Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending
3/19/08. You should consult your doctor if you are taking any medications.
My toll free number has chanced to 866-573-4699.
When I switched over to
Vonage I was able to keep my local number but when I selected the Vonage
toll free number, I had to change that number. I didn't have any takers
Vonage. That surprised me. I don't understand why anyone with
broadband would not get it. I don't get why anyone would watch Judge Judy
make rude, sarcastic remarks for an hour every night or why people think the
economy is more important than preventing terrorists nukes from reaching US soil
either. I guess I have to take some psychology courses.
Click here form my Vonage review. I let my roommate have the magicJack
number so now whenever that phone rings she knows it is for her plus there is no
hassle when my home phone gets forwarded to my cell. Vonage just added a
contact book that allows you to easily call up to 5 people at once or set up
something similar to reverse 911 where you record your message and it calls and
plays it to multiple contacts. It's got SimulRing® that allows up to 5
other phone to ring when your Vonage phone rings. It's got Voice Activated
Dialing that actually works the first time. My Verizon Razor phone takes
several tries for that to work. You can add multiple Home Pages to
Microsoft Internet Explorer. I added the Vonage contact book so that it is
always handy.
Study supports Pycnogenol for better memory in elderly - Nutra USA, 3/18/08
- "150mg of Pycnogenol
... three months, the participants receiving Pycnogenol had "significantly
improved" memory, as seen in a factor that
combined accuracy scored from spatial working memory and numeric working memory
tasks" - I've got it on my calendar to search for the abstract next week.
- See
Pycnogenol at Amazon.com .
Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Be Useful for Cardioprotection - Medscape, 3/18/08 -
"To date, the strongest evidence showing a
CV benefit from
omega-3 fatty acid intake derives from 3
large controlled trials in which a total of 32,000 participants were randomized
to a control group or to receive omega-3 fatty acid supplements containing DHA
and EPA. In these trials, the supplemented group had a 19% to 45% reduction in
CV events vs the control group ... Patients with
hypertriglyceridemia should consume 3 to 4
g/day of DHA and EPA, which can lower triglyceride levels by 20% to 50%"
- See
Mega Twin EPA at iHerb.
Of One In Three People Over 70 Is Impaired, Study Shows - Science Daily,
3/18/08 - "More than a third of people over age 70 have
some form of memory loss according to a national
study by a team of researchers at Duke University Medical Center" - See
my memory loss web page for ways to prevent it.
Compound May Halt Spread Of Prostate Cancer - Science Daily, 3/14/08 -
"the amount of the chemical, an antioxidant known as
genistein, used in the experiments was no
higher than what a human would eat in a soybean-rich
diet ... genistein decreased metastasis of prostate
cancer to the lungs by 96 percent compared with mice that did not eat the
compound in their chow" - See
soy isoflavones at Amazon.com .
foods prevent ovarian cancer? - MSNBC, 3/14/08 -
"Kaempferol — a flavonoid found in
tea, broccoli, kale and spinach — and luteolin
— which is provided by peppers, carrots, cabbage
and celery — were both identified as cancer protective. Women who consumed the
most of these two flavonoids were 40 percent and 34 percent less likely,
respectively, to develop ovarian cancer
compared to women who consumed the least ... A 2007 study published in the
British Journal of Nutrition linked greater consumption of
carotenoid phytochemicals with a 67 percent
lower risk of ovarian cancer. This included not only beta-carotene, the
oft-cited carotenoid in deep-orange vegetables and fruits, but also
alpha-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein and zeaxanthin — carotenoids found in
a wide range of red, orange, yellow and green vegetables" - See
Jarrow Formulas, CarotenALL, Mixed Carotenoid Complex at Amazon.com .
DHEAS Levels Linked to Cognitive Function in Women - Medscape, 3/13/07 -
"There are data that suggest that
DHEA and DHEAS may have neuroprotective effects and
that the decline in the production of these steroids with healthy aging may
contribute to neuronal dysfunction and degeneration, and thus
cognitive decline ... women with higher
circulating levels of DHEAS performed better on executive function tests. A
positive association was also observed between circulating DHEAS and higher
scores on tests of simple concentration and working memory in women with more
than 12 years of education" - See
DHEA at Amazon.com .
Diabetes Drives Atherosclerosis - WebMD, 3/13/08 -
"Abe's team showed that molecules called
advanced glycation end
products (AGEs), produced in greater levels by patients with
diabetes, interfere with ERK5 cardioprotection.
Glycation reactions cause the release of oxidizing side products like hydrogen
peroxide (H202) that drive free radical production, inflammation and cell damage
in many diseases" - I was always under the impression that it was
advanced glycation end products in the first place. I guess I was right
before they discovered it.
Diabetes Linked to
Risk of Endometrial Cancer - Medscape, 3/13/08 - "An
association was observed between type 2 diabetes
and endometrial cancer (odds ratio =
Lutein, zeaxanthin for AMD protection: more science - Nutra USA, 3/13/08 -
"people with the highest average intakes of dietary
lutein and zeaxanthin had a 65 per cent reduced risk of neo-vascular AMD than
those with the lowest average intakes" - [Abstract]
- See
Jarrow Formulas, CarotenALL, Mixed Carotenoid Complex at Amazon.com .
