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Atkin's/Keto Diets
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Popular keto and paleo diets aren’t helping
your heart, report says - Washington Post, 4/27/23 -
"Ketogenic and paleo diets may be trendy, but they won’t do your heart any
favors ... The authors said one of the purposes of their report was to counter
widespread misinformation about nutrition promoted by diet books, blogs and
people on TikTok, Instagram and Twitter — where posts promoting keto and paleo
eating plans have surged in recent years ... The amount of misinformation that
has flourished on social media sites has reached “critical levels"
Report: Keto diet could increase risk of heart disease, cardiac events -
10News.com, 3/7/23 - "Our study found that regular
consumption of a self-reported diet low in carbohydrates and high in fat was
associated with increased levels of LDL cholesterol— or “bad” cholesterol—and a
higher risk of heart disease"
High-Protein Diets, Like the Popular Dr. Dukan Diet, Increase the Risk of
Developing Kidney Disease in Rats, Study Suggests - Science Daily, 1/21/14 -
"researchers studied 20 Wistar rats, divided into two
groups of 10. The first group were fed a high-protein diet of commercial
hydrolysed protein supplements with a 45% protein level. The control group were
fed a normal protein diet. The experiment lasted 12 weeks, which is the
equivalent of 9 years in human terms ... the rats on a high-protein diet lost up
to 10% of their body weight over the 12 weeks with no improvement in their
plasma lipid profile. Moreover, urinary citrate in these rats was 88% lower and
urinary pH was 15% more acidic. In the animals fed a high-protein diet, kidney
weight increased by 22%, glomerular area -- the network of capillaries that
filter blood in the kidneys -- by 13%, and the mesangium -- a collagen structure
surrounded by these capillaries -- by 32% ... Eating large amounts of fruit and
vegetables reduces the risk of kidney stones forming -- probably due to their
high potassium and magnesium content, which compensates for the acidity of the
high-protein diet"
High intakes
of protein and processed meat associate with increased incidence of type 2
diabetes - Br J Nutr. 2012 Aug 1:1-11 - "Dietary
data were collected with a modified diet history method, including registration
of cooked meals. During 12 years of follow-up, 1709 incident type 2 diabetes
cases were identified. High protein intake was associated with increased risk of
type 2 diabetes (hazard ratio (HR) 1.27 for highest compared with lowest
quintile; 95 % CI 1.08, 1.49; P for trend = 0.01). When protein consumption
increased by 5 % of energy at the expense of carbohydrates (HR 1.20; 95 % CI
1.09, 1.33) or fat (HR 1.21; 95 % CI 1.09, 1.33), increased diabetes risk was
observed. Intakes in the highest quintiles of processed meat (HR 1.16; 95 % CI
1.00, 1.36; P for trend = 0.01) and eggs (HR 1.21; 95 % CI 1.04, 1.41; P for
trend = 0.02) were associated with increased risk. Intake of fibre-rich bread
and cereals was inversely associated with type 2 diabetes (HR 0.84; 95 % CI
0.73, 0.98; P for trend = 0.004). In conclusion, results from the present large
population-based prospective study indicate that high protein intake is
associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Replacing protein with
carbohydrates may be favourable, especially if fibre-rich breads and cereals are
chosen as carbohydrate sources"
Significant cardiovascular risk with Atkins-style diets, experts warn -
Science Daily, 6/27/12 - "Although the actual
numbers are small (an extra 4-5 cases of cardiovascular disease per 10,000
women per year) the authors say that this is a 28% increase in the number of
cases and that these results are worrying in a population of young women who
may be exposed to these dietary patterns and face the excess risk for many
years ... authors carried out a study on just under 44,000 Swedish women
aged between 30 and 49 years from 1991-92 (with an average follow-up of 15
years) ... After adjusting for other cardiovascular risk factors, there was
still a significant 5% increase in the likelihood of a cardiovascular event
or death with every two point increase in the LCHP score. The 5% increase
resulted from a daily decrease of 20g of carbohydrates (equivalent to a
small bread roll) and a daily increase of 5g of protein (equivalent to one
boiled egg)"
High-Protein Diet Raises Type 2 Diabetes Risk - Medscape, 9/13/11 -
"The study consisted of 27,140 individuals 45 to 74
years of age who participated in the Malmö Diet and Cancer study ... the
researchers found a 37% increased risk for type 2 diabetes associated with
high protein intake (hazard ratio [HR], 1.37; 95% confidence interval [CI],
1.17 to 1.61; P for trend < .001]. High intake of processed meat was also
associated with an elevated risk for diabetes (HR, 1.17; 95% CI, 1.00 to
1.36; P for trend = .005) ... The intake of breads and cereals rich in fiber
was associated with a lower risk of developing diabetes (HR, 0.95; 95% CI,
0.92 to 0.98; P for trend = .005)"
Animal-Based Low-Carbohydrate Diet Linked to Higher All-Cause Mortality
- Medscape, 9/7/10 - "In a pooled analysis comparing
the lowest vs the highest deciles, overall low-carbohydrate score was
associated with a slight increase in overall mortality rates (hazard ratio
[HR], 1.12; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.01 - 1.24; P for trend = .136).
