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Anti-aging Research > pomegranate
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Pomegranate Juice May Slow
Age-Related Memory Decline - Medscape, 3/5/19 - "If
you look at the percent change in the learning score, you can see there's about
a 26% drop in the placebo group versus a 14% increase in the pomegranate juice
group ... Small noted that animal studies suggest microbiome population shifts
could impact memory and learning, and gut bacteria breaks down pomegranate
polyphenols to produce urolithins, which cross the blood–brain barrier ... In
addition to antioxidant effects, pomegranates have anti-inflammatory effects and
can have anti-amyloid effects, said Small" - See
pomegranate extract at Amazon.com.
Pomegranate finally reveals its powerful anti-aging secret - Science Daily,
7/11/16 - "The team started out by testing their hypothesis on the usual
suspect: the nematode C. elegans. It's a favorite test subject among aging
experts, because after just 8-10 days it's already considered elderly. The
lifespan of worms exposed to urolithin A increased by more than 45% compared
with the control group ...
These initial encouraging results led the team to test the molecule on animals
that have more in common with humans. In the rodent studies, like with C.
elegans, a significant reduction in the number of mitochondria was observed,
indicating that a robust cellular recycling process was taking place. Older
mice, around two years of age, showed 42% better endurance while running than
equally old mice in the control group"
Pomegranate-date cocktail a day keeps the doctor away - Science Daily,
4/6/15 - "Prof. Aviram had a hunch that since dates
and pomegranate juice are composed of different phenolic antioxidants, the
combination could thus prove more beneficial than the sum of its parts ...
In a trial performed on arterial cells in culture, as well as in
atherosclerotic mice, the Technion team found that the triple combination of
pomegranate juice, date fruits and date pits did indeed provide maximum
protection against the development of atherosclerosis because the
combination reduced oxidative stress in the arterial wall by 33% and
decreased arterial cholesterol content by 28%"
Creating pomegranate drug to stem Alzheimer's, Parkinson's - Science
Daily, 8/22/14 - "The onset of Alzheimer's disease
can be slowed and some of its symptoms curbed by a natural compound that is
found in pomegranate. Also, the painful inflammation that accompanies
illnesses such as rheumatoid arthritis and Parkinson's disease could be
reduced ... punicalagin, which is a polyphenol -- a form of chemical
compound -- found in pomegranate fruit, can inhibit inflammation in
specialised brain cells known as micrologia. This inflammation leads to the
destruction of more and more brain cells, making the condition of
Alzheimer's sufferers progressively worse ... we do know that regular intake
and regular consumption of pomegranate has a lot of health benefits --
including prevention of neuro-inflammation related to dementia" - See
pomegranate extract at Amazon.com
5 Foods for Healthy Skin - ABC News, 9/12/13 -
"Strawberries ... Olive oil ... Green tea ... Pumpkin ... Pomegranate"
Food Supplement Linked
to Lower PSA in Prostate Cancer - Medscape, 6/10/13 -
"A commercially available food supplement that
contains pomegranate, broccoli, green tea, and turmeric significantly lowers
prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels ... made headlines around the world
and caused the polyphenol-rich supplement, known as Pomi-T (nature Medical
Products), to sell out within hours ... to receive the supplement 3 times a
day for 6 months or placebo ... At 6-month follow-up, the median increase in
PSA was 63.8% lower in the supplement groups than in the placebo group
(14.7% vs 78.5; P =.0008). In addition, PSA levels were stable or lower than
baseline more often in the supplement group (46% vs 14%"
Pomegranate Juice
Lowers Cardiovascular Risk Factors - Medscape, 11/12/11 -
"Hemodialysis patients were randomized to receive
100 mL of pomegranate juice (n = 66) or an equivalent-tasting placebo (n =
35) 3 times a week for 12 months ... At 12 months, all components of the
lipid profile improved in the pomegranate juice group but not in the placebo
group. In the juice group, there were statistically significant decreases in
TGs from baseline to 12 months (P = .01), especially in patients with a
baseline TG level of at least 200 mg/dL (P < .001). Over the same time
period, HDL rose significantly (P = .005) in the juice group. There was no
significant change in any of these parameters in the placebo group ...
During the study period, there was a significant decrease in systolic blood
pressure in the juice group overall (P < .006), especially in patients who
had a baseline systolic pressure of at least 140 mm Hg (P < .005); this was
not the case in the placebo group ... At 12 months, those in the juice group
were taking significantly fewer antihypertensive drugs than those in the
placebo group (P < .05). In the juice group, 22% of the subjects were taking
fewer and 12.2% were taking more antihypertensive drugs; in the placebo
group, 7.7% were taking fewer and 34.6% were taking more antihypertensive
Pomegranate juice components could stop cancer from spreading - Science
Daily, 12/12/10 - "Researchers at the University of
California, Riverside have identified components in pomegranate juice that
both inhibit the movement of cancer cells and weaken their attraction to a
chemical signal that promotes the metastasis of prostate cancer to the bone
... the researchers identified the following active groups of ingredients in
pomegranate juice that had a molecular impact on cell adhesion and migration
in metastatic prostate cancer cells: phenylpropanoids, hydrobenzoic acids,
flavones and conjugated fatty acids"
Pomegranate juice reduces damage to tissues, inflammation and infections,
study suggests - Science Daily, 11/19/10 -
"[dialysis] patients who drank pomegranate juice experienced reduced
inflammation and the damage of oxidative stress caused by free radicals, was
minimized. Furthermore, pomegranate juice drinkers were less likely to be
hospitalized due to infections ... those who drank pomegranate juice also
showed an improvement in cardiovascular risk factors, such as reduced blood
pressure, improvement in lipid profile and fewer cardiovascular events,
suggesting that they had better heart health"
Pomegranate compounds show skin health potential - Nutra USA, 8/10/10 -
"ellagic acid may prevent the degradation of
collagen in human skin cells, which would maintain skin structure and slow
the formation of wrinkles ... Topical or dietary interventions with berries
and pomegranate rich in ellagic acid and ellagitannins are promising
strategies in curtailing skin wrinkling and cutaneous inflammation
associated with chronic UV exposure leading to photoageing" - [Abstract]
Pomegranates May Stall Breast Cancer - WebMD, 1/5/10 -
"Eating pomegranates or drinking pomegranate juice
may help prevent and slow the growth of some types of breast cancer ...
