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> Oleic Acid
Omega 9 - Oleic Acid
Note: Please take a minute to read my
essential fatty acids (EFA) page, which will clear up some of the confusion
regarding EFAs.
Fatty Acids by Category |
Omega-6 |
Omega-3 |
Omega-9 |
polyunsaturated |
polyunsaturated |
monounsaturated |
LA - Linoleic Acid |
ALA or LNA - Alpha linolenic acid |
Oleic acid |
GLA - Gamma linolenic acid |
EPA - Eicosapentaenoic acid |
DGLA - Dihomo gamma-linolenic Acid |
DHA - Docosahexaenoic acid |
AA - Arachidonic Acid |
DPA (omega 3) - Docosapentaenoic acid |
DTA - Docosatetraenoic acid |
DPA - (omega 6) Docosapentaenoic |
Related Topics:
General Information:
News & Research:
fat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
"Monounsaturated fats are found along with saturated fat in natural foods
such as red meat, whole milk products, nuts and high fat fruits such as
olives and avocados. Olive oil is about 75% monounsaturated fat while tea
seed oil is commonly over 80% monounsaturated fat. Canola oil and Cashews
are both about 58% monounsaturated fat. Tallow (beef fat) is about 50%
monounsaturated fat and lard is about 40% monounsaturated fat. Other sources
include macadamia nut oil, grapeseed oil, groundnut oil (peanut oil), sesame
oil, corn oil, popcorn, whole grain wheat, cereal, oatmeal, safflower oil,
sunflower oil, tea-oil Camellia, and avocado oil"
acid -- a key to activating the brain's 'fountain of youth' - Science Daily,
3/22/22 - "Many people dread experiencing the cognitive
and mood declines that often accompany reaching an advanced age, including
memory disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and mood conditions like depression
... oleic acid produced in the brain is an essential regulator of the process
that enables learning and memory and supports proper mood regulation ... Years
ago, scientists thought that the adult mammalian brain was not able to repair
and regenerate. But research has shown that some brain regions have the capacity
of generating new neurons, a process called neurogenesis. The hippocampus region
of the adult mammalian brain has the ongoing capacity to form new neurons, to
repair and regenerate itself, enabling learning and memory and mood regulation
during the adult life ... oleic acid regulates TLX activation has major
therapeutic implications ... TLX has become a 'druggable' target, meaning that
knowing how it is activated naturally in the brain helps us to develop drugs
capable of entering the brain and stimulating neurogenesis" - Note: Oleic
acid is omega-9 like in olive oil. This article is confusing though. It's
implying that your brain can make oleic acid. I doubt if that's true.
discovery may point to leukemia treatment - Science Daily, 4/29/21 -
"Earlier, his lab looked at avocatin B, a fat
molecule found only in avocados, for potential use in preventing diabetes and
managing obesity. Now he's eager to see it used in leukemia patients"
acid may help combat multiple sclerosis, study finds - Science Daily,
1/18/21 - "Fat tissue in patients diagnosed with MS
lack normal levels of oleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid found at high
levels in, for instance, cooking oils, meats (beef, chicken, and pork), cheese,
nuts, sunflower seeds, eggs, pasta, milk, olives, and avocados, according to the
study ... This lack of oleic acids leads to a loss of the metabolic sensors that
activate T cells, that mediate the immune system's response to infectious
disease, the Yale team found. Without the suppressing effects of these
regulatory T cells, the immune system can attack healthy central nervous system
cells and cause the vision loss, pain, lack of coordination and other
debilitating symptoms of MS ... When researchers introduced oleic acids into the
fatty tissue of MS patients in laboratory experiments, levels of regulatory T
cells increased ... obesity triggers unhealthy levels of inflammation and is a
known risk factor for MS, an observation that led him to study the role of diet
in MS" - Note: oleic acid is omega-9, like in olive and avocado oils.
Mediterranean diet ingredient may extend life - Science Daily, 2/21/20 -
"a team of researchers who discovered that olive oil in
the Mediterranean diet may hold the key to improving lifespan and mitigating
aging-related diseases ... According to Mashek, merely consuming olive oil is
not enough to elicit all of the health benefits. His team's studies suggest that
when coupled with fasting, limiting caloric intake and exercising, the effects
of consuming olive oil will be most pronounced ... the way this fat works is it
first has to get stored in microscopic things called lipid droplets, which is
how our cells store fat. And then, when the fat is broken down during exercising
or fasting, for example, is when the signaling and beneficial effects are
7 nutrition trends you’ll see in 2018 - Washington Post, 12/19/17 -
"Omega-9s ... Why it’s a trend: Healthy fats are in, and
in 2018 we’ll home in on omega-9s (also known as monounsaturated fats) for their
potential to regulate blood sugar levels and promote a healthy weight ... Where
you’ll see it: Algae has been touted as a superfood in its own right, but the
newest use for algae is in the production of omega-9 cooking oil. The process
doesn’t use genetically modified organisms or chemical extraction, further
broadening its appeal. Thrive algae oil is high in heart-healthy monounsaturated
fats and low in saturated fats. It has a high smoke point of 485 degrees, which
means you can use it in baking, roasting and sauteing."
Extra-virgin olive oil preserves memory, protects brain against Alzheimer's
- Science Daily, 6/21/17 - "consumption of extra-virgin
olive oil protects memory and learning ability and reduces the formation of
amyloid-beta plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in the brain -- classic markers
of Alzheimer's disease ... at age 9 months and 12 months, mice on the extra
virgin olive oil-enriched diet performed significantly better on tests designed
to evaluate working memory, spatial memory, and learning abilities ... Studies
of brain tissue from both groups of mice revealed dramatic differences in nerve
cell appearance and function"
oil nutrient linked to processes that prevent cancer in brain - Science
Daily, 6/2/17 - "They found that oleic acid prevents a cell protein, known as
MSI2, from stopping production of miR-7. In this way, the olive oil component
supports the production of miR-7, which helps prevent tumours from forming"
- Note: Olive oil is 76% omega-9 (oleic acid).
fats help diseased heart muscle process, use fuel - Science Daily, 9/29/14 -
"Oleate, a common dietary fat found in olive oil,
restored proper metabolism of fuel in an animal model of heart failure ... As
the heart walls grow thick, the volume of blood pumped out diminishes and can no
longer supply the body with enough nutrients ... Failing hearts are also unable
to properly process or store the fats they use for fuel, which are contained
within tiny droplets called lipid bodies in heart muscle cells. The inability to
use fats, the heart's primary fuel source, causes the muscle to become starved
for energy ... When the researchers perfused failing rat hearts with oleate, "we
saw an immediate improvement in how the hearts contracted and pumped blood," ...
oleate also restored the activation of several genes for enzymes that metabolize
Five Foods for Healthier Skin - ABC News, 3/31/14 - "The main factor
responsible for aging, wrinkly skin is ultraviolet radiation, or skin photoaging.
