Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending
10/26/11. You should consult your doctor if you are taking any
Study: Germs on gas pumps, ATMs and more could make you sick - USATODAY.com,
10/25/11 - "A scientific survey released Tuesday found
71% of gas pump handles and 68% of corner mailbox handles were highly
contaminated with germs most associated with a
high risk of illness, as were 41% of ATM buttons and 43% of escalator rails"
CDC Panel: All Young Boys Should Get HPV Vaccine - ABC News, 10/25/11 -
"All males starting at age 11 should receive the HPV
vaccine Gardasil to protect themselves
against sexually transmitted forms of human
papillomavirus, the cause of most cervical and anal cancers as well as most
mouth and throat cancers, a Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention advisory committee voted today" -
Think water boarding which is used to torture and get information. That's
what it's like the first few weeks after throat surgery. I've had both.
Anyone want their kids going through that?
B vitamins may slow cognitive decline: Oxford University study - Nutra USA,
10/25/11 - "A daily combination of
folic acid, and vitamins B6 and B12 was
associated with a 30% reduction in levels of the amino acid
homocysteine, and improvements in a range
of mental tests, including global cognition and episodic
memory ... One interpretation [of the data] is
that lowering homocysteine concentrations by administering B vitamins slows
brain atrophy, which in turn slows both
cognitive and clinical decline ... The Vitacog study involved 266 people over
the age of 70 with diagnosed mild cognitive impairment. Participants were
randomly assigned to receive either placebo or a B vitamin supplement providing
0.8 mg per day of folic acid, 0.5 mg of vitamin B12 and 20 mg of vitamin B6"
- [Abstract]
HPV may
raise women's risk of heart disease - MSNBC, 10/24/11 -
"Women who tested positive for any of the 37 strains of
the virus the researchers tested for were 2.3 times more likely to also have had
either a heart attack or stroke than women who tested negative ... As such, the
study suggests that "the HPV vaccine may
also help prevent heart disease," ... The researchers said the link might be due
to the virus's ability to silence two genes known to play roles in the health of
blood vessels ... We didn't study males, but men can be infected with HPV"
fizzy soft drink consumption linked to violence among teens - Science Daily,
10/25/11 - "heavy use of carbonated non-diet soft drinks
was significantly associated with carrying a gun or knife, and violence towards
peers, family members and partners ... When the findings were divided into four
categories of consumption, the results showed a clear dose-response relationship
across all four measures ... There may be a direct
cause-and-effect-relationship, perhaps due to the sugar or caffeine content of
soft drinks, or there may be other factors, unaccounted for in our analyses,
that cause both high soft drink consumption and aggression"
consumption associated with decreased risk for basal cell carcinoma -
Science Daily, 10/24/11 - "Data were taken from the
Nurses' Health Study (Brigham and Women's Hospital) and the Health Professionals
Follow-Up Study ... women who consumed more than three cups of
coffee per day had a 20 percent reduction in risk
for BCC, and men who consumed more than three
cups per day had a nine percent risk reduction compared with people who consumed
less than one cup per month"
Analgesics use associated with increased risk for renal cell carcinoma -
Science Daily, 10/24/11 - "conducted a Medline database
search for case-control or cohort studies on
acetaminophen, aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs),
published between 1966 and July 1, 2011...any use of acetaminophen was
associated with a 33 percent increased risk for
RCC, and use of other NSAIDs was linked
with a 26 percent increased risk. No significantly increased risk for RCC was
found with the use of aspirin"
patterns may be linked to increased colorectal cancer risk in women -
Science Daily, 10/24/11 - "High red meat intake, fish
intake, sugar-sweetened beverage intake, but low coffee, whole grains and
high-fat dairy intake, when taken as a whole, seemed to be associated with
higher levels of C-peptide in the blood ... C-peptide is a marker of insulin
secretion that can be measured in a person's blood. High levels of insulin may
promote cell growth and multiplication. One of the major characteristics of
cancer is aberrant cell growth. Higher levels of C-peptide, and therefore
insulin, may promote cancer cell growth ... Colon cancer seems to be one of the
cancers that are sensitive to insulin ... women who most often consumed high
amounts of red meat, fish and sugar-sweetened beverages and low amounts of
high-fat dairy, coffee and whole grains had a 35 percent increased risk for
colorectal cancer" - See my
Insulin and Aging page which shows a lot of studies associating high insulin
with various cancers.
fitness could have a positive effect on eye health - Science Daily, 10/24/11
- "low ocular perfusion pressure (OPP), an important
risk factor for glaucoma ... From 2006 to 2010,
study participants were examined for eye pressure -- medically termed
intraocular pressure (IOP ) -- and systolic and diastolic blood pressure
measurements. The results showed that moderate
physical exercise performed approximately 15 years previously is associated
with a 25% reduced risk of low OPP"
Study: BPA Exposure in Womb Linked to Kids' Behavior Problems - WebMD,
10/24/11 - "The new study is published in Pediatrics. It
is one of the first to show that BPA exposure in the
womb may be linked to behavioral effects in young children ... The study
released in Pediatrics has significant shortcomings in study design and the
conclusions are of unknown relevance to public health ... While there was no
association between the BPA in a child's urine and their behavior, the
researchers found that moms who had higher levels of BPA in their urine during
pregnancy also had 3-year-olds with more
anxiety, depression, and hyperactivity"
Soy beats milk protein for cholesterol improvements: RCT - Nutra USA,
10/22/11 - "Results showed that, compared with
carbohydrates, the soy protein was associated with a
3.97 mg/dl reduction in total
cholesterol levels, and a 0.12 mg/dl reduction in the ratio of total:HDL
cholesterol ... In addition, compared to milk protein,
the soy protein was associated with a 1.54 mg/dl increase in HDL cholesterol
levels and a 0.14 mg/dl decrease in the ratio of total:HDL cholesterol ... On
the other hand, milk protein supplementation was significantly associated with a
1.13 mg/dL decrease in HDL levels, compared to carb
supplement ... The effect of milk protein did not confer a significant favorable
effect on any lipid measures compared with carbohydrate" - Note: In
addition to homemade yogurt, I been using
Silk plus DHA Omega-3
on my cereal. If you read the ingredients, it's probably not the best for
you but it sure tastes good. The soy adds variety over the milk used to
make the yogurt.
mental performance with fish oil? - Science Daily, 10/21/11 -
"overall, taking either of two different types of
fish oil supplement for three months had no
consistent impact on mental function in 18 --
35-year-olds, however they did find evidence of reduced mental fatigue and
faster reaction times. Contrary to popular belief, these results suggest that
taking omega-3 or fish oil supplements may not have an immediate or measureable
impact on mental performance in healthy young adults, possibly due to the fact
that this population is already performing at its mental peak or that higher
doses or longer than 12 weeks supplementation are required ... Interestingly, in
the second of these studies it was found that taking DHA-rich
fish oil over the same time period did increase blood flow to active areas of
the brain during performance of similar mental tasks. The researchers claim
these findings could have implications for mental function later on in life, as
evidence suggests regularly eating oily fish or taking omega-3 supplements may
prevent cognitive decline and dementia, and increased blood flow to the brain
may be a mechanism by which this occurs" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
lifestyle changes can add a decade or more healthy years to the average
lifespan, Canadian study shows - Science Daily, 10/22/11 -
"Achieving these seven simple lifestyle factors gives
people a 90 per cent chance of living to the age of 90 or 100, free of not only
heart disease and stroke but from a number of other chronic illnesses including
BPA may be
tied to diabetes, after all - MSNBC, 10/20/11 - "Two
large studies have found a link between higher BPA
levels and higher heart disease risk. And a 2008 study found that of Americans
in a government health survey, those with higher BPA levels showed a higher
diabetes risk ... None of that, however, proves cause-and-effect ... This latest
study is based on data from a federal health study ... Of people with the
highest levels (more than 4.2 nanograms per milliliter, ng/mL), almost 13
percent had diabetes, versus 8 percent of adults with the lowest BPA levels
(less than 1.1 ng/mL)"
Don't touch! Study confirms your worst fears about public potties - MSNBC,
10/20/11 - "As long suspected, bathroom surfaces in U.S.
restaurants, airplanes, stores, hospitals and other busy locales are often
heavily contaminated with illness-causing microbes – and, in some cases, the bug
colonies are even too large to measure ... Among the types of microscopic
critters commonly discovered were staphylococcus (which can cause fevers and
chills) and bacillus (which can cause diarrhea) ... You can wash your hands till
the cows come home. (If we swab your freshly scrubbed palms and culture the
results), you are going to grow something"
The Doctor's Remedy: Turmeric for Joint Pain - NYTimes.com, 10/19/11 -
"Physician: Dr. Minerva Santos, director of integrative
medicine at Northern Westchester Hospital in New York ... Recommended Remedy:
Turmeric for
joint pain
... What the Doctor Says: ... She recommends a dose of 1,000 milligrams a day.
The benefit of buying it in a bottle, she said, is that it’s usually combined
with a compound called piperine, which aids
absorption" - See
curcumin products at Amazon.com .
linked to breast cancer? - Science Daily, 10/19/11 -
"assessed the effect of chronic, oral exposure to the compound
bisphenol A (BPA) in mice genetically modified to
overproduce the protein HER2/erbB2, present in about 15-30 percent of women with
breast cancer ... We found the lower doses of BPA to be capable of activating
several growth-factor-receptor pathways that previously have been implicated in
cancer. This was not observed with the higher BPA doses ... This is
counterintuitive since BPA in low levels was presumed to be safe"
The Mercury Myth: How Much Mercury Do CFLs Actually Contain? - Txchnologist,
10/5/11 - "CFLs do contain mercury, but in quantities so
small that breaking one exposes you, in most cases, to less mercury than eating
tuna fish"
Abstracts from this week's
Doctor's Guide Nutrition/Dietetics
plus abstracts from my RSS feeds (Click here
for the journals, the PubMed ones at the top):
association between low 25-hydroxyvitamin D and increased aortic stiffness -
J Hum Hypertens. 2011 Oct 20 - "Subjects in the bottom
25(OH)D quartile (<20 ng ml(-1)) showed the highest aortic PWV (9.04 m s(-1)),
compared with 2nd-4th quartile (8.07 m s(-1), 7.93 m s(-1) and 7.70 m s(-1),
respectively; P for trend <0.0001). The association between 25(OH)D and aortic
PWV remained significant after adjustment for age, gender and other potential
confounders; subjects in the first 25(OH)D quartile had adjusted odds ratio 2.04
(1.26-3.30) for having aortic PWV 9 m s(-1) (top quartile) in multiple
regression. In conclusion, we found a clear significant and independent negative
association between 25(OH)D and aortic PWV. Subjects with lowest
vitamin D status showed the highest
arterial stiffness" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Vitamin D
and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Among US Men: Results From the 2005-2006
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey - Urology. 2011 Oct 17 -
"vitamin D deficiency
was associated with the presence of moderate-severe
(POR 1.8, 95% CI 1.1, 3.0) and at least 1 LUTS (POR 1.4, 95% CI 1.0, 2.0)"
- See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Case reports
of sarcoma patients with optimized lectin-oriented mistletoe extract therapy
- J Altern Complement Med. 2011 Oct;17(10):973-9 - "Mistletoe
(Viscum album L) extracts (ME) are widespread as immunomodulatory
therapeutic agents in alternative tumor treatment. Assessing the
often-controversial clinical results is rather difficult since the effects of ME
on the immune system cannot be equally reproduced. Mistletoe lectins (ML) are
the only mistletoe ingredients also found in vivo that are capable of having a
positive effect on the immune balance of patients with tumors. Other components
have only been tested in vitro, and the removal of mistletoe lectins ML from the
extract can put an end to the immunological efficacy of ME. Preclinical
investigations in the tumor models (using nude mice xenotransplanted with human
leiomyosarcoma and interleukin-12-deficient C57BL6 mice) show that without
immunological reactions, ME induce less antitumor efficacy. ML, functioning as
ligands for pattern recognition receptors of the natural immune system, are
docked to ganglioside molecules (CD75) of monocytes and granulocytes, thereby
stimulating the natural antitumor mechanisms. Objectives: The aim of this
article is to present and discuss several favorable clinical responses of
patients who had sarcoma and who were treated with immunologically effective ME
preparations. Course of therapy and results: In accordance with the bell-shaped
dose-response relationship of ML, the patients with sarcoma were treated with ME
preparations, standardized for the active sugar-binding lectin contents. Thus,
an optimal dose of 0.75-1.0 ng/kg ML was given twice a week subcutaneously. In
this report, the clinical progress of 6 patients with sarcoma showed remissions
of tumor symptoms. Conclusions: It seems that this disease is beneficially
influenced by optimized lectin-oriented ME therapy since patients with sarcoma
may react especially well to the improved balance of natural immunological
mechanisms" - Note: Six out of how many???? It's an important
part that was left out. You can probably find a way to get Mistletoe via
this website:
long-chain n-3 fatty acids reduce arterial stiffness? A meta-analysis of
randomised controlled trials - Br J Nutr. 2011 Oct;106(7):974-80 -
"A total of ten n-3
trials met the final inclusion criteria; four using pulse wave velocity (PWV)
and six using arterial compliance, measured as capacitive compliance or systemic
arterial compliance, as respective outcome measures. Meta-analysis revealed that
n-3 was statistically significant in effectively improving both PWV (g = 0.33;
95 % CI 0.12, 0.56; P < 0.01) and arterial compliance (g = 0.48; 95 % CI 0.24,
0.72; P < 0.001). There was no evidence of heterogeneity or publication bias.
Results were not influenced by changes in blood pressure, heart rate or BMI. The
findings of the present study reveal that supplementation with n-3 offers a
scientifically supported means of reducing
arterial stiffness. Reduction in
arterial stiffness by n-3 may account for some of its purported cardioprotective
effects" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
lutein and zeaxanthin and the risk of age-related nuclear cataract among the
elderly Finnish population - Br J Nutr. 2011 Oct 18:1-7 -
"After adjustment for age, examination year, sex, BMI,
smoking, alcohol consumption, serum LDL-cholesterol, serum HDL-cholesterol,
years of education, use of oral corticosteroids, history of diabetes and history
of hypertension with current use of antihypertensive medication, subjects in the
highest tertiles of plasma concentrations of
lutein and zeaxanthin had 42 and 41 % lower risks of nuclear
cataract, respectively, compared with those in
the lowest tertiles (relative risk (RR) = 0.58, 95 % CI 0.35, 0.98; P = 0.041
for lutein and RR = 0.59, 95 % CI 0.35, 0.99; P = 0.046 for zeaxanthin)"
- See
Jarrow Formulas, CarotenALL at Amazon.com .
Effects of
Selenium Supplements on Cancer Prevention: Meta-analysis of Randomized
Controlled Trials - Nutr Cancer. 2011 Oct 17 - "We
searched PubMed, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Library in July 2009. Of the 461
articles searched, 8 articles on 9 RCTs, which included 152,538 total
participants, 32,110 in antioxidant supplement groups, and 120,428 in placebo
groups, were included. In a random-effects meta-analysis of all 9 RCTs,
selenium supplementation alone was found to have an overall preventive
effect on cancer incidence [relative risk (RR) = 0.76; 95% confidence interval
(CI) = 0.58-0.99]. Among subgroup meta-analyses, the preventive effect of
selenium supplementation alone on cancer was apparently observed in populations
with a low baseline serum selenium level (<125.6 ng/mL) (RR = 0.64; 95% CI =
0.53 to 0.78; I(2) = 45.5%; n = 7) and in high-risk populations for cancer (RR =
0.68; 95% CI = 0.58 to 0.80; I(2) = 41.5%; n = 8). The meta-analysis of
randomized controlled trials indicates that there is possible evidence to
support the use of selenium supplements alone for cancer prevention in the low
baseline serum selenium level population and in the high-risk population for
cancer" - See
se-methylselenocysteine at Amazon.com .
Health Focus (Weight
Related Topics:
Popular Medications:
Popular Supplements:
Neurotransmitters in Various Disorders: |
News & Research:
Watching Your Protein May Be Key to Weight Control - WebMD, 10/12/11 -
"men and women fed a 10% protein diet ate 12% more
calories over four days than they did on a 15% protein diet ... When protein in
the diet goes too low, ''We keep eating in an attempt to attain our target level
of protein," ... As the protein declined to 10%, the men and women tended to eat
more carbohydrates and fat-containing food, boosting the risk for weight gain.
