Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending
10/3/07. You should consult your doctor if you are taking any medications.
Are You Easily Distracted? Try Some Tea - US News and World Report, 10/8/07
- "the amino acid theanine,
which is found in green, black, and oolong teas,
causes a decrease in the brain's "alpha rhythms" when people perform complex
attention tasks, causing them to pay closer attention. His ongoing research,
funded by the food and beverage conglomerate Unilever, suggests that theanine
and caffeine together improve performance more than either substance alone ...
in mice, at least—tea's main antioxidant shows an ability to curb brain cell
death and encourage neurons to repair themselves" - See
l-theanine products at iHerb.
Red Wine Compound May Curb Diabetes - WebMD, 10/2/07 -
"Resveratrol curbs
insulin resistance in mice ... According to our
findings, people might need to drink about three liters of red wine each day to
get sufficient resveratrol -- about 15 milligrams -- for its biological effects"
- See
resveratrol products at Amazon.com .
Elevated WBC Counts and Higher Cancer Risk - Medscape, 10/1/07 -
"Women in the highest quartile of
WBC count (6.80-15.00 x 109 cells/L) had a
15% higher risk for invasive breast cancer, a 19%
higher risk for colorectal cancer, a 42% higher
risk for endometrial cancer, and a 63%
higher risk for lung cancer than patients in
the lowest quartile of WBC count"
Modest Weight Loss Cuts Hypertension - WebMD, 10/1/07 -
"A little more than half (52%) of those who met the
weight loss goal also got their blood pressure
down into the normal range ... The bottom line: It didn't take a whole lot of
weight loss to curb high blood pressure"
Mini-strokes Linked To Uric Acid Levels - Science Daily, 10/1/07 -
"high-normal uric acid (UA) levels may cause barely
detectable mini strokes that potentially
contribute to mental decline in aging adults"
Breast Cancer Risk May Decrease With Increasing Duration of NSAID Use -
Medscape, 10/1/07 - "Use of
NSAIDs was associated with a lower risk for
breast cancer (odds ratio [OR], 0.76"
Apples and onions may slash pancreatic cancer risk - Nutra USA, 10/1/07 -
"Of the three individual
flavonols, they report that kaempferol was associated with the largest risk
reduction (22 per cent) across all participants" - [Abstract]
Sweets May Spell A Longer Life, Study In Worms Suggests - Science Daily,
10/2/07 - "A new study in Cell Metabolism reveals that
worms live to an older age when they are unable to process the simple sugar
Prostate Cancer Treatment May Encourage Spread Of Cancer, Study Suggests -
Science Daily, 10/1/07 - "A popular
prostate cancer treatment called androgen
deprivation therapy may encourage prostate cancer cells to produce a protein
that makes them more likely to spread throughout the body"
Report: Fighting Depression And Improving Cognition With Omega-3 Fatty Acids
- Life Extension Magazine, 10/07 - "subjects were
randomly assigned to receive 1200 mg EPA plus 900 mg DHA, or placebo, for 12
weeks. At the end of the treatment period, the group receiving omega-3 fatty
acids had significantly greater improvements compared with the placebo group in
scores for depression, suicidality and daily stresses" - See Mega Twin
EPA at
Food for
Thought: Fattening Carbs���Some Promote Obesity and Worse - Science News,
9/29/07 - "In the study, mice that chowed down on a type
of rapidly digestible starch didn't gain any more weight than did animals eating
a starch that digests slowly. But the first group did accumulate lots of excess
HDL Cholesterol, Even When LDL Levels Are Low, Is Cardiovascular Dynamite, New
TNT Analysis Shows - Medscape, 10/3/07 - "Among
patients treated with statins, including those who achieved very low levels of
cholesterol with high-dose statin therapy, high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol
levels are still predictive of major
cardiovascular (CV) events ... In the determination of the five-year risk of
major CV events across the different quintiles, univariate analysis showed the
event rate to be reduced by 40% in the highest quintile when compared with
subjects with the lowest HDL-cholesterol levels" - See
niacin at Amazon.com .
Blood Pressure May Be Due To Excess Weight In Half Of Overweight Adults -
Science Daily, 9/28/07 - "about 50 percent of
overweight, hypertensive adults, ranging in age from 29 to 65 years, achieved
normal body weight and blood pressure after six months of treatment with a
reduced-calorie diet"
Study: Law Prompts Drop in Heart Attacks - Intelihealth, 9/28/07 -
"A study released Thursday credits New York's 2003 Clean
Indoor Air Act with an 8 percent drop in heart attacks statewide because of
reduced exposure to second-hand smoke"
Antihypertensive Treatment May Help Maintain Memory - Medscape, 9/27/07 - "Pretreatment
correlation of parietal and prefrontal change was 0.61 vs 0.94 after treatment.
According to the investigators, similar differences were observed for all areas,
with an average pretreatment correlation of 0.66 vs an average posttreatment
correlation of 0.91"
Amount, Not Type -- Wine, Beer, Liquor -- Triggers Breast Cancer - Science
Daily, 9/27/07 - "women who drank between one and two
alcoholic drinks per day increased their risk of
breast cancer by 10 percent compared with light
drinkers who drank less than one drink a day. The risk of breast cancer
increased by 30 percent in women who drank more than three drinks a day"
"Good" Cholesterol Earns Its Name - WebMD, 9/26/07 -
"the patients with the highest HDL cholesterol
levels were the least likely to have a heart attack, stroke, or cardiac arrest
... The higher the patients' HDL cholesterol level was, the lower their odds of
having a heart event during the study. That includes patients who got their LDL
"bad" cholesterol below 70 mg/dL"
Omega-3 May Lower Type 1 Diabetes Risk - WebMD, 9/25/07 -
"Eating a diet rich in omega-3 fats may help keep
high-risk children from developing type 1 diabetes" - See Mega Twin EPA
Fruits, Veggies Don’t Cut Colon Cancer - WebMD, 9/25/07 -
"Overall, a higher intake of
fruits and vegetables does not strongly reduce your risk of
colon cancer"
Warming to a
Cold War Herb - Science News, 9/22/07 - "Government
scientists had noted that rhodiola boosted the body's response to stress ...
Almost immediately, my mind seemed clearer ... After a few days, I noticed I
recovered from exercise more quickly"
Hazards: Heavy Drinking May Raise Risk of Endometrial Cancer - New York
Times, 9/18/07 - "Women who have more than two
alcoholic drinks a day double their risk of
endometrial cancer compared with those
who drink less"
Abstracts from this week's
Doctor's Guide Nutrition/Dietetics
plus abstracts from my RSS feeds:
The influence of calcium consumption on weight and fat following 9 months of
exercise in men and women - J Am Coll Nutr. 2007 Aug;26(4):350-5 -
"Average calcium
consumption was 987 +/- 389 mg/day for men and 786 +/- 276 mg/day for women.
Weight change over the 9 months was -4.6 +/- 4.6 kg for men and 0.2 +/- 3.3 kg
for women ... Weight and fat weight loss as a result of nine months of moderate
intensity exercise may be improved by increased calcium consumption in men but
was not observed in women" - Note: 4.6 kg is 10.14 lbs.
Can EGCG Reduce Abdominal Fat in Obese Subjects? - J Am Coll Nutr. 2007
Aug;26(4):396S-402S - "heart rate (HR) ... Moderate
consumption of EGCG
can improve the health status of overweight individuals undergoing regular
exercise by reducing HR and plasma glucose concentrations. Loss of body fat,
however, may require a higher intake of EGCG, other catechins or addition of
metabolic stimulants" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com , my favorite is
green tea extract at Amazon.com .
The effects of epigallocatechin-3-gallate on thermogenesis and fat oxidation in
obese men: a pilot study - J Am Coll Nutr. 2007 Aug;26(4):389S-95S -
"These findings suggest that
EGCG alone has the potential to increase fat
oxidation in men and may thereby contribute to the anti-obesity effects of green
tea" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com , my favorite is
green tea extract at Amazon.com .
