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Home > Anti-aging Research > Canola Oil.

Canola Oil

News & Research:

  • Maternal diets rich in Omega-3 fatty acids may protect offspring from breast cancer, study suggests - Science Daily, 6/28/21 - "Researchers noticed a three-week delay in mortality in mice whose mothers were fed canola oil versus corn oil. The early delay in mortality was significantly different, but the ultimate overall survival rate was not. Eventually, all the mice developed tumors, but the ones fed canola oil had tumors that were slower-growing and smaller than the mice fed corn oil. Translated to human time scale, the duration of the protective effect linked to the maternal diet would be equivalent to several months" - See omega-3 supplements at Amazon.com and iHerb.
  • Canola oil linked to worsened memory and learning ability in Alzheimer's - Science Daily, 12/7/17 - "In that study, they found that Alzheimer mice fed a diet enriched with extra-virgin olive oil had reduced levels of amyloid plaques and phosphorylated tau and experienced memory improvement. For their latest work, they wanted to determine whether canola oil is similarly beneficial for the brain ... Most significantly, mice that had consumed canola oil over a period of six months suffered impairments in working memory ... Examination of brain tissue from the two groups of mice revealed that canola oil-treated animals had greatly reduced levels of amyloid beta 1-40. Amyloid beta 1-40 is the more soluble form of the amyloid beta proteins. It generally is considered to serve a beneficial role in the brain and acts as a buffer for the more harmful insoluble form, amyloid beta 1-42 ... The findings suggest that long-term consumption of canola oil is not beneficial to brain health"
  • Trimming the spare tire: Canola oil may cut belly fat - Science Daily, 11/2/16 - "after one month of adhering to diets that included canola oil, participants had .11 kilograms, or a quarter pound, less belly fat than they did before the diet ... In order to incorporate canola oil into the diet, Kris-Etherton suggests using it when sautéing foods, in baking, adding it to a smoothie and in salad dressings ... Canola oil is high in monounsaturated fatty acids, which have been shown to have beneficial effects on body composition, especially in people with obesity"
  • Canola oil may be an oil of choice for people with type 2 diabetes - Science Daily, 6/15/14 - "those on the canola bread diet experienced both a reduction in blood glucose levels and a significant reduction in LDL, or "bad," cholesterol ... the canola bread diet seemed to have the most significant impact on people who needed help the most -- those whose HbA1c test measuring blood glucose over the previous two or three months was highest ... the reduction in LDL cholesterol observed in his study of 141 people could translate into a 7 per cent reduction in cardiovascular events. He said the benefit could also be translated into an additional 20mg dose of one of the cholesterol-reducing drugs known as statins -- a doubling of a standard dose" -[Abstract] - Note:  I've seen websites basically claiming that canola oil is poison.  I never bought off on it because they couldn't provide any research.  That said, the amount of oil in most recipes is about a tablespoon or two per loaf.  It doesn't seem possible that that little oil would have that large of effect.
  • Canola oil protects against colon cancer, study suggests - Science Daily, 4/19/11 - "canola oil inhibited the average number of tumors per rat by 58 percent compared to one of the other two control diets in the experiment, and inhibited the size of the tumors that occurred by 90 percent ... canola oil inhibited the average number of tumors per rat by 58 percent compared to one of the other two control diets in the experiment, and inhibited the size of the tumors that occurred by 90 percent ... studies have indicated that if consumers use canola as household cooking oil, it could push their ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids to about 3 to 1. That's very desirable. Humans need Omega-6 fatty acids, too, but they typically consume way too much of them in countries such as the United States ... It should be less than 4 to 1. But in a typical American diet, when we use other oil and butter, our ratio is 10 to 1 or higher. We consume a lot more Omega-6 than Omega-3 fatty acids"
  • Omega 3: Implications in Human Health and Disease - PowerPak.com - "It should be noted, however, that flaxseed or flaxseed oil does not contain EPA or DHA. Thus flaxseed and fish oil are not interchangeable sources of omega 3 fatty acids per se" - I believe the same holds true for canola oil - Ben
  • Canola Oil May Affect Breast Cancer Risk - WebMD, 11/18/08 - "Could the type of oil a woman consumes during pregnancy influence her daughter's breast cancer risk years later? ... pregnant women may be better off choosing canola oil over most other vegetable oils ... Corn oil has 50% omega-6 and almost no omega-3, while canola oil has 20% omega-6 and 10% omega-3,""
  • Canola Oil for Popcorn? - Dr. Weil, 11/6/07
  • Canola Oil Reduces Risk of Heart Disease - Intelihealth, 10/9/06 - "Labels can say that limited evidence suggests eating 19 grams -- about 1 1/2 tablespoons -- of canola oil daily may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease due to its unsaturated fat content, the FDA said"
  • Healthy Oils Like Canola Key Sources of Fat in American Diet - investors.com, 1/13/05
  • Diglyceride-Rich Foods May Promote Weight Loss - New Hope Natural Media, 1/30/03 - "79 obese men and women from ages 19 to 75 were assigned to incorporate specific food products that contained high amounts of diglycerides (from rapeseed oil, also known as Canola oil) or triglycerides (from rapeseed, soybean and safflower oils) in their diets for 24 weeks. All participants were put on a low-calorie diet that contained 30% to 35% of energy as fat, 45% to 50% of energy as carbohydrate, and 15% to 20% of energy as protein ... Body weight and total fat mass decreased significantly in the group consuming diglycerides by almost 4% and 8%, respectively, compared with those consuming triglycerides"
  • Best Heart Benefits From Canola and Fish Oils -- Not Olive Oil - WebMD, 3/14/00 - "Most people don't realize that the Lyon diet did not use olive oil ... Ten volunteers, all with normal cholesterol levels, were given three meals composed of canola oil and bread, olive oil and bread, or salmon, with each meal totaling 50 g of fat ... The olive oil meal caused vessels to constrict by 34%, whereas the canola oil and salmon meals caused insignificant changes in blood vessels, Vogel reports. Because such constrictions injure the blood vessels' endothelium, they contribute to heart disease"


