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Is swapping pasta for a plant-based,
grain-free version healthier? - Washington Post, 2/27/23 -
"Trading your morning shredded wheat or oatmeal for a
grain-free cereal isn’t necessarily a healthy food swap. “These cereals can make
you think that there’s something wrong with eating grains, but that’s not the
case,” Keating says. “Many studies show that including whole grains in your diet
reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer and more, and regular cereal can be a
convenient way to get them.”"
Not all
dietary fiber is created equal: cereal fiber but not fruit or vegetable fibers
are linked with lower inflammation - Science Daily, 4/6/22 -
"we are now learning that one particular type of dietary
fiber -- cereal fiber -- but not fruit or vegetable fiber was associated with
lower inflammation ... why cereal fiber but not vegetable or fruit fiber is
associated with lower inflammation is not clear and warrants further
investigation ... it is not clear whether cereal fiber per se or other nutrients
in foods rich in cereal fiber are driving the observed relationships ...
inflammation had only a modest role in mediating the observed inverse
association between cereal fiber and CVD ... This suggests that factors other
than inflammation may play a larger role in the cereal fiber-associated
reduction in CVD and will need to be tested in future interventions of specific
Whole- and Refined-Grain
Consumption and Longitudinal Changes in Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in the
Framingham Offspring Cohort - J Nutr 2021 Jul 13 -
"whole grain (WG) ... refined grain (RG) ... waist circumference (WC) ...
Greater WG intake was associated with smaller increases in WC (1.4 ± 0.2
compared with 3.0 ± 0.1 cm in the highest compared with the lowest category,
respectively; P-trend < 0.001), fasting glucose concentration (0.7 ± 0.4
compared with 2.6 ± 0.2 mg/dL; P-trend < 0.001), and systolic blood pressure
(SBP; 0.2 ± 0.5 compared with 1.4 ± 0.3 mm Hg; P-trend < 0.001) per 4-y
interval. ... Higher intake of WG was associated with greater increases in HDL
cholesterol and declines in triglyceride concentrations; however, these
differences did not remain significant after adjustment for change in WC.
Conversely, greater RG intake was associated with greater increases in WC (2.7 ±
0.2 compared with 1.8 ± 0.1 cm, P-trend < 0.001) and less decline in
triglyceride concentration (-0.3 ± 1.3 compared with -7.0 ± 0.7 mg/dL, P-trend <
0.001)" - See
Annie Chun's Brown Rice Noodle, Maifun, 8-Ounce (Pack of 6)
Whole Grains May Lower Risk of Heart Disease in Older Adults - WebMD,
7/13/21 - "An analysis of over 3,000 middle- and
older-age adults over many years found that those who ate at least three
servings of whole grains daily had smaller increases in blood sugar levels,
blood pressure, and waist size, compared to those who ate less than one-half
serving per day ... For each 4-year interval, the researchers found that waist
size increased by about one-half inch in people who had high whole-grain intake,
compared to 1 inch in those who had low intake. Average increases in blood
pressure and blood sugar levels were also lower in high-intake adults"
more refined grains increases risk of heart attack, early death - Science
Daily, 2/19/21 - "The study found that having more than
seven servings of refined grains per day was associated with a 27 per cent
greater risk for early death, 33 percent greater risk for heart disease and 47
per cent greater risk for stroke"
Whole Wheat Is Better for You Than White Bread - WebMD, 2/4/21 -
"People who reported eating 12 ounces of refined grains
a day were found to have 27% higher odds of early death and a 33% higher risk of
heart disease than those who limited their intake to less than 2 ounces a day
... A diet heavy in refined grains was also linked to higher blood pressure, the
findings showed"
grains one of the most important food groups for preventing type 2 diabetes
- Science Daily, 9/5/18 - "The participants were divided
into 4 different groups, based on how much wholegrain they reported eating ...
The proportion who developed type 2 diabetes was lowest in the group which
reported the highest wholegrain consumption, and increased for each group which
had eaten less wholegrain. In the group with the highest wholegrain intake, the
diabetes risk was 34 percent lower for men, and 22 percent lower for women, than
in the group with the lowest wholegrain intake"
Pasta Promotes Weight Loss
as Part of a Low-Glycemic Index Diet - Medscape, 4/6/18 -
"Pasta is an
important example of a food that is considered a refined carbohydrate but has a
low GI ... Pooled analyses again support a beneficial effect of pasta within the
context of a low-GI diet on body mass index, where body mass index dropped by
0.26 kg/m2 (95% confidence interval, −0.36 to −0.16 kg/m2; P < .001) compared
with higher-GI control diets"
white or whole wheat bread 'healthier?' Depends on the person - Science
Daily, 6/6/17 - "About half the people had a better
response to the processed, white flour bread, and the other half had a better
response to the whole wheat sourdough"
Whole-Grain Foods May Help You Stay Slim - WebMD, 2/8/17 -
"Those on the whole-grain diet absorbed fewer calories
and had greater fecal output. Their resting metabolic rate (calories burned at
rest) was also higher ... The energy deficit in those eating whole grains
compared to refined grains would be equivalent to the calories you would burn if
you were to walk about a mile [in] about 20 or 30 minutes ... ''We don't know
over the long term if it would translate to weight loss," Karl said, but his
team suspects it would. "This would translate to about 5 pounds in a year," ...
In a related study in the same issue of the journal, the same group of
researchers found that people who ate whole grains had modest improvements in
healthy gut environment and certain immune responses. Whole-grain intake has
also been linked with a reduced risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some
is not fattening -- quite the opposite, Italian study finds - Science Daily,
7/4/16 - "examined over 23,000 people recruited in two
large epidemiological studies ... By analyzing anthropometric data of the
participants and their eating habits ... we have seen that consumption of pasta,
contrary to what many think, is not associated with an increase in body weight,
rather the opposite. Our data show that enjoying pasta according to individuals'
needs contributes to a healthy body mass index, lower waist circumference and
better waist-hip ratio" - Yeah but I'm sticking with whole grains.
Annie Chun's Brown Rice Noodle, Maifun, 8-Ounce (Pack of 6)
brown rice pasta at Amazon.com .
Whole Grains Help You Live Longer, Study Finds - NBC News.com, 1/5/15 -
"each average daily serving of whole grains lowers a
person's risk of dying from heart disease by 9 percent and lowers the overall
risk of dying from anything by 5 percent over a quarter-century. That's even
taking into account that whole grain lovers tend to do other healthy stuff, too
... The benefits probably come from the bran"
Replace White Rice With
Brown to Cut Obesity and Diabetes - Medscape, 1/16/14 -
"randomized 150 adults with a body mass index (BMI) of
23 or greater and no known chronic diseases to a diet based on either white rice
or brown rice for 3 months ... Five-day mean glucose concentrations were
approximately 20% lower among those consuming a brown-rice–based diet, based on
continuous glucose monitoring ... fasting insulin concentrations were 57% lower
among those eating the brown-rice–based diet ... With white rice, once you mill
it, you can keep it for a couple of years, but the brown rice gets rancid
Low muscle
mass in older men: the role of lifestyle, diet and cardiovascular risk factors
- J Nutr Health Aging. 2014;18(1):26-33 - "Setting:
British Regional Heart Study. Participants: 4252 men aged 60-79 years ...
