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What to look for in multivitamins - Washington Post, 6/19/22 -
"What vitamins should be in your multivitamin ...
Vitamin A 700-1,050 mcg (2,300-3,500 IU) ... Vitamin C 60-300 mg ... Vitamin D
20-25 mcg (800-1,000 IU) ... Vitamin E 13-35 mg (20-80 IU) ... Vitamin K 20 mcg
or more ... Thiamin (B-1) 1.1 mg or more ... Riboflavin (B-2) 1.1 mg or more ...
Niacin (B-3) 14-20 mg ... Vitamin B-6 1.7-6 mg ... Folate Premenopausal women
660-680 mcg DFE (dietary folate equivalent) (400 mcg folic acid); everyone else
400-680 mcg DFE (235-400 mcg folic acid) ... Vitamin B-12 2.4 mcg or more ...
Calcium Don’t rely on a multivitamin ... Iron Premenopausal women 18 mg;
everyone else (no more than 8 mg) ... Iodine 150 mcg ... Magnesium 40-350 mg ...
Zinc 8-24 mg ... Selenium 18-55 mcg ... Copper 0.5-2.2 mg ... Chromium 25 mcg or
more ...Potassium Don’t rely on a multivitamin"
Multivitamins, but Not
Cocoa, Tied to Slowed Brain Aging - Medscape, 11/11/21 -
"Taking a daily multivitamin for 3 years is associated
with a 60% slowing of cognitive aging, with the effects especially pronounced in
patients with cardiovascular (CVD) disease ... In addition to testing the effect
of a daily multivitamin on cognition the COSMOS-Mind study also examined the
effect of cocoa flavonols, but showed no beneficial effect" - See
Garden of Life, Vitamin Code, 50 & Wiser Men at Amazon.com
and Garden of Life, Vitamin Code, 50 & Wiser Women at Amazon.com.
Multivitamin, mineral supplement linked to less-severe, shorter-lasting illness
symptoms - Science Daily, 8/18/20 - "Older adults
who took a daily multivitamin and mineral supplement with zinc and high amounts
of vitamin C in a 12-week study experienced sickness for shorter periods and
with less severe symptoms than counterparts in a control group receiving a
Association between
vitamin B group supplementation with changes in % flow-mediated dilatation and
plasma homocysteine levels: a randomized controlled trial - J Clin Biochem
Nutr. 2019 May;64(3):243-249 - "A significant increase in serum B vitamins and
vitamin C levels, and a reduction in plasma homocysteine levels were observed.
The mean serum homocysteine level pre- and post-intervention was 9.8 and 8.2
µmol/L in the early intervention group and 10.8 and 7.4 µmol/L in the later
intervention group (p<0.01). However, no significant changes in flow-mediated
dilatation was found. Low-dose multivitamin supplementation including B vitamins
is associated with a significant reduction in plasma homocysteine levels among
patients with one or more components of metabolic syndrome" - [Nutra
Antioxidants may prevent cognitive impairment in diabetes - Science Daily,
11/20/18 - "Long-term decline in cognitive function,
with everyday learning and memory tasks becoming harder and taking longer to
complete, is a common consequence for patients who frequently experience low
blood sugar levels when using insulin to manage their diabetes. Previous studies
in mice have shown that reoccurring episodes of low blood sugar leads an
accumulation of cell damaging free radicals in the brain. Whether this build-up
of free radical stress directly effects cognitive function, and if the body's
own antioxidative systems, which can remove free radicals, can be harnessed to
counteract these changes and improve quality of life is not known."
Antioxidants and amino acids could play role in the treatment of psychosis -
Science Daily, 3/22/18 - "certain nutrient supplements,
used alongside standard treatment, may improve mental health in young people
with psychosis more than standard treatment alone ... 4 grams of Taurine per day
reduced psychotic symptoms within just 12 weeks ... Certain antioxidant
supplements, such as n-acetyl cysteine and vitamin C, may also be effective --
particularly for patients with high levels of 'oxidative stress' ... Studies on
omega-3 supplements showed that although these appear to improve brain health in
young people with psychosis, the evidence for actually reducing psychotic
symptoms is conflicting" - See
taurine at Amazon.com
deficiency in later life - Science Daily, 12/15/17 - ""Fifty-two percent of
the examined older adults had vitamin D levels below 50 nmol/L and thus had a
suboptimal vitamin D status." The scientists also observed shortages with regard
to some of the other micronutrients. Notably, twenty-seven percent of older
adults had vitamin B12 levels below the cut-off. Moreover, in eleven percent of
older adults, iron levels were too low, and almost nine percent did not have
enough folate in their blood."
Antioxidants and Dementia
Risk: Consideration through a Cerebrovascular Perspective - Nutrients. 2016
Dec 20;8(12) - "An emerging body of evidence suggests
that the integrity of the cerebrovascular blood-brain barrier (BBB) is centrally
involved in the onset and progression of cognitive impairment and dementia ...
Conclusively, there is a compelling body of evidence that suggest antioxidants
may prevent cognitive decline and dementia by protecting the integrity and
function of BBB and, indeed, further studies are needed to directly examine
these effects in addition to underlying molecular mechanisms" - See
Garden of Life Vitamin Code 50 & Wiser Men's Multi, 240 Capsules and
Garden of Life Vitamin Code 50 & Wiser Women's
Multi, 240 Capsules.
Fountain of youth? Dietary supplement may prevent and reverse severe damage to
aging brain, research suggests - Science Daily, 6/2/16 -
"contains common
ingredients such as vitamins B, C and D, folic acid, green tea extract, cod
liver oil and other nutraceuticals ... The mice used in this study had
widespread loss of more than half of their brain cells, severely impacting
multiple regions of the brain by one year of age, the human equivalent of severe
Alzheimer's disease ... they also discovered that the mice on the supplements
experienced enhancement in vision and most remarkably in the sense of smell --
the loss of which is often associated with neurological disease -- improved
balance and motor activity"
Scientific secrets for successful aging? - Science Daily, 3/29/16 -
"Now that these age-related metabolites have been
identified, the decline in antioxidants and muscle strength suggest that it is
important for individuals to consume foods high in antioxidants and to continue
exercising, especially after the age of 65. This could help increase the levels
of the related metabolites in the body and improve body conditions"
Top 3 Foods for a Longer Life - ABC News, 4/21/14 -
"resveratrol increases the activity of specific genes called sirtuins that
protect against diseases of aging by revving up the mitochondria, the little
batteries inside our cells ... mice fed the bacterial strain Bifidobacterium
animalis lactis lived longer and were healthier than mice that did not receive
the probiotic ... people who consume 650 mg a day of polyphenols live longer
than those who get less then that" - See
resveratrol products at Amazon.com
Garden of Life, Radical Fruits Antioxidant Complex at Amazon.com .
The effect
of multivitamin/mineral supplements on age-related cataracts: a systematic
review and meta-analysis - Nutrients. 2014 Feb 28;6(3):931-49 -
"we searched multiple databases to identify relevant
studies including both cohort studies and randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
... Pooled results from the cohort studies indicated that multivitamin/mineral
supplements have a significant beneficial effect in decreasing the risk of
nuclear cataracts (RR: 0.73; 95% CI: 0.64-0.82), cortical cataracts (RR: 0.81;
95% CI: 0.68-0.94), and any cataracts (RR: 0.66; 95% CI: 0.39-0.93)" -
Garden of Life, Vitamin Code, 50 & Wiser Men at Amazon.com
Garden of Life, Vitamin Code, 50 & Wiser Women at Amazon.com .
Nutritional supplement improves cognitive performance in older adults, study
finds - Science Daily, 2/6/14 - "The USF-developed
nutritional supplement, containing extracts from blueberries and green tea
combined with vitamin D3 and amino acids, including carnosine, was tested by the
USF researchers in a clinical trial enrolling 105 healthy adults, ages 65 to 85
... called NT-020 ... Those randomized to the group of 52 volunteers receiving
NT-020 demonstrated improvements in cognitive processing speed, while the 53
volunteers randomized to receive a placebo did not ... Blueberries, a major
ingredient in the NT-020 formula, are rich in polyphenols ... NT-020 is 95
percent polyphenols" - See
Garden of Life, Radical Fruits Antioxidant Complex at Amazon.com
carnosine products at Amazon.com .
faced: Looking younger for longer - Science Daily, 1/10/14 -
"While UVB radiation easily causes sunburn, UVA
radiation penetrates deeper, damaging our DNA by generating free radicals which
degrades the collagen that gives skin its elastic quality ... the most potent
anti-oxidants were those that targeted the batteries of the skin cells, known as
the mitochondria. They compared these mitochondrial-targeted anti-oxidants to
other non-specific antioxidants such as resveratrol, found in red wine, and
curcumin found in curries, that target the entire cell. They found that the most
potent mitochondrial targeted anti-oxidant was Tiron which provided 100%,
protection of the skin cell against UVA sun damage and the release of damaging
enzymes causing stress-induced damage ... Tiron is not a naturally occurring
compound and has not yet been tested for toxicity in humans although there have
been a few studies on rats ... Antioxidants in our diets from green tea,
resveratrol which is found in red wine, turmeric which is used in curries and
lycopene found in tomatoes, as well as some components in cosmetic creams, are
known to neutralise this damage within the cells. They can slow down the damage
and the rate of aging and potentially lower the rate of other sun-induced skin
lesions ... Resveratrol, the antioxidant found in red wine, was found to protect
against 22% of both the ultraviolet A radiation and stress-induced damage. NAC,
a frequently used laboratory-based anti-oxidant, offered 20% protection against
oxidative stress and 8% against UVA and curcumin offered 16% protection against
oxidative stress and 8% against UVA" - See
resveratrol products at Amazon.com
n-acetyl cysteine at Amazon.com
curcumin products at Amazon.com .
Misleading News on Multivitamins: How Media Missed the Value of Supplements
- U.S. News, 12/30/13 - "These news headlines (headlines
like "Are Multivitamins a Waste of Money?," "Vitamins Should Be Avoided" and
"Your Multivitamins aren't Doing a D**n Thing" ) and even the editorial in one
of medicines leading journals – the Annals of Internal Medicine – do mislead
unless you are a fine-print reader. And the news headlines did not mention the
fine print ... What the fine print said were that all those people in these
studies had normal nutrition and had no vitamin deficiencies, were not
potentially or actually pregnant and weren't tested for quality-of-life issues
like eyesight. And the news media ignored the significant 8 percent reduction in
non-prostate cancers for men over 50, significant 18 percent reduction in
non-prostate cancers for men over 70 and the non-significant (because they
didn't study enough people) 11 percent reduction in cardiovascular events and
deaths (of a high-dose vitamin regimen compared with a low-dose one – yes,
everyone in that study received vitamin supplementation)."
Multivitamins With Minerals May Protect Older Women With Invasive Breast Cancer
- Science Daily, 10/9/13 - "The research was conducted
as part of the Women's Health Initiative Clinical Trials and the Women's Health
Initiative(WHI)Observational Study. Combined, the two studies include data from
161,608 postmenopausal women ages 50 to 79 when they first joined the study ...
A comparison of mortality rates revealed that women with invasive breast cancer
who took multivitamin/mineral supplements were 30 percent less likely to die
from their cancers than women with invasive breast cancer who hadn't taken the
supplements. Could differences between the multivitamin/mineral users and
nonusers account for this finding? The researchers looked at many possible
confounding factors including additional supplements that the women took, their
smoking status, education, race/ethnicity, weight, depression, alcohol use,
physical activity, age at breast cancer diagnosis, and diabetes. The association
between regular use of multivitamin/mineral supplements and reduced risk of
death persisted even after these factors were taken into account" - See
Garden of Life, Vitamin Code, 50 & Wiser Women at Amazon.com
Nutrient Supplementation
- Medscape, 9/25/13 - "men taking antioxidants had a
statistically significant increase in both live birth rates and pregnancy rates.
For those undergoing assisted reproduction, the odds ratio that antioxidant use
would improve pregnancy rates was 4.18, with a 4.85-fold improvement in live
birth rate also noted" - See
Garden of Life, Radical Fruits Antioxidant Complex at Amazon.com
Garden of Life, Vitamin Code, 50 & Wiser Men at Amazon.com .
