Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending
12/9/09. You should consult your doctor if you are taking any medications.
Cut out
the (estrogen) middleman: Risky therapy for aging brain may be avoidable by
focusing instead on hormone's target - Science Daily, 12/8/09 -
"A split-personality chemical,
estrogen is thought to protect neural circuits
and boost learning and memory, while at the same
time increasing cancer risk when taken in high doses"
Vitamin D Supplementation and Cancer Prevention - Medscape, 12/8/09 -
"The relative risk for the development of
cancer at the study's end was 0.402 for the
calcium plus vitamin D group (P = .013) and
0.532 for the calcium-only group (P = .063) ... This translated to a predicted
35% reduced risk of cancer for every 25-nmol/L (10-ng/mL) increase in serum
25-hydroxyvitamin D. The authors concluded that improving vitamin D nutritional
status substantially reduced all-cancer risk in postmenopausal women and that
baseline and treatment-induced serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations were
strong predictors of cancer risk" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Antioxidant compound reduced incidence of colorectal metachronous adenomas -
Science Daily, 12/7/09 - "The researchers randomized 411
participants to the placebo group or to receive an antioxidant compound --
specifically selenomethionnine 200 μg,
zinc 30 mg, vitamin A
6,000 IU, vitamin C 180 mg and
vitamin E 30 mg ... individuals who consumed
antioxidants had a 40 percent reduction in the incidence of metachronous
adenomas of the large bowel ... It is noteworthy
that the benefit observed after the conclusion of the trial persisted through 13
years of follow up"
reduces death rate in prostate cancer patients - Science Daily, 12/7/09 -
"men who walked four or more hours a week had a 23
percent lower risk of all-cause mortality compared to men who walked less than
20 minutes per week. Men who walked 90 or more minutes at a normal to brisk pace
had a 51 percent lower risk of death from any cause than men who walked less
than 90 minutes at an easy walking pace"
fatty acids may reduce risk of colon cancer - Science Daily, 12/7/09 -
"Patients who consumed more
long-chain omega-3 fatty acids had a reduced
risk of distal large bowel cancer. Compared to the
lowest quartile, fat intake in the highest quartile was linked with a 39 percent
reduced risk of cancer" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
in breast cancer: Not just because of hormone therapy - Science Daily,
12/7/09 - "the change in
hormone therapy use only accounted for a decline of about 3 percent, so
there's another 4 percent that is being caused by something we do not yet know"
Coffee May Cut Risk of Prostate Cancer - WebMD, 12/7/09 -
"men who drank the most
coffee were nearly 60% less likely to develop advanced
prostate cancer than non-coffee drinkers ...
men who drank decaffeinated coffee also had a similar reduction in aggressive
prostate cancer risk ... coffee also contains many other potentially beneficial
compounds such as antioxidants and minerals that may play a role in preventing
prostate cancer ... Coffee has effects on insulin and glucose metabolism as well
as sex hormone levels, all of which play a role in prostate cancer"
Antidepressant Paxil Also May Affect Personality Traits - WebMD, 12/7/09 -
reduced neuroticism and increased extraversion, Yang says. Both traits have been
linked to the brain’s serotonin system, which is targeted by Paxil and other
Resistance - Dr. Weil, 12/7/09 - "Supplements: ...
Coenzyme Q10 ...
Alpha-lipoic acid ... Magnesium ...
D levels associated with survival in lymphoma patients - Science Daily,
12/5/09 - "Patients with deficient
vitamin D levels had a 1.5-fold greater risk of
disease progression and a twofold greater risk of dying, compared to patients
with optimal vitamin D levels after accounting for other patient factors
associated with worse outcomes"
Metformin vs. Sulfonylureas for Diabetes - WebMD, 12/4/09 -
"Researchers reported that diabetes patients who used
sulfonylureas had a higher risk of death from all causes and a higher risk of
heart failure than diabetes patients who used the most widely prescribed
diabetes drug, metformin ... Compared with
metformin, also known as Glucophage, single-drug treatment with first- and
second-generation sulfonylureas was associated with up to a 61% increased risk
for death. Users of second-generation sulfonylureas had up to a 30% higher risk
for congestive heart failure ... Patients treated with
Actos or
Avandia did not appear
to have a greater risk for heart attacks than those treated with metformin"
tea chemical combined with another may hold promise for treatment of brain
disorders - Science Daily, 12/3/09 - "Scientists at
Boston Biomedical Research Institute (BBRI) and the University of Pennsylvania
have found that combining two chemicals, one of which is the
green tea component EGCG, can prevent and
destroy a variety of protein structures known as amyloids. Amyloids are the
primary culprits in fatal brain disorders such as
Alzheimer's, Huntington's, and
Parkinson's diseases" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com .
Pine bark extract may boost diabetic eye health - Nutra USA, 12/3/09 -
"At the end of the study, 75 per cent of participants in
the Pycnogenol group subjectively perceived
improvements in their visual acuity. Tests showed a
significant improvement in visual acuity from 14/20 to 17/20 after two months of
Pycnogenol supplementations. No improvements were recorded in the placebo group"
- [Abstract] -
Pycnogenol at Amazon.com
grape seed extract at Amazon.com
(some say that the grapeseed extract is the same thing without the patent
Maternal folic acid may slash heart problems in children - Nutra USA,
12/3/09 - "Children of women who took additional
folic acid, defined as a daily single
supplement or as a multivitamin Containing a folic acid dose of at least 400
micrograms, were found to have an 18 per cent lower risk of CHDs" - [Abstract]
adults who exercise get higher IQ Scores - Science Daily, 12/2/09 -
"The study shows a clear link between good
physical fitness and better results for the IQ
test. The strongest links are for logical thinking and verbal comprehension ...
