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Researchers find link between cannabis use disorder and schizophrenia -
NBC7, 5/9/23 - "According to researchers, 30% of
schizophrenia cases involving men ages 21-30 could be prevented by averting
cannabis use disorder. The researchers say both cannabis use disorder and
schizophrenia can be treated but can "profoundly impact people’s lives." ... The
researchers added that those with cannabis use disorder cannot stop using
cannabis despite the effects it has on their life ... The National Institute of
Health says common symptoms of schizophrenia include hallucinations, delusions,
thought disorder and movement disorder"
Supplement treats schizophrenia in mice, restores healthy 'dance' and structure
of neurons - Science Daily, 4/20/21 - "The
supplement betaine was first isolated from sugar beets and is often associated
with sweetness or umami flavor. Healthy levels of betaine come from both
external food sources and internal synthesis in the body. Betaine supplements
are already used clinically to treat the metabolic disease homocystinuria ... By
protecting CRMP2 from damage, betaine treatment allows kif3b mutant neurons to
build proper structures. With a structurally sound skeleton to navigate, the
remaining functional KIF3B protein can shuttle cargo around the cell. Other test
tube experiments revealed that KIF3B and CRMP2 can bind together, but their
exact relationship remains unclear ... We know that the amount of betaine
decreases in schizophrenia patients' brains, so this study strongly suggests
betaine could be therapeutic for at least some kinds of schizophrenia" -
See betaine anhydrous (TMG) at Amazon.com.
Omega-3 fatty acids during
adolescence prevent schizophrenia-related behavioural deficits:
Neurophysiological evidences from the prenatal viral infection with PolyI:C
- Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 2021 Mar 15 - "The likely
involvement of inflammation and oxidative stress (IOS) in mental disease has led
to advocate anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory drugs as therapeutic strategies
in the treatment of schizophrenia. Since omega-3 fatty acids (ω-3) show
anti-inflammatory/neuroprotective properties, we aim to evaluate whether ω-3
treatment during adolescence in the maternal immune stimulation (MIS) animal
model of schizophrenia could prevent the brain and behavioural deficits
described in adulthood ... prepulse inhibition test (PPI) ... MIS-offspring
showed a PPI deficit compared with VH-offspring and ω-3 treatment prevented this
deficit. Also, ω-3 reduced the brain metabolism in the deep mesencephalic area
and prevented the volumetric abnormalities in the hippocampus but not in the
ventricles in MIS-offspring. Besides, ω-3 reduced the expression of iNOS and
Keap1 and increased the activity/concentration of HO1, NQO1 and GPX. Our study
demonstrates that administration of ω-3 during adolescence prevents PPI
behavioural deficits and hippocampal volumetric abnormalities, and partially
counteracts IOS deficits via iNOS and Nrf2-ARE pathways in the MIS model"
- See omega-3 supplements at Amazon.com.
supplement may help with schizophrenia - Science Daily, 9/9/19 -
"Sarcosine represents a very logical treatment and the
small number of clinical trials so far do seem to show that it can be helpful.
It certainly seems to be safe and some patients report feeling better on it ...
Sarcosine naturally occurs in foods such as egg yolks, turkey and legumes, and
can be bought as a dietary supplement, sometimes promoted as a 'brain health
supplement', with various claims being made that are not all backed up by
adequate evidence ... The only risk identified so far seems to be that some
people taking sarcosine to treat schizophrenia who are also on antidepressants
may experience hypomania (disinhibition and euphoria)" - See
sarcosine at Amazon.com.
Boosting amino acid derivative may be a treatment for schizophrenia -
Science Daily, 6/26/19 - "Betaine comes from a normal
diet but is also synthesized in the body where it contributes to metabolism in
various ways, including as an anti-inflammatory agent. Levels of betaine (glycine
betaine or trimethylglycine) in the blood plasma of patients with schizophrenia
has previously been found to be low, which suggested it is a possible
therapeutic target ... In the new study, mice missing the Chdh gene, which is
involved in making betaine, showed depressive behaviors and greatly reduced
betaine levels in both the brain and blood. Betaine levels in the brain
recovered when the it was given to the mice as a supplement in drinking water,
demonstrating that betaine can pass through the blood-brain barrier" -
See trimethylglycine at Amazon.com.
Broccoli sprout compound may restore brain chemistry imbalance linked to
schizophrenia - Science Daily, 5/8/19 - "It's
possible that future studies could show sulforaphane to be a safe supplement to
give people at risk of developing schizophrenia as a way to prevent, delay or
blunt the onset of symptoms ... The researchers used MRS again to monitor three
brain regions for glutathione levels in the healthy volunteers before and after
taking sulforaphane. They found that after seven days, there was about a 30%
increase in average glutathione levels in the subjects' brains. For example, in
the hippocampus, glutathione levels rose an average of 0.27 millimolar from a
baseline of 1.1 millimolar after seven days of taking sulforaphane" - See
sulforaphane at Amazon.com
between neonatal vitamin D deficiency and schizophrenia confirmed - Science
Daily, 12/6/18 - "newborns with vitamin D deficiency had
a 44 per cent increased risk of being diagnosed with schizophrenia as adults
compared to those with normal vitamin D levels" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Low Folate, Vitamin D
Implicated in First-Episode Psychosis - Medscape, 12/22/17 -
"levels of vitamin C, D, and folate "should be assessed
in young people being treated for psychosis, and if deficient, clinicians should
recommend dietary improvement or perhaps even supplementation if diet alone
cannot resolve the deficits."