Evidence Berries Have Health-Promoting Properties - Science Daily, 4/21/13 -
"researchers from the Human Nutrition Research Center on
Aging at Tufts University and University of Maryland Baltimore County recently
fed rats a berry diet for 2 months and then looked at their brains after
irradiation, a model for accelerated aging ... Berries seem to promote
autophagy, the brain's natural housekeeping mechanism, thereby reducing the
toxic accumulation"
Optimism Linked to
Higher Antioxidant Levels - Medscape, 1/15/13 - "for
every standard deviation increase in optimism, there was an increase in
carotenoid concentrations of 3% to 13% in age-adjusted models ... Antioxidants
are good examples of positive functioning because they help to inhibit other
molecules from producing free radicals that damage cells and contribute to
disease ... Although optimism was associated with an increase in carotenoids,
they also found a link to increased levels of vitamin E ... we can't
conclusively determine whether optimism leads to healthier levels of
antioxidants or vice versa" - See
Garden of Life, Radical Fruits Antioxidant Complex at Amazon.com
Antioxidants may ease peripheral arterial disease (PAD) blood pressure increase,
study suggests - Science Daily, 11/8/12 - "Low
antioxidant levels contribute to increased blood pressure during exercise for
people with peripheral arterial disease ... Antioxidants prevent the reactive
oxygen species from damaging cells ... "This indicates that during normal,
everyday activities such as walking, an impaired antioxidant system -- as well
as other factors -- plays a role in the increased blood pressure response to
exercise," Muller said. "Therefore, supplementing the diet with antioxidants may
help these patients, but more studies are needed to confirm this concept.""
- See
Garden of Life, Radical Fruits Antioxidant Complex at Amazon.com
high in total antioxidants associated with lower risk of myocardial infarction
in women - Science Daily, 9/21/12 - "a diet rich in
antioxidants, mainly from fruits and vegetables, can significantly reduce the
risk of myocardial infarction ... Total antioxidant capacity measures in a
single value all antioxidants present in diet and the synergistic effects
between them ... followed 32,561 Swedish women aged 49-83 from September 1997
through December 2007 ... The women were categorized into five groups of total
antioxidant capacity of diet ... Women in the group with the highest total
antioxidant capacity had a 20% lower risk, and they consumed almost 7 servings
per day of fruit and vegetables, which was nearly 3 times more than the women
with the least antioxidant capacity, who on average consumed 2.4 servings"
Dietary Antioxidants May
Keep Dementia at Bay - Medscape, 9/19/12 - "Dietary
antioxidants, specifically vitamin C and beta-carotene, may protect older adults
against dementia ... evaluated serum levels of vitamin C, vitamin E,
beta-carotene, lycopene, and coenzyme Q10 in 74 adults with mild dementia
(Mini–Mental State Examination score of 24 or lower) and 158 cognitively healthy
age- and sex-matched control participants. The average age of study participants
was 78.9 years ... those with dementia had significantly lower blood vitamin C
and beta-carotene levels"
Iron, vitamins could affect physical fitness in adolescents - Science Daily,
8/9/12 - "Because nutrition and fitness are intertwined
-- for example, iron forms part of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to muscles,
and antioxidants such as vitamin C aid in rebuilding damage after intense
training -- these two findings could be related. In a new study, researchers
have found that adolescents' blood levels of various micronutrients are
correlated with how well they performed in certain physical fitness tests.
Though these results don't prove causality, they suggest a new relationship
between different measures of adolescent health ... The researchers found that
blood levels of certain micronutrients were intimately connected with the
volunteers' performance on the physical fitness tests. For cardiorespiratory
fitness, concentrations of hemoglobin, retinol, and vitamin C in males and
beta-carotene and vitamin D in females was associated with VO2max. For muscular
fitness, concentrations of hemoglobin, beta-carotene, retinol, and
alpha-tocopherol in males and beta-carotene and vitamin D in females was
associated with performing better on the standing long jump test"
Insulin Resistance and Adiposity in Relation to Serum β-Carotene Levels
- J Pediatr. 2012 Jul;161(1):58-64.e2 - "To determine
the effects of placebo vs an encapsulated supplement of fruit and vegetable
juice concentrate (FVJC) on serum β-carotene levels, insulin resistance,
adiposity, and subclinical inflammation in boys ... Thirty age-matched
prepubertal boys (9 lean and 21 overweight (OW); age range, 6-10 years) were
studied ... A 6-month supplementation with FVJC in the presence of nutritional
counseling was associated with an increase in serum β-carotene concentrations
and a reduction in adiposity in conjunction with an improvement in insulin
resistance in OW boys" - See
Garden of Life, Radical Fruits Antioxidant Complex at Amazon.com
Do Fruits and Veggies Make You More Attractive? - WebMD, 3/7/12 -
"changes in the redness and yellowness of skin in white
people may be linked to the number of servings of fruit and vegetables they eat
on a daily basis. These antioxidant-rich foods, which are loaded with
plant-based pigments, seem to affect skin tone ... They suggest it's the
carotenoids -- the red, yellow, and orange pigments in fruits and vegetables --
that play an important role in skin tone. Foods such as carrots, sweet potatoes,
squash, and apricots are rich in beta-carotene, as are some dark green
vegetables, including spinach and kale ... Another carotenoid is lycopene, which
is found in tomatoes and pink grapefruits" - See
Jarrow Formulas, CarotenALL at Amazon.com
Garden of Life, Radical Fruits Antioxidant Complex at Amazon.com .
Antioxidant spices, like turmeric and cinnamon, reduce negative effects of
high-fat meal - Science Daily, 8/10/11 - "Normally,
when you eat a high-fat meal, you end up with high levels of triglycerides, a
type of fat, in your blood ... If this happens too frequently, or if
triglyceride levels are raised too much, your risk of heart disease is
increased. We found that adding spices to a high-fat meal reduced triglyceride
response by about 30 percent, compared to a similar meal with no spices added
... Antioxidants, like spices, may be important in reducing oxidative stress and
thus reducing the risk of chronic disease"
Reduction of
circulating superoxide dismutase activity in type 2 diabetic patients with
microalbuminuria and its modulation by telmisartan therapy - Hypertens Res.
2011 Aug 4 - "Interestingly, the telmisartan treatment
not only reduced the circulating levels of two oxidative stress markers,
8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) and nitrotyrosine (NT), but also enhanced
serum SOD activity. Notably, a significant correlation was observed between the
increase in serum SOD activity and the reduction in albuminuria. We further
compared the anti-oxidative effect of telmisartan with that of losartan, another
member of the ARB class, by implementing an 8-week interval crossover treatment
with these ARBs in another 12 microalbuminuric type 2 diabetic patients. The
patients showed higher serum SOD activity, and lower circulating levels of
8-OHdG and NT, during treatment with telmisartan than with losartan. These
results suggest that telmisartan has a more potent antioxidative effect through
its ability to enhance SOD activity in type 2 diabetic patients with
microalbuminuria" - See telmisartan at
Antioxidants of growing interest to address infertility, erectile dysfunction
- Science Daily, 7/28/11 - "A growing body of evidence
suggests that antioxidants may have significant value in addressing infertility
issues in both women and men, including erectile dysfunction, and researchers
say that large, specific clinical studies are merited to determine how much they
could help ... Some commonly used antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, could
help, Hagen said. But others, such as lipoic acid, are a little more
cutting-edge and set up a biological chain reaction that has a more sustained
impact on vasomotor function and health ... Polyphenols, the phytochemicals that
often give vegetables their intense color and are also found in chocolate and
tea, are also of considerable interest"
A novel
and potent antioxidant found in tomato plants, initial results suggest -
Science Daily, 7/22/11 - "A team of researchers from the
Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IBMCP) -a joint centre of the
Universitat Politècnica de València and CSIC, the Spanish National Research
Council- have identified a novel and potent natural antioxidant occurring in
tomato plants. It is a phenolic substance that is synthesised by the tomato
plant when it is subjected to biotic stress. Until now, it was completely
unknown ... The UPV and CSIC have registered the national and international
patents of the new antioxidant and the laboratory procedures used to isolate and
synthesise it chemically ... the antioxidant power of the new compound is much
higher -14 times higher, to be precise- than, for example, that of resveratrol,
a well-known antioxidant, found in red wine, which can delay cellular aging. In
addition, it is 4.5 times more potent than vitamin E and 10 times more potent
than vitamin C" - Note: The patent thing makes you wonder if the claims
are overblown though.
Antioxidant Intake May Lower Risk for Early AMD - Medscape, 6/14/11 -
"We assessed the intake of antioxidants, zinc, and ω-3
fatty acids in daily foods, diagnosed the onset of early AMD during a lengthy
follow-up, and investigated the risk-reducing effect of these nutrients in the
various genotypes of CFH [complement factor H] Y402H and LOC387715 A69S ...
Median follow-up duration was 8.6 years ... There appeared to be a possible
biological interaction between the CFH Y402H genotype and intakes of zinc,
β-carotene, lutein/zeaxanthin, and eicosapentaenoic/docosahexaenoic acid
(EPA/DHA), and between the LOC387715 A69S genotype and zinc and EPA/DHA, based
on significant synergy indices ... High dietary intake of nutrients with
antioxidant properties reduces the risk of early AMD in those at high genetic
vitamins and minerals may prevent age-related diseases - Science Daily,
5/31/11 - "Severe deficiency of the vitamins and
minerals required for life is relatively uncommon in developed nations, but
modest deficiency is very common and often not taken seriously. A new research
published online in the FASEB Journal, however, may change this thinking as it
examines moderate selenium and vitamin K deficiency to show how damage
accumulates over time as a result of vitamin and mineral loss, leading to
age-related diseases ... If the principles of the theory, as demonstrated for
vitamin K and selenium, can be generalized to other vitamins and minerals, this
may provide the foundation needed ... They discovered a highly sophisticated
array of mechanisms at cellular and tissue levels that, when selenium is
limited, protect essential selenium-dependent proteins at the expense of those
that are nonessential. They also found that mutations in selenium-dependent
proteins that are lost on modest selenium deficiency result in characteristics
shared by age-related diseases including cancer, heart disease, and loss of
immune or brain function"
Naturally occurring plant alkaloids could slow down Alzheimer's disease, study
suggests - Science Daily, 5/26/11 - "Beta-carboline
alkaloids could potentially be used in therapeutic drugs to stop, or at least
slow down, the progressively debilitating effects of Alzheimer's ...