A French study on 1,264 women and 1,655 men suggests that the monounsaturated
fatty acid in olive oil is protective against severe photoaging. Photodamage,
including blotchy pigmentation, wrinkling and skin sagging, is mainly caused by
the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in response to sun exposure.
This study suggests that olive oil in the diet increases the ability of the skin
to resist damage caused by UV radiation"
5 Foods for Healthy Skin - ABC News, 9/12/13 -
"Strawberries ... Olive oil ... Green tea ... Pumpkin ... Pomegranate"
Oil Makes You Feel Full - Science Daily, 3/14/13 -
"While it is true that they contain fewer calories, people tend to
overcompensate by eating more if they do not feel full. Now a study has shown
how "natural" oils and fats regulate the sensation of feeling full after eating,
with olive oil leading the way ...Over a period of three months, the study
participants ate 500 grams of low-fat yoghurt enriched with one of the four fats
or oils every day -- as a supplement to their normal diet ... The olive oil
group showed a higher concentration of the satiety hormone serotonin in their
blood. Subjectively speaking, these participants also reported that they found
the olive oil yoghurt very filling ... During the study period, no member of
this group recorded an increase in their body fat percentage or their weight ...
How long the feeling of satiety lasts after eating depends on a number of
factors, but blood sugar level is particularly significant. The faster it falls,
that is to say, the faster the somatic cells absorb glucose from the blood, the
sooner the person will start to feel hungry again"
Healthy oil components may fight pancreatitis - Nutra USA, 1/3/12 -
"They found that the oleic acid and hydroxytyrosol –
both of which are present in a particularly high concentration in virgin olive
oil and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids – offered protection from
inflammatory damage from induced pancreatitis in pancreatic cells" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com
and my olive Oil mayonnaise recipe.
Olive Oil Linked to Reduced Stroke Risk - WebMD. 6/15/11 -
"seniors who regularly used this healthy
monounsaturated fat had a 41% lower risk of stroke compared to their
counterparts who never used olive oil ... So what exactly is it about olive
oil that may lower stroke risk? There are several theories, she says. It may
be that people choose olive oil over saturated, artery-clogging fats.
“Moreover, previous research found that the polyphenols from virgin olive
oil account specifically for its ability to lower oxidized low-density
lipoprotein (LDL)” or bad cholesterol. High cholesterol levels are a known
risk factor for stroke ... Olive oil is a healthy fat and it can reduce
cholesterol and inflammation, and has been shown to help reduce the
incidence of heart disease" - Click here
for my olive oil mayonnaise recipe. See
olive leaf extract at Amazon.com
Fatty Acids and
Cognitive Decline in Women - Medscape, 6/13/11 -
"In this cohort of older women, greater MUFA intake was associated with less
cognitive decline over a 3-year period. Previous studies generally but not
invariably support this association. One previous prospective study found
greater dietary MUFA intake to be associated with less cognitive
decline,[10] a second found a trend in the same direction,[9] a third found
a trend in the same direction in restricted analyses,[6] and three others
were null.[7,8,11] None of the null studies had multiple measures of diet;
one assessed diet using a measure of fatty acid composition of erythrocyte
membranes,[7] but that study assessed cognitive decline exclusively using
the Mini-Mental State Examination, which is probably not as sensitive as the
neuropsychological test battery used in this study ... MUFA is thought to be
one of the major protective components of the traditional Mediterranean
diet, in which it is derived primarily from olive oil (median 46 g/d).[10]
Two recent prospective studies of the Mediterranean diet have found greater
adherence to be associated with less cognitive decline and lower incidence
of Alzheimer's disease (AD).[31,32] One of these studies found an effect of
the Mediterranean diet on an individual cognitive domain, namely memory.[31]
This finding is consistent with the observed protective effect of MUFA on
memory in the WHI CCW. In addition, the current study found an association
between MUFA and less decline in visual–spatial abilities (copying and
matching), a finding not previously made to the knowledge of the authors of
the current study. Decline in visuospatial function has been associated with
driving errors in older adults[33] and has also been suggested as a
potential predictor (along with amnestic impairment) of transition from mild
cognitive impairment to AD ... Several pathways may explain the apparent
relationship between MUFA intake and cognitive function. MUFA and MUFA
derivatives have antiinflammatory effects in vivo,[35,36] which may be
important because chronic inflammation appears to be a precursor of
symptomatic AD.[37–39] Oxidative stress has also been demonstrated in
patients with mild cognitive impairment and AD,[40] and derivatives from
MUFA, including low-molecular-weight phenols, have been found to have
antioxidant effects.[41] MUFA may also exert their potentially beneficial
effects on cognition indirectly by decreasing cardiovascular risk by
reducing macrophage uptake of plasma oxidized low-density lipoprotein,
apolipoprotein B, and f triglycerides" -
Click here for my olive oil mayonnaise recipe.
Eating poorly can make you blue: Trans-fats increase risk of depression,
while olive oil helps avoid risk - Science Daily, 1/26/11 -
"the participants with an elevated consumption of
trans-fats (fats present in artificial form in industrially-produced
pastries and fast food, and naturally present in certain whole milk
products) "presented up to a 48% increase in the risk of depression when
they were compared to participants who did not consume these fats," ... In
addition, the study demonstrated a dose-response relationship, "whereby the
more trans-fats were consumed, the greater the harmful effect they produced
in the volunteers," ...Furthermore, the team, ... also analyzed the
influence of polyunsaturated fats (abundant in fish and vegetable oils) and
of olive oil on the occurrence of depression. "In fact, we discovered that
this type of healthier fats, together with olive oil, are associated with a
lower risk of suffering depression,""
Essential oil pill prevents PMS, study suggests - Science Daily, 1/16/11
- "Women who were given capsules containing 2 grams
of a combination of gamma linolenic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, other
polyunsaturated acids and vitamin E reported significantly eased PMS
symptoms at both 3 and 6 months after they began the treatment" - See
borage oil at Amazon.com
(GLA) and
Jarrow FamilE (contains all eight members of the vitamin E family, includes
Tocomin) at Amazon.com .
