Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending
5/21/08. You should consult your doctor if you are taking any medications.
Flavonoid In Celery And Green Peppers Found To Reduce Inflammatory Response In
The Brain - Science Daily, 5/20/08 - "The new study
looked at luteolin (LOO-tee-OH-lin), a plant
flavonoid known to impede the
inflammatory response in several types of
cells outside the central nervous system ... Those cells that were also exposed
to luteolin showed a significantly diminished inflammatory response. Jang showed
that luteolin was shutting down production of a key cytokine in the inflammatory
pathway, interleukin-6 (IL-6). The
effects of luteolin exposure were dramatic, resulting in as much as a 90 percent
drop in IL-6 production in the LPS-treated cells ... Inflammatory cytokines such
as interleukin-6 are very well known to inhibit certain types of learning and
memory that are under the control of the hippocampus, and the hippocampus is
also very vulnerable to the insults of aging ... If you had the potential to
decrease the production of inflammatory cytokines in the brain you could
potentially limit the cognitive deficits that result" - See
luteolin products
at iHerb. Related study in last week's newsletter:
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors, Angiotensin Receptor Blockers, or Both
for Patients With Proteinuria? A Best Evidence Review - Medscape, 5/20/08 -
"Most significantly, the addition of
ACEIs to
ARBs reduced
proteinuria to a greater degree than ARBs
alone (ratio of means 0.76 at 1 to 4 months and 0.75 at 5 to 12 months).
Combination therapy was also superior to treatment with ACEIs alone ... The 2
important conclusions that can be drawn from this meta-analysis are that ARBs
are not superior to ACEIs in improving proteinuria, and that the combination of
these 2 treatments appears superior in this outcome compared with either
treatment alone ... Two of the biggest safety concerns regarding the combination
therapy include the risks for hyperkalemia and acute worsening of renal
function. A review of the literature, however, suggests that these risks may not
be significantly worse with combination treatment vs monotherapy"
Of Vitamin B6 Status In US Population Sample Identified - Science Daily,
5/20/08 - "Across the study population, we noticed
participants with inadequate vitamin B6 status
even though they reported consuming more than the Recommended Daily Allowance of
vitamin B6, which is less than 2 milligrams per day ... Three quarters of the
women who reported using oral contraceptives,
but not vitamin B6 supplements, were vitamin B6 deficient"
Stability May Be Important Key To Recovery From Critical Illness - Science
Daily, 5/20/08 - "We found that patients with wide
fluctuation were significantly more likely to die in the intensive care unit and
the hospital than those who experience low glycemic variability"
Else May Probiotics Do In Adults? - Science Daily, 5/20/08 -
"It was found that probiotics
have an anti-inflammatory potential seen as
a decrease in serum CRP levels and as
a reduction in bacteria-induced production of proinflammatory cytokines in
peripheral blood mononuclear cells"
Aggressive Vitamin D Treatment for Osteoporosis - Medscape, 5/19/08 -
"Singh called the findings "alarming" and said that
although many physicians believe vitamin D
deficiency is not a problem, with 41% of study patients found to have a vitamin
D level of less than 30 ng/mL, "most likely that is not true," he said" -
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Supplement Your Knowledge of Vitamin D - WebMD, 5/19/08 -
"That's not enough, Boston University
vitamin D expert Michael Holick, MD, PhD, tells
WebMD. Holick recommends a dose of 1,000 IU a day of vitamin D for both infants
and adults -- unless they're getting plenty of safe sun exposure ... The Vitamin
D Council recommends that healthy adults take 2,000 IU of vitamin D daily --
more if they get little or no sun exposure ... some recent studies suggest that
healthy adults can tolerate more than 10,000 IU of vitamin D per day. John Jacob
Cannell, MD, executive director of The Vitamin D Council, notes that the skin
makes 10,000 IU of vitamin D after 30 minutes of full-body sun exposure. He
suggests that 10,000 IU of vitamin D is not toxic"
Marijuana Users Have Increased apoC3, Triglycerides - Medscape, 5/19/08 -
"Heavy, chronic use of
marijuana causes increased levels of apolipoprotein C3 (apoC3), which in
turn results in a major increase in
triglyceride levels"
Finasteride May Help Preventing Prostate Cancer, Study Shows - Science
Daily, 5/18/08 - "in addition to a 25 to 30 percent
reduction in prostate cancer development
overall in men taking
finasteride, there was no evidence that the drug increased the rate of
aggressive tumors and likely decreased their rate by 27 percent" - See
finasteride or dutasteride at
OffshoreRx1.com .
I feel that dutasteride is
better and have been taking that for prostate cancer prevention and hair loss.
Diet And
Medications May Assist Prevention Of Prostate Cancer - Science Daily,
9/24/07 - "dutasteride, has reduced by 50 percent the
number of cancerous biopsies among men with benign prostatic hypertrophy ... In
one study of selenium, the incidence of prostate cancer was reduced by 49
percent over ten years ... Data already suggests novel uses of statins, commonly
prescribed cholesterol-lowering agents, and insulin modulating drugs, such as
metformin or the glitazones"
Treatment Found To Reverse Hair Loss - Science Daily, 6/11/07 -
"one of each pair of twins was given 0.5 mg/day of
the medication, the other receiving a placebo ... After both 6 and 12-month
intervals, hair loss was found to not only have been halted in twins using
dutasteride, but hair growth was actively improved"
The importance of dual 5alpha-reductase inhibition in the treatment of male
pattern hair loss: results of a randomized placebo-controlled study of
dutasteride versus finasteride - J Am Acad Dermatol. 2006 Dec;55(6):1014-23
- "Dutasteride increased target area hair count versus
placebo in a dose-dependent fashion and dutasteride 2.5 mg was superior to
finasteride at 12 and 24 weeks"
Wine Could Benefit Patients With Diabetes - Medscape, 5/16/08 - "New
research suggests that resveratrol, a
chemical commonly found in red wine, has the ability to lower blood-sugar
levels, but it might also produce certain unpleasant adverse effects ... The
concern is that you could lower glucose in
diabetics but at the same time. . . [lower] glucose levels in the brain or
in other important tissues" - Does that last part make sense? Is
there anything that selectively lowers blood-sugar, i. e., lowers the blood
without the brain? And isn't it the high blood sugar in the brain that
they believe is the reason the Alzheimer's rate is so high in diabetics?
And isn't it the advance glycation end products that are partly responsible for
damage to important tissues? Sounds like a biased article to me. See
resveratrol products at Amazon.com .
Better Blood Sugar = Less Alzheimer's - WebMD, 7/17/06 -
"there were almost 20% fewer new cases of
Alzheimer's among people taking thiazolidinediones compared with people who
took insulin. Similar results were found in a separate comparison between
thiazolidinediones users and people starting Glucophage, another drug used
to treat diabetes"
- Diabetes
Linked With Alzheimer's Disease - WebMD, 2/19/04
Diabetes Linked to Development of Alzheimer's Disease
- Doctor's Guide, 4/8/03 - "people with diabetes had
a 73% greater chance of developing
Alzheimer s disease compared to controls
... people with diabetes had a 51% greater rate of decline in perceptual
Diabetes May Be Long-Term Risk Factor for Alzheimer's Disease
- Doctor's Guide, 7/24/02
Omega-3 linked to lower colorectal cancer risk - Nutra USA, 5/16/08 -
"In terms of fish intake, the highest average intake was
associated with a 40 per cent reduction in the risk of colorectal cancer. In
addition, this link was relevant for both colon and rectal cancers" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com .
Affecting the Balance Between Omega-3 and Omega-6? - Dr. Weil, 5/16/08 -
"Borage oil, black currant oil (and evening primrose
oil) are natural sources of a fatty acid called GLA (gammalinolenic acid), an
omega-6 fat that is very hard to come by in the diet. However, the omega-6
provided by these supplements is insignificant compared to the amounts we obtain
from dietary sources, and shouldn't affect your omega-6/omega-3 balance. GLA is
an effective anti-inflammatory agent that I recommend for arthritis, autoimmune
disorders, premenstrual syndrome and for healthy growth of skin, hair, and
nails. (By the way, I usually do not recommend borage oil, because it might
contain pyrroldizidine alkaloids, compounds that can damage the liver.) The dose
of evening primrose oil or black currant oil is 500 mg twice a day" - See
currant oil products at iHerb
products at iHerb.
Between Vitamin D Status And Breast Cancer Illuminated - Science Daily,
5/15/08 - "This is the first study, to our knowledge, to
show that higher serum levels of vitamin D are
associated with reduced incidence rates of breast
cancer worldwide" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Tea Compounds Beat Obstructive Sleep Apnea-related Brain Deficits, Study Shows
- Science Daily, 5/15/08 - "green
tea polyphenols (GTP) ... intermittent hypoxia (IH) ... The IH-rats that
received the green tea-treated water performed significantly better in a water
maze than the rats that drank plain water. "GTP-treated rats exposed to IH
displayed significantly greater spatial bias for the previous hidden platform
position, indicating that GTPs are capable of attenuating IH-induced spatial
learning deficits ... GTPs "may represent a potential interventional strategy
for patients" with sleep-disordered breathing"
- See
green tea extract at Amazon.com .
Chromium ingredient may lower blood pressure: study - Nutra USA, 5/15/08 -
chromium III (NBC)
may act as an ACE inhibitor, which work by inhibiting the conversion of
angiotensin I to the potent vasoconstrictor, angiotensin II, thereby improving
blood flow and blood pressure" - I've been told that niacin-bound
chromium is sold as
chromium supplements at Amazon.com .
Cardiovascular Risk: Low Sodium Diets Might Be Worse Than High Salt Diets -
Science Daily, 5/15/08 - "Contrary to long-held
assumptions, high-salt diets may not increase the
risk of death ... The Einstein researchers actually observed a significantly
increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease (CVD) associated with lower
sodium diets" - This has been going back and forth for years. I try
to cut down and use Morton Lite salt, etc.
Omega-3 carrier key to boosting children's attention: study - Nutra USA,
5/15/08 - "Test of Variables of Attention (TOVA) scores
... In terms of attention measures, both omega-3
supplemented groups produced increased in TOVA scores, with an increase of 94
per cent in the PL-omega-3 group and 37 per cent in the fish oil group" -
[Abstract] - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com .
Rhodiola for What Ails You? - Dr. Weil, 5/15/08 - "A
2002 review in Herbalgram, the Journal of the American Botanical Council,
reported that over the years, numerous studies of
rhodiola in humans and animals have shown
that it helps prevent fatigue, stress and the
damaging effects of oxygen deprivation. Evidence also suggests that it has an
antioxidant effect, enhances immune system function and can increase sexual
energy ... A study published in 2007 in the Nordic Journal of Psychiatry showed
that patients with mild-to-moderate depression
who took a rhodiola extract reported fewer symptoms than those who took a
placebo. And a study by researchers at the University of California at Irvine
found that fruit flies that ate a diet supplemented with rhodiola lived an
average of 10 percent longer than flies that didn't eat this herb" - See
Rhodiola rosea at Amazon.com .
Age 60 or Older? Get Shingles Vaccine - WebMD, 5/15/08 -
"The shingles vaccine
Zostavax is now on the CDC's official list of recommended vaccines for people
aged 60 and older" - I wasn't going to put this in but I know
someone that has it and trust me, you don't want it. I'm not 60 yet but
I'm going to see if I can get the vaccine anyway. See:
Shingles - familydoctor.org - "After you have
chickenpox (usually as a child), the virus that causes it stays in your body
in certain nerve cells. Most of the time your immune system keeps the virus
in these cells. As you get older, or if your immune system gets weak, the
varicella virus may escape from the nerve cells and cause shingles"
Intake Of Dietary Fat Prevents Prostate Cancer In Mice - Science Daily,
5/15/08 - "focused on fat from corn oil, which is made
up primarily of omega-6 fatty acids,
or the polyunsaturated fat commonly found in the Western diet ... Researchers
fed one group of mice a diet with about 40 percent of calories coming from fat,
a percentage typical in men eating a Western diet. The other group received 12
percent of their calories from fat, a figure considered to be a very low fat
diet. Researchers found there was a 27 percent reduced incidence of
prostate cancer in the low-fat diet group.
Aronson also studied cells in the prostate that were precancerous, or would soon
become cancer, and found that the cells in the mice eating the low-fat diet were
growing much more slowly than those in the high-fat group"
Cholesterol Leads To Lower PSA, Lower Prostate Cancer Risk, Study Suggests -
Science Daily, 5/15/08 - "PSA
levels were reduced after starting statin
medications and that this decline was proportional to the decline in LDL
Prostates protected by vitamin D: study - Nutra USA, 5/14/08 -
"In this study, we have demonstrated that
1,25-(OH)2D can protect nonmalignant human
prostate epithelial cells against H2O2-induced cell death through modulating the
ROS defense systems, suggesting a possible role of 1,25-(OH)2D in
prostate cancer prevention" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
When It
Comes To Living Longer, It's Better To Go Hungry Than Go Running, Mouse Study
Suggests - Science Daily, 5/14/08 - "at least two
studies which examined people who engage in high-volume
exercise versus people who restricted their
calorie intake, had a similar outcome: caloric
restriction has physiological benefits that exercise alone does not ... One
theory is that exercise places stress on the body, which can result in damage to
the tissues and DNA. Another theory is that caloric restriction leads to
physiological changes which benefit the body" - I still think it boils
down to the ravages of higher insulin and blood sugar which increase
advanced glycation end
products a major cause of aging. The problem with calorie restriction,
at least in mice, is that it made them cranky. For example, when they
picked them up, the lab people would get bit. Quality of like is more
important to me then long life as demonstrated by me refusing radiation when I
had neck cancer. I don't want an
extra five years if it's going to mean being cranky all my life. I'm
hoping to get the same advantage from supplements that control blood sugar such
as metformin, chromium, PGX, etc. See the following from my home page:
Plays Central Role In Aging, Brown Scientists Discover - Science Daily,
6/4/04 -
"insulin regulates its own production and that it
directly regulates tissue aging. The principle: Keep insulin levels low and
cells are stronger, staving off infection and age-related diseases such as
cancer, dementia and stroke" - [Abstract]
Related articles:
Riverside Professor Receives First Age-Reversal Prize - Science Daily,
1/7/05 - "According to Spindler's research, the fewer calories an animal
consumes - provided malnutrition is avoided - the slower an animal ages and
the lower the death rate from cancer, heart disease and diabetes" - Some
theorize that calorie restriction slows aging because it keeps insulin level
low (there are other ways that may keep insulin low such as
Glucophage (metformin),
Actos (pioglitazone),
(rosiglitazone), etc). See:
Insulin and Aging - Brown University -
"Keep insulin levels low and cells are stronger,
staving off infection and age-related diseases such as cancer, dementia
and stroke"
Resisting Insulin - USC Health Magazine Cover Story, Fall '06 -
"Insulin, according to a slew of new studies,
may play a role in everything from cancer to hypertension to
cardiovascular disease"
Growth hormone, insulin may be key to longevity - WorldHealth.net,
5/24/06 - "it is reasonable to suggest that
treatment(s) causing an improvement in insulin sensitivity combined with
modest reduction in insulin release would reduce risk of age-related
disease and likely also delay aging"
- Click here for much more on
insulin and aging and ways to reduce insulin.
Last week I mentioned that "the fusion from deuterium (heavy
hydrogen which has a neutron and proton in the nucleus vice just a proton) from
sea water would have fuel for 150 billion years" so we wouldn't have to worry
about future generations because we'd be hit by a asteroid before then.
Someone emailed this article which is good:
- The Sky Is
Falling - The Atlantic, 6/08 - "Earth has
experienced several mass extinctions—the dinosaurs died about 65 million
years ago, and something killed off some 96 percent of the world’s marine
species about 250 million years ago ... Right now, astronomers are nervously
tracking 99942 Apophis, an asteroid with a slight chance of striking Earth
in April 2036. Apophis is also small by asteroid standards, perhaps 300
meters across, but it could hit with about 60,000 times the force of the
Hiroshima bomb—enough to destroy an area the size of France. In other words,
small asteroids may be more dangerous than we used to think—and may do
considerable damage even if they don’t reach Earth’s surface ... A
generation ago, the standard assumption was that a dangerous object would
strike Earth perhaps once in a million years. By the mid-1990s, researchers
began to say that the threat was greater: perhaps a strike every 300,000
years. This winter, I asked William Ailor, an asteroid specialist at The
Aerospace Corporation, a think tank for the Air Force, what he thought the
risk was. Ailor’s answer: a one-in-10 chance per century of a dangerous
space-object strike ... Given the scientific findings, shouldn’t space rocks
be one of NASA’s priorities? You’d think so, but Dallas Abbott says NASA has
shown no interest in her group’s work: “The NASA people don’t want to
believe me. They won’t even listen ... Wouldn’t shifting NASA’s focus away
from wasting money on the moon and toward something of clear benefit for the
entire world—identifying and deflecting dangerous space objects—be a surer
route to enhancing national prestige? But NASA’s institutional instinct is
not to ask, “What can we do in space that makes sense?” Rather, it is to
ask, “What can we do in space that requires lots of astronauts?” That
finding and stopping space rocks would be an expensive mission with little
role for the astronaut corps is, in all likelihood, the principal reason
NASA doesn’t want to talk about the asteroid threat ... Current telescopes
cannot track asteroids or comets accurately enough for researchers to be
sure of their courses ... The House and Senate ought to demand that the
space program have as its first priority returning benefits to taxpayers.
It’s hard to imagine how taxpayers could benefit from a moon base. It’s easy
to imagine them benefiting from an effort to protect our world from the
ultimate calamity"
I usually don’t forward the novelty emails I get but
being a Vietnam helicopter pilot for a year and a half and seeing some of my
peers get crapped on when they came back this one got to me especially some of
the facial expressions. Click here.
Another bio-fuel statistic heard on the San Diego 10 PM
channel 6 news on 5/15/08 - Tyson is paying 600 million per year more because of
the increase in corn prices due to bio-fuel. If you haven't figured it
out, bio-fuel is one of my pet peeves because I think it's ridiculous and people
aren't being told the whole story. See my last two newsletters. I
think it will be the only option in the future for aircraft though. They
will have to figure a solution for that thickening problem at low temperatures.
I can't see aircraft having a fuel tank four times larger for the same energy
for liquid hydrogen.
As if terrorist's nukes weren't enough to worry about I
was flipping through the channels last night and saw some show about terrorist's
germs. They said it was a lot easier to be a microbiologist and make killer
germs than to make a nuke and if you have enough people have their finger on the
button sooner or later someone will press it. They said that smallpox is 30%
deadly but they can engineer it to be 100% deadly and by the time it's gone
through the incubation period too many people will have already got it. The
Ebola virus is deadly and they claim they can make that as contagious as the
common cold. They said that if Ted Kaczynski was a microbiologist instead of a
mathematician we could have had a real problem and that terrorist's germs can
kill a lot more people than terrorist's nukes.
I went to get a base sticker for my car on Sunday for my
new car. They were closed so I went to the
SDG&E pump to get gas. The GPS found me a much shorter route than what I
was going to go. The tank took 4.1 equivalent gallons for 159.9 miles
which calculates to 39 miles per gallon. I'll admit that I was milking it
by driving 65 in the right lane with cruise control and timing the lights but on
the other hand about 25% of the driving was stop and go city. With the
extra mileage and paying $1.26 per equivalent gallon when I get the
Phill garage refueler my gas bill should
be reduced by at least 80%. So instead of paying maybe $2000 per year on
gas I'm paying about $400. It's about 70% less just going by the equivalent
price of gas, $4.12 versus $1.26 per equivalent gallon. There are easy
ways offset the increases in the price of gas. I'll admit this one would
take at least five years to pay off but I'll never understand why people don't
go for the $15/month plan at
which includes 500 free local and long distance
minutes. That would save most people about $30/month. They wouldn't
notice any difference in service plus I saw on the news where most people only
use their home phone these days as a backup for their cell phone. Just
those two things would mean about a $163 savings per month ($133 gas savings and
$30 phone savings).
Abstracts from this week's
Doctor's Guide Nutrition/Dietetics
plus abstracts from my RSS feeds (Click here
for the journals, the PubMed ones at the top):
lipoic acid supplementation can mimic or block the effect of dietary restriction
on life span -Mech Ageing Dev. 2008 Apr 22;129(6):341-348 -
"Ad libitum feeding a diet supplemented with
lipoic acid can therefore act as mimetic of
DR to extend survival" - See
alpha lipoic acid at Amazon.com .