Participants attended a physical examination in 1998-2000, and completed a
general questionnaire and a food frequency questionnaire. Low muscle mass was
assessed by two measures: midarm muscle circumference (MAMC) and fat-free mass
index (FFMI) ... Physical inactivity, insulin resistance, C-reactive protein,
von Willebrand factor and fibrinogen were associated with significantly
increased odds of low MAMC and FFMI after adjustment for body mass index,
lifestyle characteristics and morbidity. Those with higher percent energy intake
from carbohydrates showed decreased odds of low MAMC (OR: 0.73, 95% CI:
0.55-0.96) and FFMI (OR: 0.76, 95% CI: 0.58-0.99)"
Whole Grains, Whole Diet - U.S. News, 9/6/12 -
"chock full of fiber ... heart-healthy ... help control diabetes ... packed with
nutrients, including protein, B vitamins, calcium, folic acid, iron, zinc,
copper, magnesium, and antioxidants ... help ward off cancer ... satiating"
White rice increases diabetes risk, scientists say - Fox News, 3/16/12 -
"higher white rice consumption was associated with a
significantly elevated risk of Type 2 diabetes. This association seems to be
stronger for Asians than for Western populations ... compared with brown rice,
white rice has a lower content of many nutrients including fiber, magnesium and
vitamins, some of which -- especially fiber and magnesium -- are thought to
protect against diabetes"
- Note: It doesn't tell you what the percentage of that increased risk is.
diet rich in slowly digested carbs reduces markers of inflammation in
overweight and obese adults - Science Daily, 1/11/12 -
"Among overweight and obese adults, a diet rich in
slowly digested carbohydrates, such as whole grains, legumes and other
high-fiber foods, significantly reduces markers of inflammation associated
with chronic disease ... a low-glycemic-load diet reduced a biomarker of
inflammation called C-reactive protein by about 22 percent ... C-reactive
protein is associated with an increased risk for many cancers as well as
cardiovascular disease ... a low-glycemic-load diet modestly increased -- by
about 5 percent -- blood levels of a protein hormone called adiponectin ...
a low-glycemic-load diet modestly increased -- by about 5 percent -- blood
levels of a protein hormone called adiponectin. This hormone plays a key
role in protecting against several cancers, including breast cancer, as well
as metabolic disorders such as type-2 diabetes, nonalcoholic fatty liver
disease and hardening of the arteries"
Breakfast fail! Worst supermarket cereals revealed - MSNBC, 1/11/12 -
"Eating breakfast pays off—numerous studies indicate
that eating in the A.M. is key in losing and maintaining weight. Not only
have studies shown that regular breakfast eaters have lower BMIs, but they
also typically have lower waist-to-hip ratios than those that skip. Cereal
is a great option—it’s a quick and convenient way to get in on those
belly-shrinking benefits. That said, not all cereals are equal"
Three Whole-Grain Portions Daily May Lower Cardiovascular Risk -
Medscape, 1/4/11 - "Daily consumption of 3 portions
of whole-grain foods (WGF) is linked to lower cardiovascular disease (CVD)
risk in healthy, middle-aged people mainly by lowering blood pressure (BP)
... assigned to continue the refined diet (control) or to switch to a
whole-wheat diet or to a whole-wheat plus oat diet, for 12 weeks ...
Compared with the control group, the WGF groups had a significant reduction
in systolic BP (6 mm Hg) and a significant reduction (3 mm Hg) in pulse
pressure ... The observed decrease in systolic blood pressure could decrease
the incidence of coronary artery disease and stroke by ≥ 15% and 25%,
Eating mostly whole grains, few refined grains linked to lower body fat
- Science Daily, 10/20/10 - "People who consume
several servings of whole grains per day while limiting daily intake of
refined grains appear to have less of a type of fat tissue thought to play a
key role in triggering cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes ...
Visceral Adipose Tissue ... VAT volume was approximately 10 % lower in
adults who reported eating three or more daily servings of whole grains and
who limited their intake of refined grains to less than one serving per day
... Visceral fat surrounds the intra-abdominal organs while subcutaneous fat
is found just beneath the skin ... visceral fat is more closely tied to the
development of metabolic syndrome ... participants who consumed, on average,
three daily servings of whole grains but continued to eat many refined
grains did not demonstrate lower VAT volume"
of wholegrain products and risk of colorectal cancers in the Diet, Cancer
and Health cohort study - Br J Cancer. 2010 Aug 24;103(5):730-4 -
"wholegrain (WG) products ... Higher WG product
intake was associated with lower risk of colon cancer and rectal cancer in
men. The adjusted IRR (95% CI) was 0.85 (0.77-0.94) for colon cancer and
0.90 (0.80-1.01) for rectal cancer per daily 50 g increment in intake. For
colon cancer the association was confined to intake of WG bread in
particular. No consistent associations between total or individual WG
product consumption and colon or rectal cancer risk were observed in women"
Replacing white rice with brown rice or other whole grains may reduce
diabetes risk - Science Daily, 6/14/10 -
"replacing 50 grams of white rice (just one third of a typical daily
serving) with the same amount of brown rice would lower risk of type 2
diabetes by 16%. The same replacement with other whole grains, such as whole
wheat and barley, was associated with a 36% reduced risk"
Whole grain boosts life expectancy of diabetic women: Study - Nutra USA
5/26/10 - "among 7,800 US women followed for 26
years, those with the highest bran intake were 28 percent less likely to die
during the review period than those who consumed the least bran ... Also,
they were 35 percent less likely to die of cardiovascular disease" -
Brown rice and cardiovascular protection -Science Daily, 4/26/10 -
"brown rice might have an advantage over white rice
by offering protection from high blood pressure and atherosclerosis
("hardening of the arteries") ... a component in a layer of tissue
surrounding grains of brown rice may work against angiotensin II.
Angiotensin II is an endocrine protein and a known culprit in the
development of high blood pressure and atherosclerosis"
Whole Grains Take a Bite Out of Type 2 Diabetes Risk - US News and World
Report, 3/25/10 - "people who ate five or more
servings per week of white rice were 17 percent more likely to develop type
2 diabetes than those who ate less than one serving of white rice per month
... people who ate two or more servings of brown rice per week were 11
percent less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who ate less than
one serving of brown rice per month ... We estimated that replacing 50
grams/day intake of white rice with the same amount of brown rice was
associated with a 16 percent lower risk of type 2 diabetes, whereas the same
replacement with whole grains as a group was associated with a 36 percent
lower diabetes risk"
Whole-Grain, Low-Calorie Diet Reduced Body Fat Compared With Refined-Wheat
Low-Calorie Diet - Doctor's Guide, 5/14/09 -
"Patients consuming whole-grain foods had a significantly larger drop in
body fat percentage (assessed by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry scanning)
compared with patients who had eaten refined foods (-6.8% vs -4.8%; P = .03)
... Total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels rose by 5% in the
refined-wheat group but remained unchanged in the wholemeal-wheat group"
Calcium And Vitamin D May Not Be The Only Protection Against Bone Loss -
Science Daily, 12/3/08 - "Diets that are high in
protein and cereal grains produce an excess of acid in the body which may
increase calcium excretion and weaken bones ... When fruits and vegetables
are metabolized they add bicarbonate, an alkaline compound, to the body ...
bicarbonate had a favorable effect on bone resorption and calcium excretion
... 171 men and women aged 50 and older were randomized to receive placebo
or doses of either: potassium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate, or potassium
chloride for three months. Researchers found that subjects taking
bicarbonate had significant reductions in calcium excretion, signaling a
decrease in bone resorption"
Eating Whole Grains Lowers Heart Failure Risk, According To New Study -
Science Daily, 10/27/08 - "whole grain consumption
lowered HF risk, while egg and high-fat dairy consumption raised risk. Other
food groups did not directly affect HF risk"
Rice bran contains high arsenic levels, study - Nutra USA, 8/26/08 -
"rice bran and rice bran solubles contain inorganic
arsenic levels of around 1mg/kg dry weight, which is around 10-20 times the
concentration found in bulk grain ... The tests were conducted on four bran
solubles, one defatted bran, one riceo-ex and three bran products ... Out of
the bran solubles, testing found the highest inorganic arsenic level of
0.86mg/kg in a sample from Holistic Enterprises, Santa Ana, USA. A sample
from NutraCea, USA was found to contain 0.82mg/kg. A sample from Pure Planet
Products, Long Beach, CA, USA, contained 0.71mg/kg and one from Integris,
RiSO Triene, USA, contained 0.61mg/kg ... The rice bran products tested were
from: General Dietary, UK & Eire; The Barry Farm, Ohio, USA; and Tsuno Rice
Fine Chemicals Co, Japan. They contained levels of 0.48, 0.64 and 1.65mg/kg
respectively ... The defatted bran and the riceo-ex products were again
sourced from Japan’s Tsuno Rice, and contained 1.16 and 1.88mg/kg
respectively" - That doesn't help me out much. I've been getting the
Tinkyada brown rice noodles at Henry's.