Beta-carboline alkaloids are found in a number of medicinal plants. They have
antioxidant properties, and have been shown to protect brain cells from
excessive stimulation of neurotransmitters. "(They) are natural occurring
compounds in some plant species that affect multiple central nervous system
Antioxidant formula prior to radiation exposure may prevent DNA injury, trial
suggests - Science Daily, 3/29/11 - "In what the
researchers say is the first clinical trial of its kind, as much as a 50 percent
reduction in DNA injury was observed after administering the formula prior to CT
Antioxidants may improve chances of conceiving in male subfertility -
Science Daily, 1/18/11 - "Compared to controls, a couple
was more likely to have a pregnancy or live birth if the man took antioxidants"
berries may activate the brain's natural housekeeper for healthy aging -
Science Daily, 8/23/10 - "berries, and possibly walnuts,
activate the brain's natural "housekeeper" mechanism, which cleans up and
recycles toxic proteins linked to age-related memory loss and other mental
decline ... natural compounds called polyphenolics found in fruits, vegetables
and nuts have an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect that may protect
against age-associated decline"
Antioxidant and Mineral Intake in Humans Is Associated with Reduced Risk of
Esophageal Adenocarcinoma but Not Reflux Esophagitis or Barrett' Esophagus -
J Nutr. 2010 Aug 11 - "We found that overall antioxidant
index, a measure of the combined intake of vitamin C, vitamin E, total
carotenoids, and selenium, was associated with a reduced risk of EAC [odds ratio
(OR) = 0.57; 95% CI = 0.33-0.98], but not BE (OR = 0.95; 95% CI = 0.53-1.71) or
RE (OR = 1.60; 95% CI = 0.86-2.98), for those in the highest compared with
lowest category of intake. Those in the highest category of vitamin C intake had
a lower risk of EAC (OR = 0.37; 95% CI = 0.21-0.66; P-trend = 0.001) and RE (OR
= 0.46; 95% CI = 0.24-0.90; P-trend = 0.03) compared with those in the lowest
category. Vitamin C intake was not associated with BE, and intake of vitamin E,
total carotenoids, zinc, copper, or selenium was not associated with EAC, BE, or
RE. In conclusion, the overall antioxidant index was associated with a reduced
risk of EAC. Higher dietary intake of vitamin C was associated with a reduced
risk of EAC and RE. These results suggest that antioxidants may play a role in
the pathogenesis of RE and EAC and may be more important in terms of progression
rather than initiation of the disease process"
substance NT-020 aids aging brains in rats, study finds - Science Daily,
7/20/10 - "Aging has been linked to oxidative stress,
and we have previously shown that natural compounds made from blueberries, green
tea, and amino acids, such as carnosine, are high in antioxidants and have
anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative activity .... The combination of these
nutrients, called NT-020, creates a synergistic effect that promotes the
proliferation of stem cells in the aged animals ... NT-020 may have not only a
positive effect on the stem cell niche ... NT-020 may have far-reaching effects
on organ function beyond the replacement of injured cells, as demonstrated by
cognitive improvement in the NT-020 group"
Antioxidants do help arteries stay healthy - Science Daily, 7/5/10 -
"Long-term supplementation with dietary antioxidants has
beneficial effects on sugar and fat metabolism, blood pressure and arterial
flexibility in patients with multiple cardiovascular risk factors ... receive
either antioxidants or placebo capsules for six months. Tests at the beginning
of the trial, after three months and at the six month mark revealed that the
patients in the antioxidant group had more elastic arteries (a measure of
increased cardiovascular health) and better blood sugar and cholesterol
Well-defined quantity of antioxidants in diet can improve insulin resistance,
study finds - Science Daily, 6/21/10 - "For groups C
and D, the researchers prescribed a diet enriched in antioxidant, with a
calculated intake, 800 to 1,000 milligrams a day, coming from fruits and
vegetables, but group D also took metformin ... Despite similar weight loss in
all the groups, only the two groups receiving the antioxidant diet (groups C and
D) had a significant decrease in insulin resistance ... Group D had the best
improvement in insulin resistance on some measures of insulin response to an
oral glucose tolerance test ... We think that a total antioxidant level of 800
to 1,000 milligrams a day is safe and probably not close to the maximum
tolerable level"
Supplement your stem cells - Science Daily, 4/7/10 -
"supplement, containing a cocktail of green tea, astralagus, goji berry
extracts, 'good' bacteria Lactobacillus fermentum, antioxidant ellagic acid,
immune enhancer beta 1,3 glucan and vitamin D3, was able to increase the number
of stem cells circulating in the blood ... Hematopoietic stem cells and
endothelial progenitor cells increased after taking the nutritional supplement,
suggesting that the supplement may be a useful stimulator for both types of stem
cells. In this study, the levels of these stem cells peaked at 2-7 days and
started to drop at 14 days, suggesting that this supplement could be used for
continuous treatment for conditions associated with decreases in these stem
cells such as Alzheimer's Disease ... it may be possible that our supplement
could be beneficial in conditions associated with reduced progenitor cells such
as diabetes"
Vitamin combo may delay ageing: Mouse study - Nutra USA, 3/1/10 -
"Results showed maintenance of youthful levels of
locomotor activity into old age in the supplemented animals, whereas old
non-supplemented mice showed a 50 per cent loss in daily movement, said the
researchers. This was accompanied by a loss of mitochondria activity, and
declines in brain signalling chemicals relevant to locomotion, such as striatal
neuropeptide Y. This chemical is associated with a range of functions, including
maintaining energy balance, as well as effects in memory and learning ... No
such declines were observed in supplemented animals ... The supplement was
composed of vitamins B1, B3 (niacin), B6, B12, C, D, E, folic acid,
beta-carotene, CoQ10, rutin, bioflavonoids, ginko biloba, ginseng, green tea
extract, ginger root extract, garlic, L-Glutathione, magnesium, selenium,
potassium, manganese, chromium picolinate, acetyl L-carnitine, melatonin,
alpha-lipoic acid, N-acetyl cysteine, acetylsalicylic acid, cod liver oil, and
flax seed oil"
Dietary Antioxidants Could Help Preserve Muscle Strength in Older Adults -
Medscape, 11/23/09 - "In a study in older adults,
dietary intake of vitamins C and E was linked with muscle strength, leading the
researchers to suggest at a meeting in Atlanta this past weekend that a diet
high in antioxidants could play an important role in preserving muscle function
in older adults ... Muscle strength is really a marker of aging ... Muscle
strength starts declining when people are in their 40s, but it decreases
dramatically after age 60 ... At this point, it's not clear whether vitamins C
and E specifically help preserve muscle strength, or if intake of these
micronutrients is a marker of a healthy diet"
Scientists Discover Influenza's Achilles Heel: Antioxidants - Science Daily,
10/29/09 - "antioxidants -- the same substances found in
plant-based foods -- might hold the key in preventing the flu virus from
wreaking havoc on our lungs"
Antioxidants Make Us More, Not Less, Prone To Diabetes? Study Says Yes -
Science Daily, 10/6/09
Antioxidant Ingredient Proven To Relieve Stress - Science Daily, 9/14/09 -
"The 35 people in our study who received capsules
containing superoxide dismutase showed improvement in several signs and symptoms
of perceived stress and fatigue" - See
SOD products at iHerb.
Grain Cereals, Popcorn Rich In Antioxidants, Not Just Fiber, New Research
Concludes - Science Daily, 8/19/09 - "We found that,
in fact, whole grain products have comparable antioxidants per gram to fruits
and vegetables. This is the first study to examine total phenol antioxidants in
breakfast cereals and snacks, whereas previous studies have measured free
antioxidants in the products ... Polyphenols are a group of chemicals found in
many fruits, vegetables, and other plants, such as berries, walnuts, olives, tea
leaves and grapes. Known as antioxidants, they remove free radicals from the
body. Free radicals are chemicals that have the potential to cause damage to
cells and tissues in the body"
Antioxidant vitamins may protect against female cancer - Nutra USA, 6/3/09 -
"for every 1,000 microgram increase per 1,000 kcal of
diet of beta-carotene was associated with a 12 per cent reduction in the risk of
endometrial cancer ... Similarly, for every 50 milligram increase per 1,000 kcal
of vitamin C the risk of endometrial cancer was reduced by 15 per cent, and for
every 5 milligram increase per 1,000 kcal of vitamin E the risk of endometrial
cancer was reduced by 9 per cent" - [Abstract]
Quality May Depend Upon Antioxidants In Man's Diet - Science Daily, 6/2/09 -
"Low antioxidant intake is associated with low
reproductive capacity in semen"
Antioxidants needed by exercising populations: Nutritionist - Nutra USA,
5/14/09 - "Commenting on the design of the study, Dr
Childs said it was unclear if the subjects encountered the same absolute level
of muscle fatigue during exercise in the supplement and control conditions and
hence stimulus for antioxidant up-regulation. “Because of this, the reported
‘prevention of the ‘health promoting effects of antioxidants’ may be nothing
more than an experimental artefact,” ... In addition, Dr Childs said that
comments by the authors that antioxidants may block many of the beneficial
effects of exercise were a “gross over extrapolation of the experimental
findings on two levels”"
Vitamin-exercise study questioned - Nutra USA, 5/12/09 -
"The authors noted that biopsies for the ‘early’
time-point were only obtained from five people in the vitamin group, and four in
the placebo group. “Yet the authors conclude a “strong induction of PGCl-alpha,
PGCl-beta, and PPAR-gamma expression in skeletal muscle following 4 weeks of
exercise training in previously untrained, antioxidant naïve individuals” and
“markedly reduced exercise-related induction” in those taking antioxidants,
based on these limited number of biopsies,” ... “Would it not have made more
sense to appropriately increase the intensity and duration of exercise slowly
and then see if the subject’s bodies didn’t accommodate handling of ROS without
a significant change in induction of these markers?” ... The study reflects a
‘transient’ increase in ROS during ‘limited periods of physical exercise only’,
noted Dr Schauss, “whereas the bulk of the literature, including that in
non-primate models have not observed these concerns obtained in models of
‘continuous exposure to increased levels of ROS’” ... the authors presented no
evidence of adverse effects by any of the individuals from vitamin C and E
Do Antioxidants Curb an Exercise Benefit? - WebMD, 5/11/09 -
"Physical activity induced an increase in insulin
sensitivity only in the absence of antioxidants"
Antioxidant Found In Berries, Other Foods Prevents UV Skin Damage That Leads To
Wrinkles - Science Daily, 4/21/09 - "Using a topical
application of the antioxidant ellagic acid, researchers at Hallym University in
the Republic of Korea markedly prevented collagen destruction and inflammatory
response – major causes of wrinkles -- in both human skin cells and the
sensitive skin of hairless mice following continuing exposure to UV-B, the sun's
skin-damaging ultraviolet radioactive rays ... Ellagic acid is an antioxidant
found in numerous fruits, vegetables and nuts, especially raspberries,
strawberries, cranberries and pomegranates ... the results demonstrate that
ellagic acid works to prevent wrinkle formation and photo-aging caused by UV
destruction of collagen and inflammatory response"
Reductions In Cancer And Overall Mortality Persist 10 Years After Vitamin And
Mineral Supplementation - Science Daily, 4/2/09 - "Individuals
who took a dietary supplement called "factor D", which included selenium,
vitamin E, and beta-carotene, continued to have lower gastric cancer and overall
mortality 10 years after supplementation ceased compared with individuals who
did not take the supplements ... Individuals who took factor D continued to show
benefits, with a 5% reduction in overall mortality (from a cumulative mortality
of 33.62% of participants not taking factor D to 32.19% of participants taking
factor D) and an 11% reduction in gastric cancer mortality (from a cumulative
gastric cancer mortality of 4.28% in the no-factor D group to 3.84% in the
factor D group)"
Cholinesterase Inhibition Combined With Antioxidants May Help Alzheimer's
Disease Outcomes - Doctor's Guide, 3/17/09 -
"Addition of a defined antioxidants formulation (Formula F) to donepezil
treatment of patients with mild Alzheimer's disease (AD) substantially reduces
oxidative stress and provides significant benefits over treatment with donepezil
Antioxidants Offer Pain Relief In Patients With Chronic Pancreatitis -
Science Daily, 1/1/09 - "In this placebo-controlled,
double blind trial, 127 patients, ages 30.5+/-10.5, were assigned to placebo or
antioxidant groups. After six months, the reduction in the number of painful
days/month was significantly higher in the antioxidant group, compared with the
placebo group (7.4+/-6.8 versus 3.2+/-4, respectively). The reduction in the
number of analgesic tablets/month was also higher in the antioxidant group
(10.5+/-11.8 versus 4.4+/-5.8, respectively). Furthermore, 32 percent and 13
percent of patients became pain free in the antioxidant and placebo groups,
respectively; the beneficial effect of antioxidants on pain relief was noted
early at three months"
Antioxidants Can Reduce The Toxic Effects Of Lead, Study Suggests - WebMD,
10/31/08 - "administering natural antioxidants can
reduce the effects of lead poisoning in animals during the gestation and
lactation periods"
Antioxidants Could Help Huntington’s Disease Sufferers, Study Suggests -
Science Daily, 10/10/08 - "strategies to strengthen
antioxidant defences could help to prevent the progression of Huntington’s
Disease ... oxidative stress and damage to certain macromolecules are involved
in the progression of Huntington’s Disease (HD)"
Antioxidant Deficiency Linked To Pulmonary Hypertension - Science Daily,
9/23/08 - "Antioxidant augmentation in patients might be
used to increase nitric oxide vasodilator effects, reduce pulmonary artery
pressures and potentially improve clinical outcomes"
Diet, Antioxidants Prevent Blindness In Aging Population - Science Daily,
8/25/08 - "They found antioxidants disrupt the link and
extend the lifetime of irreplaceable photoreceptors and other retinal cells ...