Relationship of sex steroid hormones with bone mineral density in a
nationally-representative sample of men - Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2008 May 14
- "Men in the lowest quartile of free
estradiol had 70% increased odds (OR=1.69, 95%
CI 0.95-2.98) of osteopenia compared with men in the highest quartile. Men in
the lowest quartile of free testosterone
had nearly four times the odds of osteopenia
than those in the highest quartile (OR=3.82; 95% CI 1.87-7.78). Lower
concentrations of SHBG appeared protective against osteopenia (p-trend=0.01).
Neither total testosterone nor total estradiol was associated with BMD, although
men with clinically low estradiol (<20 ng/l) had lower BMD (0.930 g/cm(2), 95%
CI 0.88-0.98) than men with normal-range estradiol (1.024 g/cm(2), 1.01-1.04;
Dietary resveratrol administration increases MnSOD expression and activity in
mouse brain - Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2008 May 15 -
(3,4',5-trihydroxystilbene; RES) ... The increase in MnSOD was not due to a
substantial proliferation of mitochondria, as RES treatment induced a 10%
increase in mitochondrial abundance (Citrate Synthase activity). The potential
neuroprotective properties of MnSOD have been well established, and we
demonstrate that a dietary delivery of RES is able to increase the expression
and activity of this enzyme in vivo" - See
resveratrol products at Amazon.com .
Acarbose Treatment Increases Serum Total Adiponectin Levels in Patients with
Type 2 Diabetes - Endocr J. 2008 May 15 - "Treatment
with acarbose and
pioglitazone decreased
HbA1c values by 0.49 % and 0.63 %, respectively. Pioglitazone, as expected,
increased serum levels of total adiponectin
by 2.1 fold and its high molecular weight isoform by 3.6 fold. We found that
acarbose also caused a small but significant increase in serum concentrations of
total adiponectin. However, in contrast to pioglitazone, no appreciable changes
were observed in the levels of high molecular weight adiponectin"
Testosterone treatment in elderly men with subnormal testosterone levels
improves body composition and BMD in the hip - Int J Impot Res. 2008 May 15
- "Men with subnormal
testosterone had significantly higher weight, fat mass and abdominal adipose
tissue. They also had significantly higher glucose and insulin levels, and they
had higher triglyceride levels. Testosterone treatment had a large impact on
body composition with reduced fat mass and abdominal adipose tissue and
increased fat-free mass, but it did not affect weight and glucose and lipid
metabolism. Bone mineral density in the hip was significantly higher after the
testosterone treatment. Older men with subnormal testosterone levels had an
unfavorable metabolic profile. Testosterone treatment improved body composition,
but it did not reverse the unfavorable metabolic profile"
Correlation between changes in blood fatty acid composition and visual sustained
attention performance in children with inattention: effect of dietary n-3 fatty
acids containing phospholipids - Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 May;87(5):1170-80 -
"Test of Variables of Attention; TOVA ... Total TOVA
scores increased in the PL-n-3 (mean +/- SD: 3.35 +/- 1.86) and FO (1.72 +/-
1.67) groups but not in the placebo group (-0.42 +/- 2.51) (PL-n-3 > FO >
placebo; P < 0.001). A significant correlation between the alterations in FAs
and increased TOVA scores mainly occurred in the PL-n-3 group"
Rosiglitazone and pioglitazone similarly improve insulin sensitivity and
secretion, glucose tolerance and adipocytokines in type 2 diabetic patients
- Diabetes Obes Metab. 2008 May 12 - "Rosiglitazone
and pioglitazone have
similar beneficial effects on glycaemic control insulin sensitivity, insulin
secretion and plasma adipocytokine levels. However, pioglitazone has a more
beneficial effect on the plasma lipid profile than rosiglitazone"
of Metformin for Weight Management in Patients Without Type 2 Diabetes (June)
- Ann Pharmacother. 2008 May 13 - "The
weight loss effects of
metformin in overweight or obese adults and
adolescents without diabetes appear promising; however, trials have been limited
by small patient populations and weak design. Metformin may also have a positive
effect on metabolic parameters such as
waist circumference, fasting insulin and
glucose levels, and triglycerides" - See metformin at at
Comparison of the Safety and Efficacy of a Combination Tablet of Niacin Extended
Release and Simvastatin vs Simvastatin Monotherapy in Patients With Increased
Non-HDL Cholesterol (from the SEACOAST I Study) - Am J Cardiol. 2008 May
15;101(10):1428-36 - "The efficacy and safety of 2
regimens of a combination of a proprietary niacin
extended release plus
simvastatin (NER/S; 1,000/20 and 2,000/20 mg/day) were compared with
simvastatin monotherapy (20 mg/day) for 24 weeks ... The safety of NER/S was
consistent with the safety profile of each individual component. In conclusion,
this study showed that NER/S provided additional clinically relevant
improvements in multiple lipid parameters and was safe and well tolerated"
Telmisartan increases fatty acid oxidation in skeletal muscle through a
peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma dependent pathway - J
Hypertens. 2008 Jun;26(6):1209-1215 - "telmisartan
may increase energy expenditure and protect against dietary induced obesity and
features of the metabolic syndrome at least in part by increasing muscle fatty
acid oxidation through activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated
receptor-gamma" -
Click here for other
reason I feel telmisartan should be the first line treatment.
I went to Miramar to get a base sticker for my car. They
were closed so I went to the SDG&E pump to get compressed natural gas. The GPS
found me a much shorter route than what I was going to go. The tank took 4.1
equivalent gallons for 159.9 miles which calculates to 39 miles per gallon. I'll
admit that I was milking it by driving 65 in the right lane with cruise control
and timing the lights but on the other hand about 25% of the driving was stop
and go city. With the extra mileage and paying $1.26 per equivalent gallon when
I get the Phill garage refueler my gas bill should be reduced by at least 80%.
So instead of paying maybe $2000 per year on gas I'm paying about $400. It's
about 70% less just going by the equivalent price of gas, $4.12 versus $1.26 per
equivalent gallon.
Neat Tech Stuff:
My home is only eight years old but they went with cheapos
on the toilets. I'd needed to use the plunger at least twice per week
sometimes after even flushing after every effort. I did some research on
that and bought
Kohler Power
Lite (1)
special order at Home Depot for $719 and installed it myself and haven't had a
problem since. It only comes in the elongated San Raphael model which
requires a 12 inch rough-in. The rough-in is the distance from the wall to
the center of the sewer pipe which is also the distance to the T-bolts.
Some toilets have an 11 inch rough in so you need to check if they cut it to the
limit. Click here
3 for the spec sheets. It also requires a 15 amp electrical connection
for the motor. The Kohler Power Lite is the one with the TV commercial of
some guy going into his apartment and he sees a gorgeous female going into her
apartment next door wearing a shirt for some plumbing company so he goes into
the bathroom and tries flushing everything he can find to plug the toilet but he
can't and then his wife looks in to see what he's doing. The only problem
was that the toilet seats about two inches higher.
Click here for my solution to that including
videos. Yeah, it's a small hassle to move the platform depending on what
you're going to do but not near the hassle of having to clear the toilet or just
the worrying of having to clear it.
Health Focus (Breast
Popular Breast Cancer Medications:
Alternative Breast Cancer News:
Cancer - Life Extension Magazine
- Breast Cancer and Nutritional
Supplements - natmedonline.com
Breast Cancer
- Vitacost
I have seen
advertisements for a supplement containing calcium D-glucarate to prevent
breast cancer. How does this product work? - Dr. Murray
Beating Breast Cancer - thenutritionreporter.com
Causes of
Breast Cancer - thenutritionreporter.com
Nutrients for Gene Therapy - thenutritionreporter.com
Different Types of Dietary Fat - thenutritionreporter.com
Between Vitamin D Status And Breast Cancer Illuminated - Science Daily,
5/15/08 - "This is the first study, to our
knowledge, to show that higher serum levels of vitamin D are associated with
reduced incidence rates of breast cancer worldwide" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Stay Fit, Avoid Breast Cancer? - WebMD, 5/12/08 -
"the women whose activity equaled 13 walking hours a
week or 3.25 running hours per week had a 23% lower risk of premenopausal
breast cancer compared with the less active women. The strongest association
was seen with increased exercise during adolescent and young adult years
(ages 12-22)"
Daily Aspirin May Cut Breast Cancer Risk - WebMD, 4/30/08 -
"Overall, NSAID use wasn't associated with breast
cancer risk. But women who reported taking daily aspirin were 16% less
likely to develop estrogen-receptor positive breast cancer. Those tumors are
fueled by estrogen; most breast cancers are estrogen-receptor positive"
Dietary Lignans Improve Breast Cancer Survival - Medscape, 4/25/08 -
"a high intake of lignans was associated with about
a 50% reduction in mortality from all causes. This included cardiovascular
disease and other cancers" - See
flax seed at Amazon.com
Coffee May Protect Against Breast Cancer, Study Shows - Science Daily,
4/24/08 - "Depending on which variant of a certain
gene a woman has, a coffee consumption rate of at least two-three cups a day
can either reduce the total risk of developing breast cancer or delay the
onset of cancer"
Blood Levels Of Vitamin D Protect Women From Breast Cancer, Study Suggests
- Science Daily, 4/22/08 - "Women with a very low
blood level of 25(OH)D have a considerably increased breast cancer risk. The
effect was found to be strongest in women who were not taking hormones for
relief of menopausal symptoms" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Veggies, Exercise May Cut Cancer Risk - WebMD, 4/15/08 -
"Overall, women who engaged in recreational exercise
30 to 150 minutes per week were 50% less likely to have breast cancer than
women who exercised less than a half hour per week"
Green Tea Ingredient, EGCG, Significantly Inhibits Breast Cancer Growth In
Female Mice - Science Daily, 4/7/08 - "Green tea
is high in the antioxidant EGCG (epigallocatechin-3- gallate) which helps
prevent the body���s cells from becoming damaged and prematurely aged ... At
the end of the five week period the researchers found that oral consumption
of EGCG caused significant decreases in TCSA (66%), tumor weight (68%), IM
density 155+/-6 vs.111+/-20 IM#mm^2) and VEGF protein levels (59.0+/-3.7 vs.
45.7+/-1.4 pg/mg) in the breast tumors vs. the control mice, respectively
(N=8; P<0.01). Further, VEGF plasma levels were lower in EGCG mice than in
control mice (40.8+/-3.5 vs. 26.5+/-3.8 pg/ml P< 0.01)" - [WebMD]
- See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
CXCR4 and CXCL12 down-regulation: A novel mechanism for the chemoprotection
of 3,3'-diindolylmethane for breast and ovarian cancers - Cancer Lett.
2008 Mar 28 - "Our data suggest that one mechanism
whereby DIM protects against breast, ovarian, and possibly other cancers is
through the repression of CXCR4 and/or CXCL12, thereby lowering the invasive
and metastatic potential of these cells" - See
diindolylmethane at Amazon.com
Aspirin Could Reduce Breast Cancer And Help Existing Sufferers, Review of
Studies Suggests - Science Daily, 3/6/08 -
"Anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin may reduce breast cancer by up to 20
per cent"
Plasma Isoflavone Level and Subsequent Risk of Breast Cancer Among Japanese
Women: A Nested Case-Control Study From the Japan Public Health Center-Based
Prospective Study Group - J Clin Oncol. 2008 Mar 3 -
"We found a statistically significant inverse
association between plasma genistein and risk of breast cancer, but no
association for plasma daidzein. Adjusted odds ratios for the highest versus
lowest quartile of plasma level were 0.34 for genistein (95% CI, 0.16 to
0.74; P for trend, .02) and 0.71 for daidzein (95% CI, 0.35 to 1.44; P for
trend, .54). Median plasma genistein values in the control group were 31.9
ng/mL for the lowest and 353.9 ng/mL for the highest quartile groups"
- See
soy isoflavones at Amazon.com
Vitamin D Appears
to Cut Breast and Colorectal Cancer Risk - Medscape, 2/12/08 -
"Compared with a serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level
less than 10 ng/mL, a level of 50 ng/mL reduced the risk for breast cancer
by 50%. This level of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D would require an average
intake of 4000 IU of vitamin D per day, although the authors note that
intake of 2000 IU per day combined with sun exposure of approximately 12
minutes per day with 50% of the skin exposed could also help patients
achieve a serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level of 50 ng/mL" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Dietary Fiber
Intake Inversely Associated With Breast Cancer Risk - Medscape, 2/8/08 -
"Among ever-users of postmenopausal hormones, a
significant inverse association was observed between intake of dietary
fiber, especially from cereal products, and breast cancer risk for overall,
ER+PR+, and ER-PR- tumors. The adjusted relative risk for all invasive
tumors was 0.50"
Coffee, tea, caffeine and risk of breast cancer: A 22-year follow-up -
Int J Cancer. 2008 - "our results suggested a weak
inverse association between caffeine-containing beverages and risk of
postmenopausal breast cancer"
The combination of epigallocatechin gallate and curcumin suppresses
ERalpha-breast cancer cell growth in vitro and in vivo - Int J Cancer.
2007 Dec 20 -
"Tumor volume in the EGCG + curcumin treated mice
decreased 49% compared to vehicle control mice (p < 0.05), which correlated
with a 78 +/- 6% decrease in levels of VEGFR-1 protein expression in the
tumors. Curcumin treatment significantly decreased tumor protein levels of
EGFR and Akt, however the expression of these proteins was not further
decreased following combination treatment. Therefore, these results
demonstrate that the combination of EGCG and curcumin is efficacious in both
in vitro and in vivo models of ERalpha- breast cancer and that regulation of
VEGFR-1 may play a key role in this effect"
Isoflavones may stop benign breast lumps: study - Nutra USA, 12/18/07 -
"the highest plasma levels of genistein (more than
76.95 nanograms per millilitre) were 74 per cent less likely to have breast
cancer, and 60 per cent less likely to have benign conditions, relative to
women with the lowest average levels (less than 9.42 ng/mL)" - See
soy isoflavones at Amazon.com
Green Tea Shown To Possess Antitumor Effect In Breast Cancer - Science
Daily, 12/8/07 - "green tea has antitumor effect in
breast cancer cells ... Dr. Maheshwari’s study observed that green tea can
inhibit the invading capacity of these breast cancer cells and have also
identified the mechanisms involved in death inducing and invasion inhibiting
effects of green tea" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
Intake of fruits, vegetables, and soy foods in relation to breast cancer
risk in Korean women: a case-control study - Nutr Cancer.
2007;57(1):20-7 - "Increasing consumption of grapes
was linked to a significant protective effect against risk of breast cancer
(OR=0.66; 95% CI=0.41-0.86; P<0.01). Among the vegetables, reduced risk was
observed with high tomato intake (OR=0.62; 95% CI=0.38-0.81; P<0.01). Among
soy foods, high consumption of cooked soybeans, including yellow and black
soybeans, had an association with reduced breast cancer (OR=0.67; 95%
CI=0.45-0.91; P<0.02)"
Differential expression of genes induced by resveratrol in human breast
cancer cell lines - Nutr Cancer. 2006;56(2):193-203 -
"The phytoalexin, trans-resveratrol (RES), is a
polyphenolic compound found in plants and fruits that seems to have a wide
spectrum of biological activities. It has been found to possess cancer
chemopreventive effects by inhibiting diverse cellular events associated
with tumor initiation, promotion, and progression. RES is also a
phytoestrogen, which binds to and activates estrogen receptors (ERs) that
regulate the transcription of estrogen-responsive target genes" - See
resveratrol products at Amazon.com
Low Calcium May Spur Breast Cancer Spread - oncologystat.com, 10/19/07 -
"The study involved implanting breast cancer cells
into mice and feeding them a low-calcium diet. The mice experienced a high
bone turnover and showed a 43% increase in bone destruction, a 24% increase
in tumor area, and a 24% increase in tumor cell proliferation compared to a
control group"
A case-control study on the dietary intake of mushrooms and breast cancer
risk among Korean women - Int J Cancer. 2007 Oct 17 -
"Both the daily intake (5th vs. 1st quintile, OR =
0.48, 95% CI = 0.30-0.78, p for trend 0.030) and the average consumption
frequency of mushrooms (4th vs. 1st quartile, OR = 0.54, 95% CI = 0.35-0.82,
p for trend 0.008) were inversely associated with breast cancer risk"
- See
maitake at Amazon.com
shiitake mushroom supplements at Amazon.com .
Weight Gain Ups Breast Cancer Risk - WebMD, 10/22/07 -
"If you had a weight gain early in life in the
absence of weight gain later, it would not be risky in terms of breast
cancer ... But weight gain any time after 35 is very predictive of
postmenopausal breast cancer"
Exposure To Sunlight May Decrease Risk Of Advanced Breast Cancer By Half
- Science Daily, 10/18/07 - "We believe that
sunlight helps to reduce women's risk of breast cancer because the body
manufactures the active form of vitamin D from exposure to sunlight ... It
is possible that these effects were observed only among light- skinned women
because sun exposure produces less vitamin D among women with naturally
darker pigmentation" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Vitamin supplement use and risk for breast cancer: the Shanghai Breast
Cancer Study - Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2007 Oct 5 -
"a 20% reduction in breast cancer risk was observed
with vitamin E supplement use among women with low-dietary vitamin E intake
... A non-significant 20% risk reduction was observed among vitamin B
supplement users with low B dietary intake (OR = 0.8; 95% CI, 0.6-1.1).
Frequent use of a vitamin B supplement was adversely associated with breast
cancer risk among those with high dietary vitamin B intake (OR = 1.4"
Breast Cancer Risk May Decrease With Increasing Duration of NSAID Use -
Medscape, 10/1/07 - "Use of NSAIDs was associated
with a lower risk for breast cancer (odds ratio [OR], 0.76"
Vitamin D intake and breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women: the Iowa
Women's Health Study - Cancer Causes Control. 2007 Sep;18(7):775-82 -
"The adjusted RR of breast cancer for women
consuming >800 IU/day versus <400 IU/day total vitamin D was 0.89 (95% CI:
0.77-1.03). RRs were stronger among women with negative than positive ER or
PR status. The association of high vitamin D intake with breast cancer was
strongest in the first 5 years after baseline dietary assessment (RR = 0.66;
95% CI: 0.46-0.94 compared with lowest-intake group), and diminished over
Vitamin D for Cancer Prevention? - WebMD, 9/5/07 -
"The 2,000-IU daily dose of vitamin D suggested by
the reviewers is currently considered the "tolerable upper limit" for
vitamin D ... a projected 50% reduction in colon cancer incidence would
require a universal intake of 2,000 IU per day of vitamin D3 ... A similar
reduction in breast cancer incidence would require 3,500 IU per day"
Dietary fiber intake and risk of postmenopausal breast cancer defined by
estrogen and progesterone receptor status-A prospective cohort study among
Swedish women - Int J Cancer. 2007 Aug 31 -
"estrogen receptor (ER)/progesterone receptor (PR)-defined breast cancer
risk ... When comparing the highest to the lowest quintile, we observed
non-significant inverse associations between total fiber intake and the risk
of all tumor subtypes; the multivariate-adjusted RRs were 0.85 (95% CI:
0.69-1.05) for overall, 0.85 (0.64-1.13) for ER+PR+, 0.83 (0.52-1.31) for
ER+PR- and 0.94 (0.49-1.80) for ER-PR-. For specific fiber, we observed
statistically significant risk reductions for overall (34%) and for ER+PR+
(38%) for the highest versus lowest quintile of fruit fiber, and
non-significant inverse associations for other subtypes of cancer and types
of fiber. Among ever-users of postmenopausal hormone (PMH), total fiber
intake and especially cereal fiber were statistically significantly
associated with approximately 50% reduced risk for overall and ER+PR+ tumors
when comparing the highest to the lowest quartile, but no association was
observed among PMH never users"
Study Shines More Light On Benefit Of Vitamin D In Fighting Cancer -
Science Daily, 8/21/07 - "For the first time, we are
saying that 600,000 cases of breast and colorectal cancer could be prevented
each year worldwide, including nearly 150,000 in the United States alone ...
