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The Effect of Curcuma longa
on Inflammatory Mediators and Immunological, Oxidant, and Antioxidant Biomarkers
in Asthmatic Rats - Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2021 Nov 12 -
"The effects of Curcuma longa (C. longa) on total and
differential WBC, inflammatory and immunologic mediators, and oxidant and
antioxidant biomarkers in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) of rats model of
asthma were assessed ... Compared to dexamethasone, C. longa exerted more
pronounced effects on lung inflammation, oxidative stress, and immune system in
asthmatic rats" - See curcumin at Amazon.com.
Randomized, Placebo
Controlled, Double Blinded Pilot Superiority Phase 2 Trial to Evaluate the
Effect of Curcumin in Moderate to Severe Asthmatics - Medscape, 10/7/21 -
"With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, asthmatics
have become even more vulnerable and have been found to be especially
susceptible to more severe COVID-19 infections. As a result, this study has not
been able to take place as was previously scheduled due to on-going safety
concerns regarding the initial encounter because patients will need to be seen
in clinic rather than via telecommunications which have predominated since the
onset of the pandemic. However, it is important to recognize that the pandemic
has spurred physicians to think outside the box for medical management by
exploring the benefits of various cost-effective supplements, such as Vitamin D
and curcumin. In fact, curcumin has been shown to inhibit the angiotensin-converting
enzyme2 (ACE-2) pathway within the lungs, and as such, has been theorized to
protect against the development of acute respiratory distress (ARDS) or acute
lung injury (ALI), two lung processes that are commonly associated with lethal
COVID-19 infections.[23] Therefore, we hope our study will shed light on the
utility of curcumin and its role in reducing lung inflammation" - See
curcumin at Amazon.com and
dust microorganisms may boost children's health, study suggests - Science
Daily, 11/19/20 - "The correlation suggests that
microorganisms may reduce a child's risk of developing asthma, allergies and
autoimmune diseases later on in life. Invisible to the human eye, our beds are
teeming with microbial life. It is life that, especially during early childhood,
can affect how microorganisms in our bodies develop, and thereby how resilient
we become to various diseases."
Higher Omega-3 Index Is
Associated with Better Asthma Control and Lower Medication Dose: A
Cross-Sectional Study - Nutrients. 2019 Dec 27;12(1) -
"Asthma is a chronic inflammatory airway disease, associated with systemic
inflammation. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) have established
anti-inflammatory effects, thus having potential as an adjunct therapy in asthma
... Juniper Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ) ... A higher O3I was observed in
subjects with controlled or partially controlled asthma (ACQ < 1.5) compared to
subjects with uncontrolled asthma (ACQ ≥ 1.5) (6.0% (5.4-7.2) versus 5.6%
(4.6-6.4) p = 0.033). Subjects with a high O3I (≥8%) had a lower maintenance
dose of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) compared to those with a low O3I (<8%)
(1000 μg (400-1000) versus 1000 μg (500-2000) p = 0.019). This study
demonstrates that a higher O3I is associated with better asthma control and with
lower ICS dose, suggesting that a higher erythrocyte n-3 PUFA level may have a
role in asthma management" - See omega-3 supplements at Amazon.com.
Lower circulating zinc
and selenium levels are associated with an increased risk of asthma: evidence
from a meta-analysis - Public Health Nutr. 2019 Nov 5:1-8 -
"A total of twenty-six studies for Zn and forty studies
for Se were included in the meta-analysis. The overall analyses identified that
asthma patients had lower Zn (SMD = -0.40; 95 % CI -0.77, -0.03; I2 = 94.1 %)
and Se (SMD = -0.32; 95 % CI -0.48, -0.17; I2 = 90.9 %) levels in serum or
plasma compared with healthy controls. After removing the studies that
contributed to the heterogeneity, the pooled SMD were -0.26 (95 % CI -0.40,
-0.13; I2 = 37.42 %) for Zn and -0.06 (95 % CI -0.13, 0.02; I2 = 43.54 %) for Se
... Lower circulating Zn and Se levels might be associated with an increased
risk of asthma" - See Se-methyl l-selenocysteine
at Amazon.com.
D protects against severe asthma attacks - Science Daily, 10/3/17 -
"Vitamin D is thought to protect against such attacks by
boosting immune responses to respiratory viruses and dampening down harmful
airway inflammation ... vitamin D supplementation resulted in: ... a 30 per cent
reduction in the rate of asthma attacks requiring treatment with steroid tablets
or injections ... a 50 per cent reduction in the risk of experiencing at least
one asthma attack requiring Accident and Emergency Department attendance and/or
hospitalisation" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Fish Oil For Moms May Cut Kids' Asthma Risk - WebMD, 12/29/16 -
"randomly assigned 736 pregnant women to take either
fish oil capsules or a placebo every day during the third trimester. The placebo
capsules contained olive oil ... In the end, children in the fish-oil group were
about one-third less likely to develop asthma or persistent wheezing -- a sign
of asthma in very young children. By the age of 5, nearly 17 percent were
diagnosed with either condition, versus almost one-quarter of children in the
placebo group" - See
fish oil supplements at Amazon.com
easier: Get your vitamin D - Science Daily, 10/28/14 -
"Of some 21,000 asthma patients in Israel studied, those
with a Vitamin D deficiency were 25 percent more likely than other asthmatics to
have had at least one flare-up in the recent past" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
of intake of antioxidant vitamins and fatty acids with asthma in pre-school
children - Public Health Nutr. 2012 Oct 1:1-6 -
"Compared with children with the lowest intake tertile for vitamin C and vitamin
E, those in the highest were significantly inversely associated with asthma;
adjusted OR (95 % CI) were 0.35 (0.14, 0.88) and 0.32 (0.12, 0.85),
respectively. A statistically significant trend was also observed. Fruit intake
showed an inverse but insignificant association with asthma. There were no
associations of any type of fatty acids with asthma" - See
vitamin C products at Amazon.com
Jarrow FamilE (contains all eight members of the vitamin E family, includes
Tocomin) at Amazon.com .
