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Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending 6/22/11. You should consult your doctor if you are taking any medications.
Strawberries boost red blood cells - Science Daily, 6/21/11 - "The body has an extensive arsenal of very diverse antioxidant mechanisms, which act at different levels. These can be cellular tools that repair oxidised genetic material, or molecules that are either manufactured by the body itself or consumed through the diet, which neutralise free radicals. Strawberries contain a large amount of phenolic compounds, such as flavonoids, which have antioxidant properties ... These substances reduce oxidative stress, an imbalance that occurs in certain pathologies, (such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes) and physiological situations (birth, aging, physical exercise), as well as in the battles between "reactive kinds of oxygen" -- in particular free radicals -- and the body's antioxidant defences ... When the level of oxidation exceeds these antioxidant defences, oxidative stress occurs. Aside from causing certain illnesses, this is also implicated in phenomena such as the speed at which we may age, for example" Mystery ingredient in coffee boosts protection against Alzheimer's disease - Science Daily, 6/21/11 - "A yet unidentified component of coffee interacts with the beverage's caffeine, which could be a surprising reason why daily coffee intake protects against Alzheimer's disease. A new Alzheimer's mouse study by researchers at the University of South Florida found that this interaction boosts blood levels of a critical growth factor that seems to fight off the Alzheimer's disease process ... The new study does not diminish the importance of caffeine to protect against Alzheimer's. Rather it shows that caffeinated coffee induces an increase in blood levels of a growth factor called GCSF (granulocyte colony stimulating factor). GCSF is a substance greatly decreased in patients with Alzheimer's disease and demonstrated to improve memory in Alzheimer's mice ... The boost in GCSF levels is important, because the researchers also reported that long-term treatment with coffee (but not decaffeinated coffee) enhances memory in Alzheimer's mice. Higher blood GCSF levels due to coffee intake were associated with better memory ... First, GCSF recruits stem cells from bone marrow to enter the brain and remove the harmful beta-amyloid protein that initiates the disease. GCSF also creates new connections between brain cells and increases the birth of new neurons in the brain ... An increasing body of scientific literature indicates that moderate consumption of coffee decreases the risk of several diseases of aging, including Parkinson's disease, Type II diabetes and stroke"
Resveratrol studies confirms potential health boost - Science Daily, 6/21/11
- "A comprehensive review of human clinical research on
resveratrol has found it has "anti-aging,
anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties," ...this
polyphenol -- an antibiotic substance produced by plants as a defense against
microorganisms -- prevents the growth of some cancers in mice, inhibits enzymes
that cause inflammation, shrinks tumors and increases blood flow, thus reducing
cardiovascular diseases. In many cases, it also extends the life of obese
animals. Some evidence also shows that resveratrol could one day be used to help
regulate insulin sensitivity in diabetic patients" - See
resveratrol products at Amazon.com
Blueberries help lab rats build strong bones - Science Daily, 6/21/11 -
"animals fed rations that contained 10 percent
blueberry powder had significantly more
bone mass than their counterparts whose rations were blueberry-free ... When
the researchers exposed laboratory cultures of bone-forming cells (osteoblasts)
to blood (serum) from the animals, the scientists found that serum from the
blueberry-fed rats was associated with an increase in development of osteoblasts
into mature, functional bone cells" - See
blueberry extract at Amazon.com 'White Coat Effect' Linked to Hypertension Overtreatment - WebMD, 6/21/11 - "the stress of a medical exam can cause large elevations in blood pressure ... the new research highlights the largely unrecognized risk of treating patients too aggressively based on falsely high blood pressure readings"
dishwasher is trying to kill me': New research finds harmful fungal pathogens
living in dishwasher seals - Science Daily, 6/20/11 -
"62% of the dishwashers contained fungi on the rubber
band in door, 56% of which accommodated the polyextremotolerant black yeasts