Being fit means that you also have good heart and lung capacity and that your
brain gets plenty of oxygen ... This may be one of the reasons why we can see a
clear link with fitness, but not with muscular strength. We are also seeing that
there are growth factors that are important"
Abstracts from this week's
Doctor's Guide Nutrition/Dietetics
plus abstracts from my RSS feeds (Click here
for the journals, the PubMed ones at the top):
testosterone level as a predictor of cardiovascular events in Japanese men with
coronary risk factors - Atherosclerosis. 2009 Nov 13 -
"Cox proportional hazards models showed that the
subjects with the lowest tertile of plasma
testosterone (<14.2nmol/L) had an approximately 4-fold higher
CV event risk compared to those with
the higher testosterone tertiles after adjustment for coronary risk factors
including medication and FMD (unadjusted hazard ratio, 3.61; 95% CI, 1.47-8.86:
multivariate-adjusted hazard ratio, 4.61; 95% CI, 1.02-21.04). Multivariate
analysis did not show any significant association of DHEA-S, estradiol or
cortisol with CV events"
Pycnogenol((R)) Improves Microcirculation, Retinal Edema and Visual Acuity in
Early Diabetic Retinopathy - J Ocul Pharmacol Ther. 2009 Nov 16 -
"Results: The major positive observation of this study
is the visual improvement, which was subjectively
perceived by 18 out of 24 patients in the
Pycnogenol group. Testing of visual acuity using the Snellen chart showed a
significant improvement from baseline 14/20 to 17/20 already, after 2 months
treatment, whereas no change was found in the control group. Conclusions:
Pycnogenol taken at this early stage of retinopathy may enhance retinal blood
circulation accompanied by regression of edema, which favorably improves vision
of patients" - See
Pycnogenol at Amazon.com
grape seed extract at Amazon.com
(some say that the grapeseed extract is the same thing without the patent
Protective effect of periconceptional folic acid supplements on the risk of
congenital heart defects: a registry-based case-control study in the northern
Netherlands - Eur Heart J. 2009 Dec 1 - "Our results
support the hypothesis that additional periconceptional
folic acid use reduces CHD risk in infants.
Use of periconceptional folic acid supplements
was related to approximately 20% reduction in the prevalence of any CHD. Given
the relatively high prevalence of CHD worldwide, our findings are important for
public health"
Vitamin D:
What is an adequate vitamin D level and how much supplementation is necessary?
- Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol. 2009 Dec;23(6):789-95 -
"Vitamin D modulates fracture risk in two ways:
by decreasing falls and increasing bone density. Two most recent meta-analyses
of double-blind randomised controlled trials came to the conclusion that vitamin
D reduces the risk of falls by 19%, the risk of hip fracture by 18% and the risk
of any non-vertebral fracture by 20%; however, this benefit was dose dependent.
Fall prevention was only observed in a trial of at least 700IU vitamin D per
day, and fracture prevention required a received dose (treatment dose*adherence)
of more than 400IU vitamin D per day. Anti-fall efficacy started with achieved
25-hydroxyvitamin D levels of at least 60nmoll(-1) (24 ngml(-1)) and
anti-fracture efficacy started with achieved 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels of at
least 75nmoll(-1) (30ng ml(-1)) and both endpoints improved further with higher
achieved 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels. Founded on these evidence-based data
derived from the general older population, vitamin D supplementation should be
at least 700-1000IU per day and taken with good adherence to cover the needs for
both fall and fracture prevention. Ideally, the target range for
25-hydroxyvitamin D should be at least 75nmoll(-1), which may need more than
700-1000IU vitamin D in individuals with severe vitamin D deficiency or those
overweight" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Coenzyme Q
addition to an n-6 PUFA-rich diet resembles benefits on age-related
mitochondrial DNA deletion and oxidative stress of a MUFA-rich diet in rat heart
- Mech Ageing Dev. 2009 Nov 27 - "Age-related changes in
cardiomyocytes reduce the capacity to recover from acute injury or to adapt
during chronic disease in advanced age.
N-6 Polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-6PUFA) lead to higher lipid peroxidation
during aging than the less oxidizable monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA); and
coenzyme Q (CoQ)-supplemented n-6PUFA lengthens the
lifespan and reduces peroxidation in comparison to non-supplemented n-6PUFA ...
The lowest hydroperoxide levels for aged animals were found for n-6 PUFA+CoQ,
which also showed lower concentrations than did n-6 PUFA ... The results suggest
that MUFA can protect mitochondria from age-related changes, and that CoQ
supplementation to n-6 PUFA partially resembles MUFA benefits. Moreover, under
our experimental conditions, lipid-derived oxidative damage appears to be more
important than the pure protein-derived oxidative damage during aging" -
ubiquinol products at Amazon.com .