Oleic acid is omega-9 in which olive oil is a good source. Linoleic acid is
omega-6. Most Americans get about 10 to 20 times too much omega-6 to begin
with. I don't know why they included it. It makes me wonder about some of
the researchers. If they are showing a benefit, I would guess it's from the
other ingredients and not the omega-6. Gamma linolenic acid is an omega-6
also but it's a form that most don't get enough of.
vegetables, and olive oil and risk of coronary heart disease in Italian
women: the EPICOR Study - Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 Dec 22 -
"aimed to investigate the association between
consumption of fruit, vegetables, and olive oil and the incidence of
coronary heart disease (CHD) in 29,689 women enrolled between 1993 and 1998
... A strong reduction in CHD risk among women in the highest quartile of
consumption of leafy vegetables (hazard ratio: 0.54; 95% CI: 0.33, 0.90; P
for trend = 0.03) and olive oil (hazard ratio: 0.56; 95% CI: 0.31, 0.99; P
for trend = 0.04) was found. In contrast, no association emerged between
fruit consumption and CHD risk"
Olive oil protects liver from oxidative stress, rat study finds -
Science Daily, 10/29/10 - "researchers separated the
rats into a control group, an olive oil group, and 6 groups that were
exposed to the herbicide '2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid' with or without
either whole olive oil, or one of two oil extracts -- the hydrophilic
fraction or the lipophilic fraction. All rats given the herbicide showed
signs of significant liver damage. However, extra virgin olive oil and
hydrophilic fraction intake induced a significant increase in antioxidant
enzyme activity and a decrease in markers of liver damage ... The
hydrophilic fraction of olive oil seems to be the effective one in reducing
toxin-induced oxidative stress, indicating that hydrophilic extract may
exert a direct antioxidant effect on hepatic cells" - See
olive leaf extract at Amazon.com
Olive oil compounds may boost cardiac fat oxidation: Study - Nutra USA,
10/21/10 - "Obese rats supplemented with olive oil,
oleuropein, and cafeic acid had higher oxygen consumption, increased
fat-oxidation, and lower carbon dioxide production than non supplemented
obese rats" - [Abstract]
- See
olive leaf extract at Amazon.com
mechanism links virgin olive oil to protection against breast cancer -
Science Daily, 6/30/10 - "virgin olive oil is
associated with higher incidences of benign breast tumours and at the same
time with a decrease in the activity of the p21Ras oncogene, which spurs
uncontrolled cell proliferation and stimulates the growth of tumours. In
addition, olive oil suppresses the activity of some proteins, such as the
AKT, essential for the survival of cells since they prevent apoptosis, the
cell's "suicide" programme. Between proliferation and apoptosis in tumour
cells, these effects tip the balance towards cell death, thereby slowing the
growth of tumours" - See
olive leaf extract at Amazon.com
Olive oil could guard against developing ulcerative colitis - Science
Daily, 5/3/10 - "those with the highest intake of
oleic acid had a 90 per cent lower risk of developing the disease ... Oleic
acid seems to help prevent the development of ulcerative colitis by blocking
chemicals in the bowel that aggravate the inflammation found in this illness
... We estimate that around half of the cases of ulcerative colitis could be
prevented if larger amounts of oleic acid were consumed. Two-to-three
tablespoons of olive oil per day would have a protective effect"
Eating Fish, Nuts And Olive Oil May Be Associated With Reduced Risk Of
Age-related Blindness - Science Daily, 5/15/09 -
"Individuals who consumed higher levels of trans-unsaturated fats—found in
baked goods and processed foods—were more likely to have late AMD, whereas
those who consumed the most omega-three fatty acids were less likely to have
early AMD. "Olive oil intake (100 milliliters or more per week vs. less than
1 milliliter per week) was associated with decreased prevalence of late
AMD," the authors write. "No significant associations with AMD were observed
for intakes of fish, total fat, butter or margarine.""
Source Of Major Health Benefits In Olive Oil Revealed - Science Daily,
4/1/09 - "Scientists have pinned down the
constituent of olive oil that gives greatest protection from heart attack
and stroke. In a study of the major antioxidants in olive oil, Portuguese
researchers showed that one, DHPEA-EDA, protects red blood cells from damage
more than any other part of olive oil"
Fats, Longer May Not Be Better - Science Daily, 1/8/09 -
"Researchers have uncovered why some dietary fats,
specifically long-chain fats, such as oleic acid (found in olive oil), are
more prone to induce inflammation. Long-chain fats, it turns out, promote
increased intestinal absorption of pro-inflammatory bacterial molecules
called lipopolysaccharides (LPS)"
Anti-cancer Components Of Extra-virgin Olive Oil Revealed - Science
Daily, 12/17/08 - "Extra-virgin olive oil is the oil
that results from pressing olives without the use of heat or chemical
treatments. It contains phytochemicals that are otherwise lost in the
refining process. Menendez and colleagues separated the oil into fractions
and tested these against breast cancer cells in lab experiments. All the
fractions containing the major extra-virgin phytochemical polyphenols
(lignans and secoiridoids) were found to effectively inhibit HER2"
Consuming Extra Virgin Olive Oil Helps To Combat Degenerative Diseases Such
As Cancer, Study Suggests - Science Daily, 1/21/08 -
"consumption of olive oil rich in polyphenols
(natural antioxidants) improves the lives of people suffering from oxidative
stress, and is also highly beneficial for the prevention of cell aging and
The impact of olive oil consumption pattern on the risk of acute coronary
syndromes: the cardio2000 case-control study - Clin Cardiol. 2007
Mar;30(3):125-9 - "Exclusive use of olive oil during
food preparation seems to offer significant protection against CHD,
irrespective of various clinical, lifestyle and other characteristics of the
Review supports olive oil as natures super food for the heart - Nutra
USA, 3/29/07
Olive Oil May Prevent Ulcers - WebMD, 2/13/07 -
"A new Spanish study suggests virgin olive oil may
help prevent and treat H. pylori infections, which are responsible for
millions of cases of gastritis and ulcers each year"
Year's Resolution No. 1: Prevent Cancer, Use Olive Oil - Science Daily,
Virgin Olive Oil Better for Heart - WebMD, 9/5/06 -
"the virgin olive oil higher in polyphenols
increased the level of good, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol more
than the other two types of olive oil"
Olive oil—key to Mediterranean diet's benefits - MSNBC, 3/10/06
- Olive Oil for Pain
Relief? - Dr. Weil, 1/10/06
Olive Oil's Heart-Healthy Secret - WebMD, 11/11/05 -
"the functioning of the inner lining of the small
blood vessels of the fingers of the participants and the concentration of
certain healthy components in the blood, such as nitric oxide, improved
after the breakfast of high-phenolic olive oil"
Olive oil compounds fight colon cancer - Nutra USA, 11/8/05
- New Clues on
Olive Oil's Anticancer Effects - WebMD, 1/10/05
- Olive Oil
Cleared for Heart-Healthy Claim - WebMD, 11/1/04 - "eating about two