Vitamin C may lessen harmful effects of air pollution- USA Today, 8/17/12 -
"Results showed that with every increase in course
particulate matter of 10 micrograms per cubic meter (mcg/m3), there was a 35
percent increased risk of hospital admission for people with asthma or COPD ...
However, the risk of admission was 1.2 times greater among people with low
levels of vitamin C" - See vitamin C at Amazon.com
attenuates allergic airway inflammation in mice - Biochem Biophys Res
Commun. 2012 Jul 26 - "Our data support the utility of
silibinin as a potential medicine for the treatment of asthma" - See
silymarin at Amazon.com
D deficiency and lung function in asthmatic children - Science Daily,
7/13/12 - "In our study of 1,024 children with mild to
moderate persistent asthma, those who were deficient in vitamin D levels showed
less improvement in pre-bronchodilator forced expiratory volume in 1 second
(FEV1) after one year of treatment with inhaled corticosteroids than children
with sufficient levels of vitamin D ... These results indicate that vitamin D
supplementation may enhance the anti-inflammatory properties of corticosteroids
in patients with asthma" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Low Vitamin D May
Blunt Effectiveness of Asthma Treatment - Medscape, 7/13/12 -
"In asthmatic children treated with inhaled
corticosteroids, vitamin D deficiency is associated with poorer lung function
than [in] children with vitamin D insufficiency or sufficiency ... the
investigators analyzed data from the Childhood Asthma Management Program, a
multicenter trial of 1041 children diagnosed with mild to moderate persistent
asthma ... Among children being treated with corticosteroids, those who were
vitamin D deficient were less likely than other children taking the same drug to
show big improvements in prebronchodilator FEV1 scores after 12 months of
treatment" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Asthma: Low Vitamin D
Linked to High IgE, Need for Steroids - Medscape, 3/22/12 -
"We suggest that supplementation with vitamin D should
be done in patients with asthma, both adults and children, to lower steroid
requirement and improve steroid response" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Lactobacillus gasseri suppresses Th17 pro-inflammatory response and attenuates
allergen-induced airway inflammation in a mouse model of allergic asthma -
Br J Nutr. 2011 Oct 14:1-10 - "Our results showed that
oral administration of a high dose of L. gasseri (4 × 106 CFU) decreased airway
responsiveness to methacholine, attenuated the influx of inflammatory cells to
the airways and reduced the levels of TNF-α, thymus and activation-regulated
chemokine (TARC) and IL-17A in BAL fluids of Der p-sensitised and -challenged
mice. Moreover, L. gasseri decreased IL-17A production in transforming growth
factor-α and IL-6 stimulated splenocytes and cell numbers of IL-17 producing
alveolar macrophages in L. gasseri-treated mice as compared to non-treated, Der
p-sensitised and -challenged mice. In conclusion, oral administration with L.
gasseri can attenuate major characteristics of allergen-induced airway
inflammation and IL-17 pro-inflammatory immune response in a mouse model of
allergic asthma, which may have clinical implication in the preventive or
therapeutic potential in allergic asthma" - See
probiotics at Amazon.com
D deficiency linked with airway changes in children with severe asthma -
Science Daily, 9/22/11 - "Children with severe
therapy-resistant asthma (STRA) may have poorer lung function and worse symptoms
compared to children with moderate asthma, due to lower levels of vitamin D in
their blood ... This study clearly demonstrates that low levels of vitamin D are
associated with poorer lung function, increased use of medication, worse
symptoms and an increase in the mass of airway smooth muscle in children with
STRA" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Synbiotics may protect kids from asthma: Danone study - Nutra USA, 1/12/11 -
"probiotics are defined as "live microorganisms which
when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host".
Prebiotics are "nondigestible substances that provide a beneficial physiological
effect on the host by selectively stimulating the favourable growth or activity
of a limited number of indigenous bacteria". Synbiotics are a combination of the
two ... One year after the study, data was available for 75 children, and this
showed that the absolute risk of asthma symptoms 'frequent wheezing' and
'wheezing and/or noisy breathing apart from colds' were 20 and 28 percent lower,
respectively, in the synbiotic group" - [Abstract]
- See
synbiotic products at iHerb.
Synbiotics prevent asthma-like symptoms in infants with atopic dermatitis -
Allergy. 2011 Feb;66(2):170-177 - "The prevalence of
'frequent wheezing' and 'wheezing and/or noisy breathing apart from colds' was
significantly lower in the synbiotic than in the placebo group (13.9%vs 34.2%,
absolute risk reduction (ARR) -20.3%, 95% CI -39.2% to -1.5%, and 2.8%vs 30.8%,
ARR -28.0%, 95% CI -43.3% to -12.5%, respectively). Significantly less children
in the synbiotic than in the placebo group had started to use asthma medication
after baseline (5.6%vs 25.6%, ARR -20.1%, 95% CI -35.7% to -4.5%)" - See
synbiotic products at iHerb.
D may treat or prevent allergy to common mold - Science Daily, 8/16/10 -
"The environmental mold, Aspergillus fumigatus, is
one of the most prevalent fungal organisms inhaled by people. In the vast
majority, it is not associated with disease. However, in asthmatics and in
patients with Cystic Fibrosis (CF), it can cause significant allergic symptoms.