Higher animal-based low-carbohydrate score was associated with higher
all-cause mortality rates (pooled HR, 1.23; 95% CI, 1.11 - 1.37; P for trend
= .051), cardiovascular deaths (HR, 1.14; 95% CI, 1.01 - 1.29; P for trend =
.029), and cancer-related deaths (corresponding HR, 1.28; 95% CI, 1.02 -
1.60; P for trend = .089) ... In contrast, higher vegetable-based
low-carbohydrate score was linked to reduced all-cause mortality rates (HR,
0.80; 95% CI, 0.75 - 0.85; P for trend ≤ .001) and cardiovascular deaths
(HR, 0.77; 95% CI, 0.68 - 0.87; P for trend < .001)"
High-protein diets may cause bone loss in older women, study - Nutra
USA, 7/8/10 - "Study 1 ... on average, all women
lost around 19 pounds, but those who ate the higher-protein, meat-containing
diet also lost bone mineral density by about 1.4 percent ... Study 2 ... All
women lost weight, but the groups that consumed the higher-protein
meat-containing diets again also lost bone mineral density by up to 1.4
percent compared to the control group ... In the first study, all the
participants con­sumed calcium supplements to achieve calcium intakes of
2,000mg per day. In the second study, about half of the participants
con­sumed calcium supplements ... However, in neither case were the
supplements found to impact the loss of bone density"
Eat less, live longer? - New Scientist, 6/3/10 -
"One piece of evidence for this idea comes from studies in fruit flies and
rodents. If these animals are fed special diets with less amino acids - the
building blocks of proteins - they can eat as many calories as they want and
still live longer ... The protein theory is bad news for people on
low-carbohydrate weight-loss plans like the Atkins diet. "I'd be wary of
diets that put a heavy emphasis on protein," says Piper. "It's hard to see
how that could be healthy." Fontana goes one step further, saying that
high-protein diets could risk accelerated ageing and cancer ... There may be
another reason for vegans to celebrate. Studies on flies and rodents suggest
that cutting intake of one particular amino acid, called methionine,
lengthens life to a similar degree as calorie restriction. Proteins in meat
and other animal products have high levels of methionine, so a vegan diet
would score well by that measure, too"
Low-Carb Diet Lowers Blood Pressure - WebMD, 1/25/10
'Anti-Atkins' Low Protein Diet Extends Lifespan In Flies - Science
Daily, 10/1/09 - Science Daily, 10/1/09 - "Flies fed
an "anti-Atkins" low protein diet live longer because their mitochondria
function better"
Low-carb Diets Linked To Atherosclerosis And Impaired Blood Vessel Growth
- Science Daily, 8/25/09 - "Even as
low-carbohydrate/high-protein diets have proven successful at helping
individuals rapidly lose weight, little is known about the diets' long-term
effects on vascular health ... mice placed on a 12-week low
carbohydrate/high-protein diet showed a significant increase in
atherosclerosis, a buildup of plaque in the heart's arteries and a leading
cause of heart attack and stroke ... our research suggests that, at least in
animals, these diets could be having adverse cardiovascular effects that are
not reflected in simple serum markers"
Recipe for Diabetes: Too Much Protein, Fat - WebMD, 4/7/09 -
"A high-fat diet may lead to insulin resistance, a
major step on the path to type 2 diabetes. But cutting back on fat may not
