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Abdominal Fat/Pot Bellies
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Probiotics' effect on
visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue: a systematic review of randomized
controlled trials - Eur J Clin Nutr 2022 Apr 13 -
"Probiotics are shown to alter the microbiota, leading to a favorable
environment, in which weight loss and metabolic parameters are improve. However,
the results on probiotics' effect on specific types of central adipose tissues,
mainly visceral (VAT) and subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT), are conflicting ...
For VAT, overall, there was a significant decrease (DM = -3.63 cm2, 95% CI:
-5.08 to -2.17, p < 0.001). When stratified by type of probiotic, single
Bifidobacterium (DM = -4.49 cm2, 95% CI:-7.37 to -1.61, p = 0.002) and single
Lactobacillus probiotics (DM = -3.84 cm2, 95% CI:-5.74 to -1.93, p < 0.001)
resulted in significant reductions. Mixed probiotics had no effect. For SAT,
overall, there was a significant decrease (DM = -2.91 cm2, 95% CI:-4.82 to
-1.01, p = 0.003), and when stratified by type of probiotic, single
Lactobacillus (DM = -3.39 cm2, 95% CI:-5.90 to -0.88, p = 0.008) and mixed
probiotics (DM = -5.97 cm2, 95% CI:-10.32 to -1.62, p = 0.007) resulted in a
significant decrease. Single Bifidobacterium probiotics had no effect. Using
meta-regression, no association was observed between the total daily probiotic
dose and VAT or SAT reduction" - See
Lactobacillus at Amazon.com.
Sleep Deprivation Sends
Fat to the Belly - Science Daily, 3/28/22 -
"randomized, controlled study of 12 healthy, nonobese people randomized to
controlled sleep restriction — 2 weeks of 4 hours of sleep a night — or
controlled sleep of 9 hours a night, followed by a 3-day recovery period. The
study was conducted in the hospital, monitored participants' caloric intake, and
used accelerometry to monitor energy expense. Participants ranged in age from 19
to 39 years ... What we found was that at the end of 2 weeks these people put on
just about a pound, 0.5 kg, of extra weight, which was significant but still
very modest ... The average person who sleeps 4 hours a night thinks they're
doing OK if they only put on a pound ... The problem is ... that when you do a
more specific analysis you find that actually with the 1 pound the significant
increase of the fat is in the belly area, particularly inside the belly"
Efficacy of Cuminum Cyminum
supplementation on lipid profile and anthropometric parameters: A systematic
review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials -
Phytother Res 2021 Nov 25 - "We aimed to evaluate the
effect of Cuminum Cyminum (CC) supplementation on lipid profile and selected
anthropometric parameters ... The data from our eight included studies have
indicated that CC supplementation can lower body mass index (BMI) (WMD = -0.88
kg/m2 ; 95%CI: -1.58, -0.18; p = .023) and total cholesterol (TC) (WMD = -3.96
mg/dl; 95%CI: -6.51, -1.04; p=.008). Also, after adjusting for publication bias,
CC was shown to be effective in improving waist circumference (WC), high-density
lipoprotein (HDL-C), and triglycerides (TG) levels. Although, the current
evidence has not shown that CC supplementation can affect low-density
lipoprotein (LDL-C), our subgroup analysis has indicated that CC supplementation
with supplementation length of more than 8 weeks is associated with beneficial
effects on LDL-C" - See curcumin at Amazon.com.
Effectiveness of
testosterone replacement in men with obesity: a systematic review and
meta-analysis - Eur J Endocrinol 2021 Nov 1 - "A
total of 16 randomized controlled trials were included. With moderate certainty
of the evidence, no difference was found between TRT and placebo regarding total
adverse events, TRT led to a 2-kg lean body mass gain and slightly improved
low-density lipoprotein (LDL), without effects on the blood pressure. Due to
imprecision/heterogeneity, effects in cardiovascular events (relative risk 0.52,
95% CI 0.26 to 1.05, 7 trials, 583 participants), high-density lipoprotein,
hematocrit, prostate-specific antigen, HbA1c, and quality of life were unclear.
TRT was effective for waist circumference and body mass index; however, large
between-study heterogeneity was found, with 95% prediction intervals crossing
the null effect line. Meta-regression revealed that the average age of
participants was a significant modifier for both outcomes"
Lutein supplementation combined with a low-calorie diet in middle-aged obese
individuals: effects on anthropometric indices, body composition and metabolic
parameters - Br J Nutr 2021 Oct 14 - "After 10
weeks, body weight and waist circumference significantly decreased in both
groups, although between-group differences were not significant. There was more
of a decrease in the percentage of body fat in the lutein group v. the placebo
group. Moreover, the placebo group experienced a significant reduction in
fat-free mass (FFM), whereas the lutein group preserved FFM during calorie
restriction, although the between-group difference did not reach statistical
significance. Visceral fat and serum levels of total cholesterol (TC) and
LDL-cholesterol were significantly decreased only in the lutein group, with a
statistically significant difference between the two arms only for TC" -
USA] - See lutein at Amazon.com.
Whole- and Refined-Grain
Consumption and Longitudinal Changes in Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in the
Framingham Offspring Cohort - J Nutr 2021 Jul 13 -
"whole grain (WG) ... refined grain (RG) ... waist circumference (WC) ...
Greater WG intake was associated with smaller increases in WC (1.4 ± 0.2
compared with 3.0 ± 0.1 cm in the highest compared with the lowest category,
respectively; P-trend < 0.001), fasting glucose concentration (0.7 ± 0.4
compared with 2.6 ± 0.2 mg/dL; P-trend < 0.001), and systolic blood pressure
(SBP; 0.2 ± 0.5 compared with 1.4 ± 0.3 mm Hg; P-trend < 0.001) per 4-y
interval. ... Higher intake of WG was associated with greater increases in HDL
cholesterol and declines in triglyceride concentrations; however, these
differences did not remain significant after adjustment for change in WC.
Conversely, greater RG intake was associated with greater increases in WC (2.7 ±
0.2 compared with 1.8 ± 0.1 cm, P-trend < 0.001) and less decline in
triglyceride concentration (-0.3 ± 1.3 compared with -7.0 ± 0.7 mg/dL, P-trend <
0.001)" - See
Annie Chun's Brown Rice Noodle, Maifun, 8-Ounce (Pack of 6)
Whole Grains May Lower Risk of Heart Disease in Older Adults - WebMD,
7/13/21 - "An analysis of over 3,000 middle- and
older-age adults over many years found that those who ate at least three
servings of whole grains daily had smaller increases in blood sugar levels,
blood pressure, and waist size, compared to those who ate less than one-half
serving per day ... For each 4-year interval, the researchers found that waist
size increased by about one-half inch in people who had high whole-grain intake,
compared to 1 inch in those who had low intake. Average increases in blood
pressure and blood sugar levels were also lower in high-intake adults"
Implementation of Christian
Orthodox fasting improves plasma adiponectin concentrations compared with
time-restricted eating in overweight premenopausal women - Int J Food Sci
Nutr 2021 Jun 21 - "In the OF group, there was an
increase in adiponectin values at 12 weeks compared with baseline (9815.99 vs
8983.52 mg/ml, p = 0.02) and a reduction in body fat mass between baseline and
12 weeks (35.44 vs 32.17%, p = 0.004) and between 7 and 12 weeks (35.33 vs
32.17%, p = 0.003). In the same group, an inverse correlation between
adiponectin and waist circumference values was observed over the entire study
period. Our results provide novel evidence that Orthodox fasting has favourable
metabolic effects related to improved adiponectin concentrations."
Probiotics Can Further
Reduce Waist Circumference in Adults with Morbid Obesity after Bariatric
Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
- Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2021 Apr 1 - "Probiotics
aid adults with morbid obesity in achieving further waist circumference
improvement after BS, with no significant effect on weight, BMI, %EWL, and CRP"
- See probiotic supplements at Amazon.com.
Mendelian Randomization
Analysis Reveals Causal Effects of the Human Gut Microbiota on Abdominal Obesity
- J Nutr 2021 Mar 24 - "trunk fat mass (TFM) ... Our
findings provided evidence of a causal association between gut microbiota and
TFM in UK adults and identified specific bacteria taxa that may regulate the fat
metabolism, thus offering new direction for the treatment of obesity" -
See probiotic supplements at Amazon.com.
Is there a beneficial effect
of gamma-linolenic acid supplementation on body fat in postmenopausal
hypertensive women? A prospective randomized double-blind placebo-controlled
trial - Menopause 2021 Feb 1 - "This was a
prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized study involving 96
postmenopausal women. Participants were divided into two groups either receiving
1,000 mg of borage oil rich in gamma-linolenic acid + vitamin E (drug) or only
vitamin E (placebo) capsules for 6 months ... There was a significant reduction
in the systolic and diastolic pressure as well as a significant change in
waist-hip ratio (P < 0.01) in the drug group as compared with the placebo group"
- See borage oil at Amazon.com.
Bergamot phytosome improved
visceral fat and plasma lipid profiles in overweight and obese class I subject
with mild hypercholesterolemia: A randomized placebo controlled trial -
Phytother Res 2020 Nov 13 - "Bergamot has been
traditionally used for the relief of diseases related to oxidative stress. Our
aim was to investigate the effect of bergamot phytosome on visceral adipose
tissue (VAT) and on metabolic profile, in overweight and obese subjects with
mild hypercholesterolemia. A total of 64 participants were randomized into two
groups for 12 weeks: a supplemented group (33 individuals, BMI 27 ± 3 kg/m2
receiving 500 mg of bergamot phytosome, two daily tablets) and placebo group (31
subjects, BMI 28 ± 3 kg/m2 , two daily tablets) ... this clinical study gives
evidence that bergamot phytosome provides beneficial effects, such as decrease
of VAT and modulation of metabolic alterations, after just 30 days of
supplementation, resulting a very promising protection of cardiovascular health"
- See bergamot at Amazon.com and
Daily Consumption of Coffee
and Eating Bread at Breakfast Time Is Associated with Lower Visceral Adipose
Tissue and with Lower Prevalence of Both Visceral Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome
in Japanese Populations: A Cross-Sectional Study - Nutrients 2020 Oct 11 -
"Coffee consumption was associated with significantly
lower proportions of visceral obesity (OR: 0.746, CI: 0.588-0.947) and metabolic
syndrome (OR: 0.706, CI: 0.565-0.882). On the other hand, green tea was not
associated with visceral obesity (OR: 1.105, CI: 0.885-1.380) or metabolic
syndrome (OR: 0.980, CI: 0.796-1.206). The combination of daily drinking coffee
and eating bread at breakfast time was associated with significantly lower
proportions of obesity (OR: 0.613, CI: 0.500-0.751) (p = 0.911 for interaction),
visceral obesity (OR: 0.549, CI: 0.425-0.710) (p = 0.991 for interaction), and
metabolic syndrome (OR: 0.586, CI: 0.464-0.741) (p = 0.792 for interaction)."
Licorice flavonoid oil
supplementation promotes a reduction of visceral fat in exercised rats - J
Sports Med Phys Fitness 2020 Oct 1 - "Exercise or
licorice flavonoid oil supplementation resulted in the reduction of the visceral
fat mass and adipocyte size, respectively. In addition, exercise combined with
licorice flavonoid oil supplementation more effectively decreased both of these
measures. Exercise alone increased the β-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (β-HAD)
and citrate synthase (CS) activities from the soleus and plantaris muscles, and
licorice flavonoid oil supplementation alone increased the hepatic carnitine
palmitoyl transferase-2 (CPT-2) activity. Furthermore, the combination of
exercise and licorice flavonoid oil supplementation enhanced the both muscular
β-HAD and CS activities, and hepatic CPT-2 activity" - See
licorice supplements at Amazon.com and
The strange case of the man who died after eating too much
licorice - CNN, 9/25/20 -
"Doctors wrote that he had "a poor diet, consisting
primarily of several packages of candy daily," and that
three weeks before, he switched from eating fruit-flavored
soft candy to licorice candy, which contained glycyrrhizic
acid ... Glycyrrhizic acid, or glycyrrhizin, a sweetening
compound derived from licorice root, can cause a drop in
potassium levels in the body, which in turn may cause high
blood pressure, swelling, abnormal heart rhythms and even
heart failure, according to the FDA ... While black licorice
is safe in small quantities, it can be dangerous when
consumed in large amounts or even in more moderate amounts
on a regular basis"
The effect of green tea
supplementation on obesity: A systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis
of randomized controlled trials - Phytother Res. 2020 May 5 -
"Combined results using the random-effects model
indicated that body weight (WMD: -1.78 kg, 95% CI: -2.80, -0.75, p = .001) and
body mass index (BMI) (WMD: -0.65 kg/m2 , 95% CI: -1.04, -0.25, p = .001) did
change significantly following GT administration. The reduction in waist
circumference (WC) after GT consumption was significant in subjects in trials
employing GT ≥800 mg/day (WMD: -2.06 cm) and with a treatment duration <12 weeks
(WMD: -2.39 cm). Following the dose-response evaluation, GT intake did alter
body weight, with a more important reduction when the GT dosage was <500 mg/day
and the treatment duration was of 12 weeks. The results of present meta-analysis
study support the use of GT for the improvement of obesity indices. Thus, we
suggest that the use of GT can be combined with a balanced and healthy diet and
regular physical exercise in the management of obese patients" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com and
green tea extract at iHerb.
Does vitamin D status
predict weight gain or increase in waist circumference? Results from the
longitudinal Health 2000/2011 Survey - Public Health Nutr. 2020 Mar 24 -
"In men, low vitamin D status at baseline predicted ≥10
% increase in waist circumference during the follow-up when adjusted for age
only (OR for sufficient v. deficient S-25(OH)D 0·41; 95 % CI 0·25, 0·67; P for
trend <0·01), but the association with weight gain was only borderline
significant. After adjustment for potential confounders, low vitamin D status
remained a significant predictor of increase in waist circumference, but the
association with weight gain was further attenuated. In women, vitamin D status
at baseline did not predict weight gain or increase in waist circumference."
- See vitamin D at Amazon.com.
Could Your Morning Coffee Be a Weight-Loss Tool? - WebMD, 1/13/20 -
"Those who drank 4 cups of caffeinated coffee per day
over six months saw a nearly 4% drop in overall body fat"
Moderate intensity
exercise training combined with inulin-propionate ester supplementation
increases whole body resting fat oxidation in overweight women - Metabolism.
2019 Nov 29 - "Our previous work has shown that oral
supplementation with inulin propionate ester (IPE) reduces intra-abdominal fat
and prevents weight gain and that oral propionate intake enhances resting fat
oxidation. The effects of IPE combined with exercise training on energy
substrate utilisation are unknown ... Moderate intensity exercise training
programmes when combined with daily oral IPE supplementation may help overweight
women to achieve increase in fat oxidation" - See
inulin at Amazon.com.
Effect of Vitamin D
Supplementation on Body Composition and Physical Fitness in Healthy Adults: A
Double-Blind, Randomized Controlled Trial - Ann Nutr Metab. 2019 Dec 4:1-7 -
"cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) ... One year of vitamin
D supplementation effectively improves lean body mass, but not muscle strength
and CRF in healthy adults" - See vitamin D at Amazon.com.
Clinical study finds eating within 10-hour window may help stave off diabetes,
heart disease - Science Daily, 12/5/19 - "a 10-hour
time-restricted eating intervention, when combined with traditional medications,
resulted in weight loss, reduced abdominal fat, lower blood pressure and
cholesterol, and more stable blood sugar and insulin levels for participants ...