Up to 15% of CF patients develop a severe allergic response called Allergic
Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis (ABPA) ... adding vitamin D not only
substantially reduced the production of the protein driving an allergic
response, but it also increased production of the proteins that promote
tolerance" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
vitamin D levels and severe asthma exacerbations in the Childhood Asthma
Management Program study - J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2010 Jun 8 -
"insufficient vitamin D status was associated with a
higher odds of any hospitalization or emergency department visit (odds ratio,
1.5; 95% CI, 1.1-1.9; P = .01)" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
vitamin D levels associated with more asthma symptoms and medication use
- Science Daily, 4/15/10 - "Low levels of vitamin D
are associated with lower lung function and greater medication use in
children with asthma ... vitamin D enhances the activity of corticosteroids,
the most effective controller medication for asthma ... Patients low in
vitamin D generally had higher levels of IgE, a marker of allergy, and
responded positively to more allergens in a skin prick test" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Low Vitamin D Levels Linked to Asthma - WebMD, 3/3/10
Magnesium supplements may boost lung health for asthmatics - Nutra USA,
Vitamin D May Ease Asthma - WebMD, 1/28/10 -
"people with higher vitamin D levels had better lung function measures than
people with lower vitamin D levels. In particular, people with low vitamin D
performed worse on tests of lung function and airway hyper-responsiveness,
two hallmarks of asthma ... researchers say vitamin D levels were directly
related to the participants’ score on the breathing tests: the lower the
vitamin D levels, the worse their performance"
Swimming Aids Asthma Symptoms In Children, Study Finds - Science Daily,
Caffeine Shown As Effective At Reducing Exercise-induced Asthma Symptoms As
An Albuterol Inhaler - Science Daily, 5/31/09
Omega Fatty Acid Balance Can Alter Immunity And Gene Expression -
Science Daily, 5/29/09 - "Anthropological evidence
suggests that human ancestors maintained a 2:1 w6/w3 ratio for much of
history, but in Western countries today the ratio has spiked to as high as
10:1. Since these omega fatty acids can be converted into inflammatory
molecules, this dietary change is believed to also disrupt the proper
balance of pro- and anti- inflammatory agents, resulting in increased
systemic inflammation and a higher incidence of problems including asthma,
allergies, diabetes, and arthritis ... many key signaling genes that promote
inflammation were markedly reduced compared to a normal diet, including a
signaling gene for a protein called PI3K, a critical early step in
autoimmune and allergic inflammation responses"
- See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Vitamin D May Halt Lung Function Decline In Asthma And COPD - Science
Daily, 5/20/09 - "Dr. Damera and his colleagues
found calcitriol inhibits HASM in a dose-dependent manner, with a maximum
inhibitory effect of 60 percent +/- 3 percent at 100nM" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Folic Acid May Help Treat Allergies, Asthma - Science Daily, 4/30/09 -
"People with higher blood levels of folate had fewer
IgE antibodies, fewer reported allergies, less wheezing and lower likelihood
of asthma ... People with the lowest folate levels (below 8 nanograms per
milliliter) had 40 percent higher risk of wheezing than people with the
highest folate levels (above 18 ng/ml) ... People with the lowest folate
levels had a 30 percent higher risk than those with the highest folate
levels of having elevated IgE antibodies, markers of allergy predisposition
... Those with the lowest folate levels had 31 percent higher risk of atopy
(allergic symptoms) than people with the highest folate levels ... Those
with lowest folate levels had 16 percent higher risk of having asthma than
people with the highest folate levels" - See
folic acid at Amazon.com
Low Vitamin D Linked to Severe Asthma - WebMD, 4/23/09 -
"low vitamin D levels were associated with more
asthma hospitalizations in the previous year, more airway hyperactivity in
lung function tests, more use of anti-inflammatory asthma medications like
inhaled steroids in the previous year, and higher blood levels of allergy
markers" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Low vitamin A and C levels may boost asthma risk - Nutra USA, 4/17/09 -
"vitamin A dietary intakes were significantly lower
among asthmatics than in those who had not been diagnosed with the disease
... When Leonardi-Bee and his co-workers considered vitamin C they found low
blood levels of the vitamin and low dietary intakes of vitamin-C foods were
associated with a 12 per cent increase in the risk of asthma"
Broccoli May Help Protect Against Respiratory Conditions Like Asthma -
Science Daily, 3/2/09 - "a naturally occurring
compound found in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables may help protect
against respiratory inflammation that causes conditions like asthma,
allergic rhinitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ...
sulforaphane, a chemical in broccoli, triggers an increase of antioxidant
enzymes in the human airway that offers protection against the onslaught of
free radicals that we breathe in every day in polluted air, pollen, diesel
exhaust and tobacco smoke" - See
sulforaphane at Amazon.com
d, respiratory infections, and asthma - Curr Allergy Asthma Rep. 2009
Jan;9(1):81-7 - "Emerging evidence indicates that
vitamin D-mediated innate immunity, particularly through enhanced expression
of the human cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide (hCAP-18), is important in
host defenses against respiratory tract pathogens. Observational studies
suggest that vitamin D deficiency increases risk of respiratory infections.