Whole Grains Fight Belly Fat - WebMD, 2/25/08 -
"Both groups experienced a decrease in body fat, but the whole-grain group
lost significantly more body fat from the abdominal region than the
refined-grain group. Excessive fat around the midsection is linked to an
increased risk of heart disease ... The whole-grain group experienced other
benefits. For example, CRP levels dropped by 38% among those who followed a
whole-grain diet"
Whole Grain Diets Lower Risk Of Chronic Disease, Study Shows - Science
Daily, 2/5/08 - "Consumption of whole grains has
been associated with a lower body weight and lower blood pressure ... waist
circumference and body weight decreased significantly in both groups --
between 8-11 pounds on average -- but weight loss in the abdominal region
was significantly greater in the whole grain group ... the whole grain group
experienced a 38 percent decrease in C-reactive protein levels ...
Participants in the whole grain group also showed an increased intake of
fiber and magnesium, both of which may prevent or delay the potential onset
of diabetes"
Oatmeal's Health Claims Reaffirmed, Study Suggests - Science Daily,
1/8/08 - "studies conducted during the past 15 years
have, without exception, shown: ... total cholesterol levels are lowered
through oat consumption ... low-density lipoprotein (LDL, the "bad"
cholesterol) is reduced without adverse effects on high-density lipoprotein
cholesterol (HDL, the "good" cholesterol), or triglyceride concentrations"
More support for whole grains for healthy hearts - Nutra USA< 1/7/08 -
"25 women and 25 men (average age 46, average BMI
35.8 kg per sq. m) were assigned to consume a reduced calorie diet (reduced
by 500 kcal/d) with half of the subjects then randomly assigned to obtain
all of their grain servings from whole grains or to avoid wholegrain foods
for 12 weeks ... CRP levels fell by 38 per cent in the whole-grain"
Whole Grains Cut Heart Failure Risk - WebMD, 10/22/07 -
"the risk of heart failure among those who ate
breakfast cereal at least seven times a week was 29% lower than that the
risk among those who never ate cereal, after adjusting for other heart
disease risk factors ... When researchers further analyzed the results they
found this healthy effect was associated with whole-grain cereals only, not
with refined breakfast cereals"
Whole Grains vs. High Blood Pressure - WebMD, 8/10/07 -
"Compared to women who reported eating less than
half a daily serving of whole grains, women who claimed to eat at least four
daily servings of whole grains were about 23% less likely to be diagnosed
with high blood pressure during the study"
Grain Fiber And Magnesium Intake Associated With Lower Risk For Diabetes
- Science Daily, 5/14/07 - "those who consumed the
most cereal fiber had a 33 percent lower risk of developing diabetes than
those who took in the least, while those who consumed the most magnesium had
a 23 percent lower risk than those who consumed the least. There was no
association between fruit or vegetable fiber and diabetes risk"
Health Benefits Of Whole Grains Confirmed - Science Daily, 5/9/07 -
"Consuming an average of 2.5 servings of whole
grains each day is associated with a 21 percent lower risk of cardiovascular
disease compared to consuming only 0.2 servings"
Whole-Grain Oats Cut Cholesterol - WebMD, 4/18/07 -
"people who ate whole-grain oatmeal had lower total
cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels compared with those who ate refined
grain foods. The average reduction in total cholesterol levels was 7.7 mg/dL
and the average reduction in LDL cholesterol levels was 7 mg/dL"
Whole Grain Oats May Reduce Risk Factors For Coronary Heart Disease -
Science Daily, 4/17/07
Whole-Grain Cereals Cut Heart Failure - WebMD, 3/2/07 -
"were followed for about 18 years, on average ...
Those who reported eating at least seven weekly servings of whole-grain
breakfast cereals were 21% less likely to develop heart failure during the
study, compared with those who ate no whole-grain breakfast cereals"
- Starch Intake May
Increase Risk for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia - Medscape, 6/27/06 -
"Starch intake was directly associated with increased risk for BPH with an
OR of 1.51 ... The main sources of starch in the subjects were white bread,
pasta, and rice ... An inverse relationship was observed for polyunsaturated
fats (OR, 0.72; 95% CI, 0.55 - 0.93), linoleic acid (OR, 0.73; 95% CI, 0.56
- 0.94), and linolenic acid (OR, 0.71"
Wholegrains better than refined grains to lower bad fats - Nutra USA,
3/22/06 - "After eating the refined-grain diet the
researchers found that serum levels of both triglycerides and apoCIII were
significantly higher than after eating the whole grain diet"
Nice, Brown Rice: Study Shows Rice Bran Lowers Blood Pressure In Rats -
Science Daily, 3/3/06 - "adding rice bran to the diets
of hypertensive, stroke-prone rats lowered the animals’ systolic blood pressure
by about 20 percent and, via the same mechanism, inhibited angiotensin-1
converting enzyme, or ACE"
Older Adults May Reduce Risk of Metabolic Syndrome by Eating More Whole
Grains - Doctor's Guide, 2/6/06 -
"as whole-grain intake increased, fasting blood
sugar levels were lower in these subjects. Refined grain intake, on the
other hand, was associated with higher fasting blood sugar levels ... people
who consumed high amounts of refined grains had twice the risk of having
metabolic syndrome than those people who consumed the fewest servings of
refined grains"
Wholegrains ease metabolic syndrome in older people - Nutra USA, 1/12/06
- "Volunteers in the highest wholegrain intake group
(3 servings per day) were statistically half as likely to develop MetS as
those who consumed less than half a serving per day"
Heart study strengthens interest in wholegrain products - Nutra USA,
7/28/05 - "Women with a history of heart disease who
participated in a research study and reported having eaten six or more
servings of per week had slower progression of atherosclerosis ...
Insufficient milling breakthroughs had, until last year, prevented bakers
from making a wholegrain bread with a similar taste and texture to white
- How whole grains can fight
disease - MSNBC, 3/4/05 -
"A greater whole-grain consumption than Americans
currently have is linked in several studies with lower death rates from both
heart disease and cancer ... whole grain consumption can result in 17 to 35
percent fewer deaths from these two diseases"
- Whole Grains Help
Your Heart - WebMD, 12/29/04 -
"Eating just 25 grams of whole grains a day reduces
the risk of heart disease by about 15%"
- Eat
Whole-Grain Carbs, Gain Less Weight - WebMD, 11/17/04 -
"Eating 40 grams of whole grains a day cuts
middle-age weight gain by as much as 3.5 pounds ... Whole grains have three
parts: bran, germ, and the starchy endosperm ... all three parts of whole
grains work together"
Research: Refined Grains Expand Girths - Intelihealth, 6/21/04 -
"three years they were tracked ... At the end, the
white bread group had three times the fiber group's gain at the gut ... I
think abdominal fat cells may be more sensitive to insulin's effects than
other fat cells in the body"
- Eating Whole
Grains Pays Off - WebMD, 2/19/04 -
"greater consumption of whole-grain, cereal fiber,
and diets with lower glycemic index were associated with better insulin
sensitivity and were less likely to be affected by insulin resistant or the
metabolic syndrome"
Wholegrain intake associated with lower risk of metabolic syndrome -
Nutra USA, 2/18/04 -
"intakes of total dietary fiber, cereal fiber, fruit
fiber, and wholegrains were inversely associated, whereas glycemic index and
glycemic load were positively associated with insulin resistance"
Buckwheat May Be Beneficial For Managing Diabetes - Intelihealth,
11/18/03 -
"extracts of the seed lowered blood glucose levels
by 12 percent to 19 percent when fed to diabetic rats ... incorporation of
buckwheat into the diet could help provide a safe, easy and inexpensive way
to lower glucose levels and reduce the risk of complications associated with
the disease, including heart, nerve and kidney problems"
- Higher Whole-Grain
Intake Associated With Increased Insulin Sensitivity - Medscape, 11/7/03
"Given that insulin sensitivity is one of the main
predictors of diabetes, our findings support previous reports on the
protective effects of whole grains on the risk of developing diabetes in men
and women by substantiating one of the underlying mechanisms"
Searching for ideal diet in sea of conflicting food advice - USA Today,
4/20/03 -
"Dr. Walter Willett, chairman of the nutrition
department at Harvard School of Public Health ... Willett has assembled an
"ideal" diet of his own that relies on healthier plant oils instead of
animal fats, and whole grains and high-fiber
carbohydrates (think brown rice and wheat pasta) over refined grains like
white rice ... It emphasizes plenty of vegetables and fruits, and healthy
protein sources — such as fish, poultry, nuts and legumes — instead of red
meat and high-fat dairy products. Willett also recommends a daily
multivitamin, moderate alcohol consumption and regular physical activity"
Whole-Grain Cereal Lengthens Lives - thesandiegochannel.com, 3/28/03 -
"men who ate one serving of whole-grain, high-fiber
cereal every day were nearly 30 percent less likely to die from
heart disease or other diet-related diseases ... the more whole-grain
cereal the men ate, the lower their risk of death from heart disease ...