tablespoons of olive oil a day may reduce the risk of heart disease"
Answers to Pressing Questions About Olive Oil - Natural Foods
Merchandiser, 4/04
New Heart-Healthy Corn Due To Hit Stores Worldwide By 2007 -
Intelihealth, 9/11/03
- Mediterranean diet
'extends life' - bbc.co.uk. 8/24/03 -
"The[y] found that
quercetin, which is abundant in olive oil, has a similar effect"
- Mediterranean
Diet Eases Rheumatoid Arthritis - WebMD, 2/19/03 -
"significant improvement was reported by most of the
26 arthritic patients who followed the
well-studied dietary regimen for three months. The Mediterranean diet
includes olive and canola oils as the primary dietary sources of fat --
along with plenty of fish, poultry, produce, and legumes ... In addition to
being good sources of heart-healthy fats, olive and canola oils are rich in
oleic acid and vitamin E. Like vitamin E, oleic acid has an
anti-inflammatory effect and is thought to reduce inflammatory protein
levels ... Those on the Mediterranean diet first began to experience relief
after six weeks (although their cholesterol levels dropped after three) and
improvement continued throughout the study ... They lost an average of seven
pounds by study's end"
- Extra-virgin is the
oil of choice to protect against LDL oxidation - herbs.org
- Bad News for
Olive Oil: Fats in the 'Mediterranean Diet' May Harm Blood Vessels -
WebMD, 6/6/00
- Best Heart
Benefits From Canola and Fish Oils -- Not Olive Oil - WebMD, 3/14/00 -
"Most people don't realize that the Lyon diet did
not use olive oil ... Ten volunteers, all with normal cholesterol levels,
were given three meals composed of canola oil and bread, olive oil and
bread, or salmon, with each meal totaling 50 g of fat ... The olive oil meal
caused vessels to constrict by 34%, whereas the canola oil and salmon meals
caused insignificant changes in blood vessels, Vogel reports. Because such
constrictions injure the blood vessels' endothelium, they contribute to
heart disease"
Monounsaturated fatty
acid-enriched olive oil exacerbates chronic alcohol-induced hepatic steatosis
and liver injury in C57BL/6J mice - Food Funct 2023 Jan 19 -
"Dietary oil composition determines the pathological
processes of alcoholic fatty liver disease (AFLD). Oil rich in saturated fatty
acids protects, whereas oil rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids aggravates the
alcohol-induced liver injury. However, limited studies have been conducted to
address how monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) enriched oil controls the
pathological development of AFLD. Therefore, this study was designed to evaluate
the effect of MUFA-enriched extra virgin olive oil (OO) on AFLD ... In
conclusion, MUFA-enriched OO exacerbated liver dysfunction in vivo. OO should be
cautiously considered as a unique dietary oil source for individuals with AFLD"
Oleanolic acid and ursolic
acid: therapeutic potential in neurodegenerative diseases, neuropsychiatric
diseases and other brain disorders - Nutr Neurosci 2022 Mar 21 -
"Brain disorders such as neurodegenerative diseases and
neuropsychiatric diseases have become serious threatens to human health and
quality of life. Oleanolic acid (OA) and ursolic acid (UA) are pentacyclic
triterpenoid isomers widely distributed in various plant foods and Chinese
herbal medicines. Accumulating evidence indicates that OA and UA exhibit
neuroprotective effects on multiple brain disorders" - See
ursolic acid at Amazon.com
of Olive Oil and Risk of Total and Cause-Specific Mortality
Among U.S. Adults - J Am Coll Cardiol 2022 Jan 18 -
"During 28 years of follow-up, 36,856
deaths occurred. The multivariable-adjusted pooled HR for
all-cause mortality among participants who had the highest
consumption of olive oil (>0.5 tablespoon/day or >7 g/d) was
0.81 (95% CI: 0.78-0.84) compared with those who never or rarely
consumed olive oil. Higher olive oil intake was associated with
19% lower risk of cardiovascular disease mortality (HR: 0.81;
95% CI: 0.75-0.87), 17% lower risk of cancer mortality (HR:
0.83; 95% CI: 0.78-0.89), 29% lower risk of neurodegenerative
disease mortality (HR: 0.71; 95% CI: 0.64-0.78), and 18% lower
risk of respiratory disease mortality (HR: 0.82; 95% CI:
0.72-0.93). In substitution analyses, replacing 10 g/d of
margarine, butter, mayonnaise, and dairy fat with the equivalent
amount of olive oil was associated with 8%-34% lower risk of
total and cause-specific mortality" - See
olive leaf extract at Amazon.com but it
could be the omega-9 or both.
POLYPHENOLS - Mech Ageing Dev 2022 Jan 13 -
"This hormetic framework is applied to
the assessment of olive polyphenols with respect to their
capacity to slow the onset and reduce the magnitude of a wide
range of age-related disorders and neurodegenerative diseases,
including Alzheimer's Disease and Parkinson's Disease. It is
proposed that olive polyphenol-induced anti-inflammatory
protective effects are mediated in large part via the activation
of AMPK and the upregulation of Nrf2 pathway. Consistently,
herein we also review the importance of the modulation of
Nrf2-related stress responsive vitagenes by olive polyphenols,
which at low concentration according to the hormesis theory
activates this neuroprotective cascade to preserve brain health
and its potential use in the prevention and therapy against
aging and age-related cognitive disorders in humans"
- See
olive leaf extract at Amazon.com
but it could be the omega-9 or both.
More Olive Oil May Bring Longer Life - WebMD, 1/11/22 -
"Olive oil is rich in healthful antioxidants,
polyphenols and vitamins, and is a good source of heart-healthy monounsaturated
fats. "One may speculate that mechanisms related to the anti-inflammatory and
antioxidant properties of olive oil may have played a role in these findings,"
.. When compared with people who never consumed olive oil, those who consumed
more than 1/2 a tablespoon a day had a 19% lower risk of dying from heart
disease, a 17% lower risk of dying from cancer, a 29% lower risk of dying from a
neurodegenerative disease, and an 18% lower risk of dying from lung disease"
Olive oil consumption is
associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke - Clin
Nutr 2021 Nov 15 - "Olive oil is associated with lower
risk of CVD and stroke. The maximum benefit could be obtained with a consumption
between 20 and 30 g/day. The association could be stronger for virgin olive oil
and might operate from the early stages of the disease" - See
olive leaf extract at Amazon.com but it
could just be the omega-9 in olive oil.
Neuroprotective Effects
of Diets Containing Olive Oil and DHA/EPA in a Mouse Model of Cerebral Ischemia
- Nutrients. 2019 May 18;11(5) - "These findings support
the use of DHA/EPA-omega-3-fatty acid supplementation and olive oil as dietary
source of MUFAs in order to reduce the damage and protect the brain when a
stroke occurs" - See
omega-3 supplements at Amazon.com
Dietary Supplementation with Olive
Oil or Fish Oil and Vascular Effects of Concentrated Ambient Particulate Matter
Exposure in Human Volunteers - Environ Health Perspect;
DOI:10.1289/ehp.1408988 - "Exposure to ambient
particulate matter (PM) induces endothelial dysfunction, a risk factor for
cardiovascular disease. Olive oil (OO) and fish oil (FO) supplements have
beneficial effects on endothelial function ... particulate matter (PM). ...