This increased risk may contribute to incident wheezing illness in children
and adults and cause asthma exacerbations. Although unproven, the increased
risk of specific respiratory infections in susceptible hosts may contribute
to some cases of incident asthma. Vitamin D also modulates regulatory T-cell
function and interleukin-10 production, which may increase the therapeutic
response to glucocorticoids in steroid-resistant asthma" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Potential Role Of Fish-based Fatty Acids In Resolving, Preventing Asthma
- Science Daily, 6/24/08 - "a molecule produced by
the body from omega-3 fatty acids helps resolve and prevent respiratory
distress in laboratory mice" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Cis-9,trans-11-Conjugated Linoleic Acid Inhibits Allergic Sensitization and
Airway Inflammation via a PPAR{gamma}-Related Mechanism in Mice - J
Nutr. 2008 Jul;138(7):1336-42 - "C9,t11-CLA feeding
resulted in significantly reduced IgE production and allergen-induced in
vivo airway hyperresponsiveness ... These findings demonstrate that dietary
c9,t11-CLA can reduce allergic airway inflammation, most likely via a
PPARgamma-related mechanism and by reducing eicosanoid precursors. They give
new insights into the fatty acid-mediated mechanism of immunomodulation and
may represent a step toward an attractive novel strategy in the dietary
prevention and treatment of allergic asthma" - See
conjugated linoleic acid at Amazon.com
Regular Low Dose Aspirin Cuts Asthma Risk In Women - Science Daily,
Choline Effective in Mouse Model of Allergic Asthma - Medscape, 10/11/07
- "Treatment with choline chloride has significant
anti-inflammatory activity in a mouse model of allergic airway inflammation"
- See
citicholine at Amazon.com
Diet May Defy Kids' Asthma, Allergies - WebMD, 9/12/07 -
"Kids who ate the most tomatoes, eggplants,
cucumbers, green beans, and zucchini -- more than 40 grams per day -- were
at least 62% less likely to wheeze, compared with kids who skimped on those
vegetables ... The study also shows that kids who ate more than 60 grams of
fish per day were 57% less likely to test positive for allergies as those
who ate the least amount of fish (up to about 39 grams per day of fish)"
'Fruity Vegetables' And Fish Reduce Asthma And Allergies - Science
Daily, 9/11/07
Low-Dose Aspirin Offers Lower Chance of Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 1/15/07
Exposure To Sunlight Could Reduce Asthma - Science Daily, 10/26/06
Airway Zapper
Improves Asthma - WebMD, 10/24/06
Magnesium supplements could help asthmatics, says study - Nutra USA,
Oral magnesium supplementation in asthmatic children: a double-blind
randomized placebo-controlled trial - Eur J Clin Nutr. 2006 Jun 21 -
"Oral magnesium supplementation helped to reduce
bronchial reactivity to methacholine, to diminish their allergen-induced
skin responses and to provide better symptom control in pediatric patients
with moderate persistent asthma treated with inhaled fluticasone"
Protective effect of fish oil supplementation on exercise-induced
bronchoconstriction in asthma - Chest. 2006 Jan;129(1):39-49 -
"fish oil capsules containing 3.2 g of
eicosapentaenoic acid and 2.0 g of docohexaenoic acid ... Our data suggest
that fish oil supplementation may represent a potentially beneficial
nonpharmacologic intervention for asthmatic subjects with EIB" - Mega
Twin EPA at
Fish Oil Reduces Airway Inflammation Caused by Exercise-Induced Asthma -
Doctor's Guide, 1/10/06 - "the post-exercise lung
function of participants -- adults with mild-to-moderate persistent asthma
-- improved by about 64% and their use of emergency inhalers decreased by
31% when they consumed a diet supplemented with fish oil, rich in omega-3
polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA), for three weeks"
More support for benefits of fish oil for asthmatics - Nutra USA,
Vitamin D May Help
Treat Some Asthma - WebMD, 12/8/05 -
"vitamin D may help people with steroid-resistant
asthma respond better to steroid pills taken for asthma"
Exercising a New Asthma Option - washingtonpost.com, 7/26/05
- Nutrition for Kids
with Allergies/Asthma? - Dr. Weil, 5/17/05
- Sodium Bicarbonate
May Improve Outcome in Children With Life-Threatening Asthma
- Medscape, 3/7/05
Melatonin May Improve Sleep Quality in Patients With Asthma - Medscape,
- Fish Oil Allows
Asthmatic Athletes to Catch Their Breath
- Healthwell.com, 7/22/04
- Oily Fish
Prevents Asthma in Offspring - WebMD, 5/25/04
Fiery Hot Therapy Improves Asthma - WebMD, 5/25/04
Antioxidants & Asthma Risk - Physician's Weekly, 5/3/04 -
"children who are exposed to increased doses of serum antioxidants, such as
beta-carotene, vitamin C, and selenium, have a lower risk of developing
asthma later in life"
Antioxidants reduce asthma risk in children - Nutra USA, 2/3/04
People With Asthma Cautioned About Melatonin Use - Doctor's Guide,
Use Of Complementary And Alternative Therapies Does Not Negatively Affect
Inhaled Steroid Adherence - Doctor's Guide, 5/23/03
Melatonin May Worsen Asthma - WebMD, 10/9/02
CoQ10, the Wonder Nutrient
- Vitacost, 9/6/02 -
"It was found that the concentrations of
CoQ10 were significantly decreased in both plasma and whole blood of
asthmatic sufferers compared with that of the healthy volunteers. The
researchers speculated that sub-optimal concentrations of CoQ10 may play a
possible contribution in patients with asthma"
Potential Cumulative Steroid Burden In Paediatric Asthmatics
- Doctor's Guide, 6/11/02
Yoga May Help Severe Asthmatics Breathe Easier - Intelihealth, 2/28/02
Can You Relax Your Asthma Away? - WebMD, 1/29/02
Intake Of Apples And Selenuim Affects Incidence Of Asthma
- Intelihealth, 12/13/01 -
"Eating at least two or more apples per week and a
higher intake of the essential metal selenium
can protect against asthma in adults, according to British researchers ...
