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Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending 11/16/11.  You should consult your doctor if you are taking any medications.

Mediterranean Diet Adherence in Relation to ACS and Stroke - Medscape, 11/15/11 - "Since the Seven Countries Study[5] in the 1970s and the randomized clinical trial Lyon Heart Study[25] in the 1990s, many studies have supported the beneficial effect of the Mediterranean diet on the development of CVD and, particularly, CHD.[6] The CARDIO2000 study, a case-control study with 848 patients with ACS and 1,078 age- and sex-matched control subjects, showed that a 10-unit increase of the MedDietScore was associated with a roughly 30% lower likelihood of having an ACS.[26] Trichopoulou et al[27] showed that adherence to the Mediterranean dietary pattern was associated with a 33% (95% CI 0.47–0.94) lower mortality from CHD. In addition, recent results of the large-scale, multinational INTERHEART study, including 27,098 participants from 52 countries, highlighted the important role of unhealthy dietary habits as a risk factor for myocardial infarction. Most importantly, the population attributable risk of an unhealthy diet was approximately 27% in men and 26% in women;[28] suggesting that most CHD evens could have been avoided by adopting a healthier dietary pattern. In the present work, the estimated attributable risk for the lowest tertile of adherence to the Mediterranean pattern was 40% for ACS ... Despite the plethora of studies as regards Mediterranean diet and CHD, few studies have examined the role of the diet on the development of stroke. The Nurses' Health Study, a prospective cohort study of 74,886 female participants, showed that adherence to this pattern exerts a protective effect regarding the development of stroke (relative risk of highest compared with lowest quintile: 0.87, 95% CI 0.73–1.02).[13] Furthermore, a recent case-control study of only 48 patients with stroke and 47 age- and sex-matched controls reported that adherence to the Mediterranean diet was associated with a 91% lower likelihood of ischemic stroke (95% CI 0.02–0.40).[14] In addition, results of the INTERSTROKE case-control study suggested that unhealthy dietary habits were associated with a 34% higher likelihood of ischemic stroke (95% CI 1.09–1.65, highest vs lowest tertile), whereas the population attributable risk was 17.3% (95% CI 9.4–29.6).[29] In the present work, similar to the 2 aforementioned studies, it was observed that a greater adherence to the Mediterranean diet was associated with a lower likelihood of having an ischemic stroke event, whereas the estimated attributable risk for the lowest tertile of adherence to the Mediterranean pattern was 37% ... It is widely known that oxidative stress and chronic inflammation play a crucial role for the development of atherosclerosis, influencing endothelial and vascular function. Not surprisingly, the protective role of the Mediterranean dietary pattern regarding CVD has been mainly attributed to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of this pattern. The basic components of this diet—olive oil, red wine, fruits and vegetables, and fish—are foods rich in vitamins, antioxidants, polyphenols, phytochemicals, and omega-3 fatty acids. Results of epidemiologic studies and clinical trials have shown that subjects following closer the Mediterranean diet had a higher total antioxidant capacity[11] and lower inflammatory and coagulation markers: C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, homocysteine, white blood cell, and fibrinogen levels.[12, 30] Furthermore, latest studies have shown the beneficial role of this diet on endothelial function.[30] In particular, adherence to the Mediterranean diet has been associated not only with a reduction in endothelial damage and dysfunction but also with improvement in the degenerative activity of the endothelium"

Prostate cancer may be tied to the Pill in water supply - MSNBC, 11/14/11 - "Several studies now have found an association between estrogen exposure and prostate cancer ... Birth control pills often contain a type of estrogen called ethinyloestradiol, which women taking the pills excrete in their urine. The hormone ends up in the water supply, or is taken up by plants or animals that use the water, and then passed up the food chain ... looked at prostate cancer mortality and contraceptive use in 88 countries for their analysis ... results of 'ecological' analyses like this one ... must be interpreted cautiously" - Note:  I mentioned several times about taking a quarter tablet of letrozole every third day.  It would seem like the amount of estrogen from drinking water would be minute compared to the amount of estrogen that is reduced by taking a small amount of letrozole. - See letrozole at OffshoreRX.

The Body Odd - Nice guys are better dancers, study says - MSNBC, 11/14/11 - "The results revealed that the more conscientious and socially agreeable a man's personality, the more likely women were to view him as a good dancer"

High IQ in Childhood May Predict Later Drug Use - WebMD, 11/14/11 - "In the study, women with high IQ scores at age 5 were more than twice as likely to have used marijuana and cocaine by age 30 than those with lower IQs at age 5 ... Men with high IQ scores at age 5 were about 50% more likely to have used speed (amphetamines), 65% more likely to have used ecstasy, and 57% more likely to have used multiple illicit drugs by age 30, compared with those who did not perform as well on IQ tests at age 5"

Cleaning your teeth can cut heart attack risk - MSNBC, 11/14/11 - "According to data compiled by researchers in Taiwan, people who had their teeth professionally scraped and cleaned had a 24 percent lower risk of heart attack and 13 percent lower risk of stroke compared to those who never had a dental cleaning"

AMD-like lesions delayed in mice fed lower glycemic index diet - Science Daily, 11/14/11 - "The dietary glycemic index (DGI) measures the rate at which glucose is delivered to the bloodstream after consuming carbohydrates. Higher GI foods including white bread and white potatoes trigger a rapid delivery of glucose that pushes the body to work overtime to absorb, whereas lower GI foods, like whole grain bread and fruits and vegetables, initiate a slower release of glucose that is more easily processed by cells ... Compared to the mice on the lower GI diet, mice on the higher GI diet demonstrated elevated accumulations of debris known as advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in the whole retina, particularly in the cells of the RPE. The RPE plays a crucial role in maintaining vision and its dysfunction results in the gradual central vision loss that is the hallmark of AMD. AGE accumulation has also been linked to tissue damage in other age-related diseases such as Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease"

Latisse for your dome? Drug thickens thin hair - MSNBC, 11/14/11 - "The appeal of using Latisse for hair loss is its ease and convenience, as it seems to only require one drop to the affected area once a day ... The major drawback: It's expensive. Each 2-ounce bottle costs $100 to $150 — and some patients will run through two or three bottles a month"

Unbearable honey - The Daily, 11/13/11 - "More than three-fourths of the honey tested from grocery stores in the U.S. doesn’t meet the international standards to be labeled “honey,” according to an analysis done for Food Safety News ... The results show that the pollen frequently has been removed through a high-tech process called ultra-filtration. Without pollen, the product isn’t considered to be honey by most of the world’s food safety agencies, including the Food and Drug Administration ... Pollen contains enzymes, antioxidants and has well-documented anti-allergenic benefits, experts say. “Stomach ailments, anemia and allergies are just a few of the conditions that may be improved by consumption of unprocessed honey,” ... The Food and Drug Administration agrees that any product that’s been ultra-filtered and no longer contains pollen isn’t honey" - Note: This might be an option in the future if you don't mind bees flying though your yard to get to it:

Troubling smoke signals - The Daily, 11/13/11 - "Out of 3,249 cases of psychological episodes reported to the FDA, 90 percent were linked to the ingredient in Chantix, 7 percent to bupropion, sold under the name Wellbutrin, and 3 percent to nicotine-replacement products"

Pomegranate Juice Lowers Cardiovascular Risk Factors - Medscape, 11/12/11 - "Hemodialysis patients were randomized to receive 100 mL of pomegranate juice (n = 66) or an equivalent-tasting placebo (n = 35) 3 times a week for 12 months ... At 12 months, all components of the lipid profile improved in the pomegranate juice group but not in the placebo group. In the juice group, there were statistically significant decreases in TGs from baseline to 12 months (P = .01), especially in patients with a baseline TG level of at least 200 mg/dL (P < .001). Over the same time period, HDL rose significantly (P = .005) in the juice group. There was no significant change in any of these parameters in the placebo group ... During the study period, there was a significant decrease in systolic blood pressure in the juice group overall (P < .006), especially in patients who had a baseline systolic pressure of at least 140 mm Hg (P < .005); this was not the case in the placebo group ... At 12 months, those in the juice group were taking significantly fewer antihypertensive drugs than those in the placebo group (P < .05). In the juice group, 22% of the subjects were taking fewer and 12.2% were taking more antihypertensive drugs; in the placebo group, 7.7% were taking fewer and 34.6% were taking more antihypertensive drugs" - See pomegranate at Amazon.com.

High-Fiber Diet Linked to Lower Colon Cancer Risk - WebMD, 11/11/11 - "Total fiber intake, as well as fiber from whole grains and from cereals, was most strongly linked with a reduction in colorectal cancer risk ... The evidence was weaker for fiber from fruits, vegetables, and legumes"

Smoking Pot Shrinks the Brain - Medscape, 11/11/11 - "It is now accepted by most psychiatrists that smoking cannabis increases an individual's risk of psychosis, and more specifically schizophrenia ... People with a family history of schizophrenia are particularly vulnerable to the psychotomimetic effects of the drug, and are likely at particular elevated risk of developing schizophrenia if they use cannabis ... those participants who had used marijuana showed a reduction in their thalamic volume that was significant on the left side of the thalamus (F = 4.47; P = .04), and highly significant on the right (F = 7.66; P = .008). However, no loss of thalamic volume was noted in those who did not use marijuana during the 2-year period" - Duh!!!  It took all this time to figure out that maryjane shrinks the brain.  I figures that out 45 years ago from observing people that used it.  Yet people must think that American's don't have a small enough brain already so we should legalize it.

Spine Surgery Patients Need Adequate Vitamin D Levels - Medscape, 11/11/11 - "The mean vitamin D level in the study population was 28.6 +/- 13.0 ng/mL, and 27% of the patients were vitamin D deficient (<20 ng/mL) ... lthough a previous study showed inadequate vitamin D levels in 43% of patients undergoing orthopedic procedures, this is the first study to look solely at patients undergoing spine surgery ... To maintain bone health and normal calcium metabolism, the Institute of Medicine established a recommended daily allowance for vitamin D of 600 IU" - See vitamin D at Amazon.com.

Eating fish can reduce the risk of diabetes - Science Daily, 11/11/11 - "the consumption of fish is associated with a decreased prevalence of diabetes and lower glucose concentrations whereas the consumption of red meat, especially cured meats is related to increased weight gain and obesity ... Eating red meat in excess is linked to higher cardiovascular risk, higher blood pressure, diabetes and a moderate decrease in life expectancy mainly due to cancer or heart disease. In contrast, fish appears in the Mediterranean diet and has health benefits for the heart"

Depression and chronic stress accelerates aging - Science Daily, 11/9/11 - "The telomere is the outermost part of the chromosome. With increasing age, telomeres shorten, and studies have shown that oxidative stress and inflammation accelerates this shortening. On this basis it has been suggested that telomere length is a measure of biological aging, and telomere length has subsequently been linked to age-related diseases, unhealthy lifestyle, and longevity. The research team shows that shorter telomere length is associated with both recurrent depression and cortisol levels indicative of exposure to chronic stress"

Low-salt diets may raise heart disease risk - MSNBC, 11/9/11 - "Overall, the good and bad consequences of a low-salt diet may cancel each other out, so the diet has relatively little effect on the development of disease .. Graudal and colleagues examined data from 167 studies in which participants were randomly assigned to either a low-salt or high-salt diet. On average, participants were followed for at least four weeks ... The effect was most significant for people with high blood pressure, or hypertension —a low-salt diet reduced their blood pressure by 3.5 percent ... However, a low-salt diet led to a 2.5 percent increase in cholesterol levels, and a 7 percent increase in triglycerides. Further, it also led to increases in hormones that regulate the body's salt levels, which would cause the body to preserve salt, rather than excreting it in the urine" - Note:  This has been going back and forth for years.  I use Morton Lite Salt but don't know myself out trying to stay away from it when it's already in the food I purchase.

16% of Cellphones Have Poop on Them - Mashable.com, 11/9/11 - "Keyboards, on average, are five times dirtier and have 60 times more germs on them than toilet seats. They are 150 times over the acceptable limit for bacteria"

Farmed fish fed vegetable matter may have residual pesticides - Science Daily, 11/8/11 - "half of all the fish we eat comes from fish farms. The problem is that these fish are increasingly being fed vegetable matter, which could lead to a build-up of residual pesticides in them ... To protect consumers, there has to be a way to test fish bred in captivity for pesticide residues, but this has not been possible up to now" - Note:  The article doesn't say the results of the tests though.

Diabetes linked to cognitive impairment in older adults, study suggests - Science Daily, 11/8/11 - "in older patients with diabetes, two adhesion molecules -- sVCAM and sICAM -- cause inflammation in the brain, triggering a series of events that affect blood vessels and, eventually, cause brain tissue to atrophy. Importantly, they found that the gray matter in the brain's frontal and temporal regions -- responsible for such critical functions as decision-making, language, verbal memory and complex tasks -- is the area most affected by these events ... at the age of 65, the average person's brain shrinks about one percent a year, but in a diabetic patient, brain volume can be lowered by as much as 15 percent ... Diabetes develops when glucose builds up in the blood instead of entering the body's cells to be used as energy. Known as hyperglycemia, this condition often goes hand-in-hand with inflammation ... Once chronic inflammation sets in, blood vessels constrict, blood flow is reduced, and brain tissue is damaged" - Note:  See my Inflammation page.  It's a major cause of aging and many other diseases.

Some Probiotics Effectively Reduce Common GI Symptoms - Medscape, 11/8/11 - "Mounting evidence is building a strong case for the use of probiotics, or "good" bacteria, to alleviate common gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms, such as diarrhea, bloating, and inflammation, according to several studies highlighted during a press briefing here at the American College of Gastroenterology 2011 Annual Scientific Meeting and Postgraduate Course ... By giving a specific probiotic orally, we could actually reduce the levels of these proinflammatory cytokines and actually enhance the production of an anti-inflammatory cytokine, which is the exact replication of what we identified in animal models and more basic models ... Plasma levels of the anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin (IL)-10 rose significantly in healthy volunteers and patients with psoriasis, but not in those who took the placebo for 8 weeks ... Plasma levels of 2 proinflammatory cytokines — tumor necrosis factor-alpha and IL-6 — dropped in all patients who received B infantis. C-reactive protein levels were also significantly lower in patients with psoriasis, ulcerative colitis, and chronic fatigue after treatment with the bacterium than after treatment with placebo" - See probiotics at Amazon.com.

Amino acid-rich supplements boost muscle mass with exercise - Nutra USA, 11/8/11 - "Supplements containing a combination of amino acids and protein before and after resistance training may boost upper body strength by 13% ... The commercial supplements NO-Shotgun and NO-Synthesize by VPX were also associated with a 21% increase in lower-body strength ... The commercial supplements contain a list of ingredients including creatine, arginine, glutamine, beta-alanine, keto-isocaproate (KIC), and leucine, casein and whey protein, branched-chain amino acids, lysine, phenylalanine, threonine, histidine, and methionine ... the primary active ingredients are whey protein, creatine, leucine, beta-alanine, and KIC" - [Abstract] - See BCAA products at Amazon.com.

Abstracts from this week's Doctor's Guide Nutrition/Dietetics plus abstracts from my RSS feeds (Click here for the journals, the PubMed ones at the top):

Dietary total antioxidant capacity and gastric cancer risk in the european prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition study - Int J Cancer. 2011 Nov 9 - "A high intake of dietary antioxidant compounds has been hypothesized to be an appropriate strategy to reduce gastric cancer (GC) development. We investigated the effect of dietary Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC) in relation to GC in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer (EPIC) study including 23 centers in 10 European countries ... Dietary antioxidant intake is associated with a reduction in the risk of GC for both FRAP (adjusted HR 0.66; 95%CI (0.46-0.95) and TRAP (adjusted HR 0.61; 95%CI (0.43-0.87) (highest vs. lowest quintile). The association was observed for both cardia and non cardia cancers. A clear effect was observed in smokers with a significant reduction in GC risk for the 5(th) quintile of intake for both assays (highest vs. lowest quintile: adjusted HR 0.41; 95%CI (0.22-0.76) p for trend <0.001 for FRAP; adjusted HR 0.52; 95%CI (0.28-0.97) p for trend <0.001 for TRAP) but not in never smokers. In former smokers the association with FRAP intake was statistically significant (highest vs. lowest quintile: adjusted HR 0.4; 95%CI (0.21-0.75) p<0.05); no association was observed for TRAP"

Hypothalamic gene expression in ω-3 PUFA-deficient male rats before, and following, development of hypertension - Hypertens Res. 2011 Nov 10 - "Dietary deficiency of ω-3 fatty acids (ω-3 DEF) produces hypertension in later life ... Animals were fed experimental diets that were deficient in ω-3 fatty acids, sufficient in short-chain ω-3 fatty acids or sufficient in short- and long-chain ω-3 fatty acids, from the prenatal period until 10 or 36 weeks-of-age. There was no difference in blood pressure between groups at 10 weeks-of-age; however, at 36 weeks-of-age ω-3 DEF animals were hypertensive in relation to sufficient groups. At 10 weeks, expression of angiotensin-II(1A) receptors and dopamine D(3) receptors were significantly increased in the hypothalamic tissue of ω-3 DEF animals. In contrast, at 36 weeks, α(2a) and β(1) adrenergic receptor expression was significantly reduced in the ω-3 DEF group. Brain docosahexaenoic acid was significantly lower in ω-3 DEF group compared with sufficient groups. This study demonstrates that dietary ω-3 DEF causes changes both in the expression of key genes involved in central blood pressure regulation and in blood pressure. The data may indicate that hypertension resulting from ω-3 DEF is mediated by the central adrenergic system" - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com and Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com.

Homocysteine and the risk of nursing home admission and mortality in older persons - Eur J Clin Nutr. 2011 Nov 9 - "In men, no significant associations were observed. In women, after adjustment for confounding, the highest quartile of homocysteine was associated with a significantly higher risk of NH admission compared with the first quartile (hazard ratio (HR)=2.97, 95% confidence interval (CI)=1.36-6.49). Both women in the third and the fourth quartile of homocysteine had a significantly higher mortality risk (HR=1.70, 95% CI=1.08-2.65 and HR=1.91, 95% CI=1.22-3.00, respectively) compared with the first quartile"

Prediction of all-cause mortality by B group vitamin status in the elderly - Clin Nutr. 2011 Nov 7 - "Survivors had higher vitamin B-1 and niacin intakes and pyridoxal-phosphate and folate concentrations. Controlled for confounders, and relative to the lowest tertile of vitamin B-1 or B-6 intakes, the hazard ratios (95% confidence interval) for tertile 3 were 0.74 (0.58-0.95) and 0.74 (0.57-0.97); both p for trend values were <0.05. Further adjustment for dietary diversity led to insignificant findings. For pyridoxal-phosphate, compared to those with deficiency levels, the multivariable-adjusted hazard ratios (95% confidence interval) for adequacy was 0.52 (0.38-0.71) with p for trend <0.0001 and unchanged with dietary diversity adjustment ... Higher vitamin B-1 and B-6 intakes and plasma pyridoxal-phosphate were associated with lower risk of mortality up to 10 years and could be achieved by increased dietary diversity"

Vitamin D Deficiency and Supplementation and Relation to Cardiovascular Health - Am J Cardiol. 2011 Nov 7 - "Serum vitamin D measurements for 5 years and 8 months from a large academic institution were matched to patient demographic, physiologic, and disease variables. The vitamin D levels were analyzed as a continuous variable and as normal (≥30 ng/ml) or deficient (<30 ng/ml). Descriptive statistics, univariate analysis, multivariate analysis, survival analysis, and Cox proportional hazard modeling were performed. Of 10,899 patients, the mean age was 58 +/- 15 years, 71% were women (n = 7,758), and the average body mass index was 30 +/- 8 kg/m(2). The mean serum vitamin D level was 24.1 +/- 13.6 ng/ml. Of the 10,899 patients, 3,294 (29.7%) were in the normal vitamin D range and 7,665 (70.3%) were deficient. Vitamin D deficiency was associated with several cardiovascular-related diseases, including hypertension, coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy, and diabetes (all p <0.05). Vitamin D deficiency was a strong independent predictor of all-cause death (odds ratios 2.64, 95% confidence interval 1.901 to 3.662, p <0.0001) after adjusting for multiple clinical variables. Vitamin D supplementation conferred substantial survival benefit (odds ratio for death 0.39, 95% confidence interval 0.277 to 0.534, p <0.0001)" - See vitamin D at Amazon.com.

