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during pregnancy impacts children’s sustained attention - Science Daily,
1/3/22 - "Choline - found in egg yolks, lean red meat,
fish, poultry, legumes, nuts and cruciferous vegetables - is absent from most
prenatal vitamins, and more than 90% of expectant mothers consume less than the
recommended amount ... One half of these women consumed 480 mg choline per day,
which slightly exceeds the recommended adequate intake (AI) level of 450 mg/day.
The other half consumed a total intake of 930 mg choline per day, approximately
double the AI level ... When tested at 7 years of age, the children of women in
the 480 mg/day group showed a decline in accuracy from the beginning to the end
of a sustained attention task, while those from the 930 mg/day group maintained
a high level of accuracy throughout the task. These findings parallel the
effects of maternal choline supplementation and deprivation in rodents, using a
closely analogous sustained attention task" - See
citicholine at Amazon.com.
choline may help pregnant women decrease negative effects of COVID-19 on their
newborns - Science Daily, 6/1/20 - "It's important
for the healthcare community, and soon to be mothers, to be aware that a natural
nutrient can be taken during pregnancy, just like folic acid and other prenatal
vitamins, to protect fetuses and newborns from brain development issues. Later
on in life, these development issues can lead to mental illness ... researchers
analyzed the effects on infant behavior if the mother had contracted a
respiratory virus by measuring the infant's IBQ-R Regulation dimension -- which
looks at the development of infant attention and other self-regulatory
behaviors. Lower IBQ-R Regulation at one year of age is associated with problems
in attention and social behavior in later childhood, including decreased reading
readiness at age four years and with problems in concentration, and
conscientiousness in children through seven years of age ... The results from
the study: Infants of mothers who had viral infections and higher choline levels
had significantly increased 3-month IBQ-R scores on the Regulation dimension and
specifically the Attention scale in the Regulation dimension, compared to
infants of mothers who had viral infections and had lower choline levels ...
Choline levels sufficient to protect the fetus often require dietary supplements
... The study highlights that in conjunction with the CDC's current advice on
COVID-19's effects in pregnancy, phosphatidylcholine or choline supplements
along with other prenatal vitamins may help buffer the fetal brain from the
possible detrimental impact of the current pandemic and decrease the risk of the
children's future mental illness ... Previous pandemics have resulted in
significantly increased levels of mental illnesses including schizophrenia,
autism spectrum disorder and attention deficit disorder in the offspring"
nutrient supplementation may hold the answers to combating Alzheimer's disease
- Science Daily, 9/27/19 - "when these mice are given
high choline in their diet throughout life, they exhibit improvements in spatial
memory, compared with those receiving a normal choline regimen ... Choline acts
to protect the brain from Alzheimer's disease in at least two ways, both of
which are explored in the new study. First, choline blocks the production of
amyloid-beta plaques. Amyloid-beta plaques are the hallmark pathology observed
in Alzheimer's disease ... Secondly, choline supplementation reduces the
activation of microglia. Over-activation of microglia causes brain inflammation
and can eventually lead to neuronal death, thereby compromising cognitive
function. Choline supplementation reduces the activation of microglia, offering
further protection from the ravages of AD ... it is well understood that
Alzheimer's disease causes harm to the brain long before clinical symptoms are
made evident. And once these symptoms are identified, it is too late -- the
disease has become irreversible. In addition to causing disorientation and
memory loss, the disease causes loss of motor control in those who are afflicted
... This study shows that the simple addition of choline in the diet throughout
life may reduce AD pathology in those most affected by the disease ... The
current established adequate intake level of choline for adult women (>19yrs of
age) is 425mg/day, and 550mg/day for adult men. A converging line of evidence
indicates that even the current recommended daily intake (RDI) may not be
optimal for a proper aging process, especially in women ... The tolerable upper
limit (TUL) of choline unlikely to cause side effects for adult females and
males (>19yrs of age) is 3500mg/day, which is 8.24 times higher than the
425mg/day recommendation for females and 6.36 times higher than the 550mg/day
recommendation for males ... vitamin supplements containing choline, for example
choline bitartrate and choline chloride, are widely available at affordable
costs. The vitamin supplements containing choline are particularly relevant for
those who are on plant-based diets" - See
citicholine at Amazon.com
Suggested move to plant-based diets risks worsening brain health nutrient
deficiency - Science Daily, 8/29/19 - "To make
matters worse, the UK government has failed to recommend or monitor dietary
levels of this nutrient -- choline -- found predominantly in animal foods ...
Choline is an essential dietary nutrient, but the amount produced by the liver
is not enough to meet the requirements of the human body ... Choline is critical
to brain health, particularly during fetal development. It also influences liver
function, with shortfalls linked to irregularities in blood fat metabolism as
well as excess free radical cellular damage ... The primary sources of dietary
choline are found in beef, eggs, dairy products, fish, and chicken, with much
lower levels found in nuts, beans, and cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli
... In 1998, recognising the importance of choline, the US Institute of Medicine
recommended minimum daily intakes. These range from 425 mg/day for women to 550
mg/day for men, and 450 mg/day and 550 mg/day for pregnant and breastfeeding
women, respectively"
Essential nutrient may help fight Alzheimer's across generations - Science
Daily, 1/8/19 - "The study focuses on mice bred to display AD-like symptoms.
Results showed that when these mice are given high choline in their diet, their
offspring show improvements in spatial memory, compared with those receiving a
normal choline regimen in the womb ... Remarkably, the beneficial effects of
choline supplementation appear to be transgenerational, not only protecting mice
receiving choline supplementation during gestation and lactation, but also the
subsequent offspring of these mice ... While this second generation received no
direct choline supplementation, they nevertheless reaped the benefits of
treatment, likely due to inherited modifications in their genes ... First,
choline reduces levels of homocysteine, an amino acid that can act as a potent
neurotoxin, contributing to the hallmarks of AD: neurodegeneration and the
formation of amyloid plaques ... Secondly, choline supplementation reduces the
activation of microglia -- cells responsible for clearing away debris in the
brain. While their housekeeping functions are essential to brain health,
activated microglia can get out of control, as they typically do during AD.