Researchers say the ellagitannins in pomegranates work by inhibiting
aromatase, which is a key enzyme used by the body to make estrogen and plays
a key role in breast cancer growth"
Pomegranate’s prostate protection potential grows - Nutra USA, 10/27/09
- "Pomegranate juice consumption, thus, may be of
considerable advantage in prostate cancer chemoprevention, not only in
patients with a genetic predisposition toward prostate cancer but also in
patients undergoing cancer therapy"
Pomegranate Juice May Slow Prostate Cancer - WebMD, 4/26/09 -
"All of the men drank 8 ounces of pomegranate juice
daily, and that slowed down the time it took for their PSA levels to double
... Fifteen of the patients stayed with the study for up to 64 months (a
little more than five years), and it typically took four times longer for
their PSA levels to double when they were drinking pomegranate juice,
compared to their PSA doubling time at the study's start" - See
pomegranate at Amazon.com
Statins? Five Ways to Boost Your Energy - ABC News, 4/14/09 -
"It's a cruel irony that if statins make patients
more lethargic, it could impair their ability to exercise or make dietary
changes that would help them address their high cholesterol ... some studies
have found that patients' energy levels increased while using CoQ10 and
statins together ... Try pomegranate juice or a small chunk of dark
chocolate, both of which have beneficial antioxidants ... Skimping on sleep
has been found to increase calcium deposit build-up in your arteries"
Pomegranate’s anti-inflammatory effects strengthened - Nutra USA,
Study supports pomegranate’s anti-prostate cancer potential - Nutra USA,
1/6/09 - "the average doubling time increased from
an average of 15 months to 54 months for the men drinking the pomegranate
juice" - [Abstract]
Dietary Agents for Chemoprevention of Prostate Cancer -
oncologystat.com, 6/16/08 - "In this review, we have
summarized the findings from clinical and preclinical studies on dietary
agents including green tea, pomegranate, lupeol, fisetin, and delphinidin
that are currently being investigated in our laboratory for their
chemopreventive potential against CaP" -
Click here
for the review but it is 172 pages in the .pdf format.
Pomegranate extract may stop inflammation, says Bugs - Nutra USA,
6/13/08 - "COX-1 and COX-2 activity was
significantly reduced in the pomegranate-fed animals, compared to control,
particularly for COX-2. Indeed, COX-1 activity was reduced by about seven
per cent following ingestion of the extract, while COX-2 activity decreased
by about 26 per cent"
Anti-inflammatory Effects Of Pomegranate In Rabbits: A Potential Treatment
In Humans? - Science Daily, 6/12/08
Pomegranate extract shows joint health potential - Nutra USA, 6/5/08 -
"The severity of arthritis was significantly
decreased in the animals receiving POMx, with a reduction of 69.2 and 76 per
cent in the groups consuming 13.6 and 34 mg per kg of POMx" - [Abstract]
Finding the Right Prostate Cancer Diet - WebMD, 2/15/08 -
"the men's overall PSA doubling time was nearly four
times slower after they began drinking pomegranate juice"
Berries and pomegranate - the ultimate Valentine's combo? - Nutra USA,
2/14/08 - "The results of this study demonstrated,
for the first time, that daily consumption of PJ for seven weeks caused
increased spermatogenic cell density, epididymal sperm concentration, sperm
motility and decreased abnormal sperm rate related with decreased lipid
peroxidation in male rats ... Forty-seven per cent of subjects reported
erections improvements as a result of pomegranate juice, compared to only 32
per cent in the placebo group"
Pomegranates beat apples for antioxidant boost: study - Nutra USA,
Pomegranate polyphenol
punicalagin improves learning memory deficits, redox homeostasis, and
neuroinflammation in aging mice - Phytother Res 2023 Apr 24 -
"Punicalagin (PU) is an active antioxidant polyphenol
found in pomegranates, raspberries, blueberries, and chestnuts that has
attracted considerable attention owing to its strong antioxidant and
anti-inflammatory properties. The current study focused on the neuroprotective
effect of PU on aging mice and its potential mechanisms ... PU ameliorated
deficits in learning and memory and prevented neuroinflammation, which was
evident from the decrease in microglial activation and astrocytosis.