Vitamin D May Cut Child Diabetes Risk - WebMD, 3/12/08 -
"giving infants vitamin D
supplements cuts their risk of type 1 diabetes
by 29% ... infants in wintry Finland are 400 times more likely than a child in
sunny Venezuela to have childhood diabetes" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Fish Diet May Cut Sudden Coronary Death - WebMD, 3/12/08 -
"Men who reported eating an average of 6 grams of fatty
fish daily -- that's two servings, according to the U.S. Department of
Agriculture's serving-size guidelines -- were 55% less likely than men who ate
no fatty fish to die of sudden coronary
death ... The researchers chalk up the results to the
omega-3 fatty acids EPA and
DHA" - See
Mega Twin EPA at iHerb
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Cardiovascular Benefits Of Omega-3 Fatty Acids Reviewed - Science Daily,
3/12/08 - "The most compelling evidence for the
benefit provided by omega-3 fatty acids comes
from three large controlled trials of 32,000 participants randomized to receive
omega-3 fatty acid supplements containing
or to act as controls ... These trials showed reductions in cardiovascular
events of 19 percent to 45 percent ... keeping fish oil capsules in the freezer
... may help reduce burping and upset stomach symptoms" - I've always
done the freezer thing and haven't had any problem with the burp even on an
empty stomach. Also note that it's the DHA and EPA that count. I
have friends that buy cheap fish oil capsules that have very low DHA and EPA
(omega-3) and they think they are getting a great deal. I take
Mega Twin EPA at iHerb
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
They've got the highest percentage of omega-3 that I've found.
Vaccine Seems To Be Working, Abnormal Pap Test Results Lower, Study Shows -
Science Daily, 3/11/08 - "the vaccine, named GARDASIL
... In testing GARDASIL reduced abnormal Pap
test results by 43 percent compared to women not given the vaccine"
Bupropion XL vs.
Escitalopram in Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Medscape, 3/11/08 -
"Response rates were
significantly greater for bupropion
XL (100%) than for escitalopram
(62%)" - That surprised me because all the studies I've read had
escitalopram beating just about everything for depression.
Loss More Effective Than Intensive Insulin Therapy For Type 2 Diabetics -
Science Daily, 3/11/08 - "Weight-loss and major
lifestyle changes may be more effective than intensive insulin therapy for
overweight patients with poorly controlled, insulin-resistant type 2
Sex, Drugs, and Cancer? - WebMD, 3/11/08 - "Head
and neck cancers that were positive for
HPV 16 were associated with having more oral sex partners and
smoking more
marijuana ... Head and neck cancers that were negative for HPV 16 weren't
linked to sex or marijuana. Instead, they were tied to smoking tobacco, drinking
alcohol, and having poor oral hygiene" - I know what people are thinking
who have read my past newsletters about my
neck cancer scare and no, I've never been a pot head and I've never smoked.
I've was a very light drinker, maybe two beers per week and I've always brushed
my teeth at least once per day.
Vitamin D Pandemic and its Health Consequences - Michael Holick, 5/7/08 -
Good lecture on vitamin D.
Abstracts from this week's
Doctor's Guide Nutrition/Dietetics
plus abstracts from my RSS feeds (Click here
for the journals, the PubMed ones at the top):
Telmisartan treatment decreases visceral fat accumulation and improves serum
levels of adiponectin and vascular inflammation markers in Japanese hypertensive
patients - Hypertens Res. 2007 Dec;30(12):1205-10 -
"telmisartan treatment was
associated with an improvement of vascular inflammation, reductions in visceral
fat and increases in serum adiponectin"
Effects of curcumin on bladder cancer cells and development of urothelial tumors
in a rat bladder carcinogenesis model - Cancer Lett. 2008 Mar 12 -
"Exposure of human
bladder cancer cells to curcumin resulted
in the induction of apoptotic cell death and caused cells to arrest in the G2/M
phase. The anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 and Survivin protein was downregulated by the
curcumin treatment together with enhancement of the Bax and p53 expression. The
inhibitory activities of curcumin were stronger than those of cisplatin and
could not be prevented by catalase pretreatment in T24 cells. Clonal assay
indicated large-dose and short-term curcumin was lethal to bladder cancer cells.
Moreover, the in vivo study revealed curcumin did induce apoptosis in situ,
inhibit and slow the development of bladder cancer. These observations suggest
that curcumin could prove an effective
chemopreventive and chemotherapy agent for bladder cancer" -
curcumin products at Amazon.com .
Lipoic acid supplementation and endothelial function - Br J Pharmacol. 2008
Mar 17 - "Endothelial dysfunction is caused by all the
recognized cardiovascular risk factors and has been implicated in the complex
processes leading to the initiation and progression of atherosclerosis.
Short-term treatment with lipoic acid is shown in
the current issue of the British Journal of Pharmacology to improve endothelial
function of aortic rings of old rats. The age-related decrease in
phosphorylation of nitric oxide synthase and Akt was improved by lipoic acid
supplementation. The improved phosphorylation status may have been due to
reduced activity of the phosphatase PPA2, associated with decreased levels of
endothelial ceramide induced by lipoic acid. Neutral sphingomyelinase activity
was also reduced by lipoic acid, which was due, at least in part, to increased
glutathione levels in endothelial cells" -
alpha lipoic acid at Amazon.com .
Effect of tea catechins on body fat accumulation in rats fed a normal diet -
Biomed Res. 2008 Feb;29(1):27-32 - "The administration
of 0.5%
catechins decreased the accumulation of
body fat and the serum levels of
cholesterol and bile acids. These results indicate that tea catechins modulate
lipid metabolism not only in obese subjects, but also in the non-obese" -
green tea extract at Amazon.com .
Dietary intake of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids is inversely associated with
CRP levels, especially among male smokers - Atherosclerosis. 2008 Mar 14 -
"Sufficient dietary intake of
n-3PUFA may attenuate
inflammatory reaction and this effect
is more evident among high-risk populations such as male smokers although the
small numbers of female ex-smokers and nonsmokers limited statistical power to
draw strong conclusions about these groups" - See
Mega Twin EPA at iHerb.