Increased calcium intake does not completely counteract the effects of increased
phosphorus intake on bone: an acute dose-response study in healthy females -
Br J Nutr. 2007 Oct 1;:1-8 - "When
P intake was above current recommendations,
increased Ca intake was beneficial for bone, as
indicated by decreased S-PTH concentration and bone resorption. However, not
even a high Ca intake could affect bone formation when P intake was excessive"
Exposure to the phytoestrogen daidzein attenuates apomorphine-induced penile
erection concomitant with plasma testosterone level reduction in dose and
time-related manner in adult rats - Urology. 2007 Sep;70(3):613-7 -
"The phytoestrogen daidzein has the potential to
adversely affect erectile function in a dose and time-related manner that is at
least partly attributable to androgen deficiency. These findings implicate that
phytoestrogens, especially isoflavones, if overconsumed for a long period, might
be a novel risk factor for erectile dysfunction"
Congestive heart failure and cardiovascular death in patients with prediabetes
and type 2 diabetes given thiazolidinediones: a meta-analysis of randomised
clinical trials - Lancet. 2007 Sep 29;370(9593):1129-36 -
"Compared with controls, patients given
TZDs had increased risk for
development of congestive heart failure across a wide background of cardiac risk
(relative risk [RR] 1.72, 95% CI 1.21-2.42, p=0.002). By contrast, the risk of
cardiovascular death was not increased with either of the two TZDs (0.93,
0.67-1.29, p=0.68) ... Congestive heart failure in patients given TZDs might not
carry the risk that is usually associated with congestive heart failure which is
caused by progressive systolic or diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle"
Alpha-tocopherol supplementation prevents the exercise-induced reduction of
serum paraoxonase 1/arylesterase activities in healthy individuals - Eur J
Clin Nutr. 2007 Sep 19 - "Alpha-T
supplementation may result in protection of the enzyme PON 1/Aryl activities
from free radical production"
Intake of soluble fibers has a protective role for the presence of metabolic
syndrome in patients with type 2 diabetes - Eur J Clin Nutr. 2007 Sep 19 -
"The intake of soluble fibers,
particularly from whole-grain foods and fruits, may have a protective role for
the presence of MS in this selected sample of
patients with type 2 DM"
B Vitamin Plasma Levels and the Risk of Ischemic Stroke and Transient Ischemic
Attack in a German Cohort - Stroke. 2007 Sep 20 -
"Our data suggest that low vitamin B12 plasma levels, particularly in
combination with low folate levels, increase the risk of
cerebral ischemia. This effect may be mediated at
least partly through elevations of homocysteine
Glycaemic index, glycaemic load and ovarian cancer risk: a prospective cohort
study - Public Health Nutr. 2007 Oct;10(10):1076-81 -
"Glyacemic index (GI) and
glycaemic load (GL) .. GI and total carbohydrate and sugar intakes were not
associated with ovarian cancer risk in
the total cohort. GL was positively associated with a 72% increase in risk of
ovarian cancer"
The Glycemic
Index - Dr. Murray's Newsletter, 4/3/03 - "The
GL calculated by multiplying the amount of carbohydrate in a serving of food
multiplied by that food's GI (as compared to glucose) as a decimal"
Metabolic and cardiovascular risk factors in subjects with impaired fasting
glucose: the 100 versus 110 mg/dL threshold - Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2007
Oct;23(7):547-550 - "IFG110 was associated with higher
risk of post-challenge glucose intolerance as compared with IFG100. As compared
with IFG100, subjects with IFG110 have significantly lower levels of circulating
IGF-I. As compared with NFG, IFG110, but not IFG100, showed a significant
association with increased levels of inflammatory markers including white blood
cell count (WBCC), and C-reactive protein (CRP)"
Flavonols and pancreatic cancer risk: the multiethnic cohort study - Am J
Epidemiol. 2007 Oct 15;166(8):924-31 - "Intake of total
flavonols was associated with a reduced
pancreatic cancer risk (relative risk
for the highest vs. lowest quintile = 0.77, 95% confidence interval: 0.58, 1.03;
p trend = 0.046). Of the three individual flavonols, kaempferol was associated
with the largest risk reduction (relative risk = 0.78, 95% confidence interval:
0.58, 1.05; p trend = 0.017). Total flavonols, quercetin, kaempferol, and
myricetin were all associated with a significant inverse trend among current
smokers (relative risks for the highest vs. lowest quartile = 0.41, 0.55, 0.27,
0.55, respectively) but not never or former smokers. This study provides
evidence for a preventive effect of flavonols on pancreatic cancer, particularly
for current smokers"
Effects of melatonin and rilmazafone on nocturia in the elderly - J Int Med
Res. 2007 Sep-Oct;35(5):685-91 - "melatonin
(2 mg/day; n = 20) or rilmazafone (2 mg/day; n = 22) for 4 weeks ... After 4
weeks' treatment, the number of nocturnal urinations was significantly decreased
and the QoL score was significantly improved in both groups. There was no
significant difference between the patient-reported effectiveness ratings
between the two groups" - See
melatonin at Amazon.com .
Memory impairments with adjuvant anastrozole versus Tamoxifen in women with
early-stage breast cancer - Menopause. 2007 Sep 25 -
"The results showed that women who received
anastrozole had
poorer verbal and visual learning and memory than women who received
Homocysteine and diabetic retinopathy - Diabetes Care. 2007 Sep 26 -
"Plasma total
homocysteine concentration may be a useful biomarker and/or a novel risk
factor for increased risk of diabetic retinopathy in people with type 2
Efficacy of changing testosterone gel preparations (Androgel or Testim) among
suboptimally responsive hypogonadal men - Int J Impot Res. 2007 Sep 27 -
"Changing from Androgel to Testim offers hypogonadal men
the potential for improved clinical and biochemical responsiveness"
Health Focus (Depression):
Popular Depression Medications:
Popular Depression Supplements:
Neurotransmitters in Various Disorders: |
Alternative Depression News:
Depression Protocol - Life Extension Foundation
- Depression - The Natural Pharmacist
- Vitacost Health Library
Seasonal Affective Disorder
- Vitacost Health Library
- I suffer from seasonal
affective disorder. Do you have any suggestions? - Dr. Murray -
supplementation may improve SAD because it not only increases brain
melatonin levels, but also because it may suppress
cortisol secretion"
Sunshine for the Mind - thenutritionreporter.com
Antidepressant-Like Effect of Cordyceps sinensis in the Mouse Tail
Suspension Test - Biol Pharm Bull. 2007 Sep;30(9):1758-62 -
"Cordyceps sinensis (CS) has been known as a
component of traditional medicines that elicit various biological effects
such as anti-fatigue, immunomodulatory, and hypoglycemic actions. Since it
has been well-established that fatigue is closely related to depression, we
used the tail suspension test (TST) in mice to examine the
antidepressant-like effects of hot water extract (HWCS) and supercritical
fluid extract (SCCS) of CS ... these results suggest that SCCS may elicit an
antidepressant-like effect by affecting the adrenergic and dopaminergic
systems, but not by affecting the serotonergic system" - See
cordyceps at Amazon.com
Dehydroepiandrosterone and monoamines in the limbic system of a genetic
animal model of childhood depression - Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2007
Aug 20 - "The results from the current study may
imply that treatment with DHEA could be a promising novel therapeutic option
for depressed children and adolescents that fail to respond to common
(monoaminergic) antidepressant treatments"
Diets With High
Omega-6:Omega-3 Ratios Enhance Risk for Depression, Inflammatory Disease
- Medscape, 4/26/07 - "Whereas the early
hunter-gatherers had a dietary omega-6:omega-3 ratio of 2:1 to 3:1, this
ratio is now 15:1 to 17:1 in North America today ... compared with the study
participants who did not have syndromal depression, the 6 participants who
had depression had significantly higher omega-6:omega-3 ratios and higher
levels of proinflammatory cytokines"
Depressive Symptoms, omega-6:omega-3 Fatty Acids, and Inflammation in Older
Adults - Psychosom Med. 2007 Mar 30 -
"Diets with high n-6:n-3 PUFA ratios may enhance the
risk for both depression and inflammatory diseases"
Omega 3 fatty acids and the brain: review of studies in depression -
Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2007;16 Suppl:391-7 -
"Experimental studies in animals have shown that
diets lacking omega 3 PUFA lead to substantial disturbances in neural
function, which in most circumstances can be restored by the inclusion of
omega 3 PUFA in the diet ... It is clear from the literature that DHA is
involved in a variety of processes in neural cells and that its role is far
more complex than simply influencing cell membrane properties"
l-thyroxine augmentation of serotonergic antidepressants in female patients
with refractory depression - J Affect Disord. 2007 Feb 6 -
"Triiodothyronine (T3) augmentation in
treatment-resistant depression had been successfully performed with both
tricyclic as well as with SSRI antidepressants. In this paper, the efficacy
of addition of moderate dose of l-thyroxine (T4) to serotonergic
antidepressants in refractory depression was evaluated ... four weeks of
l-thyroxine augmentation, the remission, assessed as 7 or less points on
Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) was obtained in eleven patients
(64.7%). Five other patients (29.5%) had responded (reduction>50% on HDRS)
and one patient did not show an improvement"
Omega-3 in fish oils might ease depression - USA Today, 3/6/07 -
"The more DHA a person consumed, the more gray
matter there was in three areas of the brain linked to mood: the amygdala,
the hippocampus and the cingulate, Conklin says. Seriously depressed people
tend to have less gray matter in these areas" - See
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com
Omega-3s may help depressive kids - pilot study - Nutra USA, 6/23/06 -
"seven out of ten children in the omega-3 group and
none of the children in the placebo group had depression score reductions of
50 per cent or more"
Omega-3 treatment of childhood depression: a controlled, double-blind pilot
study - Am J Psychiatry. 2006 Jun;163(6):1098-100 -
"Analysis of variance showed highly significant
effects of omega-3 on symptoms using the CDRS, CDI, and CGI ... Omega-3
fatty acids may have therapeutic benefits in childhood depression"
Melatonin Improves Mood In Winter Depression - Science Daily, 5/2/06 -
"melatonin, a
naturally occurring brain substance, can relieve the doldrums of winter
depression, also known as seasonal affective disorder, or SAD"
Rapid recovery from major depression using magnesium treatment - Med
Hypotheses. 2006 Mar 14 - "Case histories are
presented showing rapid recovery (less than 7 days) from major depression
using 125-300mg of magnesium (as glycinate
and taurinate) with each meal and at bedtime. Magnesium was found usually
effective for treatment of depression in general use" - See
magnesium products.
