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Diabetes drug relieves nicotine withdrawal - Science Daily,
11/4/19 - "The diabetes drug,
pioglitazone, targets a specific form of the peroxisome
proliferator-activated receptors in the nucleus. This receptor,
PPARγ, is found in areas of the brain involved in drug
Common diabetes drug may also help with nicotine withdrawal - Science
Daily, 4/5/18 - "investigators say metformin, an
inexpensive drug commonly used to treat patients with type 2 diabetes,
appears to block symptoms of nicotine withdrawal in rodents ... the research
suggests that metformin, because of its long-term record of safety and
relative lack of side effects, has "real potential" as a smoking cessation
aid if clinical trials confirm the findings in mice" - See
metformin at the Antiaging Store.
Beta-cryptoxanthin, a carotenoid, inhibits nicotine-linked lung cancer
development in mice - Science Daily, 11/1/16 -
"The team calculated that these doses are equivalent to approximately 0.087
and 0.87 milligrams of daily BCX intake in humans (eating a tangerine or cup
of sweet red peppers per day, for example) ... At the end of the
experimental period, mice fed BCX developed on average 50 to 60 percent
fewer tumors than mice not fed BCX ... The team's findings corroborate human
epidemiological studies that have found an association between higher BCX
intake and lower risk of lung cancer in current smokers from North America
and Asian countries"
Vitamin E intake and the lung cancer risk among female nonsmokers: A report
from the Shanghai Women's Health Study - Int J Cancer. 2014 Jun 11 -
"In summary, dietary tocopherol intake may reduce
the risk of lung cancer among female non-smokers, however supplements may
increase lung adenocarcinoma risk"
Estimated intake of vitamin D and its interaction with vitamin A on lung
cancer risk among smokers - Int J Cancer. 2014 Mar 13 -
"Our observation suggests that vitamin A may assist
vitamin D in preventing lung cancer among smokers"
Amino acid offers potential therapeutic alternative in psychiatric disorders
- Science Daily, 10/8/13 - "drug discovery is at a
near standstill for treating psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia,
bipolar disorder, depression and common forms of autism ... According to
Professor Berk, there is now an incontrovertible evidence base that these
disorders share inflammation and oxidative stress as part of their disease
physiology ... The amino acid, NAC, seems to have multiple effects on all
these pathways: it boosts glutathione, which is the body’s major antioxidant
defence; has anti-inflammatory properties; enhances levels of nerve cell
growth proteins and the growth of new neurons; and reduces cell death
pathways. It also appears to reduce dysfunction of mitochondria ... NAC
reduces the core symptoms of schizophrenia including negative symptoms such
as improved apathy, social interaction and motivation. It also appears to
reduce depression in people with bipolar disorder and at this meeting ...
there is intriguing evidence that it reduces cravings in a number of
addictions including cocaine, cannabis and cigarette smoking" - See
n-acetyl cysteine at Amazon.com
- An
encapsulated juice powder concentrate improves markers of pulmonary function
and cardiovascular risk factors in heavy smokers - J Am Coll Nutr. 2013
Feb;32(1):18-25 - "75 apparently healthy smokers
(aged 49.2 +/- 10.6 years, >20 cigarettes/d, duration ≥10 years) randomized
into 3 groups: placebo (P), fruit/vegetable (FV) and fruit/vegetable/berry
(FVB) ... FVB showed a significant improvement in forced expiratory flow at
25% (FEF25; p < 0.0001 vs P and FV) and significant improvement in CO
diffusion lung/alveolar volume (DLCO/VA). FV and FVB (50%) showed
significant reduction in tHcy and tCys compared to T 0" - See
Garden of Life, Radical Fruits Antioxidant Complex at Amazon.com
Why Smokers Gain Weight When They Quit Smoking: Changes in Intestinal Flora
- Science Daily, 8/29/13 - "the Swiss IBD cohort
study examined the genetic material of intestinal bacteria found in the
faeces and studied stool samples which they had received from twenty
different persons over a period of nine weeks -- four samples per person.
The test persons included five non-smokers, five smokers and ten persons who
had quit smoking one week after the start of the study ... While the
bacterial diversity in the faeces of smokers and non-smokers changed only
little over time, giving up smoking resulted in the biggest shift in the
composition of the microbial inhabitants of the intestines. The
Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes fractions increased at the expense of
representatives of the Firmicutes and Actinobacteria phyla. At the same
time, the test subjects who had quit smoking gained an average of 2.2 kilos
in weight although their eating and drinking habits remained the same ...
Their results reflected those seen in previous studies conducted with mice"
- See
Garden of Life Primal Defense HSO Probiotic Formula at Amazon.com
and also my yogurt recipe.
- The
Neurocognitive Effects of Hypericum perforatum Special Extract (Ze 117)
during Smoking Cessation - Phytother Res. 2012 Dec 19 -
"We assessed the neurocognitive effects of Remotiv®
(Hypericum perforatum Special Extract - Ze 117), Nicabate CQ Nicotine
Replacement therapy (NRT) and combined NRT/HP during conditions of smoking
abstinence in 20 regular smokers aged between 18 and 60 years over a period
of 10���weeks during smoking cessation. A Spatial Working Memory (SWM) task
was completed at baseline, 4 weeks prior to quitting, as well as at the
completion of the study, following the 10 weeks of treatment. Brain activity
was recorded during the completion of the SWM task using Steady-State Probe
Topography. Reaction time and accuracy on the SWM task were not found to be
significantly different between treatment groups at retest. Differences in
SSVEP treatment profiles at retest are discussed, including stronger SSVEP
Amplitude increase in posterior-parietal regions for the HP and NRT groups
and greater fronto-central SSVEP Phase Advance in the HP group" - See
St. John's wort at Amazon.com
Vitamin D may protect lung function in smokers - Science Daily, 7/20/12
- "We found that vitamin D sufficiency (defined as
serum vitamin D levels of >20 ng/ml) had a protective effect on lung
function and the rate of lung function decline in smokers" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Multivitamins may cut lung cancer risk in smokers - Nutra USA, 1/13/10 -
"It impressively shows, for example, that
supplements containing beta-carotene, conceivably increasing the risk of
lung cancer in heavy smokers when taken in extremely high doses over years,
have the potential to reduce cancer risk even in smokers ... People who ate
at least 12 servings of green leafy vegetables per month had a 17 per cent
lower risk of methylation, while a daily folate intake of at least 750
micrograms was associated with a 16 per cent lower risk ... Current
multivitamin users had a 43 per cent lower risk of gene methylation, added
the researchers"
Superfood Soy Linked To Reduction In Smoker's Lung Damage Risk - Science
Daily, 6/28/09 - "Soy consumption was found to be
positively correlated with lung function and inversely associated with the
risk of COPD. It has been suggested that flavonoids from soy foods act as an
anti-inflammatory agent in the lung, and can protect against tobacco
carcinogens for smokers"
Vitamin E May Decrease Mortality Of Elderly Male Smokers, Yet Increase
Mortality Of Middle-aged Smokers - Science Daily, 2/14/09
Exercise Helps Smokers Quit - WebMD, 10/24/06
Smoking Plus Beta-Carotene May Up Cancer Odds - WebMD, 9/20/05 -
"high beta-carotene intake (from foods or
supplements) was linked to low levels of cancer in nonsmoking women and high
levels of the same cancers in women who smoke"
- Strategy to Quit Smoking?
