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Anti-aging Research > DHEA
Dehydroepiandrosterone-sulphate (DHEA)
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7-Keto DHEA:
Pure Encapsulations - 7-Keto DHEA (100mg) - 60ct

7-Keto DHEA The Fat-Burning Metabolite of DHEA
- Life Extension Magazine, 5/05 -
"By offering many of the advantages of DHEA
supplementation without conversion to estrogen and testosterone, 7-Keto
affords older adults the opportunity to further promote their health and
longevity even when their levels of the so-called “downstream” hormones are
already optimal. Moreover, considering 7-Keto’s demonstrated ability to
improve body composition, it is highly likely that this DHEA metabolite will
become a staple supplement for many aging adults"
The Death of Anti-Aging Supplements? - Life Extension Magazine, 3/03 -
"During these many trials, researchers routinely
found that when taken daily, DHEA supplements effectively reduced
depressive episodes and enhanced mood. In fact, according to one major
study in the UK, as many as 67% of men and 82% of women reported a
noticeable decrease in their depressive symptoms while taking as little as
25 mg/day of DHEA ... DHEA is recognized as one of the major adrenal
androgens, and many of its abilities have been well-documented. We have
learned through years of research that it enhances the immune system, fights
osteoporosis, lowers hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) and may even help to
mount a defense against HIV"
Biotransformation of oral dehydroepiandrosterone in elderly men: significant
increase in circulating estrogens - J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1999
Jun;84(6):2170-6 - "Serum testosterone and
dihydrotestosterone remained unchanged after DHEA administration. In
contrast, 17beta-estradiol and estrone significantly increased in a
dose-dependent manner to concentrations still within the upper normal range
for men [placebo vs. 50 mg DHEA vs. 100 mg DHEA; AUC 0-12 h for
17beta-estradiol, 510 +/- 198 vs. 635 +/- 156 vs. 700 +/- 209 pmol/L x h (P
< 0.0001); AUC 0-12 h for estrone, 1443 +/- 269 vs. 2537 +/- 434 vs. 3254
+/- 671 pmol/L x h (P < 0.0001)]" - That's a 40% increase in the bad
estrogen!!! On top of that, if you are taking testosterone, that increases
estrogen also. See
Other News:
Randomized Controlled Study
of the Effects of DHEA on the Outcome of IVF in Endometriosis - Evid Based
Complement Alternat Med 2021 Oct 14 - "DHEA can
significantly increase serum E2 level and improve IVF outcome by regulating the
hormone synthesis process, thus improving oocyte and embryo quality" -
See Pure Encapulations 7-Keto DHEA at Amazon.com.
The Week That Wasn't:
Reverse Aging, Lyme Test, Apple Health Studies - Medscape, 9/13/19 -
"After a year of taking the recombinant human growth
hormone dehydroepiandrosterone and metformin, men in a small clinical trial
showed a decrease in scores of epigenetic age based on DNA methylation ... his
is to our knowledge the first report of an increase, based on an epigenetic age
estimator, in predicted human lifespan by means of a currently accessible aging
Sex-specific effects of DHEA on bone mineral density and body composition -
Science Daily, 12/4/18 - "Combining DHEA therapy with resistance exercise that
imparts mechanical strain to bone may promote greater increases in muscle mass
and BMD compared to either intervention alone," stated Jankowski. "The
beneficial effects of DHEA replacement on body composition are to modestly
increase fat-free mass in women and decrease fat mass in older men, a reversal
of the usual age-related trends in muscle and fat."
DHEA Improves Sexual
Function in Some Premenopausal Women - Medscape, 10/10/18 -
supplementation with dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) significantly improves sexual
function in premenopausal, infertile women with poor sexual function ...
assessed 50 premenopausal women who were older (average age, 41 years) and
seeking treatment for infertility ... oral DHEA 75 mg once daily ... In the
study cohort, mean FSFI score increased by 7%, with scores for desire, arousal,
and lubrication increasing by 17%, 12%, and 8%, respectively. There were no
changes in scores on the orgasm, satisfaction, or pain domains ... However,
women whose FSFI scores were in the lowest quartile at baseline saw the greatest
benefit, with an average increase of 34% ... And improvement was seen in all
domains of sexual functioning for these women. Increases were 40% for desire,
46% for arousal, 33% for lubrication, 54% for orgasm, 24% for satisfaction, and
25% for pain" - See
DHEA at Amazon.com
Efficacy of Intravaginal
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) on Moderate to Severe Dyspareunia and Vaginal
Dryness, Symptoms of Vulvovaginal Atrophy, and of the Genitourinary Syndrome of
Menopause - Medscape, 3/22/16 - "The daily
intravaginal administration of 0.50% (6.5 mg) DHEA (Prasterone) has shown
clinically and highly statistically significant effects on the four coprimary
parameters suggested by the US Food and Drug Administration. The strictly local
action of Prasterone is in line with the absence of significant drug-related
adverse events, thus showing the high benefit-to-risk ratio of this treatment
based upon the novel understanding of the physiology of sex steroids in women"
Intravaginal DHEA Eases
Postmenopausal Vaginal Dryness, Pain - Medscape, 1/6/16 -
"unlike lubricants and moisturizers, it actually
corrects the problem ... Gynecologists saw 86% to 121% improvements in vaginal
secretions, lining thickness, and tissue color in the women who used DHEA" -
Effect of DHEA-S on
Metabolic Syndrome in Obese Women: Abstract and Introduction - Medscape,
10/12/12 - "Dehydroepiandrosterone-sulphate replacement
produced weight loss in the obese women studied. Moreover, waist circumference,
glucose and systolic and diastolic blood pressure, among other metabolic
syndrome parameters, improved in the postmenopausal group, who showed a
significant reduction in the total metabolic syndrome score (P < 0.05). In
contrast, in premenopausal women, the effect of DHEA-S was limited to obesity
parameters, and no effect was observed on metabolic syndrome components. No
significant changes were evident in the placebo group"
Lower DHEA in
Elderly Linked to Cardiovascular Events - Medscape, 6/27/12 -
"Elderly men with decreased levels of
dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) show increased rates of major cardiovascular
events, even after adjustment for other traditional cardiovascular risk factors
... The men were all were participants in the Osteoporotic Fractures in Men
Sweden study, a long-term project that is evaluating risk factors for various
diseases ... Those in the lowest quartile of both DHEA and DHEA-S, compared with
men in quartiles 2 through 4 of both, showed a higher risk for any major
cardiovascular events (HR, 1.34; 95% CI, 1.06 - 1.70), coronary heart disease
(HR, 1.41; 95% CI, 1.05 - 1.89), and cerebrovascular events (HR, 1.41; 95% CI,
1.00 - 1.99)"
Menopause pill may boost sex life - USATODAY.com, 12/20/11 -
"This is the first evidence that low doses of DHEA
(dehydroepiandrosterone), a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands, can help
sexual function as well as menopausal symptoms ... women taking DHEA had a
statistically significant increase in sexual interest and activity, with similar
results for women in the HRT group. Sexual activity was also higher among the
women taking tiboline, but the increase was not statistically significant"
Dehydroepiandrosterone Combined with Exercise Improves Muscle Strength and
Physical Function in Frail Older Women - Medscape, 11/10/10 -
"The current study found an improvement in strength
and function with DHEA supplementation, but exercise, even at low intensity,
may have been a requisite for this effect, as others have found in nonfrail
subjects ... DHEA supplementation increased the concentration of all sex
hormones studied, indicating a good therapeutic response. DHEAS levels
increased five times, equal to those seen in a typical young adult[44] and
similar to increases seen in other studies of older adults using 50-mg/d
supplementation with DHEA.[10,12,17,18,20,32,45] Other studies have reported
increases in estrogen and testosterone levels similar to those reported
here.[10,17,18,45] The increases in estradiol and estrone levels reached
those seen in premenopausal women, and the levels of testosterone were
greater than in premenopausal women"
Dihydrotestosterone May Not Affect Prostate Growth But May Reduce BMD -
Medscape, 11/16/10
Increasing fertility threefold with DHEA? - Science Daily, 7/1/10 -
"women being treated for infertility who also
received supplements of DHEA were three times more likely to conceive than
women being treated without the additional drug ... The latter group took
75mg of the supplement daily for 40 days before starting fertility
treatments, and continued for up to five months ... In the DHEA group, there
was a 23% live birth rate as opposed to a 4% rate in the control group ...
