Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending
2/2/11. You should consult your doctor if you are taking any medications.
in the gut may influence brain development - Science Daily, 2/1/11 -
"The research team compared behavior and gene expression
in two groups of mice -- those raised with normal microorganisms, and those
raised in the absence of microorganisms (or germ-free mice). The scientists
observed that adult germ-free mice displayed different behavior from mice with
normal microbiota, suggesting that gut bacteria may have a significant effect on
the development of the brain in mammals"
more efficient muscles? Eat your spinach - Science Daily, 2/1/11 -
"dietary nitrate feeds into a pathway that produces
nitric oxide with the help of friendly
bacteria found in our mouths. Nitric oxide has been known for two decades as a
physiologically important molecule. It opens up our blood vessels to lower blood
pressure, for instance ... Among the more consistent findings from nutritional
research are the beneficial effects of a high intake of
fruit and vegetables in protection against major
disorders such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes ... the underlying
mechanism(s) responsible for these effects is still unclear, and trials with
single nutrients have generally failed. It is tempting to speculate that
boosting of the nitrate-nitrite-NO pathway may be one mechanism by which
vegetables exert their protective effects"
probiotic combats inflammatory bowel disease - Science Daily, 1/31/11 -
"Northwestern Medicine researchers deleted a gene in the
probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus and fed the
new form to mice with two different models of colitis.
After 13 days of treatment, the novel probiotic strain nearly eliminated colon
inflammation in the mice and halted progression of their disease by 95 percent
... In the study, the modified Lactobacillus acidophilus entered the gut, which
is akin to a battlefield of friendly fire with immune cells attacking the
intestine. The Lactobacillus acidophilus acted as the gut's peacekeeping force,
calming the overstimulated immune cells ... The probiotic restored intestinal
peace by mobilizing messenger immune cells, called dendritic cells. The
dendritic cells, in turn, enhanced the production of other functional immune
cells, regulatory T-cells that rebalanced intestinal and systemic inflammation"
- Note: There have been studies to support probiotics in IBD in the past.
It makes you wonder if they just want to patent a different form. Plus
could genetically modified bacteria introduce other problems?
Exercise May Slow Age-Related Memory Loss - Science Daily, 1/31/11 -
"A new study suggests moderate
aerobic exercise may slow or even reverse
age-related memory loss in older adults by
increasing the size of the hippocampus ... one year of moderate aerobic
exercise, like walking, in a group of older adults increased the volume of
hippocampus by 2%, which effectively reversed the age-associated shrinkage by
one to two years ... Brain scans taken at the start of the study and again one
year later showed that the right and left sides of the hippocampus increased by
2.12% and 1.97%, respectively, in the aerobic exercise group ... these regions
decreased in volume in the comparison group by 1.40% and 1.43%, respectively"
rats given polyphenols show less endothelial function deterioration with aging
- Science Daily, 1/31/11 - "The endothelium is the inner
lining of our blood vessels and normal functions of endothelial cells include
enabling coagulation, platelet adhesion and immune function. Endothelial
dysfunction is associated with reduced anticoagulant properties and the
inability of arteries and arterioles to dilate fully ... The gradual decrease in
endothelial function over time is a key factor in the development of diseases
associated with ageing, especially
cardiovascular disease (CVD). Many epidemiologic studies suggest
protection against CVD from moderate intake of alcoholic beverages, especially
those rich in antioxidants, such as red wine, which is high in
polyphenols (RWPs) ... RWPs and apocynin
improved the endothelial dysfunction, normalized oxidative stress and the
expression of the different proteins. RWPs also improved ageing-related decline
in physical exercise. Thus, intake of RWPs protects against ageing-induced
endothelial dysfunction and decline in physical performance ... RWPs intake had
also a physiological beneficial effect since it improved the physical exercise
capacity of old rats" - See
grape seed extract at Amazon.com
resveratrol products at Amazon.com .
populations of gut bacteria linked to fatty liver - Science Daily, 1/31/11 -
"A new research finding showing a strong relationship
between complex microbial ecologies in human
intestines and the common but serious medical condition known as
fatty liver illustrates this paradox ...
Choline deficiency also implicates genetics, since many people lack the genes to
efficiently make choline internally ... The implication of the finding is that
these groups of bacteria may be influencing the body's ability to properly use
the choline available in food ... bioinformatics researchers at the University
of North Carolina at Charlotte found a strong correlation between the relative
abundances of two specific classes of bacteria and the development of fatty
liver ... Those patients with the highest abundance of Gammaproteobacteria at
the beginning of the study seemed to have the lowest fatty liver development.
The ones with the least developed the most fatty liver ... Erysipeoltrichi
showed exactly the opposite association, though this relationship was not quite
as strong. So there seemed to be change going on in opposite directions"
Deficiency of dietary omega-3 may explain depressive behaviors - Science
Daily, 1/30/11 - "The dietary ratio between
omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid
and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid
omega-3 increased continuously over the course of the 20th century. These fatty
acids are "essential" lipids because the body cannot synthesize them from new
... the researchers studied mice fed a life-long diet imbalanced in omega-3 and
omega-6 fatty acids. They found that omega-3 deficiency disturbed neuronal
communication specifically. The researchers observed that only the cannabinoid
receptors, which play a strategic role in neurotransmission, suffer a complete
loss of function. This neuronal dysfunction was accompanied by
depressive behaviours among the malnourished
mice" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
D deficiency alters lung growth and decreases lung function - Science Daily,
1/28/11 - "The results of this study clearly demonstrate
that vitamin D deficiency alters lung growth,
resulting in lower lung volume and decrements in lung function"
Supplements? Team them up to boost broccoli's cancer-fighting power -
Science Daily, 1/27/11 - "To get
broccoli's benefits, though, the enzyme
myrosinase has to be present; if it's not there, sulforaphane, broccoli's
cancer-preventive and anti-inflammatory component, doesn't form ... There was
almost a twofold increase in sulforaphane absorption when sprouts and powder
were eaten together. It changed the way the subjects metabolized the powder. We
saw plasma and urine metabolites much earlier and at much higher levels than
when either was eaten alone ... Steaming broccoli for two to four minutes is the
perfect way to protect both the enzyme and the vegetable's nutrients"
Green, but Not Black, Tea May Reduce Risk for Coronary Artery Disease -
Medscape, 1/27/11 - "The meta-analysis showed no
significant association between black tea intake and the risk for CAD (highest
vs lowest consumption, summary relative risk [RR], 0.92; 95% confidence interval
[CI], 0.82 - 1.04; for an increase of 1 cup/day, summary RR, 0.98; 95% CI, 0.94
- 1.02). The summary RR for green tea showed a
significant association between the highest intake of green tea and a lower risk
for CAD (summary RR, 0.72; 95% CI, 0.58 - 0.89). Increased green tea intake by 1
cup per day was associated with a 10% reduction in the risk for the development
of CAD (summary RR, 0.90; 95% CI, 0.82 - 0.99) .... Green tea catechins have
been shown to inhibit oxidation, vascular inflammation, atherogenesis, and
thrombogenesis and to favorably modulate the plasma lipid profile and vascular
reactivity, which suggests a wide spectrum of beneficial effects on CAD. Because
of the different degrees of fermentation, the content and composition of
catechins vary substantially between green and black tea"
antibiotic use can lead to increased risk of childhood asthma, study suggests
- Science Daily, 1/27/11 - "When babies are given
antibiotics, their risk of developing
asthma by age 6 may increase by 50 percent"
poorly can make you blue: Trans-fats increase risk of depression, while olive
oil helps avoid risk - Science Daily, 1/26/11 - "the
participants with an elevated consumption of
trans-fats (fats present in artificial
form in industrially-produced pastries and fast food, and naturally present in
certain whole milk products) "presented up to a 48% increase in the risk of
depression when they were compared to
participants who did not consume these fats," ... In addition, the study
demonstrated a dose-response relationship, "whereby the more trans-fats were
consumed, the greater the harmful effect they produced in the volunteers,"
...Furthermore, the team, ... also analyzed the influence of polyunsaturated
fats (abundant in fish and vegetable oils)
and of olive oil on the occurrence of
depression. "In fact, we discovered that this type of healthier fats, together
with olive oil, are associated with a lower risk of suffering depression,""
Abstracts from this week's
Doctor's Guide Nutrition/Dietetics
plus abstracts from my RSS feeds (Click here
for the journals, the PubMed ones at the top):
effect of astaxanthin on phospholipid peroxidation in human erythrocytes -
Br J Nutr. 2011 Jan 31:1-9 - "Phospholipid
hydroperoxides (PLOOH) accumulate abnormally in the erythrocytes of
dementia patients, and dietary xanthophylls (polar
carotenoids such as astaxanthin) are hypothesised to prevent the
accumulation ... After 12 weeks of treatment, erythrocyte astaxanthin
concentrations were higher in both the 6 and 12 mg astaxanthin groups than in
the placebo group. In contrast, erythrocyte PLOOH concentrations were lower in
the astaxanthin groups than in the placebo group. In the plasma, somewhat lower
PLOOH levels were found after astaxanthin treatment. These results suggest that
astaxanthin supplementation results in improved erythrocyte antioxidant status
and decreased PLOOH levels, which may contribute to the prevention of dementia"
- See
astaxanthin products at iHerb.
Early life
exposure to infections and risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia -
Int J Cancer. 2011 Apr 1;128(7):1632-43 - "exposure to
common infections early in life may be protective against childhood acute
lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) ... daycare
attendance by the age of 6 months (odds ratio [OR] for each thousand child-hours
of exposure = 0.90, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.82-1.00) and birth order (OR
for having an older sibling = 0.68, 95% CI: 0.50-0.92) were associated with a
reduced risk of ALL among non-Hispanic white children but not Hispanic children,
whereas ear infection before age 6 months was protective in both ethnic groups.
When the three measures were assessed simultaneously, the influence of daycare
attendance (OR = 0.83, 95% CI: 0.73-0.94) and having an older sibling (OR =
0.59, 95% CI: 0.43-0.83) became stronger for non-Hispanic white children. In
Hispanic children, a strong reduction in risk associated with ear infections
persisted (OR = 0.45, 95% CI: 0.25-0.79). Evidence of a protective role for
infection-related exposures early in life is supported by findings in both the
non-Hispanic white and Hispanic populations within the NCCLS"
cancer associated with various forms of postmenopausal hormone therapy: A case
control study - Int J Cancer. 2011 Apr 1;128(7):1644-51 -
"evaluates the effect of different modes of
estradiol-progestagen therapy (EPT) regimens on
the postmenopausal endometrial cancer
risk in Finland ... For use of <5 years, the OR for sequential EPT was 0.67 (95%
confidence interval 0.52-0.86), for continuous EPT 0.45 (0.27-0.73), and for
estradiol plus levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine device system (LNG-IUS)
0.39 (0.17-0.88). A decreased risk persisted for the use of continuous EPT and
estradiol plus LNG-IUS of up to 10 years. The use of long-cycle EPT showed a
tendency toward an elevated risk both for exposure of <5 years (1.40; 0.82-2.38)
and for estimated use of >5 years (1.63; 1.12-2.38). For an estimated exposure
of >10 years, the risk for endometrial cancer was elevated for both users of
long-cycle EPT (2.95; 2.40-3.62) and sequential EPT (1.38; 1.15-1.66).