- Dr. Weil, 11/20/03
- A Mint to Help You Stop
Smoking? - Dr. Weil, 10/16/03
Smoking May Account For Link Between Serum Total Carotenoid Levels And
Bladder Cancer Risk - Doctor's Guide, 10/13/03
- Best Way to Quit
Smoking? - Dr. Weil, 9/4/03
- Concerned about secondhand
smoke? - Dr. Weil, 8/26/03
Beta-carotene Supplementation Appears to Increase Risk of Lung Cancer in
Smokers - Doctor's Guide, 7/25/03
- Smoking,
Beta-Carotene Pills a Bad Combo - WebMD, 7/22/03
Folic Acid Improves Endothelial Function And Blood Pressure In Smokers
- Doctor's Guide, 12/18/02 -
"Smokers were randomly assigned to receive either 5
milligrams of
folic acid or placebo every day ... Mean
blood pressure was significantly reduced from 88 +/- 2 to 83 +/- 1 mmHg
in those patients who received supplementation" - Seems like they
could have tested non-smokers for the same effect while they were at it. 5
points is probably half of what you'd get from the standard dose of most
anti-hypertensive medications. - Ben
High Selenium Consumption May Protect Ex-Smokers From Bladder Cancer
- Intelihealth, 10/31/02
Other News:
Self-reported and
genetically predicted coffee consumption and smoking in dementia: A Mendelian
randomization study - Atherosclerosis 2022 Mar 22 -
"Second, whether genetically predicted high coffee consumption/smoking due to
variation near CYP1A1/AHR/CHRNA3 genes were associated with risk of dementia ...
Moderate self-reported coffee consumption was associated with low risk of all
dementia and non-Alzheimer's dementia, with a similar trend for Alzheimer's
disease. Genetically predicted high coffee consumption was associated with high
risk of all dementia (hazard ratio [95% confidence interval] per +1 cup/day:
1.20 [1.01-1.42]), with a similar trend for non-Alzheimer's dementia (1.23
[0.95-1.53]). High self-reported smoking was associated with high risk of
non-Alzheimer's dementia. High genetically predicted smoking was associated with
a trend towards high risk of all dementia and Alzheimer's disease (hazard ratios
per +1 pack-year: 1.04 [0.96-1.11]) and 1.06"
Groundbreaking study links grandparents' smoking to your body fat - Hill,
1/21/22 - "It’s potentially one of the first pieces
of evidence that human exposure to substances can be passed on to descendants,
though researchers have said much more work is needed to understand how that may
of 70,000 individuals links dementia to smoking and cardiovascular disease -
Science Daily, 5/13/21 - "These results suggest that
smoking and cardiovascular disease impact verbal learning and memory throughout
adulthood, starting as early as age 18 ... Smoking is associated with decreased
learning and memory function in women, while cardiovascular is associated with
decreased learning and memory function in men"
Childhood exposure to parental smoking linked to poorer cognitive function in
midlife - Science Daily, 4/15/20
Vaping Damages
Your Lungs, But Is Still Safer Than Smoking, a Long-Term Study Suggests -
Time, 12/16/19 - "A new paper published in the
American Journal of Preventive Medicine presents the findings of what’s thought
to be the first longitudinal analysis of the association between vaping and lung
disease. Researchers tracked e-cigarette users for three years, and found that
they had a 1.3-times higher risk of developing respiratory disease than people
who did not use any tobacco product. Meanwhile, cigarette smokers had a
2.5-times higher risk, and those who both smoked and vaped had a 3.3-times
higher risk."
Scientists find thirdhand smoke affects cells in humans - Science Daily,
6/28/19 - "Thirdhand smoke, or THS, results when exhaled
smoke and smoke emanating from the tip of burning cigarettes settles on surfaces
such as clothing, hair, furniture, and cars. Not strictly smoke, THS refers to
the residues left behind by smoking ... THS can resurface into the atmosphere
and can be inhaled unwillingly by nonsmokers ... THS inhalation for only three
hours significantly altered gene expression in the nasal epithelium of healthy
nonsmokers ... In the samples they studied, the researchers also found that
brief THS exposure affected mitochondrial activity. Mitochondria are organelles
that serve as the cell's powerhouses. If left unchecked, the observed effects
would lead to cell death ... Many smoking adults think, 'I smoke outside, so my
family inside the house will not get exposed.' But smokers carry chemicals like
nicotine indoors with their clothes. It's important that people understand that
THS is real and potentially harmful.""
Erectile Dysfunction Drugs Found in E-Cig Liquids - WebMD, 12/12/18 -
"Lab tests found both sildenafil and tadalafil in E-Cialis
HelloCig E-Liquid and sildenafil in E-Rimonabant HelloCig E-Liquid. The
e-liquids are made by HelloCig Electronic Technology Co. Ltd. of Shanghia,
Smoking and drinking can damage arteries 'very early in life' - Medical
Express, 8/28/18 - "We found that in this large
contemporary British cohort, drinking and smoking in adolescence, even at lower
levels compared to those reported in adult studies, is associated with arterial
stiffening and atherosclerosis progression"
Smoking Linked to Damage in the Brain, Researchers Find - WebMD, 2/13/15 -
"Brain scans revealed that current and former smokers
had a thinner cortex than those who never smoked. The cortex is where important
thought processes such as memory, language and perception occur ... The
researchers also found that stopping smoking leads to partial restoration of the
cortex's thickness, but the process is slow and incomplete. Heavy ex-smokers who
hadn't smoked for more than 25 years still had a thinner cortex than nonsmokers"
More Smoking Equals Lower
Quality of Life - Medscape, 4/22/14 - "Smoking
cigarettes, even for a short time, is associated with a significantly lower
quality of life (QoL)" - Note: Mark my word people are going to see
the same thing with marijuana and it will take 50 years for that conclusion
Fifty Years On, Half As
Many Americans Now Smoke, but… - Medscape, 4/14/14 -
"The 1964 report heralded the beginning of a dramatic change in the United
States — from smoking being accepted as a social norm to becoming a social
stigma" - Note: I see the same thing happening with marijuana.