More than that, of the pregnancies in the DHEA group, all but one ended in
healthy deliveries"
Stronger Backbone: DHEA Hormone Replacement Increases Bone Density In Older
Women - Science Daily, 5/17/09 - "Taking a DHEA
supplement combined with vitamin D and calcium can significantly improve
spinal bone density in older women ... The effects of the treatment differed
for men and women. After the first year, women in the test group experienced
an approximate 2 percent increase in bone density, while women in the
control group did not see an increase. After the second year when both
groups took the DHEA supplement, women in the test group experienced an
additional 2 percent increase for a total of approximately 4 percent, while
women who switched from placebo to DHEA also experienced an approximate 2
percent increase ... The same treatment, however, did not offer similar
benefits for older men"
Lab Evidence Suggests Preventive Effect Of Herbal Supplement In Prostate
Cancer - Science Daily, 2/23/09 - "Combining
DHEA with transforming growth factor beta-1 increased testosterone
production in the stromal cells and prostate specific antigen protein
secretion two to four-fold and gene expression up to 50-fold in the cancer
cells. When these cell cultures were treated with red clover isoflavones,
the androgenic effects of DHEA were reversed" - See
Trinovin (for men), Promensil (for women) at Amazon.com
DHEAS Levels Linked to Cognitive Function in Women - Medscape, 3/13/07 -
"There are data that suggest that DHEA and DHEAS may
have neuroprotective effects and that the decline in the production of these
steroids with healthy aging may contribute to neuronal dysfunction and
degeneration, and thus cognitive decline ... women with higher circulating
levels of DHEAS performed better on executive function tests. A positive
association was also observed between circulating DHEAS and higher scores on
tests of simple concentration and working memory in women with more than 12
years of education"
DHEA Restores Oxidative Balance in Type 2 Diabetes - Medscape, 12/11/07
- "DHEA significantly reduced oxidative stress
parameters in both plasma and peripheral blood mononuclear cells, the report
indicates, and its administration was followed by a 50% decrease in levels
of pentosidine (a marker of AGE formation)"
- Menopause tied to sexual
dysfunction - MSNBC, 4/9/07 -
"Women who have particularly low levels of the
hormone DHEA during menopause may be more likely to have sexual dysfunction
... Women with relatively low blood levels of the hormone were 59 percent
more likely to report sexual problems than those with high levels"
Report: Why Dhea May Be The Best-Validated Anti-Aging Supplement - Life
Extension Magazine, 11/06 - "The DHEA-treated
subjects required significantly higher amounts of glucose to raise their
blood sugar levels, demonstrating markedly improved insulin sensitivity ...
DHEA is not for everyone—people with hormone-dependent cancers such as
breast, uterine, and prostate cancers should avoid its use. However, an
abundance of new studies suggests that ensuring optimal levels of this vital
“prohormone” can help aging adults guard against endothelial dysfunction,
vascular disease, metabolic syndrome, bone loss, and other debilitating
conditions once thought to be the “inevitable” consequences of aging"
Popular Anti-aging Supplement Has No Beneficial Effects, Mayo Clinic Study
Finds - Science Daily, 10/19/06 -
"For almost two years we restored DHEA in older men
and women to the high normal levels that are usually observed in young
people, but found no beneficial effects on age-related changes in body
composition and function"
Anabolic Hormone Deficiencies in HF - Medscape, 10/13/06 -
"The finding suggests a potential for measurements
of serum testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), and
insulinlike growth factor-1 (IGF-1) to sharpen HF risk assessments ... The
investigators showed "strong associations" between the hormone deficiencies
and HF status"
DHEA Supplements - ConsumerLab.com, 9/13/06
- DHEA May Be
Effective for Depression Associated With HIV - Medscape, 1/24/06 -
"DHEA is a weakly active adrenal androgen that serves as a precursor to
testosterone and estradiol, which are hormones that can have a positive
effect on mood when administered exogenously. In addition, the authors of
the current study describe that DHEA increases the amount of available
insulin-like growth factor, which in turn can increase levels of growth
hormone. Growth hormone deficiency has also been linked with depressed mood.
Finally, DHEA may modulate inflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis
factor, which may be related to depressed mood"
Cortisol, Stress, and Health
- Life Extension Magazine, 12/05 -
"Supplements to reduce high
cortisol levels secondary to stress ...