Docosahexaenoic acid-rich fish oil improves heart rate variability and heart
rate responses to exercise in overweight adults - Br J Nutr. 2008 Mar
13;:1-7 - "heart rate variability (HRV), a predictor of
cardiac death ... 6 g fish oil/d (DHA 1.56 g/d,
EPA 0.36 g/d) or sunflower-seed oil (placebo)
for 12 weeks ... maximal heart rate (HR) ... Fish oil supplementation improved
HRV by increasing high-frequency power, representing parasympathetic activity,
compared with placebo (P = 0.01; oil x time interaction). It also reduced HR at
rest and during submaximal exercise" -
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Markov cost-utility analysis of escitalopram and duloxetine for the treatment of
major depressive disorder - Curr Med Res Opin. 2008 Mar 7 -
"quality adjusted life weeks (QALWs) ... This analysis
suggests that escitalopram was
more effective in terms of QALWs and less costly than
duloxetine for treatment of
depression" - See escitalopram at
Associations Between Vitamin D Status and Pain in Older Adults: The Invecchiare
in Chianti Study - J Am Geriatr Soc. 2008 Mar 5 -
"Lower concentrations of 25(OH)D are associated with significant back
pain in older women but not men. Because
vitamin D deficiency and chronic pain are
fairly prevalent in older adults, these findings suggest it may be worthwhile to
query older adults about their pain and screen older women with significant back
pain for vitamin D deficiency" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Angiotensin II receptor blocker inhibits tumour necrosis factor-alpha-induced
cell damage in human renal proximal tubular epithelial cells - Nephrology
(Carlton). 2008 Mar 5 - "The present study demonstrates
that TNF-alpha induces renal tubular cell damage in RPTEC and
AT1/AT2 receptor blockers showed
cytoprotective effects probably via at least partly different mechanism"
Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor gamma agonism modifies the effects of
growth hormone on lipolysis and insulin sensitivity - Clin Endocrinol (Oxf).
2008 Mar 10 - "Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated
Receptor gamma (PPARgamma) agonists such as
thiazolidinediones (TZD)
improve insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetes via effects on fat metabolism,
whereas growth hormone (GH) stimulates
lipolysis and induces
insulin resistance ...Randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind
parallel-group study including 20 GH-deficient patients on continued GH
replacement therapy. The patients were studied before and after 12 weeks ...
Adiponectin levels almost doubled during
pioglitazone treatment (P
= 0.0001). Pioglitazone significantly decreased basal free fatty acid levels (P
= 0.02) and lipid oxidation (P = 0.02). Basal glucose oxidation rate (P = 0.004)
and insulin sensitivity (P = 0.03) improved in the patients who received
pioglitazone treatment. The change in insulin-stimulated adiponectin level after
pioglitazone treatment was positively correlated to the change in
insulin-stimulated total glucose disposal (R = 0.69 ... The impact of GH on
lipolysis and insulin sensitivity is modifiable by administration administration
of TZD" - See pioglitazone at
PPARgamma agonist pioglitazone is effective in the MPTP mouse model of
Parkinson's disease through inhibition of monoamine oxidase B - Br J
Pharmacol. 2008 Mar 10 - "The peroxisome
proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPARgamma) agonist
has previously been shown to attenuate dopaminergic cell loss in the
1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) mouse model of
Parkinson's disease, an effect attributed to
its anti-inflammatory properties. In the present investigation, we provide
evidence that pioglitazone is effective in the MPTP mouse model, not via an
anti-inflammatory action, but through inhibition of MAO-B, the enzyme required
to biotransform MPTP to its active neurotoxic metabolite
1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+) ... Mice treated with MPTP showed deficits in
motor performance, marked depletions in striatal dopamine levels and a
concomitant reduction in TH immunoreactivity in the substantia nigra.
Pretreatment with pioglitazone completely prevented these effects of MPTP.
However, pretreatment with pioglitazone also significantly inhibited the
MPTP-induced production of striatal MPP+ and the activity of MAO-B in the
striatum" - See pioglitazone at
Resveratrol protects against arsenic trioxide-induced cardiotoxicity in vitro
and in vivo - Br J Pharmacol. 2008 Mar 10 - "The
clinical use of arsenic trioxide (As(2)O(3)), a potent antineoplastic agent, is
limited by its severe cardiotoxic effects ...
resveratrol significantly attenuated As(2)O(3)-induced QT prolongation,
structural abnormalities and oxidative damage in the heart. In H9c2
cardiomyocytes, resveratrol also decreased apoptosis, production of ROS and
intracellular calcium mobilization induced by treatment with As(2)O(3). These
observations suggested that resveratrol has the potential to protect against
cardiotoxicity in As(2)O(3)-exposed patients" - See
resveratrol products at Amazon.com .