Soy intake is associated with lower lung cancer risk: results from a meta-analysis of epidemiologic studies - Am J Clin Nutr. 2011 Nov 9 - "A total of 11 epidemiologic studies that consisted of 8 case-control and 3 prospective cohort studies were included. A significantly inverse association was shown between soy intake and lung cancer with an overall RR of 0.77 (95% CI: 0.65, 0.92). Findings were slightly different when analyses were restricted to 5 high-quality studies (RR: 0.70; 95% CI: 0.45, 0.99). In a subgroup meta-analysis, a statistically significant protective effect of soy consumption was observed in women (RR: 0.79; 95% CI: 0.67, 0.93), never smokers (RR: 0.62; 95% CI: 0.51, 0.76), and Asian populations (RR: 0.86; 95% CI: 0.74, 0.98)"

Cholesterol-lowering efficacy of a microencapsulated bile salt hydrolase-active Lactobacillus reuteri NCIMB 30242 yoghurt formulation in hypercholesterolaemic adults - Br J Nutr. 2011 Nov 9:1-9 - "Over the intervention period, subjects consuming yoghurts containing microencapsulated L. reuteri NCIMB 30242 attained significant reductions in LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) of 8.92 % (P = 0.016), total cholesterol (TC) of 4.81 % (P = 0.031) and non-HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) of 6.01 % (P = 0.029) over placebo, and a significant absolute change in apoB-100 of - 0.19 mmol/l (P = 0.049). Serum concentrations of TAG and HDL-C were unchanged over the course of the study. Present results show that consumption of microencapsulated BSH-active L. reuteri NCIMB 30242 yoghurt is efficacious and safe for lowering LDL-C, TC, apoB-100 and non-HDL-C in hypercholesterolaemic subjects. The efficacy of microencapsulated BSH-active L. reuteri NCIMB 30242 yoghurts appears to be superior to traditional probiotic therapy and akin to that of other cholesterol-lowering ingredients"

Effects of Low-Sodium Diet vs. High-Sodium Diet on Blood Pressure, Renin, Aldosterone, Catecholamines, Cholesterol, and Triglyceride (Cochrane Review) - Am J Hypertens. 2011 Nov 9 - "The effect of sodium reduction in: (i) Normotensives: Caucasians: systolic BP (SBP) -1.27 mm Hg (95% confidence interval (CI): -1.88, -0.66; P = 0.0001), diastolic BP (DBP) -0.05 mm Hg (95% CI: -0.51, 0.42; P = 0.85). Blacks: SBP -4.02 mm Hg (95% CI: -7.37, -0.68; P = 0.002), DBP -2.01 mm Hg (95% CI: -4.37, 0.35; P = 0.09). Asians: SBP -1.27 mm Hg (95% CI: -3.07, 0.54; P = 0.17), DBP -1.68 mm Hg (95% CI: -3.29, -0.06; P = 0.04). (ii) Hypertensives: Caucasians: SBP -5.48 mm Hg (95% CI: -6.53, -4.43; P < 0.00001), DBP -2.75 mm Hg (95% CI: -3.34, -2.17; P < 0.00001). Blacks: SBP -6.44 mm Hg (95% CI: -8.85, -4.03; P = 0.00001), DBP -2.40 mm Hg (95% CI: -4.68, -0.12; P = 0.04). Asians: SBP -10.21 mm Hg (95% CI: -16.98, -3.44; P = 0.003), DBP -2.60 mm Hg (95% CI: -4.03, -1.16; P = 0.0004). Sodium reduction resulted in significant increases in renin (P < 0.00001), aldosterone (P < 0.00001), noradrenaline (P < 0.00001), adrenaline (P < 0.0002), cholesterol (P < 0.001), and triglyceride"

Resveratrol prevents Streptozotocin-induced diabetes by inhibiting the apoptosis of pancreatic β-cell and the cleavage of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase - Endocr J. 2011 Nov 8 - "Resveratrol (3,5,4'-trihydroxystilbene; RSV) is one kind of polyphenolic phytoalexin that has many effects on metabolic diseases. This study aimed to evaluate the protective effect of RSV pretreatment on β-cell. Male Sprague Dawley rats weighing 200-230 g were divided into 4 groups: (1) RSV; (2) streptozotocin (STZ, 70 mg/kg, intraperitoneally); (3) STZ after 7 days pretreatment with RSV; and (4) STZ pretreated with nicotinamide. Fasting glucose concentration was measured and an intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test was performed 72 h after STZ injection to determine the diabetic condition. The pancreas was removed 3, 6, 36, and 48 h after STZ injection. STZ induced diabetes in all rats not given RSV pretreatment, whereas none of the RSV-pretreated rats developed diabetes. Pretreatment with RSV inhibited apoptosis and reduced the activation of caspase-3 and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP). However, expression of the total length PARP was not affected by pretreatment. Our findings suggest that RSV protects β-cells from STZ simultaneously with inhibiting the activation of PARP" - See resveratrol products at Amazon.com.

Pioglitazone may accelerate disease course of slowly progressive type 1 diabetes - Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2011 Nov;27(8):951-3 - "The enrolled SPIDDM patients were randomly allocated to a pioglitazone or metformin group. When the haemoglobin A1C level was more than 8% on two consecutive occasions, the case was considered to reach the end point ... By 4 years post-intervention, all patients had reached the end point in the pioglitazone group, whereas only 20% of patients had reached the end point in the metformin group" - Related studies:

  • Drug prevents Type 2 diabetes in majority of high-risk individuals - Science Daily, 3/23/11 - "A pill taken once a day in the morning prevented type 2 diabetes in more than 70 percent of individuals whose obesity, ethnicity and other markers put them at highest risk for the disease ... The team also noted a 31 percent decrease in the rate of thickening of the carotid artery, the major vessel that supplies blood to the brain ... The 72 percent reduction is the largest decrease in the conversion rate of pre-diabetes to diabetes that has ever been demonstrated by any intervention, be it diet, exercise or medication ... pioglitazone, which is marketed as Actos® ... It is the most efficacious method we have studied to date to delay or prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes ... This particular medication does two things -- improves insulin resistance and improves beta cell function, which are the two core defects of diabetes"
  • Comparison of the effects of pioglitazone and metformin on insulin resistance and hormonal markers in patients with impaired glucose tolerance and early diabetes - Hypertens Res. 2007 Jan;30(1):23-30 - "pioglitazone was superior to metformin for the improvement of insulin resistance and adiponectin ... Early intervention with pioglitazone or metformin therapy may reduce the incidence of future cardiovascular disease in subjects with impaired glucose tolerance or early diabetes"
  • Pioglitazone Cuts Risk of Progression to Diabetes - Clinical Psychiatry News, 7/08 - "People with impaired glucose tolerance were 81% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes over a 3-year period if treated with pioglitazone ... Patients were randomized to treatment with placebo or 30 mg/day pioglitazone. If the drug was tolerated after 1 month, the dose could be increased up to 45 mg/day"
  • Pioglitazone Reduces Conversion From Impaired Glucose Tolerance to Diabetes - Medscape, 6/8/08 - "There was a weight gain of 3.9 kg in the pioglitazone group vs about 0.8 kg in the placebo group ... Over a mean follow-up of 2.6 years, pioglitazone markedly decreased, by 81%, the conversion rate of IGT to type 2 diabetes. IGT individuals who had the worst level of beta cell function and who were the most insulin resistant were the individuals who were most likely to develop type 2 diabetes, whether they were in the pioglitazone group...or the placebo group. Pioglitazone was quite safe and quite efficacious"

Relation Between Blood Pressure and Vascular Events and Mortality in Patients With Manifest Vascular Disease: J-Curve Revisited - Hypertension. 2011 Nov 7 - "Recent studies have challenged the notion that "lower is better" for blood pressure in relation to vascular events and mortality in patients with vascular disease, whereas practice guidelines currently recommend to lower blood pressure to <130/80 mm Hg ... For this purpose, 5788 patients with symptomatic vascular disease enrolled in the Secondary Manifestations of Arterial Disease Study were followed-up for the occurrence of new vascular events (ie, myocardial infarction, stroke, or vascular death) and all-cause mortality. During a median of 5.0 years (interquartile range: 2.6-8.1 years), 788 patients experienced a new vascular event, and 779 died. Overall, the covariate-adjusted relationship between mean baseline systolic, diastolic, or pulse pressure and the occurrence of vascular events followed a J-curve with increased event rates above and below the nadir blood pressure of 143/82 mm Hg. A similar nonlinear relationship was found for diastolic pressure and all-cause mortality. Elevated blood pressure was not associated with increased morbidity and mortality in patients with recently diagnosed coronary artery disease, ≥65 years, and having >60 mm Hg pulse pressure. Importantly, especially in these subgroups, low blood pressure could also be a symptom rather than a cause of disease. Blood pressure level below and above 143/82 mm Hg is, thus, an independent risk factor for recurrent events in patients with manifest vascular disease"

Comparative effects of six probiotic strains on immune function in vitro - Br J Nutr. 2011 Nov 7:1-12 - "The present study compared the immunomodulatory properties of six probiotic strains of different species and two genera in a human peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) model in vitro. Live cells of lactobacilli (Lactobacillus casei Shirota, L. rhamnosus GG, L. plantarum NCIMB 8826 and L. reuteri NCIMB 11951) and bifidobacteria (Bifidobacterium longum SP 07/3 and B. bifidum MF 20/5) were individually incubated with PBMC from seven healthy subjects for 24 h. Probiotic strains increased the proportion of CD69+ on lymphocytes, T cells, T cell subsets and natural killer (NK) cells, and increased the proportion of CD25+, mainly on lymphocytes and NK cells. The effects on activation marker expression did not appear to be strain specific. NK cell activity was significantly increased by all six strains, without any significant difference between strains. Probiotic strains increased production of IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10, TNF-α, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor and macrophage inflammatory protein 1α to different extents, but had no effect on the production of IL-2, IL-4, IL-5 or TNF-β. The cytokines that showed strain-specific modulation included IL-10, interferon-γ, TNF-α, IL-12p70, IL-6 and monocyte chemotactic protein-1. The Lactobacillus strains tended to promote T helper 1 cytokines, whereas bifidobacterial strains tended to produce a more anti-inflammatory profile. The results suggest that there was limited evidence of strain-specific effects of probiotics with respect to T cell and NK cell activation or NK cell activity, whereas production of some cytokines was differentially influenced by probiotic strains" - See probiotics at Amazon.com.

HDL-cholesterol and prediction of coronary heart disease: Modified by physical fitness?: A 28-year follow-up of apparently healthy men - Atherosclerosis. 2011 Oct 17 - "High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) and physical fitness (PF) ... The highest HDL quartile was associated with lower risk of CHD (HR: 0.57, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.43-0.74), fatal CHD (HR: 0.56, CI: 0.36-0.86), fatal CVD (HR: 0.64, CI: 0.46-0.88) and all-cause death (HR: 0.80, CI: 0.65-0.99) compared to the lowest quartile. Adjustments for PF or changes in PF over 8.6 years did not change the results except for all-cause death, which was not significantly different between HDL quartiles. We found no interaction between HDL and PF"

Neat Tech Stuff / "How To's":

Health Focus (Omega-3):

Specific Recommendations:

General Information:

  • An Evidence-Based Medicine Approach to the Appropriate Selection of Supplementation with Omega-3 Fatty - PowerPak.com, 6/1/07 - "Fish oils EPA and DHA appear to result in different physiologic effects than their precursor, the plant-derived ALA.12-14 Biosynthesis of EPA or DHA from ALA is limited. Although dietary consumption of ALA alone will prevent EFA deficiency, emerging scientific evidence indicates that for optimum health or body function, the fish oils EPA and DHA should also be ingested regularly, either from dietary or supplement sources. Use of ALA supplementation alone, even with high dose or long-term consumption, does not result in lowered triglyceride concentrations seen with EPA or DHA, nor does it demonstrate similar in vitro susceptibility to oxidation of LDL cholesterol"
  • The Heart-Healthy Benifits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids - John Hopkins University School of Medicine, 6/05 - "Fish-oil supplements appear to have much lower levels of toxins than fish. In a study of 5 over the-counter fish-oil preparations, levels of PCBs and organochlorines were below the detectable limit in all of the supplements ... Because consumption of this amount of fish in secondary prevention is difficult for most individuals, dietary supplementation is generally needed and should be recommended. The dose in secondary prevention should be at least 875 mg of EPA + DHA per day. This dose can generally be obtained by taking 2 capsules of concentrated fish oils (at least 50% EPA + DHA) per day. For example, such a preparation would contain 500 mg of EPA + DHA per each 1000-mg fish-oil capsule"
  • Omega 3: Implications in Human Health and Disease - PowerPak.com - "It should be noted, however, that flaxseed or flaxseed oil does not contain EPA or DHA. Thus flaxseed and fish oil are not interchangeable sources of omega 3 fatty acids per se" - I believe the same holds true for canola oil - Ben
  • Omega 3: Implications in Human Health and Disease -PowerPak.com -"The omega 6 LA comprises 7% to 9% of our daily caloric intake, while the omega 3 LNA makes up about 0.7% of energy. It is therefore estimated that the dietary ratio of LA to LNA ranges from 10 to 20:1, at which level the metabolism of LNA is strongly suppressed. Again, this is far more than the recommended ratio of 2.3:1 ... From an evolutionary perspective, a significant change in the diet has occurred in a very short time. The diet of our ancestors in the Paleolithic period (400,000 to 45,000 years ago) was lower in fat and balanced in omega 6 and omega 3—a ratio of 1:1, or 10- to 20-fold lower than today's standard."

News & Research:

  • You are what you eat: Low fat diet with fish oil slows growth of human prostate cancer cells, study suggests - Science Daily, 10/25/11 - "Men who ate a low-fat diet with fish oil supplements for four to six weeks before having their prostate removed had slower cancer-cell growth in their prostate tissue than men who ate a traditional, high-fat Western diet ... The short-term study also found that blood obtained from patients after the low-fat, fish oil diet slowed the growth of prostate cancer cells in a test tube, while blood from men on the Western diet did not slow cancer growth ... Preclinical studies suggest that lowering dietary omega-6 fatty acids from corn oil and increasing omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil decreases the risk of prostate cancer development and progression," the study states. "We found this diet intervention resulted in a decrease in omega-6 vs. omega-3 fatty acid ratios in benign and malignant prostate tissue and a decrease in malignant cell proliferation"
  • Boosting mental performance with fish oil? - Science Daily, 10/21/11 - "overall, taking either of two different types of fish oil supplement for three months had no consistent impact on mental function in 18 -- 35-year-olds, however they did find evidence of reduced mental fatigue and faster reaction times. Contrary to popular belief, these results suggest that taking omega-3 or fish oil supplements may not have an immediate or measureable impact on mental performance in healthy young adults, possibly due to the fact that this population is already performing at its mental peak or that higher doses or longer than 12 weeks supplementation are required ... Interestingly, in the second of these studies it was found that taking DHA-rich fish oil over the same time period did increase blood flow to active areas of the brain during performance of similar mental tasks. The researchers claim these findings could have implications for mental function later on in life, as evidence suggests regularly eating oily fish or taking omega-3 supplements may prevent cognitive decline and dementia, and increased blood flow to the brain may be a mechanism by which this occurs"
  • Omega-3 fatty acids shown to prevent or slow progression of osteoarthritis - Science Daily, 10/17/11 - "New research has shown for the first time that omega-3 in fish oil could "substantially and significantly" reduce the signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis ... omega-3-rich diets fed to guinea pigs, which naturally develop osteoarthritis, reduced disease by 50 per cent compared to a standard diet ... Furthermore, there was strong evidence that omega-3 influences the biochemistry of the disease, and therefore not only helps prevent disease, but also slows its progression, potentially controlling established osteoarthritis ... The only way of being certain that the effects of omega-3 are as applicable to humans as demonstrated in guinea pigs is to apply omega-3 to humans. However, osteoarthritis in guinea pigs is perhaps the most appropriate model for spontaneous, naturally occurring osteoarthritis, and all of the evidence supports the use of omega-3 in human disease ... Most diets in the developed world are lacking in omega-3, with modern diets having up to 30 times too much omega-6 and too little omega-3. Taking omega-3 will help redress this imbalance and may positively contribute to a range of other health problems such as heart disease and colitis"
  • Omega-3 may ease depression symptoms, slash dementia risk: RCT - Nutra USA, 9/23/11 - "recruited 50 people over the age of 65 to participate in their six-month double-blind, randomized controlled trial ... Participants received daily supplements of EPA- or DHA-rich fish oil, or the omega-6 linoleic acid (LA, 2.2 grams per day). The EPA-rich supplement provided 1.67 grams of EPA and 0.16 grams of DHA, while the DHA-rich supplement provided 1.55 grams of DHA and 0.40 grams of EPA ... compared with the group receiving the LA supplements, the EPA-rich supplement group displayed higher scores on the Geriatric Depression Scale ... On the other hand, the DHA group displayed improvements in verbal fluency ... These results indicate that DHA-rich and EPA-rich fish oils may be effective for depressive symptoms and health parameters, exerting variable effects on cognitive and physical outcomes" - [Abstract]
  • Omega-3 supplements show benefits against anxiety: Human data - Nutra USA, 9/14/11 - "the Ohio State researchers recruited 68 medical students to participate in their parallel group, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial. The med students were given either placebo capsules or omega-3 capsules containing 2085 mg of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and 348 mg DHA (docosahexanoic acid) ... Results showed a 14% reduction in levels of the production of pro-inflammatory interleukin 6 (IL-6), as well as a 20% reduction in anxiety symptoms in the omega-3 group, compared to the placebo group ... Proinflammatory cytokines promote secretion of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), a primary gateway to hormonal stress responses; CRH also stimulates the amygdala, a key brain region for fear and anxiety. Accordingly, alterations in inflammation could also influence anxiety" - [Abstract] - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com and Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com.  Note:  CRH increases cortisol.  See:
  • Maternal omega-3 intake may influence childhood allergy - Nutra USA, 9/12/11 - "Omega-3 fatty acids may aid the development of the infant gut and improve how gut immune cells respond to bacteria and foreign substances, making the baby less likely to suffer from allergies in the long term, according to new research in pigs ... These findings suggest that feeding fatty acids of the omega-3 family during pregnancy and lactation impact newborn intestinal barrier function ... such changes “are likely to reduce the risk of developing allergies in later life" ... The end result is that the baby's immune system may develop and mature faster – leading to better immune function and less likelihood of suffering allergies ... the pig intestine is an excellent model of the human gut, however, so they are hopeful that the findings can be extrapolated" - [Abstract]
  • Omega-3 Effective for Treating Child ADHD - Medscape, 9/8/11 - "In an evaluation of 10 trials with 699 total children with ADHD, investigators found that those who received omega-3 supplements had a "small but significant" improvement in symptom severity compared with those who were given placebo. This effect was also significant in the children who received supplements that specifically contained higher doses of eicosapentaenoic acid ... Omega-3 supplements that included higher doses of eicosapentaenoic acid were also significantly associated with lowering ADHD symptoms ... There were no significant differences found for any dose of docosahexaenoic acid or α-linolenic acid, or between omega-3 monotherapy vs augmenting traditional ADHD medications with omega-3" - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com.
  • Marine, but not plant, omega-3s may boost heart health for women: Study - Nutra USA, 9/7/11 - "High intakes of long chain omega-3 eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, C20:5 n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, C22:6 n-3) was associated with a 38% reduction in the risk of ischemic heart disease (IHD) in women, but not men ... Much attention has been paid to the conversion of ALA to the longer chain EPA, with many stating that this conversion is very small. Indeed, between 8 and 20 per cent of ALA is reportedly converted to EPA in humans, and between 0.5 and 9 per cent of ALA is converted to DHA ... high intakes of long chain omega-3s ranging from 0.45 to 11.2 grams per day were associated with a 38% reduction in IHD risk for women only" - [Abstract]
  • Fish oil's impact on cognition and brain structure identified in new study - Science Daily, 8/17/11 - "Researchers at Rhode Island Hospital's Alzheimer's Disease and Memory Disorders Center have found positive associations between fish oil supplements and cognitive functioning as well as differences in brain structure between users and non-users of fish oil supplements ... compared to non-users, use of fish oil supplements was associated with better cognitive functioning during the study. However, this association was significant only in those individuals who had a normal baseline cognitive function and in individuals who tested negative for a genetic risk factor for Alzheimer's Disease known as APOE4. This is consistent with previous research ... The unique finding, however, is that there was a clear association between fish oil supplements and brain volume ... In other words, fish oil use was associated with less brain shrinkage in patients taking these supplements during the ADNI study compared to those who didn't report using them"
  • Omega-3 Supplements May Lower Anxiety - Medscape, 7/22/11 - "In a small randomized controlled trial of medical students, those who received omega-3 supplements for 3 months showed a 20% reduction in anxiety scores and a 14% reduction in stimulated interleukin 6 (IL-6) production ... Chronic inflammation has been linked to a broad spectrum of health problems, including cardiovascular disease, stroke, and rheumatoid arthritis ... A total of 68 first- and second-year medical students (56% male; mean age, 23.65 years) were enrolled and randomized to receive 3 times daily either omega-3 supplement capsules (consisting of 2085 mg of EPA and 348 mg of DHA, n = 34) or fish-flavored placebo capsules (n = 34) for 12 weeks ... We chose the 7:1 EPA/DHA balance because of evidence that EPA has relatively stronger anti-inflammatory and antidepressant effects than DHA"
  • Earlier the better for omega-3 benefits for brains & hearts? - Nutra USA, 7/4/11 - "the older animals did benefit from fish oil supplementation, but the benefits were limited to diastolic function, or the filling of the heart with blood following contraction (systolic) ... The younger animals had better spatial memory than the older animals, and the fish oil supplements were not associated with any reversal of the age-related memory deficits or increases in inflammation in the brain, wrote the researchers" - [Abstract]
  • DHA and EPA Have Differential Effects on LDL-Cholesterol - Medscape, 5/22/11 - "EPA inhibited lipid hydroperoxide (LOOH) formation by 42% and 54% in vesicles with normal and elevated cholesterol levels, respectively. DHA, on the other hand, inhibited LOOH by 28% in vesicles with elevated cholesterol levels only. The separate effects of EPA, DHA, and EPA/DHA were enhanced when used in combination with statin therapy, including atorvastatin, atorvastatin metabolite, simvastatin, or rosuvastatin. The most potent antioxidant capacity was observed with EPA and the active metabolite of atorvastatin"
  • Heart failure risk lower in women who often eat baked/broiled fish - Science Daily, 5/24/11 - "In a large-scale analysis, women who ate the most baked/broiled fish (five or more servings/week) had a 30 percent lower risk of heart failure compared to women who seldom ate it (less than one serving/month) ... dark fish (salmon, mackerel and bluefish) were associated with a significantly greater risk reduction than either tuna or white fish (sole, snapper and cod) ... eating fried fish was associated with increased heart failure risk. Even one serving a week was associated with a 48 percent higher heart failure risk"
  • Omega-3 may reduce depression symptoms in the elderly: Study - Nutra USA, 5/18/11 - "According to findings published in The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, depressed women who received daily supplements containing 2.5 grams of omega-3 experienced significant reductions in their symptoms ... In addition, researchers from the University of Pavia also report that omega-3 supplements providing a daily EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) dose of 1.67 grams and a daily DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) dose of 0.83 grams reported improvements in the ‘quality of life’" - [Abstract] - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com and Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com.
  • Fish oil boosts responses to breast cancer drug tamoxifen, researchers find - Science Daily, 4/6/11 - "omega-3 fatty acids -- abundant in fish -- could be a safe and beneficial booster for tamoxifen therapy ... [in rats] Omega-3 fatty acids produced a greater expression of genes related to cellular specialization, or differentiation -- a sign of lower cancer severity -- compared to corn oil. The combination of fish oil and tamoxifen reduced the expression of genes linked to tumor growth and spreading ... If a tumor was being treated with tamoxifen, the addition of an omega-3 fatty acid diet seemed to make the tumor, at least at the molecular level, more benign and less aggressive and responsive to tamoxifen"
  • Eskimo study suggests high consumption of omega-3s in fish-rich diet reduces obesity-related disease risk - Science Daily, 3/24/11 - "A study of Yup'ik Eskimos in Alaska, who on average consume 20 times more omega-3 fats from fish than people in the lower 48 states, suggests that a high intake of these fats helps prevent obesity-related chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease ... The fats the researchers were interested in measuring were those found in salmon, sardines and other fatty fish: docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, and eicosapentaenoic acid, or EPA ... in participants with low blood levels of DHA and EPA, obesity strongly increased both blood triglycerides (a blood lipid abnormality) and C-reactive protein, or CRP (a measure of overall body inflammation). Elevated levels of triglycerides and CRP increase the risk of heart disease and, possibly, diabetes ... While genetic, lifestyle and dietary factors may account for this difference ... it is reasonable to ask, based on our findings, whether the lower prevalence of diabetes in this population might be attributed, at least in part, to their high consumption of omega-3-rich fish"
  • Omega-3 fatty acid intake linked with reduced risk of age-related macular degeneration in women - Science Daily, 3/14/11 - "Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, and colleagues collected data on 38,022 women who had not been diagnosed with age-related macular degeneration. Information on women's eating habits was obtained via questionnaire at the beginning of the study and included information on intake of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) [Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish], and arachidonic acid and linoleic acid (omega-6 fatty acids). During ten years of follow-up, additional questionnaires tracked the women's eye health, with specific focus on diagnosis of age-related macular degeneration ... women who consumed the most DHA compared with women who consumed the lowest amount had a 38 percent lower risk of developing age-related macular degeneration. Similar results were observed for higher intake of EPA and for higher consumption of both types of acid together ... consumption of one or more servings of fish per week, when compared to less than one per month, was associated with a 42 percent lower risk of age-related macular degeneration ... For omega-6 fatty acids, higher intake of linoleic acid but not arachidonic acid was associated with an increased risk of age-related macular degeneration, however this association was non-significant after adjustment for other risk factors and fats"
  • Fish oil fights weight loss due to chemotherapy - Science Daily, 2/28/11 - "supplementing the diet with fish oil may prevent muscle and weight loss that commonly occurs in cancer patients who undergo chemotherapy ... Researchers suspect that supplementing the diet with fish oil -- which contains omega-3 fatty acids such as eicosapentaenoic acid -- may help patients maintain or gain muscle ... Patients who did not take fish oil lost an average of 2.3 kilograms whereas patients receiving fish oil maintained their weight. Patients with the greatest increase in eicosapentaenoic acid concentration in the blood following fish oil supplementation had the greatest gains in muscle. Sixty-nine percent of patients in the fish oil group gained or maintained muscle mass. Comparatively, only 29 percent of patients in the standard care group maintained muscle mass, and overall, patients in this group lost 1 kilogram of muscle. No difference in total fat tissue was observed between the two groups" - Note: 2.3 kilograms equals 5.1 pounds.  See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com and Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com.
  • Good diets fight bad Alzheimer's genes: Diets high in fish oil have a beneficial effect in patients at risk, researcher says - Science Daily, 2/15/11 - "APOE comes in two forms, a "good" APOE gene and a "bad" APOE gene, called APOE4. He has developed animal models to investigate the effects of diet and environment on carriers of APOE4, the presence of which is a known risk factor for Alzheimer's. It appears in 50% of all Alzheimer's patients, and in 15% of the general population which due to APOE4 is the population which is at risk of getting the disease ... The good news? In preliminary results, the researchers are exhilarated to find that a diet high in Omega 3 oils and low in cholesterol appears to significantly reduce the negative effects of the APOE4 gene in mouse models"
  • How omega 3s help to prevent several forms of blindness - Science Daily, 2/9/11 - "The cost of omega-3 supplementation is about $10 a month, versus up to $4,000 a month for anti-VEGF therapy ... In the new study, they document another protective mechanism: a direct effect on blood vessel growth (angiogenesis) that selectively promotes the growth of healthy blood vessels and inhibits the growth of abnormal vessels ... In addition, Smith and colleagues isolated the specific compound from omega-3 fatty acids that has these beneficial effects in mice (a metabolite of the omega-3 fatty acid DHA, known as 4-HDHA), and the enzyme that produces it (5-lipoxygenase, or 5-LOX). They showed that COX enzymes are not involved in omega-3 breakdown, suggesting that aspirin and NSAIDs -- taken by millions of Americans -- will not interfere with omega-3 benefits ... Finally, the study demonstrated that 5-LOX acts by activating the PPAR-gamma receptor, the same receptor targeted by "glitazone" drugs such as Avandia, taken by patients with type 2 diabetes to increase their sensitivity to insulin. Since these drugs also increase the risk for heart disease, boosting omega-3 intake through diet or supplements might be a safer way to improve insulin sensitivity in patients with diabetes or pre-diabetes"
  • Fish Oil May Reduce the Risk of Kidney Stones - Medscape, 2/3/11 - "Five days of supplementation with EPA and DHA didn't alter urinary oxalate excretion. But after 30 days of supplements, urinary oxalate excretion dropped from 0.277 to 0.238 mmol/24 hours ... Similarly, after 5 days there was no change in relative supersaturation of calcium oxalate (RS CaOx), a proxy for the risk of calcium oxalate stone formation. But after 30 days, RS CaOx decreased by 23%"
  • Deficiency of dietary omega-3 may explain depressive behaviors - Science Daily, 1/30/11 - "The dietary ratio between omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid omega-3 increased continuously over the course of the 20th century. These fatty acids are "essential" lipids because the body cannot synthesize them from new ... the researchers studied mice fed a life-long diet imbalanced in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. They found that omega-3 deficiency disturbed neuronal communication specifically. The researchers observed that only the cannabinoid receptors, which play a strategic role in neurotransmission, suffer a complete loss of function. This neuronal dysfunction was accompanied by depressive behaviours among the malnourished mice"
  • Eating poorly can make you blue: Trans-fats increase risk of depression, while olive oil helps avoid risk - Science Daily, 1/26/11 - "the participants with an elevated consumption of trans-fats (fats present in artificial form in industrially-produced pastries and fast food, and naturally present in certain whole milk products) "presented up to a 48% increase in the risk of depression when they were compared to participants who did not consume these fats," ... In addition, the study demonstrated a dose-response relationship, "whereby the more trans-fats were consumed, the greater the harmful effect they produced in the volunteers," ...Furthermore, the team, ... also analyzed the influence of polyunsaturated fats (abundant in fish and vegetable oils) and of olive oil on the occurrence of depression. "In fact, we discovered that this type of healthier fats, together with olive oil, are associated with a lower risk of suffering depression,""
  • Fish Oil Lowers Cortisol and Body Fat Levels - Vital Choice, 12/13/10 - "Black tea is shown to rapidly normalize cortisol levels after stress ... Fish oil has also been found to improve body composition in preliminary clinical studies … an outcome attributed to various physiological effects of omega-3s ... In tests performed at the end of the six-week study, members of the fish oil group showed significantly lower cortisol levels" - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com and Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com.
  • Not All Omega-3s Equal When It Comes to Antidepressant Effects - Medscape, 12/8/10 - "In fact, only eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) — and not docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) — is associated with mood improvement in patients with depression" - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com.
  • New evidence for eye-protective effects of omega-3-rich fish, shellfish - Science Daily, 12/1/10 - "Our study corroborates earlier findings that eating omega-3-rich fish and shellfish may protect against advanced AMD"
  • Fish Oil to Fend Off Psychosis: New Evidence - Medscape, 10/28/10 - "the intake of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids was associated with a decreased relative risk for psychotic-like symptoms ... Two of 41 (4.9%) of those receiving the active agent transitioned to psychosis, compared to 11 of 40 (27.5%) in the placebo group, which represented a statistically significant difference. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids also reduced the severity of positive, negative, and general symptoms, and improved functioning compared to the placebo condition ... the concentrations of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid in red blood cells were negatively correlated with hostility scores (the higher the level of those omega-3 fatty acids, the lower the severity of hostility) ... On the other hand, the concentration of arachidonic acid was positively correlated with hostility scores. This and related studies may have clinical implications in terms of either dietary modifications that could be beneficial to people with schizophrenia, or the use of specific polyunsaturated fatty acid supplements among such patients"
  • Consuming polyunsaturated fatty acids may lower the incidence of gum disease - Science Daily, 10/26/10 - "There was an approximately 20% reduction in periodontitis prevalence in those subjects who consumed the highest amount of dietary DHA. The reduction correlated with EPA was smaller, while the correlation to LNA was not statistically significant" - See Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com.
  • Got fish? Nutrition studies explore health benefits - Science Daily, 10/8/10 - "DHA protected the animals against two harmful side effects of CLA: CLA-induced insulin resistance and CLA-induced non-alcoholic fatty-liver disease. In contrast, EPA offered only partial protection against CLA-induced non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and provided no protection against insulin resistance"
  • Why fish oils work swimmingly against inflammation and diabetes - Science Daily, 9/2/10 - "Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have identified the molecular mechanism that makes omega-3 fatty acids so effective in reducing chronic inflammation and insulin resistance ... omega-3 fatty acids activate this macrophage receptor, resulting in broad anti-inflammatory effects and improved systemic insulin sensitivity ... It's just an incredibly potent effect ... omega-3 fatty acids switch on the receptor, killing the inflammatory response"
  • Excessive intake of omega 6 and deficiencies in omega 3 induce obesity down the generations - Science Daily, 7/26/10 - "Chronic excess of linoleic acid (omega 6), coupled with a deficiency in alpha-linoleic acid (omega 3), can increase obesity down the generations ... In the past forty years, there has been a steady rise in obesity over the generations in Western societies. During the same period, the diet in industrialized countries has seen a quantitative increase in the calories ingested (lipids account for 35 to 40% of food intake), high levels of linoleic acid (omega 6) and low levels of alpha-linoleic acid (omega 3). Indeed, the amount of omega 6 consumed during the past forty years has rocketed (+250%) while that of omega 3 has fallen by 40%, thus destabilizing the omega 6/omega 3 ratio when compared with the recommended intakes. While the French Food Safety Agency (AFSSA) recommends an omega 6/omega 3 ratio of 5/1, actual consumption is 15 omega 6 for 1 omega 3. In the USA, this ratio can even reach 40 omega 6 for 1 omega 3 ... researchers exposed four generations of mice to a Western-style diet, characterized by these same omega 6/omega 3 ratios. As a result, they saw a gradual increase in fat mass over several generations"