Vitamin C: 1000-3000 mg/day ... Fish oil (omega-3
fatty acids):1-4 gm/day ... Phosphatidylserine:
300-800 mg/day ... Rhodiola rosea:
100-200 mg/day, standardized extract ... Ginseng:
100-300 mg/day, standardized extract ... Ginkgo
biloba: 100-200 mg/day, standardized extract ... DHEA: 25-50 mg/day (any
hormone supplementation should be monitored by your physician)"
Does Replacing DHEA Improve Insulin Sensitivity? - Physician's Weekly,
5/16/05 - "DHEA replacement “significantly increased
[sulfated ester of DHEA], bioavailable testosterone, and androstenedione and
reduced sex hormone–binding globulin levels.” The DHEA group also had lower
fasting plasma insulin and glucagon levels. “DHEA also [significantly]
reduced total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, and HDL
- DHEA May Help
Midlife Depression - WebMD, 2/7/05 -
"treatment with DHEA resulted in a 50% reduction in
depression symptoms in half the participants ... Treatment with the
supplement was associated with an increase in testosterone blood levels in
both men and women ... Taking DHEA for 6 weeks also significantly improved
sexual function scores"
Abdominal Fat Decreases, Insulin Action Improves When Elderly Take Hormone
- Science Daily, 11/17/04
- Hormone
Protects Against Diseases of Aging - WebMD, 11/9/04 -
"The elderly people in the study took 50 mg a day of
DHEA ... Six months later, the DHEA group showed significant reductions in
abdominal obesity (10% fat reduction around organs in the abdominal cavity
among women and 7.4% among men) and improvements in insulin action or a
decrease in insulin resistance"
- Increase in DHEA May Help
Decrease Abdominal Fat in Elderly Persons - Doctor's Guide, 11/9/04 -
"DHEA replacement therapy induced significant
decreases in both visceral fat (within the abdomen) and subcutaneous
abdominal fat (below the skin surface) in elderly men and women. "The
decrease in visceral fat relative to initial values averaged 10.2 percent in
the women and 7.4 percent in the men. The DHEA therapy also resulted in a
significant decrease in abdominal subcutaneous fat, averaging approximately
6 percent in both the men and women"
- Stress-Busting
Help Comes From Hormone - WebMD, 8/2/04 - "The
people who reported fewer symptoms and who performed best at their military
tasks had "significantly higher" levels of the hormone DHEA-S compared with
cortisol" [Abstract]
DHEA Sulphate Levels May Signify Low Libido - Doctor's Guide, 6/18/04
DHEA Supplementation Linked to Improved Quality of Life in Women with
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus - Doctor's Guide, 6/15/04 -
"Their partners reported greater responses to the "gets more done" question
compared to placebo ... DHEA replacement decreased high-density lipid (HDL)
cholesterol, and it increased insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) and
- DHEA Improves Quality
of Life in Women With SLE - Medscape, 6/14/04
- Clinical Update on
Benefits of DHEA - A4M, 4/6/04 -
"Recently, researchers discovered important
anti-inflammatory properties of DHEA. It was known that DHEA can lower the
levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha)"
- DHEA Relieves
Postmenopausal Symptoms - Healthwell Exchange Daily News, 3/18/04 -
"DHEA supplementation can increase hormone levels in postmenopausal women
toward premenopausal levels. They further suggest that women’s quality of
life may be improved by DHEA supplementation after menopause. The increases
in estrogen, testosterone, and DHEA levels observed in this study were 20 to
45% less than those observed in studies using 50 mg of DHEA per day, leading
some to suggest that 25 mg per day might be a safer amount to use as a
- Supplement May
Be Linked to Prostate Growth - WebMD, 3/10/04
DHEA Linked To Early Signs Of Atherosclerosis - Intelihealth, 12/9/03
- Low-Dose DHEA
Increases Androgen, Estrogen Levels in Menopause
- Medscape, 12/12/03 - "Testosterone and
dihydrotestosterone plasma levels, and plasma E1 and E2 levels increased
significantly and progressively in both groups ...
Cortisol F plasma levels progressively decreased throughout the study.
Both groups also experienced significantly reduced LH and FSH plasma levels.
GH and IGF-1 levels significantly increased in both groups. Supplementation
did not induce changes in endometrial thickness ... These data support and
confirm that DHEA must be considered a valid compound and drug for [hormone
therapy] in postmenopausal women and not just a 'dietary supplement"
FDA Grants Orphan Drug Designation For Fidelin (DHEA), Treatment For Adrenal
Insufficiency - Doctor's Guide, 8/29/03
- DHEA May Fight
Heart Disease, But How? - WebMD, 7/23/03 -
"Endothelial dysfunction is known to contribute to atherosclerosis or ... men who received 25 mg per day of DHEA
supplements for 12 weeks experienced significant improvement in endothelial
function as well as insulin sensitivity
compared with those who took a placebo" - See
DHEA at Amazon.com
Disappointing Data Confound Claims For DHEA Effectiveness [against
Alzheimer's] - Psychiatric News, 6/6/03 -
"Twenty-eight patients were blindly chosen to
receive 50 mg of DHEA twice a day for six months ... The dose of DHEA,
Wolkowtiz said, was targeted to achieve blood levels of the hormone at or
slightly above the top of the normal range of DHEA levels found in healthy
young adults ... numerically, DHEA did have a benefit on cognitive ratings,
but overall, on the CIBIC-Plus, there was no significant benefit shown ...
at three months, the DHEA group, compared with placebo, showed a trend
toward improvement on the
ADAS-Cog, but the improvement only narrowly missed being statistically
significant ... DHEA has been reported to reduce
cortisol, the so-called "stress hormone," which
in response to stress is released in large quantities that have been linked
to neuronal stress and damage" - Does anyone detect bias in that
title? I don't know if DHEA helps Alzheimer's or not but I feel the title
should have been something like "Alzheimer's Shows Trend Toward Improvement
with DHEA at 3 Months". Their attitude seems to be that nothing works
except what we write prescriptions for. The way I understand it,
Alzheimer's usually gets worse, not better and
cholinesterase inhibitors slow the disease, they don't reverse it and
three months is a short time to determine if it is working. See
DHEA at Amazon.com
- DHEA Beneficial for
People with Schizophrenia - New Hope Natural Media, 4/24/03
- Some DHEA Supplements
Are Better than Others - New Hope Natural Media, 3/6/03
- DHEA Augmentation
Improves Schizophrenic Symptoms - Medscape, 2/13/03 -
"In humans, DHEA has demonstrated efficacy in the improvement of mood, with
increased energy, interest, confidence, and activity levels in various
populations ... DHEA demonstrates potent neuroprotective qualities and plays
an important role in neurodevelopment"
- Some DHEA Pills
Don't Live Up to Label - WebMD, 12/11/02
Dehydroepiandrosterone Reduces Flares in Mild-to-Moderate Systemic Lupus
Erythematosus - Doctor's Guide, 12/6/02
Testosterone Deficiency & Depression, Does DHEA Raise the Levels of
Bioavailable Testosterone in Men? - Life Extension Magazine, 8/02 -
"a well-controlled study published in the
prestigious Journal of Clinical and Experimental Endocrinology and
Metabolism did in fact find a significant rise in free testosterone in men
aged 60 to 84 years, after three months on 100 mg of DHEA"
The Benefits of Carnitine and DHEA for Fat Metabolism - Life Extension
Magazine, 8/02 -
"Carnitine is an
amino acid that's critical for converting fatty acids into fuel. Because of
this, it has the potential to help people
lose weight ... A lack of DHEA may be one
of the primary causes of insulin resistance"
Cover Story: DHEA and Anti-aging Medicine - Life Extension Magazine,
6/02 - "The aging process is inextricably tied to a
decrease in beneficial hormones, such as
growth hormone,
and DHEA, and an increase in hormones whose elevated levels are clearly
harmful, such as insulin and
Low Dose DHEA Proves Effective in Treating Physical And Mental Conditions of
Hypopituitarism - Doctor's Guide, 5/6/02 -
"the women who took DHEA showed increased
initiative, stamina, alertness and sexual relations. During the open
treatment period, all of the women being treated with DHEA showed an
increase in sexual interest and activity ... Women in the study also
experienced several physical changes from the DHEA treatments. These changes
included alterations in the skin's oiliness, moisture and elasticity (53
percent); increased perspiration during physical activity (63 percent);
increases in axillary and/or pubic hair (76 percent); and increased handgrip
- Mountain Life May
Make Women Age Faster - WebMD, 4/24/02 - "New
research shows that life at high altitudes can speed the aging process for a
woman by affecting her hormones ... In fact, by age 70, the levels of DHEA
in the women who lived in the mountains were only about 40% of those in the
comparison group"
I have been taking SAMe for depression and it has been working well. I just
found out that my DHEA is low. I am 52 years old. Is it advisable to take
SAMe and DHEA together?