Whole-grain cereals contain the kind of fiber that helps lower cholesterol
and blood pressure and improves how the body processes insulin and glucose.
Whole grains also have more vitamins, minerals and antioxidants than refined
cereal ... To make sure a cereal contains whole grains, check the ingredient
list. Whole grain or bran should be listed as the first ingredient ... To be
a whole-grain cereal, it must contain at least 2 grams of fiber per serving,
preferably more"
- Breakfast
Reduces Diabetes, Heart Disease - WebMD, 3/6/03 -
"A daily breakfast may reduce the risk of becoming
obese or developing signs that can lead to
diabetes -- called insulin resistance syndrome -- by 35% to 50% compared
with skipping the morning meal ... Their recommendation: A bowl of
whole-grain cereal ... eating whole-grain cereal each day was associated
with a 15% reduction in risk for the insulin resistance syndrome ... soluble
fiber forms a gel-like material that prevents
cholesterol and saturated fats from entering the bloodstream, where they
can collect and form plaques on artery walls. The insoluble fiber in these
cereals, meanwhile, helps keep bowel movement regular and may help reduce
risk of colon problems"
- Breakfast
Cereal and Heart Disease - WebMD, 2/26/03 -
"the more whole-grain cereal the men ate, the lower
their risk of death from heart disease or any other cause was. For example,
men who ate at least one serving of whole-grain breakfast cereal per day had
a 27% lower risk of death from any cause compared with those who rarely ate
whole-grain cereal ... men who ate the most whole-grain cereals also had a
28% lower risk of death due to heart disease and a 23% lower risk of heart
attack than men who ate the least whole-grain cereal ... whole grains are
thought to help lower cholesterol and blood pressure and improve how the
body processes insulin and glucose. Compared with their highly processed and
refined counterparts, whole-grain cereals also contain more beneficial
micronutrients, antioxidants, minerals, and fiber"
- Whole Grain Intake
Reduces Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in Men - New Hope Natural Media,
12/26/02 -
"People who consumed the highest amount of whole
grains (3.2 servings per day) had a 30% to 40% reduction in risk of
developing type 2 diabetes compared with those
who ate less than 1 serving a day ... The benefits of whole grains may be
due to their increased content of fiber, which is mostly removed in process
of refining whole grains to white flour. However, some studies suggest that
the higher amount of magnesium in whole grains also contributes to the lower
risk of diabetes"
- Stuffing Rich in
Antioxidants - WebMD, 11/8/02 -
"In the crust, they found eight times more of an
antioxidant called pronyl-lysine than in the crumbs. The original flour
contained none of the compound ... Pronyl-lysine is formed during baking in
both yeast-based and yeast-free bread"
Diets High In Whole Grains May Reduce The Risk Of Developing Type 2 Diabetes
In Men - Doctor's Guide, 9/4/02
- Want to Reduce
Your Diabetes Risk? - WebMD, 7/25/02 -
"those who reported eating the most servings of
whole grain foods tended to have lower insulin levels, lower body weights,
and lower cholesterol levels ... The study is just the latest to find that
foods such as slow-cooking oatmeal, popcorn, brown rice, and certain
processed whole grain breads and cereals are protective against type 2
diabetes. Eating whole grain foods has also been shown to lower the risk
of cardiovascular disease ... the wildly popular weight-loss programs that
restrict or eliminate carbohydrates from the diet are delivering the false
message that all carbohydrates are bad"
Diet Rich In Fruits, Vegetables Lowers Risk Of Upper Aerodigestive Tract
Cancers - Doctor's Guide, 5/24/02 -
"Intake of whole grains and
derived from a diet rich in fruits and vegetables
can reduce the risk of upper aerodigestive tract (UAT) cancers"
- Going Against the
Grain, Consumers Have a Lot to Learn About Dietary Recommendations -
WebMD. 3/14/01 -
"the majority also incorrectly believed that 4.3
servings a day was enough. Since 1992, the USDA has recommended 6-11
servings a day, depending on age, gender, and activity level"
Wholegrains May Improve
Survival in People With Type 2 Diabetes - Medscape, 9/20/22 -
"Decreased mortality from any cause was found for a
higher intake of fish (SRR per serving/week: 0.95, over six studies); whole
grain (SRR per 20 g/day: 0.84; two studies); fiber (SRR per 5 g/day: 0.86; three
studies), and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (SRR per 0.1 g/day: 0.87; two
studies) ... A low certainty of evidence was found for an inverse association
between all-cause mortality and vegetable consumption (SRR per 100 g/day: 0.88;
two studies) and plant protein intake (SRR per 10 g/day: 0.91; three studies)
... Eggs were associated with an increased risk of all-cause mortality (SRR per
10 g/day: 1.05; seven studies), as was dietary cholesterol (SRR per 300 mg/day:
1.19; two studies)"
Relationship between the
consumption of wholegrain and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: The TCLSIH
cohort study - Clin Nutr 2022 May 18 - "After
adjusting for several potential confounders and setting "almost never" as the
control group, the multivariable hazard ratios (95% confidence intervals) of the
NAFLD were 0.82 (0.73, 0.92) when they consuming ≤1 time/week, 0.78 (0.69, 0.88)
when they consuming 2-6 time/week and 0.77 (0.66, 0.90) when they consuming ≥1
time/day (p for trend" - See
brown rice pasta at Amazon.com.
Protects Against Atherosclerosis in Apolipoprotein E-deficient mice by
Modulating SIRT3 Signaling: The Possible Beneficial Effects of Whole Grain
Consumption - Mol Nutr Food Res 2022 Mar 17 - "Whole
grain consumption has been proven to be inversely associated with the risk of
cardiovascular diseases. As a biomarker for whole grain dietary intake,
5-heptadecylresorcinol (AR-C17) has attracted increased attention due to its
potential health-improving activity. However, the beneficial effect of AR-C17 on
atherosclerosis prevention and the underlying mechanism remain unclear. High-fat
diet fed ApoE-/- mice were administrated with or without AR-C17 (30 and 150
mg/kg) for 16 weeks. Histological staining was performed for plaque analysis.
Immunofluorescence, western blot and seahorse cell analysis were carried out to
investigate the action of mechanism of AR-C17. The results indicated that AR-C17
supplementation lowered serum total cholesterol, triglyceride, VLDL-C and LDL-C
levels. Moreover, the atherosclerotic plaques in the aortic root region of mice
heart were significantly reduced by AR-C17 intervention compared with ApoE-/-
control group. In addition, AR-C17 treatment alleviated endothelial cell damage
and apoptosis by improving mitochondrial function via SIRT3 signaling pathway
both in ApoE-/- mice and oxidized-LDL-treated HUVECs. AR-C17 might be applied as
a promising grain-based dietary bioactive ingredient for atherosclerosis
prevention. Meanwhile, as a mitochondrial protective agent, it can offer support
for the suggested health claim of whole grain diet" - Note: My most
frequent meal is whole grain rice noodles using salt free chicken broth with
some chicken, vegetables and Morton Lite salt added.
