana use in pregnancy has doubled over the last 15 years and
what's more alarming is that 70% of women believe there is minimal or no harm
from using marijuana in pregnancy,""
No Link Between Marijuana
Use and Cancer, Except TGCT - Medscape, 11/27/19 -
"testicular germ cell tumor (TGCT) ... there is insufficient evidence to support
an association between ever having used marijuana and other types of cancer ...
marijuana use was associated with TGCT (odds ratio [OR], 1.36 ... nonseminoma
TGCT (OR, 1.85"
FDA concerned people 'mistakenly believe' trying CBD products 'can’t hurt' -
10News, 11/16/19 - "Among the risks that the FDA cited
were liver injury, drug interactions, and male reproductive toxicity. Until it
learns more about the effectiveness and safety of CBD, the FDA said it cannot
generally recognize the ingredient as safe or approve products that contain it
... CBD is also not characterized as a dietary supplement under the Food, Drug
and Cosmetic Act"
Men's Marijuana Use Linked
to Elevated Miscarriage Risk - Medscape, 11/25/19 -
"Some studies have shown that marijuana may negatively affect sperm quality and
increase DNA fragmentation, which may contribute to adverse pregnancy outcomes,
including miscarriage, so there is a plausible mechanism ... The risk for
spontaneous abortion was nearly twofold higher when expectant fathers used
marijuana at least once a week than when they did not use marijuana ... "This
finding is concerning," said Eve Feinberg, MD, from Northwestern Medicine in
Chicago, who is vice president of the Society for Reproductive Endocrinology and
Infertility. "As marijuana is becoming legalized, its use is much more
ubiquitous. I think people assume legal equals safe, but that's certainly not
the case""
states where recreational marijuana is legal, problematic use increased among
adults and teens - Science Daily, 11/13/19 - "After
examining usage following the enactment of marijuana legalization in 2012 to
2015, the researchers found that: Problematic use among adolescents aged 12 to
17 was 25 percent higher ... Among adults aged 26 or older, past-month marijuana
use after legalization was 26 percent higher than in non-recreational states.
Past-month frequent use rose by 23 percent, and past-year problematic use
increased by 37 percent ... Cannabis use disorder in adolescence is associated
with long-term adverse health, economic and social consequences"
Marijuana Use Linked to
Stroke, Arrhythmia in Young People - Medscape, 11/12/19 -
"Compared with nonusers, recent marijuana users showed
an 82% higher risk of stroke, with an adjusted odds ratio of 1.82 (95%
confidence interval, 1.08 - 3.10). This further increased to an odds ratio of
2.45 (95% CI, 1.31 - 4.60) with frequent recent use of marijuana defined as more
than 10 days per month ... When controlled for hypertension and cholesterol,
stroke odds were three times higher with recent marijuana use, odds ratio 3.11
(95% CI, 1.23 - 7.79), and four times higher, odds ratio 4.10 (95% CI, 1.22 -
13.69), with frequent recent use ... On potential mechanisms behind the
observations, he noted that recent studies have reported that heavy and chronic
marijuana use can lead to multifocal intracerebral vasospasm, multifocal
intracranial stenosis, cardiac embolization, systemic hypotension, altered
vasomotor function, other cerebrovascular dysfunctions, and procoagulant effects
on platelets — all of which could increase the stroke risk ... In a separate
study, younger individuals diagnosed with cannabis use disorder had a 50%
greater risk of being hospitalized for an arrhythmia compared with non-users ...
cannabis use disorder is independently associated with a 47% to 52% increased
likelihood of arrhythmia hospitalization in the younger population"
'Scarce Evidence' to Suggest Cannabis Improves Mental Health Symptoms, a New
Research Review Says - Time, 10/28/19 - "overall,
the literature provided “little evidence for the effectiveness of pharmaceutical
CBD or medicinal cannabis for the treatment of any of these mental health
disorders ... Even the positive results may not be directly linked to cannabis.
The authors note that medicinal marijuana is often prescribed to patients for
whom depression and anxiety are secondary conditions—that is, a chronic disease
may be their “primary” diagnosis—which makes it hard to see how, exactly, the
drug is helping ... Plus, many people aren’t using pharmaceutical-grade
cannabinoids, and a body of research suggests non-medicinal cannabis use can
worsen mental health symptom ... The review also exposed just how little
research has been done on cannabinoids and mental health"
marijuana use may have next-generation effects - Science Daily, 10/28/19 -
"Children and teens of chronic users were most likely to
use alcohol and marijuana themselves, as researchers had predicted. But what
came as more of a surprise was the behavior of children whose parents had
primarily used during adolescence: Compared to the children of nonusers,
children of adults in the "adolescent-limited" group were more than 2.5 times as
likely to use marijuana and 1.8 times as likely to use alcohol. This was true
even after parents' current marijuana use was accounted for ... In comparison,
children of chronic users were nearly 4.5 times as likely to use marijuana, and
2.75 times as likely to use alcohol, as children of nonusers ... Children in the
"late-onset" group, as it turned out, were least likely to use marijuana, as
were children of nonusers. They did, however, have lower grades ... Using
marijuana in adolescence is associated with a host of other problems in the
present and later into adulthood ... Chronic users had the worst outcomes in
terms of health and quality of life, Epstein added: Poor mental health, lower
academic outcomes, less financial stability and greater tendency of criminal
and/or risky behaviors were associated with frequent, lifetime marijuana use"
Cannabis Use Doubles Risk
for Ketoacidosis in Type 1 Diabetes - Medscape, 10/25/19 -
"diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) ... The researchers say
that cannabis delays gastric emptying, and this is thought to play a role in
disruption of blood glucose control ... Cannabis-induced alterations to gut
motility, food absorption, and postprandial glycemic timing may be unexpected
and inconsistent for the typical cannabis user with type 1 diabetes ...
Moreover, they add that cannabis-induced increased appetite can contribute to
elevated glucose levels, and the cognitive effects of the drug can alter
perception of hypoglycemia ... Studies have also suggested a link between
long-term cannabis use and CHS, "which is characterized by cyclic episodes of
nausea and vomiting and may result in an increased risk for DKA"
Why we don’t know much about pot - Politico, 10/16/19
Potential therapy to treat detrimental effects of marijuana - Science Daily,
10/15/19 - "A University of Maryland School of Medicine
study using a preclinical animal model suggests that prenatal exposure to THC,
the psychoactive component of cannabis, makes the brain's dopamine neurons (an
integral component of the reward system) hyperactive and increases sensitivity
to the behavioral effects of THC during pre-adolescence. This may contribute to
the increased risk of psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia and other forms
of psychosis later in adolescence that previous research has linked to prenatal
cannabis use" - Note: I tried pregnenolone once. Felt
like I got hit by a Mac truck. I talked to someone else who had the same
problem. Why not just stay away from pot in the first place.
Frequent Male Pot Use Linked to Early Miscarriages - WebMD, 10/14/19 -
"Men who use marijuana at least once a week are twice as
likely to see their partner's pregnancy end in miscarriage, compared to those
who use no pot ... marijuana could cause DNA damage in sperm ... We would expect
that the sperm was healthy enough to fertilize an egg, but any damage to the
sperm might result in early pregnancy loss ... There are cannabinoid receptors
within both sperm and male testicular tissue, indicating that the chemicals in
pot do have some direct effect on male reproductive health" - Plus, with
the DNA damaged sperm, the pregnancies that do make it probably aren't giving
the offspring a good start on like. If that DNA damage is to the
testicular tissue, seems like the DNA damage would carry over to the sperm and
would be a problem for life, even if they stopped. Too many pot smokers
are in denial. You're not going to get a healthy sperm from a damaged
Legalized Cannabis in
Colorado Emergency Departments - Medscape, 10/4/19 -
"Cannabis legalization has led to significant health consequences, particularly
to patients in emergency departments and hospitals in Colorado. The most
concerning include psychosis, suicide, and other substance abuse. Deleterious
effects on the brain include decrements in complex decision-making, which may
not be reversible with abstinence. Increases in fatal motor vehicle collisions,
adverse effects on cardiovascular and pulmonary systems, inadvertent pediatric
exposures, cannabis contaminants exposing users to infectious agents, heavy
metals, and pesticides, and hash-oil burn injuries in preparation of drug
concentrates have been documented. Cannabis dispensary workers ("budtenders")
without medical training are giving medical advice that may be harmful to
Cannabis study reveals how CBD offsets the psychiatric side-effects of THC -
Science Daily, 9/30/19 - "rats that were given THC had
higher levels of activated ERK, showed more anxiety behaviours and were more
sensitive to fear-based learning. Rats that were given both CBD and THC acted
like the control rats: they had normal levels of activated ERK, less anxiety
behaviours, and were less sensitive to fear-based learning"
Experiment of Legalizing Marijuana in States Has Proved a Failure - CNS,
9/26/19 - "Traffic deaths where drivers tested positive
for marijuana increased 109 percent ... Traffic deaths involving drivers who
tested positive for marijuana more than doubled between 2013 and 2018 ... The
percentage of all Colorado traffic deaths that were marijuana-related increased
from 15 percent in 2013 to 23 percent in 2018 ... Marijuana use in the past
month for children ages 12 and up increased 58 percent, and is 78 percent higher
than the national average ... Adult marijuana use increased 94 percent, and is
96 percent higher than the national average ... The yearly number of emergency
room visits related to marijuana increased 54 percent after legalization ...
Marijuana-related hospitalizations increased 101 percent after legalization ...
Suicides where toxicology results were positive for marijuana increased from 14
percent in 2013 to 23 percent in 2017 ... The report also shows that the tax
revenue from state-authorized marijuana sales, far from being a game-changer
like pot pushers said it would be, amounted to around nine-tenths of 1 percent
(000.9%) of Colorado’s fiscal year 2018 budget. Previous reports are just as
Weeding Out the Problem:
The Impact of Preoperative Cannabinoid Use on Pain in the Perioperative Period
- Medscape, 9/19/19 - "Patients who were on preoperative
cannabinoids had higher pain numerical rating score (median [25th, 75th
percentiles]) at rest (5.0 [3.0, 6.1] vs 3.0 [2.0, 5.5], P = .010) and with
movement (8.0 [6.0, 9.0] vs 7.0 [3.5, 8.5], P = .003), and a higher incidence of
moderate-to-severe pain at rest (62.3% vs 45.5%, respectively, P = .004; odds
ratio, 1.98; 95% CI, 1.25–3.14) and with movement (85.7% vs 75.2% respectively,
P = .021; odds ratio, 1.98; 95% CI, 1.10–3.57) in the early postoperative period
compared to patients who were not on cannabinoids. There was also a higher
incidence of sleep interruption in the early postoperative period for patients
who used cannabinoids."
Only a
fraction of the costs of excessive drinking are paid for by alcohol taxes -
Science Daily, 9/11/19 - "The total harm caused by excessive alcohol consumption
is a staggering $2.05 per drink in the United States, and, of this, the
government ends up paying about 80 cents per drink. However, the federal
government and states only bring in about 21 cents per drink on average in
alcohol taxes" - Note:
At least one study says about the same for pot.
Pot advocates dispute that claiming the study was biased because it was by a
Christian university but it’s also common sense. As one example, a lot of street
people have schizophrenia. The meds for that can run $600 per month. Tack on the
costs to room, board and food for life if you’re going to take them off the
streets as you should. - [Abstract]
Cannabis may hold promise to treat PTSD but evidence lags behind use -
Science Daily, 9/3/19 - "The lack of evidence supporting
cannabis as a PTSD treatment is striking ... Every study had medium to high risk
of bias and all were assessed as low in quality due to limitations such as small
sample size, retrospective study design, lack of a control group or placebo,
short follow-up periods, and not reporting other medication use or addiction.
Only one study was a randomised controlled trial, investigating nabilone, but it
was in a small sample over a relatively short period of time ... The researchers
say there are still many unanswered questions about the safety and efficacy of
cannabis-based medications for PTSD, and potential long-term effects such as
addiction or a risk of psychosis ... Current prescribing of cannabinoids for
PTSD is not backed up by high quality evidence"
Teen who died in Carmel Valley bridge fall had THC, alcohol in his system -
10News 8/29/19
'This Ain't
Your Mother's Marijuana.' Federal Health Officials Issue National Warning on Pot
- Time, 8/29/19 - "Frequent marijuana use by teenagers
is associated with changes in parts of the brain that are involved with
attention, memory, decision-making and motivation"
Surgeon general advises pregnant people, youth against marijuana use -
Politico, 8/29/19 - "The surgeon general Thursday issued
an advisory cautioning young people and pregnant people against using marijuana,
warning it poses risks to developing brains ... HHS officials said the best
science available suggests no amount of marijuana use during pregnancy or for
youth is known to be safe."
linked to autism undergoes changes in men's sperm after pot use - Science
Daily, 8/27/19 - "the researchers said the findings do
not establish a definitive link between cannabis use and autism, but the
possible connection warrants further, urgent study, given efforts throughout the
country to legalize marijuana for recreational and/or medicinal uses"
are using a highly potent form of marijuana - Science Daily, 8/26/19 -
"Among nearly 50,000 eighth, 10th, and 12th graders from
the 2018 Arizona Youth Survey, a biennial survey of Arizona secondary school
students, one-third (33%) had tried some form of marijuana, and nearly a quarter
(24%) had tried marijuana concentrate ... Marijuana concentrates have about
three times more THC ... This is concerning because higher doses of THC have
been linked to increased risk of marijuana addiction, cognitive impairment and
psychosis ... teens who used concentrates had more risk factors for addiction
... teens who had used marijuana concentrates were worse off on every addiction
risk factor ... frequent marijuana use from adolescence through adulthood is
associated with IQ decline. Pardini's prior research has linked regular
marijuana use during adolescence with the emergence of persistent subclinical
psychotic symptoms"
‘Mama went bye-bye.’ She left 2-year-old in a hot car and smoked weed, Georgia
cops say - Miami Herald, 9/5/18
Cannabis-related poison control calls for Massachusetts kids doubled after
medical pot legalized - Science Daily, 8/16/19 -
"Given what we've seen here," Whitehill says, "I would expect the calls to the
poison control center to increase even more."
Reefer Madness: A Case of
Cannabis-Induced Psychosis - Medscape, 8/15/19 - "Cannabis-induced psychosis
is a condition characterized by the sudden onset of psychosis after the
consumption of marijuana ... Symptoms can include paranoia, grandiose delusions,
perceptual alterations, depersonalization/derealization, amnesia, emotional
lability, confusion, agitation, combativeness, and disorientation."
Estrogen improves Parkinson's disease symptoms - Science Daily, 9/12/19 -
"The female mice showed less severe symptoms at a later
age, but estrogen still improved their symptoms. In male mice, the estrogen
treatment reduced ?-synuclein breakdown and buildup and helped with severe
symptoms, suggesting that estrogen could be a viable treatment option for
Parkinson's patients with low
estrogen levels." - Note: Some lady wrote that pot helped her
father’s Parkinson’s. A placebo works 30% of the time which could be the reason
but pot decreases testosterone and increases estrogen. So if it’s true that pot
helped Parkinson’s that could be the reason. Why not just take the estrogen and
not have all the problems associated with pot? See my
Parkinson's page. Their are a lot of
natural supplements that help with Parkinson's including most recently is
vitamin D.
smoking pot cause man boobs? - CNN. 12/5/13 - "Gynecomastia
is caused by a hormone imbalance between testosterone and estrogen. When the
ratio between testosterone and estrogen tips in favor of estrogen, the body
responds by creating excessive breast tissue. Hence, man boobs ... Animal
studies have shown that exposure to the active ingredient in marijuana can
result in a decrease in testosterone levels, a reduction of testicular size, and
abnormalities in the form and function of sperm"
Marijuana may boost risky effects of drinking alcohol - Science Daily,
8/13/19 - "individuals who simultaneously use alcohol
and marijuana are at a disproportionately higher risk for heavy, frequent, and
problematic substance use ... The problem with simultaneous use is that it can
affect people cognitively and perceptually, and also have an impact on motor
impairment ... Even after controlling for the number of drinks a person
typically consumed, people who used alcohol and marijuana at the same time were
at a greater risk for problems like blacking out, getting in an argument, or
other concerns"
Friend of Dayton Shooter, Who Purchased Weapon Accessories For Him, Charged With
Lying on Federal Firearms Form - Time, 8/12/19 - "He
also told the agents that he had smoked marijuana almost daily over a period of
10 years"
who mix cannabis with opioids for pain report higher anxiety, depression -
Science Daily, 8/12/19 - "The study revealed not only
elevated anxiety and depression symptoms, but also tobacco, alcohol, cocaine and
sedative use among those who added the cannabis, compared with those who used
opioids alone. No increased pain reduction was reported."
between cannabis use, psychosis, and schizotypal personality disorder: findings
from the National Epidemiologic Survey of Alcohol and Related Conditions -
Schizophr Res. 2013 Dec; 151(0) - "The prevalence of
psychosis and schizotypal personality disorder increased significantly with
greater cannabis use in a dose-dependent manner"
and Social Costs of Legalized Marijuana - ccu.edu - "For every dollar gained
in tax revenue, Coloradans spent approximately $4.50 to mitigate the effects of
Mother who smoked marijuana, watched KUWTK while kids died in hot car sentenced
to 20 years - Newsweek, 5/1/18
Fatal Car Accidents Involving Marijuana Have Tripled in U.S. - hg.org -
"The incidence of alcohol involved in the traffic
fatalities remained constant at about 40 percent throughout that period, but the
role of drugs in fatal crashes increased considerably accounting for more than
28 percent of traffic fatalities in 2010, which was up from about 16 percent in
1999. The research indicated that marijuana is the most common drug involved in
fatal car accidents, contributing to 12 percent of 2010 crashes compared with 4
percent in 1999."
Legalized marijuana linked to a sharp rise in car crashes - NBC, 10/18/19 -
"this is the second year in a row where the IIHS found a troubling trend. A year
ago, the non-profit group looked at three states, Colorado, Oregon, and
Washington. This year, it added Nevada to the list. Harkey said the IIHS also
looked at highway crash data in surrounding states to try to control for factors
like weather and the economy ... The studies looked at police reports and
insurance claims, finding crashes rose between 5.2 percent and 6 percent in
states with legalized recreational marijuana compared to neighboring states
where such use remained illegal ... The IIHS also conducted a street-side study
of marijuana use and found something Harkey said he saw as particularly
concerning. While those under the influence of alcohol tend to either be driving
alone or with other adults, about 14 percent of those confirmed to be using pot
had a child in their vehicle. That reflects the fact, he added, that marijuana
use isn’t confined to evenings and other times when adults are more likely to
drink — and abuse — alcohol"
Crime rate in Colorado increases much faster than rest of the country -
Denver Post, 7/12/17 - See the graphs.
Is marijuana legalization driving increases in violent crime? - NYT, 2/19/19 -
"A review of the crime statistics cast doubt on
proponents’ claim that legalization reduces violent crime; to the contrary,
homicides have generally increased in pro-marijuana jurisdictions. In Denver,
the homicide rate has steadily climbed from 36 in 2013 to a peak of 67 in 2018.
Seattle had 19 homicides in 2013, then the rate increased every year except
2016, reaching a peak in 2018 of 31 cases. Even the District of Columbia has
experienced a resurgence of violence — reaching 160 homicides in 2018 after
seeing a historically low 116 homicide cases in 2017. Though too early in the
year to make a meaningful projection, homicides spiked more than 100 percent in
January 2019, as compared with January 2018"
Marijuana-related ER visits climb at Colorado hospital - CBS, 3/26/19 -
"Emergency room records from Monte's hospital show a
three-fold increase in marijuana cases since the state became the first to allow
sales of recreational marijuana in January 2014. Nearly a third of patients were
admitted to the hospital, evidence of severe symptoms, Monte said"
Legalize Pot?