But Gosby found that increasing the protein from 15% to 25% didn't seem to make
any difference in total calories eaten ... Aiming at 15%-25% of total energy
intake as protein seems about right for a moderately active person" - [Science
tea helps mice keep off extra pounds - Science Daily, 10/4/11 -
"in the current online version of Obesity, fed two
groups of mice a high-fat diet. Mice that were fed Epigallocatechin-3-gallate --
EGCG -- a compound found in most green teas, along with a high-fat diet, gained
weight 45 percent more slowly than the control group of mice eating the same
diet without EGCG ... In addition to lower weight gain, the mice fed the green
tea supplement showed a nearly 30 percent increase in fecal lipids, suggesting
that the EGCG was limiting fat absorption ... A person would need to drink ten
cups of green tea each day to match the amount of EGCG used in the study"
- See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
Soluble fiber may help shed 1.5kg in 12 weeks: Roquette study - Nutra USA,
9/16/11 - "One hundred and twenty overweight men were
randomly assigned to consume fruit juice supplemented with 17 grams of either
Nutriose or maltodextrin (control) for 12 weeks. The participants consumed the
juice twice a day to provide a daily dose of 34 grams ... men who drank the
Nutriose beverage had an average body weight loss of 1.5 kg, an average body
mass index (BMI) reduction of 0.5 kg/m2, and lost an average of 0.3% of their
body fat percentage, compared with the control group ... In addition, men who
drank the Nutriose-supplemented drink reported less hunger across the study
period, compared with men in the control group"[Abstract]
- Note: 1.5 kg = 3.3 lbs - See Jarrow Formulas, Fiber Perfect at Amazon.com
(It contains the Nutriose).
rich in protein, dairy products help dieters preserve muscle and lose belly fat
- Science Daily, 8/29/11 - "a higher-protein,
lower-carbohydrate energy-restricted diet has a major positive impact on body
composition, trimming belly fat and increasing lean muscle, particularly when
the proteins come from dairy products ... compared three groups of overweight
and obese, but otherwise healthy, premenopausal women. Each consumed either low,
medium or high amounts of dairy foods coupled with higher or lower amounts of
protein and carbohydrates ... there were identical total weight losses among the
groups, but the higher-protein, high-dairy group experienced greater whole-body
fat and abdomen fat losses, greater lean mass gains and greater increases in
strength ... One hundred per cent of the weight lost in the higher-protein,
high-dairy group was fat. And the participants gained muscle mass, which is a
major change in body composition ... the lower-protein, low-dairy group lost
about a pound and half of muscle whereas the lower-protein, medium dairy group
lost almost no muscle. In marked contrast, the higher-protein, high-dairy group
actually gained a pound and half of muscle, representing a three-pound
difference between the low- and high-dairy groups ... On top of the muscle mass
differences, the higher-protein, high-dairy group lost twice as much belly fat
than the lower-protein, low-dairy group ... These women also got fitter and
stronger" - See my yogurt recipe on my yogurt
protein throughout the day preserves muscle and physical function in dieting
postmenopausal women, study suggests - Science Daily, 8/10/11 -
"higher protein intake during weight loss can offset
negative effects on muscle mass by maintaining more muscle relative to the
amount of weight lost. Women who ate more protein lost 3.9 percent more weight
and had a relative gain of 5.8 percent more thigh muscle volume than woman who
did not ... 31 healthy, postmenopausal obese women were divided into two groups.
Each group followed a 1,400-calorie weight-loss diet based on USDA's My Pyramid,
but one group received a powdered whey protein supplement in the morning and
again in the afternoon or evening; the other received a placebo that contained
carbohydrates ... We hypothesize that more vigorous exercise -- in particular,
resistance training -- would preserve even more muscle" - See
whey protein at Amazon.com
or try the yogurt recipe at the top of my yogurt page.
Masticating 40 times per bite is key to weight loss, study says - The Daily,
7/31/11 - "People who chewed 40 times ended up consuming
12 percent fewer calories, according to researchers at Harbin Medical University
in China ... If the average person cut his calorie intake by 12 percent, he
would lose nearly 25 pounds in one year ... Chewing more was associated with
lower blood levels of ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite, as well as
higher levels of CCK, a hormone believed to reduce appetite"
Is lost lean
mass from intentional weight loss recovered during weight regain in
postmenopausal women? - Am J Clin Nutr. 2011 Jul 27 -
"All body mass and composition variables were lower
immediately after weight loss than at baseline (all P < 0.05). More fat than
lean mass was lost with weight loss, which resulted in body-composition changes
favoring a lower percentage of body fat and a higher lean-to-fat mass ratio (P <
0.001). Considerable interindividual variability in weight regain was noted (CV
= 1.07). In women who regained ≥2 kg body weight, a decreasing trend in the
lean-to-fat mass ratio was observed, which indicated greater fat mass accretion
than lean mass accretion (P < 0.001). Specifically, for every 1 kg fat lost
during the weight-loss intervention, 0.26 kg lean tissue was lost; for every 1
kg fat regained over the following year, only 0.12 kg lean tissue was regained
... Although not all postmenopausal women who intentionally lose weight will
regain it within 1 y, the data suggest that fat mass is regained to a greater
degree than is lean mass in those who do experience some weight regain"
Consumption of Dairy Foods and Protein during Diet- and Exercise-Induced Weight
Loss Promotes Fat Mass Loss and Lean Mass Gain in Overweight and Obese
Premenopausal Women - J Nutr. 2011 Jul 20 - "Weight
loss can have substantial health benefits for overweight or obese persons;
however, the ratio of fat:lean tissue loss may be more important. We aimed to
determine how daily exercise (resistance and/or aerobic) and a hypoenergetic
diet varying in protein and calcium content from dairy foods would affect the
composition of weight lost in otherwise healthy, premenopausal, overweight, and
obese women. Ninety participants were randomized to 3 groups (n = 30/group):
high protein, high dairy (HPHD), adequate protein, medium dairy (APMD), and
adequate protein, low dairy (APLD) differing in the quantity of total dietary
protein and dairy food-source protein consumed: 30 and 15%, 15 and 7.5%, or 15
and <2% of energy, respectively. Body composition was measured by DXA at 0, 8,
and 16 wk and MRI (n = 39) to assess visceral adipose tissue (VAT) volume at 0
and 16 wk. All groups lost body weight (P < 0.05) and fat (P < 0.01); however,
fat loss during wk 8-16 was greater in the HPHD group than in the APMD and APLD
groups (P < 0.05). The HPHD group gained lean tissue with a greater increase
during 8-16 wk than the APMD group, which maintained lean mass and the APLD
group, which lost lean mass (P < 0.05). The HPHD group also lost more VAT as
assessed by MRI (P < 0.05) and trunk fat as assessed by DXA (P < 0.005) than the
APLD group. The reduction in VAT in all groups was correlated with intakes of
calcium (r = 0.40; P < 0.05) and protein (r = 0.32; P < 0.05). Therefore, diet-
and exercise-induced weight loss with higher protein and increased dairy product
intakes promotes more favorable body composition changes in women characterized
by greater total and visceral fat loss and lean mass gain" - Note: See
the yogurt recipe on my yogurt page.
Whey Protein May Be Helpful for Weight Loss - WebMD, 7/15/11 -
"Researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture's
Human Nutrition Research Center randomly assigned 90 overweight and obese
middle-aged adults to one of three groups. The first group was asked to add
protein drinks made with whey to their normal diets, the second group drank
protein drinks made with soy protein, and the third group drank carbohydrate
drinks ... the drinks, which were drunk twice daily, at breakfast and dinner,
had the same number of calories: 200. They also all had had 52 grams per packet,
for a daily total of 104 grams of added protein or carbs ... After six months,
people drinking the carbohydrate shakes had gained a little bit of weight, about
2 pounds, which appeared to be mainly added fat ... People drinking the soy
shakes had stayed about the same weight as where they started ... But people
drinking the whey protein had lost a little bit of weight and body fat, about 2
pounds. Additionally, while the other groups saw little change in the size of
their waists, the whey protein group lost about an inch around the middle ... a
couple of things may help to explain the weight and fat loss seen with whey
protein ... People in the whey protein group had significantly lower blood
levels of the hormone ghrelin than people eating the soy protein or carbohydrate
... And though researchers really can't explain why this happened or what it
means, they found that people drinking the whey protein had cut back on their
carbohydrate intake by the end of the study, even though they weren't eating
fewer total calories and didn't know what kind of supplement they were getting
... researchers advise picking a whey product that is also low in calories and
fat" - See
whey protein at Amazon.com
Waistlines in people, glucose levels in mice hint at sweeteners' effects:
Related studies point to the illusion of the artificial - Science Daily,
6/27/11 - "In the constant battle to lose inches or at
least stay the same, we reach for the diet soda. Two studies presented June 25
and 27 at the American Diabetes Association's Scientific Sessions in San Diego
suggest this might be self-defeating behavior ... diet soft drink consumption is
associated with increased waist circumference in humans, and a second study that
found aspartame raised fasting glucose (blood sugar) in diabetes-prone mice ...
The average follow-up time was 9.5 years ... Diet soft drink users, as a group,
experienced 70 percent greater increases in waist circumference compared with
non-users. Frequent users, who said they consumed two or more diet sodas a day,
experienced waist circumference increases that were 500 percent greater than
those of non-users ... In the related project ... One group of the mice ate chow
to which both aspartame and corn oil were added; the other group ate chow with
the corn oil added but not the aspartame. After three months on this high-fat
diet, the mice in the aspartame group showed elevated fasting glucose levels but
equal or diminished insulin levels, consistent with early declines in pancreatic
beta-cell function"
substitutes linked to weight gain: Rats on high-fat diet gained more weight
after eating low-calorie potato chips made with fat substitutes - Science
Daily, 6/20/11 - "Half of the rats in each group also
were fed Pringles potato chips that are high in fat and calories. The remaining
rats in each group were fed high-calorie Pringles chips on some days and
low-calorie Pringles Light chips on other days. The Pringles Light chips are
made with olestra, a synthetic fat substitute that has zero calories and passes
through the body undigested ... For rats on the high-fat diet, the group that
ate both types of potato chips consumed more food, gained more weight and
developed more fatty tissue than the rats that ate only the high-calorie chips.
The fat rats also didn't lose the extra weight even after the potato chips were
removed from their diet. "Based on this data, a diet that is low in fat and
calories might be a better strategy for weight loss than using fat substitutes,"
... Food with a sweet or fatty taste usually indicates a large number of
calories, and the taste triggers various responses by the body, including
salivation, hormonal secretions and metabolic reactions. Fat substitutes can
interfere with that relationship when the body expects to receive a large burst
of calories but is fooled by a fat substitute ... Swithers and Davidson have
reported similar findings in previous rat studies that showed saccharin and
other artificial sweeteners also can promote weight gain and increased body fat"
Cut down
on 'carbs' to reduce body fat, study authors say - Science Daily, 6/5/11 -
"Subjects received either a standard lower-fat diet or a
diet with a modest reduction in carbohydrates, or "carbs," but slightly higher
in fat than the standard diet. The moderately carb-restricted diet contained
foods that had a relatively low glycemic index, a measure of the extent to which
the food raises blood glucose levels. This diet consisted of 43 percent calories
from carbohydrates and 39 percent calories from fat, whereas the standard diet
contained 55 percent of calories from carbohydrates and 27 percent from fat.
Protein made up the other 18 percent of each diet ... After the weight
maintenance phase, subjects who consumed the moderately carb-restricted diet had
11 percent less deep abdominal fat than those who ate the standard diet.
However, when the researchers analyzed results by race, they found it was
exclusive to whites. Whites have more deep abdominal fat than Blacks even when
matched for body weight or percent body fat, and may benefit from loss of this
metabolically harmful depot"
gut flora could prevent obesity, rat study suggests - Science Daily, 5/25/11
- "Poor gut flora is believed to trigger obesity. In the
same way, healthy gut flora could reduce the risk. This has shown to be the case
in tests on rats. Daily intake of a lactic acid bacteria, which has been given
the name Lactobacillus plantarum HEAL19, appears to be able to prevent obesity
and reduce the body's low-level inflammation ... Rats who were given this
specific lactic acid bacterium from their time in the uterus up to adult age put
on significantly less weight than other rats. Both groups ate the same amount of
high-energy food ... A third group of rats were given the inflammation-causing
Escherichia coli bacteria in their drinking water, in addition to the same
high-energy food as the other rats. The E. coli supplement led to changes in gut
flora and increased body fat ... A healthy gut flora at an early stage appears
to play a part in children's wellbeing later in life"
Eat a
protein-rich breakfast to reduce food cravings, prevent overeating later,
researcher finds - Science Daily, 5/19/11 - "eating
a healthy breakfast, especially one high in protein, increases satiety and
reduces hunger throughout the day. In addition, using functional magnetic
resonance imaging (fMRI) the researchers found that eating a protein-rich
breakfast reduces the brain signals controlling food motivation and
reward-driven eating behavior ... These findings suggest that a protein-rich
breakfast might be an effective strategy to improve appetite control and prevent
overeating in young people"
Citrus extracts show energy burning potential, without side effects: Study -
Nutra USA, 5/17/11 - "consumption of 100 mg hesperidin,
50 mg p-synephrine (from bitter orange), and 600 mg naringin increased the
resting metabolic rate by about 18 percent ... If one assumes that the product
was taken twice a day for one year, the theoretical increase in calorie
consumption would amount to over 31 pounds ... None of the treatment groups
exhibited changes in heart rate or blood pressure relative to the control group,
nor there were no differences in self-reported ratings of 10 symptoms between
the treatment groups and the control group ... the thermogenic effect of
p-synephrine may be increased by naringin and hesperidin via an enhancement in
the production of the expression of adiponectin, a hormone released from fat
cells, which plays an important role in the regulation of insulin sensitivity
and energy" - [Abstract]
frequency inversely associated with BMI and body fatness in Hong Kong Chinese
children aged 9-18 years - "The prevalence of
obesity among breakfast skippers, semi-skippers and non-skippers was,
respectively, 9.8, 10.6 and 3.8 % (P < 0.001) for primary school students and
3.9, 3.1 and 2.4 % (P < 0.001) for secondary school students. The 12 % of Hong
Kong children aged 9-18 years who skipped breakfast had higher BMI, BMI z-scores
and percentage of body fat (PBF) than their counterparts. The dose effects of
breakfast frequency (unstandardised regression coefficient, P < 0.001) on BMI
and PBF were, respectively, - 0.125 kg/m2 and - 0.219 % for boys and - 0.165
kg/m2 and - 0.353 % for girls, adjusting for physical activity per additional
breakfast meal per week. Further study is recommended to elucidate whether
regular breakfast consumption may have a role in the prevention of childhood
obesity" - Note: I don't know what the problem is with the "." in the
actual abstract instead of the "." but I fixed it so it wouldn't be so
Green tea shows body weight and fat benefits: Rat study - Nutra USA, 3/30/11
- "Rats consuming green tea along with a high fat diet
gained less body weight and accumulated less fat than animals not supplemented
with tea, says a new study ... Consuming the equivalent of five to eight cups of
green tea a day was associated with a 5.6 percent decrease in body weight gain,
and a 17.8 percent decrease in fat accumulation over eight weeks" - [Abstract]
- See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
tea aqueous extract reduces visceral fat and decreases protein availability in
rats fed with a high-fat diet - Nutr Res. 2011 Feb;31(2):157-64 -
"Green tea is associated with beneficial health effects
mainly because of its body fat-reducing and hypocholesterolemic activities, but
an effective dose without pronounced influence on protein availability is
unknown. The objective of this study was to examine the hypothesis that green
tea aqueous extract (GTAE) depending on dose improves cardiovascular risk
indicators such as body weight, visceral fat content, and atherogenic index of
plasma and does not have unfavorable effect on protein availability in rats fed
with a high-fat diet. The rats fed with a high-fat diet enriched with 1.1 and
2.0% GTAE for 8 weeks had significantly (P < .05) lower atherogenic index (in
both groups, about 14.3%). Only administration of 2.0% GTAE significantly (P <
.05) decreased body weight gain (5.6%) and prevented visceral fat accumulation
(17.8%) in rats. However, considerably (P < .05), reduction in the digestion of
protein (but not fat) was observed in both GTAE groups (1.1% GTAE: 82.6% +/-
1.8%; 2.0% GTAE: 84.3% +/- 0.8%) when compared to the control (93.3% +/- 1.5%).