Over-activation of microglia causes brain inflammation and can eventually lead
to neuronal death"
more foods with choline during pregnancy could boost baby’s brain - Science
Daily, 1/4/18 - "half the women received 480 mg/day of
choline, slightly more than the adequate intake level, and the other half
received 930 mg/day ... While offspring in both groups showed cognitive
benefits, information processing speeds were significantly faster for the group
of expectant mothers who consumed 930 mg/day when compared with the group that
took 480 mg/day over the same period ... Though the study has a small sample, it
suggests that current recommendations for daily choline intake may not be enough
to produce optimal cognitive abilities in offspring" - See
citicholine at Amazon.com
The top ingredients for cognition, focus and mood - Nutra USA, 7/14/17 -
"omega-3 ... Phosphatidylserine (PS) ... B-vitamins ...
Vitamin E ... Lutein ... Citicoline ... Magnesium ... L-theanine ... Curcumin
... Resveratrol ... Blueberry anthocyanins ... Inositol-stabilized arginine
silicate ... Spearmint extract ... Ashwaganda ... Bacopa ... Teacrine"
The nutrient you didn’t know you were missing - NYT, 12/8/16 -
"Did you misplace your keys again or forget to call
someone back? Choline plays a role in processing and storing memories, functions
that are critical for learning and knowledge retention. In animal studies,
having enough choline appears to have an impact on activating parts of the brain
responsible for memory ... Choline intake appears to have an inverse
relationship with homocysteine levels, spurring further investigation into the
role choline may play in brain health in older adults ... Choline helps move fat
out of the liver, helping prevent nonalcoholic fatty liver disease ... In animal
models, when muscles don’t get enough choline, muscle cells start to break down.
The movement of fat out of the liver to be used as energy also decreases when
choline levels are too low ... Wallace says most people will need a choline
supplement. “According to the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, modeling of
different healthy diet patterns found people would still fall short of their
daily choline needs.”"
nutrients to protect the aging brain - Science Daily, 4/15/15 -
"Citicoline is a natural substance found in the body's
cells and helps in the development of brain tissue, which helps regulate memory
and cognitive function, enhances communication between neurons, and protects
neural structures from free radical damage. Clinical trials have shown
citicoline supplements may help maintain normal cognitive function with aging
and protect the brain from free radical damage. (Kyowa Hakko USA) ... Choline,
which is associated with liver health and women's health, also helps with the
communication systems for cells within the brain and the rest of the body.
Choline may also support the brain during aging and help prevent changes in
brain chemistry that result in cognitive decline and failure. A major source of
choline in the diet are eggs"
B: Choline intake improves memory and attention-holding capacity, experts say
- Science Daily, 7/11/13 - "In the first experiment,
scientists administered choline to rats during the third term of gestation ...
the scientists concluded that prenatal choline intake improves long-term memory
in the resulting offspring once they reach adulthood ... In the second
experiment, the researchers measured changes in attention that occurred in adult
rats fed a choline supplement for 12 weeks, versus those with no choline intake.
They found that the rats which had ingested choline maintained better attention
that the others when presented with a familiar stimulus"
Choline Intake During
Pregnancy and Child Cognition at Age 7 - Medscape, 6/28/13 -
"Higher gestational choline intake was associated with
modestly better child visual memory at age 7 years"
Citicoline May Improve
Memory, Decrease Cognitive Decline - Medscape, 3/5/13 -
"The study examined 349 patients older than 64 years
from 6 regions in Italy who had memory complaints and evidence of vascular
lesions — but who did not have probable Alzheimer's disease ... the participants
who received citicoline had significantly better memory scores, as shown on the
Mini–Mental State Examination (MMSE), up to 9 months after treatment compared
with their counterparts who did not receive the treatment ... Of the 349 study
participants, 265 received 500 mg of oral citicoline twice daily"
supplementation during pregnancy presents a new approach to schizophrenia
prevention - Science Daily, 1/15/13 - "Choline, an
essential nutrient similar to the B vitamin and found in foods such as liver,
muscle meats, fish, nuts and eggs, when given as a dietary supplement in the
last two trimesters of pregnancy and in early infancy, is showing a lower rate
of physiological schizophrenic risk factors in infants 33 days old ... Choline
is also being studied for potential benefits in liver disease, including chronic
hepatitis and cirrhosis, depression, memory loss, Alzheimer's disease and
dementia, and certain types of seizures ... Half the healthy pregnant women in
this study took 3,600 milligrams of phosphatidylcholine each morning and 2,700
milligrams each evening; the other half took placebo. After delivery, their
infants received 100 milligrams of phosphatidylcholine per day or placebo.
Eighty-six percent of infants exposed to pre- and postnatal choline
supplementation, compared to 43% of unexposed infants, inhibited the response to
repeated sounds, as measured with EEG sensors placed on the baby's head during
sleep" - [Abstract]
- See
phosphatidylcholine at Amazon.com
in eggs and meat may influence gene expression from infancy to adulthood -
Science Daily, 9/20/12 - "Consuming greater amounts of
choline -- a nutrient found in eggs and meat -- during pregnancy may lower an
infant's vulnerability to stress-related illnesses, such as mental health
disturbances, and chronic conditions, like hypertension, later in life ... More
choline in the mother's diet led to a more stable HPA axis and consequently less
cortisol in the fetus ... Pressman joined a team led by Marie Caudill, Ph.D.,
R.D., professor in the Division of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell, in studying
26 pregnant women in their third trimester who were assigned to take 480 mg of
choline per day, an amount slightly above the standard recommendation of 450 mg
per day, or about double that amount, 930 mg per day. The choline was derived
from the diet and from supplements and was consumed up until delivery"
Pregnant? Get Your Choline! - U.S. News, 8/31/12 -
"The take-home message is best summarized by a review in the Journal of
Pediatrics: Choline in the diet of the pregnant mother and the infant is
directly related to permanent changes in brain function. Without enough choline
during the critical time of brain growth and development, intelligence, memory,
and possibly mood regulation will be damaged permanently. We may not be able to
measure the exact impact on IQ or other brain functions, but we know enough at
this point to start preaching the choline message"
Supplement May Aid
Vascular Dementia Memory Problems - Medscape, 8/1/12 -
"at 9 months, there was a significant difference in
Mini–Mental State Examination (MMSE) scores in citicoline users vs nonusers ...