You Must Be High - Time, 11/7/14 - "Legalize pot and
you have a workforce that is worth not more, but less—more likely to suffer from
the poor memory, reduced motivation and emotional problems cited above. Kevin
Sabet, former Obama White House drug policy advisor, wrote on CNN.com about a
long list of problems that have occurred since legalization in Colorado,
including “Employers…reporting more workplace incidents involving marijuana
use.” Pot advocates claim that legalization will create jobs. It will cost
Marijuana Legalization's Costs Outweigh Its Benefits - U.S. News, 10/30/18 -
"Employees who test positive for marijuana had 55
percent more industrial accidents and 85 percent more injuries and they had
absenteeism rates 75 percent higher than those that tested negative. This
damages our economy."
Marijuana Has Proven to Be a Gateway Drug - 4/26/19 -
"People who are addicted to marijuana are three times
more likely to be addicted to heroin"
New Report: Cost of Marijuana Legalization Far Outweighs Tax Revenues -
newyorkfamilies.org - "A new study on the impact of
marijuana legalization in Colorado conducted by the Centennial Institute found
that for every one dollar in tax revenue from marijuana, the state spends $4.50
as a result of the effects of the consequences of legalization"
CBD for pain relief: What the science says - CNET, 8/3/19 -
"Want to look at the high-quality studies that
specifically test CBD's effect on pain? Well, there aren't any"
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Marijuana - by the Obama White
Marijuana use may not make parents more 'chill' - Science Daily, 7/17/19 -
"The findings revealed that parents who used marijuana
in the past year tended to use more of all types of discipline compared to
non-users, even after taking into account a variety of other factors that could
impact use of discipline, such as parental stress and depression and child and
parent demographics"
The CBD craze is getting out of hand. The FDA needs to act - Washington
Post, 7/30/19 - "But many of the compound’s
expansive benefits are fanciful, and in fact, the sale of much of the product is
illegal under current law ... CBD has risks: It can cause damage to the liver at
high doses, and it may have a cumulative effect"
Recent Cannabis Use Tied
to Memory Deficits, Slowed Mental Processing - Medscape, 7/19/19 -
"A total of 135 people, or 12%, had positive urine
screens for tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the chemical associated with marijuana's
psychoactive effects, suggesting they had used cannabis within the past week.
People who tested positive for THC scored worse on tests of episodic memory and
of mental processing speed ... The findings also suggest that people in
high-stakes professions that require split-second decisions like police and air
traffic controllers might be impaired on the job even when they limit cannabis
use to their time off ... cannabis users might have short-term impairments that
aren't easy to spot but could be dangerous in certain situations" - Note:
Some claim I'm not open-minded enough regarding pot. What's to be
open-minded about? It's the biggest con-game since the '60's claiming
cigarettes where healthy. For every somewhat positive study on pot, there
are 20 negative ones.
Cannabis Expectancies for
Sleep - J Psychoactive Drugs. 2019 Jul 18:1-8 - "Analyses revealed that
participants expected cannabis to decrease the incidence of sleep-related
problems, including allowing participants to have an earlier bedtime, to fall
asleep more quickly, and to have a longer night's sleep. Moreover, expectancies
about the influence of cannabis on sleep negatively covaried with
cannabis-related problems. These findings suggest that individuals believe using
cannabis might positively influence their sleep quality and believing so may be
protective against cannabis problems" - Note: It sounds like it might just
be the placebo effect that pot improves sleep. If so, it's another
purported benefit of pot shot down.
Early-and-regular cannabis use by youth is associated with alteration in brain
circuits that support cognitive control - Science Daily, 6/19/19 -
"The findings are based on functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI) data acquired from 28 adolescents and young adults (aged 14-23
years) with significant cannabis use and 32 age and sex-matched non-using
healthy controls ... Compared to their healthy counterparts, the adolescents and
young adults with significant cannabis use showed reduced activation in the
frontostriatal circuits that support cognitive control and conflict resolution
... the research team found an association between how early individuals began
regularly using cannabis and the extent to which frontostriatal regions were
disrupted, suggesting that earlier chronic use may have a larger impact on
circuit development than use of later onset"
marijuana does not reduce opioid deaths - Science Daily, 6/10/19 -
"The Stanford study, which revisited the issue after
many more states had legalized medical marijuana, found no evidence of a
connection between opioid deaths and the availability of medical cannabis"
- Note: Another marijuana myth debunked.
up high: Neurobiological consequences of adolescent cannabis use - Science
Daily, 5/26/19 - "The researchers found substance use to
be linked to low cognitive functioning, a finding that could be indicative of an
underlying common vulnerability. Cannabis use was linked to impairments in
working memory and inhibitory control, which is required for self-control.
Cannabis use was also linked to deficits in memory recall and perceptual
reasoning. Alcohol use was not linked to impairments in these cognitive
functions, suggesting cannabis could have more long-term effects than alcohol
... adolescent exposure to THC induces changes in specific a region of the brain
called the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and in a brain circuit, the mesolimbic
pathway, that closely resemble the abnormalities observed in schizophrenia.
Furthermore, adolescent THC exposure also caused affective and cognitive
abnormalities including deficits in social interactions, memory processing and
anxiety regulation"
One in
7 Washington State drivers with children in the car recently used marijuana
- Science Daily, 4/25/19
cannabis users require up to 220% higher dosage for sedation in medical
procedures - Science Daily, 4/15/19 - "patients who
smoked or ingested cannabis on a daily or weekly basis required 14% more
fentanyl, 20% more midazolam, and 220% more propofol to achieve optimum sedation
for routine procedures, including colonoscopy"
Marijuana Edibles May Be
More Harmful Than Thought - Medscape, 4/10/19 -
"When he arrived at the hospital by ambulance, the 70-year-old man said he felt
like he was dying. He was pale, nauseated, and reported severe chest pain. "He
had had hallucinations at home," says his doctor, Alexandra Saunders, MD, chief
medical resident for Dalhousie University in St John, New Brunswick, Canada.
Soon, the medical team confirmed he'd had a heart attack ... He had eaten a
marijuana-laced lollipop, given to him by a friend who thought it might help him
Cannabis during pregnancy bumps psychosis risk in offspring - Science Daily,
Smoking strong pot daily raises psychosis risk, study finds - CBS, 3/20/19 -
"people who smoked marijuana on a daily basis were three
times more likely to be diagnosed with psychosis compared with people who never
used the drug. For those who used high-potency marijuana daily, the risk jumped
to nearly five times"
7 Arguments For Legalizing Marijuana That No One Should Believe -
Federalist, 3/7/19
Why the Cleveland Clinic
Said No to Medical Marijuana - Medscape, 1/23/19 -
"There is little verified, published research that supports marijuana—in forms
such as vaporizers, edibles, oils, tinctures, and patches sold in
dispensaries—as a medical treatment. Most "evidence" is based on anecdote rather
than on large double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials ... However,
there is a significant amount of scientific literature that unequivocally shows
that marijuana use has both short- and long-term deleterious effects on physical
health, most profoundly on cardiovascular and respiratory health."
brain volume changes with small amount of cannabis use, study finds -
Science Daily, 1/14/19 - "this research is the first to find evidence that an
increase in gray matter volume in certain parts of the adolescent brain is a
likely consequence of low-level marijuana use ... Consuming just one or two
joints seems to change gray matter volumes in these young adolescents ... The
biggest differences in gray matter were in the amygdala, which is involved in
fear and other emotion-related processes, and in the hippocampus, involved in
memory development and spatial abilities"
Is Marijuana as Safe as We Think? - newyorker.com, 1/14/19 -
"Berenson thinks that we are far too sanguine about this
link. He wonders how large the risk is, and what might be behind it. In one of
the most fascinating sections of “Tell Your Children,” he sits down with Erik
Messamore, a psychiatrist who specializes in neuropharmacology and in the
treatment of schizophrenia. Messamore reports that, following the recent rise in
marijuana use in the U.S. (it has almost doubled in the past two decades, not
necessarily as the result of legal reforms), he has begun to see a new kind of
patient: older, and not from the marginalized communities that his patients
usually come from. These are otherwise stable middle-class professionals.
Berenson writes, “A surprising number of them seemed to have used only cannabis
and no other drugs before their breaks. The disease they’d developed looked like
schizophrenia, but it had developed later—and their prognosis seemed to be
worse. Their delusions and paranoia hardly responded to antipsychotics.”
Messamore theorizes that THC may interfere with the brain’s anti-inflammatory
mechanisms, resulting in damage to nerve cells and blood vessels. Is this the
reason, Berenson wonders, for the rising incidence of schizophrenia in the
developed world, where cannabis use has also increased? In the northern parts of
Finland, incidence of the disease has nearly doubled since 1993. In Denmark,
cases have risen twenty-five per cent since 2000. In the United States, hospital
emergency rooms have seen a fifty-per-cent increase in schizophrenia admissions
since 2006. If you include cases where schizophrenia was a secondary diagnosis,
annual admissions in the past decade have increased from 1.26 million to 2.1
million.incidence of schizophrenia in the developed world, where cannabis use
has also increased? ...
Berenson looks, too, at the early results from the state of Washington, which,
in 2014, became the first U.S. jurisdiction to legalize recreational marijuana.
Between 2013 and 2017, the state’s murder and aggravated-assault rates rose
forty per cent—twice the national homicide increase and four times the national
aggravated-assault increase ...
The cannabis industry would have us believe that its product, like coffee,
belongs at the other end of the continuum. “Flow Kana partners with independent
multi-generational farmers who cultivate under full sun, sustainably, and in
small batches,” the promotional literature for one California cannabis brand
reads. “Using only organic methods, these stewards of the land have spent their
lives balancing a unique and harmonious relationship between the farm, the
genetics and the terroir.” But cannabis is not coffee."
What Advocates of Legalizing Pot Don't Want You to Know - NYT, 1/4/19 -
"This huge shift in public attitudes comes even though
most Americans do not use the drug ... Instead, the change has been largely
driven by decadeslong lobbying by marijuana legalization advocates and
for-profit cannabis companies ... Those groups have shrewdly recast marijuana as
a medicine rather than an intoxicant. Some have even claimed that marijuana can
help slow the opioid epidemic, though studies show that people who use cannabis
are more likely to start using opioids later ... Meanwhile, legalization
advocates have squelched discussion of the serious mental health risks of
marijuana and THC, the chemical responsible for the drug’s psychoactive effects.
As I have seen firsthand in writing a book about cannabis, anyone who raises
those concerns may be mocked as a modern-day believer in “Reefer Madness,” the
notorious 1936 movie that portrays young people descending into insanity and
violence after smoking marijuana ... With large studies in peer-reviewed
journals showing that marijuana increases the risk of psychosis and
schizophrenia, the scientific literature around the drug is far more negative
than it was 20 years ago ... Worse — because marijuana can cause paranoia and
psychosis, and those conditions are closely linked to violence ... the first
four states to legalize — Alaska, Colorado, Oregon and Washington — have seen
sharp increases in murders and aggravated assaults since 2014" - Note:
I've been pointing out for years how people are falling for the propaganda being
put out by the pot lobbyists and I've taken a lot of hits for it.
Study: Today's Stronger Pot Is More Addictive - WebMD, 12/17/18 -
"This added punch may be associated with an higher risk
of cannabis use disorder ... Meanwhile, average risk of developing cannabis use
disorder increased by about 40 percent with every 1 percentage point increase in
national pot potency, they found ... It definitely is a signal that potency
increases the addictive potential of cannabis ... It's a legal substance, but it
has the potential for major health consequences"
Exposure to cannabis alters the genetic profile of sperm - Science Daily,
12/19/18 - "men in their child-bearing years should also
consider how THC could impact their sperm and possibly the children they
conceive during periods when they've been using the drug ... Much like previous
research that has shown tobacco smoke, pesticides, flame retardants and even
obesity can alter sperm, the Duke research shows THC also affects epigenetics,
triggering structural and regulatory changes in the DNA of users' sperm ... THC
appears to target genes in two major cellular pathways and alters DNA
methylation, a process essential to normal development ... What we have found is
that the effects of cannabis use on males and their reproductive health are not
completely null, in that there's something about cannabis use that affects the
genetic profile in sperm"
marijuana may damage teenage brains in study using genetically vulnerable mice
- Science Daily, 12/17/18 - "pot exposure increases
inflammation in a specific type of brain cell in adolescent mice that carries a
rare genetic mutation linked to schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and other major
psychiatric disorders"
CBD in
marijuana may worsen glaucoma, raise eye pressure - Science Daily, 12/17/18
- "One of the most commonly proposed uses of medical
marijuana is to treat glaucoma ... But a study from researchers at Indiana
University has found that a major chemical component in the substance appears to
worsen the primary underpinning of the disease: a rise in pressure inside the
Benefits of Medical
Cannabis for Resistant Epilepsy Time-Limited? - Medscape, 12/13/18 -
"Long-term exposure may produce a different picture.
With time, efficacy may decrease, resulting in a need to increase the dose. This
suggests the development of tolerance ... We know marijuana may have cognitive
consequences with long-term, chronic recreational use. I think we need to be a
little more cautious on our expectations of this therapy"
Pot Use Tied to Serious Diabetes Complication - WebMD, 11/8/18 -
"People with type 1 diabetes who use marijuana may
double their risk of developing a life-threatening complication ... Called
diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), the condition occurs when there is not enough
insulin to break down sugar in the body, so the body burns fat for fuel instead.
This triggers a build-up of chemicals known as ketones, which make blood more
acidic and can lead to coma or death"
insights into the neural risks and benefits of marijuana use - Science
Daily, 11/6/18 - "Today's new findings show that:
Prenatal exposure to THC in rats has lasting effects on metabolites in the
brain, making the animal more vulnerable to stress later in life (Robert
Schwarcz, abstract 609.12) ... Rats exposed to synthetic compounds that are
similar to THC during fetal development show impaired formation of the neural
circuits involved in learning and memory as adolescents (Priyanka Das Pinky,
abstract 424.17) ... In adolescent rats, cannabinoids may disturb the
development of a protein lattice important for balancing excitatory and
inhibitory activity in a brain region involved in decision-making, planning, and
self-control (Eliza Jacobs-Brichford, abstract 645.09)"
Adolescent cannabis use alters development of planning, self-control brain areas
- Science Daily, 11/6/18 - "the prefrontal cortex, or
PFC, which controls high-level cognitive functions ... These impulsive choices
are taking place during a key period of brain development and could have costs
later in life, according to the researchers ... Adolescence is a crucial time
for fine-tuning the balance of excitatory and inhibitory neurons in the brain,
which combine to control precise patterns of brain activity ... Substance use as
a teenager thus has the potential to disrupt the normal developmental trajectory
of the PFC, with potentially long-term consequences for decision-making"
Cognitive changes in offspring of heavy cannabis-using rats - Science Daily,
11/4/18 - "rats exposed to a high concentration of
cannabis, "showed marked deficits in their ability to shift strategies when the
new rule was implemented," ... The general take-home message is that we see
deficits, particularly in the domain of cognitive flexibility, in rats
prenatally exposed to high doses of cannabis vapor ... They cannot seem to adapt
properly and tend to commit more regressive errors as a result, which suggests
impairment in maintaining the new optimal strategy"
Teen Cannabis Use May
Increase Adult Psychosis Risk - Medscape, 10/30/18 -
"The results demonstrate that adolescent exposure to THC alters the
developmental trajectory into adulthood of prefrontal cortical neurons, which
are critical for decision making and cognitive function ... The impairments were
evident in the structure of neurons, where there was reduced complicity of the
neurons critical for communication between cells ... The impairments were also
evident in the expression of genes critical for synaptic plasticity and
epigenetic mechanisms that regulate DNA openness and chromatin structure that
determines whether genes are turned on or off ... Moreover, "the gene network
alterations were similar to those observed to be impaired in the PRC of people
with schizophrenia"
Cannabis pain relief without the 'high' - Science Daily, 10/25/18 -
"Researchers were able to extrapolate the exact dosage
of CBD displaying analgesic and antianxiety properties without the risk of
addiction and euphoria classically produced by the THC"
Stroke Rates Higher Among Pot Users - WebMD, 10/19/18 -
"The risk for any stroke could increase by 15 percent
and it could jump 29 percent for an ischemic stroke -- the most common kind ...
Over five years, the rate of all types of stroke increased from 1.3 to 1.5
percent among marijuana users, and the rate of ischemic stroke rose from 0.7 to
0.9 percent, the researchers found ... The increase in strokes among marijuana
users was across all age groups -- for people in their teens to those in their
80s, Patel said. In addition, costs to care for these patients rose between 2010
and 2014, from $71,000 to $92,000"
Study Finds Cannabis Is Worse For Teens' Brains Than Alcohol - Newsy,
10/10/18 - Video
cannabis use is not without risk to cognitive development - Science Daily,
10/3/18 - "beyond the role of cognition in vulnerability
to substance use, the concurrent and lasting effects of adolescent cannabis use
can be observed on important cognitive functions and appear to be more
pronounced than those observed for alcohol ... Our study is unique in that it
followed a large sample of high school students from 7th to 10th grade using
cognitive and substance-use measures ... The study found that vulnerability to
cannabis and alcohol use in adolescence was associated with generally lower
performance on all cognitive domains ... However, further increases in cannabis
use, but not alcohol consumption, showed additional concurrent and lagged
effects on cognitive functions, such as perceptual reasoning, memory recall,
working memory and inhibitory control ... Of particular concern was the finding
that cannabis use was associated with lasting effects on a measure of inhibitory
control, which is a risk factor for other addictive behaviours, and might
explain why early onset cannabis use is a risk factor for other addictions ...
Some of these effects are even more pronounced when consumption begins earlier
in adolescence."
brain study of 62,454 scans identifies drivers of brain aging - Science
Daily, 8/21/18 - "The study found that a number of brain
disorders and behaviors predicted accelerated aging, especially schizophrenia,
which showed an average of 4 years of premature aging, cannabis abuse (2.8 years
of accelerated aging), bipolar disorder (1.6 years accelerated aging), ADHD (1.4
years accelerated aging) and alcohol abuse (0.6 years accelerated aging).
Interestingly, the researchers did not observe accelerated aging in depression
and aging, which they hypothesize may be due to different types of brain
patterns for these disorders"
cannabis and cannabis-based drugs harm the brain - Science Daily, 8/13/18 -
"the long-term use of either cannabis or cannabis-based
drugs impairs memory ... It is already known that heavy, regular cannabis use
increases the risk of developing mental health problems including psychosis and
schizophrenia ... mice exposed for long-term to the drug had "significant memory
impairments" and could not even discriminate between a familiar and novel
object. Also, brain imaging studies showed that the drug impairs function in key
brain regions involved in learning and memory. Moreover, the long-term exposure
to the drug impairs the ability of brain regions involved in learning and memory
to communicate with each other, suggesting that this underlies the negative
effects of the drug on memory ... our work clearly shows that prolonged
cannabinoid intake, when not used for medical reasons, does have a negative
impact in brain function and memory"
cannabis and cannabis-based drugs harm your brain - Science Daily, 7/23/18 -
"mice exposed to the drug long-term had "significant ...
memory impairments" and could not even discriminate between a familiar and novel
object ... Brain imaging studies showed that the drug impairs function in key
brain regions involved in learning and memory ... Long-term exposure to the drug
impairs the ability of brain regions involved in learning and memory to
communicate with each other, suggesting that this underlies the negative effects
of the drug on memory ... Importantly, our work clearly shows that prolonged
cannabinoid intake, when not used for medical reasons, does have a negative
impact in brain function and memory. It is important to understand that the same
medicine may re-establish an equilibrium under certain diseased conditions, such
as in epilepsy or MS, but could cause marked imbalances in healthy individuals.