Furthermore, PU reduced the levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) and reactive oxygen
species (ROS) and inhibited NLRP3 inflammasome activation, reducing the levels
of inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor-a
(TNF-a), interleukin-18 (IL-18), and interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β) in both
accelerated aging and naturally senescent mouse models. PU effectively improved
neuroinflammation, learning and memory deficits, and redox homeostasis in aging
mice, and it could be a potential therapeutic agent for AD" - See
pomegranate extract at
Effects of Pomegranate Peel
Polyphenols Combined with Inulin on Gut Microbiota and Serum Metabolites of
High-Fat-Induced Obesity Rats - J Agric Food Chem 2023 Mar 30 -
"Pomegranate peel polyphenols (PPPs) and inulin have
been reported to have lipid-lowering effects. Here, the effects of PPPs combined
with inulin on obesity traits and the change of the gut microbiota, short-chain
fatty acids (SCFAs), and serum metabolomics profiles in rats with a high-fat
diet (HFD) were investigated. According to the experimental results, PPPs were
most effective in reducing the body weight and serum and liver lipid levels.
Besides, PPPs ameliorated the disorder of gut microbiota, in particular, the
enrichment of SCFA producers, such as Lactobacillus, Roseburia,
Christensenellaceae_R-7_group, Ruminococcaceae_UCG-005, Bacteroides, and
Allobaculum, and the depletion of the Blautia and unclassified Lachnospiraceae
population. PPPs also regulated the levels of metabolites changed by HFD feeding
via tryptophan metabolism, valine, leucine, and isoleucine biosynthesis, and
arachidonic acid metabolism pathways. The correlation analysis showed that PPPs
remitted HFD-induced elevation in triglycerides (TGs), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and
tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) levels and lowered high-density lipoprotein
(HDL) levels through regulating the gut microbiota, SCFAs, and related
metabolites. These findings elucidated that PPPs have a good anti-obesity
effect" - See pomegranate extract at
Amazon.com and inulin at Amazon.com.
The Therapeutic Alliance
between Pomegranate and Health Emphasizing on Anticancer Properties -
Antioxidants (Basel) 2023 Jan 12 - "Pomegranate is a
fruit bearing-plant that is well known for its medicinal properties. Pomegranate
is a good source of phenolic acids, tannins, and flavonoids. Pomegranate juice
and by-products have attracted the scientific interest due to their potential
health benefits. Currently, the medical community has showed great interest in
exploiting pomegranate potential as a protective agent against several human
diseases including cancer. This is demonstrated by the fact that there are more
than 800 reports in the literature reporting pomegranate's anticancer
Pomegranate natural extract
Pomanox® positively modulates skin health-related parameters in normal and
UV-induced photoaging conditions in Hs68 human fibroblast cells - Int J Food
Sci Nutr 2022 Dec 1 - "Skin photoaging is primarily
caused by ultraviolet radiation and can lead to the degradation of skin
extracellular matrix components, resulting in hyperpigmentation and skin
elasticity loss. In this area, polyphenols have become of great interest because
of their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiaging properties. Here, we
evaluated the effects of the pomegranate natural extract Pomanox® on skin
health-related parameters in normal and UV-induced photoaging conditions in
human fibroblast Hs68 cells. Moreover, the inhibitory effects of Pomanox® on
tyrosinase activity were assessed. In normal conditions, Pomanox® significantly
modulated collagen and hyaluronic acid metabolisms. In UV-exposed cells, both
preventive and regenerative treatments with Pomanox® positively modulated
hyaluronic acid metabolism and decreased ROS levels. However, only the
preventive treatment modulated collagen metabolism. Finally, Pomanox® showed a
marked inhibitory capacity of tyrosinase activity (IC50 = 394.7 μg/mL). The
modulation of skin health-related parameters exhibited by Pomanox® open a wide
range of potential applications of this product"
Antioxidant Properties and
Beneficial Cardiovascular Effects of a Natural Extract of Pomegranate in Healthy
Volunteers: A Randomized Preliminary Single-Blind Controlled Study -
Antioxidants (Basel) 2022 Oct 28 - "Pomegranates are
known to possess anti-hypertensive, anti-atherogenic and cardioprotective
effects mainly due to their pleiotropic effects on various cellular pathways,
especially those triggered by oxidative stress ... Urinary total phenolics
excretion and antioxidant capacity were significantly increased after 14 and 28
days of PE intake. At day 28, there were also statistically significant
decreases in systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP), pulse wave velocity,
body fat and fat mass, as well as an increase in lean body mass. Significant
changes in the placebo group were not found. Glucocorticoid levels showed a
significant decrease in saliva cortisol at day 28 (morning) in the PE group, and
cortisol/cortisone ratio was significantly decreased following 28 days of PE
intake at morning, noon, and evening. Urine free cortisol was significantly
reduced at day 14. These findings suggest that pomegranate extract intake may
improve antioxidant and oxidative stress status and play a beneficial role in
the attenuation of some cardiovascular risk factors"
An insight into the
neuroprotective effects and molecular targets of pomegranate ( Punica granatum)
against Alzheimer's disease - Nutr Neurosci 2022 Sep 20 -
"In spite of the lack of studies on humans, there are
compelling evidence indicating that pomegranate can reduce various risk factors
involved in the causation of AD and thus can be used as a persistent
nutraceutical to slow ageing and for providing neuroprotection for the treatment
of AD" - See pomegranate extract at
A Proprietary Herbal Blend
Containing Extracts of Punica granatum Fruit Rind and Theobroma cocoa Seeds
Increases Serum Testosterone Level in Healthy Young Males: A Randomized,
Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Study - J Diet Suppl 2022 Feb 6 -
is a proprietary herbal blend containing extracts of Punica granatum fruit rind
and Theobroma cocoa seeds ... One hundred and twenty male volunteers (age 21-35
years) were randomized into three groups. Each group (n = 40) received a daily
dose of either placebo or 200 or 400 mg LN18178 for fifty-six days. An increase
in serum testosterone (free and total) was the primary efficacy measure of the
study. The secondary measures included dihydrotestosterone (DHT), cortisol,
Luteinizing hormone (LH), 17β-Estradiol (E2), hand grip strength, and the
mid-upper arm circumferences (MUAC)" - See
pomegranate extract at
Amazon.com and Ghirardelli Chocolate Intense Dark
Squares, Midnight Reverie, 4.12 oz., 86% Cacao (Pack of 6) at Amazon.com.
