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Anti-aging Research > Ghrelin
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Subchronic treatment with
grape-seed phenolics inhibits ghrelin production despite a short-term
stimulation of ghrelin secretion produced by bitter-sensing flavanols - Mol
Nutr Food Res. 2016 Jul 15 - "Grape-seed phenolic compounds have recently been
described as satiating agents in rats when administered as a whole phenolic
extract (GSPE) ... The sustained satiating effects of GSPE are related to a
long-term decrease in ghrelin expression" - See
Best Naturals Grape Seed Extract 400 mg Veggie
Capsule, 120 Count.
Ghrelin - wikipedia.org - "When the stomach is empty, ghrelin is
secreted. When the stomach is stretched, secretion stops.a It acts
on hypothalamic brain cells both to increase hunger, and to increase
gastric acid secretion and gastrointestinal motility to prepare the
body for food intake"
Big Breakfast May Be Best for Diabetes Patients - WebMD, 9/26/13 -
"randomly assigned 59 people with type 2 diabetes to
either a big or small breakfast group ... after 13 weeks, blood sugar levels and
blood pressure dropped dramatically in people who ate a big breakfast every day.
Those who ate a big breakfast enjoyed blood sugar level reductions three times
greater than those who ate a small breakfast, and blood pressure reductions that
were four times greater ... About one-third of the people eating a big breakfast
ended up cutting back on the daily diabetic medication they needed to take. By
comparison, about 17 percent of the small breakfast group had to increase their
medication prescriptions during the course of the trial ... Rabinovitz
speculated that a big breakfast rich in protein causes suppression of ghrelin,
which is known as the "hunger hormone."
Eating a
big breakfast fights obesity and disease - Science Daily, 8/5/13 -
"Metabolism is impacted by the body's circadian rhythm
-- the biological process that the body follows over a 24 hour cycle. So the
time of day we eat can have a big impact on the way our bodies process food ...
93 obese women were randomly assigned to one of two isocaloric groups. Each
consumed a moderate-carbohydrate, moderate-fat diet totaling 1,400 calories
daily for a period of 12 weeks. The first group consumed 700 calories at
breakfast, 500 at lunch, and 200 at dinner. The second group ate a 200 calorie
breakfast, 500 calorie lunch, and 700 calorie dinner ... By the end of the
study, participants in the "big breakfast" group had lost an average of 17.8
pounds each and three inches off their waist line, compared to a 7.3 pound and
1.4 inch loss for participants in the "big dinner" group ... those in the big
breakfast group were found to have significantly lower levels of the
hunger-regulating hormone ghrelin"
research: Limiting carbs to dinner-time increases satiety, reduces risk for
diabetes and cardiovascular disease - Science Daily, 11/11/12 -
"randomly assigned 78 police officers to either the
experimental diet (carbohydrates at dinner) or a control weight loss diet
(carbohydrates throughout the day). 63 subjects finished the six-month program
... researchers examined the experimental diet's effect on the secretion of
three hormones: leptin, considered to be the satiety hormone, whose level in the
blood is usually low during the day and high during the night; ghrelin,
considered the hunger hormone, whose level in the blood is usually high during
the day and low during the night; and adiponectin, considered the link between
obesity, insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome, whose curve is low and
flat in obese people ... the innovative dietary manipulation led to changes in
daylight hormonal profiles in favor of the dieters: the satiety hormone leptin's
secretion curve became convex during daylight hours with a nadir in the late
day; the hunger hormone ghrelin's secretion curve became concave, peaking only
in the evening hours; and the curve of adiponectin, considered the link between
obesity, insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome, was elevated. At the
same time this dietary pattern led to lower hunger scores, and better
anthropometric (weight, abdominal circumference and body fat), biochemical
(blood sugar, blood lipids) and inflammatory outcomes compared to the control
Eggs at Breakfast May Delay Hunger - WebMD, 5/11/12 -
"researchers tracked 20 overweight or obese people,
giving them either a breakfast containing eggs or cold cereal for one week.
Although the breakfasts offered different protein foods, the meals themselves
were equally matched in terms of calories, carbohydrates, protein, and fat ...
people who had eggs in the morning felt fuller before lunch, and they also ate
less food from the buffet compared to those who had cereal. Egg eaters also had
lower levels of ghrelin and higher amounts of PYY3-36 during the three hours
between breakfast and lunch. This suggests they felt less hungry and more
satisfied between meals ... Long-term weight loss trials to compare the
manipulation of protein quality without increasing protein quantity should be
explored" - Note: I fully agree. I just seems very easy to keep my
weight in check when I have eggs for breakfast.
plasma PYY levels following supplementation with the functional fiber
PolyGlycopleX in healthy adults - Eur J Clin Nutr. 2010 Jul 28 -
"A variety of dietary fibers have been shown to
alter satiety hormone gene expression and secretion. The objective of this study
was to examine plasma satiety hormone concentrations in healthy subjects
consuming either PolyGlycopleX (PGX) or control (skim milk powder) for 21 days
... Primary outcomes measured at three visits (V1, V2 and V3) were plasma active
glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) total ghrelin, peptide YY (PYY) and insulin.