Depression and long chain n-3 fatty acids in adipose tissue in adults from
Crete - Eur J Clin Nutr. 2006 Feb 8 - "The
inverse relationship between adipose DHA and
depression in adults, replicates findings of a previous study. This
relationship indicates that a low long-term dietary intake of DHA is
associated with an increased risk for depression in adults" - See
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com
Vitamin B(12) and folate serum levels in newly admitted psychiatric patients
- Clin Nutr. 2005 Oct 7 - "About 30% of patients had
low folate values compared to 2.5% in the control group" - See
folic acid products.
Chromium Picolinate Linked With Reduced Carbohydrate Cravings in People With
Atypical Depression - Doctor's Guide, 9/29/05 -
"65% of the chromium picolinate patients with high
carbohydrate craving versus 33% of those receiving placebo had significantly
greater improvements on total HAM-D-29 scores (p < 0.05). HAM-D-29 is a
standard tool commonly used in assessing severity of symptoms in depressed
patients" - See
chromium products.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Depression - Clinical Psychiatry News, 5/05 -
"English investigators conducted a 12-week,
double-blind, placebo-controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of EPA doses
of 1,000, 2,000, or 4,000 mg/day in addition to unchanged standard treatment
in 70 patients with persistent depression. The 1,000-mg group showed a
significant decrease in depression as compared with placebo, but the other
groups showed little evidence of efficacy ... The bulk of evidence suggests
that omega-3 fatty acid supplementation is effective in treating depression
in patients with low omega-3 diets" - See Mega Twin EPA at
'Mangia, Mangia!' -- Certain Foods Fight Depression - Science Daily,
3/25/05 -
"confirmed the antidepressant-like effects of
omega-3 fatty acids ... uridine, a compound found in sugar beets and
molasses, has similar effects"
- DHEA May Help
Midlife Depression - WebMD, 2/7/05 -
"treatment with DHEA resulted in a 50% reduction in
depression symptoms in half the participants ... Treatment with the
supplement was associated with an increase in testosterone blood levels in
both men and women ... Taking DHEA for 6 weeks also significantly improved
sexual function scores"
- See
DHEA products.
Exercising Has Great Mental Health Benefits - CBS 2 Chicago, 1/25/05 -
"This is the first study that looks at exercise
alone for treating mild to moderate depression. It found most symptoms were
reduced almost in half by people who did some type of aerobic activity for
at least 30 minutes, three to five times a week"
- Dietary Supplement
Ups Antidepressant Effect - WebMD, 12/2/04 -
"Half the patients in the study reported significant improvement in symptoms
when they took
SAMe along with their prescription antidepressant for six weeks.
Forty-three percent reported having no depression symptoms at all six weeks
after adding the dietary supplement to their treatment" - See
SAMe products.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Good For The Heart, And (maybe) Good For The Brain
- Science Daily, 11/8/04 -
"There is mounting evidence that a diet containing
omega-3 fatty acids, already known to help prevent cardiovascular disease,
may also prevent depression"
Vitamin B6 level is associated with symptoms of depression
- Psychother Psychosom. 2004 Nov-Dec;73(6):340-3 -
"A low plasma level of PLP was significantly
associated with the depression score"
Serum Folate, Vitamin B(12), and Homocysteine in Major Depressive Disorder,
Part 1: Predictors of Clinical Response in Fluoxetine-Resistant Depression
- J Clin Psychiatry. 2004 Aug;65(8):1090-1095 -
"The response rates for patients with (N = 14) and
without (N = 38) low folate levels were 7.1% versus 44.7%, respectively"
- See
folic acid products.
Serum Folate, Vitamin B(12), and Homocysteine in Major Depressive Disorder,
Part 2: Predictors of Relapse During the Continuation Phase of
Pharmacotherapy - J Clin Psychiatry. 2004 Aug;65(8):1096-1098 -
"The relapse rates for patients with (N = 7) and
without (N = 64) low folate levels were 42.9% versus 3.2%, respectively"
- See
folic acid products.
Folate for depressive disorders - J Psychopharmacol. 2004
Jun;18(2):251-6 -
"adding folate reduced Hamilton Depression Rating
Scale (HDRS) scores on average by a further 2.65 points ... The remaining
study found no statistically significant difference when folate alone was
compared with trazodone" - See
folic acid products.
Chromium Picolinate Supplementation Linked With Reduced Carbohydrate
Cravings Associated With Atypical Depression - Doctor's Guide, 6/2/04 -
"daily supplementation with 600 mcg of
as chromium picolinate, significantly reduced carbohydrate cravings compared
to placebo, and improved other symptoms such as mood swings, fatigue and
weight gain perception" - See
chromium products.
S-Adenosylmethionine (SAMe) - A Very Important Natural Product
- Dr. Murray's Natural Facts, 6/2/04 -
"SAMe is perhaps the most effective natural
antidepressant (although a strong argument could be made for the extract of
St. John's wort standardized to contain 0.3% hypericin)" - See
SAMe products.
- Supplement
SAM-e Helps Beat Depression - WebMD, 5/5/04 -
SAM-e was added to their usual medication, half of the patients improved
and 43% went into remission, Alpert reports. "These are quite strong
responses and remission rates for a population that failed traditional
therapy."" - See
SAMe products.
- Zinc May Increase
Antidepressant Therapy Effectiveness
- Healthwell Exchange Daily News, 3/4/04 - "the
zinc-supplemented group showed a statistically significant improvement
compared with the placebo group at 6 and 12 weeks ... Other natural
substances that have been shown to benefit depression sufferers include
folic acid, DHEA, eicosapentaenoic acid (a fatty acid found in fish oil),
and St. John’s wort" - See
zinc products.
Herbal Combo Effective for Mild Depression - Clinical Psychiatry News,
2/04 -
"84% of patients who received the herbal preparation
had a 50% reduction in the Hamilton Depression (HAM-D) rating scale scores
vs. 18% among those on placebo ... Each patient received 360 mg/day of St.
John's wort, 168 mg/day of valerian, and 192 mg/day of passion flower"
High Vitamin B12 Levels May be Linked to Better Treatment Outcome for Major
Depressive Disorder - Doctor's Guide, 1/5/04 -
"Low levels of folate have also been associated with
a poor response to antidepressive therapy ... patients with greater HDRS
responses had higher vitamin B12 levels both at baseline (r = 0.39, P <
.001) and at 6 months ... The positive relationship between higher vitamin
B12 levels and improved HDRS score was also confirmed by linear regression
analysis" - [Abstract]
- See
Vitamin B12 products.
High vitamin B12 level and good treatment outcome may be associated in major
depressive disorder - BMC Psychiatry. 2003 Nov 27 -
"Higher vitamin B12 levels significantly associated
with a better outcome" - See
Vitamin B12 products.
Effect of zinc supplementation on antidepressant therapy in unipolar
depression: a preliminary placebo-controlled study
- Pol J Pharmacol. 2003 Nov-Dec;55(6):1143-7 -
"Zinc supplementation significantly reduced scores
in both measures after 6- and 12-week supplementation when compared with
placebo treatment. This preliminary study is the first demonstration of the
benefit of zinc supplementation in antidepressant therapy. The mechanism(s)
may be related to modulation of glutamatergic or immune systems by zinc ion"
- See
zinc products.