Pomegranate - Wikipedia - "The pomegranate (Punica
granatum) is a fruit-bearing deciduous shrub in the family
Lythraceae, subfamily Punicoideae, that grows between 5 and
10 m (16 and 33 ft) tall"
Theobroma cacao - Wikipedia - "Theobroma
cacao, also called the cacao tree and the cocoa tree, is a
small (4–8 m (13–26 ft) tall) evergreen tree in the family
Pomegranate Extract Improves
Colitis in IL-10 Knockout Mice fed a High Fat High Sucrose Diet - Mol Nutr
Food Res 2021 Dec 21 - "Our data demonstrated that
dietary PomX supplementation ameliorated colitis and lowered inflammatory
markers in HFHS fed IL10-/- mice. These data support the anti-inflammatory
effects of dietary PomX supplementation for IBD and a potential mediating role
of gut microbiome, suggesting the need for future clinical studies to explore
the use of PomX dietary supplementation in IBD patients"
The effect of pomegranate
extract on anthropometric indices, serum lipids, glycemic indicators, and blood
pressure in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: A randomized
double-blind clinical trial - Phytother Res 2021 Sep 8 -
"Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most
common chronic liver disease. The beneficial effects of pomegranate have been
shown on insulin resistance and obesity, which are linked to NAFLD pathogenesis.
The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of pomegranate extract in
patients with NAFLD. Forty-four NAFLD patients were randomly assigned to receive
two pomegranate extract tablets or placebo for 12 weeks. Anthropometric
measurements, serum lipids, glycemic indicators, and blood pressure were
assessed at baseline and the end of the study. Pomegranate was associated with a
reduction in the total cholesterol (p ˂ .001), triglyceride (p ˂ .001),
low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C)-to-high-density lipoprotein
cholesterol (HDL-C) ratio (p ˂ .003), fasting blood sugar (p ˂ .001),
homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance (p = .02), diastolic blood
pressure (p = .04), weight (p ˂ .001), body mass index (p ˂ .001), and waist
circumference (p = .002), as compared to placebo. A significant increase was
observed in serum HDL-C (p ˂ .001) after intervention with the pomegranate
extract. However, no significant difference was shown between the two groups in
serum insulin and LDL-C"
Alterations in Systemic
Inflammatory Response Following a Half-Marathon Race with a Combined Curcumin
and Pomegranate Supplement: A Feasibility Study - J Diet Suppl 2020 Jul 13 -
"Endurance running training can lead to gradual
accumulation of inflammation and soreness ultimately resulting in overuse
injuries. Management of soreness and inflammation with pharmaceuticals (i.e.
non-prescription pain relievers) during long-term training is not a suitable
solution due to known side effects (e.g. gastrointestinal complications, etc.).
Dietary polyphenols (i.e. curcumin, pomegranate, etc.) have been purported to
reduce inflammation and muscle soreness, without these negative side effects
making them ideal for use in an exercise model ... Pathway classification of
these biomarkers indicated supplementation may be associated with a more
favorable muscle recovery profile. Our findings support the notion that combined
curcumin and pomegranate supplementation may represent a useful addition to a
comprehensive exercise training plan" - See
curcumin at Amazon.com and
iHerb and pomegranate extract at
Amazon.com and
Effect of pomegranate
fruit supplementation on performance and various markers in athletes and active
subjects: a systematic review - Int J Vitam Nutr Res. 2019 Sep 12:1-15 -
"POM supplementation varied in terms of form (pills/juice), dosage (50 ml-500
ml) and time of intervention (7 days-2 months) between studies. Among the
reviewed articles, POM supplementation had an effect on the improvement of the
following: whole body strength; feeling of vitality; acute and delayed muscle
fatigue and soreness; increase in vessel diameter; blood flow and serum level of
TAC; reduction in the rate of increase for HR, SBP, CK and LDH; support in the
recovery of post-training CK, LDH, CRP and ASAT to their baseline levels;
reduction of MMP2, MMP9, hsCRP and MDA; and increased activity of antioxidant
enzymes (glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase). In the majority of
reviewed articles POM supplementation had a positive effect on a variety of
parameters studied and the authors recommended it as a supplement for athletes
and physically active bodies"
The mitophagy
activator urolithin A is safe and induces a molecular signature of improved
mitochondrial and cellular health in humans - Nature Metabolism volume 1,
pages595–603 (2019) - "Urolithin A (UA) is a natural dietary, microflora-derived
metabolite shown to stimulate mitophagy and improve muscle health in old animals
and in preclinical models of aging1. Here, we report the results of a
first-in-human clinical trial in which we administered UA, either as a single
dose or as multiple doses over a 4-week period, to healthy, sedentary elderly
individuals. We show that UA has a favourable safety profile (primary outcome).