Forty-two participants (58 ± 1 years of age) received either 3 g/day of OO or
FO, or no supplements (naive) for 4 weeks prior to undergoing 2-hr exposures to
filtered air and concentrated ambient particulate matter ... Short-term exposure
to CAP induced vascular endothelial dysfunction. OO supplementation attenuated
CAP-induced reduction of FMD and changes in blood markers associated with
vasoconstriction and fibrinolysis, suggesting that OO supplementation may be an
efficacious intervention to protect against vascular effects of exposure to PM"
- [Nutra
olive oil consumption has a protective effect on coronary artery disease;
overview of the THISEAS study - Public Health Nutr. 2015 Jul 30:1-7 -
"Exclusive olive oil consumption was associated with 37
% lower likelihood of developing coronary artery disease, even after taking into
account adherence to the Mediterranean diet"
Investigation into the Association between DNA Damage and Dietary Fatty Acid in
Men with Prostate Cancer - Nutrients. 2015;7(1):405-422 -
"20 men with prostate cancer adhered to a modified
Mediterranean style diet for three months ... DNA damage was inversely
correlated with dietary adherence (p = 0.013) and whole blood monounsaturated
fatty acids (p = 0.009) and oleic acid (p = 0.020). DNA damage was positively
correlated with the intake of dairy products (p = 0.043), red meat (p = 0.007)
and whole blood omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (p = 0.015). Both the source
and type of dietary fat changed significantly over the course of the dietary
linolenic acid and oleic acid additively down-regulate malignant potential and
positively cross-regulate AMPK/S6 axis in OE19 and OE33 esophageal cancer cells
- Metabolism. 2014 Jul 25 - "Both oleic acid (OA) and
alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) have been proposed to down-regulate cell
proliferation of prostate, breast, and bladder cancer cells ... conducted in
vitro studies and evaluated whether OA and ALA alone or in combination may
regulate malignant potential in OE19 and OE33 esophageal cancer cell lines ...
Our novel mechanistic studies provide evidence for an important role for OA and
ALA in esophageal cancer, and suggest that OA and/or ALA might be useful agents
in the management or chemoprevention of esophageal cancer" - Note:
Oleic acid is an omega-9 for which olive oil is a good source.
Alpha-linolenic acid is the omega-3 from plant sources.
intake of palmitate and oleate has broad impact on systemic and tissue lipid
profiles in humans - Am J Clin Nutr. 2014 Jan 15 -
"Epidemiologic evidence has suggested that diets with a high ratio of palmitic
acid (PA) to oleic acid (OA) increase risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) ...
These results suggest that replacing dietary PA with OA reduces the blood LDL
concentration and whole-body fat oxidation by modifying the saturation index of
circulating and tissue lipids. In women, these effects are also associated with
a higher production and accumulation of acylcarnitines, possibly reflecting a
shift in fat catabolism" - Note: Oleic acid is omega-9. Olive
oil is 76% omega-9. Palmitic acid is saturated fat. See:
- Palmitic acid -
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - "Palmitic acid,
or hexadecanoic acid in IUPAC nomenclature, is the most common fatty acid
(saturated) found in animals, plants and microorganisms.[4] Its molecular
formula is CH3(CH2)14CO2H. As its name indicates, it is a major component of
the oil from palm trees (palm oil, palm kernel, and palm kernel oil), but
can also be found in meats, cheeses, butter, and dairy products"
Oleic acid
increases hepatic sex hormone binding globulin production in men - Mol Nutr
Food Res. 2013 Oct 20 - "Low circulating sex
hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular
disease ... A total of 315 men were included. In these patients, nutrition data
and plasma samples for SHBG assessment were obtained. In vitro studies to
examine the effects of oleic and linoleic acid on SHBG production using HepG2
cells were performed. We provided evidence that SHBG serum levels were
significantly higher in subjects using olive oil for cooking in comparison with
subjects using sunflower oil ... MUFA were independently associated with SHBG
levels and accounted for the 20.4% of SHBG variance ... Olive oil consumption is
associated with elevated SHBG serum levels"
Olive oil
has a beneficial effect on impaired glucose regulation and other cardiometabolic
risk factors. Di@bet.es study - Eur J Clin Nutr. 2013 Jul 17 -
"A total of 4572 individuals aged 18 years in 100
clusters (health centers) were randomly selected with a probability proportional
to population size ... Around 90% of the Spanish population use olive oil, at
least for dressing, and slightly fewer for cooking or frying. The preference for
olive oil is related to age, educational level, alcohol intake, body mass index
and serum glucose, insulin and lipids. People who consume olive oil (vs
sunflower oil) had a lower risk of obesity (odds ratio (OR)=0.62 (95% confidence
interval (CI)=0.41-0.93, P=0.02)), impaired glucose regulation (OR=0.49 (95%
CI=0.28-0.86, P=0.04)), hypertriglyceridemia (OR=0.53 (95% CI=0.33-0.84,
P=0.03)) and low HDL cholesterol levels (OR=0.40 (95% CI=0.26-0.59, P=0.0001))"
Plasma phospholipid fatty
acids, dietary fatty acids and prostate cancer risk - Int J Cancer. 2013 Apr
11 - "Animal and experimental studies have demonstrated
that long-chain n-3 fatty acids inhibit the development of prostate cancer,
whereas n-6 fatty acids might promote it ... Collaborative Cohort Study using a
random sample of 1,717 men and 464 prostate cancer cases to investigate
associations between fatty acids assessed in plasma phospholipids (PPLs) or diet
(estimated using a 121-item food frequency questionnaire) and prostate cancer
risk ... Prostate cancer risk was positively associated with %PPL saturated
fatty acids (SFAs); HR [95% CI] = 1.51 [1.06, 2.16] (Q5 vs. Q1, fifth vs. first
quintile); p-trend = 0.003. HRs (Q5 to Q2 vs. Q1) were significantly elevated
for %PPL palmitic acid. %PPL oleic acid was inversely associated with risk, HR =
0.62 [0.43, 0.91] (Q5 vs. Q1); p-trend = 0.04. No statistically significant
linear trends were observed for dietary intakes. The HRs were elevated for
moderate intakes of linoleic acid (Q2 and Q3 vs. Q1, 1.58 [1.10, 2.28] and 1.70
[1.18, 2.46], respectively), but the increase was not significant for higher
intakes (Q4 and Q5). No association varied significantly by tumour
aggressiveness (all p-homogeneity > 0.1). Prostate cancer risk was positively
associated with %PPL SFA, largely attributable to palmitic acid and inversely
associated with %PPL monounsaturated fatty acids, largely attributable to oleic
