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Here's my sleep formula. It might
be overkill but it works: 1000
mg of l-tryptophan (see
750 mg of GABA (see
200 mg of l-theanine (see
l-theanine), 1 Valerian
Nighttime (see valerian),
300 mg of relora (see relora, lowers
300 mg of phosphatidyl serine
(see phosphatidyl serine, lowers cortisol),
100 mg of French oak
extract (See French oak extract),
1300 mg of ashwaganda (See
ashwagandha), 1 Nature's Way
Chamomile Extract (see chamomile),
tart cherry extract (see
cherry extract), 88 mg saffron
(see saffron), 25 mg B-6 -
increases melatonin absorption,
cut in half) (see B-vitamins),
Jarrow B12/Folate and 3 mg
melatonin (see melatonin). Also, see my
insomnia page.
Popular Medications:
Popular Supplements:
Alternative News:
Curcuminoids, a major
turmeric component, have a sleep-enhancing effect by targeting the histamine H1
receptor - Food Funct 2022 Nov 21 - "we conclude
that curcuminoids reduce sleep latency and enhance the quantity of NREMS by
acting as modulators of H1R, indicating their usefulness in treating insomnia"
- See curcumin at Amazon.com.
Quercetin ameliorates memory
impairment by inhibiting abnormal microglial activation in a mouse model of
paradoxical sleep deprivation - Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2022 Sep 27 -
"Paradoxical sleep deprivation (PSD) is prevalent in
modern society, and impaired memory is one of its serious consequences. The
pathogenic mechanism is still unclear, and the therapeutic strategies for PSD
are limited. Here, we found that quercetin treatment ameliorated memory
impairments caused by PSD in a dose-dependent manner in an animal model ... Our
results provided experimental evidence for the therapeutic effects of quercetin
on PSD-related memory impairments by suppressing TLR4/MyD88/NF-κB signaling that
mediated abnormal microglia activation in the hippocampus" - See
quercetin at Amazon.com.
Effect of 12-Week Intake
of Nicotinamide Mononucleotide on Sleep Quality, Fatigue, and Physical
Performance in Older Japanese Adults: A Randomized, Double-Blind
Placebo-Controlled Study - Nutrients 2022 Feb 11 -
"Deteriorating sleep quality and physical or mental fatigue in older adults
leads to decreased quality of life and increased mortality rates. This study
investigated the effects of the time-dependent intake of nicotinamide
mononucleotide (NMN) on sleep quality, fatigue, and physical performance in
older adults ... NMN (250 mg) or placebo was administered once a day for 12
weeks. Sleep quality was evaluated using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index.
Fatigue was evaluated using the "Jikaku-sho shirabe" questionnaire. Grip
strength, 5-times sit-to-stand (5-STS), timed up and go, and 5-m habitual walk
were evaluated to assess the physical performance. Significant interactions were
observed between 5-STS and drowsiness. 5-STS of all groups on post-intervention
and drowsiness of the NMN_PM and Placebo_PM groups on mid- and post-intervention
showed significant improvement compared with those in pre-intervention. The
NMN_PM group demonstrated the largest effect size for 5-STS (d = 0.72) and
drowsiness (d = 0.64). Overall, NMN intake in the afternoon effectively improved
lower limb function and reduced drowsiness in older adults. These findings
suggest the potential of NMN in preventing loss of physical performance and
improving fatigue in older adults" - See
NMN at Amazon.com.
- NMN vs NR – 1 Huge Difference |
Dr David Sinclair & Dr Andrew Huberman Interview Clips - YouTube - Dr.
Sinclair, who had done significant research on NMN, claims MNM is better
than the much more expensive NR. Dr. Sinclair makes sense. He confirms a lot
of what I've read yet look how few views he gets compared to bullshit
artists like Dr. Eric Berg or Dr. John Campbell. For some reason, whether
it's politics or health, people prefer lies.
Melatonin Improves Sleep
in MS - Medscape, 10/15/21 - "The study was a
double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study. Participants had a Pittsburgh
Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) score of 5 or more, or an Insomnia Severity Index
(ISI) score higher than 14 at baseline. Other baseline assessments included
patient-reported outcomes for sleep disturbances, sleep quality, daytime
sleepiness, fatigue, walking ability, and mood. Half of the participants
received melatonin for the first 2 weeks and then switched to placebo. The other
half started with placebo and moved over to melatonin at the beginning of week 3
... During the second and fourth weeks, participants wore an actigraph watch to
measure their physical and sleep activities, and then repeated the
patient-reported outcome measures at the end of weeks 2 and 4. Melatonin
improved average sleep time (6.96 vs. 6.67 hours; P = .03) as measured by the
actigraph watch. Sleep efficiency was also nominally improved (84.7% vs. 83.2%),
though the result was not statistically significant (P = .07). Other trends
toward statistical significance included improvements in ISI (–3.5 vs. –2.4; P =
.07), change in PSQI component 1 (–0.03 vs. 0.0; P = .07), and change in the
NeuroQoL-Fatigue score (–4.7 vs. –2.4; P = .06)" - See
melatonin at Amazon.com and
Palmitoylethanolamide for sleep disturbance. A double-blind, randomised,
placebo-controlled interventional study - Sleep Sci Pract 2021;5(1):12 -
"compared the efficacy and tolerability of 8 weeks of
daily supplemented PEA formulation (350 mg Levagen + ®) to a placebo ... At week
8, PEA supplementation reduced sleep onset latency, time to feel completely
awake and improved cognition on waking. After 8 weeks, both groups improved
their sleep quality and quantity scores similarly" - [Nutra
USA] - See palmitoylethanolamide at
clock off-schedule? Prebiotics may help - Science Daily, 9/14/21 -
"The animal study, published in the journal Brain,
Behavior and Immunity, is the latest to suggest that prebiotics -- not to be
confused with probiotics found in fermented foods like yogurt and sauerkraut --
can influence not only the gut, but also the brain and behavior ... Naturally
abundant in many fibrous foods -- including leeks, artichokes and onions -- and
in breast milk, these indigestible carbohydrates pass through the small
intestine and linger in the gut, serving as nourishment for the trillions of
bacteria residing there ... The authors' previous studies showed that rats
raised on prebiotic-infused chow slept better and were more resilient to some of
the physical effects of acute stress ... Rats that ate prebiotics more quickly
realigned their sleep-wake cycles and core body temperature (which can also be
thrown off when internal clocks are off) and resisted the alterations in gut
flora that often come with stress ... Put simply: The animals that ingested the
prebiotics hosted more good bacteria, which in turn produced metabolites that
protected them from something akin to jet lag ... Why not just ingest the
beneficial bacteria directly, via probiotic-rich foods like yogurt? ... That
could also help, but prebiotics may have an advantage over probiotics in that
they support the friendly bacteria one already has, rather than introducing a
new species that may or may not take hold" - See
prebiotic supplements at
Amazon.com and
prebiotic supplements at iHerb.
Effects of Lactobacillus
plantarum PS128 on Depressive Symptoms and Sleep Quality in Self-Reported
Insomniacs: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Trial -
Nutrients 2021, 13(8) - "Recent animal studies have
supported that Lactobacillus plantarum PS128 (PS128) can reduce the severity of
anxiety and depression. However, previous studies did not focus on the sleep
quality and mood of humans ... Forty participants between 20 and 40 years of age
with self-reported insomnia were randomly assigned to two groups, a PS128 group
and a placebo group, in a double-blind trial. Participants took two capsules of
either PS128 or a placebo after dinner for 30 day ... Compared to the control
group, the PS128 group showed significant decreases in Beck Depression
Inventory-II scores, fatigue levels, brainwave activity, and awakenings during
the deep sleep stage. Their improved depressive symptoms were related to changes
in brain waves and sleep maintenance. These findings suggest that daily
administration of PS128 may lead to a decrease in depressive symptoms, fatigue
level, cortical excitation, and an improvement in sleep quality during the deep
sleep stage. Daily consumption of PS128 as a dietary supplement may improve the
depressive symptoms and sleep quality of insomniacs, although further
investigation is warranted" - [Nutra
USA] - See lactobacillus plantarum ps128
at Amazon.com.