It was concluded that GTAE may have preventive effects on the accumulation of
visceral fat but only in higher doses. Although both doses improved
cardiovascular risk indicators, they, in addition, significantly inhibited
protein digestion"
- See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
Resveratrol may be useful tool for reducing body fat - Science Daily, 3/4/11
- "This thesis shows, on the one hand, the results
obtained after treatment with CLA in hamsters subjected to energy restriction
and, on the other, the effect of resveratrol on accumulated fat and lipolytic
activity in cell cultures of adipocytes of murinae and humans. The results
obtained show that CLA does not foment weight or body fat loss, induced by an
energy restriction diet. Neither does it induce greater lipolysis, nor
improvement in serum parameters, in glucose homeostasis or insulin function to
any greater extent than with the slimming diet itself. On the contrary,
resveratrol reduces the accumulation of triglycerides, in part by activation of
lipolysis, in both the adipocytes of mice and of humans ... For all these
reasons, it can be concluded that, while CLA may not be a molecule useful in
treating obesity, when resveratrol is included in hypocaloric diet, it could
well be a useful tool for reducing body fat" - See
resveratrol products at Amazon.com
conjugated linoleic acid at Amazon.com .
protein-rich beverage consumed as a breakfast meal leads to weaker appetitive
and dietary responses v. a protein-rich solid breakfast meal in adolescents
- Br J Nutr. 2011 Feb 15:1-5 - "A total of fifteen
adolescents (eight girls and seven boys; age 14 (sem 1) years, BMI percentile 79
(sem 4) %) randomly completed two testing days that included protein-rich (PR)
breakfast meals (38 % of energy as protein, 48 (sem 2) g/meal) provided as a
solid (S) or beverage (B). Breakfast was 24 % of estimated daily energy needs
(2146 (sem 96) kJ/meal). Perceived appetite and satiety responses were collected
over 5 h followed by an ad libitum lunch buffet. The PR-S meal led to greater
reductions in 4 h postprandial appetite ( - 6221 (sem 1171) mm × 240 min) v. the
PR-B meal ( - 3570 (sem 957) mm × 240 min; P < 0.05). When examining the data
according to hourly responses, the PR-S meal led to greater reductions in
appetite during postprandial hours 2, 3 and 4 v. the PR-B meal (all comparisons,
P < 0.05). No differences in postprandial hourly or total (4 h) fullness were
observed following the PR-S v. PR-B meals. The PR-S meal led to approximately
480 kJ less energy consumed at the ad libitum lunch buffet (1418 (sem 222) kJ)
v. the PR-B meal (1900 (sem 326) kJ; P < 0.05). These data indicate that,
although the food form of the PR breakfast meals had little, if any, effect on
satiety, the appetitive responses were diminished and the subsequent food intake
was greater when protein was consumed as a beverage v. a solid meal"
Effects of Metformin on Body Weight and Body Composition in Obese
Insulin-Resistant Children: A Randomized Clinical Trial - Diabetes. 2011 Jan
12 -
"1,000 mg metformin (n = 53) or placebo (n = 47) twice
daily for 6 months ...Children prescribed metformin had significantly greater
decreases in BMI (difference -1.09 kg/m(2), CI -1.87 to -0.31, P = 0.006), body
weight (difference -3.38 kg, CI -5.2 to -1.57, P < 0.001), BMI Z score
(difference between metformin and placebo groups -0.07, CI -0.12 to -0.01, P =
0.02), and fat mass (difference -1.40 kg, CI -2.74 to -0.06, P = 0.04). Fasting
plasma glucose (P = 0.007) and homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) insulin
resistance index (P = 0.006) also improved more in metformin-treated children
than in placebo-treated children. Gastrointestinal symptoms were significantly
more prevalent in metformin-treated children, which limited maximal tolerated
dosage in 17%. During the 6-month open-label phase, children treated previously
with placebo decreased their BMI Z score; those treated continuously with
metformin did not significantly change BMI Z score further. CONCLUSIONS
Metformin had modest but favorable effects on body weight, body composition, and
glucose homeostasis in obese insulin-resistant children participating in a
low-intensity weight-reduction program" - Note: 3.38 kg equals 7.4
pounds. See
metformin at IAS.
blood levels of vitamin D linked to chubbier kids, faster weight gain -
Science Daily, 11/8/10 - "the kids with the lowest
vitamin D levels at the beginning tended to gain weight faster than the kids
with higher levels ... children with the lowest vitamin D levels had more
drastic increases in central body fat measures ... Vitamin D deficiency was also
linked to slower growth in height among girls but not boys" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
mostly whole grains, few refined grains linked to lower body fat - Science
Daily, 10/20/10 - "People who consume several servings
of whole grains per day while limiting daily intake of refined grains appear to
have less of a type of fat tissue thought to play a key role in triggering
cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes ... Visceral Adipose Tissue ... VAT
volume was approximately 10 % lower in adults who reported eating three or more
daily servings of whole grains and who limited their intake of refined grains to
less than one serving per day ... Visceral fat surrounds the intra-abdominal
organs while subcutaneous fat is found just beneath the skin ... visceral fat is
more closely tied to the development of metabolic syndrome ... participants who
consumed, on average, three daily servings of whole grains but continued to eat
many refined grains did not demonstrate lower VAT volume"
Too much
light at night at night may lead to obesity, study finds - Science Daily,
10/11/10 - "mice exposed to a relatively dim light at
night over eight weeks had a body mass gain that was about 50 percent more than
other mice that lived in a standard light-dark cycle ... Something about light
at night was making the mice in our study want to eat at the wrong times to
properly metabolize their food ... So how does light at night lead to changes in
metabolism? The researchers believe the light could disrupt levels of the
hormone melatonin, which is involved in metabolism. In addition, it may disrupt
the expression of clock genes, which help control when animals feed and when
they are active"
loss limits fat loss - Science Daily, 10/4/10 -
"When dieters got adequate sleep, however, more than half of the weight they
lost was fat. When they cut back on their sleep, only one-fourth of their weight
loss came from fat"
water to curb weight gain? Clinical trial confirms effectiveness of simple
appetite control method - Science Daily, 8/23/10 -
"We found in earlier studies that middle aged and older people who drank two
cups of water right before eating a meal ate between 75 and 90 fewer calories
during that meal. In this recent study, we found that over the course of 12
weeks, dieters who drank water before meals, three times per day, lost about 5
pounds more than dieters who did not increase their water intake"
Green Tea
Supplementation Affects Body Weight, Lipids, and Lipid Peroxidation in Obese
Subjects with Metabolic Syndrome - J Am Coll Nutr. 2010 Feb;29(1):31-40 -
"Green tea beverage consumption (4 cups/d) or
extract supplementation (2 capsules/d) for 8 weeks significantly decreased body
weight and BMI. Green tea beverage further lowered lipid peroxidation versus
age- and gender-matched controls, suggesting the role of green tea flavonoids in
improving features of metabolic syndrome in obese patients" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
Lemurs lose weight with 'life-extending' supplement resveratrol -
Science Daily, 6/22/10 - "The anti-obesity
properties of resveratrol have been demonstrated for the first time in a
primate ... lemurs eating a diet supplemented with the compound decreased
their energy intake by 13% and increased their resting metabolic rate by 29%
... a four-week resveratrol supplementation was associated with a decrease
in food intake and a reduction in seasonal body-mass gain. The response to
resveratrol supplementation also involved significant changes in the
animals' body temperatures" - [Nutra
USA] - See
resveratrol products at Amazon.com
Probiotics may help fat and weight loss: Study - Nutra USA, 6/11/10 -
"Twelve weeks of consuming a fermented milk product
containing the Lactobacillus strain was associated with a 4.6 per cent
reduction in abdominal fat, and a 3.3 per cent reduction in subcutaneous
fat" - [Abstract]
- See
Yogourmet Electric Yogurt Maker - I've had a lot of yogurt makers
over the years but this is the best one I've found. I mix two cups of
Nestle Nido Instant Dry Whole Milk (available at Amazon) with two
cups of dry skim milk in a blender. Lately I've been making it with
Activa. I believe it's only sold flavored but I've been using the
strawberry flavored Activa. I put the milk powders in a blender then
fill it with water and blend. Then add one container of the Activa and
blend fast one more time (not to kill the culture). Then pour it into
the jar and fill the jar to the top with additional water and leave it
in the yoghurt maker for 13 hours. I mix the finished product with
Smucker's Strawberry Orchard's Finest. If your worried about the
BPA's from the plastic container, see
Widemouth Clear Half Gallon Glass Jar (64oz) w/ White Metal Lid at
- Activia by Dannon
- "Specialists at Dannon® selected Bifidus
Regularis™ for Activia® because it survives passage through the
digestive tract, arriving in the colon as a living culture. Once there,
it plays a beneficial role in your intestinal ecosystem"
Regulation of abdominal adiposity by probiotics (Lactobacillus gasseri SBT2055)
in adults with obese tendencies in a randomized controlled trial - Eur J
Clin Nutr. 2010 Jun;64(6):636-43 - "fermented milk (FM)
... In the active FM group, abdominal visceral and subcutaneous fat areas
significantly (P<0.01) decreased from baseline by an average of 4.6% (mean
(confidence interval): -5.8 (-10.0, -1.7) cm(2)) and 3.3% (-7.4 (-11.6, -3.1)
cm(2)), respectively. Body weight and other measures also decreased
significantly (P<0.001) as follows: body weight, 1.4% (-1.1 (-1.5, -0.7) kg);
BMI, 1.5% (-0.4 (-0.5, -0.2) kg/m(2)); waist, 1.8% (-1.7 (-2.1, -1.4) cm); hip,
1.5% (-1.5 (-1.8, -1.1) cm). In the control group, by contrast, none of these
parameters decreased significantly. High-molecular weight adiponectin in serum
increased significantly (P<0.01) in the active and control groups by 12.7% (0.17
(0.07, 0.26) microg/ml) and 13.6% (0.23 (0.07, 0.38) microg/ml), respectively.
CONCLUSION: The probiotic LG2055 showed lowering effects on abdominal adiposity,
body weight and other measures, suggesting its beneficial influence on metabolic
To burn
more fat, don’t eat before workout - MSNBC, 6/3/10 -
"cyclists who trained without eating burned
significantly more fat than their counterparts who ate ... When you exercise
(after fasting), your adrenaline is high and your insulin is low ... That
ratio is favorable for your muscles to oxidize (break down) more fatty
evidence that chili pepper ingredient fights fat - Science Daily, 6/2/10
- "The capsaicin-treated rats lost 8 percent of
their body weight and showed changes in levels of at least 20 key proteins
found in fat. The altered proteins work to break down fats. "These changes
provide valuable new molecular insights into the mechanism of the
antiobesity effects of capsaicin,"" - See
capsaicin supplements at Amazon.com
Milk: Two glasses a day tones muscles, keeps the fat away in women, study
shows - Science Daily, 5/26/10 - "Women who
drink two large glasses of milk a day after their weight-lifting routine
gained more muscle and lost more fat compared to women who drank sugar-based
energy drinks ... The women who drank milk gained barely any weight because
what they gained in lean muscle they balanced out with a loss in fat"
Resveratrol regulates human adipocyte number and function in a
Sirt1-dependent manner - Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 May 12 -
"Taken together, our data suggest that resveratrol
influences adipose tissue mass and function in a way that may positively
interfere with the development of obesity-related comorbidities. Thus, our
findings open up the new perspective that resveratrol-induced intracellular
pathways could be a target for prevention or treatment of obesity-associated
endocrine and metabolic adverse effects" - See
resveratrol products at Amazon.com
Green tea extract effective for weight loss at low doses - Nutra USA,
4/9/10 - "during two hours after a meal, the
low-dose EGCG supplementation was associated with a 33 per cent increase in
fat oxidation. The high-dose EGCG supplementation produced a non-significant
20 per cent increase, compared to placebo. Caffeine alone was associated
with a 34.5 per cent increase, compared with placebo, while the combined
EGCG/ /caffeine supplement boosted fat oxidation by 49 per cent ... during
two hours after a meal, the low-dose EGCG supplementation was associated
with a 33 per cent increase in fat oxidation. The high-dose EGCG
supplementation produced a non-significant 20 per cent increase, compared to
placebo. Caffeine alone was associated with a 34.5 per cent increase,
compared with placebo, while the combined EGCG/ /caffeine supplement boosted
fat oxidation by 49 per cent. “There is no synergism of low EGCG and 200 mg
caffeine,” " - [Abstract]
- See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
Weight-loss supplement has potential to burn fair amount of calories -
Science Daily, 2/2/10 - "the nutritional supplement
called the tri-pepper blend, which contains black pepper, caffeine and a
concentrated form of capsaicin -- the ingredient that makes red peppers hot.
The OU study showed energy expenditures of three to six percent, results
which are statistically significant enough to validate product weight-loss
Pomegranate oil-seaweed mix may improve liver health and waist size -
Nutra USA, 1/25/10 - "Results showed that body
weight was significantly reduced by an average of 5.5 kg in people in the
NAFLD group and 4.9 kg in the normal liver function group. Women in the
placebo group lost an average of 1.4 kilos. In addition, women with NAFLD
experienced improvements in waist circumference, body and liver fat content,
liver enzymes, and serum triglycerides" - [Abstract]
- 5.5 kg is 12.1 pounds - See
FucoThin at Amazon.com

effects of Xanthigen in the weight management of obese premenopausal women with
non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and normal liver fat - Diabetes Obes
Metab. 2010 Jan;12(1):72-81 - "Xanthigen-600/2.4 mg (300
mg PSO + 300 mg brown seaweed extract containing 2.4 mg fucoxanthin) resulted in
statistically significant reduction of body weight (5.5 +/- 1.4 kg NAFLD group
and 4.9 +/- 1.2 kg NLF group, p < 0.05), waist circumference (NAFLD group only),
body (3.5 +/- 1.9 kg NAFLD group, p < 0.001; 3.6 +/- 0.7 kg NLF group, p < 0.05)
and liver fat content, liver enzymes (NAFLD group only), serum triglycerides and
C-reactive protein. Weight loss and reduction in body and liver fat content
occurred earlier in patients with NLF than in patients with NAFLD. Fucoxanthin
(> 2.4 mg) and Xanthigen-400/1.6 mg (200 mg PSO + 200 mg brown seaweed extract
containing 1.6 mg fucoxanthin) significantly increased REE in NAFLD subjects
compared to placebo. CONCLUSIONS: Xanthigen promoted weight loss, reduced body
and liver fat content, and improved liver function tests in obese non-diabetic
women. Xanthigen and Fucoxanthin also increased REE. This product may be
considered a promising food supplement in the management of obesity" -
FucoThin at Amazon.com

Dietary Fiber May Help Prevent Body Weight, Waist Circumference Gain -
Medscape, 1/6/10 - "There was an inverse association of
total fiber intake with subsequent change in weight and in waist circumference.
For each 10-g/day increase in total fiber intake, the pooled estimate was –39
g/year (95% confidence interval [CI], –71 to –7 g/year) for weight change and
–0.08 cm/year (95% CI, –0.11 to –0.05 cm/year) for waist circumference change
... For each 10-g/day increase in fiber intake from cereals, there was a weight
change of –77 g/year (95% CI, –127 to –26 g/year) and change in waist
circumference of –0.10 cm/year (95% CI, –0.18 to –0.02 cm/year). Fruit and
vegetable fiber was not associated with weight change. However, the association
of fruit and vegetable fiber intake with change in waist circumference was
similar to that seen for intake of total dietary fiber and cereal fiber"
Cause of Obesity: The Bacteria in Your Gut? - Time Magazine, 11/12/09 -
"When one group of mice was fed a typical Western diet,
high in fat and sugars, they tended to gain weight and grow more Firmicutes gut
bacteria and fewer Bacteroidetes. In mice given a low-fat, plant-based chow, the
distribution of the two groups of bugs flipped and the animals remained lean.