Folate and MTHFR: risk of adenoma recurrence in the Polyp Prevention Trial -
Cancer Causes Control. 2008 Mar 6 - "Low dietary
folate intake has been associated with
colorectal cancer risk and adenoma recurrence. A
C/T transition at position 677 in the gene encoding methlylenetetrahydrofolate
reductase (MTHFR C677T) has been reported to interact with folate intake to
modulate colorectal adenoma recurrence or cancer risk ... In general, no
statistically significant associations were found between quartile of folate
intake (dietary or total) and adenoma recurrence ... No significant interaction
was noted for total folate and MTHFR genotype, though an increased risk of
recurrence noted for the MTHFR CT genotype was statistically significant only
for those individuals with below median intake of total folate"
Vitamin D
insufficiency in southern Arizona - Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Mar;87(3):608-13 -
"Despite residing in a region with high chronic sun
exposure, adults in southern Arizona are commonly deficient in
vitamin D deficiency, particularly blacks and
Hispanics" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Essential n-3 fatty acids in pregnant women and early visual acuity maturation
in term infants - Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Mar;87(3):548-57 -
"More infant girls in the placebo than in the
DHA intervention group had a visual acuity below
average (P = 0.048). Maternal red blood cell ethanolamine phosphoglyceride
docosatetraenoic acid was inversely related to visual acuity in boys (rho =
-0.37, P < 0.05) and girls (rho = -0.48, P < 0.01)" - See
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
folic acid good for everyone? - Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Mar;87(3):517-33 -
"Folate has a dual
effect on cancer, protecting against cancer initiation but facilitating
progression and growth of preneoplastic cells and subclinical cancers"
Health Focus (Abdominal
Fat/Pot Bellies):
I take PGX™ ,
pioglitazone and
metformin to reduce blood
glucose/insulin (see item 1 on my
home page) and
to reduce cortisol plus
and CLA. Two hormones involved with abdominal
fat cortisol and
insulin and an enzyme called
11beta-HSD-1 are reduced by
Avandia (rosiglitazone)
in some people. See the articles on Avandia at the
bottom of this page. Check with your doctor before taking it.
See Avandia at
Related Abdominal Fat Topics:
Alternative Abdominal Fat News:
- Body Types,
Body Typing, and Herbal Medicine - HolisticHealthTopics.com -
"For those persons who are overstressed or who
suffer from excessive adrenal activity and elevated
cortisol levels the use of adrenal inhibitors such as alpha linolenic
acid ( flaxseed oil ) or phosphatidylserine may be beneficial ... "
n-3 Polyunsaturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids in patients with the
metabolic syndrome: a case-control study in Korea - Br J Nutr. 2008 Feb
28;:1-6 - "trans fatty acids of erythrocytes (RBC)
... There were significant positive relationships between trans fatty acids
and waist circumference, and between trans fatty acids and BMI. The results
suggested that RBC trans fatty acids might be a predictor of increased risk
for the metabolic syndrome, but n-3 fatty acids were not in this population"
Whole Grains Fight Belly Fat - WebMD, 2/25/08 -
"Both groups experienced a decrease in body fat, but the whole-grain group
lost significantly more body fat from the abdominal region than the
refined-grain group. Excessive fat around the midsection is linked to an
increased risk of heart disease ... The whole-grain group experienced other
benefits. For example, CRP levels dropped by 38% among those who followed a
whole-grain diet"
Soy linked to less belly fat in postmenopausal women - Nutra USA,
1/14/08 - "At the end of the trial there were no
differences in the weight of women in both groups ... However, measures of
subcutaneous abdominal fat were significantly different between the groups,
with women in the soy group experiencing a 14.7 sq. cm reduction compared to
a 22.9 sq. cm increase in the placebo group" - [Abstract]
Effect of a daily supplement of soy protein on body composition and insulin
secretion in postmenopausal women - Fertil Steril. 2007
Dec;88(6):1609-17 - "A daily supplement of soy
protein prevents the increase in subcutaneous and total abdominal fat
observed with an isocaloric casein placebo in postmenopausal women"
Vitamin C and dairy linked to less abdominal weight - Nutra USA,
11/16/07 - "low vitamin
intake was associated with a 131 per cent increase in probability of
central fat accumulation, while low
calcium increased the probability by 30 per cent" - [Abstract]
- See
vitamin C products at Amazon.com
Dietary and non-dietary determinants of central adiposity among Tehrani
women - Public Health Nutr. 2007 Sep 3;:1-7 -
"Marriage (1.31; 1.10-1.82), menopause (1.22; 1.02-1.61), low vitamin C
intake (2.31; 1.25-4.25) and low calcium intake (1.30; 1.07-3.78) were
associated with central fat accumulation" - See
vitamin C products at Amazon.com
Six months supplementation with conjugated linoleic acid induces
regional-specific fat mass decreases in overweight and obese - Br J
Nutr. 2007 Mar;97(3):550-60 - "randomised into two
groups supplemented with either 3 x 4 g/d CLA
or placebo for 6 months. CLA significantly decreased BFM at month 3 (Delta=-
0 x 9 %, P=0 x 016) and at month 6 (Delta=- 3 x 4 %, P=0 x 043) compared
with placebo. The reduction in fat mass was located mostly in the legs
(Delta=- 0 x 8 kg, P<0 x 001), and in women (Delta=-1 x 3 kg, P=0 x 046)
with BMI >30 kg/m2 (Delta=-1 x 9 kg, P=0 x 011), compared with placebo. The
waist-hip ratio decreased significantly (P=0 x 043) compared with placebo.
LBM increased (Delta=+0 x 5 kg, P=0 x 049) within the CLA group ... Adverse
events did not differ between the groups" - See
conjugated linoleic acid at Amazon.com
- Low glycemic diet may
help stay slim - MSNBC, 10/27/06 -
"normal-weight women who ate a diet with a
relatively high glycemic index gained more weight, more fat, and more
padding around the middle over a six-year period than women who ate a low
glycemic index diet"
Supplementation With Chromium Picolinate Improves Glycemic Control,
Attenuates Weight Gain - Doctor's Guide, 8/9/06 -
"Blood sugar levels of study participants taking
chromium picolinate in combination with the antidiabetic medication dropped
significantly compared to the group taking the medication plus placebo ...
Study participants taking chromium picolinate also experienced significantly
lower abdominal body fat accumulation than the group taking medication and
placebo, and experienced less overall weight gain" - See
chromium products.