Exercise Boosts Drug Treatment for Depression - Doctor's Guide, 11/10/03
Dietary Folate and Depressive Symptoms Are Associated in Middle-Aged Finnish
Men - J Nutr. 2003 Oct;133(10):3233-3236 -
"The participants were grouped into thirds according
to their dietary folate intake. Those in the lowest third of energy-adjusted
folate intake had a higher risk of being depressed [odds ratio (OR) 1.67,
95% CI = 1.19-2.35, P = 0.003] than those in the highest folate intake third
... There were no associations between the intake of cobalamin, pyridoxine
or riboflavin, and depression. These results indicate that nutrition may
have a role in the prevention of depression"
- See
folic acid products.
St. John's Wort - Natural Foods Merchandiser, 10/03 -
"Recently, in a large trial comparing
SJW with the conventional antidepressant
imipramine, researchers concluded SJW is as effective as imipramine and is
better tolerated by patients.13 In a newer, larger trial (240 participants)
comparing SJW directly with fluoxetine, researchers concluded SJW was as
effective and safer than fluoxetine, particularly in patients suffering
depression and anxiety" - See
St. John's wort at Amazon.com
The Omega Principle - WashingtonPost.com, 8/19/03 -
"Omega-3s, dubbed the "happy" fats in
some quarters, are under investigation for treating depression, bipolar
disease, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, alcoholism, Alzheimer's
disease and even the so-called baby blues, or postpartum depression ...
there are many profound neurological disorders that are known to be caused
by lipid problems ... The brain itself, is, in fact, about 60 percent fat
... while the body can manufacture saturated fat, cholesterol and even some
unsaturated fat -- it is incapable of producing two of the fatty acids that
are most vital ... there has been an 1,000-fold increase in [consumption of]
omega-6 fatty acids ... Flooding brains and bodies with a diet rich in
omega-6 fatty acids theoretically could give an unfair advantage to these
molecules, allowing them to block omega-3s from getting inside cells"
- See Mega Twin EPA at
Omega-3 fatty acids in major depressive disorder. A preliminary
double-blind, placebo-controlled trial - Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2003
Aug;13(4):267-71 -
"In this study, we conducted an 8-week, double-blind,
placebo-controlled trial, comparing
omega-3 PUFAs (9.6 g/day) with placebo,
on the top of the usual treatment, in 28 patients with major depressive
disorder. Patients in the omega-3 PUFA group had a significantly decreased
score on the 21-item Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression than those in the
placebo group" - See Mega Twin EPA at
Higher Folate Levels Correlate with Improved Outcome for SSRI-Treated
Geriatric Patients - Doctor's Guide, 7/16/03 -
"Geriatric patients who are treated with the
serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) sertraline appear to experience
greater improvement in depression if they have higher than normal
folate levels at the start of therapy"
A New Era for SAMe - Life Extension Magazine, 6/03
- Lavender Effective
Add-on Therapy for Depression - New Hope Natural Media, 5/8/03 -
"the group taking the combination of
imipramine and
lavender had a significantly greater
reduction in HAM-D scores and the antidepressant effect occurred more
rapidly, compared with those taking imipramine or lavender alone" -
lavender products.
Low Folate Concentrations Associated With Depression
- Doctor's Guide, 5/2/03 -
"Physically healthy people who are depressed have
detectably lower
folate status than those who are not depressed" - See
folic acid products.
Depression and Folate Status in the US Population - Psychotherapy and
Psychosomatics 2003;72:80-87 - "Low
status was found to be most characteristic of recently recovered subjects,
and a large proportion of such subjects were folate deficient. Conclusions:
Low folate status was detectable in depressed members of the general US
population. Folate supplementation may be indicated during the year
following a depressive episode" - See
folic acid products.
- Bright Light
Therapy May Boost Testosterone - WebMD, 4/22/03 -
"early morning light therapy caused a surge in a pituitary hormone called
luteinizing hormone (LH) that raises
testosterone levels in men ... Previous
studies have shown that bright light
of daily exposure to specially designed, high-intensity light boxes can
alleviate many symptoms of depression, especially among people who suffer
from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) during winter months" - I did
a lot of research on lighting for our home owners association. See
http://qualitycounts.com/fp/lights.htm. The closest fluorescents to
actual sunlight are probably the ones with 5000 or
6500 Kelvin rating. The lights advertised as "cool white" are around
3000 Kelvin. I've always felt that the "cool white" phase was just a
gimmick to sell what was cheap to make.
- Chromium Effective for
Common Type of Depression - New Hope Natural Media, 4/10/03 -
"15 people suffering from atypical depression, who
had been off of antidepressant medication for at least seven days, were
randomly assigned to receive chromium
picolinate or a placebo for eight weeks. The dose was 400 mcg per day
for the first two weeks, then 600 mcg per day for the remainder of the study
... Seventy percent (7 of 10) of those receiving chromium responded to the
treatment, whereas none of the five individuals in the placebo group had a
positive response. Although the number of participants in the study was
small, the difference in outcome between the chromium and placebo groups was
highly statistically significant. Moreover, in 60% of those receiving
chromium, the depression went into remission" - See
chromium products.
Statins Appear To Have Favourable Impact On Psychological Conditions
- Doctor's Guide, 4/2/03 - "the longer people are on
statins the more their symptoms of
anxiety and hostility decrease ... When people stop taking statins or
can not tolerate the medicine, their depression, anxiety and hostility
returns to pre-statin levels" - Note:
Red yeast rice is a non-prescription
statin. See
red yeast rice products.
The Death of Anti-Aging Supplements? - Life Extension Magazine, 3/03 -
"During these many trials, researchers routinely
found that when taken daily, DHEA supplements
effectively reduced depressive episodes and enhanced mood. In fact,
according to one major study in the UK, as many as 67% of men and 82% of
women reported a noticeable decrease in their depressive symptoms while
taking as little as 25 mg/day of DHEA"
Dehydroepiandrosterone Augmentation in the Management of Negative,
Depressive, and Anxiety Symptoms in Schizophrenia - Archives of General
Psychiatry, 2/03 - "Results indicated significant
improvement in
negative symptoms (P<.001), as well as in depressive (P<.05) and
anxiety (P<.001) symptoms in individuals receiving
DHEA. This effect was especially noted in women"
- Fatty Acid Effective
against Depression - New Hope Natural Media, 1/9/03 -
"E-EPA is a chemically modified form of
... the best results were achieved with the smallest amount of E-EPA tested
... The authors of the study speculated that taking too much E-EPA might
cause an imbalance between the two major classes of essential fatty acids:
the omega-3 class (which includes EPA) and the omega-6 class (which includes
linoleic and arachidonic acids ... E-EPA is not widely available at the
present time"
S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine Results Similar to Imipramine in Major Depression
- Doctor's Guide, 12/30/02 - "A total of 146
patients received 400 milligrams per day of intramuscular
SAMe and 147 received 150 mg/d of oral
imipramine ...
SAMe and imipramine did not differ significantly on any efficacy measure,
either main or secondary ... Adverse events were significantly less in
patients treated with SAMe compared to those treated with imipramine"
- Note: There seems to be conflicting studies on whether oral SAMe is
poorly absorbed. I've added absorption studies near the bottom of my
SAMe page.
- SAM-e
(S-Adenosylmethionine) - James South -
"Because SAMe tablets are enterically coated,
they should NOT be cut in half to achieve a lower dose- the SAMe may
then break down before absorption"
- SAMe Beneficial in
Treating Osteoarthritis, Depression, and Liver Disease
- New Hope Natural Media, 12/12/02 -
"More than 100 human studies have been published in
medical journals showing that SAMe
is a safe, effective treatment and, in the cases of depression and
osteoarthritis, works as well as conventional medications"
Mechanisms Differ Between Depression and Either Vitamin B12 Or Folate
- Doctor's Guide, 12/10/02 - "hyperhomocysteinemia,
vitamin B12 deficiency and, to a lesser
extent, folate
deficiency all were related to depressive disorders"
Supplement [SAM-e] Found Effective As Antidepressant
- Intelihealth, 11/6/02 - "The dietary supplement
SAMe is about as effective as older, conventional
in treating depression, a preliminary, government-funded study says. It also
finds SAMe to be comparable to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications
in treating the pain of osteoarthritis. Such drugs include aspirin,
ibuprofen and naproxen" - See
SAM-e products.
