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Bisphenol A (BPA) Exposure
News & Research:
Reusable plastic bottles release hundreds of chemicals - Science Daily,
2/11/22 - "Professor Christensen and fellow researcher
Selina Tisler detected more than 400 different substances from the bottle
plastic and over 3,500 substances derived from dishwasher soap. A large portion
of these are unknown substances that the researchers have yet to identify. But
even of the identified chemicals, the toxicity of at least 70 % remains unknown
... The most toxic substances that we identified actually came after the bottle
had been in the dishwasher -- presumably because washing wears down the plastic
and thereby increases leaching"
links high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease to plastics - Science Daily,
12/1/21 - "We found dicyclohexyl phthalate, or DCHP,
strongly binds to a receptor called pregnane X receptor, or PXR, ... DCHP 'turns
on' PXR in the gut, inducing the expression of key proteins required for
cholesterol absorption and transport. Our experiments show that DCHP elicits
high cholesterol by targeting intestinal PXR signaling ... DCHP, a widely used
phthalate plasticizer, has recently been proposed by the Environmental
Protection Agency as a high-priority substance for risk evaluation. Not much is
known yet about DCHP's adverse effects in humans ... mice exposed to DCHP had in
their intestines higher circulating "ceramides" -- a class of waxy lipid
molecules associated with increased cardiovascular disease risk in humans -- in
a way that was PXR-dependent"
linked to ‘hormone disruptor’ chemical costs billions in lost US productivity
- Science Daily, 10/12/21 - "Daily exposure chemicals
called phthalates, used in the manufacture of plastic food containers and many
cosmetics, may lead to roughly 100,000 premature deaths among older Americans
each year ... the new investigation of more than 5,000 adults between the ages
of 55 and 64 showed that those with the highest concentrations of phthalate in
their urine were more likely to die of heart disease than those with lesser
exposure ... Similarly, Americans in this high-exposure group were more likely
to die of any cause than those in low-exposure groups ... Our research suggests
that the toll of this chemical on society is much greater than we first thought" -
Biologists investigate effects of bisphenols on nerve cells - Science Daily,
4/21/12 - "even small amounts of the plasticisers
bisphenol A and bisphenol S disrupt the transmission of signals between nerve
cells in the brains of fish. The researchers consider it very likely that
similar interference can also occur in the brains of adult humans. They
therefore call for the rapid development of alternative plasticisers that do not
pose a risk to the central nervous system ... Bisphenols are plasticisers that
are found in a large number of plastic products worldwide -- for example, in
food packaging, plastic tableware, drinking bottles, toys, tooth fillings, and
babies' dummies ... The harmful effects on the brain mainly affect the delicate
balance between different neuronal functions. While some brain cells transmit
signals that trigger a state of excitation in downstream cells, other brain
cells have the function of inhibiting downstream cells. However, the
coordination of both excitation and inhibition is essential for an intact
central nervous system. "It is well known that numerous disorders in the nervous
system of vertebrates are triggered by the fact that excitatory signals and
inhibitory signals are not or only inadequately coordinated. So, it is all the
more alarming that the plasticisers BPA and BPS significantly impair precisely
this coordination," explains Dr. Peter Machnik, lead author of the study"
Declining Sperm Count Tied
to Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals in the Environment - Medscape, 4/9/21 -
"Chemicals that pervade our modern world — plastics,
pesticides, stain repellents, components of personal hygiene products — are
contributing to a decades-long decline in fertility and could pose health risks
even into future generations ... endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) such as
phthalates and bisphenol A (BPA) threaten human existence, a conclusion that
stems in part from her 2017 meta-analysis that showed a 52% drop in sperm counts
from 1973 to 2011 in men in North America, Europe, and Australia ... These EDCs,
which mimic natural hormones, included pesticides, heavy metals, phthalates,
alkylphenolic compounds, and solvents that can be found in agricultural work or
hair and beauty salons ... These chemicals are not so-called "forever chemicals"
that persist in the human body ... safer options include buying organic produce,
microwaving food in glass rather than plastic containers and avoiding products
that contain phthalate or BPA"
Antioxidant reverses BPD-induced fertility damage in worms - Science Daily,
2/6/20 - "A naturally occurring antioxidant known as
Coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10, reversed most of the reproductive harms caused by
exposure to the plasticizer BPA (bisphenol A) in Caenorhabditis elegans worms"
- See ubiquinol products at Amazon.com.
replacement, BPS, hinders heart function, study reveals - Science Daily,
1/9/20 - "BPA's counterpart replacement BPS can hinder heart function within
minutes of a single exposure ... the study entailed treating mouse hearts with
BPA and BPS at levels typically seen in people. Each chemical on its own was
found to depress heart function by dampening heart contractions causing slower
blood flow. However, BPS had a quicker impact -- within five minutes of
exposure" - Sounds like they just replaced one bad substance with a
less researched bad substance to fool the consumer.
BPA Levels in Humans Are Underestimated: Study - WebMD, 12/6/19 -
"The new method developed by researchers and outlined in
their study suggests that the measurements used by the FDA and other regulatory
agencies underestimate BPA exposure by as much as 44 times"
BPA Replacement Chemical May Not Be Safer for Kids - WebMD, 7/25/19 -
"the replacement chemicals are structurally similar to
BPA -- as implied by names like bisphenol S and bisphenol F, two of the most
common BPA substitutes ... People may assume that a "BPA-free" label means a
product is safe, Sargis noted, when, in fact, it often contains less-studied
replacements in plastics cause reproductive problems in lab mice - Science
Daily, 9/13/18 - "Twenty years ago, researchers made the
accidental discovery that the now infamous plastics ingredient known as
bisphenol A or BPA had inadvertently leached out of plastic cages used to house
female mice in the lab, causing a sudden increase in chromosomally abnormal eggs
in the animals. Now, the same team is back to report in the journal Current
Biology on September 13 that the array of alternative bisphenols now used to
replace BPA in BPA-free bottles, cups, cages, and other items appear to come
with similar problems for their mice ... Hunt's advice to consumers now is
simple: BPA-free or not, "plastic products that show physical signs of damage or
aging cannot be considered safe.""
Why 'BPA Free' May Not Mean a Plastic Product Is Safe - National Geographic,
Exposure to low levels of BPA during pregnancy can lead to altered brain
development - Science Daily, 3/18/18 - "The
researchers studied three groups of pregnant mice. One group ate food without
BPA; a second group at food with high doses of BPA; and a third ate low-dose BPA
food. They found an increase in the number of neurons created during early
development in mouse pups exposed to high and low doses of BPA during pregnancy,
compared with those not exposed to BPA ... This is important because specific
neurons are known to be born at a very distinct time points, and if they are
born early -- as is the case here -- then presumably these early neurons will
migrate to the wrong place and form the wrong connections. These findings start
to provide a rationale as to how BPA might affect developing brains"
Plastics compound, BPS, often substituted for BPA, alters mouse moms' behavior
and brain regions - Science Daily, 12/22/16 - "BPS,
found in baby bottles, personal care products and thermal receipts, is a
replacement chemical for BPA and was introduced when concern was raised about
possible health effects of that plastic compound ... The authors found a
surprising increased incidence of infanticide among mouse mothers exposed to the
lower dose in utero. Vandenberg and Catanese report that "although these same
effects were not seen at the higher dose, more than 10 percent of females
exposed to 2 microgram BPS/kg/day either killed their pups or provided such poor
instrumental maternal care that one or more pups needed to be euthanized. While
not statistically significant, the neglect and poor maternal care we observed
were striking.""
Chemical in plastics linked to genital abnormalities in baby boys - Science
Daily, 9/1/16 - "These chemicals, called phthalates, are
most commonly found in plastics, personal care products like shampoos, makeup
and perfumes, and in the U.S. food supply from things like jars, packaging, and
other storage"
Chemical in plastics linked to genital abnormalities in baby boys - Science
Daily, 9/1/16 - "These chemicals, called phthalates, are
most commonly found in plastics, personal care products like shampoos, makeup
and perfumes, and in the U.S. food supply from things like jars, packaging, and
other storage"
avoidance of plastics in the home: General environmental exposure limits
beneficial effects - Science Daily, 7/13/16 - "The
family's morning urine was measured at the start of the experiment and after a
two-month period, during which they had avoided plastics at home -- this only
being possible to a limited extent at work and in school -- to measure 14
phthalate metabolites and Bisphenol A (BPA), which have a health impact. The
outcome: even though they avoided every possible contact with plastics at home,
they still had a certain bioburden, so that the health effects are minimal ...