  • Effects of Different Vegetable Oils on the Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in C57/BL Mice - Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2023 Jan 14 - "the commercial vegetable oils either contributed to the prevention or reduction of induced nonalcoholic fatty liver with high fat and fructose diet, especially canola oil"
  • The Postprandial Effect of Components of the Mediterranean Diet on Endothelial Function - J Am Coll Cardiol 2000;36:1455–60 - "In terms of their postprandial effect on endothelial function, the beneficial components of the Mediterranean and Lyon Diet Heart Study diets appear to be antioxidant-rich foods, including vegetables, fruits, and their derivatives such as vinegar, and omega-3-rich fish and canola oils"
  • Differential effects of dietary canola and soybean oil intake on oxidative stress in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats - Lipids Health Dis. 2011 Jun 13;10(1):98 - "Canola oil shortens the life span of stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive (SHRSP) rats compared with rats fed soybean oil when given as the sole dietary lipid source. One possible mechanism leading to the damage and deterioration of organs due to canola oil ingestion is oxidative stress ... Canola oil ingestion significantly decreased the life span of SHRSP rats compared with soybean oil, 85.8 +/- 1.1 and 98.3 +/- 3.4 days, respectively. Systolic blood pressure increased over time with a significant difference between the diets at the 6th week of feeding. Canola oil ingestion significantly reduced RBC superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and catalase activities, total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol compared with soybean oil. There were no significant differences in RBC MDA concentration between canola oil fed and soybean oil fed rats. In contrast, plasma MDA and 8-isoprostane concentration was significantly lower in the canola oil group compared to the soybean oil group"
  • Effects of canola and corn oil mimetic on Jurkat cells - Lipids Health Dis. 2011 Jun 1;10(1):90 - "The Western diet is high in omega-6 fatty acids and low in omega-3 fatty acids. Canola oil contains a healthier omega-3 to omega-6 ratio than corn oil ... There was a significant difference in the lipid profiles of the cells after treatment. Differential action of the oils on inflammatory molecules, following treatment at non-cytotoxic levels, indicated that canola oil mimetic was anti-inflammatory whereas corn oil mimetic was pro-inflammatory. Significance: These results indicate that use of canola oil in the diet instead of corn oil might be beneficial for diseases promoted by inflammation"
  • Chemopreventive Effects of Dietary Canola Oil on Colon Cancer Development - Nutr Cancer. 2011 Jan 24:1 - "Dietary canola oil significantly (P < 0.05) decreased colonic tumor incidence and tumor multiplicity as compared to dietary corn oil in rats. Fatty acid analysis showed that corn oil group had higher levels of ω-6 fatty acid levels, whereas the canola oil groups exhibited higher levels of ω-3 fatty acids from the colon and serum samples of rats. For the mechanistic study, COX-2 expression in the colon samples from the canola oil group was significantly lower (P < 0.05) as compared to the corn oil group. Taken together, dietary canola oil may be chemopreventive for colon tumor development in Fischer rats as compared to possibly by increasing ω-3 fatty acid levels and decreasing COX-2 levels"