Norethisterone acetate and medroxyprogesterone acetate as parts of EPT did not
differ in their endometrial cancer risk. The use of tibolone showed no
endometrial risk. The use of sequential and long-cycle EPT is associated with an
increased risk of endometrial cancer, whereas the use of continuous EPT or
estradiol plus LNG-IUS shows a decreased risk"
The effect
of conjugated linoleic acid, a natural trans fat from milk and meat, on human
blood pressure: results from a randomized crossover feeding study - J Hum
Hypertens. 2011 Jan 27 - "Our study suggests that
short-term high intakes of cis-9,trans-11 CLA do not
affect BP in healthy volunteers"
Between Concentrations of Vitamin D and Concentrations of Insulin, Glucose, and
HbA1c Among Adolescents in the United States - Diabetes Care. 2011 Jan 27 -
"Adjusted concentrations of insulin were ~24% lower
among male subjects with a concentration of vitamin
D ≥75 nmol/L than among male subjects with a concentration of vitamin D <50
nmol/L (P = 0.003). Concentrations of vitamin D were inversely associated with
concentrations of glucose only among Mexican American male subjects (P = 0.007)"
- See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Chemopreventive Effects of Dietary Canola Oil on Colon Cancer Development -
Nutr Cancer. 2011 Jan 24:1 - "Dietary
canola oil significantly (P < 0.05) decreased
colonic tumor incidence and tumor multiplicity as
compared to dietary corn oil in rats. Fatty acid analysis showed that corn oil
group had higher levels of ω-6 fatty acid levels, whereas the canola oil groups
exhibited higher levels of ω-3 fatty acids from the colon and serum samples of
rats. For the mechanistic study, COX-2 expression in the colon samples from the
canola oil group was significantly lower (P < 0.05) as compared to the corn oil
group. Taken together, dietary canola oil may be chemopreventive for colon tumor
development in Fischer rats as compared to possibly by increasing ω-3 fatty acid
levels and decreasing COX-2 levels"
Neat Tech Stuff / "How To's":
Health Focus (Actos
(pioglitazone HCl)):
Some docs say I'm crazy but it's one I take for
anti-aging. See my Insulin and Aging
Where to purchase:
News & Research:
Actos (pioglitazone
hydrochloride) - rxlist.com - "ACTOS improves
glycemic control while reducing circulating insulin levels"
Obesity and Fatty Liver disease - MedicineNet.com -
"Doctors also are using medications to treat non alcoholic fatty liver disease.
For example, insulin-sensitizing agents, such as the thiazolidinediones,
pioglitazone (Actos) and rosiglitazone (Avandia), and metformin (Glucophage) not
only help to control blood glucose in patients with diabetes, but they also
improve enzyme levels in patients with non alcoholic fatty liver disease"
PERISCOPE Analysis Highlights TZD Lipid Effects - Medscape, 1/10/11 -
"In that randomized comparison of the thiazolidinedione
(TZD) vs glimepiride(Amaryl, Sanofi-Aventis) in patients with diabetes [2],
those taking the TZD saw significantly less coronary disease progression as
assessed with intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) over 18 months compared with those
taking the other drug, a sulfonylurea. They also benefited with steeper declines
in fasting insulin and blood glucose levels, glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C),
C-reactive protein (CRP), and triglycerides as well as improved HDL-cholesterol
levels ... the post hoc analysis "ties nicely" with the 2006 CHICAGOstudy, in
which elevations in HDL were the most important predictor of reduced progression
of carotid intima-media thickness"
Molecular 'switch' contributes to cellular aging process: Discovery suggests new
treatments for metabolic diseases - Science Daily, 11/30/10 -
"in older animals SMRT acts like a "switch," turning off
the protective cellular activities of proteins known as peroxisome
proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs). PPARs help regulate genes that promote
fat burning to maintain lipid (blood fat) balance and reduce oxidative stress.
The researchers were able to reduce the negative effects of oxidative stress by
giving antioxidants or drugs known to turn the protective activities of PPARs
back on ... PPAR drugs have been used to increase insulin sensitivity and lower
blood lipid levels ... we believe SMRT is one of the key players that causes
age-dependent decline in mitochondrial function by blocking PPAR activity, and
we've found a way to boost the body's ability to better handle metabolic and
oxidative stress" - Note: There are several PARR receptor activators such
as the blood pressure drug
telmisartan and the diabetes medication Actos (some doctors have criticized
me for years for taking it for anti-aging). I've started a
webpage on PPARs. When I get a chance I'll search
my site and put the articles on it.
compares risk with 2 diabetes drugs - Science Daily, 8/24/10 -
"risks of heart disease events and death were no
different between patients who took the diabetes drugs rosiglitazone or
pioglitazone. In this analysis, approximately 4 percent of patients taking
either drug -- sold as Avandia and Actos -- suffered a heart attack, heart
failure, both or died over a 33-month period ... Besides its findings that
rosiglitazone and pioglitazone have comparable risks, what distinguishes this
latest study from other claims-based analyses is its analysis of death records,
which include out-of-hospital deaths ... study also followed patients for a
longer period of time than some of the earlier research" - So the two
drugs have equal risks but what's confusing is how does that 4% risk compare to
a placebo?
attenuates prostatic enlargement in diet-induced insulin-resistant rats by
altering lipid distribution and hyperinsulinemia - Br J Pharmacol. 2010 Aug
19 - "Increased incidence of benign prostatic
hyperplasia among insulin-resistant individuals suggest a role for
hyperinsulinemia in prostatic enlargement ... High fat diet led to the
accumulation of fat in non-adipose tissues, insulin resistance, compensatory
hyperinsulinemia and prostatic enlargement in rats. Pioglitazone treatment
altered fat distribution, improved insulin-sensitivity and normalized lipid and
insulin level in rats on the high-fat diet. The improved metabolic parameters
led to decreased cellular proliferation and increased apoptosis in the prostate
gland. High-fat diet feeding and pioglitazone treatment did not change plasma
testosterone levels. However, significant prostatic atrophy was observed in
castrated, rats irrespective of dietary intervention"
Vitamin E may be new boon for liver disease - MSNBC, 4/28/10 -
"In the study published online in the New England
Journal of Medicine, 247 adults with advanced fatty liver disease were randomly
assigned to take a high dose of vitamin E (800 international units), the
diabetes drug Actos or dummy pills for nearly two years ... Biopsies before and
after treatment showed that liver function improved in 43 percent of those in
the vitamin E group compared with 19 percent in the placebo group ...
participants on the diabetes drug Actos also improved, but to a lesser degree
and with a drawback: gaining 10 pounds on average, which remained even after
they stopped taking the drug" - See
Jarrow FamilE (contains all eight members of the vitamin E family, includes
Tocomin) at Amazon.com
improves endothelium-dependent vasodilation in hypertensive patients with
impaired glucose tolerance in part through a decrease in oxidative stress -
Atherosclerosis. 2010 Jan 4 - "Pioglitazone improved
endothelial function in hypertensive patients with IGT through an increase in
nitric oxide bioavailability by, in part, a decrease in oxidative stress"
- Pioglitazone is one that I take to help prevent diabetes and for anti-aging.
Metformin vs. Sulfonylureas for Diabetes - WebMD, 12/4/09 -
"Researchers reported that diabetes patients who used
sulfonylureas had a higher risk of death from all causes and a higher risk of
heart failure than diabetes patients who used the most widely prescribed
diabetes drug, metformin ... Compared with metformin, also known as Glucophage,
single-drug treatment with first- and second-generation sulfonylureas was
associated with up to a 61% increased risk for death. Users of second-generation
sulfonylureas had up to a 30% higher risk for congestive heart failure ...
Patients treated with Actos or Avandia did not appear to have a greater risk for
heart attacks than those treated with metformin"
Drug Shows Promise In Fighting Lethal Cancer Complication - Science Daily,
9/24/09 - "in an animal study, a diabetes drug that
promotes insulin sensitivity slowed the progression of muscle wasting and fat
loss, the main consequences of a syndrome called cachexia ... Research suggests
that cachexia is responsible for between one-fifth and one-third of all cancer
deaths ... These data provide evidence that in mice with colon cancer tumors,
insulin resistance may be involved in the development of cachexia rather than
occur as a result of cachexia ... Within eight days, the mice with cancer
receiving the rosiglitazone showed more sensitivity to insulin than did the mice
with tumors that received no medication. The insulin sensitivity of the
medicated mice matched that of mice without tumors ... In addition to stopping
fat and muscle loss, the rosiglitazone also dramatically reduced two biological
markers present when proteins break down, particularly in muscles, and a third
marker that indicates cells are eating their own amino acids in an attempt to
survive" - Note: I don't know why they did this study with
rosiglitazone. That's the one that may be connected to heart disease.
Pioglitazone is the same class of drug and is not connected to heart disease. I
take it for anti-aging also. See my Insulin
and Aging page.
Rosiglitazone Increases Risk of Heart Failure, Death Compared With Pioglitazone
- Doctor's Guide, 8/20/09 - "The researchers estimated
that, for every 93 patients treated with rosiglitazone rather than pioglitazone,
1 additional cardiovascular event or death would be predicted to occur annually"
Pioglitazone Slows Progression of Carotid Atherosclerosis - Medscape, 6/9/09
- "A substudy of ACTOS Now, a diabetes prevention trial
comparing pioglitazone (Actos, Takeda Pharmaceuticals) with placebo on risk and
incidence of diabetes development, showed that active treatment with the
thiazolidinedione slowed the rate of progression of carotid artery intima media
thickness (CIMT) by 38% during a 3-year study period" - See Pioglitazone
Efficacy and
safety of therapy with metformin plus pioglitazone in the treatment of patients
with type 2 diabetes: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial -
Curr Med Res Opin. 2009 Mar 23 - "Mean HbA(1c) was
reduced by 0.67% in patients receiving pioglitazone plus metformin versus an
increase of 0.25% in those receiving metformin alone (p < 0.0001). After 8
weeks' treatment and until the end of the study, HbA(1c) was significantly lower
with pioglitazone plus metformin and more patients in this group achieved an
HbA(1c) < 6.5% (38.6% vs. 8.1%; p < 0.0001). FBG was also reduced by a
significantly greater amount in patients receiving pioglitazone plus metformin
compared with metformin monotherapy (-20.5 vs. 1.9 mg/dl; p < 0.0001).
Combination therapy was associated with significantly increased HDL-cholesterol,
total cholesterol, and adiponectin, and significantly decreased levels of
fasting insulin, free fatty acids, and homeostasis model assessment insulin
resistance (HOMA-R) compared with metformin monotherapy" - See
pioglitazone at
Insulin May Protect Mind, Memory - WebMD, 2/2/09 -
"lower insulin levels were enhanced by adding Avandia, which increases the
body's sensitivity to insulin. Study authors say the discovery that diabetes
drugs shield nerve junctions in the brain from memory loss offers new hope for
fighting the disease" - Note: Avandia is the one with increased heart
disease. I've been taking Actos (pioglitazone) for prevention. See
pioglitazone at
vs glimepiride: Differential effects on vascular endothelial function in
patients with type 2 diabetes - Atherosclerosis. 2008 Dec 6 -
"In patients with type 2 diabetes already on metformin,
addition of pioglitazone as compared to glimepiride, improved endothelial
function despite similar glycemic control. The improvement in endothelial
function was mainly due to a reduction in insulin resistance"
Rosiglitazone reverses memory decline and hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor
down-regulation in an Alzheimer's disease mouse model - Biochem Biophys Res
Commun. 2008 Dec 22 - "An early down-regulation of GR,
not related to elevated plasma corticosterone levels, was found in different
hippocampal subfields of the transgenic mice and this decrease was prevented by
rosiglitazone. In parallel with behavioural studies, rosiglitazone also
normalized GR levels in older animals. This effect may contribute to explain the
attenuation of memory decline by PPARgamma activation in an AD mouse model"
- Note: That's another reason I take rosiglitazone's competitor,
pioglitazone which has
less chance of causing heart problems.