Health Focus (Homocysteine):
Related Topics:
Popular Supplements:
Alternative News:
of metformin with or without supplementation with folate on homocysteine
levels and vascular endothelium of women with polycystic ovary syndrome
- Diabetes Care. 2009 Nov 23 - "Metformin exerts a
slight but significant deleterious effect on serum Hcy levels in patients
with PCOS, and supplementation with folate is useful to increase the
beneficial effect of metformin on the vascular endothelium"
of Homocysteine-Lowering Vitamin Therapy on Long-Term Outcome of Patients
With Coronary Artery Disease - Am J Cardiol. 2009 Sep 15;104(6):745-749
- "Folic acid >/=400 mug/day with or without
additional B vitamins was administered at the attending physicians'
discretion ... Treatment was associated with significantly lower all-cause
mortality in patients with homocysteine levels >15 mumol/L (4% vs 32%, p
<0.001) but not in patients with lower levels (5% vs 7%, p >0.05)"
- See
folic acid at Amazon.com
How can I lower my high homocysteine level? - Dr. Weil, 2/6/09
Handling High Homocysteine? - Dr. Weil, 11/4/08
High-Dose B Vitamin Supplementation and Progression of Subclinical
Atherosclerosis. A Randomized Controlled Trial - Stroke. 2008 Dec 31 -
"high-dose B vitamin supplementation (5 mg folic
acid+0.4 mg vitamin B12+50 mg vitamin B6) or matching placebo for 3.1 years
... High-dose B vitamin supplementation significantly reduces progression of
early-stage subclinical atherosclerosis (carotid artery intima media
thickness) in well-nourished healthy B vitamin "replete" individuals at low
risk for cardiovascular disease with a fasting tHcy >/=9.1 micromol/L"
Effects of folic acid
and N-acetylcysteine on plasma homocysteine levels and endothelial function
in patients with coronary artery disease - Acta Cardiol. 2007
Dec;62(6):579-85 - "either folic acid 5 mg or NAC
600 mg or placebo daily for eight weeks ... endothelium-dependent dilation
(EDD) ... Folic acid and NAC therapies decreased plasma homocysteine (from
21.7 +/- 8.7 micromol/l to 12.5 +/- 2.5 micromol/l, P < 0.001; from 20.9 +/-
7.6 micromol/l to 15.6 +/- 4.3 micromol/l, P = 0.03, respectively), and
increased EDD (6.7 +/- 6.1% P = 0.002, 4.4 +/- 2.6% P < 0.001, respectively)
compared with placebo. There was no significant difference in improving EDD
between the folic acid and the NAC group"
Folic acid
supplementation in early second trimester and the risk of preeclampsia -
Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2008 Jan;198(1):45.e1-7 -
"Supplementation of multivitamins containing folic acid was associated with
increased serum folate (on average 10.51 micromol/L), decreased plasma
homocysteine (on average 0.39 micromol/L), and reduced risk of preeclampsia
(adjusted odds ratio, 0.37; 95% confidence interval, 0.18-0.75)" -
folic acid at Amazon.com
Vitamin B-12 Function May Be Diminished By Excessive Folate - Science
Daily, 12/21/07 - "homocysteine and methylmalonic
acid are at much higher levels in individuals who have a combination of
vitamin B12 deficiency and high blood folate levels than in individuals who
are also vitamin B12 deficient but have normal folate levels"
Low vitamin B-12 status and risk of cognitive decline in older adults -
Am J Clin Nutr. 2007 Nov;86(5):1384-91 -
"concentrations of holoTC (a marker of reduced vitamin B-12 status), tHcy,
and MMA predicted cognitive decline, but folate did not. A doubling in
holoTC concentrations (from 50 to 100 pmol/L) was associated with a 30%
slower rate of cognitive decline (-0.137 to -0.083), whereas a doubling in
tHcy (from 10 to 20 mumol/L) or MMA (from 0.25 to 0.50 mumol/L) was
associated with >50% more rapid cognitive decline (-0.090 to -0.169) and
(-0.104 to -0.169), respectively" - See
vitamin B12 at Amazon.com
Homocysteine, vitamins, and vascular disease prevention - Am J Clin
Nutr. 2007 Nov;86(5):1563S-8S - "Dietary deficiency
of vitamin B-6 and folic acid and absorptive deficiency of vitamin B-12,
which result from traditional food processing or abnormal absorption of B
vitamins, are important factors in causing elevations in blood homocysteine.
Numerous clinical and epidemiologic studies have established elevated blood
homocysteine as a potent independent risk factor for vascular disease in the
general population. Dietary improvement, providing abundant vitamin B-6,
folic acid, and cobalamin, may prevent vascular disease by lowering blood
homocysteine. The dramatic decline in cardiovascular mortality in the United
States since 1950 may possibly be attributable in part to voluntary
fortification of the food supply with vitamin B-6 and folic acid.
Fortification of the US food supply with folic acid in 1998, as mandated by
the US Food and Drug Administration, was associated with a further decline
in mortality from vascular disease, presumably because of increased blood
folate and decreased blood homocysteine in the population"
The association between betaine and choline intakes and the plasma
concentrations of homocysteine in women - Am J Clin Nutr. 2007
Oct;86(4):1073-1081 - "Total choline + betaine
intake was inversely associated with tHcy, as was choline from 2
water-soluble choline-containing compounds. Remethylation of tHcy may be
more dependent on the betaine pathway when methyl sources are low as a
result of either inadequate folate intake or heavier alcohol consumption"
B Vitamin Plasma Levels and the Risk of Ischemic Stroke and Transient
Ischemic Attack in a German Cohort - Stroke. 2007 Sep 20 -
"Our data suggest that low vitamin B12 plasma
levels, particularly in combination with low folate levels, increase the
risk of cerebral ischemia. This effect may be mediated at least partly
through elevations of homocysteine levels"
Review of the role of hyperhomocysteinemia and B-vitamin deficiency in
neurological and psychiatric disorders - Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr. 2007
Sep;75(9):e1-e18 - "Elevated concentration of total
homocysteine (Hcy) in plasma (> 12 micromol/l) is a risk factor for several
diseases of the central nervous system. Epidemiological studies have shown a
dose-dependent relationship between concentrations of Hcy and the risk for
neurodegenerative diseases. Hcy is a marker for B-vitamin deficiency
(folate, B (12), B (6)). Hyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy) causes hypomethylation
which is an important mechanism that links Hcy to dementia ... Current
evidence suggests that Hcy-lowering treatment has a positive effect for the
secondary and primary prevention of stroke. HHcy is very common in patients
with Parkinson disease particularly those who receive L-dopa treatment.
