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News & Research:
Serotonin Loss May Drive
Cognitive Decline - Medscape, 8/22/17 - "In
comparison with control participants, for patients with MCI, levels of serotonin
transporters were lower in cortical and limbic areas that are typically affected
by pathologic processes in AD. Levels were also lower in sensory and motor
areas, the striatum, and the thalamus, which are relatively spared in AD"
- Note: So does that mean taking 5-HTP might help prevent Alzheimer's?
I don't think they know.
deficiency implicated in rheumatoid arthritis - Science Daily, 3/9/16 -
"both the number and activity of osteoclasts were higher
in 5-HT-deficient mice with arthritis. In addition, more bone resorption was
detected both at the affected joints and at remote sites ... The
serotonin-deficient mice with arthritis also showed changes in certain
cell-signaling molecules known as cytokines (higher IL-17, higher TNF-α, and
lower IL-4) in their paws. Specifically, they displayed a shift in the balance
between T cell subtypes, especially regulatory T cells and Th17 lymphocytes ...
"Altogether, our data show that 5-HT?deficient mice are characterized by a
relative, dampened expansion of Treg associated with an enhanced shift toward a
Th17 phenotype, a situation previously described in patients with arthritis"
- I don't know what all the means but it raises the question whether taking
5-HTP might help.
Individuals with social phobia have too much serotonin -- not too little
- Science Daily, 6/17/15 - "Social phobia is
commonly medicated using SSRI compounds. These change the amount of the
neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain. Based on previous studies, it was
believed that individuals with social phobia had too little serotonin and
that SSRIs increased the amount of available serotonin. In a new study
published in the scientific journal JAMA Psychiatry, researchers from the
Department of Psychology at Uppsala University show that individuals with
social phobia make too much serotonin ... Serotonin can increase anxiety and
not decrease it as was previously often assumed"
Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D may control brain serotonin, affecting
behavior and psychiatric disorders - Science Daily, 2/25/15 -
"Serotonin affects a wide-range of cognitive
functions and behaviors including mood, decision-making, social behavior,
impulsive behavior, and even plays a role in social decision-making by
keeping in check aggressive social responses or impulsive behavior ... Many
clinical disorders, such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and
depression share as a unifying attribute low brain serotonin ... This
publication suggests that optimizing intakes of vitamin D, EPA, and DHA
would optimize brain serotonin concentrations and function, possibly
preventing and ameliorating some of the symptoms associated with these
disorders without side effects" - See
fish oil supplements at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Omega-3 reduces ADHD symptoms in rats - Science Daily, 8/23/13 -
"The results show a clear improvement in
ADHD-related behaviour from supplements of omega-3 fatty acids, as well as a
faster turnover of the signal substances dopamine, serotonin and glutamate
in the nervous system ... The new findings indicate that ADHD has a
biological component and that the intake of omega-3 may influence ADHD
symptoms ... we have without a doubt found molecular changes in the brain
after rats with ADHD were given omega-3 ... We saw that the turnover of
dopamine and serotonin took place much faster among the male rats that had
been given omega-3 than among those that had not. For serotonin the turnover
ratio was three times higher, and for dopamine it was just over two and a
half times higher" -
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Early gut bacteria regulate happiness - Science Daily, 6/12/12 -
"UCC scientists have shown that brain levels of
serotonin, the 'happy hormone' are regulated by the amount of bacteria in
the gut during early life ... normal adult brain function depends on the
presence of gut microbes during development. Serotonin, the major chemical
involved in the regulation of mood and emotion, is altered in times of
stress, anxiety and depression and most clinically effective antidepressant
drugs work by targeting this neurochemical ... Scientists at the Alimentary
Pharmabiotic Centre in UCC used a germ-free mouse model to show that the
absence of bacteria during early life significantly affected serotonin
concentrations in the brain in adulthood ... Finally, when the scientists
colonized the animals with bacteria prior to adulthood, they found that many
of the central nervous system changes, especially those related to
serotonin, could not be reversed indicating a permanent imprinting of the
effects of absence of gut flora on brain function" - See
probiotic products at Amazon.com
A link
between oxytocin and serotonin in humans: Supporting evidence from
peripheral markers - Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2012 Jan 30 -
"Pharmacological studies indicate a functional
interaction between the serotonergic and oxytocinergic systems. In
particular, some selective serotonin (5-HT) reuptake inhibitors, such as
citalopram and fluvoxamine, seem to exert part of their antidepressant
effects through oxytocin (OT) release. Further, the administration of
fenfluramine, a serotonergic agonist, to healthy subjects increases plasma
OT levels. Interestingly, immunocytochemical and double-immunofluorescent
techniques revealed a high degree of overlap between 5-HT transporter
(SERT)-labeled fibers and OT-containing cells ... This result represents the
first evidence of an interaction between OT and SERT, as measured by
[(3)H]-Par binding, at peripheral levels in humans. Given the several
activities mediated by both OT and 5-HT, such a relationship might provide
new perspectives and insights into psychiatric disorders and/or social
relationship disturbances, as well as novel treatment strategies overcoming
and/or integrating the serotonergic paradigm" - See
oxytocin 6x5iu tablets at International Antiaging Systems or
Oxytocin Factor.