When I was a kid, grown-ups thought I was a nut for criticizing tobacco.
Sometimes it seems inconceivable that people ignore what is so obvious.
List of Smoking-Related Illnesses Grows Significantly in U.S. Report -
NYTimes.com, 1/17/14 - "long known to cause lung cancer
and heart disease — also causes diabetes, colorectal and liver cancers, erectile
dysfunction and ectopic pregnancy ... The other health problems the report names
are vision loss, tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis, impaired immune function
and cleft palates in children of women who smoke ... Bladder cancer was added in
1990 and cervical cancer in 2004 ...The evidence was suggestive, but not
definite, that smoking causes breast cancer"
The Cost of a Smoker: $5,816 - New York Times, 8/7/13 -
"the largest cost, at $3,077 annually, came from taking
smoking breaks ... The second largest cost, at $2,056, was related to excess
health care expenses ... The remaining costs came from increased absenteeism"
Thirdhand smoke causes DNA damage - Science Daily, 6/20/13 -
"has found for the first time that thirdhand smoke --
the noxious residue that clings to virtually all surfaces long after the
secondhand smoke from a cigarette has cleared out -- causes significant genetic
damage in human cells ... Tobacco-specific nitrosamines, some of the chemical
compounds in thirdhand smoke, are among the most potent carcinogens there are.
They stay on surfaces, and when those surfaces are clothing or carpets, the
danger to children is especially serious ... thirdhand smoke can cause both DNA
strand breaks and oxidative DNA damage, which can lead to gene mutation ... it
can still be detected in dust and surfaces of apartments more than two months
after smokers moved out. Common cleaning methods such as vacuuming, wiping and
ventilation have not proven effective in lowering nicotine contamination"
Companies pay almost $6,000 extra per year for each employee who smokes -
Science Daily, 6/3/13 - "smoking accounts for nearly one
in every five deaths -- or about 443,000 -- in the United States each year ...
excess absenteeism costs an average of $517 per year; "presenteeism," or reduced
productivity related to the effects of nicotine addiction, $462; smoke breaks,
$3,077; and extra health care costs (for self-insured employers), $2,056 ... For
employers who provide defined benefit plans, meaning they pay retirees a set
amount in pension each year, a smoker's early death could result in an annual
cost reduction of an estimated $296"
and Compromises in Not Hiring Smokers - N Engl J Med. 2013 Mar 27 -
"Tobacco use is responsible for approximately 440,000
deaths in the United States each year - about one death out of every five. This
number is more than the annual number of deaths caused by HIV infection, illegal
drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, suicides, and murders combined1
and more than the number of American servicemen who died during World War II"
smoking increases risk of severe dementia, according to study in China -
Science Daily, 1/9/13 - "The study of nearly 6,000
people in five provinces in China reveals that people exposed to passive smoking
have a significantly increased risk of severe dementia syndromes"
Smoking 'rots' brain, says
King's College study - BBC News, 11/25/12 -
"Smoking "rots" the brain by damaging memory, learning and reasoning ... Their
study was published in the journal Age and Ageing"
in incidence of heart attacks appears associated with smoke-free workplace laws
- Science Daily, 10/29/12 - "When comparing the 18
months before implementation of the smoke-free restaurant ordinance with the 18
months after implementation of the smoke-free workplace law, the incidence of MI
declined by 33 percent from about 150.8 to 100.7 per 100,000 population, and the
incidence of SCD declined by 17 percent from 109.1 to 92 per 100,000 population"
- Note: People thought I was a nut case because I was so outspoken for my
support of anti-smoking laws in public places in the '70's and '80's.
Smoke-free laws led quickly to fewer hospitalizations - Science Daily,
Second-hand smoke affects bladder function in children, study suggests -
Science Daily, 6/7/12
could be more prone to schizophrenia - Science Daily, 3/26/12
In the
mouth, smoking zaps healthy bacteria - Science Daily, 2/15/12 -
"They need a more aggressive form of treatment, because
even after a professional cleaning, they're still at a very high risk for
getting these pathogens back in their mouths right away"
associated with more rapid cognitive decline in men - Science Daily, 2/6/12
- "They suggest smoking in men is associated with more
rapid cognitive decline and that men who continued to smoke over the follow-up
experienced greater decline in all cognitive tests ... In addition, men who quit
smoking in the 10 years preceding the first cognitive measure were still at risk
of greater cognitive decline, especially in executive function (an umbrella term
for various complex cognitive processes involved in achieving a particular
goal). However, long-term ex-smokers did not show faster cognitive decline ...
the association between smoking and cognition, particularly at older ages, is
likely to be underestimated owing to higher risk of death and dropout among
after cigarettes: Compared with those who continue to smoke, quitters are both
happier and more satisfied with their health - Science Daily, 12/13/11 -
"successful quitters are more satisfied with their lives
and feel healthier, both one year and three years afterwards, than those who
continue to smoke"
Troubling smoke signals - The Daily, 11/13/11 - "Out
of 3,249 cases of psychological episodes reported to the FDA, 90 percent were
linked to the ingredient in Chantix, 7 percent to bupropion, sold under the name
Wellbutrin, and 3 percent to nicotine-replacement products"
Effects of prenatal smoking on infant neurodevelopment may be worse than
feared - Science Daily, 8/22/11 - "babies born
to mothers who smoke while pregnant face substantial delays in early
neurological development, and the effects may be stronger than researchers
had previously thought ... smoking may cause as much as a 40 percentage
point increase in the probability of being at risk of developmental problems
in babies between 3 and 24 months old"
Cigarette smoking implicated in half of bladder cancers in women; Bladder
cancer risk from smoking is higher than previously estimated, study confirms
- Science Daily, 8/16/11 - "While previous studies
showed that only 20 to 30 percent of bladder cancer cases in women were
caused by smoking, these new data indicate that smoking is responsible for
about half of female bladder cancer cases -- similar to the proportion found
in men in current and previous studies ... The majority of the earlier
studies were conducted at time periods or in geographic regions where
smoking was much less common among women ... Current smokers in our study
had a fourfold excess risk of developing bladder cancer, compared to a
threefold excess risk in previous studies. The stronger association between
smoking and bladder cancer is possibly due to changes in cigarette
composition or smoking habits over the years" - Note: I don't know
if they ever did but France was going to ban Actos because of a 22 to 40%
(depending on the study) increase in bladder cancer when hair dye causes a
600% increase and smoking causes a fourfold increase. Maybe they need to
rethink their priorities. Plus Actos has been linked to lower incidence of
other cancers so it may average out.