The negative relationship of
dietary inflammatory index and sleeping quality in obese and overweight women
- Int J Vitam Nutr Res 2021 Aug 4 - "Based on the
present observational study, obese and overweight females with higher adherence
of the anti-inflammatory diet may have better sleeping status"
Effects of Probiotic NVP-1704
on Mental Health and Sleep in Healthy Adults: An 8-Week Randomized,
Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial - Nutrients 2021, 13(8) -
"The human gut microbiome is closely linked to mental
health and sleep. We aimed to verify the efficacy and safety of probiotic
NVP-1704, a mixture of Lactobacillus reuteri NK33 and Bifidobacterium
adolescentis NK98, in improving stress, depression, anxiety, and sleep
disturbances, along with the measurement of some blood biomarkers. A total of
156 healthy adults with subclinical symptoms of depression, anxiety, and
insomnia were retrospectively registered and randomly assigned to receive either
NVP-1704 (n = 78) or a placebo (n = 78) for eight week ... After intervention,
gut microbiota composition was quantified by pyrosequencing the bacterial 16S
rRNA gene. The NVP-1704 group had a more significant reduction in depressive
symptoms at four and eight weeks of treatment, and anxiety symptoms at four
weeks compared to the placebo group. Those receiving NVP-1704 also experienced
an improvement in sleep quality. NVP-1704 treatment led to a decrease in serum
interleukin-6 levels. Furthermore, NVP-1704 increased Bifidobacteriaceae and
Lactobacillacea, whereas it decreased Enterobacteriaceae in the gut microbiota
composition. Our findings suggest that probiotic NVP-1704 could be beneficial
for mental health and sleep" - [Nutra
USA] - See probiotic supplements at Amazon.com
physical activity levels may counter serious health harms of poor sleep -
Science Daily. 6/29/21 - "Participants supplied
information on their normal weekly physical activity levels, which were measured
in Metabolic Equivalent of Task (MET) minutes. These are roughly equivalent to
the amount of energy (calories) expended per minute of physical activity ... For
example, 600 MET minutes a week is the equivalent of 150 minutes of moderate
intensity activity, or more than 75 minutes of vigorous intensity physical
activity a week ... Compared with those with the high physical activity +
healthy sleep score combination, those at the other end of the scale, with the
no moderate to vigorous physical activity + poor sleep combination, had the
highest risks of death from any cause (57% higher) ... They also had the highest
risk of death from any type of cardiovascular disease (67% higher), from any
type of cancer (45% higher), and from lung cancer (91% higher) ... Lower levels
of physical activity amplified the unfavourable associations between poor sleep
and all health outcomes, with the exception of stroke."
A Novel Potent
Sleep-promoting Effect of Turmeric: Turmeric Increases Non-rapid Eye Movement
Sleep in Mice Via H 1 -receptor Blockade - Mol Nutr Food Res 2021 May 18 -
"turmeric extract (TE) ... TE has a sleep-promoting
effect owing to reduction in sleep latency and enhancement of NREMS via H1 R
blockade; therefore, it could be useful in insomnia" - See
turmeric extract at Amazon.com.
Associations of Dietary ω-3,
ω-6 Fatty Acids Consumption with Sleep Disorders and Sleep Duration among Adults
- Nutrients 2021 Apr 27 - "Our study indicates that ω-6
fatty acid consumption and the ω-6:ω-3 ratio are positively associated with the
risk of sleep disorders, while the negative association between ω-3 fatty acids
and sleep disorders may exist only in men. Furthermore, ω-3 and ω-6 fatty acid
consumption are negatively related to the risk of non-normal sleep duration"
The impact of tryptophan
supplementation on sleep quality: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and
meta-regression - Nutr Rev 2021 May 3 - "Results
from the study suggested that Trp supplementation can shorten wake after sleep
onset (-81.03 min/g, P = 0.017; SMD, -1.08 min [95%CI, -1.89 to -0.28]). In
addition, the group receiving ≥1 g Trp supplementation had a shorter wake after
sleep onset than the group with Trp < 1g supplementation (Trp <1 g vs Trp ≥1 g:
56.55 vs 28.91 min; P = 0.001) ... Conclusion: Trp supplementation, especially
at ≥1 g can help improve sleep quality" - See
tryptophan at Amazon.com.
Effects of Saffron Extract on
Sleep Quality: A Randomized Double-Blind Controlled Clinical Trial -
Nutrients 2021 Apr 27 - "A saffron extract has been
found to be effective in the context of depression and anxiety, but its effect
on sleep quality has not been investigating yet using objective approaches ...
Sixty-six subjects were randomized and supplemented with a placebo (maltodextrin)
or a saffron extract (15.5 mg per day) for 6 weeks ... Six weeks of saffron
supplementation led to an increased time in bed assessed by actigraphy, to an
improved ease of getting to sleep evaluated by the LSEQ questionnaire and to an
improved sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep duration, and global scores
evaluated by the PSQI questionnaire, whereas those parameters were not modified
by the placebo. In conclusion, those results suggest that a saffron extract
could be a natural and safe nutritional strategy to improve sleep duration and
quality" - [Nutra
USA] - See saffron supplements at Amazon.com.
microbes: a key to normal sleep - Science Daily, 11/30/20 -
"The researchers gave a group of mice a powerful
cocktail of antibiotics for four weeks, which depleted them of intestinal
microorganisms. Then, they compared intestinal contents between these mice and
control mice who had the same diet. Digestion breaks food down into bits and
pieces called metabolites. The research team found significant differences
between metabolites in the microbiota-depleted mice and the control mice. As
Professor Yanagisawa explains, "we found more than 200 metabolite differences
between mouse groups. About 60 normal metabolites were missing in the microbiota-depleted
mice, and the others differed in the amount, some more and some less than in the
control mice." ... the biological pathways most affected by the antibiotic
treatment were those involved in making neurotransmitters, the molecules that
cells in the brain use to communicate with each other. For example, the
tryptophan-serotonin pathway was almost totally shut down; the microbiota-depleted
mice had more tryptophan than controls, but almost zero serotonin. This shows
that without important gut microbes, the mice could not make any serotonin from
the tryptophan they were eating. The team also found that the mice were
deficient in vitamin B6 metabolites, which accelerate production of the
neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine." - See
probiotic supplements at Amazon.com
Clinical evaluation of the pharmacological impact of ashwagandha root extract on
sleep in healthy volunteers and insomnia patients: A double-blind, randomized,
parallel-group, placebo-controlled study - J Ethnopharmacol 2020 Aug 17 -
"In both healthy and insomnia subjects, there was a
significant improvement in the sleep parameters in the Ashwagandha root extract
supplemented group. The improvement was found more significant in insomnia
subjects than healthy subjects. Repeat measure Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
confirmed the significant improvement in SOL (p 0.013), HAM-A outcomes (p <
0.05), mental alertness (p 0.01), and sleep quality (p < 0.05) of the insomnia
patients. A two-way ANOVA was used to confirm the outcomes that denoted sleep
onset latency (p < 0.0001) and sleep efficiency (p < 0.0001) as the most
improved parameters, followed by TST (p < 0.002) and WASO(p < 0.040). All these
parameters (SOL, TST, WASO, TIB, SE, PSQI, HAM-A, Mental Alertness, and Sleep
quality) were also statistically assessed for the significant improvement within
the group both for the treatment, and the placebo groups in the healthy and the
insomnia datasets. Obtained results suggest statistically significant (p <
0.0001) changes between the baseline values and the end of the study results
except for the HAM-A and the mental alertness scoresn the healthy subject
group." - [Nutra
USA] - See ashwagandha at Amazon.com and
microbiome plays important role in sleep regulation - Science Daily, 9/23/20
- "the gut microbiome plays a major role in sleep
regulation. This ultimately could translate into treatments that target the gut
microbiome in humans with OSA ... The study exposed male mice to either room air
or intermittent hypoxia -- a condition in which the body doesn't get enough
oxygen -- designed to mimic OSA. After six weeks, researchers collected fecal
material from all of the rodents. A third group of mice was divided up and given
either a fecal transplant from the mice breathing room air or those exposed to
intermittent hypoxia. The transplanted mice underwent sleep recordings for three
consecutive days. Researchers found the mice who received transplants from the
intermittent hypoxia group slept longer and slept more often during their normal
period of wakefulness, suggesting increased sleepiness" - See
probiotic supplements at Amazon.com
A randomized, double blind,
placebo controlled study to evaluate the effects of ashwagandha (Withania
somnifera) extract on sleep quality in healthy adults - Sleep Med 2020 Mar
21 - "150 healthy subjects scoring high on
non-restorative sleep measures were given 120 mg of standardized ashwagandha
extract (Shoden®) once daily for six weeks. Subjects were evaluated using the
Restorative Sleep Questionnaire-weekly version and World Health Organization
Quality of Life-Bref (WHOQOL) scale ... A total of 144 subjects completed the
study, with no dropouts due to adverse events. A 72% increase in self-reported
sleep quality was found for the treatment group, compared with 29% in the
placebo group (p < 0.001). Based on activity monitoring data, the treatment
group showed significant improvement in sleep efficiency (SE) (p < 0.01), total
sleep time (p < 0.001) and sleep latency (p < 0.01) and wake after sleep onset
(WASO) (p < 0.05) versus placebo after six weeks. In the ashwagandha group
quality of life (QOL) scores showed significant improvement in physical (p <
0.001), psychological (p < 0.001), and environment domains" - [Nutra
USA] - See ashwagandha at Amazon.com
Efficacy and Tolerability of Ashwagandha Root Extract in the Elderly for
Improvement of General Well-being and Sleep: A Prospective, Randomized,
Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study - Cureus. 2020 Feb 23 -
"Participants were randomized to receive Ashwagandha
root extract at a dose of 600 mg/day (n = 25) orally, or identical placebo
capsules with the same dose (n = 25) for 12 weeks. Efficacy was assessed using
the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire, sleep quality, mental alertness on rising, and
Physician's Global Assessment of Efficacy to Therapy (PGAET) ... Statistically
significant (P<0.0001) improvement was observed in the Ashwagandha treatment
group compared to the placebo. The mean (SD) total score of WHOQOL-BREF improved
from 140.53 (8.25) at the baseline to 161.84(9.32) at the end of the study. The
individual domain scores were also improved. At baseline, the sleep quality and
the mental alertness on rising were comparatively low in both the groups.