It's not clear whether the balance of gut bugs causes weight gain or is a result
of it, but the findings suggest that a "gut profile" could potentially serve as
a diagnostic tool for identifying who might have a propensity for obesity. If,
for instance, your gut environment contains a preponderance of Firmicutes, then
your body may be predisposed to digest calories in a way that leads to greater
fat storage. In fact, in Gordon's earlier work with identical twins of different
weights, he found that the obese twin tended to have more Firmicutes colonies
than the leaner sibling ...factors like gut microbes, which scientists
traditionally would not think of exerting influence on genes, may have a
surprisingly powerful effect, changing how a body's genes would normally control
the way it digest food and breaks it down into energy"
Gut microflora and obesity: Study highlights potential for pre-, probiotics
- Nutra USA, 11/12/09 - "One approach could involve
searching for nutritional interventions to modify specific gut microbial
species. Dietary components (prebiotics) might be found that alter growth of
specific microbial species capable of affecting host physiology, and the
Turnbaugh model can be used to pinpoint these elements and decipher the
mechanisms of the host-microbe collaboration"
Eat Late, Put on Weight? - WebMD, 9/3/09 - "eating
at the "wrong" time leads to more than twice as much weight gain, even when the
overall calories consumed are the same as those eaten at appropriate time"
Diets Linked To Atherosclerosis And Impaired Blood Vessel Growth - Science
Daily, 8/25/09 - "Even as low-carbohydrate/high-protein
diets have proven successful at helping individuals rapidly lose weight, little
is known about the diets' long-term effects on vascular health ... mice placed
on a 12-week low carbohydrate/high-protein diet showed a significant increase in
atherosclerosis, a buildup of plaque in the heart's arteries and a leading cause
of heart attack and stroke ... our research suggests that, at least in animals,
these diets could be having adverse cardiovascular effects that are not
reflected in simple serum markers"
Why Exercise
Won't Make You Thin - Time Magazine, 8/9/09 - "Many
obesity researchers now believe that very frequent, low-level physical activity
— the kind humans did for tens of thousands of years before the leaf blower was
invented — may actually work better for us than the occasional bouts of exercise
you get as a gym rat ... You cannot sit still all day long and then have 30
minutes of exercise without producing stress on the muscles ... The muscles will
ache, and you may not want to move after. But to burn calories, the muscle
movements don't have to be extreme. It would be better to distribute the
movements throughout the day"
fatty acid supplements improve the cardiovascular risk profile of subjects with
metabolic syndrome, including markers of inflammation and auto-immunity -
Acta Cardiol. 2009 Jun;64(3):321-7 - "were given 1 gram
of fish oil as a single capsule, containing 180 mg eicosapentaenoic acid and 120
mg docosahexaenoic acid daily for 6 months. Control subjects did not receive any
supplementation over the same period. RESULTS: The study was completed by 47
subjects in the intervention group and 42 subjects in the control group.
Treatment with omega 3 supplements was associated with a significant fall in
body weight (P < 0.05), systolic blood pressures (P < 0.05), serum low density
lipoprotein cholesterol (P < 0.05), and total cholesterol (P < 0.05),
triglycerides (P < 0.05), high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) (P <
0.01), and Hsp27 antibody titres (P < 0.05). No significant changes were
observed in the control group. CONCLUSION: It appears that omega 3 improves the
cardiovascular risk profile of subjects with metabolic syndrome, having effects
on weight, systolic blood pressure, lipid profile and markers of inflammation
and autoimmunity" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
High-carb diet could aid slimming: Study - Nutra USA, 7/20/09
Dietary Oils, Two Sets Of Benefits For Older Women With Diabetes - Science
Daily, 7/15/09 - "In the study, 16 weeks of
supplementation with safflower oil reduced fat in the trunk area, lowered blood
sugar and increased muscle tissue in the women participants ... Conjugated
linoleic acid supplementation for the same length of time, on the other hand,
reduced total body fat and lowered the women’s body mass index (BMI), a common
health measure of weight relative to height" - See
conjugated linoleic acid at Amazon.com
Citrus-derived Flavonoid Prevents Obesity, Study Suggests - Science Daily,
7/14/09 - "Naringenin corrected the elevations in
triglyceride and cholesterol, prevented the development of insulin resistance
and completely normalized glucose metabolism. The researchers found it worked by
genetically reprogramming the liver to burn up excess fat, rather than store it
... Furthermore, the marked obesity that develops in these mice was completely
prevented by naringenin ... These studies show naringenin, through its
insulin-like properties, corrects many of the metabolic disturbances linked to
insulin resistance and represents a promising therapeutic approach for metabolic
syndrome" - See
naringenin at Amazon.com
Evidence That Vinegar May Be Natural Fat-fighter - Science Daily, 6/22/09 -
"Their new study showed that laboratory mice fed a
high-fat diet and given acetic acid developed significantly less body fat (up to
10 percent less) than other mice. Importantly, the new research adds evidence to
the belief that acetic acid fights fat by turning on genes for fatty acid
oxidation enzymes. The genes churn out proteins involved in breaking down fats,
thus suppressing body fat accumulation in the body" - See
apple cider vinegar at Amazon.com
- 4.5 tablets equals about 3 tablespoons by my calculations. I've been
popping 4 of these with meals for years and more and more research keeps backing
me up.
of dietary conjugated linoleic acid with safflower oil on body composition in
obese postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes mellitus - Am J Clin Nutr.
2009 Jun 17 - "Supplementation with CLA reduced body
mass index (BMI) (P = 0.0022) and total adipose mass (P = 0.0187) without
altering lean mass. The effect of CLA in lowering BMI was detected during the
last 8 wk of each 16-wk diet period. In contrast, SAF had no effect on BMI or
total adipose mass but reduced trunk adipose mass (P = 0.0422) and increased
lean mass (P = 0.0432). SAF also significantly lowered fasting glucose (P =
0.0343) and increased adiponectin (P = 0.0051). No differences were observed in
dietary energy intake, total fat intake, and fat quality in either diet period
for either intervention. CONCLUSIONS: Supplementation with CLA and SAF exerted
different effects on BMI, total and trunk adipose mass, and lean tissue mass in
obese postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes" - See
conjugated linoleic acid at Amazon.com
Could vinegar be natural fat fighter? - Nutra USA, 6/18/09 -
"fed mice a high-fat diet, with 50 per cent of energy
coming from fat, and treated the animals with 1.5 per cent vinegar (high-dose
group), 0.3 per cent vinegar (low-dose group), or water (control group) ... the
researchers noted that that both vinegar groups produced reductions in fat mass
of about 10 per cent, with no apparent dose-dependent effect, compared to the
control mice ... The results of this study suggest that acetic acid suppresses
body fat accumulation by increasing fatty oxidation and thermogenesis in the
liver through PPAR-alpha" - [Abstract]
- See vinegar supplements at Amazon.com
Acetic Acid
Upregulates the Expression of Genes for Fatty Acid Oxidation Enzymes in
Liver To Suppress Body Fat Accumulation - J Agric Food Chem. 2009 May 26
- "acetic acid (AcOH) ... AcOH suppresses
accumulation of body fat and liver lipids by upregulation of genes for
PPARalpha and fatty-acid-oxidation-related proteins by alpha2 AMPK mediation
in the liver" - See apple cider vinegar at Amazon.com
Breakfast, Get Fat - WebMD, 6/15/09 - "Forgoing the
first meal of the day actually tricks your brain into thinking you want
higher-calorie foods -- foods that can make you fat, or at least increase your
risk for weight gain"
Restriction Results In Weight Gain Despite Decreases In Appetite And Consumption
- Science Daily, 6/8/09 - "in the presence of free
access to food, sleep restricted subjects reported decrease in appetite, food
cravings and food consumption; however, they gained weight over the course of
the study. Thus, the finding suggests that energy intake exceeded energy
expenditure during the sleep restriction ... Results indicate that people whose
sleep was restricted experienced an average weight gain of 1.31 kilograms over
the 11 days of the study"
In Turmeric Spice May Stall Spread Of Fat Tissue - Science Daily, 5/22/09 -
"supplementing the animals’ high-fat diet with curcumin
reduced body-weight gain and total body fat, even though food-intake was not
affected, when compared to the nonsupplemented high-fat-diet group ... The
curcumin-treated group also had less blood vessel growth in fat tissue. Blood
glucose, triglyceride, fatty acid, cholesterol and liver fat levels also were
lower" - See
curcumin products at Amazon.com
Plasma n-3
polyunsaturated fatty acids are negatively associated with obesity - Br J
Nutr. 2009 May 19:1-5 - "Plasma fatty acid composition
was determined by GC. BMI, waist circumference and hip circumference were
inversely correlated with n-3 PUFA, EPA and DHA (P < 0.05 for all) in the obese
group. Obese individuals had significantly lower plasma concentrations of total
n-3 PUFA, compared with healthy-weight individuals (4.53 (sd 1.11) v. 5.25 (sd
1.43) %)"
- See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Extract Suppresses Fat Tissue Growth In Rodent Models - Science Daily,
5/18/09 - "Curcumin, the major polyphenol found in
turmeric, appears to reduce weight gain in mice and suppress the growth of fat
tissue in mice and cell models" - See
curcumin products at Amazon.com
Lose Weight With a Good Night's Sleep? - WebMD, 5/16/09 -
"The average BMI for short sleepers was 28.3. That
compares to an average BMI of 24.5 for long sleepers. The BMI range for normal
weight is considered to be 18.5-24.9 and for overweight 25.0-29.9. BMI is
calculated from a person's weight and height and is an indicator of body fat"
Whole-Grain, Low-Calorie Diet Reduced Body Fat Compared With Refined-Wheat
Low-Calorie Diet - Doctor's Guide, 5/14/09 -
"Patients consuming whole-grain foods had a significantly larger drop in body
fat percentage (assessed by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry scanning) compared
with patients who had eaten refined foods (-6.8% vs -4.8%; P = .03) ... Total
cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels rose by 5% in the refined-wheat group but
remained unchanged in the wholemeal-wheat group"
Tea: Solution To Obesity Epidemic? - Science Daily, 5/7/09 -
"After treating lab-cultured human pre-adipocytes with
the tea extract, the authors found that fat incorporation during the genesis of
new adipocytes was reduced ... The extract solution induced a decrease in the
expression of genes associated with the growth of new fat cells, while also
prompting existing adipocytes to break down the fat they contain ... It is less
processed than the other teas and contains more of the ingredients thought to be
active on human cells, such as methylxanthines (like caffeine) and
epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) – which the authors believe to be responsible
for many of the anti-adipogenic effects demonstrated in their study" -
green tea extract at Amazon.com
Study In
Pregnant Women Suggests Probiotics May Help Ward Off Obesity - Science
Daily, 5/7/09 - "One year after giving birth, women were
less likely to have the most dangerous kind of obesity if they had been given
probiotics from the first trimester of pregnancy, found new research that
suggests manipulating the balance of bacteria in the gut may help fight obesity
... Central obesity, where overall obesity is combined with a particularly fat
belly, is considered especially unhealthy ... We found it in 25% of the women
who had received the probiotics along with dietary counselling, compared with
43% in the women who received diet advice alone" - See
probiotics at Amazon.com
Curcumin may cut body fat and weight gain: Mouse study - Nutra USA, 4/27/09
- "The curcumin suppression of angiogenesis in adipose
tissue together with its effect on lipid metabolism in adipocytes may contribute
to lower body fat and body weight gain ... Curcumin was also associated with
significantly lower cholesterol levels and a reduction in the expression of
peroxisome proliferators-activated receptor gamma (PPAR-gamma), a protein that
plays a role in metabolic functions" - [Abstract]
- See
curcumin products at Amazon.com
Curcumin inhibits adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 adipocytes and angiogenesis and obesity
in C57/BL mice - J Nutr. 2009 May;139(5):919-25 -
"Supplementing the high-fat diet of mice with curcumin did not affect food
intake but reduced body weight gain, adiposity, and microvessel density in
adipose tissue, which coincided with reduced expression of vascular endothelial
growth factor (VEGF) and its receptor VEGFR-2. Curcumin increased
5'AMP-activated protein kinase phosphorylation, reduced glycerol-3-phosphate
acyl transferase-1, and increased carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1 expression,
which led to increased oxidation and decreased fatty acid esterification ... Our
findings suggest that dietary curcumin may have a potential benefit in
preventing obesity" - See
curcumin products at Amazon.com
Green Tea
(-)-Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate Reduces Body Weight with Regulation of Multiple
Genes Expression in Adipose Tissue of Diet-Induced Obese Mice - Ann Nutr
Metab. 2009 Apr 22;54(2):151-157 - "Experimental diets
supplemented with EGCG resulted in reduction of body weight and mass of various
adipose tissues in a dose-dependent manner. EGCG diet also considerably lowered
the levels of plasma triglyceride and liver lipid. In the epididymal white
adipose tissue of EGCG diet-fed mice, the mRNA levels of adipogenic genes such
as peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPAR-gamma), CCAAT
enhancer-binding protein-alpha (C/EBP-alpha), regulatory element-binding
protein-1c (SREBP-1c), adipocyte fatty acid-binding protein (aP2), lipoprotein
lipase (LPL) and fatty acid synthase (FAS) were significantly decreased.
However, the mRNA levels of carnitine palmitoyl transferase-1 (CPT-1) and
uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2), as well as lipolytic genes such as hormone
sensitive lipase (HSL) and adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL), were
significantly increased ... These results suggest that green tea EGCG
effectively reduces adipose tissue mass and ameliorates plasma lipid profiles in
high-fat diet-induced obese mice. These effects might be at least partially
mediated via regulation of the expression of multiple genes involved in
adipogenesis, lipolysis, beta-oxidation and thermogenesis in white adipose
tissue" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
Glycemic Breakfast May Increase Benefits Of Working Out - Science Daily,
4/15/09 - "Overall, fat oxidation was higher in the LGI
treatment than in the HGI treatment (P < 0.05) during the post-breakfast and
exercise periods. Following lunch, fullness scores were higher in the LGI trial
than in the HGI trial (P < 0.05). The authors concluded that consuming a LGI
breakfast increases fat oxidation during subsequent exercise and improved
satiety during recovery in sedentary females. As such, individuals trying to
shed fat may consider choosing LGI foods eaten prior to when they exercise"
Consumption A Bigger Factor In Weight, Study Shows - Science Daily, 4/2/09
Grape polyphenols may protect against obesity: Study - Nutra USA, 3/18/09 -
"animals fed a high-fat diet but supplemented with the
grape seed extract had adiponectin levels 61 per cent higher than animals only
fed the high fat diet. Adiponectin is a protein hormone linked to various
metabolic processes, and levels are inversely related to body fat levels"
- [Abstract] - See
grape seed extract at Amazon.com
Chardonnay grape seed procyanidin extract supplementation prevents high-fat
diet-induced obesity in hamsters by improving adipokine imbalance and oxidative
stress markers - Mol Nutr Food Res. 2008 Nov 26 -
"GSE prevented in part these effects, reducing insulinemia and leptinemia by
16.5 and 45%, respectively, whereas adiponectin level increased by 61% compared
with obese controls. GSE lowered glycemia and HOMA-IR and strongly prevented
cardiac production of superoxide by 74% and NAD(P)H oxidase expression by 30%.
This is the first time that chronic consumption of grape phenolics is shown to
reduce obesity development and related metabolic pathways including adipokine
secretion and oxidative stress" - See
grape seed extract at Amazon.com
Scientists Discover Why A Low GI Meal Makes You Feel Full - Science Daily,
3/18/09 - "Eating a meal with a low GI (glycaemic index)
increases gut hormone production which leads to suppression of appetite and the
feeling of fullness"
Enough Vitamin D In The Diet Could Mean Too Much Fat On Adolescents -
Science Daily, 3/16/09 - "A Medical College of Georgia
study of more than 650 teens age 14-19 has found that those who reported higher
vitamin D intakes had lower overall body fat and lower amounts of the fat in the
abdomen, a type of fat known as visceral fat, which has been associated with
health risks such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and hypertension" -
vitamin D at Amazon.com
affects appetite and cortico-limbic responses to images of high-calorie foods
- Int J Eat Disord. 2009 Mar 3 -
"Cytidine-5'-diphosphocholine (citicoline) has a variety of cognitive enhancing,
neuroprotective, and neuroregenerative properties. In cocaine-addicted
individuals, citicoline has been shown to increase brain dopamine levels and
reduce cravings ... After 6 weeks, there was no significant change in weight
status, although significant declines in appetite ratings were observed for the
2,000 mg/day group. The higher dose group also showed significant increases in
functional brain responses to food stimuli within the amygdala, insula, and
lateral orbitofrontal cortex. Increased activation in these regions correlated
with declines in appetite ratings ...These preliminary findings suggest a
potential usefulness of citicoline in modulating appetite, but further research
is warranted" - See
citicholine at Amazon.com
Discovery Could Help Fight Human Obesity - Science Daily, 2/12/09 -
"arginine, an amino acid, reduces fat mass in
diet-induced obese rats and could help fight human obesity ... dietary arginine
supplementation shifts nutrient partitioning to promote skeletal-muscle gain ...
