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Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending 6/23/10. You should consult your doctor if you are taking any medications. Coffee cuts risk of head, neck cancers - MSNBC, 6/22/10 - "Overall, the risk of developing head and neck cancers was 12 percent lower in people who drank coffee compared with those who didn't ... And the more coffee consumed, the lower the cancer risk. In those who gulped more than four cups a day, for instance, the risk was reduced by more than a third ... Besides caffeine, coffee contains more than a thousand chemicals ... the compounds cafestol and kahweol may be protective against carcinogens that would normally damage our genes"
found in red wine neutralizes toxicity of proteins related to Alzheimer's -
Science Daily, 6/22/10 - "An organic compound found in
red wine --
-- has the ability to neutralize the toxic effects of proteins linked to
Alzheimer's disease ... this molecule can
target some of these packing arrangements that are toxic and rearrange them into
packing arrangements that are not toxic. For those forms that are non-toxic, it
doesn't change them" - See
resveratrol products at Amazon.com Gut bacteria could be key indicator of colon cancer risk - "a shift in the balance between the "good" bacteria and the "bad" bacteria that populate our gut could be a harbinger of colon cancer ... We think something happens to tip the balance away from the beneficial bacteria and in favor of microbes that make toxic metabolites and are detrimental to our health ... By pinpointing these bacterial culprits, we can not only identify people at risk, but also suggest that they include the good bacteria in their diet .. And what a great way to address colon cancer -- you could know your risk and lower it by eating your yogurt every day" - Note: Dannon claims that only their Activia brand reaches the gut. see:
lose weight with 'life-extending' supplement resveratrol - Science Daily,
6/22/10 - "The
anti-obesity properties of resveratrol have been demonstrated for the first
time in a primate ... lemurs eating a diet supplemented with the compound
decreased their energy intake by 13% and increased their resting metabolic rate
by 29% ... a four-week resveratrol
supplementation was associated with a decrease in food intake and a reduction in
seasonal body-mass gain. The response to resveratrol supplementation also
involved significant changes in the animals' body temperatures" - [Nutra
USA] - See
resveratrol products at Amazon.com Progesterone is effective for hot flash treatment and provides an alternative to estrogen, study finds - Science Daily, 6/21/10 - "Progesterone, in a 300-milligram dose, was more effective than placebo at decreasing the intensity and number of symptoms [hot flashes], the authors reported, and the difference was both statistically significant and clinically important. The 68 women taking progesterone showed a 56% improvement from baseline in VMSScore, and a 48% reduction in the number of VMS; the 46 women taking placebo had 28% lower VMSScores and a 22% reduction in number" Well-defined quantity of antioxidants in diet can improve insulin resistance, study finds - Science Daily, 6/21/10 - "For groups C and D, the researchers prescribed a diet enriched in antioxidant, with a calculated intake, 800 to 1,000 milligrams a day, coming from fruits and vegetables, but group D also took metformin ... Despite similar weight loss in all the groups, only the two groups receiving the antioxidant diet (groups C and D) had a significant decrease in insulin resistance ... Group D had the best improvement in insulin resistance on some measures of insulin response to an oral glucose tolerance test ... We think that a total antioxidant level of 800 to 1,000 milligrams a day is safe and probably not close to the maximum tolerable level" Fructose sugar makes maturing human fat cells fatter, less insulin-sensitive, study finds - Science Daily, 6/21/10 - "high levels of fructose, which may result from eating a diet high in fructose, throughout childhood may lead to an increase in visceral [abdominal] obesity, which is associated with increased cardiometabolic risk ... For both types of fat cells, maturation in fructose decreased the cells' insulin sensitivity, which is the ability to successfully take up glucose from the bloodstream into fat and muscles. Decreased insulin sensitivity is a characteristic of Type 2 diabetes"
control of diabetes may be linked to low vitamin D - Science Daily, 6/21/10
- "Despite receiving regular primary care visits before
referral to the endocrine clinic, 91 percent of patients had either
vitamin D deficiency (defined as a level below 15 nanograms per deciliter,
or ng/dL) or insufficiency (15 to 31 ng/dL) ... Additionally, the investigators
found an inverse relationship between the patients' blood levels of vitamin D
and their
hemoglobin A1c value, a measure of blood sugar
control over the past several months. Lower vitamin D levels were discovered in
patients with higher average blood sugars as measured by HbA1c" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com Early-life exposure to BPA may affect testis function in adulthood - Science Daily, 6/21/10 - "Exposure to environmental levels of the industrial chemical bisphenol A, or BPA, in the womb and early life may cause long-lasting harm to testicular function" Women with polycystic ovary syndrome have higher BPA blood levels, study finds - Science Daily, 6/21/10 - "Excessive secretion of androgens -- masculinization-promoting hormones -- occurs in PCOS. The syndrome raises the risk of infertility, obesity, Type 2 diabetes and heart disease ... Blood levels of BPA, compared with those of controls, were nearly 60 percent higher in lean women with PCOS and more than 30 percent higher in obese women with the syndrome ... Additionally, as the BPA blood level increased, so did the concentrations of the male sex hormone testosterone and androstenedione, a steroid hormone that converts to testosterone"
depression with Omega-3: Encouraging results from largest clinical study -
Science Daily, 6/21/10 - "Initial analyses failed to
clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of Omega-3
for all patients taking part in the study. Other analyses, however, revealed
that Omega-3 improved depression symptoms in
patients diagnosed with depression unaccompanied by an anxiety disorder.