  • Fish oil may reduce risk of breast cancer - Science Daily, 7/8/10 - "asked 35,016 postmenopausal women who did not have a history of breast cancer to complete a 24-page questionnaire about their use of non-vitamin, non-mineral "specialty" supplements in the Vitamins and Lifestyle (VITAL) cohort study ... Regular use of fish oil supplements, which contain high levels of the omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, was linked with a 32 percent reduced risk of breast cancer. The reduction in risk appeared to be restricted to invasive ductal breast cancer, the most common type of the disease"
  • Treating depression with Omega-3: Encouraging results from largest clinical study - Science Daily, 6/21/10 - "Initial analyses failed to clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of Omega-3 for all patients taking part in the study. Other analyses, however, revealed that Omega-3 improved depression symptoms in patients diagnosed with depression unaccompanied by an anxiety disorder. Efficacy for these patients was comparable to that generally observed with conventional antidepressant treatment"
  • Omega-3 intakes may improve diabetic kidney health - Nutra USA, 4/12/10 - "Albumin is the most abundant protein in human serum and in people with kidney problems the protein leaks from the kidney into the urine. A level of 30 mg per 24 hours is reportedly representative of sufficient function ... people with a higher average intake of omega-3s had albumin excretion levels 22.7 mg per 24 hours lower than people with the lowest average intakes of omega-3" - [Abstract]
  • Omega-3: Healthy no matter what? - Science Daily, 4/6/10 - :"Rancid fish oil smells bad and tastes so awful that no-one would want to swallow it. But if the fish oil is in capsules, it is impossible to smell if it is rancid or not. That is why it is important for us to examine whether rancid fish oil is less beneficial to health, or, at worst, harmful to anyone who takes it ... One of the possible negative impacts of ingesting rancid fish oil to which Frøyland is referring is what is known as oxidative stress in the cell membrane, i.e. where oxidants break down the cell membrane ... fish oil from capsules caused oxidation of the cell membrane, even when antioxidants had been added and when the capsules still had over a year left before their expiration date. Juice containing omega-3, on the other hand, produced no oxidation ... The fish oil in Smartfish products comes from the company Marine Harvest Ingredients AS and is manufactured from the discards from salmon production -- within an hour of the salmon being slaughtered" - That's why I don't buy cheap band X brands when I buy supplements. - Ben
  • Trans Fats May Promote Endometriosis: Study - Medscape, 3/24/10 - "women in the highest quintile of omega-3 fatty acid consumption were 22% less likely to develop endometriosis than women in the lowest quintile"
  • Omega 3 curbs precancerous growths in those prone to bowel cancer, study suggests - Science Daily, 3/17/10 - "randomly assigned to six months of treatment with 2 g daily of a new highly purified form of the omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) EPA. The other 27 were given the same amount of a dummy treatment (placebo) ...number of polyps increased by almost 10% among those treated with the placebo, but fell by more than 12% among those treated with the EPA capsules, representing a difference of almost 22.5% ... Similarly, polyp size increased by more than 17% among those in the placebo group but fell by more than 12.5% in those taking the EPA capsules, representing a difference of just under 30% ... the effects of EPA were similar to those produced by celecoxib, which is used to help curb the growth of new and existing polyps in patients with FAP ... celecoxib has been associated with harmful cardiovascular side effects in older patients" - See See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com.
  • In defence of omega-3 - Nutra USA, 3/4/10
  • Omega-3 may boost lung function during sport - Nutra USA, 3/3/10 - "Amateur Iranian wrestlers, and not the Hulk Hogan kind, experienced improvements in numerous measures of lung capacity, including lung volume [forced vital capacity (FVC)] and airflows [forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1)], and found significant improvements following 12 weeks of supplementation and training ... At the end of the study, improvements in FEV1 of 41 per cent and FVC of 53 per cent, in the omega-3 supplements and training group as well as four other measures, compared to the other groups" - [Abstract]
  • Very high omega-3 intakes linked to big health benefits - Nutra USA, 2/18/10 - "High levels of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) were associated with lower levels of triglycerides, as well as higher levels of HDL cholesterol ... Raised levels of the fatty acids were also associated with decreased levels of markers of inflammation, such as C-reactive protein (CRP), which is produced in the liver and is a known marker for inflammation. Increased levels of CRP are a good predictor for the onset of both type-2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease" - [Abstract]
  • Omega-3 may combat mouth bacteria, boost oral health - Nutra USA, 2/10/10 - "The study, sponsored by the US National Institutes of Health, found that all six compounds showed cent 50 per cent inhibitory activity for concentrations ranging from 1 to 10 micrograms per millilitre"
  • Omega-3 may boost kidney health in diabetics: Study - Nutra USA, 2/3/10 - "Our results showed a significant decrease in serum creatinine level after fish-oil supplement in Type 2 diabetes mellitus patients"
  • Fish oil may reduce the risk of psychotic disorders in high-risk individuals - Science Daily, 2/1/10 - "For 12 weeks, 41 individuals were assigned to take daily fish oil capsules containing 1.2 grams of omega-three polyunsaturated fatty acids and 40 were assigned to take placebo; a total of 76 (93.8 percent) completed the intervention. By the end of the study, two (4.9 percent) in the omega-3 group and 11 (27.5 percent) in the placebo group had transitioned to psychotic disorder. The difference between progression to psychosis was 22.6 percent ... Polyunsaturated fatty acids also significantly reduced symptoms and improved functioning compared with placebo" - [WebMD] - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com and Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com.
  • Omega-3 may reduce risk of Alzheimer’s: Rat study - Nutra USA, 2/1/10 - "This study, for the first time, reported […] a clear correlation between the decrease in acetylcholine release and memory deficit, [and] E-EPA improves memory by attenuating the reduction of acetylcholine release and nerve growth factor expression ... In this study, our findings add further evidence that E-EPA may improve memory by the modulation of acetylcholineand neurotrophin functions" - [Abstract]
  • Krill oil – hope or hype for the omega-3 market? - Nutra USA, 1/7/10 - It's a four minute audio. - See Krill Oil products at Amazon.com.
  • High Omega-3 Levels May Slow Aging in Heart Patients - WebMD, 1/19/10 - "Heart disease patients with the highest blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids appear to age more slowly than those with the lowest blood levels ... Farzaneh-Far and his colleagues looked at a marker of biological age -- the rate of shortening of telomeres, structures at the end of a chromosome involved in its replication and stability. As the telomeres shorten over time, the eventual result is cell death, scientists believe ... In the new study, the higher the blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the patients evaluated, the slower the rate of telomere shortening ... patients with the lowest blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids exhibited a rate of telomere shortening 2.6 times faster than patients with the highest levels of omega-3 fatty acids" - [Science Daily]
  • Fish oil given intravenously to patients in intensive care has many benefits, study finds - Science Daily, 1/18/10 - "A randomised controlled trial of fish oil given intravenously to patients in intensive care has found that it improves gas exchange, reduces inflammatory chemicals and results in a shorter length of hospital stay"
  • Review supports omega-3 for liver health - Nutra USA, 1/6/10 - "A review of four human studies found that the fatty acids could improve liver health and function, and increase insulin sensitivity in people suffering from fatty liver, a condition that is usually symptomless but said to increase the risk for liver inflammation, and ultimately results in liver failure"
  • A Fish Tale That You Can Believe: Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Their Benefits - Medscape, 12/28/09 - Good video summarizing the studies on the benefits of omega-3 fish oil.
  • Moderate Fish Consumption May Lower Risk in Patients with a History of Heart Failure - Science Daily, 12/18/09 - "Including fish in a balanced diet has long been associated with the prevention of heart disease, and scientists now believe that it can help preserve heart function in patients who have experienced heart failure. A new study in the Journal of Food Science reports that moderate fish consumption can help reduce the risk of left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVSD) in post acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients"
  • Sea of science deepens for fish heart benefits - Nutra USA, 12/16/09 - "left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVSD) ... moderate fish consumption, defined as , was associated with 53 per cent reduction in the risk of developing LVSD compared to no/rare consumption of fish ... In addition, moderate fish consumption was associated with a lower inhibition of the nitric oxide synthase, an enzyme which produces nitric oxide – a potent vasodilator that relaxes blood vessels and improves blood flow"
  • Omega-3 fatty acids may reduce risk of colon cancer - Science Daily, 12/7/09 - "Patients who consumed more long-chain omega-3 fatty acids had a reduced risk of distal large bowel cancer. Compared to the lowest quartile, fat intake in the highest quartile was linked with a 39 percent reduced risk of cancer"
  • How fish is cooked affects heart-health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids - Science Daily, 11/17/09 - "If you eat fish to gain the heart-health benefits of its omega-3 fatty acids, baked or boiled fish is better than fried, salted or dried"
  • Fish Oil May Protect Against Stroke From Ruptured Carotid Artery Plaques - Science Daily, 11/1/09 - "unstable carotid artery plaques – those in danger of rupturing and leading to a stroke – contain more inflammation and significantly less omega-3 fatty acids than asymptomatic plaques ... This suggests that increasing the levels of omega-3 fatty acids in carotid artery plaques could either prevent strokes or improve the safety of treatment. This may be accomplished by increasing dietary intake of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids"
  • Why Fish Oils Help With Conditions Like Rheumatoid Arthritis How They Could Help Even More - Science Daily, 10/28/09 -"New research from Queen Mary, University of London and Harvard Medical School has revealed precisely why taking fish oils can help with conditions like rheumatoid arthritis ... researchers describe how the body converts an ingredient found in fish oils into another chemical called Resolvin D2 and how this chemical reduces the inflammation that leads to a variety of diseases"
  • Omega-3 deficiency may be hurting our hearts - MSNBC, 10/23/09 - "Studies show that these special fatty acids accumulate in the brain and can aid children with learning disabilities, reduce violence in prison populations, and even improve everyday mood ... How could omega-3s possibly be this powerful? Scientists believe it's because Americans are suffering from a widespread deficiency. A recent study conducted by Dariush Mozaffarian, MD, of the Harvard School of Public Health, found that the absence of these fatty acids in our diet is responsible annually for up to 96,000 premature deaths in this country"
  • Men who consumed more than 0.39 grams of PUFAs per day had an associated risk of ACS 27 per cent lower than men who consumed less than 0.39 grams per day - Nutra USA, 10/16/09 - "Men who consumed more than 0.39 grams of PUFAs per day had an associated risk of ACS 27 per cent lower than men who consumed less than 0.39 grams per day" - [Abstract] - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com and Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com.
  • Omega-3 may prevent age-related sight loss - Nutra USA, 10/8/09 - "a meta-analysis published in the June 2008 issue of the Archives of Ophthalmology found that a high intake of omega-3 fatty acids and fish may reduce the risk of AMD by up to 38 per cent ... Over 12 years of study, the researchers found that intakes of omega-3, estimated using a food-frequency questionnaire, were related to both wet and dry AMD risk ... Indeed, participants with the highest omega-3 intakes, equivalent to about 0.11 per cent of their total energy intakes, had a 30 per cent lower risk of developing both types than people with the lowest intakes"
  • Health Advice: Do Omega-3 Supplements Affect Mood? - US News and World Report, 9/18/09 - "Researchers have shown that depressed patients have, on average, lower levels of omega-3 in their blood than nondepressed individuals; furthermore, they have found evidence that greater severity of depression is linked to lower levels of omega-3. A number of well-controlled depression treatment studies have found therapeutic benefits following omega-3 supplementation. Omega-3 fatty acids also benefit patients with cardiovascular disease, and there is a very well-known association between depression and cardiovascular disease that may reflect a common factor for both: deficiencies in omega-3 fatty acids"
  • There's Nothing Fishy About Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Dry Eye Syndrome - Medscape, 9/1/09 - "the essential omega-3 fatty acids, such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA) found in fish oil and alpha-linoleic acid (ALA) in flax seed oil, are also thought to improve evaporative dry eye. Omega-3 fatty acids are believed to competitively inhibit the production of proinflammatory mediators, such as interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha. With fewer proinflammatory compounds available, the ocular tear film is thought to be able to better promote a healthy ocular surface. A higher intake of omega-3 fatty acids has been associated with a decreased incidence of DES in women"
  • How Much Omega-3 Fatty Acid Do We Need To Prevent Cardiovascular Disease? - Science Daily, 9/1/09 - "a 200 mg dose of DHA per day is enough to affect biochemical markers that reliably predict cardiovascular problems, such as those related to aging, atherosclerosis, and diabetes. This study is the first to identify how much DHA is necessary to promote optimal heart health" - See Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com.
  • More omega-3, less omega-6 for colorectal protection - Nutra USA, 8/12/09 - "the dietary total omega-6 to omega-3 PUFA ratio was strongly associated with colorectal cancer risk ... Compared to women with the lowest ratio, women with the highest ratio of omega-6 to -3 had a relative risk 95 per cent higher" - [Abstract]
  • Daily Omega-3s Recommended for Heart - WebMD, 8/3/09 - "omega-3 fatty acids' strongest protective effect appears to be in people with established heart disease after a heart attack. In these people, a daily dose of DHA and EPA is associated with a 30% reduction in the risk of heart-related death ... But researchers say healthy people can also benefit from including omega-3s in their diet. Research shows a diet rich in omega-3s can also reduce the risk of hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia), heart attack, sudden cardiac death, and heart failure"
  • Omega-3 may prevent blindness in the elderly: Study - Nutra USA, 7/23/09 - "A diet high in omega-3 fatty acids may prevent the development of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) ... mice fed a high omega-3 fatty acid diet displayed a slower development of lesions in their retina, compared to animals fed a low omega-3 diet. Furthermore, some of the mice in the omega-3 group displayed some reversion of the lesions" - [Abstract] - [Science Daily] - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com and Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com.
  • Omega-3 Supplements Provide Mixed Results as Antidepressant - Medscape, 7/8/09 - "There is a large body of epidemiological data to support a link between omega-3 and depression ... For example, 8 of 11 epidemiological studies evaluating the association between depression and fish consumption report a statistically significant inverse association. In other words, less fish means more depression"
  • Oily fish may reduce dementia risk: Transcontinental study - Nutra USA, 7/8/09 - "Almost 15,000 people aged 65 or over were surveyed. After adjusting for various confounders and pooling the data from all the sites, the researchers report that they observed a dose-dependent inverse association between dementia and fish consumption" - [Abstract] - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com and Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com.
  • Rat study: Krill beats fish omega-3s in battling metabolic dysfunctions - Nutra USA, 6/30/09
  • Omega-3 deficiency causes 96,000 US deaths per year, say researchers - Nutra USA, 6/26/09 - "this new study validates that Omega-3 EPA/DHA is more than just part of a healthy diet...it's a matter of life and death ... We know that daily doses of Omega-3 EPA/DHA can help with many conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, and we're committed to increasing consumer awareness about the drastic Omega-3 EPA/DHA deficiency in the Western diet"
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Protect Against Progression Of Age-related Macular Degeneration - Science Daily, 6/18/09 - "we observed participants with early stages of AMD in the placebo group benefited from higher intake of DHA, but it appears that the high-dose supplements of the antioxidants and/or the minerals somehow interfered with the benefits of DHA against early AMD progression ... The antioxidant supplements did not seem to interfere with the protective effects of DHA and EPA against progression to advanced stages of AMD. Participants who consumed higher amounts of DHA and EPA appeared to have lower risk of progression to both wet and dry forms of advanced AMD" - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com and Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com.
  • Omega-3 plus AREDS supplement works for eye health: Study - Nutra USA, 6/16/09 - "Increased intake of DHA was associated with a 27 per cent reduction in the progression to advanced age-related macular degeneration (AMD), while EPA was linked to a 26 per cent reduction" - [Abstract] - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com and Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com.
  • Can Omega-3 Fatty Acids Prevent Depression In Coronary Heart Disease? - Science Daily, 6/9/09 - "The prevalence of depression ranged from 23% in participants in the lowest tertile of omega –3 fatty acids (< 3.1% of total blood fatty acids) to 13% in participants in the highest tertile ( >4.3% of total blood fatty acids; p for trend = 0.004). Each unit decrease in EPA + DHA was inversely associated with depressive symptoms as a continuous variable, and these associations persisted after adjustment for age, sex and race. Similarly, each SD decrease in EPA + DHA was associated with significantly greater odds of depression as a dichotomous variable (Patient Health Questionnaire score >10)" - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com and Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com.
  • Omega-3 may improve blood pressure during weight loss - Nutra USA, 6/2/09 - "Consumption of fatty fish like salmon, or fish oil supplements, may reduce blood pressure during an energy-restricted diet"
  • Omega Fatty Acid Balance Can Alter Immunity And Gene Expression - Science Daily, 5/29/09 - "Anthropological evidence suggests that human ancestors maintained a 2:1 w6/w3 ratio for much of history, but in Western countries today the ratio has spiked to as high as 10:1. Since these omega fatty acids can be converted into inflammatory molecules, this dietary change is believed to also disrupt the proper balance of pro- and anti- inflammatory agents, resulting in increased systemic inflammation and a higher incidence of problems including asthma, allergies, diabetes, and arthritis ... many key signaling genes that promote inflammation were markedly reduced compared to a normal diet, including a signaling gene for a protein called PI3K, a critical early step in autoimmune and allergic inflammation responses"
  • Eating Fish, Nuts And Olive Oil May Be Associated With Reduced Risk Of Age-related Blindness - Science Daily, 5/15/09 - "Individuals who consumed higher levels of trans-unsaturated fats—found in baked goods and processed foods—were more likely to have late AMD, whereas those who consumed the most omega-three fatty acids were less likely to have early AMD. "Olive oil intake (100 milliliters or more per week vs. less than 1 milliliter per week) was associated with decreased prevalence of late AMD," the authors write. "No significant associations with AMD were observed for intakes of fish, total fat, butter or margarine.""
  • Mediterranean Diet May Boost Eye Health - WebMD, 5/11/09 - "people who ate one serving of fish per week had a 31% lower risk of early signs of AMD. Those who ate one to two servings of nuts rich in omega-3 fatty acids had a 35% lower risk" - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com and Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com.
  • Eating Fatty Fish And Marine Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Reduce Risk Of Heart Failure - Science Daily, 4/28/09 - "men who consumed approximately 0.36 grams a day were 33% less likely to develop heart failure than men who consumed little or no marine omega-3 fatty acids"
  • Fatty Fish May Lower Heart Failure Risk - WebMD, 4/22/09 - "Study participants who got the equivalent of 0.36 grams of omega-3 a day from fish had a 33% reduction in heart failure risk"
  • Eating Fatty Fish And Marine Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Reduce Risk Of Heart Failure - Science Daily, 4/21/09
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Benefit Cancer Patients Undergoing Major Operations - Science Daily, 4/10/09 - "A randomised controlled trial showed omega-3 fatty acids given as part of an oral nutritional supplement resulted in the preservation of muscle mass in patients undergoing surgery for oesopahageal cancer, a procedure normally associated with significant weight loss and quality of life issues ... Patients given the standard supplement without omega 3 lost a significant amount of weight comprising 100% muscle mass. In fact 68% of patients suffered ‘clinically severe’ weight loss post surgery in the standard group (without omega 3) versus only 8% in the omega 3 group"
  • Resolvins Have Potential To Resolve Periodontal Inflammation And Restore Tissue Health - Science Daily, 4/4/09 - "These results support the hypothesis that both EPA- and DHA-derived Resolvins have therapeutic potential in resolving periodontal inflammation and restoring the tissues' health" - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com and Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com.
  • ALA-DHA conversion negligible, say fatty acids experts - Nutra USA, 3/25/09 - "Alpha-linolenic acid, (ALA) does not convert to docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) at levels that confer any physiological benefit ... Each type of omega-3 has distinct nutritional functions. Nevertheless, seafood/algal omega-3s – also known as long-chain omega-3s – are more potent than terrestrial plant sources of omega-3s and boast certain critical functions that terrestrial plant-based omega-3s simply cannot perform"
  • Fatty Fish May Cut Prostate Cancer Risk - WebMD, 3/24/09 - "Men in the study who ate one or more servings of fatty fish a week were found to have a 63% lower risk for developing aggressive prostate cancer than men who reported never eating fish"
  • Really? - The Claim - Fish Oil Supplements Can Contain Mercury - NYTimes.com, 3/23/09 - "The concern is a common one, but studies have found that most of the widely available supplements contain little or no mercury, dioxins or PCBs. For one thing, most companies use species of fish that are lower on the food chain, like cod and sardines, which accumulate less mercury. And many companies distill their oils to help remove contaminants"
  • Teenage Boys Who Eat Fish At Least Once A Week Achieve Higher Intelligence Scores - Science Daily, 3/9/09 - "Eating fish once a week was enough to increase combined, verbal and visuospatial intelligence scores by an average of six per cent, while eating fish more than once a week increased them by just under 11 per cent"
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids Prevent Medical Complications Of Obesity, Study Suggests - Science Daily, 2/12/09 - "Our study shows for the first time that lipids called protectins and resolvins derived from omega-3 fatty acids can actually reduce the instance of liver complications, such as hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance, in obese people" - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com and Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com.