Exophiala dermatitidis and E. phaeomuriformis. Both Exophiala species showed
remarkable tolerance to heat, high salt concentrations, aggressive detergents,
and to both acid and alkaline water. This is a combination of extreme properties
not previously observed in fungi ... Exophiala dermatitidis is rarely isolated
from nature, but is frequently encountered as an agent of human disease, both in
compromised and healthy people. It is also known to be involved in pulmonary
colonization of patients with cystic fibrosis, and also occasionally causes
fatal infections in healthy humans. The invasion of black yeasts into our homes
represents a potential health risk ... The discovery of this widespread presence
of extremophilic fungi in some of our common household appliances suggests that
these organisms have embarked on an extraordinary evolutionary process that
could pose a significant risk to human health in the future" - Here's
what I've been using on those areas:
Wagner 905 1,500-Watt On-Demand Power Steamer and Cleaner Fat substitutes linked to weight gain: Rats on high-fat diet gained more weight after eating low-calorie potato chips made with fat substitutes - Science Daily, 6/20/11 - "Half of the rats in each group also were fed Pringles potato chips that are high in fat and calories. The remaining rats in each group were fed high-calorie Pringles chips on some days and low-calorie Pringles Light chips on other days. The Pringles Light chips are made with olestra, a synthetic fat substitute that has zero calories and passes through the body undigested ... For rats on the high-fat diet, the group that ate both types of potato chips consumed more food, gained more weight and developed more fatty tissue than the rats that ate only the high-calorie chips. The fat rats also didn't lose the extra weight even after the potato chips were removed from their diet. "Based on this data, a diet that is low in fat and calories might be a better strategy for weight loss than using fat substitutes," ... Food with a sweet or fatty taste usually indicates a large number of calories, and the taste triggers various responses by the body, including salivation, hormonal secretions and metabolic reactions. Fat substitutes can interfere with that relationship when the body expects to receive a large burst of calories but is fooled by a fat substitute ... Swithers and Davidson have reported similar findings in previous rat studies that showed saccharin and other artificial sweeteners also can promote weight gain and increased body fat" Many multivitamins don't have claimed nutrients - MSNBC, 6/17/11 - "Among the supplements that had too little of a particular nutrient were Trader Joe’s Vitamin Crusade (just 59 percent of the vitamin A advertised on the label), Melaleuca Vitality Multivitamin & Mineral (just 42 percent of the touted vitamin A) and All One Active Seniors (less than 2 percent of the beta-carotene, 73 percent of the retinol and 49 percent of the vitamin A listed on the label) ... Particularly worrisome were high levels of certain nutrients in some of the children’s multivitamins. For example, Hero Nutritionals Yummi Bears, if given to children at the suggested dose, would exceed recommendations for Vitamin A in youngsters aged 1 to 3. Higher levels of the nutrient in kids have been linked to liver abnormalities, bone weakening, and problems with the nervous system ... ConsumerLab also tested several pet supplements, one of which, Pet-Tabs Complete Daily Vitamin Mineral Supplement for Dogs contained lead at unhealthy levels" Prostate Cancer Kills Half Those Diagnosed in UK, But Not US - Medscape, 6/17/11 - “New data from the United Kingdom show that prostate cancer kills half of the men diagnosed with this disease ... The situation is much different in the United States, where recent estimates suggest that only about 15% of men diagnosed with prostate cancer die from this disease”
evidence vitamin D boosts immune response - Science Daily, 6/17/11 -
"Laboratory-grown gingival cells treated with
vitamin D boosted their production of an
endogenous antibiotic, and killed more bacteria than untreated cells, according
to a paper in the June 2011 issue of the journal Infection and Immunity. The
research suggests that vitamin D can help protect the gums from bacterial
infections that lead to gingivitis and periodontitis"
- See