Efficacy for these patients was comparable to that generally observed with
conventional antidepressant treatment" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com Is Exercise the Best Drug for Depression - Time Magazine, 6/19/10 - "depressed adults who participated in an aerobic exercise plan improved as much as those treated with sertraline, the drug that was marketed as Zoloft ... Subsequent trials have repeated these results, showing again and again that patients who undergo aerobic exercise regimens see comparable improvement in their depression as those treated with medication, and that both groups do better than patients given only a placebo ... exercise may alter brain chemistry in much the same way that antidepressant drugs do — regulating the key neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine" FDA Approves Dutasteride/Tamsulosin Combo Pill for BPH - Medscape, 6/18/10 - "daily use of the drug combination yielded significantly greater relief of BPH symptoms compared with either 0.5 mg dutasteride or 0.4 mg tamsulosin alone, as measured by point changes on the International Prostate Symptom scale from baseline (mean Δ, −6.2 vs −4.9 and −4.3; P < .001 for both). The difference was observed by month 9 and continued through month 24" - See dutasteride at OffshoreRx1.com. Drinking Moderate Amounts of Coffee, Tea, Is Protective Against CHD - Medscape, 6/18/10 - "the relationship between CHD morbidity and coffee was U-shaped: "We saw a significant protective effect with around two to four cups of coffee a day," whereas for tea, it was a linear and inverse association, with the lowest hazard ratio seen for more than six cups a day. But three to six cups of tea a day was associated with an almost 50% reduction in CHD deaths, although the number of events was small"
D deficiency confirmed as common across a range of rheumatic conditions -
Science Daily, 6/18/10 - "Two separate studies have
shown that vitamin D deficiency is common in
patients with a range of rheumatic diseases, with over half of all patients
having below the 'normal' healthy levels of vitamin D (48-145 nmol/L) in their
bodies. A further study assessing response to vitamin D supplementation found
that taking the recommended daily dose did not normalise vitamin D levels in
rheumatic disease patients" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com Note: I haven't been doing specific research of probiotics. The reason is been in my newsletters so much lately is because it's what's been in the news. Oral bacteria may offer probiotic potential against upper respiratory infections - Science Daily, 6/18/10 - "So far, the benefits of probiotics have been predominantly explored in the intestinal tract, however, other initial studies suggest probiotics may contribute to wellness in the stomach, vaginal tract, skin and mouth ... A probiotic strategy effective in the prophylaxis of pharyngitis, therefore, could provide a significant social benefit" Low calcium intake linked with increased risk of osteoporosis and hypertension in postmenopausal women - Science Daily, 6/18/10 - "a significantly increased proportion of women (35.4%) who consumed a lower amount of calcium through intake from dairy sources, had a concurrent diagnosis of both hypertension and osteoporosis, compared with women who consumed a higher amount of calcium (19.3% p<0.001) ... Further statistical analyses revealed that a lower calcium intake was associated with an increased risk of developing hypertension or osteoporosis over time when compared with controls (Odds Ratio (OR) hypertension: 1.43; 95%CI: 1.12-1.82, osteoporosis: OR 1.46; CI: 1.15-1.85). Women who consumed a lower amount of calcium were shown to be most likely to develop both conditions over time compared with women consuming a higher amount of calcium (OR 1.60; CI: 1.09-2.34)" Probiotic therapy cuts risk of ventilator-associated pneumonia in half for some in ICU, study finds - Science Daily, 6/17/10 - "daily use of probiotics not only decreased VAP infections by about 50 percent compared to placebo, but also reduced the amount of antibiotics needed in comparison to placebo-treated patients. This reduction in antibiotic consumption led to significantly fewer Clostridium difficile infections in patients given probiotics. No side effects attributable to the probiotics were observed" Probiotic Reduces Crying Time in Infants With Colic - Medscape, 6/17/10 - "One week of supplementation with the probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri Protectis reduced crying time in colicky babies by 74%, compared with 38% with placebo" - See Lactobacillus products at iHerb.