Furthermore, a positive association has been reported between HHcy and
multiple sclerosis. Moreover, HHcy and vitamin B deficiency are reported to
have a causal role in depression, and epilepsy. In addition several
anti-epileptic drugs cause secondary HHcy. Therefore, sufficient intakes of
the vitamins are recommended for patients who have already developed
neuropsychiatric diseases. Vitamin B deficiency should be suspected in
children with development disorders, failure to thrive and unexplained
neurological manifestations. Elderly people are also an important at-risk
group where vitamin B deficiency and HHcy have been linked to
neurodegenerative diseases. Treatment with folate, B (12), and B (6) can
improve cerebral function. Preventive vitamin B supplementation and
sufficient intake seem very important for secondary and primary prevention
of neuropsychiatric disorders, especially in subjects with a low intake or
status of the vitamins"
- WENBIT: No Benefit
of B Vitamins - Medscape, 9/4/07 - "Homocysteine
is a definite risk marker in heart disease, but it may not be causal"
Correlations between folate, B12, homocysteine levels, and radiological
markers of neuropathology in elderly post-stroke patients - J Am Coll
Nutr. 2007 Jun;26(3):272-8 - "folate deficiency and
hyperhomocysteinemia are prevalent in elderly post-stroke patients. These
two conditions are strongly and independently associated with the
development of brain atrophy"
Effects of folic acid and vitamin B complex on serum C-reactive protein and
albumin levels in stable hemodialysis patients - Curr Med Res Opin. 2007
Jun 29 - "Folic acid and vitamin B complex
co-administration effectively lowers tHcy and hs-CRP levels and increases
albumin levels in stable hemodialysis subjects, underscoring their potential
benefit to attenuate the state of inflammation and possibly improve the
nutritional status in patients on hemodialysis"
Vitamin link to bone loss probed - BBC News, 11/14/06 -
"Increased amounts of homocysteine in the blood may
increase the risk of developing osteoporosis ... Individuals who have a poor
dietary intake of B-vitamins tend to have high homocysteine levels"
Older Adults May Need B12 Dose More Than 200 Times the RDA to Normalize Mild
Vitamin Deficiency - Medscape, 5/26/06 -
"As both methylmalonyl-coenzyme A (MMA) and
homocysteine are metabolized by vitamin B12, elevated levels of these
compounds in the plasma can reflect vitamin deficiency ... One analysis
yielded 500 μg of vitamin B12 as the minimum dose necessary to produce the
greatest effect on MMA levels. There was little additional benefit in using
daily doses of vitamin B12 of more than 500 μg"
- B12, Folate May
Reduce Homocysteine Levels Without Affecting Cognition - Medscape,
12/19/05 - "randomized to receive (1) folic acid,
2.5 mg plus 400 µg of vitamin B12 or placebo, (2) 25 mg of vitamin B6 or
placebo, or (3) 25 mg of riboflavin or placebo ... Homocysteine levels were
significantly reduced by an average of 33% in the folic acid plus vitamin
B12 group after 3 months ... B6 and riboflavin supplementation had no effect
on homocysteine levels"
B vitamins to lower homocysteine may prevent strokes - Nutra USA, 11/10/05
Plasma homocysteine, vitamin B12 and folate levels in age-related macular
degeneration - Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2005 Sep 15;:1-5 -
"Patients with both exudative and dry types of AMD
had significantly higher plasma homocysteine levels ... Plasma vitamin B12
levels were found to be significantly lower in the exudative AMD group"
Homocysteine and folate as risk factors for dementia and Alzheimer disease
- Am J Clin Nutr. 2005 Sep;82(3):636-43 - "Elevated
plasma tHcy concentrations and low serum folate concentrations are independent
predictors of the development of dementia and AD"
Vitamin B12, homocysteine and carotid plaque in the era of folic acid
fortification of enriched cereal grain products - CMAJ. 2005 Jun
7;172(12):1569-73 -
"Vitamin B12 deficiency is surprisingly common among
patients with vascular disease, and, in the setting of folic acid
fortification, low serum vitamin B12 levels are a major determinant of
elevated homocysteine levels and increased carotid plaque area"
Homocysteine and vitamin b(12) status relate to bone turnover markers,
broadband ultrasound attenuation, and fractures in healthy elderly people
- J Bone Miner Res. 2005 Jun;20(6):921-9 -
"High Hcy and low vitamin B(12) concentrations were
significantly associated with low BUA, high markers of bone turnover, and
increased fracture risk"
- Blood chemical is
a stroke risk - BBC News, 1/14/05 -
"looked at people genetically prone to high
homocysteine levels and found they had a higher stroke risk than other
individuals ... the risk can be reversed by taking folic acid ... Too much
folic acid is also known to impact on a person's levels of vitamin B12 ...
If this falls too low could, at worst, result in irreversible nerve damage"
The effect of low doses of betaine on plasma homocysteine in healthy
volunteers - Br J Nutr. 2004 Oct;92(4):665-9 -
"plasma tHcy is lowered rapidly and significantly by
3 or 6 g
betaine/d in healthy men and women"
Impairment of coronary circulation by acute hyperhomocysteinaemia and
reversal by antioxidant vitamins - J Intern Med. 2004 Nov;256(5):398-405
"Our data suggest that acute hyperhomocysteinaemia
reduces CFVR and increases plasma MCP-1 and IL-8 levels in healthy subjects.
Pretreatment with antioxidant vitamin E and ascorbic acid prevents the
effects of hyperhomocysteinaemia, suggesting an oxidative mechanism"
- Treatment With Folate
to Lower Homocysteine - Medscape, 7/29/04 -
"For patients with known cardiovascular disease, it
is generally recommended to treat with folic acid (1 mg/day), vitamin B6 (10
mg/day), and vitamin B12 (0.4 mg/day). Folic acid can be increased up to 5
mg/day to reach a goal of lowering homocysteine levels below 15 mmol/L"
Vitamins May Lower Osteoporosis Fractures - Intelihealth, 5/13/04 -
"B vitamins are known to reduce levels of
homocysteine ... high levels of homocysteine at least double the risk of
osteoporosis-related fractures"
- 48,000 Lives
Saved by Vitamin Additive - WebMD, 3/5/04 -
"folic acid has another benefit -- this one for
adults. It lowers blood levels of a bad actor called homocysteine. High
homocysteine levels weaken the walls of blood vessels, making a person more
prone to heart disease and stroke" - See
iHerb or
folic acid products.
Folic acid and vitamin B(12) are more effective than vitamin B(6) in
lowering fasting plasma homocysteine concentration in patients with coronary
artery disease
- Eur J Clin Nutr. 2004 Mar;58(3):481-7 - "The mean
fasting plasma homocysteine concentration, however, decreased significantly
after 12 weeks of folic acid combined with vitamin B(12) supplementation"
Low Dose Betaine Supplementation Leads to Immediate and Long Term Lowering
of Plasma Homocysteine in Healthy Men and Women - J. Nutr.
133:4135-4138, December 2003 -
"doses of betaine in
the range of dietary intake reduce fasting and postmethionine loading plasma
homocysteine concentrations. A betaine-rich diet might therefore lower
cardiovascular disease risk" - See
iHerb or
betaine products.