However, upon intervention, a significant increase in the quality of sleep
(P<0.0001) and mental alertness (P<0.034) was observed in the Ashwagandha
treatment group when compared to the placebo group. Overall improvement was
observed for the general wellbeing, sleep quality, and mental alertness in the
study population" - [Nutra
USA] - See Ashwagandha at Amazon.com.
sleep? Prebiotics could help - Science Daily, 3/3/20 -
"Most people are familiar with probiotics, friendly
bacteria present in fermented foods like yogurt and sauerkraut. More recently,
scientists have taken an interest in prebiotics
-- dietary compounds that humans cannot digest but serve as nourishment for our
microbiome, or the trillions of bacteria residing within us. While not all
fibers are prebiotics, many fibrous foods like leeks, artichokes, onions and
certain whole grains are rich in them ... rats on the prebiotic diet had a
substantially different "metabolome," or make-up of metabolites. Theirs was
higher in dozens of them, including fatty acids, sugars and steroids which may,
via gut-brain signaling pathways, influence behavior. The rats' metabolome also
looked different after stress ... For instance, the rats on the standard chow
diet saw dramatic spikes in allopregnanolone precursor and Ketone Steroid,
potentially sleep-disrupting metabolites, while those on the prebiotic diet saw
no such spike ... The rats were fed very high doses of four specific prebiotics,
including: galactooligosaccharides, which are present in lentils and cabbage;
polydextrose (PDX) an FDA-approved food additive often used as a sweetener;
lactoferrin, found in breast milk; and milk fat globular protein, abundant in
dairy products." - [Nutra
USA] - See prebiotic
supplements at Amazon.com.
Effects of Saffron on
Sleep Quality in Healthy Adults With Self-Reported Poor Sleep: A Randomized,
Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial - J Clin Sleep Med. 2020 Feb 14 -
"Sixty-three healthy adults aged 18 to 70 with
self-reported sleep problems were recruited and randomised to receive either
saffron extract (affron, 14mg twice daily) or a placebo ... Insomnia Severity
Index (ISI) (primary outcome measure) ... Restorative Sleep Questionnaire (RSQ)
and Pittsburgh Sleep Diary (PSD) ... saffron was associated with greater
improvements in ISI total score (p=.017), RSQ total score (p=.029), and PSD
sleep quality ratings (p=.014) than the placebo. Saffron intake was
well-tolerated with no reported adverse effects" - See
saffron supplements at Amazon.com.
Efficacy and Safety of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) Root Extract in Insomnia
and Anxiety: A Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-controlled Study - Cueus,
28 Sep 19 - "Test product was a capsule containing
highest concentration full-spectrum Ashwagandha root extract 300 mg, and the
placebo was an identical capsule containing starch ... Sleep actigraphy (Respironics
Philips) was used for assessment of sleep onset latency (SOL), total sleep time
(TST), sleep efficiency (SE) and wake after sleep onset (WASO) ... The sleep
onset latency was improved in both test and placebo at five and 10 weeks.
However, the SOL was significantly shorter (p, 0.019) after 10 weeks with test
[29.00 (7.14)] compared to placebo [33.94 (7.65)]. Also, significant improvement
in SE scores was observed with Ashwagandha which was 75.63 (2.70) for test at
the baseline and increased to 83.48 (2.83) after 10 weeks, whereas for placebo
the SE scores changed from 75.14 (3.73) at baseline to 79.68 (3.59) after 10
weeks. Similarly, significant improvement in sleep quality was observed with
test compared to placebo (p, 0.002). Significant improvement was observed in all
other sleep parameters, i.e., SOL, SE, PSQI and anxiety (HAM-A scores) with
Ashwagandha root extract treatment for 10 weeks." - [Nutra
USA] - See
Ashwagandha at Amazon.com
Sleep onset latency - Wiki - "In
sleep science, sleep onset latency (SOL) is the length of
time that it takes to accomplish the transition from full
wakefulness to sleep"
Ashwagandha Dosage: How Much Should You Take per Day? -
Healthline - "The medicinal herb
appears to help lower levels of cortisol, a hormone produced
by your adrenal glands in response to stress. More
specifically, daily doses of 125 mg to 5 grams for 1–3
months have shown to lower cortisol levels by 11–32% (2,
3Trusted Source, 4Trusted Source) ... Moreover, 500–600 mg
of ashwagandha per day for 6–12 weeks may reduce anxiety and
lower the likelihood of insomnia in people with stress and
anxiety disorders"
Warm Bath Can Send You Off to a Sound Slumber - WebMD, 7/25/19 -
"It should be warm. Not too hot or cold ... Actually, a
too cold or too hot bath can have an effect opposite than that desired, causing
an increase, rather than a decrease, in core body temperature, and disturbed
As Melatonin Use Rises, So Do Safety Concerns - WebMD, 11/12/18 -
review of 15 studies involving 284 otherwise healthy subjects found that those
who took melatonin before bed fell asleep 3.9 minutes faster on average and
slept 13 minutes longer. Another, of 19 studies involving 1,700 people, found
that melatonin users fell asleep 7 minutes faster on average and slept 8 minutes
longer ... circadian rhythm disorders ... One study, published in June in the
journal PLOS Medicine, looked at 116 men with the disorder and found that those
who took 0.5 milligrams of fast-release melatonin 1 hour before their desired
bedtime at least 5 nights per week fell asleep 34 minutes earlier on average,
slept more soundly, and saw their sleep patterns normalize after 4 weeks" - See
melatonin at Amazon.com
Amber-Tinted Glasses Might Get You More Sleep - WebMD, 12/26/17 -
"adults diagnosed with insomnia got about 30 minutes
more sleep when wearing wrap-around amber lenses for two hours before bedtime
... participants also reported better-quality sleep and an overall reduction in
their insomnia symptoms" - See amber
tinted glasses at Amazon.com.
The effects of
chamomile extract on sleep quality among elderly people: A clinical
trial - Complement Ther Med. 2017 Dec;35:109-114 -
"The treatment group received chamomile extract
capsules (200mg) twice a day for 28 consecutive days ... The use of
chamomile extract can significantly improve sleep quality among elderly
people. Thus, it can be used as a safe modality for promoting elderly
people's sleep" - [Nutra
USA] - See chamomile extract
at Amazon.com.
A preliminary examination
of gut microbiota, sleep, and cognitive flexibility in healthy older adults
- Sleep Med. 2017 Oct;38:104-107 - "Better sleep quality
was associated with better Stroop performance and higher proportions of the gut
microbial phyla Verrucomicrobia and Lentisphaerae. Stroop Word and Color-Word
performance correlated with higher proportions of Verrucomicrobia and
Lentisphaerae. Partial correlations suggested that the relationship between
Lentisphaerae and Stroop Color-Word performance was better accounted for by
sleep quality; sleep quality remained a significant predictor of Color-Word
performance, independent of the Lentisphaerae proportion, while the relationship
between Lentisphaerae and Stroop performance was non-significant.
Verrucomicrobia and sleep quality were not associated with Stroop Word
performance independent of one another" - [Nutra
Pilot Study of the Tart
Cherry Juice for the Treatment of Insomnia and Investigation of Mechanisms -
Am J Ther. 2017 Mar 27 - "The 8 completers with insomnia increased sleep time by
84 minutes on polysomnography (P = 0.0182) and sleep efficiency increased on the
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index ... Cherry juice increased sleep time and sleep
efficiency. Cherry juice procyanidin B-2 inhibited IDO, increased tryptophan
availability, reduced inflammation, and may be partially responsible for
improvement in insomnia" - [Nutra
USA] - See cherry juice extract at Amazon.com.
Effect of Valerian/Hop
Mixture on Sleep-Related Behaviors in Drosophila melanogaster - Biol Pharm
Bull. 2017;40(7):1101-1110 - "Xanthohumol (Cascade:
827.49 µg/g, Hallertau: 763.60 µg/g, Saaz: 186.93 µg/g) ... This study
demonstrates that a Valerian/Cascade mixture extract improves sleep-related
behaviors, including sleeping time, by modulating GABAergic/serotonergic
signaling" - See
valerian root at Amazon.com
and xanthohumol at Amazon.com.
Effect of Valerian in
Preventing Neuropsychiatric Adverse Effects of Efavirenz in HIV-Positive
Patients: A Pilot Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial - Ann
Pharmacother. 2017 Jun;51(6):457-464 - "Several
neuropsychiatric adverse effects of efavirenz are known. Preventing these
adverse effects may improve patients' adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART)
... Patients received valerian (530 mg) or placebo nightly 1 hour before sleep
for 4 weeks ... In the first 4 weeks of ART including efavirenz, valerian
significantly improved sleep and anxiety in HIV-positive patients. Valerian may
be considered as a potential option in preventing neuropsychiatric adverse
effects of efavirenz in HIV-positive patients" - See
Valerian Nighttime at Amazon.com.
waves boost older adults' memory, deep sleep - Science Daily, 3/8/17 -
"Gentle sound stimulation -- such as the rush of a
waterfall -- synchronized to the rhythm of brain waves significantly enhanced
deep sleep in older adults and improved their ability to recall words ... Recall
ability after the sham stimulation generally improved on the morning test by a
few percent. However, the average improvement was three times larger after
pink-noise stimulation ... After the sound stimulation, the older participants'
slow waves increased during sleep" - See
Adaptive Sound Technologies Sound+Sleep SE Special Edition Sleep Sound Machine,
White Noise Machine at Amazon.com or the
Sleep Pillow Sounds app at iTunes. If you go with the app you'll
probably need an external speaker. See the
Cambridge SoundWorks OontZ Angle 3 Next
Generation Ultra Portable Wireless Bluetooth Speaker at Amazon.com.