Gut-residing bacteria trigger arthritis in genetically susceptible individuals
- Science Daily, 6/17/10 - "A single species of
bacteria that lives in the gut is able to trigger
a cascade of immune responses that can ultimately result in the development of
arthritis ... In the absence of all bacteria,
these mice didn't develop arthritis, but the introduction of a single bacterium
was enough to jump-start the immune process that leads to development of the
disease ... bacteria in the gut could influence the development of an autoimmune
disease affecting tissues distant from the gut. Diseases such as irritable bowel
syndrome have been linked to gut-residing bacteria" - See
Garden of Life, Primal Defense at Amazon.com
Blueberry ameliorates hepatic fibrosis, study finds - Science Daily, 6/17/10
- "An increasing number of natural substances have been
studied to explore if they have protective effects on the liver.
Blueberries have unique effects on human retinal, brain and tumor cells, but
reports about the effects of blueberries on liver diseases are lacking ... The
authors suggest that blueberry consumption is beneficial for
hepatic diseases (including fibrosis)" - See
blueberry extract at Amazon.com Alcohol consumption lowers risk of developing several arthritic conditions, study finds - Science Daily, 6/16/10 - "Alcohol consumption is associated with a significantly reduced risk of developing several arthritic conditions including Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), Osteoarthritis (OA), reactive arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and spondylarthropathy ... alcohol consumption was associated with a significantly lower risk of developing RA (Odds Ratio (OR) 0.27 (0.22-0.34), Osteoarthritis (OR 0.31, (0.16-0.62), spondylarthropathy (OR 0.34, 0.17-0.67), psoriatic arthritis (OR 0.38, 0.23-0.62), and reactive arthritis (OR 0.27, 0.14-0.52)"
Vitamin D May Cut Risk of Flu - WebMD, 6/16/10 -
"people who maintain
vitamin D blood levels of 38 nanograms per
milliliter or more are less likely to get viral infections such as
flu than people with less in their blood ... Of 18 people who maintained
that level during the study period, only three developed viral infect ... But of
the 180 other participants with less vitamin D in their blood, 81(45%), did get
sick with viral infections ... And those with higher levels of vitamin D also
experienced a marked reduction in the number of days they were ill" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com Experts explore emerging evidence linking diabetes and cancer - Science Daily, 6/16/10 - "Possible mechanisms for a direct link between diabetes and cancer include hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia, and inflammation" Women who choose boiled coffee run lower risk of breast cancer, Swedish study finds - Science Daily, 6/16/10 - "A major difference between boiled and filtered coffee is that the boiled version contains up to 80 times as much coffee-specific fatty acids ... Among women who drank boiled coffee more than four times a day there was a lowered risk of breast cancer compared with women who drank coffee less than once a day. Among women who drank filtered coffee there was an increased risk for early breast cancer (under 49 years old) and a decreased risk for late breast cancer (over 55 years old). Boiled-coffee drinkers, but not filtered-coffee drinkers, also had an increased risk of pancreatic cancer and lung cancer among men" Mediterranean-style diet improves heart function, twin study shows - Science Daily, 6/15/10 - "heart rate variability (HRV) ... Eating a Mediterranean-style diet -- one characterized by low saturated fats and high in fish, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, olive oil, cereals and moderate alcohol consumption -- reduces a person's heart disease risk ... the higher a person's diet score, the more variable the heart beat-to-beat time interval -- 10 percent to 58 percent (depending on the HRV measure considered) for men in the top Mediterranean diet score quarter compared to those in the lowest quarter; this equates to a 9 percent to 14 percent reduction in heart-related death"
combination effective against pancreatic cancer: Substance in broccoli supports
cancer therapy, study finds - Science Daily, 6/15/10 -
"Sorafenib is used for advanced liver and kidney cancer
and also appears to be effective against cancer stem cells in
pancreatic cancer ... It inhibits resistant tumor stem cells and is also
especially effective in combination with sulforaphane, an organic compound found
in broccoli ... vegetables from the
cruciferous family
such as broccoli and cauliflower possess a high content of sulforaphane, an
anti-cancer compound. The experiments show that sulforaphane prevents the