Class Of Diabetes Drugs Doubles Risk Of Fractures In Women - Science Daily,
12/10/08 - "We knew going into this study that there was
an association between thiazolidinediones and fracture risk ... these agents
double the risk of fractures in women with type 2 diabetes"
Medications In Same Class Carry Different Risks Of Heart Failure, Death -
Science Daily, 12/1/08 - "individuals taking
rosiglitazone had a 15 percent higher rate of death and a 13 percent greater
risk of heart failure compared with those taking pioglitazone"
patients face higher mortality, CHF hospitalizations with rosiglitazone over
pioglitazone - theheart.org, 11/24/08 - "In the
study's primary analysis, which assumed that patients were exposed to the drug
for just 60 days after the date of their most recently filled prescription (and
adjusted for patient characteristics), diabetic patients initially treated with
rosiglitazone had a 15% higher mortality rate than patients on pioglitazone.
Rates of first hospitalization for congestive heart failure—a known side effect
of TZDs—were 13% higher in the rosiglitazone group than in the pioglitazone
group. In contrast to recent studies pointing to a risk of ischemic events with
rosiglitazone, rates of MI and stroke were no different between the groups"
Pioglitazone Improves Fatty
Liver Disease in Nondiabetics - Medscape, 11/5/08
Pioglitazone Cuts Risk of Progression to Diabetes - Clinical Psychiatry
News, 7/08 - "People with impaired glucose tolerance
were 81% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes over a 3-year period if treated
with pioglitazone ... Patients were randomized to treatment with placebo or 30
mg/day pioglitazone. If the drug was tolerated after 1 month, the dose could be
increased up to 45 mg/day" - Note: Diabetes runs in my family. I've been
taking pioglitazone for several years for prevention. See pioglitazone at
Pioglitazone Prevents Conversion
to Diabetes Among Insulin-Resistant Patients - Doctor's Guide, 6/11/08 -
"Patients with impaired glucose tolerance treated with
pioglitazone were able to stave off conversion to type 2 diabetes by 81% when
compared with individuals who received placebo"
Pioglitazone Reduces Conversion From Impaired Glucose Tolerance to Diabetes
- Medscape, 6/8/08 - "There was a weight gain of 3.9 kg
in the pioglitazone group vs about 0.8 kg in the placebo group ... Over a mean
follow-up of 2.6 years, pioglitazone markedly decreased, by 81%, the conversion
rate of IGT to type 2 diabetes. IGT individuals who had the worst level of beta
cell function and who were the most insulin resistant were the individuals who
were most likely to develop type 2 diabetes, whether they were in the
pioglitazone group...or the placebo group. Pioglitazone was quite safe and quite
Pioglitazone Reduces Conversion From Impaired Glucose Tolerance to Diabetes
- Medscape, 6/8/08 - "There was a weight gain of 3.9 kg
in the pioglitazone group vs about 0.8 kg in the placebo group ... Over a mean
follow-up of 2.6 years, pioglitazone markedly decreased, by 81%, the conversion
rate of IGT to type 2 diabetes. IGT individuals who had the worst level of beta
cell function and who were the most insulin resistant were the individuals who
were most likely to develop type 2 diabetes, whether they were in the
pioglitazone group...or the placebo group. Pioglitazone was quite safe and quite
Pioglitazone and cardiovascular risk. A comprehensive meta-analysis of
randomized clinical trials - Diabetes Obes Metab. 2008 May 26 -
"The use of pioglitazone does not appear to be harmful
in terms of cardiovascular events and all-cause deaths"
Rosiglitazone and pioglitazone similarly improve insulin sensitivity and
secretion, glucose tolerance and adipocytokines in type 2 diabetic patients
- Diabetes Obes Metab. 2008 May 12 - "Rosiglitazone and
pioglitazone have similar beneficial effects on glycaemic control insulin
sensitivity, insulin secretion and plasma adipocytokine levels. However,
pioglitazone has a more beneficial effect on the plasma lipid profile than
Pioglitazone May Prevent Progression of Atherosclerosis in Patients With Type 2
Diabetes - Doctor's Guide, 4/2/08 - "Two TZD agents
are currently on the market -- pioglitazone and rosiglitazone. Both agents
reduce inflammatory biomarkers, while pioglitazone also produces elevation of
high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and reduction of triglyceride
levels ... Dr. Nissen said the findings of the PERISCOPE study support the
conclusion that treatment with pioglitazone can prevent the progression of
atherosclerosis in patients with type 2 diabetes during 18 months of treatment.
These finding may have important implications for defining the optimal strategy
for management of patients with type 2 diabetes and coronary atherosclerosis"
- See pioglitazone at
Effects of pioglitazone on major adverse cardiovascular events in high-risk
patients with type 2 diabetes: Results from PROspective pioglitAzone Clinical
Trial In macro Vascular Events (PROactive 10) - Am Heart J. 2008
Apr;155(4):712-717 -
"major adverse cardiovascular events (MACEs) ... At
final visit, 257 (9.9%) pioglitazone-treated and 313 (11.9%) placebo-treated
patients had a first event that contributed to the MACE1 end point (hazard ratio
0.82, 95% CI 0.70-0.97, P = .0201). There were statistically significant
differences in favor of pioglitazone in 5 of the other MACE end points (P < .05)
and a trend to benefit in the sixth (P = .052), with hazard ratios of 0.79 to
0.83 ... In patients with advanced type 2 diabetes at high risk for
cardiovascular events, pioglitazone treatment resulted in significant risk
reductions in MACE composite end points to 3 years"
Thiazolidinediones May Act Against Psoriasis - Medscape, 3/26/08 -
"The adjusted odds ratio for a first time diagnosis of
psoriasis in current users of five or more prescriptions for thiazolidinediones
was 0.33, as compared to no use. The adjusted odds ratio for metformin was 0.77"
- See pioglitazone at
PROactive: Pioglitazone reduced many different definitions of MACE -
theheart.org, 3/5/08 - "The main results, reported in
2005, showed a nonsignificant 10% reduction vs placebo in the study's primary
end point of all macrovascular events (all-cause mortality, nonfatal MI
[including silent infarction], stroke, ACS, cardiac intervention [CABG or PCI],
leg revascularization, or amputation above the ankle). The secondary composite
end point of all-cause death, MI, and stroke was reduced by a significant 16%.
But the authors have previously attracted criticism for focusing on this one
secondary end point when the primary end point of the study was not significant
... The main results, reported in 2005, showed a nonsignificant 10% reduction vs
placebo in the study's primary end point of all macrovascular events (all-cause
mortality, nonfatal MI [including silent infarction], stroke, ACS, cardiac
intervention [CABG or PCI], leg revascularization, or amputation above the
ankle). The secondary composite end point of all-cause death, MI, and stroke was
reduced by a significant 16%. But the authors have previously attracted
criticism for focusing on this one secondary end point when the primary end
point of the study was not significant ... "Because there was some controversy
about our secondary end point, we decided to apply the PROactive data to other
definitions of MACE often used in major clinical trials to see whether the
results still held irrespective of which components of the MACE end point were
included. We found a consistent reduction in events with all definitions with
pioglitazone. This shows that we haven't been scrabbling around for one end
point that was positive and that whichever MACE end point we used, we would have
gotten a similar result.""
Certain Diabetes Drugs Appear To Lower Blood Pressure - Science Daily,
3/4/08 - "Drugs called thiazolidinediones (TDZs), which
are used to treat type II diabetes, target and activate PPAR gamma. In addition
to controlling blood sugar, these drugs also appear to lower blood pressure ...
It appears that when PPAR gamma is activated it initiates a cascade of events
that protect the blood vessel ... When we interfere with the PPAR gamma pathway,
those protective mechanisms are eliminated and the blood vessel becomes
dysfunctional" - I've read all the negative of thiazolidinediones (TDZs)
and I still feel the good outweigh the bad. I take Actos (pioglitazone HCl) to
help prevent diabetes among other thing like I feel they will eventually show
that it helps prevent advanced glycation end products, a major cause of aging.
Comparative effects of rosiglitazone and pioglitazone on fasting and
postprandial low-density lipoprotein size and subclasses in patients with Type 2
diabetes - Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2008 Feb;9(3):343-9 -
"HbA1c, insulin sensitivity (as assessed by the
homeostasis model assessment) and LDL size and subclasses did not differ before
treatments. Rosiglitazone and pioglitazone resulted in a similar improvement in
HbA1c and insulin sensitivity. Fasting total cholesterol increased more after
rosiglitazone compared with pioglitazone (p = 0.04), whereas triglycerides
decreased after pioglitazone and increased after rosiglitazone ... Pioglitazone
was more effective than rosiglitazone in increasing larger LDL concentrations
(in both fasting and postprandial status) as well as in reducing levels of
atherogenic small, dense particles (in postprandial status only)"
Clinical trials with thiazolidinediones in subjects with Type 2 diabetes--is
pioglitazone any different from rosiglitazone? - Expert Opin Pharmacother.
2008 Feb;9(3):405-20 - "these agents have markedly
different effects on lipids. Rosiglitazone increases total, low- and
high-density lipoprotein (LDL and HDL) cholesterol, and triglycerides, whereas
pioglitazone has no effect on total or LDL cholesterol, increases HDL
cholesterol and decreases triglycerides. Both rosiglitazone and pioglitazone
decrease inflammatory markers. Furthermore, both rosiglitazone and pioglitazone
may cause a small decrease in blood pressure, improve endothelial function and
reduce restenosis. Microalbuminuria is also reduced by both rosiglitazone and
pioglitazone. Despite the improvements in surrogate end points, there is little
clear evidence that either rosiglitazone or pioglitazone cause major
improvements in cardiovascular outcomes. Thus, rosiglitazone has no effect or
may even increase cardiovascular outcomes, whereas, in high-risk subjects,
pioglitazone has a marginal ability to decrease cardiovascular outcomes"
Why Belly Fat Hurts the Heart - WebMD, 1/29/08 -
"Visceral fat brought the most inflammation and the worst atherosclerosis ...