- Life Extension Foundation, 1/02
Dehydroepiandrosterone Decline Reflects Immune System Activation
- Doctor's Guide, 12/13/01
Possible treatment for female sexual dysfunction - Life Extension
Foundation, 9/01
DHEA: Anti-Aging Hormone - Life Extension Foundation, 8/01 -
"Low levels of DHEA are associated with aging and
disease states. Specifically, a deficiency of DHEA has been found to
correlate with immune dysfunction, inflammation, greater risk of certain
cancers, heart disease in men, and osteoporosis"
Health Supplement [DHEA] A Hit Among Lupus Sufferers
- Intelihealth, 8/13/01
- Low-Dose DHEA Has
Beneficial Effects In Women With Low Androgens
- Doctor's Guide, 6/24/01
Unisex Hormones?, Testosterone, DHEA May Help Both Sexes - WebMD, 5/4/01
- "Low levels of male hormones probably account for
decreased muscularity, sexual interest, and bone density in menopausal women
... a 50 mg dose of DHEA each day enhanced sexual interest and satisfaction
in aging women, while promoting stronger bones and younger-looking skin"
Dehydroepiandrosterone - Medscape, 11/00
Studies Show DHEA Quells Lupus - Nutrition Science News, 10/00
Could Drug Containing DHEA Be an Answer for Lupus? - WebMD, 6/23/00
DHEA: A Mental & Physical Boost - Life Extension Magazine, 12/99
A year-long French study finds that DHEA Can Help Keep. . . Women in Love
- Life Enhancement Magazine, 6/00
Depression and DHEA Treatment - Life Extension Magazine, 10/27/99
Dehydroepiandrosterone Speeds Up Donor Site Healing In Skin Grafting -
Doctor's Guide, 3/17/00
DHEA: Is It Right For You? - about.com women's health
- The
Marriage of DHEA and 5-HTP for New and Better Mood Function
- Life Enhancement Magazine, 7/99
DHEA, a better antidepressant - Life Enhancement Magazine, 7/99
Dipping DHEA Levels May Trigger Lupus - Nutrition Science News, 1/99
- Juvenile Rheumatoid
Arthritis Linked To Low Levels Of Certain Hormones
- Doctor's Guide, 12/8/98 - "The UI data showed
reduced levels of DHEA-S and testosterone in the synovial fluid and serum of
JRA patients. In addition, the ratio of DHEA/DHEA-S in both synovial fluid
and serum was much higher than that of the corresponding control serum, thus
indicating the potential importance of hormonal imbalances in the JRA
disease process"
- Caloric Restriction in
Monkeys May Extend Life and Health
- Doctor's Guide, 10/3/97 - "A second recent study
from the NIA has shown caloric restriction slows the age-related decrease in
amounts of a naturally-occurring steroid hormone, DHEA. Using natural DHEA
levels as a biomarker of aging may assist scientists in their search for a
way to slow down the aging process"
- DHEA - W. Dean & MD & Steven
DHEA on sexual function in
Sheehan Syndrome: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled cross-over trial
- J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2022 Apr 27 - "Majority of
women with Sheehan syndrome (SS) suffer from sexual dysfunction. Severe androgen
deficiency is a major contributory factor. DHEA supplementation has been
reported to have variable efficacious in improving female sexual dysfunction
(FSD) in several trials ... DHEA supplements (25mg twice daily) or matched
placebo ... There was significant improvement in FSFI score from baseline to end
of the study in the DHEA group as compared to the placebo group (p=0.006). Mean
FSFI score and most of the individual domains of FSD improved with DHEA
significantly in both groups (p=0.001 for each group with DHEA). Those who
received DHEA first followed by placebo, FSFI declined significantly after
placebo (p=0.041), but remained at an acceptable level of sexual functioning.
Serum DHEAS increased significantly with DHEA treatment. No significant changes
in glycemic index, lipid profile and liver enzymes were noted with DHEA
treatment" - See Pure
Encapsulations DHEA 25 mg at Amazon.com.
Sheehan syndrome - NIH -
"Sheehan syndrome is caused by severe blood loss or
extremely low blood pressure during or after childbirth.
This leads to lack of blood flow to the front part of the
pituitary gland, which enlarges during pregnancy. This
damages the hormone-producing tissue so that the gland
cannot function properly"
Sex-Specific Effects of
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) on Bone Mineral Density and Body Composition -
Clin Endocrinol. 2019;90(2):293-300 - "Women on
DHEA had increases (mean ± SD;
all P < 0.001 vs placebo) in DHEAS (231 ± 164 μg/dL), testosterone (18.6 ± 20.9
μg/dL), (17)estradiol (8.7 ± 11.0 pg/mL) and IGF-1 (25.1 ± 52.3 ng/mL), and men
had increases in DHEAS (269.0 ± 177 μg/dL; P < 0.01), (17)estradiol (4.8 ± 12.2
pg/m; P < 0.01) and IGF-1 (6.3 ± 41.4 ng/mL; P < 0.05). Women on DHEA had
increases in lumbar spine (1.0% ± 3.4%) and trochanter (0.5% ± 3.8%) BMD and
maintained total hip BMD (0.0% ± 2.8%); men had no BMD benefit and a decrease in
fat mass (−0.4 ± 2.6 kg; all P < 0.01 vs placebo)" - See
Pure Encapsulations - 7-Keto DHEA (100mg) - 60ct
Sex-Specific Effects of
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) on Bone Mineral Density and Body Composition -
Clin Endocrinol. 2019;90(2):293-300 - "Women on DHEA had increases (mean ± SD;
all P < 0.001 vs placebo) in DHEAS (231 ± 164 μg/dL), testosterone (18.6 ± 20.9
μg/dL), (17)estradiol (8.7 ± 11.0 pg/mL) and IGF-1 (25.1 ± 52.3 ng/mL), and men
had increases in DHEAS (269.0 ± 177 μg/dL; P < 0.01), (17)estradiol (4.8 ± 12.2
pg/m; P < 0.01) and IGF-1 (6.3 ± 41.4 ng/mL; P < 0.05). Women on DHEA had
increases in lumbar spine (1.0% ± 3.4%) and trochanter (0.5% ± 3.8%) BMD and
maintained total hip BMD (0.0% ± 2.8%); men had no BMD benefit and a decrease in
fat mass (−0.4 ± 2.6 kg; all P < 0.01 vs placebo)" - See
Pure Encapsulations - 7-Keto DHEA (100mg) - 60ct
supplementation in women undergoing assisted reproductive technology with poor
ovarian response. A prospective case-control study - J Int Med Res. 2017 Jan
1:300060517720005 - "poor ovarian response (POR) ...