The implication is that people at risk of macular degeneration could help
prevent the disease by consuming antioxidants ... The experiments performed with
visual cells from rats, cows and humans showed that antioxidants could
completely counter the damage"
News In Our DNA: Defects You Can Fix With Vitamins And Minerals - Science
Daily, 6/2/08 - "He also is investigating how enzyme
cofactors like vitamins and minerals fix defective enzymes. He suspects that
supplements work by acting as chaperones to stabilize the proper folding of the
enzyme, which is critical to its catalytic activity"
Antioxidant Therapy May Play A Role In The Treatment Of Type 2 Diabetes -
Science Daily, 1/11/08 - "Mice fed a high-fat,
high-sucrose diet (HFHSD) developed insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes ...
mitochondrial defects were present in diabetic, but not pre-diabetic glucose
intolerant, mice ... ROS production coincided with mitochondrial dysfunction,
and antioxidant treatment blocked the mitochondrial alterations in muscle cells"
Antioxidants may stop fat cells formation, says study - Nutra USA, 11/12/07
- "These results suggest that o-coumaric acid and rutin
targeted for adipocyte functions could be effective in improving the symptoms of
metabolic syndrome" - [Abstract]
Antioxidants May Fight Fat - WebMD, 11/2/07 - "Those
antioxidants didn't kill fat cells or slash the number of fat cells in the test
tubes. Instead, they made fat cells cut their production of triglycerides, which
are a heart hazard. The antioxidants did that by curbing an enzyme needed to
make triglycerides ... That particular enzyme was most effectively reduced by
the phenolic acid o-coumaric acid and the flavonoid rutin"
Antioxidant To Retard Wrinkles Discovered - Science Daily, 8/30/07 -
"Antioxidants operate against free radicals which cause
a breakdown of many tissues in the body, including the skin. When found in small
quantities in the body, free radicals are not harmful and are even involved in
various physical processes. When there is an excess of free radicals, however,
as occurs during normal aging or as a result of excessive exposure to
ultra-violet radiation from the sun, the result, among other things, is a
breakdown of the collagen and elastin fibers in the skin. When this happens,
there is a loss of skin elasticity and the formation of wrinkles ... A problem
with many of the commercial antioxidants found today in the market that are said
to retard the aging process is that they oxidize quickly and therefore their
efficiency declines with time"
Discover New Way Antioxidants Fight Debilitating Diseases - Science Daily,
8/19/07 - "antioxidants even at low concentrations found
in these foods bind to iron and copper and prevent DNA damage"
Antioxidant Found In Many Foods And Red Wine Is Potent And Selective Killer Of
Leukemia Cells - Science Daily, 4/23/07 -
"anthocyanidins, a group of naturally occurring
compounds widely available in fruits and vegetables as well as red wine, have
chemopreventive properties ... the most common type of a naturally modified
anthocyanidin, known as cyanidin-3-rutinoside, or C-3-R ... C-3-R caused about
50 percent of a human leukemia cell line known as HL-60 to undergo programmed
cell death"
Pros And
Cons Of Antioxidants From Fruits And Vegetables - Science Daily, 4/18/07
Nutrient Combo May Curb Hearing Loss - WebMD, 3/30/07 -
"The guinea pigs that got the combination treatment of
magnesium and vitamins A, C, and E had the least amount of noise-induced hearing
loss and ear damage"
Use of Some Antioxidant Supplements May Increase Mortality Risk - Doctor's
Guide, 2/28/07 - "In an analysis that pooled all
low-bias risk and high bias risk trials, there was no significant association
between antioxidant use and mortality. In 47 low-bias trials involving 180,938
participants, the antioxidant supplements were associated with a 5% increased
risk of mortality. Among low-bias trials, use of beta carotene, vitamin A, and
vitamin E was associated with 7%, 16% and 4%, respectively, increased risk of
mortality, whereas there was no increased mortality risk associated with vitamin
C or selenium use" - [Abstract]
- Note: Beta-carotene is just one of over 600 carotenoids and taking just one
may cause a deficiency of the others. I had a couple articles on that but the
links went dead. Same with taking just the alpha tocopherol form (most common
form) of vitamin E. I've been saying for years that taking alpha tocopherol or
beta-carotene alone causes more harm than good. I get my beta-carotene from
Dunaliella Salina Algae
(Body Wise Brand), which
contains the broad spectrum and vitamin E from
Jarrow FamilE (contains all eight members of the vitamin E family) at iHerb.
Antioxidant Supplements Up Death Risk - WebMD, 2/27/07
Replenishing The Aging Body’s Antioxidant Defenses - Life Extension
Magazine, 1/07 - "Breakthroughs in nutritional science
have led to the development of orally ingested, highly bioavailable forms of
SOD. Combining orally available SOD with wolfberry offers a highly effective
strategy to boost SOD levels and activity in the body. This novel combination
protects against pain and inflammation, helps prevent a host of degenerative
diseases, restores youthful energy and vitality, and promotes a long and healthy
life span" - See
SODzyme products at iHerb.
Finds Antioxidant Therapies Do Not Interfere With Radiation Treatment -
Science Daily, 11/12/06 - "Radiation Therapy for
Prostate Cancer, was conducted by researchers ... Researchers found no
difference between patients taking antioxidants and those who did not.
Antioxidants used in the study included green tea extract, melatonin,
high-potency multivitamins, vitamin C and vitamin E"
Apple Juice May Boost
Memory - WebMD, 8/4/06 -
"consumption of antioxidant-rich foods such as apples
and apple juice can help reduce problems associated with memory loss"
Antioxidants May Slow Vision Loss - Science Daily, 7/20/06 -
"Scientists at Johns Hopkins have successfully blocked
the advance of retinal degeneration in mice with a form of retinitis pigmentosa
(RP) by treating them with vitamin E, alpha-lipoic acid and other antioxidant
Mushrooms Full of Antioxidants - WebMD, 6/27/06 -
"white button mushrooms -- the ones you might put on a
nice, lean steak -- have more antioxidant capacity than tomatoes, green peppers,
pumpkins, zucchini, carrots, or green beans"
Healthy Antioxidants:
How Much a Day? - WebMD, 5/11/06 -
"They found the overall daily intake of anthocyanins was
12.5 milligrams per day, much less than estimates published in the 1970s that
put average daily anthocyanin intake at 215 milligrams in summer and 180
milligrams in winter ... Incorporating frozen berries into the diet during the
winter months or using nutritional supplements rich in anthocyanins may also
help boost Americans' intake of these nutrients"
Antioxidants, Mitochondrial Damage, and Human Aging
- Life Extension Magazine, 2/06 - "some researchers
believe that intramuscular mitochondrial DNA damage caused by free radicals may
be a significant factor in the loss of muscle mass seen in the aged ... "
Antioxidants Reduce Visual Acuity Loss in Patients with Advanced Age-Related
Macular Degeneration - Doctor's Guide, 10/26/05 -
"The high-dose formulation has been shown to have
beneficial effects in reducing by 25% the risk of advanced AMD ... The first
group received three antioxidant vitamins: vitamin C 500 mg, vitamin E 400 IU,
and beta carotene 15 mg. Group two received zinc oxide 80 mg, plus cupric acid 2
mg. The third group received the antioxidant vitamins plus the zinc and cupric
Antioxidants may not be answer to ageing - Nutra USA, 7/18/05
Antioxidant-rich Diets Reduce Brain Damage From Stroke In Rats - Science
Daily, 7/1/05 - "rats fed diets preventatively
enriched with blueberries, spinach or an algae known as spirulina
experienced less brain cell loss and improved recovery of movement following
a stroke"
Red Delicious apples pack most antioxidant punch - USATODAY.com, 6/5/05
Oral antioxidants may be sun burn barrier - Nutra USA, 6/2/05
Do Antioxidants Lengthen Life? - WebMD, 5/5/05 -
"mice that made more of an antioxidant called
catalase lived longer than normal ... How much extra time did the mice get?
About five months, on average -- an 18.5% increase in life span for a mouse
... Heart disease, cataract development, and other signs of age-related
damage were delayed or reduced"
Antioxidants teach old dogs new tricks - Nutra USA, 1/18/05 -
"old dogs that were on diet fortified with antioxidants such as vitamin E,
vitamin C, and beta-carotene performed better on a variety of cognitive
tests than dogs that were not on the diet"
'Purple Berries' Rank High In Antioxidants, USDA Study Says - Science
Daily, 12/23/04
Blueberries May Lower Blood Fat/Cholesterol - WebMD, 8/23/04 -
"Pterostilbene -- the fat-fighting compound in
blueberries -- has been found to have cancer-fighting and diabetes-fighting
Antioxidants During Pregnancy May Help Prevent Birth Defects Tied To Alcohol
- Science Daily, 6/21/04
- Antioxidant
Riches Found in Unexpected Foods - WebMD, 6/17/04
Largest USDA Study Of Food Antioxidants Reveals Best Sources
- Science Daily, 6/17/04 - "Cranberries,
blueberries, and blackberries ranked highest among the fruits studied.
Beans, artichokes and Russet potatoes were tops among the vegetables.
Pecans, walnuts and hazelnuts ranked highest in the nut category"
- When Good
Antioxidants Are Bad - WebMD, 6/14/04
- Do Antioxidants
Contribute to Heart Disease? - WebMD, 5/3/04
- Honey Sweetens
Your Health - WebMD, 3/29/04
Diet May Improve Cognition, Slow Aging, And Help Protect Against Cosmic
Radiation - Intelihealth, 11/10/03 - "The role
of diet in cognitive function is one of the vastly understudied areas in the
neurosciences ... old dogs that were on an antioxidant diet performed better
on a variety of cognitive tests than dogs that were not on the diet ... aged
rats on the blueberry-enriched diet had lower NF-kappaB levels than aged
rats fed a control data ... among the aged rats, the higher the NF-kappaB
levels, the poorer their memory scores"
Antioxidants May Protect Women From Alzheimer's - Clinical Psychiatry
News, 10/03 - "Compared with women in the lowest
quartile of overall antioxidant consumption, those in the highest quartile
had an OR of 0.39 for Alzheimer's disease ... When their diets were analyzed
for specific antioxidants, women who consumed the most vitamin C and
lycopene also had a significantly lower risk of cognitive decline"
- Can healthier living help
your skin? - MSNBC, 9/5/03 -
"Antioxidants are currently considered to be potent
skin protectors. Normal body processes produce free radicals, highly
reactive molecules that damage the DNA of our cells ... Ultraviolet light,
smoking, alcohol and pollution increase free radical formation. Researchers
say damage from free radicals leads to skin wrinkling, redness, brown “age
spots” and increased risk of skin cancer. Antioxidants neutralize free
radicals and even repair some of the damage done ... For now, scientists
aren’t sure whether antioxidants are best applied in lotions or creams or
consumed in foods or supplements"
- What do you think of the
new study showing that antioxidants don’t cut the risk of heart disease
- Dr. Weil, 7/14/03 - "If you want to supplement
your diet, take a product that provides as many members of this family of
protective pigments as possible: alpha-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin,
lycopene, etc. As for vitamin E, most studies use synthetic
alpha-tocopherol. I recommend using natural vitamin E supplements that
provide all four tocopherols and all four tocotrienols"
Antioxidants May Protect Against Alcohol Damage - Intelihealth, 6/3/03 -
"fed rats a liquid diet containing alcohol for six weeks ... They found a 66
percent decrease in the number of new cells in crucial parts of the brain
and an increase in cell death of more than 227 percent ... But in rats that
also received injections of the antioxidant ebselen, the damage to
developing cells did not occur ... The antioxidant ebselen was used because
it is known to have protective effects in the liver and digestive tract and
has few side effects in humans"
Three-year Follow-up Shows Antioxidant Treatment Improves Friedreich's
Ataxia - Doctor's Guide, 11/15/02
More Antioxidants, Less Fat May Reduce Alzheimer's Risk - Clinical
Psychiatry News, 10/02 - "Data are now strong enough
to recommend a dietary strategy for reducing
Alzheimer's disease (AD) risk that includes low fat intake and high
consumption of
fish and antioxidants, along with vitamin E,
folic acid, and
vitamins B6 and B12 supplements"
- MEDLINE Abstracts:
Antioxidants and the Aging Brain
- Medscape, 9/27/02 - "Combinations of antioxidants
might be of even greater potential benefit for AD, especially if the agents
worked in different cellular compartments or had complementary activity
(e.g. vitamins E, C and
ubiquinone). Naturally-occurring compounds with antioxidant capacity are
available and widely marketed (e.g. vitamin C,
lipoic acid,
beta-carotene, creatine,
melatonin, curcumin) and synthetic
compounds are under development by industry" - Again, a broad
spectrum of anti-oxidants, not just one or two.
Antioxidant Reduces Stroke Damage - WebMD, 10/1/02 -
"A new study shows the antioxidant, known as AEOL
10150, neutralized hazardous free radicals and prevented cell death in a
mouse model of stroke. Researchers say the
antioxidant is designed to mimic a natural antioxidant, but it works against
a wider range of free radicals and also lasts longer in the body" -
That last sentence is why I take as large a variety of anti-oxidants as
possible though out the day. I had a good article on my home page that
explained why different anti-oxidants were required by various free radicals
but the link went dead.