vitamin D at Amazon.com Diabetes Drug Actos May Raise Risk for Bladder Cancer: FDA - US News and World Report - U.S. News & World Report, 6/16/11 - "In one study involving more than 193,000 patients with diabetes, patients taking Actos were on the drug for an average of two years, the FDA said. "Compared to never being exposed to pioglitazone, a duration of pioglitazone therapy longer than 12 months was associated with a 40 percent increase in risk [for bladder cancer]" Diabetes drug Actos linked to possible cancer risk - The Boston Globe, 6/10/11 - "The study found about a 22 percent higher risk of bladder cancer in those taking Actos compared with diabetics taking other drugs" Cannabis Use in Early Adolescence Especially Neurotoxic - Medscape, 6/16/11 - "there were no differences in IQ, vocabulary, or block design results when comparing the early-onset, late-onset, and control groups. However, they note, "the early-onset, but not the late-onset, group performed poorly on selected executive tasks compared with controls. In addition, the early-onset group performed poorly on the Frontal Assessment Battery compared with both the late-onset and the control groups." ... The study also showed that the early-onset group had poor performance on the Stroop Test and perseverative responding as measured by the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. These findings suggest that "exposure to cannabis in early adolescence may lead to lower flexibility." ... The authors note that it is unclear whether starting cannabis use at a later age affects cognition"
Olive Oil Linked to Reduced Stroke Risk - WebMD. 6/15/11 -
"seniors who regularly used this healthy
monounsaturated fat had a 41% lower risk of
compared to their counterparts who never used
olive oil ... So what exactly is it
about olive oil that may lower stroke risk? There are several theories, she
says. It may be that people choose olive oil over saturated, artery-clogging
fats. “Moreover, previous research found that the
polyphenols from virgin olive oil account specifically for its ability to
lower oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL)” or bad cholesterol. High
cholesterol levels are a known risk factor for stroke ... Olive oil is a healthy
fat and it can reduce cholesterol and inflammation, and has been shown to help
reduce the incidence of heart disease" -[Science
Daily] - Click here for my olive oil mayonnaise
recipe. See
olive leaf extract at Amazon.com Fiber may keep you healthier for longer: NIH study - Nutra USA, 6/15/11 - "The highest intakes of fiber – equivalent to about 30 grams per day for men and 25 grams for women – were associated with a reduction in the risk of dying from cardiovascular, infectious, and respiratory diseases of up to 60 percent ... The anti-inflammatory properties of dietary fiber could explain, in part, significant inverse associations of dietary fiber intake with infectious and respiratory diseases as well as with CVD death ... people with the highest average intakes – between 25 and 30 grams of fiber per day – had a 22 percent lower risk of death from all the causes ... For men, the highest intakes were associated with a reduction in the risk of death from cardiovascular, infectious, and respiratory diseases ranging from 34 to 59 percent in women and 24 to 56 percent in men" - [Abstract]
Broccoli extract can ‘target’ cancer cells: Study - Nutra USA, 6/15/11 -
"The research, published in Molecular Nutrition and Food
Research, reports for the first time that
sulforaphane – one of the primary phytochemicals in broccoli and other
cruciferous vegetables – is able to selectively target and kill cancer cells,
while leaving normal cells healthy and unaffected ... Here we show for the first
time that sulforaphane selectively targets
benign hyperplasia cells
and cancerous prostate cells while leaving the normal prostate cells unaffected"
- [Abstract] - See
sulforaphane at Amazon.com High Antioxidant Intake May Lower Risk for Early AMD - Medscape, 6/14/11 - "We assessed the intake of antioxidants, zinc, and ω-3 fatty acids in daily foods, diagnosed the onset of early AMD during a lengthy follow-up, and investigated the risk-reducing effect of these nutrients in the various genotypes of CFH [complement factor H] Y402H and LOC387715 A69S ... Median follow-up duration was 8.6 years ... There appeared to be a possible biological interaction between the CFH Y402H genotype and intakes of zinc, β-carotene, lutein/zeaxanthin, and eicosapentaenoic/docosahexaenoic acid (EPA/DHA), and between the LOC387715 A69S genotype and zinc and EPA/DHA, based on significant synergy indices ... High dietary intake of nutrients with antioxidant properties reduces the risk of early AMD in those at high genetic risk" Blood pressure changes are age-related - Science Daily, 6/14/11 - "blood pressure changed at four phases throughout life: a rapid increase during adolescent growth; a gentler increase in early adulthood; a midlife