Unlike counting calories, time-restricted eating is a simple dietary
intervention to incorporate, and we found that participants were able to keep
the eating schedule ... Time-restricted eating (eating all calories within a
consistent 10-hour window) supports an individual's circadian rhythms and can
maximize health benefits ... Eating and drinking everything (except water)
within a consistent 10-hour window allows your body to rest and restore for 14
hours at night ... To reduce food intake to the 10-hour window, most
participants delayed their first meal and advanced their last meal each day, so
meals were not skipped. Although calories were not recommended to be reduced for
the intervention, some participants did report eating less, likely due to the
shorter eating window ... Overall, participants experienced improved sleep as
well as a 3-4 percent reduction in body weight, body mass index, abdominal fat
and waist circumference. Major risk factors for heart disease were diminished as
participants showed reduced blood pressure and total cholesterol. Blood sugar
levels and insulin levels also showed a trend toward improvement"
Eating After You Exercise May Provide Added Fat-Burning Benefits - NYT,
11/27/19 - "The riders who had pedaled on an empty
stomach, however, had incinerated about twice as much fat during each ride as
the men who consumed the shake first. The riders all had burned about the same
number of calories while pedaling, but more of those calories came from fat when
the men did not eat first ... Those riders also showed greater improvements in
insulin sensitivity at the end of the study and had developed higher levels of
certain proteins in their muscles that influence how well muscle cells respond
to insulin and use blood sugar ... On the whole, these findings suggest that
“you can probably get more out of your workout without increasing its intensity
or duration by exercising before breakfast"
Vitamin D Ameliorates Fat
Accumulation with AMPK/SIRT1 Activity in C2C12 Skeletal Muscle Cells -
Nutrients. 2019 Nov 17 - "Excessive fat accumulation has been considered as a major contributing factor
for muscle mitochondrial dysfunction and its associated metabolic complications
... The supplementation of 1,25(OH)2D significantly enhanced PA-decreased mtDNA
levels as well as mRNA levels involved in mitochondrial biogenesis such as
nuclear respiratory factor 1 (NRF1), peroxisome proliferative activated receptor
gamma coactivator-1α (PGC-1α), and mitochondrial transcription factor A (Tfam)
in C2C12 myotubes. Additionally, 1,25(OH)2D significantly increased ATP levels
and gene expression related to mitochondrial function such as carnitine
palmitoyltransferase 1 (CPT1), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α
(PPARα), very long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (VLCAD), long-chain acyl-CoA
dehydrogenase (LCAD), medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD), uncoupling
protein 2 (UCP2), and UCP3 and the vitamin D pathway including
25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 24-hydroxylase (CYP24) and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3
1-alpha-hydroxylase (CYP27) in PA-treated C2C12 myotubes. In addition to
significant increment of sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) mRNA expression, increased activation
of adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and SIRT1 was found
in 1,25(OH)2D-treated C2C12 muscle cells. Thus, we suggest that the observed
protective effect of vitamin D on muscle fat accumulation and mitochondrial
dysfunction in a positive manner via modulating AMPK/SIRT1 activation" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com.
Increase health benefits of exercise by working out before breakfast -
Science Daily, 10/18-19 - "people who performed exercise
before breakfast burned double the amount of fat than the group who exercised
after breakfast ... They found that increased fat use is mainly due to lower
insulin levels during exercise when people have fasted overnight, which means
that they can use more of the fat from their fat tissue and the fat within their
muscles as a fuel ... Whilst this did not lead to any differences for weight
loss over six weeks, it did have 'profound and positive' effects on their health
because their bodies were better able to respond to insulin, keeping blood sugar
levels under control and potentially lowering the risk of diabetes and heart
The effects of garlic
supplementation on weight loss: A systematic review and meta-analysis of
randomized controlled trials - Int J Vitam Nutr Res. 2019 Jul 30:1-13 -
"Pooled analysis showed that garlic administration might
significantly decrease WC (Weighed Mean Difference (WMD): -1.10 cm, 95% CI:
-2.13, -0.07, P = 0.03, I2 = 0%). However, garlic intervention had no
significant effect on body weight (WMD): -0.17 kg, 95% CI: -0.75 to 0.39, P =
0.54, I2 = 0%) and BMI (WMD: -0.17 kg/m2, 95% CI: -0.52, 0.16, P = 0.30, I2 =
44.5%) as compared to controls. From Subgroup analysis, it was ascertained that
the effect of garlic supplementation on BMI was significant in trials with
duration < 12 weeks (WMD: -0.58 kg/m2, 95% CI: -1.08, -0.08, I2 = 19.8%, P =
0.02) compared to those with higher duration (>12 weeks). The current
meta-analysis results suggest that garlic supplementation seems to reduce waist
circumference unlike body weight and BMI." - See
aged garlic at Amazon.com.
dangers of hidden fat: Exercise is your best defense against deep abdominal fat
- Science Daily, 2/1/19 - "Both exercise and medicines resulted in less visceral
fat, but the reductions were more significant per pound of body weight lost with
Vitamin D Daily versus
Monthly Administration: Bone Turnover and Adipose Tissue Influences -
Nutrients. 2018 Dec 6;10(12) - "Interestingly, the main determinant of vitamin D
at baseline was the waist circumference. In addition, 22 patients treated by
monthly regimen were evaluated after 18 months of treatment. At the end of
follow-up, patients showed normal levels of vitamin D, with increased calcium
levels and decreased bone turnover. Waist circumference also decreased"
- See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
The effects of chronic
betaine supplementation on body composition and performance in collegiate
females: a double-blind, randomized, placebo controlled trial - J Int Soc
Sports Nutr. 2018 Jul 31;15(1):37 - "betaine (2.5 g/day ... Significant
interactions were found for changes in body fat percentage and fat mass: body
fat percentage and fat mass decreased significantly more in betaine
(- 3.3 ± 1.7%; - 2.0 ± 1.1 kg) compared to placebo (- 1.7 ± 1.6%; - 0.8 ± 1.3
kg), respectively" - [Nutra
USA] - See
trimethylglycine at Amazon.com
Lower Vitamin D levels Linked to More Belly Fat - Science Daily, 5/21/18 -
"It remains unclear, however, whether low vitamin D
causes people to store abdominal fat or whether excess belly fat somehow
triggers vitamin D levels to drop" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Astaxanthin improves
glucose metabolism and reduces blood pressure in patients with type 2 diabetes
mellitus - Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2018;27(2):341-346 -
"Eight milligrams of AST supplementation or a placebo
... The 8-week administration of AST supplementation increased the serum
adiponectin concentration and reduced visceral body fat mass (p<0.01), serum
triglyceride and very-low-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations, and
systolic blood pressure (p<0.05). Furthermore, AST significantly reduced the fructosamine concentration (p<0.05) and marginally reduced the plasma glucose
concentration" - [Nutra
USA] -
See astaxanthin at Amazon.com
Effect of Raw Crushed
Garlic (Allium sativum L.) on Components of Metabolic Syndrome - J Diet
Suppl. 2017 Sep 28:1-8 - "Raw crushed garlic
significantly reduced components of metabolic syndrome including waist
circumference (p < .05), systolic and diastolic blood pressure (p < .001),
triglycerides (p < .01), fasting blood glucose (p < .0001) and significantly
increased serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol"
Effect of Fibre
Supplementation on Body Weight and Composition, Frequency of Eating and
Dietary Choice in Overweight Individuals - Nutrients. 2017 Feb 16;9(2)
- "In the PGXG group, intention-to-treat analysis showed
there was a significant reduction in waist circumference (2.5 cm; p = 0.003)
[about an inch]" - [Nutra
USA] - See PGX at Amazon.com.
Efficacy of Omega-3
Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Supplementation in Managing Overweight and Obesity:
A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials - J Nutr Health Aging.
2017;21(2):187-192 - "Based on meta-analysis of seven
studies, the analysis of aggregated data showed a significant reduction in waist
circumference (p=0.005; WMD: -0.53" - Note: I assume that's 0.53 inches.
fish oil supplements at Amazon.com
fatty acids stimulate brown adipose tissue metabolism - Science Daily,
11/21/16 - "The main function of brown adipose tissue is
to burn calories and to make physical warmth out of fat (thermogenesis).
However, a recent study by this research team has defined that brown adipose
tissue also acts as an endocrine organ and can secrete factors that activate fat
and carbohydrates metabolism ... these molecules, released by the adipose tissue
(brown adipocytes or batokines) have positive metabolic effects. For this
reason, they could be used in new therapies for obesity and related metabolic
diseases" - See
fish oil supplements at Amazon.com
Probiotic With or Without Fiber Controls Body Fat Mass, Associated With Serum
Zonulin, in Overweight and Obese Adults—Randomized Controlled Trial -
j.ebiom.2016.10.036 - "We investigated the possible effects of Bifidobacterium
animalis ssp. lactis 420 (B420) and the dietary fiber Litesse® Ultra
polydextrose (LU) on body fat mass and other obesity-related parameters ... For
relative change in body fat mass, LU + B420 showed a − 4.5% (−1.4 kg, P = 0.02,
N = 37) difference to the Placebo group, whereas LU (+0.3%, P = 1.00, N = 35)
and B420 (−3.0%, P = 0.28, N = 24) alone had no effect (overall ANOVA P = 0.095,
Placebo N = 35). A post-hoc factorial analysis was significant for B420 (−4.0%,
P = 0.002 vs. Placebo). Changes in fat mass were most pronounced in the
abdominal region, and were reflected by similar changes in waist circumference.
B420 and LU + B420 also significantly reduced energy intake compared to Placebo"
- [Nutra
USA] - See
probiotic products at Amazon.com
and polydextrose at Amazon.com.
Trimming the spare tire: Canola oil may cut belly fat - Science Daily,
11/2/16 - "after one month of adhering to diets that
included canola oil, participants had .11 kilograms, or a quarter pound, less
belly fat than they did before the diet ... In order to incorporate canola oil
into the diet, Kris-Etherton suggests using it when sautéing foods, in baking,
adding it to a smoothie and in salad dressings ... Canola oil is high in
monounsaturated fatty acids, which have been shown to have beneficial effects on
body composition, especially in people with obesity"
Body fat link to bacteria in
faeces - BBC, 9/26/16 - "The researchers found the
strongest links with visceral fat, where participants with a high diversity of
bacteria in their faeces had lower levels of visceral fat ... This type of body
fat is bad news because it is stored in the stomach area around important organs
such as the liver, pancreas and intestines and is linked with higher risks of
cardiovascular disease and diabetes ... One theory is that a lack of variety in
faecal bacteria could lead to the domination of high levels of gut microbes
which are good at turning carbohydrates into fat" - See
probiotic products at Amazon.com
The Effect of Green Tea
Ingestion and Interval Sprinting Exercise on the Body Composition of Overweight
Males: A Randomized Trial - Nutrients. 2016 Aug 19;8(8) -
"Participants were randomly assigned into control (C),
green tea (GT), interval sprinting exercise (ISE), and green tea and ISE (GT +
ISE) groups. The GT, GT + ISE, and C groups consumed three GT capsules daily ...
There was a significant reduction in total and abdominal fat mass for the ISE
and GT + ISE groups, p < 0.05, however, total and abdominal fat mass did not
significantly change in the GT and C groups. There was a significant increase in
total lean mass, p < 0.05, after the intervention for the ISE and GT + ISE
groups only. There was a significant increase in fat oxidation during submaximal
aerobic exercise, p < 0.05, after the intervention for the ISE, GT + ISE, and GT
groups with no change for the C group. Following the 12-week intervention the
ISE and GT + ISE groups, compared to C, recorded a significantly greater
decrease in body and abdominal fat, and a significant increase in total lean
mass" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
Waist circumference is
superior to weight and BMI in predicting sexual symptoms, voiding symptoms and
psychosomatic symptoms in men with hypogonadism and erectile dysfunction -
Andrologia. 2016 Jul 12 - "We investigated whether three
measurements of obesity, weight, body mass index and waist circumference,
correlate with the International Index of Erectile Function-5 (IIEF-5), the
Aging Males' Symptoms (AMS) and the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS)
questionnaires ... waist circumference was significantly inversely proportional
to IIEF-5 and directly proportional to AMS and IPSS. Weight was inversely
proportional to IIEF and directly proportional to IPSS but not associated with
AMS. BMI had no proportionality to measurements of sexual function and quality
of life. These results suggest that among weight, BMI and waist circumference,
the latter is the best predictor of health-related QoL in men with hypogonadism"
Belly fat: What's the best
way to get rid of it? - BBC, 7/11/16 -"The fourth
group was the diet group. They were not told to change the type of food they ate
... Their task was simply to reduce portion size, measuring foods with their
hands and fingers. They were also told to cut out snacks between meals. The aim
was to make this as easy to follow as possible ... The clear winner was the
diet-control group. This group lost a collective 35kg (77lb) between them which
was an average of 3.7kg (8.2lb) each over just six weeks. Their average
waistline reduced by 5cm (2in)"
is not fattening -- quite the opposite, Italian study finds - Science Daily,
7/4/16 - "examined over 23,000 people recruited in two
large epidemiological studies ... By analyzing anthropometric data of the
participants and their eating habits ... we have seen that consumption of pasta,
contrary to what many think, is not associated with an increase in body weight,
rather the opposite. Our data show that enjoying pasta according to individuals'
needs contributes to a healthy body mass index, lower waist circumference and
better waist-hip ratio" - Yeah but I'm sticking with whole grains.
Annie Chun's Brown Rice Noodle, Maifun, 8-Ounce (Pack of 6)
brown rice pasta at Amazon.com .
Waist-to-Height Gain and
Triiodothyronine Concentrations in a Cohort of Socially Vulnerable Short-Stature
Women: A Four-Year Follow-Up Study - Ann Nutr Metab. 2016 Jun
28;68(4):298-305 - "Women of short stature presented an
increase in waist-to-height ratio, with a simultaneous decrease in total plasma
T3. These alterations may lead them to increased risk of comorbidities" -
T3 at International Anti-aging Systems.
The Effects of Fortetropin
Supplementation on Body Composition, Strength, and Power in Humans and Mechanism
of Action in a Rodent Model - J Am Coll Nutr. 2016 Jun 22:1-13 -
"target of rapamycin (mTOR) ... Fortetropin
supplementation increases lean body mass (LBM) and decreases markers of protein
breakdown while simultaneously increasing mTOR signaling" - See
Fortetropin products at Amazon.com.
Effect of
probiotics on body weight and body-mass index: a systematic review and
meta-analysis of randomized, controlled trials - Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2016
May 5 - "Probiotic consumption significantly reduced
body weight by 0.59 kg (95% CI, 0.30-0.87) and BMI by 0.49 kg/m2 (95% CI,
0.24-0.74). A greater reduction in BMI was found with multiple species of
probiotics. Subgroup analysis of trials with intervention duration ≥8 weeks
found a more significant reduction in BMI. Limiting analysis to trials with a
baseline BMI ≥25 kg/m2 showed a greater reduction in BMI" - See
probiotic products at Amazon.com
carnitine supplementation reduces body weight and insulin resistance in women
with polycystic ovary syndrome: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled
trial - Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2015 Dec 15 - "60
overweight patients diagnosed with PCOS were randomized to receive either 250 mg
carnitine supplements (n=30) or placebo (n=30) for 12 weeks ... At the end of
the 12 weeks, taking carnitine supplements resulted in a significant reduction
in weight (-2.7±1.5 vs. +0.1±1.8 kg, P<0.001), BMI (-1.1±0.6 vs. +0.1±0.7 kg/m2
, P<0.001), waist circumference (WC) (-2.0±1.3 vs. -0.3±2.0 cm, P<0.001) and hip
circumference (HC) (-2.5±1.5 vs. -0.3±1.8 cm, P<0.001) compared with placebo. In
addition, compared with placebo, carnitine administration in women with PCOS led
to a significant reduction in fasting plasma glucose (-0.38±0.36 vs. +0.11±0.97
mmol/L, P=0.01), serum insulin levels (-14.39±25.80 vs. +3.01±37.25 pmol/L,
P=0.04), homeostasis model of assessment-insulin resistance (-0.61±1.03 vs.
+0.11±1.43, P=0.04) and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (-3.64±7.00 vs.