A psychostimulant, citicoline has been shown to inhibit brain cell death
associated with cerebral ischemia. It has also been shown to inhibit
neurodegeneration and is able to increase neuroplasticity and noradrenaline and
dopamine levels in the central nervous system ... Those in the active treatment
group received oral citicoline at a dose of 500 mg twice a day" - See
citicholine at Amazon.com
mixture improves memory in patients with early Alzheimer's - Science Daily,
7/10/12 - "Wurtman came up with a mixture of three
naturally occurring dietary compounds: choline, uridine and the omega-3 fatty
acid DHA ... These nutrients are precursors to the lipid molecules that, along
with specific proteins, make up brain-cell membranes, which form synapses. To be
effective, all three precursors must be administered together ... In animal
studies, he showed that his dietary cocktail boosted the number of dendritic
spines, or small outcroppings of neural membranes, found in brain cells. These
spines are necessary to form new synapses between neurons ... 40 percent of
patients who consumed the drink improved in a test of verbal memory, while 24
percent of patients who received the control drink improved their performance
... Patients, whether taking Souvenaid or a placebo, improved their
verbal-memory performance for the first three months, but the placebo patients
deteriorated during the following three months, while the Souvenaid patients
continued to improve ... as the trial went on, the brains of patients receiving
the supplements started to shift from patterns typical of dementia to more
normal patterns. Because EEG patterns reflect synaptic activity, this suggests
that synaptic function increased following treatment, the researchers say"
- Avoid the patent mark-up. See
citicholine at Amazon.com
uridine at Amazon.com and
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Nutritional Supplement Boosts Cognition in Healthy Women - Medscape, 6/21/11
- "Citicoline, a naturally occurring substance found in
the brain and liver and marketed as a nutritional supplement, enhanced aspects
of cognition in healthy women and may have a role in mitigating the cognitive
decline associated with normal aging ... It may also improve the attention
deficits associated with psychiatric disorders ... The women were divided into 3
groups of 20 and randomly assigned to receive a daily oral citicoline dose of
250 mg (low dose) or 500 mg (high dose) or placebo for 28 days ... participants
who received low- or high-dose citicoline showed improved attention,
demonstrating fewer commission and omission errors on the CPT-II compared with
the placebo group"
Science builds for attention boosting potential of Cognizin Citicoline -
Nutra USA, 5/18/11 - "Citicoline has been shown to have
a variety of cognitive-enhancing and neuroregenerative properties in
pre-clinical and clinical studies ... Our findings suggest that citicoline may
mitigate the cognitive decline associated with normal aging and may ameliorate
attentional deficits associated with psychiatric disorders"
supply of key brain chemical reduces fatigue in mice - Science Daily,
12/10/10 - "Researchers at Vanderbilt University have
"engineered" a mouse that can run on a treadmill twice as long as a normal mouse
by increasing its supply of acetylcholine ... could lead to new treatments for
neuromuscular disorders such as myasthenia gravis, which occurs when cholinergic
nerve signals fail to reach the muscles ... The choline transporter is vital to
the capacity for muscle contraction -- including the ability to breathe --
because it regulates the supply of choline, the precursor to acetylcholine. "We
reasoned that giving more of this protein might enhance muscle function and
reduce nerve-dependent fatigue,""
Supplement may prevent alcohol-related brain, skull defects - Science Daily,
5/27/10 - "The dietary supplement CDP-choline, sold as a
brain-boosting agent and under study for stroke and traumatic brain injury, may
block skull and brain damage that can result from alcohol consumption early in
pregnancy ... 25 percent of mouse embryos exposed to alcohol during that
critical period had defects in the fibrous joints that connect the skull ...
When they added ceramide-neutralizing CDP-choline to the mouse cells, cell death
and ceramide levels were reduced" - See
citcoline at Amazon.com
Choline Levels In Pregnant Women Raise Babies' Risk For Brain And
Spinal-cord Defects, Study Shows - Science Daily, 8/16/09 -
"Choline, an essential nutrient found in egg yolks,
soy, wheat germ and meats, was the only nutrient measured whose blood levels
were linked to risk of neural tube defects"
Nutrient cocktail may boost memory and learning: study - Nutra USA,
7/10/08 - "It may be possible to use this
[combination] to partially restore brain function in people with diseases
that decrease the number of brain neurons, including, for example,
Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's, strokes and brain injuries. Of course,
such speculations have to be tested in double-blind, placebo-controlled
clinical trials ... supplemented the diets of gerbils with uridine (in its
monophosphate form, 0.5 per cent) and choline (0.1 per cent), and
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 300 mg/kg/day) for four weeks ... At the end of
the study, significant increases in phospholipid levels in the brain were
observed when the compounds were given together, while administration of
only DHA or UMP or UMP plus choline produced smaller increases" - [Abstract]
- See
citicholine at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Dietary uridine
enhances the improvement in learning and memory produced by administering
DHA to gerbils - FASEB J. 2008 Jul 7 - "These
findings demonstrate that a treatment that increases synaptic membrane
content can enhance cognitive functions in normal animals" - See
citicholine at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Pine bark extract boost for blood flow and heart health - Nutra USA,
10/18/07 - "Acetylcholine stimulates the cells of
arteries to produce NO from L-arginine faster ... In turn, the NO causes the
muscle surrounding arteries to relax, which results in an increase of blood
vessel diameters. When subjects had taken Pycnogenol the relaxation of
arteries was increased by 42 per cent as compared to the group taking
placebo tablets"
Choline Effective in Mouse Model of Allergic Asthma - Medscape, 10/11/07
- "Treatment with choline chloride has significant
anti-inflammatory activity in a mouse model of allergic airway inflammation"
The association between betaine and choline intakes and the plasma
concentrations of homocysteine in women - Am J Clin Nutr. 2007
Oct;86(4):1073-1081 - "Total choline + betaine
intake was inversely associated with tHcy, as was choline from 2
water-soluble choline-containing compounds. Remethylation of tHcy may be
more dependent on the betaine pathway when methyl sources are low as a
result of either inadequate folate intake or heavier alcohol consumption"
Choline May Promote Colon Polyps - WebMD, 8/7/07 -
"that doesn't mean that choline caused those polyps
-- or that avoiding choline prevents polyps. Observational studies such as
this one don't prove cause and effect"
Need More Choline? - Dr.