The associations between
whole grain and refined grain intakes and serum C-reactive protein - Eur J
Clin Nutr 2021 Aug 17 - "Epidemiological studies suggest
that whole grain intake has inverse associations with low-grade inflammation,
but findings regarding refined grains are inconclusive ... The results of this
study suggest that higher intake of whole grains is associated with lower
concentrations of hs-CRP and higher intake of refined grains is associated with
higher concentrations. However, especially the association with whole grain
intake was attenuated after adjusting for fibre intake from grains, suggesting
that cereal fibre may partly explain the association" - See
brown rice pasta at Amazon.com
Protective effects of wheat
germ oil against erectile and endothelial dysfunction in streptozotocin-induced
diabetic rats - Int J Impot Res 2021 Jun 9 - "Our
aim was to investigate the protective effect of wheat germ oil (WGO) at
different doses on diabetes mellitus (DM)-induced erectile and endothelial
dysfunction ... Acetylcholine-mediated relaxation in the aorta and erectile
functions decreased significantly in the DM group (p = 0.018 and p = 0.005). WGO
(3 and 6 ml/kg) improved vascular functions in the DM groups (p = 0.001 and p =
0.014). The beneficial effect of WGO on erectile function appeared at higher
doses of WGO. However, a higher dose of WGO substantially increased the
oxidative stress parameters in both aorta and penile tissue. These findings
suggest that the improvement in vascular or erectile function by WGO was not
related to antioxidant effects, and new studies are needed to clarify the
mechanism" - See wheat germ oil at
The effect of dietary fiber
(oat bran) supplement on blood pressure in patients with essential hypertension:
A randomized controlled trial - Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2021 Apr 28 -
"Insufficient dietary fiber (DF) intake is associated
with increased blood pressure (BP) and the mode of action is unclear. The intake
of DF supplements by participants in previous interventional studies was still
far below the amount recommended by the World Health Organization ... Increased
DF (oat bran) supplement improved BP, reduced the amount of antihypertensive
drugs, and modulated the gut microbiota" - See
oat bran at Amazon.com.
The effects of wheat germ
consumption on mental health and brain-derived neurotrophic factor in subjects
with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled
trial - Nutr Neurosci 2021 May 13 - "Eighty
participants with T2DM were randomly allocated to receive 20 g wheat germ (n =
40) or placebo (n = 40) in a randomized double-blind clinical trial for 12 weeks
... a significant increase in serum BDNF concentrations was observed in the
wheat germ group ... wheat germ consumption for 12 weeks could significantly
reduce the stress and depression scores but had no significant effects on
anxiety scale and anthropometric outcomes in patients with T2DM" - See
wheat germ at Amazon.com.
The consumption of
wholegrain is related to depressive symptoms among Chinese adults: a
cross-sectional study - Eur J Clin Nutr 2021 Apr 30 -
"After adjustments for potential confounding factors,
the odds ratios (95% confidence intervals) of depressive symptoms across
wholegrains consumption were 0.77 (0.65-0.91) for <1 time/week, 0.73 (0.62-0.86)
for 1 time/week and 0.68 (0.59-0.79) for ≥2 time/week in males compared with the
control group (almost never). In females, the odds ratios (95% confidence
intervals) were 0.86 (0.71-1.04) for <1 time/week, 0.94 (0.78-1.13) for 1
time/week, and 0.76 (0.65-0.91) for ≥2 time/week"
Whole-Grain Intake and
Pancreatic Cancer Risk-The Danish, Diet, Cancer and Health Cohort - J Nutr
2021 Feb 9 - "Total whole-grain product intake was
associated with a 7% lower incidence of pancreatic cancer per serving (50 g/d)
(HR: 0.93; 95% CI: 0.86, 1.00), and in the sex-specific analyses, an inverse
association was found only in men ... Our findings indicate that intake of whole
grains is associated with lower risk of pancreatic cancer in middle-aged men.
Consuming ample amounts of whole grains may prove beneficial in terms of
lowering pancreatic cancer risk"
Grain and dietary fiber
intake and bladder cancer risk: a pooled analysis of prospective cohort studies
- Am J Clin Nutr 2020 Aug 10 - "Higher intakes of total
whole grain and total dietary fiber are associated with reduced risk of BC
individually and jointly"
Whole Grain Consumption
and Its Effects on Hepatic Steatosis and Liver Enzymes in Patients with
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial -
Br J Nutr. 2019 Nov 5 - "Over the 12 weeks of this
open-label, randomized controlled clinical trial, 112 patients [mean age: 43±
8.7 y; body mass index (BMI) (kg/m2): 32.2 ± 4.3] were randomly assigned to two
groups to receive dietary advice; either to obtain at least half of their cereal
servings each day from whole-grain foods or from usual cereals. By the end of
the study, the grades of NAFLD showed a significant decrease in the intervention
group (P < 0.001). In addition, a significant reduction in serum concentration
of alanine aminotransferase (P < 0.001), aspartate aminotransferase (P < 0.001),
γ-glutamyltransferase (P = 0.009), systolic blood pressure (P = 0.004) and
diastolic blood pressure (P = 0.008) were observed in the intervention group
compared to the control group. After adjusting, however, no significant
differences were found between the two groups in terms of lipid profile,
glycemic status, and anthropometric measurements. Overall, our study
demonstrated that consumption of whole grains for 12 weeks had beneficial
effects on hepatic steatosis and liver enzymes concentrations in patients with"
Whole Grain
Consumption and Breast Cancer: A Case-Control Study in Women - J Am Coll
Nutr. 2015 Apr 27:1-7 - "Whole grain consumption of more than 7 times/week was
associated with a 0.49-fold (odds ratio = 0.49; 95% confidence interval, 0.29,
0.82) lower likelihood of having breast cancer, after adjustments were made" -
brown rice pasta at Amazon.com
My favorite is Annie Chun's Brown Rice Noodle, Maifun, 8-Ounce (Pack of 6)
and I used olive oil to make the pancit along with bean sprouts, fresh spinach
and either shrimp, chicken or the leanest cut of pork.
Acute effect
of sorghum flour-containing pasta on plasma total polyphenols, antioxidant
capacity and oxidative stress markers in healthy subjects: A randomised
controlled trial - Clin Nutr. 2014 Aug 14 - "pasta containing red wholegrain
sorghum flour enhanced antioxidant status and improved markers of oxidative
stress in healthy subjects" - See sorghum flour at Amazon.com
Effects of
the brown rice diet on visceral obesity and endothelial function: the BRAVO
study - Br J Nutr. 2013 Aug 12:1-11 - "Brown rice
(BR) and white rice (WR) produce different glycaemic responses and their
consumption may affect the dietary management of obesity ... In study 1, acute
postprandial metabolic parameters and flow- and nitroglycerine-mediated dilation
(FMD and NMD) of the brachial artery were determined in male volunteers with or
without the metabolic syndrome after ingestion of either BR or WR. The increases
in glucose and insulin AUC were lower after ingestion of BR than after ingestion
of WR (P= 0.041 and P= 0.045, respectively). FMD values were decreased 60 min
after ingestion of WR (P= 0.037 v. baseline), but the decrease was protected
after ingestion of BR. In study 2, a separate cohort of male volunteers (n 27)
with the metabolic syndrome was randomised into two groups with different BR and
WR consumption patterns. The values of weight-based parameters were decreased
after consumption of BR for 8 weeks, but returned to baseline values after a WR
consumption period. Insulin resistance and total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol
levels were reduced after consumption of BR" - See
brown rice pasta at Amazon.com
Intake of
whole grains from different cereal and food sources and incidence of colorectal
cancer in the Scandinavian HELGA cohort - Cancer Causes Control. 2013 Apr 30
- "We used data from the large population-based
Scandinavian cohort HELGA consisting of 108,000 Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian
persons, of whom 1,123 developed colorectal cancer during a median of 11 years
of follow-up. Detailed information on daily intake of whole-grain products,
including whole-grain bread, crispbread, and breakfast cereals, was available,
and intakes of total whole grains and specific whole-grain species (wheat, rye,
and oats) were estimated ... Intake of whole-grain products was associated with
a lower incidence of colorectal cancer per 50-g increment (incidence rate ratio
[IRR], 0.94; 95 % confidence interval [CI], 0.89, 0.99), and the same tendency
was found for total whole-grain intake (IRR pr. 25-g increment, 0.94; 95 % CI,
0.88, 1.01). Intake of whole-grain wheat was associated with a lower incidence
of colorectal cancer (IRR for highest versus lowest quartile of intake, 0.66; 95
% CI, 0.51, 0.85), but no statistical significant linear trend was observed (p
for trend: 0.18). No significant association was found for whole-grain rye or
effects of dietary black and brown rice brans in tumor-bearing mice:
Relationship to composition - Mol Nutr Food Res. 2012 Dec 23 -
"Black and brown rice brans from Oryza sativa
LK1-3-6-12-1 and Chuchung cultivars each contained 21 compounds characterized by
GC/MS [gas chromatography–mass spectrometry]. Mice fed diets with added rice
brans for 2 weeks were intracutaneously inoculated with CT-26 mouse cancer cells
and fed the same diet for two additional weeks. Tumor mass was 35 and 19% lower
in the black and brown bran-fed groups, respectively" - See
brown rice pasta at Amazon.com
White rice
consumption and risk of type 2 diabetes - Clin Nutr. 2012 Nov 14 -
"A population-based cohort study was undertaken in
Pizarra, Spain. At baseline and follow-up, participants underwent an interview
and a standardized clinical examination which included an oral glucose tolerance
test in those subjects without known diabetes ... In subjects who reported rice
intake 2-3 times a week, incidence of diabetes after 6 years follow-up was
12.0%, and in those who reported once or less a week, 20.2% (p = 0.04, non
adjusted). Subjects who ate rice frequently had lower risk to develop diabetes 6
years later (OR = 0.43, p = 0.04; adjusted for age, sex, obesity, and presence
of impaired fasting glucose and/or impaired glucose tolerance at baseline)"
Changes in
bread consumption and 4-year changes in adiposity in Spanish subjects at high
cardiovascular risk - Br J Nutr. 2012 Dec 3:1-10 -
"We analysed 2213 participants at high risk for CVD from the PREvención con
DIeta MEDiterránea (PREDIMED) trial to assess the association between changes in
the consumption of bread and weight and waist circumference gain over time.