After visceral fat transplantation, mice developed less severe atherosclerosis
if their chow was laced with the diabetes drug Actos for 10 weeks. But Actos
didn't affect atherosclerosis in other mice"
Thiazolidinediones-improving endothelial function and potential long-term
benefits on cardiovascular disease in subjects with type 2 diabetes - J
Diabetes Complications. 2008 Jan-Feb;22(1):62-75 -
"Insulin-sensitizing agents such as thiazolidinediones have demonstrated a
number of clinical benefits, including anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic
properties, which may impact on the course of atherosclerosis. Recent studies
have demonstrated that thiazolidinediones improve endothelial function in
subjects with and without type 2 diabetes"
Pioglitazone Lowers Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetic Patients with Kidney Disease
- Doctor's Guide, 12/12/07
Diabetes Drug May Up Elderly Deaths - WebMD, 12/11/07 -
"Patients taking thiazolidinediones were 29% more likely
to die, 40% more likely to have a heart attack, and 60% more likely to develop
congestive heart failure than patients taking different types of diabetes drugs"
Use of Diabetes Medication by Older Adults Linked with Increased Risk of Heart
Problems, Death - Doctor's Guide, 12/11/07
New Diabetes Drugs Bad for Bones - WebMD, 12/3/07 -
"The diabetes drug Avandia promotes osteoporosis not only by slowing bone growth
but also by speeding up bone loss. Actos, the only other drug in the same class,
likely does this as well"
TZDs May Reduce Lung Cancer Risk - Physician's Weekly, 10/29/07 -
"A 33% reduction in lung cancer risk was found among TZD
Rosiglitazone and Pioglitazone Increase Risk of Congestive Heart Failure But Not
the Risk of Cardiovascular Death - Doctor's Guide, 10/2/07
Fresh fuel for the glitazone controversy: New pioglitazone and rosiglitazone
meta-analyses - theHeart.org, 9/11/07 - "If one is
anticipating that this type of drug would be appropriate, then I think there is
now a lot of evidence to suggest that pioglitazone is the preferred drug"
Pioglitazone Appears to Have Overall Favorable Effect Regarding Risk of
Cardiovascular Events - Doctor's Guide, 9/11/07 - "A
meta-analysis of previous research suggests that use of pioglitazone, a glycemic
control medication for patients with type 2 diabetes, significantly reduces the
risk of heart attack, stroke and death, but increases the risk for serious heart
Drugs Increase Risk Of Heart Failure, Research Shows - Science Daily,
Cancer Prevalence Seen Among Diabetics Taking Thiazolidinediones - Medscape,
7/18/07 - "There was a significant association with
rosiglitazone use with an odds ratio of 1.89 (p = 0.02) for malignancy, but not
with pioglitazone use (OR = 1.09"
From Prediabetes to
Diabetes to Cardiovascular Complications: Is the Progression Preventable? -
Medscape, 5/31/07 - "TZDs have shown considerable
promise in preventing or slowing the progression from prediabetes to diabetes
and from diabetes to CV complications. Their effects on insulin resistance and
myriad intermediates of CVD (eg, lipids, inflammatory cytokines) suggest
potential benefits for at-risk patients that may extend beyond improved glucose
The Rosiglitazone
Aftermath: Legitimate Concerns or Hype? - Medscape, 5/24/07 -
"Haffner added that if the 43% increase in risk shown in
the analysis had occurred in the ongoing RECORD study with rosiglitazone, it
would have been stopped a year ago. “I think if a proper meta-analysis were done
with rosiglitazone, it would probably show some increased risk, but this would
not be significant ... the worst-case scenario from these data is that
rosiglitazone would elevate risk for MI from 1.4% to 2% ... Nathan believes
pioglitazone is a better bet than rosiglitazone, as it does not have the same
adverse lipid profile"
The Effect of
Pioglitazone on Recurrent Myocardial Infarction in 2,445 Patients With Type 2
Diabetes and Previous Myocardial Infarction. Results From PROactive (PROactive
05) - Medscape, 4/30/07
Pioglitazone in Prior MI
Patients - Medscape, 4/23/07
Diabetes drug 'protects
arteries' - BBC News, 3/30/07 -
"After 72 week, the thickness of the arteries increased
by an average of 0.012 millimetres in the glimepiride group ... But among the
patients given pioglitazone, average thickness actually fell by 0.001
millimetres ... Pioglitazone patients also recorded lower levels of sugar in
their blood, and higher levels of beneficial HDL cholesterol"
Actos (Pioglitazone) Tablets - Evaluation of Safety Data Showed Increased
Incidence of Fractures in Female Patients - Doctor's Guide, 3/9/07 -
"Healthcare professionals should consider the risk of
fracture when initiating or treating female patients with type 2 diabetes
mellitus with pioglitazone-containing products"
The Role of Metformin
and Pioglitazone in Early Combination Treatment - Medscape, 2/6/07 -
"Both metformin and pioglitazone have positive effects on cardiovascular risk
factors. Pioglitazone may reduce the progression to type 2 diabetes by effects
on both pancreatic beta-cell deterioration and insulin resistance"
Drug [Actos® (pioglitazone)] Shows Promise For Preventing Brain Injury From
Radiation Therapy - Science Daily, 1/12/07 -
"the diabetes drug pioglitazone prevents inflammation.
The drug activates a specific type of peroxisome proliferator-activated
receptors (PPARs) that control fat and glucose metabolism, and may be involved
in inflammation"
Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Pioglitazone and/or Simvastatin in High
Cardiovascular-Risk Patients With Elevated High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein:
The PIOSTAT Study - Medscape, 1/9/07 -
"After 12 weeks of treatment, hs-CRP levels were reduced
from 3.64 +/-2.42 mg/l to 2.48 +/-1.77 mg/l with pioglitazone monotherapy and
from 3.26 +/-2.02 mg/l to 2.81 +/-2.11 mg/l with simvastatin monotherapy (as
illustrated in Fig. 1). Combination treatment with pioglitazone and simvastatin
resulted in an additive decrease in hs-CRP levels from 3.49 +/-1.97 mg/l to 2.06
+/-1.42 mg/l after 12 weeks"
Diabetes Drug Actos May Cut Heart Risk - WebMD, 12/5/06 -
"Patients taking Actos had less wall thickening of their
carotid arteries -- which bring blood through the neck to the brain -- over 18
Long-term Safety of Pioglitazone vs Glyburide for Type 2 Diabetes -
Medscape, 12/1/06 - "Patients with type 2 diabetes
mellitus achieve glycemic control safely and effectively with both pioglitazone
and glyburide treatment; however, the results of this study suggest that
long-term treatment with pioglitazone is superior to glyburide with respect to
tolerability. Overall, pioglitazone treatment resulted in sustained glycemic
control, fewer patient withdrawals due to lack of efficacy or hypoglycemia, and
fewer cardiac events compared with glyburide"
Diabetes Drug May Treat Fatty Liver - WebMD, 11/30/06 -
"during the study, the Actos patients cut their liver
fat by 54%; the placebo group had no change in liver fat ... Actos patients also
showed a bigger drop in liver inflammation and a greater improvement in insulin
response than the placebo group"
Pioglitazone Treatment Increases Concentrations of Adiponectin in Plasma -
Doctor's Guide, 11/16/06 - "Results showed there was a
6.9 mcg/mL mean increase in adiponectin
levels in the pioglitazone group while in non-pioglitazone patients it decreased
by 0.42 mcg/mL"
Diabetes drug may cut heart risks
- MSNBC, 11/13/06 -
"Patients with type 2 diabetes taking the older generic
drug, glimepiride, saw their artery thickness rise by .012 millimeters after 72
weeks on the drug, while those on pioglitazone saw their artery wall thickness
drop by .001 millimeters ... pioglitazone raised HDL levels, which seem to
protect against heart attacks, by about 13 percent in patients after 24 weeks,
and sustained that increase over the life of the study"
Thiazolidinediones, Insulin Resistance And Obesity - Medscape, 11/8/06 -
"Several studies indicate, rather than a neutral effect,
a significant reduction in
tissue with TZD therapy.[72-75] In patients taking metformin, however, there is
conflicting evidence, with some studies showing no significant change in
visceral fat mass[73] and others showing significant decreases with metformin
treatment (Figure 5).[74] Rosiglitazone (but not metformin) is also associated
with decreases in hepatic fat, as shown by reductions in the liver:spleen
attenuation ratio, and, while both agents reduced plasma FFA, the decrease was
only statistically significant in the rosiglitazone group"
duetact(TM) (pioglitazone HCl and glimepiride) Now Available in U.S. Pharmacies
- Doctor's Guide, 11/7/06
Prescribed Diabetes Drug Falls Short Of Promise, Says New Review - Science
Daily, 10/21/06
Widely Prescribed Diabetes Drug Falls Short of Promise, Says New Review -
Doctor's Guide, 10/18/06
Cochrane: Pioglitazone
benefit unclear - Medscape, 10/18/06 -
"They found that these studies did not provide
convincing evidence that patient-oriented outcomes such as mortality, morbidity,
adverse effects, costs, and health-related quality of life are positively
influenced by pioglitazone. Metabolic control measured by glycosylated
hemoglobin A1c as a surrogate end point did not demonstrate clinically relevant
differences from other oral antidiabetic drugs, and the occurrence of edema was
significantly raised with pioglitazone ... Metformin should be the first drug of
'Diabetes' Treatment Stops Alzheimer's - WebMD, 9/25/06 -
"Alzheimer's disease is really "type 3 diabetes" -- that
is, a kind of brain diabetes ... The drug de la Monte and colleagues found so
useful for rats is very similar to two drugs currently used to treat diabetes:
Actos and Avandia. Known as "TZDs" or "glitazones," the drugs make the body's
cells more sensitive to insulin"
Pioglitazone HCl Demonstrates Significant Improvements in Cardiovascular
Outcomes for High-Risk Patients with Type 2 Diabetes - Doctor's Guide,
9/14/06 - "Compared to placebo, patients treated with
Actos demonstrated statistically significant risk reductions of heart attacks
(23%, P =.046), the combined risk of cardiovascular death, nonfatal heart attack
or nonfatal stroke (18%, P =.020) and the combined risk of all-cause mortality,
nonfatal heart attack, nonfatal stroke or acute coronary syndrome (17%, P
Pioglitazone Reduces Risk of Second Stroke in Diabetic Patients; No Impact Seen
on Risk of First Ever Events - Doctor's Guide, 9/5/06
PROactive: Pioglitazone
Reduces Recurrent Stroke in Patients with Diabetes - Medscape, 9/4/06 -
"the risk of recurrent stroke was reduced among patients with a history of
stroke for those treated with pioglitazone relative to those not treated, from
10% to about 5% in treated patients, a significant reduction ... Biochemical and
diabetic changes from baseline showed a greater reduction in HbA1c, systolic and
diastolic BP, and triglycerides, even more of an increase in HDL cholesterol and
more of a decrease in the LDL/HDL ratio with pioglitazone treatment"
Diabetes Drug Shows Promise in Treating Alzheimer's - Doctor's Guide,
7/17/06 - "Treatment of high blood sugar may have a
scientific connection to memory loss that could, one day, benefit millions of
people with Alzheimer's Disease ... The drug, called pioglitazone HCl"
Diabetes Drug Shows Promise In Treating Alzheimer's - Science Daily,
Women Gain More Weight Than Men When Taking Thiazolidinedione - Doctor's
Guide, 5/3/06 - "Among the 100 consecutive patients
treated with thiazolidinediones, 52 gained significant weight. There were
more women in the group of weight-gainers compared to the group of
non-weight-gainers (63.5% vs. 37.5%, P <.05)"
Higher Risk Patients Benefit More After Conversion from Pioglitazone to
Rosiglitazone - Doctor's Guide, 5/3/06 -
"conversion from rosiglitazone to pioglitazone while
maintaining statin therapy, improves the lipid profiles in patients with
type 2 diabetes"
Pioglitazone Has Cholesterol Advantages Versus Rosiglitazone in Elderly
Diabetics - Doctor's Guide, 5/2/06 -
"patients receiving pioglitazone showed improvements
from baseline compared with rosiglitazone in TG, HDL-C, as well as LCL-C
particle concentration and size ... Although both agents increased HDL-C,
the increase achieved with pioglitazone was significantly greater"
Rosiglitazone and Pioglitazone on Cardiovascular Risk - Medscape, 4/3/06
Insulin Sensitizers Cut Cognitive Decline in AD - Clinical Psychiatry
News, 4/06 - "There is a critical relationship
between insulin resistance and key aspects of brain function ... patients
taking rosiglitazone performed significantly better than those taking
placebo on a delayed memory task (the Buschke Selective Reminding Test)"
Newer Diabetic Meds Cost More, But Users Have Fewer Hospital Visits -
Science Daily, 3/24/06 - "Taking a TZD as instructed
was the strongest predictor of a reduced risk of hospitalization and
decreased healthcare costs in this group of patients ... Overall, the
participants who took a TZD spent an average of $76 to $150 less per month
on total healthcare costs"
Pioglitazone Treatment Reduces Risk of Second Heart Attack in Diabetics
- Doctor's Guide, 11/18/05
ACTOplus met (pioglitazone HCl and metformin HCl) Now Available in U.S.