The serum level recommended by the study would correspond to intake of 2000
International Units per day of vitamin D3 for a meaningful reduction in
colorectal cancer" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Increased folate may slash breast cancer risk - Nutra USA, 8/9/07 -
"women in the highest average intake group (456
micrograms of folate per day) had a 44 per cent lower risk of invasive
breast cancer than women in the lowest average intake group (160 micrograms
of folate per day)" - See
folic acid at Amazon.com
High folate intake is associated with lower breast cancer incidence in
postmenopausal women in the Malmo Diet and Cancer cohort - Am J Clin
Nutr. 2007 Aug;86(2):434-43 - "Compared with the
lowest quintile, the incidence of invasive breast cancer was reduced in the
highest quintile of dietary folate intake
(HR: 0.56; 95% CI: 0.35, 0.90; P for trend = 0.02); total folate intake,
including supplements (HR: 0.56; 95% CI: 0.34, 0.91; P for trend = 0.006);
and dietary folate equivalents (HR: 0.59" - See
folic acid at Amazon.com
Breast Cancer: More Veggies Not Better - WebMD, 7/17/07 -
"eating more than five daily servings of fruits and
vegetables doesn't offer extra benefit"
And Exercise Key To Surviving Breast Cancer, Regardless Of Obesity, Study
Suggests - Science Daily, 6/9/07 -
"even if a woman is overweight, if she eats at least
five servings of vegetables and fruits a day and walks briskly for 30
minutes, six days a week, her risk of death from her disease goes down by 50
Vitamin D intake and breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women: the Iowa
Women's Health Study - Cancer Causes Control. 2007 Jun 5 -
"Vitamin D intake of >800 IU/day appears to be
associated with a small decrease in risk of breast cancer among
postmenopausal women" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Preventing Breast Cancer? - Dr. Weil, 5/3/07 -
"Take 2 grams of fish oil a day. High omega-3 fatty acid intake
significantly reduces your risk of breast cancer" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Erythrocyte fatty acids and breast cancer risk: a case-control study in
Shanghai, China - Am J Clin Nutr. 2007 Apr;85(4):1090-7 -
"Our results support a protective effect of n-3
fatty acids on breast cancer risk" - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Vitamin d and reduced risk of breast cancer: a population-based case-control
study - Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2007 Mar;16(3):422-9 -
"We found strong evidence to support the hypothesis
that vitamin D could help prevent breast cancer. However, our results
suggest that exposure earlier in life, particularly during breast
development, maybe most relevant"
Dietary carotenoids and risk of breast cancer in Chinese women - Asia
Pac J Clin Nutr. 2007;16 Suppl:437-42 -
"higher intake of lycopene, beta-carotene and
beta-cryptoxanthin is associated to a lower risk of breast cancer among
Chinese women"
Plant Estrogen May Cut Breast Cancer - WebMD, 3/20/07 -
"A diet rich in estrogen-like compounds found in
flaxseed, tea, and many plants may help curb breast cancer after menopause
... Women with the highest lignan intake were 17% less likely to be
diagnosed with breast cancer during the study than those with the lowest
Exercise Helps
Prevent Breast Cancer - WebMD, 2/16/07 -
"women who get more than six hours of strenuous
exercise a week, and have no family history of breast cancer, may be 23%
less likely to develop the disease than women who don't exercise at all"
Vitamin D Appears to Cut Breast and Colorectal Cancer Risk - Medscape,
2/12/07 - "Compared with a serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D
level less than 10 ng/mL, a level of 50 ng/mL reduced the risk for breast
cancer by 50%. This level of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D would require an
average intake of 4000 IU of vitamin D per day, although the authors note
that intake of 2000 IU per day combined with sun exposure of approximately
12 minutes per day with 50% of the skin exposed could also help patients
achieve a serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level of 50 ng/mL"
- See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Vitamin D Backed For Cancer Prevention In Two New Studies - Science
Daily, 2/8/07 -
"Two new vitamin D studies using a sophisticated form of
analysis called meta-analysis, in which data from multiple reports is
combined, have revealed new prescriptions for possibly preventing up to half
of the cases of breast cancer and two-thirds of the cases of colorectal
cancer in the United States ... The serum level associated with a 50 percent
reduction in risk could be maintained by taking 2,000 international units of
vitamin D3 daily plus, when the weather permits, spending 10 to 15 minutes a
day in the sun" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Phytoestrogens and indicators of breast cancer prognosis - Nutr Cancer.
2006;56(1):3-10 - "In women with higher intakes of
phytoestrogens, there was a 32% reduction in the odds of being diagnosed
with any stage of cancer other than stage 1 (95% confidence interval, CI =
0.49-0.93; P = 0.02), a 38% reduction in odds of being diagnosed with
positive lymphovascular invasion (95% CI = 0.40-0.95; P = 0.03), and a 66%
increase in the odds of being diagnosed with a positive progesterone
Low-Fat Diet May
Help Breast Cancer - WebMD, 12/16/06
Pro-vitamin E Shown To Be Active Against Breast Cancer Cells - Science
Daily, 12/9/06 - "pro-vitamin E or alpha-tocopheryl
succinate can reduce tumour volume in experimental animals with high levels
of HER2"
Soy, Fish May Cut
Cancer Risk - WebMD, 11/14/06 - "Women who ate
the most soy as teens or adults were about 25% less likely to have breast
cancer than those who skimped on it"
- Control hormones to stop
breast cancer - MSNBC, 10/27/06
Vitamin D May Slow
Breast Cancer - WebMD, 10/17/06 -
"women with early-stage breast cancer had much
higher levels of vitamin D in their blood than women with more advanced
Regular Exercise, Keeping Weight In Check Reduces Breast-cancer Risk In
Postmenopausal Women - Science Daily, 10/12/06 -
"women with high BMI and low physical-activity had
mean estrogen concentrations that were 50 percent to 100 percent higher than
that of women with low BMI and high activity levels"
Idleness, Weight Up Breast Cancer Risk - WebMD, 10/10/06 -
"postmenopausal women who exercise and keep their
weight down substantially reduce their risk of breast cancer"
Indole-3: A Broccoli
Cure? - Dr. Weil, 9/15/07 - see my I3C page.
Exercise May Up
Breast Cancer Survival - WebMD, 9/11/06
Ginseng linked to improved breast cancer outcomes - Nutra USA, 8/17/06
Weight Gain May Increase Risk of Breast Cancer in Postmenopausal Women -
Doctor's Guide, 7/12/06 - "Women who gained about 55
pounds or more since age 18 were at a 45% increased risk of breast cancer,
compared with those who maintained their weight ... Women who gained about
22 pounds or more since menopause were at an 18% increased risk of breast
cancer ... Those who lost about 22 pounds or more since menopause (and kept
the weight off) and had never used postmenopausal hormones were at a 57%
lower risk of breast cancer than those who simply maintained their weight"
- Veggies may keep breast
cancer from returning - MSNBC, 4/14/06 -
"After about seven years, women who began with the
highest levels of carotenoids in their blood showed 43 percent less risk of
developing breast cancer again when compared to women with the lowest
carotenoid levels"
Food Antioxidants, Vitamin D Fight Breast Cancer - HealthDay, 4/7/06 -
"postmenopausal women who consumed high levels of
flavonoids, a class of antioxidants found in plants, had a 45 percent lower
risk of breast cancer ... Those who had the highest levels of intake of
kaempferol had a 38 percent decrease in the incidence of ovarian cancer
compared to women with the lowest levels of this flavonoid ... those with
the highest blood levels of a vitamin D metabolite known as
25-hydroxyvitamin D had a 50 percent reduced risk of breast cancer" -
Tea May Fight
Ovarian, Breast Cancers - WebMD, 4/5/06 -
"women who increase their consumption of kaempferol,
a type of flavonoid, can lower their risk of ovarian cancer by nearly 40%
... women who consume a diet rich in other types of flavonoids -
specifically, flavones, flavan-3-ols, and lignans -- can reduce their chance
of developing breast cancer by 26% to 39%" - See
green tea products.
Vitamin D linked to lower breast cancer risk - Nutra USA, 4/4/06 -
"a serum vitamin D level of 52 nanograms per
milliliter was associated with a 50 percent reduction in breast cancer risk.
To have such a serum vitamin level would require a daily intake of about
1,000 International Units (IU)" - See
vitamin D products.
Researchers Find Ginseng May Improve Breast Cancer Outcomes - Science
Daily, 3/16/06 - "They also found significant
improvements in both survival and quality of life measures in patients who
used ginseng" - See
ginseng at Amazon.com
Phytoestrogens May Block Estrogen Effects - Science Daily, 1/16/06 -
"the addition of high levels of dietary soy
isoflavones tended to block estrogen effects in breast tissue. This finding
suggests that postmenopausal women with higher levels of estrogen may derive
the greatest benefit from soy"
Consumption of coffee, but not black tea, is associated with decreased risk
of premenopausal breast cancer - J Nutr. 2006 Jan;136(1):166-71 -
"Among premenopausal women, consumption of regular
coffee was associated with linear declines in breast cancer risk (P for
trend = 0.03); consumers of >/=4 cups/d experienced a 40% risk reduction"
Eat Dairy Foods,
Avoid Breast Cancer? - WebMD, 12/14/05 -
"Women who had the highest dietary calcium intake
were 20% less likely to have been diagnosed with breast cancer than those
whose diets were lowest in dietary calcium"
Turmeric for Breast Cancer Prevention? - Dr. Weil, 12/2/05
Breast cancer and dietary factors in Taiwanese women - Cancer Causes
Control. 2005 Oct;16(8):929-37 -
"Cases also consumed statistically significant less
supplements such as vitamins and mineral than controls ... Our results
indicate a strong protective effect of dietary supplements and a harmful
effect of dietary fats on the risk of breast cancer among women in Taiwan"
Primrose Oil Component Cuts Levels Of Cancer-causing Gene Her-2/neu -
Science Daily, 11/4/05 - "Gamma-linolenic
acid (GLA), a substance in evening primrose oil and several other plant
oils used in herbal medicine, inhibits action of Her-2/neu, a cancer gene
that is responsible for almost 30 percent of all breast cancers"
- See
borage oil at Amazon.com
- Plant oil 'acts
like cancer drug' - BBC News, 11/2/05 -
"It is down to a substance in the oil called
gamma-linolenic acid that acts on the same receptor in tumours as the
powerful breast cancer drug Herceptin" - See
borage oil at Amazon.com
Spice Ingredient May Cut Breast Cancer Spread - WebMD, 10/17/05
- Eat wisely to reduce
breast cancer risk - MSNBC, 7/22/05 -
"The women who followed a low-fat diet in this study
reduced their risk of a recurrence during the next five years by 24 percent
... Keep in mind that omega-3 fats may be protective"
Curry Spice May Curb Breast Cancer's Spread - WebMD, 6/9/05 -
"Less than a quarter of the mice in the
curcumin-plus-Taxol group had cancer that spread to the lungs. So did
half of the curcumin group. In comparison, cancer spread to the lungs in
three-fourths of the Taxol group and almost all (95%) mice that got no
treatment" - See
curcumin products.
Omega-3 Offers Hope For New Anti-breast Cancer Drugs - Science Daily,
6/8/05 - "Compounds of Omega-3 fatty acids and
propofol reduce the ability of breast cancer cells to develop into malignant
tumours, inhibiting cancer cell migration by 50% and significantly reducing
their metastatic activity ... Propofol is a potent anti-oxidant known to
inhibit cancer cell migration by only 5-10%"
Weight Gain Affects Breast Cancer Survival - Physician's Weekly, 5/16/05
Statin Drugs Linked to Reduced Cancer Risk - WebMD, 5/16/05 -
"During a six-year period, women who used statins
reduced their risk of breast cancer by more than half (51%) compared with
nonusers" - See
Zocor at International Anti-aging Systems or
Breast Cancer Protection Starts in the Womb - WebMD, 4/20/05 -
"Mothers who choose foods packed with omega-3 fatty
acids during pregnancy and while nursing and then feed their kids such a
diet after weaning may reduce the risk of breast cancer in their daughters
by nearly 90%, early research in mice indicates"
Soy protein could protect against breast cancer, say researchers - Nutra
USA, 4/13/05 -
"Eating soy protein on a regular basis may reduce a
woman’s chance of developing breast cancer by up to 22 percent"
Disease-fighting Chemicals In Apples Could Reduce The Risk Of Breast Cancer,
Cornell Study In Rats Suggests - Science Daily, 3/12/05 -
"tumor incidence was reduced by 17, 39 and 44
percent in rats fed the human equivalent of one, three or six apples a day,
respectively, over 24 weeks ... Studies increasingly provide evidence that
it is the additive and synergistic effects of the phytochemicals present in
fruits and vegetables that are responsible for their potent antioxidant and
anticancer activities"
- An Apple a Day
May Cut Breast Cancer Risk - WebMD, 3/2/05 -
"For humans, the doses equaled eating one, three, or six apples per day ...
After 24 weeks, breast tumor rates were 17% lower in the rats receiving the
low dose of the apple extract, 39% lower with the medium dose, and 44% lower
with the high dose"
Seaweed May Lower Breast Cancer Risk - WebMD, 2/2/05
Calcium, Vitamin D Intake Low among Breast Cancer Patients - Doctor's
Guide, 12/14/04
Anticancer Diet - Time, 11/15/04 -
"eating at least 35 servings of fruits and
vegetables a week can cut the risk of developing hormone-stimulated
breast-cancer tumors by 35% in postmenopausal women ... leafy greens and
colorful vegetables like carrots, squash, tomatoes and peppers, which are
rich in lycopene and beta carotene, are especially potent cancer fighters"
Exercise Boosts Recovery From Breast Cancer - Science Daily, 10/18/04
Eating More Soy-rich Foods Could Reduce Spread Of Breast Cancer
- Science Daily, 9/29/04 -
"eating a soy rich
products such as soy milk, soy drinks and desserts, could have an important
role in preventing the spread of cancer cells in the body"
Fish Oil's Breast Cancer Benefits May Vary - WebMD, 9/23/04
How To
Prevent Breast Cancer Anti-Cancer Power of Coenzyme Q10 - Life Extension
Magazine, 1/96
Anti-cancer Compound In Vegetables Found To Block Late-stage Breast-cancer
Cell Growth - Science Daily, 9/1/04 -
"The compound, in broccoli and other cruciferous
vegetables ... sulforaphane (SUL) ... We were surprised and pleased to find
that SUL could block the growth of breast cells that were already cancerous
... SUL's actions appear similar to a group of anticancer drugs currently in
use, such as Taxol"
- Overweight?
Good Cholesterol May Fight Cancer - WebMD, 8/3/04 -
"overweight, postmenopausal women with high levels
of good HDL cholesterol have 67% less breast cancer than similar women with
low HDL levels"
- Aspirin May
Protect Against Breast Cancer - WebMD, 5/25/04 -
"taking aspirin at least once a week for six months
or longer reduced the risk of breast cancer by 20%, compared with women who
never took aspirin. Taking a daily aspirin reduced risk by more than 25%"
Role of vitamins in the risk, prevention, and treatment of breast cancer
- Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol. 2004 Feb;16(1):19-25 -
"High intake of folate or adequate circulating levels
of folate may reduce the risk of breast cancer. Adequate folate levels may
be particularly important for women who are at higher risk of breast cancer
because of high alcohol consumption. The inverse association between vitamin
D and risk of breast cancer needs to be evaluated in more studies" -
folic acid products.
Exercise Helps Breast Cancer Fight - Intelihealth, 3/29/04
Diet has impact on breast cancer, say scientists - Nutra USA, 3/25/04
Vitamin D to protect women - Nutra USA, 3/23/04 -
"Now the researchers believe that a contributing
factor to high rates of the cancer may be low levels of vitamin D" -
vitamin D products.
- Does tea really fight
cancer? - MSNBC, 11/21/03 -
"A new study of the potential link of
green tea
consumption with lower risk of breast cancer does suggest a protective
benefit. Asian-American women who averaged at least three six-ounce cups of
green tea per week were about half as likely to develop breast cancer as
those who drank none ... One of the strengths of this study is that
researchers statistically adjusted for the effects of many other influences
on breast cancer risk" - See
green tea products. - Ben
- Cutting Genetic
Breast Cancer Risk - WebMD, 10/23/03
- Walking Away from
Breast Cancer? - Dr. Weil, 10/20/03
- Is Breast Cancer
Treatment Shorter Today? - Dr. Weil, 10/6/03
- Modest Exercise
Lowers Breast Cancer Risk - WebMD, 9/9/03 -
"exercising a mere 1 1/4 to 2 1/2 hours each week --
walking briskly or similar exercise -- reduced the risk of breast cancer by
18% compared with inactive women. That protective effect is only slightly
less than the 22% reduced risk observed in women who exercise at least 10
hours a week"
- Burger Diet
Raises Breast Cancer Risk - WebMD, 7/15/03 -
"The increase was most closely linked with animal fat -- specifically from
animal fat -- and, more specifically, red meat and high-fat dairy foods"
High Cysteine Levels Linked to Lower Rates of Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 7/15/03 - "Women in the highest
quintile for measured
cysteine levels in this study had a 56%
lower risk of invasive or in situ breast cancer than women in the lowest
quintile ... The findings were more pronounced when only invasive cancer was
considered ... Cysteine or its precursors might have the potential to be
chemoprotective against breast cancer" - See
cysteine products.
NSAID Use Linked to Lower Rates of Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide,
7/15/03 - "Ten years or more of
ibuprofen use reduced a patient's risk nearly in half (RR=0.51, P<0.04),
and just 1 to 4 years of regular use was associated with a 29% reduction in
risk. The effect of acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) was weaker, with 10 years
of use of full-strength Aspirin associated with a 21% risk reduction that
did not achieve significance ... Neither acetaminophen nor low-dose Aspirin
was associated with a reduction in breast-cancer risk ... he found the
evidence of a chemoprotective effect compelling enough to treat himself with
200 mg of ibuprofen per day"
- See
ibuprofen at Amazon.com
- Best Bet for Breast
Cancer Survivors? - Dr. Weil, 7/15/03
- Hormone
Melatonin Slows Breast Cancer - WebMD, 7/14/03 -
"The nighttime hormone
melatonin puts breast cancer cells to sleep. It also slows breast cancer
growth by 70%" - See
melatonin products.
- Chemical in
Miso and Other Soy Foods Believed to Block Certain Tumors
- WebMD, 6/17/03 -
"identified 21,852 women between the ages of 40 and
59 and surveyed them about various lifestyle issues ... They traced the
women 10 years later ... Women with the most
isoflavones in their diet had the lowest risk of breast cancer. This was
especially true of postmenopausal women"
- Selenium
Supplements May Reduce Breast Cancer Risk in Some
- WebMD, 6/16/03 -
"a certain version of the gene was associated with a
higher breast cancer risk. That same gene was also less responsive to
selenium stimulation ... that means people with this genetic variation
may benefit from selenium supplements but they require a higher dose to
achieve selenium's protective effect against cancer"
- Night Shifts
May Raise Cancer Risk - WebMD, 6/3/03 - "Data
from an ongoing study of almost 80,000 nurses already suggest that working
nights increases a woman's risk of breast cancer ... a new analysis points
to a similar association for
colorectal cancer ... "The peak production of
melatonin occurs at about 1 or 2 a.m." Exposure to light at night stops
the production of melatonin" - See
melatonin products.
- Yoga Helps
Breast Cancer Patients - WebMD, 6/3/03
- Breast Cancer: Beating
the Odds? - Dr. Weil, 5/8/03
- Breast Cancer
Survivors: Get Moving - WebMD, 5/7/03
Dietary intake and risk of postmenopausal breast cancer
- Cancer Causes Control 2003 Feb;14(1):19-27 -
"Red meat intake was significantly associated with
an increased breast cancer risk (p for trend = 0.002) and fish (including
fried fish) and dairy product intake was inversely associated with breast
cancer risk (p for trend = 0.04 and 0.05, respectively). No significant
associations were noted betwen fruit or vegetable intake and breast cancer
- Cholesterol
Drugs: Breast Cancer Treatment? - WebMD, 4/10/03 -
"One reason cancer cells grow so fast is that they lack biochemical brakes
that slow cell growth ... Mevacor -- and, likely, other
statins -- lets these growth-brakes build up inside cancer cells --
making them a potentially useful breast cancer treatment down the road"
- Note: Red yeast rice is a
non-prescription statin but you should still check with your physician.
- Painkillers
Help Prevent Breast Cancer - WebMD, 4/9/03
Use of Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs Dramatically Reduces Risk of
Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 4/8/03
- Folate, Vitamin
B6 Reduce Breast Cancer Risk Among Moderate Drinkers
- WebMD, 3/4/04 - "They found women with the highest
folate levels were 27% less likely to have breast cancer than those with
the lowest folate levels. And the reduction in breast cancer risk was much
greater among women who drank about one glass of wine or a cocktail per day.
These moderate drinkers with high folate levels were 89% less likely to
develop breast cancer than those who drank less than one drink per day ...