Weil, 7/3/07
Nutritional Supplement Given After Birth Improves Learning And Behavior In Rats
Exposed To Alcohol During Development - Science Daily, 3/1/07 -
"Choline plays a number of roles in brain development.
It is also a precursor to acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter involved in learning
and cognition, among other functions ... giving choline to rat pups exposed to
alcohol during the equivalent of the third trimester, when there's a spurt in
brain growth, significantly reduced the severity of alcohol-related
over-activity and spatial learning deficits. The benefits lasted months after
choline treatment, suggesting that choline's effects are long-lasting"
Increased choline intake could cut CVD risk, suggests study - Nutra USA,
Research Offers New Hope For Alzheimer's Patients - Science Daily, 4/27/06 -
"The three compounds in the treatment cocktail - omega-3
fatty acids, uridine and choline - are all needed by brain neurons to make
phospholipids, the primary component of cell membranes"
Memory enhancer named best new ingredient
- Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals, 4/04 -
"Citicoline is a form of choline that helps
replenish the brain with phosphatidylserine ... In a double-blind trial of
84 elderly patients with mild to moderate memory loss, subjects who took
1000mg of citicoline daily for six weeks showed improvement in the
acquisition of new information and its recall and improvement in global
memory efficiency"
- Research Links
Nutrient in Eggs to Improved Memory
- WebMD, 3/12/04 - "has been studying choline in
animals for more than a decade and is also four years into a study examining
the effects of choline deficiency in humans. He says those studies show that
the current recommended intake of half a gram a day -- the amount gotten by
eating two large eggs -- is probably not enough for some groups, especially
young men"
Enhancing Cognitive Function - Life Extension Magazine, 5/00
How to Have a Smarter Child - WebMD, 10/8/01 -
"When Swartzwelder gave pregnant rats a diet
containing three times the usual amount of choline, their offspring did
better on maze-learning and similar tests of spatial memory. They also had
improved function in the brain region known as the hippocampus, which is
vital for memory and learning"
- Putting On
Einstein's Thinking Cap - Life Enhancement Magazine, 8/99
Be All That You Can Be - Life Enhancement Magazine, 7/99
Dietary choline intake is
necessary to prevent systems-wide organ pathology and reduce Alzheimer's disease
hallmarks - Aging Cell 2023 Jan 15; - "There is an
urgent need to identify modifiable environmental risk factors that reduce the
incidence of Alzheimer's disease (AD). The B-like vitamin choline plays key
roles in body- and brain-related functions. Choline produced endogenously by the
phosphatidylethanolamine N-methyltransferase protein in the liver is not
sufficient for adequate physiological functions, necessitating daily dietary
intake. ~90% of Americans do not reach the recommended daily intake of dietary
choline ... Dietary choline deficiency altered hippocampal networks associated
with microtubule function and postsynaptic membrane regulation. In plasma,
dietary choline deficiency altered protein networks associated with insulin
metabolism, mitochondrial function, inflammation, and fructose metabolic
processing. Our data highlight that dietary choline intake is necessary to
prevent systems-wide organ pathology and reduce hallmark AD pathologies"
- See
citicholine at Amazon.com.
Combined use of coenzyme Q10 and citicoline: A new possibility for patients with
glaucoma - Front Med (Lausanne) 2022 Dec 15 -
"Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. Several risk
factors have been involved in the pathogenesis of the disease. By now, the main
treatable risk factor is elevated intraocular pressure. Nevertheless, some
patients, whose intraocular pressure is considered in the target level, still
experience a progression of the disease. Glaucoma is a form of multifactorial
ocular neurodegeneration with complex etiology, pathogenesis, and pathology. New
evidence strongly suggests brain involvement in all aspects of this disease.
This hypothesis and the need to prevent glaucomatous progression led to a
growing interest in the pharmacological research of new neuroprotective,
non-IOP-lowering, agents. The aim of this paper is to report evidence of the
usefulness of Coenzyme Q10 and Citicoline, eventually combined, in the
prevention of glaucomatous neurodegeneration ... Overall, these data suggest the
possible usefulness of the combined use of citicoline and CoQ10 both in terms of
a putative synergistic effect and in terms of combined action on the different
pathogenetic targets causing the onset and progression of glaucoma. Using
combined treatment may downregulate more pro-apoptotic pathways as well as it
may boost the effect on one or more pathways on which the different molecules
act. In addition, it may increase patients’ compliance reducing the burden of
administering several medications, simplifying treatment" - See
ubiquinol products at Amazon.com and
citicholine at Amazon.com.