-0.59±3.20 μmol/L, P=0.03)" - See
L-carnitine at Amazon.com
Fish oil
helps transform fat cells from storage to burning - Science Daily, 12/17/15
- "fish oil transforms fat-storage cells into
fat-burning cells, which may reduce weight gain in middle age. Fish oil
activates receptors in the digestive tract, fires the sympathetic nervous
system, and induces storage cells to metabolize fat ... The team fed a group of
mice fatty food, and other groups fatty food with fish oil additives. The mice
that ate food with fish oil, they found, gained 5-10% less weight and 15-25%
less fat compared to those that did not consume the oil" - See
fish oil supplements at Amazon.com
The Effect
of Protein-Enriched Meal Replacement on Waist Circumference Reduction among
Overweight and Obese Chinese with Hyperlipidemia - J Am Coll Nutr. 2015 Dec
9:1-9 - "Eligible patients were randomized 1:1 to a
high-protein (HP) diet (2.2 g protein/kg/day) or a standard-protein (SP) diet
(1.1 g protein/kg/ day) provided twice daily for 3 months ... Although mean
weight loss and percent BMI reduction were greater with HP than SP at 12 weeks,
the differences were not significant. There was, however, a significantly
greater decrease in waist-hip ratio with HP versus SP (-0.03 ± 0.03 vs. -0.01 ±
0.04; p < 0.05)"
flavonoid, naringenin, increases locomotor activity and reduces diacylglycerol
accumulation in skeletal muscle of obese ovariectomized mice - Mol Nutr Food
Res. 2015 Nov 17 - "Dietary naringenin suppressed weight gain, lowered
hyperglycemia, and decreased intra-abdominal adiposity evaluated by magnetic
resonance imaging. Naringenin-fed mice exhibited elevated locomotor activity
monitored by infrared beam breaks, maintained muscle mass, and reduced muscle
diacylglycerol content" - See naringenin at Amazon.com
Adherence to
the Mediterranean diet is inversely associated with visceral abdominal tissue in
Caucasian subjects - Clin Nutr. 2015 Oct 20 -
"visceral (VAT) ... a 1-unit increase in MEDscore was associated with a -0.118
kg/m2 decrease in BMI (p < 0.01), a -0.292 cm decrease in waist circumference (p
< 0.01), a -0.002 cm:cm decrease in waist to height ratio (p < 0.001), a -1.125
mm decrease in the sum of 4 skinfolds (p < 0.001), and with a -0.045 cm decrease
in VAT (p < 0.05)"
Gut Bugs May Affect Body Fat, 'Good' Cholesterol - WebMD, 9/10/15 -
"The size of your waistline may depend to some degree on
the specific bacteria dwelling within your gut ... As recent research has
revealed, those bugs do much more than support good digestion: They aid in
everything from immune function, to metabolizing drugs to producing vitamins,
anti-inflammatory compounds and even chemicals that relay messages among brain
cells ... C-sections deprive newborns of beneficial bacteria from the birth
canal, while breast milk feeds gut bacteria ... Diets filled with processed
foods are also thought to be at fault ... the gut microbiome can be changed
through diet" - See
probiotic products at Amazon.com
Resveratrol induces
brown-like adipocyte formation in white fat through activation of AMP-activated
protein kinase (AMPK) α1 - Int J Obes (Lond). 2015 Jun;39(6):967-76 -
"Resveratrol induces brown-like adipocyte formation in
iWAT via AMPKα1 activation and suggest that its beneficial antiobesity effects
may be partly due to the browning of WAT and, as a consequence, increased oxygen
consumption" - [Nutra
USA] - See
ReserveAge Resveratrol Vegetarian Capsules, 500 Mg, 60-Count
at Amazon.com
Runners on Low-Carb Diet Burn Fat - Medscape, 6/11/15 -
"Ten of the
athletes habitually ate high-carbohydrate diets that were 28% fat, 15%
protein, and 58% carbohydrate, and 10 ate low-carbohydrate diets that
were 71% fat, 19% protein, and 11% carbohydrate. All had been on these
diets for at least 6 months ... on average, the high-carbohydrate group
burned less fat per minute than the low-carbohydrate group ... 0.67 vs 1.54
meals linked to abdominal weight gain - Science Daily, 5/19/15 -
"This does support the notion that small meals
throughout the day can be helpful for weight loss, though that may not be
practical for many people ... But you definitely don't want to skip meals to
save calories because it sets your body up for larger fluctuations in insulin
and glucose and could be setting you up for more fat gain instead of fat loss
... In mice that gorged and then fasted, the researchers saw elevations in
inflammation, higher activation of genes that promote storage of fatty molecules
and plumper fat cells -- especially in the abdominal area -- compared to the
mice that nibbled all day"
Reducing Belly Fat - NYTimes.com, 5/15/15 - "The
good news about fighting visceral fat is that it seems to be uniquely vulnerable
to exercise. “Exercise disproportionately targets visceral fat,” says Gary R.
Hunter, a professor of human studies at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Cutting calories should also reduce visceral flab, he said, but the effects are
more substantial and lasting with exercise ... sedentary women who began a
yearlong program of moderate exercise twice a week lost about 2 percent of their
total body fat, he said. But they lost about 10 percent of their visceral fat
... While some studies suggest that endurance training, such as walking or
jogging, is more effective than weight training, a comprehensive 2013 review
concluded that programs combining aerobic exercise and occasional sessions of
weight training were superior to either type of exercise alone at reducing belly
fat ... One exercise that will not slim your belly is the situp, despite
entrenched beliefs to the contrary"
Higher-Protein Diets Are Associated with Higher HDL Cholesterol and Lower BMI
and Waist Circumference in US Adults - J Nutr. 2015 Mar;145(3):605-14 -
"Americans of all body weights typically consume protein
in excess of the RDA. Higher-protein diets are associated with lower BMI and
waist circumference and higher HDL cholesterol compared to protein intakes at
RDA levels. Our data suggest that Americans who consume dietary protein between
1.0 and 1.5 g/kg BW potentially have a lower risk of developing cardiometabolic
chemicals may prevent liver damage caused by fat accumulated during menopause
- Science Daily, 2/25/15 - "The plant compounds used by
the UGA researchers--resveratrol, found in grapes; genistein, found in soybeans;
and quercetin, found in apple peels and onions--have all been shown in previous
studies to be fat-busters, causing fat cells to burst and release their contents
... it's nearly impossible to get enough of any of these compounds through food
or supplements to gain any benefit. However, she said, together they have a
synergistic effect that "cuts the doses you need." ... While the treatment did
not cause the animals ingesting the compounds to lose weight overall, the
researchers saw that visceral fat layers were decreased" - See
ReserveAge Resveratrol Vegetarian Capsules, 500 Mg, 60-Count
at Amazon.com
Effects of vitamin D
supplementation and circuit training on indices of obesity and insulin
resistance in T2D and vitamin D deficient elderly women - J Exerc Nutrition
Biochem. 2014 Sep;18 - "It was concluded that the 12
weeks of vitamin D supplementation and circuit training would have positive
effects on abdominal fat and blood lipid profiles in T2D and vitamin D deficient
elderly women. Vitamin D supplementation was especially effective when it was
complemented with exercise training" - [Nutra
USA] - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Differences in the Relationship between Vitamin C and Abdominal Obesity -
Int J Vitam Nutr Res. 2013;83(6):377-84 - "Compared with
the lowest quintile (Q1) of vitamin C intake, the adjusted odds ratios of Q2,
Q3, Q4, and Q5 for abdominal adiposity were 0.92, 0.86, 0.81, and 0.70,
respectively, in women (p for trend = 0.0007). This association was maintained
after adjusting for the confounding factors; however, we observed no association
between intake of vitamin C and abdominal obesity in men" - See
American Health Products - Ester C W/Citrus Bioflavonoids, 1000 mg, 180 veg tablets at Amazon.com
reduces glyceroneogenesis and induces fatty acid release in visceral adipose
tissue from overweight rats - Mol Nutr Food Res. 2014 Oct 1 -
"High-fat-diet (HFD) increases visceral adipose tissue
(AT). Our aim was to evaluate whether citrulline (CIT) affected non-esterified
fatty acid (NEFA) metabolism in AT from HFD-fed rats ... These results
demonstrate direct lipolytic and anti-glyceroneogenic effects of CIT on CD and
HFD AT. The selective CIT-mediated NEFA release from HFD AT was probably the
consequence of the drastic decrease in glyceroneogenesis. NO is a mediator of
CIT effects. These results provide evidence for a direct action of CIT on AT to
reduce overweight" - See
l-citrulline at Amazon.com
Green Tea,
Black Tea, and Oolong Tea Polyphenols Reduce Visceral Fat and Inflammation in
Mice Fed High-Fat, High-Sucrose Obesogenic Diets - J Nutr. 2014 Jul 16 -
"Green tea (GT) ... black tea (BT) and oolong tea (OT)
... C57BL/6J mice fed high-fat /high-sucrose [HF/HS (32% energy from fat, 25%
energy from sucrose)] diets ... Treatment with GTPs, OTPs, BTPs, and an LF/HS
diet led to significantly lower body weight, total visceral fat volume by MRI,
and liver lipid weight compared with mice in the HF/HS control group. Only GTPs
reduced food intake significantly by ~10% ... In summary, all 3 tea polyphenol
extracts induced weight loss and anti-inflammatory and angiogenic effects,
although the tissue content of polyphenol differed significantly" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption Is Associated with Abdominal Fat
Partitioning in Healthy Adults - J Nutr. 2014 Jun 18 -
"visceral adipose tissue (VAT) ... We conducted a
cross-sectional analysis using previously collected data in 2596 middle-aged
adults (1306 men and 1290 women) from the Framingham Heart Study Offspring and
Third Generation cohorts ... abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) ...
Daily consumers of SSBs had a 10% higher absolute VAT volume and a 15% greater
VAT-to-SAT ratio compared with nonconsumers, whereas consumption of diet soda
was not associated with either volume or distribution of VAT"
Beta-Cryptoxanthin, a Novel Carotenoid Derived from Satsuma Mandarin, Prevents
Abdominal Obesity - Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Abdominal
Obesity - Chapter 34 - sciencedirect.com, 2014 - "A
human clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of β-CRX was carried out in mildly
obese men: results revealed that β-CRX decreased visceral fat, body weight, and
waist circumference" - [Nutra
USA] - See
carotenoids at Amazon.com
induces fatty acid release selectively in visceral adipose tissue from old rats
- Mol Nutr Food Res. 2014 Jun 10 - "During aging,
increased visceral adipose tissue (AT) mass may result in impaired metabolic
status. A citrulline (CIT)-supplemented diet reduces AT mass in old rats"
- See
l-citrulline at Amazon.com
Fish or
n3-PUFA intake and body composition: a systematic review and meta-analysis -
Obes Rev. 2014 May 29 - "we performed a systematic
review of randomized controlled trials and the first meta-analysis on the
association between fish or fish oil intake and body composition measures. We
found evidence that participants taking fish or fish oil lost 0.59 kg more body
weight than controls (95% confidence interval [CI]: -0.96 to -0.21). Treatment
groups lost 0.24 kg m-2 (body mass index) more than controls (-0.40 to -0.08),
and 0.49 % more body fat than controls (-0.97 to -0.01). Fish or fish oil
reduced waist circumference by 0.81 cm (-1.34 to -0.28) compared with control"
- See
fish oil supplements at Amazon.com
Abdominal fat accumulation prevented by unsaturated fat - Science Daily,
2/24/14 - "One half of the subjects were random to eat
surplus calories from polyunsaturated fat (sunflower oil), while the other half
got their surplus calories from saturated fat (palm oil). Both diets contained
the same amount of sugar, carbohydrates, fat, and protein; the only difference
between muffins was the type of fat ... Despite comparable weight gains between
the two diet groups, the surplus consumption of saturated fat caused a markedly
greater increase in the amount of fat in the liver and abdomen ... Moreover the
total amount of body fat was greater in the saturated fat group, while, on the
other hand, the increase in muscle mass was three times less for those who ate
saturated fat"
Dairy Foods
and Dairy Protein Consumption Is Inversely Related to Markers of Adiposity in
Obese Men and Women - Nutrients. 2013 Nov 20;5(11):4665-4684 -
"We sought to examine relationships between energy,
protein and calcium consumption from dairy foods (milk, yoghurt, cheese, dairy
spreads, ice-cream) and adiposity including body mass index (BMI), waist (WC)
and hip circumference (HC), and direct measures of body composition using dual
energy X-ray absorptiometry (% body fat and abdominal fat) in an opportunistic
sample of 720 overweight/obese Australian men and women ... Overall dairy food
consumption (g/day) was inversely associated with BMI, % body fat and WC (all p
< 0.05). Dairy protein and dairy calcium (g/day) were both inversely associated
with all adiposity measures (all p < 0.05). Yoghurt consumption (g/day) was
inversely associated with % body fat, abdominal fat, WC and HC (all p < 0.05),
while reduced fat milk consumption was inversely associated with BMI, WC, HC and
% body fat (all p < 0.05). Within a sample of obese adults, consumption of dairy
products, dairy protein, and calcium was associated with more favourable body
High fat
diets are associated with higher abdominal adiposity regardless of physical
activity in adolescents; the HELENA study - Clin Nutr. 2013 Oct 18 -
"physical activity (PA) ... The percent of energy
derived from dietary fat intake is strongly and linearly associated with total,
truncal and abdominal adiposity independently of PA in adolescents. These
observations implicate the amount of dietary fat intake as a specific risk
factor in the excess of abdominal adiposity in adolescence"
5 ways to flatten your belly (no crunches needed) - CNN.com, 10/22/13 -
"Lower your stress ... Get more sleep ... Eat foods that
contain probiotics ... Skip belly-bloating beverages ... Avoid salt and sneaky
high-sodium foods"
Green Tea
and Vitamin E Enhance Exercise-Induced Benefits in Body Composition, Glucose
Homeostasis, and Antioxidant Status in Elderly Men and Women - J Am Coll
Nutr. 2013 Feb;32(1):31-40 - "For 12 weeks, 22 elderly
men and women (age: 71.1 +/- 1.2 years; body mass index: 28.3 +/- 0.5 kg/m(2)
[mean +/- SE]) undertook 30 minutes of moderately intense walking 6 d/wk. They
were randomly assigned to ingest either green tea plus vitamin E (GTVE; 3 cups
and 400 IU, respectively; n = 11) or placebo (n = 11) ... Though dietary intake
was unchanged, improved exercise capacity was followed by a significant
reduction in body weight and fasting insulin levels in all participants.
Additional consumption of GTVE resulted in a twofold increase in serum vitamin E
(from 20.4 to 40.6 μmol/L, p < 0.001) and a decrease of men's and women's waist
circumferences (from 100.8 and 95.7 to 96.9 and 85.0 cm, p < 0.05 and p < 0.01,
respectively) and fasting glucose levels (from 5.30 to 4.98 mmol/L, p < 0.01)"
- Note the decrease in waist circumference from 95.7 to 85.0 cm in men. That's
a 10.7 cm reduction or 4.2 inches. - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
Jarrow FamilE (contains all eight members of the vitamin E family, includes
Tocomin) at Amazon.com .
Eating a big breakfast fights obesity and disease - Science Daily,
8/5/13 - "Metabolism is impacted by the body's circadian
rhythm -- the biological process that the body follows over a 24 hour cycle. So
the time of day we eat can have a big impact on the way our bodies process food
... 93 obese women were randomly assigned to one of two isocaloric groups. Each
consumed a moderate-carbohydrate, moderate-fat diet totaling 1,400 calories
daily for a period of 12 weeks. The first group consumed 700 calories at
breakfast, 500 at lunch, and 200 at dinner. The second group ate a 200 calorie
breakfast, 500 calorie lunch, and 700 calorie dinner ... By the end of the
study, participants in the "big breakfast" group had lost an average of 17.8
pounds each and three inches off their waist line, compared to a 7.3 pound and
1.4 inch loss for participants in the "big dinner" group ... those in the big
breakfast group were found to have significantly lower levels of the
hunger-regulating hormone ghrelin"
of dietary glycaemic index and glycaemic load with food and nutrient intake and
general and central obesity in British adults - Br J Nutr. 2013 May 9:1-11 -
"In conclusion, we found independent positive
associations of dietary GI and GL with general and central obesity in British
of increased body weight and waist circumference for middle-aged adults -
Public Health Nutr. 2013 May 1:1-11 - "Prospective
cohort study, the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study (MCCS), with data at
baseline (1990-1994) and wave 2 (2003-2007) ... Our findings indicate that
promoting vigorous physical activity, encouraging a diet high in carbohydrate
and fibre but low in fat and protein, and limiting alcohol intake could be
promising approaches for preventing obesity in middle-aged adults"
Effect of
Lactobacillus gasseri SBT2055 in fermented milk on abdominal adiposity in adults
in a randomised controlled trial - Br J Nutr. 2013 Apr 25:1-8 -
"Lactobacillus gasseri SBT2055 (LG2055) ... A
multi-centre, double-blind, parallel-group RCT was conducted using 210 healthy
Japanese adults with large visceral fat areas ... These findings demonstrate
that consumption of LG2055 at doses as low as the order of 108cfu/d exhibited a
significant lowering effect on abdominal adiposity, and suggest that constant
consumption might be needed to maintain the effect" - See
Lactobacillus gasseri at Amazon.com
intake may protect against metabolic syndrome-related organ damage - Science
Daily, 4/22/13 - "Natural components found in grapes,
known as polyphenols, are thought to be responsible for these beneficial effects
... The grapes -- a blend of red, green and black varieties -- were provided as
a freeze-dried grape powder and integrated into the animals' diets for 90 days
... three months of a grape-enriched diet significantly reduced inflammatory
markers throughout the body, but most significantly in the liver and in
abdominal fat tissue. Consuming grapes also reduced liver, kidney and abdominal
fat weight, compared with those consuming the control diet ... Metabolic
syndrome is a cluster of conditions that occur together -- increased blood
pressure, a high blood sugar level, excess body fat around the waist or low HDL
(the good cholesterol) and increased blood triglycerides" - See Jarrow Formulas, OPCs + 95 at Amazon.com
Monounsaturated Fats Reduce Metabolic Syndrome Risk - Science Daily, 3/29/13
- "121 participants at
risk for metabolic syndrome received a daily smoothie containing 40 grams (1.42
ounces) of one of five oils as part of a weight maintenance, heart-healthy,
2000-calorie per day diet ... those who consumed canola or high-oleic canola
oils on a daily basis for four weeks lowered their belly fat by 1.6 percent
compared to those who consumed a flax/safflower oil blend. Abdominal fat was
unchanged by the other two oils, which included a corn/safflower oil blend and
high-oleic canola oil enriched with an algal source of the omega-3 DHA. Both the
flax/safflower and corn/safflower oil blends were low in monounsaturated fat"
Supplementation Improves Health Risk Factors in Subjects with Metabolic Syndrome
- Phytother Res. 2013 Jan 28 - "In the 6-month study
Pycnogenol® supplementation 150 mg/day decreased waist circumference, TG levels,
blood pressure and increased the HDL cholesterol levels in subjects. Pycnogenol
lowered fasting glucose from baseline 123 +/- 8.6 mg/dl to 106.4 +/- 5.3 after
3 months and to 105.3 +/- 2.5 at the end of the study (p < 0.05 vs controls).