Women with high levels of vitamin B6 also had about a 30% lower risk of
breast cancer than those with low levels of this nutrient. Although high
levels of vitamin B12 seemed to protect premenopausal women against breast
cancer, the effect was not found among postmenopausal women" - See
folic acid products.
- Eggs May Lower
Breast Cancer Risk - WebMD, 2/20/03 - "eating
about three eggs a week during adolescence decreased the risk of breast
cancer by 18%. Diets rich in vegetable oils and
dietary fiber had similar effects. But eating
roughly one pat of butter a day increased risk by 6% ... eggs may be
protective because they are high in essential amino acids, vitamins, and
minerals. And studies suggest that fiber-rich foods reduce estrogen levels"
- Exercise Cuts
Breast Cancer Risk - WebMD, 2/10/03 - "women who
reported high levels of physical activity
from as young as age 16 in some cases cut their risk of developing breast
cancer after menopause in half, compared to women who reported no strenuous
activity ... The study has a drawback, though, that all such studies face,
which is what's called a "healthy patient bias." In this case, women who
exercise often might be more apt to take care of themselves in other ways,
so that a decrease in breast cancer later in life may not be due to the
exercise itself, but rather some other associated factor. The researchers
accounted for this by factoring in subjects such as smoking history and
weight. "After adjusting for all these factors we're pretty confident that
what we see is the effect of exercise,""
Breast Cancer Answers: Strategies Show Promise In Mice
- Intelihealth, 10/23/02 -
"Another study found that young female mice who ate
lots of
fish oil had lower breast cancer rates"
Eating Lots of Tofu May Prevent Breast Cancer - WebMD, 10/2/02
Got Milk - WebMD, 9/27/02 - "A combination of
soy and cow's
milk could have some beneficial, anti-cancer
... She explains that conjugated linoleic acid,
or CLA, is the key to the cow's role in cancer prevention. CLA is a minor
fatty acid found in milk and milk products and beef ... He says he thinks
the most potent cancer-fighting component of soy is a compound called
genistein ... He demonstrated that by
feeding rats a diet containing genistein before exposing them to a
cancer-causing drug. The number of breast tumors was reduced by 50%"
- See
CLA products.
Diet Rich In Soy Protein Lowers Estrogens Associated With Breast Cancer
- Intelihealth, 9/24/02 -
"Consuming tofu and other
soy-based foods significantly lowers levels of a
class of estrogens normally associated with
breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women ... The study found a link
between soy-rich diets consumed by Asian women in Singapore and reduced
levels of an estrogen called estrone, the predominant form of estrogen in
women following menopause ... estrone
levels did not decline in a linear manner with increasing soy intake; an
apparent reduction was only seen among those in the top 25 percent of soy
protein consumers ... The study also showed that hormone levels remained
unaffected by other dietary and lifestyle choices. These included
consumption of alcohol, coffee, tea, fat, fiber and various micronutrients,
including vitamins A, C and E, along with calcium and carotenoids ... There
is a suggestion that weight change (particularly
weight increase) has a profound influence on breast cancer rates in
Asian-American women"
New Broccoli Compound Appears Promising Against Breast Cancer
- Intelihealth, 8/19/02 - "Called oxomate, the
synthetic compound works like its natural counterpart, sulforaphane, which
was recently identified as a cancer-preventive agent in broccoli and other
cruciferous vegetables
(such as cabbage and Brussels sprouts). Both compounds boost the body's
production of phase II enzymes, which can detoxify cancer-causing chemicals
and reduce cancer risk ... But the natural broccoli compound, sulforaphane,
can be toxic in high doses ... It is also difficult and expensive to
synthesize ... oxomate was seven times less toxic than sulforaphane ... In
tests on female rats, those that were fed oxomate after exposure to
cancer-inducing chemicals had up to a 50 percent reduction in the number of
breast tumors"
Breast Cancer May Be Thwarted By Carotenoids - Doctor's Guide, 5/23/02 -
"These results suggest carotenoids may
protect against development of breast cancer" - See
Jarrow Formulas, CarotenALL, Mixed Carotenoid Complex at Amazon.com
Does Vitamin E Prevent Breast Cancer? - Life Extension Magazine, 5/02 -
"premenopausal women with a family history who
consumed the highest quantity of
vitamin E enjoyed a 43% reduction in breast cancer incidence compared to
only a 16% risk reduction for women without a family history of breast
cancer.[11] Based on this study, vitamin E appears to protect against
genetic- predisposed breast cancer better than environmental-induced breast
cancer. (Note that nutrients like
indole-3-carbinol may specifically protect
against environmental breast carcinogens.)"
What's Wrong With Vitamin E? - Life Extension Magazine, 5/02 -
"Tocotrienols and breast cancer ..." - See
Jarrow FamilE (contains all eight members of the vitamin E family, includes
Tocomin) at Amazon.com
Exposure To Sunlight Lowers Risks Of Four Cancers
- Doctor's Guide, 4/4/02 -
"exposure to sunlight contributes to non-melanoma
skin cancer. "By contrast, several ecological studies suggest that sunlight
may protect against female breast, ovarian, prostate, and colon cancer, all
diseases that contribute to a substantially higher proportion of cancer
mortality in the western industrialized world." ... Some studies have
suggested an association between circulating vitamin D in blood, which is
largely derived from sunlight, or dietary vitamin D and colorectal, prostate
and female breast cancers"
Some Herbs Boost Breast Cancer Risk - WebMD, 3/26/02 -
"Our studies show that dong quai and ginseng
stimulate the growth of [breast cancer] cells"
Serum Levels of Micronutrients, Antioxidants and Total Antioxidant Status
Predict Risk of Breast Cancer in a Case Control Study - The American
Society for Nutritional Sciences J. Nutr. 132:303-306, 2002 -
"Blood samples were collected from 153 breast cancer
cases and 151 controls. Serum samples were analyzed for retinol,
-tocopherol, lycopene, - and ß-carotene by HPLC, and total antioxidant
status by the Trolox-equivalent antioxidant assay ... After adjustment for
age at menarche, parity, dietary fat and alcohol intake, we observed the
following reductions in odds ratios for breast cancer risk comparing the
highest with the lowest quartiles: 0.47 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.24,
0.91] for ß-carotene; 0.53 (CI 0.28, 1.01) for retinol; 0.50 (CI 0.26, 0.97)
for bilirubin and 0.47 (CI 0.24, 0.94) for total antioxidant status. We
conclude that increased serum levels of ß-carotene, retinol, bilirubin and
total antioxidant status are associated with reductions in breast cancer
Estrogen's Two-Way Street - Nutrition Science News, 11/01 -
"Studies show that when 2-hydroxylation increases,
the body resists cancer, and that when 2-hydroxylation decreases, cancer
risk increases ... Cell-culture studies and human clinical trials have shown
I3C at doses of 200400 mg/day can influence estrogen metabolism and
promote formation of 2-OH-estrone, and therefore may be useful in breast
cancer prevention"
Green Tea, Glycine May Slow Tumor Growth - WebMD, 11/2/01 -
"high levels of glycine
reduced breast tumor growth rates by 15% in rats by blocking the growth of
new tumor-feeding blood vessels. The special diet also reduced wound-healing
by 30% ... Tumors and wounds have one very important thing in common -- they
both produce new blood vessels through the same mechanism, known as
angiogenesis ... If you can block one response, you can block the other"
Acupuncture Relieves Nausea And Pain Following Major Breast Surgery
- Intelihealth, 10/18/01
Breast Cancer and the Night Shift: Is There A Link? - WebMD, 10/17/01
Drink To Breast Health - Intelihealth, 10/9/01 -
"Possible anti-cancer factors found in milk include
vitamin D and CLA
(conjugated linoleic acid). A recent Finnish study found that women with
breast cancer had significantly lower levels of CLA in their diets and
blood, compared with women without breast cancer. CLA has been shown to
block the local growth and spread of breast cancer in animal studies"
Activity Could Lower Cancer Risk - Intelihealth, 10/1/01
- Physical activity Over
Lifetime Could Reduce Breast Cancer Risk
- Doctor's Guide, 9/27/01
Flaxseed May Fight Breast Cancer In Postmenopausal Women
- Intelihealth, 8/30/01
Can Flax Beat Soy as Breast Cancer Buster? - WebMD, 8/30/01
Keeping Weight Down Can Save You From Breast Cancer - WebMD, 8/20/01
Curcumin protects against mammary tumors in rats - Life Extension
Magazine, 8/01
Dr. Weil: Chemo OK, but other treatments needed - CNN, 4/13/01
I3C and DIM: Keys to Cancer Prevention? - Nutrition Science News, 4/01 -
"Increased 16-alpha-hydroxyestrone production has
been linked to an increase in breast cancer. Based on estrogen metabolism's
influence on breast-cancer risk, researchers speculate that reducing
hydroxylation of estrone's 16th carbon and increasing hydroxylation of the
second carbon would be a wise, protective measure ... The minimum effective
dose to increase the ratio of 2-hydroxyestrone to 16-alpha-hydroxyestrone
was 300 mg/day ... Most of the research thus far has focused on
I3C, a phytonutrient converted by stomach acid to
DIM, indolylcarbazole, and other metabolites ... A 350500 mg dose of
I3C is roughly equal to 300500 mg of raw cabbage or brussels sprouts or
about 3 cups of broccoli"
Newer Agents Offer Better Hot Flash Control In Breast Cancer Patients -
Doctor's Guide, 4/4/01 - "If hot flashes are mild
and/or the patient is risk averse,
vitamin E (800 IU/day) is reasonable to try,
because it is safe, inexpensive, and has some demonstrated efficacy. A
reasonable next step is to use other non-hormonal agents that may have more
efficacy than vitamin E, but also have the associated drawbacks of higher
cost and worse side effects"
Somers' cancer treatment worries some experts - CNN, 3/30/01 - see my
Iscador page.
- Exercise Benefits Patients
Being Treated For Early Stage Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 1/31/01
Women Battling Breast Cancer Should Stay in Fighting Shape, Exercise
Important During Breast Cancer Treatment - WebMD, 1/30/01
Soy and Health: What's the Scoop? Most Recent Addition to Soy Research Shows
Lower Breast Cancer Risk - WebMD, 12/21/00
- A Muffin a Day
for Breast Cancer? If It Contains Flaxseed Oil, May Have Benefits Similar to
Potent Drug
- WebMD, 12/8/00 - "the investigators found that
flaxseed oil's ability to reduce tumor growth is comparable to tamoxifen."
- See flaxseed
Researchers Find Phytochemicals In Apples May Fight Off Cancer -
Intelihealth, 8/22/00
Know Your Breast Cancer Prevention Options - WebMD, 7/20/00
I3C Indole 3 carbinol The Tamoxifen Substitute - Life Extension
Foundation, 10/99
Exercise May Reduce Breast Cancer - Intelihealth, 10/26/99
Elevated Prolactin Linked To Breast Cancer - Life Extension Magazine,
Using natural therapies for the prevention of breast and other forms of
cancer - Life Extension Magazine, 6/99
Co-Q10 and Cancer - Nutrition Science News, 4/99
- Natural Sugar-Phosphate
Compound Shows Promise In Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 3/30/98 (see my
IP-6 page)
Chalk Up Another One For Broccoli! Chemical In Vegetable Shown To Halt
Growth Of Breast Cancer Cells - Science Daily, 2/16/98
Morphological and biochemical status of the mammary gland as influenced by
conjugated linoleic acid: implication for a reduction in mammary cancer risk
- Cancer Res. 1997 Nov 15;57(22):5067-72 (See my CLA
Study: Grapes inhibit cancer growth - CNN, 1/10/97 (see my
grape seed extract page)
Partial and complete regression of breast cancer in patients in relation to
dosage of coenzyme Q10 - Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1994 Mar
30;199(3):1504-8 - see my coenzyme Q10 page.
Other Breast Cancer News:
Breast Cancer Study: No Link Between Aromatase Inhibitors and Cardiovascular
Problems - Doctor's Guide, 4/24/08
New Type
Of Drug Shrinks Primary Breast Cancer Tumors Significantly In Just 6 Weeks,
Study Shows - Science Daily, 4/17/08
Synthetic Vitamin D Helps Prevent Some Breast Cancers, Animal Study Suggests
- Science Daily, 4/14/08 - "daily injections of Gemini
0097 cut growth of ER-positive cancer by 60 percent in rat studies, and reduced
ER-negative breast cancer by half in mice"
Option For Targeted Breast Cancer Therapy, Study Suggests - Science Daily,
Trimming Breast Cancer Radiation Time - WebMD, 3/18/08
Levels Of Estrogen Associated With Breast Cancer Recurrence - Science Daily,
Anti-cancer Agent Can Overcome Resistance To Drugs, Says Study - Science
Daily, 2/21/08
Personalized Medicine Can Cut Breast Cancer Risk - Science Daily, 2/19/08
Patients, Doctors, Overrate DCIS Risk - Science Daily, 2/12/08
Metformin May Have Novel Role as Breast Cancer Drug - oncologystat.com -
"In one recent hypothesis-generating metformin study,
Dr. Josie M.M. Evans and coworkers at the University of Dundee (Scotland)
evaluated roughly 11,876 patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes, of whom
923 were subsequently diagnosed with cancer. The adjusted relative risk of
malignancy in long-term metformin users was reduced by 44%, compared with
nonusers ... In another population-based cohort study ... In another
population-based cohort study, investigators at the Institute of Health
Economics, Edmonton, Alta., identified 10,309 Saskatchewanians with type 2
diabetes. During an average of 5.4 years of follow-up after their diagnosis, 407
cancer-related deaths occurred. Cancer mortality was 3.5% in metformin users,
5.8% in insulin users, and 4.9% in individuals on sulfonylurea monotherapy.
After adjustment in a multivariate Cox regression analysis, cancer-related
mortality was 30% greater in sulfonylurea users than in metformin users. In
insulin users, it was 90% higher than in metformin users" - See
Metformin at OffshoreRx1.com.
Acrylamide In Food May Increase The Risk Of Breast Cancer - Science Daily,
1/11/08 - "Acrylamide is a chemical formed when frying,
roasting, grilling or baking carbohydrate-rich foods at temperatures above
120°C. Acrylamide is thus found in a number of foods, such as bread, crisps,
French fries and coffee. Tobacco smoking also generates substantial amounts of
acrylamide ... The risk of breast cancer doubles with a tenfold increase in the
acrylamide-haemoglobin level. A tenfold increase in the acrylamide-haemoglobin
level corresponds more or less to the difference measured between the women with
the lowest and highest exposure"
Breast Cancer: Know the Surgery Options - WebMD, 12/21/07
Technology Helps Increase Breast Tissue After Partial Mastectomy - Doctor's
Guide, 12/17/07
Agent Reduces Breast Cancer Risk in Two Groups of Women - Physician's Weekly
Article, 12/17/07 - "raloxifene hydrochloride reduced
the risk of invasive breast cancer by 44% to 71% by blocking estrogen receptors
in the breast"
Underscores Importance Of Emotional/educational Needs Among Women With Advanced
Breast Cancer - Science Daily, 12/16/07
Tiny Breast Tumors Can Be Aggressive And May Require Maximum Therapy -
Science Daily, 12/16/07
Combination Shrinks Breast Cancer Metastases In Brain - Science Daily,
Drugs Cut Bone Loss of Hormone Therapy - WebMD, 12/14/07
Test Spots Women Who Can Skip Chemo - WebMD, 12/13/07
Shorter Breast Cancer Treatment Works - WebMD, 12/13/07
Studies: Many breast cancer patients can skip chemo - USATODAY.com, 12/13/07
Staying slim improves improves breast cancer survival - USATODAY.com,
Cryotherapy Offers Good Local Control of Small Breast Cancer - Doctor's
Guide, 11/26/07
Immune System May Make or Break Cancer - WebMD, 11/19/07
Found Effective In Treating, Preventing Breast Cancer - Science Daily,
Radiation Dose Prevents Breast Cancer Return In Young Women, Study Suggests
- Science Daily, 10/29/07
With Breast Cancer Have Less Dermatitis When Treated With IMRT - Science
Daily, 10/28/07
Women Suffering From Breast Cancer Do Not Necessarily Benefit From Chemotherapy
- Science Daily, 10/11/07
Cancer Linked To Pesticide DDT, Study Suggests - Science Daily, 10/9/07
Amount, Not Type -- Wine, Beer, Liquor -- Triggers Breast Cancer - Science
Daily, 9/27/07 - "women who drank between one and two
alcoholic drinks per day increased their risk of breast cancer by 10 percent
compared with light drinkers who drank less than one drink a day. The risk of
breast cancer increased by 30 percent in women who drank more than three drinks
a day"
Dose Of Osteoporosis Drug Prevents Bone Loss After Breast Cancer Treatment -
Science Daily, 9/18/07
Chemotherapy May Be Culprit for Fatigue In Breast Cancer Survivors -
Doctor's Guide, 9/10/07
Low Breast Cancer Pill Use Ups Death - WebMD, 9/6/07
Reduces Pain And Costs In Breast Cancer Surgery - Science Daily, 8/28/07
Breasts, Hormone Levels Are Two Separate, Independent Risk Factors For Breast
Cancer - Science Daily, 8/20/07
Newer Breast Cancer Drugs Aid Survival - WebMD, 7/24/07
FDA Panel OKs Evista for Breast Cancer - WebMD, 7/24/07
High Testosterone Linked to
Worse Breast Cancer Prognosis - Medscape, 7/18/07
Grapefruit link to breast cancer - BBC News, 7/16/07 -
"eating just a quarter of a grapefruit daily raised the
risk by up to 30% ... The fruit is thought to boost levels of oestrogen - the
hormone associated with a higher risk of the disease"
Meat, Sweets Boost Breast Cancer Risk - WebMD, 7/10/07 -
"A meat-sweet diet raised the risk [of breast cancer] by
60% in postmenopausal women ... it would be prudent at the minimum to stay away
from a diet heavy in meat, processed grains, sweets, and desserts"
'Genius Pill' Relieves Chemobrain - WebMD, 6/5/07 -
"Provigil seems to boost brainpower without causing the
jittery, restless feelings induced by amphetamines ... after just four weeks,
women could recall faster and more accurately recognize words and pictures. By
eight weeks, attention deficits improved and memory was even better" -
Modafinil at International Anti-aging Systems
or OffshoreRx1.com.