The app might sounds like the less expensive route but they soak you $20 for the
water sounds plus the price of an external speaker which is still cheaper but
probably not the same sound quality.
prebiotics improve sleep, buffer impacts of stress, says study - Science
Daily, 2/25/17 - "Prebiotics are dietary fibers found
naturally in foods like chicory, artichokes, raw garlic, leeks and onions. When
beneficial bacteria digest prebiotic fiber, they not only multiply, improving
overall gut health, but they also release metabolic byproducts. Some research
suggests these byproducts can influence brain function ... the rats on the
prebiotic diet spent more time in non-rapid-eye-movement (NREM) sleep, which is
restful and restorative, than those on the non-prebiotic diet ... After being
exposed to a stressor, the rats on the prebiotic diet also spent more time in
rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep. REM sleep is believed to be critical for
promoting recovery from stress, with research showing that those who get more
REM sleep post-trauma are less likely to suffer from post-traumatic stress
disorder" - See
prebiotic supplements at Amazon.com
Zinc-rich oysters as well
as zinc yeast- and astaxanthin-enriched food improved sleep efficiency and sleep
onset in a randomized controlled trial of healthy individuals - Mol Nutr
Food Res. 2016 Dec 25 - "These subjects were divided
into 4 groups: placebo, zinc-rich food, zinc- and astaxanthin-rich food, and
placebo supplemented with zinc-enriched yeast and astaxanthin oil. Compared with
the placebo group, the zinc-rich food group efficiently decreased the time
necessary to fall asleep and improved sleep efficiency, whereas the group that
ingested zinc-enriched yeast and astaxanthin oil significantly improved the
sleep onset latency" - See Nutrex Hawaii
BioAstin Hawaiian Astaxanthin, 120 Gel Caps supply, 4mg Astaxanthin per Serving
Jarrow Zinc Balance at Amazon.com
Cut and paste from my 11/9/16 newsletter:
Clinical Study Shows AstaReal(R) Astaxanthin Effective in Reducing both Mental
and Physical Fatigue - yonhapnews.co.kr, 11/7/16 - "AstaReal®
astaxanthin significantly reduced perceived
symptoms of mental and physical fatigue compared
to the placebo. These included improvements in clarity of thinking,
concentration, motivation, and mood. Irritation and feeling of body heaviness
were reduced. In the calculation test, an increase in errors observed in the
placebo during the second half of the test was almost eliminated in the
astaxanthin group. Supplementation with astaxanthin also significantly reduced
salivary cortisol, a biomarker for stress"
- [Nutra
USA] - See astaxanthin at Amazon.com.
Protein, salt drive post-meal sleepiness - Science Daily, 11/22/16 -
"new research with fruit flies suggests higher protein
and salt content in our food, as well as the volume consumed, can lead to longer
naps ... "In Drosophila, there is a well-documented interaction between sleep
and metabolism, whereby flies suppress sleep or increase their activity when
starved ... after eating a meal, the animals sleep more before returning to a
normal state of wakefulness ... only protein and salt were effectors of
post-meal sleep, suggesting that this form of sleep can indeed be regulated by
specific food types" - Note: I figured that on my own a long time ago.
A lot of people have been telling me I have it backwards by eating before
bedtime but it gives me a sounder sleep and I'm the one with the 40 inch chest
and 30 inch waist and they're not.
Not sleeping so well? Eating fiber might help - CNET, 1/16/16 -
"a new study published in the January issue of the
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine zeroes in the specific impact of fiber on
sleep, saying it leads to deeper, more restorative rest. The study also suggests
more saturated fats and sugar consumed throughout the day have the opposite
effect ... The study out of Columbia University associates a higher fiber intake
with more time spent in a dreamless deep stage of sleep known as slow-wave sleep
... Fill your day with whole grains, fruits and vegetables and steer clear of
too much sugar and saturated fats"
Intensive training affects the sleep, performance and mood of athletes, but more
carbs may help - Science Daily, 12/11/15 - "the
extra time under the covers didn't result in any more actual sleep. "Sleep
efficiency was significantly reduced during the intensified training period,"
the researchers observed, with the number of times the athletes woke throughout
the night significantly increased. In addition, the cyclists reported changes in
their moods as the study went on, including higher tension, anger, fatigue,
confusion, depression and increased feelings and symptoms of stress ... he team
concluded that a high carbohydrate regime reduced some, but not all, of the
effects of hard training. The moderate-carb athletes recorded more sleep time,
but this may demonstrate higher levels of fatigue and a greater need for
recovery when following that diet"
sleep and high blood copper levels go hand in hand - Science Daily, 9/14/15
- "Based on this study, however, it is impossible to say
whether sleeping long results in high serum copper concentrations or vice versa"
- See
Jarrow Zinc Balance at Amazon.com
The effect
of melatonin on sleep and quality of life in patients with advanced breast
cancer - Support Care Cancer. 2015 Aug 11 -
"Thirty-two patients with metastatic breast cancer, receiving hormonal or
trastuzumab therapy, took 5 mg of melatonin at bedtime for 2 months ... Bedtime
melatonin was associated with a significant improvement in a marker of objective
sleep quality, sleep fragmentation and quantity, subjective sleep, fatigue
severity, global quality of life, and social and cognitive functioning scales.
Morning clock gene expression was increased following bedtime melatonin intake"
- See
melatonin at Amazon.com
I like the peppermint flavored by Source Naturals.
iPads, tablets, smartphones disrupt good sleep, study finds - The Washington
Post, 12/22/14 - "During a two-week inpatient experiment
involving a dozen adults, some participants were asked to read on an iPad for
four hours each night before bedtime, for five consecutive nights. Others read
printed books in dim light. After a week, the groups switched ... participants
using iPads displayed reduced levels of melatonin, a hormone that typically
increases in the evening and helps induce sleepiness. They took longer to fall
asleep, and spent less time in restorative REM, or rapid-eye movement, sleep ...
the iPad readers reported being sleepier and less alert the following morning,
even after eight hours of sleep. They also displayed delayed circadian rhythms
... although the study used only iPads, the effect isn't unique to that device.
Other products produce similar blue-light emissions, including tablets,
e-readers, smartphones, laptops and LED monitors" - See
melatonin at Amazon.com
New Study Shows Melatonin Makes Old Bones Stronger - Dr. Michael Murray,
6/3/14 - "One of the underlying causes of low melatonin
levels as a person ages may be low vitamin B12 levels. Vitamin B12 is a
necessary cofactor in the manufacture of melatonin ... Methylcobalamin is the
body’s active form of vitamin B12. Methylcobalamin has been shown to help some
people suffering from what is referred to as sleep-wake disorder ... In people
with sleep wake disorders, taking methylcobalamin (3 mg daily first thing in the
morning) has often led to improved sleep quality, increased daytime alertness
and concentration, and improved mood. Much of the benefit appears to be a result
of methylcobalamin influencing melatonin secretion" - See
vitamin B12 at Amazon.com
levels of omega-3 in diet are associated with better sleep, study shows -
Science Daily, 3/6/14 - "Of the children rated as having
poor sleep, the researchers fitted wrist sensors to 43 of them to monitor their
movements in bed over five nights. This exploratory pilot study showed that the
children on a course of daily supplements of omega-3 had nearly one hour (58
minutes) more sleep and seven fewer waking episodes per night compared with the
children taking the corn or soybean placebo ... higher blood levels of the
long-chain omega-3 DHA (the main omega-3 fatty acid found in the brain) are
significantly associated with better sleep, including less bedtime resistance,
parasomnias and total sleep disturbance. It adds that higher ratios of DHA in
relation to the long-chain omega-6 fatty acid AA (arachidonic acid) are also
associated with fewer sleep problems" - See
docosahexaenoic acid at Amazon.com
amino acids improve sleep problems in mice with traumatic brain injury -
Science Daily, 12/11/13 - "the scientists gave the
injured mice a dietary therapy of branched chain amino acids -- which humans get
most often through foods high in protein, including red meat, poultry and eggs.
Branched chain amino acids are the building blocks of neurotransmitters, the
chemicals released by neurons in the brain. Like the oil in a car engine,
branched chain amino acids keep neurons running smoothly and boost neuron
excitability. The branched chain amino acids restored the orexin neurons in the
injured mice to a normal activity level, and improved wakefulness ... If a
dietary supplement can improve sleeping and waking patterns as well as cognitive
problems, it could help brain-injured patients regain crucial functions ...
human patients with a variety of disorders have been treated with branched chain
amino acid therapy for up to two years without adverse effects" - See
BCAA products at Amazon.com
relationship between metformin therapy and sleep quantity and quality in
patients with Type 2 diabetes referred for potential sleep disorders -
Diabet Med. 2013 Nov 16 - "Given that sleep disorders
are known to be related to insulin resistance, and metformin has favourable
effects on insulin resistance and on ventilatory drive, we sought to determine
whether metformin therapy was related to sleep variables in a group of patients
with Type 2 diabetes ... Total sleep time and sleep efficiency were higher in
metformin-treated patients than in patients not treated with metformin [total
sleep time: 6 h 39 min vs. 6 h 3 min, respectively (P = 0.002); sleep
efficiency: 77.9 +/- 12.3 vs. 71.5 +/- 17.2%, respectively" - See
metformin at The Antiaging Store.