The findings were published recently in the Journal of Nutrition ... arginine
supplementation for a 12-week period decreased the body fat gains of low-fat and
high-fat fed rats by 65 percent and 63 percent, respectively. The long-term
arginine treatment did not have any adverse effects on either group ... funded
by the American Heart Association" - See
L-arginine products at Amazon.com
Green tea catechins linked to weight loss: Study - Nutra USA, 1/26/09 -
"The subjects were randomly assigned to receive either
500ml per day of a beverage providing 625mg catechins, or a control beverage ...
12-week study period ... people in the catechin group were found to have lost
more body weight compared to the control group ... both total abdominal fat area
(P = 0.013) and abdominal subcutaneous fat area (P = 0.019) had decreased more
in the catechin group" - [Abstract]
- See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
tea catechin consumption enhances exercise-induced abdominal fat loss in
overweight and obese adults - J Nutr. 2009 Feb;139(2):264-70 -
"for 12 wk ... There was a trend (P = 0.079) toward
greater loss of body weight in the catechin group compared with the control
group ... Percentage changes in fat mass did not differ between the catechin
[5.2 (-7.0, -3.4)] and control groups [-3.5 (-5.4, 1.6)] (P = 0.208). However,
percentage changes in total abdominal fat area [-7.7 (-11.7, -3.8) vs. -0.3
(-4.4, 3.9); P = 0.013], subcutaneous abdominal fat area [-6.2 (-10.2, -2.2) vs.
0.8 (-3.3, 4.9); P = 0.019], and fasting serum triglycerides (TG) [-11.2 (-18.8,
-3.6) vs. 1.9 (-5.9, 9.7); P = 0.023] were greater in the catechin group. These
findings suggest that green tea catechin consumption enhances exercise-induced
changes in abdominal fat and serum TG" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
Mediterranean Diet Reduces Long-term Risk Of Subsequent Weight Gain And Obesity
Among Adults - Science Daily, 1/22/09 - "increased
fruit and vegetable intake was associated with significantly lower risk of a
medium WG (3,41 kg) over 10 years among adults of a Spanish Mediterranean
population. Dietary strategies to increase fruit and vegetable intake to prevent
and control overweight and obesity should be promoted more vigorously"
L-Arginine Supplementation Reduces White Fat Gain and Enhances Skeletal Muscle
and Brown Fat Masses in Diet-Induced Obese Rats - J Nutr. 2008 Dec 23 -
"l-arginine-HCl ... Despite similar energy intake,
absolute weights of white fat pads increased by 98% in control rats over a 12-wk
period but only by 35% in arginine-supplemented rats. The arginine treatment
reduced the relative weights of white fat pads by 30% and enhanced those of
soleus muscle by 13%, extensor digitorum longus muscle by 11%, and brown fat by
34% compared with control rats ... arginine treatment resulted in lower serum
concentrations of leptin, glucose, triglycerides, urea, glutamine, and
branched-chain amino acids, higher serum concentrations of nitric-oxide
metabolites, and improvement in glucose tolerance. Thus, dietary arginine
supplementation shifts nutrient partitioning to promote muscle over fat gain and
may provide a useful treatment for improving the metabolic profile and reducing
body white fat in diet-induced obese rats" - See
Jarrow Formulas, Arginine 1000,
1000 mg, 100 Easy-Solv Tablets
at iHerb.
Treatment of
white coat hypertension with metformin - Int Heart J. 2008 Nov;49(6):671-9 -
"White coat hypertension (WCH) is most likely a disorder
associated with metabolic syndrome ... Twenty-five cases (14.7%) stopped
metformin therapy due to excessive anorexia. At the end of a 6-month period,
there were highly significant differences between the two groups with respect to
the prevalences of resolved WCH, hyperbetalipoproteinemia, hypertriglyceridemia,
dyslipidemia, overweight and obesity, and decreased fasting plasma glucose below
110 mg/dL ... Thus, the management of WCH should not focus solely on the
regulation of blood pressure with antihypertensive medications, but rather on
the prevention of future excess weight and various associated disorders, and
metformin alone is an effective therapeutic option, most likely due to its
powerful inhibitory effect on appetite"
Diets Can Affect Dieters' Cognition Skills - Science Daily, 12/11/08 -
"A new study from the psychology department at Tufts
University shows that when dieters eliminate carbohydrates from their meals,
they performed more poorly on memory-based tasks than when they reduce calories,
but maintain carbohydrates. When carbohydrates were reintroduced, cognition
skills returned to normal"
Lack Of
Vitamin D Causes Weight Gain And Stunts Growth In Girls - Science Daily,
12/11/08 - "The high prevalence of vitamin D
insufficiency in young people living in a sun-rich area was surprising," says
study lead author, Richard Kremer, co-director of the Musculoskeletal Axis of
the MUHC. "We found young women with vitamin D insufficiency were significantly
heavier, with a higher body mass index and increased abdominal fat, than young
women with normal levels" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Adiponectin Is A Metabolic Link Between Obesity And Bone Mineral Density -
Science Daily, 11/25/08 - "adiponectin, a protein
secreted from adipocytes, is a metabolic link that can explain, in part, the
known positive relationship between obesity and both bone mineral density and
reduced susceptibility to fractures ... In summary, elevated circulating
adiponectin was associated with lower bone mass and weaker bones in growing mice
compared to control animals" - See my
adiponectin page for ways to increase it. - Ben
Vitamin D Insufficiency Linked to Increased Body Fat - Medscape, 11/10/08 -
"The study sample consisted of 90 postpubertal women
aged 16 to 22 years and living in California ... Insufficiency of 25(OH)D,
defined as a serum level of 29 ng/mL or less, was present in approximately 59%
of participants, and the remaining 41% had sufficient 25(OH)D levels, defined as
a serum level of 30 ng/mL or more. Serum 25(OH)D levels were strongly negatively
related to CT measures of visceral and subcutaneous fat and to DXA values of
body fat" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Drug 'tricks body to lose weight' - BBC News, 11/5/08 -
"The drug SRT1720 - a chemical cousin of red wine extract resveratrol - targets
the protein SIRT1, which is thought to combat ageing ... The French team from
the University Louis Pasteur became interested in the SIRT1 protein after
earlier studies showing resveratrol countered some effects of a high-calorie
diet via SIRT1" - See
resveratrol products at Amazon.com
Green Tea Consumption Decreases Body Mass, Induces Aromatase Expression, and
Changes Proliferation and Apoptosis in Adult Male Rat Adipose Tissue - J
Nutr. 2008 Nov;138(11):2156-2163 - "Green tea (GT) ...
These results suggest new mechanisms for GT on body weight and highlight its
potential benefit to prevent or treat obesity and the metabolic syndrome"
- See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
-- Found In High-fructose Corn Syrup, Sugar -- Sets Table For Weight Gain
Without Warning - Science Daily, 10/16/08 - "Eating
too much fructose can induce leptin resistance, a condition that can easily lead
to becoming overweight when combined with a high-fat, high-calorie diet"
Is Linked to Obesity - New York Times, 8/25/08 -
"After controlling for body mass index, smoking, physical activity and almost
two dozen measures of daily nutrient intake, they found that the one-third of
people who used the most MSG were almost three times as likely to be overweight
— that is, to have a body mass index over 25 — as those who used none"
Fructose May Make You Fatter - WebMD, 7/31/08 -
"Fructose gets made into fat more quickly, and when that process is turned on
there seems to be a signal that goes to the liver that says store all the other
fats you are seeing"
Metformin May Enhance Weight Loss in Female Adolescents - Medscape, 7/8/08 -
"a significant decrease in body mass index was seen in
females receiving metformin but not in those taking placebo. Sixty percent of
participants who were metformin-adherent and who decreased food portion sizes
had a decrease in body mass index of more than 5%" - See
metformin at OffshoreRx1.com.
'Big Breakfast' Diet Helps Shed Pounds - WebMD, 6/17/08 -
"Eating a 600-calorie breakfast rich in carbohydrates
and protein helps dieters lose more weight long term than eating a modest
breakfast and following a lower-carb eating plan ... In all, members of the
big-breakfast group lost more than 21% of their
body weight; low-carb group members lost 4.5%"
Wine's Resveratrol May Help Battle Obesity - Science Daily, 6/16/08 -
"resveratrol inhibited the pre-fat cells from increasing
and prevented them from converting into mature fat cells. Also, resveratrol
hindered fat storage. Most interesting, according to Fischer-Posovszky, was that
resveratrol reduced production of certain cytokines (interleukins 6 and 8),
substances that may be linked to the development of obesity-related disorders,
such as diabetes and clogged coronary arteries. Also, resveratrol stimulated
formation of a protein known to decrease the risk of heart attack. Obesity
decreases this substance, called adiponectin" - [WebMD]
- See
resveratrol products at Amazon.com
Fish-Oil Supplements Plus Regular Aerobic Exercise Benefit Overweight Patients
- Medscape, 5/22/08 - "FO [fish oil] supplements and
regular exercise both reduce body fat and improve cardiovascular and metabolic
health ... Increasing intake of n-3 FAs could be a useful adjunct to exercise
programs aimed at improving body composition and decreasing cardiovascular
disease risk"
of Metformin for Weight Management in Patients Without Type 2 Diabetes (June)
- Ann Pharmacother. 2008 May 13 - "The weight loss
effects of metformin in overweight or obese adults and adolescents without
diabetes appear promising; however, trials have been limited by small patient
populations and weak design. Metformin may also have a positive effect on
metabolic parameters such as waist circumference, fasting insulin and glucose
levels, and triglycerides" - See metformin at at
Metformin May Delay Onset of Diabetes in At-Risk Subjects - Medscape,
3/24/08 - "Metformin treatment, compared with
placebo or no treatment, reduced body mass index by 5.3%, fasting glucose by
4.5%, fasting insulin by 14.4%, and calculated insulin resistance by 22.6%
... Metformin treatment also reduced triglycerides and LDL cholesterol by
5.3% and 5.6%, respectively, and increased HDL cholesterol by 5.0% ... The
incidence of new-onset diabetes was reduced by 40% (odds ratio, 0.6), with
an absolute risk reduction of 6%, during a mean trial duration of 1.8 years"
- I don't have diabetes yet still take 1,000 mg of metformin per day. I
still feel high blood sugar and advanced glycation end products are major
causes of aging. See
metformin at OffshoreRx1.com.
Obese children may benefit from CLA: study - Nutra USA, 2/29/08 -
"when these results were compared to those from the
placebo tests, CLA improved
fat loss at a rate of 0.024 kg per
gram of CLA per week" - [Abstract]
- Note: 0.024 kg = 0.1 lbs so the normal 3 gram dose would be 0.3 pounds
per week. It might not sound like much but 0.3 x 52 = 15.6 pounds per year.
conjugated linoleic acid at Amazon.com
Conjugated linoleic acid reduces body fat accretion and lipogenic gene
expression in neonatal pigs fed low- or high-fat formulas - J Nutr. 2008
Mar;138(3):449-54 - "CLA reduced body fat accretion
regardless of dietary fat content ... Adipose tissue expression of
acetyl-CoA carboxylase-alpha and lipoprotein lipase were significantly
reduced by CLA treatment" - See
conjugated linoleic acid at Amazon.com
of conjugated linoleic acid and exercise on bone mass in young male Balb/C
mice - Lipids Health Dis. 2006 Mar 23;5:7 -
"Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) has been reported to lower body fat mass.
However, weight loss is generally associated with negative effects on bone
mass, but CLA is reported to have beneficial effects on bone ... a
combination therapy of CLA and EX on bone health has not been studied ...
although CLA decreased gain in body weight by 35%, it however increased bone
mass by both reducing bone resorption and increasing bone formation. EX also
decreased gain in body weight by 21% and increased bone mass; but a
combination of CLA and EX, however, did not show any further increase in
bone mass" - See
conjugated linoleic acid at Amazon.com
Artificial Sweeteners Linked To Weight Gain - Science Daily, 2/10/08 -
"relative to rats that ate yogurt sweetened with
glucose (a simple sugar with 15 calories/teaspoon, the same as table sugar),
rats given yogurt sweetened with zero-calorie saccharin later consumed more
calories, gained more weight, put on more body fat, and didn't make up for
it by cutting back later, all at levels of statistical significance"
Green Tea May Ward Off Weight Gain - WebMD. 1/23/08 -
"Here's what those preliminary lab tests in mice
show: ... Less weight and fat gain. Among mice with an obesity gene, those
that ate chow laced with green tea extract gained less weight and less fat
... Less fat in the liver. There was less sign of "fatty liver" disease in
the mice with the obesity gene that ate chow laced with green tea extract
... Lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels in mice with the obesity gene
that ate the chow laced with green tea extract, compared to other mice with
the same obesity gene" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
Lipoic Acid Could Reduce Atherosclerosis, Weight Gain - Science Daily,
1/14/08 - "lipoic acid supplements reduced
atherosclerotic lesion formation in two types of mice that are widely used
to study cardiovascular disease, by 55 percent and 40 percent, respectively.
The supplements were also associated with almost 40 percent less body weight
gain, and lower levels of triglycerides in very low-density lipoproteins"
- See
alpha lipoic acid at Amazon.com
Effective Weight Loss Diet Revealed, According To New Study - Science
Daily, 1/11/08 - "a high protein, low carbohydrate
diet is most effective at reducing hunger and promoting weight loss, at
least in the short term"
Metformin, Lifestyle
Changes Effective in Antipsychotic-Induced Weight Gain - Medscape,
1/10/08 - "Lifestyle intervention plus metformin had
the greatest effect on weight loss, and metformin alone was more effective
than lifestyle intervention plus placebo in increasing insulin sensitivity
and reversing weight gain in these patients with schizophrenia and
significant weight gain from atypical antipsychotic agents"
More support for omega-3 and weight management - Nutra USA, 12/21/07 -
"Laboratory mice fed a high fat diet and
supplemented with eight per cent fish oil gained less weight and metabolised
more fat than their murine counterparts not receiving the supplement"
- [Abstract]
- See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Kids: Less Sleep May Lead to Overweight - WebMD, 11/5/07
Effects of milk supplementation with conjugated linoleic acid (isomers
cis-9, trans-11 and trans-10, cis-12) on body composition and metabolic
syndrome components - Br J Nutr. 2007 Jul 11;:1-8 -
"Subjects were randomised to a daily intake of 500
ml milk supplemented with 3 g CLA (using a mixture of the bioactive isomers
cis-9, trans-11 and trans-10, cis-12, marketed as Tonalin(R), Naturlinea;
Central Lechera Asturiana) or placebo for 12 weeks ... The supplementation
of milk with 3 g CLA over 12 weeks results in a significant reduction of fat
mass in overweight but not in obese subjects. CLA supplementation was not
associated with any adverse effects or biological changes" - See
conjugated linoleic acid at Amazon.com
Biology Dictates Diet Success - WebMD, 5/15/07 -
"The low-glycemic-load diet was effective for a lot
of the individuals who were high-insulin secretors and who previously had
challenges losing weight and keeping it off"
Soup First Cuts Calories Later - WebMD, 5/1/07 -
"Participants consumed 20% fewer calories when they
started their meals with soup"
Diets Don't Work Long-Term - WebMD, 4/11/07
Study Examines Calorie Restriction and Glycemic Load - Doctor's Guide,
4/10/07 - "Unlike several other long-term studies,
which have reported greater weight loss with low GL diets at six months but
no differences by 12 months, our data show no significant short-term or
long-term differences"
Report: Green Tea - Natural Support For Healthy Weight Control - Life
Extension Magazine, 4/07 - "Strong scientific
evidence suggests that green tea confers critical cardiovascular benefits,
may protect against a variety of deadly cancers, reduces the risk of
diabetic complications, and may mitigate the effects of various autoimmune
disorders ... If these broad-spectrum benefits were not reason enough for
health-conscious adults to consider adding green tea to their daily
supplement regimen, emerging research that confirms green tea’s effects in
facilitating fat burning, weight management, and optimal body composition
surely is"
Obesity Surgery Can Lead To Memory Loss, Other Problems - Science Daily,
Atkins Diet Tops Others in Study - washingtonpost.com, 3/6/07 -
"The study by Stanford University researchers
compared the Atkins approach to three others: the standard low-fat, reduced
calorie regimen long recommended by physicians and weight loss experts; the
Zone, a reduced carbohydrate approach developed by author Barry Sears; and
the very low-fat, high-carbohydrate regimen created by physician Dean Ornish
... For all practical purposes the programs all worked about the same ...