Breast cancer study: Use less radiation - USA Today, 6/3/07
Many Factors Causing Breast Cancer Drop - WebMD, 5/3/07
Decrease In Breast Cancer Rates Likely Reflect HRT Reduction And Saturation
Of Mammography - Science Daily, 5/3/07
Drinking 'fuels growth of tumour' - BBC News, 5/1/07
Vaccine May Help Fight Breast Cancer - WebMD, 4/18/07
Chemo Before Breast Cancer Surgery OK - WebMD, 4/18/07
Strong Link Between Breast Cancer And Hormone Replacement Therapy Found
- Science Daily, 4/18/07 - "At best, based on this
analysis, an individual woman could reduce her individual risk of developing
breast cancer by one in 60, or about 1.7 percent, if she stopped using
Breast Cancer Vaccine Stimulates Potent Immune Response To Cancer Cells
- Science Daily, 4/17/07
MRI Proposed for Women With High Breast Cancer Risk - WebMD, 3/28/07
High-Fat Diet Linked to Breast Cancer - WebMD, 3/20/07 -
"Compared with women whose diets averaged 20% of
calories from fat, women who derived roughly 40% of their calories from fat
sources had a 15% increased risk for developing breast cancer"
Switching to Aromatase Inhibitors After Tamoxifen Improves Survival -
Medscape, 2/12/07
Vinflunine/Capecitabine Combo Shows Favorable Results in Progressive Breast
Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 2/8/07
FDA OKs Breast Cancer Recurrence Test - WebMD, 2/6/07
Hormone Drug Type Makes Survival Difference In Advanced Breast Cancer -
Science Daily, 2/1/07
Finding the Best Breast Cancer Surgeon - WebMD, 1/18/07
Breast Density, Cancer Link? - WebMD, 1/17/07
Test Predicts Breast Cancer Recurrence - WebMD, 12/19/06
Low Risk of Recurrence After 5 Years in Ductal Carcinoma in Situ Lumpectomy
Without Radiation - Doctor's Guide, 12/18/06
- Red meat raises breast
cancer risk - MSNBC, 11/13/06 -
"Women who ate more than 1½ servings of red meat per
day were almost twice as likely to develop hormone-related breast cancer as
those who ate fewer than three portions per week"
New Breast Cancer Therapy Has Benefits - WebMD, 11/8/06
Chemo Combo May Beat Breast Cancer - WebMD, 11/1/06
- Drug Combination
Significantly Improves Outcomes in Breast Cancer - Medscape, 10/12/06
Ibandronate (Bondronat) Excellent Treatment Option for Metastatic Bone Pain
- Doctor's Guide, 10/3/06
Once-Weekly Epoietin Manages Anemia in Breast Cancer Patients Receiving
Chemotherapy - Doctor's Guide, 10/1/06
New Breast Cancer Drugs Beat Tamoxifen - WebMD, 9/20/06
Aromatase Inhibitors: A Treatment Of Choice For Advanced Breast Cancer
Patients - Science Daily, 9/20/06
Raloxifene Reduces Breast Cancer Risk in Postmenopausal Women at All Risk
Levels - Doctor's Guide, 9/13/06 -
"use of raloxifene was associated with a 58 percent
reduction in breast cancer risk in women without a family history of the
disease, and an 89 percent reduction in risk for women with a family history
of breast cancer" - See raloxifene at
Cytogen Launches First Oral Liquid Formulation of Hormonal Therapy for
Breast Cancer Patients - Doctor's Guide, 8/17/06
Significant Advance in Treatment of Breast Cancer Reported - Doctor's
Guide, 7/10/06
Sequence of Therapies Is Not Associated with Improved Survival for Patients
with Inflammatory Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 7/4/06
Gemcitabine Enhances Vinorelbine in Metastatic Breast Cancer - Doctor's
Guide, 6/6/06
Every-3-Week Schedule of Docetaxel Yields Higher Response Rate than Weekly
Schedule - Doctor's Guide, 6/6/06
Lapatinib Plus Capecitabine Nearly Doubles Time to Progression in Advanced
Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 6/4/06
Breast MRI Can Be Cost-Effective For Some Women at High-Risk of Cancer -
Doctor's Guide, 5/26/06
Obesity Boosts Risk of Breast Cancer - WebMD, 5/22/06
Breast Conservation a Good Option for Non-Invasive, 'Early' Breast Cancer,
U-M Study Shows - Doctor's Guide, 5/4/06
Breast Reconstruction - Medscape, 4/24/06
Osteoporosis Drug Raloxifene Shown to Be as Effective as Tamoxifen in
Preventing Invasive Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 4/17/06
Newer Chemotherapies Improve Outcomes for Some Types of Breast Cancer -
Doctor's Guide, 4/12/06
Breast Cancers: Which Need Chemo? - WebMD, 4/11/06
Routine Breast Cancer Screening With Ultrasound Not Recommended -
Doctor's Guide, 4/11/06
Sentinel Lymph Node Surgery Appropriate for Male Breast Cancer -
Doctor's Guide, 4/10/06
Cryo-Assisted Tumor Localization Better for Partial Mastectomy -
Doctor's Guide, 4/10/06
Intraoperative Radiotherapy Boost Reduces Breast Cancer Recurrence -
Doctor's Guide, 4/10/06
Partial Breast Irradiation Successful for Ductal Carcinoma In Situ -
Doctor's Guide, 4/10/06
Paclitaxel-Bevacizumab Combination Prolongs Progression-Free Survival in
Advanced Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 3/23/06
More Routine Monitoring of Bone Density, Preventive Management, May Prevent
Bone Loss During Breast Cancer Therapy - Doctor's Guide, 3/23/06
Breast Asymmetry Points to Cancer Risk - WebMD, 3/20/06
New Drugs Added to Breast Cancer Guidelines - Doctor's Guide, 3/13/06
Benign Breast Lesions Could Be Dangerous - Science Daily, 2/28/06
Bondronat Achieving Better Outcomes in Metastatic Breast Cancer -
Doctor's Guide, 2/21/06
Emerging Treatments in Breast Cancer - Physician's Weekly, 2/20/06
New Cancer Treatment Targets Breast Ducts - HealthDay, 2/3/06
Liposomal Doxorubicin Plus Cyclophosphamide Shows Promise in Advanced Breast
Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 2/3/06
Regular Use Of Selective COX-2 Inhibitors Decreases Risk Of Breast Cancer
- Science Daily, 1/30/06 - "a daily dose of 200 mg
celecoxib reduced the risk of breast cancer by 83% and a daily dose of 25 mg
rofecoxib reduced the risk of breast cancer by 64%. Regular use of
non-selective COX-2 inhibitors - aspirin (325 mg), ibuprofen (200mg) and
naproxen (250 mg) - also significantly reduced the risk of breast cancer,
but less so than regular intake of selective COX-2 inhibitors"
Most Don't Rebuild Breast After Cancer - WebMD, 1/27/06
New Cutting-Edge Treatments for Breast Cancer - ABC News, 1/25/06
Breast Cancer: Topical Estrogen Risky - WebMD, 1/25/06
Fatigue and Breast Cancer Survivors - Doctor's Guide, 1/9/06
Shorter Radiation for Breast Cancer - WebMD, 1/4/06
FDA Clears Xoft's Axxent Electronic Brachytherapy System for Treatment of
Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 1/4/06
Interim Analysis of Phase 3 Study Shows Taxotere (docetaxel)-Based Regimens
with Herceptin (trastuzumab) Significantly Improved Disease-Free Survival in
Women with Early-Stage HER2-Positive Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide,
Radiotherapy after Lumpectomy Saves Lives - Doctor's Guide, 12/16/05
Breast Cancer Radiation Ups Survival - WebMD, 12/15/05
About Half of Women Facing Breast Cancer Surgery Require Psychiatric
Intervention - Doctor's Guide, 12/13/05
Pilot Study Shows Abraxane Safe and Effective in Sequence with Dose-Dense
Doxorubicin and Cyclophosphamide - Doctor's Guide, 12/13/05
Dose-Dense Chemotherapy Found More Effective than Standard Delivery Times
- Doctor's Guide, 12/13/05
Panel Revises Breast Cancer Treatment Guidelines - ABC News, 12/13/05
Dose Dense Doxorubicin-Docetaxel Combination Comparable to Standard
Doxorubicin-Cyclophosphamide-Docetaxel Regimen - Doctor's Guide,
Taxotere/Cyclophosphamide Offers Greater Disease-Free Survival for Early
Stage Breast Cancer Patients - Doctor's Guide, 12/13/05
Taxane-Based Breast Cancer Treatment Cost-Effective Compared to
5-fluorouracil-Based Therapy - Doctor's Guide, 12/13/05
Neoadjuvant Docetaxel, Doxorubicin and Capecitabine Used in Women with
Locally Advanced or Inflammatory Disease - Doctor's Guide, 12/13/05
Ritalin Conjugate Used to Treat "Chemo-Brain" in Breast Cancer Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 12/13/05
Fewer Breast Cancer Patients to Get Chemo - Intelihealth, 12/12/05
Low-dose Chemotherapy Plus Antiangiogenesis Drug Has Activity In Advanced
Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 12/12/05
Bortezomib (Velcade) and Capecitabine (Xeloda) in Combination Generally Safe
for Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 12/9/05
Radiation Therapy Greatly Reduces Risk of Local Recurrence, Does Not Affect
Overall Survival after Ductal Carcinoma in Situ - Doctor's Guide,
Metronomic Therapy Appears Useful in Advanced Breast Cancer Patients -
Doctor's Guide, 12/8/05
Women with Breast Cancer Face Increased Risk of Developing a Second Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 12/8/05
Dose-dense Chemotherapy For Early Breast Cancer Found Safe, Similar To
Standard Regimen - Science Daily, 12/7/05
Study Demonstrates Role Of Exercise In Modifying Melatonin Levels; Increase
Believed To Offer Breast Cancer Protection - Science Daily, 12/3/05
Breast CT More Comfortable, May Detect Tumors Better - Doctor's Guide,
Alcohol Raises Risk of Specific Breast Cancers - WebMD, 11/1/05
Ibandronate Lessens Bone Pain in Metastatic Breast Cancer - Doctor's
Guide, 10/31/05
Post-Mastectomy Radiation May Cause Skin Toxicity and Pain - Doctor's
Guide, 10/31/05
Clodronate Shows Protective Skeletal Effect in Primary Breast Cancer -
Doctor's Guide, 10/31/05
Psychological and Social Impacts of Contralateral Prophylactic Mastectomies
- Doctor's Guide, 10/29/05
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scans Find Missed Breast Lesions in Lumpectomy
Candidates - Doctor's Guide, 10/21/05
Targeted Drug May Change Breast Cancer Care - WebMD, 10/19/05
Breast Cancer Diagnosis Does Not Mean Breast Implants Have to Go -
Doctor's Guide, 10/19/05
Doctors Question Use of Aromatase Inhibition after 5 Years of Tamoxifen in
Most Breast Cancer Patients - Doctor's Guide, 10/19/05
Targeted Radiation Cuts Breast Cancer Relapse - WebMD, 10/18/05
Digital Breast Screening Best for Many Women - WebMD, 9/16/05
- How hormones can affect
breast cancer risk - MSNBC, 9/9/05 -
"Research also consistently links high levels of the
hormone insulin and insulin-like growth factors with increased rates of
breast cancer, at least after menopause"
Obese Breast Cancer Patients: How Much Chemo? - WebMD, 8/23/05
Less Extensive Biopsy Method Helps Diagnose Cancer Progression of Large
Breast Tumors - Doctor's Guide, 8/23/05
Many Choose Aggressive Breast Cancer Surgery Despite Options - Doctor's
Guide, 8/19/05
- Benign breast lumps don't
raise long-term risk - MSNBC, 7/20/05
Bisphosphonates - a Successful Treatment for Metastatic Bone Disease
Associated With Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 7/15/05
Interleukin 10 May Have Protective Effect Against Breast Cancer -
Doctor's Guide, 6/7/05
Finely tuned diagnoses and targeted drugs create optimism about surviving
breast cancer - USNews.com, 6/13/05
Cancer Easier To Miss In Women On HRT - CBS 2 Chicago, 5/25/05 -
"found an increased chance that cancer may be missed
among women on HRT. That may be because some of their breast tissue is more
dense, making the cancer more difficult to find"
Statin Use Linked to 51% Reduction in Breast Cancer - Medscape, 5/20/05
"The beneficial effect is seen in more than four
years of statin use ... In both the prostate and lung cancer studies, there
was a 48% to 54% risk reduction in cancer associated with statin use"
- See Lipitor at
Doxorubicin/Cyclophosphamide as Effective as Doxorubicin/Docetaxel (AT) for
Early-stage Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 5/16/05
Low-Fat Diet
May Cut Return of Breast Cancer - WebMD, 5/16/05 -
"At five years, less than 10% of those on the
low-fat diet had their cancer recur. Twelve percent of the women who
continued on their usual diet had cancer recurrence during this time. This
translates to about a 24% reduction in risk"
Regular Alcohol Intake Ups Breast Cancer Risk - WebMD, 5/16/05 -
"Women who drank a glass or two a day faced a 21%
increased risk of breast cancer ... Those who drank more than two drinks a
day were 37% more likely to develop breast cancer ... the risk was much
greater in menopausal women"
Breast Cancer Treatments Up Long-Term Survival - WebMD, 5/12/05
Hormone May Cut Breast Cancer Cells' Spread - WebMD, 5/3/05
Breast-cancer Risk Linked To Exposure To Traffic Emissions At Menarche,
First Birth - Science Daily, 4/30/05 -
"higher exposure around the time of first
menstruation to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), potential
carcinogens found in traffic emissions, was associated with increased risk
of premenopausal breast cancer"
Herceptin (Trastuzumab) Appears to Offer Significant Improvement in
Disease-Free Survival for Women With Early-Stage HER2-Positive Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 4/28/05
- Drug helps fight return of
breast cancer - MSNBC, 4/26/05
Herceptin (Trastuzumab) Combined With Chemotherapy Improves Disease-Free
Survival for Patients With Early-Stage Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide,
New Recommendations for Aromatase Inhibitor Therapy for Breast Cancer -
Doctor's Guide, 4/20/05
Pregnancy Hormone May Prevent Breast Cancer - WebMD, 4/19/05
Multimodal Therapy Effective for Women With Limited Breast Cancer Recurrence
- Doctor's Guide, 4/19/05
Breast Cancer Therapy Involves More Than Just Following Guidelines -
Doctor's Guide, 4/19/05
Palonosetron (Aloxi) Reduces Impact of Chemotherapy-induced Nausea and
Vomiting on Daily Life in Women With Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide,
Surgeon's Location and Affiliations Linked With Women's Surgical Options for
Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 4/15/05
Increased Surveillance Needed After Benign Breast Biopsies - Doctor's
Guide, 4/15/05
Avastin (Bevacizumab, rhuMAb-VEGF) Plus Chemotherapy Appears to Produce
Significant Benefit in First-Line Metastatic Breast Cancer - Doctor's
Guide, 4/15/05
Unexpected Benefit Seen in Treating HER-2 Breast Cancer With New
Preoperative Drug Combo - Doctor's Guide, 3/30/05
Ablative Modalities Show Promise in Breast Cancer Treatment - Doctor's
Guide, 3/28/05
Results Encouraging for Cryoablation of Small Breast Tumors - Doctor's
Guide, 3/28/05
Aromatase Inhibitors Show Promise As Adjuvant Therapy - Doctor's Guide,
Study Shows Acrylamide In Baked And Fried Foods Does Not Increase Risk Of
Breast Cancer In Women - Science Daily, 3/24/05
Cryoablation Shows Promise in Managing Fibroadenomas - Doctor's Guide,
Small Lesions on Magnetic Resonance Imaging Usually Benign - Doctor's
Guide, 3/22/05
Biopsy Type Does Not Affect Risk of Micrometastasis in Patients With Breast
Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 3/21/05
Breast Cancer Radiation Has Become Safer - WebMD, 3/15/05
Postmenopausal Breast Cancer Survivors at Increased Risk for Bone Fractures
- Doctor's Guide, 3/14/05
Closing In On A Vaccine For Breast Cancer - Science Daily, 3/14/05
Underactive Thyroid Cuts Breast Cancer Risk
- WebMD, 2/14/05 - "an underactive thyroid was shown
to protect against developing breast cancer. The study also showed that
women who developed breast cancer and who had an underactive thyroid had a
less aggressive disease compared with women with a normally functioning
Women With Hypothyroidism Appear to Have Lower Risk of Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 2/14/05
Herceptin With Weekly Taxol and Platinum Show Positive Results in First-Line
Treatment in HER2-Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 2/3/05
Benefit Seen With Zoledronic Acid for Prevention of Skeletal Complications
or Bone Loss in Women With Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 2/3/05
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Better Than Mammography or Ultrasound for Women
at High Risk for Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 1/31/05
Multinational Study Finds Patient Satisfaction Following Cryoablation of
Benign Breast Tumors to be 92% - Doctor's Guide, 1/20/05
FDA Issues Approvable Letter for Bonefos (Clodronate) for Adjuvant Treatment
of Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 1/7/05
- Some Breast
Cancers May Not Need Chemo - WebMD, 12/29/04
- Breast
Reconstruction Safe in the Long Term - WebMD, 12/22/04
- The Role of the
Aromatase Inhibitors in Early-Stage Breast Cancer: An Expert Interview With
Eric Winer, MD - Medscape, 12/20/04
Sentinel Node Biopsy Reduces Morbidity - Doctor's Guide, 12/17/04
Clodronate Reduces Morbidity Even Among Patients With Breast Cancer Relapse
- Doctor's Guide, 12/14/04
Menstrual Cycle Phase Does Not Affect Breast Cancer Surgery Outcome
- Doctor's Guide, 12/14/04
GEMOX Treatment Controls Disease in Half of Women With Advanced Breast
Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 12/14/04
Acellular Tissue Matrix Used for Immediate Breast Reconstruction
- Doctor's Guide, 12/14/04
Darbepoetin Found Similar to Epoetin in More Convenient Regimen for Treating
Anemia in Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 12/13/04
Sentinel Node Biopsy Proves 97% Accurate in Largest Randomized Trial to Date
- Doctor's Guide, 12/13/04
Pegfilgrastrim Prevents Chemotherapy-Associated Febrile Neutropenia
- Doctor's Guide, 12/13/04
Pre-Menopausal Women With Advanced Breast Cancer Treated With
Goserelin/Anastrozole Therapy - Doctor's Guide, 12/13/04
Erythropoetin Improves Quality of Life, Not Cognition in Breast Cancer
Patients - Doctor's Guide, 12/13/04
- Test Could Spare
Women From Chemotherapy - WebMD, 12/10/04
- Arthritis Drug May
Prevent Breast Cancer - WebMD, 12/10/04
Intensive Chemotherapy, Mastectomy Improve Outcomes in Inflammatory Breast
Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 12/10/04
Taxanes May Protect against Chemotherapy-Related Amenorrhea
- Doctor's Guide, 12/10/04
- New Test Better
Predicts Breast Cancer Spread - WebMD, 12/9/04
Boosting Tumor Suppressor Gene Helps Reduce Breast Cancer Tumor Size Prior
to Surgery - Doctor's Guide, 12/9/04
Estrogen-Positive Breast Cancer Patients Have Better Outcomes With
Chemoendocrine Therapy Rather Than Tamoxifen Alone
- Doctor's Guide, 12/9/04
Taxane-Refractory Breast Cancer Responds to Nanoparticle Albumin Paclitaxel
(Abraxane) - Doctor's Guide, 12/9/04
Zoledronic Acid Counteract Treatment-Related Bone Loss
- Doctor's Guide, 12/9/04
Hormonal Therapy Alone May Not Be Sufficient Treatment in Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 12/8/04
New Molecular Classification Of Breast Cancer Predicts Response To
Chemotherapy - Doctor's Guide, 12/8/04
- Advance in breast
cancer treatment - BBC News, 12/8/04
- MRI Shows Breast
Tumors, but Biopsy Needed - WebMD, 12/7/04
Breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging Moderately Useful For Detecting Breast
Cancer, But Does Not Eliminate Need For Biopsy - Doctor's Guide, 12/7/04
Magnetic Resonance Detects Breast Cancers Not Observed With Mammography
- Doctor's Guide, 12/3/04
Breast Conserving Therapy Safe For Hereditary Breast Cancer
- Science Daily, 12/2/04
Low levels of HDL cholesterol linked to breast cancer risk
- US News, 12/1/04 -
"Women with high HDL
levels were 25 percent less likely to get postmenopausal breast cancer than
women with low HDL cholesterol. The difference was even bigger for women who
were overweight"
- Osteoporosis Drug
May Cut Breast Cancer Risk - WebMD, 11/30/04
TRAM Flap Procedure Restores Breasts Of Cancer Patients
- Science Daily, 11/23/04
- Breast Cancer
Gene: Can the Breast Be Saved? - WebMD, 11/22/04
Breast Conserving Treatment Reasonable Option for Women With Hereditary
Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 11/22/04
Women Appear to Prefer Endocrine Treatment With Zoladex (Goserelin) to
Chemotherapy for Treatment of Early Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 11/16/04
- New Breast
Cancer Drugs May Beat Tamoxifen - WebMD, 11/15/04
Aromatase Inhibitors Now Recommended as Adjuvant Therapy for Postmenopausal
Women With Early Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 11/15/04
- Arthritis Drug
May Shrink Breast Cancers - WebMD, 11/5/04
- Test Predicts
Breast Cancer Spread - WebMD, 11/2/04
Epoetin Alfa Provides Faster, Stronger Response in Anemic Patients at Lower
Cost Than Darbepoetin - Doctor's Guide, 11/1/04
New Radiotherapy Regime Benefits Young Women With Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 10/26/04