Pharmacies - Doctor's Guide, 11/1/05
Drug Can Reduce Risk of Death, Heart Attack, and Stroke in Diabetes Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 10/7/05
Actos Effective in Late-Stage Type 2 Diabetes - Doctor's Guide, 10/6/05
PROactive Study Shows Takeda's Actos (Pioglitazone HCl) Reduces Heart
Attacks, Strokes and Deaths - Doctor's Guide, 9/13/05
ACTOplus Met Approved by the FDA for Type 2 Diabetes - Doctor's Guide,
8/30/05 - "ACTOplus met combines ACTOS (pioglitazone
HCl) and metformin, two widely used diabetes medications, in a single
Review: Metformin a Top Diabetes Drug - WebMD, 7/19/05 -
"Though many of the newer drugs may promote weight
gain, metformin has been associated with modest weight losses in people with
type 2 diabetes"
- A Comparison of
Lipid and Glycemic Effects of Pioglitazone and Rosiglitazone in Patients
With Type 2 Diabetes and Dyslipidemia - Medscape, 7/14/05
Actos (Pioglitazone HCl) Significantly Improved Components of Diabetic
Dyslipidemia - Doctor's Guide, 6/29/05 -
"triglyceride levels decreased 12.0 percent in the
Actos patients, and rose 14.9 percent in the Avandia patients"
Pioglitazone May Decrease Cardiovascular Risk Factors Independent of
Glycemic Control - Medscape, 6/20/05 -
"A medication regimen for type 2 diabetes based on
pioglitazone is associated with higher HDL cholesterol levels, reduced CRP
levels, and improved carotid intima-media thickness, compared with a regimen
based on glimepiride. This effect appears independent of glycemic control"
Diabetes Drugs May Help Fight Inflammation - WebMD, 6/20/05 -
"the type 2 diabetes drugs Actos and Avandia may
help fight heart disease not only by improving blood sugar but also by
battling inflammation ... Carotid artery wall thickness, a measure of
arteries that supply the brain and an indicator of heart disease, also
improved with Actos"
Diabetes Drug Actos (pioglitazone HCl) Showed Anti-Inflammatory Effects in
Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in a Clinical Study - Doctor's Guide,
6/16/05 - "CRP decreased by 6.98 mg/L compared to
1.55 mg/L for placebo (p= 0.001). IL-6 decreased by 0.78 pg/mL compared to
0.22 pg/ml for placebo"
Investigative Drug Muraglitazar (Pargluva) Tops Pioglitazone (Actos) for
Blood Glucose Lowering and Lipid Control: Presented at ADA - Doctor's
Guide, 6/15/05
Long-Term, First-Line Monotherapy With Pioglitazone Improves Lipid Profiles
in Type 2 Diabetics: Presented at ADA - Doctor's Guide, 6/14/05
Treatment Switch from Rosiglitazone to Pioglitazone Improves Lipid Measures
in Type 2 Diabetics with Dyslipidemia: Presented at ADA - Doctor's
Guide, 6/14/05
Pioglitazone Lowers Blood Pressure in Patients With Diabetes - Medscape,
5/20/05 - "mean DBP values were lowered by -3.1mm Hg
and SBP values by -6.9mm Hg. In the stage II hypertension group, treatment
with pioglitazone lowered mean DBP values by -8.3mm Hg and SBP values by
-18.7mm Hg ... an average change of 2mm Hg will alter the incidence of
cardiovascular disease by 17% and ischaemic heart disease by 10% ...
Improving insulin sensitivity is associated with a decrease in blood
pressure" - See pioglitazone at
Diabetes Medication Pioglitazone HCl May Significantly Improve Predictors of
Cardiovascular Risk - Doctor's Guide, 5/10/05 -
"the diabetes medication pioglitazone HCl reduced
carotid artery intima-media thickness (IMT). Patients taking pioglitazone
also experienced significant reductions in insulin resistance, C-reactive
protein (a marker for inflammation) and blood pressure, all of which
contribute to the overall risk for cardiovascular disease"
- Pioglitazone and
Metformin Similarly Effective in Reducing HbA1c - Medscape, 12/13/04
Pioglitazone Associated With Substantial Regression in Carotid Intima-Media
Thickness in Diabetic Patients - Doctor's Guide, 11/10/04
Pioglitazone Plus Sulfonylurea/Metformin Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes
Improves Glucose Control with Fewer Hypoglycaemic Episodes than Insulin
- Doctor's Guide, 3/1/04
Repaglinide Plus Pioglitazone Improves Blood Glucose Control in Type 2
Diabetes Better Than Either Agent Alone - Doctor's Guide, 2/23/04
Repaglinide/Pioglitazone Combination Therapy Appears Safe, Effective for
Patients with Type 2 Diabetes - Doctor's Guide, 2/3/04
- Caution Urged
With Diabetes Drugs - WebMD, 12/8/03
Pioglitazone May Help Children With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus - Doctor's
Guide, 10/6/03
Pioglitazone Improves Cardiovascular Risk Profile of Patients with Type 2
Diabetes - Doctor's Guide, 10/2/03
Pioglitazone Exerts Antiatherogenic Effect Independent of Antidiabetic
Effect - Doctor's Guide, 9/15/03
Pioglitazone Decreases Dense LDL in Non-Diabetic Hypertensives -
Doctor's Guide, 9/15/03
Caution Urged on Popular Diabetes Drugs - HealthDay, 9/9/03
Pioglitazone And Rosiglitazone May Cause Heart Failure And Fluid Build-Up
- Doctor's Guide, 9/9/03
Studies Reveal Good News Regarding Liver Safety of Pioglitazone -
Doctor's Guide, 5/21/03
Pioglitazone/Sulfonylurea And Pioglitazone/Metaformin Combinations Both
Effective For Reducing Very Low Density Lipoproteins And Free Fatty Acids
- Doctor's Guide, 5/21/03
- Pioglitazone Helpful
in Diabetes Therapy - Medscape, 5/19/03
Pioglitazone Improves Insulin Sensitivity Compared To Metformin -
Doctor's Guide, 4/22/03
Rosiglitazone, Pioglitazone Safe for Type 2 Diabetes , But Effect on Lipid
Levels Should Be Considered - Doctor's Guide, 12/6/02
New Study Indicates Pioglitazone HCl/Metformin Combination Therapy Enhances
Glycemic Control in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes - Doctor's Guide,
11/7/02 -
"Diabetes patients taking the insulin sensitizer
pioglitazone HCl in combination with
metformin experienced significantly
greater improvement in
triglyceride levels than patients
maleate and metformin"
Pioglitazone Improves Lipid Profile in Hypertensive Patients - Doctor's
Guide, 9/5/02
Pioglitazone Has Better Effect on Lipid Profiles than Rosiglitazone -
Doctor's Guide, 6/17/02
Actos (Pioglitazone HCl) Improves Glucose Control And Lipid Profiles In
People With Type 2 Diabetes Who Use Insulin - Doctor's Guide, 5/31/02
Long-term Lipid Benefits of Pioglitazone Appear For Type 2 Diabetics -
Doctor's Guide, 5/3/02
Pioglitazone Controls Glycaemia And Blood Pressure, Increases Body Mass
Index - Doctor's Guide, 4/8/02
Actos (Pioglitazone) Shows Greater Improvement In Lipid Profiles Compared To
Rosiglitazone - Doctor's Guide, 3/21/02
- Weight Gain In Diabetics
On Pioglitazone Related To Shorter Disease Duration, Increased Adiposity
- Doctor's Guide, 6/25/01
- Pioglitazone Effectively
Reduces Blood Glucose Levels In Type 2 Diabetes - Doctor's Guide, 3/9/01
- Actos (Pioglitazone HCl)
Improves Glucose Control in Type 2 Diabetics - Doctor's Guide, 12/5/00
- Pioglitazone May Improve
Glycaemic Control In Combination With Sulphonylurea Therapy - Doctor's
Guide, 9/19/00
- Actos (Pioglitazone)
Improves Lipid Profiles In Patients With Type 2 Diabetes - Doctor's
Guide, 6/29/00
- Pioglitazone Corrects
Lipid Imbalance While Lowering Plasma Glucose - Doctor's Guide, 9/29/99
- Pioglitazone Causes Few,
If Any, Drug Interactions - Doctor's Guide, 9/29/99
- Actos Approved By FDA For
Type II Diabetes - Doctor's Guide, 7/16/99
improves endothelial and adipose tissue dysfunction in pre-diabetic CAD subjects
- Atherosclerosis. 2010 Dec 28 - "Pioglitazone
significantly improves endothelial and adipose tissue dysfunction in
pre-diabetic patients with CAD"
Effects of
pioglitazone vs metformin on circulating endothelial microparticles and
progenitor cells in patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes - a randomized
controlled trial - Diabetes Obes Metab. 2011 Jan 21 -
"Participants assigned to pioglitazone gained more
weight and experienced greater improvements in some coronary risk measures
(HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, adiponectin, and C-reactive protein) than did
those assigned to metformin. Conclusion: Compared with metformin, pioglitazone
treatment improved the imbalance between endothelial damage and repair capacity,
and led to more favorable changes in coronary risk factors in patients with
newly-diagnosed type 2 diabetes"
Thiazolidinediones and congestive heart failure in veterans with type 2 diabetes
- Diabetes Obes Metab. 2010 Dec 6 - "The incidence of
CHF was higher in patients who were not treated with TZDs than in those who
received TZDs. After adjustment for multiple cardiac risk factors, the hazard
ratio for development of CHF for TZD versus non-TZD treated patients was 0.69
with a 95% confidence interval of 0.60 to 0.79"
Effects of
pioglitazone and metformin fixed-dose combination therapy on cardiovascular risk
markers of inflammation and lipid profile compared with pioglitazone and
metformin monotherapy in patients with type 2 diabetes - J Clin Hypertens
(Greenwich). 2010 Dec;12(12):973-82 - "fixed-dose
combination (FDC) of pioglitazone/metformin compared with the respective
monotherapies ... FDC and pioglitazone increased high-density lipoprotein
cholesterol by 14.20% and 9.88%, respectively, vs an increase of 6.09% with
metformin (P<.05, metformin vs FDC). Triglycerides decreased with all three
treatments -5.95%, -5.54% and -1.78%, respectively; P=not significant). FDC and
pioglitazone significantly decreased small low-density lipoprotein and increased
large low-density lipoprotein particle concentrations. Reductions in
high-sensitivity C-reactive protein were greater in the FDC and pioglitazone
groups. Increases in adiponectin were significant in the FDC and pioglitazone
groups (P<.0001 vs metformin). Overall, adverse events were not higher with the
FDC. Thus, treatment with the FDC resulted in improved levels of CV biomarkers,
which were better than or equal to monotherapy"
effects of ascorbic acid and thiazolidinedione on secretion of high molecular
weight adiponectin from human adipocytes - Diabetes Obes Metab. 2010
Dec;12(12):1084-9 - "AA
supplementation significantly increased secretion of HMW
adiponectin (1.7-fold) without altering
adiponectin expression or total adiponectin secretion. TZD significantly
increased expression (3-fold) and secretion of total (1.4-fold) but not HMW
adiponectin. Combined supplementation resulted in a significant increase in
expression (3-fold) and secretion of total (1.8-fold) and HMW (5-fold)
adiponectin. Similar results were seen in cells co-treated with TNFα" -
See my
adiponectin page. High adiponectin is a good
thing. Actos (pioglitazone) is a TZD and is something I've been taking for
anti-aging for some time. Not only does it increase adiponectin but it
increases insulin sensitivity. See my
Insulin and Aging page. See pioglitazone
redistribution preferentially reflects the anti-inflammatory benefits of
pioglitazone treatment - Metabolism. 2010 Jan 19 -
"high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) ... Pioglitazone treatment for 12
weeks decreased serum hsCRP levels (0.83 [1.14] to 0.52 [0.82] mg/L, P < .001)
and improved glycemic control (fasting glucose, P < .001; glycosylated
hemoglobin, P < .001) and lipid profiles (triglyceride, P = .016; high-density
lipoprotein cholesterol, P < .001). Between responders and nonresponders to the
hsCRP-lowering effect of pioglitazone, there were significant differences in
baseline hsCRP levels and changes in the postprandial glucose and the ratio of
visceral fat thickness (VFT) to subcutaneous fat thickness (SFT) (P = .004,
.011, and .001, respectively). The percentage change in hsCRP levels after
treatment was inversely correlated with baseline hsCRP levels (r = -0.497, P <
.001) and directly correlated with the change in postprandial glucose (r =
0.251, P = .021), VFT (r = 0.246, P = .030), and VFT/SFT ratio (r = 0.276, P =
.015). Logistic regression analysis revealed that the hsCRP-lowering effect of
pioglitazone was affected by baseline hsCRP levels (odds ratio [OR] = 7.929, P =
.007) as well as changes in postprandial 2-hour glucose (OR = 0.716, P = .025)
and VFT/SFT ratio (OR = 0.055, P = .009). In conclusion, treatment with
pioglitazone produced an anti-inflammatory effect, decreasing serum hsCRP
levels; and a decrease in the VFT/SFT ratio was independently and most strongly
associated with the hsCRP-decreasing effect. These results suggest that
abdominal fat redistribution preferentially reflects the anti-inflammatory
benefits of pioglitazone treatment"
Pioglitazone Reduces ER Stress in the Liver: Direct Monitoring of in vivo ER
Stress Using ER Stress-activated Indicator Transgenic Mice - Endocr J. 2009
Sep 29 - "8 weeks of pioglitazone treatment reduced the
accumulation of fat droplets in the liver and attenuated the development of
insulin resistance. In the liver of the ERAI transgenic mice, ERAI fluorescence
activity was clearly reduced as early as after 4 weeks of pioglitazone
treatment, preceding the improvement of insulin resistance. In addition, after
the pioglitazone treatment, serum free fatty acid and triglyceride levels were
decreased, and serum adiponectin levels were increased. These data indicate that
pioglitazone treatment suppresses ER stress in the liver which may explain, at
least in part, the pharmacological effects of pioglitazone to reduce insulin
cardiovascular risk--applying evidence-based medicine to glucose-lowering
therapy with thiazolidinediones in patients with type 2 diabetes - Int J
Clin Pract. 2009 Sep;63(9):1354-68 - "Pioglitazone is
the preferred thiazolidinedione to reduce cardiovascular risk in people with
type 2 diabetes"
Liver Safety
in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Treated with Pioglitazone: Results from a
3-Year, Randomized, Comparator-Controlled Study in the US - Drug Saf.