- Fish Oil Eases
Depression - WebMD, 10/18/02 -
"people who added a daily dose of
omega-3 fatty acids to their regular
antidepressant treatment had
significant improvement in symptoms, including anxiety, sleeping problems,
sadness, decreased sexual desire, and suicidal tendencies ... Previous
studies have suggested that depressed people have lower-than-normal levels
of a fatty acid known as EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), which plays an
important role in maintaining normal brain function" - See my
essential fatty acids page, my omega-3
or Mega Twin EPA at
Fish Oil May Help Relieve Stubborn Depression
- Reuters, 10/17/02 - "Daily supplements of an
omega-3 fatty acid--found in fish and fish oil--may help alleviate the
symptoms of
depression in patients who do not respond to standard antidepressant
medications, new research findings suggest ... Previous researchers have
suggested that the balance of omega-3 fatty acids in the brain may become
skewed in people with depression, and earlier studies have shown that fish
oil supplements can help alleviate the symptoms of schizophrenia and bipolar
disorder, or manic depression"
Extending Healthspan: Hormones, Supplements, Diet and Exercise - Life
Extension Magazine, 10/02 -
"Finally, the authors note that
is an excellent antidepressant.
It restores good mood, self-confidence and sociability, often making
antidepressants such as Prozac no longer necessary. “Grumpy old men” are
those with testosterone deficiency" - See
Forever Ageless at Amazon.com
Government Report Concludes: Dietary Supplement SAM-e Equally Effective as
Prescription Drugs for Depression, Osteoarthritis
- Vitacost/Business Wire, 10/3/02
Testosterone Deficiency & Depression, Does DHEA Raise the Levels of
Bioavailable Testosterone in Men? - Life Extension Magazine, 8/02 -
"As testosterone
replacement for women is becoming increasingly commonplace, women too
report not just restored libido, but also improved mood and greater energy,
less anxiety and more assertiveness ... low levels of free testosterone were
the best predictor of depression, regardless of age ... the study [in men]
showed no correlation between depression and free estradiol ... The
mood-improving action of testosterone is more likely to be due to the direct
action of testosterone on the brain-possibly through raising the levels of
dopamine, a very important "reward" neurotransmitter ... a
well-controlled study published in the prestigious Journal of Clinical and
Experimental Endocrinology and Metabolism did in fact find a significant
rise in free testosterone in men aged 60 to 84 years, after three months on
100 mg of DHEA"
Bright-Light Therapy Effective In Non-Seasonal Depression
- Doctor's Guide, 5/23/02
Adjunct Folinic Acid For Depressed Patients With Inadequate SSRI Response
- Doctor's Guide, 5/8/02 -
"Investigators report that patient
levels rose. Hamilton Depression Rating Scale-17 (HAM-D-17) scores among 16
patients who completed the study decreased"
Experiments Strengthen Link Between Fish Oil, Mental Problems
- Intelihealth, 4/18/02 - "Infant monkeys fed baby
formulas supplemented with
omega-3 fatty acids - the ones found in
"fish oil" - were stronger and more alert even at less than a week old than
monkeys given standard baby formula ... Harvard researchers gave two groups
of persons who had recently been hospitalized with
diets that were high in omega-3 and omega-6, respectively. The results were
so dramatic that after three months, the scientists were directed by a
research oversight committee to stop the experiment and allow all the
subjects to take omega-3" - Personal recommendation Mega Twin EPA at
- Salmon May Help
Relieve Depression - WebMD, 3/15/02 - "Patients
randomly received either the fish oil capsule or a sugar pill in addition to
the antidepressant medication they were taking ... After four weeks, six of
10 patients receiving E-EPA -- but only one of 10 receiving placebo -- had
significantly reduced symptoms of depression ... The effect of E-EPA was
significant from week two of treatment ... Depressed mood, guilt feelings,
worthlessness, and insomnia were all improved"
- Note: One softgel of Twinlab
contains 600 mg of EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid).
Low Melatonin Values, Melancholic Depression Linked
- Doctor's Guide, 10/9/01 - see melatonin
St. John's Wort Vs. Drugs - Nutrition Science News, 6/01
St. John's Wort Passes Muster - Nutrition Science News, 4/00
DHEA: A Mental & Physical Boost - Life Extension Magazine, 12/99
- The
Marriage of DHEA and 5-HTP for New and Better Mood Function
- Life Enhancement Magazine, 7/99
Depression CME:
Medscape depression CME courses
Doctor's Guide depression CME courses
Advances in the Treatment of Depression - Medscape, 6/29/05
Long-term Management of Depression - Medscape, 6/29/05
Update on the Treatment of Depression - Medscape, 3/23/05
Advances in the Treatment of Depression: Clinical Implications of
Dual-Acting Antidepressants - PowerPak.com, exp. 10/1/07
Health Benefits of Folic Acid - PowerPak.com (CME), exp. 11/15/05 -
"it was observed that rats fed a diet deficient in folic acid had
significantly decreased serotonin content in the brain.25 It is now known
that serotonin plays a role in the regulation of mood, and a deficiency of
serotonin often is a factor in depression and mania" - See
folic acid products.
Advanced Treatment of Major Depression - PowerPak.com, (CME course),
exp. 12/15/06
New Options in the Treatment of Depression - U.S. Pharmacist, exp.
11/30/05 -
"When compared to fluoxetine,
mirtazapine demonstrated
significantly greater response rates at weeks 3 and 4. When compared to
citalopram and paroxetine, mirtazapine showed significantly greater response
in the first one to two weeks but not later. A comparison of mirtazapine and
venlafaxine in hospitalized, severely depressed patients showed equal
response and remission rates"
Addressing Both the Emotional and Physical Symptoms in Depression
- Medscape, exp. 3/21/04
- Clinical
Update on the Treatment of Depression - Medscape, 9/18/02
Recognizing and Treating Depression - The University of Mississippi
School of Pharmacy and DRUG TOPICS, exp. 12/31/02
Patient Satisfaction, Adherence, and Tolerance: Choosing the Right
Antidepressant - Pragmaton Office of Medical Education, 4/11/01
Treatment of Depression and Antidepressants - American College of
Physicians and the Office of Continuing Medical Education of the University
of Virginia School of Medicine
General Depression Information:
Depression and Endocrinology:
Wilson's Thyroid Syndrome -
"Conversion of T4 to T3 can also be impaired by
glucocorticoids" - Maybe that is the mechanism by which
causes depression, and if so, could T3 then cure the depression? - Ben,
Related article:
l-thyroxine augmentation of serotonergic antidepressants in female patients
with refractory depression - J Affect Disord. 2007 Feb 6 -
"The study included 17 female patients ... After
four weeks of l-thyroxine augmentation, the remission, assessed as 7 or less
points on Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) was obtained in eleven
patients (64.7%). Five other patients (29.5%) had responded (reduction>50%
on HDRS) and one patient did not show an improvement"
- Use OF T3 Thyroid
Hormone to Treat Depression - DrMirkin.com -
"some people become depressed when they take just T4 and their depression
can be cured when they take both thyroid hormones, T3 and T4"
Thyroid Supplementation Enhances Antidepressant Response - Medscape,
9/21/06 - "Remission occurred in 31 patients (58.5%)
receiving T3 compared with 19 patients (38%) in the placebo group" -
T3 at International Anti-aging Systems
but check with your doctor first.
Salivary Cortisol Response to Prednisolone Challenge Helps Understand
Treatment-Resistant Depression - Doctor's Guide, 9/19/06 -
"prednisolone is a better corticosteroid than
dexamethasone to assess the HPA axis because it binds to 2 different
receptors, not only the glucocorticoid receptors but also the
mineralocorticoid receptors, providing a more physiological approach"
A Comparison of Lithium and T3 Augmentation Following Two Failed Medication
Treatments for Depression: A STAR*D Report - Am J Psychiatry. 2006
Sep;163(9):1519-30 - "After a mean of 9.6 weeks
(SD=5.2) of treatment, remission rates were 15.9% with lithium augmentation
and 24.7% with T(3) augmentation" - See
T3 at International Anti-aging Systems.
Chronic Exposure To Stress Hormone Causes Anxious Behavior In Mice -
Science Daily, 4/17/06 - "Scientists already knew
that many people with depression have high levels of cortisol, a human
stress hormone, but it wasn't clear whether that was a cause or effect. Now
it appears likely that long-term exposure to cortisol actually contributes
to the symptoms of depression" - See my
cortisol page for ways to reduce it.