Prolonged Release : In the Treatment of Insomnia in Patients Aged ≥55 years
- Drugs Aging. 2012 Oct 9 - "Melatonin prolonged release
(PR) 2 mg is approved for the treatment of primary insomnia characterized by
poor sleep quality in patients aged ≥55 years in the EU and elsewhere ...
Administration of melatonin PR 2 mg 1-2 h before bedtime mimics the natural
secretion pattern of melatonin, thereby leading to improvements in the circadian
regulation of the sleep-wake cycle. In older adults, melatonin PR 2 mg had no
effect on psychomotor functions, memory recall or driving skills during the
night or the next morning relative to placebo, and was associated with
significantly less impairment on many of these tasks relative to zolpidem 10 mg
alone or in combination with melatonin PR 2 mg. In 3-week and 6-month,
randomized, double-blind clinical trials in patients with primary insomnia aged
≥55 years, melatonin PR 2 mg 1-2 h before bedtime was associated with
significant improvements relative to placebo in many sleep and daytime
parameters, including sleep quality and latency, morning alertness and
health-related quality of life. Melatonin PR 2 mg was very well tolerated in
clinical trials in older patients, with a tolerability profile that was similar
to that of placebo. Short- or longer-term treatment with melatonin PR 2 mg was
not associated with dependence, tolerance, rebound insomnia or withdrawal
symptoms" - See Source
Naturals, Melatonin, Peppermint Flavored Sublingual, 2.5 mg, 240 Tablets.
from self-luminous tablet computers can affect evening melatonin, delaying sleep
- Science Daily, 8/27/12 - "To produce white light,
these electronic devices must emit light at short wavelengths, which makes them
potential sources for suppressing or delaying the onset of melatonin in the
evening, reducing sleep duration and disrupting sleep. This is particularly
worrisome in populations such as young adults and adolescents, who already tend
to be night owls ... Melatonin suppression after a one-hour exposure to the
tablet was not significantly affected. However, after a two-hour exposure there
was significant suppression" - See
melatonin at Amazon.com
Valerian may ease menopausal sleep woes - msnbc.com, 8/30/11 -
"For the new study, researchers in Iran randomly
assigned 100 postmenopausal women with insomnia to take either two valerian
capsules or inactive placebo capsules every day for a month ... Overall, the
study found, 30 percent of the women assigned to valerian reported an
improvement in their sleep quality -- which includes factors like how long it
takes to fall asleep at night and how often a person wakes up overnight ... In
contrast, only four percent of women taking the placebo reported better sleep
... Women in this study reported no side effects ... Women in the current study
took two valerian capsules a day, each containing 530 milligrams of valerian
root extract. Both the valerian and placebo capsules they used were made
specifically for the study ... A recent report by ConsumerLab.com, an
independent testing company, found that of nine valerian supplements sold in the
U.S., five had lower amounts of the herb than indicated on the packaging. That
included one product with no valerian in it at all" - See
valerian root at Amazon.com
Effect of
valerian on sleep quality in postmenopausal women: a randomized
placebo-controlled clinical trial - Menopause. 2011 Jul 14 -
"About 50% of postmenopausal women experience sleep
disturbances such as insomnia ... A randomized, triple-blind, controlled trial
design was used for this study. Participants consisted of 100 postmenopausal
women aged 50 to 60 years who were experiencing insomnia. A demographic data
form and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index were used to collect data. The women
were randomly divided into two groups. Each group received either 530 mg of
concentrated valerian extract or a placebo twice a day for 4 weeks. Descriptive
and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data ... A statistically
significant change was reported in the quality of sleep of the intervention
group in comparison with the placebo group (P < 0.001). Also, 30% of the
participants in the intervention group and 4% in the placebo group showed an
improvement in the quality of sleep" - Note: My sleep combo is two Nature's
Way, Valerian Nighttime, Odor Free, 100 Tablets, one Jarrow
Formulas, Theanine 200, 200 mg, 60 Capsules
and three Source Naturals,
Melatonin, Peppermint Flavored Sublingual, 1 mg, 300 Tablets.
Passion flower may boost sleep quality: Study - Nutra USA, 2/17/11 -
"sleep quality showed a significantly better rating
for the passion flower compared to the placebo, with an increase of over
five percent in sleep quality reported" - [Abstract]
- See
Passion flower products at iHerb. Also see
lemon balm, theanine and
A Double-blind,
Placebo-controlled Investigation of the Effects of Passiflora incarnata
(Passionflower) Herbal Tea on Subjective Sleep Quality - Phytother Res.
2011 Feb 3 - "Passiflora incarnata is a traditional
herbal sedative, anxiolytic and a popular sleep aid used for the treatment
of sleep disturbance ... Forty-one participants (18-35 years) were exposed
to each treatment for a week, whereby they consumed a cup of the tea and
filled out a sleep diary for 7 days, and completed Spielberger's state-trait
anxiety inventory on the seventh morning. Ten participants also underwent
overnight PSG on the last night of each treatment period. Of six sleep-diary
measures analysed, sleep quality showed a significantly better rating for
passionflower compared with placebo (t(40) = 2.70, p < 0.01). These initial
findings suggest that the consumption of a low dose of Passiflora incarnata,
in the form of tea, yields short-term subjective sleep benefits for healthy
adults with mild fluctuations in sleep quality" - See
Passion flower products at iHerb. Also see
lemon balm, theanine and
Isoflavones May Reduce Insomnia Symptoms in Postmenopausal Women -
Medscape, 2/9/11 - "For the isoflavone group vs the
placebo group, sleep efficiency measured by polysomnography increased
significantly (from 77.9% to 83.9% vs from 77.6% to 81.2%). In addition,
frequency of insomnia was reduced more readily in the isoflavone group. At
the beginning of the study, 94.7% of women in the placebo group had moderate
or intense insomnia compared with 63.2% at the end of the study; whereas in
the isoflavone group these percentages were 89.5% and 36.9%, respectively
... Isoflavones were also effective in reducing the number of hot flashes in
postmenopausal women with insomnia compared with the placebo group (P =
.001). This trend became apparent after 2 months of treatment, but the
results became significant only after the fourth month of treatment. The
intensity of hot flashes was significantly lower in the isoflavone group
than in the placebo group at both evaluation points (months 2 and 4 of
treatment; 1.6 vs 5.8 and 0.5 vs 3.8; P < .001)" - See
soy isoflavones at Amazon.com
Progesterone Prevents Sleep Disturbances and Modulates GH, TSH, and
Melatonin Secretion in Postmenopausal Women - J Clin Endocrinol Metab.
2011 Feb 2 - "Progesterone had no effect on
undisturbed sleep but restored normal sleep when sleep was disturbed (while
currently available hypnotics tend to inhibit deep sleep), acting as a
"physiologic" regulator rather than as a hypnotic drug. Use of progesterone
might provide novel therapeutic strategies for the treatment of sleep
disturbances, in particular in aging where sleep is fragmented and of lower
quality" - See
progesterone products at iHerb.
light before bedtime may impact sleep quality, blood pressure and diabetes
- Science Daily, 1/13/11 - "exposure to electrical
light between dusk and bedtime strongly suppresses melatonin levels and may
impact physiologic processes regulated by melatonin signaling, such as
sleepiness, thermoregulation, blood pressure and glucose homeostasis ...
researchers evaluated 116 healthy volunteers aged 18-30 years who were
exposed to room light or dim light in the eight hours preceding bedtime for
five consecutive days. An intravenous catheter was inserted into the
forearms of study participants for continuous collection of blood plasma
every 30-60 minutes for melatonin measurements. Results showed exposure to
room light before bedtime shortened melatonin duration by about 90 minutes
when compared to dim light exposure. Furthermore, exposure to room light
during the usual hours of sleep suppressed melatonin by greater than 50
percent" - See
melatonin at Amazon.com
Aerobic exercise relieves insomnia - Science Daily, 9/15/10 -
"Exercise improved the participants' self-reported
sleep quality, elevating them from a diagnosis of poor sleeper to good
sleeper. They also reported fewer depressive symptoms, more vitality and
less daytime sleepiness"
decrease insomnia in postmenopause - Menopause. 2010 Aug 19 -
"Polysomnography revealed a significant increase in
sleep efficiency in the isoflavone group (from 77.9% to 83.9%) when compared
with the placebo group (from 77.6% to 81.2%). Isoflavones induced a decrease
in the intensity and number of hot flashes and the frequency of insomnia:
among the women in the placebo group, 94.7% had moderate or intense insomnia
at the beginning of the study, compared with 63.2% at the end, whereas in
the isoflavone group, these percentages were 89.5% and 36.9%, respectively"
- See
soy isoflavones at Amazon.com
Insomnia Is Bad For The Heart; Increases Blood Pressure - Science Daily,
9/4/09 - "A new study published in the journal Sleep
has found that people who suffer from insomnia have heightened nighttime
blood pressure, which can lead to cardiac problems"
valerian improve sleepiness and symptom severity in people with restless
legs syndrome? - Altern Ther Health Med. 2009 Mar-Apr;15(2):22-8 -
"The results of this study suggest that the use of
800 mg of valerian for 8 weeks improves symptoms of RLS and decreases
daytime sleepiness in patients that report an Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS)
score of 10 or greater. Valerian may be an alternative treatment for the
symptom management ofRLS with positive health outcomes and improved quality
of life" - See
valerian root at Amazon.com
Efficacy of prolonged release melatonin in insomnia patients aged 55-80
years: quality of sleep and next-day alertness outcomes - Curr Med Res
Opin. 2007 Sep 14 - "PR-melatonin results in
significant and clinically meaningful improvements in sleep quality, morning
alertness, sleep onset latency and quality of life in primary insomnia
patients aged 55 years and over" - See
melatonin at Amazon.com
Carbs May Help You
Fall Asleep Faster - WebMD, 2/14/07 -
"Carbs which quickly raise blood sugar (those with a
high glycemic index) may hasten sleep, especially when eaten four hours before
bedtime ... The men fell asleep fastest after eating the jasmine rice meal four
hours before bedtime. It took them nine minutes, on average, to fall asleep that
night ... They were slowest to fall asleep after eating the long-grain rice meal
four hours before bedtime, taking nearly 18 minutes, on average, to fall asleep"
Seditol helps sleepless in Cincinnati - Nutra USA, 6/15/06 -
"Ninety-two percent of the subjects reported Seditol
helped them relax and 89 percent reported it helped reduce fatigue due to lack
of sleep" - See
Seditol at iHerb.