Exercise Important in Reducing Size of Abdominal Fat Cells - Doctor's
Guide, 8/8/06 - "The diet-alone group had no changes
in abdominal fat cell size. However, both exercise groups had decreases of
about 18% in the size of their abdominal fat cells"
Association of abdominal obesity with decreased serum levels of carotenoids
in a healthy Japanese population - Clin Nutr. 2006 May 12 -
"abdominal fat accumulation is associated with
oxidative stress as determined by low levels of serum carotenoids in
Low-Glycemic Load Diet Facilitates Weight Loss in Overweight Adults with
High Insulin Secretion - Doctor's Guide, 12/7/05 -
"The regulation of body weight is, at least in part,
influenced by how much insulin a person secretes in response to a load of
glucose, as well as by how sensitive that person is to insulin's
glucose-lowering effects"
Exercise Fights
'Hidden' Body Fat - WebMD, 9/14/05 -
"Higher amounts of exercise cut deep belly fat and fat
around the waist ... Deep belly fat (technically called "visceral fat" or fat
surrounding organs within the abdomen) has been linked to health problems
including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome -- a cluster of
risk factors that greatly increase the chance of developing these diseases"
Running May
Melt Away Belly Fat - CBS 2 Chicago, 9/14/05
Vinegar may help dieters eat less - Nutra USA, 9/7/05 -
"Both glucose and insulin responses were about 25
per cent lower at 90 minutes when the volunteers had consumed the highest
level of vinegar compared to the reference
meal ... This level of vinegar is equivalent to about two to three
tablespoons" - See
products at iHerb (1 - 500 mg tablet equals 2 tsb of vinegar. 4.5
tablets equals about 3 tablespoons by my calculations. Related articles:
New Trial Shows Chromium Picolinate Reduces Weight Gain Associated with
Diabetes Medication - Doctor's Guide, 6/16/05 -
"The study participants who took 1,000 mcg of
Chromax(R) chromium picolinate in combination with the antidiabetic
medication experienced significantly lower body fat accumulation (0.12%)
than the group taking medication and placebo (1.1%), particularly in the
abdomen area" - See
chromium products.
Skipping Exercise Makes
Fat a Bigger Problem - WebMD, 4/19/05 -
"Just five hours after exercise stopped, the rat's
abdominal fat cells started to send off chemical signals that made them start to
swell. After two days of no exercise, the fat cells got 19% larger -- and the
rats' stomach fat got 48% heavier"
Effects of metformin on the body composition in subjects with risk factors
for type 2 diabetes - Diabetes Obes Metab. 2005 Mar;7(2):189-92 -
"In the
metformin group, there was a decrease in
fat weight from 25.9 +/- 9.4 to 20.8 +/- 9.2 kg, p < 0.01, an increase in
lean weight from 57.05 +/- 13.6 to 61.9 +/- 16.5 kg, p < 0.01, an increase
in basal metabolism from 1735 +/- 413 to 1878 +/- 505 calories/day, p < 0.05
and an increase in body water" - See
metformin at The Antiaging Store. Note: That's a 19.7% decrease in fat
(25.9-20.8)/25.9 = 19.7%, a 8.5% increase in lean weight (61.9-57.05)/57.05
= 8.5% and a 8.2% increase in basal metabolism (1878-1735)/1735 = 8.2%. -
Abdominal Fat Decreases, Insulin Action Improves When Elderly Take Hormone
- Science Daily, 11/17/04
Effect of DHEA on Abdominal Fat and Insulin Action in Elderly Women and Men:
A Randomized Controlled Trial - JAMA. 2004 Nov 10;292(18):2243-8 -
"DHEA replacement could play a role in prevention and
treatment of the metabolic syndrome associated with abdominal obesity"
- See
DHEA products at iHerb.
- Hormone
Protects Against Diseases of Aging - WebMD, 11/9/04 -
"The elderly people in the study took 50 mg a day of
DHEA ... Six months later, the DHEA group showed significant reductions in
abdominal obesity (10% fat reduction around organs in the abdominal cavity
among women and 7.4% among men) and improvements in insulin action or a
decrease in insulin resistance"
Increase in DHEA May Help Decrease Abdominal Fat in Elderly Persons -
Doctor's Guide, 11/9/04 -
replacement therapy induced significant decreases in both visceral fat
(within the abdomen) and subcutaneous abdominal fat (below the skin surface)
in elderly men and women. "The decrease in visceral fat relative to initial
values averaged 10.2 percent in the women and 7.4 percent in the men. The
DHEA therapy also resulted in a significant decrease in abdominal
subcutaneous fat, averaging approximately 6 percent in both the men and
- DHEA May Reduce
Abdominal Fat and Increase Insulin Sensitivity in the Elderly
- Medscape, 11/9/04
Research: Refined Grains Expand Girths - Intelihealth, 6/21/04 -
"three years they were tracked ... At the end, the
white bread group had three times the fiber group's gain at the gut ... I
think abdominal fat cells may be more sensitive to insulin's effects than
other fat cells in the body"
- CLA: The New
Miracle Weight Loss Pill? - WebMD, 5/24/04 -
CLA groups lost weight -- about 4 pounds; the
placebo group stayed the same ... The CLA syrup group had a 9% body fat
loss; the CLA pill group had 7% loss; the placebo group had no body fat loss
... The increased lipoprotein levels may be a byproduct of fat loss, says
Gaullier. "The body does show inflammation caused by the process of
eliminating fat. We think this is what is happening, but we don't know for
- See
CLA products.
A Derivative Of The Green Tea Leaf May Help With Metabolic Syndrome X, A
Potentially Deadly Disorder - Intelihealth, 4/10/03 -
"A new weapon might eventually be added to the
arsenal: consumption of Tegreen, a tea polyphenols product containing in
excess of 65 percent
tea catechins, derived from the green tea
leaf ... oral administration of Tegreen is capable of improving glucose and
lipid metabolisms in an obese rat model induced by a high-calorie diet ...