DHEA supplementation in women with POR had a positive effect on hormonal
profiles, the quality of the endometrium, the number of oocytes retrieved, the
quality of embryos, and the pregnancy and live birth rates"
Low Serum DHEAS Predicts
Increased Fracture Risk in Older Men - the MrOS Sweden Study - J Bone Miner
Res. 2017 Mar 9 - "DHEAS levels were inversely
associated with the risk of any fracture (hazard ratio (HR) per SD decrease
1.14, 95% CI 1.05-1.24), non-vertebral major osteoporotic fractures (HR 1.31,
95% CI 1.16-1.48) and hip fractures (HR 1.18, 95% CI 1.02-1.37) but not clinical
vertebral fractures (HR 1.09, 95% CI 0.95-1.26) in Cox regression models
adjusted for age, BMI and prevalent fractures ... low serum DHEAS levels are a
risk marker of mainly non-vertebral fractures in older men, of whom those with
DHEAS levels below 0.60 µg/ml are at highest risk"
dehydroepiandrosterone improve pregnancy rate in women undergoing IVF/ICSI with
expected poor ovarian response according to the Bologna criteria? A randomized
controlled trial - Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2016 May;200:11-5 -
"The study group received DHEA 25mg three times daily
for 12 weeks before the IVF/ICSI cycles and the control group did not receive
DHEA ... Controlled ovarian stimulation (COH) ... The DHEA group had
significantly higher clinical pregnancy rate (32.8% vs 15.7%, p=0.029), ongoing
pregnancy rate (28.5% vs 12.8%) ... DHEA was well tolerated by the patients and
was associated with less COH days and gonadotropins doses" - See
Pure Encapsulations 7-keto DHEA.
Low serum
dehydroepiandrosterone examined by liquid chromatography-tandem mass
spectrometry correlates with poor prognosis in hormone-naïve prostate cancer
- Prostate. 2015 Nov 30 - "We confirmed that low serum DHEA levels in prostate
cancer patients were related to high Gleason score and advanced clinical stage.
These results suggest that serum DHEA level may be a useful prognostic factor in
prostate cancer patients"
Dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate (DHEAS) promotes MIN6 cells insulin secretion via
inhibition of AMP-activated protein kinase - Biochem Biophys Res Commun.
2013 Oct 8 - "Although it has the property of
anti-diabetes, the long-term effect of DHEAS on insulin secretion in beta-cells
is still unclear. In this study, the effect of DHEAS on the insulin secretion
activity in MIN6 cell lines in vitro was assessed. Insulin biosynthesis and
secretion were stimulated by DHEAS for 24 h. DHEAS inhibited the AMPK activation
and upregulated the expression of ACC-1. These findings indicate that DHEAS may
exert prominent stimulatory effects on insulin secretion partly via AMPK
inhibition and ACC-1 upregulation"
Dehydroepiandrosterone supplementation in elderly men: a meta-analysis study of
placebo controlled trials - J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013 Jul 3 -
"An extensive Medline Embase and Cochrane search was
performed ... DHEA supplementation in elderly men can induce a small but
significant positive effect on body composition which is strictly dependent on
DHEA conversion into its bioactive metabolites such as androgens or estrogens"
Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate is Associated With Increased Risk of Ischemic
Stroke Among Women - Stroke. 2013 May 23 - "Between
1989 and 1990, 32 826 women without prior stroke in the Nurses' Health Study, an
observational cohort, provided blood samples and were followed up for
cardiovascular events ... Conditional on matching factors, the lowest DHEAS
quartile exhibited a relative risk of 1.30 for ischemic stroke (95% confidence
interval, 0.88-1.94), compared with the highest quartile and marginally
unchanged when adjusted for confounders (relative risk=1.33; 95% confidence
interval, 0.87-2.02). When modeled as a binary variable dichotomized at the
lowest quartile, women with low DHEAS (≤the lowest quartile) had a significantly
increased multivariable adjusted risk of ischemic stroke compared with those
with higher levels (relative risk=1.41; 95% confidence interval, 1.03-1.92)"
A Randomized
Double-Blinded Placebo-Controlled Trial on the Effect of Dehydroepiandrosterone
for 16 Weeks on Ovarian Response Markers in Women with Primary Ovarian
Insufficiency - J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2012 Nov 8 -
"Preliminary reports have shown encouraging effects of
dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in women with poor ovarian reserve undergoing
assisted reproduction and primary ovarian insufficiency (POI), although data
from randomized controlled trials are limited ... Eligible subjects were
randomized into the DHEA group (n = 10), who received DHEA (LiveWell, 25 mg
three times a day), or the placebo group (n = 12), who received placebo for 16
wk according to a computer-generated randomization list ... No significant
change in serum AMH and FSH levels had been detected throughout the study. AFC
and ovarian volume were significantly higher at wk 12 and 20, respectively, in
the DHEA group. Significantly more women having at least one follicle of 10 mm
or greater at wk 12, 16, and 20 were found in the DHEA group. Serum testosterone
and DHEA sulfate levels along with higher estradiol levels were significantly
higher in the DHEA group"
The use of
dehydroepiandrosterone in the treatment of hypoactive sexual desire disorder: A
report of gender differences - Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2012 Oct 17 -
"Data regarding the efficacy of dehydroepiandrosterone
(DHEA) in the treatment of hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) are scarce
and inconsistent. We aimed to determine possible gender differences in the
efficacy of DHEA as a treatment for HDSS. Postmenopausal women (n=27), and men
(n=21) with HSDD, were randomized to receive either DHEA 100mg daily or placebo
for 6 weeks in a controlled, double blind study ... In women only, significant
interaction effects were observed for sexual arousal (p<0.05), satisfaction
(p<0.05), and cognition (trend; p=0.06). For arousal, a significant improvement
was observed for the DHEA treated group at 6 weeks (p=0.001). Significant
correlations were observed between bioavailable T and sexual cognitions, arousal
and orgasm, while DHEAS was correlated with satisfaction. In the men,
significant correlations were observed between testosterone and arousal (r=.45),
sexual drive (r=.50) and orgasm (r=.55). In women with HSDD, DHEA treatment had
a significant beneficial effect on arousal, whereas no efficacy was demonstrated
in men, indicating a possible gender difference. This improvement seems to be
mediated via DHEA's metabolism to testosterone. Our positive results suggest
that the neurosteroid DHEA may be effective as a treatment for women with HSDD
if administered at a dose of at least 100mg per day"
Effect of Oral Dehydroepiandrosterone-Sulphate on Metabolic Syndrome Features in
Pre- and Postmenopausal Obese Women - Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2011 Dec 2 -
"To analyze the effect in obese pre- and postmenopausal
women of a daily dose of 100 mg Dehydroepiandrosterone-sulphate (DHEA-S)
provided over a period of 3 months as replacement therapy against
Metabolic-Syndrome ... DHEA-S replacement produced weight loss in the obese
women studied. Moreover, waist-circumference, glucose and systolic and diastolic
blood pressure, among other Metabolic-Syndrome parameters, improved in the
postmenopausal group, who showed a significant reduction in the total
Metabolic-Syndrome Score (P<0.05). In contrast, in premenopausal women, the
effect of DHEA-S was limited to obesity parameters and no effect was observed on
Metabolic-Syndrome components. No significant changes were evident in the
placebo group. Conclusions: An oral dose of DHEA-S is useful for weight loss.