acceleration (usually in the 40s); and finally for a period during late adulthood in which blood pressure increases slowly and then reverses ... Wider evidence suggests that this might in part reflect modifiable blood pressure-related factors such as diet and lifestyle that can vary with differences in social and economic circumstances ... The findings also support the wide body of evidence that show a strong link between body mass index and blood pressure throughout life" Low-carbohydrate, high-protein diets may reduce both tumor growth rates and cancer risk - Science Daily, 6/14/11 - "The first diet, a typical Western diet, contained about 55 percent carbohydrate, 23 percent protein and 22 percent fat. The second, which is somewhat like a South Beach diet but higher in protein, contained 15 percent carbohydrate, 58 percent protein and 26 percent fat. They found that the tumor cells grew consistently slower on the second diet ... As well, mice genetically predisposed to breast cancer were put on these two diets and almost half of them on the Western diet developed breast cancer within their first year of life while none on the low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet did. Interestingly, only one on the Western diet reached a normal life span (approximately 2 years), with 70 percent of them dying from cancer while only 30 percent of those on the low-carbohydrate diet developed cancer and more than half these mice reached or exceeded their normal life span ... tumor cells, unlike normal cells, need significantly more glucose to grow and thrive. Restricting carbohydrate intake can significantly limit blood glucose and insulin, a hormone that has been shown in many independent studies to promote tumor growth in both humans and mice" The good life: Good sleepers have better quality of life and less depression - Science Daily, 6/14/11 - "people with a "normal" sleep duration of six to nine hours per night had higher self-reported scores for quality of life and lower scores for depression severity compared to short and long sleepers ... It was surprising to see that sleeping less than six hours and more than nine hours is associated with a similar decrease in quality of life and increase in depressive symptoms" - Note: After reading the below study on lithium I decided to try it. It seems to give the sleep quality I had when I was a kid plus your more alert the next day. It also give a heck of a buzz the next day. However if I take more than half a tablet per day it actually makes me feel worse.
Bronchitis and emphysema inhaler linked with increased mortality - Science Daily, 6/13/11 - "long-term use of Tiotropium Respimat (also known as Spiriva Respimat) increases the risk of death by more than half ... We analysed five clinical trials involving 6500 people and the risk of death in patients using this particular inhaler appeared to be 52 per cent higher .... We estimate that there will be one additional death for every 124 patients treated for a year with Tiotropium Respimat" Abstracts from this week's Doctor's Guide Nutrition/Dietetics plus abstracts from my RSS feeds (Click here for the journals, the PubMed ones at the top):
enhances the expression of death receptor Fas/CD95 and induces differentiation
and apoptosis in anaplastic large-cell lymphoma cells - Cancer Lett. 2011
Jun 15 - "Resveratrol
inhibited growth and induced cellular differentiation, as demonstrated by
morphological changes and elevated expression of T cell differentiation markers
CD2, CD3, and CD8. Resveratrol also triggered cellular apoptosis, as
demonstrated by morphological observations, DNA fragmentation, and cell cycle
analyses. Further, the surface expression of the death receptor Fas/CD95 was
increased by resveratrol treatment. Our data suggest that resveratrol may have
potential therapeutic value for ALCL" -
resveratrol products at Amazon.com Impaired glucose metabolism and diabetes and the risk of breast, endometrial, and ovarian cancer - Cancer Causes Control. 2011 Jun 19 - "Diabetes was associated with an increased risk of postmenopausal breast cancer (HR = 1.22, 95% CI 1.04-1.43). An indication of a slightly elevated breast cancer risk was also found in postmenopausal women with impaired glucose metabolism (HR = 1.11, 95% CI 0.96-1.28). Diabetes (HR = 1.46, 95% CI 1.09-1.96) and impaired glucose metabolism (HR = 1.41, 95% CI 1.08-1.85) were associated with an increased risk of endometrial cancer" - Also see my Insulin and Aging page.
Impact of
omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on coronary plaque instability: An
integrated backscatter intravascular ultrasound study - Atherosclerosis.