Tegreen intervention can significantly decrease
visceral fat depot and increase the
insulin's sensitivity, presumably touching
one of the pathological root causes of this potentially deadly syndrome"
- See
iHerb or
green tea extracts. My favorite is
Jarrow green tea at iHerb.
Stress, Cortisol and Health - Supplement Watch Newsletter, 10/02 -
"several lines of evidence have converged to
solidify the concept that stress makes us fat (because of
cortisol), thins our bones (because of cortisol), shrinks our brains
(because of cortisol), suppresses our immune system (because of cortisol),
saps our energy levels (because of cortisol), and kills our sex drive
(because of cortisol) ... Take a daily multivitamin/multi-mineral supplement
- because calcium,
vitamin C and
B-complex vitamins are needed for a proper
stress response ... Chief among the supplements with documented
cortisol-controlling effects are Phosphatidylserine,
Magnolia bark,
Ashwagandha and
Novel Method of Enhancing Anti-Fat Effects of CLA - Life Extension
Magazine, 8/02 -
"CLA improves insulin sensitivity" - See
CLA products.
Hypercortisolemia Cited in Link Between Depression and Cardiovascular
Disorders - Doctor's Guide, 4/9/02 -
"Depressed patients who are also hypercortisolemic
appear to have resistance to insulin and increased
visceral fat, possibly accounting for a link between major depression
and cardiovascular disorders"
- Single enzyme to blame
for potbellies: study - MSNBC, 12/6/01 -
"What they found was that a single enzyme in fat
cells that raises levels of
cortisol — the “fight or flight” stress
hormone — triggers fat accumulation around the belly and its associated ill
effects ... The researchers were drawn to the role of cortisol because
patients with a rare illness known as Cushing syndrome — who have too much
of the steroid hormone in their blood — develop severe obesity concentrated
around their middles and become diabetic ... Since overweight people without
Cushing syndrome typically don’t have too much cortisol in their
bloodstreams, Flier hypothesized that they may be producing high cortisol
levels solely in their fat cells — possibly because the enzyme HSD-1, which
makes cortisol from an inactive molecule, is overactive ... The level of
cortisol in their stomach fat tissue was 15 percent to 30 percent higher
than in their non-engineered counterparts"
- The link went dead on this but I found a copy at
http://www.cushingsonline.com/newsletters/email/12-4-2002.htm (scroll
about 2/3rds the way down).
Other Abdominal Fat News:
Metformin (Glucophage) and bipolar - psycheducation.org -
"In some cases this medication can decrease
abdominal obesity ... Between 10 and 30% of people taking metformin have a
decrease in their B12 levels ... this can show up is "anemia""
Why Belly Fat Hurts the Heart - WebMD, 1/29/08 -
"Visceral fat brought the most inflammation and the worst atherosclerosis
... After visceral fat transplantation, mice developed less severe
atherosclerosis if their chow was laced with the diabetes drug Actos for 10
weeks. But Actos didn't affect atherosclerosis in other mice" - See
pioglitazone at
Pot Belly May Signal Diseased Arteries - WebMD, 8/14/07
New Test for Belly Fat? - WebMD, 7/10/07
Belly Fat May Drive Inflammatory Processes Associated With Disease -
Science Daily, 3/13/07 - "fat cells inside the
abdomen are secreting molecules that increase inflammation ... Too much
abdominal fat is associated with a defect in the body's response to insulin"
Trans Fat Leads To Weight Gain Even On Same Total Calories, Animal Study
Shows - Science Daily, 6/19/06 -
"Diets rich in trans fat cause a redistribution of
fat tissue into the abdomen and lead to a higher body weight even when the
total dietary calories are controlled"
Eat Trans Fat, Get
Big Belly - WebMD, 6/12/06 - "Trans fats make
you fatter than other foods with the same number of calories -- but that's
not all ... trans fats increase the amount of fat around the belly"
Abdominal Fat Linked To Higher Death Rate In Men, New Study Shows -
Science Daily, 4/4/06 - "visceral fat in the abdomen
is directly associated with a higher risk of mortality in men"
Study: Lifting weights attacks belly fat - USA Today, 3/3/06 -
"Women who did the weight-training for two years had
only a 7% increase in intra-abdominal fat, compared to a 21% increase in the
group given exercise advice"
Study links tobacco smoke with belly fat - USATODAY.com, 8/1/05
Testosterone Replacement a Double-Edged Sword: Impact of supplementation is
largely positive, but adverse effects found among men on highest doses -
Clinical Psychiatry News, 8/05 -
"Abdominal visceral fat, however, increased by 16.6%
in the placebo group, and decreased by 6.8% in men taking testosterone—a
significant difference between groups"
Research May Provide New Link Between Soft Drinks And Weight Gain -
Science Daily, 8/2/05 - "Those consuming the
fructose-sweetened water showed significant weight gain over the course of
the study, with an average final weight of 48 grams—compared with averages
below 44 grams for the other groups—and had about 90 percent more body fat
than the mice that consumed water only"
Waist circumference as a predictor of insulin resistance in young men -
Med Clin (Barc). 2005 Jun 11;125(2):46-50 -
"WC of these young men was independently associated
with certain cardiovascular risk factors, in particular insulin resistance"
Hidden Fat Could Mean Heart Disease Risk - WebMD, 4/11/05 -
"Even people of normal weight can have fat folded
deep inside their belly, raising their risk of heart disease and diabetes
from a condition called metabolic syndrome"
Inflammation Key to Belly Fat 's Unhealthy Effects - HealthDay, 3/31/05
- "Inflammation may be the reason why that "spare
tire" around the waist raises a person's risk of heart disease ... They
checked each woman's abdominal fat for two proteins that promote
inflammation -- interleukin 6 and tumor necrosis factor alpha -- and for a
third protein that encourages blood clots, called plasminogen activator
inhibitor 1 ... These three proteins are all manufactured by fat tissue"
Exercise a Must for Losing Deep Belly Fat - WebMD, 3/4/05 -
"Even if she diets perfectly, eating all the right
foods in ideal amounts, her waistline may not budge unless she works out.