The extra four pounds lost by the Atkins group are not very meaningful"
- Another consideration is that you don't know how much of that four pounds
is water loss caused by high protein diets. - Ben
Get the diet scoop: 6 promising supplements, 6 to avoid - CNN, 2/16/07 -
"promising ...
Caffeine ...
Chromium ...
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) ...
5-HTP ... L-dopa
Over-the-Counter Weight Loss Pill OK'd - WebMD, 2/7/07 -
"FDA approved
orlistat capsules -- called "alli" -- as an
over-the-counter weight loss aid for overweight adults ... the pill will be
available in U.S. stores by this summer ... In studies, most people lost
5-10 pounds over six months"
Regulator doubts calorie-burning claims of Enviga drink, made by Coke,
Nestle - USA Today, 2/5/07
Long-Term Safety
of Diet Drugs Unknown - WebMD, 1/8/07
An open-label pilot study of the combination therapy of metformin and
fluoxetine for weight reduction - Int J Obes (Lond). 2006 Sep 12 -
"In a 6.68-month period, a 7.89 kg decrease in
weight (9.32%) and a 3.43 U decrease in BMI (10.14%) were observed in
participants of the case group that was statistically significant"
CLA could cut 'weight creep' during holidays, ageing - Nutra USA,
8.22/06 - "the subjects taking CLA safely reduced
their body fat mass by one kilogram (2.2 lbs) and their body weight by 0.6
kg (1.3 lbs). In comparison, those in the placebo group gained 0.7 kg (1.5
lbs) of body fat mass and 1.1 kg (2.4 lbs) of body weight during the months
that are especially problematic for overweight people ... the majority of
studies that have reported positive results have all been performed with
Tonalin CLA… which has a very high concentration of the bioactive isomers
cis-9, trans-11, and trans-10, cis-12" - See
CLA products.
Glycemic Index Diet Best For Weight Loss And Cardiovascular Health -
Science Daily, 7/26/06 - "Between the two
high-carbohydrate diets, lowering the glycemic index doubled fat loss"
CLA Weight Loss
Debate Continues - WebMD, 5/22/06 -
"for six months ... Three months into the study, the
CLA group had lost an extra 1.5 pounds of body fat, compared to the
placebo group ... At the study’s end, the CLA group lost 5.6% more body fat
mass than those taking the placebo. The CLA group also lost about 3.3 pounds
more than the placebo group"
- See
CLA products.
Exercise Trumps
Diet for Weight Loss - WebMD, 4/14/06
Nut Oil Boosts Appetite Suppressors Up To 60 Percent For 4 Hours -
Science Daily, 4/4/06 - "CLA
differentially reduces fat mass in men and women in just 3 months ... After
six months, there was an average fat mass loss of 2 kilos corresponding to
about 6% fat loss. At the same time, "overall body weight loss was 'only'
1.5 kilos because there was a gain in muscle mass,"" - See
CLA products.
Vegetarian Diet
May Help Weight Loss - WebMD, 4/3/06
Telmisartan But Not Valsartan Increases Caloric Expenditure and Protects
Against Weight Gain and Hepatic Steatosis - Hypertension. 2006 Mar 27 -
"Telmisartan, but not valsartan, promoted increases
in caloric expenditure and protected against dietary-induced weight gain ...
Telmisartan reduced the accumulation of visceral fat and decreased adipocyte
size to a much greater extent than valsartan and was also associated with a
significant reduction in hepatic triglyceride levels"
About 5% of Long-term Niacin Users Evolve Into HDL Hyperresponders -
Doctor's Guide, 3/14/06 - "Overall, these patients lost
4% of body weight while on
niacin treatment" - See
niacin products.
Midnight Snack
Won't Pack Fat - WebMD, 2/2/06 -
"weight gain depends on how many calories we eat,
and not when we eat them"
Study Could Lead To A Novel Strategy For Treating Obesity - Science
Daily, 1/16/06 - "Their results suggest that
restoring fatty-acid levels in the brain may be a promising way to treat
After Gastric Bypass Surgery, Important to Check Vitamin B1 Deficiency -
Doctor's Guide, 12/29/05
The Perricone Weight Loss Program
- Life Extension Magazine, 11/05 -
"The reason that traditional low-calorie diets fail
is that they lack omega-3s, which are essential for healthy metabolism. If
you follow the anti-inflammatory diet and ensure the intake of plenty of
omega-3 fatty acids, you will successfully lose weight" - See Mega
Twin EPA at
Getting Older Without Adding Extra Weight - WebMD, 10/3/05
Low-Fat, Vegan Diet May Be Effective for Weight Loss - Medscape, 9/15/05
"14-week trial reported in the September issue of the
American Journal of Medicine ... Mean body weight decreased by 5.8 +/- 3.2
kg in the vegan group and by 3.8 +/- 2.8 kg in the control group"
- Note: 5.8 kg is 12.8 pounds, 3.8 kg is 8.4 pounds. 12.8 - 8.4 = 4.4
pounds more weight loss in the vegan group after 14 weeks. [Abstract]
New Study Shows High-Carb, Vegan Diet Causes Major Weight Loss -
Doctor's Guide, 9/9/05 - "A low-fat, plant-based
diet is more effective at helping women lose weight and improve insulin
sensitivity than an omnivorous diet ... a low-fat, primarily vegan diet may
slow the progression of prostate cancer"
Breakfast Cereal Helps Maintain Healthy Weight - WebMD, 9/1/05 -
"In a study of girls followed from age 9 to age 19,
regular cereal eaters had fewer weight problems than infrequent cereal
Diet Soda
Surprise May Not Be So Slimming - CBS 2 Chicago, 8/23/05 -
"people who were drinking diet soft drinks two or
more per day had a 57 percent chance of becoming overweight by a seven- to
eight-year follow-up, which was significantly higher than the people who are
drinking regular soft drinks"
Research May Provide New Link Between Soft Drinks And Weight Gain -
Science Daily, 8/2/05 - "Those consuming the
fructose-sweetened water showed significant weight gain over the course of
the study, with an average final weight of 48 grams—compared with averages
below 44 grams for the other groups—and had about 90 percent more body fat
than the mice that consumed water only"
Weight Loss and Other Benefits of Conjugated Linoleic Acid
- Life Extension Magazine, 6/05 -
"Researchers concluded that a dose of 3.4 grams
results in significant body-fat loss compared to placebo, but that greater
amounts of CLA do not result in greater fat loss" - See
CLA products.
Pill? - CBS 2 Chicago, 5/20/05 -
"What some people believe is a magic pill to fight
fat is a supplement called hoodia, which claims to suppress your appetite"
Vertical Gastrectomy Suggested as Weight-Loss Procedure of Choice for Older
Obese Patients - Doctor's Guide, 5/20/05
Consumer Reports Rates Diet Plans - WebMD, 5/9/05 -
"Weight Watchers got the highest rating. On the 1 to
5 rating scale -- where 5 is best and 1 is worst -- Weight Watchers scored a
Skipping Exercise Makes Fat a Bigger Problem - WebMD, 4/19/05 -
"Just five hours after exercise stopped, the rat's
abdominal fat cells started to send off chemical signals that made them
start to swell. After two days of no exercise, the fat cells got 19% larger
-- and the rats' stomach fat got 48% heavier"
Low-Carb Diets: More Protein May Not Help - WebMD, 4/15/05
Supplement Shows Promise for Body Fat Loss - WebMD, 4/1/05 -
"The group that had already been taking
CLA lost no more weight or body fat, but they maintained the body fat
losses seen in the previous year. People who began taking the supplement
during year two of the study lost an average of 3.5 pounds and also saw
reductions in overall body fat" - See
CLA products.
Yogurt May Help Burn Fat, Promote Weight Loss - WebMD, 3/17/05 -
"obese adults who ate three servings of fat-free
yogurt a day as part of a reduced-calorie diet lost 22% more weight and 61%
more body fat than those who simply cut calories and didn't bone up on
calcium. Yogurt eaters also lost 81% more fat in the stomach area than
non-yogurt eaters"
- Hoodia for Weight Loss?
- Dr. Weil, 3/11/05
- Green Tea: The
Next Performance Enhancer? - WebMD, 1/28/05 -
"Ten weeks of green tea supplements plus strenuous
exercise made mice swim longer and stronger than mice that swam their laps
without performance enhancement ... The mice got stronger because the green
tea made them burn fat more efficiently ... the amount of green tea eaten by
the mice would work out to about 4 cups of green tea a day for a 165-pound
human athlete"
- See
green tea extracts.
- Think twice about
weight-loss surgery - MSNBC, 1/28/05
- Green Tea Fights
Fat - WebMD, 1/26/05 -
"the first group drank a bottle of oolong tea
fortified with
green tea extract containing 690 milligrams
of catechins, and the other group drank a bottle of oolong tea with 22
milligrams of catechins ... After three months, the study showed that the
men who drank the green tea extract lost more weight (5.3 pounds vs. 2.9
pounds) and experienced a significantly greater decrease in BMI, waist size,
and total body fat" - See
green tea extracts.
Weight-Loss Supplements: Do They Work? - HealthDay, 1/15/05
- Less Sleep Could
Mean More Weight - WebMD, 1/10/05 -
"Total sleep times tended to decrease as body weight
increased ... The difference in total sleep time between patients who were
normal weight and those who weren't was only 16 minutes per day"
- Sleep Loss Feeds
Appetite - WebMD, 12/7/04
Healthy Carbs, Fats for Weight Loss
- WebMD, 11/23/04 -
"eating a so-called low-glycemic diet may overcome
the body's natural tendency to slow metabolism when calories are restricted.
A low-glycemic diet emphasizes healthy fats and carbohydrates"
Water-Rich Diet More Effective Than Low-Fat Regimen for Weight Loss -
Medscape, 11/18/04
Egg Breakfast May Help Weight Loss Diet
- WebMD, 11/18/04
- High- and Low-Carb
Diets Produce Similar Results - Medscape, 11/17/04 -
"A rare head-to-head comparison of a high glycemic
index (GI)/high-carbohydrate diet with a low-GI/low-carbohydrate diet
resulted in comparable weight loss and increase in insulin sensitivity"
Low-Fat Diet Best for Lasting Weight Loss
- WebMD, 11/16/04
Sleep More to
Fight Obesity - WebMD, 11/16/04
Study: Low-Fat Diets Better Long-Term - Intelihealth, 11/16/04 -
"Regardless of how they shed pounds in the first
place, big losers stayed that way by limiting fat rather than carbohydrates"
Want to Cut
Calories? Just Add Water - WebMD, 11/15/04
Portion Control Pays Off in Weight Loss
- WebMD, 10/15/04
Portion Control Induces Greatest Weight Loss in Obese Patients -
Doctor's Guide, 10/14/04 -
"Although we saw similar patterns of weight loss
related to reduced dietary fat consumption, increased fruit and vegetable
consumption, increased physical activity and increased planned exercise, the
target behavior that induced the greatest weight loss was portion control"
Novel Fiber Limits Sugar Absorption - Life Extension Magazine, 9/04 -
"Life Extension recommends that people seeking to
lose weight consume the following supplements: ...
polynicotinate 600-1000 mcg daily ... Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)
3000-4000 mg daily ...
PGX™ highly viscous fiber blend 1000-3000 mg 5-10
minutes before each meal with 8-16 ounces of water ... Consider asking your
doctor to prescribe 500 mg two to three times daily of the
insulin-normalizing drug metformin"
Vitamin Supplements May Slow Middle-Age Weight Gain
- HealthDay, 9/10/04 -
"the people who had taken multivitamins, vitamin
B-6, vitamin B-12 and chromium had less weight gain over the previous 10
years than other respondents"
Low-glycemic-index plan is better than low-fat or low-carb diets, study says
- HealthDay, 8/26/04 -
"After two to four months, the researchers found
that the rats given the high-glycemic-index
diet had 71 percent more body fat and 8 percent less lean muscle mass,
compared with rats on the low-glycemic-index diet"
Sick of Low-Carb Diets? Try Low-GI
- WebMD, 8/26/04 -
"The animals on the high-GI
diet were gaining more weight with same amount of food, and we had to
cut their food back increasingly over time to keep them at the same weight
... But what was really interesting to us was that even though they
maintained the same weight because they got less food, the high-GI group in
both rats and mice doubled their body fat and had a reduction ... in muscle
mass, which is exactly what you don't want"
Grapefruit Lowers Weight, Fights Cancer - HealthDay, 8/25/04 -
"At the end of 12 weeks the placebo group lost on
average just under half a pound, the extract group 2.4 pounds, the
grapefruit juice group 3.3 pounds, and the fresh grapefruit group 3.5 pounds
... In this study they had one and a half grapefruits a day"
Six Patterns for Weight Loss Management
- WebMD, 8/4/04
Whey protein better than meat for reducing body weight
- Nutra USA, 6/7/04 -
"Increasing the dietary density of
whey protein, but not of red meat, reduced body
weight gain by 4 per cent, they add, while whey protein also reduced plasma
insulin concentration by 40 per cent and increased insulin sensitivity,
compared to meat protein" - See
whey protein products.
CLA: The New Miracle Weight Loss Pill?
- WebMD, 5/24/04 -
"Both CLA
groups lost weight -- about 4 pounds; the placebo group stayed the same ...
The CLA syrup group had a 9% body fat loss; the CLA pill group had 7% loss;
the placebo group had no body fat loss ... The increased lipoprotein levels
may be a byproduct of fat loss, says Gaullier. "The body does show
inflammation caused by the process of eliminating fat. We think this is what
is happening, but we don't know for certain.""
- See
CLA products.
Weight Watchers Tend To Keep Pounds Off
- WebMD, 4/8/04 -
"That's not the story with Weight Watchers weight
losers. The study shows that after two years, three-fourths of their lost
weight stays lost. After five years, half the lost weight was still gone ...
people who lose weight and keep it off -- whether they are on Weight
Watchers or not -- have several things in common: ... They take in 1,400
calories a day: 56% from carbs, 24% from fat, and 20% from protein"
A Safer Gastric Bypass Surgery - HealthDay, 4/7/04
Evidence-based Products - Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals, 4/04 -
"The first received
Super CitriMax at 2,800mg HCA per day
... After eight weeks, the first group lost 6.2 per cent of body weight and
reduced BMI by 6.3 per cent" - See
Super CitriMax products at iHerb.
What makes people fat, why diets don't work, and what triggers appetite?
- Dr. Murray's Natural Facts, 3/17/04 -
"PGX™ lowers after meal blood sugar levels by
approximately 20 to 40% and also lowers insulin secretion by approximately
40% producing a whole body insulin sensitivity index improvement of nearly
50% - a phenomenal accomplishment that is unequalled by any drug or natural
health product.10 PGX™ is particularly well-suited for syndrome X" -
PGX at Amazon.com
PGX products.
More Carbs, More Exercise = More Weight Loss
- WebMD, 3/5/04 -
"The thinnest people eat the most carbs ... Without
exception, a high-complex-carbohydrate, high-vegetable-protein diet is
associated with low body mass ... High-protein diets were associated with
higher body weight"
Kids Who Eat Too Much Fat, or Too Little, Prone to Weight Gain
- HealthDay, 3/4/04
Green Tea Boosts Metabolism Without Increasing Heart Rate - Clinical
Psychiatry News, 3/04 -
"Patients took two 375-mg capsules twice daily, for
a total daily epigallocatechin gallate dose of 270 mg ... By week 12, body
weight decreased by a mean of 4.6% and waist circumference by 4.48%"
- See
green tea extracts.
Growth Hormone May Be Fat Fighter - WebMD, 2/13/04 -
"the dosage of growth hormone was increased to 400
µg per day in men and 600 µg in women ... those who used growth hormone lost
an average of about 5 pounds and kept it off for up to nine months.
Researchers say the weight loss was entirely caused by a loss of body fat
... growth hormone improved cholesterol profiles -- increasing the level of
"good" HDL cholesterol by 19%" - Maybe my math is off but I calculate
500 micrograms to be 1.5 IU (0.5 mg/5mg = x /15 IU, x = .5 mg * 15 IU/5 mg,
x = 1.5 IU) - Ben
Is Weight Loss Surgery Too
Risky? - Dr. Weil, 2/10/04
HCA, better than ephedra? - Nutra USA, 2/4/04 -
"study’s principal investigator, Dr Harry Preuss of
Georgetown University Medical Center ... Super CitriMax performed a function
not noted in ephedra however - it significantly increased serum serotonin
levels (a mechanism of appetite control and eating behavior) and lowered
serum leptin levels, a biomarker of the gene that regulates obesity"
- See
Super CitriMax products at iHerb.