The experiment and study show: there is no way for us to avoid this exposure."
Moreover, the family in question was already very aware of following a healthy
lifestyle, so that their exposure to plastics was already below average. That
meant that the plastic avoidance campaign had even less effect upon their
bioburden. Hutter: "In their case, it was impossible to achieve any further
lasting reduction in the concentration of these ever-present substances"
Canned foods linked to BPA risk in new study - CNN, 6/29/16 -
"a study published in the journal Environmental Research
on Wednesday not only reveals that consuming canned foods can expose our bodies
to BPA, it pinpoints the worst offenders ... canned soups and pasta can expose
consumers to higher concentrations of BPA than canned vegetables and fruit --
and although those foods are tied to BPA concentrations, canned beverages, meat
and fish are not ... people who consumed one canned food item in the past day
had about 24% higher concentrations of BPA in their urine compared with those
who had not consumed canned food. The consumption of two or more canned food
items resulted in about 54% higher concentrations of BPA ... eating canned soup
resulted in a whopping 229% higher concentration of BPA compared with consuming
no canned foods. Canned pasta resulted in 70% higher concentrations, and canned
vegetables or fruit resulted in 41% higher concentrations ... BPA exposure is
associated with many adverse health effects including diabetes, obesity,
cardiovascular disease, reproductive development issues, amongst others"
food may expose consumers to harmful chemicals called phthalates - Science
Daily, 4/13/16 - "People who ate the most fast food had
phthalate levels that were as much as 40 percent higher ... Phthalates belong to
a class of industrial chemicals used to make food packaging materials, tubing
for dairy products, and other items used in the production of fast food. Other
research suggests these chemicals can leach out of plastic food packaging and
can contaminate highly processed food ... grain and meat items were the most
significant contributors to phthalate exposure ... the grain category contained
a wide variety of items including bread, cake, pizza, burritos, rice dishes and
BPA Is Still
Present in 60% of Cans in the U.S.: Study - Time, 3/30/16 -
"all of the Campbell’s cans tested, 71% of those from
Del Monte and 50% of sampled General Mills cans contained BPA. Amy’s Kitchen,
Annie’s Homegrown, Hain Celestial Group and ConAgra have all transitioned away
from BPA—and that was reflected in the test results in the report, as well;
those tested in this study were free of BPA ... The question is ‘What did they
replace it with?'"
substitute can trigger fat cell formation: Chemical used in BPA-free products
exhibits similar endocrine-disrupting effects - Science Daily, 3/22/16 -
"Concerns about BPA's health effects have encouraged
some consumers to purchase food containers labeled "BPA-free." BPA-free products
often contain bisphenol S (BPS) or other substitutes, but researchers have
raised concerns that these replacements also interfere with the body's hormones
and may pose similar threats to public health ... Our research indicates BPS and
BPA have comparable effects on fat cells and their metabolism ... the cells
exposed to the smallest amounts of BPS as well as the cells exposed to the
highest concentrations exhibited the largest accumulation of lipids, while
moderate amounts had a smaller effect ... BPS and BPA have similar effects on
fat cell formation, lipid accumulation and expression of genes important for
lipid metabolism"
Common chemicals linked to endometriosis, fibroids -- and healthcare costs -
CNN, 3/22/16 - "phthalates and DDE, have been
particularly strongly linked with common female reproductive conditions, such as
fibroids ... The European Union and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration have
already banned the use of certain endocrine disruptors, such as BPA, in baby
bottles, though research suggests alternatives to BPA might not be safe .. They
can eat organic, reduce canned food consumption, which reduces exposure to BPA,
and avoid packaged or highly processed food, which is a major route for
phthalates to enter food. They can also open windows to allow chemical dust,
which accumulates on the carpet and electronics, to circulate out of homes"
BPA-free plastic alternatives may not be safe as you think - CNN, 2/1/16-
"The most common replacement is BPS (Bisphenol S) ... In
a 2013 study, Texas researchers found that as little as one part per trillion of
BPS could interfere with the normal functioning of a cell, in some cases leading
to cell death. Another study of zebrafish, out of Canada, found BPA accelerated
neural cell growth by 180% for fish exposed to extremely low levels; it was even
worse for BPS -- neural growth exploded 240%. As adults, the fish exposed to
both chemicals showed significant signs of hyperactivity ... This is a classic
case of 'regrettable substitution' in which the replacement chemical is as toxic
as the chemical it was replacing" - [Science
BPA in Cans and Plastic Bottles Linked to Quick Rise in Blood Pressure -
NYTimes.com, 12/8/14 - "when people drank soy milk from
a can, the levels of BPA in their urine rose dramatically within two hours – and
so did their blood pressure. But on days when they drank the same beverage from
glass bottles, which don’t use BPA linings, there was no significant change in
their BPA levels or blood pressure ... for people who drink from multiple cans
or plastic bottles every day, the repeated exposure over time could contribute
to hypertension ... The chemical is an endocrine disrupter that can mimic
estrogen ... “BPA free” do nothing to assuage her concerns ... It doesn’t have
bisphenol A, but on the other hand I worry that the new chemical they put in
there may also be a problem"
exposure during fetal development raises risk of precancerous prostate lesions
later in life - Science Daily, 6/23/14 -
"researchers combined human embryonic stem cells and rat cells called mesenchyme.
The researchers then grafted the combined tissue on to the kidneys of mice where
it developed into human-like prostate tissue. The experiment modeled human BPA
exposure feeding the mice low-dose BPA which led to the development of lesions
in the human prostate tissue, including a precancerous lesion known as prostate
intraepithelial neoplasia, or PIN ... Using human embryonic stem cells to
generate prostate tissues, we were able to document the direct effect low-dose
BPA exposure had in driving prostate pathology and disease"
BPA substitute, BPS, disrupts heart rhythms in females - Science Daily,
6/23/14 - "BPS is one of the substitutes used in
BPA-free products. There is implied safety in BPA-free products. The thing is,
the BPA analogs -- and BPS is one of them -- have not been tested for safety in
humans ... he and his co-workers tested an environmentally relevant dose of BPS
in the hearts of approximately 50 rats. The 1-nanomolar dose was in the range of
BPS found in human urine samples in a study by other authors ... Exposure to BPS
rapidly increased the heart rate of female rats and under the stress condition
led to arrhythmias -- heart rhythm abnormalities -- far greater than in the
control rats that did not receive BPS ... Electocardiograms demonstrated that
BPS caused extra heartbeats and a racing heartbeat, also known as ventricular
tachycardia. In male rats, BPS reportedly did not have this rapid impact on the
heart ... BPS caused abnormal calcium handling, or cycling, which is a key cause
of arrhythmias"
Substitute as bad as BPA? Exposure to BPA substitute causes hyperactivity and
brain changes in fish - Science Daily, 6/23/14 -
"The study investigated the effects of BPA and BPS on brain development in
zebrafish. This fish is developmentally similar to humans, but the embryo grows
externally, enabling researchers to see development of the offspring ... At the
peak time of neuronal birth, the number of neurons in BPA-exposed fish rose 170
percent compared with unexposed fish, Kurrasch stated. In similar experiments
using BPS, the number of neurons in exposed fish increased 240 percent"
BPA and
related chemicals: Human safety thresholds for endocrine disrupting chemicals
may be inaccurate - Science Daily, 4/8/14 -
"Endocrine disruptors (EDs) are compounds that interfere with animal hormone (or
endocrine) systems in various ways. Sometimes, this can lead to developmental
problems, including those of the reproductive system. Over the past four
decades, human sperm counts have been markedly decreasing and the rate of
testicular cancer rates has risen. Meanwhile, the occurance of undescended
testicles and abnormally developed male urethras are also thought to be
increasing. Evidence suggests that these male reproductive disorders are at
least partially due to the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals which are
becoming increasingly concentrated and prevalent in the environment and that
these EDs act on the testis during fetal development" - Note how the
media has been sensationalizing the endocrine disruption of BPA but doesn't seem
to want to irritate their readers with the endocrine disruption caused my
marijuana which is probably even worse. I'm against both.