They reported on a population-based, case-control study to determine whether
asthma is less common and less severe in adults who consume more dietary
Self-Hypnosis Can Ease Childhood Asthma - WebMD, 2/22/01
Can beta-carotene ease asthma symptoms - Nutrition Science News, 3/00
- Decline In Lung
Antioxidants Linked To Asthma Attacks - Doctor's Guide, 2/25/00
Natural Asthma Relief - Nutrition Science News, 4/99
- Vitamin Supplements May
Help Asthmatics Cope With Air Pollution - Doctor's Guide, 5/20/97
Effects of ginkgo leave concentrated oral liquor in treating asthma -
Medline, 4/97 - "GLC significantly reduced airway
hyperreactivity (P < 0.05) and improved clinical symptoms (P < 0.05),
pulmonary functions (P < 0.05) of the asthmatic patients. CONCLUSION: GLC is
an effective drug of anti airway inflammation"
Other News:
Early contact with dogs linked to lower risk of asthma - Science Daily,
11/2/15 - "children who grew up with dogs had about
15 percent less asthma than children without dogs"
Bronchitis and emphysema inhaler linked with increased mortality -
Science Daily, 6/13/11 - "long-term use of
Tiotropium Respimat (also known as Spiriva Respimat) increases the risk of
death by more than half ... We analysed five clinical trials involving 6500
people and the risk of death in patients using this particular inhaler
appeared to be 52 per cent higher .... We estimate that there will be one
additional death for every 124 patients treated for a year with Tiotropium
Asthma pill more user-friendly than inhalers -- and no less effective, study
finds - Science Daily, 5/4/11
Early antibiotic use can lead to increased risk of childhood asthma, study
suggests - Science Daily, 1/27/11 - "When babies
are given antibiotics, their risk of developing asthma by age 6 may increase
by 50 percent"
Early Antibiotic Use Linked to Asthma and Allergy at Age 6 Years -
Medscape, 1/11/11 - "Children with early antibiotic
exposure had an increased risk for asthma, with an adjusted odds ratio (OR)
of 1.52 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.07 - 2.16). In children in whom
asthma was first diagnosed after age 3 years, the adjusted OR was 1.66 (95%
CI, 0.99 - 2.79). In children who had no history of lower respiratory tract
infection before age 1 year, the adjusted OR was 1.66 ... Children with no
family history of asthma had an even stronger association of early
antibiotic use with subsequent development of asthma (adjusted OR, 1.89; 95%
CI, 1.00 - 3.58; P for interaction = .03). Adjusted OR for a positive blood
or skin test result for allergy was 1.59"
Heating, Air-Conditioning And Carpets May Be Hazardous To Your Health -
Science Daily, 11/10/09 - "A damp building with high
humidity may lead to increased levels of dust mites and mold, leading to
increased allergic respiratory symptoms, as well as the worsening of asthma.
And even if someone is not allergic, molds may produce mycotoxins and
volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) that smell bad and may cause respiratory
GPs Have Difficulty
Distinguishing Between Asthma and COPD - Medscape, 9/17/09
Obesity Does Not Worsen Asthma, But May Reduce Response To Medications -
Science Daily, 6/3/09
To Predict Exercise-induced Asthma And Its Severity Without Requiring An
Exercise Challenge - Science Daily, 5/30/09
Eczema Often Leads To Asthma - Science Daily, 5/18/09
Asthma Drugs Need To Be Maintained For Continued Benefit, Study Shows -
Science Daily, 2/27/09
Frequency Of T-cells Determines Severity Of Asthma, Study Finds -
Science Daily, 2/26/09
Treatment Reduces Severity Of Asthma Attacks In Preschoolers, Study Suggests
- Science Daily, 1/22/09
Anti-fungal Drug Offers Great Benefits To Some With Severe Asthma, Study
Suggests - Science Daily, 12/29/08
Diesel Exhaust Exposure
Early in Life Doubles Asthma Risk - Medscape, 3/21/08
Severe Asthma May Be A Different Form Of The Disease - Science Daily,
Potential New Treatment For Lung Scarring Caused By Chronic Asthma -
Science Daily, 1/11/08
Antibiotic Treatment Targets Difficult Asthma - Science Daily, 12/17/07
Is Asthma Related To Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease? - Science
Daily, 12/4/07
Stronger Warnings Urged on Asthma Drugs - WebMD, 11/28/07
In Three Patients With Asthma Or COPD Misuse Inhalers - Science Daily,
Early Day Care Attendance May Protect Infants From Asthma Later -
Science Daily, 10/19/07
Kids Have Lower Risk Of Asthma, Study Shows - Science Daily, 10/16/07
Occasional Use Of Spray Cleaners May Cause Asthma In Adults - Science
Daily, 10/12/07 - "The risk of developing asthma
increased with frequency of cleaning and number of different sprays used,
but on average was about thirty to fifty percent higher in people regularly
exposed to cleaning sprays than in others. The researchers found that
cleaning sprays, especially air fresheners, furniture cleaners and
glass-cleaners, had a particularly strong effect"
New Options for Mild Asthma Treatment - WebMD, 5/16/07
Untreated Asthma May Increase Risk Of Lung Metastasis - Science Daily,
FDA Warns About Asthma Drug, Xolair - WebMD, 2/21/07
Advair(R) (Fluticasone Propionate/Salmeterol) HFA Inhalation Aerosol Now
Available in US - Doctor's Guide, 10/19/06
Once-Daily Beta2-Agonist Carmoterol Improves Lung Function in Asthma for 24
Hours - Doctor's Guide, 9/14/06
Ciclesonide Effective in Mild and Moderate Asthma - Doctor's Guide,
Once-Daily Ciclesonide Provides Similar Efficacy to Twice-Daily Fluticasone