- Fertility an
Issue for Breast Cancer Patients - WebMD, 10/14/04
Blood Test May Help Set Breast Cancer Treatment - Doctor's Guide,
- Mammograms Not
as Reliable for Younger Women - WebMD, 10/5/04
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Better Than Mammography for Detecting Additional
Disease in Women With Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 9/28/04
- Support Groups
May Not Beat Breast Cancer - WebMD, 9/28/04
- Obesity Raises
Breast Cancer Death Risks - WebMD, 9/21/04
Immediate Breast Reconstruction After Mastectomy Does Not Delay Chemotherapy
- Doctor's Guide, 9/21/04
- New Breast
Cancer Vaccine Passes First Hurdle - WebMD, 9/14/04
- High-Risk
Women: MRI Shows More Breast Cancer - WebMD, 9/14/04
When Mammography Isn’t Enough - Physician's Weekly, 9/6/04
- Breast Cancer
Patients May Not Need Radiation - WebMD, 9/1/04
Study Finds Immune Therapy For Metastatic Breast Cancer Possible
- Science Daily, 9/1/04
- Lifestyle May
Affect Mammogram Accuracy - WebMD, 8/26/04
Tumor Cell Levels in Blood Predict Success of Advanced-stage Breast Cancer
Treatment - Doctor's Guide, 8/19/04
- Speedier Look
at Advanced Breast Cancer - WebMD, 8/18/04
The Telomere Crisis: A Crucial Stage In Breast Cancer
- Science Daily, 8/11/04
- Experience
Counts in Breast Cancer Surgery - WebMD, 8/9/04
- High-Carb Diet
Linked to Breast Cancer - WebMD, 8/6/04
Study Links High Carbohydrate Diet To Increased Breast Cancer Risk
- Science Daily, 8/6/04 -
"those who derived 57 or more percent of their total
energy intake from carbohydrates incurred a risk of breast cancer 2.2 times
higher than women with more balanced diets"
Ellence (Epirubicin) Based Chemotherapy Regimen Has Survival Benefits With
Low Risk Of Adverse Cardiac Events - Doctor's Guide, 8/3/04
Emerging Research May Elucidate Treatment Approaches for Breast Cancer
Patients with Bone Metastases - Doctor's Guide, 7/30/04
Emerging Cytotoxic Therapies, Combinations Showing Promise in Refractory,
Resistant Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 7/29/04
- MRI Beats
Mammogram for Women at High Risk - WebMD, 7/28/04
Breast Cancer Research Has Several Promising Treatments in the Pipeline
- Doctor's Guide, 7/28/04
- CD-ROM Helps
Women Check Breast Cancer Risk - WebMD, 7/27/04
Efaproxiral May Extend Survival, Improve Quality of Life in Breast Cancer
Patients with Brain Metastases - Doctor's Guide, 7/27/04
- New Options
for Breast Cancer - WebMD, 7/22/04
Alternate Technologies Could Save More Women's Lives
- Doctor's Guide, 7/22/04
Brachytherapy May Save Breast, Decrease Treatment Time
- Doctor's Guide, 7/22/04
Ablation Therapy May Destroy Breast Cancer Without Scarring
- Doctor's Guide, 7/22/04
- Breastfeeding
and Cancer in High-Risk Women - WebMD, 7/20/04
- Aggressive
Breast Cancer Linked to Virus - WebMD, 7/12/04
Balloon Brachytherapy Appears Acceptable as Adjuvant Breast Cancer Therapy
in Select Patients After Lumpectomy - Doctor's Guide, 6/17/04
- Women Facing
'Crisis' in Mammographies - WebMD, 6/10/04
Trial Confirms Efficacy of Weekly Paclitaxel for Metastatic Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 6/10/04
Adding Carboplatin to Paclitaxel and Trastuzumab Improves Response Rates in
HER-2 Positive Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 6/9/04
Survival Advantage Seen With Gemcitabine/Paclitaxel (Gemzar/Taxol) Compared
With Gemcitabine Alone for Treatment of Metastatic Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 6/8/04
Long-Term Raloxifene Associated With Halving of Breast-Cancer Risk in
Post-menopausal Women - Doctor's Guide, 6/8/04
Oral Bisphosphonate Prolongs Survival in Patients With Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 6/7/04
- Osteoporosis
Drug May Prevent Breast Cancer - WebMD, 6/7/04
Cardiotoxicity Limited in Liposomal Doxorubicin-Trastuzumab Combination
Therapy - Doctor's Guide, 6/6/04
Pegylated Liposomal Doxorubicin-Docetaxel Combination Is Promising
First-Line Treatment in Patients With Metastatic Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 6/3/04
Breast Reduction Diminishes Breast Cancer in High-Risk Women
- Doctor's Guide, 6/1/04
- Mammograms Less
Accurate in Obese Women - WebMD, 5/24/04
- Docetaxel, Platinum,
Plus Trastuzumab Effective in HER2-Positive Advanced Breast Cancer -
Medscape, 5/19/04
- Obesity
Increases Breast Cancer Risk - WebMD, 5/17/04
Cryosurgery Successful At Treating Some Early-Stage Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 5/6/04
- Cholesterol
Drugs: Cancer Fighters? - WebMD, 4/26/04 -
"taking statins
appeared to decrease the risk of breast cancer by 30% in postmenopausal
Concurrent Chemo and Radiation Therapy Appears Safe and Effective in
Patients with Early-Stage Breast Carcinoma - Doctor's Guide, 4/14/04
- BRCA-Positive
Women May Need More Mammograms - WebMD, 4/12/04
- New Treatment
May Zap Early Breast Cancers - Doctor's Guide, 3/30/04
- Ultrasound-Guided
Radiofrequency Ablation Helpful in Small Breast Cancers
- Medscape, 3/30/04
Breast Cancer Effects on Physical, Emotional and Psychological Wellbeing
Remain Up to 10 Years Later - Doctor's Guide, 3/23/04
Early Breast Cancer Growth Tough To Treat - Intelihealth, 3/22/04
Breast Conservation Surgery Safe for Patients With BRCA Mutations
- Doctor's Guide, 3/22/04
Local Excision and Mastectomy Have Equal Survival Rates for Ductal Carcinoma
in Situ - Doctor's Guide, 3/22/04
Gemcitabine-Epirubicin-Paclitaxel Effective as Primary Chemotherapy Stage
II-IIIA Operable Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 3/22/04
Preoperative Chemotherapy Extends Breast Conservation Surgery, Expedites
Finding Most Effective Agents for Patients' Cancer Types
- Doctor's Guide, 3/22/04
Treatment for Women With Late-Stage Breast Cancer More Effective, Less
Costly With Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization Diagnostic Technology
- Doctor's Guide, 3/22/04
Menopause Changes Density of Breast Tissue and May Complicate Mammography
Readings - Doctor's Guide, 2/18/04
Breast Self-Examination Does Not Reduce Breast Cancer Mortality
- Doctor's Guide, 3/18/04
- Breast Conservation
Surgery Safe With BRCA1 Breast Cancer
- Medscape, 3/18/04
- Wine, Fat
Intake Linked to Breast Cancer - WebMD, 3/17/04 -
"women who drank about 1.5 glasses of wine a day
were twice as likely to develop breast cancer compared with women who drank
less ... drinking women can mitigate this risk by taking a multivitamin Containing folic acid every day ... women who gain 20 to 30 pounds after
high school have a 40% increase in breast cancer risk"
- Women
Maintaining Younger-Looking Breasts - WebMD, 3/17/04
Measure Estrogen Receptor Status in DCIS - Doctor's Guide, 3/15/04
New Breast Cancer Guidelines Include Changes to Adjuvant Therapy in Invasive
Disease - Doctor's Guide, 3/15/04
Exemestane After Tamoxifen May Improve Disease-Free Survival for
Postmenopausal Women with Primary Breast Cancer Over Tamoxifen Alone
- Doctor's Guide, 3/10/04
- Problems Linger
After Breast Cancer Treatment - WebMD, 3/2/04
- Weight Gain May
Increase Breast Cancer Risk - WebMD, 2/26/04
Anaemia Significant Problem in Early Breast Cancer Prior To, During
Chemotherapy - Doctor's Guide, 2/16/04
- Nipple-Sparing
Mastectomy Is Possible - WebMD, 2/12/04
Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy Reasonable Option for Carefully Screened Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 2/10/04
- Computer-Aided
Mammograms No Better - WebMD, 2/3/04
- HRT Raises
Breast Cancer Recurrence Risk - WebMD, 2/2/04
Promising Early Results with First-Line Gemcitabine-Epirubicin-Paclitaxel
Chemotherapy in Metastatic Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 1/27/04
Zoledronate Appears More Effective Than Pamidronate in Breast Carcinoma
Patients With At Least One Osteolytic Lesion - Doctor's Guide, 1/8/04
Whole-Breast Irradiation Improves Cancer Survival
- Physician's Weekly, 1/5/04
- Less Aggressive
Breast Cancer Surgery OK - WebMD, 12/29/03
- Breast Cancers
Are Commonly Undertreated - WebMD, 12/15/03
More Than Half of Early Stage Breast Cancer Patients May Not Receive Full
Recommended Dose of Chemotherapy - Doctor's Guide, 12/15/03
Emend (Aprepitant) Significantly Improved Control of Chemotherapy-Induced
Nausea and Vomiting in both Women and Men - Doctor's Guide, 12/10/03
Breast-Conserving Surgery Produces Survival Rate Similar to Mastectomy for
Paget's Disease Confined to Nipple-Areolar Area - Doctor's Guide,
- TAC Regimen Superior
to FAC for Early Breast Cancer - Medscape, 12/8/03
Post-Surgical Breast Reconstruction Also Safe for Women With More Advanced
Disease - Doctor's Guide, 12/8/03
Endocrine Therapy A Better Choice for Estrogen-Positive Tumors?
- Doctor's Guide, 12/8/03
- Weekly Combination
Therapy Safe for HER2+ Breast Cancer - Medscape, 12/5/03
- Lumpectomy for
Large Breast Cancers? - WebMD, 12/5/03
2 Opinions Help Breast Cancer Diagnosis - WebMD, 12/5/03
Gefitinib (Iressa, Zd1839) Demonstrates Early Promise in Advanced Breast
Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 12/5/03
Weekly Chemotherapy Schedule Safer Than Three-Week Schedule
- Doctor's Guide, 12/5/03
Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging Accurately Predicts Breast
Cancer Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy - Doctor's Guide, 12/5/03
Pre-Surgical Chemotherapy Plus Breast-Conserving Surgery Has High Success
Rate - Doctor's Guide, 12/5/03
Navelbine-Herceptin Combo Appears Safe and Effective as First-Line Treatment
For HER2-Positive Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 12/5/03
Accelerated Chemotherapy Regimen Improves Survival in Younger Women
- Doctor's Guide, 12/4/03
Women Prefer Goserelin over Standard Chemotherapy
- Doctor's Guide, 12/4/03
- Breast Scanner
May Find Cancer Earlier - WebMD, 12/4/03
- Drug Switch
Staves Off Breast Cancer - WebMD, 12/3/03
New Computerized Tool Predicts Chance of Breast Cancer's Spread
- Doctor's Guide, 12/3/03
Surgery Without Radiation Inadequate for Ductal Carcinoma In Situ, Study
Reveals - Doctor's Guide, 12/4/03
Etanercept Has Potential For Treating Metastatic Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 11/24/03
- Alcohol May
Increase Breast Cancer Risk - WebMD, 11/18/03
Young Breast Cancer Patients Need Long-Term Follow-Up After Lumpectomies
- Doctor's Guide, 11/6/03
- Women Diagnosed With
Breast Cancer Should Stop HRT - Medscape, 11/3/03
- Breast Conservation
Linked to Higher Long-term Risk of Local Breast Cancer Recurrence Than
Mastectomy - Medscape, 11/3/03
- Early
Lumpectomy Doesn't End Cancer Risk - WebMD, 11/3/03
- Breast Cancer
Vaccine Shows Promise - WebMD, 10/28/03
Smoking Cessation Confers Survival Advantage for Breast Cancer Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 10/31/03
Radiation Therapy Safe Before or After Breast Reconstruction
- Doctor's Guide, 10/31/03
Whole-Breast Irradiation May Offer Long-Term Benefits
- Doctor's Guide, 10/31/03
Diet High in Saturated Fat May Raise Risk of Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 10/30/03
- Breast Cancer Vaccine
Can Induce Long-term Immunity - Medscape, 10/25/03
- Breast
Reconstruction OK Before Radiation - WebMD, 10/22/03
Zoledronic Acid More Effective Than Pamidronate in Breast Carcinoma or
Multiple Myeloma Patients With Bone Metastases - Doctor's Guide,
- Too Many Breast
Cancer Tests? - WebMD, 10/21/03
Pegfilgrastim Comparable in Safety to Filgrastim, Yet Allows More Convenient
Dosing - Doctor's Guide, 10/13/03
Two Adjuvant Treatments for High-Risk Breast Cancer Negatively Initially
Affect Health-Related Quality of Life - Doctor's Guide, 10/7/03
- New Method
Makes Mammography Better - WebMD, 9/30/03
Gefitinib (Iressa) Shown to Prolong Survival, Improve Quality of Life in
Women with Recurrent Metastatic Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 9/29/03
Tegafur-uracil (UFT) Plus Surgery Outperforms Surgery Alone in Node-negative
Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 9/29/03
- Does Stress
Cause Breast Cancer? - WebMD, 9/24/03
Hormone Therapy Said Cutting Death Rate From Prostate, Breast Cancer In
Europe - Doctor's Guide, 9/23/03
- Laser Treatment
Helpful in Postmastectomy Lymphedema - Medscape, 9/16/03
Potential Relief from Fatigue in Breast Cancer Treatment
- Physician's Weekly, 9/1/03 -
"fatigued survivors had T-cell numbers that were 31%
higher than those of non-fatigued survivors. Conversely, the two groups did
not differ in the number of other types of immune cells"
Contrast Digital Mammography Improves Mammography Results
- Doctor's Guide, 8/26/03
- Focused
Breast-Cancer Radiation Effective - WebMD, 8/19/03
- Obesity,
Estrogen Linked to Breast Cancer - WebMD, 8/19/03
- Pregnancy After
Breast Cancer Doesn't Increase Risks of Dying
- WebMD, 8/11/03
Sentinel-Node Biopsy Accurately Screens for Axillary Node Metastasis in
Breast Cancer Patients - Doctor's Guide, 8/7/03
Ductal Lavage Helps Determine Best Approach in Patients at High Risk for
Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 8/7/03
Platinum Compounds May Become Adjuvant Therapy for Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 8/7/03
Breast-Preserving Therapy Effective for Metaplastic Breast Carcinoma
- Doctor's Guide, 8/6/03
Intensive Therapy Possible Alternative to Surgery for Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 8/6/03
Two New Antiemetics Help Control Chemotherapy-Induced Emesis
- Doctor's Guide, 8/6/03
Exemestane an Alternative for Neoadjuvant Treatment of Breast Cancer in
Postmenopausal Women - Doctor's Guide, 8/5/03
Epoetin Alpha Improves Quality Of Life And Functionality Of Breast Cancer
Patients - Doctor's Guide, 8/5/03
Breast Cancer Risk Increases with Consumption of Red Meat, Dairy Products
- Doctor's Guide, 7/28/03 - "derived from the
Nurses' Health Study (NHS) II ... total fat intake during premenopausal
years was not associated with the risk of breast cancer. However, a
significant association was found between animal fat intake and breast
cancer risk"
Additional Chemotherapy and Stem-Cell Transplantation Does Not Improve
Outcome for Breast-Cancer Patients - Doctor's Guide, 7/21/03
High-Fat Diet, Breast Cancer Linked - CBS News, 7/17/03 -
"those who average more than 90 grams of fat a day have roughly double the
risk of those who eat just 37 grams" - That's another area that
hasn't been fully researched regarding the
Atkin's diet.
Radiotherapy After Excision Reduced Incidence of Ipsilateral Ductal
Carcinoma in Situ, Tamoxifen Therapy Did Not - Doctor's Guide, 7/17/03
Three New Studies Support MRI for Breast Cancer Detection
- Physician's Weekly, 7/14/03
Trend in Omitting Radiation Therapy in Breast Cancer Patients Exponentially
Increases Relative Mortality Risk - Doctor's Guide, 7/3/03
Studies challenge breast cancer treatment - USA Today, 7/2/03
Trastuzumab Therapy Recommended for Breast Cancer Patients with HER-2
Overexpression - Doctor's Guide, 6/27/03
Extra Checks For Breast Cancer In Pregnancy Needed
- Doctor's Guide, 6/20/03
- New Contrast Agent
Reveals Otherwise Undetectable Lymph-Node Metastases
- Medscape, 6/18/03
- Early Breast
Cancers Caught by MRI - WebMD, 6/16/03
Study Links Common Indicator Of Early Puberty To Obesity, Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 6/16/03
Sequential Adjuvant Chemotherapy Does Not Increase Survival in Operable
Breast Cancer Patients - Doctor's Guide, 6/12/03
- Male Breast
Cancer Detected Later - WebMD, 6/6/03
Study Of Twins Suggests Early Puberty Strongly Influences Age At Diagnosis
Of Breast Cancer In Genetically - Doctor's Guide, 6/6/03
Breast Cancer in Men Often Underestimated and Under-treated
- Doctor's Guide, 6/4/03
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Plus Mammograms Best for Women at High-Risk for
Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 6/3/03
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Outperforms Mammography and Ultrasound in
Detecting Breast Cancer in High-Risk Women - Doctor's Guide, 6/3/03
High HER-2/neu Level Indicates Poor Prognosis in Breast Cancer Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 6/3/03
- Is MRI Better
Than Mammography? - WebMD, 6/2/03
Gemcitabine, Epirubicin, Paclitaxel Combination No Better than
5-Fluorouracil, Epirubicin, Cyclophosphamide in Metastatic Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 6/2/03
BMS-247550 Demonstrates Activity In Metastatic Breast And Non-Small Cell
Lung Cancers - Doctor's Guide, 6/2/03
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Finds Missed Breast Cancers, but At a High Cost
in False Positives - Doctor's Guide, 6/2/03
Combining Two Standard Drugs Effective for Salvage Treatment in Metastatic
Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 6/2/03
Gemzar (Gemcitabine) Combination Showed Significant Efficacy Advantage In
Breast Cancer Study - Doctor's Guide, 6/2/03
MRIs Help Detect Breast Lumps - CBS News, 5/30/01
Tamoxifen Alone More Effective than With Ovarian Ablation for Node Negative
Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 6/1/03
Adjuvant Chemotherapy Just as Effective for Older as Younger Breast Cancer
Patients - Doctor's Guide, 6/1/03
Mitoxantrone Linked to Hemopathy after Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 6/1/03
Tissue Engineered Skin Effective for Breast Wound Salvage
- Doctor's Guide, 5/28/03
Link Eyed Between Beef And Cancer - CBS News, 5/21/03 -
"beef cattle are given growth hormones to make them fatter faster, to save
money ... questions are being raised about one of the most widely-used
hormones, Zeranol, a synthetic estrogen implanted in cattle. A series of
tests done for the Pentagon show a possible link between breast cancer and
Cancer Society Endorses Mammograms, Moves Away From Self-Exams
- Intelihealth, 5/16/03
3D Mammography Promising As Next Breast Screening Technique
- Doctor's Guide, 5/8/03
Mammograms Read By Specialists Save Patients' Time And Money
- Doctor's Guide, 5/8/03
- MRI Works for
Breast Cancer Screening - WebMD, 5/7/03
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Accurate In Detecting Residual Disease Following
Lumpectomy - Doctor's Guide, 5/7/03
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Should Be Considered For Breast Screening Of High
Risk Women - Doctor's Guide, 5/6/03
Whole Body Positron Emission Tomography Accurate in Detecting Breast Cancer
Spread - Doctor's Guide, 5/5/03
New Guidewire Converts Non-Palpable Breast Lesions Into Palpable Ring for
Surgical Removal - Doctor's Guide, 5/5/03
Single Catheter Balloon Provides Five-Day Radiation Treatment for Breast
Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 5/5/03
Ultrasound Core Breast Biopsy Shown to Negate Need for Excisional Breast
Biopsy for Large Patient Population - Doctor's Guide, 5/5/03
- Ductal Lavage Useful
for Women at High Risk of Breast Cancer
- Medscape, 5/2/03
Divided Vinorelbine With Methotrexate/Fluorouracil Effective In Metastatic
Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 4/29/03
- Mammography:
Get It or Not? - WebMD, 4/23/03
Research Uncovering Breast Cancer Risk Factors - Doctor's Guide, 4/15/03
Accelerated Radiation Treatment For Early Stage Breast Cancer Into Clinical
Settings - Doctor's Guide, 4/16/03
New Directions in Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 4/15/03
Emphasis on Lymph Node Involvement May Fade in Breast Cancer Prognostication
and Therapy Selection - Doctor's Guide, 4/15/03
Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor Prevents Febrile Neutropenia in Breast
Cancer Patients - Doctor's Guide, 4/14/03
- Underactive
Thyroid Lowers Breast Cancer Risk - WebMD, 4/10/03
Underactive Thyroid Appears To Reduce Breast Cancer Risk
- Intelihealth, 4/8/03
Sonography and Breast Cancer Detection - Physician's Weekly, 4/7/03
Study: Tamoxifen Could Benefit 2 Million Women - Intelihealth, 4/2/03 -
is a breast cancer treatment that also can cut by almost half a
still-healthy woman's risk of developing the disease. Deciding to use it
preventively is a tough choice, however, because tamoxifen can cause uterine
cancer and potentially fatal blood clots" -
#1 drugstore (no affiliation) usually has good prices on drugs that have
gone generic. Check with your doctor first.