vitamins reduce schizophrenia symptoms, study finds - Science Daily, 2/16/17
- "A review of worldwide studies has found that add-on
treatment with high-dose b-vitamins -- including B6, B8 and B12 -- can
significantly reduce symptoms of schizophrenia more than standard treatments
alone ... B-vitamin interventions which used higher dosages or combined several
vitamins were consistently effective for reducing psychiatric symptoms, whereas
those which used lower doses were ineffective"
Omega-3 Treatment Shows
Long-term Psychosis Prevention - Medscape, 8/20/15 -
"Adolescents and young adults considered to be at high risk for psychosis show
significant reductions in progression to psychotic disorder 7 years after a
brief, 12-week intervention of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs)
compared with a group receiving placebo ... the cumulative conversion rate to
psychosis was 9.8% in the omega-3 PUFA group, compared with 40% in the placebo
group ... The proportion of patients who reported being prescribed antipsychotic
medication at the time of long-term follow-up was 29.4% in the omega-3 PUFA
group, compared with 54.3% in the placebo group ... Among those in the placebo
group, 82.9% met the criteria for at least one DSM-IV Axis I disorder during the
long-term follow-up period, compared with 52.9% in the omega-3 PUFA group"
- See
fish oil supplements at Amazon.com
Omega-3s May Protect Against Schizophrenia - WebMD, 8/11/15 -
"Omega-3 supplements may help keep young people with a
high risk of schizophrenia from getting the condition ... 9.8% of the group
given omega-3 supplements (4 of 41) developed psychosis, an episode where you
lose touch with reality. It's a symptom of different illnesses, including
schizophrenia ... 40% of the group given a fake placebo supplement (16 out of
40) developed psychosis ... The group not given omega-3s also developed
psychosis more quickly and had a higher overall risk of getting other
psychiatric disorders" - See
fish oil supplements at Amazon.com
D deficiency raises risk of schizophrenia diagnosis - Science Daily, 7/22/14
- "The meta-analysis found that people with
schizophrenia had significantly lower levels of vitamin D in the blood compared
to the control groups. The average difference in vitamin D levels between
schizophrenic patients and control participants was -5.91 ng/ml. People with
vitamin D deficiency were 2.16 times more likely to have schizophrenia than
those with sufficient vitamin D in their bloodstreams. In addition, 65 percent
of the participants who had schizophrenia also were vitamin D deficient"
- See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Vitamin D Deficiency Linked
to Onset of Psychosis - Medscape, 11/1/13 - "A study
of almost 140 participants in the United Kingdom showed that those who were
presenting to a psychiatric in-patient facility with an FEP had significantly
lower levels of vitamin D than did their age-matched, healthy peers ... What
surprised us was the degree of difference between the patients and their matched
controls, with patients being nearly 3 times as likely to have full-blown
vitamin D deficiency ... The study is published in the November issue of
Schizophrenia Research"
Pyrroloquinoline quinone prevents MK-801-induced stereotypical behavior and
cognitive deficits in mice - Behav Brain Res. 2013 Oct 19 -
"Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ), an essential nutrient,
antioxidant, redox modulator, and nerve growth factor, prevents cognitive
deficits associated with oxidative stress-induced neurodegeneration ... PQQ
administration significantly attenuated MK-801-induced increases in
stereotypical behavior and ataxia, suggesting a protective role of PQQ against
MK-801-induced neuronal dysfunction and psychiatric disorders" - See
pyrroloquinoline at iHerb.
acid offers potential therapeutic alternative in psychiatric disorders -
Science Daily, 10/8/13 - "drug discovery is at a near
standstill for treating psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar
disorder, depression and common forms of autism ... According to Professor Berk,
there is now an incontrovertible evidence base that these disorders share
inflammation and oxidative stress as part of their disease physiology ... The
amino acid, NAC, seems to have multiple effects on all these pathways: it boosts
glutathione, which is the body’s major antioxidant defence; has
anti-inflammatory properties; enhances levels of nerve cell growth proteins and
the growth of new neurons; and reduces cell death pathways. It also appears to
reduce dysfunction of mitochondria ... NAC reduces the core symptoms of
schizophrenia including negative symptoms such as improved apathy, social
interaction and motivation. It also appears to reduce depression in people with
bipolar disorder and at this meeting ... there is intriguing evidence that it
reduces cravings in a number of addictions including cocaine, cannabis and
cigarette smoking" - See
n-acetyl cysteine at Amazon.com
for Weight Loss and Metabolic Control in Overweight Outpatients With
Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorder - Am J Psychiatry. 2013 Jul 12 -
"Metformin was titrated up to 1,000 mg twice daily, as
tolerated ... Mean change in body weight was -3.0 kg (95% CI=-4.0 to -2.0) for
the metformin group and -1.0 kg (95% CI=-2.0 to 0.0) for the placebo group, with
a between-group difference of -2.0 kg (95% CI=-3.4 to -0.6). Metformin also
demonstrated a significant between-group advantage for BMI (-0.7; 95% CI=-1.1 to
-0.2), triglyceride level (-20.2 mg/dL; 95% CI=-39.2 to -1.3), and hemoglobin
A1c level (-0.07%; 95% CI=-0.14 to -0.004). Metformin-associated side effects
were mostly gastrointestinal and generally transient, and they rarely led to
treatment discontinuation" - Note: 3 kg is 6.6 pounds. See
metformin at The Antiaging Store.