Men's waist circumference decreased with Pycnogenol from 106.2 +/- 2.2 cm [41.8
inches] to 98.8 +/- 2.3 cm [38.9 inces] and to 98.3 +/- 2.1 after 3 and
6 months. Women's waist decreased from 90.9 +/- 1.6 cm to 84.6 +/- 2.1 cm and to
83.6 +/- 2.2 cm after 3 and 6 months. Both genders waist circumference reduction
was significant as compared to controls at both time points. In addition, plasma
free radicals decrease in the Pycnogenol group was more effective than in the
control group (-34.6%; p < 0.05)" - See
Pycnogenol at Amazon.com
Calcium plus
vitamin D3 supplementation facilitated Fat loss in overweight and obese college
students with very-low calcium consumption: a randomized controlled trial -
Nutr J. 2013 Jan 8;12(1):8 - "to receive either an
energy-restricted diet (-500 kcal/d) supplemented with 600 mg elemental calcium
and 125 IU vitamin D3 or energy restriction alone for 12 weeks. Repeated
measurements of variance were performed to evaluate the differences between
groups for changes in body weight, BMI, body composition ... A significantly
greater decrease in fat mass loss was observed in the calcium + D group
(-2.8+/-1.3 vs.-1.8+/-1.3 kg; P=0.02) than in the control group, although there
was no significant difference in body weight change (P>0.05) between groups. The
calcium + D group also exhibited greater decrease in visceral fat mass and
visceral fat area" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Low fat
diet is key to a slimmer figure, study suggests - Science Daily, 12/6/12 -
"Exchanging fatty foods for lower fat alternatives will
help people shift around three-and-a-half pounds -- without any other form of
dieting. People taking part in trials also saw their waist-lines become slimmer,
and levels of bad cholesterol decrease ... The results show that eating less fat
reduces body weight by 1.6kg, BMI by 0.56kg/m² and waist circumference by 0.5cm.
All these effects were in trials in which weight loss was not the intended
outcome, suggesting that they occur in people with normal diets. The weight loss
happened quickly and was maintained over at least seven years"
Changes in
bread consumption and 4-year changes in adiposity in Spanish subjects at high
cardiovascular risk - Br J Nutr. 2012 Dec 3:1-10 -
"We analysed 2213 participants at high risk for CVD from the PREvención con
DIeta MEDiterránea (PREDIMED) trial to assess the association between changes in
the consumption of bread and weight and waist circumference gain over time.
Dietary habits were assessed with validated FFQ at baseline and repeatedly every
year during 4 years of follow-up ... The present results showed that over 4
years, participants in the highest quartile of change in white bread intake
gained 0.76 kg [1.7 pounds] more than those in the lowest quartile (P for trend
= 0.003) and 1.28 cm [0.5 inches] more than those in the lowest quartile (P for
trend < 0.001) ... The present results suggest that reducing white bread, but
not whole-grain bread consumption, within a Mediterranean-style food pattern
setting is associated with lower gains in weight and abdominal fat"
Effect of
green tea (camellia sinensis) consumption on the components of metabolic
syndrome in elderly - J Nutr Health Aging. 2012;16(9):738-42 -
"The consumption of green tea was effective in inducing
weight loss, reducing BMI and waist circumference in the elderly with MS"
- See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
Effect of
DHEA-S on Metabolic Syndrome in Obese Women: Abstract and Introduction -
Medscape, 10/12/12 -
"Dehydroepiandrosterone-sulphate replacement produced weight loss in the
obese women studied. Moreover, waist circumference, glucose and systolic and
diastolic blood pressure, among other metabolic syndrome parameters,
improved in the postmenopausal group, who showed a significant reduction in
the total metabolic syndrome score (P < 0.05). In contrast, in premenopausal
women, the effect of DHEA-S was limited to obesity parameters, and no effect
was observed on metabolic syndrome components. No significant changes were
evident in the placebo group" - See
DHEA at Amazon.com
Metformin-based treatment for obesity-related hypertension: a randomized,
double-blind, placebo-controlled trial - J Hypertens. 2012 Apr 19 -
"metformin (500 mg once per day) or placebo ... At
24 weeks, metformin compared with placebo did not have significant effects
on blood pressure, blood glucose, high-density or low-density lipoprotein
cholesterol, but it did reduce total serum cholesterol (0.27mmol/l,
P = 0.038). Metformin also significantly reduced weight (-0.7 kg,
P = 0.006), BMI (-0.2 kg/m, P = 0.024), waist circumference (-0.9 cm,
P = 0.008), and both subcutaneous (-6.1 cm, P = 0.043) and visceral
adiposity (-5.4 cm, P = 0.028) as measured by computed tomography, and
lowered serum high-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels (-0.6 mg/dl,
P < 0.001). There was no significant difference in adverse events" -
metformin at The Antiaging Store.
Quality Protein
Intake Inversely Related With Abdominal Fat - Medscape, 4/11/12 -
"central abdominal fat (CAF) ... The data from this
study demonstrates that both quality and distribution of dietary protein
throughout the day is important. The quality and distribution of protein are
of particular interest to those who are energy restricted, who might benefit
from the consumption of a higher quality protein source (e.g. milk, egg,
beef), resulting in a higher EAA content per gram of protein. Neither
carbohydrate nor dietary fat intake was associated with percent CAF, which
confirms previous data, highlighting the importance of protein intake ... a
plateauing of muscle contractile protein synthesis following approximately
9-10 g of EAA; meaning dietary intake of EAAs above this threshold does not
significantly contribute to the accretion of skeletal muscle" - See
my yogurt recipe at the top of my yogurt page.
Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Is Associated with Increased Risk of the
Development of the Metabolic Syndrome at Five Years: Results from a
National, Population-Based Prospective Study - J Clin Endocrinol Metab.
2012 Mar 22 - "metabolic syndrome (MetS) ... waist
circumference (WC) ... Compared with those in the highest quintile of
25(OH)D (≥34 ng/ml), MetS risk was significantly higher in people with
25(OH)D in the first (<18 ng/ml) and second (18-23 ng/ml) quintiles; odds
ratio (95% confidence interval) = 1.41 (1.02-1.95) and 1.74 (1.28-2.37),
respectively. Serum 25(OH)D was inversely associated with 5-yr WC (P <
0.001), triglycerides (P < 0.01), fasting glucose (P < 0.01), and
homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance (P < 0.001) but not with
2-h plasma glucose (P = 0.29), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (P =
0.70), or blood pressure (P = 0.46).Conclusions:In Australian adults, lower
25(OH)D concentrations were associated with increased MetS risk and higher
WC, serum triglyceride, fasting glucose, and insulin resistance at 5 yr"
- See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Catechin-enriched green tea shows fat busting potential: RCT - Nutra
USA, 2/17/12 - "Visceral fat levels decreased by 9.5
cm2 after twelve weeks of consuming the catechin-enriched beverage, compared
with a control beverage with normal levels of green tea catechins" -
green tea extract at Amazon.com
Association Between Visceral Obesity and Sarcopenia and Vitamin D Deficiency
in Older Koreans: The Ansan Geriatric Study - J Am Geriatr Soc. 2012 Feb
8 - "Greater visceral fat and lower muscle mass were
associated with lower 25(OH)D levels in elderly Korean men, suggesting that
screening for vitamin D deficiency may be appropriate in older Koreans with
visceral obesity or sarcopenia. Sarcopenic obesity as defined according to
prespecified criteria did not have an additive association with 25(OH)D
levels" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Calcium plus vitamin D may cut body fat levels: RCT data - Nutra USA,
12/16/11 - "Orange juice providing a daily 1050 mg
dose of calcium and 300 IU vitamin D was associated with a significant
reduction in visceral adipose tissue in overweight and obese adults,
compared with adults drinking a non-fortified juice ... For the new study,
Dr Kaplan and his co-workers recruited 171 overweight and obese people with
an average age of 40 to participate in their two 16-week parallel,
double-blind, placebo-controlled trials. One trial involved the regular
beverage and the second trial involved the reduced-energy (lite) version ...
The test groups consumed three 240 mL glasses of the regular or lite orange
juice per day. The total daily dose of calcium was 1050 mg and 100 IU
vitamin D per serving. The control groups were given the same juices but
without the addition of the vitamin and mineral ... the visceral adipose
tissue in people consuming the regular fortified orange juice decreased by
an average of 12.7 cm2, compared with only 1.3 cm2 in the control regular
juice ... the lite fortified juice group displayed visceral adipose tissue
reductions of 13.1 cm2 [2.03 square inches], compared with 6.4 cm2 [0.992
square inches] in the lite control group ... On the other hand, no
differences between any of the groups were recorded in terms of average
weight loss" - [Abstract]
- Note: Don't confuse square inches with just inches. Inches2
doesn't mean inches1. Picture a two
inch cube of water put into some kid of plastic belt that spreads around
your waist area. See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of aerobic vs. resistance
exercise training on visceral fat - Obes Rev. 2011 Sep 26 -
"systematic review and meta-analysis was performed
to assess the efficacy of exercise interventions on VAT content/volume in
overweight and obese adults ... These data suggest that aerobic exercise is
central for exercise programmes aimed at reducing VAT, and that aerobic
exercise below current recommendations for overweight/obesity management may
be sufficient for beneficial VAT modification"
Foods rich in protein, dairy products help dieters preserve muscle and lose
belly fat - Science Daily, 8/29/11 - "a
higher-protein, lower-carbohydrate energy-restricted diet has a major
positive impact on body composition, trimming belly fat and increasing lean
muscle, particularly when the proteins come from dairy products ... compared
three groups of overweight and obese, but otherwise healthy, premenopausal
women. Each consumed either low, medium or high amounts of dairy foods
coupled with higher or lower amounts of protein and carbohydrates ... there
were identical total weight losses among the groups, but the higher-protein,
high-dairy group experienced greater whole-body fat and abdomen fat losses,
greater lean mass gains and greater increases in strength ... One hundred
per cent of the weight lost in the higher-protein, high-dairy group was fat.
And the participants gained muscle mass, which is a major change in body
composition ... the lower-protein, low-dairy group lost about a pound and
half of muscle whereas the lower-protein, medium dairy group lost almost no
muscle. In marked contrast, the higher-protein, high-dairy group actually
gained a pound and half of muscle, representing a three-pound difference
between the low- and high-dairy groups ... On top of the muscle mass
differences, the higher-protein, high-dairy group lost twice as much belly
fat than the lower-protein, low-dairy group ... These women also got fitter
and stronger" - See my yogurt recipe on my
yogurt page.
Aerobic exercise bests resistance training at burning belly fat -
Science Daily, 8/25/11 - "Belly or abdominal fat --
known in scientific communities as visceral fat and liver fat -- is located
deep within the abdominal cavity and fills the spaces between internal
organs. It's been associated with increased risk for heart disease,
diabetes, and certain kinds of cancer ... The Duke study showed aerobic
training significantly reduced visceral fat and liver fat, the culprit in
nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Aerobic exercise also did a better job
than resistance training at improving fasting insulin resistance, and
reducing liver enzymes and fasting triglyceride levels. All are known risk
factors for diabetes and heart disease ... Resistance training achieved no
significant reductions in visceral fat, liver fat, liver enzyme levels or
improvements in insulin resistance. The combination of aerobic with
resistance ... What really counts is how much exercise you do, how many
miles you walk and how many calories you burn ... If you choose to work at a
lower aerobic intensity, it will simply take longer to burn the same amount
of unhealthy fat"
Increased Consumption of Dairy Foods and Protein during Diet- and
Exercise-Induced Weight Loss Promotes Fat Mass Loss and Lean Mass Gain in
Overweight and Obese Premenopausal Women - J Nutr. 2011 Jul 20 -
"Weight loss can have substantial health benefits
for overweight or obese persons; however, the ratio of fat:lean tissue loss
may be more important. We aimed to determine how daily exercise (resistance
and/or aerobic) and a hypoenergetic diet varying in protein and calcium
content from dairy foods would affect the composition of weight lost in
otherwise healthy, premenopausal, overweight, and obese women. Ninety
participants were randomized to 3 groups (n = 30/group): high protein, high
dairy (HPHD), adequate protein, medium dairy (APMD), and adequate protein,
low dairy (APLD) differing in the quantity of total dietary protein and
dairy food-source protein consumed: 30 and 15%, 15 and 7.5%, or 15 and <2%
of energy, respectively. Body composition was measured by DXA at 0, 8, and
16 wk and MRI (n = 39) to assess visceral adipose tissue (VAT) volume at 0
and 16 wk. All groups lost body weight (P < 0.05) and fat (P < 0.01);
however, fat loss during wk 8-16 was greater in the HPHD group than in the
APMD and APLD groups (P < 0.05). The HPHD group gained lean tissue with a
greater increase during 8-16 wk than the APMD group, which maintained lean
mass and the APLD group, which lost lean mass (P < 0.05). The HPHD group
also lost more VAT as assessed by MRI (P < 0.05) and trunk fat as assessed
by DXA (P < 0.005) than the APLD group. The reduction in VAT in all groups
was correlated with intakes of calcium (r = 0.40; P < 0.05) and protein (r =
0.32; P < 0.05). Therefore, diet- and exercise-induced weight loss with
higher protein and increased dairy product intakes promotes more favorable
body composition changes in women characterized by greater total and
visceral fat loss and lean mass gain" - Note: See the yogurt recipe
on my yogurt page.
Soluble fiber strikes a blow to belly fat - Science Daily, 6/27/11 -
"All fat is not created equal. Unsightly as it is,
subcutaneous fat, the fat right under the skin, is not as dangerous to
overall health as visceral fat, the fat deep in the belly surrounding vital
organs ... the way to zero in and reduce visceral fat is simple: eat more
soluble fiber from vegetables, fruit and beans, and engage in moderate
activity ... for every 10-gram increase in soluble fiber eaten per day,
visceral fat was reduced by 3.7 percent over five years. In addition,
increased moderate activity resulted in a 7.4 percent decrease in the rate
of visceral fat accumulation over the same time period ... a higher rate of
visceral fat is associated with high blood pressure, diabetes and fatty
liver disease ... Ten grams of soluble fiber can be achieved by eating two
small apples, one cup of green peas and one-half cup of pinto beans;
moderate activity means exercising vigorously for 30 minutes, two to four
times a week"
Plant oil may hold key to reducing obesity-related medical issues,
researcher finds - Science Daily, 3/23/11 - "a
University of Missouri researcher has found a plant oil that may be able to
reduce belly fat in humans ... a specific plant oil, known as sterculic oil,
may be a key in the fight against obesity. Sterculic oil is extracted from
seeds of the Sterculia foetida tree. The oil contains unique fatty acids
known to suppress a bodily enzyme associated with insulin resistance, which
could indirectly help with reducing belly fat ... Perfield added sterculic
oil to the feed of rats that are genetically disposed to have a high amount
of abdominal fat. He tested the rats over the course of 13 weeks and found
that rats given a diet supplemented with sterulic oil had less abdominal fat
and a decreased likelihood of developing diabetes. Perfield gave the rats a
relatively small dose of oil each day, comparable to giving three grams to a
250-pound human"
blood levels of vitamin D linked to chubbier kids, faster weight gain -
Science Daily, 11/8/10 - "the kids with the lowest
vitamin D levels at the beginning tended to gain weight faster than the kids
with higher levels ... children with the lowest vitamin D levels had more
drastic increases in central body fat measures ... Vitamin D deficiency was
also linked to slower growth in height among girls but not boys" -
vitamin D at Amazon.com
between red meat consumption and metabolic syndrome in a Mediterranean
population at high cardiovascular risk: Cross-sectional and 1-year follow-up
assessment - Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2010 Sep 26 -
"Subjects in the upper quartile of RM consumption were
more likely to meet the criteria for the MetS at baseline (OR, 2.3; 95% CI,
1.4-3.9; P-trend = 0.001) and after 1-year follow-up (OR, 2.2; 95% CI, 1.3-3.7;
P-trend = 0.034) compared with those in the quartile of reference, even after
adjusting for potential confounders. The longitudinal analyses showed that
individuals in the fourth quartile of RM consumption had an increased risk of
MetS (OR, 2.7; 95% CI, 1.1-6.8; P-trend = 0.009) or central obesity incidence
(OR, 8.1; 95% CI, 1.4-46.0; P-trend = 0.077) at the end of the follow-up
compared to the lowest quartile"
Whole- and
refined-grain intakes are differentially associated with abdominal visceral and
subcutaneous adiposity in healthy adults: the Framingham Heart Study - Am J
Clin Nutr. 2010 Sep 29 - "visceral adipose tissue (VAT)
... Increasing whole-grain intake is associated with lower VAT in adults,
whereas higher intakes of refined grains are associated with higher VAT"
- See brown rice pasta at Amazon.com
of a high-calcium energy-reduced diet on abdominal obesity and
cardiometabolic risk factors in obese Brazilian subjects - Int J Clin
Pract. 2010 Jul;64(8):1076-83 - "(i) a low-calcium
diet (LCD; < 500 mg/day) or (ii) a HCD [1200-1300 mg/day ... 16 weeks of
energy restriction, a significant reduction was observed in all
anthropometric parameters, metabolic variables (except for high-density
lipoprotein cholesterol) and blood pressure levels in both the groups.