2011 Jun 1 - "Patients with
acute coronary syndrome had
significantly lower levels of ω3 PUFAs (especially of
EPA and DPA) than those without it. IB-IVUS
analyses showed that ω3 PUFAs correlated inversely with % lipid volume and
positively with % fibrous volume. Patients with low EPA levels, low DPA levels,
and low DHA levels had a significantly higher % lipid volume (p=0.048, p=0.008,
and p=0.036, respectively) and a significantly lower % fibrous volume (p=0.035,
p=0.008, and p=0.034, respectively) than those with high levels of these fatty
acids. Even after adjustment for confounders, the presence of both low EPA and
low DPA levels proved to be an independent predictor for lipid-rich plaques in
any of the two categories ... A lower serum content of ω3 PUFAs (especially of
EPA and DPA) was significantly associated with lipid-rich plaques, suggesting
the contribution to the incidence of acute coronary syndrome"
- See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Eicosapentaenoic Acid Ethyl Ester (AMR101) Therapy in Patients With Very High
Triglyceride Levels (from the Multi-center, plAcebo-controlled, Randomized,
double-blINd, 12-week study with an open-label Extension [MARINE] Trial) -
Am J Cardiol. 2011 Jun 15 - "AMR101 is an
omega-3 fatty acid agent containing ≥96% eicosapentaenoic acid ethyl ester
and no docosahexaenoic acid ... AMR101 4 g/day reduced the placebo-corrected
TG levels by 33.1%" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com The association of circulating adiponectin levels with pancreatic cancer risk; a study within the prospective EPIC cohort - Int J Cancer. 2011 Jun 16 - "Overall, adiponectin showed no association with pancreas cancer risk; however, among never smokers, higher circulating levels of adiponectin were associated with a reduction in pancreatic cancer risk (OR = 0.44 [95% CI 0.23-0.82] for highest vs. lowest quartile), whereas among current smokers there was no significant association (OR = 1.59 [95% CI 0.67-3.76] for highest vs. lowest quartile; p-trend = 0.530; p-interaction = 0.309). In our study, lower adiponectin concentrations may be associated with the development of pancreatic cancer among never smokers, whereas the only other prospective study being conducted so far showed a decrease in risk among male smokers" Optimal range of HbA1c for the prediction of future diabetes: A 4-year longitudinal study - Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2011 Jun 13 - "The point showing a substantial difference in the Kaplan-Meier curves was a HbA1c of 5.7%. The incidence of diabetes was 20.8% among subjects with a baseline HbA1c of 5.7-6.4%. The hazard ratio of developing diabetes was 6.5 (95% CI, 3.7-10.2) in the subjects with a HbA1c of 5.7% compared with the bottom category of HbA1c (<5.0%)" Effects of dietary fibre on subjective appetite, energy intake and body weight: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials - Obes Rev. 2011 Jun 16 - "For appetite, acute energy intake, long-term energy intake and body weight, there were clear differences in effect rates depending on chemical structure. Interestingly, fibres characterized as being more viscous (e.g. pectins, β-glucans and guar gum) reduced appetite more often than those less viscous fibres (59% vs. 14%), which also applied to acute energy intake (69% vs. 30%). Overall, effects on energy intake and body weight were relatively small, and distinct dose-response relationships were not observed. Short- and long-term effects of dietary fibres appear to differ and multiple mechanisms relating to their different physicochemical properties seem to interplay" Hair dye use and risk of bladder cancer in the new england bladder cancer study - Int J Cancer. 2011 Jun 15 - "Women who used permanent dyes and had a college degree, a marker of socioeconomic status, had an increased risk of bladder cancer (OR=3.3, 95% CI: 1.2, 8.9). Among these women, we found an increased risk of bladder cancer among exclusive users of permanent hair dyes who had NAT2 slow acetylation phenotype (OR=7.3, 95% CI: 1.6, 32.6) compared to never users of dye with NAT2 rapid/intermediate acetylation phenotype. While we found no relation between hair dye use and bladder cancer risk in women overall, we detected evidence of associations and gene-environment interaction with permanent hair dye use; however, this was limited to educated women" - Note: France wants to ban Actos because of two studies showing a 22% and 40% increase in bladder cancer yet hair dye can cause a 330% to 730% increase in bladder cancer. Maybe they should change their priorities but then again banning hair die