Oxytocin Makes
Schizophrenia Patients More Socially Savvy - Medscape, 4/29/13 -
"oxytocin, delivered as an intranasal spray,
significantly improved the ability of patients with schizophrenia to tell when
people were being sarcastic or lying ... oxytocin significantly improved the
ability of the schizophrenia patients to interpret paralinguistic cues and to
understand the different mental states" - See
Oxy Pro (Oxytocin) Nasal Spray at International Anti-aging Systems.
loss in schizophrenia and depression could be prevented, study suggests -
Science Daily, 3/13/13 - "It now appears that
parvalbumin neurons are particularly vulnerable to oxidative stress, a factor
that may emerge commonly in development, particularly in the context of
psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, where compromised
mitochondrial function plays a role. Parvalbumin neurons may be protected from
this effect by N-acetylcysteine, also known as Mucomyst, a medication commonly
prescribed to protect the liver against the toxic effects of acetaminophen
(Tylenol) overdose ... This study raises the possibility that GABA neuronal
deficits in psychiatric disorder may be preventable using a drug,
N-acetylcysteine, which is quite safe to administer to humans" - See
n-acetyl cysteine at Amazon.com
and vitamin B12 reduce disabling schizophrenia symptoms in some patients -
Science Daily, 3/6/13 - "The symptoms of schizophrenia
are complex, and antipsychotic medications provide no relief for some of the
most disabling parts of the illness. These include negative symptoms, which can
be particularly devastating ... Among all 140 participants in the study
protocol, those receiving folate and vitamin B12 showed improvement in negative
symptoms, but the degree of improvement was not statistically significant
compared with the placebo group. But when the analysis accounted for the
variants in the genes of interest, intake of the two nutrients did provide
significant improvement in negative symptoms, chiefly reflecting the effects of
specific variants in MTHFR and in a gene called FOLH1 ... Those with the
low-functioning FOLH1 variant started the trial with substantially lower folate
levels, suggesting a problem with folate absorption. Although supplementation
enabled their blood folate levels to eventually catch up with those of
participants with the high-functioning variant, it was probably too late to
produce symptom improvement during the 16-week trial period ... For participants
who did show a benefit, it took the full 16 weeks of treatment for that benefit
to appear"
for Treatment of Antipsychotic-Induced Amenorrhea and Weight Gain in Women With
First-Episode Schizophrenia: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled
Study - Am J Psychiatry. 2012 Jun 15 - "A total of
76 patients completed the 6-month trial. Significantly more patients in the
metformin group (N=28, 66.7%) than in placebo group (N=2, 4.8%) resumed their
menstruation. Among patients treated with metformin, BMI decreased by a mean of
0.93 and the insulin resistance index by 2.04. In contrast, patients who
received placebo had a mean increase in BMI of 0.85. The prolactin, LH, and
testosterone levels and LH/FSH ratio decreased significantly in the metformin
group at months 2, 4, and 6, but these levels did not change in the placebo
group ... Metformin was effective in reversing antipsychotic-induced adverse
events, including restoration of menstruation, promotion of weight loss, and
improvement in insulin resistance in female patients with schizophrenia"
- See
metformin at The Antiaging Store.
Vitamin D: A Contributor to Mental Disorders in Children? - Medscape, 6/2/11
- "Children with severe mental health disorders,
including psychosis, have twice the rate of vitamin D insufficiency as mentally
healthy children ... 21% of children with severe psychiatric symptoms requiring
residential care had serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) levels lower than 20
ng/mL (the American Academy of Pediatrics [AAP] minimum recommended level)
compared with 14% of children who were participants in the National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey III (NHANES III), a population-based study designed
to assess the health and nutritional status of children and adults in the United
States" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
may help schizophrenia sufferers cope - Science Daily, 4/17/11 -
"patients who received L-lysine alongside their normal
medication found some reduction in the severity of their symptoms" - See
l-lysine at Amazon.com
N-acetylcysteine in psychiatry: current therapeutic evidence and potential
mechanisms of action - J Psychiatry Neurosci. 2010 Nov 1;35(6):100057 -
"This review outlines the current literature
regarding the use of NAC in disorders including addiction, compulsive and
grooming disorders, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. N-acetylcysteine has
shown promising results in populations with these disorders, including those in
whom treatment efficacy has previously been limited. The therapeutic potential
of this acetylated amino acid is beginning to emerge in the field of psychiatric
research" - See
n-acetyl cysteine at Amazon.com
Hormone' could help treat severe mental illness - MSNBC, 12.3.10 -
"A small study published Oct. 1 in the journal
Biological Psychiatry found that patients with schizophreniawho took
oxytocin for three weeks along with their regular antipsychotic medication
improved in their symptoms and hallucinated less than those who took a
placebo with their antipsychotic ... Oxytocin is also being tested in
clinical trials as a treatment for depression, borderline personality
disorder and alcohol withdrawal ... One hypothesis is that oxytocin dampens
the activity of the brain's fear center, the amygdala, thereby easing stress
and anxiety ... Because of oxytocin's proposed blunting effects on the
amygdala's activity, scientists have also hypothesized it would help those
with PTSD ... oxytocin's trust effect could help those with schizophrenia,
making them less paranoid ... researchers are investigating oxytocin's
potential benefit for a number of other ailments, including headaches,
constipation and skin damage" - See
oxytocin 6x5iu tablets at International Antiaging Systems.
Fish Oil to Fend
Off Psychosis: New Evidence - Medscape, 10/28/10 -
"the intake of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids was associated with a
decreased relative risk for psychotic-like symptoms ... Two of 41 (4.9%) of
those receiving the active agent transitioned to psychosis, compared to 11
of 40 (27.5%) in the placebo group, which represented a statistically
significant difference. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids also reduced the
severity of positive, negative, and general symptoms, and improved
functioning compared to the placebo condition ... the concentrations of
eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid in red blood cells were
negatively correlated with hostility scores (the higher the level of those
omega-3 fatty acids, the lower the severity of hostility) ... On the other
hand, the concentration of arachidonic acid was positively correlated with
hostility scores. This and related studies may have clinical implications in
terms of either dietary modifications that could be beneficial to people
with schizophrenia, or the use of specific polyunsaturated fatty acid
supplements among such patients" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
oil may reduce the risk of psychotic disorders in high-risk individuals
- Science Daily, 2/1/10 - "For 12 weeks, 41
individuals were assigned to take daily fish oil capsules containing 1.2
grams of
omega-three polyunsaturated fatty acids and 40
were assigned to take placebo; a total of 76 (93.8 percent) completed the
intervention. By the end of the study, two (4.9 percent) in the omega-3
group and 11 (27.5 percent) in the placebo group had transitioned to
psychotic disorder. The difference between progression to psychosis was 22.6
percent ... Polyunsaturated fatty acids also significantly reduced symptoms
and improved functioning compared with placebo" - [WebMD]
- See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
{omega}-3 Fatty Acids for Indicated Prevention of Psychotic Disorders: A
Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial - Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2010
Feb;67(2):146-54 - "The difference between the groups in
the cumulative risk of progression to full-threshold psychosis was 22.6% ...