Dieters Decrease Heart Risk on Moderate Fat Program
- Doctor's Guide, 1/29/04 -
"Over the course of the study, the low-fat diet
group experienced a 12 percent decrease in HDL ("good") cholesterol but the
moderate-fat diet group had no change. This indicates that a moderate-fat
diet blunts the decrease in HDL ("good") cholesterol during weight loss"
Study Links High-Carbs And Weight Loss
- Intelihealth, 1/27/04
More Carbs, Less Weight - HealthDay, 1/26/04 -
"assigned to one of three 12-week programs ... They
were told they could eat as much as they wanted ... Participants in the
low-fat, high-carb groups lost weight and those who exercised lost even
more. The average weight loss was almost 11 pounds"
Atkins, South Beach or Dr. Phil? An expert rates the books
- USA Today, 1/15/04
Supplement Solutions For Weight Loss - Natural Foods Merchandiser, 1/04
Drinking Water May Speed Weight Loss
- WebMD, 1/5/04 -
"The researchers estimate that over the course of a
year, a person who increases his water consumption by 1.5 liters a day would
burn an extra 17,400 calories, for a weight loss of approximately five
Eating Cereal Helps Kids Control Weight - HealthDay, 12/8/03 -
"for children who ate cereal eight or more times
during the two weeks of the study, the risk for being overweight was reduced
to one in five. For those who ate little cereal, the risk increased to
almost one in two"
Weight Control Doesn't Have to Be a Battle - HealthDay, 11/2/03
Stomach Pacemaker May Be Low-Risk Option
- WebMD, 10/16/03
Meal Replacement Plans Do Work - HealthDay, 10/13/03 -
"People who followed a meal replacement plan for 10
years weighed, on average, about 33 pounds less than people who didn't use a
meal replacement plan"
Moderate Exercise as Effective as Intense Workouts for Dropping Pounds -
WebMD, 9/9/03 -
"along with dieting, when overweight women started a
new exercise routine after years of being inactive, it didn't really matter
whether they came out of the gate running or walking briskly. After a year,
there was only a total weight-loss difference of 1 1/2 pounds between them"
Dietary Experts Debate Carbohydrates
- Intelihealth, 9/2/03 -
"Blood sugar levels may shoot twice as high after a
high-GI meal as after a low one, and that
unleashes metabolic havoc: The body responds with a surge of insulin, which
prompts it to quickly store the sugar in muscle and fat cells. The high
sugar also inhibits another hormone, glucagon, which ordinarily tells the
body to burn its stored fuel ... Blood sugar plunges. So much is stored so
fast that within two or three hours, levels may be lower than they were
before the meal. Suddenly, the body needs more fuel. But because glucagon is
still in short supply, the body does not tap into its fat supply for energy.
The inevitable result? Hunger ... After one year, the low-GI volunteers had
dropped seven pounds of pure fat. The others had put on four"
Eating Breakfast Strengthens Fight Against Obesity
- Physician's Weekly, 9/1/03 -
"people who regularly skip breakfast are 4.5 times
more likely to be overweight and those who eat four or more meals per day
are less likely to be overweight. The study also found that Americans who
eat later during the day are no more likely to be overweight than those who
do not"
French Secrets to Staying Slim - WebMD, 8/22/03 -
"Only 7% of French people are obese, compared with
30% of Americans ... The average portion size in Paris was 25% smaller than
in Philly ... Chinese restaurants in Philly served meals that were 72%
bigger than Parisian Chinese restaurants"
New Diet Approach May Fight Child Obesity
- WebMD, 8/12/03 -
"a reduced-glycemic-load diet that emphasizes foods
with a low to moderate
glycemic index and allows children to eat
until they're full was more effective than a traditional low-fat,
calorie-restricted diet in helping obese children shed pounds and slow the
progression of insulin resistance, a risk factor for diabetes ... Complex
carbohydrates, such as whole-grain bread and cereals, brown rice, and
vegetables, are foods with a low to moderate glycemic index"
Could a Pill Treat Obesity and Lower Cholesterol?
- HealthDay, 7/29/03
Thyroid boost may speed weight loss - USA Today, 7/28/03
Skip Breakfast, Get Fat - HealthDay, 7/11/03 -
"late eaters are no more likely to be overweight
than anyone else ... Americans who regularly skip breakfast are 4.5 times
more likely to be fat ... those who eat four or more meals a day are
actually on the thinner side ... people who ate more than three times a day
were about half as likely to be fat as those who ate three or fewer times a
day. Ma suspects the difference may have something to do with fewer spikes
in blood sugar levels among the frequent eaters"
Growth Hormone May Help Obesity - HealthDay, 6/27/03 -
"gave small doses of
growth hormone to 39 people who were
about 40 percent overweight. The volunteer participants lost an average of
slightly more than 5 pounds ... Growth hormone, they believe, helps control
appetite and speeds up the metabolism, which burns calories. When people are
obese, the amount of growth hormone in their bodies decreases, which
contributes to the accumulation of fat and loss of muscle mass. That, in
turn, may sap the person's energy to exercise"
Obese Individuals Experience Modest Weight Loss with Growth-Hormone Therapy
- Doctor's Guide, 6/24/03 -
"9-month study ... were encouraged to slowly lose
weight by exercising and reducing their daily caloric intake by 500
calories. Twenty-three subjects self-injected
growth hormone nightly and 17
self-administered placebo injections ... People who took growth hormone lost
an average of 2.4 kg, or 5.25 pounds. This weight loss was all due to loss
of body fat; they did not lose any muscle mass ... Most of the fat loss was
in the
abdominal area. There were also
improvements in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol of about 19%"
Anticonvulsant Might Prevent Recidivism after Weight Loss
- Doctor's Guide, 6/17/03
High Protein Diets More Effective At Maintaining Weight Loss
- Doctor's Guide, 6/4/03 -
"Despite no differences in attitudes to eating, a
protein intake of 18% as energy versus 15%
as energy resulted in improved weight maintenance, as well as improved fat
distribution based on body waist circumference, and improved substrate
oxidation and satiety"
Epilepsy Drug [topiramate] Has Weight Loss Effect, But Adverse Events Stop
Study - Doctor's Guide, 6/3/03 -
"Patients on two of three higher doses used in the
study (192 mg and 256 mg) had a mean weight loss of 12-13 kg [12.5 kg = 27.5
pounds] when the study was ended. At this time the patients had been taking
the drug for between 60 and 76 weeks. By comparison, patients in the placebo
arm lost a mean of 2.9 kg. These losses corresponded to a mean decrease of
12% to 13% from baseline for the two highest dose groups ... If further
trials also show this [result],
topiramate would be the first
drug with such a long term weight loss effect ... 19% of patients withdrew
because of side effects. Mild to moderate
paresthesia was
the most common" - See
OffshoreRx1.com or
Orlistat Keeps The Weight Off Over Three Years In Metabolic Syndrome
Patients - Doctor's Guide, 6/3/03 - See
online prescriptions.
Low-Carbohydrate Diet Better Than Low-Fat for Weight Loss, Insulin
Sensitivity, and Triglycerides - Doctor's Guide, 5/29/03
Red Meat May Be Key to High-Protein Diet
- WebMD, 5/9/03 -
"100 women were enrolled in the study -- all
overweight, with an average body mass index (BMI) of 33. For 12 weeks, half
the women ate a high-protein diet of 34% protein, 46% carbohydrate, and 20%
fat. The other half ate a high-carbohydrate diet that was 17% protein, 64%
carbohydrate, and 20% fat ... Each diet consisted of about 1, 340 calories,
and protein in both diets was from lean red meat ... the high-protein-diet
women lost substantially more weight ... the high-meat eaters also had 22%
lower levels of triglycerides ... Bottom line: Eat fewer refined
carbohydrates -- table sugar, baked goods, white bread, pasta -- and more
fruits and vegetables ... Eat lots of lean protein -- sirloin steak, flank
steak, chicken, eggs, tofu, and fish"
Shedding Pounds Not as Tough as You Think - HealthDay, 5/9/03
Had it with High Carbs? -
Dr. Weil, 5/2/03
Low-Carb Diets Work Without Boosting Heart Risk - HealthDay, 4/18/03 -
"after six months, the 22 women on the low-carb plan
averaged an 18.7-pound loss, while the 20 women on the low-fat plan averaged
an 8.5-pound loss ... The low-carbohydrate group, at the three-month mark,
was averaging 15 percent of calories from carbohydrates, 28 percent from
protein and 57 percent from fat. At the six-month mark, they were eating 30
percent carbs, 23 percent protein and 46 percent fat ... The low-fat group
was averaging 54 percent of calories from carbohydrates three months into
the study, 18 percent from protein and 28 percent from fat. At six months,
the totals were 53 percent carbs, 18 percent protein and 29 percent fat ...
Average calorie intake was similar for both groups -- 1,302 a day for the
low-carb group after six months and 1,247 for the low-fat group"
Yogurt May Help Burn Fat - HealthDay, 4/18/03
The Dairy Calcium in Yogurt Helps People Lose Belly
- WebMD, 4/15/03 -
"put 34 obese people on a low-cal diet. Sixteen of
them got pills with 400 to 500 mg of
calcium per day. The other 18 people ate enough yogurt to give them 1100
mg of calcium per day ... After 12 weeks, everybody lost a lot of fat ...
Sixty percent of the yogurt eaters' weight loss was
belly fat, while only 26% of the
comparison group's loss was belly fat"
Calcium Helps Girls Keep the Weight Off - HealthDay, 4/14/03 -
calcium comes from dairy products or
supplements, girls who consume the highest levels weigh less than girls who
consume lower levels ... as little as a daily increase of one cup of milk or
a small piece of cheese, about 300 milligrams of calcium, resulted in
one-half inch less of abdominal fat and as much as two pounds less of body
weight. "I have reason to believe that the same effect occurs in boys,""
Calcium for Weight Loss? - WebMD, 4/14/03
Commercial Diet Programs Beat Do-It-Yourself Ones
- HealthDay, 4/8/03 -
"At the end of the first year, the self-help group
lost and maintained 2.86 to 3.08 pounds. By the end of the second year,
however, the weight was back to what it had been at the beginning of the
study ... The Weight Watchers group lost 9.46 to 11 pounds by the end of the
first year, and 5.94 to 6.6 pounds overall by the end of the second year"
You Can Trim Down Online - HealthDay, 4/8/03 -
"people in the e-mail counseling group lost more
than twice as much weight as those just using the basic Internet weight-loss
program. At the end of a year, the people in the e-mail counseling group
lost an average of 10 pounds while those in the basic program lost an
average of 4 pounds"
Intermittent and On-Demand Very Low Calorie Diets Bring Significant Weight
Loss - Doctor's Guide, 4/3/03 -
"All patients started with 16 weeks on a very low
calorie diet. Then, patients assigned to an intermittent group were
scheduled to use a very low calorie diet for two weeks every third month,
while patients in an on-demand group were told to use a very low calorie
diet whenever their body weight passed an individualized cut-off level ...
Completers in both groups maintained highly significant weight losses after
two years. Patients in the intermittent group lost 7.0 [15.43 pounds] +/-
11.0 [24.25 pounds] kg. Patients in the on-demand group lost 9.1 [20.06
pounds] +/- 9.7 [21.38 pounds] kg"
Meal Replacement Diet Keeps Weight Off
- thesandiegochannel.com, 3/28/03 -
"The group that lost more used meal replacements"
Cardiovascular Risk Factors Affected By Diet
- Doctor's Guide, 2/27/03 -
"Although patients were advised to maintain an
identical energy intake with the different diets, there was significant
weight loss on the low
glycaemic index diet compared with weight
gain on the high sucrose diet"
Band-Associated Re-Operation Common, But Safe, After Laparoscopic Gastric
Banding - Doctor's Guide, 2/19/03
Light Sleeper, Heavy Gainer - HealthDay, 2/14/03 -
"Sleep loss can result
in high blood levels of glucose, which causes your body to overproduce
insulin and makes it easier to gain weight ... Sleep deprivation can
increase production of
cortisol, a stress hormone that stimulates
the appetite ... Lack of sleep can lead to a
growth hormone
deficiency, which can cause you to put on fat, rather than muscle"
The Great Weight Debate - WebMD, 2/6/03
- Diglyceride-Rich
Foods May Promote Weight Loss - New Hope Natural Media, 1/30/03 -
"79 obese men and women from ages 19 to 75 were
assigned to incorporate specific food products that contained high amounts
of diglycerides (from rapeseed oil, also known as
Canola oil) or
triglycerides (from rapeseed, soybean and safflower oils) in their diets
for 24 weeks. All participants were put on a low-calorie diet that contained
30% to 35% of energy as fat, 45% to 50% of energy as carbohydrate, and 15%
to 20% of energy as protein ... Body weight and total fat mass decreased
significantly in the group consuming diglycerides by almost 4% and 8%,
respectively, compared with those consuming triglycerides"
Bupropion May Aid Weight Loss - Clinical Psychiatry News, 1/03 -
"Of those in the
bupropion group, 52% lost
at least 5% of their body weight during the 26-week study, compared with 15%
of the placebo group" - Bupropion is available online as
A New Option for Weight Loss Surgery
- WebMD, 1/21/03
- Adjustable Gastric
Band Safe, Effective in Severe Obesity
- Medscape, 1/21/03
CLA for weight loss and diabetes - Life Extension Magazine, 1/03 -
supplementation has been shown to improve the lean mass to body fat ratio,
decreasing fat deposition, especially in the abdomen and enhancing muscle
growth" - See
CLA products.
Acute Fast Does Not Induce Compensatory Energy and Nutrient Intake -
Doctor's Guide, 1/2/03
Dramatic Weight
Loss Isn't Risky For Men - WebMD, 12/9/02
Bariatric Surgery Used On Obese Kids
- Intelihealth, 11/4/02
- Weight Loss
Surgery Adds Years to Life - WebMD, 10/11/02
A Weight Loss Pill
[phentermine] that Works? - Dr. Weil, 9/24/02
Topiramate shows promise as weight-loss drug
- Doctor's Guide, 9/2/02 -
"A six-month trial of the antiepileptic drug
topiramate (TOPAMAX,
Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Inc) for the treatment of obesity has found the
drug helped reduce body weight between 6 percent and 8 percent ... weight
loss continued at the six-month cut-off point. In contrast, he said, the two
weight-loss drugs currently on the market,
(Xenical, Roche) and
sibutramine (Meridia, Abbott Laboratories)
plateau between three and six months ... The most common side effects were
parasthesia, memory difficulty, fatigue, somnolence, appetite loss, taste
perversion, concentration difficulty and dizziness"
Dining out without guilt - USA Today, 8/26/02
Stepping up the weight loss - USA Today, 8/26/02 -
"Some of the most intriguing answers have been
discovered by studying people in the National Weight Control Registry, a
group of more than 3,000 people who have maintained a 30-pound weight loss
for a year. Registry members lost weight in different ways, but they
generally keep it off by exercising for about an hour a day, eating a
relatively low-calorie, low-fat diet, weighing themselves regularly, having
breakfast every day and keeping track of what they eat ... Brownell says
that if people watch portion sizes, eat fruits and vegetables and less junk,
"they'd be 90% of the way toward a healthy diet." And "if anything has
become clear over the past 10 years, it's the importance of exercise in
weight loss and maintaining.""
Nutrition watchdog praises fast food giants
- USA Today, 8/26/02 -
"Low-fat Select Sub sandwiches served at Subway
"have helped lead the way to healthier fast food," the center said. The
statement singled out the low-fat Honey Mustard Ham, Sweet Onion Chicken
Teriyaki and Red Wine Vinaigrette Club sandwiches as "downright delicious"
with calorie counts ranging from 310 to 370 with six grams of fat or less"
Scientists Discover Hormone [PPY3-36] That Helps Curb People's Appetites
- Intelihealth, 8/7/02
- 'Fullness'
Hormone Suppresses Appetite - WebMD, 8/7/02
Low-Carbohydrate, High-Protein Diets Increase Risk Of Kidney Stones And May
Raise Bone Loss Risk - Doctor's Guide, 8/1/02 -
"acid excretion - a marker for the acid load in the
blood - increased as much as 90 percent while subjects were on
diets that severely restricted
carbohydrates. Levels of urinary
citrate, which inhibits
kidney stones, fell by almost 25
percent in the group during the six-week study ... People may lose weight on
this diet, but this study shows that this is not a healthy way to lose
weight ... there was an increased risk of developing kidney stones and a
possible increase in the risk of
bone loss"
The Benefits of Carnitine and DHEA for Fat Metabolism - Life Extension
Magazine, 8/02 -
is an amino acid that's critical for converting fatty acids into fuel.