would probably cause riots. Colours of fruit and vegetables and 10-year incidence of CHD - Br J Nutr. 2011 Jun 8:1-8 - "For each 25 g/d increase in the intake of the sum of all four colours of fruit and vegetables, a borderline significant association with incident CHD was found (HR 0.98; 95 % CI 0.97, 1.01). No clear associations were found for the colour groups separately. However, each 25 g/d increase in the intake of deep orange fruit and vegetables was inversely associated with CHD (HR 0.74; 95 % CI 0.55, 1.00). Carrots, their largest contributor (60 %), were associated with a 32 % lower risk of CHD (HR 0.68; 95 % CI 0.48, 0.98). In conclusion, though no clear associations were found for the four colour groups with CHD, a higher intake of deep orange fruit and vegetables and especially carrots may protect against CHD" Green Tea Extract (Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate) Reduces Efficacy of Radiotherapy on Prostate Cancer Cells - Urology. 2011 Jun 13 - "Radiotherapy is effective in inducing apoptosis in DU145 cells, but its effect was significantly reduced in the presence of EGCG, and this was associated with an increase in the induction of manganese superoxide dismutase"
between vitamin D and cardiovascular outcomes; Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study
- Atherosclerosis. 2011 May 23 - "The mean age of
participants was 56.84+/-11.17 years and 244 (48.6%) were women. The median (IQ:
25-75) of
serum 25-OH-D was 14.1ng/ml (9.6-29ng/ml) and
306 (61%) of participants had serum 25-OH-D<15g/ml. Median serum 25-OH-D was
lower in cases (12.5 vs. 18.1, P<0.001). After adjustment for potential
confounders, the odds ratio of serum 25-OH-D<10ng/ml for having
CVD outcomes was 2.90 compared with 25-OH-D≥15 (95% confidence interval"
- See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
shellfish, and long-chain n-3 fatty acid consumption and risk of incident type 2
diabetes in middle-aged Chinese men and women - Am J Clin Nutr. 2011 Jun 15
- "Fish, shellfish, and
long-chain n-3 fatty acid intakes were inversely associated with T2D in
women. The relative risks [RRs (95% CI)] for quintiles of fish intake were 1.00,
0.96 (0.86, 1.06), 0.84 (0.75, 0.94), 0.80 (0.71, 0.90), and 0.89 (0.78, 1.01)
(P for trend = 0.003) and for shellfish were 1.00, 0.91 (0.82, 1.01), 0.79
(0.71, 0.89), 0.80 (0.71, 0.91), and 0.86 (0.76, 0.99) (P for trend = 0.006). In
men, only the association between shellfish intake and T2D was significant. The
RRs (95% CI) for quintiles of fish intake were 1.00, 0.92 (0.75, 1.13), 0.80
(0.65, 1.00), 0.89 (0.72, 1.11), and 0.94 (0.74, 1.17) (P for trend = 0.50) and
for shellfish intake were 1.00, 0.93 (0.76, 1.12), 0.70 (0.56, 086), 0.66 (0.53,
0.82), and 0.82 (0.65, 1.02) (P for trend = 0.003)"
- See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com Diet and halitosis - Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2011 Jun 13 - "Transient-altered breath smell usually reflects the effects of foodstuffs, whereas longstanding halitosis is almost always because of oral disease such as gingivitis or periodontitis. There is, however, increasing evidence that upper gastrointestinal tract disease may give rise to halitosis and that extracts of foodstuffs may be future therapeutic agents for the treatment of halitosis derived from the mouth or upper gastrointestinal tract" - Note: The point being that mouth wash isn't going to cure gingivitis or periodontal disease so you're probably wasting your money. I've never had any luck with flossing plus who has that much time? Halitosis is one of my pet peeves. I was at Home Depot the other day and someone was shopping in an area that I was looking for something and it was so bad I had to go somewhere else until he moved on. Same thing for some in my west coast swing class. I can't understand why people ignore something that offensive. Here's my suggestion along with frequent dental cleaning by a dental hygienist:
effect of taurine on diabetic rat endothelial dysfunction - Biomed Res.
2011;32(3):187-93 - "Although taurine treatment failed
to decrease serum glucose levels, the increased serum malondialdehyde levels in
diabetic rats were significantly decreased
after taurine treatment. Norepinephrine-induced hyper-contractility as well as
acetylcholine-induced, endothelium-dependent hypo-relaxation in diabetes were
significantly prevented after
treatment. The differences in the expressions of muscarinic M(3) receptor mRNAs
were statistically non-significant between groups. Moreover, diabetes-induced
up-regulation of eNOS mRNAs was slightly prevented after taurine treatment.