Exercise is required to lose excess fat deep in the abdomen, says a new
Location Of Body Fat Important In Predicting Heart Attack Risk - Science
Daily, 11/5/04 -
"intra-abdominal fat, or fat stored in and around
the internal organs, is most predictive of heart attack risk"
- Insulin
Sensitivity, Insulin Secretion, and Abdominal Fat - Medscape, 10/23/03 -
"Insulin resistance is associated with overall
obesity and particularly abdominal obesity ... In normal individuals, as
insulin sensitivity declines, the ß-cells of the pancreas compensate by
secreting more insulin"
Obese Individuals Experience Modest Weight Loss with Growth-Hormone Therapy
- Doctor's Guide, 6/24/03 -
"Most of the fat loss was in the abdominal area"
- The Dairy
Calcium in Yogurt Helps People Lose Belly - WebMD, 4/15/03 -
"put 34 obese people on a low-cal diet. Sixteen of
them got pills with 400 to 500 mg of calcium
per day. The other 18 people ate enough yogurt to give them 1100 mg of
calcium per day ... After 12 weeks, everybody lost a lot of fat ... Sixty
percent of the yogurt eaters'
weight loss was belly fat, while only
26% of the comparison group's loss was belly fat"
- High-Fat Diet
Ups Dangerous 'Hidden' Fat - WebMD, 3/31/03
- Exercise Training,
Without Weight Loss, Increases Insulin Sensitivity and Postheparin Plasma
Lipase Activity in Previously Sedentary Adults - Medscape, 3/19/03 -
"Exercise, without weight loss, increases SI
[insulin sensitivity] and PHPL activity in previously sedentary adults,
without changing K2 or fasting lipid levels. Furthermore, increased LPL is
associated with a decreased total:HDL
ratio, and an increased LPL:HL ratio is associated with a decreased waist
circumference. Therefore, even modest amounts of exercise in the absence of
weight loss positively affect markers of glucose and fat metabolism in
previously sedentary, middle-aged adults" - I threw this out because I
didn't know that "decreased total:HDL ratio ... is associated with a
decreased waist circumference" - This might be a long shot but that
sounds like increasing insulin sensitivity via such methods as
metformin and increasing HDL via
supplements such as
niacin might decrease pot bellies. - Ben
Belly full of danger - USA Today, 2/25/03 -
"people with wide girths are more likely to have
large amounts of deep-hidden belly fat around their organs. It might be the
most dangerous kind of fat and could increase a person's risk of diabetes,
heart disease, stroke and some types of cancer ... visceral or
intra-abdominal fat, is linked to high cholesterol, high insulin, high
triglycerides, high blood pressure and other problems ... So far, physical
activity and weight loss appear to be the key ... It's very likely that
genes, sex hormones and stress hormones (cortisol)
play a role"
- How to whittle your middle
- MSNBC, 2/18/03
Big gut, other factors can kill you - USA Today, 12/3/02 -
"People with this syndrome have at least three of
the following risk factors: high blood sugar; a waist circumference of
greater than 40 inches for men or 35 inches for women; lower-than-average
HDL cholesterol (the so-called good
cholesterol); high
triglycerides and
high blood pressure ... men who had the
syndrome at the study's start had a two to three times greater chance of
dying of a heart attack or a stroke during the study than men who did not
have this collection of risk factors ... People getting a checkup should ask
their family doctor to look for metabolic syndrome"
- Errant Enzyme
Causes Big Bellies - WebMD, 12/11/01 -
"They looked at an enzyme called
11-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1. This enzyme is able to
increase the level of cortisol in fat cells without raising the level of
cortisol in the blood ... The researchers genetically engineered mice
that overproduce this enzyme. They made sure that the level of the enzyme
was equivalent to the level previously found in the fatty tissue of
overweight humans. As expected, the mice produced extra amounts of cortisol
in their fat cells, but not in their blood ... The next step was to compare
these mice to mice that produced normal amounts of the enzyme. Even when fed
a low-fat diet, the genetically-altered mice developed a pot belly while the
normal mice did not. The problem was even worse when the altered mice were
fed a high-fat diet ... We were surprised to find that it took only a modest
increase in this enzyme to cause the mice to become ... obese"
- Single enzyme to blame for
potbellies: study - MSNBC, 12/6/01 -
"What they found was that a single enzyme in fat
cells that raises levels of cortisol — the “fight or flight” stress hormone
— triggers fat accumulation around the belly and its associated ill effects
... The researchers were drawn to the role of
cortisol because patients with a rare
illness known as Cushing syndrome — who have too much of the steroid hormone
in their blood — develop severe obesity concentrated around their middles
and become diabetic ... Since overweight people without Cushing syndrome
typically don’t have too much cortisol in their bloodstreams, Flier
hypothesized that they may be producing high cortisol levels solely in their
fat cells — possibly because the enzyme
HSD-1, which makes cortisol from an
inactive molecule, is overactive ... The level of cortisol in their stomach
fat tissue was 15 percent to 30 percent higher than in their non-engineered
counterparts" - Note: The way I read this article, the final culprit
is still the cortisol and there are ways to reduce cortisol now. The link
went dead on this but I found a copy at
http://www.cushingsonline.com/newsletters/email/12-4-2002.htm (scroll
about 2/3rds the way down).