linked to breast cancer tumor growth - Science Daily, 3/6/14 -
"HOTAIR is an abbreviation for long, non-coding RNA, a
part of DNA in humans and other vertebrates ... when breast cancer and mammary
gland cells were exposed to BPA in lab tests, the BPA worked together with
naturally present molecules, including estrogen, to create abnormal amounts of
HOTAIR expression ... We can't immediately say BPA causes cancer growth, but it
could well contribute because it is disrupting the genes that defend against
that growth"
linked to prostate cancer, study shows - Science Daily, 3/3/14 -
"researchers assessed the PSA of 60 urology patients
using urine samples. Higher levels of BPA were found in prostate cancer patients
than in non-prostate cancer patients (5.74 μg/g creatine versus 1.43 μg/g
creatine), and the difference was even more significant in patients less than 65
years of age ... Exposure to low doses of BPA increased the percentage of cells
with centrosome amplification two- to eight-fold ... Several studies have shown
that centrosome amplification is a major contributing factor to chromosomal
mutation in human tumors"
Bisphenol A (BPA) at very low levels can adversely affect developing organs in
primates - Science Daily, 2/27/14 - "Bisphenol A
(BPA) is a chemical that is used in a wide variety of consumer products, such as
resins used to line metal food and beverage containers, thermal paper store
receipts, and dental composites ... Researchers found evidence of significant
adverse effects in mammary glands, ovaries, brain, uterus, lung and heart
tissues in BPA exposed fetus when compared to fetuses not exposed to BPA ... The
very low-level exposure to BPA we delivered once a day to the rhesus monkeys is
far less than the BPA levels humans are exposed to each day"
Continuous handling of receipts linked to higher urine BPA levels - Science
Daily, 2/25/14 - "The authors recruited 24 volunteers
who provided urine samples before and after handling (with or without gloves) of
receipts printed on thermal paper for a continuous two hours. BPA was detected
in 83 percent (n = 20) of urine samples at the beginning of the study and in 100
percent of samples after handling receipts without gloves. The researchers
observed an increase in urinary BPA concentrations after continuously handling
receipts for 2 hours without gloves, but no significant increase when the
participants used gloves"
increases risk of cancer in human prostate tissue, study shows - Science
Daily, 1/7/14 - "Previous studies have shown that people
who avoided all contact with plastics or other BPA-containing objects for up to
a month or more still had BPA in their urine, which means they must have come
into contact with BPA in the last 24 to 48 hours, since it clears the body
rather quickly ... Prins investigated the effect of BPA on human cells by
implanting human prostate stem cells taken from deceased young-adult men into
mice ... To mimic exposure to BPA during embryonic development, for two weeks
following implantation the mice were fed BPA -- in amounts in line with those
seen in pregnant American women -- as the cells produced humanized prostate
tissue ... The amount of BPA we fed the mice was equivalent to levels ingested
by the average person ... Prins found that a third of tissue samples taken from
mice fed BPA had either pre-cancerous lesions or prostate cancer, compared to
only 12 percent in a control group of mice fed oil. If the prostate stem cells
were exposed to BPA before implantation and again as they produced prostate
tissue in the mice, 45 percent of the tissue samples had pre-cancerous lesions
or cancer"
BPA is still everywhere, and mounting evidence suggests harmful effects -
The Washington Post, 12/6/13 - "the chemical is found in
many other common items: medical devices, dental sealants and compact discs, to
name a few. Even paper receipts from the grocery store and ATM machines often
contain BPA. In short, it’s pretty hard to avoid the chemical ... When chemicals
such as BPA mimic hormones, it leads to what’s called endocrine disruption ...
BPA has also been linked to obesity and Type 2 diabetes ... Researchers have
also found that newborn rats that were exposed to low doses of BPA for a short
period had a significantly higher risk of prostate cancer (an estrogen-induced
cancer) later in life ... low-level exposure to BPA in pregnant mice suppresses
gene expression of two proteins that are important in regulating social behavior
— oxytocin and vasopressin — and alters social behaviors in the fourth
generation ... We can reduce our BPA exposure by making choices such as opting
for electronic receipts, using fresh and frozen vegetables rather than canned,
choosing glass and stainless steel containers and not microwaving food in
polycarbonate plastic containers"
Bisphenol A Is Affecting Us at Much Lower Doses Than Previously Thought -
Science Daily, 11/7/13 -
"The findings are striking. When looking at the "low
dose" literature as a whole, reproducible effects were seen in animals after
exposure to incredibly low doses of BPA. In fact, effective doses were ten to
forty times lower than the doses identified in traditional toxicology studies.
Several dozen "low dose" studies show effects of BPA at doses that humans are
thought to encounter in their everyday lives ... it contributes to a large range
of health problems in humans, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome, immune
response to allergens, behavioral problems and decreased fertility. The effects
on wildlife are also widespread"
Plastics Chemicals May Boost Kids' Risk for Obesity, Diabetes - WebMD,
8/19/13 - "One study links phthalates to increased
insulin resistance in children, while another associates bisphenol A (BPA) with
high body-mass index (BMI) and expanding waistlines ... The study reviewed data
on about 3,300 kids aged 6 to 18, and found that children with high BPA levels
tend to have excessive amounts of body fat and unusually expanded waistlines ...
Trasande recommends that parents avoid using plastic containers with the
recycling numbers 3, 6 or 7, in which phthalates or BPA are used ... I also
advise families not to microwave plastics, hand wash plastic containers, and
throw away plastic containers where there is etching or other damage to them"
Early BPA Exposure Linked
to Depression, Inattention in Kids - Medscape, 8/7/13 -
"A study of almost 292 participants showed that prenatal
exposure to BPA, as measured in maternal urine tests, was associated with
internalizing behaviors, such as anxiety and depression, in the boys at the age
of 7 years — but not in the girls ... However, early childhood BPA
concentrations were associated with increased externalizing behaviors, such as
conduct problems, in the girls. Childhood urine measurements of BPA were also
linked to the internalizing behaviors of inattention and hyperactivity in both
More Evidence Links BPA to Childhood Obesity - WebMD, 6/12/13 -
"researchers measured BPA levels in the urine of more
than 1,300 children in China and compared those levels to their body weights ...
also asked the kids about other things that may influence body weight, such as
how often they ate junk food, fruits and vegetables, how much exercise they got,
whether their parents were overweight and how long they played video games, on
average, each day ... After taking all those factors into account, the
investigators found that girls aged 9 to 12 who had higher-than-average levels
of BPA in their urine were about twice as likely to be obese as those with
lower-than-average levels. The researchers didn't see the same association for
boys or for older girls ... One explanation for the results may be that girls
who are entering puberty are uniquely vulnerable to the effects of
hormone-disrupting chemicals"
Exposure to Bisphenol A Might Damage the Enamel of Teeth - Science Daily,
6/10/13 - "the teeth of rats treated with low daily
doses of BPA could be damaged by this"
mice exposed to BPA by mothers show unexpected characteristics - Science
Daily, 1/24/13 - "Female mice exposed to Bisphenol A
through their mother's diet during gestation and lactation were found to be
hyperactive, exhibit spontaneous activity and had leaner body mass than those
not exposed to the chemical"
Substitute Could Spell Trouble: Experiments Show Bisphenol S Also Disrupts
Hormone Activity - Science Daily, 1/22/13 - "A few
years ago, manufacturers of water bottles, food containers, and baby products
had a big problem. A key ingredient of the plastics they used to make their
merchandise, an organic compound called bisphenol A, had been linked by
scientists to diabetes, asthma and cancer and altered prostate and neurological
development ... The industry responded by creating "BPA-free" products, which
were made from plastic containing a compound called bisphenol S ... BPS also
resembles BPA in a more problematic way. Like BPA, the study found, BPS disrupts
cellular responses to the hormone estrogen, changing patterns of cell growth and
death and hormone release. Also like BPA, it does so at extremely low levels of
exposure ... this study shows us that very low levels of BPS can disrupt natural
estrogen hormone actions in ways similar to what we see with BPA. That's a real
cause for concern" - Note: So if the label says "BPA Free", that might
just mean that the BPA has been replaced with something else just as bad.
Bisphenol A: BPA additive blocks cell function - Science Daily, 12/6/12
real threat may be after it has metabolized: Chemical found in many plastics
linked to multiple health threats - Science Daily, 10/4/12
linked to thyroid hormone changes in pregnant women, newborns - Science
Daily, 10/3/12 - "The researchers found that for each
doubling of BPA levels, there was an associated decrease of 0.13 micrograms per
deciliter of total thyroxine (T4) in mothers during pregnancy, which suggests a
hypothyroid effect. For newborn boys, each doubling of BPA levels linked to a
9.9 percent decrease in thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), indicating a
hyperthyroid effect ... studies suggest that small changes in thyroid level,
even if they're within normal limits, may still have a cognitive effect"
levels of BPA in children and teens significantly associated with obesity
- Science Daily, 9/18/12 - "Using a sample of nearly
3,000 children and adolescents, ages 6 through 19 years, randomly selected for
measurement of urinary BPA concentration in the 2003-2008 NHANES ... the
researchers found children with the highest levels of urinary BPA had 2.6 times
higher odds of being obese than those with the lowest measures of urinary BPA.