Insulin was significantly reduced only in the HCD group. Subjects on the HCD
compared with those on the LCD exhibited a greater reduction in waist
circumference (p = 0.002), waist-to-hip ratio (p = 0.0001), diastolic blood
pressure (p = 0.04) and mean blood pressure (p = 0.03). Conclusions: Our
study suggests that increased calcium intake may enhance the beneficial
effects of energy restriction on abdominal obesity and blood pressure"
Fructose sugar makes maturing human fat cells fatter, less
insulin-sensitive, study finds
- Science Daily, 6/21/10 - "high levels of fructose,
which may result from eating a diet high in fructose, throughout childhood
may lead to an increase in visceral [abdominal] obesity, which is associated
with increased cardiometabolic risk ... For both types of fat cells,
maturation in fructose decreased the cells' insulin sensitivity, which is
the ability to successfully take up glucose from the bloodstream into fat
and muscles. Decreased insulin sensitivity is a characteristic of Type 2
Probiotics may help fat and weight loss: Study - Nutra USA, 6/11/10 -
"Twelve weeks of consuming a fermented milk product
containing the Lactobacillus strain was associated with a 4.6 per cent
reduction in abdominal fat, and a 3.3 per cent reduction in subcutaneous
fat" - [Abstract]
- See
Yogourmet Electric Yogurt Maker - I've had a lot of yogurt makers
over the years but this is the best one I've found. I mix two cups of
Nestle Nido Instant Dry Whole Milk (available at Amazon) with two
cups of dry skim milk in a blender. Lately I've been making it with
Activa. I believe it's only sold flavored but I've been using the
strawberry flavored Activa. I put the milk powders in a blender then
fill it with water and blend. Then add one container of the Activa and
blend fast one more time (not to kill the culture). Then pour it into
the jar and fill the jar to the top with additional water and leave it
in the yoghurt maker for 13 hours. I mix the finished product with
Smucker's Strawberry Orchard's Finest. If your worried about the
BPA's from the plastic container, see
Widemouth Clear Half Gallon Glass Jar (64oz) w/ White Metal Lid at
- Activia by Dannon
- "Specialists at Dannon® selected Bifidus
Regularis™ for Activia® because it survives passage through the
digestive tract, arriving in the colon as a living culture. Once there,
it plays a beneficial role in your intestinal ecosystem"
Regulation of abdominal adiposity by probiotics (Lactobacillus gasseri SBT2055)
in adults with obese tendencies in a randomized controlled trial - Eur J
Clin Nutr. 2010 Jun;64(6):636-43 - "fermented milk (FM)
... In the active FM group, abdominal visceral and subcutaneous fat areas
significantly (P<0.01) decreased from baseline by an average of 4.6% (mean
(confidence interval): -5.8 (-10.0, -1.7) cm(2)) and 3.3% (-7.4 (-11.6, -3.1)
cm(2)), respectively. Body weight and other measures also decreased
significantly (P<0.001) as follows: body weight, 1.4% (-1.1 (-1.5, -0.7) kg);
BMI, 1.5% (-0.4 (-0.5, -0.2) kg/m(2)); waist, 1.8% (-1.7 (-2.1, -1.4) cm); hip,
1.5% (-1.5 (-1.8, -1.1) cm). In the control group, by contrast, none of these
parameters decreased significantly. High-molecular weight adiponectin in serum
increased significantly (P<0.01) in the active and control groups by 12.7% (0.17
(0.07, 0.26) microg/ml) and 13.6% (0.23 (0.07, 0.38) microg/ml), respectively.
CONCLUSION: The probiotic LG2055 showed lowering effects on abdominal adiposity,
body weight and other measures, suggesting its beneficial influence on metabolic
Drinking Tea May Trim Men's Waistlines - WebMD, 1/29/10 -
"In men, the use of sugar in tea was associated with
a nearly 1-inch smaller waist measurement, but the use of artificial
sweeteners was linked to a nearly 2-inch larger waistline ... Among women,
the use of milk in tea was associated with a two-thirds-of-an-inch smaller
waistline. But women who used artificial sweeteners had an average of nearly
an inch larger waistline" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
Pomegranate oil-seaweed mix may improve liver health and waist size -
Nutra USA, 1/25/10 - "Results showed that
body weight was significantly reduced by an
average of 5.5 kg in people in the
NAFLD group and 4.9 kg in the normal liver
function group. Women in the placebo group lost an average of 1.4 kilos. In
addition, women with NAFLD experienced improvements in waist circumference,
body and liver fat content, liver enzymes, and serum triglycerides" -
[Abstract] - 5.5
kg is 12.1 pounds - See
FucoThin at Amazon.com

effects of Xanthigen in the weight management of obese premenopausal women with
non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and normal liver fat - Diabetes Obes
Metab. 2010 Jan;12(1):72-81 - "Xanthigen-600/2.4 mg (300
mg PSO + 300 mg brown seaweed extract containing 2.4 mg fucoxanthin) resulted in
statistically significant reduction of body weight (5.5 +/- 1.4 kg NAFLD group
and 4.9 +/- 1.2 kg NLF group, p < 0.05), waist circumference (NAFLD group only),
body (3.5 +/- 1.9 kg NAFLD group, p < 0.001; 3.6 +/- 0.7 kg NLF group, p < 0.05)
and liver fat content, liver enzymes (NAFLD group only), serum triglycerides and
C-reactive protein. Weight loss and reduction in body and liver fat content
occurred earlier in patients with NLF than in patients with NAFLD. Fucoxanthin
(> 2.4 mg) and Xanthigen-400/1.6 mg (200 mg PSO + 200 mg brown seaweed extract
containing 1.6 mg fucoxanthin) significantly increased REE in NAFLD subjects
compared to placebo. CONCLUSIONS: Xanthigen promoted weight loss, reduced body
and liver fat content, and improved liver function tests in obese non-diabetic
women. Xanthigen and Fucoxanthin also increased REE. This product may be
considered a promising food supplement in the management of obesity" -
FucoThin at Amazon.com

Dietary Fiber May Help Prevent Body Weight, Waist Circumference Gain -
Medscape, 1/6/10 - "There was an inverse association of
total fiber intake with subsequent change in weight and in waist circumference.
For each 10-g/day increase in total fiber intake, the pooled estimate was –39
g/year (95% confidence interval [CI], –71 to –7 g/year) for weight change and
–0.08 cm/year (95% CI, –0.11 to –0.05 cm/year) for waist circumference change
... For each 10-g/day increase in fiber intake from cereals, there was a weight
change of –77 g/year (95% CI, –127 to –26 g/year) and change in waist
circumference of –0.10 cm/year (95% CI, –0.18 to –0.02 cm/year). Fruit and
vegetable fiber was not associated with weight change. However, the association
of fruit and vegetable fiber intake with change in waist circumference was
similar to that seen for intake of total dietary fiber and cereal fiber"
Intake and Cereal Fiber Are Associated with Lower Abdominal Adiposity in Older
Adults - J Nutr. 2009 Sep 2 - "After adjustment for
covariates, whole-grain intake was inversely associated with BMI [26.8 kg/m(2)
(25.7-28.1) vs. 25.8 kg/m(2) (24.6-27.1), (95% CI); P-trend = 0.08], percent
body fat [34.5% (32.7-36.3) vs. 32.1% (30.1-34.1); P-trend = 0.02], and percent
trunk fat mass [43.0% (40.4-45.5) vs. 39.4% (36.7-42.1); P-trend = 0.02] in the
lowest compared with the highest quartile category of whole-grain intake.
Refined grain intake was not associated with any measure of body fat
distribution. Cereal fiber was inversely associated with BMI [27.3 kg/m(2)
(26.1-28.6) vs. 25.4 kg/m(2) (24.3-26.7); P-trend = 0.012], percent body fat
[34.7% (32.8-36.6) vs. 31.5% (29.4-33.5); P-trend = 0.004], and percent trunk
fat mass [42.8% (40.2-45.4) vs. 37.8% (35.0-40.6) ... Higher intakes of cereal
fiber, particularly from whole-grain sources, are associated with lower total
percent body fat and percent trunk fat mass in older adults"
Successful Weight Loss With Dieting Is Linked To Vitamin D Levels - Science
Daily, 6/11/09 - "the authors found that baseline, or
pre-diet, vitamin D levels predicted weight loss in a linear relationship. For
every increase of 1 ng/mL in level of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol—the precursor
form of vitamin D and a commonly used indicator of vitamin D status—subjects
ended up losing almost a half pound (0.196 kg) more on their calorie-restricted
diet. For each 1-ng/mL increase in the active or "hormonal" form of vitamin D
(1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol), subjects lost nearly one-quarter pound (0.107
kg) more ... Additionally, higher baseline vitamin D levels (both the precursor
and active forms) predicted greater loss of abdominal fat" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Linoleic Acids Reduce Body Fat in Healthy Postmenopausal Women - J Nutr.
2009 Jun 3 - "Isomers of conjugated linoleic acids (CLA)
reduce fat mass (FM) and increase insulin sensitivity in some, but not all,
murine studies. In humans, this effect is still debatable. In this study, we
compared the effect of 2 CLA supplements on total and regional FM assessed by
dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, changes in serum insulin and glucose
concentrations, and adipose tissue (AT) gene expression in humans. In a
double-blind, parallel, 16-wk intervention, we randomized 81 healthy
postmenopausal women to 1) 5.5 g/d of 40/40% of cis9,trans11-CLA (c9,t11-CLA)
and trans10,cis12-CLA (t10,c12-CLA) (CLA-mix); 2) cis9, trans11-CLA
(c9,t11-CLA); or 3) control (olive oil) ... The CLA-mix group had less total FM
(4%) and lower-body FM (7%) than the control (P = 0.02 and < 0.001,
respectively). Post hoc analyses showed that serum insulin concentrations were
greater in the CLA-mix group (34%) than the control group (P = 0.02) in the
highest waist circumference tertile only ... In conclusion, a 50:50 mixture of
c9,t11- and t10,c12-CLA isomers resulted in less total and lower-body FM in
postmenopausal women and greater serum insulin concentrations in the highest
waist circumference tertile" - See
conjugated linoleic acid at Amazon.com
. As with all CLA studies, I wish they would state
brand names instead of leaving it to the reader to figure out which mixture
corresponds to which brand name. I've seen studies where some isomers increase
insulin sensitivity while others have the opposite effect.
Supplementation of L-Arginine and Conjugated Linoleic Acid Reduces
Retroperitoneal Fat Mass and Increases Lean Body Mass in Rats - J Nutr. 2009
May 13 - "We conclude that CLA and arginine modulated
adipose tissue metabolism by separate, but not additive, effects. Also, CLA and
arginine may have depressed muscle protein turnover" - See
conjugated linoleic acid at Amazon.com
L-arginine products at Amazon.com .
Whole-Grain, Low-Calorie Diet Reduced Body Fat Compared With Refined-Wheat
Low-Calorie Diet - Doctor's Guide, 5/14/09 -
"Patients consuming whole-grain foods had a significantly larger drop in body
fat percentage (assessed by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry scanning) compared
with patients who had eaten refined foods (-6.8% vs -4.8%; P = .03) ... Total
cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels rose by 5% in the refined-wheat group but
remained unchanged in the wholemeal-wheat group"
Study In
Pregnant Women Suggests Probiotics May Help Ward Off Obesity - Science
Daily, 5/7/09 - "One year after giving birth, women were
less likely to have the most dangerous kind of obesity if they had been given
probiotics from the first trimester of pregnancy, found new research that
suggests manipulating the balance of bacteria in the gut may help fight obesity
... Central obesity, where overall obesity is combined with a particularly fat
belly, is considered especially unhealthy ... We found it in 25% of the women
who had received the probiotics along with dietary counselling, compared with
43% in the women who received diet advice alone" - See
probiotics at Amazon.com
Marine n-3
fatty acids promote size reduction of visceral adipose depots, without altering
body weight and composition, in male Wistar rats fed a high-fat diet - Br J
Nutr. 2009 Apr 28:1-12 - "Wistar rats fed a high-fat
diet. Rats were fed diets including lard (19.5 % lard) or n-3 FA (9.1 % lard and
10.4 % Triomar) for 7 weeks. Feed consumption and weight gain were similar,
whereas plasma lipid concentrations were lower in the n-3 FA group. Magnetic
resonance imaging revealed smaller visceral (mesenteric, perirenal and
epididymal) adipose depots in the n-3 FA-fed animals (35, 44 and 32 %
reductions, respectively). n-3 FA feeding increased mRNA expression of cytokines
as well as chemokines in several adipose depots. Expression of Adipoq and Pparg
was enhanced in the mesenteric adipose depots of the n-3 FA-fed rats, and
fasting plasma insulin levels were lowered. Expression of the lipogenic enzymes
Acaca and Fasn was increased in the visceral adipose depots, whereas Dgat1 was
reduced in the perirenal and epididymal depots. Cpt2 mRNA expression was almost
doubled in the mesenteric depot and liver. Carcass analyses showed similar body
fat (%) in the two feeding groups, indicating that n-3 FA feeding led to
redistribution of fat away from the visceral compartment"
- See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Carotenoids may halve metabolic syndrome risk - Nutra USA, 4/23/09 -
"Higher total carotenoid, beta-carotene, alpha-carotene,
and lycopene intakes were associated with lower waist circumferences and
visceral and subcutaneous fat mass ... Higher lycopene intake was related to
lower serum triglyceride concentrations ... higher total carotenoid intakes,
mainly those of beta-carotene and lycopene, were associated with a lower
prevalence of metabolic syndrome and with lower measures of adiposity and serum
triglyceride concentrations in middle-aged and elderly men" - [Abstract]
- See
Jarrow Formulas, CarotenALL, Mixed Carotenoid Complex at Amazon.com
Dietary carotenoid intake is associated with lower prevalence of metabolic
syndrome in middle-aged and elderly men - J Nutr. 2009 May;139(5):987-92 -
"After adjustment for confounders, total carotenoid and
lycopene intakes were inversely associated with presence of metabolic syndrome
[relative risk (RR) quartile 4 vs. quartile 1 (95% CI) 0.42 (0.20-0.87), P-trend
0.02; and 0.55 (0.28-1.11), P-trend 0.01, respectively]. For beta-carotene, a
decreased risk was observed for each quartile of intake compared with the first
[RR quartile 4 vs. quartile 1 (95% CI) 0.58 (0.33-1.02)]. Higher total
carotenoid, beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and lycopene intakes were associated
with lower waist circumferences and visceral and subcutaneous fat mass. Higher
lycopene intake was related to lower serum triglyceride concentrations" -
Jarrow Formulas, CarotenALL, Mixed Carotenoid Complex at Amazon.com
Blueberries May Banish Belly Fat - WebMD, 4/19/08 -
"enriched with whole blueberry powder or carbohydrates as 2% of their total diet
... After 90 days, the rats fed blueberries had less abdominal fat, lower
cholesterol, and improved glucose control and insulin sensitivity. The latter
two factors are markers of how well the body processes sugar for energy and are
related to diabetes risk"
Glycemic Breakfast May Increase Benefits Of Working Out - Science Daily,
4/15/09 - "Overall, fat oxidation was higher in the LGI
treatment than in the HGI treatment (P < 0.05) during the post-breakfast and
exercise periods. Following lunch, fullness scores were higher in the LGI trial
than in the HGI trial (P < 0.05). The authors concluded that consuming a LGI
breakfast increases fat oxidation during subsequent exercise and improved
satiety during recovery in sedentary females. As such, individuals trying to
shed fat may consider choosing LGI foods eaten prior to when they exercise"
Late Bedtimes Linked to Heart Disease - WebMD, 3/30/09 -
"The fewer hours a man slept each night, the higher his
BMI, blood pressure, and triglyceride levels"
Enough Vitamin D In The Diet Could Mean Too Much Fat On Adolescents -
Science Daily, 3/16/09 - "A Medical College of Georgia
study of more than 650 teens age 14-19 has found that those who reported higher
vitamin D intakes had lower overall body fat and lower amounts of the fat in the
abdomen, a type of fat known as visceral fat, which has been associated with
health risks such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and hypertension" -
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Discovery Could Help Fight Human Obesity - Science Daily, 2/4/09 -
"arginine, an amino acid, reduces fat mass in
diet-induced obese rats and could help fight human obesity ... dietary arginine
supplementation shifts nutrient partitioning to promote skeletal-muscle gain ...
arginine supplementation for a 12-week period decreased the body fat gains of
low-fat and high-fat fed rats by 65 percent and 63 percent, respectively. The
long-term arginine treatment did not have any adverse effects on either group"
- See
arginine at Amazon.com
Green tea catechins linked to weight loss: Study - Nutra USA, 1/26/09 -
"The subjects were randomly assigned to receive either
500ml per day of a beverage providing 625mg catechins, or a control beverage ...