Stopping Jet Lag
Before It Starts - WebMD, 11/2/05 -
"The body clocks of those who took melatonin adapted
better to the new schedule. The higher dose of melatonin fared best in that
regard, but not by much. Plus, people who took the higher dose were sleepier
in the evenings after taking the pill"
Melatonin to Fight Insomnia: Timing Is Key - WebMD, 10/25/05 -
"melatonin was most effective in resetting the
body's internal, or circadian, clock when it was timed to the individual's
sleep patterns ... If you only want to induce sleep you can take it about
two hours before you want to go to sleep"
Melatonin for Jet Lag and Sleep Disorders - Clinical Psychiatry News,
10/04 -
"Those given melatonin reported improved sleep
latency and morning “restedness,” and had higher scores on the California
Verbal Learning Test" - See
melatonin products.
- Short Insomnia
Therapy Beats Sleeping Pills - WebMD, 9/27/04
Sleep easy with green tea - Nutra USA, 3/16/04 -
"200mg of L-theanine or a placebo ... all subjects
reported a significant absence of feeling exhausted and a reduced need for
sleep when administered with the L-theanine, compared to the placebo"
- Morning
Exercise May Help You Sleep - WebMD, 11/4/03
- Sleep Problems,
Anxiety May Be Connected - WebMD, 9/12/03 -
"both sleep and mood
problems may result from a lack of the same brain chemical ... The brain
chemical -- gamma-aminobutryric acid, or GABA --
is involved in regulating brain activity ... Specifically, GABA deficiencies
interfere with the most important stage of sleep -- the "deep" delta sleep"
- See
GABA products.
- Nighttime
Computer Users May Lose Sleep - WebMD, 6/20/03 -
"the bright light of a computer screen may alter the
body's biological clock and suppress the natural production of
melatonin that's critical to the normal
sleep-wake cycle" - See
melatonin products.
Herbal With Valerian Helps Treat Sleep-Onset Insomnia - Clinical
Psychiatry News, 5/03 -
"Those who took the supplement experienced a
significant decrease in subjective sleep latency from baseline of 12.61
minutes, according to daily sleep diaries. Patients taking the placebo
experienced an average increase of 7.98 minutes in subjective sleep latency
... Blissful Sleep contains 160 mg of
valerian and smaller amounts of Rosa centifolia, Nardostachys jatamansi,
Tinospora cordifolia, Withania somnifera, Piper nigrum, Alpinia galangal,
Convolvulus pluricalis, and Glycyrrhiza glabra" - See
valerian products. My favorite is
Valerian Nighttime at iHerb.
Melatonin Appears Safe for Child Insomniacs - Clinical Psychiatry News,
3/03 -
appears to be a safe and effective treatment for children with insomnia ...
The average age of the patients was 9.6 years ... Dr. Ivanenko, who is a
child psychiatrist at the University of Louisville (Ky.), said she typically
starts children at 1-5 mg of melatonin and titrates up to as much as 8-10 mg
in adolescents" - See
melatonin products.
Other News:
FDA OKs New Adult Insomnia
Med - Medscape, 1/10/22 - "Daridorexant was
associated with dose-dependent improvements in wake after sleep onset, total
sleep time, and latency to persistent sleep ... Whereas the overall results are
very positive, the improvements in daytime functioning are especially
"exciting," ... the FDA has recommended that it be classified as a controlled
substance ... Daridorexant was associated with significant improvements in
daytime function, particularly in sleepiness and mood"
Falling Asleep a Modifiable Risk Factor for Dementia? -
Medscape, 6/15/21 - "Difficulty falling
asleep may be predictive of future cognitive impairment in older
adults ― and depressive symptoms and vascular disease may
partially drive this association" - See my formula
at the top of this page.
term use of prescription meds for insomnia not linked to better quality sleep
- Science Daily, 5/11/21 - "After 1 year, average
ratings among those taking the meds were 2.6, 3.6, and 2.8, respectively. The
equivalent average scores among those not using prescription meds for their
sleep problems were 2.3, 3.5, and 2.5, respectively ... None of the 1 year
changes was statistically significant nor did they differ between the two
groups. And after 2 years there were no statistically significant reductions in
sleep disturbances among those taking prescription meds compared with those who
What you need to know about research linking sleep deprivation and dementia
- Washington Post, 5/8/21 - "In the study, European
researchers followed nearly 8,000 people in Britain for 25 years, starting when
subjects were 50. They found that those who consistently got six hours of sleep
or less per night in their 50s and 60s were about 30 percent more likely to
develop dementia later in life, compared to those who logged seven hours of
sleep per night. That was independent of “sociodemographic, behavioural,
cardiometabolic, and mental health factors,” the study authors wrote"
Newly Approved Insomnia
Drug Bests - Medscape, 12/30/19
FDA Approves Lemborexant (Dayvigo)
for Insomnia - Medscape, 12/23/19
light may not be as disruptive to our sleep patterns as originally thought -
Science Daily, 12/16/19 - "There is lots of
interest in altering the impact of light on the clock by adjusting the
brightness signals detected by melanopsin but current approaches usually do this
by changing the ratio of short and long wavelength light; this provides a small
difference in brightness at the expense of perceptible changes in colour ... We
argue that this is not the best approach, since the changes in colour may oppose
any benefits obtained from reducing the brightness signals detected by
melanopsin ... Our findings suggest that using dim, cooler, lights in the
evening and bright warmer lights in the day may be more beneficial"
Frequent Sleeping Pill Use
Linked to Increased Dementia Risk - Medscape, 7/19/19 -
"Older adults who reported taking sleep medications
"often" or "almost always" were 43% more likely to develop dementia than those
who never or rarely used sleep medications (hazard ratio [HR], 1.43 ... White
participants reporting frequent use had a 79% higher dementia risk (HR, 1.79;
95% CI, 1.21 - 2.66). There was no association in blacks" - Yeah, but
chicken or the egg? Are people in the early stages of dementia also having
problems with insomnia?
Insomnia Can Kill You - NYT, 6/10/19 - "Chronic
insomnia, which affects 5 percent to 10 percent of older adults, is more than
just exhausting. It’s also linked to an increased risk of developing
hypertension, Type 2 diabetes, heart attack, depression, anxiety and premature
death ... the risk of developing hypertension was five times greater among those
who slept less than five hours a night and three and a half times greater for
those who slept between five and six hours. But there was no increased risk
among those who regularly slept six or more hours. Likewise, the risk of
developing diabetes was three times greater for the shortest sleepers and twice
as great for those who slept between five and six hours ... Underlying many of
these problems is how the body reacts to stress. Stress stimulates the release
of substances like cortisol that are known to cause arousal and sleeplessness,
and healthy middle-aged people are more vulnerable to the sleep-disturbing
effects of these stimulating hormones. This may explain why older people are
more likely to suffer from insomnia ... Start by practicing good sleep hygiene.
Avoid or minimize the use of caffeine, cigarettes, stimulants and especially
alcohol ... Exercise regularly, outdoors if possible, but not close to bedtime.