Another danger of secondhand smoke -- hearing loss - 7/18/11 -
"teenagers exposed to smoke performed worse across
every sound frequency tested, especially mid-to-high frequencies important
for understanding speech. In addition, teenagers with higher cotinine
levels, indicating greater exposure, were more likely to have one-sided-or
unilateral-low-frequency hearing loss. Overall, the researchers conclude
that their findings indicate that "tobacco smoke is independently associated
with an almost 2-fold increase in the risk of hearing loss among
Unhealthy lifestyle is associated with sexual dysfunction - Science
Daily, 7/6/11 - "A new study published in The
Journal of Sexual Medicine reveals that several unhealthy lifestyle factors,
such as weight problems, physical inactivity, high alcohol consumption,
tobacco smoking, and hard drugs are associated with sexual dysfunctions in
men. Additionally, an unhealthy lifestyle is more common in persons who are
sexually inactive ... Among those who had a sexual partner, risk of
experiencing sexual dysfunction was greater in men who lead unhealthy lives
by 71% in those with substantially increased waist circumference and more
than 800% in men using hard drugs. Women who used hashish had almost 3 times
increased risk of anorgasmia (difficulties or inability to reach climax
during sexual activity with a partner) compared to non-users"
Nearly Half of U.S. Teens Smoke, Drink Alcohol, or Use Drugs - WebMD,
6/29/11 - "Nearly half of all American high school
students smoke, drink alcohol, or use illicit drugs"
cancer study finds mentholated cigarettes no more harmful than regular
cigarettes - Science Daily, 3/23/11
'Thirdhand smoke' may be bigger health hazard than previously believed -
Science Daily, 1/12/10 - "the invisible remains of
cigarette smoke that deposits on carpeting, clothing, furniture and other
surfaces -- may be even more of a health hazard than previously believed ...
Exposure to them can occur to babies crawling on the carpet, people napping
on the sofa, or people eating food tainted by thirdhand smoke ... nicotine
interacts with ozone, in indoor air, to form potentially toxic pollutants on
these surfaces"
Pollutants linger long after smoker moves out - MSNBC, 12/16/10
Smoking behind more than a third of severe rheumatoid arthritis cases -
Science Daily, 12/13/10 - "Smoking accounts for more
than a third of cases of the most severe and common form of rheumatoid
Women smokers shocked into giving up habit by seeing effect on their faces,
study finds - Science Daily, 12/6/10
than 600,000 killed by secondhand smoke - MSNBC, 11/25/10 -
"Secondhand smoke kills more than 600,000 people
worldwide every year" - [USA
Today] - Note: You could have one heck of a war for that many people.
Vietnam was 57,000 U.S. over 10 years. Maybe Code Pink should change their
Heavy smoking during pregnancy linked to kids becoming repeat offenders as
adults - Science Daily, 11/16/10
Secondhand smoke exposure increases risk of hearing loss - Science
Daily, 11/15/10 - "Former smokers were significantly
more likely to have impaired hearing. The prevalence of low to mid frequency
hearing loss among this group was 14%. And almost half (over 46%) had high
frequency hearing loss (more than 25 decibels) ... Although the risk was not
as strong among those who had never smoked, almost one in 10 (8.6%) had low
to mid frequency hearing loss and one in four (26.6%) had high frequency
hearing loss"
Heavy smoking in midlife may be associated with dementia in later years
- Science Daily, 10/25/10
Smoking is dumb: Young men who smoke have lower IQs, study finds -
Science Daily, 4/2/10 - "The average IQ for a
non-smoker was about 101, while the smokers' average was more than seven IQ
points lower at about 94, the study determined. The IQs of young men who
smoked more than a pack a day were lower still, at about 90. An IQ score in
a healthy population of such young men, with no mental disorders, falls
within the range of 84 to 116"
Study raises concerns about outdoor second-hand smoke - Science Daily,
Smoking During Pregnancy Puts Children At Risk Of Psychotic Symptoms -
Science Daily, 10/1/09
Second-hand Smoking Results In Liver Disease, Study Finds - Science
Daily, 9/10/09
Only Three Cigarettes a
Day Significantly Increases Cardiovascular Disease Risk - Medscape,
A Few Whiffs of Smoke May Harm Your Heart - WebMD, 8/31/09
Smoking Associated With More Rapid Progression Of Multiple Sclerosis -
Science Daily, 7/14/09
Smoking Linked To Brain Damage - Science Daily, 6/23/09
Alcohol And Smoking Are Key Causes For Bowel Cancer - Science Daily,
6/2/09 - "people who consume the largest quantities
of alcohol (equivalent to > 7 drinks per week) have 60% greater risk of
developing the cancer, compared with non-drinkers ... Smoking, obesity and
diabetes were also associated with a 20% greater risk of developing bowel
cancer - the same risk linked with consuming high intakes of red and
processed meat"
Smoking Is Top Cause of Preventable Death - WebMD, 4/27/09
Young Smokers Increase Risk For Multiple Sclerosis - Science Daily,
Smokers Putting Their Loved Ones At Risk Of Heart Attacks - Science
Daily, 2/11/09
Smokers Have Rapid Aging Defect - Science Daily, 2/6/09 -
"Smoking speeds the aging process, causing smokers
to die about 10 years before their time ... cigarette smoke extract
decreased the cell's WRN production -- and made the cells age more quickly"
Smoking Linked to More Than Lung Cancer - Science Daily, 1/22/09 -
"smoking is a cause of many more cancer deaths
besides lung cancer"
Third-hand Smoke: Another Reason To Quit Smoking - Science Daily,
Women Smokers Lose 14.5 Years Off Life Span - washingtonpost.com,
Occasional Smoking Can Impair Arteries - Science Daily, 10/7/08
'Light' Cigarettes Deliver Less Nicotine To The Brain Than Regular
Cigarettes? - Science Daily, 9/26/08
Smokers Suffer More Back Pain, Survey Shows - Science Daily, 7/1/08
Smoking Appears Linked With Risk for Poor Memory in Middle Age -
Medscape, 6/12/08 - "current smokers vs participants