Dietary habits were assessed with validated FFQ at baseline and repeatedly every
year during 4 years of follow-up ... The present results showed that over 4
years, participants in the highest quartile of change in white bread intake
gained 0.76 kg [1.7 pounds] more than those in the lowest quartile (P for trend
= 0.003) and 1.28 cm [0.5 inches] more than those in the lowest quartile (P for
trend < 0.001) ... The present results suggest that reducing white bread, but
not whole-grain bread consumption, within a Mediterranean-style food pattern
setting is associated with lower gains in weight and abdominal fat"
Whole-Grain Intake Is Associated with Lower Risk of Type 2 Diabetes,
Cardiovascular Disease, and Weight Gain - J Nutr. 2012 May 30 -
"identified 45 prospective cohort studies and 21
randomized-controlled trials (RCT) between 1966 and February 2012 ... compared
with never/rare consumers of whole grains, those consuming 48-80 g whole grain/d
(3-5 serving/d) had an ~26% lower risk of T2D [RR = 0.74 (95% CI: 0.69, 0.80)],
~21% lower risk of CVD [RR = 0.79 (95% CI: 0.74, 0.85)], and consistently less
weight gain during 8-13 y (1.27 vs 1.64 kg; P = 0.001). Among RCT, weighted mean
differences in post-intervention circulating concentrations of fasting glucose,
total and LDL-cholesterol comparing whole-grain intervention groups with
controls indicated significantly lower concentrations after whole-grain
interventions [differences in fasting glucose: -0.93 mmol/L (95% CI: -1.65,
-0.21), total cholesterol: -0.83 mmol/L (-1.24, -0.42); and LDL-cholesterol:
-0.72 mmol/L (-1.34, -0.11)]. Findings from this meta-analysis provide evidence
to support beneficial effects of whole-grain intake on vascular disease
of the usefulness of a low-calorie diet with or without bread in the treatment
of overweight/obesity - Clin Nutr. 2011 Dec 30 -
"The aim of this study was to compare two nutrition strategies (with or without
bread) designed to promote weight loss in overweight/obese women ... 104 women
completed the study (48.4 +/- 9 years, 29.8 +/- 3.5 kg/m(2)). Anthropometric and
biochemical markers improved after the intervention without significant
differences between groups. BREAD group significantly increased total cereal
consumption (3.2 +/- 1.3 to 3.7 +/- 0.5 servings/day, P < 0.05) and the
percentage of energy from carbohydrates (41.2 +/- 6.4 vs. 45.9 +/- 5.0% P <
0.001) and reduced fat (39.0 +/- 6.6 vs. 32.7 +/- 5.1% P < 0.001). In contrast,
NO BREAD group increased the discrepancy with recommended consumption. NO BREAD
group had the most dropouts (21.3% vs. 6.6%, P < 0.05) ... The bread inclusion
in a low-calorie diet designed for weight loss favoured a better evolution of
dietetic parameters and greater compliance with the diet with fewer dropouts"
cereals and bread: a duet of the Mediterranean diet for the prevention of
chronic diseases - Public Health Nutr. 2011 Dec;14(12):2316-22 -
"Several studies show consistently that subjects who
ingest three or more portions of foods per day based on wholegrain cereals have
a 20-30 % lower risk of CVD than subjects who ingest low quantities of cereals.
This level of protection is not observed with the ingestion of refined cereals,
these being even higher than with the intake of fruit and vegetables. Likewise,
high intake of wholegrain cereals and their products, such as whole-wheat bread,
is associated with a 20-30 % reduction in the risk of type 2 diabetes. Finally,
protection against the risk of colorectal cancer and polyps, other cancers of
the digestive tract, cancers related to hormones and pancreatic cancer has been
associated with the regular consumption of wholegrain cereals and derived
cereals and risk of hypertension in the Physicians' Health Study I - Clin
Nutr. 2011 Aug 23 - "The average age of study
participants was 52.4 +/- 8.9 years (range 39.7-85.9) during the initial
assessment of cereal intake (1981-1983). During a mean follow up of 16.3 years,
7267 cases of hypertension occurred. The crude incidence rates of hypertension
were 36.7, 34.0, 31.7, and 29.6 cases/1000 person-years for people reporting
breakfast cereal intake of 0, ≤1, 2-6, and ≥7 servings/week, respectively. In a
Cox regression model adjusting for age, smoking, body mass index, alcohol
consumption, fruit and vegetable consumption, physical activity, and history of
diabetes mellitus, hazard ratios (95% CI) for hypertension were 1.0 (reference),
0.93 (0.88-0.99), 0.88 (0.83-0.94), and 0.81 (0.75-0.86) from the lowest to the
highest category of cereal consumption, respectively (p for trend <0.0001). This
association was strongest for whole grain cereals and was observed in lean as
well as overweight or obese participants"
A diet rich
in oat bran improves blood lipids and hemostatic factors, and reduces apparent
energy digestibility in young healthy volunteers - Eur J Clin Nutr. 2011 Jun
8 - "Total cholesterol decreased by 14% during the oat
bran period compared with 4% during the control period (P<0.001).
Non-high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol decreased by 16% in the oat bran
period compared with 3% in the control period (P<0.01), as did total
triacylglycerol (21 vs 10%, P<0.05) and very-low-density lipoprotein
triacylglycerol 33 vs 9%, P<0.01). Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) and
factor VII (fVII) levels decreased more during consumption of oat bran compared
with the control period (PAI-1: 30 vs 2.3%, P<0.01; fVII: 15 vs 7.6%, <0.001).
Fecal volume and dry matter were greater when consuming the oat bran diet
compared with the control (P<0.001), and energy excretion was increased by 37%
(1014 vs 638 kJ/day, P<0.001); however, changes in body weight did not differ
(oat bran:-0.3+/-0.5 kg; control: 0.0+/-0.7 kg).Conclusions: Addition of oat
bran (6 g soluble fiber/day) to a low-fiber diet lowered total and non-HDL
cholesterol, as well as hemostatic factors, and may affect energy balance
through reduced energy utilization"
Foods and
Food Groups Associated With the Incidence of Colorectal Polyps: The Adventist
Health Study - Nutr Cancer. 2011 May 4:1 -
"Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a leading cause of cancer death in the United
States. The majority of CRC arise in adenomatous polyps and 25-35% of colon
adenoma risk could be avoidable by modifying diet and lifestyle habits ...