Fat Abnormalities Hold Gehrig's Clue - Intelihealth, 9/16/02 -
"Free radicals have long been thought to play a role in
ALS, and some ALS specialists advise taking antioxidant vitamins in
hopes of curbing them. In Mattson's experiment, published in this month's
Annals of Neurology, free radicals caused ceramides to rise inside those
crucial nerve cells ... Indeed, doctors like Newman expect medications, not
diet, to ultimately hold the key. For now, Newman advises patients just to
eat the moderate-fat diet the government already recommends for a healthy
heart and take antioxidants such as
vitamin E as a precaution"
Antioxidants Fight Alzheimer's - WebMD, 6/25/02
Your Health - Time Magazine, 6/24/02 -
"High-fat, high-calorie fast-food meals don't just make you fat; they may
also raise the level of free radicals in the blood, triggering
inflammation that can damage the lining of blood vessels. That's the bad
news. The good news is that taking a few antioxidant vitamins such as
E and C with your fast food can nullify
the inflammatory response"
High Oxidative Stress, Low Antioxidant Status In Alzheimer Disease
- Doctor's Guide, 6/3/02 - "Lymphocyte DNA 8-OHdG
content in people AD
may thus reflect a condition of increased oxidative stress related to a poor
antioxidant status ... researchers also noted a significant inverse
relationship between lymphocyte DNA 8-OHdG content [a marker of oxidative
damage to DNA] and plasma levels of
lycopene, lutein, a-carotene and b-carotene,
Nutrition for the Skin - What You Should Know Before Undergoing a Surgical
Procedure - Wellness Insider, 5/23/02 - "free
radicals can accelerate the aging process of the skin, resulting in
wrinkles and sunspots, not to mention an increased risk of skin cancer
... These antioxidants are important in protecting you from disease and can
help shield you from skin cancer, maintain youthful,
healthy skin, and even help to promote and expedite the healing process
after a surgical procedure"
Say Cheers: White Wine May Aid Lungs - Doctor's Guide, 5/21/02
The Lungs Favor White Wine - WebMD, 5/20/02 -
"those studies have shown that a daily dose of 1 to 3 glasses of red wine
can improve cardiovascular health
... We found that white wine intake was strongly associated with better
[lung] function ... One glass of wine per day equaled a 1.5% higher lung
function, adding one or two more years to the person's lifetime; 3 glasses a
day improved lung capacity by 3% ... He speculates that white wine drinkers
have higher levels of vitamin antioxidants
in their blood" - Also see grape seed
extract/Pycnogenol and flavonoids.
Black Raspberries Fight Cancer - WebMD, 5/3/02 -
"Earlier studies have shown that blueberries and strawberries also have
cancer-preventing properties. But black raspberries seem to work even
better. Berries are chock full of antioxidants, chemicals that help block
tumors from forming. Antioxidants sop up cancer-causing molecules called
free radicals -- damaging substances produced from your body's everyday
Gene Scientists Find Clues To Why We Age - Intelihealth, 4/12/02
Vitamin C And E Slow Arteriosclerosis After Heart Transplant
- Doctor's Guide, 3/28/02
Vitamins Help After Heart Transplant - WebMD, 3/28/02 -
"The plaque-fighting benefits of the
antioxidant supplements were even greater than those found using statin
medications, which have already been shown to slow hardening of the arteries
after transplants. Previous research has shown that antioxidants, such as
vitamin C and E, can promote heart health
by reducing blood clots and keeping the blood vessels flexible"
Oxidative Stress Associated With Acute Abdominal Pain Severity
- Doctor's Guide, 3/22/02 - "Compared to healthy
controls, serum from patients presenting with acute abdominal pain showed
lower total antioxidant capacity"
The Cleveland Clinic: Eating to Prevent Cancer - WebMD -
"Free radicals are one of the by-products of oxygen
use by every cell in our body. These substances damage the body's cells
through oxidation, the same process that rusts metal and turns butter
rancid. Oxidation has also been shown to contribute to heart disease,
cataracts, aging, and infections ... The body's cells have a natural defense
strategy against free radicals and are able to repair the damage caused by
them. However antioxidants, such as selenium and beta-carotene, help
reinforce this protection"
Antioxidants Shrink Cataract Risk By More Than Half
- Intelihealth, 2/28/02
Researchers Call Herbs Rich Source Of Healthy Antioxidants; Oregano Ranks
Highest - Intelihealth, 1/7/02 - "Herbs have
higher antioxidant activity than fruits, vegetables and some spices,
including garlic ... Wang studied and compared the antioxidant activity of
39 commonly used herbs grown in the same location and conditions ... the
herbs with the highest antioxidant activity belonged to the oregano family.
In general, oregano had 3 to 20 times higher antioxidant activity than the
other herbs studied ... Oregano has 42 times more antioxidant activity than
apples, 30 times more than potatoes, 12 times more than oranges and 4 times
more than blueberries ... herbs have emerged as a quick and easy way to get
a concentrated source of antioxidants - without all the extra calories of
whole foods"
Intake Of Apples And Selenuim Affects Incidence Of Asthma
- Intelihealth, 12/13/01 - "Eating at least two or
more apples per week and a higher intake of the essential metal selenium can
protect against asthma in adults, according to British researchers ... They
reported on a population-based, case-control study to determine whether
asthma is less common and less severe in adults who consume more dietary
Antioxidants, At Certain Levels, May Reduce Blood Pressure - Doctor's
Guide, 11/14/01 - "increasing levels of serum
beta- carotene
were associated with significant reductions in systolic
blood pressure, while increasing levels of serum
vitamin C were associated with significant reductions in diastolic
pressure ... In contrast, serum levels of vitamin
E were associated with significant increases in diastolic blood
Antioxidants Like Vitamin C Soothe Damaging Effects of Pollution -
WebMD, 9/27/01 - "antioxidant supplements can reduce
the harmful effects of ozone gas on our lungs ... Ozone gas, the main
chemical in smog, affects millions of Americans daily, and previous studies
have shown that this highly active gas leads to decreases in lung function
... the group taking the antioxidant supplements had higher levels of both
vitamins C and E in their blood, but they also saw that this group had a
25%-30% improvement in lung function tests compared to those taking placebo"
An Apple a Day May Really Keep the Doctor Away, Apples, Tomatoes, and Other
Fruits Offer Lung Protection - WebMD, 5/21/01 -
"those who ate more apples and tomatoes had lungs that were, in effect,
three years younger on average than those who ate less fruits and
Association between Folic
Acid Supplementation and Hypertensive Disorder Complicating Pregnancy in Jiangsu
Province: A Cross-Sectional Study - Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2022
Sep 6 - "hypertensive disorder complicating
pregnancy (HDCP) ... Maternal women with and without FA supplement intake
were compared in this study. FA supplementation included 0.4 mg FA (0.4 FA),
multivitamins with 0.4 mg FA (multivitamin (MV)+0.4 FA), and multivitamins
with 0.8 mg FA (MV + 0.8 FA) ... MV supplement with 0.8 mg FA during early
pregnancy may be effective in reducing HDCP and preeclampsia risk" -
See folic acid products at Amazon.com.
Antioxidant-rich foods,
antioxidant supplements, and sarcopenia in old-young adults ≥55 years old: A
systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies and randomized
controlled trials - Clin Nutr 2022 Aug 17 -
"antioxidant-rich foods (A-RF) ... A-RF or antioxidant supplementation could be
effective tools for sarcopenia, especially improving muscle strength and
function. The best interventions according to the meta-analysis of the RCTs were
supplementation of vitamin E in combination with vitamin D and protein,
magnesium, tea catechins, and increasing fruit and vegetable consumption"
Nutrition Can Help DNA
Repair in the Case of Aging - Nutrients 2020 Nov 1 -
"Micronutrients such as vitamins and trace elements are crucial for maintaining
the health of all organisms. Micronutrients are involved in every
cellular/biochemical process. They play roles in proper heart and brain
functioning, influence immunological responses, and antioxidant defense systems.
Therefore, prolonged deficiency in one or more micronutrients leads to
cardiovascular or neurodegenerative disorders. Keeping micronutrients at
adequate levels is especially important for seniors. They are prone to
deficiencies due to age-associated functional decline and often to a diet poor
in nutrients. Moreover, lack of micronutrients has an indirect impact on the
genome. Their low levels reduce the activity of antioxidant enzymes, and
therefore inhibit the efficiency of defense against free radicals which can lead
to the formation of DNA lesions. The more DNA damage in the genetic material,
the faster aging at the cellular level and a higher risk of pathological
processes (e.g., carcinogenesis). Supplementation of crucial antioxidative
micronutrients such as selenium, zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin E seems to have
the potential to positively influence the condition of an aging organism,
including minimizing inflammation, enhancing antioxidative defense, and limiting
the formation of DNA lesions. In consequence, it may lead to lowering the risk
and incidence of age-related diseases such as cardiovascular diseases,
neurodegenerative diseases, and malnutrition. In this article, we attempt to
present the synergistic action of selected antioxidant micronutrients (vitamin
C, vitamin E, selenium, and zinc) for inhibiting oxidative stress and DNA
damage, which may impede the process of healthy aging" - See
multivitamins at Amazon.com.
High dietary total
antioxidant capacity is associated with a reduced risk of hypertension in French
women - Nutr J. 2019 Jun 11;18(1):31 - "In a large prospective cohort, the
risk of incident hypertension in women was inversely associated with the
antioxidant capacity of the diet, suggesting that promoting a diet naturally
rich in antioxidants might help prevent the development of hypertension"
Serum lipophilic
antioxidants levels are associated with leucocyte telomere length among US
adults - Lipids Health Dis. 2018 Jul 20;17(1):164 - "Our findings support a
possible positive association between serum concentrations of lipophylic
antioxidant and TL"
Effect of high-dose oral
multivitamins and minerals in participants not treated with statins in the
randomized Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT) - Am Heart J. 2018
Jan;195:70-77 - "In a prespecified subgroup analysis of participants not on
statin therapy at baseline in the TACT, a high-dose complex oral multivitamins
and multimineral regimen was found to have a large unexpected benefit compared
with placebo .. High-dose oral multivitamin and multimineral supplementation
seem to decrease combined cardiac events in a stable, post-MI population not
taking statin therapy at baseline" - See
Garden of Life, Vitamin Code, 50 & Wiser Men at Amazon.com
Garden of Life, Vitamin Code, 50 & Wiser Women at Amazon.com .
Effect of high-dose oral
multivitamins and minerals in participants not treated with statins in the
randomized Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT) - Am Heart J. 2018
Jan;195:70-77 - "Results in the key TACT secondary end point, a combination of
cardiovascular mortality, stroke, or recurrent MI, was consistent in favoring
the active vitamin group (hazard ratio, 0.46; 95% confidence interval,
0.28-0.75; P=.002). Multiple end point analyses were consistent with these
Total Antioxidant
Capacity from Dietary Supplement Decreases the Likelihood of Having Metabolic
Syndrome in Korean Adults - Nutrients. 2017 Sep 22;9(10) -
"The prevalence of MetS was lower in dietary supplement
users (odds ratio (OR) = 0.82; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.68-0.98) than
that in non-users. Among dietary supplement users, a lower prevalence of MetS
was observed in the highest tertile for vitamin A (OR = 0.72; 95% CI, 0.53-0.99)
and vitamin E (OR = 0.74; 95% CI, 0.55- 0.99) intake than that in the lowest
tertile among non-users. Subjects in the highest tertile of TAC among dietary
supplement users showed a lower prevalence of MetS (OR = 0.72; 95% CI,
0.52-0.99) than non-users. The results imply that intake of vitamin A, vitamin
E, and TAC from dietary supplements might have a protective effect on MetS among
Korean adults"
Antioxidant intake from
diet and supplements and risk of digestive cancers in middle-aged adults:
results from the prospective NutriNet-Santé cohor - Br J Nutr. 2017 Sep
20:1-9 - "This prospective cohort study with
quantitative assessment of supplemental intakes suggests a potential protective
effect of several antioxidants (vitamins C and E and Se) on digestive cancer
risk, and a modulation of some of these relationships by alcohol consumption and
smoking status"
Diet with a combination
of high protein and high total antioxidant capacity is strongly associated with
low prevalence of frailty among old Japanese women: a multicenter
cross-sectional study - Nutr J. 2017 May 12;16(1):29 -
"total antioxidant capacity (TAC) ... Multivariate
adjusted ORs (95% CIs) for frailty in the highest compared to the lowest tertile
were 0.66 (0.49, 0.87) for total protein intake (P for trend = 0.003) and 0.51
(0.37, 0.69) for dietary TAC (P for trend <0.0001) after adjustment for dietary
TAC or total protein intake, respectively"
Early micronutrient
supplementation protects against early stress-induced cognitive impairments
- FASEB J. 2016 Oct 21 - "Early-life stress (ES) impairs
cognition later in life. Because ES prevention is problematic, intervention is
needed, yet the mechanisms that underlie ES remain largely unknown ... In
conclusion, nutrition is important in brain programming by ES. A short, early
supplementation with essential micronutrients can already prevent lasting
effects of ES"
Association between intake
of antioxidants and pancreatic cancer risk: a meta-analysis - Int J Food Sci
Nutr. 2016 Jun 30 - "Comparing the highest with lowest
categories, higher dietary intakes of selenium, vitamin C, vitamin E, β-carotene
and β-cryptoxanthin were significantly associated with reduced pancreatic cancer
risk (for selenium, pooled OR = 0.47, 95%CI 0.26-0.85; for vitamin C, pooled
OR = 0.68, 95%CI 0.57-0.80; for vitamin E, pooled OR = 0.70, 95%CI 0.62-0.81;
for β-carotene, pooled OR = 0.74, 95%CI 0.56-0.98; for β-cryptoxanthin, pooled
OR = 0.70, 95%CI 0.56-0.88). Lycopene intake was marginally associated with
pancreatic cancer risk (pooled OR = 0.85, 95%CI 0.73-1.00), while no significant
association was observed for α-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin"
total antioxidant capacity is associated with plasmatic antioxidant capacity,
nutrient intake and lipid and DNA damage in healthy women - Int J Food Sci
Nutr. 2016 Mar 28:1-1 - "The aim of this study was to
estimate the DTAC and its influence on plasma total antioxidant capacity (PTAC),
and damage to lipids, proteins and DNA in healthy women. It was found a positive
correlation between DTAC and PTAC in young and healthy subjects, where
presumably the endogenous defenses are fully functional. DTAC and PTAC were
positively correlated with the intake of known antioxidants, including vitamin C
and polyphenols. The DTAC exhibited a negative correlation with lipid oxidative
damage, while PTAC showed a negative correlation with DNA damage"
Multivitamins and minerals
modulate whole-body energy metabolism and cerebral blood-flow during cognitive
task performance: a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial -
Nutr Metab (Lond). 2016 Feb 11;13:11 - "97 healthy females (25-49 y), who were
not selected on the basis of any nutritional parameters, received either placebo
or one of two doses of multivitamins/minerals ... These results show that acute
supplementation with micronutrients in healthy adults can modulate metabolic
parameters and cerebral blood flow during cognitive task performance, and that
the metabolic consequences are sustained during chronic supplementation. These
findings suggest that both brain function and metabolism are amenable to
micronutrient supplementation, even in adults who are assumed to have
nutritional status typical of the population" - [Nutra
USA] - See Supradyn at Amazon.com
one used in this study) or
Garden of Life, Vitamin Code, 50 & Wiser Men at Amazon.com .