who had never smoked had a 37% greater risk of being in the lowest quintile
of cognitive function (odds ratio, 1.37"
Why the obese and smokers risk deafness - New Scientist, 6/10/08 -
"stop smoking, stay slim, and have an alcoholic
drink at least once a week ... a 60-year-old man who has smoked a pack a day
for at least 10 years loses about five decibels on top of the 25 dB loss
experienced by a third of the people his age"
Smokers Have A 41 Percent Higher Risk Of Suffering Depression - Science
Daily, 4/24/08
Alzheimer's Starts Earlier For Heavy Drinkers, Smokers - Science Daily,
4/16/08 - "the combination of heavy drinking and
heavy smoking reduced the age of onset of Alzheimer's disease by six to
seven years, making these two factors among the most important preventable
risk factors for Alzheimer's disease"
Sex, Drugs, and Cancer? - WebMD, 3/11/08 - "Head
and neck cancers that were positive for HPV 16 were associated with having
more oral sex partners and smoking more marijuana ... Head and neck cancers
that were negative for HPV 16 weren't linked to sex or marijuana. Instead,
they were tied to smoking tobacco, drinking alcohol, and having poor oral
Opiate And Nicotine Have Surprisingly Similar Affect On Brain's Reward
System - Science Daily, 2/12/08
Smoking May Wreak Havoc on Sleep - WebMD, 2/4/08
Smoking Can Double Risk Of Colorectal Polyps - Science Daily, 2/1/08 -
"Smokers have a two-fold increased risk of
developing colorectal polyps"
Smoking Associated With Increased Risk Of Diabetes, Study Finds -
Science Daily, 12/11/07
Secondhand Smoke Damages Lungs - WebMD, 11/26/07
FDA Reviewing Post-Marketing Cases Describing Suicidal Ideation and
Occasional Suicidal Behavior With Chantix (Varenicline) - Doctor's
Guide, 11/20/07
Asian Men Who Smoke May Have Increased Risk For Hair Loss - Science
Daily, 11/19/07
Smoking Increases Risk Of Psoriasis, Study Shows - Science Daily,
Report Links Teen Smoking, Depression - WebMD, 10/23/07
Hypnotherapy For Smoking Cessation Sees Strong Results - Science Daily,
Obesity Strongest Risk Factor For Colorectal Cancer Among Women; Greater
Than Smoking - Science Daily, 10/15/07
Study: Law Prompts Drop in Heart Attacks - Intelihealth, 9/28/07 -
"A study released Thursday credits New York's 2003
Clean Indoor Air Act with an 8 percent drop in heart attacks statewide
because of reduced exposure to second-hand smoke"
Secondhand Smoke Increases High School Test Failure, Study Suggests -
Science Daily, 9/19/07
Nicotine May Accelerate Atherosclerosis, May Be As Dangerous As Tar -
Science Daily, 9/13/07
Smokers More Likely to Develop Dementia - washingtonpost.com, 9/4/07
Erectile Dysfunction Linked To Smoking - Science Daily, 7/27/07 -
"An estimated 22.7 percent of erectile dysfunction
cases among Chinese men might be attributable to cigarette smoking"
'Healthy' Children With Smoking Parents Aren't Really So Healthy -
Science Daily, 5/20/07
Brain And Chronic Exposure To Nicotine - Science Daily, 5/16/07
'Lite' Low Tar Cigarettes Impair Blood Flow As Much As Regular Cigarettes
- Science Daily, 5/15/07
Secondhand Smoke At Sidewalk Cafes And Other Outdoor Settings Is Still
Serious, According to Scientists - Science Daily, 5/3/07
Secondhand Smoke Increases Risk Of Dementia - Science Daily, 5/1/07
Smoking May Increase Wrinkles on Body - WebMD, 3/19/07
Smoking Boosts Cervical Cancer Risk - WebMD, 11/17/06
At Least 1 in 4 Hardened Smokers Will Develop Progressive Lung Disease -
Doctor's Guide, 10/19/06
New Medication Appears Effective in Helping Smokers Kick the Habit -
Doctor's Guide, 8/15/06
Pfizer's Chantix(TM) (Varenicline) Now Available to Help Smokers Quit -
Doctor's Guide, 8/1/06
Quitting Smoking Improves Lung Function Test Scores by More Than 15% in Less
Than 2 Months - Doctor's Guide, 7/14/06
Cancer Risk Double for Women Smokers - WebMD, 7/11/06
Data Show Varenicline Provides Smokers New Hope to Quit Smoking -
Doctor's Guide, 7/5/06
Anti-smoking drug receives FDA approval - MSNBC, 5/11/06
Secondhand Smoke Tied to Diabetes? - WebMD, 4/6/06
Smoking Linked to Ovarian Cancer Risk - Doctor's Guide, 4/5/06
Smokers: More Erectile Dysfunction? - WebMD, 3/22/06
Smoking While Pregnant Causes Finger, Toe Deformities - Science Daily,
Passive Smoking Almost Doubles Risk Of Degenerative Eye Disease -
Science Daily, 1/3/06 - "Passive smoking almost doubles the risk of the
progressively degenerative eye disease, age related macular degeneration"
Nearly a Quarter of Children Are Especially Susceptible to Respiratory
Illness if Exposed to Second-Hand Smoke - Doctor's Guide, 12/15/05
Is Nicotine Replacement Therapy Effective? - Clinical Psychiatry News,
Smoking May Cloud the Brain - WebMD, 10/12/05
Long-term Smoking Is Associated With Up To 40 Percent Increased Risk Of
Breast Cancer - Science Daily, 10/4/05
Long-Term Smoking Associated With Up to 40% Increased Risk of Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 9/28/05
Smoking May Increase Risk Of Diabetes - Science Daily, 9/26/05
One To Four Cigarettes Daily Triples Risk Of Dying Of Heart Disease Or Lung
Cancer - Science Daily, 9/22/05
Cigarettes Linked to Late-Life Blindness - WebMD, 9/7/05
May Develop Lifelong Problems From Smoke - CBS 2 Chicago, 8/31/05
Tobacco Smoke Raises Risk of Metabolic Syndrome in Teens - Doctor's
Guide, 8/16/05
Psoriasis Drug May Help People Quit Smoking - WebMD, 8/8/05
Study Links Tobacco Smoke With Belly Fat - Intelihealth, 8/2/05 -
"6 percent of 12- to 19-year-olds had metabolic
syndrome ... 1 percent of those unexposed to smoke developed the syndrome, 5
percent of those exposed to secondhand smoke had the disorder and 9 percent
of active smokers had it"
Smoking During Pregnancy May Double ADHD Risk - WebMD, 8/2/05
Secondhand Smoke Affects Fertility - WebMD, 5/25/05
Grandmothers' Smoking Linked To Grandchildren's Asthma Decades Later -
Science Daily, 5/6/05
Smoking Tied to Multiple Sclerosis Progression - WebMD, 4/26/05
Smoking Doubles Risk Of Degenerative Eye Condition - Science Daily,
Cigarette Smoke Worsens Respiratory Infections in Infants - Doctor's
Guide, 3/8/05
Anti-smoking pills show promise - MSNBC, 3/8/05