acid. Higher risks were also observed for dietary n-6 polyunsaturated fats,
primarily linoleic acid"
Relationship of dietary monounsaturated fatty acids to blood pressure: the
international study of macro/micronutrients and blood pressure - J
Hypertens. 2013 Apr 6 - "Dietary monounsaturated fatty
acid intake, especially oleic acid from vegetable sources, may contribute to
prevention and control of adverse blood pressure levels in general populations"
Olive oil
intake and CHD in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and
Nutrition Spanish cohort - Br J Nutr. 2012 Sep 25:1-8 -
"we studied the association between olive oil and CHD in
the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) Spanish
cohort study. The analysis included 40,142 participants (38 % male), free of CHD
events at baseline, recruited from five EPIC-Spain centres from 1992 to 1996 and
followed up until 2004 ... Cox proportional regression models were used to
assess the relationship between validated incident CHD events and olive oil
intake (energy-adjusted quartiles and each 10 g/d per 8368 kJ (2000 kcal)
increment), while adjusting for potential confounders. During a 10.4-year
follow-up, 587 (79 % male) CHD events were recorded. Olive oil intake was
negatively associated with CHD risk after excluding dietary mis-reporters
(hazard ratio (HR) 0.93; 95 % CI 0.87, 1.00 for each 10 g/d per 8368 kJ (2000
kcal) and HR 0.78; 95 % CI 0.59, 1.03 for upper v. lower quartile). The inverse
association between olive oil intake (per 10 g/d per 8368 kJ (2000 kcal)) and
CHD was more pronounced in never smokers (11 % reduced CHD risk (P = 0.048)), in
never/low alcohol drinkers (25 % reduced CHD risk (P < 0.001)) and in virgin
olive oil consumers (14 % reduced CHD risk (P = 0.072)). In conclusion, olive
oil consumption was related to a reduced risk of incident CHD events"
Beneficial effects of
polyphenol-rich olive oil in patients with early atherosclerosis - Eur J
Nutr. 2012 Aug 8 - "Eighty-two patients with early
atherosclerosis (presence of endothelial
dysfunction) were enrolled in this double-blind, randomized trial with 52
completing the study. The aim of the study was to compare the effect of a daily
intake of 30 ml simple OO, with 30 ml of
EGCG-supplemented OO, on endothelial function as well as on inflammation and
oxidative stress after a period of 4 months ... After 4 months, when OO and
EGCG-supplemented OO groups were combined, OO significantly improved endothelial
function (RHI, 1.59 +/- 0.25-1.75 +/- 0.45; p < 0.05). However, there were no
significant differences in results between the two olive oil groups.
Interestingly, with OO supplementation there was a significant reduction in
inflammatory parameters: sICAM (196 to 183 ng/mL, p = < 0.001); white blood
cells (WBCs) (6.0 × 10(9)/L-5.8 × 10(9)/L, p < 0.05); monocytes (0.48 × 10(9)/L
to 0.44 × 10(9)/L, p = 0.05); lymphocytes (1.85 × 10(9)/L to 1.6 × 10(9)/L, p =
0.01); and platelets (242-229 × 10(9)/L, p = 0.047)" - [Nutra
USA] - Click here for my method of making
olive oil mayonnaise. Make sure all the ingredients are at room temperature.
Note: The so called olive oil mayonnaise you see in the store is mostly
omega-6. If you read the ingredients, it might have olive oil near the beginning
but then you see about three omega-6 oils after it. For example, if it contained
1/3 cup of olive oil and 1/4 cup soy oil and 1/4 cup of palm oil and 1/4 cup of
corn oil you’d have over a cup of oil consisting of 1/3 cup omega-9 oils and 3/4
cup of omega-6 oils. The omega-9 is still the top one.
Olive oil
intake and mortality within the Spanish population (EPIC-Spain) - Am J Clin
Nutr. 2012 May 30 - "In comparison with nonconsumers,
the highest quartile of olive oil consumption was associated with a 26% (95% CI:
13%, 36%) reduction in risk of overall mortality and a 44% (95% CI: 21%, 60%)
reduction in CVD mortality. For each increase in olive oil of 10 g ⋅ 2000
kcal(-1) ⋅ d(-1), there was a 7% (95% CI: 3%, 10%) decreased risk of overall
mortality and a 13% (95% CI: 6%, 20%) decreased risk of CVD mortality. No
significant association was observed between olive oil and cancer mortality"
effects of combined olive oil ingestion and acute exercise on postprandial TAG
concentrations in healthy young women - Br J Nutr. 2012 Jan 23:1-7 -
"Foods high in monounsaturated fat, such as olive oil,
and endurance exercise are both known to independently reduce postprandial TAG
concentrations. We examined the combined effects of exercise and dietary fat
composition on postprandial TAG concentrations in nine healthy pre-menopausal
females (age 26.8 (sd 3.3) years, BMI 22.3 (sd 2.0) kg/m2). Each participant
completed four, 2 d trials in a randomised order: (1) butter-no exercise, (2)
olive oil-no exercise, (3) butter-exercise, (4) olive oil-exercise. On day 1 of
the exercise trials, participants walked or ran on a treadmill for 60 min. On
the no-exercise trials, participants rested on day 1. On day 2 of each trial,
participants rested and consumed an olive oil meal (saturated fat 15 % and
unsaturated fat 85 %) or a butter meal (saturated fat 71 % and unsaturated fat
29 %) for breakfast ... A significant main effect on physical activity (exercise
or control) was obtained for plasma TAG concentration (three-way ANOVA, P =
0.043), and the total area under the concentration v. time curve for TAG was 26
% lower on the olive oil-exercise trial (4.40 (sd 0.40) mmol × 6 h/l) than the
butter-no exercise trial (5.91 (sd 1.01) mmol × 6 h/l) (one-way ANOVA, P =
0.029). These findings suggest that the combination of exercise and a preference
for monounsaturated dietary fat intake in the form of olive oil may be most
beneficial for reducing postprandial TAG concentrations"
of Standard Soybean Oil with Olive Oil-Based Lipid Emulsion in Parenteral
Nutrition: Comparison of Vascular, Metabolic, and Inflammatory Effects - J
Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2011 Aug 10 - "Soybean oil-based
lipid emulsions are the only Food and Drug Administration-approved lipid
formulation for clinical use in parenteral nutrition (PN). Recently concerns
with its use have been raised due to the proinflammatory effects that may lead
to increased complications because they are rich in ω-6 polyunsaturated fatty
acids ... Soybean oil-PN increased systolic blood pressure compared with olive
oil-PN (P < 0.05). Soybean oil PN reduced brachial artery flow-mediated
dilatation from baseline (-23% at 4 h and -25% at 24 h, both P < 0.01); in
contrast, olive oil PN, lipid free PN, and saline did not change either systolic
blood pressure or flow-mediated dilatation. Compared with saline, soybean oil
PN, olive oil PN, and lipid free PN similarly increased glucose and insulin
concentrations during infusion (P < 0.05). There were no significant changes in