in Moderate Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 9/13/06
Asthma Drug Combo Could Be Dangerous - WebMD, 8/24/06
Combined Therapy May be May be Necessary to Treat Asthma - Doctor's
Guide, 7/22/06
BioMarin and Alliant Announce FDA Approval of Orapred ODT - Doctor's
Guide, 6/2/06
Indoor Pollutants Linked to Asthma Symptoms in Children - Doctor's
Guide, 5/10/06
New Parameters for Attaining Optimal Asthma Control - Physician's
Weekly, 5/1/06
Antibiotic Proves Successful In Tackling Symptoms Of Acute Asthma -
Science Daily, 4/13/06
Patients with Severe Allergic Asthma Get Continued Benefits After 3 Years of
Treatment With Omalizumab - Doctor's Guide, 3/6/06
Health Risks for Elders With Asthma? - WebMD, 2/13/06
Strategy May Improve Asthma - WebMD, 2/2/06
Asthmatic Children in Multi-family Housing Hit by Indoor Nitrogen Dioxide
- Doctor's Guide, 2/1/06
Inhaled Corticosteroids Most Effective for Persistent Asthma in Children
- Doctor's Guide, 1/17/06
Inhaled Corticosteroids Most Effective for Persistent Asthma in Children
- Doctor's Guide, 1/10/06
Xopenex HFA (Levalbuterol Tartrate) Metered-Dose Inhaler Now Available by
Prescription for Patients with Asthma and COPD - Doctor's Guide,
Endotoxins In House Dust Pose A Significant Risk For Asthma - Science
Daily, 12/1/05
Long-Term Ciclesonide Appears Safe in Children - Doctor's Guide,
New Warnings for 3 Asthma Drugs - WebMD, 11/18/05
Do Asthma Sufferers Need Specialists? - WebMD, 11/17/05
Early Asthma, Later Lung Damage? - WebMD, 11/15/05
Omalizumab Reduces Asthma Rescue Steroid Bursts - Doctor's Guide,
No Additional Benefit from Adding Montelukast to Fluticasone Propionate
- Doctor's Guide, 11/10/05
Levalbuterol Metered Dose Inhaler Appears Effective for Childhood Asthma
- Doctor's Guide, 11/10/05
Data Show Long-Term Use of Alvesco (ciclesonide) Had a Low Incidence of
Oropharyngeal Side Effects in Patients with Mild-to-Moderate Asthma -
Doctor's Guide, 11/7/05
Zileuton Add-on Controls Severe Asthma as Well as Doubled Steroid Dose -
Doctor's Guide, 11/7/05
Zileuton Improves Lung Function in Moderate to Severe Asthma Patients -
Doctor's Guide, 11/4/05
Hydrofluoroalkane Beclomethasone Superior to Standard Formulation in
Patients with Severe Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 11/3/05
Adding a Leukotriene Modifier to Asthma Therapy May Not Provide Additional
Therapeutic Benefit - Doctor's Guide, 11/2/05
Low Doses of Methotrexate Are Safe for Patients with Steroid-Dependent
Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 11/2/05
Exercise Doesn't Worsen Asthma - WebMD, 10/21/05
Critical Therapeutics Announces FDA Approval of Zyflo (Zileuton Tablets) for
the Prevention and Chronic Treatment of Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 9/29/05
Desloratadine Added to Montelukast Has Synergistic Effect on Early Asthmatic
Response: Presented at ERS - Doctor's Guide, 9/20/05
Little Risk of Bone Loss From Long-Term Use of Budesonide, Meta-Analysis
Shows: Presented at ERS - Doctor's Guide, 9/20/05
Adjustable Maintenance Dosing Doesn't Deliver Same Quality-of-Life
Improvements in Asthma Patients as Stable Dosing: Presented at ERS -
Doctor's Guide, 9/20/05
Seretide (Salmeterol/Fluticasone Propionate) Provides Greater Control of
Asthma Symptoms and Exacerbations Compared With Budesonide/Formoterol
Adjustable Maintenance Dosing - Doctor's Guide, 9/19/05
Bacteria in Household Dust May Trigger Asthma Symptoms - Doctor's Guide,
Are Home Air Cleaners Worth the Money? - WebMD, 9/6/05
Salt Intake Can Combat Exercise-Induced Asthma - CBS 2 Chicago, 6/8/05
Living Near Heavy Traffic Linked to Asthma in Children - Doctor's Guide,
Tonsil Removal Can Improve Asthma Symptoms - WebMD, 5/26/05
Aspirin Ups Risk of Hospitalization for Asthma - WebMD, 5/26/05
Virtual Online Tool Helping Asthmatics Gain Control of Their Disease -
Doctor's Guide, 5/26/05
Laughter May Trigger Asthma - WebMD, 5/25/05
A Novel Approach to Asthma - Physician's Weekly, 5/23/05
Grandmothers' Smoking Linked To Grandchildren's Asthma Decades Later -
Science Daily, 5/6/05
Study Challenges Current Treatment For Mild Asthma - Science Daily,
Three Simple Questions Could Improve Asthma Control - Doctor's Guide,
Daily Drugs Not Always Needed for Mild Asthma - WebMD, 4/13/05
Ionizing Air Cleaners May Pose Health Hazard - WebMD, 4/4/05 -
"five of the best-selling models tested emitted
relatively high levels of ozone ... Ozone exposure can aggravate allergies
and decrease lung function"
Exercise-Induced Shortness of Breath Not Always Caused by Asthma -
Doctor's Guide, 4/1/05
FDA Approves Asmanex (mometasone furoate) for Once Daily Management of
Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 3/31/05
Will Your Child Outgrow Asthma? - WebMD, 3/22/05
Difficult-to-Treat Asthmatics May Signal Need for Aggressive Treatment -
Doctor's Guide, 3/22/05
Omalizumab Linked to Quality-of-Life Improvement in Severe Asthma -
Doctor's Guide, 3/22/05
Improved Quality of Life Seen in Patients with Severe Asthma Treated With
Ciclesonide - Doctor's Guide, 3/22/05
Add-on Omalizumab (Xolair) Significantly Reduces Emergency Visits in
Patients With Severe Persistent Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 3/21/05
Misconceptions About Inhaled Steroids - WebMD, 3/21/05
Once Daily Mometasone Furoate as Effective as Twice Daily Dosing for
Quality-of-Life in Children With Persistent Asthma - Doctor's Guide,
START Trial Confirms Safety and Tolerability of Long-Term Once-Daily