Elevated Homocysteine Raises Risk of Stroke, Dementia - Life Extension
Magazine, 12/03
- Mediterranean Diet
Lowers C-reactive Protein Levels - Medscape, 11/11/03 -
"For each 10-point increase in diet score, there was
a corresponding 0.22 mg/dL reduction in
C-reactive protein levels, a 0.21 pg/ml reduction in
interleukin-6, a 12.5 mg/dL
decrease in fibrinogen, and a 0.87 mmol/L decrease in homocysteine levels (P
< .05), he said. Also, white blood cell count decreased significantly"
Startling New Findings About Homocysteine - Life Extension Magazine,
11/03 -
"a startling 100% of French elderly hospitalized
patients showed higher than desired homocysteine levels, with 45% suffering
from severe hyperhomocysteinemia ... Administration of vitamins B6 and B12,
and folate, causes a significant decrease of elevated serum homocysteine
concentrations in older persons ... More recent studies not only confirm the
cardiovascular dangers of homocysteine, but also its toxic effect on the
brain. It turns out that high blood levels of homocysteine increase the
incidence of depression, memory impairment, and even Alzheimer’s disease"
Vitamin B12 Improves Homocysteine Levels and Lipid Profiles in Patients with
End-Stage Renal Disease - Doctor's Guide, 10/6/03 -
"During Phase 1, patients were prescribed oral doses
of folic acid 5 mg/day and vitamin B12
0.6mg/day. Through out Phase 2, participants were given intravenous doses of
vitamin B12 1mg every other day in addition to folic acid 5 mg/day ... By
the completion of the study, patients exhibited significantly lower serum
tHcy (29.4 verses 21.1 mg/dL), total cholesterol (222 verses 196 mg/dL), and
low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels (139 versus 109 mg/dL). Serum
high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol
levels increased significantly among the participants"
B vitamin status and concentrations of homocysteine and methylmalonic acid
in elderly German women - Am J Clin Nutr. 2003 Oct;78(4):765-72 -
"Even in younger, well-educated, female seniors, the
prevalence of low B vitamin status and elevated plasma tHcy concentration is
high. Thiamine, pyridoxine, folate, and cobalamin supplementation should be
Relation between homocysteine concentrations and the consumption of
different types of alcoholic beverages: the French Supplementation with
Antioxidant Vitamins and Minerals Study - Am J Clin Nutr. 2003
Aug;78(2):334-338 - "Wine consumption may increase
tHcy concentrations, whereas beer consumption seems to have no effect (or
even an inverse effect) on tHcy"
What nutrients, in addition to folic acid, B12 and B6, may help lower
elevated serum homocysteine levels? - Natural Foods Merchandiser, 8/03
Influence of Training Volume and Acute Physical Exercise on the Homocysteine
Levels in Endurance-Trained Men - Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism
Betaine Supplementation Lowers Plasma Homocysteine in Healthy Men and Women
- J. Nutr. 133:1291-1295, May 2003 -
"Groups of twelve subjects ingested 6 g
betaine, 800 µg
folic acid with 6 g placebo or 6 g placebo
each day for 6 wk ... Fasting plasma homocysteine decreased by 1.8 µmol/L
... in the betaine group and by 2.7 µmol/L ... in the folic acid group ...
betaine suppressed the total area under the plasma homocysteine-time curve
after methionine loading by 221 µmol . 24 h/L ... compared with placebo,
whereas folic acid had no effect" - See
iHerb or
betaine products.
Folic acid and reduction of plasma homocysteine concentrations in older
adults: a dose-response study - Am. Journ. of Clin. Nutri., 5/03 -
"In older adults, daily supplementation with
folic acid effectively lowers plasma homocysteine concentrations, and a
daily dose of ~ 400 µg is the minimum dose required for adequate
homocysteine reduction" - See
iHerb or
folic acid products.
Interrelationship of homocysteine-cobalamin-folate indices in human subjects
of various ages: can hyper-homocyteinemia be relieved with B-12
supplementation? - Mo Med 2003 Mar-Apr;100(2):155-8 -
"Thirty-nine of the subjects who had hyperhomocysteinemia were daily given
100 mcg
B-12 for three months ... B-12
supplementation is effective in alleviating hyperhomocysteinemia" -
100 mcg is a fairly low dose compared to the 1000 and 5000 mcg doses being
sold. - Ben
n -3 Fatty acids plus oleic acid and vitamin supplemented milk consumption
reduces total and LDL cholesterol, homocysteine and levels of endothelial
adhesion molecules in healthy humans
- Clin Nutr 2003 Apr;22(2):175-82 - "The purpose of
this study was to evaluate the effect of a commercially available skimmed
milk supplemented with
n -3 PUFA,
oleic acid, and
vitamins E,
B(6), and
folic acid (Puleva Omega3((R))) on risk
factors for cardiovascular disease ... Thirty volunteers were given 500
ml/day of semi-skimmed milk for 4 weeks and then 500 ml/day of the n -3
enriched milk for 8 further weeks ... The consumption of n -3 enriched milk
produced a significant decrease in plasma concentration of total and LDL
cholesterol accompanied by a reduction in plasma levels of homocysteine"
- 500 ml is 2.1 cups. Oleic acid is an omega-9.
- Alzheimer's
Disease and Dementia: Vitamins Can Help Prevent - WebMD, 2/28/03 -
"High levels of a substance in the blood called
homocysteine tops the list of potentially new risk factors for
heart disease,
stroke, and now
dementia. A new study suggests that high
homocysteine levels are linked with mental declines associated with
Alzheimer's disease in elderly people ... High homocysteine levels can be
treated very easily with vitamins, including folate,
niacin, and
Elevated Plasma Homocysteine Levels in Patients Treated With Levodopa:
Association With Vascular Disease - Archives of Neurology, 1/03 -
"Levodopa therapy, rather than PD, is a cause of
hyperhomocysteinemia in patients with PD. Deficiency of folate or vitamin
B12 levels does not explain the elevated homocysteine levels in these
Mechanisms Differ Between Depression and Either Vitamin B12 Or Folate -
Doctor's Guide, 12/10/02 -
vitamin B12 deficiency and, to a lesser
folate deficiency all were related to
depressive disorders"
Argument Strengthens For Folic Acid To Reduce Homocysteine Level -
Doctor's Guide, 11/26/02 -
"A decrease in serum homocysteine of 3 micromol/l,
which can be achieved by a daily intake of about 0.8 mg
folic acid, should reduce the risk of
heart disease by 16 percent,
deep vein thrombosis by 25
percent, and
stroke by 24 percent" - See
iHerb or
folic acid products.