plasma free fatty acids, lipid profile, inflammatory and oxidative stress
markers, immune function parameters, or sympathetic activity between soybean
oil- and olive oil-based lipid emulsions. Conclusion: The 24-h infusion of PN
containing soybean oil-based lipid emulsion increased blood pressure and
impaired endothelial function compared with PN containing olive oil-based lipid
emulsion and lipid-free PN in healthy subjects. These vascular changes may have
significant implications in worsening outcome in subjects receiving nutrition
nutrition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
"Parenteral nutrition (PN) is feeding a person intravenously, bypassing the
usual process of eating and digestion. The person receives nutritional
formulas that contain nutrients such as salts, glucose, amino acids, lipids
and added vitamins. It is called total parenteral nutrition (TPN) or total
nutrient admixture (TNA) when no food is given by other routes"
Olive oil
intake is inversely related to cancer prevalence: A systematic review and a
meta-analysis of 13800 patients and 23340 controls in 19 observational studies
- Lipids Health Dis. 2011 Jul 30;10(1):127 - "Dietary
fat, both in terms of quantity and quality, has been implicated to cancer
development, either positively or negatively. The aim of this work was to
evaluate whether olive oil or monounsaturated fat intake was associated with the
development of cancer. A systematic search of relevant studies, published in
English, between 1990 and March 1, 2011, was performed through a
computer-assisted literature tool (i.e., Pubmed). In total 38 studies were
initially allocated; of them 19 case-control studies were finally studied (13800
cancer patients and 23340 controls were included). Random effects meta-analysis
was applied in order to evaluate the research hypothesis. It was found that
compared with the lowest, the highest category of olive oil consumption was
associated with lower odds of having any type of cancer (log odds ratio = -0.41,
95%CI -0.53, -0.29, Cohran's Q=47.52, p=0.0002, I-sq=62%); the latter was
irrespective of the country of origin (Mediterranean or non-Mediterranean).
Moreover, olive oil consumption was associated with lower odds of developing
breast cancer (logOR=-0,45 95%CI -0.78 to -0.12), and a cancer of the digestive
system (logOR=-0,36 95%CI -0.50 to -0.21), compared with the lowest intake.The
strength and consistency of the findings states a hypothesis about the
protective role of olive oil intake on cancer risk. However, it is still unclear
whether olive oil's monounsaturated fatty acid content or its antioxidant
components are responsible for its beneficial effects" - Note: That last
sentence has been my question on many of the olive oil studies. I still use my
olive oil mayonnaise made with the extra light plus I take the olive oil extract
capsules. I'm not going to suffer through the taste of the extra virgin olive
oil. See
olive leaf extract at Amazon.com
Adherence to
the Mediterranean diet reduces mortality in the Spanish cohort of the European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC-Spain) - Br J
Nutr. 2011 May 17:1-11 - "Epidemiological studies show
that adherence to a Mediterranean diet (MD) increases longevity; however, few
studies are restricted to Mediterranean populations or explore the effect of a
MD pattern that directly incorporates olive oil. Therefore the relationship
between adherence to the MD and mortality was studied within the the Spanish
cohort of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
(EPIC-Spain) ... Risk of all-cause and cause-specific mortality was assessed
according to the level of adherence to a relative MD (rMED) score, measured
using an 18-unit scale incorporating nine selected dietary components. A high
compared with a low rMED score was associated with a significant reduction in
mortality from all causes (hazard ratio (HR) 0.79; 95 % CI 0.69, 0.91), from CVD
(HR 0.66; 95 % CI 0.49, 0.89), but not from overall cancer (HR 0.92; 95 % CI
0.75, 1.12). A 2-unit increase in rMED score was associated with a 6 % (P <
0.001) decreased risk of all-cause mortality. A high olive oil intake and
moderate alcohol consumption contributed most to this association. In this
Spanish cohort, following an olive oil-rich MD was related to a significant
reduction in all-cause mortality, and reduced the risk of mortality from CVD.
These results support the important role that the MD pattern has on reducing
mortality in Mediterranean countries" -
Click here for my olive oil mayonnaise recipe.
Oleate-enriched diet improves insulin sensitivity and restores muscle protein
synthesis in old rats - Clin Nutr. 2011 Jun 21 -
"Twenty-four 25-month-old rats were fed either a control diet (OC), an
oleate-enriched diet (HFO) or a palmitate-enriched diet (HFP) for 16 weeks. MPS
using labeled amino acids and mTOR activation were assessed after AA and insulin
anabolic stimulation to mimic postprandial state ... IR and systemic and adipose
tissue inflammation (TNFα and IL1β) were improved in the HFO group. Muscle genes
controlling mitochondrial β-oxidation (PPARs, MCAD and CPT-1b) were up-regulated
in the HFO group. AA and insulin-stimulated MPS in the HFO group only, and this
stimulation was related to activation of the Akt/mTOR pathway ... The
age-related MPS response to anabolic signals was improved in rats fed an
oleate-enriched diet. This effect was related to activation of muscle oxidative
pathways, lower IR, and a decrease in inflammation"
- Oleate -
dictionary.com - "a salt or ester of oleic acid"
- Note: Oleic acid is omega-9 like in olive oil.
Palmitate definition - medterms.com - "An
antioxidant and a vitamin A compound that is added to low-fat and fat-free
milk to replace the vitamin Content lost through the removal of milk fat.
Palmitate (more formally known as retinyl palmitate) contains palmitic acid,
a 16-carbon saturated fatty acid, which is the major fatty acid found in
palm oil. The palmitic acid is attached to the alcohol form of vitamin A,
called retinol, to make vitamin A stable in milk. The name "palmitate" comes
from the French "palmitique" from palmite, the pith of the palm tree"
Effect of a
traditional Mediterranean diet on apolipoproteins B, A-I, and their ratio: A
randomized, controlled trial - Atherosclerosis. 2011 May 6 -
"Apolipoprotein (Apo)B,
ApoA-I, and their ratio could predict
coronary heart disease (CHD) risk more accurately than conventional lipid
measurements. Our aim was to assess the effect of a traditional
Mediterranean diet (TMD) on
apolipoproteins ... Participants assigned to a low-fat diet (control) (n=177),
or TMDs (TMD+virgin olive oil (VOO), n=181 or TMD+nuts, n=193) received
nutritional education and either free VOO (ad libitum) or nuts (dose: 30g/day).