Long-chain omega-3 PUFAs reduce the risk of progression to psychotic disorder
and may offer a safe and efficacious strategy for indicated prevention in young
people with subthreshold psychotic states" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at iHerb.
study links DHA type of omega-3 to better nervous-system function -
Science Daily, 12/16/09 - "The omega-3 essential
fatty acids commonly found in fatty fish and algae help animals avoid
sensory overload ... The finding connects low omega-3s to the
information-processing problems found in people with schizophrenia; bipolar,
obsessive-compulsive, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorders;
Huntington's disease; and other afflictions of the nervous system" -
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com
Improvement of
aggressive behavior and quality of life impairment following
S-Adenosyl-Methionine (SAM-e) augmentation in schizophrenia - Eur
Neuropsychopharmacol. 2008 Sep 26 - "Eighteen
patients with chronic schizophrenia were randomly assigned to receive either
SAM-e (800 mg) or placebo for 8 weeks in double-blind fashion. Results
indicated some reduction in aggressive behavior and improved quality of life
following SAM-e administration. Female patients showed improvement of
depressive symptoms" - See
SAM-e at Amazon.com
Ginseng May Help Treat Schizophrenia - WebMD, 5/8/08 -
"In a small study, patients had fewer negative
symptoms -- such as lack of motivation and a severe reduction in emotional
expression known as "flat affect" -- when they took Panax ginseng than when
they took a placebo ... patients were 50% less likely to have flat affect
when taking the higher, 200-milligram dose of ginseng than when taking
placebo" - See
ginseng at Amazon.com
N-acetyl Cysteine May Aid in Treatment of Schizophrenia - Doctor's
Guide, 10/16/07 - "The study showed that NAC
improves certain symptoms of schizophrenia, and therefore implicated
glutathione deficiency in the pathogenesis" - See
n-acetyl cysteine at Amazon.com
- Do You Need Drugs for a
Mental Disorder? - Dr. Weil, 1/8/04
- Fatty Acids and
Antioxidants Useful for Schizophrenia - Healthwell Exchange Daily News,
Vitamin B6 add-on therapy in treatment of schizophrenic patients with
psychotic symptoms and movement disorders - Harefuah. 2003
Sep;142(8-9):592-6, 647 -
"The authors suggest that vitamin B6 may be
efficient as the treatment for tardive dyskinesia and parkinsonism induced
by neuroleptic agents"
Supplementation with a combination of omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants
(vitamins E and C) improves the outcome of schizophrenia - Schizophr
Res. 2003 Aug 1;62(3):195-204 - "We report the
supplementation with a mixture of EPA/DHA
(180:120 mg) and antioxidants (vitamin E/C, 400 IU:500 mg) orally morning
and evening to schizophrenic patients (N=33) for 4 months ... there was
significant reduction in psychopathology based on reduction in individual
total scores for brief psychiatric rating scale (BPRS) and positive and
negative syndrome scale (PANSS), general psychopathology-PANSS and increase
in Henrich's Quality of Life (QOL) Scale" - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
- DHEA Beneficial for
People with Schizophrenia - New Hope Natural Media, 4/24/03
Dehydroepiandrosterone Augmentation in the Management of Negative,
Depressive, and Anxiety Symptoms in Schizophrenia - Archives of General
Psychiatry, 2/03 -
"Results indicated significant improvement in
negative symptoms (P<.001), as well as in depressive (P<.05) and
anxiety (P<.001) symptoms in individuals receiving
DHEA. This effect was especially noted in women"
- Supplementation with
Fatty Acids Helps Schizophrenic Patients - New Hope Natural Media,
- EPA Useful Add-on
Therapy in Schizophrenia - Medscape, 9/9/02 -
"After 12 weeks of treatment, the
EPA group had significantly greater reduction of Positive and Negative
Syndrome Scale total scores and of dyskinesia scores than the placebo group
... We regard these results as remarkable, considering the refractory nature
of schizophrenia
in the subjects" - See TwinLab Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Omega 3: Implications in human health and disease - PowerPak (39 page
CME course for Registered Dietitians), exp. 8/1/03 -
"In 20 schizophrenic patients, a 6-week trial of 10
g of fish oil per day resulted in a 17%
improvement in the Positive and Negative Symptom Scale (PANSS), and a 40%
improvement in the Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS)" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Polyunsaturated Fats and Neurological Disorders - Nutrition Science
News, 9/00
Other News:
Anticholinergic Burden a
Key Contributor to Cognitive Impairment in Schizophrenia - Medscape, 6/3/21
- "Anticholinergic medication burden from antipsychotics, antidepressants, and
other psychotropics has a cumulative effect of worsening cognitive function in
patients with schizophrenia"
pollution in childhood linked to schizophrenia - Science Daily, 1/7/20 -
"the higher the level of air pollution, the higher
the risk of schizophrenia. For each 10 ?g/m3 (concentration of air pollution
per cubic metre) increase in the daily average, the risk of schizophrenia
increases by approximately twenty per cent. Children who are exposed to an
average daily level above 25 ?g/m3 have an approx. sixty per cent greater
risk of developing schizophrenia compared to those who are exposed to less
than 10 ?g/m3"
FDA OKs Lumateperone (Caplyta),
First-in-Class for Schizophrenia - Medscape, 12/23/19
left-handedness higher among those suffering from psychosis? - Science
Daily, 10/30/13 - "11% of those diagnosed with mood
disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder were left-handed, which is
similar to the rate in the general population, however, 40% of those with
schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder were left-handed"
High CRP Linked to
Late-Onset Schizophrenia - Medscape, 5/22/13 -
"CRP has previously been linked to increased risk for cardiovascular
disease, and more recently, in a study by these same researchers, with risk
for depression ... We had up to 19 years of follow-up, and after adjusting
for all the other factors that would also increase CRP ... we still saw
significantly increased risk of schizophrenia; for those who had even very
small elevations of CRP, they still have a 6-times increased risk for
Cannabis Use Linked to
More Severe Schizophrenia - Medscape, 4/10/13 -
"Cannabis use not only increases the risk for schizophrenia but new research
suggests it is associated with more severe schizophrenic psychosis ...