help those who continue to eat too much protein"
Atkins-Like Diet Worse for Cholesterol Compared to South Beach, Ornish
Diets, Study Says - WebMD, 4/1/09 - "While on
the low-carb, high-fat diet, LDL cholesterol levels increased slightly,
compared to decreases of about 12% and 17% respectively, during the South
Beach and Ornish phases of the study ... After a month on the Atkins-like
diet, study participants showed less blood vessel flexibility than they did
after a month on the Ornish diet ... CRP levels remained in the normal range
with all three diets, but levels went down slightly while participants were
on the South Beach and Ornish diets and they went up slightly on the
high-fat, low-carb diet"
Low-carb Diets Can Affect Dieters' Cognition Skills - Science Daily,
12/11/08 -
"A new study from the psychology department at Tufts
University shows that when dieters eliminate carbohydrates from their meals,
they performed more poorly on memory-based tasks than when they reduce
calories, but maintain carbohydrates. When carbohydrates were reintroduced,
cognition skills returned to normal"
Ornish: Why
Atkins Still Doesn't Beat Low-Fat Diet - Newsweek, 7/16/08 -
"A new study comparing the Atkins diet, a
Mediterranean diet and a low-fat diet published on July 17 in The New
England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), is likely to inspire headlines saying
that the Atkins diet is better for your waistline and your health than a
low-fat diet ... I believe this study is extremely flawed. Here's why: ...
funded in part by the Atkins Foundation ... quality of data in this study
Effective Weight Loss Diet Revealed, According To New Study - Science
Daily, 1/11/08 - "a high protein, low carbohydrate
diet is most effective at reducing hunger and promoting weight loss, at
least in the short term"
Researchers Nix Low-carb Diet - Science Daily, 12/17/07 -
"The term used to describe diets that produce this
biological effect is ketogenic; hence, Atkins is a ketogenic,
low-carbohydrate (KLC) diet, and the Zone diet is considered a nonketogenic,
low-carbohydrate (NLC) diet ... the ketogenic diet may increase bone loss
because of an increase in acid in the body and not enough intake of
alkalizing minerals, such as potassium, to neutralize this effect. In
addition, a higher percentage of calcium was found in the urine of those on
the KLC diet, leading the researchers to believe that the bones are
“leaching” calcium ... the reduction in fat loss and weight loss was about
the same for both diets over a six-week trial. In addition, body mass index
was significantly lower after six weeks in both diet groups. However, those
following the KLC diet experienced a greater increase in LDL cholesterol
than those following the NLC diet"
Low Carbohydrate Diets May Disrupt Long-term Gut Health - Science Daily,
Atkins Diet Tops Others in Study - washingtonpost.com, 3/6/07 -
"The study by Stanford University researchers
compared the Atkins approach to three others: the standard low-fat, reduced
calorie regimen long recommended by physicians and weight loss experts; the
Zone, a reduced carbohydrate approach developed by author Barry Sears; and
the very low-fat, high-carbohydrate regimen created by physician Dean Ornish
... For all practical purposes the programs all worked about the same ...