  • Novel Benefits Of Fatty Acids In Arteries Shown - Science Daily, 2/11/09 - "a diet rich in fish oils can prevent the accumulation of fat in the aorta, the main artery leaving the heart. The beneficial actions of fish oil that block cholesterol buildup in arteries are even found at high fat intakes ... the fatty acids contained in fish oil markedly inhibit the entry of "bad," or LDL, cholesterol into arteries and, as a result, much less cholesterol collects in these vessels ... Dr. Deckelbaum advises those interested in increasing omega-3 intakes do so by either increasing fish intake or by using supplements that contain the "long-chain" fatty acids, EPA and DHA, which are found in cold water fish" - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com and Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com.
  • Novel Benefits Of Fatty Acids In Arteries Shown - Science Daily, 2/5/09 - "Now, a CUMC research team led by Richard J. Deckelbaum, M.D., Director of the Columbia Institute of Human Nutrition, has found that a diet rich in fish oils can prevent the accumulation of fat in the aorta, the main artery leaving the heart. The beneficial actions of fish oil that block cholesterol buildup in arteries are even found at high fat intakes"
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids Ease Depressive Symptoms Related To Menopause - Science Daily, 1/28/09 - "Their study, published in the February issue of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, presents the first evidence that omega-3 supplements are effective for treating common menopause-related mental health problems ... Test results before and after the eight-week period indicate that omega-3s significantly improved the condition of women suffering symptoms of psychological distress and mild depression ... Women with hot flashes also noted that their condition improved after consuming omega-3s. At baseline, the number of daily hot flashes was 2.8 and dropped by an average of 1.6 in the group taking omega-3s and by 0.5 in the control group" - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com and Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com.
  • A Little Wine Boosts Omega-3 In The Body: Novel Mechanism For A Healthier Heart Found - Science Daily, 12/5/08 - "moderate alcohol drinking acts like a 'trigger', boosting the amount of omega-3 fatty acids in our body ... the association was stronger between wine drinking and omega-3 fatty acids levels. This suggests that components of wine other than alcohol is associated with omega-3 fatty acids concentration. We may guess this effect can be ascribed to polyphenols"
  • Oily fish may boost prostate cancer survival rate: Study - Nutra USA, 11/24/08 - "The prospective cohort study with 20,167 men also found that men who ate five portions of fish per week had a 48 per cent improved survival rate from the disease than men who consumed only one portion per week" - [Abstract] - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com and Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com.
  • Diabetes Patients: Fish May Help Kidneys - WebMD, 11/4/08 - "fish consumption lowers abnormal levels of protein in the urine in people with diabetes ... Abnormal amounts of protein appear in the urine when the kidneys are damaged; it's a key indicator of kidney disease ... Leslie Spry, MD, a kidney specialist in Lincoln, Neb., who serves as a National Kidney Foundation spokesman, says he typically doesn't tell patients to eat more fish but recommends fish oil supplements to control triglycerides (blood fats)" - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com and Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com.
  • High-fat Diet Could Promote Development Of Alzheimer's Disease - Science Daily, 10/28/08 - "the main neurological markers for Alzheimer's disease are exacerbated in the brains of mice fed a diet rich in animal fat and poor in omega-3s"
  • Eating Fish in Infancy Lowers Eczema Risk - WebMD, 9/24/08 - "Babies in a newly published study whose diets included fish before the age of 9 months were 24% less likely to develop eczema by their first birthdays than babies who did not eat fish"
  • More fish during pregnancy boosts child development: Study - Nutra USA, 9/22/08 - "The children of mothers who had higher intakes of fish during pregnancy were found to have higher development scores than children of women with low fish intake" - [Abstract]
  • 8 natural pain relievers - MSNBC, 9/14/08 - "Capsaicin: For arthritis, shingles, or neuropathy ... InflaThera or Zyflamend: For arthritis ... Aquamin: For osteoarthritis ... SAM-e (S adenosylmethionine): For osteoarthritis ... Fish oil: For joint pain from arthritis or autoimmune disorders ... Methylsulfonyl-methane (MSM): For osteoarthritis"
  • Flaxseed Oil Pills vs. Fish Oil Pills - WebMD, 9/12/08 - "As expected, blood levels of EPA and DHA rose in the fish oil group, and ALA rose in the flaxseed oil group. EPA levels also rose in the flaxseed oil group, but only at the higher doses (2.4 to 3.6 grams per day). The researchers write that it's "quite attainable" to get that much ALA from foods without taking supplements ... Since flaxseed oil doesn't contain EPA, the firefighters' bodies must have converted some of the ALA into EPA. That didn't seem to happen at the lower doses of flaxseed oil ... DHA was a different story. The flaxseed oil group didn't get any increase in DHA levels; DHA only rose in the fish oil group"
  • Eating Fish While Pregnant, Longer Breastfeeding Lead to Better Infant Development - Doctor's Guide, 9/10/08 - "Both higher fish consumption and longer breastfeeding are linked to better physical and cognitive development in infants"
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Mixed Findings for Elderly - WebMD, 9/5/08
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids, but Not Statin Therapy, Cuts Mortality and Hospitalizations in Heart Failure - Medscape, 9/3/08 - "Speaking to the media, Tavazzi said the advantage of n-3 PUFA, as documented by the primary end points, is that they appear to have a beneficial effect on the mechanisms leading to the progression of heart failure. Although the exact reasons are unknown, omega-3 fatty acids could possibly exert favorable effects on inflammatory processes, such as reductions in endothelial activation and cytokine production, as well as influence platelet aggregation, blood pressure, heart rate, ventricular function, and autonomic tone"
  • Effects Of N-3 PUFA In Patients With Symptomatic Chronic Heart Failure: The GISSI-HF Results - Science Daily, 8/31/08 - "undertook a randomised, double blind, placebo controlled trial in 357 cardiology sites in Italy. They enrolled 6 975 patients with chronic heart failure of New York Heart Association class II-IV, assigned to n-3 PUFA 1 g daily or placebo. Patients were followed up for a median of 3•9 years ... In a per-protocol analysis performed in about 5000 full complier patients, the relative risk of death was reduced by 14% (p 0.004). Safety was excellent"
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids, But Not Statin Therapy, Cuts Mortality and Hospitalizations in Heart Failure - Medscape, 8/31/08 - "The long-term administration of omega-3 fatty acids reduced all-cause mortality and admission to the hospital for cardiovascular reasons, while there was no effect on these end points with 10-mg rosuvastatin (Crestor, AstraZeneca)"
  • Fish oil helps patients with chronic heart failure - MSNBC, 8/31/08 - "Comparing the results from both studies, the researchers concluded that fish oil is slightly more effective than the drug because the oil performed better against a placebo than did Crestor ... Both studies were paid for by an Italian group of pharmaceuticals including Pfizer Inc., Sigma Tau SpA and AstraZeneca PLC"
  • Eat Oily Fish At Least Once A Week To Protect Your Eyesight In Old Age - Science Daily, 8/8/08 - "people who habitually consume oily fish at least once a week compared with less than once a week are 50% less likely to have wet AMD. There was no benefit from consumption of non oily white fish. There was a strong inverse association between levels of DHA and EPA and wet AMD. People in the top 25% of DHA and EPA levels (300 mg per day and above) were 70% less likely to have wet AMD" - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com and Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com.
  • Eating Fish May Reduce the Risk for Subclinical Brain Abnormalities - Medscape, 8/7/08 - "Dietary intake of tuna and other fish appear to lower the prevalence of subclinical infarcts and white-matter abnormalities ... We also found that broiled and baked fish appeared to be beneficial, while fried fish was not ... The findings add to prior evidence suggesting fish with higher eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid content appear to have clinically important health benefits" - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com.
  • Fish May Boost Memory, Prevent Stroke - WebMD, 8/4/08 - "Researchers reporting in tomorrow’s issue of Neurology have found that older adults whose diets include three or more weekly helpings of baked or broiled tuna and other fish high in omega-3 fatty acids are less likely to develop "silent" brain lesions that can lead to cognitive decline and vascular stroke"
  • Fish Oil, Red Yeast Rice Cut Cholesterol - WebMD, 7/23/08 - "We followed them for a three-month period ... The LDL declined 42% in the supplement group and 39% in the Zocor group ... The supplement group also lost an average of 10 pounds in 12 weeks, but there was no significant weight loss in the medication group. Triglyceride levels, while on average normal in both groups at the start, decreased by 29% in the supplement group but just 9.3% in the medication group -- a significant difference" - See red yeast rice at Amazon.com and Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com.
  • Alpha-linolenic acid reduces risk of nonfatal MI - theheart.org, 7/9/08 - "ALA is an intermediate-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid that is often overshadowed by the more famous long-chain members of the n-3 family, namely EPA and DHA acids that are found in fish oils ... ALA intake, g/day ... 1.79 ... Relative risk of MI ... 0.43 ... The relationship between ALA and myocardial infarction was nonlinear ... We see a dose effect, but only up to about 0.7% of adipose tissue, which corresponds to about 1.8 g/day. Increasing intake further was not associated with increased protection" - See flax seed at Amazon.com.
  • Milestones in Prenatal Nutrition: The Emerging Role of Omega-3 Fatty Acids - Medscape, 7/2/08
  • Lowering Blood Cholesterol With Fish Oil And Red Yeast Rice Instead Of Statins - Science Daily, 7/8/08 - "The alternative treatment group participants received daily fish oil and red yeast rice supplements ... The statin group participants received 40 milligrams (mg) of Zocor (simvastatin) daily ... The researchers noted that there was a reduction in LDL cholesterol levels in both groups. The alternative treatment group experienced a 42.4 percent reduction, and the statin group experienced a 39.6 percent reduction. Members of the alternative therapy group also had a substantial reduction in triglycerides, another form of fat found in the blood, and lost more weight" - See red yeast rice at Amazon.com and Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com.
  • Potential Role Of Fish-based Fatty Acids In Resolving, Preventing Asthma - Science Daily, 6/24/08 - "a molecule produced by the body from omega-3 fatty acids helps resolve and prevent respiratory distress in laboratory mice"
  • Failure To Bridle Inflammation Spurs Atherosclerosis - Science Daily, 6/18/08 - "When a person develops a sore or a boil, it erupts, drawing to it immune system cells that fight the infection. Then it resolves and flattens into the skin, often leaving behind a mark or a scar ... A similar scenario plays out in the blood vessels. However, when there is a defect in the resolution response -- the ability of blood vessels to recover from inflammation -- atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries can result ... Some natural mediators that 'cool' this inflammation are derived from omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids"
  • Pilot study gives sign of fish oil for insulin sensitivity - Nutra USA, 6/18/08 - "The supplements they were given contained 440mg of DHA and 660mg of EPA ... They saw evidence of increased insulin sensitivity through a reduction in the plasma glucose response, and a mean reduction in serum triglycerides and total cholesterol ... What was significant, however, was the reduction in diastolic blood pressure. Clinically significant reductions in all other biomarkers associated with coronary heart disease risk and mortality" - There's no write-up in the abstract.
  • Oily Fish Can Protect Against Rheumatoid Arthritis, But Smoking And Psychosocial Stress Increase Its Risk - Science Daily, 6/13/08 - "For the first time, the intake of oily fish has been demonstrated to have a protective effect against the development of RA, reducing an individual's risk by 20-30%"
  • Eating Fatty Fish Can Help Aging Eyes - WebMD, 6/10/08
  • Eating Fish And Foods With Omega-3 Fatty Acids Linked To Lower Risk Of Age-related Eye Disease - Science Daily, 6/9/08 - "When results from all nine studies were combined, a high dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids was associated with a 38 percent reduction in the risk of late (more advanced) AMD, while eating fish twice a week was associated with a reduced risk of both early and late AMD ... "Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, docosahexaenoic acid in particular, form an integral part of the neural retina," the layer of nerve cells in the retina"
  • Fish-Oil Supplements Plus Regular Aerobic Exercise Benefit Overweight Patients - Medscape, 5/22/08 - "FO [fish oil] supplements and regular exercise both reduce body fat and improve cardiovascular and metabolic health ... Increasing intake of n-3 FAs could be a useful adjunct to exercise programs aimed at improving body composition and decreasing cardiovascular disease risk"
  • Omega-3 linked to lower colorectal cancer risk - Nutra USA, 5/16/08 - "In terms of fish intake, the highest average intake was associated with a 40 per cent reduction in the risk of colorectal cancer. In addition, this link was relevant for both colon and rectal cancers"
  • Omega-3 carrier key to boosting children's attention: study - Nutra USA, 5/15/08 - "Test of Variables of Attention (TOVA) scores ... In terms of attention measures, both omega-3 supplemented groups produced increased in TOVA scores, with an increase of 94 per cent in the PL-omega-3 group and 37 per cent in the fish oil group" - [Abstract]
  • Diets With High Omega-6:Omega-3 Ratios Enhance Risk for Depression, Inflammatory Disease - Medscape, 4/25/08 - "Whereas the early hunter-gatherers had a dietary omega-6:omega-3 ratio of 2:1 to 3:1, this ratio is now 15:1 to 17:1 in North America today ... It is believed that these dietary changes might be related to increases in inflammatory-related diseases, including depression and cardiovascular disease ... at higher levels of depressive symptoms, as the omega-6:omega-3 ratio increased, there was a marked increase in proinflammatory cytokine levels ... compared with the study participants who did not have syndromal depression, the 6 participants who had depression had significantly higher omega-6:omega-3 ratios and higher levels of proinflammatory cytokines"
  • Dietary Fish Oil Has Antiarrhythmic Effects in Ischemic Heart Disease - Medscape, 4/22/08 - "This stabilizing effect may be one way in which fish oil reduces mortality in patients with coronary artery disease"
  • Omega-3 EPA may benefit depressives, says study - Nutra USA, 4/7/08 - [Abstract] - "were randomly assigned to receive a daily EPA supplement (1000 mg, supplied by Minami Nutrition, Belgium), or 20 mg fluoxetine daily, or a combination of the two for two months ... At the end of the study, data from the 48 people who finished the study showed a 50 per cent reduction in HDRS scores for people in the EPA group, a 56 per cent reduction in people in the fluoxetin group, and a 81 per cent reduction in people in the combined intervention group"
  • Mom's fish intake may boost child's brain power - MSMBC, 4/1/08 - "Preschoolers whose mothers regularly ate low-mercury fish during pregnancy may have sharper minds than their peers ... Oily fish such as tuna, salmon and sardines contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are important in fetal and child brain development. The problem is that fatty fish are more likely to be contaminated with mercury, a metal that is toxic to brain cells, particularly in fetuses and young children"
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Be Useful for Cardioprotection - Medscape, 3/18/08 - "To date, the strongest evidence showing a CV benefit from omega-3 fatty acid intake derives from 3 large controlled trials in which a total of 32,000 participants were randomized to a control group or to receive omega-3 fatty acid supplements containing DHA and EPA. In these trials, the supplemented group had a 19% to 45% reduction in CV events vs the control group ... Patients with hypertriglyceridemia should consume 3 to 4 g/day of DHA and EPA, which can lower triglyceride levels by 20% to 50%"
  • Fish Diet May Cut Sudden Coronary Death - WebMD, 3/12/08 - "Men who reported eating an average of 6 grams of fatty fish daily -- that's two servings, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's serving-size guidelines -- were 55% less likely than men who ate no fatty fish to die of sudden coronary death ... The researchers chalk up the results to the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA" - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com and Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com.
  • Cardiovascular Benefits Of Omega-3 Fatty Acids Reviewed - Science Daily, 3/12/08 - "The most compelling evidence for the cardiovascular benefit provided by omega-3 fatty acids comes from three large controlled trials of 32,000 participants randomized to receive omega-3 fatty acid supplements containing DHA and EPA or to act as controls ... These trials showed reductions in cardiovascular events of 19 percent to 45 percent ... keeping fish oil capsules in the freezer ... may help reduce burping and upset stomach symptoms" - I've always done the freezer thing and haven't had any problem with the burp even on an empty stomach.  Also note that it's the DHA and EPA that count.  I have friends that buy cheap fish oil capsules that have very low DHA and EPA (omega-3) and they think they are getting a great deal.  I take Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com and Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com.  They've got the highest percentage of omega-3 that I've found.
  • Typical North American Diet Is Deficient In Omega-3 Fatty Acids - Science Daily, 3/7/08 - "the typical North American diet of eating lots of meat and not much fish is deficient in omega-3 fatty acids and this may pose a risk to infant neurological development ... the women who ate lots of meat and little fish were deficient in omega-3 fatty acids, and their babies didn't do as well on eye tests as babies from mothers who weren't deficient. The results were noticeable as early as two months of age"
  • Farmed Fish Fed Cheap Food May Be Less Nutritious For Humans - Science Daily, 2/26/08 - "Vegetable oils have been shown to stimulate the appetite and feed intake of fish, and to increase growth rate and carcase quality ... Marine oils are rich in long-chain omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA), which have been shown to have beneficial effects on heart and circulatory system disease in man ... heart patients with atherosclerosis (disease of the cardiac arteries) were placed on three different diets, using salmon meat containing varying amounts of fish oil and vegetable oil. It was shown that the fat composition of the salmon meat affected the fatty acid profile of the patients’ blood and that the advantageous marine omega-3 fatty acids increased markedly in those patients that ate fish fed on feed containing pure fish oils. It was also shown that in these patients the levels of marker substances for heart and vessel disease were much better than in patients eating fish fed pure rapeseed oil"
  • Consumption of fish/fish oil associated with specific heart-rate variability parameters - theheart.org, 2/21/08 - "fish and omega-3 fatty-acid consumption are associated with "more optimal" values of various heart-rate variability (HRV) indices" - [Abstract]
  • Essential Fatty Acid Accelerates Treatment Response in Early Psychosis - Medscape, 1/22/08 - "For the primary and secondary prevention of emerging psychotic disorders, physicians should "keep an open mind towards neuroprotective substances, such as omega-3 fatty acids or other experimental neuroprotective substances,""
  • Alpha-Linolenic Acid May Lower Risk of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy - Medscape, 1/7/08 - "Alpha-linolenic acid is an omega-3 fatty acid found in many vegetable oils, including flaxseed, walnuts, and canola oil ... Relative to adults in the lowest quintile of alpha-linolenic acid intake (< 0.61 g/day), the multivariate-adjusted odds of having peripheral neuropathy was 0.54 for subjects in the fourth quintile (1.35 - 2.10 g/day) of intake and 0.40 for adults in the fifth quintile (2.11 g/day or higher)" - See flax seed at Amazon.com.
  • More support for omega-3 and weight management - Nutra USA, 12/21/07 - "Laboratory mice fed a high fat diet and supplemented with eight per cent fish oil gained less weight and metabolised more fat than their murine counterparts not receiving the supplement" - [Abstract]
  • How Much Fish Is Enough? - Medscape, 12/19/07 - "the American Heart Association recommends the equivalent of 1 gram of active omega-3 compounds (eicosapentaenoic [EPA] and docosahexaenoic acids [DHA]) ingested daily.[3] This amount can be obtained by consuming a 4-ounce serving of white albacore tuna, 2 to 3 ounces of salmon (pink or red), 2 ounces of herring, and 2 to 3 ounces of sardines daily. Alternatively, significantly higher quantities of shellfish would need to be consumed, including 8 or more ounces of crab, shrimp, and lobster daily.[3] For significant TG-lowering effects (20% reduction and greater), the amount of EPA/DHA required is considerably higher (ie, 2 to 4 grams daily) and exceedingly difficult to obtain unless a person consumes vast quantities of fish every day. Therefore, patients with CHD can get the omega-3 fatty acids needed from a diet rich in oily fish. Similarly, patients with TG levels in the borderline-elevated range (150-199 mg/dL) may reduce TG levels by approximately 10% with consumption of fish equivalent to 1 gram of EPA/DHA. However, with higher TG levels, and especially when levels exceed 500 mg/dL, a diet rich in fish is most likely to be insufficient for reducing TG levels to an acceptable range"
  • Omega-3 shows benefits for fat loss in diabetics - Nutra USA, 12/13/07 - "either daily supplements of fish oil (three grams, providing 1.8 grams of omega-3) or placebo (paraffin oil) for two months ... At the end of the study, Kabir and co-workers report significant reductions in total fat mass and the diameter of fat cells beneath the surface of the skin (subcutaneous adipocytes) in the omega-3, but not the placebo, group ... risk factors for plaque formation in the arteries (atherogenic markers), such as triacylglycerol levels and the ration of triacylglycerol to HDL ('good') cholesterol, were significantly lower as a result of omega-3 supplementation" - [Abstract]
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids Protect Against Parkinson's, Study Says - Science Daily, 11/26/07 - "Omega-3 fatty acids protect the brain against Parkinson's disease ... omega-3 fatty acids--in particular DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), a specific type of omega-3--had replaced the omega-6 fatty acids already present in the brains of the mice that had been given omega-3 supplementation" - See Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com.
  • The Ethyl Ester vs. Triglyceride Form of Fish Oils - Dr. Murray's Natural Living, 11/21/07 - "Some fish oil products are made by synthesizing the free fatty acids back to a triglyceride form while others, including the pharmaceutical forms, maintain the purified oil in the ethyl ester (EE) form. Some companies selling fish oils claim that the triglyceride form is more natural, has better stability, and is better absorbed than the EE form. None of these claims is true. The recombined triglycerides are not necessarily in their natural form, they are not more stable, and they certainly are not better utilized by the body. My personal opinion is that the EE form actually possesses some advantages: ... The specific fish oil product that I recommend is RxOmega-3 Factors from Natural Factors" - See RxOmega-3 products at Amazon.com.
  • Fish for brain health supported by trio of studies - Nutra USA, 11/14/07 - "These recent reports are novel in that they address the association of n-3 fatty acid intake and cognitive function in non-demented individuals and, thus, present a shift in the attention to earlier stages of cognitive decline with the hope of preventing progression to states of dementia and disability before they become irreversible"
  • Eating Fish, Omega-3 Oils, Fruits And Veggies Lowers Risk Of Memory Problems - Science Daily, 11/13/07 - "people who regularly consumed omega-3 rich oils, such as canola oil, flaxseed oil and walnut oil, reduced their risk of dementia by 60 percent compared to people who did not regularly consume such oils ... people who ate fish at least once a week had a 35-percent lower risk of Alzheimer's disease and 40-percent lower risk of dementia, but only if they did not carry the gene that increases the risk of Alzheimer's, called apolipoprotein E4, or ApoE4 ... Given that most people do not carry the ApoE4 gene, these results could have considerable implications in terms of public health"