12-week study period ... people in the catechin group were found to have lost
more body weight compared to the control group ... both total abdominal fat area
(P = 0.013) and abdominal subcutaneous fat area (P = 0.019) had decreased more
in the catechin group" - [Abstract]
- See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
tea catechin consumption enhances exercise-induced abdominal fat loss in
overweight and obese adults - J Nutr. 2009 Feb;139(2):264-70 -
"for 12 wk ... There was a trend (P = 0.079) toward
greater loss of body weight in the catechin group compared with the control
group ... Percentage changes in fat mass did not differ between the catechin
[5.2 (-7.0, -3.4)] and control groups [-3.5 (-5.4, 1.6)] (P = 0.208). However,
percentage changes in total abdominal fat area [-7.7 (-11.7, -3.8) vs. -0.3
(-4.4, 3.9); P = 0.013], subcutaneous abdominal fat area [-6.2 (-10.2, -2.2) vs.
0.8 (-3.3, 4.9); P = 0.019], and fasting serum triglycerides (TG) [-11.2 (-18.8,
-3.6) vs. 1.9 (-5.9, 9.7); P = 0.023] were greater in the catechin group. These
findings suggest that green tea catechin consumption enhances exercise-induced
changes in abdominal fat and serum TG" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
L-Arginine Supplementation Reduces White Fat Gain and Enhances Skeletal Muscle
and Brown Fat Masses in Diet-Induced Obese Rats - J Nutr. 2008 Dec 23 -
"l-arginine-HCl ... Despite similar energy intake,
absolute weights of white fat pads increased by 98% in control rats over a 12-wk
period but only by 35% in arginine-supplemented rats. The arginine treatment
reduced the relative weights of white fat pads by 30% and enhanced those of
soleus muscle by 13%, extensor digitorum longus muscle by 11%, and brown fat by
34% compared with control rats ... arginine treatment resulted in lower serum
concentrations of leptin, glucose, triglycerides, urea, glutamine, and
branched-chain amino acids, higher serum concentrations of nitric-oxide
metabolites, and improvement in glucose tolerance. Thus, dietary arginine
supplementation shifts nutrient partitioning to promote muscle over fat gain and
may provide a useful treatment for improving the metabolic profile and reducing
body white fat in diet-induced obese rats" - See
arginine products at Amazon.com
Tea Catechin Consumption Enhances Exercise-Induced Abdominal Fat Loss in
Overweight and Obese Adults - J Nutr. 2008 Dec 11 -
"percentage changes in total abdominal fat area
[-7.7 (-11.7, -3.8) vs. -0.3 (-4.4, 3.9); P = 0.013], subcutaneous abdominal
fat area [-6.2 (-10.2, -2.2) vs. 0.8 (-3.3, 4.9); P = 0.019], and fasting
serum triglycerides (TG) [-11.2 (-18.8, -3.6) vs. 1.9 (-5.9, 9.7); P =
0.023] were greater in the catechin group. These findings suggest that green
tea catechin consumption enhances exercise-induced changes in abdominal fat
and serum TG" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
Symptoms Of Depression Associated With Increase In Abdominal Fat -
Science Daily, 12/1/08 - "There are several
mechanisms by which depression might increase abdominal fat, they note.
Chronic stress and depression may activate certain brain areas and lead to
increased levels of the hormone cortisol, which promotes the accumulation of
visceral fat. Individuals with depression may have unhealthier lifestyles,
including a poor diet, that could interact with other physiological factors
to produce an increase in abdominal obesity" - See my
cortisol page for ways to reduce it. Cortisol
is like the chicken and the egg with depression. They don't seem to know
whether it is the cause or result.
Whole Grains Shrink Belly Fat? - Dr. Weil, 3/31/08 -
"the whole grains may have helped by stabilizing the
dieters' blood sugar, which in turn may have had a beneficial effect on CRP
n-3 Polyunsaturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids in patients with the
metabolic syndrome: a case-control study in Korea - Br J Nutr. 2008 Feb
28;:1-6 - "trans fatty acids of erythrocytes (RBC)
... There were significant positive relationships between trans fatty acids
and waist circumference, and between trans fatty acids and BMI. The results
suggested that RBC trans fatty acids might be a predictor of increased risk
for the metabolic syndrome, but n-3 fatty acids were not in this population"
Whole Grains Fight Belly Fat - WebMD, 2/25/08 -
"Both groups experienced a decrease in body fat, but the whole-grain group
lost significantly more body fat from the abdominal region than the
refined-grain group. Excessive fat around the midsection is linked to an
increased risk of heart disease ... The whole-grain group experienced other
benefits. For example, CRP levels dropped by 38% among those who followed a
whole-grain diet"
Soy linked to less belly fat in postmenopausal women - Nutra USA,
1/14/08 - "At the end of the trial there were no
differences in the weight of women in both groups ... However, measures of
subcutaneous abdominal fat were significantly different between the groups,
with women in the soy group experiencing a 14.7 sq. cm reduction compared to
a 22.9 sq. cm increase in the placebo group" - [Abstract]
Effect of a daily supplement of soy protein on body composition and insulin
secretion in postmenopausal women - Fertil Steril. 2007
Dec;88(6):1609-17 - "A daily supplement of soy
protein prevents the increase in subcutaneous and total abdominal fat
observed with an isocaloric casein placebo in postmenopausal women"
Vitamin C and dairy linked to less abdominal weight - Nutra USA,
11/16/07 - "low vitamin C
intake was associated with a 131 per cent increase in probability of
central fat accumulation, while low calcium
increased the probability by 30 per cent" - [Abstract]
- See
vitamin C products at Amazon.com
Dietary and non-dietary determinants of central adiposity among Tehrani
women - Public Health Nutr. 2007 Sep 3;:1-7 -
"Marriage (1.31; 1.10-1.82), menopause (1.22; 1.02-1.61), low vitamin C
intake (2.31; 1.25-4.25) and low calcium intake (1.30; 1.07-3.78) were
associated with central fat accumulation" - See
vitamin C products at Amazon.com
Six months supplementation with conjugated linoleic acid induces
regional-specific fat mass decreases in overweight and obese - Br J
Nutr. 2007 Mar;97(3):550-60 - "randomised into two
groups supplemented with either 3 x 4 g/d CLA
or placebo for 6 months. CLA significantly decreased BFM at month 3 (Delta=-
0 x 9 %, P=0 x 016) and at month 6 (Delta=- 3 x 4 %, P=0 x 043) compared
with placebo. The reduction in fat mass was located mostly in the legs
(Delta=- 0 x 8 kg, P<0 x 001), and in women (Delta=-1 x 3 kg, P=0 x 046)
with BMI >30 kg/m2 (Delta=-1 x 9 kg, P=0 x 011), compared with placebo. The
waist-hip ratio decreased significantly (P=0 x 043) compared with placebo.
LBM increased (Delta=+0 x 5 kg, P=0 x 049) within the CLA group ... Adverse
events did not differ between the groups" - See
conjugated linoleic acid at Amazon.com
- Low glycemic diet may
help stay slim - MSNBC, 10/27/06 -
"normal-weight women who ate a diet with a
relatively high glycemic index gained more weight, more fat, and more
padding around the middle over a six-year period than women who ate a low
glycemic index diet"
Supplementation With Chromium Picolinate Improves Glycemic Control,
Attenuates Weight Gain - Doctor's Guide, 8/9/06 -
"Blood sugar levels of study participants taking
chromium picolinate in combination with the antidiabetic medication dropped
significantly compared to the group taking the medication plus placebo ...
Study participants taking chromium picolinate also experienced significantly
lower abdominal body fat accumulation than the group taking medication and
placebo, and experienced less overall weight gain" - See
chromium supplements at Amazon.com
Exercise Important in Reducing Size of Abdominal Fat Cells - Doctor's
Guide, 8/8/06 - "The diet-alone group had no changes
in abdominal fat cell size. However, both exercise groups had decreases of
about 18% in the size of their abdominal fat cells"
Association of abdominal obesity with decreased serum levels of carotenoids
in a healthy Japanese population - Clin Nutr. 2006 May 12 -
"abdominal fat accumulation is associated with
oxidative stress as determined by low levels of serum carotenoids in
Low-Glycemic Load Diet Facilitates Weight Loss in Overweight Adults with
High Insulin Secretion - Doctor's Guide, 12/7/05 -
"The regulation of body weight is, at least in part,
influenced by how much insulin a person secretes in response to a load of
glucose, as well as by how sensitive that person is to insulin's
glucose-lowering effects"
Exercise Fights
'Hidden' Body Fat - WebMD, 9/14/05 -
"Higher amounts of exercise cut deep belly fat and fat
around the waist ... Deep belly fat (technically called "visceral fat" or fat
surrounding organs within the abdomen) has been linked to health problems
including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome -- a cluster of
risk factors that greatly increase the chance of developing these diseases"
Running May
Melt Away Belly Fat - CBS 2 Chicago, 9/14/05
Vinegar may help dieters eat less - Nutra USA, 9/7/05 -
"Both glucose and insulin responses were about 25
per cent lower at 90 minutes when the volunteers had consumed the highest
level of vinegar compared to the reference meal
... This level of vinegar is equivalent to about two to three tablespoons"
- See
products at iHerb (1 - 500 mg tablet equals 2 tsb of vinegar. 4.5
tablets equals about 3 tablespoons by my calculations. Related articles:
New Trial Shows Chromium Picolinate Reduces Weight Gain Associated with
Diabetes Medication - Doctor's Guide, 6/16/05 -
"The study participants who took 1,000 mcg of
Chromax(R) chromium picolinate in combination with the antidiabetic
medication experienced significantly lower body fat accumulation (0.12%)
than the group taking medication and placebo (1.1%), particularly in the
abdomen area" - See
chromium supplements at Amazon.com
Skipping Exercise Makes
Fat a Bigger Problem - WebMD, 4/19/05 -
"Just five hours after exercise stopped, the rat's
abdominal fat cells started to send off chemical signals that made them start to
swell. After two days of no exercise, the fat cells got 19% larger -- and the
rats' stomach fat got 48% heavier"
Effects of metformin on the body composition in subjects with risk factors
for type 2 diabetes - Diabetes Obes Metab. 2005 Mar;7(2):189-92 -
"In the
metformin group, there was a decrease in fat
weight from 25.9 +/- 9.4 to 20.8 +/- 9.2 kg, p < 0.01, an increase in lean
weight from 57.05 +/- 13.6 to 61.9 +/- 16.5 kg, p < 0.01, an increase in
basal metabolism from 1735 +/- 413 to 1878 +/- 505 calories/day, p < 0.05
and an increase in body water" - See
metformin at The Antiaging Store. Note: That's a 19.7% decrease in fat
(25.9-20.8)/25.9 = 19.7%, a 8.5% increase in lean weight (61.9-57.05)/57.05
= 8.5% and a 8.2% increase in basal metabolism (1878-1735)/1735 = 8.2%. -
Abdominal Fat Decreases, Insulin Action Improves When Elderly Take Hormone
- Science Daily, 11/17/04
Effect of DHEA on Abdominal Fat and Insulin Action in Elderly Women and Men:
A Randomized Controlled Trial - JAMA. 2004 Nov 10;292(18):2243-8 -
"DHEA replacement could play a role in prevention and
treatment of the metabolic syndrome associated with abdominal obesity"
- See
DHEA products at iHerb.
- Hormone
Protects Against Diseases of Aging - WebMD, 11/9/04 -
"The elderly people in the study took 50 mg a day of
DHEA ... Six months later, the DHEA group showed significant reductions in
abdominal obesity (10% fat reduction around organs in the abdominal cavity
among women and 7.4% among men) and improvements in insulin action or a
decrease in insulin resistance"
Increase in DHEA May Help Decrease Abdominal Fat in Elderly Persons -
Doctor's Guide, 11/9/04 -
replacement therapy induced significant decreases in both visceral fat
(within the abdomen) and subcutaneous abdominal fat (below the skin surface)
in elderly men and women. "The decrease in visceral fat relative to initial
values averaged 10.2 percent in the women and 7.4 percent in the men. The
DHEA therapy also resulted in a significant decrease in abdominal
subcutaneous fat, averaging approximately 6 percent in both the men and
- DHEA May Reduce
Abdominal Fat and Increase Insulin Sensitivity in the Elderly
- Medscape, 11/9/04
Research: Refined Grains Expand Girths - Intelihealth, 6/21/04 -
"three years they were tracked ... At the end, the
white bread group had three times the fiber group's gain at the gut ... I
think abdominal fat cells may be more sensitive to insulin's effects than
other fat cells in the body"
- CLA: The New
Miracle Weight Loss Pill? - WebMD, 5/24/04 -
CLA groups lost weight -- about 4 pounds; the
placebo group stayed the same ... The CLA syrup group had a 9% body fat
loss; the CLA pill group had 7% loss; the placebo group had no body fat loss
... The increased lipoprotein levels may be a byproduct of fat loss, says
Gaullier. "The body does show inflammation caused by the process of
eliminating fat. We think this is what is happening, but we don't know for
- See
conjugated linoleic acid at Amazon.com
A Derivative Of The Green Tea Leaf May Help With Metabolic Syndrome X, A
Potentially Deadly Disorder - Intelihealth, 4/10/03 -
"A new weapon might eventually be added to the
arsenal: consumption of Tegreen, a tea polyphenols product containing in
excess of 65 percent tea catechins, derived
from the green tea leaf ... oral administration of Tegreen is capable of
improving glucose and lipid metabolisms in an obese rat model induced by a
high-calorie diet ... Tegreen intervention can significantly decrease
visceral fat depot and increase the insulin's
sensitivity, presumably touching one of the pathological root causes of
this potentially deadly syndrome" - See
green tea extracts. My favorite is
Jarrow green tea at iHerb.
Stress, Cortisol and Health - Supplement Watch Newsletter, 10/02 -
"several lines of evidence have converged to
solidify the concept that stress makes us fat (because of
cortisol), thins our bones (because of cortisol), shrinks our brains
(because of cortisol), suppresses our immune system (because of cortisol),
saps our energy levels (because of cortisol), and kills our sex drive
(because of cortisol) ... Take a daily multivitamin/multi-mineral supplement
- because calcium,
magnesium, vitamin C and
B-complex vitamins are needed for a proper stress response ... Chief
among the supplements with documented cortisol-controlling effects are
Phosphatidylserine, Beta-sitosterol,
Magnolia bark, Theanine,
Epimedium, Ashwagandha and
Novel Method of Enhancing Anti-Fat Effects of CLA - Life Extension
Magazine, 8/02 -
"CLA improves insulin sensitivity" - See
conjugated linoleic acid at Amazon.com
Hypercortisolemia Cited in Link Between Depression and Cardiovascular
Disorders - Doctor's Guide, 4/9/02 -
"Depressed patients who are also hypercortisolemic
appear to have resistance to insulin and increased
visceral fat, possibly accounting for a link between major depression
and cardiovascular disorders"
- Single enzyme to blame
for potbellies: study - MSNBC, 12/6/01 -
"What they found was that a single enzyme in fat
cells that raises levels of
cortisol — the “fight or flight” stress
hormone — triggers fat accumulation around the belly and its associated ill
effects ... The researchers were drawn to the role of cortisol because
patients with a rare illness known as Cushing syndrome — who have too much
of the steroid hormone in their blood — develop severe obesity concentrated
around their middles and become diabetic ... Since overweight people without
Cushing syndrome typically don’t have too much cortisol in their
bloodstreams, Flier hypothesized that they may be producing high cortisol
levels solely in their fat cells — possibly because the enzyme HSD-1, which
makes cortisol from an inactive molecule, is overactive ... The level of
cortisol in their stomach fat tissue was 15 percent to 30 percent higher
than in their non-engineered counterparts"
- The link went dead on this but I found a copy at
http://www.cushingsonline.com/newsletters/email/12-4-2002.htm (scroll
about 2/3rds the way down).