Serotonin levels affect the brain's response to anger - Science Daily,
gut-full of probiotics for your neurological well-being - Science Daily,
7/5/11 - "A recent study in mice, for example,
showed that the presence of neurochemicals such a serotonin in the
bloodstream was due to direct uptake from the gut ... Until recently the
idea that probiotic bacteria administered to the intestine could influence
the brain seemed almost surreal ... Yet in Lyte's paper the concept is
supported by studies showing that microbes can produce and respond to
neurochemicals, which can induce neurological and immunological effects on
the host ... The research presents an idea for selecting probiotic strains
with neurological applications and linking this with immune-modulatory
effects, while highlighting the fact that microbial strains already being
widely ingested in fermented food can produce neurochemicals" - See
Garden of Life Primal Defense HSO Probiotic Formula at Amazon.com
serotonin works: Findings point to new treatments for schizophrenia and
depression - Science Daily, 10/5/10
Exercise the Best Drug for Depression - Time Magazine, 6/19/10 -
"depressed adults who participated in an aerobic
exercise plan improved as much as those treated with sertraline, the drug
that was marketed as Zoloft ... Subsequent trials have repeated these
results, showing again and again that patients who undergo aerobic exercise
regimens see comparable improvement in their depression as those treated
with medication, and that both groups do better than patients given only a
placebo ... exercise may alter brain chemistry in much the same way that
antidepressant drugs do — regulating the key neurotransmitters serotonin and
Serotonin May Be a Key to Treat Osteoporosis - WebMD, 2/7/10
Low Serotonin Levels May Be Key to SIDS - WebMD, 2/2/10
Of 'Happiness Hormone' Serotonin In Brain Causes Impaired Maternal Behavior
In Mice - Science Daily, 6/23/09
Serotonin Link To Impulsivity, Decision-making, Confirmed - Science
Daily, 6/5/08
Seasonal Depression Tied to Serotonin - WebMD, 9/19/07
- Serotonin
Implicated in Atherosclerosis - Medscape, 8/23/07
Serotonin Syndrome - Medscape, 11/29/06
- Serotonin may be key to
cycle of abuse - MSNBC, 11/2/06
Serotonin May Play Role In Hardening Of The Arteries - Science Daily,
Brain Chemical May Be Key in Eating Disorders - WebMD, 9/6/05 -
"Dopamine is a chemical involved in weight, feeding
behaviors, reinforcement, and reward. Now they are reporting that women who
have recovered from eating disorders show abnormal levels of serotonin"
- Vitamin D May
Ease Depression - WebMD, 8/3/04 -
"Vitamin D supplementation ... may also relieve
depression ... Basically, what vitamin D does is increase levels of the
[chemical] serotonin in the brain ... About 90% of patients in my hospital
are vitamin D deficient" - See
iHerb vitamin D products.
Corticosteroids, depression and the role of serotonin - Rev Neurosci.