UA was bioavailable in plasma at all doses tested, and 4 weeks of treatment with
UA at doses of 500 mg and 1,000 mg modulated plasma acylcarnitines and skeletal
muscle mitochondrial gene expression in elderly individuals (secondary
outcomes). These observed effects on mitochondrial biomarkers show that UA
induces a molecular signature of improved mitochondrial and cellular health
following regular oral consumption in humans" - [Nutra
Pomegranate juice and
extract extended lifespan and reduced intestinal fat deposition in
Caenorhabditis elegans - Int J Vitam Nutr Res. 2017 May;87(3-4) -
"Pomegranate juice with a high content of polyphenols,
pomegranate extract, ellagic acid, and urolithin A, have anti-oxidant and
anti-obesity effects in humans. Pomegranate juice extends lifespan of Drosophila
melanogaster. Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) (n = 6) compared to the
control group in each treatment, lifespan was increased by pomegranate juice in
wild type (N2, 56 %, P < 0.001) and daf-16 mutant (daf-16(mgDf50)I) (18 %, P =
0.00012), by pomegranate extract in N2 (28 %, P = 0.00004) and in
daf-16(mgDf50)I (10 %, P < 0.05), or by ellagic acid (11 %, P < 0.05).
Pomegranate juice reduced intestinal fat deposition (IFD) in C. elegans"
Exogenous (Pomegranate
Juice) or Endogenous (Paraoxonase1) Antioxidants Decrease Triacylglycerol
Accumulation in Mouse Cardiovascular Disease-Related Tissues - Lipids. 2018
Dec 17 - "Both PJ consumption and rePON1 injection decreased the serum levels of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (16% and 19%) and triacylglycerols (TAG,
24% and 27%), while only rePON1 increased the levels of thiol groups (35%) and
decreased serum cholesterol (15%). Both PJ and rePON1 significantly decreased
aortic cholesterol (38% and 32%) and TAG (62% and 58%) contents in association
with downregulation of the key TAG biosynthetic enzyme diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase
1 (DGAT1, 71% and 65%), while only PJ decreased aortic lipid peroxides (47%).
Substantial TAG-lowering effects of both PJ and rePON1 were observed also in the
heart (31% and 42%), liver (34% and 42%), and kidney (42% and 57%). In both VAT
and SAT, rePON1 decreased the levels of lipid peroxides (28% and 25%), while PJ
decreased the TAG content (22% and 18%). Ex vivo incubation of SAT with serum
derived from mice that consumed PJ or injected with rePON1 decreased SAT lipid
peroxides (35% or 28%) and TAG mass (12% or 10%). These novel findings highlight
potent TAG-lowering properties of exogenous (PJ) and endogenous (PON1)
antioxidants in tissues associated with CVD"
Effects of pomegranate
supplementation on exercise performance and post-exercise recovery in healthy
adults: a systematic review - Br J Nutr. 2018 Oct 23:1-16 -
(POM) supplementation ... The review indicates that POM has the potential to
enhance exercise performance and to expedite recovery from intensive exercise"
- See
pomegranate extract at Amazon.com
supplementation improves cognitive and functional recovery following ischemic
stroke: A randomized trial - Nutr Neurosci. 2018 Feb 13:1-6 -
administered commercially-available pomegranate polyphenol or placebo pills
twice per day for one week to adult inpatients in a comprehensive rehabilitation
setting starting approximately 2 weeks after stroke. Pills contained 1 g of
polyphenols derived from whole pomegranate, equivalent to levels in
approximately 8 oz of juice. Placebo pills were similar to the pomegranate pills
except that they contained only lactose ... Pomegranate-treated subjects
demonstrated more neuropsychological and functional improvement and spent less
time in the hospital than placebo controls"
Pomegranate Extract
Alters Breast Cancer Stem Cell Properties in Association with Inhibition of
Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition - Nutr Cancer. 2017 Oct 4:1-11 -
"Cancer stem cells (CSCs) ... The ability of PE to
suppress CSCs can be exploited in the prevention of breast cancer"
Cardioprotective Effects
of Pomegranate (Punica granatum) Juice in Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease
- Phytother Res. 2017 Sep 15 - "Ischemic heart disease
is the leading cause of mortality worldwide ... Pomegranate juice caused
significant reductions in the intensity, occurrence, and duration of angina
pectoris in patients with unstable angina. Consistently, the test patients had
significantly lower levels of serum troponin and malondialdehyde. Other studied
parameters did not change significantly. The results of this study suggest
protective effects of pomegranate juice against myocardial ischemia and
reperfusion injury" - See
pomegranate extract at Amazon.com
A Polyphenol-rich
Pomegranate Fruit Extract Suppresses NF-κB and IL-6 Expression by Blocking the
Activation of IKKβ and NIK in Primary Human Chondrocytes - Phytother Res.