"Those who had schizophrenia after cannabis use had many more hospital
days...more than a third [38%] of those who had cannabis use had more than 2
years in total in hospital stay" compared with 21% of nonusers, said Dr.
Allebeck. The median number of hospital days was 547 for cannabis users and
184 for nonusers ... After controlling for socioeconomic factors,
personality disorders, IQ, and other factors associated with cannabis use,
"there was more than 3-fold increased risk of such long hospital days among
cannabis users," ... The number of readmissions is also about 3-fold
increased of those with many readmissions after the first admission for
More Evidence
Cannabis Use Linked to Schizophrenia - Medscape, 11/8/12 -
"Cannabis use causes a temporary cognitive breakdown
in nonpsychotic individuals, leading to long-term psychosis ... patients
with no history of cannabis use had more normal activation patterns during
rest, which is actually a good thing in that this mode has been shown to be
important for learning in healthy individuals"
between creativity and mental illness confirmed in large-scale Swedish study
- Science Daily, 10/16/12 - "The results confirmed
those of their previous study, that certain mental illness -- bipolar
disorder -- is more prevalent in the entire group of people with artistic or
scientific professions, such as dancers, researchers, photographers and
authors. Authors also specifically were more common among most of the other
psychiatric diseases (including schizophrenia, depression, anxiety syndrome
and substance abuse) and were almost 50 per cent more likely to commit
suicide than the general population"
Schizophrenia drugs raise the volume of a key signaling system in the brain
- Science Daily, 5/12/10
between brain chemical, cognitive decline in schizophrenia demonstrated
- Science Daily, 3/10/10
Estrogen in the fight against schizophrenia - Science Daily, 1/20/10
Immune system activated in schizophrenia - Science Daily, 11/18/09
Alterations In Brain's White Matter Key To Schizophrenia, Study Shows -
Science Daily, 6/22/09
Daily Consumption Of Cannabis Predisposes To Appearance Of Psychosis And
Schizophrenia, Study Finds - Science Daily, 3/25/09 -
"66% of the patients with psychosis who participated
in the study and had a normal neurodevelopment admitted to have consumed
cannabis daily or almost every day, whereas 43% of the participants with
markers of an abnormal neurodevelopment (those already indicated: bad
previous social and academic behaviour, a family history and a "clumsier"
attitude when they carry out tasks of motor coordination and complex motor
acts) were drug users too"
Do Patients Diagnosed With Schizophrenia Communicate? - Science Daily,
Physical Activity Improves Mood For People Serious Mental Illness -
Science Daily, 1/14/09 - "even meager levels of
physical activity can improve the mood of people with serious mental
illnesses (SMI) such as bipolar disorder, major depression and
Newer Antipsychotics No Better Than Older Drug In Treating Child And
Adolescent Schizophrenia, Study Finds - Science Daily, 9/15/08
Way To Help Schizophrenia Sufferers' Social Skills - Science Daily,
Types Of Antipsychotic Drugs Increase The Risk Of Stroke - Science
Daily, 8/28/08 - "All drugs used to treat psychosis
are linked to an increased risk of stroke, and dementia sufferers are at
double the risk"
Hormone Therapy for Schizophrenia? - WebMD, 8/4/08
Schizophrenia Linked To Dysfunction In Molecular Brain Pathway Activated By
Marijuana - Science Daily, 7/7/08 - "The use of
marijuana in individuals with schizophrenia appears to worsen this deficit
in GABA synthesis"
Second-Generation Antipsychotics Are No Better Than First-Generation Drugs
for Schizophrenia - Doctor's Guide, 3/27/08
Comparison Of Antipsychotic Treatments In Adolescents With Schizophrenia
- Science Daily, 2/28/08 - "The researchers
discovered that clozapine was approximately twice as likely to produce a
treatment response as olanzapine"
Pregnancy Stress, Schizophrenia Linked? - WebMD, 2/4/08
Metformin, Lifestyle
Changes Effective in Antipsychotic-Induced Weight Gain - Medscape,
1/10/08 - "Lifestyle intervention plus metformin had
the greatest effect on weight loss, and metformin alone was more effective
than lifestyle intervention plus placebo in increasing insulin sensitivity
and reversing weight gain in these patients with schizophrenia and
significant weight gain from atypical antipsychotic agents"
Effective New Treatment For Schizophrenia - Science Daily, 12/13/07