"As for all medicines, cannabinoid based therapies have not only beneficial
disease-related actions, but also negative side effects. It is for the medical
doctor to weight the advantages of the therapy, taking into consideration
quality of life and diseases progression, against the potential side effects"
Paying the Piper:
Marijuana Now, Psychosis Later - Medscape, 7/23/18 -
"From 13 to 16 years of age, participants completed an annual online survey to
self-report symptoms and frequency of cannabis use. The study revealed
statistically significant positive associations, at every time point, from use
to psychosis symptoms reported up to a year later"
First marijuana-derived drug is on the verge of approval - Washington Post,
6/23/18 - "In April, an advisory committee unanimously
recommended approval of the drug for two of the most severe types of childhood
epilepsy, and the agency is expected to render its decision by the end of June.
The medication is an oral solution containing highly purified cannabidiol, or
CBD, which is one of scores of chemicals in the cannabis plant. It contains only
trace amounts of the psychoactive element THC, and does not induce euphoria."
- Note: I guess we'll find out whether people are taking it for the high
or whether they really want it for the weak evidence of a medical benefit.
I'm betting that the CBD won't sell.
Congress May Soon Make CBD From Hemp Legal - WebMD, 6/18/18 -
"Although it’s a type of cannabis plant like marijuana,
hemp does not produce the ''high" of THC. It’s often used in industrial products
and also contains cannabidiol, or CBD; much more, in fact, than cannabis or
marijuana. CBD is used in products that claim to relieve pain, ease stress, help
you sleep, improve skin, and pump up mascara's lash-thickening power" -
Note: I'm betting that all those people that claim they need pot for their
condition won't use it because they really want the high and use their condition
as an excuse. The studies I've read show the THC that gives the high does
nothing for the conditions.
Young Marijuana Users Face Psychosis Risk - WebMD, 6/18/18 -
"The effect was seen for everyone in the study, says
Conrod, not just teens with a family history of schizophrenia or something
biological that makes them more likely to be affected by it"
All Young Cannabis Users
Face Psychosis Risk - Medscape, 6/15/18 - "The
effect was observed for the entire cohort. This finding, said Conrod, means that
all young cannabis users face psychosis risk, not just those with a family
history of schizophrenia or a biological factor that increases their
susceptibility to the effects of cannabis ... The first time point occurred at a
mean age of 12.8 years. Twelve months separated each assessment. In total, 86.7%
and 94.4% of participants had a minimum of two time points out of four on
psychosis symptoms and cannabis use, respectively ... Cannabis use, in any given
year, predicted an increase in psychosis symptoms a year later" - Note: I don’t know where Dr. Sanjay Gupta on CNN finds his positive studies but it burns me up that he ignores the overwhelming number of negative stories.
All Young Cannabis Users
Face Psychosis Risk - Medscape, 6/15/18 - "The
effect was observed for the entire cohort. This finding, said Conrod, means that
all young cannabis users face psychosis risk, not just those with a family
history of schizophrenia or a biological factor that increases their
susceptibility to the effects of cannabis ... The first time point occurred at a
mean age of 12.8 years. Twelve months separated each assessment. In total, 86.7%
and 94.4% of participants had a minimum of two time points out of four on
psychosis symptoms and cannabis use, respectively ... Cannabis use, in any given
year, predicted an increase in psychosis symptoms a year later"
As CBD Oil Flirts with
Mainstream, Questions Mount - Medscape, 6/11/18 -
"Yet evidence for most benefits is lacking, experts warn. The industry has set
no standards. As with other products, a CBD
product may not deliver what it promises on the label. Despite Internet
marketing implying anyone can buy CBD products, that's not the case legally"As CBD Oil Flirts with
Mainstream, Questions Mount - Medscape, 6/11/18 -
"Yet evidence for most benefits is lacking, experts warn. The industry
has set no standards. As with other products, a CBD product may not
deliver what it promises on the label. Despite Internet marketing
implying anyone can buy CBD products, that's not the case legally"
Cocaine, Marijuana
Use Linked to Mortality in Young MI Patients - Medscape, 6/5/18 -
"Among adults age 50 years and younger, those
who reported use of cocaine or marijuana just before the MI, or who were
positive for use of cocaine or marijuana on toxicology — making up about
10% of this population of young MI patients – were twice as likely to
die of cardiovascular (CV) or all causes during a median 11-year
Growing number of fatal car crashes linked to drug use - NBC, 6/3/18
- "The report raises serious concerns at a time
when the U.S. is facing an epidemic of opioid usage and as more and more
states legalize marijuana for medical and recreational usage ... But
what federal data shows is that, where tests were performed, 44 percent
of drivers fatally injured in a crash tested positive for drugs in 2016,
up from 28 percent a decade earlier. Of those who tested positive for
drugs in the latest study, 38 percent had used marijuana, 16 percent had
used some form of opioid, and 4 percent tested positive for a
combination of both"
Legalizing marijuana is fine. But don’t ignore the science on its
dangers - Washington Post, 5/25/18 - "And
amid the flood induced by regular marijuana use, the brain dampens its
intrinsic machinery to compensate for excessive stimulation. Chronic
exposure ultimately impairs our ability to imbue value or importance to
experiences that truly warrant it.
In adults, such neuro-adjustment may hamper or derail a successful and
otherwise fulfilling life, though these capacities will probably recover
with abstinence. But the consequences of this desensitization are more
profound, perhaps even permanent, for adolescent brains. Adolescence is
a critical period of development, when brain cells are primed to undergo
significant organizational changes: Some neural connections are
proliferating and strengthening, while others are pared away ...
It’s not surprising, then, that heavy-smoking
teens show evidence of reduced activity in brain circuits critical for
flagging newsworthy experiences, are 60 percent less likely to graduate
from high school, and are at substantially increased risk for heroin
addiction and alcoholism. They show alterations in cortical structures
associated with impulsivity and negative moods; they’re seven times more
likely to attempt suicide ...
Now, as a scientist, I’m unimpressed with many of the widely used
arguments for the legalization of marijuana. “It’s natural!” So is
arsenic. “It’s beneficial!” The best-documented medicinal effects of
marijuana are achieved without the chemical compound that gets users
high. “It’s not addictive!” This is false, because the brain adapts to
marijuana as it does to all abused drugs, and these neural adjustments
lead to tolerance, dependence and craving — the hallmarks of addiction."
people are choosing marijuana before cigarettes and alcohol - Science Daily,
5/17/18 - "The researchers found that 8 per cent of
participants reported in 2014 that marijuana was the first drug they ever used.
This percentage had almost doubled from 4.8 per cent in 2004. According to
Fairman, this could be related to a concurrent decline in those who start
smoking cigarettes first, which dropped from about 21 per cent in 2004 to 9 per
cent in 2014" - Note: It's just one more consequence of legalized
pot plus that's the age bracket where marijuana does the most permanent damage.
Note: Marijuana is a touchy issue with me. I had an old
girlfriend who was
stabbed 15 times by her son (that video brings tears to my
eyes). She died from the wounds. The son was 30 years
old and lived with her. He never had a meaningful job.
I blame the marijuana for his laziness and what led him to harder
drugs. I'm sure there are many similar stories. It has
ruined a lot of lives. It upsets me that some think their
personal possible slight gains based on weak or non-existent
evidence are more important. Placebos work 35% of the time.
There's something to the stereotype of the 40 years-old pot head
living in their parents basement.
more medical marijuana ads linked to higher pot use among adolescents -
Science Daily, 3/17/18 - "The proportion of adolescents
who reported viewing medical marijuana advertising increased sharply over the
course of the study. In 2010, 25 percent of the participants reported seeing at
least one medical marijuana advertisement during the previous three months --
the exposure rate grew to 70 percent by 2017 ... Adolescents who reported
greater exposure to medical marijuana advertising were more likely to report
having used marijuana over the previous 30 days, and were more likely to report
that they expected to use marijuana during the next six months. Viewing more
medical marijuana advertising also was associated with having more-positive
views about the drug, such as agreeing that marijuana relaxes a person and helps
a person get away from their problems."
Cannabis: It matters how young you start - Science Daily, 5/18/18 -
"What a difference a year or two can make: If you
started smoking marijuana at the start of your teens, your risk of having a drug
abuse problem by age 28 is 68 per cent, but if you started smoking between 15
and 17 your risk drops to 44 per cent"
Cannabis use up among parents with children in the home - Science Daily,
5/14/18 - Who couldn't see things like this coming?
Most Dispensaries
Recommend Marijuana for Morning Sickness - Medscape, 5/14/18 - All about the
money. They couldn't care less about the offspring's health.
Prenatal marijuana use can affect infant size, behavior, study finds -
Science Daily, 5/10/18 - "Eiden found that infants who
had been exposed to both tobacco and marijuana, especially into the third
trimester, were smaller in length, weight and head size, and were more likely to
be born earlier, compared to babies who were not exposed to anything. They also
were more likely to be smaller in length and weight compared to babies exposed
only to tobacco in the third trimester. The results were stronger for boys
compared to girls ... "We also found that lower birth weight and size predicted
a baby's behavior in later infancy," Eiden says. "Babies who were smaller were
reported by their mothers to be more irritable, more easily frustrated and had
greater difficulty calming themselves when frustrated. Thus, there was an
indirect association between co-exposure to tobacco and marijuana and infant
behavior via poor growth at delivery.""
It’s Time for a New Discussion of Marijuana’s Risks - NYT, 5/7/18 -
"Cancer ... Heart disease ... Lung function ... Impaired
driving ... Pregnancy effects ... Memory and concentration ... Mental health ...
Secondhand smoke" - Like I've been saying, for every condition that it
MIGHT help it gives you 20 other problems. So one step forward and 20
steps back. Makes sense?
Why America will regret legalizing marijuana - The Week, 4/30/18 -
"It's clear enough why politicians are warming to pot.
They're chasing public opinion. Since 1990, the percentage of Americans who
think pot should be illegal has fallen by more than half. A solid majority now
supports legalization. Younger voters are especially enthused. To a politician's
eyes, this is not a battle worth fighting, and everyone loves an opportunity to
infuse moral triumphalism into a thoroughly winnable crusade. Jeff Sessions'
protests notwithstanding, this ship is unlikely to turn.
Public opinion can be wrong, though. It's understandable that the public would
be eager to dial back the War on Drugs, with its (somewhat deserved)
associations with police brutality and mass incarceration. At the same time,
it's genuinely shameful for us to celebrate booming new markets and burgeoning
state revenues, considering what that means on the consumer side ...
How will this affect society at large? We live in an era when significant
numbers of people are struggling to get a handle on the fundamentals: holding
down jobs, developing healthy life habits, managing finances and personal
relationships. Our social workers have crushing case loads, and our foster care
system is increasingly strained. Young people are marrying less, but ever more
prone to drug addiction. These grim realities reflect many casual factors, but
we needn't become sneering moralists just to wonder: Will a massive infusion of
psychoactive drugs help this situation?
Policy always involves trade-offs, and some might argue that higher addiction
rates are an acceptable price to pay for greater freedoms. To a committed
libertarian, for instance, marijuana bans look like paternalistic nanny-statism,
which is contemptible even if it does protect vulnerable citizens from a great
deal of suffering."
hospitalizations rising in Medicare patients without opioid prescriptions -
Science Daily, 4/18/18 - "A 2014 federal change that
limited the dispensing of hydrocodone products may be indirectly contributing to
the illegal use of some of those drugs"
Opioid Prescriptions See
Largest Annual Drop in 25 Years - Medscape, 4/19/18 -
"Factors driving the decline in opioid prescriptions
include major clinical guideline shifts and payer reimbursement controls as well
as regulatory and legislative restrictions" - Note: Marijuana
advocates keep pointing out that as pot is legalized, opioid prescriptions have
been going down implying that the reason is that pot decreases the need for
opioids. That's not the reason. People don't think again!!!! -
Smoke and Mirrors: Is
Marijuana Actually Medicinal? - Medscape, 4/18/18 -
"Cannabis' efficacy in treating cancer-related symptoms, chronic pain, and MS
should alleviate concerns that clinicians were used simply as unwitting pawns in
the campaign for legalization. Conversely, the string of indications where
medical cannabis, at best, failed to show a benefit and, at worst, was
associated with significant morbidity should serve as a counterpoint to the
rose-colored outlook put forth by some of its more optimistic advocates" - The average voter is soooo gullible. Believing that pot is medicinal is one of them.
Parental Cannabis Use Tied
to Child Psychosis Risk - Medscape, 4/11/18 -
"cannabis use was linked to a 38% increased risk for psychotic symptoms in
offspring at 10 years of age; cannabis use among fathers was associated with a
44% increased risk"
Marijuana Use Tied to Fatal Car Crashes - NYT, 4/4/18 -
"April 20 has become known as a day to celebrate the
pleasures of marijuana consumption with parties that traditionally begin at 4:20
p.m. ... Before 4:20 p.m. there was no difference between the number of
fatalities on April 20 and the number on the nearby dates. But from 4:20 p.m. to
midnight, there was a 12 percent increased risk of a fatal car crash on April 20
compared with the control dates" - Note: That 12% increase is huge when
you consider that only a small percentage celebrate that date and time.
Teenagers who smoke cannabis damage their brains for LIFE and may be more likely
to develop schizophrenia - Daily Mail, 7/25/13
guideline warns pain benefits of medical cannabis overstated - Science
Daily, 2/15/18 - "Published in Canadian Family
Physician, "Simplified Guideline for Prescribing Medical Cannabinoids in Primary
Care" states there is limited evidence to support the reputed benefits of
medical marijuana for many conditions, and what benefits do exist may be
balanced out or even outweighed by the harms"
Risk of
fatal traffic crash higher during annual 4/20 cannabis celebration - Science
Daily, 2/12/18 - "The investigators found that April 20
was associated with a 12 per cent increase in the risk of a fatal traffic crash.
Among drivers younger than 21 years of age, the risk was 38 per cent higher than
on control days ... It isn't known how commonly drivers get behind the wheel
while high on 4/20, but a 2011 study of U.S. college freshmen found 44 per cent
of cannabis users drove soon after consuming marijuana in the month prior to the
survey ... Assuming fewer than 10 per cent of Americans drive while high on
April 20, our results suggest that drug use at 4/20 celebrations more than
doubles the risk of a fatal crash"
Evidence that medical marijuana outlets sell to other users - Science Daily,
cannabis products highly potent, pose mental health risks - Science Daily,
Study: Marijuana use appears to increase rather than decrease risk of opioid use
disorder - psypost.org, 10/5/17
Marijuana May Raise, Not
Reduce, Risk for Opioid Use Disorder - Medscape, 2/2/18
Wrecked And Retching: Obscure Vomiting Illness Linked To Long-Term Pot Use -
Washington Post, 1/2/18 - Did I ever mention that for every study claiming pot
might help a condition there's about 20 negative studies?
More Pregnant Women Are Using Pot - WebMD, 12/27/17 -
"Why the trend? The growing acceptance of marijuana may
be a driving factor ... Whatever the reasons, the findings could be bad news for
babies, since "initial evidence suggests that prenatal marijuana may impair
fetal growth and neurodevelopment,""
Marijuana use may not aid patients in opioid addiction treatment - Science
Daily, 12/4/17 - "frequent marijuana use seems to
strengthen the relationship between pain and depression and anxiety, not ease
Cannabis linked to bipolar symptoms in young adults - Science Daily,
Marijuana associated with three-fold risk of death from hypertension -
Science Daily, 8/9/17
Heavy Cannabis Use
Associated With Depression, Suicidality - Medscape, 7/31/17 -
"among monozygotic twins, those who used cannabis were
more than 100 times more likely to meet criteria for MDD and report suicidal
ideation than their genetically identical twin who had never used cannabis or
who had used it less frequently"
stress response linked to long-term cannabis use - Science Daily, 7/31/17 -
"The findings are consistent with a growing body of
literature that indicates chronic cannabis use is associated with dulled adrenal
and emotional reactivity ... the release of cortisol typically serves an
adaptive purpose, allowing an individual to mobilize energy stores and respond
appropriately to threats in the environment ... Thus, an inability to mount a
proper hormonal response to stress could also have detrimental effects that
could potentially be harmful to the individual"
of marijuana use during adolescence may impact psychosocial outcomes in
adulthood - Science Daily, 7/25/17
Cannabis Use Directly
Linked to Psychosis Relapse - Medscape, 7/24/17
Marijuana and vulnerability to psychosis - Science Daily, 7/5/17 -
"Going from an occasional user of marijuana to a weekly
or daily user increases an adolescent's risk of having recurrent psychotic-like
experiences by 159%"
Recreational cannabis, used often, increases risk of gum disease - Science
Daily, 5/29/17
Cannabis use in adolescence linked to schizophrenia - Science Daily, 4/26/17
- "young people with a genetic susceptibility to
schizophrenia -- those who have psychiatric disorders in their families --
should bear in mind that they're playing with fire if they smoke pot during
adolescence ... Researchers exposed mouse models with a genetic susceptibility
to schizophrenia -- the mutant DISC-1 gene -- to THC, the psychoactive compound
in cannabis. During a time period similar to that of human adolescence, the
susceptible mice were found to be at a far higher risk for lasting brain defects
associated with the onset of schizophrenia"
Marijuana use associated with increased risk of stroke, heart failure -
Science Daily, 3/9/17 - "marijuana use was independently
associated with a 26 percent increase in the risk of stroke and a 10 percent
increase in the risk of developing heart failure"
Pot May Restrict Blood Flow to Brain: Study - WebMD, 12/30/16 -
"Brain scans of nearly 1,000 past and present marijuana
users revealed abnormally low blood flow throughout their brains, compared with
a smaller control group of 92 people who'd never used pot ... The differences
were astonishing ... Virtually every area of the brain we measured was lower in
blood flow and activity in the marijuana smokers than in the healthy group ...
Blood flow was lowest in the hippocampus of marijuana users, which Amen found
most troubling ... The hippocampus is the gateway to memory, to get memories
into long-term storage"
Brain Blood Flow Abnormally
Low in Marijuana Smokers - Medscape, 12/9/16 -
"Using single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) in marijuana users and
healthy nonusers, researchers found abnormally low blood flow in multiple brain
regions in marijuana users, particularly in areas known to be affected by
Alzheimer's pathology, and this "reliably" distinguished marijuana users from
nonusers ... This work suggests that marijuana use has damaging influences in
the brain — particularly regions important in memory and learning and known to
be affected by Alzheimer's"
Marijuana use may be linked to temporarily weakened heart muscle -
heart.org, 11/13/16 - "marijuana users were almost twice
as likely to develop stress cardiomyopathy compared to non-users, even after
taking other cardiovascular risk factors into consideration ... Stress
cardiomyopathy is a sudden, usually temporary, weakening of the heart muscle
that reduces the heart’s ability to pump, leading to chest pain, shortness of
breath, dizziness and sometimes fainting"
Cannabis excess linked to bone disease, fractures - Science Daily, 10/12/16
- "Our research has shown that heavy users of cannabis
have quite a large reduction in bone density compared with non-users and there
is a real concern that this may put them at increased risk of developing
osteoporosis and fractures later in life"
marijuana use associated with abnormal brain function, lower IQ - Science
Daily, 10/5/16 - "The study found no evidence that
marijuana use improved depressive symptoms ... those participants who used
marijuana from a young age had highly abnormal brain function in areas related
to visuo-spatial processing, memory, self-referential activity and reward
processing. The study found that early marijuana use was also associated with
lower IQ scores"
Cannabis reduces creativity, but user generally not aware - Science Daily,
10/4/16 - "Regular users of cannabis are less aware of
their own mistakes, and they are not good at creative thinking ... The research
also indicated clear long-term effects: cannabis disrupts the activity of
dopamine in the brain. With chronic users a significant reduction was seen in
the frequency of spontaneous eye blinking, an indication of a reduction in
dopamine production"
Pot Use Linked to Relapse in Psychosis Patients - WebMD, 9/28/16 -
"the risk that patients would relapse was 13 percent
higher when they used pot than when they didn't. And the odds appeared to go up
when the patients used more pot"
Arizona’s governor asked voters to fact-check whether pot is safer than alcohol.