Exposure to natural light during the day and early evening can help set your
biological clock to foster sleepiness at bedtime. Avoid eating a heavy meal just
before bed. If you’re hungry, have a light snack — a banana, a glass of warm
milk or some whole-grain crackers can enhance the ability to fall asleep ... the
National Sleep Foundation cautions against exposure at bedtime to the blue light
of e-readers (such as the Amazon Kindle), smartphones, tablets, computers and
even televisions. Blue light can act as a stimulant, suppressing production of
the natural sleep hormone melatonin and delaying sleep onset. Instead, read by
lamplight or get a device like the Kindle Paperwhite that doesn’t use blue
sleep quality linked to atrial fibrillation - Science Daily, 6/26/18 -
"individuals with more frequent nighttime awakenings
while trying to sleep more often carried a diagnosis of AF ... Within a subset
of these individuals who had undergone formal sleep studies, they found that
less REM sleep in particular predicted future AF ... These results provide more
evidence that sleep quality is important to cardiovascular health and
specifically to AF ... While there are several available treatments for AF,
prevention of the disease would be ideal. The good news is that sleep quality
can be modifiable and is something that at least to some degree is under the
control of the individual. It's possible that improving sleep hygiene, such as
performing regular exercise, getting to bed at a reasonable hour on a regular
basis, and avoiding viewing screens before bed as well as caffeine later in the
day, might help stave off AF"
Blue light from electronics disturbs sleep, especially for teenagers -
The Washington Post, 9/1/14 - "the lights from their
computer screens, smartphones and tablets often stay on throughout the
night. These devices emit light of all colors, but it’s the blues in
particular that pose a danger to sleep. Blue light is especially good at
preventing the release of melatonin, a hormone associated with nighttime ...
place the tablet farther away from your face than usual, or watch TV
instead. Also, turning the brightness setting down on laptops, tablets and
phones should help"
FDA OKs New Kind of
Sleep Drug Suvorexant (Belsomra) - Medscape, 8/13/14 - "Suvorexant,
an orexin receptor antagonist, is the first drug of its kind to be approved
for patients with insomnia. It alters the signaling of orexins,
neurotransmitters responsible for regulating the sleep-wake cycle"
Marijuana use associated with impaired sleep quality - Science Daily,
6/2/14 - "any history of cannabis use was associated
with an increased likelihood of reporting difficulty falling asleep,
struggling to maintain sleep, experiencing non-restorative sleep, and
feeling daytime sleepiness. The strongest association was found in adults
who started marijuana use before age 15; they were about twice as likely to
have severe problems falling asleep (odds ratio = 2.28), experiencing
non-restorative sleep (OR = 2.25) and feeling overly sleepy during the day
(OR = 1.99) ... The most surprising finding was that there was a strong
relationship with age of first use, no matter how often people were
currently using marijuana. People who started using early were more likely
to have sleep problems as an adult"
sleep equal to binge drinking, marijuana use in predicting academic problems
- Science Daily, 6/2/14 - "sleep problems have about
the same impact on grade point average (GPA) as binge drinking and marijuana
use. Its negative impact on academic success is more pronounced for
freshmen. Among first-year students, poor sleep -- but not binge drinking,
marijuana use or learning disabilities diagnosis -- independently predicted
dropping or withdrawing from a course"
Insomniacs' Brains May Work Differently - WebMD, 2/28/14 -
"The brains of insomniacs were busier than those of
the normal sleepers ... It's like they're constantly on, constantly being
activated ... This fits in with the experiences of some insomniacs who say
they can't sleep because their brains are always revved up"
Half of Survivors of
Traumatic Events Experiencing Nightmares and Insomnia -
firstwordpharma.com, 6/6/13 - "Stressful events were
defined as exposure to natural disasters; involvement in an accident or
fire; experiencing combat or work in a war zone; experiencing physical or
sexual assault; witnessing physical or sexual assault; observing a threat or
injury to a family member; witnessing a death due to violence; and
witnessing a sudden, unexpected death ... 43.7% of respondents to this
survey complained of sleep disturbances"
Alcohol and a Good Night's Sleep Don't Mix - WebMD, 1/22/13 -
"alcohol does not improve sleep quality. According
to the findings, alcohol does allow healthy people to fall asleep quicker
and sleep more deeply for a while, but it reduces rapid eye movement (REM)
sleep ... the more you drink before bed, the more pronounced these effects.
REM sleep happens about 90 minutes after we fall asleep. It's the stage of
sleep when people dream, and it's thought to be restorative. Disruptions in
REM sleep may cause daytime drowsiness, poor concentration, and rob you of
needed ZZZs ... overall it is more disruptive to sleep, particularly in the
second half of the night"
Obesity, depression found to be root causes of daytime sleepiness -
Science Daily, 6/13/12 - "Three studies being
presented June 13 at sleep 2012 conclude that obesity and depression are the
two main culprits making us excessively sleepy while awake ... Insufficient
sleep and obstructive sleep apnea also play a role; both have been linked to
high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, depression, diabetes, obesity
and accidents"
How Does the New Sleeping Pill, Intermezzo, Fare? - ABC News, 4/4/12 -
This is a video.
of sleep makes your brain hungry - Science Daily, 1/18/12 -
"a specific brain region that contributes to a
person's appetite sensation is more activated in response to food images
after one night of sleep loss than after one night of normal sleep. Poor
sleep habits can therefore affect people's risk of becoming overweight in
the long run"
Sleep Duration and Poor Sleep Quality Increase the Risk of Diabetes in
Japanese Workers With No Family History of Diabetes - Diabetes Care.
2011 Dec 30 - "family history of diabetes (FHD) ...
Having diabetes was defined as taking medication for diabetes or a fasting
plasma glucose level of ≥126 mg/dL at follow-up (2007-2008) ... after
adjustment for potential confounding factors, the odds ratio (95% CI) for
developing diabetes was 5.37 (1.38-20.91) in those with a sleep duration of
≤5 h compared with those with a sleep duration of >7 h. Other risk factors
were awakening during the night (5.03 [1.43-17.64]), self-perceived
insufficient sleep duration (6.76 [2.09-21.87]), and unsatisfactory overall
quality of sleep (3.71 [1.37-10.07]). In subjects with an FHD, these
associations were either absent or weaker"
Alcohol interferes with the restorative functions of sleep - Science
Daily, 8/15/11 - "alcohol interferes with the
restorative functions of sleep ... alcohol suppresses the high-frequency
power during sleep in a dosage-dependent manner ... Although the first half
of sleep after alcohol intake looks good on the EEG, the result of the
assessment regarding the autonomic nerve system shows that drinking leads to
insomnia rather than good sleep ... More specifically, as alcohol
consumption increased, the heart rate increased and the spectral power of
HRV measured at each frequency range decreased. Also, the
low-frequency/high-frequency ratio that is considered an index of the
balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems was increased"
Insomnia linked to high insulin resistance in diabetics - Science Daily,
5/2/11 - "Among the diabetics, poor sleepers had 23%
higher blood glucose levels in the morning, and 48% higher blood insulin
levels. Using these numbers to estimate a person's insulin resistance, the
researchers found that poor sleepers with diabetes had 82% higher insulin
resistance than normal sleepers with diabetes"
Napping may help with blood pressure management - Science Daily, 2/28/11
- "those participants who slept for at least 45
minutes during the day had lower average blood pressure after psychological
stress than those who did not sleep ... The average sleep duration is now
almost 2 hours shorter per night than it was 50 years ago. And this could be
impacting our long-term health. For example, sleeping less has been linked
to an increased risk of hypertension and cardiovascular problems generally
... One group was allotted a 60-minute interval during the day when they had
the opportunity to sleep; the other group did not sleep during the day ...
daytime sleep seemed to have a restorative effect with students in the sleep
condition reporting lower scores of sleepiness than those who did not sleep.