Managing Acute Agitation in Schizophrenia - Physician's Weekly, 11/26/07
Discoveries About Nitric Oxide Can Provide Drugs For Schizophrenia -
Science Daily, 11/21/07
Schizophrenia Develops: Major Clues Discovered - Science Daily, 10/16/07
Potential New Approach To Treat Cognitive Impairments In Schizophrenia -
Science Daily, 9/24/07
Anti-psychotic Drugs No Better Than Older, Cheaper Ones - Science Daily,
Second-Generation Antipsychotic Medications Appear to Offer Little Advantage
Over Older Drugs - Doctor's Guide, 10/3/06
Assessing Pharmacotherapies for Schizophrenia - Physician's Weekly,
Third Of Patients Who Stop Treatment For Schizophrenia Early Do So Due To
Poor Response - Science Daily, 12/26/05
Schizophrenia-Bipolar I Theory Gains Traction - Clinical Psychiatry
News, 9/05
Study Links Epilepsy and Schizophrenia Risk - WebMD, 6/16/05
Schizophrenia Rarer Than Previously Thought - WebMD, 5/31/05
Metabolic Syndrome Seen in Schizophrenia Patients - Doctor's Guide,
Study Finds Maternal Exposure To Parasitic Infection May Increase Risk Of
Schizophrenia In Offspring - Science Daily, 5/17/05
Algorithm Clarifies Treatment for Schizophrenia - Physician's Weekly,
Treating Depression in Schizophrenia - Clinical Psychiatry News, 5/05
Electroshock Therapy May Help Schizophrenia - WebMD, 4/21/05
Common Schizophrenia Symptoms Often Overlooked By Physicians - Doctor's
Guide, 3/8/05
New Strategies Lead to New Hope - Psychiatric Times, 3/05
First-Episode Schizophrenia: Research Perspectives and Clinical Implications
- Psychiatric Times, 3/05
Schizophrenia's Multiple Domains - Clinical Psychiatry News, 1/05
Online Schizophrenia Algorithm Almost Ready - Clinical Psychiatry News,
- Bipolar
Disorder, Schizophrenia Key Found - WebMD, 10/28/04
- Older Dads May
Increase Schizophrenia Risk - WebMD, 10/21/04
Exposure To Influenza During Pregnancy May Increase Risk Of Schizophrenia In
Offspring - Science Daily, 8/3/04
Mirtazapine Plus Clozapine Appears to Improve Negative Symptoms of
Schizophrenia - Doctor's Guide, 4/21/04
Cognitive Deficits and Schizophrenia - Clinical Psychiatry News, 4/04
Majority of Patients With Schizophrenia Not Adherent to Medication Regimen
- Doctor's Guide, 3/31/04
Adjunctive Therapy With Levodopa May Be Beneficial in Patients with
Schizophrenia - Doctor's Guide, 3/9/04
Anticholinergic Drugs May Influence Verbal Memory In Patients With
Schizophrenia - Doctor's Guide, 3/9/04
- Gluten
Intolerance Linked to Schizophrenia - WebMD, 2/19/04
- Careful
Antipsychotic Drug Monitoring Urged - WebMD, 1/27/04
- Hormonal Treatments
for Women With Schizophrenia - Psychiatric Times, 1/04
Lamotrigine Improves Symptoms in Patients With Treatment-Resistant
Schizophrenia - Doctor's Guide, 1/6/04
Patient Attitude, Lack of Insight Significant Reasons for Non-Adherence in
Early Treatment of Schizophrenia - Doctor's Guide, 11/24/03
Clinical Improvement with Dose Reduction in Patients with Chronic
Schizophrenia on High-Dose Antipsychotic Polypharmacy - Doctor's Guide,
Patients with Schizophrenia Unlikely to Respond to Treatment Within 4 Weeks
if No Response Noted at 1 Week - Doctor's Guide, 11/10/03
Significant Humour Deficits Found in Patients With Schizophrenia -
Doctor's Guide, 11/3/03
Antipsychotic-Induced Metabolic Syndrome Proves Costly - Clinical
Psychiatry News, 9/03
D2 Receptor Levels Are Higher in Schizophrenics - Clinical Psychiatry
News, 9/03
- Schizophrenia,
Bipolar May Share Cause - WebMD, 9/4/03
Schizophrenia Arises From An Early Neurodevelopmental Insult, Interacts With
Postpubertal Brain Maturation - Doctor's Guide, 8/18/03
- Schizophrenia
Patients Often Forget Drugs - WebMD, 8/13/03
Patient- And Observer-Rated Quality-Of-Life In Schizophrenia Not Closely
Related Over Time - Doctor's Guide, 8/4/03
Weight-Loss Programs May Benefit Schizophrenics - Clinical Psychiatry
News, 7/03
Childhood Central Nervous System Viral Infections and Adult Schizophrenia
- Doctor's Guide, 6/16/03
- Schizophrenia
Drugs Linked to Diabetes - WebMD, 6/3/03 -
"close to 25% of them developed high blood sugar
levels while taking Clozaril,
the first of these newer schizophrenia medications -- called "atypical
antipsychotics." ... people with schizophrenia have a four- to six-fold
risk of diabetes compared with the general
population ... One possible explanation: Those with schizophrenia typically
have higher levels of cortisol, known as the
"stress hormone," because the body releases it during times of agitation.
And high cortisol levels can cause problems in the way blood sugar is
metabolized" - See my cortisol page
for possible ways to reduce it.