Results: There was a significant effect of visit for fasting PYY with control
participants experiencing decreased PYY levels over time while PGX prevented
this decline. When stratified by body mass index (BMI), PGX increased fasting
PYY levels from week 1 to week 3 compared with control in participants with BMI
<23 kg/m(2). There was a significant effect of visit for fasting ghrelin with
levels decreasing in both PGX and control groups over time. No differences were
detected in fasting GLP-1 levels. Although there was a 14% reduction in fasting
insulin between V1 and V3 with PGX this was not significantly different from
control" - Note: I don't know how they determine that a 14% reduction
isn't significant. See
PGX at Amazon.com
Exercise Suppresses Appetite By Affecting Appetite Hormones - Science
Daily, 12/19/08 - "A vigorous 60-minute workout on a
treadmill affects the release of two key appetite hormones, ghrelin and
peptide YY, while 90 minutes of weight lifting affects the level of only
What makes
people fat, why diets don't work, and what triggers appetite? - Dr.
Murray's Natural Facts, 3/17/04 -
"preliminary evidence indicates that
has powerful effects on reducing regulatory compounds that stimulate
appetite like ghrellin while at the same time increasing the levels of
regulatory compounds that block the appetite like PYY, CCK, and adiponectin.
Further studies being conducted by Dr. Vuksan will likely show that PGX™
exerts powerful effects on these appetite regulators" - See
PGX at Amazon.com
PGX products.
Other News:
hormone blocks brain cell formation and is linked to Parkinson's dementia
- Science Daily, 10/22/20
Researchers find hormone that increases the sex drive of mice - Science
Daily, 1/27/15 - "when mice receive a supplement of
ghrelin, they increase their sexual activity and their efforts to find a
partner" - Note: It doesn't sound like a cure to me.
Ghrelin is the hunger hormone. So you pack on the pounds, plugging up
your arteries and you're back where you started. Plus it may have just
been the increase in calories that caused the increase in sexual activity in
the first place.
Ghrelin, a stress-induced hormone, primes the brain for PTSD - Science
Daily, 10/17/13 - "ghrelin released during chronic
stress makes the brain more vulnerable to traumatic events, suggesting that
it may predispose people to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) ... Drugs
that reduce ghrelin levels, originally developed to try to combat obesity,
could help protect people who are at high risk for PTSD, such as soldiers
serving in war"
Scientists: Obese have higher levels of 'hunger hormone' in their blood
- nbcnews.com, 7/15/13
Low ghrelin: Reducing appetite at the cost of increased stress? -
Science Daily, 9/13/12
you always have room for dessert? Blame ghrelin, study authors say -
Science Daily, 6/25/12
Ghrelin likely involved in why we choose 'comfort foods' when stressed -
Science Daily, 6/23/11
Stomach hormone can fuel or suppress rats’ sugar cravings: Chemical
associated with appetite also activates the brain’s pleasure center -
Science Daily, 11/15/10
Stomach hormone ghrelin increases desire for high-calorie foods, study finds
- Science Daily, 6/21/10
Hunger Hormone Increases During Stress, May Have Antidepressant Effect -
Science Daily, 6/15/08
Hormone Makes Food Look Even Yummier - Science Daily, 5/6/08
Hormone That Controls Hunger And Appetite Also Linked To Reduced Fertility
- Science Daily, 3/31/08
Hunger Hormone Fights Aging In The Thymus - Science Daily, 9/6/07
Ghrelin: A Player In Diabetes But Not Obesity? - Science Daily, 5/10/06
- Ghrelin: More Than
a Natural GH Secretagogue - Medscape, 1/25/05
- Black Women
May Fall Prey to Hunger Hormone - WebMD, 9/14/04
- Gastric Bypass
May Curb Hunger Hormone - WebMD, 7/12/04
Hormone Wants To Keep Body At Weight Set Point - Science Daily, 7/8/04
- Ghrelin Improves
Appetite in Cancer Patients - Medscape, 6/14/04
The Hunger Hormone - CBS News, 3/12/03
Ghrelin Levels Fall In Polycystic Ovary Syndrome - Doctor's Guide,
Impaired Ghrelin Secretion May Aid In Weight Loss - Doctor's Guide,
Newly Discovered Hormone [ghrelin] Linked To Appetite, Weight Regulation
- Intelihealth, 5/23/02
- Why Dieting Makes
You Hungrier - WebMD, 5/23/02
- Ghrelin, an
Endogenous Growth Hormone Secretagogue, is a Novel Orexigenic Peptide That
Antagonizes Leptin Action Through the Activation of Hypothalamic
Neuropeptide Y/Y1 Receptor Pathway - Medscape, 2/01
Ghrelin: much more than a hunger hormone - Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab
Care. 2013 Oct 4 - "In addition to ghrelin's effects
on appetite and adiposity, ghrelin signalling also plays crucial roles in
glucose and energy homeostasis, cardioprotection, muscle atrophy and bone
Ghrelin suppresses secretion of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) in males
- Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2008 Sep 29
- Metformin, but not
pioglitazone, decreases postchallenge plasma ghrelin levels in type 2
diabetic patients: a possible role in weight stability? - Diabetes Obes
Metab. 2008 Mar 18
Is there a role of ghrelin in preventing catabolism? - J Endocrinol
Invest. 2004 Apr;27(4):400-3