The extra four pounds lost by the Atkins group are not very meaningful"
Atkins beats other diet plans in study - USA Today, 3/6/07
Study reignites low-carb high-protein debate - Nutra USA, 9/28/06
Carbohydrate Diet Did Not Increase Bone Loss, Study Finds - Science
Daily, 5/24/06
Study highlights possible health risk with Atkins diet - USA Today,
Low carb lives on – at least for scientists - Nutra USA, 1/19/06
- Low carb diets
'cut heart energy' - BBC News, 11/14/05 -
"the energy stored in the heart was reduced by an
average of 16% among those who followed a high fat, low carbohydrate diet
... One of the participants even noticed he could not manage his daily run
while on the diet"
How Atkins works - possible mechanism discovered - Nutra USA, 11/9/05
A Critical
Appraisal of the Atkins Diet - Dr. Murray's Natural Facts
Study Shows How Very Low-carb Diets Take Off The Pounds - Science Daily,
4/7/05 - "We proved that people lose weight on the
Atkins diet because they eat less (consume fewer calories), not because they
get bored with the diet or lose body water or because the carbohydrate
calories are treated differently by the body than fat or protein calories"
Why Do Low-Carb Diets Cause Weight Loss? - WebMD, 3/14/05 -
"participants in a new study lost weight when they
restricted carbohydrates simply because -- drum roll, please -- they ate
fewer calories"
- Counting calories on your
mobile phone - MSNBC, 12/10/04
- Low-Carb
Diets: Better for Men Than Women? - WebMD, 11/16/04
Very Low-carbohydrate Diets Work For Men And Upper Body Fat - Science
Daily, 11/15/04
- Low-Carb Diets
Work, but Safety Still an Issue - WebMD, 9/2/04 -
"What we are more concerned about is that people on
low-carbohydrate diets begin to complain about side effects: headache,
muscle weakness, and cramps and diarrhea. This is consistent with
carbohydrate deficiency"
Was Atkins Right? New Study Provides Support For Those Who Advocate A High
Protein Diet For Weight Loss And Better Health - Science Daily, 7/20/04
- Is the
Low-Carb Craze Waning? - WebMD, 7/15/04 -
"People have the perception that low-carb diets are
not healthy ... Of all the most popular diet approaches, the one consumers
seem to like best is Weight Watchers"
High Protein Diet May Be Bad For Women Trying To Conceive - Science
Daily, 6/29/04
Low carb diet dangerous for health, says consumer group - Nutra USA,
6/22/04 -
"losing weight by an extremely low-carb diet can
lead to serious health problems such as kidney stress, liver disorders and
- What’s the Best Diet? -
Dr. Weil, 6/11/04
- Is Low-Carb
Eating Increasing Scurvy? - WebMD, 6/10/04 -
"Because scurvy is rarely suspected, people with the
symptoms -- fatigue, limping, bleeding gums, or swollen extremities -- may
not be tested for vitamin C deficiency"
Whey protein better than meat for reducing body weight - Nutra USA,
6/7/04 -
"Increasing the dietary density of
whey protein, but not of red meat, reduced body weight gain by 4 per
cent, they add, while whey protein also reduced plasma insulin concentration
by 40 per cent and increased insulin sensitivity, compared to meat protein"
- See
whey protein products.
- Man sues Atkins over clogged
arteries - MSNBC, 5/28/04
- Low-Carb,
Low-Fat Diets Get Similar Results - WebMD, 5/17/04 -
"six months into a low-carb program, the dramatic
weight loss ends abruptly"
- Low
Carb Nation - Time Magazine Cover Story, 5/3/04 -
"The bigger issue is the long-term health effects of
protein-heavy diets. Very little data is available, but many researchers are
worried that such diets can lead to kidney and liver problems. Research also
suggests that too much protein can leach calcium out of the body, increasing
the risk of osteoporosis"
High protein diet weakens immunity system? - Nutra USA, 3/9/04
- More Carbs,
More Exercise = More Weight Loss - WebMD, 3/5/04 -
"The thinnest people eat the most carbs ... Without
exception, a high-complex-carbohydrate, high-vegetable-protein diet is
associated with low body mass ... High-protein diets were associated with
higher body weight"
Low carbs cause mood 'lows' - Nutra USA, 3/2/04 -
"a lack of carbohydrates will reduce levels of the
mood-regulating hormone seratonin"
- Low-Carb Diets Likely
to Lead to High Calories - Medscape, 2/24/04
- Atkins Food
Pyramid Aims to Clear Confusion - WebMD, 2/17/04
- Are Low-Carb
Diets Unhealthy for Kids? - WebMD, 2/13/04
- The Facts on