These data suggest that taurine acts beneficially against the diabetes-induced
vascular dysfunction. Its potential action as a radical scavenger ameliorates
the vascular disorders in diabetes" - See
taurine at Amazon.com Differential effects of dietary canola and soybean oil intake on oxidative stress in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats - Lipids Health Dis. 2011 Jun 13;10(1):98 - "Canola oil shortens the life span of stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive (SHRSP) rats compared with rats fed soybean oil when given as the sole dietary lipid source. One possible mechanism leading to the damage and deterioration of organs due to canola oil ingestion is oxidative stress ... Canola oil ingestion significantly decreased the life span of SHRSP rats compared with soybean oil, 85.8 +/- 1.1 and 98.3 +/- 3.4 days, respectively. Systolic blood pressure increased over time with a significant difference between the diets at the 6th week of feeding. Canola oil ingestion significantly reduced RBC superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and catalase activities, total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol compared with soybean oil. There were no significant differences in RBC MDA concentration between canola oil fed and soybean oil fed rats. In contrast, plasma MDA and 8-isoprostane concentration was significantly lower in the canola oil group compared to the soybean oil group" A randomized crossover study comparing patient preference for tamsulosin and silodosin in patients with lower urinary tract symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia - J Int Med Res. 2011;39(1):129-42 - "A significant difference was observed between the proportion of patients who preferred tamsulosin (59/84 patients; 70.2%) and those who preferred silodosin (18/84 patients; 21.4%). A major reason for preference of either drug was 'good efficacy'. Incidence of adverse effects was significantly lower with tamsulosin (3/91 patients; 3.3%) than with silodosin (25/88 patients; 28.4%). These findings indicate that tamsulosin is very effective for BPH, has few adverse effects and that patients want to continue to use it" - See tamsulosin (generic Flomax) at OffshoreRx1.com.
Androgen-independent Effects of Serenoa repens Extract (Prostasan®) on Prostatic
Epithelial Cell Proliferation and Inflammation - Phytother Res. 2011 Jun 8 -
"Prostasan® inhibited epidermal growth factor (EGF) and
lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induced proliferation of the prostatic epithelial,
androgen independent cell line PC-3. At effective concentrations of 50 µg/mL,
Prostasan® partly displaced EGF from EGF receptor (EGFR) but fully blocked
EGF-induced cell proliferation of PC-3 cells. Similarly, Prostasan® inhibited
LPS-induced proliferation of PC-3 cells without affecting LPS activation of the
NFĸB pathway via toll-like receptor-4 (TLR-4). Additionally, Prostasan® reduced
the constitutive secretion of monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1), the
LPS-induced secretion of IL-12 and inhibited MCP-1 and granulocyte-macrophage
colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) production in the presence of LPS on PC-3
cells. Taken together, our results suggest that S.
repens extracts, in addition to other reported effects on
BPH development and
prostatitis, inhibits EGF-dependent growth
and proinflammatory responses of the prostate epithelial cells" - See
Prostasan at Amazon.com
Fatty Acid Inhibition of Prostate Cancer Progression to Hormone Independence Is
Associated With Suppression of mTOR Signaling and Androgen Receptor Expression
- Nutr Cancer. 2011 Jun 10:1-7 - "We used an in vitro
model of androgen ablation to determine the effect of treatment with
omega-3 fatty acids on the progression to an androgen-independent state. The
omega-3 fatty acids docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
were able to prevent progression of
LNCaP cells while the omega-6 fatty acid
arachidonic acid (AA) actually promoted cell growth under conditions of hormone
depletion. These results correlated with a decrease in the expression of the
androgen receptor as well as suppression of the Akt/mTOR signaling pathway.
Connecting the mechanisms by which omega-3 fatty acids affect phenotypic outcome
is important for effective exploitation of these nutrient agents as a
therapeutic approach"
- See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Health Focus (Choline): Specific Recommendations: News & Research:
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