Among the participants with the highest levels, 22.3 percent were obese compared
with 10.3 percent of the participants with the lowest levels"
Higher BPA Levels, More Heart Disease? - WebMD, 8/15/12 -
"People who have higher levels of the chemical bisphenol
A (BPA) in their urine may be more likely to have narrowing of their coronary
arteries, a new study shows" - Note: The way they wrote it up in this
article doesn't make the argument that clear.
Widespread exposure to BPA substitute is occurring from cash register receipts,
other paper - Science Daily, 7/11/12 - "growing
evidence of the potentially toxic effects of BPA has led some manufacturers to
replace it with BPS in thermal paper and other products. BPS is closely related
to BPA, with some of the same estrogen-mimicking effects, and unanswered
questions exist about whether it is safer ... they analyzed 16 types of paper
from the U.S., Japan, Korea and Vietnam ... The study detected BPS in all the
receipt paper they tested, 87 percent of the samples of paper currency and 52
percent of recycled paper. The researchers estimate that people may be absorbing
BPS through their skin in larger doses than they absorbed BPA when it was more
widely used -- 19 times more BPS than BPA. People who handle thermal paper in
their jobs may be absorbing much more BPS"
exposure in pregnant mice changes gene expression of female offspring -
Science Daily, 6/26/12 - "The study, led by Hugh Taylor,
MD, professor and chief of the reproductive endocrinology section at Yale
University School of Medicine, observed "major and permanent changes in gene
expression" in female mice exposed to BPA as a fetus. Taylor said these
differences were apparent only after estrogen exposure, either naturally at
puberty or with estrogen treatment ... After estrogen exposure at puberty, the
gene expression profile had changed greatly in BPA-exposed offspring, with 365
genes showing altered expression, according to the study abstract. Of these
genes, 208 also showed aberrations in the usual pattern of DNA methylation, a
biochemical process that regulates gene expression. At least 14 of the 208 genes
have known estrogen response elements, areas that indicate that they are
directly regulated by estrogen through its receptor"
exposure effects may last for generations - Science Daily, 6/15/12 -
"Since exposure to BPA changes social interactions in
mice at a dose within the reported human levels, it is possible that this
compound has trans-generational actions on human behavior. If we banned BPA
tomorrow, pulled all products with BPA in them, and cleaned up all landfills
tomorrow it is possible, if the mice data generalize to humans, that we will
still have effects of this compound for many generations ... female mice
received chow with or without BPA before mating and throughout gestation. Plasma
levels of BPA in supplemented female mice were in a range similar to those
measured in humans. Juveniles in the first generation exposed to BPA in utero
displayed fewer social interactions as compared with control mice. The changes
in genes were most dramatic in the first generation (the offspring of the mice
that were exposed to BPA in utero), but some of these gene changes persisted
into the fourth generation"
effects seen in monkey mammary glands - Science Daily, 5/7/12 -
"The Tufts researchers compared the structure of newborn
mammary glands from BPA-exposed and unexposed female rhesus macaques. Pregnant
monkeys were fed a piece of fruit containing a small amount of BPA each day
during the gestational period corresponding to the human third trimester of
pregnancy, resulting in blood levels of BPA comparable to those of many
Americans today ... The researchers found that, at birth, the density of mammary
buds was significantly increased in BPA-exposed monkeys, and the overall
development of the mammary gland was more advanced compared to unexposed monkeys
... This study buttresses previous findings showing that fetal exposure to low
xenoestrogen levels causes developmental alterations that in turn increase the
risk of mammary cancer later in life ... the sum of all these findings strongly
suggests that BPA is a breast carcinogen in humans and human exposure to BPA
should be curtailed"
Early-life exposure to BPA affects adult learning, animal study suggests -
Science Daily, 4/4/12 - "What was amazing is that
exposure only happened at the embryonic stage ... but somehow the wiring in the
brain had been permanently altered by it. It's an example of why children are
not just little adults when it comes to gauging the effects of contaminants ...
Results of this study, however, suggest that lower concentrations may be more
potent during early-life exposures. This study tested three different small
amounts considered environmentally relevant ... The compound, which mimics the
hormone estrogen, was added to the aquatic environment of fish embryos in their
first two days of life. Then they were returned to clean water for the ensuing
10 months while they grew into middle-age adulthood"
on the Pounds - The Daily, 3/26/12 - "The claims by
leading BPA critic Frederick vom Saal come as the Food and Drug Administration
is expected to rule this week — after four years of study — on whether to ban
the plastic additive from use in food packaging ... Vom Saal told The Daily he
will soon release a new study showing that mothers who expose their fetuses to
the bisphenol A run the risk of having obese children ... BPA turns out to be a
major factor in the number of fat cells that a person will have later in life
... over the past few months, a slew of new research has focused on the
BPA-obesity link. Vom Saal’s findings are just the latest new evidence that BPA
may be playing a role in the global obesity epidemic. Another study released in
February by a Spanish research team showed that even small amounts of BPA cause
human adult islet cells to produce more fat in the body ... It takes 90 days
under the Toxic Substances Control Act to get a chemical approved for sale on
the market ... Getting a product off the market that has been shown to be
unsafe, on the other hand, takes somewhere between 25 and 50 years, because
industry says we need definitive science"
Bisphenol A (BPA) could affect reproductive capabilities, cause infection of the
uterus - Science Daily, 3/20/12 - "in addition to
affecting the heart, brain and nervous system, bisphenol A (BPA), could affect a
mammal's ability to reproduce by altering the structure of the uterus in ways
that can progress to a potentially fatal infection ... These results suggest
that BPA enhances the immune responsiveness of the uterus and that the
heightened responsiveness in the C57BL/6 strain of females is related to
increased susceptibility to pyometra"
Bisphenol A exposure linked to increased risk of future onset of heart disease
- Science Daily, 2/23/12 - "The study compared urine BPA
measures from 758 initially healthy EPIC study respondents who later developed
cardiovascular disease, and 861 respondents who remained heart disease free. The
findings of the study show that those who developed heart disease tended to have
higher urinary BPA concentrations at the start of the 10-year period. The extent
of the effect is very difficult to estimate given that just one urine specimen
from each participant was available for testing at the beginning of the 10-year
Can of Soup a Day Linked to High BPA Levels in Urine - WebMD, 11/22/11 -
"Eating just one 12-ounce serving of canned soup a day
for five days straight may lead to more than a 1,000% increase in the amount of
the controversial chemical bisphenol A (BPA) in your urine ... the canned soup
used in the study was a single brand, Progresso, "it is not about the brand of
soup or canned soup, it is about the cans," ... She says the findings likely
apply to other canned foods that use BPA in the liner"
Study: BPA Exposure in Womb Linked to Kids' Behavior Problems - WebMD,
10/24/11 - "The new study is published in Pediatrics. It
is one of the first to show that BPA exposure in the womb may be linked to
behavioral effects in young children ... The study released in Pediatrics has
significant shortcomings in study design and the conclusions are of unknown
relevance to public health ... While there was no association between the BPA in
a child's urine and their behavior, the researchers found that moms who had
higher levels of BPA in their urine during pregnancy also had 3-year-olds with
more anxiety, depression, and hyperactivity"
BPA may be
tied to diabetes, after all - MSNBC, 10/20/11 - "Two
large studies have found a link between higher BPA levels and higher heart
disease risk. And a 2008 study found that of Americans in a government health
survey, those with higher BPA levels showed a higher diabetes risk ... None of
that, however, proves cause-and-effect ... This latest study is based on data
from a federal health study ... Of people with the highest levels (more than 4.2
nanograms per milliliter, ng/mL), almost 13 percent had diabetes, versus 8
percent of adults with the lowest BPA levels (less than 1.1 ng/mL)"
linked to breast cancer? - Science Daily, 10/19/11 -
"assessed the effect of chronic, oral exposure to the compound bisphenol A (BPA)
in mice genetically modified to overproduce the protein HER2/erbB2, present in
about 15-30 percent of women with breast cancer ... We found the lower doses of
BPA to be capable of activating several growth-factor-receptor pathways that
previously have been implicated in cancer. This was not observed with the higher
BPA doses ... This is counterintuitive since BPA in low levels was presumed to
be safe"
Chemical makers say BPA no longer used in bottles - USA Today, 10/7/11 -
"Makers of the controversial chemical bisphenol-A have
asked federal regulators to phase out rules that allow its use in baby bottles
and sippy cups, saying those products haven't contained the plastic-hardening
ingredient for two years" - Note: I don't know why they don't just faze
it out all together. I bought some plastic disposable food containers for
touch-up painting around the house and even those said "BPA free".
exposure in utero may increase predisposition to breast cancer - Science
Daily, 10/3/11 - "Researchers analyzed changes in the
mammary gland of female offspring that were exposed to BPA through their mothers
in utero and while being breast fed. The mammary glands of BPA exposed females
showed an increased response to the hormone progesterone. Lifetime exposure to
progesterone has been linked to increase breast cancer risk ... adult females
who had been exposed to BPA in utero and while breast fed, showed a 1.5 fold
increase in cell numbers in their milk ducts. This is comparable to what is seen
upon similar exposure to another estrogenic compound, diethyllbestrol (DES).