- Genes Determine
Breast Cancer, Density - WebMD, 4/1/03
Pegfilgrastim, Filgrastim Similarly Associated With Bone Pain In Patients
With Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 4/1/03
Epoetin Alfa May Keep Breast Cancer Patients Sharp - Clinical Psychiatry
News, 4/03
Continuous Infusion Of Vinorelbine Means High Efficacy And Toxicity In
Heavily Pre-Treated Breast Cancer Patients - Doctor's Guide, 3/31/03
- Key Breast
Cancer Decision Measured in Miles - WebMD, 3/28/03
Breast Cancer Study Highlights Need For Family History Analysis
- Doctor's Guide, 3/27/03
US Lobular Breast Cases Increase Steadily - Doctor's Guide, 3/20/03
Stn-KLH Vaccine Induces Immune Response In Breast, Ovarian Cancer Following
Autologous Stem Cell Transplant - Doctor's Guide, 3/18/03
Endocrine-Receptor Status Classifications Have High Rate Of Error
- Doctor's Guide, 3/18/03
Do Micromets Make Lymph Nodes Cancer-Positive? - Doctor's Guide, 3/18/03
Endocrine Therapy - Expert Recommends Starting After Chemotherapy
- Doctor's Guide, 3/18/03
Most Women With Endocrine-Responsive Tumours Should Receive Endocrine
Therapy - Doctor's Guide, 3/18/03
New Guidelines "Liberalize" Use of Breast Cancer Chemotherapy Agents
- Doctor's Guide, 3/17/03
Zoladex (goserelin) Equivalent to Standard Chemotherapy in
Estrogen-Receptor-positive, Node-negative, Early Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 3/17/03
Anti-estrogenic Effects of Hormonal Therapy May Impair Verbal Memory in
Breast Cancer Patients - Doctor's Guide, 3/17/03 -
"the women from the ATAC trial were significantly
impaired on measures of verbal memory and processing speed, as compared with
the controls. "And when hormone-replacement therapy in each group was
accounted for, the deficits [in the ATAC patients] remained significant,"
... animal studies show that estrogen levels affect the structure and
function of the hippocampus and frontal lobes of the cortex, which are
important for consolidating new memories. And some studies examining the
effects of hormone replacement therapy in healthy postmenopausal women show
it improves verbal memory and attention"
Quality of Life Now Looms Larger in Breast Cancer Treatment
- Doctor's Guide, 3/17/03
Vaccine Boosts Immune Response In Breast Cancer Patients Following
Autologous Stem Cell Transplant - Doctor's Guide, 3/17/03
- Breast Cancer
Spread Foretold? - WebMD, 3/12/03
- Study Finds
Breast Cancer Risk Due to Progestins in HRT
- WebMD, 3/5/03 -
"Women who take combination
hormone replacement therapy for more than
four years are at very high risk of breast cancer compared with women who
have never used HRT. But estrogen-only HRT is virtually free of
breast-cancer risk"
- Communication
Gaps Mar Breast Cancer - WebMD, 2/26/03
- Marker for
Spread of Breast Cancer Found - WebMD, 2/26/03
- Condensed
Chemotherapy Schedule Improves Cancer Outcome for Breast Cancer Patients
- WebMD, 2/18/03
Recent Trainees Best At Mammograms - Intelihealth, 2/19/03 -
"the most recently trained radiologists did best in a test of
cancer-detection accuracy"
Initial Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy Should Be Separate From Total Mastectomy
And Reconstruction - Doctor's Guide, 2/7/03
Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor Reduces Myelotoxicity, Does Not
Influence Response Rate - Doctor's Guide, 2/6/03
Serum Carcinoembryonic Antigen, CA 15-3 Linked To Outcome In Advanced Breast
Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 2/5/03
FDA Grants Fast Track Designation For AES-14 For Oral Mucositis Associated
With Breast Cancer Chemotherapy - Doctor's Guide, 2/4/03
Epoetin Alfa Improves Exhaustion and Quality of Life in Anaemic Breast
Cancer Patients - Doctor's Guide, 2/2/03
- Birth Size
Linked to Early Breast Cancer - WebMD, 1/30/03
FDA Grants Fast Track Designation for ABI-007 for Metastatic Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 1/17/03
- Diet in Puberty
Affects Hormone Levels - WebMD, 1/14/03 -
"Small changes in diet during puberty can have a big
effect on levels of estrogen and other hormones that have been implicated in
boosting breast cancer risk in women, raising hope that girls may be able to
eat their way to a lower risk decades later"
- Mammograms
Benefit Younger Women - WebMD, 1/3/03
- Antipsychotic
Dopamine Antagonists May Increase Breast Cancer Risk
- Medscape, 12/27/02
Subdermal Beats Subareolar Injection For Identification Of Sentinel Lymph
Nodes - Doctor's Guide, 12/23/02
Battling Breast Cancer - CBS News, 12/21/02
High Response Rate Seen with Neoadjuvant Exemestane in Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 12/17/02
Cancer Recurrence after Ductal Carcinoma in Situ Carries High Risks
- Doctor's Guide, 12/17/02
Tarceva (Erlotinib, OSI-774) Shows Minimal Activity in Pretreated Women with
Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 12/17/02
Blue Dye And Phytate Radioisotope Combo Is Best For Sentinel Node Biopsy
- Doctor's Guide, 12/17/02
- Hormonal Drugs
Beat Chemotherapy - WebMD, 12/16/02
- Celecoxib May Improve
Breast Cancer Outcomes - Doctor's Guide, 12/16/02
Estradiol Alone Does Not Increase Breast Cancer Risk
- Doctor's Guide, 12/16/02 - "Hormone
replacement therapy
containing progestins significantly elevates breast cancer risk, but
preparations containing estradiol alone do not, a large Swedish
observational study suggests"
Hormone Replacement Linked to Fewer Bone Metastases
- Doctor's Guide, 12/16/02
Zoledronic Acid Significantly Better Than Pamidronate in Patients With
Breast Cancer And Bone Metastasis - Doctor's Guide, 12/13/02
More Than Half Of Breast Cancer Patients Have Osteopenia Or Osteoporosis
Regardless Of Hormone Receptor Status - Doctor's Guide, 12/13/02
Dose-dense Chemotherapy Benefits Breast Cancer Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 12/13/02
Dendritic Vaccine Shows Promise for Metastatic Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 12/13/02
Biologic Agent [ZD1839 (Iressa)] May Benefit Some Breast Cancer Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 12/13/02
Anthracycline-Based Regimen For Breast Cancer Superior To
Cyclophosphamide/Methotrexate/Fluorouracil Combo - Doctor's Guide,
Survival Similar with Breast Conservation Versus Mastectomy after Nearly 20
Years - Doctor's Guide, 12/13/02
- Frequent Chemo
Ups Breast Cancer Survival - WebMD, 12/12/02
- Breast Tumor
"Profile" Narrows Treatment - WebMD, 12/12/02
- Radiofrequency
Ablation Effective in Small Breast Cancers
- Medscape, 12/12/02
Pathologist Assessment of HER-2/neu Status Concordant with Automatic Image
Analysis - Doctor's Guide, 12/12/02
Chemoendocrine Therapy Effective for Node-Negative, Estrogen-receptor
Negative Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 12/12/02
Zoledronic Acid Reduces Bone Loss - Doctor's Guide, 12/12/02
Communication Needed Between Relatives About Genetic Testing for Hereditary
Breast, Ovarian Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 12/11/02
Computer-Aided Diagnosis Systems Appear Equally Effective for Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 12/6/02
Periareolar Injection Successful in Locating Sentinel Nodes in Breast Cancer
Patients - Doctor's Guide, 12/3/02
Breast Cancer Risk Subsides After HRT - WebMD, 12/2/02
Adding Docetaxel to CVAP as Neoadjuvant Therapy Improves Outcomes for Breast
Cancer Patients - Doctor's Guide, 11/29/02
Hormone Therapy, Alcohol Use Studied - Intelihealth, 11/19/02 -
"a postmenopausal woman who has a lifetime breast
cancer risk of 4 percent could increase the risk to 8 percent if she drinks
and takes hormones"
Mammograms Benefit Older Women - WebMD, 11/18/02
New Weapon In Cancer War [Advexin]? - CBS News, 11/16/02
Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor Beats Leridistim for Preventing
Chemotherapy-Induced Febrile Neutropenia - Doctor's Guide, 11/15/02
Protein [cyclin E] May Predict Spread Of Cancer - Intelihealth, 11/14/02
- Rising breast cancer rate
fuels environmental concerns - MSNBC, 10/23/02 -
"Breast cancer jumped by 72 percent among Marin
[County, Calif.] women ages 46 to 64 during the 1990s ...
Common pollutants, such as benzene, a compound found in car exhaust, are
linked to breast tumors, and people who move to industrialized counties
suddenly face a higher breast cancer risk within one generation ... In the
case of breast cancer, new diagnoses have, in fact, been growing at a rate
of .6 percent per year nationwide"
Trastuzumab + Vinorelbine Effective First-Line Therapy in HER2
Over-expressing Metastatic Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 10/23/02
Goserelin an Effective Alternative to CMF in Oestrogen-receptor Positive
Early Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 10/19/02
Estrogen OK for Some After Breast Cancer - WebMD, 10/18/02
Mastectomy, Lump Removal Seen Equal - Intelihealth, 10/17/02
Mastectomy Not Necessary for Early-Stage Breast Cancer - WebMD, 10/16/02
Brachytherapy Zaps Breast Cancer - WebMD, 10/8/02
Lumpectomy And Radiation Offers Equivalent Overall And Disease-Free Survival
To Mastectomy - Doctor's Guide, 10/7/02
Increased Breast Cancer Risk Shown Among Women Who Smoked In Adolescence
- Doctor's Guide, 10/4/02
Teen Smokers Risk Breast Cancer - WebMD, 10/3/02
Alternations in glucose metabolism increase risk for breast cancer in young
women - Doctor's Guide, 10/1/02
Chemotherapy Offers No Survival Advantage Over Endocrine Therapy But
Demonstrates Greater Antitumor Activity - Doctor's Guide, 10/1/02
Significant Impact On Breast Cancer Management From BRCA1 Finds
- Doctor's Guide, 9/30/02
Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug Use May Slow Breast Cancer Tumour
Growth, Prevent Distant Metastasis - Doctor's Guide, 9/30/02 -
"increasing NSAID use
may retard the growth of breast tumours and may prevent distant metastasis"
Pregnancy hormone estriol may reduce risk for breast cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 9/30/02
Seniors With Breast Cancer Also Benefit From Aggressive Treatment
- Doctor's Guide, 9/27/02
Hormone Replacement Therapy Has Only Positive Effects On Detection Of Breast
Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 9/25/02
Brachytherapy Boost to Stage I-II Breast Tumour Beds Indicated as Treatment
of Choice - Doctor's Guide, 9/20/02
Breast Density Affects Cancer Screening - WebMD, 9/19/02
Reusable Compensator Library Reduces Dose Inhomogeneity in Breast Tangential
Radiotherapy - Doctor's Guide, 9/18/02
Mammogram Results May Depend on Doctor - WebMD, 9/17/02
Hormone Replacement Therapy may Improve Breast Cancer Detection and Survival
Rate - Doctor's Guide, 9/13/02
Good (Breast Cancer) News for HRT Users - WebMD, 9/12/02
Estrogen Therapy Appears Safe For Women With Early Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 9/10/02 -
"Estrogen replacement
therapy does not appear to increase risk of recurrence or death in women
with early breast cancer"
Large-Core Needle Biopsy Effective in Benign Breast Lesions
- Doctor's Guide, 8/30/02
Chronic Marimastat Therapy Invalid in Adjuvant Treatment of Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 8/28/02
Trial of Sequential Docetaxel, Doxorubicin/Cyclophosphamide Ends
- Doctor's Guide, 8/27/02
Introduction of Mammography Reduces Mastectomy Rates
- Doctor's Guide, 8/22/02
No Advantage in Radical Over Total Mastectomy: 25-year Study
- Doctor's Guide, 8/22/02
Childhood Growth Linked to Breast Cancer - WebMD, 8/19/02
Urokinase-type Plasminogen Activator Inhibitors, but Not the Activator
Itself, Predict Outcome in Breast Cancer Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 8/15/02
Gemcitabine Plus Trastuzumab Improves Outcomes in Previously Treated,
Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients - Doctor's Guide, 8/13/02
Intradermal Beats Intraparenchymal Injection for Detecting Sentinel Nodes in
Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 8/12/02
Doxorubicin/cyclophosphamide Reduces Recurrence in Node Negative, Rapidly
Proliferating Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 8/12/02
Federal Study Shows No Link Between Pollution And Breast Cancer
- Intelihealth, 8/6/02
Study backs use of mammograms - USA Today, 8/1/02 -
"Among screened women between 40 and 69, the breast cancer death rate
dropped 44% after mammography became routine ... But breast cancer activist
Barbara Brenner, executive director of Breast Cancer Action in San
Francisco, calls the benefit of early detection "a myth.""
Younger Premenopausal Women with Breast Cancer Have Poorer Prognosis than
Older Women - Doctor's Guide, 7/23/02
Breast-Conserving Therapy Provides Outcomes Comparable to Modified Radical
Mastectomy - Doctor's Guide, 7/18/02
Breast Cancer Mortality Higher In Early Radiation Technicians
- Doctor's Guide, 6/20/02
Breast Cancer Rising Among Asian-American Women - Doctor's Guide,
6/10/02 -
"The Japanese lifestyle has become increasingly
Westernized, study authors note, influencing factors known to increase risk
for breast cancer: having fewer children, engaging in less
physical activity
and experiencing increasing obesity. Japanese
are also eating more fats and fewer
soy products"
Breast Feeding Can Reduce Childhood Obesity - Doctor's Guide, 6/6/02
Cancer in Context: What Are Your Odds? - WebMD, 6/4/02
Communication Key To Breast Cancer Care In Older Women
- Doctor's Guide, 6/4/02
Test Predicts If Breast Cancer Chemotherapy Will Work
- Doctor's Guide, 6/3/02
Goserelin Protects Ovarian Function In Pre-Menopausal, Early-Stage Breast
Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 5/29/02
Minimally Invasive Diagnostic Technique Useful For All Non-Palpable Breast
Lesions - Doctor's Guide, 5/23/02
Risk Of Subsequent Sarcoma Small In Breast Cancer Radiotherapy
- Doctor's Guide, 5/22/02
Oophorectomy Curbs Ovarian And Breast Cancer Risks In Carriers of BRCA
Mutations - Doctor's Guide, 5/22/02
Risk Reducing Salpingo-Oopherectomy Significantly Reduces Risk of Breast
Cancer and BRCA-Related Gynecologic Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 5/21/02
Ovary Removal Prevents Breast Cancer - WebMD, 5/20/02
Disease-Free Survival Benefit Seen by Switching from 5-Flourouracil-based to
Docetaxel-based Breast Cancer Therapy - Doctor's Guide, 5/20/02
Breast Cancer Therapy Heats Up - WebMD, 5/18/02
Moderate Drinking Increases Insulin Sensitivity In Non-Diabetic, Older Women
- Doctor's Guide, 5/16/02 -
"Researchers warn, however, that the alcohol intake
significantly increased serum levels of dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate and
estrone sulphate, steroid hormones known to be risk factors for breast
Doxorubicin-Based Adjuvant Therapy Beneficial In Stage II Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 5/8/02
Triple Risk For Breast Cancer Twins - Doctor's Guide, 5/6/02
Ductography May Help Detect Breast Malignancy - Doctor's Guide, 5/2/02
Menstrual Cycle Phase Important In Mastectomy Plus Oophorectomy
- Doctor's Guide, 5/2/02
Breast Cancer Detection Rates Go Up, Patient Recall Rates Go Down With
Consensus Double Reading - Doctor's Guide, 4/29/02
High Levels of Sex Hormones Raise Breast Cancer Risk in Older Women
- Doctor's Guide, 4/17/02 -
"Postmenopausal women with high amounts of
and testosterone in their bloodstream
are at over twice the risk of the disease as those with low levels of the
hormones ... obesity is the biggest known
reason for high levels of sex hormones among postmenopausal women ... women
with raised levels of a molecule called sex hormone binding globulin, which
reduces the activity of sex hormones, were at lower than usual risk.