Relationship between
different forms of dietary choline and ovarian cancer survival: findings from
the ovarian cancer follow-up study, a prospective cohort study - Food Funct
2022 Nov 10 - "Choline has important and diverse
functions in both cellular maintenance and growth. However, the relationships
between the prediagnosis of the different forms of dietary choline intake and
ovarian cancer (OC) survival are relatively unknown ... Higher lipid-soluble
choline intake was significantly associated with better overall survival for
patients with OC (Tertile 3 vs. Tertile 1: HR = 0.56; 95% CI: 0.34, 0.92; P
trend = 0.02) in the fully adjusted model. Similar associations were observed
for phosphatidylcholine intake (Tertile 3 vs. Tertile 1: HR = 0.55; 95% CI:
0.33, 0.91; P trend = 0.02). However, no associations were found between total
water-soluble choline (free choline, phosphocholine, and glycerophosphocholine),
sphingomyelin, and betaine intake and OC survival. Significant additive
interactions between higher fat-soluble choline intake and positive expression
of estrogen receptor and Wilms tumor-1 as well as higher phosphatidylcholine
intake and positive expression of estrogen receptor and Wilms tumor-1 on OC
survival were detected. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that prediagnosis,
total lipid-soluble choline and phosphatidylcholine intake were associated with
improved overall survival among OC patients"
One-year longitudinal
association between changes in dietary choline or betaine intake association
with cardiometabolic variables in the PREDIMED-Plus trial - Am J Clin Nutr
2022 Sep 16 - "The greatest one-year increase in dietary
choline or betaine intake (Q4) was associated with improved serum glucose (-3.39
and -2.72 mg/dL for choline or betaine, respectively) and glycated hemoglobin
levels (-0.10% for Q4 of either choline or betaine intake increase). Other
significant changes associated with the greatest increase in choline or betaine
intake were: reduced body weight (-2.93 and -2.78 Kg, respectively), BMI (-1.05
and -0.99 Kg/m2, respectively), waist circumference (-3.37 and -3.26 cm,
respectively), total cholesterol (-4.74 and -4.52 mg/dL, respectively) and LDL
cholesterol (-4.30 and -4.16 mg/dL, respectively). Urine creatinine was reduced
in Q4 of one-year increase in choline or betaine intake (-5.42 and -5.74 mg/dL,
respectively)" - See
citicholine at Amazon.com and betaine
anhydrous (TMG) at Amazon.com.
Is dietary choline intake
related to dementia and Alzheimer's disease risk: results from the Framingham
Heart Study - Am J Clin Nutr 2022 Aug 2 - "Dietary
choline intake showed non-linear relationship with incident dementia and AD.
After adjusting for covariates, low choline intake (defined as choline/100 ≤
2.19 and choline/100 ≤ 2.15 in our sample) was significantly associated with
incident dementia or incident AD"
Prenatal choline
supplementation improves biomarkers of maternal docosahexaenoic acid status
among pregnant participants consuming supplemental DHA: a randomized controlled
trial - Am J Clin Nutr 2022 May 16 - "Prenatal
choline supplementation improves hepatic DHA export and biomarkers of DHA status
by bolstering methyl group supply for PEMT activity among pregnant participants
consuming supplemental DHA" - See
citicholine at Amazon.com nad docosahexaenoic acid at Amazon.com.
Choline Supplementation
Partially Restores Dendrite Structural Complexity in Developing Iron-Deficient
Mouse Hippocampal Neurons - J Nutr 2021 Dec 27 -
"Early-life choline supplementation, with postnatal iron repletion, improves
learning/memory performance in formerly iron-deficient (ID) rats"
Role of citicoline and
choline in the treatment of post-stroke depression: an exploratory study - J
Int Med Res 2021 Nov - "To compare selective serotonin
reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and nootropic drugs in the reduction of anxiety and
depressive symptoms in post-stroke patients ... A total of 44 post-stroke
patients with depression (aged 45-75 years) were enrolled in the study: 20 were
treated with SSRIs and 24 received nootropic drugs. From baseline to follow-up,
the SSRI group showed a large effect size with regard depression (success rate
difference [SRD] 0.57; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.21, 0.79) and anxiety (SRD
0.49; 95% CI 0.14, 0.74), whereas the nootropic group showed a small effect size
for depression (SRD 0.16; 95% CI -0.17, 0.46) and a small effect size for
anxiety (SRD 0.36 ... The administration of nootropic drugs could be a valid
therapeutic strategy to manage post-stroke patients suffering from mild-moderate
anxiety or anxious-depressive syndrome, but this requires further research"
- See
citicholine at Amazon.com.
Associations of choline
intake with hypertension and blood pressure among older adults in
cross-sectional 2011 - 2014 NHANES differ by body mass index and comorbidity
status - Br J Nutr 2021 Aug 12;1-22 - "Blood
pressure (BP) is a known cardiovascular risk factor that is hypothesized to be
inversely related to choline intake. A previous study suggested that this
association may be more apparent in older adults and may differ according to
demographic and health characteristics ... Choline intake interacted with BMI
(P-interaction=0.04) such that choline intake tended to be associated with lower
odds of hypertension among people with BMI <18.5 kg/m2 (OR [95% CI]: 0.64
[0.4,1.00]; P=0.052). Choline intake was not associated with systolic BP (mean±SEM
change per 100 mg of choline: -1.03±0.74 mmHg; P=0.16). In contrast, its
relation to diastolic BP differed by cardiovascular comorbidity
(P-interaction=0.03) with a non-significant (P=0.13) negative direction of
association observed among those who were free of comorbidities and a
non-significant (P=0.26) positive direction observed among those with
comorbidities. Collectively, these results suggested that the associations of
choline intake with BP levels and hypertension risk among older adults are
dependent on other risk factors" - See
choline at Amazon.com and
Plasma choline and betaine
and risks of cardiovascular events and recurrent stroke after ischemic stroke
- Am J Clin Nutr 2021 Jun 22 - "Choline and betaine have
been suggested to play a pivotal role in neurotransmitter synthesis, cell
membrane integrity, and methyl-group metabolism, exerting neuroprotective
effects in patients with various neurological disorders ... Plasma choline and
betaine were inversely associated with cardiovascular events and recurrent
stroke after ischemic stroke. Specifically, in fully adjusted models, each
additional SD of choline and betaine was associated with 35% (95% CI: 20%-48%)
and 30% (95% CI: 14%-43%) decreased risks of subsequent cardiovascular events,
respectively, and 34% (95% CI: 16%-48%) and 29% (95% CI: 12%-43%) decreased
risks of recurrent stroke, respectively" - See
choline at Amazon.com and
betaine anhydrous (TMG) at Amazon.com.