A 3-month evaluation was performed ... Both TMDs promoted beneficial changes on
classical cardiovascular risk factors. ApoA-I increased, and ApoB and
ApoB/ApoA-I ratio decreased after TMD+VOO, the changes promoting a lower
cardiometabolic risk. Changes in TMD+VOO versus low-fat diet were -2.9mg/dL (95%
CI, -5.6 to -0.08), 3.3mg/dL (95% CI, 0.84 to 5.8), and -0.03mg/dL (-0.05 to
-0.01) for ApoB, ApoA-I, and ApoB/ApoA-I ratio, respectively ... Individuals at
high-cardiovascular risk who improved their diet toward a TMD pattern rich in
virgin olive oil, reduced their Apo B and ApoB/ApoA-I ratio and improved ApoA-I
concentrations" - The question is; is it the polyphenols or the omega-9
or both in the virgin olive oil responsible for the benefit? See
olive leaf extract at Amazon.com
Intake of Cholesterol Is Positively and Use of Cholesterol-Lowering Medication
Is Negatively Associated with Prevalent Age-Related Hearing Loss - J Nutr.
2011 May 25 - "After multivariable adjustment, the
likelihood of prevalent hearing loss increased from the lowest (reference) to
the highest quartile of dietary cholesterol intake (P-trend = 0.04). Among
persons self-reporting statin use (n = 274), a 48% reduced odds of prevalent
hearing loss was observed after multivariable adjustment [OR = 0.52 (95% CI =
0.29-0.93)]. Participants in the second and 3rd quartiles of dietary
monounsaturated fat intake compared with those in the first quartile (reference)
had a significantly reduced risk of hearing loss progression 5 y later
[multivariable-adjusted OR = 0.39 (95% CI = 0.21-0.71)] and [OR = 0.51 (95% CI =
0.29-0.91)], respectively. Our results suggest that a diet high in cholesterol
could have adverse influences on hearing, whereas treatment with statins and
consumption of monounsaturated fats may have a beneficial influence"
association between serum phospholipid oleic acid and insulin resistance in
subjects with primary dyslipidaemia - Clin Nutr. 2011 Mar 30 -
"oleic acid (OA) ... By adjusted logistic regression,
including the proportions of other fatty acids known to relate to IR, the odds
ratios (OR) (95% confidence intervals) for IR were 0.75 (0.62-0.92) for 1%
increase in OA and 0.84 (0.71-0.99) for 1% increase in linoleic acid. Other
fatty acids were unrelated to IR. When using the alternate definition of IR, OA
remained a significant predictor (0.80 [0.65-0.99]) ... Higher phospholipid
proportions of OA relate to less IR, suggesting an added benefit of increasing
olive oil intake within the Mediterranean diet" - Note: I saw olive oil
mayonnaise advertised and I thought that would be a good way to increase the
omega-9 in my diet. When I read the label in the store, olive oil was the main
ingredient however it had three omega-6 oils listed after that so I’m sure it
had much more omega-6 than omega-9. Bottom line, I started making my own omega-9
mayo. See the recipe at
Effects of olive oil and its minor phenolic constituents on obesity-induced
cardiac metabolic changes Nutr J. 2010 Oct 19;9(1):46 -
"The present study demonstrated for the first time that olive-oil, oleuropein
and cafeic-acid enhanced fat-oxidation and optimized cardiac energy metabolism
in obesity conditions. Olive oil and its phenolic compounds improved myocardial
oxidative stress in standard-fed conditions" - See
olive leaf extract at Amazon.com
Exclusive Olive Oil Consumption Is Associated with Lower Likelihood of
Developing Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction in Acute Coronary Syndrome
Patients: The Hellenic Heart Failure Study - Ann Nutr Metab. 2009 Nov
27;56(1):9-15 - "70% of the LVSD patients and 76% of
the non-LVSD patients reported exclusive olive oil consumption.
Multi-adjusted analysis revealed that exclusive olive oil consumption in
post-ACS patients with a first cardiac episode was associated with a 65%
(95% confidence interval 0.14-0.87) lower likelihood of developing LVSD
after adjusting for various confounders. No significant association was
observed among participants with a previous history of ACS. Conclusions:
Exclusive, long-term olive oil consumption seems to offer significant
protection against the development of LVSD in post-ACS patients" -
olive leaf extract at Amazon.com
consumption and its association with age-related macular degeneration -
Arch Ophthalmol. 2009 May;127(5):674-80 - "Higher
trans-unsaturated fat intake was associated with an increased prevalence of
late AMD; the odds ratio comparing the highest with the lowest quartile of
trans fat was 1.76 (95% confidence interval, 0.92-3.37; P = .02). Higher
omega-3 fatty acid intake (highest quartile vs lowest quartile) was
inversely associated with early AMD (odds ratio, 0.85; 95% confidence
interval, 0.71-1.02; P = .03). Olive oil intake (> or =100 mL/week vs <1
mL/week) was associated with decreased prevalence of late AMD (odds ratio,
0.48; 95% confidence interval, 0.22-1.04; P = .03). No significant
associations with AMD were observed for intakes of fish, total fat, butter,
or margarine"
- See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Moderate Consumption of Olive Oil by Healthy European Men Reduces Systolic
Blood Pressure in Non-Mediterranean Participants J Nutr. 2007
Jan;137(1):84-87 - "General linear models showed
that the administration of the sequence of the 3 olive oils was responsible
for a 3% decrease in systolic BP (SBP) (P < 0.05), but not in diastolic BP,
in the non-Mediterranean subjects"
Olive oil consumption and risk of breast cancer in the Canary Islands: a
population-based case-control study - Public Health Nutr. 2006
Feb;9(1A):163-7 - "Our results support the
protective role of olive oil consumption on breast cancer among Canaries
Postprandial anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of extra virgin olive
oil - Atherosclerosis. 2006 Feb 17 - "A
significant decrease in inflammatory markers, namely TXB(2) and LTB(4),
after 2 and 6h after EVOO (but not OO or CO) consumption and a concomitant
increase of serum antioxidant capacity were recorded"
Dietary supplementation with olive oil leads to improved lipoprotein
spectrum and lower n-6 PUFAs in elderly subjects - Med Sci Monit. 2004
Mar 23;10(4):PI49-PI54 - "The supplement was taken
for 6 weeks and involved daily consumption of 2 tablespoons ... There was
also a significant decline in the total-to-HDL and LDL-to-HDL cholesterol
Differential effects of saturated and monounsaturated fats on postprandial
lipemia and glucagon-like peptide 1 responses in patients with type 2
diabetes - Am J Clin Nutr. 2003 Mar;77(3):605-11 -
"Olive oil induced lower
triacylglycerol concentrations and higher
HDL-cholesterol concentrations than did butter, without eliciting
significant changes in glucose, insulin, or fatty acids" - Olive oil
is 76% omega-9.