Other News:
Excessive body fat around the middle linked to smaller brain size, study finds
- Science Daily, 1/9/19 - "After adjusting for other
factors that may affect brain volume, such as age, physical activity, smoking
and high blood pressure, researchers found that while a high BMI alone was
linked to slightly lower brain volumes, those with high BMI and waist-to-hip
ratios had lower gray matter brain volumes than participants who did not have a
high waist-to-hip ratio. Specifically, researchers found that 1,291 people who
had a high BMI and a high waist-to-hip ratio had the lowest average gray matter
brain volume of 786 cubic centimeters, compared to 3,025 people of healthy
weight who had an average gray matter brain volume of 798 cubic centimeters and
514 people with a high BMI but without high waist-to-hip ratio who had an
average gray matter brain volume of 793 cubic centimeters. They found no
significant differences in white matter brain volume."
of belly fat in older adults is linked with cognitive impairment - Science
Daily, 8/1/18 - "a higher waist:hip ratio was associated
with reduced cognitive function. This could be explained by an increased
secretion of inflammatory markers by belly fat, which has been previously
associated with a higher risk of impaired cognition. On the contrary, body mass
index (BMI) was found to protect cognitive function. BMI is a crude measure of
body fat and cannot differentiate between fat and fat-free mass (muscle), thus
it is proposed that the fat-free mass component is likely to be the protective
patch dissolves 'love handles' in mice - Science Daily, 9/15/17 -
"The new treatment approach was tested in obese mice by
loading the nanoparticles with one of two compounds known to promote browning:
rosiglitazone (Avandia) or beta-adrenergic receptor agonist (CL 316243) that
works well in mice but not in humans ... Mice treated with either of the two
drugs had a 20 percent reduction in fat on the treated side compared to the
untreated side. They also had significantly lower fasting blood glucose levels
than untreated mice"
soda linked to increases in belly fat in older adults - Science Daily,
3/17/15 - "The San Antonio Longitudinal Study of Aging
(SALSA) enrolled 749 Mexican- and European-Americans who were aged 65 and older
at the start of the study (1992-96) ... the increase in waist circumference
among diet soda drinkers, per follow-up interval, was almost triple that among
non-users: 2.11 cm versus 0.77 cm, respectively. After adjustment for multiple
potential confounders, interval waist circumference increases were 0.77 cm for
non-users, 1.76 cm for occasional users, and 3.04 cm for daily users. This
translates to waist circumference increases of 0.80 inches for non-users, 1.83
inches for occasional users, and 3.16 inches for daily users over the total
9.4-year SALSA follow-up period"
Fatty and
lean red meat consumption in China: Differential association with Chinese
abdominal obesity - Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2014 Mar 20 -
"Greater intake of fatty fresh RM was significantly
associated with higher WC (men only) and abdominal obesity risk in Chinese
Big Waists Linked with
Early Death Regardless of BMI - Medscape, 3/14/14 -
"each 5-cm increment in waist circumference was associated with a 7% higher risk
of all-cause mortality in men and a 9% higher risk in women"
Effects of
pioglitazone on visceral fat metabolic activity in impaired glucose tolerance or
type 2 diabetes mellitus - J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013 Sep 12 -
"using 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-positron emission
tomography (PET) and computed tomography (CT) imaging ... These patients were
randomized to treatment with either
pioglitazone or glimepiride
for 16 weeks ... The metabolic activity of the visceral fat tissues as assessed
by FDG uptake was expressed as a target-to-background ratio (TBR) of
blood-normalized standardized uptake value ... Pioglitazone significantly
decreased the visceral fat volume (130.5+/-53.0 to 122.1+/-51.0 cm2, P=0.013)
and TBR values (0.57+/-0.16 to 0.50+/-0.11, P=0.007); glimepiride did not
influence visceral fat volume or TBR values. Neither pioglitazone nor
glimepiride treatment showed any effect on the volume or TBR values of
subcutaneous fat. After 16-week treatment with pioglitazone reduction in
visceral fat TBR was correlated to increase in HDL cholesterol levels" -
Note: Pioglitazone is one that I take in low doses for anti-aging.
Effects of Chronic Cannabis Smoking - Diabetes Care. 2013 Mar 25 -
"studied cannabis smokers (n = 30; women, 12; men, 18;
27 +/- 8 years) and control subjects (n = 30) ... Self-reported cannabis use
was: 9.5 (2-38) years; joints/day: 6 (3-30) [median (range)] ... cannabis
smokers had a higher percent abdominal visceral fat (18 +/- 9 vs. 12 +/- 5%; P =
0.004). Cannabis smokers had lower plasma HDL cholesterol (49 +/- 14 vs. 55 +/-
13 mg/dL; P = 0.02)" - Note: So you still get the beer belly even
without the beer.
weight individuals with belly fat at highest CVD risk - Science Daily,
8/27/12 - "The subjects with normal BMI but central
obesity as defined by a high waist-to-hip ratio had the highest cardiovascular
death risk and the highest death risk from all causes among the six subgroups.
The risk of cardiovascular death was 2.75 times higher and the risk of death
from all causes was 2.08 times higher in normal weight obese people as compared
with subjects with normal BMI and normal waist-to-hip ratio ... The high risk of
death may be related to a higher visceral fat accumulation in this group, which
is associated with insulin resistance and other risk factors, the limited amount
of fat located on the hips and legs, which is fat with presumed protective
effects and to the relatively limited amount of muscle mass"
Sexual, Urological
Disorders Linked to Waist Size - Medscape, 8/2/12 -
"The researchers divided the men into 3 groups based on WCs of less than 90 cm
(<36 inches; 153 men), 90 to 99 cm (36 - 39 inches; 137 men), and more than 100
cm (39+ inches; 119 men), to determine whether WC could be a simple metric to
predict LUTS prevalence. Median age for all men was 57.6 years ... The overall
prevalence of lower urinary tract symptoms as measured by the IPSS did not
differ significantly among the three WC groups ... "Sexual dysfunction
significantly differed with WC. The prevalence of erectile dysfunction increased
from 32.1% to 74.5% as WC increased (P = 0.001). The prevalence of ejaculatory
dysfunction also increased from 21.4% to 64.7% as WC increased (P = 0.002),"
they continue. In addition, the prevalence of ejaculatory dysfunction went up
from 21.4% to 64.7% for the same groupings"
Can Testosterone Therapy Help Obese Men Lose Weight? - US News and World
Report, 5/9/12 - "The men were given 1,000
milligrams of testosterone by injection when the study started, again at six
weeks and then every 12 weeks until the end of the trial ... The men who
were followed for five years lost an average of 35 pounds ... they also saw
improvements in their cholesterol and triglyceride levels, along with their
blood pressure ... there was no increase in the risk of prostate cancer"
Waistlines in people, glucose levels in mice hint at sweeteners' effects:
Related studies point to the illusion of the artificial - Science Daily,
6/27/11 - "In the constant battle to lose inches or
at least stay the same, we reach for the diet soda. Two studies presented
June 25 and 27 at the American Diabetes Association's Scientific Sessions in
San Diego suggest this might be self-defeating behavior ... diet soft drink
consumption is associated with increased waist circumference in humans, and
a second study that found aspartame raised fasting glucose (blood sugar) in
diabetes-prone mice ... The average follow-up time was 9.5 years ... Diet
soft drink users, as a group, experienced 70 percent greater increases in
waist circumference compared with non-users. Frequent users, who said they
consumed two or more diet sodas a day, experienced waist circumference
increases that were 500 percent greater than those of non-users ... In the
related project ... One group of the mice ate chow to which both aspartame
and corn oil were added; the other group ate chow with the corn oil added
but not the aspartame. After three months on this high-fat diet, the mice in
the aspartame group showed elevated fasting glucose levels but equal or
diminished insulin levels, consistent with early declines in pancreatic
beta-cell function"
Belly fat puts women at risk for osteoporosis, study finds - Science
Daily, 11/30/10
Circumference but Not Body Mass Index Predicts Long-Term Mortality in
Elderly Subjects with Chronic Heart Failure - J Am Geriatr Soc. 2010 Jul
28 - "Mortality increased as WC increased in elderly
subjects without CHF (from 47.8% to 56.7%, P=.01), and the increase was even
greater in patients with CHF (from 58.1% to 82.0%, P=.01). In contrast,
mortality decreased as BMI increased in elderly subjects without CHF (from
53.8% to 46.1%, P0 =.046) but not in those with CHF. According to Cox
regression analysis, BMI protected against long-term mortality in the
absence but not in the presence of CHF. In the absence of CHF, WC was
associated with a 2% increased risk of long-term mortality for each 1-cm
greater WC (Hazard Ratio (HR)=1.02, 95% confidence interval (CI)=1.01-1.03;
P<.001), versus 5% increased in the presence of CHF (HR=1.06, 95%
CI=1.02-1.10; P<.001)"
between depression, abdominal obesity confirmed by new study - Science
Daily, 6/9/10 - "cortisol, a stress hormone, is
related to depression and abdominal obesity. "So, there is reason to suspect
that people who are depressed would have higher levels of abdominal obesity
versus other parts of the body because of elevated cortisol,""
Abdominal fat at middle age associated with greater risk of dementia:
Obesity linked to lower total brain volume - Science Daily, 5/20/10 -
"excess abdominal fat places otherwise healthy,
middle-aged people at risk for dementia later in life ... 24.3 million
people have some form of dementia, with 4.6 million new cases annually"
redistribution preferentially reflects the anti-inflammatory benefits of
pioglitazone treatment - Metabolism. 2010 Jan 19 -
"high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) ...
Pioglitazone treatment for 12 weeks decreased serum hsCRP levels (0.83
[1.14] to 0.52 [0.82] mg/L, P < .001) and improved glycemic control (fasting
glucose, P < .001; glycosylated hemoglobin, P < .001) and lipid profiles
(triglyceride, P = .016; high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, P < .001).
Between responders and nonresponders to the hsCRP-lowering effect of
pioglitazone, there were significant differences in baseline hsCRP levels
and changes in the postprandial glucose and the ratio of visceral fat
thickness (VFT) to subcutaneous fat thickness (SFT) (P = .004, .011, and
.001, respectively). The percentage change in hsCRP levels after treatment
was inversely correlated with baseline hsCRP levels (r = -0.497, P < .001)
and directly correlated with the change in postprandial glucose (r = 0.251,
P = .021), VFT (r = 0.246, P = .030), and VFT/SFT ratio (r = 0.276, P =
.015). Logistic regression analysis revealed that the hsCRP-lowering effect
of pioglitazone was affected by baseline hsCRP levels (odds ratio [OR] =
7.929, P = .007) as well as changes in postprandial 2-hour glucose (OR =
0.716, P = .025) and VFT/SFT ratio (OR = 0.055, P = .009). In conclusion,
treatment with pioglitazone produced an anti-inflammatory effect, decreasing
serum hsCRP levels; and a decrease in the VFT/SFT ratio was independently
and most strongly associated with the hsCRP-decreasing effect. These results
suggest that abdominal fat redistribution preferentially reflects the
anti-inflammatory benefits of pioglitazone treatment"
around the middle increases the risk of dementia - Science Daily,
11/23/09 - "Anyone carrying a lot of fat around the
middle is at greater risk of dying prematurely due to a heart attack or
stroke ... If they nevertheless manage to live beyond 70, they run a greater
risk of dementia ... women who were broader around the waist than the hips
in middle age ran slightly more than twice the risk of developing dementia
when they got old"
That's a Binge Belly, Not a Beer Belly - WebMD, 9/4/09
In The Liver -- Not The Belly -- May Be A Better Marker For Disease Risk
- Science Daily, 8/25/09 - "Having too much liver
fat is known as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease ... when fat collects in
the liver, people experience serious metabolic problems such as insulin
resistance, which affects the body's ability to metabolize sugar. They also
have increases in production of fat particles in the liver that are secreted
into the bloodstream and increase the level of triglycerides"
Increase In Visceral Fat During Menopause Linked With Testosterone -
Science Daily, 8/20/09 - "The culprit is likely not
age, as is commonly believed, but the change in hormone balance that occurs
during the menopause transition ... Of all the factors we analyzed that
could possibly account for the increase in visceral fat during this period
in a woman's lifetime, levels of active testosterone proved to be the one
most closely linked with abdominal fat ... in women, it is the change in the
hormonal balance – specifically, the increase in active testosterone – that
is predominantly responsible for visceral fat, and for the increased risk of
cardiovascular disease"
Stress Raises Belly Fat, Heart Risks - WebMD, 8/6/09 -
"Even compared to other monkeys with the same body
mass index and weight, CT scans showed that the stressed monkeys had a great
deal more belly fat. And when the researchers looked at the animals'
arteries, they found plaque clogging the arteries of the stressed monkeys
... it's not how much fat you have, but where it is located ... Over time,
high cortisol levels cause belly fat to accumulate. It also makes individual
fat cells get larger ... When you have lots more fat in visceral fat cells
and all the characteristics of the metabolic syndrome, each of these things
promotes atherosclerosis"
consumption and the 'beer belly': scientific basis or common belief? -
Eur J Clin Nutr. 2009 Jun 24 - "Beer consumption
leads to WC gain, which is closely related to concurrent overall weight
gain. This study does not support the common belief of a site-specific
effect of beer on the abdomen, the beer belly"
Testosterone Therapy Improves Metabolic Syndrome, Liver Steatosis in
Hypogonadal Men - Doctor's Guide, 6/22/09 -
"After receiving TU for 6 months, their body mass index, waist
circumference, and low-density and high-density lipoprotein were improved
... Similarly, their serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels decreased
towards the end of the first year of treatment, and then remained stable for
the duration of the study ... The mean tryglyceride levels after treatment
with TU were 195 mg/dL, down from 312 mg/dL before treatment ... LDL levels
decreased after treatment as well, from 164 to 134 mg/dL, whereas HDL levels
increased from 36.5 to 54.6 mg/dL"
Hormone Therapy Plus Physical Activity Reduce Belly Fat, Body Fat Percentage
After Menopause - Science Daily, 6/10/09 -
"Older women who take hormone therapy to relieve menopausal symptoms may get
the added benefit of reduced body fat if they are physically active"
Depression Raises Risk for Type 2 Diabetes - WebMD, 6/8/09 -
"Depressed participants who were not being treated
had significantly greater insulin resistance than study participants who
were not depressed. But treatment for depression appeared to improve insulin
sensitivity ... There are several theories about how depression may
contribute to type 2 diabetes, but the most widely cited theory involves the
stress hormone cortisol ... Cortisol is a key player in blood sugar
metabolism and insulin sensitivity ... High cortisol levels are also
associated with increased fat deposits around the abdomen, or belly fat,
which is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes"
Depression Linked With Accumulation Of Visceral Fat - Science Daily,
4/28/09 - "Our results suggest that central
adiposity – which is commonly called belly fat – is an important pathway by
which depression contributes to the risk for cardiovascular disease and
Fresh Take on Fructose vs. Glucose - WebMD, 4/21/09 -
"Both the groups gained weight during the trial, but
imaging studies revealed that most of the added fat in the fructose group
occurred in the belly, while most of the fat gained by the glucose group was
subcutaneous (under the skin) ... Belly fat, but not subcutaneous fat, has
been linked to an increased risk for heart disease and diabetes ... The
fructose group had higher total cholesterol and LDL "bad" cholesterol, plus
greater insulin resistance, which are consistent with metabolic syndrome,
while the glucose group did not"
Waist Size Linked To Decreased Lung Function - Science Daily, 3/6/09
Abdominal Fat Increases Risk of Migraine Attack, Especially in Women -
Doctor's Guide, 2/16/09
Belly Fat Linked to Risk of Migraines - WebMD, 2/13/09
Cholesterol Inhibits The Breakdown Of Peripheral Fat - Science Daily,
11/20/08 - "LDL cholesterol slows the rate of fat
breakdown (i.e. lipolysis) in adipocytes, the peripheral cells responsible
for fat storage"
Belly Fat Doubles Death Risk - WebMD, 11/12/08 -