Contrary To Previous Findings, Smoking Is Detrimental Rather Than Beneficial
To Patients With Alzheimer's, UCI Study Shows - Science Daily, 2/18/05
COX-2 Levels Elevated in Smokers - Doctor's Guide, 1/17/05
- Secondhand Smoke
Raises Cervical Cancer Risk - WebMD, 1/7/05
Secondhand Smoke Linked to Cervical Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 1/5/05
- Secondhand Smoke
Harms Kids' Thinking - WebMD, 1/4/05
Cigarette Smoking Exacerbates Alcohol-induced Brain Damage
- Science Daily, 12/30/04
- Smokers Don't
Understand Light Cigarette Risk - WebMD, 12/10/04
Smoking Triggers Early Onset Of Pancreatic Cancer
- Science Daily, 11/12/04
Smoking May Increase Risk of Colon Polyps - Doctor's Guide, 11/2/04
- Smoking
Cigarettes Affects Brain Like Heroin - WebMD, 10/27/04
Smoking Increases Risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis Among Those With Genetic
Predisposition - Doctor's Guide, 10/7/04
- Tobacco Smoke
May Increase Colic - WebMD, 10/4/04
- Teens Say
Light Cigarettes Are Healthier - WebMD, 10/4/04
- Smoking Raises
the Risk of Snoring - WebMD, 10/1/04
Bupropion May Improve Long-term Smoking Cessation Rates
- Doctor's Guide, 9/13/04
- Heart Attack
Risk Is 5 Times Greater Among Smokers Aged 35-39
- WebMD, 8/23/04
- Smoking Worse
Than Exhaust for Air Pollution - WebMD, 8/23/04
- Better
Hypnosis Success for Male Smokers - WebMD, 7/29/04
K-State Researcher Links Cigarette Smoke, Vitamin A Deficiency And Emphysema
- Science Daily, 7/28/04 - "When the lung content of
vitamin A was low, the score of emphysema was high ... So, the hypothesis is
that smokers develop emphysema because of a vitamin A deficiency"
Higher Overall Exposures to Passive Smoking Associated with Increased Risk
of Coronary Heart Disease - Doctor's Guide, 7/1/04
- Passive
Smoking Worse Than Thought - WebMD, 6/30/04
- 60% Cancer
Deaths in Black Men Due to Smoking - WebMD, 4/23/04
- College Smokers
Stay Smokers - WebMD, 4/16/04
In Home Exposure to Secondhand Smoke Associated with Increased Mortality for
Never-Smokers - Doctor's Guide, 4/6/04
- Smoking Speeds
Dementia, Alzheimer's Disease - WebMD, 3/22/04
- Smoking Linked
With Blindness - WebMD, 3/4/04
- Household Dust,
Surfaces Trap Cigarette Smoke - WebMD, 2/23/04
- Can Brain
'Tinkering' Help You Quit Smoking? - WebMD, 1/27/04
Lung Cancer Risk Similar Among Smokers of Very Low, Low, or Medium Tar
Cigarettes - Doctor's Guide, 1/9/04
- Smoking-Breast
Cancer Risk Even Stronger - WebMD, 1/6/04
Nicotine Lozenge, Commit, Appears Effective for Smokers Who Have Failed
Quitting With Other Products - Doctor's Guide, 1/5/04
- Smokers Up
Others' Lung Cancer Risk - WebMD, 12/10/03
- Lung Cancer
Risk Double in Women - WebMD, 12/1/03
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms In Children Linked to
Maternal Smoking - Doctor's Guide, 11/12/03
Depression More Likely to Recur in Adolescents Who Smoke
- Doctor's Guide, 10/27/03
Smokers at High Risk of Colorectal Polyps - Doctor's Guide, 10/27/03
Naltrexone Reduces Cravings in Smokers Trying to Quit
- Doctor's Guide, 9/24/03
Female Smokers More Susceptible to Tobacco Carcinogens than Men
- Doctor's Guide, 8/20/03
Cotinine to Creatinine Ratios Lowered Only in Infants Residing in Homes That
Ban Tobacco Smoking - Doctor's Guide, 8/4/03
Paternal Smoking Before Conception Increases Risk of Childhood Leukemia in
Offspring - Doctor's Guide, 7/17/03
- Helping People
Quit Smoking is Hard - WebMD, 7/3/03 - "A new
study shows only 5% of people who participated in a study of a nicotine
patch were still not smoking eight years after the study ended"
- Smoking May
Limit Thinking Ability - WebMD, 7/2/03
- Secondhand
Smoke Lowers Folic Acid Level - WebMD, 6/30/03
Nicotine-Patch Treatment Works For Smokers With Long-Term Sobriety
- Doctor's Guide, 6/16/03
- Smoking During
Pregnancy Leads to Signs of Drug Withdrawal in Babies
- WebMD, 6/2/03
Smoking? Forget About It - CBS News, 5/29/03
Many Smokers Have Undiagnosed Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Doctor's Guide, 5/20/03
- Kids Less
Likely To Smoke When Parents Quit - WebMD, 5/13/03
- Smoking Ban
Saves Lives in Helena, Montana - WebMD, 4/1/03
Increased Depressive Symptoms Negatively Impact Patients Trying To Quit
Smoking - Doctor's Guide, 3/19/03
Bupropion Triples Quit Rates Among Women And Formerly Depressed Smokers
- Doctor's Guide, 3/18/03
- Secondhand
Smoke Leads to More Cavities - WebMD, 3/11/03
- Smoking Can
Lead to Erectile Dysfunction - WebMD, 3/6/03
Mouth Ulcers May Be Caused by Quitting Smoking - WebMD, 2/24/03
- Selegiline Helps
Smokers Quit - Medscape, 1/23/03 - "Its effect
was about half that of
buproprion but
comparable to that of nicotine replacement ... selegiline doses greater than
10 mg/day are associated with increased risk of hypertensive crises"
- Selegiline is used by many for anti-aging. -
Smokers Face Highest Odds For Depression - Doctor's Guide, 1/20/03
Just One Cigarette Increases Arterial Stiffness - Doctor's Guide,
- Smokers Have
More Aches and Pains - WebMD, 1/8/03
Study Looks At Nicotine's Role In Cancer - Intelihealth, 1/3/02
Smoking Linked with Reports of Musculoskeletal Disorders
- Doctor's Guide, 12/27/02
Bladder Cancer Risk Reduced By Quitting Smoking - Doctor's Guide,
- Designer
Cigarettes Pose New Threats - WebMD, 11/22/02
Cigarettes, Not Alcohol Linked To Poorer Cognitive Function In The Middle
Aged - Doctor's Guide, 11/21/02
FDA approves nicotine lozenge - USA Today, 11/1/02
- Nicotine
By-Product 'Cooks' Proteins - WebMD, 10/28/02 - "A substance found in
tobacco and produced as a by-product of nicotine may increase smokers' risk
of diseases such as diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer's, as well as intensify
the negative effects of aging"
- Smoking an Important
Risk Factor for Colorectal Polyps
- Medscape, 10/22/02
Prolonged Use Of Tobacco Associated With Increased Stomach Cancer Mortality
- Doctor's Guide, 10/17/02
Increased Breast Cancer Risk Shown Among Women Who Smoked In Adolescence
- Doctor's Guide, 10/4/02
- Teen Smokers Risk
Breast Cancer - WebMD, 10/3/02