2009;32(9):787-800 - "No case of hepatic dysfunction or
hepatic failure was reported in either treatment group; two cases of hepatic
cirrhosis with glibenclamide were reported. This study demonstrates an hepatic
safety profile of pioglitazone similar to that of glibenclamide in long-term use
in patients with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes"
Pioglitazone, but not metformin, reduces liver fat in Type-2 diabetes mellitus
independent of weight changes - J Diabetes Complications. 2009 Jul 3 -
"metformin (Met) ... Pio plus the American Diabetes
Association diet (Pio+ADA) ... Pio plus a portion control weight loss diet
(Pio+PC) ... The Pio+ADA group gained (mean+/-S.E.M.) 2.15+/-1.09 kg, while
Pio+PC and Met+ADA group lost -2.59+/-1.25 and -3.21+/-0.7 kg, respectively.
Pio-treated groups (Pio+ADA and Pio+PC) significantly decreased hepatic fat as
indicated by increased liver density on CT scan [10.1+/-2.4: 11.4+/-1.0
Hounsfield units (HU)], compared with Met+ADA group (-2.4+/-3.1 HU). The Pio
groups demonstrated significantly increased serum adiponectin, (8.6+/-1.5;
7.4+/-1.6 mug/ml) independent of weight change, compared to Met+ADA (-0.14+/-0.6
mugm/ml) group which lost weight. Serum hs-CRP decreased in groups showing
weight loss (Pio+PC, -3.1+/-1.7 mg/l; Met+ADA, -1.5+/-1.2 mg/l) compared to
Pio+ADA (1.8+/-3.0 mg/l) group that gained weight" - Note: This is just
one of the many reasons I take pioglitazone even though I don't have diabetes.
pioglitazone increases serum high molecular weight adiponectin and improves
glycemic control in Japanese patients with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes
- Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2009 Jun 20 - "7.5mg/day of
pioglitazone ... adiponectin increased markedly from 5.2 (2.4, 8.6)mug/ml at
baseline to 9.8 (4.1, 12.6)mug/ml"
might prevent the progression of slowly progressive type 1 diabetes - Intern
Med. 2009;48(12):1037-9 - "We report a slowly
progressive type 1 diabetic patient whose insulin production was preserved for 4
years (SigmaC-peptide from 29.48 ng/mL to 24.58 ng/mL) using pioglitazone
despite a high titer of anti-GAD antibody (GADA; 120.7 U/mL). This case suggests
that pioglitazone might prevent or delay the loss of insulin secretion and
insulin dependency in slowly progressive type 1 diabetic patients" - See
pioglitazone at
Improves Endothelial Function with Increased Adiponectin and High-density
Lipoprotein Cholesterol Levels in Type 2 Diabetes - Endocr J. 2009 Jun 9 -
"After treatment, HbA1c levels equally decreased in both
groups, but PIO-treated group had significantly increased high-density
lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels, and decreased triglyceride, fasting
insulin levels and HOMA-R. After treatment, increases in %FMD, plasma HDL-C and
adiponectin (APN) levels were significantly greater in PIO-treated group than
those in control group. Changes of %FMD showed significant positive correlations
with those of plasma APN and HDL-C levels. In conclusion, the present study
showed that treatment of T2DM improved endothelial function with greater
increases in %FMD, APN and HDL-C levels in PIO-treated group than those in
control group, suggesting the beneficial effect of PIO on endothelial function
in T2DM"
pioglitazone therapy improves arterial stiffness in patients with type 2
diabetes mellitus - Metabolism. 2009 Jun;58(6):739-45 -
"pioglitazone improved abnormal arterial stiffness in
patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus via a mechanism beyond the metabolic
Improves Cardiac Function and Alters Myocardial Substrate Metabolism Without
Affecting Cardiac Triglyceride Accumulation and High-Energy Phosphate Metabolism
in Patients With Well-Controlled Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus - Circulation.
2009 Apr 6 - "were assigned to pioglitazone (30 mg/d) or
metformin (2000 mg/d) and matching placebo for 24 weeks ... No patient developed
heart failure. Both therapies similarly improved glycemic control, whole-body
insulin sensitivity, and blood pressure. Pioglitazone versus metformin improved
the early peak flow rate (P=0.047) and left ventricular compliance. Pioglitazone
versus metformin increased myocardial glucose uptake (P<0.001), but
pioglitazone-related diastolic improvement was not associated with changes in
myocardial substrate metabolism. Metformin did not affect myocardial function
but decreased cardiac work relative to pioglitazone (P=0.006), a change that was
paralleled by a reduced myocardial glucose uptake and fatty acid oxidation.
Neither treatment affected cardiac high-energy phosphate metabolism or
triglyceride content. Only pioglitazone reduced hepatic triglyceride content"
- I still take pioglitazone even though I don't have diabetes because I feel
that higher glucose levels are a major cause of aging. There doesn't seem to be
any evidence that it has the heart rises that rosiglitazone has. See
Pioglitazone at
Thiazolidinediones: effects on the development and progression of type 2
diabetes and associated vascular complications - Diabetes Metab Res Rev.
2009 Feb 13;25(2):112-126 - "In 2008, an update of an
American Diabetes Association-European Association for the Study of Diabetes
consensus statement on initiation and adjustment of therapy in patients with
type 2 diabetes advised clinicians against using rosiglitazone. Skeletal
fractures have recently emerged as a side effect of both TZDs. Available data
suggest that cardiovascular benefits observed with pioglitazone might not be a
class effect of TZDs"
Thiazolidinediones inhibit REG Ialpha gene transcription in gastrointestinal
cancer cells - Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2008 Dec 29 -
"TZDs may therefore be a candidate for novel anti-cancer
drugs for patients with gastrointestinal cancer expressing both REG Ialpha and
and heart failure: results from a controlled study in patients with type 2
diabetes mellitus and systolic dysfunction - Congest Heart Fail. 2008
Nov-Dec;14(6):335 - "Pioglitazone was associated with a
higher incidence of hospitalization for HF without an increase in cardiovascular
mortality or worsening cardiac function (by echocardiography)"
Pioglitazone effects on
blood pressure in patients with metabolic syndrome - Nippon Rinsho. 2008
Aug;66(8):1591-5 - "Although blood pressure lowering
effect of pioglitazone is small, several clinical trials and a meta-analysis
indicated that it decreases both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
Pioglitazone has favorable effects on important components of metabolic syndrome
including blood pressure"
Acarbose Treatment Increases Serum Total Adiponectin Levels in Patients with
Type 2 Diabetes - Endocr J. 2008 May 15 - "Treatment
with acarbose and pioglitazone decreased HbA1c values by 0.49 % and 0.63 %,
respectively. Pioglitazone, as expected, increased serum levels of total
adiponectin by 2.1 fold and its high
molecular weight isoform by 3.6 fold. We found that acarbose also caused a small
but significant increase in serum concentrations of total adiponectin. However,
in contrast to pioglitazone, no appreciable changes were observed in the levels
of high molecular weight adiponectin"
Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor gamma agonism modifies the effects of
growth hormone on lipolysis and insulin sensitivity - Clin Endocrinol (Oxf).
2008 Mar 10 - "Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated
Receptor gamma (PPARgamma) agonists such as
thiazolidinediones (TZD)
improve insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetes via effects on fat metabolism,
growth hormone (GH) stimulates
lipolysis and induces
insulin resistance ...Randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind
parallel-group study including 20 GH-deficient patients on continued GH
replacement therapy. The patients were studied before and after 12 weeks ...
Adiponectin levels almost doubled during pioglitazone treatment (P = 0.0001).
Pioglitazone significantly decreased basal free fatty acid levels (P = 0.02) and
lipid oxidation (P = 0.02). Basal glucose oxidation rate (P = 0.004) and insulin
sensitivity (P = 0.03) improved in the patients who received pioglitazone
treatment. The change in insulin-stimulated adiponectin level after pioglitazone
treatment was positively correlated to the change in insulin-stimulated total
glucose disposal (R = 0.69 ... The impact of GH on lipolysis and insulin
sensitivity is modifiable by administration administration of TZD"
PPARgamma agonist pioglitazone is effective in the MPTP mouse model of
Parkinson's disease through inhibition of monoamine oxidase B - Br J
Pharmacol. 2008 Mar 10 - "The peroxisome
proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPARgamma) agonist pioglitazone has
previously been shown to attenuate dopaminergic cell loss in the
1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) mouse model of Parkinson's
disease, an effect attributed to its anti-inflammatory properties. In the
present investigation, we provide evidence that pioglitazone is effective in the
MPTP mouse model, not via an anti-inflammatory action, but through inhibition of
MAO-B, the enzyme required to biotransform MPTP to its active neurotoxic
metabolite 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+) ... Mice treated with MPTP showed
deficits in motor performance, marked depletions in striatal dopamine levels and
a concomitant reduction in TH immunoreactivity in the substantia nigra.
Pretreatment with pioglitazone completely prevented these effects of MPTP.