- Stress May Cause Excess
Abdominal Fat In Otherwise Slender Women - Doctor's Guide, 11/15/00
Positively Impacts On Factors Linked With Insulin Resistance - Doctor's
Guide, 9/18/00 - "Increased deposits of fat around
the internal organs and in the liver are commonly associated with insulin
resistance and are found in many type 2 diabetes patients ... Avandia helps
prevent accumulation of fat around the internal organs and significantly
reduces hepatic fat"
Diabetes Drugs May Help Cushing's Syndrome - Reuters Wire, 11/07/2002 -
"Cushing's syndrome results from high levels of the
hormone cortisol, and can cause fat accumulation in the upper body and face,
and thinning of the arms and legs. Patients can experience high blood
pressure and high blood sugar, along with depression, fatigue, irritability
and weakened bones ... a protein called PPAR-gamma, which is found on
pituitary gland tumor cells, appears to be linked to overproduction of ACTH
... researchers injected mice with ACTH-secreting pituitary tumor cells and
then treated them with commonly used diabetes drugs,
(Avandia) and troglitazone, or an inactive placebo ... There was an 85%
reduction in ACTH and a corresponding 96% reduction in their cortisol-like
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma ligands inhibit adipocyte
11beta -hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 expression and activity - J
Biol Chem. 2001 Apr 20;276(16):12629-35. Epub 2001 Jan 22 -
"treatment of diabetic db/db mice with
inhibited expression of 11beta-HSD-1 in
adipose tissue. This decrease in enzyme expression correlated with a
significant decline in plasma corticosterone levels. In sum, these data
indicate that some of the beneficial effects of PPARgamma antidiabetic
agents may result, at least in part, from the down-regulation of
11beta-HSD-1 expression in adipose tissue"
Pharmacologic management of Cushing syndrome : new targets for therapy -
Treat Endocrinol. 2005;4(2):87-94 - "Interesting new
avenues at the pituitary level involve the potential use of
thiazolidinedione compounds, such as rosiglitazone"
Effects of chronic administration of PPAR-gamma ligand rosiglitazone in
Cushing's disease - Eur J Endocrinol. 2004 Aug;151(2):173-8 -
"The administration of rosiglitazone seems able to
normalize cortisol secretion in some patients with CD, at least for short
Reduced production rates of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone in healthy
men treated with rosiglitazone
- Metabolism. 2003 Feb;52(2):230-2 - "Production
rates of cortisol were unchanged ... a clinically relevant dose of at least
one thiazolidindione, rosiglitazone, impedes the production of testosterone
in man"
Caution Urged With Diabetes Drugs - WebMD, 12/8/03 -
"in some people, Actos and Avandia may cause fluid retention, a condition
known as edema, and swelling of the feet. Edema is also a classic symptom of
congestive heart failure"
Diabetes Pill Helps Early Alzheimer's Disease - WebMD, 7/20/04 -
"the diabetes pill Avandia may improve memory and
thinking in people with early Alzheimer's disease"
Hormone Therapy May Need to be Used Cautiously in Patients Taking
Rosiglitazone - Doctor's Guide, 9/19/03 -
"rosiglitazone reduced glucose levels from a mean of 9.15 to 7.5 mM/L;
(P=0.013), insulin from 11.7 to 8.8 mU/L (P=0.026), haemoglobin A1c from
8.0% to 6.9% (P=0.001), triglycerides from 2.3 to 1.8 mM/L (P=0.009),
systolic BP from 130 to 117 mm Hg (P=0.02), diastolic BP from 72 to 67 mm"
Rosiglitazone May Improve Small Artery Elasticity in Patients With Diabetes
- Doctor's Guide, 8/19/03 - "Systolic blood pressure
decreased from 144 to 124 mmHg, and diastolic blood pressure decreased from
80 to 68 mmHg"
Rosiglitazone Improves Cholesterol Profile in Patients with Type 2 diabetes
- Doctor's Guide, 4/4/03 - "Rosiglitazone increases
high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC) levels and improves the ratio of
HDLC to total cholesterol in patients with type 2 diabetes ... mean HDLC
levels increased 15%, from 45.3 to 51.9 mg/dL"
Avandia (Rosiglitazone) Lowers Markers for Cardiovascular Inflammation in
Diabetic Patients - Doctor's Guide, 6/17/02 -
"rosiglitazone, a widely used insulin sensitizer, has a profound inhibitory
effect on oxygen free radicals ... At week 6, blood glucose concentration
decreased from 157+/-16 to 127+/-9 mg/dL and insulin concentration fell from
32.6+/-4.6 to 16.1 ... Rosiglitazone treatment also reduced plasma MCP-1 (75
percent of the basal level; p<0.05) and CRP (70 percent of basal; p<0.05)"
- Avandia (Rosiglitazone
Maleate) Effective In Long-Term Blood Sugar Control In Type 2 Diabetes -
Doctor's Guide, 6/21/00 - "the researchers noticed
that improvements in blood sugar control seen with Avandia were associated
with an increase in high-density lipoproteins (HDL)-cholesterol, and an
initial increase in low-density lipoproteins (LDL)-cholesterol, returning to
baseline overtime"
- Avandia Reduces Insulin
Resistance, Lowers Blood Sugar - Doctor's Guide, 6/15/99 -
"In patients given Avandia monotherapy, insulin resistance decreased by an
average of 16 and 25 percent and the estimate of beta-cell function
increased by an average of 50 and 60 percent for 4 and 8 mg/day,
- See Avandia at
but check with your doctor first.