Interestingly, women who are obese have low levels of this molecule, which
probably also helps to raise their risk of breast cancer"
Contralateral Prophylactic Mastectomy Reduces Risk for Second Primary Cancer
in Women with Stage 1 or 2 Primary Breast Cancer and Positive Family History
- Doctor's Guide, 4/15/02
Extra Pounds Raise Breast Cancer Risk - WebMD, 4/10/02
Adjuvant Radiotherapy Increases Risk of Second Primary Cancer in
Contralateral Breast - Doctor's Guide, 4/8/02
Two Mapping Techniques Needed to Detect Sentinel Lymph Nodes in Breast
Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 4/1/02
Breast Cancer Vaccine Now in Early Trial - WebMD, 3/25/02
Oral Contraceptives may Increase Risk of Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 3/25/02
Axillary Dissection Can Be Safely Avoided When Breast Cancers Are Small
- Doctor's Guide, 3/25/02
The Pill May Increase Breast Cancer - WebMD, 3/23/02
Biopsies of Internal Mammary Sentinel Nodes may Improve Patient Survival in
Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 3/22/02
Breast Cancer Choices Denied, Some Surgeons Don't Tell Women About Surgery
Options - WebMD, 3/22/02
Hormone Therapy May Provide Greater Gains Than Chemotherapy In Breast Cancer
Treatments - Doctor's Guide, 3/20/02
Surgeons Don't Offer Breast Cancer Patients Choices Of Treatment As Often As
They Could - Doctor's Guide, 3/20/02
Major Study Reaffirms That Regular Mammograms Save Life
- Intelihealth, 3/14/02
Better Breast Cancer Test - WebMD, 3/11/02
Positron Emission Tomography Proves Best for Finding Recurrent Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 3/7/02
Endoscopic-Assistance With Mastectomy Improves Cosmetic Results, Patient
Satisfaction - Doctor's Guide, 3/4/02
Aromatase Inhibitors Added to Guidelines for Breast Cancer Treatment
- Doctor's Guide, 3/4/02
Microwave Therapy Improves Chance Of Saving Breast
- Doctor's Guide, 3/3/02
Exposure To Electromagnetic Fields, Light At Night May Be Risk Factor For
Male Breast Carcinoma - Doctor's Guide, 3/1/02
Study Confirms HRT Ups Breast Cancer Risk - WebMD, 2/12/02 -
"The risk of ductal cancer -- the most common form
of breast cancer -- increases by 50% in women who have used HRT for five
recent years ...If our results are correct, then nonusers of HRT would have
an incidence of ductal cancer of about 230 per 100,000 women per year,
whereas women with five years of recent HRT use would have a rate of 349 per
100,000 women per year"
Radiofrequency Energy Zaps Breast Cancer Tumors - WebMD, 2/7/02
Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy In Breast Cancer Cannot Be Ignored
- Doctor's Guide, 2/5/02
Researcher: Mammography Saves Lives - Intelihealth, 2/1/02
Omitting Axillary Dissection for Invasive Breast Carcinoma May Be
Ill-advised - Doctor's Guide, 1/29/02
Many Women With Newly Diagnosed Breast Carcinoma Likely To Harbour BRCA1/2
Mutation - Doctor's Guide, 1/29/02
Should I Get a Mammogram This Year? - WebMD, 1/29/02
Cancer Combo [Herceptin & Iressa] Delivers One-Two Punch - WebMD,
Mammogram Advice In Dispute - Intelihealth, 1/25/02
Two Biomarkers Help Predict Course of Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 1/21/02
- New Guidelines Released on
Ductal Lavage for Managing High Risk Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 1/14/02
Estradiol Levels Could Determine Breast Cancer Risk in Older Women
- Doctor's Guide, 1/10/02
- Estrogen Level Determines
Osteoporosis Drug's Breast Cancer Prevention Effectiveness in Postmenopausal
Women - Doctor's Guide, 1/9/02
Autologous Reinfusions Induce Rapid T-Cell Recovery After High Dose
Chemotherapy For Metastatic Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 1/9/02
Study Reveals Healthy Outlook For Long-Term Breast Cancer Survivors
- Doctor's Guide, 1/2/02
Tall Thin Girls May Have Increased Breast Cancer Risk
- Doctor's Guide, 12/24/01
Breast Cancer Surgery Without the Knife - WebMD, 12/19/01
Combination of Taxane and Anthracycline Results in Complete Responses Among
Women with Inflammatory Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 12/14/01
- Navelbine (Vinorelbine
Tartate) Promising In Treatment For Metastatic Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 12/13/01
- Mastectomy Offers Best
Prognosis After Local Breast-Cancer Recurrence
- Doctor's Guide, 12/13/01
- Inhibition of VEGF by
Experimental Drug TSU-68 Appears to Synergistically Improve Anti-tumor
Action - Doctor's Guide, 12/13/01
- Caelyx (Doxorubicin
Liposome Injection) Well Tolerated by Patients with Advanced Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 12/13/01
- Axillary Dissection,
Radiation Offer Equal Survival in Early Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 12/13/01
- High-Dose Epirubicin Plus
Docetaxel Appears Effective in Locally Advanced Breast Cancer Without
Cardiac Toxicity - Doctor's Guide, 12/12/01
Study Raises Mammogram Questions - Intelihealth, 12/11/01
Breast Fluid May Mean Cancer Risk - Intelihealth, 12/5/01
- Laser-Induced
Thermotherapy Destroys Cancer Metastases, Relieves Pain
- Doctor's Guide, 11/29/01
Lavage Treatment Detects High Risk For Breast Cancer
- Intelihealth, 11/20/01
Anxiety Prevents Women From Performing Breast Self-Exams - WebMD,
Booster Radiation Cuts Chance of Breast Cancer Coming Back - WebMD,
Study Finds Double Mastectomy Reduces Breast Cancer Rate To Near Zero For
Very High Risk Women - Intelihealth, 11/7/01
New Procedure Detects Early Breast Cancer Cells - WebMD, 11/6/01
Dispelling the Myths Behind Breast Cancer and Family - WebMD, 10/25/01
Technique May Save Lymph Nodes - Intelihealth, 10/23/01
- Radioactive Tracer
Approach Reduces Surgical Trauma in Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 10/22/01
- Zometa (Zoledronic Acid
for Injection) Reduces Bone Complications in Multiple Myeloma/Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 10/22/01
How Likely Are You to Get Breast Cancer? - WebMD, 10/18/01
- Doctor Offers Closest
Recommendation Yet for Estrogen Use in Breast Cancer Survivors -
Doctor's Guide, 10/8/01
- Venlafaxine Reduces
Menopausal Symptoms in Breast Cancer Survivors Who Cannot Take Estrogen
- Doctor's Guide, 10/8/01
Breast Cancer Survivors Finally Have Weapon Against Menopause,
Antidepressants Relieve Hot Flashes - WebMD, 10/4/01 -
"breast cancer survivors treated with the
Effexor had a 60% reduction in hot flashes. The widely prescribed
antidepressants Prozac and
Paxil also appear to be effective"
Emotional Turmoil of Breast Cancer Therapy Eases Soon After - WebMD,
- Positron Emission
Tomography Scan Results in Management Changes for Majority of Breast Cancer
Patients - Doctor's Guide, 9/4/01
- Weekly Docetaxel Shows
Promise In Older Patients With Advanced Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide,
Women With Family History of Breast Cancer Could Benefit From MRI Screening
- WebMD, 7/26/01
Removing Healthy Breasts From High-Risk Women - WebMD, 7/18/01
Bone Marrow Transplant Still an Option for Breast Cancer - WebMD, 7/6/01
- Second Breast Cancers May
Be Harder to Treat in Women Taking Tamoxifen
- Doctor's Guide, 7/4/01
Drug's Affect On Breast Cancer Studied - Intelihealth, 7/3/01
Breast Cancer Risk Lower for Older Women With Weak Bones - WebMD,
- Weekly Paclitaxel Better
Than Standard Dosage For Breast Cancer Treatment - Doctor's Guide,
Anti-Aromatase Agents Cost-Effective For Women With Metastatic Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 5/15/01
Hormone Therapy -- Is It Safe for Breast Cancer Survivors? - WebMD,
Hormones may cut risk for breast cancer patients - USA Today, 5/15/01 -
"Hormone replacement therapy after a diagnosis of
breast cancer does not increase the risk of recurrence of the disease and
may even lower chances that the cancer will return"
- Aromasin (Exemestane
Tablets) Demonstrates High Response Rate Versus Tamoxifen In First-Line
Treatment of Advanced Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 5/14/01
- Femara (Letrozole Tablets)
Demonstrates Superiority Over Tamoxifen in Advanced Breast Cancer -
Doctor's Guide, 5/14/01
- Weekly Paclitaxel Well
Tolerated By Elderly Women With Metastatic Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 5/14/01
- Aromatase Inhibition Does
Not Interfere With Serum Lipids In Metastatic Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 5/14/01
- Taxotere, Carboplatin And
Herceptin Combination Effective, Safe In Metastatic Breast Cancer -
Doctor's Guide, 5/14/01
- Paclitaxel Reverses
Unfavorable Prognosis In HER2/Neu Metastatic Breast Cancer - Doctor's
Guide, 5/14/01
- Arimidex Reinforced As A
First-Line Choice For Patients With Aggressive Metastatic Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 5/12/01
Giving Tamoxifen Therapy for More Than Five Years Is Unnecessary, Study
Finds - WebMD, 5/1/01
New Milk Duct Test May Detect Breast Cancer Earlier, But May Be Appropriate
Only for High-Risk Women - WebMD, 4/26/01
Radioactive 'Seeds' as Effective as Beams for Breast Cancer - WebMD,
- Very Low Dose Zoledronic
Reduces Bone Metastases In Metastatic Breast Cancer And Multiple Myeloma
- Doctor's Guide, 4/2/01
Breast Cancer Drug Does Not Cause Sexual and Mood Effects - WebMD,
3/29/01 - "While the study found no side effects
related to sexuality or mood, it did find that women taking tamoxifen had
more menopauselike symptoms"
- Another Link Between Cox-2
Expression and Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 3/29/01 -
"This finding leaves the door open to studies that would determine whether
treatment with COX-2 inhibitors might somehow affect tumor progression"
Light May Help Find Breast Cancer - Intelihealth, 3/19/01
Study Raises Safety Issues With Cancer Drug - Intelihealth, 3/16/01 -
"Herceptin and doxyrubicin together seemed to affect
the hearts of test patients, causing fatigue, shortness of breath and other
symptoms ... these side effects do not occur when Herceptin is given with
two other chemotherapy agents, taxotere and carboplatin ... early
administration of Herceptin might breed tumors resistant to the drug,
rendering it useless when current treatments fail and Herceptin is needed
for late-stage cancers"
Good News for Breast Cancer Survivors - WebMD, 3/16/01 -
"They actually may have less risk of developing
colon or rectal cancer than women who have not had breast cancer"
Herceptin Offers Hope for Some Women With Advanced Breast Cancer, Biotech
Drug Shrinks Aggressive Tumors, Improves Chemotherapy - WebMD, 3/14/01 -
"Herceptin, a bioengineered antibody developed by
Genentech Inc., clicks onto the HER2 molecules that studded the surface of
Empey's stubborn breast cancer cells. This blocks HER2 from sending the
signals that help cancer cells grow and spread. The result is often that the
tumors shrink and wither away."
- Herceptin With
Chemotherapy Increases Median Survival In Metastatic Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 3/14/01
Mammography: 'Gold Standard' Could Use Some Polish - WebMD, 3/12/01
Digital Mammograms Won't Make Screening More Comfortable - WebMD, 3/9/01
- "Having a good, skilled, competent radiologist is
more important than which technology is used"
Standard mammogram still best at detecting cancer - USA Today, 3/8/01
Do Abortions Increase Breast Cancer Risk? - WebMD, 3/7/01 -
"We really think there is no association between
breast cancer and abortion."
Old-Fashioned Mammograms Best To Detect Breast Cancer - Intelihealth,
Friends may make breast cancer more survivable - USA Today, 3/7/01
Scientists learning how breast cancer spreads - USA Today, 2/28/01
The End of the Road for Mammograms? New Handheld Devices More Comfortable,
and Perhaps More Accurate - WebMD, 2/28/01
Scientists Gain Breast Cancer Facts - Intelihealth, 2/28/01
Surviving Breast Cancer After Menopause, Age and Other Illnesses Influence
Your Chances of Survival - WebMD, 2/20/01
Prognosis Not So Bright For New Breast Disease Drug (Iogen for fibrocystic
breast disease) - Intelihealth, 2/16/01 -
"iodine rids women suffering from FBD of symptoms.
Two unrelated studies, one in Canada and one in Russia, involving nearly
1,500 women, showed iodine reduced the number of cysts and the level of
pain. . . . Iogen contains no iodine, but when it is broken down by the
body, it becomes molecular iodine. And unlike the iodine found in foods,
which is toxic to the thyroid in large quantities, Iogen seems to deliver
large doses of pure iodine without dangerous side effects."
New treatments hold out hope for breast cancer patients - CNN, 1/26/01
Chemo Urged For Small Breast Tumors - Intelihealth, 1/16/01
Radioactive Seeds May Offer Treatment Option for Breast Cancer - WebMD,
FDA Approves Breast Cancer Drug - Intelihealth, 1/11/01
New First-Line Drug Approved for Advanced Breast Cancer, Femara May Be
Better Than Present Drug of Choice - WebMD, 1/10/01
Heading Breast Cancer Off at the Pass, The Experts Debate Prevention Through
Surgery - WebMD, 12/20/00
Anti-depressant (Effexor®/venlafaxine) counters hot flashes from menopause,
chemotherapy - CNN, 12/15/00 -
""I think it represents the best of the non-hormonal
options for treating hot flashes in women with breast cancer.""
Breast Cancer Drug Takes Big Step Toward First Place, FDA Advisers Back
Femara as Drug Treatment of Choice - WebMD, 12/13/00
- FDA Committee Recommends
Femara (Letrozole) For Advanced Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 12/13/00
- Dolastatin-10 Does Not
Improve Advanced Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 12/11/00
- Better Survival With
Arimidex (Anastrozole) Than Tamoxifen In Postmenopausal Women With Advanced
Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 12/11/00
- One Or Two Sentinel Node
Biopsies Predict Early Stage Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 12/11/00
- First-Line Anastrozole
Effective Against Advanced Breast Cancer After Tamoxifen
- Doctor's Guide, 12/8/00
- Doxorubicin/Docetaxel
Effective For Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 12/8/00
- Faslodext (ICI182,780) At
Least As Effective As Arimidex (Anastrozole) In Advanced Breast Cancer -
Doctor's Guide, 12/7/00
Femara (Letrozole) Significantly More Effective Than Tamoxifen In Treating
Advanced Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 12/7/00
- Aromasin (Exemastane) May
Be More Effective Than Tamoxifen In Postmeopausal Breast Cancer -
Doctor's Guide, 12/7/00
New Therapy Helpful in Advanced Breast Cancer, Faslodex Safe, Effective in
Estrogen-Sensitive Tumors - WebMD, 12/6/00
Hormone Replacement Therapy and Breast MRI Don't Mix - WebMD, 12/5/00
- Breast Cancer "Cure"
Without Surgery - Doctor's Guide, 11/28/00
New Answer for Tamoxifen Problem, Birth Control Device May Prevent Unwanted
Side Effects - WebMD, 11/16/00
- Femara (Letrozole) More
Effective Than Tamoxifen As First-Line Treatment For Advanced Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 11/9/00
Promising New Therapy for Advanced Breast Cancer - WebMD, 11/9/00
Experts Reach a Consensus for Breast Cancer Treatment - WebMD, 11/3/00
Breast Cancer: Is the Race for a Cure Nearing the Finish Line? - WebMD,
The Skinny On High-Fat Diets and Breast Cancer - WebMD, 10/27/00
- Radiotherapy And
Chemotherapy Should Be Concurrent For Early Breast-cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 10/27/00
Battling breast cancer -- a reporter's perspective - CNN, 10/26/00
- Half-body Irradiation
Provides Rapid Palliation In Metastatic Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 10/25/00
- Aromasin (Exemestane)
Promising In Adjuvant Treatment For Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 10/13/00
The Pill and Breast Cancer Risk: More Food for Thought - WebMD, 10/10/00
- Breast Reconstruction
During Mastectomy Boosts Well-Being
- Doctor's Guide, 10/2/00
Women With Hereditary Breast Cancer Can Safely Have Radiation - WebMD,
American Women Often Missing out on Best Breast Cancer Care - WebMD,
- Zoladex (Goserelin) As
Effective As Standard Chemotherapy In Early Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 9/27/00
- Radiotherapy Booster Cuts
Risk Of Breast Cancer Recurrence
- Doctor's Guide, 9/19/00
Breast-Reduction Surgery May Reduce Breast Cancer Risk - WebMD, 9/19/00
What Lies in the Wake of Various Breast Cancer Surgeries? - WebMD,
Study Shows Breast Cancer Risk Starts Early -- Really Early - WebMD,
A New Way to Tell Who's at High Risk for Breast Cancer - WebMD, 8/3/00
More Older Women Getting Breast-Conserving Surgery - WebMD, 8/3/00
Watching Your Waist May Reduce Breast Cancer Risk - WebMD, 7/24/00
- New Laser Treatment May
Replace Lumpectomy In Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 7/18/00
No Need for Extra Tests to Detect Breast Cancer's Return - WebMD,
Do Antidepressants Increase Breast Cancer Risk? - WebMD, 6/16/00
Researchers Say Herbal Formula Offers Relief From Chemotherapy Ills -
Intelihealth, 6/16/00
Having Babies Before Age 30 Cuts Risk of Breast Cancer - WebMD, 6/15/00
Hormones Said Raising Breast Cancers - Intelihealth, 6/1/00
- Zoladex (Goserelin) May Be
Effective in Pre-Menopausal Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 5/24/00
- Herceptin (Trastuzumab)
Prompts Promising Response In Advanced Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 5/23/00
- Fareston (Toremifene
Citrate) as Effective as Tamoxifen in Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 5/23/00
Shorter Treatments Available for Breast Cancer Patients - WebMD, 5/22/00
Newer Depression Drug (Effexor) Relieves Hot Flashes - WebMD, 5/22/00
- Paroxetine Effective
Against Hot Flushes in Survivors of Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 5/19/00
Radiation Cuts Risk of Breast Cancer Recurrence by Two-Thirds - WebMD,
Drug May Ease Hot Flashes In Women With Breast Cancer - Intelihealth,
Are Breast Cancers Detected by Mammography Different? - WebMD, 4/24/00
Older Breast Cancer Patients Live As Long As Non-Patients -
Intelihealth, 4/5/00
Test May Rule Out Chemotherapy Need - Intelihealth, 4/4/00
- New Test Predicts
Node-negative Breast Cancer Metastases - Doctor's Guide, 4/4/00
- Mastectomy Protects
Against Breast Cancer in Women with Genetic Mutations - Doctor's Guide,
Breast Cancer Support Groups Not Right For All Women - Intelihealth,
Study Questions Breast Cancer Treatment - Intelihealth, 3/6/00
- Breast Cancer Experts
Agree On Treatment Options For Early Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide,
Paclitaxel/Carboplatin Combination Achieves Encouraging Results In Breast
Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 2/15/00
Calcium Deposits May Be Key To Breast Cancer Survival - Intelihealth,
- Taxotere And Adriamycin
Combo Effective For Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 2/3/00
- Anastrozole May Replace
Tamoxifen In Postmenopausal Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 2/1/00
- Weekly Docetaxel Plus
Doxorubicin Effective In Advanced Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide,
Estrogen/Progestin HRT Seems To Increase Risk Of Breast Cancer -
Doctor's Guide, 1/25/00
- Aromasin Now Available In
US For Advanced Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 1/24/00
Treats Hot Flashes - Doctor's Guide, 12/15/99
- BREAST CANCER: Radiation
After Conservative Surgery Reduces Recurrences - Doctor's Guide,
- Outlook Good For Women
With Early Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 12/15/99
- Estrogen Replacement
Therapy Studied In Breast-Cancer Survivors - Doctor's Guide, 12/14/99
- Herceptin, In Adjunct
Therapy, Reducing Tumor Size - Doctor's Guide, 12/13/99
Bisphosphonates May Reduce Metastases - Doctor's Guide, 12/13/99
- Navelbine Plus Herceptin
Promising For Metastatic Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 12/10/99
- Neoadjuvant Therapy With
Taxotere Improves Efficacy - Doctor's Guide, 12/10/99
- Zoladex May Further Reduce
Breast Cancer Recurrence In Premenopausal Women - Doctor's Guide,
- Arimidex More Effective
Than Nolvadex For Advanced Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 12/10/99
- Chemo May Not Be Necessary
In Treatment Of Small Breast Tumors - Doctor's Guide, 12/10/99
Chemotherapy More Effective When Combined With Taxotere - Doctor's
Guide, 12/10/99
Breast-Cancer Surgery Chances Are Improved By Timing - Intelihealth,
Nontoxic Drug Shown To Help Reduce Return Of Breast Cancer -
Intelihealth, 11/3/99
- Lumpectomy Offers Same
Survival To Mastectomy In Breast Cancer Relapse - Doctor's Guide,
- Research Identifies
Factors Leading To Better Breast Cancer Treatment - Doctor's Guide,
- Inherited Breast Cancer
Gene Liked To Recurrence, New Tumors - Doctor's Guide, 9/29/99
- Researchers Baffled By Low
Use Of Axillary Node Dissection In Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 9/23/99
Taxol®/Doxorubicin Improves Survival In Metastatic Breast Cancer -
Doctor's Guide, 9/24/99
- Axillary Node Dissection
Improves Outcome In Breast Cancer Patients - Doctor's Guide, 9/21/99
- FDA Advisory Panel Backs
Taxol For Adjuvant Breast Cancer Treatment - Doctor's Guide, 9/17/99
- Anastrazole Shows Equal
Efficacy To Tamoxifen In Advanced Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide,
- New Drug Combination
Enhances Treatment For Advanced Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 9/16/99
- Anastrozole As Effective
As Tamoxifen For Advanced Breast Cancer In Postmenopausal Women
- Doctor's Guide, 9/15/99
- Ovary Removal Reduces Risk
Of Breast Cancer In Women With BRCA1 Mutation - Doctor's Guide, 8/31/99
- Behavioral Program Boosts
Antibody That Fights Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 8/24/99
- Study Shows Taxol Improves
Survival In Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 8/4/99
Researchers Seek Link Between Breast Cancer And Artificial Light
- Intelihealth, 8/2/99
- PCBs Linked To Breast
Cancer Risk, Study Shows - Doctor's Guide, 7/29/99
- Anthracycline Superior To
- Doctor's Guide, 7/28/99
- Taxol, Taxotere Equally
Effective In Metastatic Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 7/28/99
- Depression In Breast
Cancer Patients Linked To Lack Of Estrogen - Doctor's Guide, 6/29/99
- First Clinical Guidelines
For Breast Cancer Risk Reduction Published - Doctor's Guide, 6/11/99
Breast cancer detection: Upping your odds for survival - CNN, 5/25/99
New Mastectomy Operation Rebuilds Lost Breasts - Intelihealth, 5/24/99
- Taxotere Plus Adriamycin
Outperforms Standard Combination In Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide,
Thorough breast cancer surgery may make radiation unnecessary - CNN,
- MRI Most Accurate For
Detecting Difficult To Diagnose Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 5/10/99
- HRT Should Be Considered
When Determining Breast Cancer Treatment - Doctor's Guide, 5/5/99
Study endorses quick, easy breast biopsy - CNN, 5/4/99
- Study Finds Lymph Node
Surgery Unnecessary For Many Breast Cancer Patients - Doctor's Guide,
- Taxol Improves Breast
Cancer Survival When Added To Chemotherapy - Doctor's Guide, 4/29/99
Side Effects Limiting Chemotherapy - Intelihealth, 4/28/99
Studies show riskier breast cancer treatment no better than standard chemo
- CNN, 4/15/99
- Study Shows Hormone
Replacement Therapy Does Not Elevate Breast Cancer Risk - Doctor's
Guide, 3/15/99
- Higher Fat Diet Not Linked
To Higher Breast Cancer Risk - Doctor's Guide, 3/9/99
Breast cancer vaccine trials show promise - CNN, 1/14/99
- Evista Reduces Breast
Cancer Incidence In Postmenopausal Women
- Doctor's Guide, 12/11/98
New evidence links breast cancer to electromagnetic fields - CNN,
- Femara Effective In
Postmenopausal Women With Advanced Breast Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 2/5/98
- New Advanced Breast Cancer
Drug Now Available - Doctor's Guide, 10/1/97