So we did - Washington Post, 9/8/16
Scientists Prove Stoned Rats Really Don’t Care About Much - Daily Caller,
8/24/16 - "Researchers from the University of British
Columbia found that giving THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, to
rats made them “cognitively lazy,”"
Marijuana Tied to
Persistent Subclinical Psychotic Symptoms in Teens - Medscape, 8/15/16 -
"for each year the teens engaged in weekly marijuana
use, their level of subsequent subclinical psychotic symptoms rose by 21%. The
increase was greatest for paranoia (133%) and hallucinations (92%)"
Marijuana use dampens brain's response to reward over time, study finds -
Science Daily, 7/6/16 - "for people who've been using marijuana, that rush just
isn't as big -- and gets smaller over time ... something that would be rewarding
to most people was no longer rewarding to them, suggesting but not proving that
their reward system has been 'hijacked' by the drug, and that they need the drug
to feel reward -- or that their emotional response has been dampened ... the
more marijuana use a volunteer reported, the smaller the response in their
nucleus accumbens over time ... long-term marijuana use dampens a person's
emotional response -- something scientists call anhedonia"
Colorado prosecutor: Marijuana-related murders are skyrocketing - American
Thinker, 6/1/16 - "Regular readers will know that
Colorado has seen a massive increase in crime since it legalized pot. The
numbers just keep getting worse ... Now a prosecutor in the state has gone on
the record with his concerns. Arapahoe County district attorney George Brauchler
provides some disturbing statistics: 10 of the last 15 murders in his
jurisdiction were connected to marijuana ... Similar trends were observed in
Utah, where "officials say the number of fatal car wrecks in Utah in which
drivers tested positive for marijuana has more than doubled in the last three
Marijuana use in College
Linked to Poor Health Years Later - Medscape, 5/18/16 -
"Overall, students with minimal or no marijuana use
during the first six years of the study had significantly better health outcomes
by their late 20s than those who used marijuana chronically or increased their
use in the latter part of the study's first six years. Even students who
reported low marijuana use had worse health outcomes than those who never used
Driving while high on marijuana causing spike in fatal accidents -
today.com, 5/10/16 - "A new report by the American Auto
Association (AAA) has found that the percentage of drivers who are high on pot
during fatal accidents in Washington State more than doubled between 2013 and
Psychosis, and Mortality: A Cohort Study of 50,373 Swedish Men - Am J
Psychiatry. 2016 Apr 22 - "Subjects with a baseline
history of heavy cannabis use had a significantly higher risk of death (hazard
Study: Heavy Pot Users Face As Many Midlife Troubles As Those Dependent on
Alcohol - CNS News, 3/19/16 - "Researchers found
that regular cannabis smokers “ended up in a lower social class than their
parents, with lower-paying, less skilled and less prestigious jobs than those
who were not regular cannabis smokers." ... These regular and persistent users
also experienced more financial, work-related and relationship difficulties,
which worsened as the number of years of regular cannabis use progressed ...
Regular long-term users also had more antisocial behaviors at work, such as
stealing money or lying to get a job, and experienced more relationship
problems, such as intimate partner violence and controlling abuse ... Our data
indicate that persistent cannabis users constitute a burden on families,
communities, and national social-welfare systems"
cannabis use associated with reduced dopamine release in brain - Science
Daily, 4/14/16 - "Using positron emission tomography
(PET) to track a radiolabelled molecule that binds to dopamine receptors in the
brain, the scientists measured dopamine release in the striatum and its
subregions, as well as in several brain regions outside the striatum, including
the thalamus, midbrain, and globus pallidus. The cannabis users in this study
stayed in the hospital for a week of abstinence to ensure that the PET scans
were not measuring the acute effects of the drug ... Compared with the controls,
the cannabis users had significantly lower dopamine release in the striatum,
including subregions involved in associative and sensorimotor learning, and in
the globus pallidus ... the bottom line is that long-term, heavy cannabis use
may impair the dopaminergic system, which could have a variety of negative
effects on learning and behavior"
Cannabis use in pregnancy linked to low birthweight and intensive care -
Science Daily, 4/5/16 - "recent research has pointed to
links between the drug and an increased risk of road traffic accidents,
psychosis, HIV, hepatitis, infective endocarditis and TB. Less is known,
however, about its possible effects on fetal growth and development ... Analysis
of the pooled data showed that mums- to-be who used cannabis were 36% more
likely to have anemia than women who didn't use the drug ... Infants exposed to
cannabis in the womb were 77% more likely to be under weight at birth and twice
as likely to require intensive care as those whose mums had not used cannabis
during their pregnancy"
persistent pot use linked to economic, social problems at midlife - Science
Daily, 3/23/16 - "A research study that followed
children from birth up to age 38 has found that people who smoked cannabis four
or more days of the week over many years ended up in a lower social class than
their parents, with lower-paying, less skilled and less prestigious jobs than
those who were not regular cannabis smokers. These regular and persistent users
also experienced more financial, work-related and relationship difficulties,
which worsened as the number of years of regular cannabis use progressed"
Alaska legalizes pot, crime explodes in Anchorage - American Thinker,
3/18/16 - "for the first six months of 2015, the number
of violent crimes in Anchorage (the only city reporting for Alaska) increased
34% compared to the same period in 2014. Murders were up 167%, and aggravated
assaults increased 32% versus the first six months of 2014 ... The increase in
violent crimes that occurred at the same time pot was legalized is striking.
Between 2006 and 2014, the number of violent crimes was stable. Once marijuana
legalization took place in early 2015, the crime rate went up dramatically"
February data now in: Crime continues to explode in the legal pot metropolis of
Denver - American Thinker, 3/18/16 - "In the first
two months of 2016, total reported offenses using the NIBRS definitions are up a
further 10.5% over this time last year. Crimes against persons have increased
14.1%, property crimes are up 13.8%, and crimes against society are up 18.4%
compared to the same time frame in 2015 ... For comparison, in January and
February of 2013 – the last year for these two months before marijuana
legalization – there were just 6,791 crimes in the city. During January and
February of 2016, there were 9,985, a 47% increase over the same period from
NIH: Nearly 6 Million Americans Suffer From ‘Marijuana Use Disorder’ - CNS
News, 3/11/16 - "Nearly six million Americans - or 2.5
percent of adults in the U.S. - suffer from “marijuana use disorder” ... the 6.3
percent of the study participants who smoked pot an average of 274 days per year
had “lifetime diagnoses” of marijuana use disorder, which “was associated with
other substance use disorders, affective disorders, anxiety, and personality
disorders.” ... To be diagnosed with the disorder, individuals must meet at
least two of 11 symptoms [listed in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders] that assess craving, withdrawal, lack of
control, and negative effects on personal and professional responsibilities ...
mental disabilities “persist even after remission.”"
Crime continuing to rise in Denver in the legal pot era - American Thinker,
3/12/16 - "The latest data shows that reported offenses
during January 2016 increased a further 4.5% from the same month in 2015. This
continues a consistent trend seen since the state's marijuana legalization
process started in mid-2013 ... During 2015, total reported crime increased 4.1%
over 2014, with the number of murders up 74%, aggravated assaults up 14%,
forcible sexual offenses up 8%, and non-forcible sex offenses up 39% ... In
2012, the year before the legalization framework was brought into force, there
were 44,338 total reported crimes in Denver. Last year, this number hit 63,816,
an increase of nearly 20,000 crimes per year – 44% higher than in the pre-legal
pot era ... what we do know is that the number of crimes in Denver skyrocketed
started at the same time the legalized marijuana policy was implemented, and
this empirical evidence, combined with what science tells us about the harmful
psychological effects of marijuana use, is, while not conclusive, strongly
suggestive that the social fabric is starting to unravel in the Mile-High City
due to pot legalization"
Cannabis in First-Episode
Psychosis Linked to Poor Outcomes - Medscape, 3/8/16 -
"Cannabis use by patients with first-episode psychosis
(FEP) is associated with significantly worse clinical outcomes over time"
Marijuana Use May Lead to Abuse of Other Substances - NBC News, 2/21/16 -
"Based on national surveys three years apart,
researchers found that adults who reported using pot in the first survey were
two to nine times more likely to have a substance abuse problem by the time of
the second survey ... These risks should be considered not only by patients and
doctors, but also by policymakers in states where marijuana may be up for
legalization for recreational or medical use"
Marijuana smokers 5 times more likely to develop an alcohol problem -
Science Daily, 2/17/16 - "The researchers analyzed data
from 27,461 adults enrolled in the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and
Related Conditions who first used marijuana at a time when they had no lifetime
history of alcohol use disorders. The population was assessed at two time
points. Adults who had used marijuana at the first assessment and again over the
following three years (23 percent) were five times more likely to develop an
alcohol use problem, compared with those who had not used marijuana (5 percent).
Adult problem drinkers who did not use cannabis were significantly more likely
to be in recovery from alcohol use disorders three years later"
Pot Smokers Susceptible to Other Addictions - WebMD, 2/17/16 -
"Two-thirds of marijuana users had some form of
substance use disorder three years later compared to less than 20 percent of
those who didn't use marijuana in the previous year"
age of marijuana use may have long-term effects on brain development -
Science Daily, 2/10/16 - "participants who began using marijuana at the age of
16 or younger demonstrated brain variations that indicate arrested brain
development in the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for
judgment, reasoning and complex thinking. Individuals who started using
marijuana after age 16 showed the opposite effect and demonstrated signs of
accelerated brain aging ... These three indexes indicate that when participants
began using marijuana before age 16, the extent of brain alteration was directly
proportionate to the number of weekly marijuana use in years and grams consumed"
Long-term marijuana use associated with worse verbal memory in middle age -
Science Daily, 2/1/16 - "Past exposure to marijuana was
associated with worse verbal memory but does not appear to affect other domains
of cognitive function. For every five years of past exposure, lower verbal
memory corresponded to an average of 1 of 2 participants remembering one word
fewer from a list of 15 words"
High-Potency Cannabis
Linked to Brain Damage, Experts Warn - Medscape, 12/15/15 -
"users of cannabis with a high
delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content and daily users experienced a
significant increase in mean diffusivity, a measure of white matter integrity,
in the corpus callosum. Notably, the changes were seen both in individuals with
and without psychosis"
increases the noise in your brain - Science Daily, 12/3/15 -
"Several studies have demonstrated that the primary
active constituent of cannabis, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (∆9-THC), induces
transient psychosis-like effects in healthy subjects similar to those observed
in schizophrenia ... A new study, published in the journal Biological
Psychiatry, reports that ∆9-THC increases random neural activity, termed neural
noise, in the brains of healthy human subjects. The findings suggest that
increased neural noise may play a role in the psychosis-like effects of cannabis
... This interesting study suggests a commonality between the effects on the
brain of the major active ingredient in marijuana and symptoms of schizophrenia
... Not only does this finding aid our understanding of the processes underlying
psychosis, it underscores an important concern in the debate surrounding medical
and legalized access to marijuana"
RA: No 'Sound Evidence' to
Support Use of Cannabinoids - Medscape, 11/10/15 -
"In view of the considerable limitations of the studies examined in this review,
including small sample sizes, short duration, only modest efficacy and a high
rate of mild to moderate adverse effects, it is not currently possible to
recommend this category of treatments as therapy for patients with rheumatic
between marijuana and other illicit drug use and depression/suicidal thoughts
among late middle-aged and older adults - Int Psychogeriatr. 2015 Nov 6 -
"major depressive episode (MDE) ... Compared to
non-users of any illicit drug, the odds of past-year MDE among those who used
marijuana only, other illicit drugs only, and marijuana and other illicit drugs
were 1.54 (95% CI = 1.17-2.03), 2.75 (95% CI = 1.75-4.33), and 2.12 (95% CI =
1.45-3.09), respectively. Those who used marijuana and other drugs also had
higher odds (2.44, 95% CI = 1.58-3.77) of suicidal thoughts than non-users of
any illicit drug" - Note: People take it to get happy but when
the short term effect wears off it actually makes them sad. When are people
going to wake up to that?
Marijuana Use, Disorders
Double in US Adults - Medscape, 10/23/15 -
"marijuana use places individuals at risk for vehicle crashes, emergency
department visits, psychiatric symptoms, poor quality of life, cognitive
decline, and use of other drugs, note the authors in reference to other
published studies ... Furthermore, marijuana use disorders are linked to
substantial comorbidity and disability"
Medical Marijuana: Where's
the Evidence? - Medscape, 7/6/15 - "Reviewing the
medical literature on medical marijuana, the two papers come to similar
conclusions — that some evidence supports the use of marijuana for nausea and
vomiting related to chemotherapy, specific pain syndromes, and spasticity from
multiple sclerosis. But for most other indications such as hepatitis C, Crohn's
disease, Parkinson's disease, or Tourette's syndrome, they found that the
evidence supporting its use is of poor quality"
Cannabis Harms Brain,
Imaging Shows - Medscape, 6/8/15 - "The heavy,
long-term use of cannabis is associated with negative changes in parts of the
brain not previously implicated ... the investigators showed that heavy chronic
cannabis use is associated with lower dopamine release in the associative
striatum and the sensory motor striatum, regions involved in cognition ... An
exploratory analysis showed a significant association between lower dopamine
release capacity in the associative striatum and decreased cognitive measures in
probabilistic category learning and working memory tasks"
Cannabis Smoking Common,
Affects Cognition in MS - Medscape, 5/28/15 - "From
40% to 70% of patients with MS have some impairment in information processing
speed, working memory, visual-spatial memory, and/or executive function. Dr
Feinstein's own research shows that smoking marijuana can make those deficits
worse ... if they start smoking cannabis, the numbers go up; it aggravates
preexisting cognitive deficits ... One of his studies showed that persons who
had smoked marijuana were about 50% slower on a single-digit test than
marijuana may cause early puberty and stunts growth in boys - Science Daily,
5/18/15 - "Levels of puberty-related hormones such as
testosterone and luteinising hormone (LH) were increased in the marijuana
smokers. In contrast, growth hormone levels were decreased in this group. It was
also found that non-smoking boys were on average 4 kg heavier and 4.6 inches
taller by the age of 20 than the marijuana smokers ... marijuana smokers have
significantly higher levels of cortisol than non-smokers ... marijuana use may
provoke a stress response that stimulates onset of puberty but suppresses growth
The Great Pot
Experiment - Time, 5/14/15 - "So she mated her rats,
but only after she had waited a month to make sure the drug was no longer in
their system. She raised the offspring, along with another group of rats that
shared the same life experiences except for the THC ... The rats with drug-using
parents pushed the lever more than twice as much. They wanted the heroin more
... This data tells us we are passing on more things that happen during our
lifetimes to our kids and grandkids ... She is also continuing to study the
behavior of rats whose only exposure to marijuana’s active ingredients came
through the DNA passed on to them from their parents or grandparents. That
research suggests that THC may have epigenetic effects, which have been found in
other drugs like cocaine and heroin, changing the way genes express themselves
in the brains of offspring"
Cannabis Use Linked to
Memory Dysfunction - Medscape, 5/7/15 - "Heavy
cannabis users have an increased susceptibility to false memories, with reduced
activity in brain regions linked to memory processing, and attention, and
performance, new research shows ... Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
performed during the task revealed that there was reduced activity in the
lateral and medial temporal lobe, along with other brain regions ... the
deficits found bear similarities with alterations observed in psychiatric and
neurologic conditions and also with age-related cognitive decline"
The dark
side of cannabis: Panic attacks, nausea - Science Daily, 5/5/15 -
weed -- can cause acute and chronic harms. These include panic attacks, impaired
coordination of movement, and nausea, as Eva Hoch and colleagues show in a
topical review article in Deutsches Ärzteblatt International"
How Cannabis Causes
Paranoia - Medscape, 5/1/15 - "THC significantly
increased paranoia, negative affect (anxiety, worry, depression, negative
thoughts about the self), and a range of anomalous experiences, and reduced
working memory capacity. The increase in negative affect and in anomalous
experiences fully accounted for the increase in paranoia"
cholesterol drug stimulates the same receptors as marijuana - Science Daily,
4/1/15 - "If you want the benefits of medical marijuana
without the "unwanted side effects" of cannabis, new research should leave you
on a high note ... fenofibrate, also known by the brand name Tricor®, may
benefit a wide range of health issues, such as pain, appetite stimulation,
nausea, as well as immune and various psychiatric and neurological conditions.
This suggests that fenofibrate may be the starting point for a new class of
cannabis-like drugs to treat these types of conditions ... It may be difficult
to persuade people in Colorado, Washington, and the District of Columbia that
there are people who want the beneficial effects of marijuana without actually
getting high ... but there are people who do not want to get stoned just to get
the relief that marijuana brings. This new work suggests that possibility"
Colorado Marijuana Study Finds Legal Weed Contains Potent THC Levels - NBC
News.com, 3/23/15 - "After analyzing more than 600
samples of bud provided by certified growers and sellers, LaFrate said he
detected little medical value and lots of contamination ... The 600-plus weed
samples generally carried little or no cannabidiol, or CBD — the compound that
makes medical marijuana "medical." The average CBD amount: 0.1 percent ... It's
disturbing to me because there are people out there who think they're giving
their kids Charlotte's Web. And you could be giving them no CBD — or even worse,
you could be giving them a THC-rich product which might actually increase
seizures ... Three decades of cross-breeding pot strains — done to meet a demand
for stronger weed — generally elevated THC and decreased CBD in many marijuana
varieties ... just like other industries, now you have a big marijuana industry
determined to hide these findings from the public. Where is their outcry?"
cannabis users have poor long-term memory in adulthood - Science Daily,
3/12/15 - "Teens who were heavy marijuana users --
smoking it daily for about three years -- had an abnormally shaped hippocampus
and performed poorly on long-term memory tasks ... The brain abnormalities and
memory problems were observed during the individuals' early twenties, two years
after they stopped smoking marijuana ... Young adults who abused cannabis as
teens performed about 18 percent worse on long-term memory tests than young
adults who never abused cannabis ... The longer the individuals were chronically
using marijuana, the more abnormal the shape of their hippocampus"
alternative to medical marijuana for pain? - Science Daily, 3/4/15 -
"when animals were given Δ9-THC, they developed complete
tolerance to the pain-suppressing effects of THC and with repeated dosing"
2/28/15 Dr. Samadi: Study claiming pot is
safer is nonsense, medical marijuana "biggest scam" - YouTube
Marijuana: The allergen you never knew existed - Science Daily, 3/3/15 -
"Included in the article is information on case reports
regarding episodes of allergic reactions, hypersensitivity and even anaphylaxis
(a severe allergic reaction) to cannabis in its various forms. Among other
things, cannabis pollen or cannabis smoke exposure has resulted in symptoms of
allergic rhinitis (hay fever) conjunctivitis and asthma. Allergic asthma
triggered by seasonal and occupational exposure to cannabis has also been
reported" - Note: It seems like every week another negative study
comes out on marijuana.
use of cannabinoids depresses motor neuron activity - Science Daily, 2/23/15
- "cannabinoids hinder the transmission of information
between neurons." A consequence of this fact is, for example, that muscular
weakness is produced as "the motor neuron, that is the one that gives the order
to the muscle to contract, sees its activity reduced which, as a consequence,
would weaken the strength of the muscle contraction," as doctor Moreno points
out. All of this could lead to problems speaking, breathing and even swallowing
More Support for Causal
Link Between Marijuana and Stroke - Medscape, 2/20/15 -
"81% of cases exhibited a temporal relationship with
cannabis use and the index event; the patient sustained a stroke within 24 hours
of using cannabis ... In 70%, the evaluation was sufficiently comprehensive to
exclude other sources for stroke"
'Skunk-like cannabis'
increases risk of psychosis, study suggests - BBC News, 2/16/15 -
"Scientists found the risk of psychosis was five times
higher for those who use it every day compared with non-users ... Psychosis
refers to delusions or hallucinations that can be present in certain psychiatric
conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder ... the availability of
skunk-like cannabis was becoming more widespread ... In London, it's very
difficult to find anything else ... Someone suffering from psychosis would often
be "extremely paranoid and become very suspicious" about the people around them" -
Marijuana use is associated with excessive daytime sleepiness in adolescents
- Science Daily, 3/23/25 - "43 percent of children with
urine drug screens positive for marijuana actually had test results consistent
with narcolepsy or abnormal REM sleep patterns" - Note: It's just
one more item to add to the long list of problems such as male breasts and other
hormonal problems, DNA damage that's passed on to the unborn child, lower IQ and
other brain damage, increased schizophrenia, increased depression, lack of
motivation, increased anxiety, increase bipolar disorder, etc. As far as
medical use for pain, I'm seen more promising studies for cherry juice.