Uterine exposure to DES in the human population has been shown to increase the
relative risk of getting breast cancer two-fold as women reach their fifties"
alters development of in vitro ova and could increase risk of Down syndrome,
study suggests - Science Daily, 9/21/11 - "The
research, published in Human Reproduction, was carried out with a culture of
21,570 in vitro oocytes. Results demonstrated that exposure to Bisphenol A in
concentration levels permitted by health authorities is harmful to the fetus.
BPA reduces the number of oocytes (cells which develop into ova) and therefore
can affect negatively a woman's fertility and double the risk of chromosome
exchange during the cell division process. Specific observations of chromosome
21 in the development of 90 oocytes revealed that exposure to BPA could increase
the risk of Down Syndrome in the future offspring of the fetus ... The research
provides conclusive data for the debate on how BPA affects the health of
individuals ... Concentration levels applied in the experiments were within the
safety limits marked by European (EFSA) and US (EPA) authorities"
BPA in Canned Foods: Should You Worry? - ABC News, 9/21/11 -
"Topping the list was Campbell's Disney Princess Cool
Shapes with 148 parts per billion. The average level across all 12 cans was 49
parts per billion ... BPA, a key ingredient in hard plastics and resins used to
coat metal cans, made headlines in 2008 when it was shown to leach out of
plastic when heated. The Canadian government responded by banning the chemical
from baby bottles. In the United States, the federal government has not followed
suit, but several local governments have and leading U.S. baby bottle
manufacturers went BPA-free voluntarily. But the chemical continues to line the
country's cans ... Laboratory studies in cells and animals have linked the
chemical to cancer, infertility, diabetes and obesity. But the consequences of
chronic exposure in humans remain unclear. Nevertheless, many experts and
parents err on the side of caution"
Some Aluminum Water Bottles Leach BPA - WebMD, 7/12/11 -
"In a carefully controlled test, where researchers
stored ultra-pure water in several different kinds of containers for five days,
they found that some aluminum bottles released up to five times the amount of
BPA that was shed by the older, polycarbonate bottles ... If you pick up an
aluminum bottle from your super-cheap discount retailer, you can’t be so sure
what’s in it ... Especially aluminum, because they do require a lining of some
sort ... Sometimes, that sprayed-on liner is made with an epoxy resin that
contains BPA"
BPA-exposed male deer mice are demasculinized and undesirable to females, new
study finds - Science Daily, 6/27/11 - "The latest
research from the University of Missouri shows that BPA causes male deer mice to
become demasculinized and behave more like females in their spatial navigational
abilities, leading scientists to conclude that exposure to BPA during human
development could be damaging to behavioral and cognitive traits that are unique
to each sex and important in reproduction ... In the study, female deer mice
were fed BPA-supplemented diets two weeks prior to breeding and throughout
lactation. The mothers were given a dosage equivalent to what the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration considers a non-toxic dose and safe for mothers to ingest"
exposure to BPA changes development of uterus in primates, study suggests -
Science Daily, 6/7/11 - "The new study used the rhesus
monkey, a species that is very similar to humans in regard to pregnancy and
fetal development, said Williams, a study co-author ... During a period that
represented the third trimester of human pregnancy, the investigators gave BPA
to 12 pregnant monkeys, each carrying a single female fetus ... In the first
year of the experiment, six monkeys received BPA orally in a fruit treat, at a
dose of 400 micrograms per kilogram of body weight daily, the researchers
reported. During the second year, six additional pregnant monkeys received BPA
through capsules implanted subcutaneously (below the skin), for a daily dose of
100 micrograms per kilogram. Both forms of BPA resulted in a BPA level in the
blood that is close to levels normally found in adult women, according to the
authors' abstract ... The investigators analyzed the uterus of each offspring
for gene expression. Oral BPA altered expression of HOX and WNT genes that are
critical for uterine development, they found. They are still analyzing the data
for the animals that received subcutaneous BPA"
lowers male fertility, mouse study finds - Science Daily, 6/4/11 -
"Mice that received daily BPA injections for two months
had lower sperm counts and testosterone levels than those of mice that received
saline injections without BPA ... Compared with untreated controls, mice exposed
to BPA produced litters that were 50 percent smaller ... We are being exposed to
BPA in our daily lives at a level much higher than the safe recommended exposure
... this study, we are trying to explore what the outcome can be if we are
continuously exposed to BPA in our routine life ... BPA-exposed mice received a
dose that was twice the daily upper limit of safe exposure recommended by the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency ... At
a BPA dosage of 100 micrograms per kilogram of body weight daily, the mice also
had structural defects in their testicles and were considered subfertile. If the
same dose had been given longer than two months, Singh speculated that it might
lead to infertility"
Bisphenol A (BPA) accumulates more rapidly within the body than previously
thought - Science Daily, 6/6/11 - "In previous
studies examining the effects of BPA, mice were exposed to BPA only through a
one-time administration. Following the exposure through the diet, a
significantly greater increase in the active form of BPA, which is the greatest
threat as it is the form that can bind to sex steroid receptors and exert
adverse effects, was absorbed and accumulated in the animals ... People are
primarily and unknowingly exposed to BPA through the diet because of the various
plastic and paper containers used to store our food are formulated with BPA ...