In obese postmenopausal women the hormone significantly improves plasma
biochemical levels and anthropometric characteristics, leading to a better
metabolic profile, which highlights the usefulness of this therapy against
Metabolic-Syndrome in this group of women"
Dehydroepiandrosterone protects against oxidative stress-induced endothelial
dysfunction in ovariectomized rats - J Physiol. 2011 Mar 14 -
"The present results suggest an important action of
DHEA, improving endothelial function in OVX rats by acting as antioxidant and
enhancing the NO bioavailability"
dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate, their ratio and hypertension: evidence of
associations in male veterans from the Vietnam Experience Study - J Hum
Hypertens. 2011 Feb 10 - "Cortisol and the
cortisol:DHEAS ratio were positively associated with hypertension (P<0.001),
whereas DHEAS was negatively associated; the latter relationship was attenuated
to non-significance (P=0.06) in models that adjusted for age, sociodemographics,
place of service, health behaviours and BMI. The present analyses provide
confirmation of a positive association between cortisol and the cortisol:DHEAS
ratio and population hypertension"
Dehydroepiandrosterone combined with exercise improves muscle strength and
physical function in frail older women - J Am Geriatr Soc. 2010
Sep;58(9):1707-14 - "DHEA supplementation resulted in
gains in lower extremity strength (from 459 +/- 121 N to 484 +/- 147 N; P=.01).
There was also improvement in Short Physical Performance Battery score, a
composite score that focuses on lower extremity function, in those taking DHEA
(from 10.1 +/- 1.8 to 10.7 +/- 1.9; P=.02). There were significant changes in
all hormone levels, including DHEAS, estradiol, estrone, and testosterone, and a
decline in sex hormone-binding globulin levels in those taking DHEA ...
CONCLUSION: DHEA supplementation improved lower extremity strength and function
in older, frail women involved in a gentle exercise program of chair aerobics or
yoga. No changes were found in BMD either due to small sample size, short
duration of study or no effect. The physical function findings are promising and
require further evaluation as frail women are at high risk for falls and
Levels and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality in Postmenopausal Women - J Clin
Endocrinol Metab. 2010 Aug 25 - "Women in the lowest
DHEA-S tertile had higher CVD mortality (17% 6-yr mortality rate vs. 8%;
log-rank P = 0.011), and all-cause mortality (21 vs. 10%; P = 0.011) compared
with women with higher DHEA-S levels. The increased CVD mortality risk [hazard
ratio (HR) = 2.55; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.19-5.45] remained unchanged
after adjustment for multiple CVD risk factors (HR = 2.43; 95% CI = 1.06-5.56)
but became nonsignificant when further adjusting for the presence or severity of
angiographic obstructive CAD (HR = 1.99; 95% CI = 0.87-4.59). Results were
similar for all-cause mortality. Lower DHEA-S levels were only marginally but
not independently associated with obstructive CAD"
effects of dehydroepiandrosterone on atherosclerosis in ovariectomized rabbits
via alleviating inflammatory injury in endothelial cells - Atherosclerosis.
2010 Aug 3 - "The risk for atherosclerosis is increased
in postmenopausal women. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is postulated to have
anti-atherogenic properties ... DHEA administration alleviates efficiently the
early pathologic damage of atherosclerosis, increases the serum NO level, and
up-regulates the endothelial cell estrogen receptor (ER) expression of
ovariectomized rabbits. DHEA in vitro significantly promotes NO synthesis,
suppresses MDA and MCP-1 secretion of endothelial cells, and decreases ICAM-1,
VCAM-1 and E-selectin expression in HUVECs; neither selective ERα antagonist
(methyl-piperidino-pyrazole, MPP) nor ERβ antagonist (R,R-tetrahydrochrysene,
R,RTHC) can abolish these effects. Furthermore, DHEA reduces CCR2, LFA-1 and
VLA-4 expression in U937 cells, which in turn inhibits the adherence of
monocytes to the injured endothelial cells. DHEA significantly decreased the
LPS-induced NF-κB transcription"
Role of
androgens in women's sexual dysfunction - Menopause. 2010 Jun 8 -
"Significantly lower levels of two precursor hormones,
dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate and androstene-3beta,17beta-diol, were found in
women with sexual dysfunction ... Although the significance of the former awaits
further study, androgen deficiency in women with HSDD was not confirmed. Given
the unknown long-term effects of testosterone supplementation, women receiving
testosterone therapy should be informed that a deficit of testosterone activity
in women with HSDD has not been identified"
serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate level correlates with increased risk for
metabolic syndrome in the elderly men - Eur J Clin Invest. 2009 Dec 30 -
"The highest DHEA-S quartile group had increased risk
for metabolic syndrome (odds ratio = 2.68, 95% confidence interval: 1.44-5.01, P
< 0.01) compared with the lowest quartile group. The mean serum DHEA-S level
increased with increasing number of metabolic syndrome components. Conclusions
The prevalence of metabolic syndrome increases with elevated DHEA-S levels among
elderly Taiwanese men. Thus, elevated serum DHEA-S level should be treated as an
important risk factor for metabolic syndrome in elderly men"
Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Concentrations during the Menopausal Transition
- J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009 May 26 -
"Cross-sectional analysis at baseline, showed a linear decline in circulating
log-transformed DHEAS with increasing age for either the entire cohort (2.81%
per year) for individual ethnicities. A similar negative association with
baseline age (2.44% decline per year) was seen in longitudinal linear mixed
modeling including observations from premenopause through late postmenopause, an
additional 0.33% decline/year"
steroid levels during 12-week intravaginal dehydroepiandrosterone administration
- Menopause. 2009 May 8 - "The present data show that
local daily intravaginal DHEA administration at DHEA doses of 3.25-13 mg was
able to rapidly and efficiently achieve correction of all the signs and symptoms
of vaginal atrophy and improve sexual function and caused no or minimal changes
in serum sex steroid levels, which all remain within the normal postmenopausal
range, thus avoiding the risks of all estrogen formulations"
dehydroepiandrosterone (Prasterone), the physiological and a highly efficient
treatment of vaginal atrophy - Menopause. 2009 May 8 -