T3 augmentation of SSRI resistant depression - J Affect Disord. 2006 Feb
14 - "T3 augmentation was associated with a
statistically significant drop (p<.003) in the mean HAMD at end of the three
weeks compared to baseline scores ... T3 augmentation resulted in
improvement of mood scores"
- Depression May
Raise Women's Diabetes Risk - WebMD, 12/22/04 -
"symptoms of depression were linked to greater
levels of insulin resistance among the women ... depression can alter
hormones relating to how the body handles stress. This in turn can affect
body fat distribution and how it handles blood sugar metabolism"
Algorithm-Based Treatment Shows High Lack Of Response To Selective Serotonin
Reuptake Inhibitors - Doctor's Guide, 4/17/03 -
"When the clinicians added
T3, they found it was effective among 10 out of 16
women patients (62.5%), but was not effective in any of the 9 male patients
who received it. Although values were within the normal range, patients who
responded to T3 had higher serum thyroid-stimulating hormone levels than
those who did not ... The effect of T3 may be related to thyroid function
even within the normal range"
Mirtazapine Attenuates Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical Axis
Hyperactivity in Depressed Patients - Doctor's Guide, 4/17/03 -
"it has been shown to have an acute inhibiting effect on
secretion in healthy subjects ... Apparently,
mirtazapine rapidly attenuates HPA axis hyperactivity in depressed
patients via direct pharmaco-endocrinological effects. However, this
amelioration of HPA system dysregulation is not necessarily related to
clinical improvement" -
Click here for a previous study.
Treatment of Subclinical Hypothyroidism Advocated
- Doctor's Guide, 4/7/03 - "Adverse effects fall
into four general categories, according to Dr. Gardner -- neuropsychiatric
symptoms, abnormal lipids, altered myocardial function, and greater risk of
atherosclerotic heart disease ... Adding to the controversy, he added, is
growing evidence that the upper limit of normal serum TSH concentration
should be less than 2.5-3.0 U/mL and not the current levels of 5.0-5.5 U/mL"
- Testosterone
May Help Depressed Men - WebMD, 1/3/03 -
"nearly half of the men who had not responded to
conventional depression treatment had low or low-to-normal
testosterone levels. And several showed dramatic improvement when the
male hormone was given along with antidepressants"
Depression Management - ContinuingEducation.com, exp. 12/31/02 - See
table six, recommends 5 - 50 mcg T3, 100 mcg (.1 mg) T4
- New Vistas in
Antidepressant Development - Medscape, 11/21/02 -
"The evidence for corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) hypersecretion in
depression and certain anxiety disorders is compelling ... CRF is
transported to the anterior pituitary via the hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal
system where it promotes the release of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
into the general circulation, which in turn stimulates the production and
release of cortisol from the adrenal cortex
... Numerous studies have revealed that the direct injection of CRF into the
CNS of laboratory animals produces effects reminiscent of the cardinal
symptoms of depression, including decreased libido"
Bipolar Patients Sensitive to Thyroid Function Variations
- Doctor's Guide, 1/8/02 - "They studied 65 patients
in the depressed phase of bipolar I disorder to test the hypothesis that
patients with lower thyroid function, even within the normal range, might
have a poorer response to treatment initially ... Outcomes were relatively
poor unless patients had FTI [free thyroxine index] values above the median
and TSH values below the median"
Cortisol Feedback Could Be Normal in Major Depression Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 1/2/02
Thyroid Hormones Accelerate Depressive Response to Drug Therapy
- Doctor's Guide, 10/30/01 -
"Five of the six studies found T3 to be
significantly more effective than placebo in accelerating clinical response
... Investigators say they found that the average effect was highly
Researchers Explore New Meds for Mood Disorders - Clinical Psychiatry
News, 10/01 - "Another approach being developed for
patients with high levels of circulating cortisol involves the abortion pill
mifepristone ... The findings, to be published this month in the Journal
of Clinical Psychopharmacology, suggest that a rapid antidepressant response
(approximately 7 days) may occur in some patients"
Researchers Hopeful Antidepressant Augmentation Will Improve Remission -
Clinical Psychiatry News, 9/01 - "In psychotic
depression, a corticosteroid antagonist looks most promising.
Mifepristone, which is used to induce abortions but was originally
designed as treatment for Cushing's disease, has achieved rapid reversal of
symptoms in some 30 psychotically depressed patients, ostensibly by blocking
cortisol receptors. The drug is now being investigated in a large
double-blind trial, he said"
Major Depression: Tianeptine At Least Halves Relapse And Recurrence Rates
- Doctor's Guide, 3/29/01 - "A smaller proportion of
tianeptine group experienced either relapses or recurrences compared to
placebo (16 and 36 percent, respectively) ... events related to treatment
were rare and mild in both arms of the study ... The rates of relapse and
recurrence decreased between two- and three-fold among tianeptine users
compared to placebo. However, the treatments were equally well accepted by
the two groups" - note: tianeptine is believed to inhibit cortisol -
Depressed Patients Show Thyroid Resistance To Thyrotropin Action -
Doctor's Guide, 2/6/01
- Mirtazapine Regulates
Stress Hormones, Improves Sleep In Depressed Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 8/8/01 - "Mirtazipine
might be the best option for depressed patients with sleep disturbance and
irregularities in stress hormone function ... Depression is often
accompanied by sleep disturbance -- subjective and objective -- as well as
[hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal] HPA-axis dysregulation ... Mirtazapine is a
treatment that [profoundly affects] the HPA-axis within hours and promotes
sleep within days ... They tested the 24-hour urinary free cortisol (UFC)
levels of 16 healthy men and 20 men and women with major depression ...
mirtazipne significantly reduced UFC concentrations, which is often elevated
in depressed patients"
Effects of thyroxine as compared with thyroxine plus triiodothyronine in
patients with hypothyroidism - N Engl J Med. 1999 Feb 11;340(6):469-70 -
"among 15 visual-analogue scales used to indicate
mood and physical status, the results for 10 were significantly better after
treatment with thyroxine [t4] plus triiodothyronine [t3]"
- RU-486 could aid variety of ills -
MSNBC, 11/2/00 - "RU-486’s ability to block the
action of a different hormone — cortisol — has prompted doctors to try it
for psychotic depression. In addition to feeling sad and worthless, people
with this devastating condition have distorted thinking and often suffer
delusions or hallucinations. Many
become suicidal.
“They have very, very disturbing and crazy thoughts ... and they have no
ability to suppress them,” said Joseph K. Belanoff, a California
psychiatrist who is chief executive officer of Corcept Therapeutics Inc., a
small pharmaceutical company. Corcept is sponsoring a study of RU-486 for
psychotic depression.
Several lines of evidence have led researchers to suspect that some of the
symptoms of psychotic depression are caused by an excess of cortisol in the
brain. Cortisol levels rise in response to stress and may be abnormally
elevated in depressed individuals. Similar symptoms can occur in patients
with Cushing’s syndrome, an overabundance of cortisol usually caused by a
tumor, and RU-486 has cured the mental disturbance in some
such cases.
“Our feeling has been that a lot of the cognitive problems and delusions that
you see in some of the patients are due to the [cortisol],” said Alan F.
Schatzberg, chairman of the psychiatry department at Stanford University
School of Medicine, where researchers are conducting a study that will test
RU-486 on 30 patients with psychotic depression.
RU-486 or other cortisol-blocking drugs “may be better alternatives than ...
some of the typical treatments” such as antipsychotic drugs or electric
shock therapy, he said."
- Two studies implying that cortisol is the cause, not the result of
Other Depression News:
Depression Worsens Health More Than Angina, Arthritis, Asthma, Diabetes
- Doctor's Guide, 9/14/07 - "Depression produces the
greatest decrement in health compared with the chronic diseases angina,
arthritis, asthma, and diabetes"
Depression Associated With Accelerated Bone Loss in Older Women -
Medscape, 6/29/07 - "We found that depressive
symptoms were associated with greater rates of bone loss in a group of older
women (average age about 75 years old); the more depressive symptoms women
had, the greater their rates of bone loss"
Depression May Trigger Diabetes In Older Adults - Science Daily, 4/23/07
- "Carnethon theorizes that the culprit responsible
for diabetes in persons who are depressed is a high level of a stress
hormone, cortisol"
Depression May Be Related to Testosterone Levels in Men - Doctor's
Guide, 11/13/06 - "Levels of TT were 11.94 among
patients with major depression and 17.64 among healthy controls (P < .001).