activation of the NF-kB pathway by sorafenib. The combination treatment
reinforces the effect of sorafenib without causing additional side effects"
- See
sulforaphane at Amazon.com Higher levels of vitamin B6, common amino acid associated with lower risk of lung cancer - Science Daily, 6/15/10 - "Our results suggest that above-median serum measures of both B6 and methionine, assessed on average 5 years prior to disease onset, are associated with a reduction of at least 50 percent on the risk of developing lung cancer. An additional association for serum levels of folate was present, that when combined with B6 and methionine, was associated with a two-thirds lower risk of lung cancer" Obesity may harm your sexual health, study suggests - Science Daily, 6/15/10 - "obese women were 30% less likely to have had a sexual partner in the last 12 months. Obese men were 70% less likely to have had more than one sexual partner in the same period and were two and half times more likely to experience erectile dysfunction" Abstracts from this week's Doctor's Guide Nutrition/Dietetics plus abstracts from my RSS feeds (Click here for the journals, the PubMed ones at the top):
evidence of skin benefits of a dietary supplement containing probiotic and
carotenoids on UV- induced damage - Br J Dermatol. 2010 Jun 9 -
"Lactobacillus johnsonii (La1)
... dietary supplement (DS) combining La1 and nutritional doses of
carotenoids ... A 10 week DS intake prevented the UV-DL induced decrease in
Langerhans cell density and the increase in Factor XIIIa+ type I dermal
dendrocytes while it reduced dermal inflammatory cells. Clinical and
instrumental MED rose by 20% and 19% respectively, and
skin colour was intensified, as shown by the
increase in DeltaE parameter. The efficacy of DS was confirmed by dermatologists
and subjects in real conditions of use. Conclusion: Nutritional supplementation
combining a specific probiotic (la1) and nutritional doses of carotenoids
reduced early UV-induced skin damage caused by
simulated or natural sun exposure in a large panel of subjects (n=139).
Altogether, these results support the use of this nutritional supplement for a
global approach in photoprotection, in combination with a sunscreen" -
probiotics at Amazon.com
vitamin D levels and severe asthma exacerbations in the Childhood Asthma
Management Program study - J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2010 Jun 8 -
"insufficient vitamin D
status was associated with a higher odds of any hospitalization or emergency
department visit (odds ratio, 1.5; 95% CI, 1.1-1.9; P = .01)" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Effect of
Long-Term L-Arginine Supplementation on Arterial Compliance and Metabolic
Parameters in Patients with Multiple Cardiovascular risk Factors: Randomized,
Placebo-Controlled Study - J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2010 Jun 7 -
"large artery elasticity index (LAEI) ... Although large
artery elasticity index (LAEI) did
not differ significantly between the groups at baseline (10.64.3 vs.11.64.5
ml/mm HgX100, p=0.346), at the end of the study LAEI was significantly greater
in patients treated with L-arginine than in
the placebo group (12.73.4 vs. 8.02.8 ml/mm HgX10, p<0.0001). Systemic vascular
resistance was significantly lower in patients treated with L-arginine than in
the placebo group after 6 months. Small artery elasticity index (SAEI) did not
differ significantly between the groups at baseline or at the end of the study.
Serum aldosterone decreased significantly in Group 1 from 10.76.3 to 8.45.0
ng/ml (p=0.008), but did not change in the placebo group. CONCLUSION::
L-arginine supplementation improves LAEI in patients with multiple
cardiovascular risk factors. This improvement was associated with a decrease
in systolic blood pressure, peripheral vascular resistance as well as a decrease
in aldosterone levels. The results suggest that long term L-arginine
supplementation has beneficial vascular effects in pathologic disease states
associated with endothelial dysfunction" - See
L-arginine products at Amazon.com
Role of
androgens in women's sexual dysfunction - Menopause. 2010 Jun 8 -
"Significantly lower levels of two precursor hormones,
dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate and
androstene-3beta,17beta-diol, were found in
women with sexual dysfunction ... Although the significance of the former awaits
further study, androgen deficiency in women with HSDD was not confirmed. Given
the unknown long-term effects of testosterone supplementation, women receiving
testosterone therapy should be informed that a deficit of testosterone activity
in women with HSDD has not been identified" - See
DHEA at Amazon.com Neat Tech Stuff and "How To's: (backing up Blu-Ray Movies):
Health Focus (Combining ACEI's and ARBs, Pros and Cons):
No pathinfo |