Significant link between cannabis use and onset of mania symptoms - Science
Daily, 2/10/15 - "Mania can also make people feel angry
and aggressive with extreme symptoms including becoming delusional or hearing
voices ... cannabis use significantly worsened mania symptoms in people who had
previously been diagnosed with bipolar disorder ... Cannabis is the most
prevalent drug used by the under-18s and during this critical period of
development services should be especially aware of and responsive to the
problems that cannabis use can cause for adolescent populations"
Year One of Colorado's Marijuana Law - RealClearPolitics, 2/8/15 -
"The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
reported brain abnormalities in chronic users, while (beyond the 2012 study
documenting an 8 point IQ loss from heavy use), the Journal of Neuroscience
reported that even occasional use produces alterations in the brain ... The
British medical journal, The Lancet, showed that the effects of marijuana
include increased odds of school drop-out and suicidal propensity, while a
20-year review of research in the journal Addiction confirmed marijuana’s
“gateway” effect to other illicit drugs, as well as its link to schizophrenia.
Finally, in June the Obama administration’s top addiction scientist, Dr. Nora
Volkow, summarized the adverse consequences in the New England Journal of
Medicine, emphasizing not only the risk of psychosis, but marijuana’s
destructive effects on memory, cognition, and learning"
Saying No to Cannabis
Improves Bipolar Outcomes - Medscape, 1/19/15 -
"quitting cannabis during acute treatment for manic/mixed bipolar episodes and
refraining from use during a maintenance treatment period significantly improved
function and lowered the risk for recurrence ... Our results also showed that
patients who continued to use cannabis had worse outcomes than those who either
stopped using cannabis or had never used it ... patients that continued using
cannabis had more suicide attempts than those that quit or those who never used
Cannabis-Related ED Visits
Rise in States With Legalized Use - Medscape, 12/16/14 -
"emergency department (ED) visits with International
Classification of Diseases, 9th Edition (ICD-9) coding for cannabis use grew
50.4% between 2007 and 2012 in Colorado ― one of the first two states to
legalize both medical and recreational use of marijuana"
Marijuana Smoke as Damaging
to Arteries as Tobacco Smoke - Medscape, 12/3/14 -
"When the rats were exposed to marijuana smoke in a laboratory for half an hour,
arterial flow-mediated dilation dropped by 50% to 70%"
Marijuana Decriminalization
Spreads; Public Health Prepares - Medscape, 12/3/14 -
"'We've worked for decades to fight against the scourge
of cigarette smoking. Why are we embracing this substance?' Yet we don't have
the same type of evidence we have with smoking. We never studied it this closely
because it's an illegal product ... emerging research already shows the
potential short- and long-term effects of marijuana use on public health, with
young adults a high-risk group. Young adults who use marijuana heavily as teens
are more likely to become addicted, have altered brain development and perform
poorly in school ... Then there's the maternal and child health issues. We've
heard anecdotally that pregnant women are using marijuana products, so what is
the effect on the fetus? ... A total of 4.5 percent of fatal crashes in the
first six months of 1994 involved a driver using marijuana, compared with 10
percent of crashes in the last six months of 2011"
Marijuana Poisoning
Incidents Spike in Washington State - Medscape, 11/19/14 -
"Marijuana exposures are defined as any situation where
an adult or child suffers an adverse reaction to the consumption of marijuana,
such as increased heart rate, paranoia or stomach illness ... Some 210 marijuana
exposures were reported in the first nine months of the year, more than in all
of 2013 ... Washington legalized recreational marijuana use in 2012, with the
first retail stores opening in 2014 ... most exposures among young children are
accidental, with parents reporting their children found and ate marijuana-laced
items such as cookies and candy bars ... comes amid a lack of clear data about
how cannabis affects young brains and bodies"
Secondhand Pot Smoke Can Give Your Heart an Unwelcome Buzz - WebMD, 11/17/14
- "That whiff of pot that drifts your way at a rock
concert or outdoor event could damage your heart and blood vessels as much as
secondhand cigarette smoke does ... Blood vessel function in laboratory rats
dropped by 70 percent after a half-hour of exposure to secondhand marijuana
smoke ... Reduced blood vessel function can increase a person's risk of
developing hardened arteries"
Regular marijuana habit changes your brain, study says - CNN.com, 11/11/14 -
"new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences ... compared to nonusers, people who smoked marijuana starting as early
as age 14 have less brain volume, or gray matter, in the orbitofrontal cortex.
That's the area in the front of your brain that helps you make decisions" -
MD] [Science
Daily] [Medscape]
This Is Your Brain on Drugs - NYTimes.com, 10/29/14 -
"What she and fellow researchers at Harvard and
Northwestern University found within those scans surprised them. Even in the
seven participants who smoked only once or twice a week, there was evidence of
structural differences in two significant regions of the brain. The more the
subjects smoked, the greater the differences ... All smokers showed
abnormalities in the shape, density and volume of the nucleus accumbens, which
“is at the core of motivation, the core of pleasure and pain, and every decision
that you make,”"
cannabis doesn't make you more creative, study suggests - Science Daily,
10/8/14 - "Smokers who ingested a low dose of THC, or
none at all (they were given a placebo), performed best in the thinking tasks
that the test candidates had to carry out. A high dose of THC was actually shown
to have a negative effect on the ability to quickly come up with as many
solutions as possible to a given problem"
Cannabis as Addictive as Heroin, New Study Finds - breitbard.com, 10/7/14 -
"The paper by Professor Wayne Hall, who is an advisor
for the World Health Organisation, says that Cannabis use can have numerous
harmful side-effects, including mental illness, impaired driving ability and
lower educational attainment"
What Are the Effects of
Cannabis Use During Pregnancy? - Medscape, 9/12/14 -
"Cannabis compounds have a small molecular size and are lipophilic in nature
which allows for the drug to readily cross the placental barrier ... In children
about 6 years old, lower verbal reasoning scores were associated with heavy
cannabis use during the first trimester, and impairment of short-term memory and
lower composite and quantitative scores on intelligence testing were associated
with heavy cannabis use during the second trimester.[2,9] Evaluation of children
born to women who used cannabis throughout pregnancy found significantly higher
depressive symptoms and attention problems at 10 years of age and delinquency at
14 years of age compared with those who were not exposed" - Note:
Plus what about the permanent DNA damage to the female egg and/or male sperm
even if they quit prior to pregnancy? Err!! I've seen young people
tout reports from college professors telling them what they want to hear.
I'm convinced you can find what you want to hear on the Internet on any subject
if you search long enough. Things you do in like can affect the offspring
several generations later.
Search "generations" on my website.
Teen Marijuana Use Linked
to Long-term Adverse Outcomes - Medscape, 9/9/14 -
"Compared with nonusers, daily users of cannabis before age 17 are more than 60%
less likely to complete high school or obtain a university degree, 7 times more
likely to attempt suicide, have an 18 times' greater chance of cannabis
dependence, and are 8 times as likely to use other illicit drugs down the road
... The associations are "biologically plausible" ... as some research suggests
that heavy cannabis use in adolescence can have an effect on central nervous
system development. For example, in relation to education, it's feasible that
this could decrease cognitive function"
marijuana use bad for teens' brains - Science Daily, 8/9/14 -
"Frequent marijuana use can have a significant negative
effect on the brains of teenagers and young adults, including cognitive decline,
poor attention and memory, and decreased IQ ... regular cannabis use, which we
consider once a week, is not safe and may result in addiction and neurocognitive
damage ... People who have become addicted to marijuana can lose an average of
six IQ points by adulthood ... Brain imaging studies of regular marijuana users
have shown significant changes in their brain structure ... frequent use of high
potency THC can increase risk of acute and future problems with depression,
anxiety and psychosis ... marijuana use among teenagers was higher in counties
where larger numbers of people voted to legalize medical marijuana in 2004. In
addition, teens in counties with more votes for the legalization of medical
marijuana perceived marijuana use to be less risky"
Study Sheds
Light on Cannabis and Paranoia - WebMD, 7/17/14 -
"After analyzing the results, the scientists found that THC increased the
likelihood of paranoia happening ... Half the participants had paranoid thoughts
with THC, compared to just 30% with placebo ... The paranoia declined as the
drug left the bloodstream ... The drug also caused a range of other
psychological effects: anxiety, worry, lowered mood, negative thoughts about the
self, various changes in perception (such as sounds being louder than normal and
colors brighter), thoughts echoing, altered perception of time, and poorer
short-term memory ... They say it's likely that paranoia creeps in because THC
increases negative feelings, and the perceptual changes lead to the rise in
The Devastation That’s Really Happening in Colorado - The Weekly Standard,
7/10/14 - "There is no indication that Obama is really
paying attention to what he has done in Colorado. During our recent visit to the
state we found no one is measuring this “experiment” at all. Even more
troubling, if this were truly an experiment, the impact of this “laboratory” is
on human subjects, many of whom—Colorado adolescents, communities in neighboring
states—were hardly approached for “informed consent.” Nor did citizens we talked
to vote for what they see happening to them now"
In Past Decade, Traffic Fatalities Involving Marijuana Have Spiked -
dailysignal.com, 6/12/14 - "Traffic fatalities involving
marijuana have tripled in the U.S. over the last decade, increasing from 4
percent in 1999 to 12 percent in 2010 ... Currently, one of nine drivers
involved in fatal crashes would test positive for marijuana"
Marijuana Tied to
Addiction, Long-term Cognitive Dysfunction - Medscape, 6/11/14 -
"Marijuana use is associated with substantial adverse
events, including addiction and long-term cognitive dysfunction, new research
suggests ... as policy shifts toward legalization of marijuana, it is reasonable
and probably prudent to hypothesize that its use will increase and that, by
extension, so will the number of persons for whom there will be negative health
consequences ... They also have less functional connectivity in areas that
include processing habits and routines and inhibitory control, as well as a
significant decline in IQ ... Regular use of cannabis has also been associated
with an increased risk for depression and anxiety; it has been linked to
psychoses (especially in those with a preexisting genetic vulnerability), and it
exacerbates the illness in patients with schizophrenia ... many of the growing
problems could be because the THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) content of marijuana
increased from approximately 3% in the 1980s to 12% in 2012"
Pot Use Might Be Linked to Abnormal Sperm - WebMD, 6/5/14 -
"Although cigarettes and alcohol had little effect, the
study revealed that sperm size and shape was negatively affected if the men were
younger than age 30 and had smoked marijuana within three months"
on marijuana's negative health effects summarized in report - Science Daily,
6/5/14 - "older studies are based on the effects of
marijuana containing lower THC -- the main psychoactive chemical found in
marijuana -- stronger adverse health effects may occur with today's more potent
marijuana ... The reviewers consider areas in which little research has been
conducted. This includes possible health consequences of secondhand marijuana
smoke; the long-term impact of prenatal marijuana exposure; the therapeutic
potential of the individual chemicals found in the marijuana plant; and effects
of marijuana legalization policies on public health"
Marijuana use associated with impaired sleep quality - Science Daily, 6/2/14
- "any history of cannabis use was associated with an
increased likelihood of reporting difficulty falling asleep, struggling to
maintain sleep, experiencing non-restorative sleep, and feeling daytime
sleepiness. The strongest association was found in adults who started marijuana
use before age 15; they were about twice as likely to have severe problems
falling asleep (odds ratio = 2.28), experiencing non-restorative sleep (OR =
2.25) and feeling overly sleepy during the day (OR = 1.99) ... The most
surprising finding was that there was a strong relationship with age of first
use, no matter how often people were currently using marijuana. People who
started using early were more likely to have sleep problems as an adult"
sleep equal to binge drinking, marijuana use in predicting academic problems
- Science Daily, 6/2/14 - "sleep problems have about the
same impact on grade point average (GPA) as binge drinking and marijuana use.
Its negative impact on academic success is more pronounced for freshmen. Among
first-year students, poor sleep -- but not binge drinking, marijuana use or
learning disabilities diagnosis -- independently predicted dropping or
withdrawing from a course"
After 5 Months of Sales, Colorado Sees the Downside of a Legal High -
nytimes.com, 5/31/14 - "There is the Denver man who,
hours after buying a package of marijuana-infused Karma Kandy from one of
Colorado’s new recreational marijuana shops, began raving about the end of the
world and then pulled a handgun from the family safe and killed his wife, the
authorities say. Some hospital officials say they are treating growing numbers
of children and adults sickened by potent doses of edible marijuana. Sheriffs in
neighboring states complain about stoned drivers streaming out of Colorado and
through their towns"
Marijuana use involved in more fatal accidents since commercialization of
medical marijuana - Science Daily, 5/15/14 - "fatal
motor vehicle crashes in Colorado involving at least one driver who tested
positive for marijuana accounted for 4.5 percent in the first six months of
1994; this percentage increased to 10 percent in the last six months of 2011.
They reported that Colorado underwent a significant increase in the proportion
of drivers in a fatal motor vehicle crash who were marijuana-positive after the
commercialization of medical marijuana in the middle of 2009. The increase in
Colorado was significantly greater compared to the 34 non-medical marijuana
states from mid-2009 to 2011"
Teen Marijuana Use Linked
to Earlier Psychosis Onset - Medscape, 5/14/14 -
"youth who used cannabis when aged 15 to 17 years experienced first episode
psychosis (FEP) an average of almost 4 years earlier than their counterparts
with FEP who did not use cannabis"
Cannabis Abuse Rife in
College Kids With Mental Illness - Medscape, 5/8/14 -
"Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF), a 100-point
scale with higher scores indicating higher functioning ... Overall, 25% of the
study sample was on leave from college. However, the investigators found that
those with cannabis use disorder were significantly more likely to be on leave
compared with their counterparts who did not have a cannabis use disorder ― 46%
vs 13% ... In addition, those with cannabis use disorders had a statistically
significant lower GAF compared with those without cannabis use disorders ― 56 vs
66 (P < .01). The investigators also found that 47% of students diagnosed with
bipolar disorder also had a cannabis use disorder ... My concern with the move
to legalize marijuana is that it may encourage more people to experiment with
marijuana, and that may be dangerous for them"
Improving air quality in NYC would boost children's future earnings by
increasing IQ - Science Daily, 5/8/14 - "polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH), a family of chemicals created by burning fossil
fuels ... Gains in IQ related to the hypothetical 25% reduction in PAH
translated to increased lifetime earnings of $215 million ... The researchers
previously reported that children born to nonsmoking mothers exposed to higher
levels of airborne PAH during pregnancy had IQs three points lower at age 5 than
children whose mothers had lower PAH exposures. The IQ reduction was modest but
in the range of that seen with low-level lead ... IQ affects academic
performance and earnings" - Note: Sometimes it just seems like
priorities are out of sync. On the one hand you've got marijuana showing
an eight point decrease in IQ and the media seems to be supporting it and that's
nearly three times what pollution causes and it's difficult to get rid of cars,
heating, manufacturing, etc. If a three point decline in IQ results in
$215 million decrease in lifetime earnings, then an eight point decrease in IQ
would interpolate to a $573 million decrease in lifetime earnings assuming it
was linear.
The Marijuana
Debate: Time for Reefer Sanity - heritage.org, 4/27/14
Colorado 4th-Graders Caught Selling Pot at School - Fox News Insider,
4/24/14 - "the students involved, three 10-year-old boys
and a 10-year-old girl ... The marijuana appears to have been legally purchased
by adults ... Pot is celebrated and glorified and promoted. Kids are watching
adults and this is the way adults are behaving ... a man ate marijuana-infused
candy before shooting and killing his wife last week ... Her death followed that
of a Wyoming college student who ate well over the recommended dose of a
marijuana-laced cookie and jumped to his death from a hotel balcony in Denver"
Marijuana Use Linked to
Rising Cardiovascular Events - Medscape, 4/23/14 -
"Their concerns stem from a review of reports made to the French
Addictovigilance Network between 2006 and 2010 indicating that almost 2% of
reported events concerned cardiovascular complications. What's more, the average
age of the people with CV complications was 34, with the number of
cardiovascular complications tripling over the study period ... Vasospasm, which
has been linked with cannabis use in
experimental settings, "could be a possible common origin for many of the cases
we describe in the present study."" - [WebMD]
- Note: The studies on the detrimental effects of cigarettes started
coming out in 1964 yet people ignored them for years. Look at all the
cigarettes in the movie 'Argo' which was loosely based on an event in 1979.
Even in the 80's newspapers had a huge bias in favor of smoking in public and
workplaces even from the
New York Times who I remember writing too. I was so mad at them I
requested a price quote for a full page ad countering their argument. Full
page cigarette ads were common at the time.
Smoking in the workplace was even still acceptable until the early '90's.
Marijuana Use Linked to
Rising Cardiovascular Events - Medscape, 4/23/14 -
"Their concerns stem from a review of reports made to the French
Addictovigilance Network between 2006 and 2010 indicating that almost 2% of
reported events concerned cardiovascular complications. What's more, the average
age of the people with CV complications was 34, with the number of
cardiovascular complications tripling over the study period ... Vasospasm, which
has been linked with cannabis use in experimental settings, "could be a possible
common origin for many of the cases we describe in the present study.""
Articles: The Effect of Medical Marijuana Laws on Violent Crime -
americanthinker.com, 4/23/14 - "the plots show apparent
reversals or slowing of declining violent crime rates in each MML state at the
same time as, or soon after, legalization"
More Smoking Equals Lower
Quality of Life - Medscape, 4/22/14 - "Smoking
cigarettes, even for a short time, is associated with a significantly lower
quality of life (QoL)" - Note: Mark my word people are going to see
the same thing with marijuana and it will take 50 years for that conclusion
Student Jumps to Death at Denver Hotel After Eating Too Much Pot - CNS News,
4/17/14 - "Levy Thamba Pongi, 19, consumed more than one
cookie purchased by a friend — even though a store clerk told the friend to cut
each cookie into six pieces and to eat just one piece at a time ... Pongi began
shaking, screaming and throwing things around a hotel room before he jumped over
a fourth-floor railing into the hotel lobby March 11. An autopsy report listed
marijuana intoxication as a "significant contributing factor" in the death ...
when Pongi felt nothing after about 30 minutes, he ate an entire cookie ... The
marijuana concentration in Pongi's blood was 7.2 nanograms of active THC per
milliliter of blood. Colorado law says juries can assume someone is driving
while impaired if their blood contains more than 5 nanograms per milliliter"
changes associated with casual marijuana use in young adults: More 'joints'
equal more damage - Science Daily, 4/15/14 - "The
team of scientists compared the size, shape, and density of the nucleus
accumbens and the amygdala -- a brain region that plays a central role in
emotion -- in 20 marijuana users and 20 non-users. Each marijuana user was asked
to estimate their drug consumption over a three-month period, including the
number of days they smoked and the amount of the drug consumed each day. The
scientists found that the more the marijuana users reported consuming, the
greater the abnormalities in the nucleus accumbens and amygdala. The shape and
density of both of these regions also differed between marijuana users and
non-users ... This study raises a strong challenge to the idea that casual
marijuana use isn't associated with bad consequences"
Marijuana Re-Shapes Brains of Users, Study Claims - NBC News, 4/15/14 -
"Anytime you find there’s a relationship to the amount
of marijuana consumed, and you see differences of core brain regions involved in
processing of rewards, the making of decisions, the ability to assess emotions,
that is a serious issue ... When we saw that there was a consistent abnormality
and that it was directly related to the amount of cannabis one took in, it gave
us some significant pause ... Seeing these differences raises a cautionary flag
that we need to do more research"
Fifty Years On, Half As
Many Americans Now Smoke, but… - Medscape, 4/14/14 -
"The 1964 report heralded the beginning of a dramatic change in the United
States — from smoking being accepted as a social norm to becoming a social
stigma" - Note: I see the same thing happening with marijuana.