  • Omega-3 Fish Oil Improves Lupus Symptoms, Shows Possible Cardiovascular Benefits - Doctor's Guide, 11/12/07 - "They received 3 grams of omega-3 fish oils, daily, for 24 weeks ... Low dose dietary supplementation with omega-3 fish oils in SLE not only has a therapeutic effect on disease activity but also improves endothelial function and reduces oxidative stress and may, therefore, confer cardiovascular benefits" - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com.
  • Got omega-3? Not so much - USATODAY.com, 11/11/07 - "Most mayonnaise is made with soybean oil, which is a source of ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). But that kind of omega-3 fat, found most abundantly in flaxseed, has not been proven to convey the same health benefits as DHA plus EPA ... if the label just says omega-3 and makes no mention of DHA and EPA, there's a good chance it's ALA"
  • Eat Fish, Get Smarter? - WebMD, 11/8/07 - "Most participants ate fish, and the more fish they ate, the better their test scores were -- up to a point ... Test scores leveled off for people who ate more than about 2.5 to 2.8 daily ounces of fish" - Note:  The article includes a total of three studies.
  • Staving Off Alzheimer's Disease With The Right Diet, Prescriptions - Science Daily, 11/7/07 - "Fish oil elevated the level of a protein that prevents the formation of amyloid, the tell-tale protein found in Alzheimer's. Caffeine reversed memory impairment in animal models of the disease. In addition, environmental copper reduced the clearance of amyloid, from the brain to blood ... scientists have identified ways that essential omega-3 fatty acid -- docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) or fish oil -- can help prevent Alzheimer's ... DHA also reduced pro-inflammatory arachidonic acid in brains of Alzheimer's model mice, consistent with the anti-inflammatory effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that are associated with reduced Alzheimer's in people" - See Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com.
  • Fish Oil Supplements May Ease Lupus - WebMD, 11/7/07 - "Fish oil supplements may help improve the symptoms of lupus ... the supplements also improve blood flow and blood vessel function in people with lupus who are known to be at increased risk for heart disease"
  • Fish May Be Adjunct for Postpartum Depression - Clinical Psychiatry News, 11/07 - "The only study of omega-3 fatty acid supplements given specifically for postpartum depression was a dose-ranging study in 16 women. It found significant and similar reductions in depression in each of three dosage groups; patients received between 500 mg and 2.8 g per day of supplement capsules for 8 weeks"
  • Omega-3 to cut colon cancer: meta-analysis - Nutra USA, 10/25/07 - "the highest consumption of fish oil was associated with 12 per cent reduction in the incidence of colorectal cancer" - [Abstract] - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com.
  • Recurrence of Atrial Fibrillation Reduced With Alpha-Linolenic Acid-Enriched Diet - Doctor's Guide, 10/17/07 - "The survival rate was 25.52% in the control group versus 63.09% in the ALA group at the end of the 12-month period" - Note:  ALA is the shorter chain omega-3 found in vegetable sources such as flaxseed.
  • Baby Formula WIth Fish Oil Added May Help Infants - Science Daily, 10/11/07 - "The researchers noticed that in the piglets that were fed the control formula, fewer proteins were produced in their body over time and, at the same time, their insulin became less effective at lowering blood sugar levels. But piglets that drunk the test formula showed increased protein production and their insulin was as effective at using the proteins in the test formula for their growth as when they were born"
  • Vitamin C May Slow Skin Wrinkling - WebMD, 10/8/07 - "After adjusting for other factors likely to influence skin aging, such as sun exposure and smoking, vitamin C and linoleic acid were independently associated with skin aging ... After digestion, linoleic acid is converted to DHA and EPA -- two fatty acids" - See vitamin C products at Amazon.com and Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com. - Note:  I'm not sure that is correct.  Linoleic acid is an omega-6, which is not converted to DHA and EPA.  Most Americans get about ten time too much omega-6 already.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Borderline Personality Disorder - Clinical Psychiatry News, 10/07 - "Omega-3 fatty acids may be effective for reducing aggression and depression in females who suffer with moderate BPD. The results are consistent with prior findings on the efficacy of omega-3 fatty acids in the treatment of depression (Evidence-Based Psychiatric Medicine, CLINICAL PSYCHIATRY NEWS, May 2005, p. 28)"
  • Report: Fighting Depression And Improving Cognition With Omega-3 Fatty Acids - Life Extension Magazine, 10/07 - "subjects were randomly assigned to receive 1200 mg EPA plus 900 mg DHA, or placebo, for 12 weeks. At the end of the treatment period, the group receiving omega-3 fatty acids had significantly greater improvements compared with the placebo group in scores for depression, suicidality and daily stresses"
  • Omega-3 May Lower Type 1 Diabetes Risk - WebMD, 9/25/07 - "Eating a diet rich in omega-3 fats may help keep high-risk children from developing type 1 diabetes"
  • Omega-3 may boost blood vessel elasticity - study - Nutra USA, 9/21/07 - "fish oil supplementation improved large artery elasticity, compared to placebo (15.51.5 versus 12.83.7 ml.mm.Hg-1 x 10, respectively)"
  • Omega-3 Can Prevent Blindness In Premature Mice: Hospital Treatment Soon? - Science Daily, 8/18/07 - "Mice that ate omega-3 initially lost fewer blood vessels in their retinas than mice that ate omega-6, and they evinced only half as much abnormal vessel growth. Their retinas also showed lower inflammatory activity"
  • More Fish Oil, Less Vegetable Oil, Better For Your Health - Science Daily, 7/26/07 - "using more fish oil than vegetable oil in the diet decreases the formation of chemicals called prostanoids, which, when produced in excess, increase inflammation in various tissues and organs"
  • Different omega-3 may offer different colorectal protection - Nutra USA, 7/11/07 - "Increased intake of EPA was associated with a 41 per cent reduction in risk, while DHA was associated with a 37 per cent reduction in risk, comparing highest against lowest average intakes" - [Abstract]
  • Omega-3s May Help Prevent Blindness - WebMD, 6/25/07
  • Can Blindness Be Prevented Through Diet? - Science Daily, 6/24/07 - "Increasing intake of the omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA, found in popular fish-oil supplements, may protect against blindness resulting from abnormal blood vessel growth in the eye ... Mice on the omega-3 diet, rich in DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and its precursor EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), had less initial vessel loss in the retina than the omega-6-fed mice: the area with vessel loss was 40 to 50 percent smaller"
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Help Slow Prostate Cancer Growth - Science Daily, 6/21/07
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Lower Genetic Risk for Prostate Cancer - Medscape, 6/21/07 - "Overall, diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids reduced prostate tumor growth, slowed histopathological progression, and increased survival, the researchers write. The 12-month survival rate was 60% for mice fed a diet high in omega-3, 10% on the low–omega-3 diet, and 0% on the high–omega-6 diet. The ideal ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids is 1:1, and mice fed diets with this ratio of fatty acids were able to delay both the formation and progression of prostate tumors and prolong their survival"
  • Omega-3 Supplements Can Help With Alzheimer's Symptoms, Study Suggests - Science Daily, 6/21/07 - "There was no observable difference in therapeutic effect between the patients receiving the omega-3 and the placebo group. However, when the researchers took into account which of the patients carried the susceptibility gene APOE4 and which did not, an appreciable difference appeared. Carriers of the gene who had received active treatment responded positively to the omega-3 as regards agitation symptoms, while non-bearers of the gene showed an improvement in depressive symptoms"
  • Omega-3s May Lower Blood Pressure - WebMD, 6/4/07 - "Participants with the highest intake of omega-3 fatty acids tended to have the lowest blood pressure"
  • Eating Fish May Preserve Eyesight - WebMD, 5/15/07
  • Higher Intake Of Fish And Vitamin D Levels Linked To Lower Risk Of Age-related Macular Disease - Science Daily, 5/14/07 - "Individuals who have higher dietary intake of foods with omega-3 fatty acids and higher fish consumption have a reduced risk of advanced age-related macular degeneration, while those with higher serum levels of vitamin D may have a reduced risk of the early stages of the disease"
  • Marine Omega-3 Fatty Acids Have Positive Effect On Muscle Mass, Study Shows - Science Daily, 5/9/07 - "In mammals, the ability to use nutrients from food and convert them into muscle proteins decreases with age. Though the exact cause of this phenomenon is still unclear, insulin resistance of aging muscle cells has been suggested as a possible answer ... omega-3 fatty acids are known to improve glucose metabolism in people and animals showing insulin resistance ... After five weeks, animals with the marine omega-3 diet showed increased sensitivity to insulin which, in turn, improved protein metabolism"
  • Preventing Breast Cancer? - Dr. Weil, 5/3/07 - "Take 2 grams of fish oil a day. High omega-3 fatty acid intake significantly reduces your risk of breast cancer"
  • Fish Oil May Help Kidney Disease Sufferers - Science Daily, 4/30/07 - "daily doses of fish oil in the form of a tablet or liquid had been shown to decrease inflammation - a common problem in people with kidney disease"
  • Fish-diabetes pollution link may boost supplements - Nutra USA, 4/13/07 - "the risk of pollutants from oily fish, such a methyl mercury, dioxins, and polychlorinated biphenols (PCBs) have led to some claims to reduce fresh fish intake, especially for pregnant women who may damage the development of their babies ... Most extracted fish oils are molecularly distilled and steam deodorised to remove contaminants ... The study, led by Professor Duk-Hee Lee observed a link between POP levels and diabetes"
  • Fish Oil: Getting to the Heart of It - Medscape, 4/12/07 - "A food-based approach to increasing intake of omega-3 fatty acids is preferable. However, for those with known CHD, the increased dose required to lower triglycerides could be as much as 4 g/day. Consuming fish 2.5 to 3 times a week would provide a combined intake of about 500 mg EPA and DHA/day.[21] It is unrealistic to think that these high daily doses could be achieved through diet alone, resulting in a requirement for supplementation"
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acid May Protect Heart - WebMD, 3/29/07 - "2.8% of those taking EPA along with statins experienced a major coronary event, compared with 3.5% of those only taking statins ... That's a 19% difference"
  • Supplement 'boosts' brain power - BBC News, 3/12/07 - "they were given two capsules a day of the VegEPA supplement, which contains an omega-3 fatty acid called EPA ... Tests done at the end of the three-month study found the children showed an increase in reading age of well over a year, their handwriting became neater and more accurate and they paid more attention in class ... In three months you might expect to see a small NAA increase ... But we saw as much growth as you would normally see in three years"
  • Omega-3 in fish oils might ease depression - USA Today, 3/6/07 - "The more DHA a person consumed, the more gray matter there was in three areas of the brain linked to mood: the amygdala, the hippocampus and the cingulate, Conklin says. Seriously depressed people tend to have less gray matter in these areas" [WebMD]
  • Balancing Omega-3 and Omega-6? - Dr. Weil, 2/22/07 - "Many nutrition experts believe that before we relied so heavily on processed foods, humans consumed omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in roughly equal amounts. But to our great detriment, most North Americans and Europeans now get far too much of the omega-6s and not enough of the omega-3s. This dietary imbalance may explain the rise of such diseases as asthma, coronary heart disease, many forms of cancer, autoimmunity and neurodegenerative diseases, all of which are believed to stem from inflammation in the body. The imbalance between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids may also contribute to obesity, depression, dyslexia, hyperactivity and even a tendency toward violence"
  • Omega-3 and joint health – more support - Nutra USA, 1/31/07 - "randomly assigned 24 patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS), also known as Bechterews disease, to receive either high-dose (4.55 g) or low-dose (1.95 g) daily supplement of omega-3 (Epax 5500 TG) ... The patients in the high-dose group exhibited a significant decrease in disease activity according to the Bath Ankylosing Disease Activity Index, which was not seen in the low-dose group" - [Abstract]
  • Fish Oil for Moms May Benefit Babies - WebMD, 12/21/06 - "children of mothers who took fish oil supplements scored significantly higher on tests of hand-eye coordination than those who took olive oil supplements"
  • More support omega-3 may protect against colorectal cancer - Nutra USA, 11/22/06 - "A diet rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) could reduce the risk of colorectal cancer by 85 per cent"
  • Soy, Fish May Cut Cancer Risk - WebMD, 11/14/06 - "men who ate the most fish -- and that was five or more servings per week of fish -- compared to the least fish -- less than one time per week -- had a 40% lower risk of developing colorectal cancer"
  • Omega fatty acids to stop mental decline, says study - Nutra USA, 10/31/06 - "ARA plus DHA supplementation produced significant improvements in the immediate memory and attention RBANS scores (eight and five points, respectively)"
  • Omega 3 Fatty Acid Prescribing Behaviors - Medscape, 10/25/06 - "Fish oil intake, through diet or supplementation, is recommended by the AHA and can potentially reduce mortality in patients with CVD. Despite this, family physicians do not often advise increasing dietary fish intake to their patients with CVD. Improving physician awareness of fish oil's benefits on sudden death and simplifying the message should be explored further as potential strategies to increase physician recommendation of this important advice"
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Slow Cognitive Decline In Some Patients With Very Mild Alzheimer's Disease - Science Daily, 10/11/06 - "For six months, 89 patients (51 women and 38 men) took 1.7 grams of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and .6 grams of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), while 85 patients (39 women and 46 men) took placebo ... among a subgroup of 32 patients with very mild cognitive impairment at the beginning of the study, those who took the fatty acids experienced less decline in six months compared with those who took placebo"
  • New Study Finds Omega-3's in Fatty Fish Can Reduce Risk of Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 9/26/06 - "At least one portion of fatty fish a week during the period (1987-2004) reduced the risk of renal cancer by 74 per cent compared with those who never ate fatty fish"
  • Fatty Fish Fight Cancer - WebMD, 9/19/06 - "Those who consistently ate lots of fatty fish over a 10-year period had a 74% lower risk of kidney cancer" - See Mega Twin EPA at Vitacosticon or iHerb.
  • Why You Need More Omega-3 Fatty Acids - Life Extension Magazine, 9/06
  • Protection for Aging Eyes - New Hope Natural Media Online, 8/31/06 - "A 40% reduction in the incidence of early age-related macular degeneration was associated with eating fish at least once a week; eating fish at least three times per week even reduced the incidence of late-stage age-related macular degeneration"
  • Fish Oils May Be Lifesavers - WebMD, 8/30/06 - "Sudden death risk dropped 6.4% with adequate omega-3 fatty acid intake, compared with 3.3% for implantable defibrillators, and less than 1% with easy access to AEDS"
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids after Myocardial Infarction - Medscape, 8/30/06 - "OMACOR, containing 900 mg of highly purified n-3 PUFA (eicosapentaenoic acid, 46%; decosahexaenoic acid, 38%) ... The incremental number of life-years saved by OMACOR during the 4 years' follow-up was 0.054 per patient, or 54 per 1000 patients"
  • Altering Fatty Acid Levels In Diet May Reduce Prostate Cancer Growth Rate - Science Daily, 8/1/06 - "tumor cell growth rates decreased by 22 percent and PSA levels were 77 percent lower in the group receiving a healthier balance of fatty acids compared with the group that received predominantly omega-6 fatty acids"
  • Fatty Fish Helps Heart Keep Its Rhythm - WebMD, 7/28/06 - "suggests eating fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids regularly acts directly on the heart's electrical function, which regulates the heart rate and keeps it from beating too fast or too slow"
  • Fish Oil May Help Save Your Eyes - WebMD, 7/10/06 - "men with the highest fish consumption (at least two weekly servings) were 45% less likely to have AMD than those with the lowest fish consumption (less than one weekly serving)"
  • A Safer Alternative to NSAIDs? - Physician's Weekly, 7/3/06 - "omega-3 essential fatty acid (EFA) may be as effective as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in relieving neck and lower back pain without the risk of harmful complications"
  • Omega-3s may help depressive kids - pilot study - Nutra USA, 6/23/06 - "seven out of ten children in the omega-3 group and none of the children in the placebo group had depression score reductions of 50 per cent or more"
  • Hypertriglyceridemia - Medscape, 6/1/06 - "Omega-3 fatty acids (4 g per day) will reduce triglyceride levels by 30%"
  • MIT Research Offers New Hope For Alzheimer's Patients - Science Daily, 4/27/06 - "The three compounds in the treatment cocktail - omega-3 fatty acids, uridine and choline - are all needed by brain neurons to make phospholipids, the primary component of cell membranes"
  • Does Eating Salmon Lower the Murder Rate? - New York Times, 4/16/06 - "enrolled 231 volunteers at a British prison in his study; one-half received a placebo, while the other half received fatty acids and other supplements. Over time, the antisocial behavior (as measured by assaults and other violations) of the inmates who had been given the supplements dropped by more than a third relative to their previous records"
  • Fish Oil May Help Ease Back Pain - WebMD, 4/6/06 - "88% of patients said they would keep taking fish oil supplements"
  • Fish Oil May Help Protect Against Retinal Degenerative Diseases - Science Daily, 4/6/06
  • Omega-3s could stop liver cancer cells growth - Nutra USA, 4/3/06 - "Both omega-3 fatty acids had a dose-dependent inhibitory effect"
  • Study: Benefits of Omega-3s Fishy - WebMD, 3/24/06
  • In search of those omega-3 fatty acids -  San Diego Union-Tribune, 3/7/06 - "Fish oils from supplements or dietary sources can reduce triglycerides by 20 percent to 50 percent ... Studies have used triglyceride-lowering doses of 1 to 4 grams (1,000 mg to 4,000 mg) daily"
  • In a Bad Mood? Eat Your Fish - WebMD, 3/3/06 - "People in our study who had low blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids were more likely to report mild to moderate symptoms of depression, more moodiness, and more impulsivity ... people with higher blood levels of omega-3s were found to be more agreeable"
  • Fish oils cool anger levels - Nutra USA, 1/23/06 - "The 13 patients who received the fish oil showed a clinically significant and progressive decrease in their POMS anger subscale scores"
  • Oily fish makes 'babies brainier' - BBC News, 1/20/06 - "mothers with the lowest intake of the essential fatty acid had children with a verbal IQ six points lower than the average ... Low intake of the crucial fatty acid also appeared to lead to more problems of social interactions - such as an inability to make friends"
  • Fish Oil Reduces Airway Inflammation Caused by Exercise-Induced Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 1/10/06 - "the post-exercise lung function of participants -- adults with mild-to-moderate persistent asthma -- improved by about 64% and their use of emergency inhalers decreased by 31% when they consumed a diet supplemented with fish oil, rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA), for three weeks"
  • Have a Daily Dose of Omega-3 - US News, 12/26/05 - "Farmed salmon are raised on fish oil pellets derived from local fish, which are often contaminated with cancer-causing PCB s. The most recent study, in the November issue of the Journal of Nutrition, reports that contaminant levels in farmed salmon from certain regions increase the risk of cancer enough to outweigh benefits"
  • Fish Oil Prevents Potentially Deadly Heart Rate Variability - Science Daily, 12/15/05 - "In this randomized controlled trial, fish oil supplementation prevented the reduction in heart rate variability associated with the same-day exposure to indoor particulate matter"
  • Fish Oil May Treat Lung Disease - WebMD, 12/12/05 - "People in the omega-3 group had two advantages. They had a significant drop in lung inflammation. They also walked farthest in the six-minute walking test"
  • Cortisol, Stress, and Health - Life Extension Magazine, 12/05 - "Supplements to reduce high cortisol levels secondary to stress ... Vitamin C: 1000-3000 mg/day ... Fish oil (omega-3 fatty acids):1-4 gm/day ... Phosphatidylserine: 300-800 mg/day ... Rhodiola rosea: 100-200 mg/day, standardized extract ... Ginseng: 100-300 mg/day, standardized extract ... Ginkgo biloba: 100-200 mg/day, standardized extract ... DHEA: 25-50 mg/day (any hormone supplementation should be monitored by your physician)"
  • Fatty Acids May Protect against Cardiovascular Disease - Doctor's Guide, 11/21/05 - "After 4.5 years of follow-up, patients taking EPA were 19% less likely to have adverse coronary events compared to controls"
  • The Nude Mouse Tale: Omega-3 Fats Save The Life Of A Terminal Cancer Patient - Science Daily, 11/14/05 - "In 2000 he was told by his doctor he had only a few months to live ... But five years later, he is still alive, and has even gained a little weight ... It was a nutritional intervention, drastically increasing the patient’s intake of omega-3 fatty acids"
  • Fish Oil Supplements Improve Lipid Risk Factors in Obese Children - Medscape, 11/14/05 - "given 3 g of a daily fish oil supplement ... After 12 weeks, the researchers found that triglyceride levels in the control group did not significantly differ from baseline. In contrast, triglyceride levels in children treated with fish oil significantly decreased. However, differences in other lipid measures were not statistically significant"
  • The Perricone Weight Loss Program - Life Extension Magazine, 11/05 - "The reason that traditional low-calorie diets fail is that they lack omega-3s, which are essential for healthy metabolism. If you follow the anti-inflammatory diet and ensure the intake of plenty of omega-3 fatty acids, you will successfully lose weight"
  • Oxidation Negates Fish Oil's Many Benefits - mercola.com, 10/31/05
  • Fish Oil Improves Endothelial Function of Healthy Subjects - Doctor's Guide, 10/27/05 - "fish oil supplementation resulted in a significant increase in endothelium-dependent brachial artery flow mediated vasodilation (EDV) and endothelium-independent nitroglycerin mediated vasodilation (EIDV)"
  • Fatty Acid Supplementation for ADHD - Medscape, 10/26/05 - "finally studies are emerging that are evaluating these possible benefits. One such study found significant improvements in reading, spelling, and behavior in a cohort of children who received dietary supplementation with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.[1] In addition, studies of infants fed infant formula with fatty acid supplementation have suggested cognitive enhancement into the second year of life"
  • Dietary Fat Intake Linked To Dry Eye Syndrome In Women - Science Daily, 10/24/05 - "a high intake of omega 3 fatty acids, often referred to as a 'good' fat, commonly found in fish and walnuts, is associated with a protective effect. Conversely, a higher ratio of omega 6, a fat found in many cooking and salad oils and animal meats, compared to omega 3 in the diet, may increase the risk of dry eye syndrome"
  • Eating Fish Associated with Slower Cognitive Decline - Doctor's Guide, 10/12/05 - "Consuming fish at least once a week was associated with a 10% per year slower rate of cognitive decline in elderly people ... consumption of one omega-3 fatty acid in particular, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), is important for memory performance in aged animals" - See DHA products at iHerb.
  • Balance of Essential Fats May Prevent Bone Loss After Menopause - Doctor's Guide, 7/13/05 - "After 12 weeks, rats with the lowest ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids in their diet experienced significantly less bone loss than rats in the other dietary groups ... A 5-to-1 dietary ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids led to a conservation of bone mineral content that we didn't see with a 10-to-1 ratio"