2017 Mar 9 - "Taken together, these data suggest that PE
exerts the chondroprotective effect(s) by suppressing the production of IL-6 and
ROS levels"
- Wikipedia - "A chondroprotective compound
is a specific compound or chemical that delays progressive joint space
narrowing characteristic of arthritis and improves the biomechanics of
articular joints by protecting chondrocytes"
Effects of pomegranate
juice on blood pressure: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized
controlled trial - Pharmacol Res. 2017 Jan;115:149-161 -
"Pomegranate juice reduced SBP regardless of the
duration (>12 wks: WMD=-4.36mmHg, 95% CI: -7.89 to -0.82, p=0.016) and <12 wks:
WMD=-5.83 mmHg, 95% CI: -10.05 to -1.61, p=0.007) and dose consumed (>240cc:
WMD=-3.62mmHg, 95% CI: -6.62 to -0.63, p=0.018) and <240cc: WMD=-11.01mmHg, 95%
CI: -17.38 to -4.65, p=0.001, pomegranate juice per day) whereas doses >240cc
provided a borderline significant effect in reducing DBP" - [Nutra
USA] - See
pomegranate extract at Amazon.com
A lot of people say you should get it from the foods and that's true but if you
read most of the studies and eat the amount of bananas to get the optimum
potassium, the amount of orange juice to the the optimum vitamin C, the amount
of milk to get the optimum vitamin D, the amount of wine to get the optimum
resveratrol, the amount of fish to get the optimum omega-3, the amount of
tomatoes to get the optimum lycopene, the amount of onions to get the optimum
flavonoids, the amount of carrots to get the optimum beta-carotene, the amount
of blueberries to get the optimum polyphenols, the amount of broccoli to get the
optimum sulforaphane, the amount of liver to get the optimum coenzyme Q10, the
amount of cheese to get the optimum leucine, the
amount of this to get the optimum of that, etc. you'd weigh 600 pounds in a
heartbeat. The people who push the food sources aren't doing the math for
the calories. That's just my personal view.
Pomegranate Intake
Protects Against Genomic Instability Induced by Medical X-rays In Vivo in Mice
- Nutr Cancer. 2016 Nov-Dec;68(8):1349-1356 - "Ionizing
radiation (IR) is a well-documented human carcinogen. The increased use of IR in
medical procedures has doubled the annual radiation dose and may increase cancer
risk. Genomic instability is an intermediate lesion in IR-induced cancer. We
examined whether pomegranate extract (PE) suppresses genomic instability induced
by x-rays ... glutathione (GSH) ... Thus, ingestion of pomegranate polyphenols
is associated with inhibition of x-ray-induced genomic instability and elevated
GSH, which may reduce cancer risk" - See
pomegranate extract at Amazon.com
Pomegranate extract
alleviates disease activity and some blood biomarkers of inflammation and
oxidative stress in Rheumatoid Arthritis patients - Eur J Clin Nutr. 2016
Aug 31 - "Compared with the placebo group, POMx
supplement significantly reduced the score of DAS28 (P<0.001) which could be
related to the decrease in swollen (P<0.001) and tender joints (P=0.001) count,
pain intensity (P=0.003) and ESR levels (P= 0.03). POMx consumption also
decreased HAQ score (P=0.007) and morning stiffness (P=0.04) and increased GPx
Pomegranate juice causes a
partial improvement through lowering oxidative stress for erectile dysfunction
in streptozotocin-diabetic rat - Int J Impot Res. 2016 Sep 1 -
"Erectile dysfunction (ED) is associated with diabetes
mellitus (DM). Pomegranate juice (PJ) is a potent antioxidant in diabetes
induced oxidative stress ... This is the first study to show that PJ treatment
ameliorates partially ED and completely oxidative stress and fibrosis in a
diabetic rat model. Our results highlight the success of antioxidant mechanism
of PJ in ED with diabetes and open the way for future understanding in
alternative treatment combinations with PDE5 inhibitors"
The effect of pomegranate
juice on clinical signs, matrix metalloproteinases and antioxidant status in
patients with knee osteoarthritis - J Sci Food Agric. 2016 Jan 25 -
"Significant decreases in Western Ontario and McMaster
Universities Osteoarthritis index (WOMAC) total score (P= 0.01), stiffness score
(p=0.00) and physical function score (p=0.01) were observed in PJ group after
the intervention. The means of serum levels of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)
-13 was significantly decreased (p=0.02) and glutathione peroxidase was
increased in the intervention group compared with the control group after the
study period" - [Nutra
Effect of Pomegranate Hull
Extract on Liver Neoplastic Changes in Rats: More than an Antioxidant - Nutr
Cancer. 2016 Jul 6 - "The current work was designed to
elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying the antitumorigenic effect of
pomegranate hull extract (PHE) in livers of rats exposed to the hepatocarcinogen
diethyl nitrosamine (DENA) with emphasis on oxidative stress, proliferation, and
apoptosis. Male albino rats were divided into three groups: normal control, DENA
group, and PHE group. PHE was given to rats orally 3 times weekly for 10 wk, 4
wk before and 6 wk after DENA (200 mg/kg, single i.p. dose). The results
indicated a prophylactic effect of PHE against neoplastic changes in the liver,
which was evidenced by the decrease of tumor size, liver index, and the
anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2; and the increase of glutathione. PHE group also
showed decreased expression of liver cyclin D1 and β-catenin genes compared with
DENA group. It is proved that PHE has antitumorigenic effect and could be a
candidate for anticancer drugs"
Peel Extract Prevents Bone Loss in a Preclinical Model of Osteoporosis and
Stimulates Osteoblastic Differentiation in Vitro - Nutrients. 2015 Nov 11 -
"in ovariectomized (OVX) C57BL/6J mice, PGPE consumption
was able to significantly prevent the decrease in bone mineral density (-31.9%;
p < 0.001 vs. OVX mice) and bone microarchitecture impairment ... PGPE may be
effective in preventing the bone loss associated with ovariectomy in mice, and
offers a promising alternative for the nutritional management of this disease"
Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities of a pomegranate (Punica
granatum L.) extract rich in ellagitannins - Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2015 Mar
30:1-5 - "The present results reinforce the benefits of
pomegranate (poly)phenolics in the treatment of pain as well as their
anti-inflammatory properties" - Note: It's probably another one in
addition to cherry juice that's a better alternative for pain than pot where I
feel most people are just claiming the pain as an excuse to get high.