When I was a kid, grown-ups thought I was a nut for criticizing tobacco.
Sometimes it seems inconceivable that people ignore what is so obvious.
Amanda Bynes' Mother Blames Daughter's Erratic Behavior on Marijuana -
breitbart.com, 4/10/14 - "Amanda has no mental illness
whatsoever. She has never been diagnosed as schizophrenic or bipolar ... Her
mother said Bynes "is very sorry for all the hurtful tweets, statements and
actions that occurred while she was under the influence of marijuana.""
Blog: Pot Legalization and Crime Rates in Denver, Colorado -
americanthinker.com, 4/9/14 - "Over the first two months of 2014,
“simple assaults” in Denver are up an astonishing 70%
over the same timeframe in 2013. The crime of “intimidation” is up 86%, and all
“crimes against persons” have increased 32% compared to 2013. But the real
changes are evident in the “all other offenses” category. Here we see that
“disorderly conduct/disturbing the peace” has increased 1,144% (from only 18
offenses in 2013 to 224 in 2014), “family offences/nonviolent” are up 97%,
“liquor law/drunkeness” is up 1,150%, “violation of a restraining/court order”
increased 87%, “criminal trespassing” is up 339%, and the “all other offenses”
subcategory have increased 400%"
BPA and
related chemicals: Human safety thresholds for endocrine disrupting chemicals
may be inaccurate - Science Daily, 4/8/14 -
"Endocrine disruptors (EDs) are compounds that interfere with animal hormone (or
endocrine) systems in various ways. Sometimes, this can lead to developmental
problems, including those of the reproductive system. Over the past four
decades, human sperm counts have been markedly decreasing and the rate of
testicular cancer rates has risen. Meanwhile, the occurance of undescended
testicles and abnormally developed male urethras are also thought to be
increasing. Evidence suggests that these male reproductive disorders are at
least partially due to the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals which are
becoming increasingly concentrated and prevalent in the environment and that
these EDs act on the testis during fetal development" - Note how the
media has been sensationalizing the endocrine disruption of BPA but doesn't seem
to want to irritate their readers with the endocrine disruption caused my
marijuana which is probably even worse. I'm against both.
4/6/14 Crimes, deaths linked to Colorado
marijuana legalization, black-market still exists - YouTube - 3:58
457 Marijuana Shops File Tax Renewals in L.A. - breitbart.com, 4/3/14 -
"the city remains last nationally in job growth, after
bankrupt Detroit" - Does anyone believe all those people have medical
conditions even if you're one of those that believe it works for medical
conditions (which I don't).
Medical Marijuana: What the
Research Shows - Medscape, 4/2/14 - "Few of these
studies, though, followed a controlled clinical trial. This is considered the
best type of trial because it compares a drug to another drug, or to a placebo
(a "fake" treatment) ... Also, most of the studies had fewer than 200 patients.
So doubt continues about marijuana’s value and who it really can help"
- Note: Like I said about doctors getting paid to tell you what you want to
here and this wasn't even a medical doctor and don't forget there were medical
doctors advertising for cigarette companies in the '60's.
Medicinal Use of Cannabis
and Cannabinoids in Older Adults - Medscape, 3/28/14 -
"There are two oral cannabis-based drugs available in
tablet form (dronabinol and nabilone) and one in-mouth spray form (nabiximols).
Dronabinol and nabilone (tetrahydrocannabinol) are registered in some countries,
including the United States ... The lack of information about the safety and
efficacy of cannabis and cannabinoids in older adults warrants further research,
especially adequately powered randomized controlled trials to assess the
evidence for, and the risk–benefit ratio of, medical cannabis in older
individuals. Until then, individual evaluation of the pros and cons is necessary
before cannabis can be prescribed to older adults"
No Evidence to Support
Medical Marijuana Use for Arthritis Pain - Medscape, 3/4/14 -
"Smoking of cannabis cannot be recommended medically for
a number of reasons, they say. THC content is variable, bioavailability is
inconsistent, and dangers range from the immediate effects on cognition,
psychomotor function, cardiovascular function, and mood to chronic effects such
as drug dependence and potential cancer risk ... Oral administration is even
more erratic, and much of the ingested marijuana is eliminated by first-pass
metabolism in the liver ... the lack of the most elementary requirements for
responsible drug administration must call into question any use of herbal
cannabis for rheumatic pain treatment at this time"
Prevalence of high school seniors' marijuana use is expected to increase with
legalization - Science Daily, 2/27/14 - "Assuming
that onset use would occur before or during the senior year, the study's results
suggest that this would constitute a 5.6% absolute increase in lifetime
prevalence in this age group, rising from 45.6% to 51.2%,"
Increase in Child Pot
Exposures Linked to Decriminalization - Medscape, 2/11/14 -
"the call rate for unintentional marijuana exposure
among children younger than 9 years increased by 30.3% (95% confidence interval
[CI], 22.5% - 38.5%) in states where laws decriminalizing marijuana use had been
passed. The rate was unchanged in states with no marijuana legislation"
Fatal Car Crashes Involving Pot Use Have Tripled in U.S., Study Finds -
WebMD, 2/4/14 - "Currently, one of nine drivers involved
in fatal crashes would test positive for marijuana ... Marijuana proved to be
the main drug involved in the increase, contributing to 12 percent of 2010
crashes compared with 4 percent in 1999 ... If a driver is under the influence
of alcohol, their risk of a fatal crash is 13 times higher than the risk of the
driver who is not under the influence of alcohol ... if the driver is under the
influence of both alcohol and marijuana, their risk increases to 24 times that
of a sober person"
Cannabis during pregnancy endangers fetal brain development - Science
Daily, 1/27/14 - "consuming Cannabis during
pregnancy clearly results in defective development of nerve cells of the
cerebral cortex, the part of the brain that orchestrates higher cognitive
functions and drives memory formation. In particular, THC negatively impacts
if and how the structural platform and conduit for communication between
nerve cells, the synapses and axons, will develop and function. Researchers
also identified Stathmin-2 as a key protein target for THC action, and its
loss is characterized as a reason for erroneous nerve growth ... these
developmental deficits may evoke life-long modifications to the brain
function of those affected ... relatively subtle damage can significantly
increase the risk of delayed neuropsychiatric diseases ... Even if THC only
would cause small changes its effect may well be sufficient to sensitize the
brain to later stressors or diseases to provoke neuropsychiatric illnesses
in those affected in the future"
Teen pot use could hurt brain and memory, new research suggests - NBC
News.com, 12/16/13 - "Research released Monday in
the journal Schizophrenia Bulletin showed the brains of young heavy
marijuana users were altered in so-called sub-cortical regions — primitive
structures that are part of the memory and reasoning circuits. And young
people with such alterations performed worse on memory tests than non-using
controls, despite the fact that the heavy users had not indulged for more
than two years, on average, before the testing"
Smoking Pot May Double
Risk for Stillbirth - Medscape, 12/9/13 - "Odds
of stillbirth were nearly 2 times higher among women whose fetuses tested
positive for any drug metabolite (case patients, 7.0%; control patients,
3.7%; odds ratio [OR], 1.94; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.16 - 3.27). The
most common illicit drug was cannabis, which increased the odds of
stillbirth by more than twice as much (case patients, 3.9%; control
patients, 1.7%; OR, 2.34; 95% CI, 1.13 - 4.81) ... There was a dose–response
relationship between maternal smoking and stillbirth, with odds of
stillbirth increasing with higher maternal cotinine levels. Exposure to
secondhand smoke (lack of maternal smoking history along with cotinine
levels less than 3 ng/mL) increased the odds of stillbirth by twice as much
(case patients, 5.0%; control patients, 2.7%; OR, 2.06; 95% CI, 1.24 -
Amino acid offers potential therapeutic alternative in psychiatric disorders
- Science Daily, 10/8/13 - "drug discovery is at a
near standstill for treating psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia,
bipolar disorder, depression and common forms of autism ... According to
Professor Berk, there is now an incontrovertible evidence base that these
disorders share inflammation and oxidative stress as part of their disease
physiology ... The amino acid, NAC, seems to have multiple effects on all
these pathways: it boosts glutathione, which is the body’s major antioxidant
defence; has anti-inflammatory properties; enhances levels of nerve cell
growth proteins and the growth of new neurons; and reduces cell death
pathways. It also appears to reduce dysfunction of mitochondria ... NAC
reduces the core symptoms of schizophrenia including negative symptoms such
as improved apathy, social interaction and motivation. It also appears to
reduce depression in people with bipolar disorder and at this meeting ...
there is intriguing evidence that it reduces cravings in a number of
addictions including cocaine, cannabis and cigarette smoking" - See
n-acetyl cysteine at Amazon.com
Perception of marijuana as a 'safe drug' is scientifically inaccurate, finds
review of teen brain studies - Science Daily, 8/27/13 -
"The researchers reviewed over 120 studies that
looked at different aspects of the relationship between cannabis and the
adolescent brain, including the biology of the brain, chemical reaction that
occurs in the brain when the drug is used, the influence of genetics and
environmental factors, in addition to studies into the "gateway drug"
phenomenon ... Data from epidemiological studies have repeatedly shown an
association between cannabis use and subsequent addiction to heavy drugs and
psychosis (i.e. schizophrenia) ... When the first exposure occurs in younger
versus older adolescents, the impact of cannabis seems to be worse in regard
to many outcomes such as mental health, education attainment, delinquency
and ability to conform to adult role ... Individuals who will develop
cannabis dependence generally report a temperament characterized by negative
affect, aggressivity and impulsivity, from an early age. Some of these
traits are often exacerbated with years of cannabis use, which suggests that
users become trapped in a vicious cycle of self-medication, which in turn
becomes a dependence"
Marijuana use in adolescence may cause permanent brain abnormalities, mouse
study suggests - Science Daily, 7/24/13 -
"Previous research has shown that children who started using marijuana
before the age of 16 are at greater risk of permanent cognitive deficits,
and have a significantly higher incidence of psychiatric disorders such as
schizophrenia ... We wanted to identify the biological underpinnings and
determine whether there is a real, permanent health risk to marijuana use
... "In the adult mice exposed to marijuana ingredients in adolescence, we
found that cortical oscillations were grossly altered, and they exhibited
impaired cognitive abilities ... We also found impaired cognitive behavioral
performance in those mice. The striking finding is that, even though the
mice were exposed to very low drug doses, and only for a brief period during
adolescence, their brain abnormalities persisted into adulthood"
Long-Term Cannabis Use May Blunt the Brain's Motivation System - Science
Daily, 7/1/13 - "Long-term cannabis users tend to
produce less dopamine, a chemical in the brain linked to motivation ... The
researchers used PET brain imaging to look at dopamine production in the
striatum of 19 regular cannabis users and 19 non-users of matching age and
sex ... The lowest dopamine levels were seen in users who meet diagnostic
criteria for cannabis abuse or dependence"
Chronic Marijuana Use
Linked to Hypopituitarism - Medscape, 5/3/13 -
"Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, can
suppress multiple hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis pathways, with
subsequent effects on multiple organ systems ... Any gland can be affected,
including the whole pituitary ... several states have passed laws legalizing
marijuana. Use will probably go up, and people won't be so afraid to come
forward … We'll probably start finding all kinds of cases like this ...
described the symptoms of the 37-year-old man who presented to the emergency
department with dyspnea on exertion, increased fatigue, and loss of libido.
On physical exam, he was found to have bibasilar rales, gynecomastia, and
atrophied testes ... He had low levels of luteinizing hormone,
follicular-stimulating hormone, and testosterone (0.2 mIU/mL, 1.8 mIU/mL,
and 22 ng/dL, respectively), high prolactin (53.3 ng/mL), and ACTH of 6
pg/mL. He also had abnormal thyroid-function tests, normal growth-hormone
levels, and low insulinlike growth factor-1"
Marijuana Not Medicine,
Addiction Experts Say - Medscape, 4/29/13 -
"Illinois should not legalize cannabis, and physicians should not write
recommendations for patients to use marijuana for medical purposes, because
it is a dangerous, addictive drug and is not approved by the US Food and
Drug Administration (FDA), a group of addiction medicine physicians said
during a press conference here ... For every disease and disorder for which
marijuana has been recommended, there is a better, FDA-approved medication
... There are probably very few patients for whom marijuana is the only drug
that makes them feel better. Is it worth the risk to our society to give one
person an intoxicant to help them feel better — while not getting better —
and put our entire society at risk by making that intoxicant available to
Cannabis Use in Teens
Linked to Irreparable Drop in IQ - Medscape, 4/26/13 -
"Cannabis users who start smoking the drug as
adolescents show an irreparable decline in IQ, with more persistent use
linked to a greater decline ... Case-control studies show that light to
heavy cannabis use can cause enduring neuropsychological problems, but they
are retrospective and there are no tests of premorbid functioning ...
Between the ages of 8 and 38 years, individuals who began using cannabis in
adolescence and continued to use it for years thereafter lost an average of
8 IQ points. In contrast, IQ among individuals who never used cannabis
actually rose slightly ... Cessation of cannabis did not restore IQ among
teen-onset cannabis users"
Cannabis Use Linked to
More Severe Schizophrenia - Medscape, 4/10/13 -
"Cannabis use not only increases the risk for schizophrenia but new research
suggests it is associated with more severe schizophrenic psychosis ...
"Those who had schizophrenia after cannabis use had many more hospital
days...more than a third [38%] of those who had cannabis use had more than 2
years in total in hospital stay" compared with 21% of nonusers, said Dr.
Allebeck. The median number of hospital days was 547 for cannabis users and
184 for nonusers ... After controlling for socioeconomic factors,
personality disorders, IQ, and other factors associated with cannabis use,
"there was more than 3-fold increased risk of such long hospital days among
cannabis users," ... The number of readmissions is also about 3-fold
increased of those with many readmissions after the first admission for
Mental illness linked to heavy cannabis use - Science Daily, 4/2/13 -
"People with mental illnesses are more than seven
times more likely to use cannabis weekly compared to people without a mental
illness ... researchers analyzed data from face-to-face interviews with over
43,000 respondents over the age of 18 from the National Epidemiologic Survey
on Alcohol and Related Conditions"
Even a Little Pot Use Ups College Dropout Risk - WebMD, 3/22/13 -
"students with high levels of marijuana use (more
than 17 days a month) were twice as likely as those with minimal use (less
than a day a month) to have an enrollment gap while in college. But even
students who used pot less often, in the range of three to 12 days a month,
were more likely to experience enrollment gaps"
Smoking marijuana associated with higher stroke risk in young adults -
Science Daily, 2/6/13 - "In a New Zealand study,
ischemic stroke and transient ischemic attack (TIA) patients were 2.3 times
more likely to have cannabis, also known as marijuana, detected in urine
tests as other age and sex matched patients ... People need to think twice
about using cannabis," because it can affect brain development and result in
emphysema, heart attack and now stroke"
Consider Cannabis as
Cause of Stroke in Younger Patients - Medscape, 1/22/13 -
"because most cannabis smokers are young, patients
under 45 years of age presenting with symptoms of stroke should be asked
about cannabis use and have their urine tested for cannabinoids ... The
authors note that 59 case reports of cannabis-related stroke (mean age, 33
years) have been described. Most cases were in men, with a male-to-female
ratio of 4.9:1 ... although only these few cases of stroke associated with
cannabis use have been documented, this is probably just the tip of the
iceberg ... Nobody is looking for it, and if you don't look you won't find
it. Neurologists are not thinking about cannabis as a possible cause of
stroke so they don't ask patients about it ... cannabis appears to be
associated with multifocal intracerebral stenosis, which can cause a stroke
... The stenoses are caused by shrinkage of the blood vessels and can occur
in several different areas of the brain. It appears that cannabis may cause
the arteries to constrict"
Regular Marijuana Use by Teens Continues to Be a Concern - Science
Daily, 12/19/12 - "Only 41.7 percent of eighth
graders see occasional use of marijuana as harmful; 66.9 percent see regular
use as harmful. Both rates are at the lowest since the survey began tracking
risk perception for this age group in 1991. As teens get older, their
perception of risk diminishes. Only 20.6 percent of 12th graders see
occasional use as harmful (the lowest since 1983), and 44.1 percent see
regular use as harmful, the lowest since 1979 ... A 38-year NIH-funded
study, published this year in the Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences, showed that people who used cannabis heavily in their teens and
continued through adulthood showed a significant drop in IQ between the ages
of 13 and 38 -- an average of eight points for those who met criteria for
cannabis dependence. Those who used marijuana heavily before age 18 (when
the brain is still developing) showed impaired mental abilities even after
they quit taking the drug ... The risk of addiction goes from about 1 in 11
overall to about 1 in 6 for those who start using in their teens, and even
higher among daily smokers"
Recreational Marijuana: Are There Health Effects? - WebMD, 12/11/12 -
"Smoking marijuana produces a nearly threefold
increase of inhaled tar compared with tobacco, according to some studies ...
For cigarette smokers who also smoke marijuana, there may be an additive
effect ... Some research shows that marijuana smoke has up to 70% more
cancer-causing substances than tobacco smoke ... Long-term, heavy use of
marijuana can lead to impaired thinking skills and memory problems ...