Multivariate analysis adjusted by age, sex, body mass index, and education
showed a protective association with higher frequency of consumption of cooked
green vegetables (OR 1 time/d vs. <5/wk = 0.76, 95% CI = 0.59-0.97) and dried
fruit (OR 3+ times/wk vs. <1 time/wk = 0.76, 95%CI = 0.58-0.99). Consumption of
legumes at least 3 times/wk reduced the risk by 33% after adjusting for meat
intake. Consumption of brown rice at least 1 time/wk reduced the risk by 40%.
These associations showed a dose-response effect. High frequency of consumption
of cooked green vegetables, dried fruit, legumes, and brown rice was associated
with a decreased risk of colorectal polyps"
Fiber Intake and Mortality in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study - Arch
Intern Med. 2011 Feb 14 - "During an average of 9 years
of follow-up, we identified 20 126 deaths in men and 11 330 deaths in women.
Dietary fiber intake was associated with a significantly lowered risk of total
death in both men and women (multivariate relative risk comparing the highest
with the lowest quintile, 0.78 [95% CI, 0.73-0.82; P for trend, <.001] in men
and 0.78 [95% CI, 0.73-0.85; P for trend, <.001] in women). Dietary fiber intake
also lowered the risk of death from cardiovascular, infectious, and respiratory
diseases by 24% to 56% in men and by 34% to 59% in women. Inverse association
between dietary fiber intake and cancer death was observed in men but not in
women. Dietary fiber from grains, but not from other sources, was significantly
inversely related to total and cause-specific death in both men and women"
- See brown rice pasta at Amazon.com
(my favorite with turkey meatballs and roasted garlic tomato sauce).
Effects of
whole grains on coronary heart disease risk - Curr Atheroscler Rep. 2010
Nov;12(6):368-76 - "Whole grains high in viscous fiber
(oats, barley) decrease serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and blood
pressure and improve glucose and insulin responses. Grains high in insoluble
fiber (wheat) moderately lower glucose and blood pressure but also have a
prebiotic effect. Obesity is inversely related to whole grain intake, but
intervention studies with whole grains have not produced weight loss. Visceral
fat, however, may be affected favorably"
Rye Whole
Grain and Bran Intake Compared with Refined Wheat Decreases Urinary C-Peptide,
Plasma Insulin, and Prostate Specific Antigen in Men with Prostate Cancer -
J Nutr. 2010 Oct 27 - "Seventeen participants were
provided with 485 g rye whole grain and bran products (RP) or refined wheat
products with added cellulose (WP), corresponding to ~50% of daily energy
intake, in a randomized controlled, crossover design ... We conclude that whole
grain and bran from rye resulted in significantly lower plasma PSA compared with
a cellulose-supplemented refined wheat diet in patients with prostate cancer.
The effect may be related to inhibition of prostate cancer progression caused by
decreased exposure to insulin, as indicated by plasma insulin and urinary
C-peptide excretion"
Whole- and
refined-grain intakes are differentially associated with abdominal visceral and
subcutaneous adiposity in healthy adults: the Framingham Heart Study - Am J
Clin Nutr. 2010 Sep 29 - "visceral adipose tissue (VAT)
... Increasing whole-grain intake is associated with lower VAT in adults,
whereas higher intakes of refined grains are associated with higher VAT"
of dietary whole grain intake with fasting glucose- and insulin-related genetic
loci in individuals of European descent: a meta-analysis of 14 cohort studies
- Diabetes Care. 2010 Aug 6 - "Greater whole grain food
intake was associated with lower fasting glucose and insulin concentrations
independent of demographics, other dietary and lifestyle factors, and BMI (beta
[95% CI] per 1-serving greater whole grain intake: -0.009 mmol/L glucose
[-0.013, -0.005], p <0.0001 and -0.011 pmol/L (ln) insulin [-0.015, -0.007], p
=0.0003) ... Our results support the favorable association of whole grain intake
with fasting glucose and insulin and suggest potential interaction between
variation in GCKR and whole grain intake in influencing fasting insulin
Effect of
increased consumption of whole-grain foods on blood pressure and other
cardiovascular risk markers in healthy middle-aged persons: a randomized
controlled trial - Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 Aug 4 -
"randomly allocated volunteers to a control (refined diet), wheat, or wheat +
oats group for 12 w ... Systolic blood pressure and pulse pressure were
significantly reduced by 6 and 3 mm Hg, respectively, in the whole-grain foods
groups compared with the control group ... Daily consumption of 3 portions of
whole-grain foods can significantly reduce cardiovascular disease risk in
middle-aged people mainly through blood pressure-lowering mechanisms. The
observed decrease in systolic blood pressure could decrease the incidence of
coronary artery disease and stroke by ge 15% and 25%, respectively"
Whole Grains
Are Associated with Serum Concentrations of High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein
among Premenopausal Women - J Nutr. 2010 Jul 28 -
"Whole grain intake was inversely associated with hs-CRP concentrations after
adjusting for age, race, BMI, illness, and antiinflammatory drug use. Consumers
of between 0 and 1 serving/d of whole grains had, on average, 11.5% lower hs-CRP
concentrations (P = 0.02) and consumers of >/=1 serving/d had 12.3% lower hs-CRP
concentrations (P = 0.02) compared with nonconsumers"
Intake and Cereal Fiber Are Associated with Lower Abdominal Adiposity in Older
Adults - J Nutr. 2009 Sep 2 - "After adjustment for
covariates, whole-grain intake was inversely associated with BMI [26.8 kg/m(2)
(25.7-28.1) vs. 25.8 kg/m(2) (24.6-27.1), (95% CI); P-trend = 0.08], percent
body fat [34.5% (32.7-36.3) vs. 32.1% (30.1-34.1); P-trend = 0.02], and percent
trunk fat mass [43.0% (40.4-45.5) vs. 39.4% (36.7-42.1); P-trend = 0.02] in the
lowest compared with the highest quartile category of whole-grain intake.
Refined grain intake was not associated with any measure of body fat
distribution. Cereal fiber was inversely associated with BMI [27.3 kg/m(2)
(26.1-28.6) vs. 25.4 kg/m(2) (24.3-26.7); P-trend = 0.012], percent body fat
[34.7% (32.8-36.6) vs. 31.5% (29.4-33.5); P-trend = 0.004], and percent trunk
fat mass [42.8% (40.2-45.4) vs. 37.8% (35.0-40.6) ... Higher intakes of cereal
fiber, particularly from whole-grain sources, are associated with lower total
percent body fat and percent trunk fat mass in older adults"
Whole grains
and incident hypertension in men - Am J Clin Nutr. 2009 Jul 1 -
"whole-grain intake was inversely associated with risk
of hypertension, with a relative risk (RR) of 0.81 (95% CI: 0.75-0.87) in the
highest compared with the lowest quintile (P for trend < 0.0001). In the
multivariate model, total bran was inversely associated with hypertension, with
a relative risk (RR) of 0.85 (95% CI: 0.78, 0.92) in the highest compared with
the lowest quintile"
Intake of
plant foods and associated nutrients in prostate cancer risk - Nutr Cancer.