- Smoking Can Hurt
Male Fertility - WebMD, 9/24/02
- Bacteria Found in
Chewing Tobacco - WebMD, 9/24/02
Selegiline Might Aid Smoking Cessation - Doctor's Guide, 9/12/02
Infections add new risk factor for smokers - USA Today, 9/8/02
- Drug
[bromocriptine] Curbs Desire to Smoke - WebMD, 9/4/02
- Preteens Are Quick
Nicotine Addicts - WebMD, 8/30/02
- Nortriptyline Helpful
In Smoking Cessation - Medscape, 8/26/02
Exposure to Household Tobacco Smoke While Young Linked to Lower Bone Mass
- Doctor's Guide, 8/19/02
- Light Smokers
Still Face Health Risks - WebMD, 8/16/02
Involuntary Smoke Exposure Affects Asthma Severity Among Children, Study
Confirms - Doctor's Guide, 8/16/02
Even Light Smoking Or Not Inhaling Ups Risk of Myocardial Infarction and
Death - Doctor's Guide, 8/15/02
- Secondhand Smoke
Linked to Early Asthma - WebMD, 7/30/02
Tobacco may a be cause of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma - USA Today, 7/29/02
Smoking Significantly Increases Risk of Alzheimer's Disease Among Those Who
Have No Genetic Predisposition - Doctor's Guide, 7/25/02 -
"a history of cigarette smoking doubled the risk of developing
Alzheimer's disease among individuals who were not apolipoprotein E
(ApoE) carriers but did not influence risk among ApoE genotype individuals"
- Preventing Lung
Cancer in Smokers [Sialor/Sulfarlem (anethole dithiolethione)] - WebMD,
Smoking Decreases Men's Chances Of Fatherhood By IVF And ICSI
- Doctor's Guide, 7/2/02
Maternal Smoking Compromises Foetal IGF-1 Concentrations and Reduces Birth
Weight - Doctor's Guide, 6/24/02
Poll: Stub Out Cigarette Sales to Teens - ABC News, 6/13/02
- Turning Kids
Against Tobacco - WebMD, 6/11/02
Secondhand Smoke Harms Lung Function in Women - Doctor's Guide, 5/23/02
Drinking up instead of lighting up - CNN, 5/22/02
- Young Smokers at
Risk for Emphysema - WebMD, 5/22/02
- Secondhand Smoke a
Threat Even Outdoors - WebMD, 5/7/02
- Secondhand Smoke
Stalls Young Minds - WebMD, 5/6/02
Skinny Smokers Just as Unhealthy - WebMD, 4/26/02
Smoking Cessation Success Rates Equally Good With Over-The-Counter or
Prescription Use of Nicotine Replacement Therapy - Removing NRT Prescription
Status Safe for Patients - Doctor's Guide, 4/26/02
- 'Side' Smoke Hurts
Infants and Children - WebMD, 4/23/02
- Smoking Decreases
Chances It'll Be a Boy - WebMD, 4/18/02
Behavioural Processes Help Cancer Patients Quit Smoking
- Doctor's Guide, 4/16/02
Smoke Gets In Your Mind - Intelihealth, 4/12/02 - "A growing band of
researchers claim that smoking is the cause, not the consequence of clinical
depression and several forms of anxiety"
Smoking Linked to Dementia in Parkinson's Disease Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 3/29/02
- Nicotine Patches,
Gums May Pose Health Risk - WebMD, 3/29/02 -
"nornicotine, a product created by the breakdown of
nicotine, may interfere with a variety of chemical reactions in the body.
These reactions may, in turn, trigger a range of negative health affects"
Premature Skin Wrinkling And Cigarette Smoking In Young People Connected
- Doctor's Guide, 3/26/02
- Smokers Look
Older -- Butt Why? - WebMD, 3/22/02 -
"Bottom line: Smokers get a double whammy -- once
from the sun and again from tobacco, since both trigger this
skin-destructive MMP-1 action"
- Cigarettes Cause
More Severe Arthritis - WebMD, 3/15/02
- Smokers
Disillusioned With Their Habit - WebMD, 3/8/02
Smoking Responsible For Half Of Cases Of Goiter In Areas Of Low Iodine
- Doctor's Guide, 3/8/02
- Ex-Smokers: Tough
It Out for 2 Years - WebMD, 3/6/02
Government To Approve New Cigarettes - Intelihealth, 2/17/02
- Fighting Smoke
With Smoke - WebMD, 2/15/02
Smokers Opting For Plastic Surgery Challenge Doctors
- Doctor's Guide, 1/21/02
Drug Use, Criminality In Both Genders Tied To Maternal Prenatal Smoking
- Doctor's Guide, 1/10/02
Graphic cigarette warnings effective - CNN, 1/9/02
Dopamine's Curb On Smoking May Not Be Nicotine-Related
- Doctor's Guide, 1/3/02
Diabetes And Obesity Link To Prenatal Smoking - Doctor's Guide, 1/3/02
Ills From Passive Smoking Found World-Wide - Doctor's Guide, 12/20/01
- Smoking Increases
Likelihood Of Impotency - Doctor's Guide, 12/4/01
Smokers Show Reduced Dopamine D1 Receptor Density
- Doctor's Guide, 10/25/01
- Smoking During Pregnancy
May Indicate Need For Psychiatric Testing
- Doctor's Guide, 10/22/01
- Smoking: A Bad
Break for Your Bones - WebMD, 10/17/01
- Passive Smoking
Can Cause Asthma, Emphysema, and Lung Cancer
- WebMD, 9/27/01
- Stopping Smoking, the
Re-starting is Worse for Your Health than Not Stopping at All
- Doctor's Guide, 9/25/01
- More Good News on
Zyban and Smoking - WebMD, 9/20/01 - "The
antidepressant Zyban (also known as Wellbutrin or by its generic name
bupropion) has helped many people quit. Now, research shows the drug seems
to prevent relapse and even seems to help women lose weight"
- Long-term Use of Zyban
(Bupropion) Helps Some Ex-Smokers Avoid Relapse, Gain Less Weight -
Doctor's Guide, 9/17/01
- Proven Link Between Asthma
and Childhood Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke
- Doctor's Guide, 9/11/01
- Your Cigarette Is
Killing Me - WebMD, 7/24/01
Smoking May Lead to Female Infertility - WebMD, 7/16/01
Researchers Link Smoking, Early Menopause - Doctor's Guide, 7/16/01
- Study Does
Nothing to Patch Up Nicotine's Reputation
- WebMD, 7/2/01
- Smoking Increases
Risk of Breast Cancer Metastases in Lungs
- Medscape, 6/13/01
Smokers: Zyban Makes Kicking the Habit Easier - WebMD, 5/22/01
- Erectile Dysfunction More
Common In Hypertensive Male Smokers
- Doctor's Guide, 5/21/01
Nicotine-Free Smoking Cessation Pill, Zyban (Bupropion), Effective For All
Categories of Smokers - Doctor's Guide, 5/14/01
- Study Suggests
Teens Who Light Up Have Higher Risk of Depression
- WebMD, 5/9/01
Passive Smoke Linked to Cavities in Children, Tooth Decay Nearly Doubles in
Smoking Homes - WebMD, 5/1/01 -
"the rate of cavities in children was nearly double
in smoking households, even after considering a number of variables
including sex, race, dental visits, family income, and nutrition status"
- Did You Know?