Budesonide in Pediatric Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 3/21/05
Obesity May Raise Kids' Asthma Risk - WebMD, 3/15/05
FDA Approves Xopenex HFA (Levalbuterol Tartrate) Metered-Dose Inhaler -
Doctor's Guide, 3/14/05
Who's at Risk for Asthma Relapse? - WebMD, 3/7/05
Study Supports Pulmicort (Budesonide) as Effective, Well-Tolerated Early
Intervention for Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 1/24/05
New Combination Therapy for Asthma Provides Consistent Relief
- Doctor's Guide, 1/21/05
Use of Symbicort (Budesonide/Formoterol) Inhaler Alone Appears to Reduce
Number and Severity of Asthma Attacks - Doctor's Guide, 1/17/05
- Controlling Asthma
Important for Pregnant Women - WebMD, 1/11/05
Assessment Tools and Patient Information Program Improve Asthma Diagnosis
and Therapy - Doctor's Guide, 12/8/04
Asthma Drugs Subjected To Heat During Transit May Be Less Ineffective
- Doctor's Guide, 10/28/04
FDA Grants Approvable Letter for Alvesco (ciclesonide) for Treatment of
Persistent Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 10/26/04
Asthma Patients Participating in Year-Long Asthma Study Able to Live
Virtually Symptom Free - Doctor's Guide, 10/15/04
- Asthma
Medications Often Misused - WebMD, 10/12/04
- Plastic
Chemicals Linked to Asthma, Allergies - WebMD, 10/5/04
New Singulair Paediatric Granules launched for Asthma Treatment in Children
as Young as 6 Months - Doctor's Guide, 10/1/04
- Avoiding Cats,
Dust Doesn't Prevent Asthma - WebMD, 9/29/04
Mechanism Helps Explain How Airways Respond To Constriction In Asthma
Attacks - Science Daily, 9/29/04
- Missing Clues
in Asthma May Be Uncovered - WebMD, 9/27/04
Asthma Patients Unnecessarily Compromising Quality Of Life, Putting
Themselves At Risk - Doctor's Guide, 9/20/04
British-American Studies Reveal Frequent Misdiagnosis of Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary Disease - Doctor's Guide, 9/13/04
Once-daily Ciclesonide and Twice-Daily Fluticasone Show Comparable Results
in Adults With Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 9/7/04
"Planned-Care Method" of Asthma Care Reduces Symptoms in Children
- Doctor's Guide, 9/7/04
- Traffic
Pollution Tied to Asthma in Kids - WebMD, 9/1/04
- Gas Cooking,
Foam Pillows Double Asthma Risk - WebMD, 8/26/04
- Common
Household Cleaners Can Trigger Asthma - WebMD, 8/25/04
Parents' Anti-Asthma Efforts May Miss the Mark - Doctor's Guide, 8/17/04
- Parents Often
Mismanage Asthma Triggers - WebMD, 8/17/04
- Too Few Asthma
Patients Use Maintenance Drugs - WebMD, 7/12/04
- Gas Stoves Bad
for Kids' Asthma? - WebMD, 6/22/04
Montelukast Appears to Outperform Fluticasone in Patients with Mild Asthma
- Doctor's Guide, 6/18/04
Ciclesonide and Fluticasone Treatments Appear Equal for Children With
Persistent Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 6/16/04
- Antibiotics May
Increase Allergies, Asthma - WebMD, 5/26/04
Omalizumab Effective Add-On Therapy for Moderate-Severe Asthma
- Doctor's Guide, 5/26/04
- Asthma Control
Is Tricky Business - WebMD, 5/25/04
- Inhaled
Steroids Get a Boost - WebMD, 5/25/04
Flunisolide Does Not Suppress Growth in Children With Mild Asthma
- Doctor's Guide, 5/7/04
- High Carbon
Dioxide Levels May Up Asthma Rate - WebMD, 4/29/04
Adjustable Maintenance Dosing More Effective Than Fixed Dosing in Asthma
Control - Doctor's Guide, 4/14/04
- Children With
Asthma Less Active Than Peers - WebMD, 4/7/04
- Popular Pain
Reliever Linked to Asthma - WebMD, 3/26/04
Testing pH of Exhaled Breath Condensate Offers a Non-invasive Way to Test
for Childhood Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 3/26/04
New NSAID Roflumilast Active Against Late-Phase Asthma Reactions
- Doctor's Guide, 3/26/04
Rapid Dose Escalation of Inhaled Steroid Therapy Using
Salmeterol-Fluticasone or Fluticasone Provides Safe Control in Asthma
- Doctor's Guide, 3/24/04
Omalizumab Plus Conventional Therapies Improve Quality of Life in Patients
With Coexistent Allergic Asthma and Rhinitis - Doctor's Guide, 3/24/04
Symbicort Single Inhaler Therapy Provides Superior Asthma Control Using Only
One Inhaler - Doctor's Guide, 3/24/04
- Omalizumab Improves
Quality of Life for Asthma and Rhinitis Patients
- Medscape, 3/24/04
Cough After Use of Inhaled Corticosteroids From Spacer Devices Common in
Children With Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 3/8/04
- HRT Raises
Asthma Risks Among Older Women - WebMD, 2/23/04
Most Aspirin Sensitive Asthmatics Show Cross Sensitivity to Non-Steroidal
Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, But Few are Sensitive to Acetaminophen
- Doctor's Guide, 2/20/04
- Aspirin Can Be
an Unrecognized Asthma Trigger - WebMD, 2/19/04
Doubling Inhaled Corticosteroids Dose Does Not Prevent Deterioration of
Asthma Control - Doctor's Guide, 1/22/04
Variation of Peak Inspiratory Flow (PIF) Through Dry Powder Inhalers in
Children Depends on Age and Severity of Symptoms - Doctor's Guide,
New Drug, Xopenex (Levalbuterol), Found Effective in Managing Acute Asthma
Attacks in Children - Doctor's Guide, 12/17/03
Adjustable Maintenance Dosing With Budesonide/Formoterol Inhaler More
Effective Than Fixed Dosing - Doctor's Guide, 12/10/03
Combination Antihistamine and Decongestant May Improve Asthma Symptoms
- Doctor's Guide, 11/19/03
Fluticasone Propionate/Salmeterol Plus Low-Dose Inhaled Corticosteroids
Effective Regimen to Control Airway Inflammation in Asthma
- Doctor's Guide, 11/3/03
Low Dose Theophylline Effective as Monotherapy in Corticosteroid Naïve