Maternal plasma choline and
betaine in late pregnancy and child growth up to age 8 years in the KOALA Birth
Cohort Study - Am J Clin Nutr 2021 Jun 10 -
"Sufficient choline and betaine during pregnancy are needed for fetal growth and
development ... Third-trimester pregnancy plasma choline and betaine were
positively associated with childhood anthropometric measures. In boys, some of
the associations may have persisted up to 8 y of age" - See
citicholine at Amazon.com and betaine anhydrous (TMG) at Amazon.com.
Citicoline and Memory
Function in Healthy Older Adults: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled
Clinical Trial - J Nutr 2021 May 12 -
"Supplementation of citicoline (CDP-choline), a naturally occurring
mononucleotide, has shown beneficial effects on memory function and behavior in
populations with a wide range of impairments ... age-associated memory
impairment (AAMI) ... A total of 100 healthy men and women aged between 50 and
85 y with AAMI participated in this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled
trial. Participants were randomized to receive placebo (n = 51) or citicoline (n
= 49; 500 mg/d) for 12 wk ... After the 12-wk intervention, participants
supplemented with citicoline showed significantly greater improvements in
secondary outcomes of episodic memory (assessed by the Paired Associate test),
compared with those on placebo (mean: 0.15 vs. 0.06, respectively, P = 0.0025).
Composite memory (secondary outcome), calculated using the scores of 4 memory
tests, also significantly improved to a greater extent following citicoline
supplementation (mean: 3.78) compared with placebo ... Dietary supplementation
of citicoline for 12 wk improved overall memory performance, especially episodic
memory, in healthy older males and females with AAMI. The findings suggest that
regular consumption of citicoline may be safe and potentially beneficial against
memory loss due to aging"
Dietary lutein plus
zeaxanthin and choline intake is interactively associated with cognitive
flexibility in middle-adulthood in adults with overweight and obesity - Nutr
Neurosci 2021 Jan 15 - "Among a sample of adults with
overweight and obesity, greater intake of choline and lutein+zeaxanthin was
associated with faster performance on a cognitive flexibility task" - [Nutra
USA] - See citicholine at Amazon.com,
lutein at Amazon.com and
astaxanthin at Amazon.com.
Dietary lutein plus zeaxanthin and choline intake is interactively associated
with cognitive flexibility in middle-adulthood in adults with overweight and
obesity - Nutr Neurosci 2021 Jan 15 - "Among a sample of adults with
overweight and obesity, greater intake of choline and lutein+zeaxanthin was
associated with faster performance on a cognitive flexibility task. Future work
examining methods of increasing consumption of both of these dietary components
as a possible means of improving or maintaining cognitive flexibility among
adults with overweight and obesity is therefore warranted." - [Nutra
USA] - See citicholine at Amazon.com,
lutein at Amazon.com and
astaxanthin at Amazon.com.
Supplemental Choline
Modulates Growth Performance and Gut Inflammation by Altering the Gut Microbiota
and Lipid Metabolism in Weaned Piglets - J Nutr 2020 Nov 26 -
"Choline supplementation improved growth performance and
prevented gut inflammation in weaned piglets by altering gut microbiota and
lipid metabolism"
Choline Intake as Supplement
or as a Component of Eggs Increases Plasma Choline and Reduces Interleukin-6
without Modifying Plasma Cholesterol in Participants with Metabolic Syndrome
- Nutrients 2020 Oct 13 - "Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is
characterized by low-grade inflammation and insulin resistance, which increase
the risk of heart disease. Eggs have numerous nutrients including choline,
carotenoids, and fat-soluble vitamins that may protect against these conditions.
Egg phosphatidylcholine (PC) is a major contributor of dietary choline in the
American diet. However, uncertainty remains regarding eggs due to their high
concentration of cholesterol. In this study, we evaluated the effect of two
sources of choline, whole eggs (a source of PC) and a choline supplement
(choline bitartrate, CB), on plasma lipids, glucose, insulin resistance, and
inflammatory biomarkers ... We recruited 23 subjects with MetS to participate in
this randomized cross-over intervention. After a 2-week washout, with no choline
intake, participants were randomly allocated to consume three eggs/day or CB
(~400 mg choline/d for both) for 4 weeks. After a 3-week washout period, they
were allocated to the alternate treatment. Dietary records indicated higher
concentrations of vitamin E and selenium during the egg period (p < 0.01).