Low-Carb Diets and Heart Disease - WebMD, 2/11/04 -
"the lack of long-term data on low-carb diets
severely limits their ability to evaluate their safety and effectiveness in
promoting weight loss as well as reducing the risk of heart disease"
Doctor Atkins was obese, had heart disease - USA Today, 2/10/04 -
"Dr. Robert Atkins, whose popular diet stresses
protein-rich meat and cheese over carbohydrates, weighed 258 pounds at his
death and had a history of heart disease ... Before his death, he had
suffered a heart attack, congestive heart failure and hypertension"
- Atkins Diet
Goes on a Diet - WebMD, 1/21/04
Four Popular Diets All Good for Weight Loss But Not Equal for Reducing Heart
Disease Risk - Doctor's Guide, 11/10/03 -
"Patients were evenly assigned to the Atkins diet
(low carbohydrates), Zone (moderate carbohydrates), Ornish (low-fat
vegetarian), or Weight Watchers (moderate fat) ... the heart disease risk
score is based on the HDL/LDL ratio, and the "Ornish diet does not increase
HDL, while the other diets do achieve significant increases in HDL,""
- I put the results in table form:
At 12
months: |
decrease |
risk score decrease |
Insulin level decrease |
LDL decrease |
HDL increase |
% Completed study |
Atkins |
3.9% |
12.3% |
7.7% |
8.6% |
15.4% |
52% |
Zone |
4.6% |
10.5% |
16.5% |
6.7% |
14.6% |
65% |
Ornish |
6.2% |
6.6% |
19.9% |
16.7% |
2.2% |
50% |
Weight W. |
4.5% |
14.7% |
8.8% |
7.7% |
18.5% |
65% |
- 4 Popular Diets
Heart Healthy - WebMD, 11/10/03 -
"the heart disease risk score is based on the ratio
between LDL cholesterol and HDL "good" cholesterol
... The Atkins and Zone diets increased HDL by
15%, while Weight Watchers posted an 18.5% gain. But the
Ornish diet increased HDL by just 2.2%"
Atkins Center Closes After Founder Dies - Intelihealth, 10/23/03
Low-Carb Diets Are Working, Study Says - Intelihealth, 10/14/03 - Yeah,
but they still aren't addressing dehydration, fiber and the amount of water
that fiber holds in the gut. - Ben
- Low-Carb, More
Calories, Lose Weight? - WebMD, 10/14/03
Low-Carb Backlash? - CBS News, 8/25/03
Low-carb 'lifestyle' goes mainstream - USA Today, 8/18/03
High-Fat Diet, Breast Cancer Linked - CBS News, 7/17/03 -
"those who average more than 90 grams of fat a day
have roughly double the risk of those who eat just 37 grams" - That's
another area that hasn't been fully researched regarding the Atkin's diet.
- Fatty Diet
Raises Diabetes Risk - WebMD, 6/20/03 -
"surveys of people with diabetes have suggested a
link between the amount of saturated fat in a
person's diet and diabetes risk, but until now
that link has not been confirmed by biological evidence ... they looked at
the levels of fatty acids in the blood, which reflects how much saturated
fat a person generally eats over time, and compared it to the risk of
developing type 2 diabetes among a group of 2,909 adults aged 45-64 ...
During nine years of follow-up, 252 of the men and women developed type 2
diabetes ... As the level of fatty acids increased, the likelihood that the
person developed type 2 diabetes also increased" - This is something
else the Atkin's studies should be looking at. This study was nine years.
I believe the longest Atkin's study was one year. - Ben
Weight Loss Benefits Of Low-Carbohydrate Diet May Be Temporary -
Doctor's Guide, 5/29/03 -
"At 3 months, the subjects on the low-carbohydrate
diet had lost more weight than subjects on the conventional diet ... Similar
results were seen at 6 months ... However, the difference at 12 months was
not significant ... Throughout the study, high-density lipoprotein
cholesterol and triglyceride levels were improved among subjects on the
low-carbohydrate diet, but total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol
concentrations were similar between the groups at 3 months ... The lack of a
statistically significant difference (in weight loss) between the groups at
one year is most likely due to greater weight regain in the low-carbohydrate
group and the small sample size ... They note that adherence was poor and
attrition was high in both groups" - [Abstract]
- Some thoughts:
- I graphed it out below. The results would be the opposite if you
project the momentum of the last six months of the graph out to 15
- I feel they should have addressed dehydration caused by high protein
diets, as many critics claim and the percent of weight that would have
accounted for.