Numerous studies have linked marijuana use with schizophrenia. In this brain
disorder, people may think they hear voices and that others are controlling
their minds and thoughts"
More Evidence
Cannabis Use Linked to Schizophrenia - Medscape, 11/8/12 -
"Cannabis use causes a temporary cognitive breakdown
in nonpsychotic individuals, leading to long-term psychosis ... patients
with no history of cannabis use had more normal activation patterns during
rest, which is actually a good thing in that this mode has been shown to be
important for learning in healthy individuals"
Marijuana use implicated in pregnancy problems - Science Daily, 9/12/12
- "abnormal biological signaling by endocannabinoid
lipid molecules produced by the body disrupts the movement of early
embryonic cells important to a healthy pregnancy, in particular trophoblast
cells that form the placenta. Abnormal placental function is common in
preeclampsia -- a medical condition of unknown cause that is a danger to
mother and child"
Marijuana use may increase risk of testicular cancer - Science Daily,
9/10/12 - "looked at the self-reported history of
recreational drug use in 163 young men diagnosed with testicular cancer and
compared it with that of 292 healthy men of the same age and race/ethnicity
... men with a history of using marijuana were twice as likely to have
subtypes of testicular cancer called non-seminoma and mixed germ cell
tumors. These tumors usually occur in younger men and carry a somewhat worse
prognosis than the seminoma subtype. The study's findings confirm those from
two previous reports in CANCER on a potential link between marijuana use and
testicular cancer"
Adolescent pot use leaves lasting mental deficits; Developing brain
susceptible to lasting damage from exposure to marijuana - Science
Daily, 8/27/12 - "The persistent, dependent use of
marijuana before age 18 has been shown to cause lasting harm to a person's
intelligence, attention and memory ... individuals who started using
cannabis in adolescence and used it for years afterward showed an average
decline in IQ of 8 points when their age 13 and age 38 IQ tests were
compared. Quitting pot did not appear to reverse the loss"
High potency and synthetic marijuana pose real dangers in first weeks of
pregnancy - Science Daily, 8/15/12 - "Marijuana
is up to 20 times more potent than it was 40 years ago and most pregnant
women who use the drug are totally unaware that it could harm their unborn
child before they even know they are pregnant ... Given that marijuana is
the most widely used illicit drug by pregnant women worldwide -- one study
estimates the rate is as high as 20 per cent -- this is a major issue ...
marijuana exposure during pregnancy has been associated with anencephaly, a
non-sustaining life condition where a large part of the skull or brain is
absent, neurobehavioral deficiencies, such as attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder, learning disabilities and memory impairment in
toddlers and 10 year olds, as well as neuropsychiatric conditions, including
depression, aggression and anxiety, in teens"
Marijuana use prior to pregnancy doubles risk of premature birth -
Science Daily, 7/17/12 - "Preterm or premature birth
-- at least three weeks before a baby's due date -- can result in serious
and life-threatening health problems for the baby, and an increased risk of
health problems in later life, such as heart disease and diabetes ... A
study of more than 3000 pregnant women in Adelaide, Australia and Auckland,
New Zealand has detailed the most common risk factors for preterm birth"
Effect of
Long-term Cannabis Use on Axonal Fiber Connectivity - Medscape, 7/12/12
- "Our results suggest that long-term cannabis use
is hazardous to white matter in the developing brain. Given the association
between cannabis-related harms and age of onset of regular use, delaying use
may minimize such harmful effects. Disturbed brain connectivity in cannabis
users may underlie cognitive impairment and vulnerability to psychosis,
depression and anxiety disorders (Lim et al., 2002), all of which are
significant public health concerns. White matter alterations have been
associated with various functional and clinical outcomes in schizophrenia,
including illness, symptomatic and cognitive measures (Walterfang et al.,
2011), with white matter pathology underlying faulty integration of
cortical–cerebellar–thalamic–cortical circuits thought to play a primary
role in the observed cognitive deficits (Wexler et al., 2009). Similar
connectivity disturbances, particularly in the fimbria of the hippocampus
and commissural fibres extending to the precuneus reported in this study,
may underlie the memory impairment and other cognitive deficits that are
observed in long-term heavy cannabis users"
Mothers' teen cannabinoid exposure may increase response of offspring to
opiate drugs - Science Daily, 6/5/12 - "The rats
with mothers who had adolescent exposure to WIN-55,212-2 were significantly
more likely to opt for the morphine-paired chamber than those with mothers
who abstained. The results suggest that these animals had an increased
preference for opiate drugs ... We acknowledge that we are using rodent
models, which may not fully translate to the human condition. Nevertheless,
the results suggest that maternal drug use, even prior to pregnancy, can
impact future offspring"
Where's My Baby? - The Daily, 6/4/12 - "A
5-week-old boy strapped in a car seat miraculously survived a fall from the
roof of his mother’s 2000 Ford Focus when she wheeled away from a pot party
early Saturday ... Officers found the baby about an hour later — in the
middle of the street — after friends of Clouser and motorists driving by
called 911"
Cannabis 'does
not slow multiple sclerosis' progress - BBC News, 5/29/12
More Evidence Links
Early Cannabis Use to Psychosis - Medscape, 5/17/12 -
"The uniqueness of this study lies in the
demonstration of an association between early cannabis use and subsequent
schizophrenia-like symptoms that persisted into adulthood and that was not
explained by early anxiety or depressive disorders, or exposure to other
drug and cigarette use ... cannabis use before the age of 14 years "strongly
predicted" schizotypal symptoms in adulthood, independent of early
adolescent schizotypy, major depression, anxiety, other drug use, and
cigarette use ... what is "truly noteworthy is that cannabis use may play a
role in the formation of schizophrenia symptoms beyond psychotic symptoms,
such as its characteristic oddness and negative symptoms of low motivation
and low social drive.""
cannabis use during adolescence affects brain regions associated with
schizophrenia - Science Daily, 5/8/12 - "This is
the first study to show that the combined effects of the COMT gene with
adolescent cannabis use cause physical changes in the brain regions
associated with schizophrenia. It demonstrates how genetic, developmental
and environmental factors interact to modulate brain function in
schizophrenia and supports previous behavioural research which has shown the
COMT gene to influence the effects of adolescent cannabis use on
schizophrenia-related behaviours"
Complications, Cannabis Use Predict Early Psychosis - Medscape, 4/29/12
- "the most significant risk factor, she said, is
marijuana impairs memory - Science Daily, 3/1/12 -
"A major downside of the medical use of marijuana is
the drug's ill effects on working memory, the ability to transiently hold
and process information for reasoning, comprehension and learning ...
Marijuana's major psychoactive ingredient (THC) impairs memory independently
of its direct effects on neurons. The side effects stem instead from the
drug's action on astroglia, passive support cells long believed to play
second fiddle to active neurons"
pot tied to slacking off at work - msnbc.com, 2/23/12 -
"People who reported smoking in the past year
generally reported less dedication to work than abstainers ... their work
commitment continued to decline into adulthood, and remained significantly
below that of never-smoker"
Marijuana users twice as likely to cause accident - USATODAY.com, 2/9/12
Effects of marijuana ingredients on brain functioning during visual stimuli
evaluated - Science Daily, 1/3/12 - "Δ9-THC
significantly increased the severity of psychotic symptoms compared with
placebo ... CBD may also influence the effect of cannabis use on salience
processing -- and hence psychotic symptoms -- by having an opposite effect"
Driving Stoned: Safer Than Driving Drunk? - ABC News, 12/2/11 -
"traffic fatalities in those states fell nearly 9
percent after medical pot became legal" - Note: First of all there
is no way to tie the 9% drop in accidents to legalizing maryjane and second
(just for beginners and just the tip of the iceberg, not counting many other
issues) what about the retarded offspring do to DNA damage? So they might
(and I emphasize “might”) have improved one problem but they’ve exasperated
a multitude of other problems. Talk about warped logic.
Smoking Pot Shrinks the
Brain - Medscape, 11/11/11 - "It is now accepted
by most psychiatrists that smoking cannabis increases an individual's risk
of psychosis, and more specifically schizophrenia ... People with a family
history of schizophrenia are particularly vulnerable to the psychotomimetic
effects of the drug, and are likely at particular elevated risk of
developing schizophrenia if they use cannabis ... those participants who had
used marijuana showed a reduction in their thalamic volume that was
significant on the left side of the thalamus (F = 4.47; P = .04), and highly
significant on the right (F = 7.66; P = .008). However, no loss of thalamic
volume was noted in those who did not use marijuana during the 2-year
period" - Duh!!! It took all this time to figure out that maryjane
shrinks the brain. I figures that out 45 years ago from observing people
that used it. Yet people must think that American's don't have a small
enough brain already so we should legalize it.
cannabis causes 'cognitive chaos' in the brain - Science Daily, 10/25/11
- "While the effects of the drug on individual brain
regions were subtle, the drug completely disrupted co-ordinated brain waves
across the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex, as though two sections of the
orchestra were playing out of synch. Both these brain structures are
essential for memory and decision-making and heavily implicated in the
pathology of schizophrenia ... Marijuana abuse is common among sufferers of
schizophrenia and recent studies have shown that the psychoactive ingredient
of marijuana can induce some symptoms of schizophrenia in healthy
Pot smoking may more than double crash risk - USA Today, 10/14/11
Smoking cannabis increases risk of depression in the case of genetic
vulnerability, study finds - Science Daily, 10/10/11 -
"Young people who are genetically vulnerable to
depression should be extra careful about using cannabis: smoking cannabis
leads to an increased risk of developing depressive symptoms ... Two-thirds
of the population have the gene variant that makes one sensitive to
depression ... Besides worse performances at school, the use of cannabis
also increases the risk of developing schizophrenia and psychosis"
Marijuana use may double the risk of accidents for drivers, study finds
- Science Daily, 10/6/11
study proposes public health guidelines to reduce the harms from cannabis
use - Science Daily, 9/22/11 - "Some of the
harmful practices and patterns of use documented in the study include: ...
using cannabis from a young age can be associated with a number of problems,
including mental illness and dependence ... linked to a variety of health
problems, including cognitive and memory performance, or risk for dependence
... there is sufficient scientific basis to recommend abstinence from
cannabis use during pregnancy" - Note: My biggest pet peeve about
the people that want to legalize cannabis is the lifetime of problems to the
unborn children it could be causing and possible even the offspring that
generation. Google "cannabis damage dna". Like anything else with the
Internet, I'm sure it will also show cannabis websites that tell people what
they want to hear.
Pot has no medical purpose - MSNBC, 7/8/11 -
"The federal government officially declared that marijuana has no accepted
medical use and should remain classified as a dangerous and addictive drug.
It will remain in the same class of drugs as heroin" - I never bought
off on that "I need it for my medical condition" line. Maybe I just heard
it too many times as a kid when granny on the Beverly Hillbillies would say
it referring the her moonshine.
Unhealthy lifestyle is associated with sexual dysfunction - Science
Daily, 7/6/11 - "A new study published in The
Journal of Sexual Medicine reveals that several unhealthy lifestyle factors,
such as weight problems, physical inactivity, high alcohol consumption,
tobacco smoking, and hard drugs are associated with sexual dysfunctions in
men. Additionally, an unhealthy lifestyle is more common in persons who are
sexually inactive ... Among those who had a sexual partner, risk of
experiencing sexual dysfunction was greater in men who lead unhealthy lives
by 71% in those with substantially increased waist circumference and more
than 800% in men using hard drugs. Women who used hashish had almost 3 times
increased risk of anorgasmia (difficulties or inability to reach climax
during sexual activity with a partner) compared to non-users"
Drug use involved in 25% of fatal crashes, study finds - USATODAY.com.
6/23/11 - "Among drivers who tested positive for
drugs, 22% were positive for marijuana, 22% for stimulants and 9% for
Cannabis Use in Early Adolescence Especially Neurotoxic - Medscape,
6/16/11 - "there were no differences in IQ,
vocabulary, or block design results when comparing the early-onset,
late-onset, and control groups. However, they note, "the early-onset, but
not the late-onset, group performed poorly on selected executive tasks
compared with controls. In addition, the early-onset group performed poorly
on the Frontal Assessment Battery compared with both the late-onset and the
control groups." ... The study also showed that the early-onset group had
poor performance on the Stroop Test and perseverative responding as measured
by the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. These findings suggest that "exposure to
cannabis in early adolescence may lead to lower flexibility." ... The
authors note that it is unclear whether starting cannabis use at a later age
affects cognition"
Chronic marijuana smoking affects brain chemistry, molecular imaging shows
- Science Daily, 6/6/11 - "With this study, we were
able to show for the first time that people who abuse cannabis have
abnormalities of the cannabinoid receptors in the brain ... Results of the
study show that receptor number was decreased about 20 percent in brains of
cannabis smokers when compared to healthy control subjects with limited
exposure to cannabis during their lifetime. These changes were found to have
a correlation with the number of years subjects had smoked. Of the original
30 cannabis smokers, 14 of the subjects underwent a second PET scan after
about a month of abstinence. There was a marked increase in receptor
activity in those areas that had been decreased at the outset of the study,
an indication that while chronic cannabis smoking causes downregulation of
CB1 receptors, the damage is reversible with abstinence"
Cannabis use precedes the onset of psychotic symptoms in young people, study
finds - Science Daily, 3/1/11
Marijuana Use Linked to Risk of Psychotic Symptoms - Science Daily,
3/1/11 -
"Those participants who had no psychotic symptoms and
had never tried
marijuana when the study began and then started
using marijuana had nearly double the risk of experiencing psychotic
symptoms in the future"
Cannabis use may worsen sexual dysfunction, rat study suggests - Science
Daily, 2/22/11 - "While it was previously known that
cannabis could affect certain receptors in the brain, it's now believed that
these receptors also exist in the penis. Cannabis use may have an
antagonizing effect on these receptors in the penis, making it more
difficult for a man to achieve and maintain an erection"
Smoking pot may hasten onset of mental illness - MSNBC, 2/7/11 -
"in the subjects who had been pot smokers, the
psychotic symptoms began nearly 3 years earlier than in those who had not
been marijuana users ... no one's been able to prove that smoking marijuana
actually causes psychotic disorders like schizophrenia, but the new research
adds to "growing evidence" that it does, at least in some people ... Why was
there disagreement in the past over whether this effect really exists? The
reasons lie in the way the individual studies might have been done ... One
study found that compared to people who didn't use marijuana, people over 18
who did use it had twice the risk of mental illness, but kids under 15 had
five times the risk" - Note: Regarding the second to the last
statement, people will find the study they wish to believe.
Cannabis compounds found to trigger unique immune cells which promote cancer
growth - Science Daily, 11/24/10 - "research,
published in the European Journal of Immunology, reveals why cannabis users
are more susceptible to certain types of cancers and infections ...
cannabinoids can trigger a massive number of MDSCs through activation of
cannabinoid receptors. This research reveals, for the first time, that
marijuana cannabinoids may suppress the immune system by activating these
unique cells"
Early Cannabis Use May Contribute to Psychosis-Related Outcomes in Young
Adults - Medscape, 5/7/10 - "twice as likely to
develop a nonaffective psychosis, 4 times as likely to have high scores on
the PDI, and 3 times as likely to develop hallucinations ... This study adds
to the body of emerging literature identifying early cannabis use as a risk
factor for schizophrenia ... The concordance between this study and previous
epidemiologic studies strengthens the argument that adolescent cannabis use
is a risk factor for the development of psychosis ... The general perception
that cannabis is a 'soft' drug may not be true. There is now evidence that
cannabis may affect the adolescent brain[, permanently altering] its
developmental trajectory"
Teen Marijuana Use Might Have Lasting Effects on Mood, Anxiety - US News and
World Report - U.S. News, 12/31/09
Daily Pot Smoking May Hasten Onset of Psychosis - Science Daily,
12/20/09 - "The researchers analyzed data from 109
hospitalized patients who were experiencing their first psychotic episode.
The results showed that patients who had a history of using marijuana, or
cannabis, and increased to daily pot smoking experienced both psychotic and
pre-psychotic symptoms at earlier ages"
Cannabis damages young brains more than originally thought, study finds
- Science Daily, 12/17/09 - "The damaging effects of
this illicit drug on young brains are worse than originally thought ...
daily consumption of cannabis in teens can cause depression and anxiety, and
have an irreversible long-term effect on the brain"
Teen Use of Marijuana Tied to Later Depression - Medscape, 12/8/09 -
"Among subjects who had used cannabis more than 10
times, the odds ratio was 1.33, indicating a dose-dependent relationship ...