- Folic Acid for
Your Heart - WebMD, 11/22/02 -
"By increasing folic
acid intake and thus decreasing homocysteine, the researchers say the
risk of
heart disease would drop by 16%,
blood clots in the legs by 25%,
stroke by 24%" - See
iHerb or
folic acid products.
Folic Acid Could Prevent Heart Disease - Intelihealth, 11/22/02
Serum B Vitamins Can Curb Effects Of Genetic Mutation - Doctor's Guide,
Folic Acid May Have Benefits for Smokers - Doctor's Guide, 9/13/02 -
"randomised to four weeks of
folic acid 5 mg/day or placebo ... Results showed that folic acid
reduced homocysteine concentrations (10.8+/-0.6 versus 7.9+/-0.5 µmol/L,
p<0.001) and there was a significant reduction in
blood pressure (mean BP 88+/-2 versus
83+/-1 mmHg, p<0.01) ... Benefits also seem to be largely independent of the
lowering of homocysteine concentrations"
Homocysteine-Lowering Therapy [folic acid, vitamin B12 and vitamin B6]
Improves Revascularisation, Angioplasty Outcome - Doctor's Guide,
New Views on Atherosclerosis - Life Extension Magazine, 8/02 -
"A drug company has patented a product called FOLTX
that cardiologists are now prescribing to their patients for the purpose of
lowering homocysteine. Each tablet of FOLTX contains: 2.5 mg of
folic acid, 1.0 mg of
vitamin B12, 25 mg of
vitamin B6. The cost for 90 tablets of
FOLTX from
is $38.08—or about double the retail price of these same potencies of
vitamins when purchased in a health food store"
An Anti-Atherosclerosis Aid For Adults With Hyperhomocysteinemia? -
Doctor's Guide, 6/7/02 -
"One year of
folic acid supplementation was found to be
linked with a significant increase in the subjects' mean plasma folate
levels and a significant decline in their homocysteine levels ... Study
authors suggest the findings demonstrate long-term folic acid improves
arterial endothelial function and has potential implications for prevention
of atherosclerosis in people with hyperhomocysteinemia"
- Vitamins Fight
Alzheimer's - WebMD, 5/28/02 -
"There's new evidence that a substance found in
blood can cause the type of brain and blood vessel deterioration that leads
to dementia. But those same studies also
show that taking certain vitamins can lower levels of this substance --
homocysteine -- and ward off the damage, possibly preventing Alzheimer's
disease ... This is exciting information, because homocysteine levels can be
reduced by taking the vitamins B6, B12, and
folic acid"
Homocysteine Levels Higher, Serum Vitamin B12 Lower In Vegetarians -
Doctor's Guide, 5/27/02 -
"Vegetarians have considerably higher levels of
total plasma homocysteine, greater
prevalence of hyperhomocysteinemia and lower levels of serum
vitamin B12 than do non-vegetarians"
Praise of Folic Acid - Time Magazine, 2/25/02 -
"folic acid plays
a crucial role in the development of just about every cell in the body ...
subjects who had high levels of a particular amino acid called homocysteine
in their blood were twice as likely to develop
Alzheimer's as those who didn't. The
finding is important because one of the easiest ways to lower homocysteine
levels is to get plenty of folic acid ... There is no risk of overdose,
although high levels of folic acid can mask the signs of pernicious anemia
in people who have developed the disorder" - The way I understand it,
taking vitamin B12 with the folic acid will avoid that problem. - Ben
- New Alzheimer's
Risk Factor Identified - WebMD, 2/13/02 -
"High blood levels of a substance called
homocysteine have been linked to an increased risk for both heart attack and
stroke. Now, new research finds it to be a major risk factor for Alzheimer's
disease and other age-related dementias ... It is known that B-vitamins like
folic acid, B-6, and B-12 lower homocysteine levels"
- Mix B-12 and
Folic Acid for Heart Health - WebMD, 1/18/02 -
"Folic acid alone reduces the level of a potentially
harmful amino acid in the blood, called "homocysteine." When elevated,
homocysteine has been shown to raise the risk of heart disease and stroke.
In fact, some heart experts consider homocysteine to be a very important
risk factor ... But adding vitamin B-12 to the mix "is likely to be much
more effective in lowering homocysteine concentrations,"" - See
iHerb or
Vitamin B12 products.
Vitamin B12 Plus Folic Acid Significantly Reduces Homocysteine Levels -
Doctor's Guide, 1/17/02 -
"This finding suggests that a fortification policy
based on folic acid and vitamin B12, rather than folic acid alone, is likely
to be much more effective in lowering homocysteine concentrations"
- Folic Acid
[deficiency] Linked to Parkinson's Disease - WebMD, 1/17/02 -
"The latest research shows that mice on a
low-folic-acid diet are much more likely to get Parkinson's disease than
mice on a normal diet ... The researchers were able to finger homocysteine
as the likely culprit behind the loss of brain cells"
Folic acid and vitamin B12 save lives and money - Life Extension
Magazine, 11/01 -
"supplementation with folic acid and vitamin B12
would result in a tremendous increase in health and longevity of the
American population at a low cost, while saving 24 billion dollars in
healthcare costs over the coming decade ... folic acid could lower
homocysteine by 25%; the addition of vitamin B12 led to a further 7% drop"
Folate Cost-Effective For Prevention Of Coronary Artery Reblockage -
Intelihealth, 11/29/01 -
"The vitamin therapy included a combination of folic
acid (also known as folate or vitamin B9), vitamin B12, and vitamin B6.