Metabolic syndrome in patients with schizophrenia - J Clin Psychiatry
2003 May;64(5):575-9 -
"Metabolic syndrome was found in 37% (N = 13) of the
patients, and it was associated inversely with the total daily dose of, but
not with any specific type of, antipsychotic drug"
Risk Factors for Diabetes May Predate Antipsychotic Treatment - Doctor's
Guide, 5/22/03 -
"The choice of antipsychotic therapy was not a
predictor of the development of diabetes ... However, because the prevalence
of diabetes is 2 to 4 times as high among schizophrenic patients as in the
general population, physicians need to screen these patients for diabetes"
Stigma, Insurance and Access to Treatment and Services Emerge as Top
Barriers to Schizophrenics - Doctor's Guide, 5/20/03
Cognition Can Be Improved in Schizophrenia - Clinical Psychiatry News,
Withdrawal, Anger Flag Decline Into Schizophrenia - Clinical Psychiatry
News, 5/03
Cognitive Deficits Undermine Schizophrenia Recovery - Clinical
Psychiatry News, 5/03
rTMS May Help Schizophrenics Shut Out Voices - Clinical Psychiatry News,
Anxiety in Schizophrenia - Clinical Psychiatry News, 5/03
- Schizophrenia
Treatment Challenges - Psychiatric Times, 5/03
- Recent Developments
in Antipsychotic Use in Adults - Psychiatric Times, 5/03
Side Effect Profile Of Newer Antipsychotics May Not Be Much Better Than
Older Drugs - Doctor's Guide, 5/8/03
- Schizophrenia
Drugs: Is Newer Better? - WebMD, 5/8/03
Maternal Diuretics In Pregnancy May Be Linked To Schizophrenia In Offspring
- Doctor's Guide, 3/14/03
Impaired Intellectual And Behavioral Functioning Poor Predictors Of
Schizophrenia - Doctor's Guide, 1/6/03
Combination of Divalproex with Commonly Used Antipsychotics Shows Promise
for Schizophrenia - Doctor's Guide, 12/27/02
- Keys to Recovery
from Schizophrenia - WebMD, 12/6/02
Modafinil a Good Adjunct For Antipsychotic Sedation - Clinical
Psychiatry News, 11/02
Sleep Pattern Abnormalities Shed Light on Schizophrenia - Clinical
Psychiatry News, 11/02
Intervention May Delay Psychosis in Schizophrenia - Clinical Psychiatry
News, 11/02
- Antipsychotics
Boost Heart Attack Risk - WebMD, 11/8/02
Adenosine May Be Involved In P50 Suppression Deficit In Sensory Gating Of
Schizophrenics - Doctor's Guide, 10/30/02
Schizophrenia Has Different Sub-Types Linked To Problems In Different Parts
Of The Brain - Intelihealth, 10/24/02
Screen Schizophrenia Patients for Social Anxiety - Clinical Psychiatry
News, 7/02
- Celecoxib Helpful
Add-On Therapy in Schizophrenia - Doctor's Guide, 6/28/02
- Antipsychotic-related
Sexual Dysfunction Leads to Nonadherence in Patients with Schizophrenia
- Doctor's Guide, 6/27/02
- Amisulpride Found
Efficacious in Schizophrenia with Less Weight Gain than Olanzapine -
Doctor's Guide, 6/26/02
Despite Arrhythmias, Weight Gain, Newer Antipsychotics More Effective -
Clinical Psychiatry News, 6/02
Cognitive Deficits Affect 85% of Schizophrenics - Clinical Psychiatry
News, 6/02
- Implant Helps
Schizophrenics Stay on Meds - WebMD, 5/31/02
- Treatment-Resistant
Schizophrenia: Making the Determination - Psychiatry Times, 5/02
Atypical Antipsychotics Offer Modest Therapeutic Advantage - Clinical
Psychiatry News, 5/02
Evidence for Impaired Cortical Inhibition in Schizophrenia Using
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation - Archives of General Psychiatry, 4/02
New Clues to Schizophrenia's Path - Clinical Psychiatry News, 3/02
- Birth Defects
Provide Schizophrenia Clue - WebMD, 2/28/02
Structure, Repetition Key to Schizophrenic Rehab - Clinical Psychiatry
News, 3/02
Cognitive Impairment in Schizophrenia - Clinical Psychiatry News, 2/02
Olfactory Deficits Key to Schizophrenia's Pathology - Clinical
Psychiatry News, 2/02
Scans Link 2 Key Pieces Of Schizophrenia Puzzle - Intelihealth, 1/28/02
- Study Fingers
Schizophrenia Genes - WebMD, 12/13/01
- Rivastigmine Tartrate May
Reduce Cognitive Deficits in Patients with Schizophrenia - Doctor's
Guide, 11/20/01
Newer Antipsychotics Linked to Weight Gain - Doctor's Guide, 11/19/01
- Schizophrenia
Linked to Childhood Poverty - WebMD, 11/1/01
- Researchers Find
Dopamine-1 Link In Schizophrenia - Doctor's Guide, 6/26/01
- New Communication Tool,
2-COM, Aids Communication in Schizophrenia Treatment - Doctor's Guide,
- New Research in
Schizophrenia - Medscape, 6/01
- Seroquel (Quetiapine
Fumarate) Effective in Reducing Anxiety in Schizophrenia - Doctor's
Guide, 5/9/01
- Seroquel (Quetiapine
Fumarate) More Effective than Haldol (Haloperidol) in Treatment-Resistant
Schizophrenia - Doctor's Guide, 5/8/01
- Antipsychotic,
Aripiprazole, Continues To Show Efficacy In Schizoaffective Disease, Few
Side Effects - Doctor's Guide, 5/8/01
- Short-term Cognition
Improves With Seroquel (Quetiapine Fumarate) for Schizophrenia or
Schizoaffective Disorder - Doctor's Guide, 5/8/01
- Antipsychotic,
Aripiprazole, Continues To Show Efficacy In Schizoaffective Disease, Few
Side Effects - Doctor's Guide, 5/8/01
- Quetiapine (Seroquel) Has
Important Advantages Over Commonly Prescribed Agents In Treating
Schizophrenia - Doctor's Guide, 5/8/01 -
"while equally effective in alleviating the symptoms
of schizophrenia, has important tolerability advantages over other commonly
prescribed agents ... quetiapine was not associated with significant weight
gain ... sexual dysfunction is a frequent side effect of risperidone,
olanzapine, and haloperidol, but not of quetiapine ... results revealed that
the quetiapine patient group experienced a much lower incidence of EPS than
the other agents in the study"
Brain Chemical May Be Key To Parkinson's, Drug Addiction, Schizophrenia
- Intelihealth, 5/2/01 -
"The researchers found that mice lacking BDNF had
unusually few D3 receptors. They also found that when they reduced the
population of D3 receptors in one part of the brain by chemical injection,
they could largely restore the population by injecting BDNF."