  • Omega-3, Omega-6 Fatty Acids Can Affect Bone Loss - CBS 2 Chicago, 7/12/05 - "eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids -- found in walnuts and salmon -- may prevent bone thinning. While excess amounts of omega-6 -- found in grains and beef -- may actually promote bone loss ... a low ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 appears to be best"
  • Getting Enough Omega-3? - Dr. Weil, 7/14/05
  • Fish Help the Heart by Fighting Inflammation - WebMD, 7/5/05 - "compared with those who said they didn't eat fish, those who ate at least 10.5 ounces of fish per week had 33% lower C-reactive protein and 33% lower tumor necrosis factor-alpha (another indicator of inflammation) levels as well as much lower levels of other signs of inflammation"
  • Omega-3 Offers Hope For New Anti-breast Cancer Drugs - Science Daily, 6/8/05 - "Compounds of Omega-3 fatty acids and propofol reduce the ability of breast cancer cells to develop into malignant tumours, inhibiting cancer cell migration by 50% and significantly reducing their metastatic activity ... Propofol is a potent anti-oxidant known to inhibit cancer cell migration by only 5-10%"
  • Modern diet may be causing depression - Nutra USA, 5/26/05 - "The finding lends itself nicely to the theory that increased omega-3 fatty acid intake may shift the balance between the two fatty acid families in the brain, since it has been demonstrated in animal studies that increased omega-3 fatty acid intake may result in decreased brain arachidonic acid"
  • Omega-3 Boosts Mood Throughout Pregnancy - Clinical Psychiatry News, 5/05 - "In a small, open-label, flexible-dose study of 15 patients using doses up to 2.8 g/day of the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, patients showed a mean decrease on the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) of 39% and a mean decrease of 34% on the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression"
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Depression - Clinical Psychiatry News, 5/05 - "English investigators conducted a 12-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of EPA doses of 1,000, 2,000, or 4,000 mg/day in addition to unchanged standard treatment in 70 patients with persistent depression. The 1,000-mg group showed a significant decrease in depression as compared with placebo, but the other groups showed little evidence of efficacy ... The bulk of evidence suggests that omega-3 fatty acid supplementation is effective in treating depression in patients with low omega-3 diets"
  • Breast Cancer Protection Starts in the Womb - WebMD, 4/20/05 - "Mothers who choose foods packed with omega-3 fatty acids during pregnancy and while nursing and then feed their kids such a diet after weaning may reduce the risk of breast cancer in their daughters by nearly 90%, early research in mice indicates"
  • High-Dose Omega-3 Oils Used to Treat Non-Surgical Neck and Back Pain - Doctor's Guide, 4/20/05 - "this could be the answer to the adverse effects seen with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 inhibitors, which have been associated with potentially catastrophic adverse effects ... 88% percent said they were pleased enough with the outcomes that they planned to continue using the fish oils"
  • Fish, Soy Oil Supplements May Cut Heart Death - WebMD, 4/11/05 - "participants were randomly assigned to take fish oil supplements or soy oil pills (2 grams daily for both groups) for 11 weeks ... Both groups significantly increased their heart rate variability while taking the supplements. Greater heart rate variability reduces the risk of dangerous irregular heart beats or sudden death"
  • Fish Oil May Fight Alzheimer's Disease - WebMD, 3/22/05 - "Brain imaging showed that the high-DHA diet cut brain plaque by 40%. The largest drops were seen in brain areas vulnerable to Alzheimer's disease ... The high-DHA diet also delivered the biggest drop (70%) in levels of beta-amyloid protein in the brain, a building block of plaque"
  • The Mechanism of Action of Omega-3 Fatty Acids - Medscape, 3/16/05 - "omega-3 fatty acids play a significant role in secondary prevention post-myocardial infarction. The mechanisms through which two of these omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexanoic acid, exert their action appear to be distinct and adjuvant to the available standard secondary prevention therapies"
  • Eating Oily Fish May Reduce Inflammation - Science Daily, 3/24/05 - "This research group recently identified a new class of aspirin-triggered bioactive lipids, called resolvins, the activity of which may in part explain the beneficial effects of omega-3 fatty acids"
  • Oily fish helps cut inflammation - BBC News, 3/13/05 - "We always suggest that people with arthritis eat two or three portions of oily fish a week, or take 1,500mg fish oil capsules a day"
  • Low Fatty Acid Levels, Dementia Associated in Large Study - Clinical Psychiatry News, 3/05 - "The n-3 fatty acids are an important component of the neuronal membrane, influencing membrane fluidity and all the related functions, such as signal transduction and enzyme function ... Subjects with dementia had the lowest n-3 fatty acid plasma concentrations ... Subjects with dementia had the highest plasma concentrations of saturated fatty acids"
  • Applications of Omega-3 Fatty Acids - Medscape, 3/1/05 - "Fish saves lives, and physicians must recognize this potential life-saving treatment choice in patients with cardiovascular disease. In addition, family physicians can safely offer patients an alternative therapeutic approach for difficult-to-treat conditions such as hypertriglyceridemia and rheumatoid arthritis. For those without cardiovascular disease, including young mothers and women, it is reasonable to recommend 650 to 1000 mg of low-risk fish oils per day through dietary approaches as suggested by the National Institutes of Health working group, AHA, and the FDA—easily achieved by 1 to 2 fatty fish meals per week"
  • Antidepressant Foods - Forbes.com, 2/10/05 - "The Omega-3 diet showed results after one month, and uridine was effective as long as the rats were fed enough of it. But when given both together, within ten days the rats who were eating the good foods behaved as well as those on medications ... Uridine fuels mitochondria, and paired with the lubricating effect of the Omega-3s, helps them make more energy more efficiently"
  • Omega-3s to enter weight loss category? - Nutra USA, 1/25/05 - "The fish oil concentrates not only caused weight reduction in the mice but they also appeared to stop the animals from gaining weight when given free access to food"
  • Arthritis Patients Can Seek Natural Pain Relief - CBS Chicago, 1/15/05 - "They placed 120 patients on fish oil supplements. About 59 percent of reported decreased joint pain, and 68 percent were able to discontinue prescription drugs entirely"
  • Fish oil supplements slow ageing of brain - Nutra USA, 12/21/04 - "People who eat oily fish or take fish oil supplements score 13 per cent higher in IQ tests and are less likely to show early signs of Alzheimer’s disease ... The brains of fish oil users seemed to be faster. There was a strong relationship between mental test scores and the omega-3 content in the blood"
  • Fish Oil Could Help Crohn's Disease - WebMD, 12/10/04
  • Low-Fat Diet May Protect Against Alzheimer's - WebMD, 12/7/04 - "mice fed a low-fat diet rich in the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and soy, produced more of a protein that helps eliminate the amyloid peptides that cause plaque in the brain"
  • The high five for hypertension - Functional Foods & Nutraceuticals, 12/04 - "Co-enzyme Q10 ... Omega-3 fatty acids ... Garlic ... L-arginine ... Calcium"
  • Alpha-Linolenic Acid Intake Inversely Associated With Cardiac Events - Medscape, 11/11/04 - "women who consumed the highest levels of ALA — defined as approximately 1.5 g per day — "had a 46% lower risk of sudden cardiac death than women who consumed the least amount of [ALA], which was just over half a gram a day ... 1.5 g equals "about two capfuls of flaxseed oil or a handful of walnuts"
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Good For The Heart, And (maybe) Good For The Brain - Science Daily, 11/8/04 - "There is mounting evidence that a diet containing omega-3 fatty acids, already known to help prevent cardiovascular disease, may also prevent depression"
  • ConsumerLab.com - Omega-3 Fatty Acids (EPA and DHA) from Fish/Marine Oils review - ConsumerLab.com, 10/6/04 - "None of the products were found to contain detectable levels of mercury ... none of the products contained unsafe levels of PCBs ... none of these supplements contained unsafe levels of dioxins"
  • Fish Oil's Breast Cancer Benefits May Vary - WebMD, 9/23/04
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids Get New Health Claim - WebMD, 9/8/04 - "The FDA now says it will allow foods and supplements containing eiscosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) omega-3 fatty acids to carry a qualified health claim that says eating the product may reduce the risk of heart disease"
  • Fish Containing N-3 Fatty Acids Reduce Risk of AF - Medscape, 7/19/04 - "Intake of fatty fish containing N-3 fatty acids reduces the risk of atrial fibrillation (AF), but fish sandwiches or fried fish are not protective"
  • Omega-3s appear to protect against prostate cancer - Nutra USA, 6/23/04 - "alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an omega-6 fat, may raise the risk of advanced prostate cancer ... Men with the highest quintiles of EPA and DHA combined had an 11 per cent lower total prostate cancer risk and advanced prostate cancer risk was 26 per cent lower"
  • Fish Oil Prevents Deadly Irregular Heartbeats - WebMD, 4/30/04 - "If these and other trials confirm the anti-arrhythmic properties of these [omega-3 acids], fish oil may become a less toxic and more appetizing alternative to traditional anti-arrhythmic"
  • Salmon and Cod Liver Oil Contamination: Key Point - Rely on Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil for Your Omega-3 Fatty Acid Needs - Dr. Murray's Natural Facts, 4/21/04 - "To reduce your chances of eating salmon and other fish that is tainted with chemical toxins: ... Eat wild Alaskan salmon as opposed to farm-raised salmon ... Limit your intake of fresh water fish ... Eat smaller, young fish ... The specific product that I recommend is RxOmega-3 Factors from Natural Factors"
  • Improving Omega-3 Oils - ffnmag.com, 1/04
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids Vital to a longer, healthier life - Life Extension Foundation, 12/03 - "While an omega-6 to omega-3 ratio of roughly 2:1 is optimal, most Americans consume far more omega-6s than omega-3s, yielding a ratio skewed at least 10:1 in favor of omega-6s. Some estimates put the ratio as high as 40:1 ... Because omega-6s break down into arachidonic acid in the body, and arachidonic acid is converted to highly inflammatory chemicals, a huge increase in the availability of arachidonic acid translates into a huge increase in the potential for inflammatory and autoimmune diseases"
  • Get Hooked On Fish - Wellness Insider, 11/25/03 - "Fish is a good source of omega 3s. Elderly individuals who consume fish three times per week can almost cut their risk in half for developing Alzheimer's disease"
  • Fish Oil May Help Elite Athletes - WebMD, 11/14/03
  • Recent Clinical Studies on Fish Oils - Dr. Murray's Natural Facts, 11/12/03
  • Fish And N-3 Fatty Acids Reduce Risk Of Alzheimer’s Disease - Life Extension Foundation, 11/03 - "A new study, from the Rush-Presbyterian, St. Lukes Medical Center, in Chicago, shows that people who consumed at least one serving of fish a week dramatically reduced their risk of Alzheimer’s disease, compared to those who rarely or never ate fish. Dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids had a similar risk-lowering effect"
  • Diet and Exercise - Medscape, 9/9/03 - "Consumption of the omega-3 fatty acids is inversely related to the incidence of atherosclerosis and the risk of sudden death[1,2] and stroke.[3] In high doses, omega-3 fatty acids may reduce blood triglyceride levels, but in dietary amounts, they have little effect on blood lipids. Even in modest amounts, however, omega-3 fatty acids reduce platelet aggregation, impairing thrombogenesis. They may also have antiarrhythmic and plaque-stabilizing properties"
  • Inflammation Syndrome a Red-Hot Topic - Natural Foods Merchandiser, 9/03 - "What are some of the key anti-inflammatory supplements? ... At the top of the list are omega-3 fish oils, gamma-linolenic acid (GLA, an omega-6 fat that behaves more like an omega-3) and vitamin E. Several studies have shown that natural vitamin E supplements lower CRP levels by 30 percent to 50 percent"
  • The Omega Principle - WashingtonPost.com, 8/19/03 - "Omega-3s, dubbed the "happy" fats in some quarters, are under investigation for treating depression, bipolar disease, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, alcoholism, Alzheimer's disease and even the so-called baby blues, or postpartum depression ... there are many profound neurological disorders that are known to be caused by lipid problems ... The brain itself, is, in fact, about 60 percent fat ... while the body can manufacture saturated fat, cholesterol and even some unsaturated fat -- it is incapable of producing two of the fatty acids that are most vital ... there has been an 1,000-fold increase in [consumption of] omega-6 fatty acids ... Flooding brains and bodies with a diet rich in omega-6 fatty acids theoretically could give an unfair advantage to these molecules, allowing them to block omega-3s from getting inside cells" - See Mega Twin EPA at Vitacosticon or iHerb.
  • Eating Fish Lowers Heart Rate - WebMD, 8/12/03 - "This current study involves more than 9,700 men -- all between 50 and 59 years old -- who had no signs of heart disease. Researchers kept track of them from 1991 to 1993, documenting their heart rate, blood pressure, cholesterol, and other heart disease risk factors ... Fish eaters had the lowest heart rates. It's important information because even small reductions in heart rate can make a difference in sudden heart death"
  • Beyond the Mediterranean Diet: The Role of Omega-3 Fatty Acids in the Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease - Medscape, 8/1/03 - "The current US consumption of n-3 fatty acids is significantly below recommended levels and new American Heart Association recommendations suggest consuming at least two fish meals per week. Although additional trials are needed, the favorable safety profile and existing clinical trials suggest n-3 fatty acids should be considered a new important adjunct to existing cardiovascular prevention strategies"
  • Is Your Salmon Safe? - WebMD, 7/31/03 - "bought 10 salmon filets in grocery stores in Washington, D.C.; Portland, Ore.; and San Francisco. Lab analysis showed "high" PCB levels in seven of the 10 samples"
  • Fish Once a Week Cuts Alzheimer's Risk - WebMD, 7/21/03 - "Weekly fish eaters had a 60% lower risk of Alzheimer's than people who rarely or never ate fish ... The beneficial effects of [fatty acids] from fish may be counterbalanced by toxins ... A high antioxidant/low saturated fat diet pattern with a greater amount of fish, chicken, fruits, and vegetables and less red meat and dairy products is likely to lower the risk of AD, as well as that for heart disease and stroke ... Furthermore, B vitamin supplements, containing vitamins B12 and B6 and folic acid, lower plasma total homocysteine levels, possibly decreasing the risk of stroke, heart disease and perhaps Alzheimer's disease"
  • New Research Supports Omega-3's Benefits - Natural Foods Merchandiser, 7/03 - "Research keeps piling up to support omega-3 use for a whole host of purposes, from brain food to arrhythmia prevention. In fact, Andrew Weil, M.D., the alternative medicine promoter and guru, recommends omega-3s for no fewer than 20 conditions on his Web site"
  • Essential Fatty Acid Beneficial for Women with Personality Disorder - New Hope Natural Media, 7/3/03 - "30 women with moderately severe BPD between the ages of 18 and 40 received 500 mg twice a day of EPA or a similar looking placebo for eight weeks ... Compared with the placebo group, average aggression and depression scores decreased in the EPA treatment group by 44% and 22%, respectively ... a purified EPA product, called ethyl-eicosapentaenoic acid (E-EPA), was used in this study. This product is not yet commercially available" - See Mega Twin EPA at Vitacosticon or iHerb.
  • Pretty in Pink: Atlantic Salmon Under Fire - Natural Foods Merchandiser, 6/03 - "farm-bred salmon—which accounts for 95 percent of Atlantic salmon—is naturally gray. Wild salmon, on the other hand, derives its familiar pink hue from its diet of small crustaceans. So salmon farmers add a dye to their fish feed mix, making it indistinguishable from wild salmon and more appealing to consumers ... Many consumers, however, seek to avoid farm-raised salmon because of concerns about its exposure to antibiotics and PCBs, its higher fat content and its lower omega-3 profile. Research also suggests that canthaxanthin, the most common colorant, may cause an accumulation of pigments in the retina, resulting in impaired vision"
  • Fish May Fight Pregnancy Depression Risks - Intelihealth, 5/21/03 - "the more omega-3 fatty acids a woman consumed in seafood during the third trimester, the less likely she was to show signs of major depression at that time and for up to eight months after the birth"
  • Fish Oil Benefits Your Eyes - WebMD, 5/8/03 - "Why might fish oil protect eyes from age-related macular degeneration? One component of fish oil is docosahexaenoic acid -- DHA for short. It's one of the omega-3 fatty acids linked to other health benefits. Interestingly, DHA builds up in the eye near light-sensing nerve cells ... Those whose diets had the most fish oil were less likely to have dry eye syndrome than those whose diets had the least fish oil"
  • Dietary Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Reduce Risk of AMD - Medscape, 5/6/03 - "Dietary omega-3 fatty acids but not beta-carotene supplementation is associated with a reduced risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) ... omega-3 fatty acids may also reduce the risk of dry eye syndrome in women" - See Mega Twin EPA at Vitacosticon or iHerb.
  • Fatty Acids Added To Infant Formula May Cut Later Heart Disease Risks - Doctor's Guide, 5/1/03 - "Several studies have reported lower blood pressure in adults whose diet was supplemented with omega 3 fatty acids, but no published studies have looked at the effect of LCPUFA supplementation on blood pressure in children ... The LCPUFA group had significantly lower mean blood pressure: mean difference -3.0 mm Hg, and mean difference of -3.5 mm Hg diastolic"
  • Fortified Formulas Promote Healthy Heart - WebMD, 5/1/03
  • Anti-Inflammatory Diet Plus Fish Oil Effective for Rheumatoid Arthritis - New Hope Natural Media, 5/1/03 - "An anti-inflammatory diet and fish oil supplements are both helpful for people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), but combining them has an even greater effect ... The anti-inflammatory diet improved joint pain, swelling, and overall ability to function by 14%, while the Western diet did not improve symptoms or functioning. Benefits were observed with the addition of fish oil, bringing total improvement to 17% in those eating a Western diet and 37% in those eating the anti-inflammatory diet. Furthermore, the need for anti-inflammatory medications was significantly reduced for those receiving fish oil on both diets, although the group eating the anti-inflammatory diet had greater medication reduction. Medication usage increased for those on the Western diet plus placebo"
  • Eating Fish Lowers Heart Disease Risk in Women With Diabetes - WebMD, 3/31/03 - "Women with type 2 diabetes who ate fish once a week were 40% less likely to develop heart disease than those who rarely ate it, and eating fish almost every day was associated with a two-thirds reduction in risk ... It is believed that omega-3 fatty acids abundant in the fat of many fish reduces the risk of heart disease by lowering triglyceride levels, improving blood vessel function, and reducing blood-clot formation"
  • Lipid Benefits With Monounsaturated-Fatty-Acids Diet In Healthy People - Doctor's Guide, 3/14/03 - "A moderate supplementation of long-chain n-3 fatty acids in healthy individuals reduces both fasting and post-prandial triacylglycerol concentrations but increases LDL cholesterol, irrespective of the type of diet"
  • New Fish Oil Guidelines Endorse Use of Supplements - Clinical Psychiatry News, 1/03 - "the American Heart Association (AHA) has recommended that these patients [documented coronary heart disease] consume about 1g of omega-3 fatty acids per day ... In a major departure, the AHA also said, for the first time, that a recommended nutrient could alternatively be consumed as a supplement"
  • The Importance of Pharmaceutical Grade Marine Lipids - Dr. Murray's Newsletter, 1/22/03 - "A diet that is deficient in omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA and DHA, results in altered cell membranes. Without a healthy membrane, cells lose their ability to hold water, vital nutrients, and electrolytes. They also lose their ability to communicate with other cells and be controlled by regulating hormones. They simply do not function properly. Cell membrane dysfunction is a critical factor in the development of virtually every chronic disease, especially cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and heart disease ...RxOmega-3 Factors from Natural Factors is an example of this revolutionary new source of long-chain fatty acids"
  • Fish Oil Soothes Personality Disorder - WebMD, 1/17/03 - "a new study shows daily fish oil supplementation can significantly reduce their symptoms without the negative side effects associated with other treatments" - See Mega Twin EPA at Vitacosticon or iHerb.
  • BPD Patients Respond To Omega-3 Fatty Acids - Psychiatric News, 1/17/03 - "recruited women for their study through ads placed in Boston newspapers. The ads asked questions such as, "Are you extremely moody? Do you often feel out of control? Are your relationships painful and difficult?" ... In an eight-week study period, 20 of the 30 subjects received daily two 500 mg capsules of an omega-3 fatty acid called E-EPA (ethyl-eicosapentaenoic acid). The remaining 10 subjects received a placebo daily—two capsules containing mineral oil ... They found that while depression and aggression levels had declined in the placebo group from the start of the study to the end, they had dropped even more so in the treatment group ... the omega-3 fatty acid used—E-EPA—"may be a safe and effective form of monotherapy for women with moderately severe borderline personality disorder." ... Perhaps it works, at least in part, through its ability to lead to [cell] membrane stabilization [in the brain] ... the brain is made up of at least 60 percent lipids"
  • E-EPA Helpful in Borderline Personality Disorder - Medscape, 1/16/03
  • Fatty Acid Effective against Depression - New Hope Natural Media, 1/9/03 - "E-EPA is a chemically modified form of EPA ... the best results were achieved with the smallest amount of E-EPA tested ... The authors of the study speculated that taking too much E-EPA might cause an imbalance between the two major classes of essential fatty acids: the omega-3 class (which includes EPA) and the omega-6 class (which includes linoleic and arachidonic acids ... E-EPA is not widely available at the present time"
  • Combating Skin Aging - Life Extension Magazine, 1/03 - "The oral ingestion of fish, flax or perilla oil provides abundant quantities of the omega-3 fatty acids that are so beneficial to the health and appearance of the skin"
  • Eicosapentaenoic Acid Enhances Vasodilatation in Coronary Artery Disease Patients - Doctor's Guide, 12/30/02 - "The omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid EPA has been shown to improve endothelium-dependent vasodilatation in atherosclerotic arteries"
  • Study in 43,000 men touts benefits of even a little fish - USA Today, 12/24/02 - "Men who ate about 3 to 5 ounces of fish one to three times a month were 43% less likely to have a stroke during 12 years of follow-up ... Omega-3 fatty acids, found in most fish, have been shown to lower levels of blood fats linked to cardiovascular disease and to help keep blood from clotting"
  • Evidence-based Products - Functional Foods & Nutraceuticals, 12/02 - "3g EPA/d and 3g DHA/d (ROPUFA) increased systemic arterial compliance in 38 dyslipidemic men and women, resulting in reduced pulse pressure and total vascular resistance ... Results showed that ROPUFA increased SAC—36 per cent with EPA and 27 per cent with DHA—compared with placebo"
  • Heart Risks Tied Directly To Mercury In Nine-Country Study - Doctor's Guide, 12/2/02 - "High mercury content in some fish may diminish the cardioprotective effects associated with consumption of omega-three fatty acids fish ... While the toenail mercury level was directly associated with risk of myocardial infarction, the fish oil level was inversely associated with this risk"
  • Losing Out on Omega-3s? - Dr. Weil, 11/26/02 - "Omega-3s can be destroyed by air, light and heat, which is why the less exposure and processing that fish undergo between being caught and ending up on your plate, the better"
  • Fatty acids from fish can ward off heart attacks - Intelihealth, 11/19/02 - "Studies now suggest that components of fish oil, called omega-3 fatty acids, can save the lives of people with heart disease ... The heart association also cited recent research indicating that even people with healthy hearts can benefit from a diet rich in such fish as salmon, bluefish, Arctic char, mackerel and swordfish ... fish can reduce a man's risk of dying from a heart attack by 80% ... omega-3 fatty acids can cut a woman's risk of death by heart attack by 33% ... Fatty fish can contain significant levels of mercury"