total antioxidant capacity is inversely associated with prostate cancer
aggressiveness in a population-based study - Nutr Cancer. 2016 Feb 4:1-11 -
"total antioxidant capacity (TAC) ... African Americans
(AA) ... European Americans (EA) ... In both minimally and fully adjusted
logistic regression models, TAC from diet and supplements combined was
associated with a reduced odds of high aggressive prostate cancer in all men, AA
and EA: odds ratios for highest vs. lowest level (>1500 vs. <500 mg vitamin C
equivalent/day): 0.31 [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.15, 0.67; P-trend <
0.01], 0.28 (95% CI: 0.08, 0.96; P-trend < 0.001), and 0.36 (95% CI: 0.15, 0.86;
P-trend = 0.58), respectively. These associations did not appear to differ
between AA and EA. These data suggest that greater intake of antioxidants is
associated with less aggressive prostate cancer"
Total Antioxidant Capacity from Diet and Supplements Is Associated with a Less
Atherogenic Blood Profile in U.S. Adults - Nutrients. 2016 Jan 4;8(1) -
"The findings of this study support the hypothesis that
an antioxidant-rich diet and intake of supplements are beneficial to reduce CVD
between plasma antioxidant vitamin levels, adiposity and cardio-metabolic
profile in adolescents: Effects of a multidisciplinary obesity programme -
Clin Nutr. 2015 Nov 7 - "Plasma lipid-soluble
antioxidant vitamin and carotenoid levels are associated with reduced adiposity,
greater weight loss and an improved cardio-metabolic profile in overweight and
obese adolescents"
Low Levels
of a Urinary Biomarker of Dietary Polyphenol Are Associated with Substantial
Cognitive Decline over a 3-Year Period in Older Adults: The Invecchiare in
Chianti Study - J Am Geriatr Soc. 2015 Apr 27 -
"total urinary polyphenols (TUPs) and total dietary polyphenols (TDPs) ... High
concentrations of polyphenols, a nutritional biomarker of polyphenol intake,
were associated with lower risk of substantial cognitive decline in an older
population studied over a 3-year period, suggesting a protective effect against
cognitive impairment" - See
Garden of Life, Radical Fruits Antioxidant Complex at Amazon.com
Acute mood
but not cognitive improvements following administration of a single multivitamin
and mineral supplement in healthy women aged 50 and above: a randomised
controlled trial - Age (Dordr). 2015 Jun;37(3):9782 -
"This study investigated the acute effects of a single
multivitamin and mineral and herbal (MVMH) supplement versus placebo on self
ratings of mood and the performance of an effortful computerised cognitive
battery in a sample of 76 healthy women aged 50-75 years. Mood was assessed
using the depression anxiety stress scale (DASS), state trait anxiety
inventory-state anxiety scale and visual analogue scales (VAS). Mood was rated
at 1 h post supplementation and again after the competition of the cognitive
assessments at 2 h post supplementation. It was demonstrated that the MVMH
supplement improved overall DASS mood ratings; however, the most prominent
effects appeared to be a reduction in ratings of perceived mental stress ...
Supplementation with a single multivitamin, mineral and herbal supplement
reduces stress several hours after intake in healthy older people"
supplementation of GrandFusion® mitigates cerebral ischemia-induced neuronal
damage and attenuates inflammation - Nutr Neurosci. 2015 Apr 16 -
"GrandFusion® is a nutritional supplement that contains
the natural nutrients from whole fruits and vegetables that include complex
nutrients and phytonutrients that contain anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and
neuroprotective properties ... The GrandFusion® diet was able to show a
significant protection from infarct damage in the brain and an improvement in
neurological outcomes ... The study demonstrates the neuroprotective effect of a
diet rich in fruits and vegetables that contain anti-oxidant and
anti-inflammatory against the impact of cerebral ischemia and reperfusion
injury" - Note: I couldn't find GrandFusion® but see
Garden of Life, Radical Fruits Antioxidant Complex at Amazon.com
which sounds similar.
Multivitamin-Mineral Use Is Associated with Reduced Risk of Cardiovascular
Disease Mortality among Women in the United States - J Nutr. 2015
Mar;145(3):572-8 - "Multivitamin-mineral (MVM) ...
multivitamin (MV) ... We observed no significant association between CVD
mortality and users of MVMs or MVs compared with nonusers; however, when users
were classified by the reported length of time products were used, a significant
association was found with MVM use of >3 y compared with nonusers (HR: 0.65; 95%
CI: 0.49, 0.85). This finding was largely driven by the significant association
among women (HR: 0.56; 95% CI: 0.37, 0.85) but not men (HR: 0.79; 95% CI: 0.44,
1.42)" - Note: Yeah but think about what they are defining as
multi-vitamins and multi-vitamin minerals. Most of that stuff like One-a-Day or
Centrum I wouldn't take even if it were free because if you take it on top of a
decent vitamin you could get vitamin overload and some such as vitamin A.
consumption of Fiit-ns, a polyphenol extract from fruit and vegetables
frequently consumed within the Mediterranean diet, improves metabolic ageing of
obese volunteers: a randomized, double-blind, parallel trial - Int J Food
Sci Nutr. 2014 Oct 31:1-6 - "Epidemiological studies
suggest that metabolic ageing process of overweight and obese populations is
associated with an increased risk of developing non-communicable diseases
(NCDs). Inflammation, hyper-glycaemia, dyslipidemia and oxidative stress have
been associated with early stages of NCDs development whereas cohort surveys
have demonstrated health benefits of dietary polyphenols from various dietary
sources to reverse such progress. Obese volunteers were included in a
double-blind, randomized, parallel pilot trial where they received daily for a
12-week period 900 mg of a polyphenol-rich treatment extracted from fruit and
vegetables frequently consumed within the Mediterranean diet ... After 12 weeks,
while the silhouette slimmed down, metabolic parameters were significantly
improved and general satisfaction considerably ameliorated. These data suggest
that over a 12-week period, the synergistic action of bioactives within the
treatment improves metabolic ageing process and quality of life in obese
volunteers" - See
Garden of Life, Radical Fruits Antioxidant Complex at Amazon.com
which contains twice that (1850 mg) of fruit/vegetable extract plus I feel that
it's better ingredients with less mark-up.
between the dietary intake of antioxidant nutrients and the risk of hip fracture
in elderly Chinese: a case-control study - Br J Nutr. 2014 Oct 7:1-9 -
"The role of oxidative stress in skeletal health is
unclear. The present study investigated whether a high dietary intake of
antioxidant nutrients (vitamins C and E, β-carotene, animal-derived vitamin A,
retinol equivalents, Zn and Se) is associated with a reduced risk of hip
fracture in elderly Chinese ... The OR of hip fracture for the highest (v.
lowest) quartile of intake were 0·39 (95 % CI 0·28, 0·56) for vitamin C, 0·23
(95 % CI 0·16, 0·33) for vitamin E, 0·51 (95 % CI 0·36, 0·73) for β-carotene,
0·43 (95 % CI 0·26, 0·70) for Se and 0·24 (95 % CI 0·17, 0·36) for the
antioxidant score. A moderate-to-high dietary intake of retinol equivalents in
quartiles 2-4 (v. 1) was found to be associated with a lower risk of hip
fracture (OR range: 0·51-0·63, P< 0·05)"
dietary antioxidant capacity, individual antioxidant intake and breast cancer
risk: The rotterdam study - Int J Cancer. 2014 Oct 4 -
"as assessed by dietary ferric reducing antioxidant
potential (FRAP) ... High dietary FRAP score was associated with a lower risk of
breast cancer (HR: 0.68; 95% CI: 0.49, 0.96). No overall association between
individual antioxidant intake and breast cancer risk was found. However, low
intake of alpha carotene and beta carotene was associated with a higher risk of
breast cancer among smokers (HR: 2.48; 95% CI: 1.21, 5.12 and HR: 2.31; 95% CI:
1.12, 4.76 for alpha and beta carotene respectively) and low intake of
flavonoids was associated with breast cancer risk in women over the age of 70
(HR: 1.80; 95% CI: 1.09, 2.99). These results suggest that high overall dietary
antioxidant capacity are associated with a lower risk of breast cancer.
Individual effects of dietary carotenoids and dietary flavonoids may be
restricted to subgroups such as smokers and elderly"
total antioxidant capacity is associated with leukocyte telomere length in a
children and adolescent population - Clin Nutr. 2014 Aug 4 -
"A positive correlation between dietary total
antioxidant capacity and telomere length (r = 0.157, p = 0.007) was found after
adjustment for age and energy intake. However, higher white bread consumption
was associated with shorter telomeres (β = -0.204, p = 0.002) in fully-adjusted
models. Interestingly, those individuals who had simultaneously higher dietary
total antioxidant capacity and lower white bread consumption significantly
presented the longest telomeres. Moreover, the multivariable-adjusted odds ratio
for very short telomeres was 0.30 for dietary total antioxidant capacity (p =
0.023) and 1.37 for white bread"
Chemoprevention of esophageal cancer with black raspberries, their component
anthocyanins, and a major anthocyanin metabolite, protocatechuic acid -
Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 2014 Mar 25 - "Diets containing
either freeze-dried black raspberries (BRB) or their polyphenolic anthocyanins
(AC) have been shown to inhibit the development of N-nitrosomethylbenzylamine
(NMBA)-induced esophageal cancer in rats ... F344 rats were injected with NMBA
three times a week for five weeks and then fed control or experimental diets
containing 6.1% BRB, an AC-rich fraction derived from BRB, or PCA ... At weeks
15 & 25, all experimental diets were equally effective in reducing NMBA-induced
esophageal tumorigenesis, as well as in reducing the expression of Pentraxin-3
(PTX3), a cytokine produced by peripheral blood mononuclear cells in response to
IL-1β and TNF-α. All experimental diets were also active at reducing
tumorigenesis at week 35; however, the BRB diet was significantly more effective
than the AC & PCA diets"
vitamin intake correlates with hearing thresholds in the older population: the
Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey - Am J Clin Nutr.
2014 Mar 19 - "Previous animal studies have shown that
vitamins may prevent age-related hearing loss. However, no concrete conclusions
have been reached about the association between vitamin intake and presbycusis
in humans ... data from the 2011 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination
Survey ... intake of vitamin C correlated with better hearing at midfrequency
(2000 and 3000 Hz) (coefficient: -0.012; 95% CI: -0.022, -0.002). Dietary
supplement use was positively associated with better hearing at all frequencies.