- They should have addressed the weight of the fiber and the water that
fiber holds in the gut of the carb people. For example,
apples weight six times as much per calorie as
So a pound of steak would have the same calories as 6 pounds of apples.
That’s a 5 pound difference on the scale (or 2.5% body weight for a 200
pound person) for the same amount of calories until those apples leave
your system. The difference would be even greater for fat as with the a
low-carbohydrate, high-protein, high-fat diet vs. a low-calorie,
high-carbohydrate, low-fat (conventional) diets used in this study.
- Total body water is easy to measure with a body composition analyzer.
It's hard to believe it was out of the budget of this study. Without
knowing the total body water difference from baseline between the two
groups the numbers are meaningless. There seems to be so many flaws
that I tried to find who funded the study but neither the abstract nor
the media articles say. I emailed the head of the study, Dr. Foster and
he admitted that no body composition was taken but said that they were
going to use
in a future trial. If the primary purpose of the study was to determine
what weight loss regiment was more effective but the measurement of that
effectiveness was meaningless without knowing the total body water, then
why did they even have the study?
- High-carb has been known for some time to lower HDL (the good
cholesterol). Why not just go with a balanced diet, i.e., a low
calorie, medium-carbohydrate, medium fat, medium protein diet? It seems
so obvious.
- I was reading up on DEXA and body composition in general. It's an
interesting area and I started a web page
on it.. For example:
The DEXA Van - arizona.edu -
"A woman doesn’t just lose bone, she tends to
lose muscle at the same time, and then she’s more at risk for falling.
If you lose muscle, that lowers your metabolic rate, and you can gain
weight. So losing muscle can contribute to diabetes. All three are

A diet
with 35 % of energy from protein leads to kidney damage in female
Sprague-Dawley rats - Br J Nutr. 2011 May 3:1-8 -
"High-protein (HP) diets for weight loss remain popular despite questions
surrounding overall safety. In a recent study using the pig model, we showed
that long-term intakes from whole proteins at 35 % energy (en %) cause
moderate renal histological damage. To examine whether this observation may
be species specific or more generalisable, the effect of this diet in rats
was examined ... Rats consuming the HP diet had 17 % higher kidney weights
(P < 0.0001), three times higher proteinuria (P < 0.0001) and 27 % higher
creatinine clearance (P = 0.0012) compared with those consuming the NP diet.
Consistent with this, HP-fed rats had larger glomeruli (P < 0.0001) and more
glomerulosclerosis (P = 0.0003) compared with NP-fed rats. The HP diet also
resulted in altered levels of free monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (P <
0.0001). The histological changes are consistent with those observed in the
pig model. In contrast to the pig model, the elevated proteinuria and
creatinine clearance observed in the rat model are also usually observed
with HP consumption in human subjects. These results indicate that the rat
is a useful model for HP effects on the kidney and, along with previous
results using the pig model, suggest that long-term intake of high levels of
protein may be detrimental to renal health"
Long-Term High Intake of Whole Proteins Results in Renal Damage in Pigs
- J Nutr. 2010 Jul 28 - "These findings suggest that
long-term intakes of protein at the upper limit of the AMDR from whole
protein sources may compromise renal health"
A Prospective Study of the Modified Atkins Diet for Intractable Epilepsy in
Adults - Epilepsia. 2007 Oct 5 - "A modified
Atkins diet appears to demonstrate preliminary efficacy for adults with
intractable epilepsy, especially in those who lost weight. Considering the
rapid response in those who improved, but somewhat high discontinuation
rate, a 2-month trial period may be adequate to assess for efficacy"
A low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet versus a low-fat diet to treat obesity
and hyperlipidemia: a randomized, controlled trial - Ann Intern Med.
2004 May 18;140(10):769-77 -
"Compared with a low-fat diet, a low-carbohydrate
diet program had better participant retention and greater weight loss.
During active weight loss, serum triglyceride levels decreased more and
high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level increased more with the
low-carbohydrate diet than with the low-fat diet"