Bioavailable testosterone measures were 3.51 among patients with depression
and 4.69 among controls ... Men with depression have a significantly lower
BT level than do non-depressed men but using TT as the threshold to define
hypogonadism revealed an even greater difference between the 2 groups in
this study"
Study Says Depression May Weaken Bones - WebMD, 10/30/06 -
"After four weeks, the depressed mice had lost bone
density, the study shows. The problem: They had a drop in bone-building
cells called osteoblasts ... When the depressed mice drank water laced with
imipramine, their depression eased and their bone loss stopped"
Strong Link Seen Between Depression, Inflammation - Clinical Psychiatry
News, 6/06 - "depressed patients have elevated
inflammatory markers—such as interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein. In fact,
the levels of proinflammatory cytokines correlate with the severity of
depressive symptoms in studies. In addition, administration of cytokine
antagonists can effectively reverse depressive symptoms in patients"
Chronic depression may rob you of more than joy: The evidence is piling up
that it can also steal your health - US News, 4/10/06 -
"depressed adults have a 37 percent greater risk of
developing type 2 diabetes than the rest of the population; other studies
have suggested their risk actually doubles ... One intriguing recent study
of Alzheimer's patients revealed that those with a history of depression had
more extensive plaques in their brains. Depressed postmenopausal women with
no history of heart disease are much more likely to develop it and die of it
than their peers ... loneliness can spike blood pressure by 30 points in
older people. Pancreatic cancer, for reasons scientists don't understand, is
often preceded by a serious depression before the disease asserts itself"
First Antidepressant Fails 70% of Time - WebMD, 1/4/06
Link between Depression, Coronary Heart Disease - Doctor's Guide,
Combination Therapy More Effective than Monotherapy for Treatment of Major
Depressive Disorder - Doctor's Guide, 11/11/05
Patients With Depression and Migraine Likely to Have More Serious Disease
- Doctor's Guide, 10/11/05
Symptoms of Depression May Worsen Heart Failure - Doctor's Guide,
9/12/05 - "depression may hasten the progression of
heart disease by increasing the levels of a key protein that causes
inflammation ... tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha)"
Depression Worsens Heart Disease - WebMD, 8/15/05 -
"Patients who reported symptoms of depression did
significantly worse on a test of blood vessel function"
Drowsy Days May Signal Depression - WebMD, 8/12/05 -
"After crunching the numbers, depression was the No.
1 risk factor for excessive daytime sleepiness. BMI came second. Typical
sleep duration was third, followed by diabetes, smoking, and, finally, sleep
Dopamine May Play New Role in Depression - WebMD, 7/28/05 -
"Current antidepression treatments are mostly based
on the deficiency or imbalance of the brain chemicals serotonin and
norepinephrine ... This new study highlights the importance of the dopamine
Drug Combination Shows Efficacy in Psychotic Depression - Clinical
Psychiatry News, 7/05
Insomnia May Precede And Prolong Major Depression - Doctor's Guide,
6/22/05 - "depressed patients with insomnia were
nearly 11 times more likely to still be depressed at six months than those
sleeping well, and 17 times more likely to remain ill after a year ... they
suggest that targeted treatment for insomnia will increase the likelihood
and speed of recovery from depression"
Depression Treatment Fraught With Challenges - Clinical Psychiatry News,
Study Shows Strong Link Between Depression and Painful Complaints -
Doctor's Guide, 3/10/05
- Depression Risk
Worsens Through Generations - WebMD, 1/12/04
- Many Depressed
Patients Have Bipolar Disorder - Medscape, 10/18/04 -
"used the Structured Clinical Interview for the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition
(DSM-IV) to reinterview 61 patients diagnosed with unipolar depression who
had failed to respond to at least two adequate courses of antidepressants
... after following them for a year, fully 80% of patients were deemed to
have bipolar disorder"
- Unhappy
Marriage Reflects Spouse's Depression - WebMD, 10/11/04 -
"each spouse's level of anxiety and depression
predicted an unhappy marriage for the depressed spouse and the other spouse
as well"
Elevated Depressive Symptoms and Inflammation Seen in Heart Failure Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 9/16/04 -
"Activation of proinflammatory cytokines that occurs
as a result of depression may promote the progression of heart failure and
result in mortality in these patients"
- Study Links
Depression and Pain - WebMD, 8/26/04
Depression Traced To Overactive Brain Circuit - Science Daily, 8/4/04
- Body Aches May
Signal Depression - WebMD, 7/20/04 - "often,
physical ills occur for no apparent reason -- and depression could be a
likely cause ... Yet unless they are specifically screened for depression,
it's hard for some doctors to pick up that it may be depression, especially
in the primary care setting"
Try Augmentation to Beat Fatigue in Depression - Clinical Psychiatry
News, 6/04
- Primary Care
for Depression Fails 50% of Time - WebMD, 5/6/04
Schizophrenia Drug [Geodon] Used for Depression - WebMD, 3/24/04
Depression, The Mind Body Connection - Physician's Weekly, 2/16/04 -
"We are just beginning to realize the high number of
patients coming to doctors with physical complaints that, at least in part,
stem from depression. Approximately 12% of the general population is
depressed, and among those with physical illness that number increases
dramatically to maybe more than 40%; an astronomical number of ill patients
are depressed ... People who are depressed are likely to have
norepinephrine abnormalities; the proper functioning of blood
macrophages is dependent upon health norepinephrine"
Low Testosterone
May Cause Depression - 2/3/04 -
"some 30% of men over age 55 have it. Low levels of
the hormone can cause symptoms of fatigue, a decreased sex drive, and
irritability ...the men with low testosterone were four times more likely to
be diagnosed with clinical depression" - [Abstract]
- Morning
Headaches Linked to Depression - WebMD, 1/12/04
Statins: A New Therapy for Depression? - Physician's Weekly, 12/8/03 -
"adult patients with underlying coronary artery
disease (CAD) who continuously used statins were 30% to 40% less likely to
be at risk for depression, anxiety, and hostility"
- Even Mild
Depression Harms Immunity - WebMD, 10/15/03
Should Depressed Patients Take Antidepressants Longer?
- Physician's Weekly, 8/25/03 -
"depressed women had a smaller hippocampus ... women
who remained on a medication for less time experience greater shrinkage of
the hippocampus"
- Oral Contraceptives
and Depression - Medscape, 8/7/03
Depression Liked to Alzheimer's Risk - Physician's Weekly, 7/28/03 -
"People who have experienced depression are more
likely to develop
Alzheimer's disease than their relatives
who have never shown signs of depression ... People who have experienced
depression are more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease than their
relatives who have never shown signs of depression"
Depression Most Costly Illness for Employers - Psychiatric News, 7/18/03
- "workers with depression cost employers more than
three times the amount associated with lost productivity from all other
illness ... Twenty percent of the $44 billion cost of depression was
accounted for by absenteeism, while 80 percent of the costs associated with
depression, or $35.7 billion, was linked to "presenteeism"—that is, present
on the job but with significantly reduced productivity"
80% Inadequately Treated for Depression - WebMD, 6/17/03 -
"Most people with depression have moderate to severe
forms of major depression. Only 10% of depressed Americans have mild,
fleeting episodes ... The typical American with major depression is unable
to work or perform everyday activities for 35 days each year. Those with the
most severe major depression typically lose some 90 days each year"
Sexual Dysfunction Common But Conservatively Treated In Depressed Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 5/26/03 - "Sexual
dysfunction was observed in 35% of those spontaneously reporting
problems and in 69% of those with problems identified by physician
questioning. Of patients treated with antidepressants, 71% reported sexual
dysfunction compared to 65% in untreated patients. The researchers also
found that treatment with
tianeptine was associated with a lower
incidence of sexual dysfunction than was treatment with
tricyclic antidepressant or serotonin reuptake inhibitors" -
Interesting because depression is associated with high
cortisol and tianeptine has been shown to counter the effects of
cortisol. That supports the theory of cortisol being the cause. Tianeptine
is available at
IAS. - Ben
New Stress-Buster Drugs Block Hormone Binding - Clinical Psychiatry
News, 4/03 - "A new class of anxiety-relieving
drugs—agents that interrupt core hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) stress
signals—will emerge in the next 2-3 years ... In his HPA axis model of
depression, the affected individual has a blunted ability to counterregulate
in response to stress-induced
increases, and thus is unable to turn off the fight-or-flight HPA mechanism.
The result is constant anxiety and overreaction to external stimuli,
followed by a sense of learned helplessness and loss of motivation. Many
symptoms of deeply entrenched depression—anxiety,
loss of appetite, reduced libido, elevated heart rate,
hypertension, and dyslipidemia—point to HPA dysregulation ... People
with melancholic depression do tend to produce abnormally high levels of
CRH. These individuals also have elevated levels of cortisol" - See
cortisol page for ways to reduce it.
- Sleep Problems
Don't Discriminate by Age - WebMD, 3/31/03 - "Sleep
disorders were reported by: ... 82% of those with depression"
- Electroconvulsive
Therapy More Effective Than Medication in Depression
- Medscape, 3/6/03 - See my ECT page.