Although blood pressure and pulse rates rose in both groups between baseline
and the stress phase, during the recovery phase, those who had napped had
significantly lower average blood pressure readings than those who had not
duration predicts cardiovascular outcomes: a systematic review and
meta-analysis of prospective studies - Eur Heart J. 2011 Feb 7 -
"Short duration of sleep was associated with a
greater risk of developing or dying of CHD (RR 1.48, 95% CI 1.22-1.80, P <
0.0001), stroke (1.15, 1.00-1.31, P = 0.047), but not total CVD (1.03,
0.93-1.15, P = 0.52) with no evidence of publication bias (P = 0.95, P =
0.30, and P = 0.46, respectively). Long duration of sleep was also
associated with a greater risk of CHD (1.38, 1.15-1.66, P = 0.0005), stroke
(1.65, 1.45-1.87, P < 0.0001), and total CVD (1.41, 1.19-1.68, P < 0.0001)
with no evidence of publication bias (P = 0.92, P = 0.96, and P = 0.79,
respectively). Conclusion Both short and long duration of sleep are
predictors, or markers, of cardiovascular outcomes"
of sleep found to be a new risk factor for colon cancer - Science Daily,
2/8/11 - "individuals who averaged less than six
hours of sleep at night had an almost 50 percent increase in the risk of
colorectal adenomas compared with individuals sleeping at least seven hours
per night. Adenomas are a precursor to cancer tumors, and left untreated,
they can turn malignant"
of sildenafil and vardenafil treatments on sleep quality and depression in
hemodialysis patients with erectile dysfunction - Int J Impot Res. 2011
Jan 6 - "Sleep quality and depression were evaluated
via post-sleep inventory (PSI) and Beck's depression inventory (BDI),
respectively, at baseline and at the end of the treatment. Sildenafil and
vardenafil both improved PSI and BDI scores significantly compared with
pretreatment values. However, there was no difference between sildenafil and
vardenafil with respect to these parameters"
snoring and insomnia symptoms predict the development of the metabolic
syndrome -Science Daily, 12/1/10
Insomnia after myocardial infarction: Heart and brain appear to be closely
connected - Science Daily, 12/1/10
sleep quality increases inflammation, community study finds - Science
Daily, 11/14/10
Insomniacs have different brains, researcher says - Science Daily,
Middle-aged men: Could dwindling testosterone levels decrease sleep? -
Science Daily, 5/14/10 - "In young men, deep sleep
represents 10 to 20 percent of total sleep. By age 50, it decreases to five
to seven percent. For men over 60, it can disappear altogether ... Because
deep sleep requires great synchronization ... Low levels of testosterone
intensify the lack of synchronization and can explain 20 percent of men's
inability to experience deep sleep ... Sekerovic suggests dwindling
testosterone levels are what impact sleep, not vice-versa, as other studies
have suggested ... If Sekerovic is right, his findings could re-ignite the
hormone therapy debate. "The loss of deep sleep is a serious problem that
could be treated with testosterone. That would be tremendous progress,""
Cognitive Behavior Therapy Appears Beneficial For Long-term Treatment Of
Insomnia - Science Daily, 5/19/09
Chronic Insomnia With Short Sleep Duration Is Significant Risk Factor For
Hypertension - Science Daily, 4/9/09 -
"participants with insomnia and an objectively measured, severely short
sleep duration of less than five hours had a risk for hypertension that was
500 percent higher than participants without insomnia who slept more than
six hours. People with insomnia and a moderately short sleep duration of
five to six hours had a risk for hypertension that was 350 percent higher
than normal sleepers"
Chronic Insomnia With Short Sleep Duration Is Significant Risk Factor For
Hypertension - Science Daily, 4/1/09 - "A study
in the April 1 issue of the journal SLEEP is the first to demonstrate that
chronic insomnia with objectively measured short sleep time is an
independent and clinically significant risk factor for hypertension"
Societal, Economic Burden Of Insomnia Is High - Science Daily, 1/1/09
Worst Menopause Symptom? Lack of Sleep - WebMD, 4/22/08
Altered Sex Hormone Levels, Higher Body Temp Affects Sleep Quality In
Postmenopausal Women - Science Daily, 12/1/07 -
"lower estradiol (E2) and higher luteinizing hormone (LH) levels were
significantly correlated with indices of poor sleep quality, with
relationships between LH and quality of sleep being stronger than those for
Cholesterol-lowering Drug Linked To Sleep Disruptions - Science Daily,
11/7/07 - "The results showed that simvastain use
was associated with significantly worse sleep quality. A significantly
greater number of individuals taking simvastatin reported sleep problems
than those taking either pravastain or the placebo"
Cholesterol Drug May Affect Sleep - WebMD, 11/7/07
Sleep Drugs Found Only Mildly Effective, but Wildly Popular - New York
Times, 10/23/07
Chronic Insomnia May Predict Anxiety Disorders - WebMD, 7/5/07 -
"People with chronic insomnia were more likely to
have current anxiety or depression than people without insomnia"
Long-term Pharmacologic Management of Insomnia - Medscape, 9/7/06
New Sleep Medication Shows Less Potential to Foster Abuse and Dependence
- Doctor's Guide, 6/6/06
Sleep Drugs: None Stands Out as Best - WebMD, 12/9/05
Treating Nighttime Heartburn Improves Sleep and Boosts Quality Of Life -
Doctor's Guide, 9/2/05
Sleep Not A Normal Part Of Aging - Science Daily, 7/15/05
Insomnia May Precede And Prolong Major Depression - Doctor's Guide,
6/22/05 - "depressed patients with insomnia were
nearly 11 times more likely to still be depressed at six months than those
sleeping well, and 17 times more likely to remain ill after a year ... they
suggest that targeted treatment for insomnia will increase the likelihood
and speed of recovery from depression"
Good Night's Sleep Eludes Most Americans - WebMD, 3/29/05
- New Insights
on Anxiety, Sleep Disorders - WebMD, 8/18/04
- The Evaluation and
Management of the Anxious Insomniac - Medscape, 3/2/04
- Nightcaps May
Disrupt Sleep - WebMD, 8/15/03
- New Insomnia
Treatments Found Effective - WebMD, 6/10/03 -
"Two new drugs have been found effective in treating
insomnia with few or no side effects ... The first treatment, an
experimental drug called TAK-375 ... [Estorra] demonstrated sustained
therapeutic effect for the full twelve months of this study"
- New Drugs for Chronic
Insomnia - Medscape, 5/27/03 -
"Eszopiclone has beneficial effects on falling
asleep, staying asleep, and quality of sleep"
- What You Can Do
to Avoid Sleep Problems in Hard Times - WebMD, 4/3/03
Don't Fear Benzodiazepines for Sleep Problems - Clinical Psychiatry
News, 4/03 -
"There is not one shred of evidence that Benadryl is
an effective sleep-inducing agent ... It makes people feel sleepy, but it
has no effect on sleep. And the reason we prescribe it is because we are
afraid of using the medications that do work"
- Sleep Problems
Don't Discriminate by Age - WebMD, 3/31/03 -
"Sleep disorders were reported by: ... 82% of those
Insomnia Often Associated With Objective Daytime Changes - Doctor's
Guide, 2/14/03
Residual effects of middle-of-the-night administration of zaleplon and
zolpidem on driving ability, memory functions, and psychomotor performance
- J Clin Psychopharmacol 2002 Dec;22(6):576-83 - "Zaleplon
10 and 20 mg did not significantly impair driving ability 4 hours after
middle-of-the-night administration. Relative to placebo, after
10 mg, SDLP was significantly elevated, but the magnitude of the difference
was small and not likely to be of clinical importance. Memory and
psychomotor test performance was unaffected after both doses of zaleplon and
zolpidem 10 mg. In contrast, zolpidem 20 mg significantly increased SDLP and
speed variability. Further, zolpidem 20 mg significantly impaired
performance on all psychomotor and memory tests ... The results show that
zaleplon (10 and 20 mg) is a safe hypnotic devoid of next-morning residual
impairment when used in the middle of the night"
Physicians, Elderly Patients View Long-Term Benzodiazepine Use Differently
- Doctor's Guide, 6/7/02
"As Needed" Zolpidem and Behavioral Therapy Safely Treats Chronic Insomnia
- Doctor's Guide, 5/6/02
Behavior Management Programs Help Seniors With Chronic Illnesses Sleep
Better - Doctor's Guide, 4/4/02
Sleep experts put readers' questions, fears to rest - USA Today, 4/3/02
- Simple Steps Can
Combat Sleep Problems in Elderly - WebMD, 1/2/02
- Recent Events May
Affect Sleep, Tips to Fight Insomnia, Nightmares in Children - WebMD,
- Mirtazapine Regulates
Stress Hormones, Improves Sleep In Depressed Patients - Doctor's Guide,
- Gaboxadol Improves Sleep
in Elderly - Doctor's Guide, 6/11/01
- Sleep Disorder Diagnosis
Can Be Done Effectively at Home - Doctor's Guide, 6/11/01
- “Nightcap” Device Provides
Simple, Home-based Assessment of Insomnia - Doctor's Guide, 6/8/01
- New Guidelines Issued For
Improvement Of Insomnia Diagnosis, Treatment - Doctor's Guide, 3/6/01
- Insomnia Underdiagnosed
And Undertreated - Doctor's Guide, 2/23/01
Micro Form Of Progestogen Replacement May Improve Sleep Symptoms -
Doctor's Guide, 2/14/01 -
"Women who take a combined form of hormone
replacement therapy with a new kind of progestogen sleep more soundly"
- Low-Dose Sedating
Antidepressant Or Hypnotic May Improve Insomnia Management In Depressed
Patients - Doctor's Guide, 6/19/00
- Sleep Disturbances Found
In Patients Taking Common Hepatitis C Treatment - Doctor's Guide,
- Benefits Of Zaleplon For
Primary Insomnia Maintained Over Time - Doctor's Guide, 6/19/00
New medications relieve insomnia without the hangover - Intelihealth,
- New Insomnia Drug,
NBI-34060, Shows Positive Results For Sleep Induction - Doctor's Guide,
- Zaleplon Safe And Well
Tolerated For Long-Term Insomnia Treatment - Doctor's Guide, 9/29/99
- New Sleeping Pill Hailed
As Businessman’s Friend - Doctor's Guide, 9/23/99
- Zaleplon Safe And
Tolerable For Long-Term Treatment Of Insomnia - Doctor's Guide, 9/21/99
- Majority Of Patients With
Insomnia Diagnosed With Mental Disorder - Doctor's Guide, 9/14/99 -
"A new study by Washington State University
researchers reveals that among patients seeking medical care for insomnia
more than half were diagnosed with a mental disorder. The most common
diagnosis was depression"
- Strategies Improve Quality
Of Life In People With Insomnia - Doctor's Guide, 9/8/99
- FDA Approves Sonata For
Treatment Of Insomnia - Doctor's Guide, 8/16/99
- Sleepless
in America - CNN, 6/1/99
- Zaleplon Effective Against
Insomnia Without Residual Effects - Doctor's Guide, 5/17/99
- Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy
And Drug Treatments Effective In Treating Late-Life Insomnia - Doctor's
Guide, 3/16/99
- Most MDs Overprescribe
Sleep Medications, Says Expert - Doctor's Guide, 10/7/97
- Importance of Proper
Diagnosis Of Chronic Insomnia Stressed - Doctor's Guide, 1/29/97