"Belly fat has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease and
diabetes. Now an important new study links belly fat to early death ... Each
2-inch increase in waist circumference was associated with close to a 17%
increase in mortality in men and a 13% increase in women"
Cortisol And Fatty Liver: Researchers Find Cause Of Severe Metabolic
Disorders - Science Daily, 9/11/08 - "The
researchers in Herzig's team specifically switched off the cortisol receptor
in the livers of mice, thus blocking the hormone's effect. As a result, the
triglyceride level in the livers of the experimental animals dropped
Belly Fat Linked to Stroke Risk - WebMD, 8/14/08 -
"The BMI, however, was not independently associated
with an increased risk of stroke ... The risk association for waist
measurements was far more powerful. People with bigger waist circumferences
(greater than 40 inches for men and 35 inches for women) had four times the
stroke risk when compared with people with typical waistlines"
Metformin (Glucophage) and bipolar - psycheducation.org -
"In some cases this medication can decrease
abdominal obesity ... Between 10 and 30% of people taking metformin have a
decrease in their B12 levels ... this can show up is "anemia""
Fat May Affect Liver Function - Science Daily, 6/10/08 -
"It has been shown that people who store body fat in
their abdomens are at greater risk to develop diabetes and other chronic
illnesses, but why this happens has remained unclear ... Our study found lipid
release from abdominal fat was substantially elevated during the night, which
may be a primary mechanism leading to insulin resistance, a strong risk factor
for type 2 diabetes"
of Metformin for Weight Management in Patients Without Type 2 Diabetes (June)
- Ann Pharmacother. 2008 May 13 - "The weight loss
effects of metformin in overweight or obese adults and adolescents without
diabetes appear promising; however, trials have been limited by small patient
populations and weak design. Metformin may also have a positive effect on
metabolic parameters such as waist circumference, fasting insulin and glucose
levels, and triglycerides" - See metformin at at
ACE Inhibitors May Help in Weight Loss - WebMD, 4/28/08 -
"the ACE-deficient mice not only broke down fats
faster in the liver, they processed blood sugars more quickly than the other
mice, making them less likely to develop diabetes ... The study results
demonstrate that an ACE deficiency leads to reduction in body fat
accumulation in mice and suggests that drugs that affect the
renin-angiotensin system, such as ACE inhibitors, might spark weight loss,
especially in the midsection" - See
ramipril (an ACE inhibitor) at OffshoreRX
Belly Fat Could Be Making You Hungrier - Science Daily, 4/16/08
Big Bellies Linked to Alzheimer's Disease - washingtonpost.com, 3/26/08
"People who have big bellies in their 40s are much more
likely to get Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia in their 70s"
- [Science
Why Belly Fat Hurts the Heart - WebMD, 1/29/08 -
"Visceral fat brought the most inflammation and the worst atherosclerosis
... After visceral fat transplantation, mice developed less severe
atherosclerosis if their chow was laced with the diabetes drug Actos for 10
weeks. But Actos didn't affect atherosclerosis in other mice" - See
pioglitazone at
Pot Belly May Signal Diseased Arteries - WebMD, 8/14/07
New Test for Belly Fat? - WebMD, 7/10/07
Belly Fat May Drive Inflammatory Processes Associated With Disease -
Science Daily, 3/13/07 - "fat cells inside the
abdomen are secreting molecules that increase inflammation ... Too much
abdominal fat is associated with a defect in the body's response to insulin"
Trans Fat Leads To Weight Gain Even On Same Total Calories, Animal Study
Shows - Science Daily, 6/19/06 -
"Diets rich in trans fat cause a redistribution of
fat tissue into the abdomen and lead to a higher body weight even when the
total dietary calories are controlled"
Eat Trans Fat, Get
Big Belly - WebMD, 6/12/06 - "Trans fats make
you fatter than other foods with the same number of calories -- but that's
not all ... trans fats increase the amount of fat around the belly"
Abdominal Fat Linked To Higher Death Rate In Men, New Study Shows -
Science Daily, 4/4/06 - "visceral fat in the abdomen
is directly associated with a higher risk of mortality in men"
Study: Lifting weights attacks belly fat - USA Today, 3/3/06 -
"Women who did the weight-training for two years had
only a 7% increase in intra-abdominal fat, compared to a 21% increase in the
group given exercise advice"
Study links tobacco smoke with belly fat - USATODAY.com, 8/1/05
Testosterone Replacement a Double-Edged Sword: Impact of supplementation is
largely positive, but adverse effects found among men on highest doses -
Clinical Psychiatry News, 8/05 -
"Abdominal visceral fat, however, increased by 16.6%
in the placebo group, and decreased by 6.8% in men taking testosterone—a
significant difference between groups"
Research May Provide New Link Between Soft Drinks And Weight Gain -
Science Daily, 8/2/05 - "Those consuming the
fructose-sweetened water showed significant weight gain over the course of
the study, with an average final weight of 48 grams—compared with averages
below 44 grams for the other groups—and had about 90 percent more body fat
than the mice that consumed water only"
Waist circumference as a predictor of insulin resistance in young men -
Med Clin (Barc). 2005 Jun 11;125(2):46-50 -
"WC of these young men was independently associated
with certain cardiovascular risk factors, in particular insulin resistance"
Hidden Fat Could Mean Heart Disease Risk - WebMD, 4/11/05 -
"Even people of normal weight can have fat folded
deep inside their belly, raising their risk of heart disease and diabetes
from a condition called metabolic syndrome"
Inflammation Key to Belly Fat 's Unhealthy Effects - HealthDay, 3/31/05
- "Inflammation may be the reason why that "spare
tire" around the waist raises a person's risk of heart disease ... They
checked each woman's abdominal fat for two proteins that promote
inflammation -- interleukin 6 and tumor necrosis factor alpha -- and for a
third protein that encourages blood clots, called plasminogen activator
inhibitor 1 ... These three proteins are all manufactured by fat tissue"
Exercise a Must for Losing Deep Belly Fat - WebMD, 3/4/05 -
"Even if she diets perfectly, eating all the right
foods in ideal amounts, her waistline may not budge unless she works out.
Exercise is required to lose excess fat deep in the abdomen, says a new
Location Of Body Fat Important In Predicting Heart Attack Risk - Science
Daily, 11/5/04 -
"intra-abdominal fat, or fat stored in and around
the internal organs, is most predictive of heart attack risk"
- Insulin
Sensitivity, Insulin Secretion, and Abdominal Fat - Medscape, 10/23/03 -
"Insulin resistance is associated with overall
obesity and particularly abdominal obesity ... In normal individuals, as
insulin sensitivity declines, the ß-cells of the pancreas compensate by
secreting more insulin"
Obese Individuals Experience Modest Weight Loss with Growth-Hormone Therapy
- Doctor's Guide, 6/24/03 -
"Most of the fat loss was in the abdominal area"
- The Dairy
Calcium in Yogurt Helps People Lose Belly - WebMD, 4/15/03 -
"put 34 obese people on a low-cal diet. Sixteen of
them got pills with 400 to 500 mg of calcium
per day. The other 18 people ate enough yogurt to give them 1100 mg of
calcium per day ... After 12 weeks, everybody lost a lot of fat ... Sixty
percent of the yogurt eaters' weight loss
was belly fat, while only 26% of the comparison group's loss was belly fat"
- High-Fat Diet
Ups Dangerous 'Hidden' Fat - WebMD, 3/31/03
- Exercise Training,
Without Weight Loss, Increases Insulin Sensitivity and Postheparin Plasma
Lipase Activity in Previously Sedentary Adults - Medscape, 3/19/03 -
"Exercise, without weight loss, increases SI
[insulin sensitivity] and PHPL activity in previously sedentary adults,
without changing K2 or fasting lipid levels. Furthermore, increased LPL is
associated with a decreased total:HDL
ratio, and an increased LPL:HL ratio is associated with a decreased waist
circumference. Therefore, even modest amounts of exercise in the absence of
weight loss positively affect markers of glucose and fat metabolism in
previously sedentary, middle-aged adults" - I threw this out because I
didn't know that "decreased total:HDL ratio ... is associated with a
decreased waist circumference" - This might be a long shot but that
sounds like increasing insulin sensitivity via such methods as
metformin and increasing HDL via supplements such as
niacin might decrease pot bellies. - Ben
Belly full of danger - USA Today, 2/25/03 -
"people with wide girths are more likely to have
large amounts of deep-hidden belly fat around their organs. It might be the
most dangerous kind of fat and could increase a person's risk of diabetes,
heart disease, stroke and some types of cancer ... visceral or
intra-abdominal fat, is linked to high cholesterol, high insulin, high
triglycerides, high blood pressure and other problems ... So far, physical
activity and weight loss appear to be the key ... It's very likely that
genes, sex hormones and stress hormones (cortisol)
play a role"
- How to whittle your middle
- MSNBC, 2/18/03
Big gut, other factors can kill you - USA Today, 12/3/02 -
"People with this syndrome have at least three of
the following risk factors: high blood sugar; a waist circumference of
greater than 40 inches for men or 35 inches for women; lower-than-average
HDL cholesterol (the so-called good cholesterol); high
triglycerides and high blood pressure
... men who had the syndrome at the study's start had a two to three times
greater chance of dying of a heart attack or a stroke during the study than
men who did not have this collection of risk factors ... People getting a
checkup should ask their family doctor to look for metabolic syndrome"
- Errant Enzyme
Causes Big Bellies - WebMD, 12/11/01 -
"They looked at an enzyme called
11-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1. This enzyme is able to
increase the level of cortisol in fat cells without raising the level of
cortisol in the blood ... The researchers genetically engineered mice
that overproduce this enzyme. They made sure that the level of the enzyme
was equivalent to the level previously found in the fatty tissue of
overweight humans. As expected, the mice produced extra amounts of cortisol
in their fat cells, but not in their blood ... The next step was to compare
these mice to mice that produced normal amounts of the enzyme. Even when fed
a low-fat diet, the genetically-altered mice developed a pot belly while the
normal mice did not. The problem was even worse when the altered mice were
fed a high-fat diet ... We were surprised to find that it took only a modest
increase in this enzyme to cause the mice to become ... obese"
- Single enzyme to blame for
potbellies: study - MSNBC, 12/6/01 -
"What they found was that a single enzyme in fat
cells that raises levels of cortisol — the “fight or flight” stress hormone
— triggers fat accumulation around the belly and its associated ill effects
... The researchers were drawn to the role of
cortisol because patients with a rare illness known as Cushing syndrome
— who have too much of the steroid hormone in their blood — develop severe
obesity concentrated around their middles and become diabetic ... Since
overweight people without Cushing syndrome typically don’t have too much
cortisol in their bloodstreams, Flier hypothesized that they may be
producing high cortisol levels solely in their fat cells — possibly because
the enzyme HSD-1, which makes cortisol from
an inactive molecule, is overactive ... The level of cortisol in their
stomach fat tissue was 15 percent to 30 percent higher than in their
non-engineered counterparts" - Note: The way I read this article, the
final culprit is still the cortisol and there are ways to reduce cortisol
now. The link went dead on this but I found a copy at
http://www.cushingsonline.com/newsletters/email/12-4-2002.htm (scroll
about 2/3rds the way down).
- Stress May Cause Excess
Abdominal Fat In Otherwise Slender Women - Doctor's Guide, 11/15/00
Positively Impacts On Factors Linked With Insulin Resistance - Doctor's
Guide, 9/18/00 - "Increased deposits of fat around
the internal organs and in the liver are commonly associated with insulin
resistance and are found in many type 2 diabetes patients ... Avandia helps
prevent accumulation of fat around the internal organs and significantly
reduces hepatic fat"
Diabetes Drugs May Help Cushing's Syndrome - Reuters Wire, 11/07/2002 -
"Cushing's syndrome results from high levels of the
hormone cortisol, and can cause fat accumulation in the upper body and face,
and thinning of the arms and legs. Patients can experience high blood
pressure and high blood sugar, along with depression, fatigue, irritability
and weakened bones ... a protein called PPAR-gamma, which is found on
pituitary gland tumor cells, appears to be linked to overproduction of ACTH
... researchers injected mice with ACTH-secreting pituitary tumor cells and
then treated them with commonly used diabetes drugs,
rosiglitazone (Avandia) and troglitazone, or an inactive placebo ...
There was an 85% reduction in ACTH and a corresponding 96% reduction in
their cortisol-like hormone"
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma ligands inhibit adipocyte
11beta -hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 expression and activity - J
Biol Chem. 2001 Apr 20;276(16):12629-35. Epub 2001 Jan 22 -
"treatment of diabetic db/db mice with
inhibited expression of 11beta-HSD-1 in
adipose tissue. This decrease in enzyme expression correlated with a
significant decline in plasma corticosterone levels. In sum, these data
indicate that some of the beneficial effects of PPARgamma antidiabetic
agents may result, at least in part, from the down-regulation of
11beta-HSD-1 expression in adipose tissue"
Pharmacologic management of Cushing syndrome : new targets for therapy -
Treat Endocrinol. 2005;4(2):87-94 - "Interesting new
avenues at the pituitary level involve the potential use of
thiazolidinedione compounds, such as rosiglitazone"
Effects of chronic administration of PPAR-gamma ligand rosiglitazone in
Cushing's disease - Eur J Endocrinol. 2004 Aug;151(2):173-8 -
"The administration of rosiglitazone seems able to
normalize cortisol secretion in some patients with CD, at least for short
Reduced production rates of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone in healthy
men treated with rosiglitazone
- Metabolism. 2003 Feb;52(2):230-2 - "Production
rates of cortisol were unchanged ... a clinically relevant dose of at least
one thiazolidindione, rosiglitazone, impedes the production of testosterone
in man"
Caution Urged With Diabetes Drugs - WebMD, 12/8/03 -
"in some people, Actos and Avandia may cause fluid retention, a condition
known as edema, and swelling of the feet. Edema is also a classic symptom of
congestive heart failure"
Diabetes Pill Helps Early Alzheimer's Disease - WebMD, 7/20/04 -
"the diabetes pill Avandia may improve memory and
thinking in people with early Alzheimer's disease"
Hormone Therapy May Need to be Used Cautiously in Patients Taking
Rosiglitazone - Doctor's Guide, 9/19/03 -
"rosiglitazone reduced glucose levels from a mean of 9.15 to 7.5 mM/L;
(P=0.013), insulin from 11.7 to 8.8 mU/L (P=0.026), haemoglobin A1c from
8.0% to 6.9% (P=0.001), triglycerides from 2.3 to 1.8 mM/L (P=0.009),
systolic BP from 130 to 117 mm Hg (P=0.02), diastolic BP from 72 to 67 mm"
Rosiglitazone May Improve Small Artery Elasticity in Patients With Diabetes
- Doctor's Guide, 8/19/03 - "Systolic blood pressure
decreased from 144 to 124 mmHg, and diastolic blood pressure decreased from
80 to 68 mmHg"
Rosiglitazone Improves Cholesterol Profile in Patients with Type 2 diabetes
- Doctor's Guide, 4/4/03 - "Rosiglitazone increases
high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC) levels and improves the ratio of
HDLC to total cholesterol in patients with type 2 diabetes ... mean HDLC
levels increased 15%, from 45.3 to 51.9 mg/dL"
Avandia (Rosiglitazone) Lowers Markers for Cardiovascular Inflammation in
Diabetic Patients - Doctor's Guide, 6/17/02 -
"rosiglitazone, a widely used insulin sensitizer, has a profound inhibitory
effect on oxygen free radicals ... At week 6, blood glucose concentration
decreased from 157+/-16 to 127+/-9 mg/dL and insulin concentration fell from
32.6+/-4.6 to 16.1 ... Rosiglitazone treatment also reduced plasma MCP-1 (75
percent of the basal level; p<0.05) and CRP (70 percent of basal; p<0.05)"
- Avandia (Rosiglitazone
Maleate) Effective In Long-Term Blood Sugar Control In Type 2 Diabetes -
Doctor's Guide, 6/21/00 - "the researchers noticed
that improvements in blood sugar control seen with Avandia were associated
with an increase in high-density lipoproteins (HDL)-cholesterol, and an
initial increase in low-density lipoproteins (LDL)-cholesterol, returning to
baseline overtime"
- Avandia Reduces Insulin
Resistance, Lowers Blood Sugar - Doctor's Guide, 6/15/99 -
"In patients given Avandia monotherapy, insulin resistance decreased by an
average of 16 and 25 percent and the estimate of beta-cell function
increased by an average of 50 and 60 percent for 4 and 8 mg/day,
- See Avandia at
but check with your doctor first.