The univariate analysis indicated that dietary intakes of retinol, riboflavin,
niacin, and vitamin C were positively correlated with better hearing at most
frequencies. In contrast, serum concentrations of vitamin D were associated with
worse hearing at mid and high (4000 and 6000 Hz) frequencies"
The effect
of an acute antioxidant supplementation compared with placebo on performance and
hormonal response during a high volume resistance training session - J Int
Soc Sports Nutr. 2014 Mar 21;11(1):10 - "Antioxidant
supplementation is known to increase human endogenous antioxidant (AOX) capacity
providing a means of blunting exercise induced reactive oxygen species (ROS).
The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of a single acute dose of
an AOX (vs blinded placebo) on muscle contractile performance and hormonal
responses to a single bout of lower limb 'hypertrophic' resistance training (RT)
... hThis study demonstrates ingestion of an AOX cocktail prior to a single bout
of resistance training improved muscle contractile performance and modulated the
GH response following completion of the resistance exercise"
association between habitual polyphenol intake and incidence of cardiovascular
events in the PREDIMED study - Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2014 Jan 22 -
"The present work is an observational study within the
PREDIMED trial. Over an average of 4.3 years of follow-up, there were 273
confirmed cases of CVD among the 7172 participants (96.3%) who completed a
validated 137-item food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) at baseline ... a 46%
reduction in risk of CVD risk was observed comparing Q5 vs. Q1 of total
polyphenol intake (HR = 0.54; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.33-0.91; P-trend
= 0.04). The polyphenols with the strongest inverse associations were flavanols
(HR = 0.40; CI 0.23-0.72; P-trend = 0.003), lignans (HR = 0.51; CI 0.30-0.86;
P-trend = 0.007), and hydroxybenzoic acids (HR = 0.47; CI 0.26-0.86; P-trend
total antioxidant capacity is related to glucose tolerance in older people: The
Hertfordshire Cohort Study - Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2013 Oct 24 -
"Dietary antioxidants may play a protective role in the
aetiology of type 2 diabetes ... We aimed to examine the relationships between
dietary total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and markers of glucose metabolism among
1441 men and 1253 women aged 59-73 years who participated in the Hertfordshire
Cohort Study, UK ... Diet was assessed by food frequency questionnaire ... These
findings suggest dietary TAC may have important protective effects on glucose
tolerance, especially in older obese women"
Nutritional Dose Supplementation with Antioxidant Nutrients and Phytochemicals
Improves DNA and LDL Stability: A Double-Blind, Randomized, and
Placebo-Controlled Trial - Nutrients. 2013 Dec 18;5(12):5218-32 -
"The hypothesis that a multi-micronutrient supplement
with nutritional doses of antioxidant nutrients and phytochemicals (MP) may
provide protection against oxidative damage and maintain the endogenous
antioxidant defense capacity was assessed in subjects with a habitually low
intake of fruits and vegetables. In a randomized, placebo-controlled, and
parallel designed trial, 89 eligible subjects were assigned to either placebo or
MP for eight weeks ... These results suggest that MP use in healthy subjects
with habitually low dietary fruit and vegetable intake may be beneficial in
providing resistance to oxidative damage to DNA and LDL without suppressing the
endogenous defense mechanisms"
vitamins and magnesium and the risk of hearing loss in the US general population
- Am J Clin Nutr. 2013 Nov 6 - "The protective effects
of antioxidant vitamins on hearing loss are well established in animal studies
but in few human studies. Recent animal studies suggest that magnesium intake
along with antioxidants may act in synergy to prevent hearing loss ... analyzed
cross-sectional data from 2592 participants aged 20-69 y from NHANES 2001-2004
... Dietary intakes of antioxidants and magnesium are associated with lower
risks of hearing loss" - See
Garden of Life, Radical Fruits Antioxidant Complex at Amazon.com
Jarrow Formulas, MagMind at Amazon.com .
Dietary and
supplemental antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrient intakes and pulmonary
function - Public Health Nutr. 2013 Sep 27:1-6 - "We
investigated the associations of dietary and supplemental intakes of vitamins A,
C, E and D, Se and n-3 PUFA with pulmonary function in a population-based study
... The findings support the roles of antioxidant vitamins and n-3 PUFA in the
pulmonary health of older persons"
Supplementation of Antioxidants Improves Semen Quality of IVF Patients in Terms
of Motility, Sperm Count, and Nuclear Vacuolization - Int J Vitam Nutr Res.
2012 Dec 1;82(6):391-398 - "Patients were divided into
oligoasthenoteratozoospermic (OAT) and non-OAT men. Between first and second
semen analysis, patients were supplemented orally with an antioxidative
preparation ... The results demonstrated a considerable improvement in semen
quality, notably in OAT patients. Considering the putative relationship between
semen quality on the one hand and reactive oxygen species on the other, the
observed changes in the sperm parameters indicate that a decline in semen
quality, and even subtle morphological changes, might be associated with
oxidative stress. Our findings suggest that an antioxidative and micronutrient
supplementation has a remarkable benefit for IVF patients having restricted
sperm parameters, in particular"
total antioxidant capacity and colorectal cancer: A large case-control study in
Italy - Int J Cancer. 2013 Feb 27 - "A reproducible
and valid food frequency questionnaire was used to assess subjects' usual diet.
Total antioxidant capacity (TAC) was measured using Italian food composition
tables in terms of FRAP (Ferric Reducing-Antioxidant Power), TEAC (Trolox
Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity), and TRAP (Total Radical-trapping Antioxidant
Parameter) ... TAC was inversely related with colorectal cancer risk: the OR for
the highest versus the lowest quintile was 0.68 (95% CI, 0.57-0.82) for FRAP,
0.69 (95% CI, 0.57-0.83) for TEAC, and 0.69 (95% CI, 0.57-0.83) for TRAP.
Corresponding values, excluding TAC deriving by coffee, were 0.75 (95% CI,
0.61-0.93) for FRAP, 0.76 (95% CI, 0.61-0.93) for TEAC, and 0.71 (95% CI,
0.57-0.89) for TRAP"
antioxidants and risk of Barrett's esophagus and adenocarcinoma of the esophagus
in an australian population - Int J Cancer. 2013 Jan 7 -
"esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) ... Barrett's esophagus
(BE) ... High intake of β-carotene from food and supplement sources combined was
inversely associated with risk of dysplastic BE (OR Q4 vs Q1=0.45; 95%CI:
0.20-1.00). High intake of vitamin E from food sources (OR Q4 vs Q1=0.43; 95%CI:
0.28-0.67), from food and supplements combined (OR Q4 vs Q1=0.64; 95%CI:
0.43-0.96), and a high antioxidant index score were inversely associated with
risk of EAC. We found no significant trends between intake of β-carotene,
vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium and risk of non-dysplastic or dysplastic BE.
However, our data suggest that a high intake of β-carotene may be associated
with decreased risk of dysplastic BE"
experiences from chronic administration of a multivitamin versus placebo on
subjective health and wellbeing: a double-blind qualitative analysis of a
randomised controlled trial - Nutr J. 2012 Dec 14;11(1):110 -
"Semi-structured and open-ended written questions were
incorporated into a 16-week double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled,
parallel groups trial of once-daily multivitamin administration. At the final
study visit (week 16), three open-ended questions were posed to elucidate any
positive, negative or unusual experiences from taking either the multivitamin or
matched placebo. Qualitative thematic analysis was undertaken by researchers who
were blind as to treatment condition of participants, and triangulation
(independent analysis from three researchers) was employed to ensure
methodological rigour ... Thematic analysis revealed significant effects in
favour of the multivitamin over placebo for participants experiencing increased
energy levels (p=.022) and enhanced mood (p=.027). The beneficial effect on
energy levels was particularly evident among female participants. A trend was
found for participants reporting better sleep in the multivitamin over placebo.
The multivitamin and placebo groups did not significantly differ in perceived
positive or negative effects in areas relating to other aspects of mental
function or physical health. No significant negative effects were revealed,
although there was a non-significant trend for more people in the multivitamin
group having minor digestive complaints"
supplementation has a positive effect on oxidative stress and hematological
toxicity during oncology treatment in cervical cancer patients - Support
Care Cancer. 2012 Dec 14 - "Hematological toxicity and
oxidative stress are common in cancer patients ... Randomized, single-blinded
controlled trial in women with cervical cancer treated with radiotherapy and
chemotherapy with cisplatin. Subjects were randomly assigned to receive
antioxidant supplement or placebo supplement ... At the end of the oncology
treatment, hemoglobin levels were maintained, and global QoL was better only in
the supplemented group ... Antioxidant supplementation in patients treated with
chemotherapy and radiotherapy apparently decreased oxidative stress, maintained
hemoglobin levels, and improved QoL"
Multivitamins in the prevention of cancer in men: the Physicians' Health Study
II randomized controlled trial - JAMA. 2012 Nov 14;308(18):1871-80 -
"A large-scale, randomized, double-blind, placebo
controlled trial (Physicians" Health Study II) of 14 641 male US physicians
initially aged 50 years or older (mean [SD] age, 64.3 [9.2] years), including
1312 men with a history of cancer at randomization, enrolled in a common
multivitamin study that began in 1997 with treatment and follow-up through June
1, 2011 ... In this large prevention trial of male physicians, daily
multivitamin supplementation modestly but significantly reduced the risk of
total cancer" - I think this was the following which I published last
Multivitamins Cut Cancer Risk in Men, Study Finds - ABC News, 10/17/12 -
"a new study of almost 15,000 men over 50 suggests
popping that daily supplement could cut cancer rates by 8 percent ... It's
unclear whether the results apply to women or men under 50 ... First, the new
study randomly assigned men to two groups, one of which took a daily Centrum
Silver® while the other took a placebo pill ... Second, it followed the men, who
were 65 years old on average, over 11 years – a longer follow-up than previous
studies and sufficient time for cancer to develop ...Other trials have tested a
single vitamin such as calcium or vitamin A, E or D in large doses, which is
very different from how people normally get the vitamins and minerals they need
from food" - Yeah but I wouldn't call Centrum Silver a top of the line
Click here and click on "Product Labeling" for ingredients. Some examples;
it's only has the synthetic dl-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate form of vitamin E plus
there are 8 forms of that vitamin. There are over 600 carotenoids and some
claim taking just one of those can cause a deficiency of the others, etc. See
Garden of Life, Vitamin Code, 50 & Wiser Men at Amazon.com
Garden of Life, Vitamin Code, 50 & Wiser Women at Amazon.com .
antioxidants and periodontal disease in community-based older Japanese: a 2-year
follow-up study - Public Health Nutr. 2012 May 22:1-9 -
"Intakes of dietary antioxidants (vitamin C, vitamin E,
α-carotene and β-carotene) were assessed with a validated FFQ ... A higher
intake of dietary antioxidants was inversely associated with the number of teeth
with periodontal disease progression, controlling for other variables. The
multivariate-adjusted incidence rate ratios in the first, second and third
tertiles were 1.00, 0.76 (95 % CI 0.60, 0.97) and 0.72 (95 % CI 0.56, 0.93) for
vitamin C; 1.00, 0.79 (95 % CI 0.62, 0.99) and 0.55 (95 % CI 0.42, 0.72), for
vitamin E; and 1.00, 1.02 (95 % CI 0.81, 1.29) and 0.73 (95 % CI 0.56, 0.95) for
β-carotene" - See
Jarrow Formulas, CarotenALL at Amazon.com
Garden of Life, Radical Fruits Antioxidant Complex at Amazon.com .
Antioxidant Intake is Associated with the Prevalence but not Incidence of
Age-Related Hearing Loss - J Nutr Health Aging. 2011;15(10):896-900 -
"We aimed to examine the link between dietary and
supplement intakes of antioxidants, and both the prevalence and 5-year incidence
of measured hearing loss ... participants aged 50+ at baseline, examined during
1997-9 to 2002-4 ... Dietary data were collected in a semi-quantitative food
frequency questionnaire ... each standard deviation (SD) increase in dietary
vitamin E intake was associated with a 14% reduced likelihood of prevalent
hearing loss, odds ratio, OR, 0.86 (95% confidence interval, CI, 0.78-0.98).
Those in the highest quintile of dietary vitamin A intake had a 47% reduced risk
of having moderate or greater hearing loss (>40 dB HL) compared to those in the
lowest quintile of intake, multivariable-adjusted OR 0.53 (CI 0.30-0.92), P for
trend = 0.04. However, dietary antioxidant intake was not associated with the
5-year incidence of hearing loss"
Micronutrients Improve Intrinsic and UV-Induced Apoptosis of Human Lymphocytes
Particularly in Elderly People - J Nutr Health Aging. 2011;15(10):912-917 -
"The study was a 2 months, double-blind, randomized
trial. Three age groups were studied: children, young adults and elderly people.