Interestingly, there were no changes in plasma total, low density lipoprotein
(LDL)- or high density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol, triglycerides, or glucose,
compared either to baseline or between treatments. In contrast, interleukin-6
was reduced, with both sources of choline compared to baseline, while eggs also
had an effect on lowering C-reactive protein, insulin, and insulin resistance
compared to baseline. This study demonstrates that in a MetS population, intake
of three eggs per day does not increase plasma LDL cholesterol, and has
additional benefits on biomarkers of disease compared to a choline supplement,
possibly due to the presence of other antioxidants in eggs" - See
citicholine at Amazon.com and
Choline, Neurological
Development and Brain Function: A Systematic Review Focusing on the First 1000
Days - Nutrients 2020 Jun 10 - "The foundations of
neurodevelopment across an individual's lifespan are established in the first
1000 days of life (2 years). During this period an adequate supply of nutrients
are essential for proper neurodevelopment and lifelong brain function. Of these,
evidence for choline has been building but has not been widely collated using
systematic approaches ... supplementing the maternal or child's diet with
choline over the first 1000 days of life could subsequently: (1) support normal
brain development (animal and human evidence), (2) protect against neural and
metabolic insults, particularly when the fetus is exposed to alcohol (animal and
human evidence), and (3) improve neural and cognitive functioning (animal
evidence). Overall, most offspring would benefit from increased choline supply
during the first 1000 days of life, particularly in relation to helping
facilitate normal brain development. Health policies and guidelines should
consider re-evaluation to help communicate and impart potential choline benefits
through diet and/or supplementation approaches across this critical life stage"
Effects of Citicoline as an
Adjunct Treatment for Alzheimer's Disease: A Systematic Review - J
Alzheimers Dis 2020 Jun 6 - "Limited evidence from
pooled data of two observational studies suggests that CC used in adjunct with
AChEIs in the treatment of AD was well-tolerated and showed improvement in
cognition, mood, and behavioral symptoms compared to treating with AChEIs alone"
Maternal Choline and
Respiratory Coronavirus Effects on Fetal Brain Development - J Psychiatr Res
2020 May 25 - "Prenatal COVID-19 infection is
anticipated by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control to affect fetal development
similarly to other common respiratory coronaviruses through effects of the
maternal inflammatory response on the fetus and placenta ... Infants of mothers
who had contracted a moderately severe respiratory virus infection and had
higher gestational choline serum levels (>=7.5 mM consistent with U.S. Food and
Drug Administration dietary recommendations) had significantly increased
development of their ability to maintain attention and to bond with their
parents (Regulation), compared to infants whose mothers had contracted an
infection but had lower choline levels (<7.5 mM). For infants of mothers with
choline levels >= 7.5 μM, there was no effect of viral infection on infant IBQ-R
Regulation, compared to infants of mothers who were not infected. Higher choline
levels obtained through diet or supplements may protect fetal development and
support infant early behavioral development even if the mother contracts a viral
infection in early gestation when the brain is first being formed" - [Nutra
Dietary Choline
Supplementation Attenuates High-Fat-Diet-Induced Hepatocellular Carcinoma in
Mice - J Nutr. 2019 Dec 18 - "cohort fed an HFD (60% kcal fat) or an HFD
with supplemental choline (60% kcal fat, 1.2% choline; HFD+C) for 30 wk ...
HFD+C mice exhibited a 50-90% increase in both circulating choline and betaine
concentrations in the fed state (P = 0.05). Choline supplementation resulted in
a 55% decrease in total tumor numbers, a 67% decrease in tumor surface area, and
a 50% decrease in hepatic steatosis after 30 wk of diet (P = 0.05). Choline
supplementation increased the abundance of mitochondria and the relative
expression of β-oxidation genes by 21% and ∼75-100%, respectively, in the liver.
HFD+C attenuated circulating myeloid-derived suppressor cells at 15 wk of
feeding (P ≤ 0.05)"
Prenatal dietary choline
supplementation modulates long-term memory development in rat offspring -
Nutr Neurosci. 2019 Jul 15:1-9 - "These results suggest
that prenatal supplementation with choline accelerates the development of
long-term memory in rats"
Combined citicoline and
docosahexaenoic acid treatment improves cognitive dysfunction following
transient brain ischemia - J Pharmacol Sci. 2019 Apr;139(4):319-324 -
"BCCAO ischemic mice were treated for a total of 11 days
with a combination of citicoline (40 mg/kg body weight/day) and DHA (300 mg/kg
body weight/day) or each alone. Combined citicoline and DHA synergistically and
significantly improved learning and memory ability of ischemic mice compared
with either alone. Further, citicoline and DHA treatment significantly prevented
neuronal cell death, and slightly increased DHA-containing PtdCho in the
hippocampus, albeit not significantly. Taken together, these findings suggest
that combined citicoline and DHA treatment may have synergistic benefits for
partially improving memory deficits following transient brain ischemia" -
USA] - See citicholine at Amazon.com
docosahexaenoic acid at Amazon.com .
The Effects of Choline
and Magnesium Co-Supplementation on Metabolic Parameters, Inflammation, and
Endothelial Dysfunction in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Randomized,
Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial - J Am Coll Nutr. 2019 Apr 23:1-8 -
"When adjusted for potential confounders, inflammation and endothelial factors
(IL-6 and VCAM-1) decreased significantly in the choline-magnesium group as
compared to other groups (p < 0.05). Compared to baseline values there were no
significant differences in all anthropometric measurements and metabolic factors
among four groups" - See
citicholine at Amazon.com
Magtein at Amazon.com .
Usual Choline Intakes Are
Associated with Egg and Protein Food Consumption in the United States -
Nutrients. 2017 Aug 5;9(8) - "This research illustrates
that it is extremely difficult to achieve the AI for choline without consuming
eggs or taking a dietary supplement ... adequate intake (AI)" - [Nutra
B-vitamin and choline
supplementation increases neuroplasticity and recovery after stroke -
Neurobiol Dis. 2017 Jul;103:89-100 - "In supplemented
diet mice, we report improved motor function after ischemic damage compared to
mice fed a control diet after ischemic damage. Within the perilesional cortex,
we show enhanced proliferation, neuroplasticity and anti-oxidant activity in
mice fed the supplemented diet" - [Nutra
A double-blind, randomized
clinical trial of dietary supplementation on cognitive and immune functioning in
healthy older adults - BMC Complement Altern Med. 2014 Feb 4;14:43 -
"On the Controlled Oral Word Association Trial-S, the
scores significantly increased for the Ginkgo Synergy(®) plus Choline arm from
baseline to 6 months follow-up ... Our study showed isolated and modest effects
of a Ginkgo biloba plus choline-based formula on cognitive and immune
functioning among healthy older adults with no history of significant cognitive
deficits" - See
Ginkgo biloba at Amazon.com
and citicholine at Amazon.com .