Patients who received the vitamins had significantly lower levels of
homocysteine, and lower rates of restenosis and cardiac complications"
- High Dose Oral Folic Acid
Acutely Improves Endothelial Function in Coronary Artery Disease -
Doctor's Guide, 11/14/01 -
"Although high-dose folic acid (5 mg daily) improves
endothelial function in CAD patients, it is controversial as to whether this
improvement is due to homocysteine lowering or other direct actions of folic
Battling Heart Disease with B Vitamins - Life Extension Magazine, 8/01 -
"Studies to date have shown that folic acid alone
may reduce heart disease risk by as much as 30% to 40%, primarily through
its ability to lower homocysteine. In fact, folic acid has been deemed the
mainstay of treatment for hyperhomocysteinaemia (elevated homocysteine).(5)
However, folic acid works best when teamed up with vitamin B12, which
enhances the benefits of folic acid supplementation"
A Prescription for Alarm - Nutrition Science News, 9/01 -
"Increasing consumption of folic acid and vitamins
B6 and B12, which lower homocysteine levels. Homocysteine damages blood
vessel walls and, says McCully, sets the stage for subsequent cholesterol
- Folic Acid/Vitamin B12
Show Potential as Heart Disease Treatments - Doctor's Guide, 8/22/01
Homocysteine News - Life Extension Magazine, 6/01 -
"Scientific studies confirm that even tiny elevations in homocysteine can
significantly increase the risk of heart attack and stroke"
- Alzheimer's Disease May Be
Linked to Deficiencies in Vitamin B12 or Folate - Doctor's Guide, 5/8/01
"Study authors theorized that vitamin B12 or folate
deficiencies affect Alzheimer's disease by influencing neurotransmitters or
the levels of the amino acid homocysteine in the body. Either vitamin B12 or
folate deficiency can increase homocysteine levels. Homocysteine has a
neurotoxic effect that could lead to cell death or neurological conditions
such as Alzheimer's disease"
- Folic Acid May
Reduce Age-Related Memory Problems - WebMD, 4/27/01 -
"High homocysteine levels were independently
associated with poor performance on the memory tests, as were low levels of
the vitamin folic acid. Folic acid, or folate, has been shown to
significantly lower homocysteine levels ... a cocktail of three vitamin
supplements -- folic acid, B12, and B6 -- can dramatically lower
homocysteine levels, even in those who get the recommended levels of the
vitamins in their diets ... Homocysteine levels naturally increase as you
age ... Jacobsen, 62, recommends taking 400-800 mcg of folic acid every day
and 25-100 mg of vitamin B6. He says it is not clear if B12 supplementation
is beneficial in younger people, but it does appear to benefit those over
50. He takes 500 mcg of B12 each day"
Multivitamin With Folic Acid May Reduce Homocysteine More Than With Folic
Acid Alone - Doctor's Guide, 4/26/01 [abstract]-
"the supplement containing 800 micrograms of folic
acid reduced homocysteine levels by nearly 50 percent while the supplement
containing 160 micrograms of folic acid had no significant effect above
- Elevated Homocysteine
Linked To Greater Risk Of Stroke And Vascular Disease - Doctor's Guide,
The link between homocysteine levels and SAMe, plus... - Life Extension
Magazine, 1/01
Gauging the Bs - Nutrition Science News, 1/01
Antioxidant Vitamins Block Homocysteine's Acute Toxic Effects -
Nutrition Science News, 12/00
Vitamins May Help Patients With High Homocysteine Levels - Doctor's
Guide, 12/11/00
- Folic Acid and
the Heart Turning Into Fast Friends - WebMD, 8/31/00
- Decrease Homocysteine
With DASH - Medscape, 8/22/00
SAMe Needs The B's - Nutrition Science News, 7/00 -
"users of this wonder pill should be aware that
through the natural metabolism of SAMe, the amino acid homocysteine is
created--a situation that can lead to artery damage and even heart disease.
. . . .others have demonstrated that by simply upping one's intake of the
vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid, this potential hazard can be avoided."
3 B's Block Cardiovascular Disease - Nutrition Science News, 7/00
Vitamin intake: a possible determinant of plasma homocyst(e)ine among
middle-aged adults - Ann Epidemiol. 1997 May;7(4):285-93
Increased dietary micronutrients decrease serum homocysteine concentrations
in patients at high risk of cardiovascular disease - Am J Clin Nutr.
1999 Nov;70(5):881-7
B12 The Vital Vitamin - Life Extension Magazine, 8/99
Kilmer McCully, M.D., Connects Homocysteine and Heart Disease -
Nutrition Science News, 7/99
- Vitamins May Reduce Stroke
Risk - Doctor's Guide, 4/20/99
- Elevated Homocysteine
Levels May Be Possible Risk Factor For Alzheimer Disease - Doctor's
Guide, 10/20/98
- Study:
Vitamin B-6 may help reduce heart disease - CNN, 7/20/98
- Study:
Folic acid boost could save 50,000 lives a year - CNN, 4/9/98
- B-Vitamins May Reduce
Vessel Damage In Stroke Patients - Doctor's Guide, 2/9/98
- Two B Vitamins May Reduce
Risk For Heart Disease In Women - Doctor's Guide, 2/3/98
Other News:
Homocysteine may be best predictor of CV risk in elderly - theheart.org,
1/8/09 - "for primary prevention, homocysteine appears
to be the best predictor of cardiovascular mortality in the very elderly [1].