Smoking Poses Special Health Threats to Women, Increases Risk of
Osteoporosis, Cervical Cancer, and Infertility
- WebMD, 4/26/01
Women smokers may get more bladder cancer - USA Today, 4/3/01
Tobacco devastating women's health - USA Today, 3/27/01 -
"Smoking is the nation's leading cause of
preventable death, claiming more than 400,000 lives a year"
Smokers Look Older -- Butt Why? Just Three Years of Smoking Jump-Starts
Aging Process - WebMD, 3/23/01
Research On Why Smokers Look Older - Intelihealth, 3/23/01 -
"smoking switches on a gene involved in destroying
collagen, the structural protein that gives skin its elasticity ... Smoking
has also been found to trigger oxygen damage to the cells and to mess up the
blood flow to the skin"
New Mouth Rinse May Help Smokers Quit -- and Keep Breath Minty Fresh -
WebMD, 3/12/01 - "contains a copper compound that
interacts with something in tobacco smoke to make the latter taste
unbearably bad and hopefully rinse away the urge to light up"
Study: Wives of smokers absorb cancer chemicals - USA Today, 3/6/01 -
"Chemicals linked to lung cancer are five to six
times higher in the urine of women who live with smokers than in women who
live with non-smokers"
Cigarettes: Just Cutting Back Won't Cut It - WebMD, 1/1/01
Quit Smoking to Save Your Skin, Smoking Increases Risk of Common Skin Cancer
- WebMD, 12/28/00
Off the Cigarette and Onto the Gum, Patch, or Spray, Some Trading One
Addiction for Another - WebMD, 12/8/00
Cigarette smoking linked to colorectal cancer - CNN, 12/6/00
U.S. study finds mentally ill are twice as likely to smoke - CNN,
New Research on Why Nicotine Is Addictive - WebMD, 11/15/00
Smoking Linked to Some Colon Cancers - WebMD, 11/15/00
Study: Nicotine causes selective damage in brain - CNN, 11/9/00
Think Smoking Calms Your Nerves? Think Again - WebMD, 11/7/00
More Bad News on Smoking: Risk for Rheumatoid Arthritis - WebMD,
Smoking And The GI Tract - Intelihealth, 10/18/00
Another Danger for Smokers: Kidney Disease - WebMD, 10/16/00
Study Suggests Teens Who Light Up Have Higher Risk of Depression -
WebMD, 10/2/00
Secondhand Smoke May Affect Women's Fertility - WebMD, 10/3/00
Just a Few Cigarettes Can Lead to Addiction in Young Teens - WebMD,
Vitamin C May Help a Smoker's Heart, Study Shows - WebMD, 9/11/00
Single Cigarette Opens Door to Addiction, Even Small Amounts of Nicotine
Alter the Brain - WebMD, 8/24/00
Smoking Takes the Power Out of Antioxidants - Nutrition Science News,
Smoking's cool image remains a puzzle for health crusaders - CNN, 8/7/00
Psoriasis Drug Still Looks Good for Quitting Smoking - WebMD, 8/1/00
'Social Smoker' Beware - WebMD, 7/24/00
Lighting Up May Be Hazardous to Your Colon - WebMD, 7/21/00
Marijuana may be greater cancer risk than tobacco, research suggests -
CNN, 6/21/00
Complex Challenge: Getting Teens to Quit Smoking - WebMD, 6/2/00
Kicking the Habit, One Person at a Time - WebMD, 6/2/00
Study Links Smoking, Gum Disease - Intelihealth, 5/30/00
Studies: Tobacco Targeting Teens - Intelihealth, 5/18/00
Smoking May Further Increase Risks of Heart Disease, Clotting Problems -
WebMD, 5/15/00
Cigarette Smoking Can Lead to Blindness, Study Confirms - WebMD, 5/1/00
Menstrual Cycle May Affect Tobacco Withdrawal - WebMD, 4/25/00
- Raynaud's Phenomenon Twice
As Severe In Smokers - Doctor's Guide, 4/19/00
Smoking Moms-Kids' Behavior Linked - Intelihealth, 4/13/00
- Menstrual Cycle May Affect
Success Of Women Trying To Quit Smoking - Doctor's Guide, 4/10/00
- Smoking During Pregnancy
Increases Risk Of Cleft Lip Or Palate In Baby - Doctor's Guide, 3/28/00
Smokers May Get Hurt More Often - Intelihealth, 3/27/00
- Depression And Anxiety
Increases Likelihood Of Hypertension
- Doctor's Guide, 3/23/00
Chewing tobacco takes toll on health - CNN, 2/18/00
- Smoking Away From
Asthmatic Children Does Not Prevent Exposure
- Doctor's Guide, 12/15/99
- The Effect of
Cigarette Smoking on the Development of Osteoporosis and Related Fractures
- Medscape, 11/99
Smoking Is Big Killer In Americas - Intelihealth, 9/29/99
Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy, As Well As After, Linked To Children's
Ear Troubles - Intelihealth, 8/3/99
Smoking Lowers Odds of Bladder Cancer Survival - Intelihealth, 5/4/99
Vitamins Could Reduce Lead Levels in Smokers' Blood - Intelihealth,
Violence may join list of tobacco's health hazards - CNN, 3/15/99
- Smoking Doubles Risk Of
Dementia And Alzheimer's Disease - Doctor's Guide, 6/19/98
- Pregnant Women Who Smoke
May Pass Genetic Damage To Their Babies - Doctor's Guide, 3/31/98
Study: Cigar smokers face double the risk of fatal cancer - CNN, 3/20/98
- Just How Heavy Is Cigarette
Smoking's Toll On Non-Smokers? - Doctor's Guide, 3/19/98