We know that the active form of BPA binds to our steroid receptors, meaning it
can affect estrogen, thyroid and testosterone function. It might also cause
genetic mutations. Thus, this chemical can hinder our ability to reproduce and
possibly cause behavioral abnormalities that we are just beginning to understand
... We believe that these mouse model studies where the BPA exposure is through
the diet is a more accurate representation of what happens to BPA as the human
body attempts to processes this toxic substance"
reported BPA level in pregnant woman and associated abnormalities in infant
- Science Daily, 5/11/11 - "Pregnant women are often
exposed to BPA in their daily lives ... At 27 weeks of pregnancy, the mother had
the highest reported urinary BPA concentration of anyone in the general
population. She reported consuming canned foods and beverages, and using and
microwaving plastic food storage containers consistently during this pregnancy
time period. All of these exposures could have led to her extremely high BPA
concentration. Her infant had a normal newborn neurobehavioral exam but had many
neurobehavioral abnormalities at the one-month study visit including: increased
muscle tone, tremors, and abnormal movements. The child went on to have normal
neurobehavioral assessments yearly from one to five years of age ... This case
study confirms previous studies documenting multiple sources of BPA exposure in
humans. Additionally, it highlights the need for medical providers to be aware
of the harmful effects of BPA exposures so they may counsel families
appropriately about prevention. The study also identifies potential sources of
BPA exposure that can be targeted to reduce exposures in the future. "Families
can decrease their exposure to BPA by eating fresh fruit and vegetables (as
opposed to processed and canned foods) and by decreasing use of plastic food
storage containers," said Sathyanarayana. "Check the recycling code of your
plastics on the bottom. If it shows #7, then the plastic may contain BPA"
A Study Shows Connections Between Maternal Exposure to BPA and Childhood Asthma
- Time Magazine, 5/2/11 - "At 6 months old, infants
whose mothers had high levels of BPA were twice as likely to show wheezing as
babies whose mothers who had low levels"
Bisphenol A exposures lower in Canadians compared to Americans - Science
Daily, 2/27/11 - "Canada invoked the precautionary
principle when it became the first country in the world to declare bisphenol A a
health hazard in October 2010 ... The comparison between concentrations measured
in Canada and US populations are particularly interesting because these two
populations are often thought to be demographically similar ... Surprisingly,
for each age group that was analysed, the concentrations found in Canadians were
approximately half those found in Americans ... differences in sources such as
food packaging and thermal receipt papers might be a factor" - Note:
This is probably the main reason:
Study finds toxic chemicals in pregnant womens' bodies - USATODAY.com,
1/13/11 - "BPA — an estrogen-like ingredient in plastic
found in 96% of pregnant women — affects the development of the brain, prostate
and behavior in children exposed both before and after birth. Lead and mercury
are known to cause brain damage"
Bisphenol A may have role in ovarian dysfunction - Science Daily, 1/13/11 -
"Our research shows that BPA may be more harmful to
women with hormonal and fertility imbalances like those found in PCOS ... These
women should be alert to the potential risks and take care of themselves by
avoiding excessive every-day consumption of food or drink from plastic
containers ... Blood levels of BPA were nearly 60 percent higher in lean women
with PCOS and more than 30 percent higher in obese women with the syndrome when
compared to controls. Additionally, as BPA levels increased, so did
concentrations of the male sex hormone testosterone and androstenedione, a
steroid hormone that converts to testosterone"
Increased BPA exposure linked to reduced egg quality in women - Science
Daily, 12/15/10 - "As blood levels of BPA in the women
studied doubled, the percentage of eggs that fertilized normally declined by 50
percent ... Given the widespread nature of BPA exposure in the U.S., even a
modest effect on reproduction is of substantial concern"
Health Buzz: Paper Money Contaminated With BPA - US News and World Report,
12/10/10 - "Since BPA can easily rub off onto fingers
and other items, researchers from the Washington Toxics Coalition and the
advocacy group Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families collected store receipts from
20 states and Washington D.C, and detected "very large quantities" of BPA on
more than half ... Even a well-informed consumer can't avoid exposure when
contamination is so pervasive and constant" - [Consumer
Daily Bisphenol A
Excretion and Associations With Sex Hormone Concentrations
- Medscape, 12/3/10
Perinatal bisphenol-A exposure may affect fertility - Science Daily, 12/2/10
- "At the highest of three doses tested, only 60% of the
BPA-exposed mice had four or more deliveries over a 32-week period, compared
with 95% in the unexposed control group. Decline of the reproductive capacity of
the female mice in this study was not obvious at first pregnancy, when the
animals were very young, but manifested later in life with a decline in number
of pups born per delivery ... BPA has been found in the urine of over 92% of
Americans tested, with higher levels in children and adolescents relative to
adults. It has also been detected in human maternal and fetal plasma ... The
three doses of BPA tested are within the range of human exposure and below the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reference dose (i.e., the maximal
acceptable daily dose)"
levels in US foods 1,000 times less than limits, study finds - Science
Daily, 11/2/10 - Note: Instead of wasting their time on this why didn't the
measure the amount in the blood of the general population? It would have been
more meaningful.
to BPA associated with reduced semen quality - Science Daily, 10/28/10 -
"this new study adds to emerging human evidence
questioning the safety of BPA, a chemical created in the production of
polycarbonated plastics and epoxy resins found in baby bottles, plastic
containers, the linings of cans used for food and beverages, and in dental
sealants ... Compared with men without detectable urine BPA, those with
detectable urine BPA had more than three times the risk of lowered sperm
concentration and lower sperm vitality, more than four times the risk of a lower
sperm count, and more than twice the risk of lower sperm motility"
High BPA Levels May Hurt Sperm Quality - WebMD, 10/27/10 -
"those with higher levels of BPA exposure had two to
four times the risk of poor semen quality, including low sperm count and
motility (the ability of the sperm to move toward the egg), compared to their
counterparts who had lower levels of urinary BPA or no detectable BPA in their
urine ... "In most cases, avoiding BPA doesn’t cost much." Simple ways to steer
clear of BPA involve not eating canned foods ... adult men are sensitive to BPA,
and even small amounts of the chemical can have pretty drastic effects"
than predicted human exposure to the toxic chemical bisphenol A or BPA, new
study indicates - Science Daily, 9/20/10 - "This
study provides convincing evidence that BPA is dangerous to our health at
current levels of human exposure ... BPA manufacturers have argued that BPA is
safe and have denied the validity of more than 200 studies that showed adverse
health effects in animals due to exposure to very low doses of BPA" - See
Stainless Steel Bottle - 26 oz., Custom Printed Stainless Steel Bottle at
Motivators.com. I ordered 75 with my logo for local customers and friends.
I've got no affiliation with them.
Researchers analyze impact of chemical BPA in dental sealants used in children
- Science Daily, 9/10/10
Dental sealants temporarily raise BPA levels - USA Today, 9/6/10 -
"BPA levels in saliva can spike to 88 times higher than
normal immediately after a dental sealing"
In Feast of Data
on BPA Plastic, No Final Answer - New York Times, 9/6/10 -
"The mountains of data produced so far show conflicting
results as to whether BPA is dangerous, in part because different laboratories
have studied the chemical in different ways. Animal strains, doses, methods of
exposure and the results being measured — as crude as body weight or as delicate
as gene expression in the brain — have all varied, making it difficult or
impossible to reconcile the findings. In science, no experiment is taken
seriously unless other researchers can reproduce it, and difficulties in
matching BPA studies have led to fireworks ... In people, the most notorious
example of an endocrine disruptor is the drug diethylstilbestrol, or DES, which
was given to pregnant women in the 1950s in the mistaken belief that it could
prevent miscarriage. The drug turned out to be a disaster, causing vaginal
cancers and reproductive problems in some of the women’s daughters, and
abnormalities in the reproductive organs in some sons. But DES is a far stronger
estrogen mimic than is BPA, and women were exposed to much higher levels of it
... “I could see there was some consistent data,” Dr. Prins said. “I started
thinking, ‘Hmm, maybe there could be something there.’ It was still curious to
me. This is not a regular toxicant. It’s acting like a hormone, and hormones can
act at extremely low doses. If you think the dose makes the poison, it doesn’t
make sense. But if you think about it as a hormone — and I’m an endocrinologist
— it does make sense.""
may be harmed by exposure to BPA, study suggests - Science Daily, 8/3/10 -
"We found that if we compare somebody in the top
quartile of exposure with the lowest quartile of exposure, sperm concentration
was on average about 23 percent lower in men with the highest BPA ... Results
also suggested a 10 percent increase in sperm DNA damage"
Early-life exposure to BPA may affect testis function in adulthood - Science
Daily, 6/21/10 - "Exposure to environmental levels of
the industrial chemical bisphenol A, or BPA, in the womb and early life may
cause long-lasting harm to testicular function"
with polycystic ovary syndrome have higher BPA blood levels, study finds -
Science Daily, 6/21/10 - "Excessive secretion of
androgens -- masculinization-promoting hormones -- occurs in PCOS. The syndrome
raises the risk of infertility, obesity, Type 2 diabetes and heart disease ...
Blood levels of BPA, compared with those of controls, were nearly 60 percent
higher in lean women with PCOS and more than 30 percent higher in obese women
with the syndrome ... Additionally, as the BPA blood level increased, so did the
concentrations of the male sex hormone testosterone and androstenedione, a
steroid hormone that converts to testosterone"
Early-life exposure to BPA may affect testis function in adulthood - Science
Daily, 6/21/10 - "Exposure to environmental levels of
the industrial chemical bisphenol A, or BPA, in the womb and early life may
cause long-lasting harm to testicular function"
Most cans
of food contain controversial BPA - MSNBC, 6/9/10 -
"BPA, or bisphenol A, is ubiquitous. Simply put, just about anything you eat
that comes out of a can — from Campbell's Chicken Soup and SpaghettiOs to Diet
Coke and BumbleBee Tuna — contains the same exact chemical ... The exposure to
BPA from canned food "is far more extensive" than from plastic bottles, said
Shanna Swan, a professor and researcher at the University of Rochester in New
York. "It's particularly concerning when it's lining infant formula cans.""
Increasing BPA levels in urine associated with worsening male sexual function,
study finds - Science Daily, 5/26/10 - "Increasing
urine BPA level is associated with decreased sexual desire, more difficulty
having an erection, lower ejaculation strength and lower level of overall
satisfaction with sex life" - See
stainless steel water bottles at Amazon.com.