"All three doses (0.25%, 0.5%, and 1.0%) of DHEA ovules
applied daily intravaginally induced a highly significant beneficial change in
the percentage of vaginal parabasal and superficial cells and pH as well as in
the most bothersome symptom at 2 weeks. At the standard 12-week time interval,
0.5% DHEA caused a 45.9 +/- 5.31 (P < 0.0001 vs placebo) decrease in the
percentage of parabasal cells, a 6.8 +/- 1.29% (P < 0.0001) increase in
superficial cells, a 1.3 +/- 0.13 unit (P < 0.0001) decrease in vaginal pH, and
a 1.5 +/- 0.14 score unit (P < 0.0001) decrease in the severity of the most
bothersome symptom. Similar changes were seen on vaginal secretions, color,
epithelial surface thickness, and epithelial integrity. Comparable effects were
observed at the 0.25% and 1.0% DHEA doses ... Local Prasterone, through local
androgen and estrogen formation, causes a rapid and efficient reversal of all
the symptoms and signs of vaginal atrophy with no or minimal changes in serum
steroids, which remain well within the normal postmenopausal range. This
approach avoids the fear of systemic effects common to all presently available
estrogen formulations and adds a novel physiological androgenic component to
Low serum
levels of sex-steroids are associated with disease characteristics in primary
Sjogren's syndrome; supplementation with dehydroepiandrosterone restores the
concentrations - J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009 Mar 24 -
"Dry mouth symptoms decreased during DHEA therapy ...
Disease manifestations in primary Sjogren's syndrome were associated with low
sex hormone levels, dry mouth symptoms with low androgens and dry eyes with low
estrogens. Exogenous DHEA was preferentially transformed into androgens rather
than into estrogens"
Pharmacokinetics of dehydroepiandrosterone and its metabolites after long-term
oral dehydroepiandrosterone treatment in postmenopausal women - Menopause.
2008 Dec 17 - "after prolonged treatment of
postmenopausal women with 25 mg/d of dehydroepiandrosterone ... Mean baseline
androgen levels at day 1 and month 3 in the treated group (seven evaluable
women) were the following: dehydroepiandrosterone, 1.82 and 3.56 ng/mL;
dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, 0.96 and 3.37 mug/mL;
5-androstene-3beta,17beta-diol, 0.32 and 0.66 ng/mL; androstenedione, 0.50 and
0.86 ng/mL; testosterone, 17.9 and 28.7 ng/dL; dihydrotestosterone, 6.91 and
17.4 ng/dL; and 3alpha-androstanediol glucuronide, 2.66 and 10.7 ng/mL,
respectively; these increases were significant. Small changes (-6% to 16%) were
observed from month 3 to month 6. Nonsignificant increases were observed in
baseline estrone and estradiol levels and in Cmax and AUC0-24h values for the
androgens and estrogens from day 1 to months 3 and 6 of treatment. Sex
hormone-binding globulin levels were unchanged, but free testosterone increased
significantly from day 1 to month 3 ... Changes in baseline values over time
differed significantly between the groups for all hormones except estrone and
Effects of mirtazapine on dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate and cortisol plasma
concentrations in depressed patients - J Psychiatr Res. 2008 Aug 13 -
"Mirtazapine significantly reduced both COR and DHEA-S
concentrations, but had no impact on the COR/DHEA-S ratio"
DHEA-S Level Is Associated with the Presence of Atherosclerosis in
Postmenopausal Women with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus - Endocr J. 2008 May 21 -
"intima-media thickness (IMT) ... Although simple
regression analysis showed that log(DHEA-S) and IGF-I in men and log(DHEA-S) in
women were significantly and inversely correlated with baPWV and IMT, only
log(DHEA-S) in women was still significantly and inversely correlated with these
atherosclerotic parameters after multiple regression analysis was adjusted for
age, duration of diabetes, BMI, HbA(1C), systolic blood pressure,
LDL-Cholesterol (C), serum creatinine, and smoking (Brinkman index). Serum
DHEA-S level seemed to be associated with atherosclerosis in diabetic
postmenopausal women independent of age, body stature, diabetic status, and
other atherosclerotic risk factors, and might be a useful addition to other
parameters for assessing the risk of atherosclerosis in this population"
- See
DHEA at Amazon.com
Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Levels Predict Longevity in Men: 27-Year
Follow-Up Study in a Community-Based Cohort (Tanushimaru Study) - J Am
Geriatr Soc. 2008 Apr 18 - "in men after adjustments for
age, systolic blood pressure, and fasting plasma glucose showed significantly
(log-rank stat =10.6; P<.001) greater longevity in the highest group (200
mug/dL) than in the moderate (130-199 mug/dL) or lowest groups (129 mug/dL)"
Effect of dehydroepiandrosterone supplementation on bone mineral density, bone
markers, and body composition in older adults: the DAWN trial - Osteoporos
Int. 2007 Dec 15 - "Among older healthy adults, daily
administration of 50 mg of DHEA has a modest and selective beneficial effect on
BMD and bone resorption in women, but provides no bone benefit for men"
DHEA sulfate levels are associated with more favorable cognitive function in
women - J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007 Dec 11 - "In
the multiple linear regression analysis the DHEAS term made a significant
independent positive contribution to the Controlled Oral Word Association Test
score, a measure of executive function. In addition, women with a DHEAS level in
the highest tertile who also had more than 12 years of education performed
better on both Digit Span Forward and Digit Span Backward tests which are tests
of simple concentration and working memory respectively"
Dehydroepiandrosterone and monoamines in the limbic system of a genetic animal
model of childhood depression - Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2007 Aug 20 -
"The results from the current study may imply that
treatment with DHEA could be a promising novel therapeutic option for depressed
children and adolescents that fail to respond to common (monoaminergic)
antidepressant treatments"
Dehydroepiandrosterone administration counteracts oxidative imbalance and AGE
formation in type 2 diabetic patients - Diabetes Care. 2007 Aug 17 -
"Data indicate that DHEA treatment ameliorates the
oxidative imbalance induced by hyperglycaemia, down-regulates the
TNFalpha/TNFalpha receptors system and prevents AGE formation, suggesting a
beneficial effect on the onset and/or progression of chronic complications in
type 2 diabetic patients"
Changes in Serum Sex Hormone Profiles after Short-term Low-dose Administration
of Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) to Young and Elderly Persons - Endocr J.