A Nutrient
Combination that Can Affect Synapse Formation - Nutrients. 2014 Apr
23;6(4):1701-10 - "Brain neurons form synapses
throughout the life span. This process is initiated by neuronal depolarization,
however the numbers of synapses thus formed depend on brain levels of three key
nutrients-uridine, the omega-3 fatty acid DHA, and choline ... In Alzheimer's
disease (AD) the need for extra quantities of the three nutrients is enhanced,
both because their basal plasma levels may be subnormal (reflecting impaired
hepatic synthesis), and because especially high brain levels are needed for
correcting the disease-related deficiencies in synaptic membrane and synapses"
- See
uridine at Amazon.com
docosahexaenoic acid at Amazon.com
and citicholine at Amazon.com .
status and neurodevelopmental outcomes at 5 years of age in the Seychelles Child
Development Nutrition Study - Br J Nutr. 2013 Jan 9:1-7 -
"The aim of the present study was to examine the
association between plasma concentrations of free choline and its related
metabolites in children and their neurodevelopment in the Seychelles Child
Development Nutrition Study, an ongoing longitudinal study assessing the
development of children born to mothers with high fish consumption during
pregnancy ... The children's plasma free choline concentration (9.17 (sd 2.09)
μmol/l) was moderately, but significantly, correlated with betaine ... Adjusted
multiple linear regression revealed that betaine concentrations were positively
associated with Preschool Language Scale - total language scores (β = 0.066; P=
0.04), but no other associations were evident"
in quantitative EEG following consumption of a natural citicoline-enhanced
beverage - Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2012 Jun;63(4):421-5 -
"Ten healthy adult participants enrolled in a
double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study and were randomized to receive
either placebo or the citicoline supplement on the first visit. Measures of
electrical brain activity using electroencephalogram (EEG) were collected 30 min
after consuming the beverage. Seven days after the initial assessment
participants completed the alternative condition (placebo or citicoline
beverage). Compared to placebo, significant improvements were found in frontal
alpha EEG and N100 event related potentials (ERP) associated with the
citicoline-enhanced supplement. These preliminary findings suggest that a novel
brain drink containing compounds known to increase choline in the brain
significantly improved attention as measured by ERP and EEG. These findings
suggest that a viable and alternative brain supplement without potential
compounds such as taurine may augment attentional mechanisms in healthy
Enhances Neuroregenerative Processes After Experimental Stroke in Rats -
Stroke. 2012 May 10 - "Animals treated with citicoline
showed a significantly better neurological outcome at Days 10, 21, and 28 after
ischemia, which could not be attributed to differences in infarct volumes or
glial scar formation. However, neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus, subventricular
zone, and peri-infarct area was significantly increased by citicoline.
Furthermore, enhanced neurological outcome after citicoline treatment was
associated with a shift toward excitation in the perilesional cortex"
Choline intake in a large cohort of patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver
disease - Am J Clin Nutr. 2012 Feb 15 - "Decreased
choline intake is significantly associated with increased fibrosis in
postmenopausal women with NAFLD"
in Vascular Cognitive Impairment and Vascular Dementia After Stroke -
Stroke. 2010 Dec 16 - "Stroke doubles the risk of
dementia and is a major contributor to vascular cognitive impairment and
vascular dementia ... Citicoline has demonstrated neuroprotective effects in
acute stroke and has been shown to improve cognition in patients with chronic
cerebrovascular disease and in some patients with Alzheimer disease. A recent
trial lasting 6 months in patients with first-ever ischemic stroke showed that
citicoline prevented cognitive decline after stroke with significant improvement
of temporal orientation, attention, and executive function. Experimentally,
citicoline exhibits neuroprotective effects and enhances neural repair.
Citicoline appears to be a safe and promising alternative to improve stroke
recovery and could be indicated in patients with vascular cognitive impairment,
vascular dementia, and Alzheimer disease with significant cerebrovascular
Neuroprotection and Recovery: Recent Data at the Bench on Citicoline -
Stroke. 2010 Dec 16 - "Although the mechanisms of some
of these actions remain to be elucidated, so far citicoline appears as a drug
with the ability to promote "safe" neuroprotection capable of enhancing
endogenous protective pathways at the same time as preparing the scenario for
plasticity" - See
citicholine at Amazon.com
Citicoline affects appetite and cortico-limbic responses to images
of high-calorie foods - Int J Eat Disord. 2009 Mar 3 -
"Cytidine-5'-diphosphocholine (citicoline)
has a variety of cognitive enhancing, neuroprotective, and
neuroregenerative properties. In cocaine-addicted individuals,
citicoline has been shown to increase brain dopamine levels and
reduce cravings ... After 6 weeks, there was no significant change
in weight status, although significant declines in appetite ratings
were observed for the 2,000 mg/day group. The higher dose group also
showed significant increases in functional brain responses to food
stimuli within the amygdala, insula, and lateral orbitofrontal
cortex. Increased activation in these regions correlated with
declines in appetite ratings ...These preliminary findings suggest a
potential usefulness of citicoline in modulating appetite, but
further research is warranted"
choline and betaine intakes in relation to concentrations of
inflammatory markers in healthy adults: the ATTICA study - Am J
Clin Nutr. 2008 Feb;87(2):424-30 - "Compared
with the lowest tertile of choline intake (<250 mg/d), participants
who consumed >310 mg/d had, on average, 22% lower concentrations of
C-reactive protein (P < 0.05), 26% lower concentrations of
interleukin-6 (P < 0.05), and 6% lower concentrations of tumor
necrosis factor-alpha"