  • Those With Heart Disease Should Eat Fish - Intelihealth, 11/19/02 - "Various studies of fish or supplements showed a 4 percent to 30 percent reduction in triglycerides, but a doctor's care is advised because large doses can present a risk of bleeding in some people ... People can get the recommended 1 gram per day of DHA and EPA combined by eating a 3- to 4-ounce serving of fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring, trout or white tuna ... Harris said people who take supplements should read the labels and make sure they are getting at least 1 gram of DHA and EPA. With a typical supplement, you need about three capsules to get this amount"
  • Supplementation with Fatty Acids Helps Schizophrenic Patients - New Hope Natural Media, 11/14/02 - "E-EPA is a derivative of the dietary fatty acid eicosapentaenoic acid, commonly abbreviated as EPA" - I was wondering what the difference between E-EPA and EPA was.  To bad it doesn't tell you what percentage of EPA that E-EPA is so that you could interpolate it to the following study:
  • Hold The Mercury - CBS News, 11/5/02 - "89 percent of patients with a fish-heavy diet had blood-mercury levels exceeding that deemed safe by the government"
  • Ethyl-Eicosapentaenoate Could Be Effective In Persistent Depression - Doctor's Guide, 10/31/02
  • Eating Fish Cuts Risk Of Dementia - Intelihealth, 10/25/02
  • Eating Fish Cuts Risk of Dementia - WebMD, 10/24/02 - "Those who ate fish or seafood at least once a week had a significantly lower risk of being diagnosed with dementia during the seven-year study period ... The fatty acids in fish oils provide protection for arteries, which could improve blood flow to the brain. In addition, the fatty acids may reduce inflammation in the brain. They may also have a specific role in brain development and regeneration of nerve cells, the authors suggest"
  • Further Evidence Of Fish Consumption Link To Lower Alzheimer Risk - Doctor's Guide, 10/24/02
  • Breast Cancer Answers: Strategies Show Promise In Mice - Intelihealth, 10/23/02 - "Another study found that young female mice who ate lots of fish oil had lower breast cancer rates"
  • Study Records Elevated Mercury - Intelihealth, 10/19/02 - "A study of Californians who loaded their lunch and dinner menus with fish shows 89 percent wound up with elevated mercury levels in their bodies ... Of that group, 63 people had blood mercury levels more than twice the recommended level and 19 showed blood mercury levels four times the level considered safe. Four people had mercury levels 10 times as high as the government recommends"
  • Fish Oil Eases Depression - WebMD, 10/18/02 - "people who added a daily dose of omega-3 fatty acids to their regular antidepressant treatment had significant improvement in symptoms, including anxiety, sleeping problems, sadness, decreased sexual desire, and suicidal tendencies ... Previous studies have suggested that depressed people have lower-than-normal levels of a fatty acid known as EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), which plays an important role in maintaining normal brain function"
  • Fish Oil May Help Relieve Stubborn Depressionicon - Reuters, 10/17/02 - "Daily supplements of an omega-3 fatty acid--found in fish and fish oil--may help alleviate the symptoms of depression in patients who do not respond to standard antidepressant medications, new research findings suggest ... Previous researchers have suggested that the balance of omega-3 fatty acids in the brain may become skewed in people with depression, and earlier studies have shown that fish oil supplements can help alleviate the symptoms of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, or manic depression"
  • More Antioxidants, Less Fat May Reduce Alzheimer's Risk - Clinical Psychiatry News, 10/02 - "Data are now strong enough to recommend a dietary strategy for reducing Alzheimer's disease (AD) risk that includes low fat intake and high consumption of fish and antioxidants, along with vitamin E, folic acid, and vitamins B6 and B12 supplements"
  • Herbs for ADD? - Dr. Weil, 10/8/02 - "Dr. Newmark does recommend a dietary supplement, omega-3 fatty acids, for all children with ADHD because levels of omega-3s in the plasma and red blood cells of children with ADHD are lower than in normal children"
  • Keep The Engine Oiled - Natural Foods Merchandiser, 10/02 - "Remember, that's not 3 g of fish oils, but 3 g of the specific essential fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid" - Something I've been saying all along.  The fish oil doesn't count.  The omega-3 is the sum of the eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosapentaenoic acid (DPA) and docosahexaenoic acids (DHA).  See Mega Twin EPA at Vitacosticon or iHerb.
  • Can I Stop My Hair from Thinning? - Dr. Weil, 9/13/02 - "Make sure you’re getting enough omega-3 fatty acids ... supplement your diet with GLA (gamma-linolenic acid) in the form of black currant oil or evening primrose oil"
  • EPA Useful Add-on Therapy in Schizophrenia - Medscape, 9/9/02 - "After 12 weeks of treatment, the EPA group had significantly greater reduction of Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale total scores and of dyskinesia scores than the placebo group ... We regard these results as remarkable, considering the refractory nature of schizophrenia in the subjects" - See Mega Twin EPA at Vitacosticon or iHerb.
  • Fish Oil May Augment Atorvastatin As Treatment For Dyslipidemia In Obese, Insulin-Resistant Men - Doctor's Guide, 8/7/02 - "fish oils significantly decreased plasma levels of triglycerides and very low density lipoprotein-apoB, decreased the very low density lipoprotein-apoB secretion rate ... combined treatment with atorvastatin and fish oils decreased very low density lipoprotein-apoB secretion and increased the fractional catabolic rate of apoB in each lipoprotein fraction , as well as the percent conversion of very low density lipoprotein to low density lipoprotein" - See Mega Twin EPA at Vitacosticon or iHerb.
  • Omega-3 May Cut Bipolar Symptoms in Pregnancy - Clinical Psychiatry News, 8/02 - "From studies on animals, scientists now know that omega-3 fatty acids provide for normal brain and central nervous system development. Depriving animals of these compounds is associated with abnormalities in offspring ... Omega-3 fatty acids are thought to dampen signal transduction pathways associated with the pathophysiologic characteristics of bipolar disorder, similar to medications such as lithium and valproate. Omega-3 fatty acids also boost the brain's levels of serotonin ... fish oil supplement capsules carry no danger for pregnant women, according to an FDA spokesperson" - See Mega Twin EPA at Vitacosticon or iHerb.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids Improve Systemic Arterial Compliance - Medscape, 7/26/02
  • Fishing for a Healthy Heart? - Healthscout, 7/26/02
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Prevent Heart Disease By Improving Arterial Elasticity - Intelihealth, 7/25/02 - "The research focused on the effects of two forms of omega-3 fatty acid--eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)--on systemic arterial compliance, a measure of the degree of large artery elasticity. Increased stiffness in the large arteries can lead to systolic hypertension and increased pulse pressure (the difference between diastolic and systolic pressure), both factors that may contribute to increased coronary risk. Thirty-eight middle-aged men and women with elevated plasma total cholesterol consumed an EPA supplement, a DHA supplement, or a placebo during a 7-week dietary intervention. In contrast to the placebo group who showed no change, systemic arterial compliance rose 36% in the EPA group and 27% in the DHA group, while there was a trend toward reduced systolic and pulse pressure. Both omega-3 fatty acid supplement groups experienced significant declines in plasma total triacylglycerol concentrations"
  • Arginine and Fish Oil May Help Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy - Life Extension Magazine, 7/02
  • Omega-3 Fish Oils - Fats That Are Good for Everyone - Life Enhancement Magazine, 7/02
  • Essential Fatty Acids Improve Thought Process and Behavior in Children with ADHD - New Hope Natural Media Online, 6/13/02 - "ADHD is characterized by impulsive behavior, lack of concentration, restlessness and, in some cases, learning disabilities ... The children were given either a supplement containing 186 mg of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), 480 mg of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), 96 mg of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), 864 mg of linoleic acid, and 60 IU of vitamin E per day, or a placebo ... the children who took the essential fatty acid supplement had significant improvement in symptom scores related to learning and behavior"
  • Sizing up omega-3 - USA Today, 5/1/02 - "The omega-3 picture is muddled by theories about omega-6 fatty acids found in vegetable oils such as corn, safflower, cottonseed and sunflower oils. Simopoulos says people in the USA consume too many of these oils and need to eat a more balanced ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids. She doesn't support eating soybean oil, she says, because it's too high in omega-6"
  • Eating Away At High Cholesterol Levels - Functional Foods & Nutraceuticals, 4/02
  • Fish Oil May Fight Diabetes - WebMD, 4/23/02
  • Experiments Strengthen Link Between Fish Oil, Mental Problems - Intelihealth, 4/18/02 - "Infant monkeys fed baby formulas supplemented with omega-3 fatty acids - the ones found in "fish oil" - were stronger and more alert even at less than a week old than monkeys given standard baby formula ... Harvard researchers gave two groups of persons who had recently been hospitalized with depression diets that were high in omega-3 and omega-6, respectively. The results were so dramatic that after three months, the scientists were directed by a research oversight committee to stop the experiment and allow all the subjects to take omega-3"
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acid Reduces Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines In Heart Transplant Patients - Doctor's Guide, 4/11/02 - "gave 25 stable heart transplant patients two capsules of omega-3 fatty acid daily - each capsule contained 500 mg of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) ... The results suggest that omega-3 fatty acid supplementation increased concentrations of the anti-inflammatory interleukin (IL)-10, from 119 to 268 pg/mL (p=0.00008). There were reductions in systemic levels of pro-inflammatory IL-12, from 473 to 376 pg/mL (p=0.001), and IL-6, from 695 to 569 pg/mL (p<0.0001)" - Why is it important for everyone to keep inflammation in check?  See:
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acid Reduces Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines In Heart Transplant Patients - Doctor's Guide, 4/11/02
  • Fish Oils Curb Sudden Cardiac Death Risks in Men - Doctor's Guide, 4/11/02
  • Fish Oil May Help Your Heart - Intelihealth, 4/10/02
  • Fish Oil Fights Heart Disease - WebMD, 4/9/02
  • The benefits of fish without the fish?  - CNN, 4/8/02
  • Fish Oil Supplements Protect Heart - WebMD, 4/8/02 - "A daily fish oil supplement may help heart attack survivors reduce their risk of sudden death by as much as 42% ... taking one gram daily of omega-3 fatty acids significantly reduced the risk of death in people who had heart attacks ... the researchers found these benefits were not related to common explanations such as lowering cholesterol levels or reducing blood clots ... fatty acids may play a part in regulating the electrical activity of heart muscle cells -- a process responsible for the heart rhythm"
  • Fat in Fish May Fight Postpartum Depression - WebMD, 4/8/02 - "Loading up on fatty fish like tuna and salmon while you're pregnant may help ward off postpartum depression as well as give your unborn child a mental boost. New research suggests there's a link between an essential fatty acid known as DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) found in these fish and mental health ... high DHA intake among pregnant women can also reduce pregnancy and birth-related risks like low birth weight, premature birth, and pregnancy-induced high blood pressure"
  • Concepts and Controversies in Nutrition, Immune-Enhancing Formulas - Medscape, 3/21/02 - "Immune-enhancing formulas (IEFs), also known as immune-modulating formulas, include arginine, glutamine, nucleic acids, and omega-3 fatty acids"
  • Salmon May Help Relieve Depression - WebMD, 3/15/02 - "Patients randomly received either the fish oil capsule or a sugar pill in addition to the antidepressant medication they were taking ... After four weeks, six of 10 patients receiving E-EPA -- but only one of 10 receiving placebo -- had significantly reduced symptoms of depression ... The effect of E-EPA was significant from week two of treatment ... Depressed mood, guilt feelings, worthlessness, and insomnia were all improved" - Note: See Mega Twin EPA at Vitacosticon or iHerb contains 600 mg of EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid).
  • Formula With Supplements Boosts Infant-Brain Function - Doctor's Guide, 3/14/02 - "Despite a dietary supply of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPs) from breast milk during the first six weeks of life, infants who were weaned to formula that did not provide long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids had significantly poorer visual acuity at 17, 26, and 52 weeks of age and significantly poorer steroacuity at 17 weeks of age than did infants who were weaned to LCP-supplemented formula ... She added that better acuity and steroacuity at 17 weeks was correlated with higher concentrations of docosahexaenoic acid in plasma. Better acuity at 52 weeks was correlated with higher concentrations of docosahexaenoic acid in plasma and red blood cells"- See Mega Twin EPA at Vitacosticon or iHerb.
  • Fish Oil Consumption May Prevent Pre-Term Birth - Doctor's Guide, 2/21/02 - "Low consumption of fish oils appears a strong risk factor for pre-term delivery and low birth weight ... A study among 8,729 pregnant Danish women indicates that long chain omega n.3 fatty acids in amounts above 2 g a day may delay spontaneous delivery and prevent recurrence of pre-term delivery"
  • Alpha-Linolenic Acid May Help Prevent Heart Disease - Doctor's Guide, 2/1/02
  • Omega-3s, the Heart-Healthy Fats --- HealthandAge - HealthandAge, 1/11/02 - "It appears that omega-3s protect the heart in several ways. They may lower the risk of abnormal heart rhythms; reduce the "stickiness" of blood cells, which makes them less likely to form clots and block arteries; and lower high blood triglyceride levels. Most studies have centered on marine sources of omega-3 fatty acids; less is known about the vegetable sources"
  • The Wizard is Oz - Life Extension Magazine, 11/01 - "Best-selling author and nutritional guru to the rich and famous, Oz Garcia is singing the praises of the Life Extension Foundation and its products in his newest book, The Healthy High Tech Body, published in September 2001 ... Supplements at the top of Garcia's list of recommendations ... DHA ... NADH ... Alpah Lipoic Acid ... Acetyl-L-Carnitine ... An expanded list of his recommendations includes lycopene, gamma tocopherol, vinpocetine, SAMe, folic acid, carnosine, glutathione, DMAE, Huperzine A, probiotics, MSM, secretagogues, arginine pyroglutamate, IP-6, bioflavonoid formulas and grape skin/seed extracts"
  • Fish Oil Supplements Pass Mercury Standards, But Lack Adequate Omega-3 Fatty Acids - Intelihealth, 11/29/01 - "Although none of the products tested positive for mercury (a poison sometimes found in fish), 30% of the products had lower levels of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) than stated on their labels and 10% had lower levels of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). EPA and DHA are the two main fatty acids found in fish oil and are principle sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are thought to provide many health benefits, including prevention of heart disease and treatment of pain associated with the early stages of rheumatoid arthritis"
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids Safe for Pregnant Women With Mood Disorders - Clinical Psychiatry News, 11/01 - "Omega-3 fatty acids are well tolerated, nontoxic, and appear to be safe in pregnancy—characteristics that have made them attractive for many patients with mood disorders ... Calculating the dose of commercial preparations can be tricky. Front product panels should be ignored. “You'll see things all over the bottles, like ‘over 1,000 mg of omega-3 fatty acids,’ but they won't necessarily have it,” she said, advising consumers to turn the bottle on its side to add up the milligrams of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)" - I think you'll find that Mega Twin EPA at Vitacosticon or iHerb has the most bang per capsule. - Ben
  • question regarding your new cholesterol-lowering supplement, Policosanol - Life Extension Magazine, 11/01 - "Make sure you are taking at least six Mega EPA fish oil capsules daily, as low dose fish oil may not adequately suppress triglycerides"
  • Scientific Review Supports Omega-3 Fatty Acids For The Prevention Of Heart Disease - Intelihealth, 10/11/01
  • Ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 Fatty Acids - DrMirkin.com, 10/2/01
  • Nutritional Supplement Boosts Immune Function In Surgery Patients - Intelihealth, 9/13/01 - "A new study published in the journal Lancet suggests that people who are at high risk of infection after heart surgery may benefit from taking a nutritional supplement containing L-arginine and omega-3 fatty acids"
  • Free Fatty Acids May Be Linked to Sudden Cardiac Death in Healthy Men - WebMD, 8/14/01 - "Very high levels of free fatty acids were associated with "2.5 to three times the risk for sudden cardiac death" ... Several factors, including cigarette smoking, fasting, hyperthyroidism, or heart attack, can trigger the release of free fatty acids ... The real risk, says Leaf, who is professor of clinical medicine at Harvard Medical School, comes from omega-6 fatty acids, which are found in foods fried in corn, safflower, or sunflower oils ... By contrast omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fatty fish and canola oil are actually heart healthy"
  • Fats for Life - Life Extension Magazine, 7/01 - "Essential fatty acids (EFAs) cannot be produced within the body and therefore must be provided through the diet. If the diet is lacking in EFAs, saturated fats will take the place of EFAs within cell membranes, reducing membrane fluidity and efficiency, and thereby starting a process of premature aging and disease development. In addition, by taking the right kinds of EFAs in the right proportions, we can maximize the production of beneficial prostaglandins and other chemical messengers, while minimizing production of harmful ones"
  • Go Fish! Types High in Fatty Acids May Prevent Prostate Cancer, Herring, Mackerel, and Salmon Recommended - WebMD, 6/1/01 - "Eating fatty fish reduces risk of prostate cancer by about 70%, compared to not eating it, and reduces the risk for death from the disease by about 50%."
  • News - Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Reduce Women's Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes - Doctor's Guide, 5/31/01 - "Trans fatty acids increase the risk of type 2 diabetes in women, while polyunsaturated fatty acids reduce that risk"
  • Fish Oil Risks Minimal - Nutrition Science News, 5/01 - "This suggests FO may offer a cardioprotective benefit for postmenopausal women without an increased risk of oxidative stress"
  • Letter - Mercury and Fish Oil Supplements - Medscape, 4/13/01 - "The following oils were tested: Twinlab Emulsified Super Max EPA ... Twinlab EPA New & Improved ... Twinlab Omege-3 Concentrate ... In conclusion, it appears that the independent testing and/or the quality control measures claimed by these companies are being done as far as potential mercury contamination is concerned. At the least, the amount of mercury in the fish used is so minimal as to be below the detectable limit by the method used.  In any event, the common brands tested appear to offer no mercury risk. While this is positive health news, it cannot be assumed that every brand is free of mercury"
  • PUFAs (omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids) for Bone Growth and Repair - Nutrition Science News, 3/01
  • Study Reaffirms Value Of Eating Fatty Fish - Intelihealth, 3/4/01 - "We found that eating modest amounts of fatty fish was associated with a 44 percent lower risk in fatal heart attacks"
  • Daily Specials: Fatty Fish and Soy Protein - WebMD, 3/2/01 - "In one study of 4,000 men and women with an average age of 72, those who ate one serving per week of fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids had a 44% lower risk of suffering a fatal heart attack, compared to their counterparts who ate fatty fish less frequently. . . In another study of 150 adults with normal blood cholesterol levels, those who consumed 40 g of soy protein per day showed a 4.7% increase in their levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or "good," cholesterol -- without significantly affecting their low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or "bad," cholesterol levels."
  • Bone Loss and Fatty Acids - Nutrition Science News, 2/01 - "People often use omega-3 fatty acids to reduce the inflammation associated with arthritis. As it turns out, these fatty acids may actually help prevent bone loss."
  • Fatty Fish -- Not Fried -- Reduces Heart Attack Deaths in Older Adults - WebMD, 2/28/01 - "Those who ate at least one serving of fatty fish every week were 35% less likely to die of a heart attack."
  • Omega-3s May Help Rheumatoid Arthritis - Nutrition Science News, 2/01 - "Omega-3 fatty acid-rich fish oil supplements may provide modest improvement in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), according to a double-blind, placebo-controlled study conducted at the University of Newcastle in Australia."
  • Study: Low Fat Linked To Stroke Risk - Intelihealth, 2/13/01
  • Women Who Eat Fish A Few Times Weekly May Cut Stroke Risk, Study Says - Intelihealth, 1/16/01 - "Omega-3 fatty acids, found in most fish, have been shown to lower levels of blood fats linked to cardiovascular disease and to help keep blood from clotting."
  • Vegetarians, Essential Fatty Acids and DHA - Nutrition Science News, 10/00
  • Fish Oil Slows Lymphoma - Life Extension Magazine, 9/00
  • Polyunsaturated Fats and Neurological Disorders - Nutrition Science News, 9/00
  • Arthritis and Aging - Life Extension Magazine, 7/00
  • The avocado advantage - CNN, 8/15/00
  • Natural COX-2 Inhibitors The Future of Pain Relief - Nutrition Science News, 8/00
  • For Reducing Heart Disease Risk, Fish Oil Isn't Snake Oil - WebMD, 8/8/00
  • Trans Fats, Omega Fats, Good Fats, Bad Fats: Are You Confused? - WebMD, 7/5/00
  • All Fats Are Not Created Equal, Trans Fats, Omega Fats, Good Fats, Bad Fats: Are You Confused? - WebMD, 7/4/00 - "Trans fats act very much like saturated fat in raising cholesterol levels. They also lower good HDL cholesterol, the protective cholesterol. ... Some people say they're actually worse than saturated fats"
  • Fish Oil, Vitamin B-12 May Offer Relief During That Time of the Month - WebMD, 6/20/00
  • Fat-Soluble Vitamin Absorption Not Threatened by Fat Cutbacks - WebMD, 5/19/00
  • Fish May Lower Depression Risk - Intelihealth, 5/16/00
  • North Americans need more omega-3 fatty acids - DrMirkin.com, 5/11/00 - "loading our diet with omega-6's from corn, sunflower seeds, safflower seeds, cottonseed, and soybeans. This has changed the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids in out diet to approximately 20-30 to 1 from the traditional range of 1 or 2:1. This high intake of omega-6 fatty acids causes clotting, swelling and constriction of arteries that can cause heart attacks and other diseases. Omega-3 fatty acids can reverse these changes, but most people do not eat nearly enough whole grains, seeds, nuts, leafy greens or deep-water-fish which contain omega-3's. Reduce your intake of omega-6 fatty acids found in most prepared foods and eat lots of the foods that contain omega-3's"
  • Immune-Enhancing Therapy Shortens Hospital Stays By Three Days - Doctor's Guide, 12/23/99
  • Potential new approach to cystic fibrosis treatment reported - CNN, 10/9/99
  • Fish Oil Reduces Atherosclerotic Blockages - Nutrition Science News, 10/99
  • Omega-3 Fish Oil for Mood Swings - Life Enhancement Magazine, 7/99
  • Researchers Look To Omega-3 Fatty Acid For Manic Depression Treatment - Doctor's Guide, 5/13/99
  • Study: Fish oil lowers heart disease death rate - CNN, 5/10/99
  • A Smart Start - Nutrition Science News, 3/99
  • Essential Fatty Acids Improve Infant IQ - Nutrition Science News, 2/99
  • Fat in the diet may affect mental ability - CNN, 9/4/98 - "Americans suffer an imbalance in fatty acids -- too much omega-6, found in vegetable oils, deep fried foods, dressing and margarines, and too little omega-3, found in fish and some vegetables ... Omega-6 is linked to hormonal overload which plays some role in arthritis, asthma and other diseases involving the immune system ... Omega-3, however, has a calming effect on hormone production which may help relieve some immune system diseases as well as mental conditions ranging from depression to attention deficit"
  • Study: 'Bad fat' in fast foods clogs arteries faster - CNN, 6/11/98
  • Eating Fish May Substantially Reduce Risk Of Sudden Cardiac Death - Doctor's Guide, 1/6/98
  • Fish Oil May Offer Better Protection Than Olive Oil Against Heart Disease - Doctor's Guide, 11/12/97
  • Protective Effects Of Fish Oil On Heart Depend On Amount Consumed -  Doctor's Guide, 7/8/97