A total of 274 healthy subjects were allocated to a group supplemented with
moderate amounts of retinol, β-carotene, α-tocopherol, ascorbic acid and
selenium or placebo ... Young and elderly people have a higher intrinsic
apoptosis than children, which was improved by antioxidant supplementation.
UV-induced damage was attenuated by the supplementation in all three age groups"
total antioxidant capacity and gastric cancer risk in the european
prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition study - Int J
Cancer. 2011 Nov 9 - "A high intake of dietary
antioxidant compounds has been hypothesized to be an appropriate strategy to
reduce gastric cancer (GC) development. We investigated the effect of
dietary Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC) in relation to GC in the European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer (EPIC) study including 23 centers in
10 European countries ... Dietary antioxidant intake is associated with a
reduction in the risk of GC for both FRAP (adjusted HR 0.66; 95%CI
(0.46-0.95) and TRAP (adjusted HR 0.61; 95%CI (0.43-0.87) (highest vs.
lowest quintile). The association was observed for both cardia and non
cardia cancers. A clear effect was observed in smokers with a significant
reduction in GC risk for the 5(th) quintile of intake for both assays
(highest vs. lowest quintile: adjusted HR 0.41; 95%CI (0.22-0.76) p for
trend <0.001 for FRAP; adjusted HR 0.52; 95%CI (0.28-0.97) p for trend
<0.001 for TRAP) but not in never smokers. In former smokers the association
with FRAP intake was statistically significant (highest vs. lowest quintile:
adjusted HR 0.4; 95%CI (0.21-0.75) p<0.05); no association was observed for
mineral, and specialty supplements and risk of hematologic malignancies in
the prospective VITamins And Lifestyle (VITAL) study - Cancer Epidemiol
Biomarkers Prev. 2011 Jul 29 - "After adjustment,
high use of garlic supplements (≥4 days/week for ≥3 years; HR=0.55 [95%
confidence interval: 0.34-0.87]; p=0.028 for trend) and ever use of grape
seed supplements (HR=0.57 [0.37-0.88]) were inversely associated with
hematologic malignancies in our models. In addition, high use (8-10
pill-years) of multivitamins was suggestive of an inverse association
(HR)=0.80 [0.64-1.01]). In contrast, no associations were observed for the
remaining supplements ... These data indicate that use of garlic and grape
seed may be associated with reduced risk of hematologic malignancies.Impact:
This is the first cohort study to suggest a possible role of these
supplements in the chemoprevention of hematologic malignancies"
Hematological malignancy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
"Hematological malignancies are the types of
cancer that affect blood, bone marrow, and lymph nodes"
adults' cognitive performance after daily supplementation with antioxidant
vitamins and minerals at nutritional doses: a post hoc analysis of the
Supplementation in Vitamins and Mineral Antioxidants (SU.VI.MAX) trial -
Am J Clin Nutr. 2011 Jul 20 - "This study included
4447 French participants aged 45-60 y who were enrolled in the SU.VI.MAX
study (1994-2002), which was a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized
trial. From 1994 to 2002, participants received daily vitamin C (120 mg),
β-carotene (6 mg), vitamin E (30 mg), selenium (100 μg), and zinc (20 mg) in
combination or as a placebo. In 2007-2009, the cognitive performance of
participants was assessed with 4 neuropsychological tests (6 tasks).
Principal components analysis (PCA) was performed to identify
cognitive-function summary scores. Associations between antioxidant
supplementation and cognitive functions, in the full sample and by
subgroups, were estimated through ANOVA and expressed as mean differences
and 95% CIs. Subgroup analyses were performed according to baseline
characteristics ... Subjects receiving active antioxidant supplementation
had better episodic memory scores (mean difference: 0.61; 95% CI: 0.02,
1.20). PCA indicated 2 factors that were interpreted as showing verbal
memory and executive functioning. Verbal memory was improved by antioxidant
supplementation only in subjects who were nonsmokers or who had low serum
vitamin C concentrations at baseline"
Simple sugar, lactate, is like 'candy for cancer cells': Cancer cells
accelerate aging and inflammation in the body to drive tumor growth -
Science Daily, 5/26/11 - "lactate is like "candy"
for cancer cells. And cancer cells are addicted to this supply of "candy."
... We've essentially shown for the first time that there is lactate shuttle
in human tumors ... If lethal cancer is a disease of "accelerated aging" in
the tumor's connective tissue, then cancer patients may benefit from therapy
with strong antioxidants and anti-inflammatory drugs ... Antioxidant therapy
will "cut off the fuel supply" for cancer cells." Antioxidants also have a
natural anti-inflammatory action"
supplement use during breast cancer treatment and survival: a prospective
cohort study - Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2010 Dec 21 -
"Antioxidants may protect normal cells from the
oxidative damage that occurs during radiotherapy and certain chemotherapy
regimens, however, the same mechanism could protect tumor cells and
potentially reduce effectiveness of cancer treatments ... Vitamin use
shortly after breast cancer diagnosis was associated with reduced mortality
and recurrence risk, adjusted for multiple lifestyle factors,
sociodemographics, and known clinical prognostic factors. Women who used
antioxidants (vitamin E, vitamin C, multivitamins) had 18% reduced mortality
risk (hazard ratio (HR) = 0.82, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.65-1.02) and
22% reduced recurrence risk (HR = 0.78, 95% CI: 0.63-0.95). The inverse
association was found regardless of whether vitamin use was concurrent or
non-concurrent with chemotherapy, but was only present among patients who
did not receive radiotherapy"
Differences in antioxidant levels of fresh, frozen and freeze-dried
strawberries and strawberry jam - Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2010 Jun 9 -
"total antioxidant activity (TAA) ... The mean TAA
for freeze-dried strawberries based on an 'as consumed' weight (95%
confidence interval [CI]: 29.58, 30.58) was significantly higher than for
fresh (95% CI: 3.18, 3.66), frozen (95% CI: 2.58, 2.79), and jam (95% CI:
1.10, 1.22). The mean TAA based on dry weight for fresh strawberries (95%
CI: 40.48, 46.67) was significantly higher than for freeze-dried (95% CI:
29.58, 30.58), frozen (95% CI: 24.62, 26.59), and jam (95% CI: 1.48, 1.64).
Results agree with previous studies reporting that strawberries are a
valuable source of antioxidants for consumers"
polyphenol excretion and blood pressure in subjects at high cardiovascular
risk - Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2010 Feb 16 -
"Participants in the highest quartile of urinary TPE had a reduced
prevalence of hypertension compared to those in the lowest quartile (Odds
Ratio=0.64; 95% confidence interval 0.45 to 0.92; P=0.015). Systolic and
diastolic BP were inversely associated with urinary TPE after adjustment for
potential confounders ... Polyphenol intake, assessed via TPE in urine, was
negatively associated with BP levels and prevalence of hypertension in an
elderly Mediterranean population at high cardiovascular risk. Participants
with the highest intake of polyphenol-rich foods showed the lowest BP
of Vitamin A, C, and E, and beta-Carotene Are Associated With Risk of
Cervical Cancer: A Case-Control Study in Korea - Nutr Cancer.
2010;62(2):181-9 - "Those patients in the highest
quartiles of dietary vitamin A, beta -carotene, and vitamin C intakes had
statistically significantly lower cervical cancer risks than those in the
lowest quartiles for vitamin A, beta -carotene, and vitamin C: odds ratio
(OR) = 0.36 [95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.19-0.69), OR = 0.48 (CI =
0.26-0.88), and OR = 0.36 (CI = 0.18-0.69), respectively. Total intakes of
vitamins A, C, and E were strongly inversely associated with cervical cancer
risk: OR = 0.35 (CI = 0.19-0.65), OR = 0.35 (CI = 0.19-0.66), and OR = 0.53
(CI = 0.28-0.99), respectively. The findings support a role for increased
antioxidant vitamin intake in decreasing the risk of cervical cancer"
Antioxidant Treatment With Tempol and Apocynin Prevents Endothelial
Dysfunction and Development of Renovascular Hypertension - Am J
Hypertens. 2009 Sep 24 - "The data suggest that a
compromised mechanism of antioxidant defense and an increase in oxidative
damage contribute to the development of hypertension and associated vascular
dysfunction in 2K-1C rats, and that tempol and apocynin prevent these
Antioxidant vitamins and the risk of endometrial cancer: a dose-response
meta-analysis - Cancer Causes Control. 2009 Jul;20(5):699-711 -
"Based on case-control data, the random-effects
summary odds ratios (OR) were, for beta-carotene: 0.88 (95% CI: 0.79-0.98)
per 1,000 mcg/1,000 kcal (I2: 77.7%; p < 0.01); for vitamin C: 0.85 (95% CI:
0.73-0.98) per 50 mg/1,000 kcal (I2: 66.1%; p < 0.01); and, for vitamin E:
0.91 (95% CI: 0.84-0.99) per 5 mg/1,000 kcal (I2: 0.0%; p: 0.45)"
Antioxidants and Skin Cancer Risk: An 8-Year Community-Based Follow-up Study
- Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2009 Mar 31 -
"basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the skin
... Although there were no associations between baseline serum carotenoids
or alpha-tocopherol concentrations and incidence of BCC or SCC, baseline
serum selenium concentrations showed strong inverse associations with both
BCC and SCC tumor incidence. Compared with participants with lowest selenium
concentrations at baseline (0.4-1.0 micromol/L), those with the highest
serum selenium concentrations (1.3-2.8 micromol/L) had a decreased incidence
of BCC tumors (multivariate relative risk, 0.43; 95% confidence interval,
0.21-0.86; Ptrend = 0.02) and SCC tumors (multivariate relative risk, 0.36;
95% confidence interval, 0.15-0.82; Ptrend = 0.02)"
Antioxidant vitamins and the risk of endometrial cancer: a dose-response
meta-analysis - Cancer Causes Control. 2008 Dec 16 -
"Based on case-control data, the random-effects
summary odds ratios (OR) were, for beta-carotene: 0.88 (95% CI: 0.79-0.98)
per 1,000 mcg/1,000 kcal (I(2): 77.7%; p < 0.01); for vitamin C: 0.85 (95%
CI: 0.73-0.98) per 50 mg/1,000 kcal (I(2): 66.1%; p < 0.01); and, for
vitamin E: 0.91 (95% CI: 0.84-0.99) per 5 mg/1,000 kcal (I(2): 0.0%; p:
Comparison of Antioxidant Potency of Commonly Consumed Polyphenol-Rich
Beverages in the United States - J Agric Food Chem. 2008 Jan 26 -
"pomegranate juice (PJ) ... PJ had the greatest
antioxidant potency composite index among the beverages tested and was at
least 20% greater than any of the other beverages tested. Antioxidant
potency, ability to inhibit LDL oxidation, and total polyphenol content were
consistent in classifying the antioxidant capacity of the polyphenol-rich
beverages in the following order: PJ > red wine > Concord grape juice >
blueberry juice > black cherry juice, açaí juice, cranberry juice > orange
juice, iced tea beverages, apple juice. Although in vitro antioxidant
potency does not prove in vivo biological activity, there is also consistent
clinical evidence of antioxidant potency for the most potent beverages
including both PJ and red wine" - See
pomegranate at Amazon.com
Effects of flavonoids and phenolic acids on the inhibition of adipogenesis
in 3T3-L1 adipocytes - J Agric Food Chem. 2007 Oct 17;55(21):8404-10 -
"These results suggest that o-coumaric acid and
rutin targeted for adipocyte functions could be effective in improving the
symptoms of metabolic syndrome"
Mortality in randomized trials of antioxidant supplements for primary and
secondary prevention: systematic review and meta-analysis - JAMA. 2007
Feb 28;297(8):842-57
Lymphocyte Oxidative DNA Damage and Plasma Antioxidants in Alzheimer Disease
- Archives of Neurology, 5/02 - "Markers of
oxidative damage are increased in AD
and correlate with decreased levels of plasma antioxidants. These findings
suggest that lymphocyte DNA 8-OHdG content in patients with AD reflects a
condition of increased oxidative stress related to a poor antioxidant
Dietary intake of antioxidants and risk of age-related macular degeneration
- JAMA. 2005 Dec 28;294(24):3101-7 - "In this study,
a high dietary intake of beta carotene, vitamins C and E, and zinc was
associated with a substantially reduced risk of AMD in elderly persons"