2007 Mar;54(1):153-62 - "In subjects who were older than
41 yrs. (older group) serum androstenedione and estradiol levels were elevated
after the DHEA administration. Significant negative correlations were observed
between the serum DHEA concentration and the serum concentration of fasting
insulin, HOMA-R, leptin, and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein for all
subjects. Daily administration of 25 mg DHEA increased the serum DHEA, DHEAS,
androstenedione, and estradiol levels of the subjects of the older group to the
same level as that of younger subjects"
DHEA in elderly women and DHEA or testosterone in elderly men - N Engl J
Med. 2006 Oct 19;355(16):1647-59
Effects of DHEA Replacement Therapy on Bone Mineral Density in Older Adults: A
Randomized, Controlled Trial - J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2006 May 30 -
"DHEA replacement therapy for 1 yr improved hip BMD in
older adults and spine BMD in older women"
Effects of dehydroepiandrosterone on gluconeogenic enzymes and glucose uptake in
human hepatoma cell line, HepG2 - Endocr J. 2005 Dec;52(6):727-33 -
"DHEA may act at multiple steps in the regulation of
glucose metabolism in the liver"
Relationship between serum sex steroids and Aging Male Symptoms score and
International Index of Erectile Function - Urology. 2005 Sep;66(3):597-601 -
"Although DHEA-S levels were significantly lower and E2
levels were greater in the men with aging male symptoms according to the AMS,
the DHEA-S and FT levels were significantly lower in the men with sexual
dysfunction, as determined by the IIEF score. Serum DHEA-S and FT levels and age
correlated significantly with the IIEF scores"
Serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate concentration and carotid
atherosclerosis in men with type 2 diabetes - Atherosclerosis. 2005
Aug;181(2):339-44 -
"evaluated intima-media thickness (IMT) and plaque
score (PS) ... Negative correlations were found between DHEA-S concentration and
IMT (r=-0.298, P<0.0001) and between DHEA-S concentration and PS (r=-0.308,
P<0.0001). IMT and PS were significantly greater in patients with lower
concentrations of DHEA-S (<1000ng/ml) than in patients with higher
concentrations of DHEA-S"
Effect of dehydroepiandrosterone replacement on insulin sensitivity and
lipids in hypoadrenal women - Diabetes. 2005 Mar;54(3):765-9 -
"replacement therapy with 50 mg of DHEA for 12 weeks
significantly increased insulin sensitivity in hypoadrenal women, thereby
suggesting that DHEA replacement could have a potential impact in preventing
type 2 diabetes"
Dehydroepiandrosterone Monotherapy in Midlife-Onset Major and Minor
Depression - Arch Gen Psychiatry, 2/05 -
"Six weeks of DHEA administration was associated
with a significant improvement in the 17-Item Hamilton Depression Rating
Scale and the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale ratings"
Effect of DHEA on Abdominal Fat and Insulin Action in Elderly Women and Men:
A Randomized Controlled Trial - JAMA. 2004 Nov 10;292(18):2243-8 -
"DHEA replacement could play a role in prevention
and treatment of the metabolic syndrome associated with abdominal obesity"
Dehydroepiandrosterone Relations to Dietary and Lifestyle Variables in a
General Population Sample - Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism
2003;47:158-164 - "DHEA declines sharply with age
and there is some evidence that the decline may be sharper in men than in
women. Protein intake was significantly inversely associated with plasma
levels of DHEA, whereas other dietary factors, energy expenditure and
anthropometric variables were unrelated to this hormone"
Dehydroepiandrosterone Augmentation in the Management of Negative,
Depressive, and Anxiety Symptoms in Schizophrenia - Archives of General
Psychiatry, 2/03 - "Results indicated significant
improvement in
negative symptoms (P<.001), as well as in
depressive (P<.05) and anxiety (P<.001)
symptoms in individuals receiving DHEA. This effect was especially noted in
Double-blind treatment of major depression with dehydroepiandrosterone
- Am J Psychiatry 1999 Apr;156(4):646-9 - "DHEA was
associated with a significantly greater decrease in Hamilton depression
scale ratings than was placebo. Five of the 11 patients treated with DHEA,
compared with none of the 11 given placebo, showed a 50% decrease or greater
in depressive symptoms"
Biotransformation of oral dehydroepiandrosterone in elderly men: significant
increase in circulating estrogens - J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1999
Jun;84(6):2170-6 -
"Serum testosterone and dihydrotestosterone remained
unchanged after DHEA administration. In contrast, 17beta-estradiol and
estrone significantly increased in a dose-dependent manner to concentrations
still within the upper normal range for men [placebo vs. 50 mg DHEA vs. 100
mg DHEA; AUC 0-12 h for 17beta-estradiol, 510 +/- 198 vs. 635 +/- 156 vs.
700 +/- 209 pmol/L x h (P < 0.0001); AUC 0-12 h for estrone, 1443 +/- 269
vs. 2537 +/- 434 vs. 3254 +/- 671 pmol/L x h (P < 0.0001)]" - That's
a 40% increase in the bad estrogen!!! On top of that, if you are taking
testosterone, that increases estrogen also. See
Dehydroepiandrosterone in the treatment of erectile dysfunction: a
prospective, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study -
Urology. 1999 Mar;53(3):590-4 -
"Our results suggest that oral DHEA treatment may be
of benefit in the treatment of ED."
Prevention of immune dysfunction and vitamin E loss by
dehydroepiandrosterone and melatonin supplementation during murine
retrovirus infection - Immunology. 1999 Feb;96(2):291-7
DHEA protects against visceral obesity and muscle insulin resistance in rats
fed a high-fat diet - Am J Physiol. 1997 Nov;273(5 Pt 2):R1704-8 -
"These results show that DHEA has a protective effect
against accumulation of visceral fat and development of muscle insulin
resistance in rats fed a high-fat diet."
Effect of 12-month DHEA replacement therapy on bone, vagina, and endometrium
in postmenopausal women - J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1997
Oct;82(10):3498-505 - "a finding of particular
interest for both the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis."
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) treatment of depression - Biol Psychiatry.
1997 Feb 1;41(3):311-8 - "These preliminary data
suggest DHEA may have antidepressant and promemory effects"