and Pomegranate Extract in Treating Methotrexate-Induced Lung Oxidative Injury
in Rats - Med Sci Monit. 2014 Oct 19;20:1983-1990 - "This study was designed
to evaluate the effects of carvacrol (CRV) and pomegranate extract (PE) on
methotrexate (MTX)-induced lung injury in rats ... MTX treatment results in rat
lung oxidative damage that is partially counteracted by pretreatment with either
CRV or PE" - See carvacrol products at Amazon.com
pomegranate extract at Amazon.com .
Carvacrol - Wikipedia - "Carvacrol is
present in the essential oil of Origanum vulgare (oregano), oil of
thyme, oil obtained from pepperwort, and wild bergamot. The
essential oil of Thyme subspecies contains between 5% and 75% of
carvacrol, while Satureja (savory) subspecies have a content between
1% and 45%. Origanum majorana (marjoram) and Dittany of Crete are
rich in carvacrol, 50% resp. 60-80%"
Juice and Prostate Cancer: Importance of the Characterisation of the Active
Principle - Phytother Res. 2014 Jun 3 - "The results
show that the co-active compounds in the daily dose of the pomegranate blend
were far below those previously tested and that the photometric assessment is
not reliable for the standardisation of study medications. Not pomegranate but
the low amount of co-active compounds in the proprietary pomegranate blend was
responsible for its clinical ineffectiveness" - So stick with
reliable brand names.
Pomegranate intake attenuate cardiovascular risk factors in hemodialysis
patients? - Nutr J. 2014 Mar 4;13(1):18 -
"Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the most common cause of
morbidity and mortality among hemodialysis (HD) patients ... 101 HD patients
were randomized to receive 100 cc of PJ (0.7 mM polyphenols) or matching placebo
juice, three times a week for one year ... PJ consumption yielded a significant
time response improvement in systolic blood pressure, pulse pressure,
triglycerides and HDL level; an improvement that was not observed in the placebo
intake group. These beneficial outcomes were more pronounced among patients with
hypertension, high level of triglycerides and low levels of HDL"
extract (POMx) decreases the atherogenicity of serum and of human monocyte-derived
macrophages (HMDM) in simvastatin-treated hypercholesterolemic patients: A
double-blinded, placebo-controlled, randomized, prospective pilot study -
Atherosclerosis. 2014 Jan;232(1):204-10 - "The simvastatin + POMx, but not the
simvastatin + placebo therapy, significantly reduced macrophage triglycerides
content by 48%, vs. baseline levels. In addition, whereas the simvastatin +
placebo therapy significantly decreased the patients' HMDM cholesterol
biosynthesis rate by 33%, the simvastatin + POMx therapy further decreased it,
by 44%"
Supplementation Protects against Memory Dysfunction after Heart Surgery: A Pilot
Study - Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013;2013:932401 -
"Patients undergoing elective coronary artery bypass
graft and/or valve surgery were given either 2 g of pomegranate extract (in 2
POMx pills) or placebo (pills containing no pomegranate ingredients) per day
from one week before surgery to 6 weeks after surgery. The patients were also
administered a battery of neuropsychological tests to assess memory function at
1 week before surgery (baseline), 2 weeks after surgery, and 6 weeks after
surgery. The placebo group had significant deficits in postsurgery memory
retention, and the pomegranate treatment not only protected against this effect,
but also actually improved memory retention performance for up to 6 weeks after
surgery as compared to presurgery baseline performance"
Evaluation of Blood Pressure Lowering, Endothelial Function Improving,
Hypolipidemic and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Pomegranate Juice in Hypertensive
Subjects - Phytother Res. 2013 Mar 21 - "Pomegranate
(Punica granatum L.) juice (PJ) contains different types of antioxidants and
bioactive polyphenols and has been reported to promote cardiovascular health
through several mechanisms. The present study aimed to examine the effects of
2-week intake of fresh PJ on blood pressure, flow-mediated dilatation (FMD),
serum lipid profile and concentrations of inflammatory and endothelial function
biomarkers. Twenty-one hypertensive patients (aged 30-67 years) were recruited
into the trial and assigned to receive either PJ (150 ml/day in a single
occasion between lunch and dinner; n = 11) or the same amount of water (n = 10)
for a period of 2 weeks ... PJ consumption was associated with significant
reductions in SBP (p = 0.002) and DBP (p = 0.038) but not FMD (p > 0.05)"
Polyphenols and Extract Inhibit Nuclear Factor of Activated T-Cell Activity and
Microglial Activation In Vitro and in a Transgenic Mouse Model of Alzheimer
Disease - J Nutr. 2013 Mar 6 - "Alzheimer disease
(AD) brain is characterized by extracellular plaques of amyloid β (Aβ) peptide
with reactive microglia ... Three months of pomegranate feeding decreased the
path length to escape of mice compared with their initial 12-mo values (P <
0.05) and their control-fed counterparts (P < 0.05). Brains of the 3-mo study
pomegranate-fed mice had lower tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) concentrations (P