2009;61(2):216-24 - "Plant foods and associated
nutrients may impact prostate cancer (PC) risk and survival ... Reduced PC risk
was associated with the highest tertile of cryptoxanthin (OR = 0.51; 95% CI =
0.35-0.75), fiber (OR = 0.56; 95% CI = 0.35-0.89), vitamin C (OR = 0.60; 95% CI
= 0.41-0.88), and fruits and/or fruit juices (OR = 0.46; 95% CI = 0.31-0.68),
with significant linear trends. Increased risk of PC was associated with the
highest tertile of protein (OR = 1.99; 95% CI = 1.05-3.79) and daily servings of
grains (OR = 1.99; 95% CI = 1.23-3.22) with significant linear trends"
effects of a whole grain enriched hypocaloric diet on cardiovascular disease
risk factors in men and women with metabolic syndrome - J Clin Nutr. 2008
Jan;87(1):79-90 - "Both hypocaloric diets were effective
means of improving CVD risk factors with moderate weight loss. There were
significantly (P < 0.05) greater decreases in CRP and percentage body fat in the
abdominal region in participants consuming whole grains than in those consuming
refined grains"
Whole- and refined-grain intakes and the risk of hypertension in women - Am
J Clin Nutr. 2007 Aug;86(2):472-9 - "Higher whole-grain
intake was associated with a reduced risk of hypertension in middle-aged and
older women"
Whole-grain consumption is associated with a reduced risk of noncardiovascular,
noncancer death attributed to inflammatory diseases in the Iowa Women's Health
Study - Am J Clin Nutr. 2007 Jun;85(6):1606-14 -
"The reduction in inflammatory mortality associated with habitual whole-grain
intake was larger than that previously reported for coronary heart disease and
diabetes. Because a variety of phytochemicals are found in whole grains that may
directly or indirectly inhibit oxidative stress, and because oxidative stress is
an inevitable consequence of inflammation, we suggest that oxidative stress
reduction by constituents of whole grain is a likely mechanism for the
protective effect"
Whole-grain intake and carotid artery atherosclerosis in a multiethnic cohort:
the Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study - Am J Clin Nutr. 2007
Jun;85(6):1495-502 - "carotid intimal medial thickness
(IMT) ... common carotid artery (CCA) ... Whole-grain intake is inversely
associated with CCA IMT, and this relation is not attributable to individual
risk intermediates, single nutrient constituents, or larger dietary patterns"
Blood glucose lowering effects of brown rice in normal and diabetic subjects
- Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2006 May-Jun;57(3-4):151-8 - "The
total sugar released in vitro was 23.7% lower in brown rice than in milled rice.
In healthy volunteers, the glycemic area and glycemic index were, respectively,
19.8% and 12.1% lower (p < 0.05) in brown rice than milled rice, while in
diabetics, the respective values were 35.2% and 35.6% lower. The effect was
partly due to the higher amounts of phytic acid, polyphenols, dietary fiber and
oil in brown compared to milled rice and the difference in some physicochemical
properties of the rice samples such as minimum cooking time and degree of
Whole-grain foods do not affect insulin sensitivity or markers of lipid
peroxidation and inflammation in healthy, moderately overweight subjects - J
Nutr. 2007 Jun;137(6):1401-7 - "substitution of whole
grains (mainly based on milled wheat) for refined-grain products in the habitual
daily diet of healthy moderately overweight adults for 6-wk did not affect
insulin sensitivity or markers of lipid peroxidation and inflammation"
Fiber and Magnesium Intake and Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes: A Prospective Study
and Meta-analysis - Arch Intern Med. 2007 May 14;167(9):956-65 -
"Higher cereal fiber and magnesium intakes may decrease
diabetes risk"
Muesli with 4 g oat beta-glucans lowers glucose and insulin responses after a
bread meal in healthy subjects - Eur J Clin Nutr. 2007 Apr 4 -
"Muesli enriched with 4 g of beta-glucans reduces
postprandial glucose and insulin levels to a breakfast based on high glycaemic
index products. A total of 4 g of beta-glucans from oats seems to be a critical
level for a significant decrease in glucose and insulin responses in healthy
Whole-grain diets reduce blood pressure in mildly hypercholesterolemic men and
women - J Am Diet Assoc. 2006 Sep;106(9):1445-9 -
"Systolic pressure was lower after the wheat/rice and
half-and-half diets. Diastolic and mean arterial pressures were reduced by all
whole-grain diets"
Whole grains, bran, and germ in relation to homocysteine and markers of glycemic
control, lipids, and inflammation 1 - Am J Clin Nutr. 2006 Feb;83(2):275-283
- "Whole-grain intake was inversely associated with
homocysteine and markers of glycemic control ... Inverse associations were also
observed with total cholesterol (P = 0.02), HDL cholesterol (P = 0.05), and LDL
cholesterol ... Whole-grain intake was most strongly inversely associated with
markers of glycemic control in this population"
Cereal fiber and whole-grain intake are associated with reduced progression
of coronary-artery atherosclerosis in postmenopausal women with coronary artery
disease - Am Heart J. 2005 Jul;150(1):94-101 -
"Intakes of total, fruit, and vegetable fiber, and
number of servings of refined grain, fruits, or vegetable were not associated
with progression ... Higher intakes of cereal fiber and whole-grain products are
associated with less progression of coronary atherosclerosis in postmenopausal
women with established CAD"
Changes in whole-grain, bran, and cereal fiber consumption in relation to
8-y weight gain among men - Am J Clin Nutr. 2004 Nov;80(5):1237-45 -
"an increase in whole-grain intake was inversely
associated with long-term weight gain (P for trend < 0.0001). A
dose-response relation was observed, and for every 40-g/d increment in
whole-grain intake from all foods, weight gain was reduced by 0.49 kg. Bran
that was added to the diet or obtained from fortified-grain foods further
reduced the risk of weight gain (P for trend = 0.01), and, for every 20 g/d
increase in intake, weight gain was reduced by 0.36 kg"
Whole-grain intake and insulin sensitivity: the Insulin Resistance
Atherosclerosis Study - Am J Clin Nutr. 2003 Nov;78(5):965-71 -
"Higher intakes of whole grains were associated with
increases in insulin sensitivity"
Why whole grains are protective: biological mechanisms - Proc Nutr Soc
2003 Feb;62(1):129-34 -
"First, whole grains are concentrated sources of
dietary fibre, resistant starch and oligosaccharides, carbohydrates that
escape digestion in the small intestine and are fermented in the gut,
producing short-chain fatty acids (SCFA). SCFA lower colonic pH, serve as an
energy source for the colonocytes and may alter blood lipids. These
improvements in the gut environment may provide immune protection beyond the
gut. Second, whole grains are rich in antioxidants, including trace minerals
and phenolic compounds, and these compounds have been linked to disease
prevention. Additionally, whole grains mediate insulin and glucose
responses. Although lower glycaemic load and glycaemic index have been
linked to diabetes and obesity, risk of cancers such as colon and breast
cancer have also been linked to high intake of readily-available
carbohydrate. Finally, whole grains contain many other compounds that may
protect against chronic disease. These compunds include phytate,
phyto-oestrogens such as lignan, plant stanols and sterols, and vitamins and
Whole grains protect against atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease -
Proc Nutr Soc 2003 Feb;62(1):135-42 -
"Generous intake of whole grains also provides
protection from development of diabetes and obesity. Diets rich in
wholegrain foods tend to decrease serum LDL-cholesterol and triacylglycerol
levels as well as blood pressure while increasing serum HDL-cholesterol
levels. Whole-grain intake may also favourably alter antioxidant status,
serum homocysteine levels, vascular reactivity and the inflammatory state.
Whole-grain components that appear to make major contributions to these
protective effects are: dietary fibre; vitamins; minerals; antioxidants;
phytosterols; other phytochemicals. Three servings of whole grains daily are
recommended to provide these health benefits"
Whole-grain and fiber intake and the incidence of type 2 diabetes -
AJCN, 3/1/03 -
"Whole-grain consumption was associated with a
reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. The relative
risk (adjusted for age, sex, geographic area, smoking status, body mass
index, energy intake, and intakes of vegetables, fruit, and berries) between
the highest and lowest quartiles of whole-grain consumption was 0.65 (95%
CI: 0.36, 1.18; P for trend = 0.02). Cereal fiber intake was also associated
with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. The relative risk between the
extreme quartiles of cereal fiber intake was 0.39"
Is intake of breakfast cereals related to total and cause-specific mortality
in men? - AJCN, 3/1/03 -
"Compared with men who rarely or never consumed
whole-grain cereal, men in the highest category of whole-grain cereal intake
( 1 serving/d) had multivariate-estimated relative risks of total and
CVD-specific mortality of 0.83 (95% CI: 0.73, 0.94; P for trend < 0.001) and