Recurrent Major Depression Important Risk Factor For Carotid Plaque In
Healthy Middle-Aged Women - Doctor's Guide, 3/3/03 -
"Women with a lifetime history of recurrent major depressive episodes were
more than twice as likely to have plaque on carotid ultrasonography than
women with no history of major depression"
Chronic Painful Physical Conditions [CPPCs] Strongly Associated With Major
Depression - Doctor's Guide, 2/19/03 -
"A diagnosis of major
depressive disorder was made in 4% of
participants, and 43.4% of those with major depression had at least one
CPPC. The researchers point out this was four times the rate in people
without major depressive disorder"
Ovarian Function Could Decline Early In Women With A History of Depression
- Doctor's Guide, 2/19/03 -
"Women with a lifetime history of major depression
could have an early decline in ovarian
Testosterone May Boost Efficacy Of Antidepressants in Men
- Psychiatric News, 2/7/03
Depression And Chronic Pain Linked, May Influence Diagnosis, Treatment
- Doctor's Guide, 1/16/03 - "A new study finds that
people who have major depression are more than twice as likely to have
chronic pain when compared to people who have
no symptoms of depression" - See
substance P.
How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body - Time Magazine, 1/20/03 -
"More and more doctors—and patients—recognize that
mental states and physical well-being are intimately connected. An unhealthy
body can lead to an unhealthy mind, and an illness of the mind can trigger
or worsen diseases in the body. Fixing a problem in one place, moreover, can
often help the other ... Somehow depression makes the body less responsive
to insulin, the hormone that processes blood sugar—plausibly through the
action of
cortisol, a hormone that can interfere with insulin sensitivity and that
is often elevated in depressed patients ... Cortisol may also make depressed
patients more prone to osteoporosis ... Cizza estimates that some 350,000
women get osteoporosis each year because of depression. Cortisol appears to
interfere with the ability of the bones to absorb calcium and offset the
natural calcium loss that comes with menopause and aging"
- Testosterone Gel
Helpful in Refractory Depression
- Medscape, 1/15/03
- Alzheimer's
Drugs Help More Than Memory - WebMD, 1/7/03 -
"Four such drugs have been approved by the FDA for use in the U.S. --
Reminyl, approved
in 2001; Exelon,
approved in 2000;
Aricept, approved in 1996; and Cognex, approved in 1993, but rarely used
now because it can cause liver problems ... treatment with one of these
drugs for at least one month slowed the worsening of functional skills such
as the ability to dress, bathe and shop. And it improved psychiatric
symptoms including
depression, hallucinations, delusions,
anxiety, and apathy"
- Testosterone
May Help Depressed Men - WebMD, 1/3/03 -
"nearly half of the men who had not responded to
depression treatment had low or low-to-normal testosterone levels. And
several showed dramatic improvement when the male hormone was given along
with antidepressants"
Three Depression Subtypes Respond Selectively - Clinical Psychiatry
News, 1/03 - "Psychotic depression ... In general,
the antidepressant needs to be helped along by an adjunctive
antipsychotic agent or by ECT
... That constellation of symptoms known as atypical depression seems to
preferentially respond to our old friends—the MAO
- Depression Could
Cost You Your Job - WebMD, 12/9/02 -
"researchers found that 42% of those who showed symptoms of depression in
the study's first year eventually lost their jobs"
Brain Serotonin Production Directly Related To Degree Of Sunlight
- Doctor's Guide, 12/5/02
- Unraveling the
Sun's Role in Depression - WebMD, 12/5/02 -
"regardless of the season, the turnover of
serotonin in the brain was affected by the amount of sunlight on any
given day. And the levels of serotonin were higher on bright days than on
overcast or cloudy ones. In fact, the rate of serotonin production in the
brain was directly related to the duration of bright sunlight"
- Don't Ditch Your
Antidepressants - WebMD, 9/17/02 - "It can take
9 months of treatment -- maybe up to a year -- to help prevent a relapse"
Modafinil May Reduce Residual Fatigue, Sleepiness - Clinical Psychiatry
News, 7/02 - "Fatigue, sleepiness, and such related
phenomena as impaired concentration and reduced energy are extremely common
depression, and may remain—sometimes for years—after the disorder has
resolved ... There were significant declines in both sleepiness and fatigue
in the medication [modafinil]
group, compared with placebo, at the first week of treatment (for
sleepiness) and the second (for fatigue)."
Testosterone Therapy Improves Exercise Ability of Men with Chronic
Congestive Heart Failure - Doctor's Guide, 6/21/02 -
"After 12 weeks, the
testosterone group achieved a 34
percent increase in exercise capacity compared to 2 percent for the control
group ... In addition, the testosterone treatment improved depression and
heart failure
symptoms while causing few side effects"
- Depression Linked
to Parkinson's - WebMD, 5/28/02 - "About 1.4%
(19) of the depressed people (about 1.4%) developed
compared with only 0.4% of the others ... the link may have a biological
explanation, known as the "serotonin hypothesis." Not only do people with
Parkinson's disease have lower levels of
in the brain, studies have also shown that the brains of these patients also
have reduced levels of another brain chemical,
serotonin. Low levels of serotonin are known to be a key factor in
depression" - Note: St. Johns wort is
believed to increase all three of the brain's primary chemicals,
norepinephrine and
Alcohol Hampers Depression Tx - Clinical Psychiatry News, 5/02
Primary-Care Treatment Choices Outlined For Non-Major Depression
- Doctor's Guide, 5/8/02 - "They add that individual
trials suggest significantly greater improvements in symptom scores with
venlafaxine [Effexor]"
Nausea Sometimes A Red Flag For Anxiety and Depression
- Doctor's Guide, 3/8/02 -
"People who experience nausea may be suffering from
anxiety or depression, possible causes that should be investigated before
aggressive treatments are begun for gastrointestinal disorders"
Persistent Mild Depression In Older Adults May Lower Immunity And Ability To
Fight Off Disease, According To New Study - Intelihealth, 2/11/02
- 3 Antidepressants
Equally Effective - WebMD, 12/18/01
Augmentation Strategy Aids Treatment-Resistant Depression - Clinical
Psychiatry News, 11/01 - "Pramipexole,
a dopamine agonist, may be an effective
augmentation agent for patients with treatment-resistant depression"
- Estradiol Beneficial In
Treating Some Menopausal Women With Depression
- Doctor's Guide, 10/9/01
Depression May Lurk in Stress-Response System - Clinical Psychiatry
News, 9/01 - "Norepinephrine
depletion has a particularly marked effect on concentration, energy, and
interest, while mood is equally sensitive to this neurotransmitter and
Hyper-Secretion of Cortisol Found in Depressed Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 8/28/01 - "a dysfunction in 5-HT
1A receptor activity could be due to a hyper-secretion of
Wendy Williams dives into depression awareness - USA Today, 8/10/01 -
"Depression is the number one cause of disability in the world, worse than
heart disease, cancer, and car accidents"
- Depressive Symptoms In
Diabetics Worsen Glycemic Control - Doctor's Guide, 6/25/01
Depression may double diabetes risk - USA Today, 5/24/01 -
"But, even "independent of weight gain and other factors," Lustman says,
depression doubles the risk for diabetes. "There are changes in hormones
that occur during depression that can directly increase insulin
- Venlafaxine Improves
Patients Depression-Free Days Compared To Selective Serotonin Reuptake
Inhibitors, Placebo - Doctor's Guide, 5/10/01
Consider Undertreatment in Resistant Depression - Clinical Psychiatry
News, 4/01 - "Dosage should be pushed to the maximal
tolerated level—something many psychiatrists are not prepared to do—and then
maintained there for at least 6 weeks before an agent is concluded to be
Antidepressants Can Cause Bedroom Blues, Wellbutrin Fixes Antidepressant Sex
Problems - WebMD, 4/18/01 - "as many as half of
the men and women taking these drugs find that it affects their sex lives"
- Depression In Later Life
May Be Caused By Hardened Arteries - Doctor's Guide, 12/20/00
- Effexor More Effective
Than Prozac In Achieving Remission In Depression - Doctor's Guide,
- Remeron Relieves
Depression Quicker Than Do Some SSRIs - Doctor's Guide, 12/15/99
- Depression Commonly
Misdiagnosed As Dementia - Doctor's Guide, 9/13/99
Antidepressant-Induced Sexual Dysfunction Associated with Low Serum Free
- Erectile Dysfunction
Associated With Depression - Doctor's Guide, 7/23/98
- Remeron Found Superior To
Fluoxetine In Early Depression Treatment - Doctor's Guide, 6/25/98
- Effexor XR Produces
Significantly Higher Depression Remission Rates Than Prozac - Doctor's
Guide, 6/2/98
Antidepressant Can Change Personality Traits In Healthy People -
Doctor's Guide, 3/2/98
- Treating Depression In
Diabetics Helps Control Blood Sugar - Doctor's Guide, 6/6/97
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