< 0.05) and lower nuclear factor of activated T-cell (NFAT) transcriptional
activity (P < 0.05) compared with controls. Brains of the 3-mo pomegranate or
control mice were also compared with an additional control group of 12-mo-old
mice for histologic analysis. Immunocytochemistry showed that pomegranate- but
not control-fed mice had attenuated microgliosis (P < 0.05) and Aβ plaque
deposition (P < 0.05) compared with 12-mo-old mice ... These data indicate that
dietary pomegranate produces brain antiinflammatory effects that may attenuate
AD progression"
Juice Protects Macrophages from Triglyceride Accumulation: Inhibitory Effect on
DGAT1 Activity and on Triglyceride Biosynthesis - Ann Nutr Metab. 2011 Jan
6;58(1):1-9 - "pomegranate juice (PJ) ... PJ (0-50 μM)
significantly and dose-dependently decreased the triglyceride content and
triglyceride biosynthesis rate in J774A.1 macrophages or in C57BL/6 MPM by about
30%. Similarly, punicalagin, the major PJ polyphenol, inhibited the MPM
triglyceride biosynthesis rate by 40%. The triglyceride hydrolytic rate,
however, was not significantly affected by PJ or punicalagin. The activity of
diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1 (DGAT1; the rate-limiting enzyme in
triglyceride biosynthesis) was significantly inhibited, by 54%, in C57BL/6 MPM
that were treated with 50 μM PJ or punicalagin, with no significant effect on
DGAT1 mRNA or protein expression. Both PJ and punicalagin increased (1.7-fold)
MPM PON2 mRNA expression, and PON2 was previously shown to inhibit DGAT1
activity. However, the addition of PJ or punicalagin (50 μM) to microsomes from
PON2-deficient MPM still resulted in a significant reduction (50-58%) in DGAT1
Dietary compound ellagic
acid alleviates skin wrinkle and inflammation induced by UV-B irradiation -
Exp Dermatol. 2010 Aug;19(8):e182-90 - "Ellagic acid, a
polyphenol compound present in berries and pomegranate, has received attention
as an agent that may have potential bioactivities preventing chronic diseases
... These results demonstrate that ellagic acid prevented collagen destruction
and inflammatory responses caused by UV-B. Therefore, dietary and
pharmacological interventions with berries rich in ellagic acid may be promising
treatment strategies interrupting skin wrinkle and inflammation associated with
chronic UV exposure leading to photoageing"
polyphenols down-regulate expression of androgen-synthesizing genes in human
prostate cancer cells overexpressing the androgen receptor - J Nutr
Biochem. 2008 Dec;19(12):848-55 - "A twofold
suppression of gene expression was considered statistically significant.
Pomegranate polyphenols inhibited gene expression and AR most consistently
in the LNCaP-AR cell line (P=.05). Therefore, inhibition by pomegranate
polyphenols of gene expression involved in androgen-synthesizing enzymes and
the AR may be of particular importance in androgen-independent prostate
cancer cells and the subset of human prostate cancers where AR is
Consumption of
hydrolyzable tannins-rich pomegranate extract suppresses inflammation and
joint damage in rheumatoid arthritis - Nutrition. 2008 May 17 -
"collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) ... Consumption of
POMx potently delayed the onset and reduced the incidence of CIA in mice.
Severity of arthritis was also significantly lower in POMx-fed animals.
Histopathology of the arthritic joints from POMx-fed mice demonstrated
reduced joint infiltration by the inflammatory cells, and the destruction of
bone and cartilage were alleviated. Levels of IL-6 were significantly
decreased in the joints of POMx-fed mice with CIA. In mouse macrophages,
POMx abrogated multiple signal transduction pathways and downstream
mediators implicated in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis" - [Nutra
Comparison of Antioxidant Potency of Commonly Consumed Polyphenol-Rich
Beverages in the United States - J Agric Food Chem. 2008 Jan 26 -
"pomegranate juice (PJ) ... PJ had the greatest
antioxidant potency composite index among the beverages tested and was at
least 20% greater than any of the other beverages tested. Antioxidant
potency, ability to inhibit LDL oxidation, and total polyphenol content were
consistent in classifying the antioxidant capacity of the polyphenol-rich
beverages in the following order: PJ > red wine > Concord grape juice >
blueberry juice > black cherry juice, açaí juice, cranberry juice > orange
juice, iced tea beverages, apple juice. Although in vitro antioxidant
potency does not prove in vivo biological activity, there is also consistent
clinical evidence of antioxidant potency for the most potent beverages
including both PJ and red wine" - See
pomegranate at Amazon.com
Ellagitannin-rich pomegranate extract inhibits angiogenesis in prostate
cancer in vitro and in vivo - Int J Oncol. 2008 Feb;32(2):475-80 -
"pomegranate extract standardized to ellagitannin
content (POMx) ... POMx decreased prostate cancer xenograft size, tumor
vessel density, VEGF peptide levels and HIF-1alpha expression after 4 weeks
of treatment in SCID mice. These results demonstrate that an
ellagitannin-rich pomegranate extract can inhibit tumor-associated
angiogenesis as one of several potential mechanisms for slowing the growth
of prostate cancer in chemopreventive applications"