The research also confirms what many had already suspected—that the Framingham
Risk Score (FRS) is not very accurate at predicting risk in this age group"
homocysteine, folate, and vitamin B12 levels in patients with laryngeal cancer
- Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2008 Dec;134(12):1328-33 -
"The mean (SD) level of total homocysteine in patients
with laryngeal carcinoma was 2.84 (1.62) mg/L vs 0.99 (0.24) mg/L in the control
Hyperhomocysteinemia is a risk factor for erectile dysfunction in men with
adult-onset diabetes mellitus - Urology. 2008 May;71(5):897-900 -
"Hyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy) ... those with HHcy had 5.2
times the odds of vasculogenic ED compared with men without HHcy"
Homocysteine and diabetic retinopathy - Diabetes Care. 2007 Sep 26 -
"Plasma total homocysteine concentration may be a useful
biomarker and/or a novel risk factor for increased risk of diabetic retinopathy
in people with type 2 diabetes"
Hyperhomocysteinemia: a novel risk factor for erectile dysfunction -
Metabolism. 2006 Dec;55(12):1564-1568 -
"Hyperhomocysteinemia, known to be an important risk factor in endothelial
dysfunction, seems to be an important determinant in ED. These data suggest that
slightly elevated Hcys levels are significantly related with arterial and
probably endothelial dysfunction in patients with ED"
Biomarker For Age-related Macular Degeneration Found - Science Daily, 1/8/06
- "elevated homocysteine in the blood may be another
biomarker for increased risk of AMD"
Erectile Trouble May Signal Heart Disease - HealthDay, 5/24/05 -
"Levels of homocysteine may be a sign of how severe
erectile dysfunction is ... Nutrition can influence homocysteine levels
positively, and substitution with folic acid, in combination with vitamin B6
and B12, can reduce homocysteine levels significantly"
Homocysteine and cognitive function - Medscape, 3/25/05 -
"Higher homocysteine levels were associated with
worse function across a broad range of cognitive domains, and the magnitude
of the associations was large. The data suggest that homocysteine may be a
potentially important modifiable cause of cognitive dysfunction"
- New Research: What is
Your Optimal TSH Level? - About.com, 9/30/04 -
"normalizing the TSH with a target TSH level of less
than 2 mIU/mL is advisable to lower CRP levels and homocysteine levels, and
possibly the cholesterol levels"
Elevated Homocysteine Levels May Be Related to Changes in Deep Brain Tissue
- Doctor's Guide, 9/13/04
Patients with Parkinson Disease and High Homocysteine Levels May Be More
Likely to Be Depressed - Doctor's Guide, 6/22/04
New Fracture Risk: High Homocysteine - WebMD, 5/12/04
Homocysteine Independent Risk Factor for Stroke - Doctor's Guide, 2/9/04
Metformin Treatment Leads to Increased Homocysteine, Decreased Vitamin B12
and Folate in Type 2 Diabetes Patients - Doctor's Guide, 10/20/03 -
"Homocysteine requires folate and vitamin B12 to be
properly metabolised, and serum vitamin B12 levels are known to decrease
during metformin treatment ... compared with placebo, metformin was
associated with an increase in serum homocysteine levels (4% [0.2 to 8 µmol
L-1]; P=0.039), and decreases in vitamin B12 (-14% [-4.2 to -24 pmol L-1];
P<0.0001) and folate (-7%"
Elevated Homocysteine Linked to Exfoliative Syndrome and Exfoliative
Glaucoma - Doctor's Guide, 6/11/03
Relation between Total Homocysteine Levels and Beer Intake in Patients with
Diabetes mellitus Type 2 - Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism
Long Term Study Finds Homocysteine Level A Cardiac Event Predictor -
Doctor's Guide, 3/13/03
High blood levels of the amino acid homocysteine may be a strong predictor
of heart failure. - WebMD, 3/11/03
Elevated Homocysteine Linked to Cognitive Decline in Some Patients -
Doctor's Guide, 2/19/03
Elevated Homocysteine Modest Predictor Of Ischemic Disease/Stroke Risk -
Doctor's Guide, 10/23/02
Elevated Homocysteine May Be Linked to Glaucoma - Doctor's Guide,
10/22/02 -
"Hyperhomocysteinemia could be a significant risk
factor for a particular type of
Long-Time Hormone Therapy Lowers Postmenopausal Homocysteine - Doctor's
Guide, 8/14/02 -
HRT results in lower total homocysteine
concentrations in all methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase genotypes with no
demonstrable difference in effect between unopposed and opposed hormone
replacement therapy"
Homocysteine Levels May Play Role in Raynaud's Phenomenon - Doctor's
Guide, 7/18/02
Plasma Homocysteine Levels Tied To Leukoaraiosis In Alzheimer's Disease
- Doctor's Guide, 5/31/02
Alzheimer's Risk Doubles With Elevated Homocysteine - Clinical
Psychiatry News, 3/02
Regular Exercise Appears to Lower Homocysteine Levels in Stroke Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 2/11/02
- Decreased Memory After
Age 60 Linked To High Homocysteine Levels - Doctor's Guide, 4/26/01
- Elevated Homocysteine
Linked To Greater Risk Of Stroke And Vascular Disease - Doctor's Guide,
Amino acid may trigger strokes - USA Today, 2/15/01
Homocysteine May Trigger Strokes - Intelihealth, 2/15/01 -
"One way to lower homocysteine is to increase doses
of the B vitamins - folic acid and vitamins B-6 and B-12"
Health Focus: Homocysteine: How Important? - Intelihealth, 6/7/00
- A New Way
Hotheads May Be Hurting Their Hearts - WebMD, 5/9/00
- High Homocysteine Levels
Linked To Restenosis And Cardiac Death - Doctor's Guide, 3/16/00
Study Finds "New" Cholesterol (Homocysteine) Is Key To Heart Disease -
Intelihealth, 5/19/99
- Elevated Homocysteine
Found In Patients With IBD - Doctor's Guide, 2/2/99
- American Heart
Association Recommends Homocysteine Testing In High-Risk Patients -
Doctor's Guide, 1/5/99
- Elevated Homocysteine
Levels May Be Possible Risk Factor For Alzheimer Disease - Doctor's
Guide, 10/20/98
- Homocysteine A Possible
Risk Factor For Alzheimer's - Doctor's Guide, 4/29/98
- Homocysteine -- The
Hidden Cause Of Heart Attacks - Doctor's Guide, 8/7/97
- Homocysteine Linked To
Methotrexate-Induced Neurotoxicity - Doctor's Guide, 8/1/97
- Discovery About
Homocysteine May Lead To New Ways Of Treating Strokes - Doctor's Guide,
- Homocysteine New 'Risk
Factor' For Coronary Heart Disease, Says Dutch Team - Doctor's Guide,
No pathinfo