Bisphenol A and other endocrine-disrupting chemicals pose cancer risk, study
suggests - Science Daily, 5/25/10 -
"endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) .. ample evidence already supports
changing public health and environmental policies to protect the public from
exposure to EDCs ... The strength and breadth of existing research on the
negative effects of EDCs, including bisphenol A, warrants immediate action to
reduce EDC exposure, particularly among the developing fetus and women of
reproductive age"
Canned Food May Expose People to BPA - WebMD, 5/18/10 -
"A study conducted by a coalition of consumer and food
safety groups found detectable levels of BPA in 46 of 50 grocery store cans
tested. The results suggest BPA routinely leaches from can linings into food ...
The highest BPA level detected was 1,140 parts per billion, found in a can of
Del Monte French Style Green Beans"
Environmental Cancer Risk 'Grossly Underestimated'? - WebMD, 5/6/10 -
"The Panel urges you most strongly to use the power of
your office to remove the carcinogens and other toxins from our food, water, and
air that needlessly increase health care costs, cripple our nation's
productivity, and devastate American lives ... The presidential panel says this
greatly underestimates the problem because it does not fully account for
synergistic interactions between environmental contaminants, an increasing
number and amount of pollutants, and the fact that all avoidable causes of
cancer are not known ... Remove shoes before entering the house ... Filter home
tap or well water. Prefer filtered water to commercially bottled water ... Store
and carry water in stainless steel, glass, or BPA- and phthalate-free containers
The Perils of Plastic - Environmental Toxins - Time Magazine, 4/1/10 -
"The levels observed are considered well below the
federal safety threshold of 50 micrograms per kg of body weight per day. But
that recommendation was made 22 years ago, and in the time since, scientists
have learned more about the effects of even a bit of BPA. In 1998, Patricia
Hunt, a geneticist at Washington State University, found that female mice dosed
with BPA had serious reproductive problems, including defective eggs. More
recently, she published a study showing that the offspring of mice exposed to
BPA while pregnant can end up with corrupted eggs, a situation that leads to
trouble for their offspring ... As a synthetic estrogen, BPA can mimic hormones,
those powerful chemicals, like testosterone and adrenaline, that run the body.
Tiny amounts of hormones produce immense biological and behavioral changes"
Stainless Steel Water Bottles at Amazon.com.

EPA: Bisphenol A Is a 'Chemical Concern' - WebMD, 3/31/10 -
"Some experts are concerned that exposure to BPA and
its weak estrogen-like effects during critical periods of human development may
be associated with a wide range of health problems, including behavioral
effects, reproductive problems, cancer, heart disease, and diabetes" -See
Stainless Steel Water Bottles at Amazon.com
BPA leached from 'safe' plastics may damage health of female offspring -
Science Daily, 2/25/10 - "Here's more evidence that
"safe" plastics are not as safe as once presumed: New research published
online in The FASEB Journal suggests that exposure to Bisphenol A (BPA)
during pregnancy leads to epigenetic changes that may cause permanent
reproduction problems for female offspring. BPA, a common component of
plastics used to contain food, is a type of estrogen that is ubiquitous in
the environment"
BPA Not Linked With Ill Effects in 2 Studies - WebMD, 2/19/10
FDA on BPA: 'Some Concern,' No Ban - WebMD, 1/15/10
BPA May Be Linked to Heart Disease Risk - WebMD, 1/12/10 -
"Nearly everyone in the U.S. carries the plastics
chemical BPA in their bodies ... high BPA levels were linked to a higher
risk of heart disease, diabetes, and elevated liver enzymes"
Common plastics chemicals -- phthalates -- linked to ADHD symptoms -
Science Daily, 11/19/09 - "Researchers found a
significant positive association between phthalate exposure and ADHD,
meaning that the higher the concentration of phthalate metabolites in the
urine, the worse the ADHD symptoms and/or test scores"
Study: High Bisphenol A ( BPA) Linked to Sex Problems in Men - Science
Daily, 11/11/09 - "Compared to the unexposed factory
workers in the study, BPA-exposed workers were four times more likely to
report erectile dysfunction, low sexual desire, and less than optimal
satisfaction with their sex lives. They were seven times more likely to
report problems with ejaculation ... BPA has been used for more than three
decades to make plastic bottles and other products shatter resistant and
clear. It is also used in the lining of many canned foods and a wide range
of other commercial goods"
Prenatal Exposure To BPA Might Explain Aggressive Behavior In Some
2-Year-old Girls - Science Daily, 10/6/09
Reproductive Health Effects Found From Low Doses Of Bisphenol-A -
Science Daily, 6/17/09
Bisphenol A Exposure In Pregnant Mice Permanently Changes DNA Of Offspring
- Science Daily, 6/10/09
Bisphenol A (BPA) Found In Many Plastics May Cause Heart Disease In Women,
Research Shows - Science Daily, 6/10/09
Chemical Used To Make Plastics, Found To Leach From Polycarbonate Drinking
Bottles Into Humans - Science Daily, 5/21/09 -
"The study is the first to show that drinking from polycarbonate bottles
increased the level of urinary BPA, and thus suggests that drinking
containers made with BPA release the chemical into the liquid that people
drink in sufficient amounts to increase the level of BPA excreted in human
Bisphenol A May Linger in Body - WebMD, 1/28/09 -
"Now there's evidence that BPA might be in our water as well as in our food,
and that it lingers in our fat tissues ... people with higher urinary BPA
levels have more medical disorders. Another intriguing study from 2008
showed that BPA -- at normal levels of exposure -- disrupts a hormone
involved in insulin sensitivity and diabetes. And a 2007 study showed that
obese people are much more likely to suffer insulin resistance if they have
high fat levels of organic pollutants ... Imagine if what we think is caused
by obesity is actually caused by persistent organics in the fat of obese
people ... If they don't have the organics, they don't have the diabetes.
That would be huge"
Questions Raised About Controversial Plastics Chemical Bisphenol A -
Science Daily, 1/28/09
F.D.A. to
Reconsider Plastic Bottle Risk - NYTimes.com, 12/23/08
Hairspray Is Linked To Common Genital Birth Defect, Says Study - Science
Daily, 11/21/08
Higher Urinary Levels Of Commonly Used Plastic Compound, BPA, Linked To
Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes - Science Daily, 9/16/08 -
"Higher levels of urinary Bisphenol A (BPA), a
chemical compound commonly used in plastic packaging for food and beverages,
is associated with cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and liver-enzyme
abnormalities ... Widespread and continuous exposure to BPA, primarily
through food but also through drinking water, dental sealants, dermal
exposure, and inhalation of household dusts, is evident from the presence of
detectable levels of BPA in more than 90 percent of the U.S. population ...
participants in the highest BPA concentration quartile had nearly three
times the odds of cardiovascular disease compared with those in the lowest
quartile. Similarly, those in the highest BPA concentration quartile had 2.4
times the odds of diabetes compared with those in the lowest quartile ...
higher BPA concentrations were associated with clinically abnormal
concentrations for three liver enzymes"
Studies on the
phytomodulatory potential of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) on bisphenol-A
induced testicular damage in mice - Andrologia. 2019 Dec 3:e13492 -
"Bisphenol A (BPA), an organic synthetic compound and
endocrine disruptor, which majorly cause deleterious effects on male
reproductory system. Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum), associated with
Leguminosae family is used as a herbal medicine with potent antioxidant
properties. The present study was aimed to scrutinise the preventative role of
fenugreek seeds aqueous extract (FSEt) on BPA-induced testicular damage in mice
... FSEt-administered mice showed improvement in the histoarchitecture compared
with BPA-administered animals. In addition, fenugreek treatment showed reduced
levels of malondialdehyde and elevated levels of antioxidant enzymes. Expression
studies of apoptotic markers revealed a significant decrease in the expression
of Bcl-2 and significant increase in caspase-9 and caspase-3. However, FSEt
restored the deleterious effects caused by BPA. The current findings plausibly
might have promising protective role against BPA-induced testicular damage"
- See fenugreek at Amazon.com.
Vitis vinifera (grape)
seed extract and resveratrol alleviate bisphenol-A-induced metabolic syndrome:
Biochemical and molecular evidences - Phytother Res. 2019 Jan 17 -
mechanisms of bisphenol-A (BPA)-induced metabolic syndrome as well as the
protective role of grape seed extract (GSE) and resveratrol were investigated.
Rats were treated with BPA (0 and 35 mg·kg-1 ·day-1 , gavage) plus resveratrol
(25, 50, and 100 mg·kg-1 ·day-1 , i.p.) or GSE (3, 6, 12 mg·kg-1 ·day-1 , i.p.)
or vitamin E (200 IU/kg/every other day, i.p.). After 2 months, mean systolic
blood pressure, serum lipid profile, glycaemia, and fat index were examined ...
