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Anti-aging Research > PYY 3-36
Peripheral Hormone Peptide YY (PYY 3-36)
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Alternative News:
Eggs at Breakfast May Delay Hunger - WebMD, 5/11/12 -
"researchers tracked 20 overweight or obese people,
giving them either a breakfast containing eggs or cold cereal for one week.
Although the breakfasts offered different protein foods, the meals themselves
were equally matched in terms of calories, carbohydrates, protein, and fat ...
people who had eggs in the morning felt fuller before lunch, and they also ate
less food from the buffet compared to those who had cereal. Egg eaters also had
lower levels of ghrelin and higher amounts of PYY3-36 during the three hours
between breakfast and lunch. This suggests they felt less hungry and more
satisfied between meals ... Long-term weight loss trials to compare the
manipulation of protein quality without increasing protein quantity should be
explored" - Note: I fully agree. I just seems very easy to keep my
weight in check when I have eggs for breakfast.
plasma PYY levels following supplementation with the functional fiber
PolyGlycopleX in healthy adults - Eur J Clin Nutr. 2010 Jul 28 -
"A variety of dietary fibers have been shown to
alter satiety hormone gene expression and secretion. The objective of this study
was to examine plasma satiety hormone concentrations in healthy subjects
consuming either PolyGlycopleX (PGX) or control (skim milk powder) for 21 days
... Primary outcomes measured at three visits (V1, V2 and V3) were plasma active
glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) total ghrelin, peptide YY (PYY) and insulin.
Results: There was a significant effect of visit for fasting PYY with control
participants experiencing decreased PYY levels over time while PGX prevented
this decline. When stratified by body mass index (BMI), PGX increased fasting
PYY levels from week 1 to week 3 compared with control in participants with BMI
<23 kg/m(2). There was a significant effect of visit for fasting ghrelin with
levels decreasing in both PGX and control groups over time. No differences were
detected in fasting GLP-1 levels. Although there was a 14% reduction in fasting
insulin between V1 and V3 with PGX this was not significantly different from
control" - Note: I don't know how they determine that a 14% reduction
isn't significant. See
PGX at Amazon.com
Exercise Suppresses Appetite By Affecting Appetite Hormones - Science
Daily, 12/19/08 - "A vigorous 60-minute workout on a
treadmill affects the release of two key appetite hormones, ghrelin and
peptide YY, while 90 minutes of weight lifting affects the level of only
What makes
people fat, why diets don't work, and what triggers appetite? - Dr.
Murray's Natural Facts, 3/17/04 -
"preliminary evidence indicates that PGX™ has
powerful effects on reducing regulatory compounds that stimulate appetite
like ghrellin while at the same time increasing the levels of regulatory
compounds that block the appetite like PYY, CCK, and adiponectin. Further
studies being conducted by Dr. Vuksan will likely show that PGX™ exerts
powerful effects on these appetite regulators" - See
PGX at Amazon.com
PGX products.
Other News:
Levels Of PYY Hormone A Very Early Indicator Of Type 2 Diabetes -
Science Daily, 3/10/08
Study reignites low-carb high-protein debate - Nutra USA, 9/28/06
Protein Triggers Weight Loss Hormone - WebMD, 9/5/06
Study Reveals Naturally-Occuring Hormone Can Partially Reduces Food Intake,
Body Weight - Science Daily, 10/29/05
Peptide YY May Play Key Role in Keeping Weight off After Gastric Bypass
Surgery - Doctor's Guide, 6/21/04
Nasal spray hormone drug could help curb overeating - USA Today,
Appetite Modulating Peptide Inhibits Food Intake in Obese and Lean
Individuals - Doctor's Guide, 9/5/03
Study Says Hormone Can Curb Appetite - Intelihealth, 9/4/03
Ghrelin and PYY: Rising Stars in Appetite Regulation - Medscape, 8/03
- Hormone
Infusion May Aid in Weight Control - WebMD, 9/3/03
Inhibition of Food Intake in Obese Subjects by Peptide YY3-36 - N Engl J
Med. 2003 Sep 4;349(10):941-8 -
"Caloric intake during a buffet lunch offered two
hours after the infusion of PYY was decreased by 30 percent in the obese
subjects (P<0.001) and 31 percent in the lean subjects (P<0.001). PYY
infusion also caused a significant decrease in the cumulative 24-hour
caloric intake in both obese and lean subjects. PYY infusion reduced plasma
levels of the appetite-stimulatory hormone ghrelin"
The gut hormone peptide YY regulates appetite - Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2003