However, pretreatment with pioglitazone also significantly inhibited the
MPTP-induced production of striatal MPP+ and the activity of MAO-B in the
Pioglitazone improves myocardial blood flow and glucose utilization in
nondiabetic patients with combined hyperlipidemia a randomized, double-blind,
placebo-controlled study - J Am Coll Cardiol. 2007 Nov 20;50(21):2051-8 -
"myocardial glucose utilization (MGU) and blood flow
(MBF) in nondiabetic patients with familial combined hyperlipidemia (FCHL) ...
in the pioglitazone group HDL cholesterol (+28%; p = 0.003) and adiponectin
(+156.2%; p = 0.0001) were increased and plasma insulin (-35%; p = 0.017) was
reduced ... In patients with FCHL treated with conventional lipid-lowering
therapy, the addition of pioglitazone led to significant improvements in MGU and
MBF, with a favorable effect on blood lipid and metabolic parameters"
Thiazolidinediones: A novel class of drugs for the prevention of diabetic
nephropathy? - Kidney Int. 2007 Dec;72(11):1301-1303 -
"Miyazaki et al. report that rosiglitazone, a
thiazolidinedione insulin sensitizer and a potent peroxisome
proliferator-activated receptor gamma agonist, not only effectively improves
glycemic control but also halts progression of albuminuria in type 2 diabetic
patients with early-stage diabetic nephropathy. These findings could offer a new
prevention of diabetic nephropathy in insulin-resistant diabetic patients"
Renoprotection provided by losartan in combination with pioglitazone is superior
to renoprotection provided by losartan alone in patients with type 2 diabetic
nephropathy - Kidney Blood Press Res. 2007;30(4):203-11 -
"Renoprotection conferred by losartan combined with
pioglitazone is superior to that conferred by losartan alone in subjects with
type 2 diabetic nephropathy. The combination is generally well tolerated"
Congestive heart failure and cardiovascular death in patients with prediabetes
and type 2 diabetes given thiazolidinediones: a meta-analysis of randomised
clinical trials - Lancet. 2007 Sep 29;370(9593):1129-36 -
"Compared with controls, patients given TZDs had
increased risk for development of congestive heart failure across a wide
background of cardiac risk (relative risk [RR] 1.72, 95% CI 1.21-2.42, p=0.002).
By contrast, the risk of cardiovascular death was not increased with either of
the two TZDs (0.93, 0.67-1.29, p=0.68) ... Congestive heart failure in patients
given TZDs might not carry the risk that is usually associated with congestive
heart failure which is caused by progressive systolic or diastolic dysfunction
of the left ventricle"
Pioglitazone Exerts Protective Effects Against Stroke in Stroke-Prone
Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats, Independently of Blood Pressure - Stroke.
2007 Sep 20 - "Our work provides the first evidence that
pioglitazone significantly protects against hypertension-induced cerebrovascular
injury and stroke by improving vascular endothelial dysfunction, inhibiting
brain inflammation, and reducing oxidative stress. These beneficial effects of
pioglitazone were independent of blood pressure or blood sugar values. Thus,
pioglitazone appears to be a potential therapeutic agent for stroke in type 2
diabetes with hypertension"
Rationale for the use of insulin sensitizers to prevent cardiovascular events in
type 2 diabetes mellitus - Am J Med. 2007 Sep;120(9 Suppl 2):S18-25 -
"TZDs, acting via the peroxisome proliferator-activated
receptor-gamma, affect a number of mediators involved in the development of the
cardiovascular complications of diabetes, including lipid profiles, vascular
changes, and inflammatory mediators. TZDs decrease plasminogen activator-1 and
C-reactive protein levels. They also reduce the extent of thickening of the
carotid artery and reduce hyperplasia after coronary stent implantation.
Insulin-sensitizing therapy with TZDs is a promising intervention for patients
with diabetes at risk for adverse cardiovascular outcomes"
Pioglitazone and Risk of Cardiovascular Events in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Mellitus: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Trials - JAMA. 2007 Sep
12;298(10):1180-1188 - "Pioglitazone is associated with
a significantly lower risk of death, myocardial infarction, or stroke among a
diverse population of patients with diabetes. Serious heart failure is increased
by pioglitazone, although without an associated increase in mortality"
The cardiovascular effects of the thiazolidinediones: a review of the clinical
data - J Diabetes Complications. 2007 Sep-Oct;21(5):326-34 -
"Beyond glycemic control, the thiazolidinediones (TZDs)
provide numerous cardiovascular benefits. Clinical data support a role for the
TZDs in lowering blood pressure, correcting dyslipidemia, improving vascular
structure and function, decreasing inflammation, improving the adipokine
profile, reducing systemic oxidative stress, and possibly in stabilizing
coronary plaques that may be prone to rupture ... Reported side effects of the
TZDs include fluid retention, worsening of heart failure, and weight gain"
Effects of early use of pioglitazone in combination with metformin in patients
with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes - Curr Med Res Opin. 2007
Aug;23(8):1775-81 - "early use of combination therapy at
time of diagnosis or within the first 3-6 months following diagnosis with
metformin plus pioglitazone in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes results in a
slower deterioration in glycaemic control than that with metformin combined with
either gliclazide or repaglinide. This may be due to the beta-cell protective
properties of pioglitazone"
Effects of pioglitazone on lipid and lipoprotein metabolism - Diabetes Obes
Metab. 2007 Sep;9(5):640-7 - "In the monotherapy
setting, pioglitazone has been associated with greater decreases in TGs and
increases in HDL-C when compared with glibenclamide or metformin. Studies
investigating the effects of pioglitazone add-on therapy to either metformin or
sulphonylurea treatments have shown sustained improvements in serum levels of
TGs and HDL-C and favourable effects on LDL-C particle size. In comparison with
rosiglitazone, pioglitazone has different and potentially favourable effects on
plasma lipids. The recent PROspective pioglitAzone Clinical Trial In
macroVascular Events study has given weight to the hypothesis that the
beneficial metabolic effects of pioglitazone may be associated with reductions
in cardiovascular risk in patients with type 2 diabetes" - Note: When I
switched from pioglitazone to rosiglitazone, my HDL when from 57 to 47. I'm
switching back when I run out of rosiglitazone. I've been taking them to
prevent diabetes.
Effects of pioglitazone on lipid and lipoprotein metabolism - Diabetes Obes
Metab. 2007 Sep;9(5):640-7 - "In the monotherapy
setting, pioglitazone has been associated with greater decreases in TGs and
increases in HDL-C when compared with glibenclamide or metformin. Studies
investigating the effects of pioglitazone add-on therapy to either metformin or
sulphonylurea treatments have shown sustained improvements in serum levels of
TGs and HDL-C and favourable effects on LDL-C particle size. In comparison with
rosiglitazone, pioglitazone has different and potentially favourable effects on
plasma lipids. The recent PROspective pioglitAzone Clinical Trial In
macroVascular Events study has given weight to the hypothesis that the
beneficial metabolic effects of pioglitazone may be associated with reductions
in cardiovascular risk in patients with type 2 diabetes"
Effects of thiazolidinediones on blood pressure - Curr Hypertens Rep. 2007
Aug;9(4):332-7 - "The magnitude of reduction appears to
be about 4 to 5 mm Hg in systolic and 2 to 4 mm Hg in diastolic BP-sufficient to
significantly reduce subsequent cardiovascular event rates"
Pioglitazone Use and Heart Failure in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and
Preexisting Cardiovascular Disease: Data from the PROactive Study (PROactive 08)
- Diabetes Care. 2007 Jul 31 - "serious HF (SHF) ...
More pioglitazone (5.7%) than placebo patients (4.1%) had a SHF event during the
study (P=0.007). However, mortality due to HF was similar (25/2605 [0.96%] for
pioglitazone versus 22/2633 [0.84%] for placebo; P=0.639). Among patients with a
SHF event, subsequent all-cause mortality was proportionately lower with
pioglitazone (40/149 [26.8%]) versus 37/108 [34.3%] with placebo; P=0.1338).
Proportionately fewer pioglitazone patients with SHF went on to have an event in
the primary (47.7% with pioglitazone versus 57.4% with placebo; P=0.0593) or
main secondary endpoint (34.9% with pioglitazone versus 47.2% with placebo;
Pioglitazone Decreases Ambulatory Blood Pressure in Type 2 Diabetics With
Difficult-to-Control Hypertension - J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2007
Jul;9(7):530-7 - "add-on therapy with pioglitazone 30 to
45 mg for 20 weeks. After 20 weeks of treatment, 24-hour ambulatory BP
monitoring showed significant reductions (from 144+/-13 to 136+/-16 mm Hg
systolic BP and from 79+/-9 to 76+/-10 mm Hg diastolic BP [P=.001]). Treatment
was also associated with improvements in insulin sensitivity and glycemic and
lipid profile"
The impact of thiazolidinedione use on outcomes in ambulatory patients with
diabetes mellitus and heart failure - J Am Coll Cardiol. 2007 Jul
3;50(1):32-6 - "In ambulatory patients with established
HF and diabetes, the use of TZDs was not associated with an increased risk of HF
hospitalization or total mortality when compared with those not receiving
insulin-sensitizing medications"
Pioglitazone and Rosiglitazone Have Different Effects on Serum Lipoprotein
Particle Concentrations and Sizes in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and
Dyslipidemia - Diabetes Care. 2007 Jun 26 -
"PIO-treatment increased total VLDL particle concentration less than
ROSI-treatment and decreased VLDL particle size more than ROSI. PIO-treatment
reduced total LDL particle concentration whereas ROSI-treatment increased it.
Both treatments increased LDL particle size, with PIO-treatment having a greater
effect. Whereas PIO-treatment increased total HDL particle concentration and
size, ROSI-treatment decreased them; both increased HDL cholesterol levels"
Pioglitazone has anti-inflammatory effects in patients with Type 2 diabetes
- J Endocrinol Invest. 2007 Apr;30(4):292-7 -
"Pioglitazone treatment results in reduced A1GP concentration suggesting an
anti-inflammatory effect"
The effect of pioglitazone on recurrent myocardial infarction in 2,445 patients
with type 2 diabetes and previous myocardial infarction: results from the
PROactive (PROactive 05) Study - J Am Coll Cardiol. 2007 May
1;49(17):1772-80 - "In high-risk patients with type 2
diabetes and previous MI, pioglitazone significantly reduced the occurrence of
fatal and nonfatal MI and ACS"
Treating the metabolic syndrome - Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther. 2007
May;5(3):491-506 - "appropriate treatment of MS
components often requires pharmacologic intervention with insulin-sensitizing
agents, such as metformin
and thiazolidinediones, while statins and
fibrates, or
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and
angiotensin II receptor blockers
are the first-line lipid-modifying or antihypertensive drugs"
Pioglitazone added to conventional lipid-lowering treatment in familial combined
hyperlipidaemia improves parameters of metabolic control: Relation to liver,
muscle and regional body fat content - Atherosclerosis. 2007 May 4 -
"Significantly improved in the pioglitazone group were:
triglyceride/HDL (atherogenic index of plasma) -32.3% (p=0.002), plasma glucose
-4.4% (p=0.03), alanine-aminotransferase (ALT) -7.7% (p=0.005) and adiponectin
130.1% (p=0.001). Pioglitazone treatment resulted in a significant increase in
total (5.3%, p=0.02) and subcutaneous (7.1%, p=0.003) adipose tissue as well as
in soleus-IMCL levels (47.4%, p=0.02) without alteration in intra-abdominal AT
or IHCL. Changes in ALT and AST and IHCL were strongly correlated (r=0.72,
p<0.01; r=.0.86, p<0.01, respectively). In patients with FCHL on conventional
lipid-lowering therapy, the addition of pioglitazone acts favourably on several
metabolic parameters"
Thiazolidinediones and the risk of lung, prostate, and colon cancer in patients
with diabetes - J Clin Oncol. 2007 Apr 20;25(12):1476-81 -
"We observed a 33% reduction in lung cancer risk among
TZD users compared with nonusers after adjusting for confounder interactions ...