A possible biological explanation for this association is that "receptors
such as the cannabinoid receptors may act as moderators,""
Proportion Of Psychotic Illness Is Due To Cannabis? - Science Daily,
Active Ingredients In Marijuana Found To Spread And Prolong Pain -
Science Daily, 8/13/09 - ""endocannabinoids," which
are made within the human body, can actually amplify and prolong pain rather
than damping it down"
Marijuana Damages DNA And May Cause Cancer, New Test Reveals - Science
Daily, 6/15/09 - "Using a highly sensitive new test,
scientists in Europe are reporting "convincing evidence" that marijuana
smoke damages the genetic material DNA in ways that could increase the risk
of cancer"
Daily Consumption Of Cannabis Predisposes To Appearance Of Psychosis And
Schizophrenia, Study Finds - Science Daily, 3/25/09 -
"66% of the patients with psychosis who participated
in the study and had a normal neurodevelopment admitted to have consumed
cannabis daily or almost every day, whereas 43% of the participants with
markers of an abnormal neurodevelopment (those already indicated: bad
previous social and academic behaviour, a family history and a "clumsier"
attitude when they carry out tasks of motor coordination and complex motor
acts) were drug users too"
Marijuana Use Linked To Increased Risk Of Testicular Cancer - Science
Daily, 2/9/09 - "being a marijuana smoker at the
time of diagnosis was associated with a 70 percent increased risk of
testicular cancer. The risk was particularly elevated (about twice that of
those who never smoked marijuana) for those who used marijuana at least
weekly and/or who had long-term exposure to the substance beginning in
Marijuana testicular cancer link - BBC News, 2/9/09 -
"being a regular marijuana user doubled the risk
compared to those who never smoked it"
Marijuana Use Takes Toll On Adolescent Brain Function, Research Finds -
Science Daily, 10/15/08 - "chronic, heavy marijuana
use during adolescence – a critical period of ongoing brain development – is
associated with poorer performance on thinking tasks, including slower
psychomotor speed and poorer complex attention, verbal memory and planning
Schizophrenia Linked To Dysfunction In Molecular Brain Pathway Activated By
Marijuana - Science Daily, 7/7/08 - "The use of
marijuana in individuals with schizophrenia appears to worsen this deficit
in GABA synthesis"
Cannabis 'can harm foetal brain' - BBC News, 6/16/08 -
"Smoking cannabis while pregnant could harm the
developing foetal brain ... the backbones of higher cognitive functions - do
not develop normally when endocannabinoid signalling is disturbed"
Marijuana Use May Shrink the Brain - WebMD, 6/2/08 -
"the hippocampus, which is thought to regulate
memory, was an average of 12% smaller among marijuana users, compared with
people who didn't smoke pot. The amygdala, involved in emotion and memory,
was an average of 7% smaller ... The study also suggests that long-term
marijuana users were more likely to report symptoms associated with mental
Marijuana Users Have Increased apoC3, Triglycerides - Medscape, 5/19/08
- "Heavy, chronic use of marijuana causes increased
levels of apolipoprotein C3 (apoC3), which in turn results in a major
increase in triglyceride levels"
Take this Marijuana Message to Heart - WebMD, 5/13/08 -
"the active chemical in marijuana, THC, causes the
body to overproduce a protein called ApoC-111. ApoC-111 is linked to high
triglycerides (blood fats) because of problems with the breakdown of blood
fats in the body"
Teen Marijuana Use Linked to Later Illness - washingtonpost.com, 5/8/08
- "Teenagers who smoke marijuana put themselves at
risk for future mental illness and higher rates of depression ... studies
show links between marijuana use and risk of mental illness later in life,
and that use could increase the risk by as much as 40 percent ... teenagers
who smoke marijuana at least once a month are three times more likely to
have suicidal thoughts than non-users"
Sex, Drugs, and Cancer? - WebMD, 3/11/08 - "Head
and neck cancers that were positive for HPV 16 were associated with having
more oral sex partners and smoking more marijuana ... Head and neck cancers
that were negative for HPV 16 weren't linked to sex or marijuana. Instead,
they were tied to smoking tobacco, drinking alcohol, and having poor oral
Daily Cannabis Smoking
Linked With Increased Steatosis Severity - Medscape, 3/5/08
Pot Use May Hamper Thinking in MS - WebMD, 2/13/08 -
"Marijuana smokers had slower average reaction times
on a test that challenged them to process information quickly. And they were
more likely to report a history of psychiatric diagnoses, most of which were
depression or anxiety diagnoses"
Marijuana Linked to Early Gum Disease - WebMD, 2/5/08 -
"Compared with people who smoked no pot at all,
heavy marijuana users were three times more likely to have at least one gum
site with evidence of severe gum disease and 60% more likely to show
evidence of mild gum disease"
Lung Cancer Risk Increases With Cannabis Use - oncologystat.com, 1/29/08
- "smoking a single joint is the same as smoking 20
cigarettes in terms of lung cancer risk ... cannabis smoke contains higher
levels of carcinogens than cigarette smoke ... cannabis smokers are more
likely to inhale more smoke deeply and hold it in their lungs longer,
allowing for more carcinogens to be deposited in the lungs. Marijuana
cigarettes do not usually have proper filters and are smoked to the tip,
which also increases the amount of smoke inhaled ... smoking 1 joint daily
for 10 years or 2 joints daily for 5 years increased the risk of lung cancer
5.7 times"
Marijuana Withdrawal As Bad As Withdrawal From Cigarettes - Science
Daily, 1/25/08 - "overall withdrawal severity
associated with marijuana alone and tobacco alone was of similar frequency
and intensity. Sleep disturbance seemed to be more pronounced during
marijuana abstinence, while some of the general mood effects (anxiety,
anger) seemed to be greater during tobacco abstinence"
Marijuana Smokers Face Rapid Lung Destruction -- As Much As 20 Years Ahead
Of Tobacco Smokers - Science Daily, 1/23/08 -
"the mean age of marijuana-smoking patients with lung problems was 41, as
opposed to the average age of 65 years for tobacco-smoking patients"
Pot Slows Cancer in Test Tube - WebMD, 12/26/07 -
"The researchers are quick to point out that much
more study is needed to find out whether these test-tube results apply to
tumor growth in animals and in humans"
Marijuana Smoke Contains Higher Levels Of Certain Toxins Than Tobacco Smoke
- Science Daily, 12/17/07 - "ammonia levels were 20
times higher in the marijuana smoke than in the tobacco smoke, while
hydrogen cyanide, nitric oxide and certain aromatic amines occurred at
levels 3-5 times higher in the marijuana smoke"
Study Shows Toxins in Marijuana Smoke - WebMD, 12/14/07 -
"Ammonia levels were up to 20 times higher in
marijuana smoke than in tobacco smoke. Levels of hydrogen cyanide and
nitrogen-related chemicals were three to five times higher in marijuana
smoke than in tobacco smoke"
Cannabis Smoking Contributes to Pulmonary Disease - Medscape, 12/13/07 -
"Cannabis smoking was associated with an increased
risk of wheeze, chest tightness, and cough ... Cannabis smokers had twice
the risk of chronic bronchitis and a 70% increased risk of asthma diagnosed
after age 16 years ... Cannabis and tobacco smoking were both associated
with a reduction in the FEV1/FVC ratio ... An increased percentage of low
density lung tissue was associated with cannabis smoking ... one joint was
pathologically equivalent to 2.5 to 5 tobacco cigarettes"
Study: Marijuana may increase psychosis risk - USA Today, 7/26/07 -
"even infrequent use could raise the small but real
risk of this serious mental illness by 40% ... The scientists found a more
disturbing outlook for "heavy users" of pot, those who used it daily or
weekly: Their risk for psychosis jumped to a range of 50% to 200%"
Cannabis 'disrupts brain centre' - BBC News, 4/30/07 -
"those who took THC showed reduced activity in an
area of the brain called the inferior frontal cortex, which keeps
inappropriate thoughts and behaviour, such as swearing and paranoia in
Study Adds Fuel To Marijuana Debate - Psychiatric Times, 3/21/03 -
"Findings from a new study of more than 300 sets of
twins show that early use of marijuana, independent of genetic background
and environment, is associated with later drug use and abuse"
Marijuana Use and Older
Adults' Self-Reported Difficulty Concentrating, Remembering, or Making Decisions
- J Stud Alcohol Drugs 2022 Nov - "Behavioral Risk
Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) ... We found a strong, positive, and
statistically significant relationship between past-month marijuana use and
SDCRMD. This finding serves as an important first step in identifying the
relationship between older adults' self-reported marijuana use and their
difficulty concentrating, remembering, and decision-making"
Self-reported marijuana use
and cardiac arrhythmias (from the Multiethnic Study of Atherosclerosis) - Am
J Cardiol 2022 Jun 17 - "Compared with never users,
participants reporting current use of marijuana (n = 40, 3%) had more
supraventricular tachycardia/day (adjusted geometric mean ratio [GMR] 1.42, 95%
confidence interval [CI] 0.87 to 2.32), more premature atrial contractions/hour
(GMR 1.22, 95% CI 0.72, 2.13), and more NSVT/day (GMR 1.28, 95% CI 0.95 to
1.73); although, CIs overlapped 1. Additionally, more frequent marijuana use was
associated with more runs of NSVT/day (GMR 1.56, 95% CI 1.13, 2.17). In
conclusion, our results suggest that current marijuana use may be associated
with a greater burden of arrhythmias"
Cannabis Use is Associated
with Prevalent Coronary Artery Disease - Am J Med Sci 2022 Apr 12 -
"Ever (versus never) cannabis users had 90% increased
odds of CAD [OR (95% CI): 1.90 (1.24 - 2.93), p = 0.003]. Those who had used
cannabis at least once per month for at least one year had 68% increased odds of
CAD [OR (95% CI): 1.68 (1.02-2.77), p = 0.04]. Current cannabis users had near
98% increased odds of CAD [OR (95% CI): 1.98 (1.11 - 3.54), p = 0.02]. Similar
results were seen with heavy cannabis users [OR (95% CI): 1.99 (1.02 - 3.89), p
= 0.045]. These results were consistent in subgroups stratified by race, gender,
hypertension, obesity, COPD, hyperlipidemia, tobacco smoking status, and
Long-Term Cannabis Use and
Cognitive Reserves and Hippocampal Volume in Midlife - Am J Psychiatry 2022
Mar 8 - "Long-term cannabis users showed IQ decline from
childhood to midlife (mean=-5.5 IQ points), poorer learning and processing speed
relative to their childhood IQ, and informant-reported memory and attention
problems ... Long-term cannabis users showed smaller hippocampal volume"
Use of Marijuana: Effect on
Brain Health: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association -
Stroke 2022 Feb 10 - "Marijuana is perceived as a
harmless drug, and its recreational use has gained popularity among young
individuals. The concentration of active ingredients in recreational
formulations has gradually increased over time, and high-potency illicit
cannabinomimetics have become available. Thus, the consumption of cannabis in
the general population is rising. Data from preclinical models demonstrate that
cannabinoid receptors are expressed in high density in areas involved in
cognition and behavior, particularly during periods of active neurodevelopment
and maturation. In addition, growing evidence highlights the role of endogenous
cannabinoid pathways in the regulation of neurotransmitter release, synaptic
plasticity, and neurodevelopment. In animal models, exogenous cannabinoids
disrupt these important processes and lead to cognitive and behavioral
abnormalities. These data correlate with the higher risk of cognitive impairment
reported in some observational studies done in humans. It is unclear whether the
effect of cannabis on cognition reverts after abstinence. However, this
evidence, along with the increased risk of stroke reported in marijuana users,
raises concerns about its potential long-term effects on cognitive function"
The effects of
cannabidiol and analgesic expectancies on experimental pain reactivity in
healthy adults: A balanced placebo design trial - American Psychological
Association, 4/22/21 - "Fifteen healthy adults each
completed four separate experimental sessions. Participants were randomly
assigned to different counterbalanced manipulation conditions at each session:
control (told inactive—given inactive); expectancy (told active CBD—given
inactive); drug (told inactive—given active CBD); and expectancy + drug (told
active CBD—given active CBD). Primary outcomes were pain threshold, tolerance,
intensity, unpleasantness, conditioned pain modulation (CPM), and offset
analgesia (OA). There was a significant main effect of instructions on OA, such
that the OA response was significantly larger when participants were told that
they received CBD, regardless of drug content. Pain unpleasantness was
significantly reduced in the drug, expectancy, and expectancy + drug conditions,
relative to the control condition. The drug and expectancy conditions separately
improved CPM, whereas the expectancy + drug and control conditions produced the
lowest CPM change scores. We did not detect significant effects for pain
threshold, tolerance, or intensity. Our results indicated that separate pain
outcomes can be differentially affected by CBD and/or expectancies for receiving
CBD" - [Nutra
USA] - Note: In other words, it was mostly in their heads.
Long-Term Effects of Early
Adolescent Marijuana Use on Attentional and Inhibitory Control - J Stud
Alcohol Drugs 2020 Mar;81(2):164-172 - "High levels of
early marijuana use at ages 12-14 significantly predicted low levels of
adolescent attentional control at ages 18-21 (β = -.20, p < .05), above and
beyond early attentional control, early alcohol use, and antisocial problems"
U.S. Adults With Pain, a
Group Increasingly Vulnerable to Nonmedical Cannabis Use and Cannabis Use
Disorder: 2001-2002 and 2012-2013 - Am J Psychiatry. 2020 Jan 22 -
"The results suggest that adults with pain are a group
increasingly vulnerable to adverse cannabis use outcomes, warranting clinical
and public health attention to this risk. Psychiatrists and other health care
providers treating patients with pain should monitor such patients for signs and
symptoms of cannabis use disorder"
The role of marijuana in
homicide - Int J Addict. 1994 Jan;29(2):195-213 -
"In this paper we examine the relationship between marijuana use and homicide.
Data derive from interviews with 268 individuals incarcerated in New York State
correctional facilities for homicides that occurred in 1984. We found that in
terms of lifetime use, marijuana was the most commonly used illicit drug in this
sample; that about one-third of respondents who had ever used marijuana used the
drug in the 24-hour period before the homicide; and that almost three-quarters
of those respondents were experiencing some type of effect from the drug when
the homicide occurred. A total of 18 respondents (7% of the total sample) said
that the homicide was related to their marijuana use"
Endocrine effects of
marijuana in the male: preclinical studies - NIDA Res Monogr. 1984;44:46-64
- "The THC-induced block of GnRH release results in lowered LH and FSH which is
responsible for reduced testosterone production by the Leydig cells of the
testis. Other hormones that might have a synergistic or antagonistic effect upon
reproduction in the male are the adrenal cortical hormones, prolactin, thyroid
hormones, and growth hormones. THC appears to depress prolactin, thyroid gland
function, and growth hormone while elevating adrenal cortical steroids. Chronic
exposure of laboratory animals, such as rats, mice, and monkeys to marijuana and
to the various cannabinoids in marijuana has altered the function of several of
the accessory reproductive organs. Reports of reduced prostate and seminal
vesicle weights, as well as altered testicular function, have been partially
explained by the effect of marijuana in lowering serum testosterone needed for
proper function and support. Although some of the change in organ weight may be
due to lowered testosterone production by the Leydig cells of the testis, some
of the weight changes may be due to a direct action of THC, and perhaps some of
the other nonpsychoactive cannabinoids in marijuana, on the tissue themselves.
Also, of concern are the reports that acute cannabinoid treatments affects the
quality and quantity of spermatozoa produced by the testis"
Paradoxical Patterns of
Sinusoidal Obstruction Syndrome-Like Liver Injury in Aged Female CD-1 Mice
Triggered by Cannabidiol-Rich Cannabis Extract and Acetaminophen
Co-Administration - Molecules. 2019 Jun 17;24(12) -
"The goal of this study was to investigate the potential for a cannabidiol-rich
cannabis extract (CRCE) to interact with the most common over-the-counter drug
and the major known cause of drug-induced liver injury-acetaminophen (APAP)-in
aged female CD-1 mice ... These findings highlight the potential for CBD/drug
interactions, and reveal an interesting paradoxical effect of CBD/APAP-induced
hepatotoxicity" - [Nutra
USA] - Note: So add liver toxicity to the long list of problems with
Association Between Use of
Marijuana and Male Reproductive Hormones and Semen Quality - Medscape,
10/8/15 - "Regular marijuana smoking more than once per
week was associated with a 28% (95% confidence interval (CI): −48, −1) lower
sperm concentration and a 29% (95% CI: −46, −1) lower total sperm count after
adjustment for confounders. The combined use of marijuana more than once per
week and other recreational drugs reduced the sperm concentration by 52% (95%
CI: −68, −27) and total sperm count by 55%"
Cannabis use
and quality of life of adolescents and young adults: findings from an Australian
birth cohort - J Psychoactive Drugs. 2015 Apr-Jun;47(2):107-16 -
"After adjustment for socio-demographic characteristics
and for QOL pre-cannabis use, participants who used cannabis more frequently had
a lower QOL at the 21-years follow-up. Frequent use of cannabis does not appear
to enhance the user's QOL and appears to be associated with a reduced QOL into
young adulthood"
effects of marijuana use on the brain - Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Nov
10 - "in 48 marijuana users and 62 age- and sex-matched
nonusing controls. The results showed that compared with controls, marijuana
users had significantly less bilateral orbitofrontal gyri volume, higher
functional connectivity in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) network, and higher
structural connectivity in tracts that innervate the OFC (forceps minor) as
measured by fractional anisotropy (FA). Increased OFC functional connectivity in
marijuana users was associated with earlier age of onset. Lastly, a quadratic
trend was observed suggesting that the FA of the forceps minor tract initially
increased following regular marijuana use but decreased with protracted regular
use. This pattern may indicate differential effects of initial and chronic
marijuana use that may reflect complex neuroadaptive processes in response to
marijuana use"
Effects of
cannabis on cognition in patients with MS: A psychometric and MRI study -
Neurology. 2014 Apr 30 - "Patients with MS who smoke
cannabis are more cognitively impaired than nonusers. Cannabis further
compromises cerebral compensatory mechanisms, already faulty in MS"
Cannabis use
is quantitatively associated with nucleus accumbens and amygdala abnormalities
in young adult recreational users - J Neurosci. 2014 Apr 16;34(16):5529-38 -
"Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the
United States, but little is known about its effects on the human brain,
particularly on reward/aversion regions implicated in addiction, such as the
nucleus accumbens and amygdala. Animal studies show structural changes in brain
regions such as the nucleus accumbens after exposure to Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol,
but less is known about cannabis use and brain morphometry in these regions in
humans. We collected high-resolution MRI scans on young adult recreational
marijuana users and nonusing controls and conducted three independent analyses
of morphometry in these structures ... Gray matter density analyses revealed
greater gray matter density in marijuana users than in control participants in
the left nucleus accumbens extending to subcallosal cortex, hypothalamus,
sublenticular extended amygdala, and left amygdala, even after controlling for
age, sex, alcohol use, and cigarette smoking. Trend-level effects were observed
for a volume increase in the left nucleus accumbens only. Significant shape
differences were detected in the left nucleus accumbens and right amygdala. The
left nucleus accumbens showed salient exposure-dependent alterations across all
three measures and an altered multimodal relationship across measures in the
marijuana group. These data suggest that marijuana exposure, even in young
recreational users, is associated with exposure-dependent alterations of the
neural matrix of core reward structures and is consistent with animal studies of
changes in dendritic arborization"
cannabinoid treatment induces frontostriatal gliogenesis in Lewis rats - Eur
Neuropsychopharmacol. 2014 Jan 18 - "Cannabis abuse in
adolescence is associated with a broad array of phenotypical consequences,
including a higher risk for schizophrenia and other mental disturbances related
to dopamine (DA) imbalances ... These results indicate that, in Lewis rats,
juvenile cannabinoid exposure leads to alterations in frontostriatal gliogenesis,
as well as select behavioral alterations time-locked to high DAergic metabolism,
but not overt schizophrenia-related deficits"
Effects of cannabis and
familial loading on subcortical brain volumes in first-episode schizophrenia
- Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2013 Nov;263 -
"Patients fulfilling the criteria for cannabis abuse at admission showed an
increased area of the CC2 segment compared to those who did not fulfill the
criteria. Patients with a family history of schizophrenia combined with previous
cannabis abuse showed lower volumes of the bilateral caudate nucleus compared to
all other patients, implicating an interaction between the genetic background
and cannabis abuse as environmental factor"
Marijuana use and risk of lung cancer: a 40-year cohort study -
Cancer Causes Control. 2013 Jul 12 -
"Cannabis (marijuana) smoke and tobacco smoke contain many of the
same potent carcinogens, but a critical-yet unresolved-medical and
public-health issue is whether cannabis smoking might facilitate the
development of lung cancer ... military conscription in Sweden in
1969-1970. Participants were tracked until 2009 for incident lung
cancer outcomes in nationwide linked medical registries ... such
"heavy" cannabis smoking was significantly associated with more than
a twofold risk (hazard ratio 2.12, 95 % CI 1.08-4.14) of developing
lung cancer over the 40-year follow-up period, even after
statistical adjustment for baseline tobacco use, alcohol use,
respiratory conditions, and socioeconomic status"
Metabolic Effects of Chronic Cannabis Smoking - Diabetes Care.
2013 Mar 25 - "studied cannabis smokers (n =
30; women, 12; men, 18; 27 +/- 8 years) and control subjects (n =
30) ... Self-reported cannabis use was: 9.5 (2-38) years;
joints/day: 6 (3-30) [median (range)] ... cannabis smokers had a
higher percent abdominal visceral fat (18 +/- 9 vs. 12 +/- 5%; P =
0.004). Cannabis smokers had lower plasma HDL cholesterol (49 +/- 14
vs. 55 +/- 13 mg/dL; P = 0.02)" - Note: So you still get the
beer belly even without the beer.
Marijuana use and long-term mortality among survivors of acute
myocardial infarction - Am Heart J. 2013 Feb;165(2):170-5 -
"Compared with nonusers, the mortality rate
was 29% higher (95% CI 0.81-2.05, P = .28) among those reporting any
marijuana use"
A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial of N-Acetylcysteine in
Cannabis-Dependent Adolescents - Am J Psychiatry. 2012 Jun 15 -
"Participants receiving NAC had more than
twice the odds, compared with those receiving placebo, of having
negative urine cannabinoid test results during treatment (odds
ratio=2.4, 95% CI=1.1-5.2) ... Findings support NAC as a
pharmacotherapy to complement psychosocial treatment for cannabis
dependence in adolescents" - See
NAC products at iHerb.
Cannabis Use, Ischemic Stroke, and Multifocal Intracranial
Vasoconstriction: A Prospective Study in 48 Consecutive Young
Patients - Stroke. 2011 Apr 21 -
"Multifocal angiopathy associated with cannabis consumption could be
an important cause of ischemic stroke in young people"
Cannabis Use and Earlier Onset of Psychosis: A Systematic
Meta-analysis - Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2011 Feb 7
Early endothelial dysfunction as a marker of vasculogenic erectile
dysfunction in young habitual cannabis users - Int J Impot Res.
2008 Nov-Dec;20(6):566-73 - "We conclude
that early endothelial damage may be induced by chronic cannabis use
(and endocannabinoid system activation); insulin resistance may be
the hallmark of early endothelial dysfunction and may concur to
determine vascular ED in the absence of obesity"
Atrial fibrillation and marijuana smoking - Int J Clin Pract.
2007 Nov 21 - "Marijuana smoking affects the
circulatory system triggering various cardiovascular events. Of
note, recent case reports indicate a possible association with
atrial fibrillation (AF). In this article, we provide a brief
systematic review of all reported cases implicating marijuana
smoking in AF development and we concisely discuss the potential
underlying mechanisms as well as the clinical implications of this
emerging association"
Cannabis and psychosis - Lancet. 2007 Nov 3;370(9598):1540
Genetic effects of marijuana - Int J Addict.
1990-1991;25(1A):19-33 - "Marijuana and its
constitutive cannabinoids--tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabinol
(CBN), and cannabidiol (CBD)--markedly affect mammalian cells.
Cytogenetic studies have revealed that cannabinoids induce
chromosome aberrations in both in vivo and in vitro studies. These
aberrations include chromosomal breaks, deletions, translocations,
errors in chromosomal segregation, and hypoploidy, and are due to
the clastogenic action of cannabinoids or to cannabinoid-induced
disruption of mitotic events or both. Conflicting reports of the
cytogenetic effects of cannabinoids are partially explained by the
different experimental protocols, cell types, and animals used by
investigators. Cannabinoids also suppress macromolecular synthesis
(DNA, RNA, and protein) as well as reduce the level of histone gene
expression. In general these studies show that cannabinoids are
detrimental to the health of an individual"
Effects of administration of cannabis resin during pregnancy on
emotionality and learning in rats' offspring - Percept Mot
Skills. 1980 Apr;50(2):359-65 - "Injection
of cannabis resin as a saline-Tween 80 solution to pregnant rats
resulted in pups having lower body weight, higher emotionality,
poorer learning capacity, and paradoxically higher brain weight and
DNA content. The cannabis appeared directly to have caused the
inferior growth rate of the pups which in turn affected emotionality
and learning"