2004;15(2):109-16 -
"corticosteroids lower serotonin levels ... lowered
serotonin levels may result in depression, aggression and other
psychological conditions"
- Sex, Sexuality, and
Serotonin - Medscape, 7/20/04 -
"From our study of the brain, we have some nice
evidence that elevated activity of dopamine is involved in that intense
sense of passion and arousal of romantic love. I also maintain in my book,
Why We Love, that we're going to find out sometime that norepinephrine is
also involved, largely because heightened activity of norepinephrine is also
associated with focused attention, elevated energy, motivation to win a
reward, elation, and 2 characteristics of romantic love -- obsessional
following and object imprinting ... low activity levels of serotonin are
going to be involved"
Low carbs cause mood 'lows' - Nutra USA, 3/2/04 -
"a lack of carbohydrates will reduce levels of the
mood-regulating hormone seratonin"
HCA, better than ephedra? - Nutra USA, 2/4/04 -
"study’s principal investigator, Dr Harry Preuss of
Georgetown University Medical Center ... Super CitriMax performed a function
not noted in ephedra however - it significantly increased serum serotonin
levels (a mechanism of appetite control and eating behavior) and lowered
serum leptin levels, a biomarker of the gene that regulates obesity"
- See
products at iHerb.
- Hormones for
Perimenopausal and Postmenopausal Depression - Psychiatric Times, 1/04 -
"Estrogen inhibits
MAO, thereby diminishing the degradation of
norepinephrine and serotonin and thus increasing their activity, while
progesterone has the reverse impact on MAO"
Serotonin Receptors May Be Linked to Spirituality - Psychiatric News,
Increasing Serotonin Crucial for Treating Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Doctor's Guide, 11/14/03
Depression-Serotonin Link: Many Mysteries Remain - Psychiatric News,
Targeting 5HT Receptors Might Control Alzheimer's Dementia - Doctor's
Guide, 2/19/03 -
"Compromised serotonergic function might contribute
significantly to cognitive decline in senile
dementia and in ageing ... acute tryptophan depletion impaired tasks of
working memory in both groups"
Brain Serotonin Production Directly Related To Degree Of Sunlight -
Doctor's Guide, 12/5/02
- Unraveling the
Sun's Role in Depression - WebMD, 12/5/02 -
"regardless of the season, the turnover of serotonin
in the brain was affected by the amount of sunlight on any given day. And
the levels of serotonin were higher on bright days than on overcast or
cloudy ones. In fact, the rate of serotonin production in the brain was
directly related to the duration of bright sunlight"
- The Neurobiology of
Depression: Focus on Serotonin - Medscape, 11/21/03
- New
Antidepressant [Cymbalta] Works Faster - WebMD, 11/11/02 -
"Cymbalta affects two different brain chemical
messengers -- serotonin and
Omega-3 May Cut Bipolar Symptoms in Pregnancy - Clinical Psychiatry
News, 8/02 -
"Omega-3 fatty acids also boost the brain's levels
of serotonin" - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Milnacipran Effective In Post-Stroke Depression - Doctor's Guide,
- Depression Linked
to Parkinson's - WebMD, 5/28/02 -
"About 1.4% (19) of the depressed people (about
1.4%) developed Parkinson's
compared with only 0.4% of the others ... the link may have a biological
explanation, known as the "serotonin hypothesis." Not only do people with
Parkinson's disease have lower levels of dopamine
in the brain, studies have also shown that the brains of these patients also
have reduced levels of another brain chemical, serotonin. Low levels of
serotonin are known to be a key factor in
depression" - Note: St. Johns wort
is believed to increase all three of the brain's primary chemicals,
norepinephrine and dopamine.
Serotonin Could Mediate Heart Disease Link With Depression - Clinical
Psychiatry News, 5/02
- Which
Antidepression Drug Is Best? - WebMD, 4/30/02 -
"As initial therapy for
depression, most doctors tend to use newer drugs that target a specific
brain chemical -- serotonin -- involved in depression. These drugs, called
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or
... Effexor does this, too, but
it isn't quite as specific. It also increases the amount of another chemical
-- norepinephrine -- in the brain ...
Those who received Effexor were 43% more likely to have their depression go
into remission than those taking SSRIs"
St. John's Wort: Effective, with Caveats - Nutrition Science News, 3/02
"Using the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, 47
percent of those taking St. John's wort
improved compared with 40 percent of those taking the
sertraline ... Hyperforin increases the effectiveness of
norepinephrine, dopamine, L-glutamate, and
gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA), as well as serotonin. Researchers in the
Department of Pharmacology at the University of Frankfurt in Germany
concluded, "no other antidepressant compound exhibits a similar broad
uptake-inhibiting profile.""
Study Finds Newborn Mice Deprived Of Serotonin Experience Adult Anxiety
- Intelihealth, 3/27/02
Neurotransmitter Regulation of Mood, Cognition, and Behavior |

Stahl. Essential Psychopharmacology 1996 Foote. Psychopharmacology 1995. |