The risk reduction for colorectal and prostate cancers did not reach statistical
Thiazolidinediones and vascular damage - Current Opinion in Endocrinology,
Diabetes & Obesity. 14(2):108-115, April 2007 -
"The thiazolidinedione class improves endothelial
vasomotion, inhibits inflammatory and procoagulant processes and has powerful
antiproliferative and antioxidant effects. Experimentally these agents retard
atherosclerosis development in predisposed animals. Clinical studies demonstrate
that they increase HDL cholesterol and LDL size, and may lower triglyceride
levels. They modestly lower blood pressure, reduce microalbuminuria, arterial
stiffness and reduce carotid wall thickening. These effects are generally
independent of glucose lowering and in many instances have been shown to occur
in nondiabetic subjects"
Effects of Pioglitazone in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes With or Without
Previous Stroke. Results From PROactive (PROspective pioglitAzone Clinical Trial
In macroVascular Events 04) - Stroke. 2007 Feb 8 -
"In a subgroup analysis from PROactive, pioglitazone
reduced the risk of recurrent stroke significantly in high-risk patients with
type 2 diabetes"
Effect of pioglitazone on atherogenic outcomes in type 2 diabetic patients: A
comparison of responders and non-responders - Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2007
Feb 1 - "These results strongly suggest that
pioglitazone is beneficial for type 2 diabetic patients with high levels of BMI,
HOMA-IR, LDL-C, and RLP-C, as it helps to prevent the progression of
atherosclerosis, including coronary heart diseases"
Metabolic effects of pioglitazone and rosiglitazone in patients with diabetes
and metabolic syndrome treated with metformin - Intern Med J. 2007
Feb;37(2):79-86 - "Significant total cholesterol,
low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol,
triglycerides, apolipoprotein A-I, and apolipoprotein B improvement was observed
in pioglitazone group after 12 months, but not in the rosiglitazone group"
Comparison of the effects of pioglitazone and metformin on insulin resistance
and hormonal markers in patients with impaired glucose tolerance and early
diabetes - Hypertens Res. 2007 Jan;30(1):23-30 -
"pioglitazone was superior to metformin for the
improvement of insulin resistance and adiponectin ... Early intervention with
pioglitazone or metformin therapy may reduce the incidence of future
cardiovascular disease in subjects with impaired glucose tolerance or early
Fenofibrate and pioglitazone improve endothelial function and reduce arterial
stiffness in obese glucose tolerant men - Atherosclerosis. 2006 Dec 2 -
"Pioglitazone and fenofibrate treatment of obese,
glucose tolerant men reduces inflammation, improves markers of endothelial
function and reduces arterial stiffness. These results suggest that treatment
with PPAR agonists has potential to reduce the incidence of premature
cardiovascular disease associated with obesity"
Effects of rosiglitazone and pioglitazone combined with metformin on the
prothrombotic state of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and metabolic
syndrome - J Int Med Res. 2006 Sep-Oct;34(5):545-55 -
"In patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and metabolic
syndrome, the combination of metformin plus thiazolidinediones improved
glycaemic control and produced a slight but significant reduction in plasminogen
activator inhibitor-1 levels"
Effect of Pioglitazone Compared With Glimepiride on Carotid Intima-Media
Thickness in Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Trial - JAMA, 12/6/06 -
"Carotid artery intima-media thickness (CIMT) is a
marker of coronary atherosclerosis and independently predicts cardiovascular
events ... Over an 18-month treatment period in patients with type 2 DM,
pioglitazone slowed progression of CIMT compared with
Assessment of left ventricular diastolic function with pioglitazone in type 2
diabetic patients - J Cardiol. 2006 Nov;48(5):263-7 -
"Pioglitazone administration improves and cessation
worsens left ventricular diastolic function"
A placebo-controlled trial of pioglitazone in subjects with nonalcoholic
steatohepatitis - N Engl J Med. 2006 Nov 30;355(22):2297-307 -
"Diet plus pioglitazone, as compared with diet plus
placebo, improved glycemic control and glucose tolerance (P<0.001), normalized
liver aminotransferase levels as it decreased plasma aspartate aminotransferase
levels (by 40% vs. 21%, P=0.04), decreased alanine aminotransferase levels (by
58% vs. 34%, P<0.001), decreased hepatic fat content (by 54% vs. 0%, P<0.001),
and increased hepatic insulin sensitivity (by 48% vs. 14%"
Metformin and pioglitazone: Effectively treating insulin resistance - Curr
Med Res Opin. 2006;22 Suppl 2:S27-37 -
"The different insulin-sensitizing mechanisms of
metformin and the thiazolidinediones are manifest in partially distinct effects
on hepatic and peripheral glucose homeostasis, and clinical studies show
improved glucose control with combination therapy. Both metformin and
thiazolidinediones may also have pancreatic beta-cell preserving properties.
Furthermore, they have different beneficial effects on several other metabolic
risk markers and risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Whereas the
thiazolidinediones (particularly pioglitazone) have greater effects on multiple
aspects of dyslipidemia, metformin has anorexigenic properties. They also have
distinct effects on levels of mediators involved in inflammation and endothelial
dysfunction, and outcome studies suggest that either pioglitazone or metformin
may reduce the risk of macrovascular events"
A fixed-dose combination of pioglitazone and metformin: A promising alternative
in metabolic control - Curr Med Res Opin. 2006;22 Suppl 2:S39-48 -
"Pioglitazone increases insulin sensitivity, while
metformin reduces hepatic gluconeogenesis and improves peripheral glucose
uptake. Both agents reduce hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia, and appear to
protect beta-cell function ... In randomized studies, pioglitazone and metformin
administered separately provided significantly better glycemic control than
metformin monotherapy or metformin plus gliclazide. Pioglitazone and metformin
have complimentary benefits on diabetic dyslipidemia; pioglitazone primarily
improves high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglyceride levels (to a
greater extent than rosiglitazone does), while metformin mainly improves total
cholesterol. Pioglitazone and metformin also modulate other atherosclerosis
biomarkers, including inflammatory mediators, coagulation thrombosis components,
and carotid intima media thickness. Together, these pleiotropic effects have the
potential to confer a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease in patients with
type 2 diabetes. Pioglitazone and metformin are well tolerated in combination,
with low rates of hypoglycemia, and the convenience of a single tablet may be
expected to aid dosing compliance"
Hepatic safety profile and glycemic control of pioglitazone in more than 20,000
patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: Postmarketing surveillance study in
Japan - Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2006 Nov 14 - "No
case of hepatic failure was reported, and neither temporal nor dose relations
were found between pioglitazone and ALT abnormalities"
Long-term Safety of Pioglitazone versus Glyburide in Patients with Recently
Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus - Pharmacotherapy. 2006
Oct;26(10):1388-95 - "With long-term treatment, both
glyburide and pioglitazone resulted in comparable glycemic control; however,
pioglitazone was associated with less hypoglycemia and fewer withdrawals due to
lack of efficacy or adverse events"
Pioglitazone: an antidiabetic drug with cardiovascular therapeutic effects -
Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther. 2006 Jul;4(4):445-59 -
"the use of pioglitazone in addition to an existing
optimized macrovascular risk management resulted in a significant reduction of
macrovascular endpoints within a short observation period that was comparable to
the effect of statins and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors in other
Metformin-pioglitazone and metformin-rosiglitazone effects on non-conventional
cardiovascular risk factors plasma level in type 2 diabetic patients with
metabolic syndrome - J Clin Pharm Ther. 2006 Aug;31(4):375-83 -
"Significant TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, TG improvement was
present in the pioglitazone group at 12 months compared with the baseline
values, and these variations were significantly different between groups. No TC,
LDL-C, TG improvement was present in the rosiglitazone group after 12 months.
Significant Lp(a) and HCT improvement was present in the pioglitazone group at
12 months compared with the baseline values, and Lp(a) change was significant
compared with the rosiglitazone group. Significant HCT decrease was observed in
the rosiglitazone group at the end of the study"
Effects of pioglitazone versus glipizide on body fat distribution, body water
content, and hemodynamics in type 2 diabetes - Diabetes Care. 2006
Mar;29(3):510-4 - "pioglitazone increases total body
water, thereby accounting for the majority of weight gain, tended to decrease
visceral and abdominal fat content and blood pressure, and reduces systemic
vascular resistance"
TNF-{alpha} induces endothelial dysfunction in diabetic adults, an effect
reversible by the PPAR-{gamma} agonist pioglitazone - Eur Heart J. 2006 Jun
8 - "Pioglitazone treatment can convey direct protection
against cytokine (TNF-alpha)-induced endothelial dysfunction in humans with an
increased cardiovascular risk due to type 2 diabetes"
Effect of pioglitazone on insulin sensitivity, vascular function and
cardiovascular inflammatory markers in insulin-resistant non-diabetic Asian
Indians - Diabet Med. 2006 May;23(5):537-43 - "These
agents may have a role in decreasing the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular
disease in this high-risk population"
Effects of pioglitazone on endothelial function, insulin sensitivity, and
glucose control in subjects with coronary artery disease and new-onset type 2
diabetes - Diabetes Care. 2006 May;29(5):1039-45 -
"After 12 weeks, endothelial dysfunction was
significantly better in the pioglitazone group ... Pioglitazone improves
endothelial dysfunction independently from the observed benefits on insulin
sensitivity and beta-cell function in patients with newly diagnosed type 2
diabetes and CAD"
Insulin resistance - a common link between type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular
disease - Diabetes Obes Metab. 2006 May;8(3):237-249 -
"In addition to lifestyle changes, PPARgamma agonists
such as thiazolidinediones are frequently beneficial and have been shown to
ameliorate insulin resistance, while activation of PPARalpha (e.g. by fibrates)
can lead to improvements in free fatty acid oxidation and lipid profile, and a
reduction in cardiovascular events. The development of agents with both
PPARalpha and PPARgamma activity promises added benefits with amelioration of
insulin resistance, delayed progression to and of type 2 diabetes and a
reduction of CVD"
Do thiazolidinediones cause heart failure? A critical review - Cleve
Clin J Med. 2006 Apr;73(4):390-7 - "TZDs, ie,
rosiglitazone and pioglitazone ... Although fluid retention is a worrisome
side effect of TZDs, current evidence does not link fluid retention caused
by TZDs with worsening heart function"
Thiazolidinedione (TZD) Use and Bone Loss in Older Diabetic Adults - J Clin
Endocrinol Metab. 2006 Apr 11 -
"each year of TZD use was associated with greater bone
loss at the whole body (additional loss of -0.61% per year; 95% CI: -1.02,
-0.21% per year), lumbar spine (-1.23% per year; 95% CI: -2.06, -0.40% per
year), and trochanter (-0.65% per year; 95% CI: -1.18, -0.12% per year) in
women, but not men, with diabetes"
Thiazolidinedione effects on blood pressure in diabetic patients with metabolic
syndrome treated with glimepiride - Hypertens Res. 2005 Nov;28(11):917-24 -
"the association of a thiazolinedione to the glimepiride treatment of type 2
diabetic subjects with metabolic syndrome is associated to a significant
improvement in the long-term blood pressure control, related to a reduction in
Proactive study: secondary cardiovascular prevention with pioglitazione in
type 2 diabetic patients - Rev Med Liege. 2005 Nov;60(11):896-901
Cardiovascular effects of the thiazolidinediones - Diabetes Metab Res
Rev. 2005 Sep 26 -
"thiazolidinediones have beneficial effects on the
cardiovascular system independent of their antidiabetic effect. Studies in
animals have clearly shown that thiazolidinediones decrease blood pressure,
left ventricular hypertrophy, development of atherosclerotic lesions, and
protect myocardium from ischemia/reperfusion injury"
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