Because of this, it has the potential to help people lose weight ... A lack
of DHEA may be one of the primary causes of
insulin resistance"
Reduction of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy After Exercise and Weight Loss in
Overweight Patients With Mild Hypertension
- Doctor's Guide, 7/15/02 -
"Blood pressure
fell by 7.0 / 6.0 mmHg in the weight management group and by 3.0 / 4.0 mmHg
in the aerobic
exercise group"
Weight-control Options - Functional Foods & Nutraceuticals, 7/02
Losing Weight with Peanut
Butter? - Dr. Weil, 7/10/02 -
"a diet high in monounsaturated fats (MUFAs) with
34-36 percent of calories from fat reduced LDL (“bad”)
cholesterol by 16-25 percent without
HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels. In contrast,
the American Heart Associations diet with 25 percent of calories from fat,
resulted in only a 12 percent reduction ... people on a diet including 35
percent of calories from MUFAs as well as those on a traditional low-fat,
high carbohydrate diet lost an average of 11 pounds over six months.
However, by 18 months, three times as many people on the MUFA diet remained
with the program and kept off the lost weight while the others regained an
average of five pounds each"
Weight-Loss Drugs on Horizon - WebMD, 6/10/02 -
"In mouse studies, it reduces appetite and makes the
body burn fat faster. That's supposed to be impossible ... Kuhajda and
colleagues at Baltimore's Johns Hopkins University saw obese mice lose 15%
of their body weight after only two weeks on C75. Oh, yes, and there's one
more thing about it: C75 also kills cancer cells ... But don't run out to
the pharmacy looking for the drug. It's years away from any kind of human
Weighing in on
Low-Fat Processed Foods - WebMD, 6/10/02 -
"Many people don't understand that many of these
low-fat products are really very calorie-dense ... There is a tendency to
think that if something is low in fat you can eat as much as you want ...
The key to losing weight and keeping it off is eating smaller portions and
increasing physical activity"
- New Hope for Morbid
Obesity - Medscape, 5/23/02
Training, Modest Diet Fight Child Obesity - WebMD, 5/23/02
Secrets of
Successful Weight Loss - WebMD, 5/10/02
Band constricts the cravings, weight
- USA Today, 5/9/02
Consumer Reports reveals successful diet tips
- CNN, 5/6/02 -
"an overwhelming majority of "successful losers"
took a do-it-yourself approach and credited exercise -- not food deprivation
-- as their top strategy"
Americans' new craving: Diet drugs
- USA Today, 4/29/02
New Evidence That Dietary Soy And Flaxseed Have Positive Effect On Obesity
And Diabetes - Intelihealth, 4/22/02 -
"These data suggest that diets rich in soy protein
flaxseed have beneficial effects on many aspects of
obesity and
Diet Supplement
[LipoKinetix] Causes Liver Damage - WebMD, 3/18/02
High-Protein Beats High-Carbohydrate for Weight Loss in Low-Fat Diets -
Doctor's Guide, 2/26/02
The Skinny on Fat
Drugs - WebMD, 2/20/02
Breakfast Helps Keep Weight Off - kgtv.com, 2/7/02
Five Tips For Planning And Losing Weight
- Intelihealth, 2/6/02
Insulin Pill
Fights Obesity - WebMD, 1/31/02
Study: Adults Have Obesity Syndrome
- Intelihealth, 1/16/02
Cancer Therapy May Have Application For Treating Obesity
- Intelihealth, 1/7/02 -
"Rupnick tested five different angiogenesis
inhibitors, including TNP-470, angiostatin and endostatin, on ob/ob mice and
other obese mice ... The most surprising thing was that not only did the
mice stop gaining weight, they also lost a significant amount of weight ...
Depending on the dose, "we decreased their body weight by almost half -
that's enormous," Rupnick said. The drugs were working far better than any
approved obesity drug ever had""
Diabetes Drug
[Glucophage/metformin] May Fight Obesity - WebMD, 12/26/01 -
"Pediatricians at the University of Tennessee School
of Medicine put 24 obese adolescents on a low-calorie diet: 1,500 calories a
day for the girls and 1,800 calories a day for the boys. They also gave half
the teens Glucophage and half a placebo ... After eight weeks, dieting teens
who took the placebo lost 3.8 % of their body weight. But those taking
Glucophage lost 6.5 % of their body weight -- nearly twice as much"
More Good News
on Zyban and Smoking - WebMD, 9/20/01 -
"The antidepressant Zyban (also known as Wellbutrin
or by its generic name bupropion) has helped many people quit. Now, research
shows the drug seems to prevent relapse and even seems to help women lose
Losing 100, the
Healthy Way - WebMD, 9/18/01
How They Do It: Researchers Study People Who Lost Weight And Keep It Off
- Intelihealth, 9/13/01
- Wellbutrin (Bupropion)
Effective For Weight Loss in Women
- Doctor's Guide, 9/12/01
Obesity drugs alone won't do it - CNN, 8/22/01
Pipeline Bulging With Obesity Drugs - WebMD, 7/26/01
How Successful Dieters Keep Weight Off
- Intelihealth, 7/18/01
Wider Use for
Obesity Surgery Urged - WebMD, 7/12/01
- Troglitazone Drug Helps
non-Diabetic Patients Lose Weight
- Doctor's Guide, 6/20/01
FDA Approves
Implanted Stomach Band to Fight Obesity, Device Could Be Helpful, But Users
Still Need to Diet and Exercise - WebMD, 6/5/01
Pacemaker Zaps Obese Patients Slim, Electrical Gadget Helps Overeaters Feel
Full, Eat Less - WebMD, 5/25/01
Nasal Spray Could Help Keep the Pounds Off - WebMD, 4/27/01 -
"All three agents were inhaled through the nose
twice a day for six weeks ... At the end of the study, body fat had
decreased by an average of nearly 4 lb and body weight by an average of less
than 2 lb in the individuals treated with MSH/ACTH"
For Severely
Obese Teens, Surgery, Stomach Bypass an Option When All Else Fails -
WebMD, 4/17/01
all you want and still lose pounds — someday - USA Today, 3/30/01
Moderate Exercise Better Than Hard-Core Workouts - Intelihealth, 3/28/01
"A new study suggests moderately paced, sustained
activities promote weight loss more effectively than brief, high-intensity
health club workouts"
Weight Loss
expert Jenny Craig - CNN, 3/15/01
New Fat-Loss
Drug Resets Brain's Weight Setpoint - WebMD, 3/20/01 -
"The drug, called Axokine, is a genetically
engineered version of a natural brain chemical, called CNTF, that makes new
brain cells grow ... [A] remarkable property that distinguishes ... A human
trial reported at a medical meeting last month showed that obese people who
got the most effective dose of Axokine lost nearly 10 pounds over 12 weeks
of treatment. Unlike previous weight loss drugs, these patients did not
immediately regain the weight -- in fact, they lost another pound during the
first six weeks they were off the drug, and they kept their lost weight off
for a minimum of six weeks after discontinuing the medication ... the drug
works a lot like
leptin ... Leptin would make a great weight
loss drug -- except that when a person becomes obese, he becomes resistant
to it the same way a diabetic person becomes resistant to insulin"
Virtual weight loss can be a reality - CNN, 3/6/01
Reducing the
Obesity Epidemic: What Works and What Doesn't, When Exercise, Diet, and
Pills Don't Work, Surgery May Be the Answer - WebMD, 3/1/01 -
"Millions of Americans suffer with life-threatening
obesity, and the only proven, effective treatment is surgery," Smith says.
"When faced with a life-threatening illness like heart disease, patients
readily accept major surgery -- including its risks -- as the necessary step
to treat their heart disease. The same is true for obesity."
A Decreases Pre-receptor Amplification of Glucocorticoids in Obesity: Study
on the Effect of Vitamin A on 11beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1
Activity in Liver and Visceral Fat of WNIN/Ob Obese Rats - Nutr J. 2011
Jun 23;10(1):70 - "11beta-hydroxysteroid
dehydrogenase type 1 (11beta-HSD1) catalyzes the conversion of inactive
glucocorticoids to active glucocorticoids and its inhibition ameliorates
obesity and metabolic syndrome. So far, no studies have reported the effect
of dietary vitamin A on 11beta-HSD1 activity in visceral fat and liver under
normal and obese conditions. Here, we studied the effect of chronic feeding
of vitamin A-enriched diet (129mg/kg diet) on 11beta-HSD1 activity in liver
and visceral fat of WNIN/Ob lean and obese rats ... Control groups received
stock diet containing 2.6mg vitamin A/kg diet, where as experimental groups
received diet containing 129mg vitamin A/Kg diet for 20 weeks ... Vitamin A
supplementation significantly decreased body weight, visceral fat mass and
11beta-HSD1 activity in visceral fat of WNIN/Ob obese rats. Hepatic
11beta-HSD1 activity and gene expression were significantly reduced by
vitamin A supplementation in both the phenotypes. CCAAT/enhancer binding
protein alpha(C/EBPalpha), the main transcription factor essential for the
expression of 11beta-HSD1, decreased in liver by vitamin A fed-obese rats,
but not in lean rats. Liver X receptor alpha (LXR alpha), a nuclear
transcription factor which is known to downregulate 11beta-HSD1 gene
expression was significantly increased by vitamin A supplementation in both
the phenotypes" - Note: See my
11beta-HSD1 page. 11beta-HSD1 goes hand in hand with cortisol.
supplementation of n-3 PUFA reduces weight gain and improves postprandial
lipaemia and the associated inflammatory response in the obese JCR:LA-cp rat
- Diabetes Obes Metab. 2009 Nov 16 - "n-3 PUFA
treatment resulted in a significant improvement (i.e. decrease) in the
postprandial response for triglyceride (45%) (p < 0.05), apoB48 (45%) (p <
0.03) and LBP (33%) (p < 0.05) compared to controls (measured as area under
the clearance curve). In contrast, we observed a significant elevation in
postprandial haptoglobin (165%) (p < 0.001) in obese rats supplemented with
10% n-3 PUFA. Treatment with 5% n-3 PUFA in the JCR:LA-cp obese animals
resulted in a complementary decrease in total body weight gain (6%) (p <
0.001) and an increase (i.e. improvement) in adiponectin (33%) (p < 0.05)
compared to controls, without a concomitant reduction in food intake"
- See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Effect of tea catechins on body fat accumulation in rats fed a normal diet
- Biomed Res. 2008 Feb;29(1):27-32 - "The
administration of 0.5% catechins decreased the accumulation of body fat and
the serum levels of cholesterol and bile acids. These results indicate that
tea catechins modulate lipid metabolism not only in obese subjects, but also
in the non-obese" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
Can EGCG Reduce Abdominal Fat in Obese Subjects? - J Am Coll Nutr. 2007
Aug;26(4):396S-402S - "heart rate (HR) ... Moderate
consumption of
can improve the health status of overweight individuals undergoing regular
exercise by reducing HR and plasma glucose concentrations. Loss of body fat,
however, may require a higher intake of EGCG, other catechins or addition of
metabolic stimulants" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
, my favorite is
green tea extract at Amazon.com .
The effects of epigallocatechin-3-gallate on thermogenesis and fat oxidation
in obese men: a pilot study - J Am Coll Nutr. 2007 Aug;26(4):389S-95S -
"These findings suggest that EGCG alone has the
potential to increase fat oxidation in men and may thereby contribute to the
anti-obesity effects of green tea" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
, my favorite is
green tea extract at Amazon.com .
The influence of calcium consumption on weight and fat following 9 months of
exercise in men and women - J Am Coll Nutr. 2007 Aug;26(4):350-5 -
"Average calcium consumption was 987 +/- 389 mg/day
for men and 786 +/- 276 mg/day for women. Weight change over the 9 months
was -4.6 +/- 4.6 kg for men and 0.2 +/- 3.3 kg for women ... Weight and fat
weight loss as a result of nine months of moderate intensity exercise may be
improved by increased calcium consumption in men but was not observed in
women" - Note: 4.6 kg is 10.14 lbs.
Overweight Postmenopausal Women Lose Bone With Moderate Weight Reduction and
1 g/day Calcium Intake - J Bone Miner Res. 2005 Mar;20(3):455-63 -
"Despite an intake of 1 g Ca/day, bone loss occurred
at some sites because of weight loss. Calcium intake of 1.7 g/day will
minimize bone loss during weight loss in postmenopausal overweight women"
Effects of metformin on the body composition in subjects with risk
factors for type 2 diabetes - Diabetes Obes Metab. 2005
Mar;7(2):189-92 -
"In the metformin group, there was a decrease in
fat weight from 25.9 +/- 9.4 to 20.8 +/- 9.2 kg, p < 0.01, an increase
in lean weight from 57.05 +/- 13.6 to 61.9 +/- 16.5 kg, p < 0.01, an
increase in basal metabolism from 1735 +/- 413 to 1878 +/- 505
calories/day, p < 0.05 and an increase in body water" - See
metformin at IAS
or OffshoreRx1.com.
Note: That's a 19.7% decrease in fat (25.9-20.8)/25.9 = 19.7%, a 8.5%
increase in lean weight (61.9-57.05)/57.05 = 8.5% and a 8.2% increase in
basal metabolism (1878-1735)/1735 = 8.2%. - Ben
Ingestion of a tea rich in catechins leads to a reduction in body fat and
malondialdehyde-modified LDL in men - Am J Clin Nutr. 2005
Jan;81(1):122-9 -
"Body weight, BMI, waist circumference, body fat
mass, and subcutaneous fat area were significantly lower in the green tea
extract group than in the control group"
- See
green tea extracts.
Efficacy and Safety of Ephedra and Ephedrine for Weight Loss and Athletic
Performance - JAMA, 3/26/03 -
"Ephedrine and ephedra
promote modest short-term weight loss (0.9 kg/mo more than placebo) in
clinical trials. There are no data regarding long-term weight loss, and
evidence to support use of ephedra for athletic performance is insufficient.
Use of ephedra or ephedrine and caffeine is associated with increased risk
of psychiatric, autonomic, or gastrointestinal symptoms, and heart
The conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) isomer, t10c12-CLA, is inversely
associated with changes in body weight and serum leptin in subjects with
type 2 diabetes mellitus - J Nutr. 2003 Jan;133(1):257S-260S
The effect of conjugated linoleic acid supplementation after weight loss on
body weight regain, body composition, and resting metabolic rate in
overweight subjects
- Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2003 Jul;27(7):840-7 -
"As a consequence of an increased regain of fat-free
mass by
CLA, resting metabolic rate was increased by CLA (LD 12.0+/-11.4%, HD
13.7+/-14.4%) compared to placebo ... In conclusion, the regain of fat-free
mass was favorably, dose-independently affected by a 13-week consumption of
1.8 or 3.6 g CLA/day and consequently increased the resting metabolic rate.
However, it did not result in improved body weight maintenance after weight
loss" - See
CLA products.
How much physical activity is enough to prevent unhealthy weight gain?
- Obes Rev 2003 May;4(2):101-14 - "The following
consensus statement was accepted unanimously. 'The current physical activity
guideline for adults of 30 minutes of moderate intensity activity daily,
preferably all days of the week, is of importance for limiting health risks
for a number of chronic diseases including coronary heart disease and
diabetes. However for preventing weight gain or regain this guideline is
likely to be insufficient for many individuals in the current environment.
There is compelling evidence that prevention of weight regain in formerly
obese individuals requires 60-90 minutes of moderate intensity activity or
lesser amounts of vigorous intensity activity. Although definitive data are
lacking, it seems likely that moderate intensity activity of approximately
45 to 60 minutes per day, or 1.7 PAL (Physical Activity Level) is required
to prevent the transition to overweight or obesity. For children, even more
activity time is recommended. A good approach for many individuals to obtain
the recommended level of physical activity is to reduce sedentary behaviour
by incorporating more incidental and leisure-time activity into the daily