BPA increased mean systolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, and low-density
lipoprotein cholesterol and reduced paraoxonase1 and the hepatic expression of
both ABCG5 and ABCG8. It increased the body fat index, leptin, adiponectin,
insulin, and glycaemia level and decreased the hepatic protein expression of p-Akt/Akt
and p-PI3K/PI3k. GSE, resveratrol, or vitamin E coadministration along with BPA
restored the detrimental effects of BPA in some levels. Herein, the predisposing
effects of BPA-induced metabolic syndrome were restored by GSE and resveratrol,
linked to the regulation of insulin signaling, ABCG8 expression, and their
antioxidant properties" - See
grape seed extract at Amazon.com
resveratrol products at Amazon.com .
Exposure to
Bisphenol A From Drinking Canned Beverage Increases Blood Pressure: Randomized
Crossover Trial - Hypertension. 2014 Dec 8 - "We
conducted a randomized crossover trial with noninstitutionalized adults, who
were aged ≥60 years and recruited from a local community center. A total of 60
participants visited the study site 3 times, and they were provided the same
beverage in 2 glass bottles, 2 cans, or 1 can and 1 glass bottle at a time ...
The urinary BPA concentration increased after consuming canned beverages by
>1600% compared with that after consuming glass bottled beverages. Systolic
blood pressure adjusted for daily variance increased by ≈4.5 mm Hg after
consuming 2 canned beverages compared with that after consuming 2 glass bottled
beverages, and the difference was statistically significant"
Bisphenol A (BPA) given to rats at moderate doses is associated with erectile
dysfunction, cavernosal lipofibrosis and alterations of global gene
transcription - Int J Impot Res. 2013 Dec 5 - "In
all, 2.5-month-old rats were given drinking water daily without and with BPA at
1 and 0.1 mg kg-1 per day ... Orally administered BPA did not affect body
weight, but (1) decreased serum T and E2; (2) reduced the EFS response and
increased the drop rate; (3) increased within the corporal tissue the presence
of fat, myofibroblasts and apoptosis; (4) lowered the contents of SM and stem
cells, but not nerve terminals; and (5) caused alterations in the
transcriptional profiles for both mRNA and miRs within the penile shaft.
Long-term exposure of rats to oral BPA caused a moderate corporal veno-occlusive
dysfunction (CVOD), possibly due to alterations within the corporal tissue that
pose gene transcriptional changes related to inflammation, fibrosis and
epithelial/mesenchymal transition (EMT)"
of Bisphenol A Exposure With Heart Rate Variability and Blood Pressure -
Hypertension. 2012 Jul 30 - "Recent studies have
suggested that cardiovascular diseases are associated with the BPA exposure. The
aim of present study was to investigate the associations of urinary BPA with
heart rate variability and blood pressure ... We observed that urinary BPA was
associated negatively with the root mean square of successive differences for
heart rate and positively with blood pressure. The odds ratio of showing
hypertension (systolic blood pressure ≥140 mm Hg or diastolic blood pressure ≥90
mm Hg) was 1.27 (95% CI, 0.85-1.88) in the fourth quartile compared with the
first quartile of urinary BPA concentration. When the analyses were restricted
to participants who did not report previous history of hypertension (n=258), the
odds ratio was increased to 2.35 (95% CI, 1.33-4.17)"
Bisphenol A (BPA) Concentration Associates with Obesity and Insulin Resistance
- J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2011 Nov 16 - "Bisphenol A
(BPA) is one of the world's highest-volume chemicals in use today. Previous
studies have suggested BPA disturbs body weight regulation and promotes obesity
and insulin resistance. But epidemiological data in humans were limited ... The
participants in the highest quartile of BPA had the highest prevalence of
generalized obesity [odds ratio (OR) = 1.50; 95% confidence interval (CI) =
1.15-1.97], abdominal obesity (OR = 1.28; 95% CI = 1.03-1.60), and insulin
resistance (OR = 1.37; 95% CI = 1.06-1.77). In participants with BMI under 24
kg/m(2), compared with the lowest quartile, the highest quartile of BPA
increased the prevalence of insulin resistance by 94% (OR = 1.94; 95% CI =
1.20-3.14), but this association was not observed in those with BMI of 24
kg/m(2) or higher"
between Urinary Bisphenol A Levels and Diabetes Mellitus - J Clin Endocrinol
Metab. 2011 Sep 28 - "Bisphenol A (BPA) is a widely used
chemical in the manufacture of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins. Recent
animal studies have suggested that BPA exposure may have a role in the
development of weight gain, insulin resistance, pancreatic endocrine
dysfunction, thyroid hormone disruption, and several other mechanisms involved
in the development of diabetes ... We examined the association between urinary
BPA levels and diabetes mellitus in the National Health and Nutritional
Examination Survey (NHANES) 2003-2008. Urinary BPA levels were examined in
quartiles. The main outcome of interest was diabetes mellitus defined according
the latest American Diabetes Association guidelines. Results: Overall, we
observed a positive association between increasing levels of urinary BPA and
diabetes mellitus, independent of confounding factors such as age, gender,
race/ethnicity, body mass index, and serum cholesterol levels. Compared to
quartile 1 (referent), the multivariate-adjusted odds ratio (95% confidence
interval) of diabetes associated with quartile 4 was 1.50 (1.05-2.14) (p-trend =
0.03). The association was present among normal-weight as well as overweight and
obese subjects"
Concentration of Bisphenol A in Highly Consumed Canned Foods on the US market
- J Agric Food Chem. 2011 May 20 - "Metal food and drink
cans are commonly coated with epoxy films made from phenolic polymers produced
from bisphenol A (BPA). It is well established that residual BPA monomer
migrates into can contents during processing and storage ... This study
quantified BPA concentrations in 78 canned and 2 frozen food products from the
US market using an adaption of a previously reported liquid chromatography
tandem mass spectrometry method. The tested products represented 16 different
food types which are from the can food classifications which constitute
approximately 65% of US canned food sales and canned food consumption. BPA was
detected in 71 of the 78 canned food samples, but was not detected in either of
the 2 frozen food samples. Detectable BPA concentrations across all foods ranged
from 2.6 to 730 ng g-1. Large variations in BPA concentrations were found
between different products of the same food type and between different lots of
the same product. Given the large concentration ranges the only distinguishable
trend was that fruits and tuna showed the lowest BPA concentrations. Experiments
with fortified frozen vegetables and brines as well as higher BPA concentrations
in canned food solids over liquid portions clearly indicated that BPA partitions
into the solid portion of foods"
Disruptors and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): Elevated Serum Levels of
Bisphenol A in Women with PCOS - J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2010 Dec 30 -
"In experimental animals, neonatal exposure to BPA
results in a polycystic ovary-like syndrome (PCOS) in adulthood. A bidirectional
interaction between androgens and BPA levels has been disclosed ... BPA levels
were significantly higher in the total PCOS group compared with the controls
(1.05+/-0.56 vs. 0.72+/-0.37ng/ml, P < 0.001). PCOS women, lean (PCOS-L) and
overweight (PCOS-OW), had higher BPA levels compared to the corresponding
control group lean (C-L) and overweight (C-OW): (PCOS-L = 1.13+/-0.63 vs. C-L =
0.70+/-0.36, P < 0.001) (PCOS-OW = 0.96 +/- 0.46 vs. C-OW = 0.72 +/- 0.39, P <
0.05). A significant association of testosterone (r = 0.192, P < 0.05) and
androstenedione (r = 0.257, P < 0.05) with BPA was observed. Multiple regression
analysis for BPA showed significant correlation with the existence of PCOS (r =
0.497, P < 0.05). BPA was also positively correlated with insulin resistance
(Matsuda index) in the PCOS group"
Bisphenol A
impairs the double-strand break repair machinery in the germline and causes
chromosome abnormalities - Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Nov 8 -
"Bisphenol A (BPA) is a highly prevalent constituent of
plastics that has been associated with diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and an
increased risk of miscarriages in humans ... BPA exposure results in impaired
chromosome synapsis and disruption of meiotic double-strand break repair (DSBR)
progression. BPA carries an anti-estrogenic activity in the germline and results
in germline-specific down-regulation of DSBR genes, thereby impairing
maintenance of genomic integrity during meiosis. C. elegans therefore
constitutes a model of remarkable relevance to mammals with which to assess how
our chemical landscape affects germ cells and meiosis"