- Seroquel (Quetiapine):
First-choice Treatment for Young People With Psychotic Illness -
Doctor's Guide, 5/1/01
- Quetiapine Provides
Cognitive Benefits for First Episode Schizophrenia Patients - Doctor's
Guide, 4/27/01 -
"We know that older conventional antipsychotic
agents can worsen the cognitive effects of the illness itself, which can
have devastating consequences for the patient. In contrast, these results
suggest that quetiapine can improve cognitive functioning, and perhaps
enable these young patients reach their full potential in the future."
- New Treatment
Strategies for Women With Schizophrenia - Medscape, 4/01
- Schizophrenia in
Women - Medscape, 4/01
- Senior Dads More
Likely to Have Kids With Schizophrenia - WebMD, 4/12/01
Kids of older dads have more mental illness - USA Today, 4/12/01
Study Addresses Schizophrenia Link - Intelihealth, 4/12/01 -
"men who fathered children at ages 45 to 49 were
twice as likely as those under 25 to have schizophrenic children, and men 50
and older were three times more likely"
- Seroquel (Quetiapine)
Improves Cognitive Function In Chronic Schizophrenia - Doctor's Guide,
3/19/01 -
"The quetiapine group showed robust improvements in
most cognitive domains assessed, including statistically significant
improvement on the verbal reasoning and fluency domain at eight weeks and
improvement of executive domain functioning and immediate recall at six
months ... the findings provided further confirmation of quetiapine's
broad-based efficacy, with significant improvements in positive, negative
and depressive symptoms ... Nearly 70 percent of the quetiapine subjects
completed the study despite the demanding protocol, compared to only 25
percent of the haloperidol subjects"
Gene May Promote Form Of Schizophrenia In A Large Family - Intelihealth,
3/19/01 -
"German scientists say they have identified a flawed
gene that might be making a form of schizophrenia run in a large family"
Families lobby to force care - USA Today, 2/12/01
- FDA Approves Antispychotic
Ziprasidone For Treatment Of Schizophrenia - Doctor's Guide, 2/6/01
FDA OKs New Schizophrenia Option - Intelihealth, 2/6/01
- FDA Approves Zyprexa
(Olanzapine) For Long-Term Treatment Of Schizophrenia - Doctor's Guide,
- Screening For Early Brain
Changes May Predict Schizophrenia - Doctor's Guide, 11/1/00
- Lower Doses Just As
Effective In Treating Schizophrenia - Doctor's Guide, 3/31/00
Magnetic Stimulation Of Brain Shows Promise For Schizophrenia -
Intelihealth, 3/24/00
Efforts made to intercept and prevent schizophrenia - CNN, 3/6/00
- Well-Tolerated Therapy For
First Episode Schizophrenia Is Vital - Doctor's Guide, 2/7/00
- Zomaril Reduces Symptoms
Of Schizophrenia And Schizoaffective Disorder - Doctor's Guide, 12/2/99
- No Weight Gain With
Seroquel In Schizophrenics - Doctor's Guide, 9/24/99
- Ziprasadone May Cause
Fewer Side Effects In Schizophrenia Patients - Doctor's Guide, 9/23/99
- No Risk Of Cardiac Events
With Zyprexa, Research Shows - Doctor's Guide, 9/23/99
- Treatment-Resistant
Schizophrenic Patients Respond To New Approach - Doctor's Guide, 9/23/99
- Seroquel Effective
Treatment For Schizophrenia In Partial Responders - Doctor's Guide,
- Zyprexa Reduces
Hyperprolactinemia Prevalence In Schizophrenia Patients - Doctor's
Guide, 8/2/99
- Clozapine May Restore
Information Processing To Schizophrenia Patients - Doctor's Guide,
- Disturbance In Brain
Biology May Be Specific To Schizophrenics - Doctor's Guide, 2/29/98
- Studies Show Early
Intervention Leads To Brighter Future for Schizophrenics - Doctor's
Guide, 5/16/97
- Risperdal Significantly
Decreases Schizophrenia Relapse Risk - Doctor's Guide, 5/14/99
- Risk Of Schizophrenia Onset
Linked To Brain Abnormalities - Doctor's Guide, 1/4/99
- Research Links
Childhood-Onset And Adult-Onset Schizophrenia - Doctor's Guide, 9/24/99
- Social Support May Extend
Life Of People With Schizophrenia - Doctor's Guide, 3/22/99
- New Research Could Help
Identify People At Risk For Schizophrenia - Doctor's Guide, 2/23/98
- Progressive Brain Changes
Detected in Childhood-Onset Schizophrenia - Doctor's Guide, 10/14/97
- Researchers Zooming In On
The Brain In Schizophrenia Patients - Doctor's Guide, 6/13/97
- Study Compares Two Main
Schizophrenia Drugs - Doctor's Guide, 5/21/97
- Lack of Breast Milk May Be
Risk Factor In Schizophrenia - Doctor's Guide, 5/15/97
- Study Shows New
Schizophrenia Drug is Safer, More Effective - Doctor's Guide, 4/27/97
- Researchers Locate Genes
For Schizophrenia and Manic Depression - Doctor's Guide, 2/27/02