Asthmatics - Doctor's Guide, 10/30/03
Primary Care Physicians Continue To Ignore National Asthma Education and
Prevention Program Guidelines - Doctor's Guide, 10/30/03
Omeprazole + Domperidone Improves Asthma in Patients With Asthma and
Gastroesophageal Reflux - Doctor's Guide, 10/22/03
Montelukast and Salmeterol Essentially Equal for Exacerbation Control In
Adult Asthma Patients Also Using Fluticasone - Doctor's Guide, 10/21/03
Adjustable Dose of Budesonide/Formoterol Provides Greater Control of Asthma
Symptoms Compared with Fixed Dose Regimen - Doctor's Guide, 10/15/03
Chronic-Care Model Makes Childhood Asthma Manageable
- Doctor's Guide, 10/12/03
- 'Safe'
Pollution Days Can Trigger Asthma - WebMD, 10/7/03
Steroid-naïve Asthmatics Respond Better to Seretide Than to Fluticasone
Alone - Doctor's Guide, 10/3/03
Montelukast Effective in Treating Virus-Induced Asthma in Young Children
- Doctor's Guide, 10/2/03
Fluticasone/Salmeterol Combination (Seretide) Shows Consistent Benefits Over
12 Weeks - Doctor's Guide, 10/2/03
Asthmatics Will Switch to Seretide from Fluticasone or Salmeterol When Given
the Chance - Doctor's Guide, 10/2/03
Omalizumab Appears Safe for Long-Term Treatment of Allergic Asthma in
Children - Doctor's Guide, 9/15/03
Adults With Asthma Fail To Follow Flu Vaccine Guidelines
- Doctor's Guide, 9/8/03
- Asthma Drug
Xolair Safe, Effective - WebMD, 9/3/03
- Risk of
Life-Threatening Asthma Seen With Salmeterol - Medscape, 8/19/03
Labeling Changes for Drug Products that Contain Salmeterol
- Doctor's Guide, 8/18/03
- Asthma Drugs:
Too Much of a Good Thing? - WebMD, 8/15/03
Women With Persistent Asthma At Higher Risk For Increased Symptoms During
Pregnancy - Doctor's Guide, 8/15/03
Earlier Diagnosis, Intervention Needed to Reduce Morbidity, Mortality in
Children with Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 8/12/03
Snoring Children Twice as Likely as Non-Snorers to Have Asthma, Cough
- Doctor's Guide, 8/12/03
- Children Who
Snore May Have Asthma - WebMD, 8/11/03
Inhaled Corticosteroids Preferred First-Line Treatment for Childhood Asthma
- Doctor's Guide, 8/7/03
High-Dose Inhaled Formoterol Associated With Serious Asthma Exacerbation
- Doctor's Guide, 8/1/03
Afternoon Dose of Inhaled Steroid Effective the Following Night in Nocturnal
Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 7/21/03
Isotonic Magnesium Enhances Bronchodilator Response in Patients With Severe
Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 7/11/03
Budenoside Safe, Effective Treatment for Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 7/4/03
- Xolair Approved
For Asthma - WebMD, 6/23/03
Inhaled Steroid Can Lead To Increased Intra-Ocular Pressure In Children With
Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 6/11/03
Life Threatening Asthma Attacks May Be Triggered by Food Allergies
- Doctor's Guide, 6/10/03
- Undiagnosed
Asthma Is Costing Kids - WebMD, 6/10/03
Omalizumab Improves Disease Control in Patients with Poorly Controlled
Allergic Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 6/10/03
Asthma Control Maintained During Step-down Usage Of Inhaled Corticosteroids
- Doctor's Guide, 6/3/03
Inflammatory Markers In Both Large And Small Airways Reduced Following
Treatment With Aerospan (Flunisolide Hemihydrate HFA)
- Doctor's Guide, 5/30/03
Fluticasone/Salmeterol Plus Montelukast Improves Inflammatory Markers But
Not Lung Function - Doctor's Guide, 5/27/03
New Asthma Test Approved - Physician's Weekly, 5/26/03
Study Links Early Exposure to Herbicides, Wood and Oil Smoke to Childhood
Asthma Risk - Doctor's Guide, 5/26/03
Combination Inhaler For Asthma Increases Drug Compliance
- Doctor's Guide, 5/26/03
Childhood Asthma Patients Who Are Asymptomatic by 18 Have Not Outgrown
Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 5/25/03
- Montelukast Effective
in Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis Associated With Asthma
- Doctor's Guide, 5/23/03
Elite Athletes at Risk for Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 5/23/03
Once-daily Ciclesonide Treatment Improves Asthma Symptoms, Provides Superior
Maintenance, Compared with Budenoside - Doctor's Guide, 5/22/03
- Reduced Asthma
Treatment Works - WebMD, 5/22/03
- Study Raises Doubts
About 'Outgrowing' Asthma - Medscape, 5/21/03
- Childhood
Asthma Often Recurs as Adult - WebMD, 5/22/03
Budenoside Safe in Treating Mild Persistent Asthma
- Doctor's Guide, 5/22/03
- Sleep Apnea
Common in Adult Asthma - WebMD, 5/21/03
Study Supports Asthma-Anxiety Link - Doctor's Guide, 5/20/03
- New Asthma
Treatment Nears Approval - WebMD, 5/16/03
FDA Advisory Committee Recommends Approval Of Xolair (Omalizumab) For
Treatment Of Allergic Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 5/16/03
Reluctance To Take Prescribed Asthma Medications Identified In Study
- Doctor's Guide, 5/14/03
New Asthma Monitor Approved - CBS News, 5/1/03
No Patient Characteristic Found In Asthmatic Children Indicates Who Might
Benefit From Montelukast - Doctor's Guide, 4/29/03
Once Daily Formoterol/Budesonide Combo Effective For Moderate Persistent
Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 4/23/03
Treating Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease May Reduce Need For Asthma
Medications In Children - Doctor's Guide, 4/8/03
Patients with Poorly Controlled Asthma Might Have Alternate Conditions
- Doctor's Guide, 4/8/03
Long Acting Beta-Agonist Beats Leukotriene Modifier as Add-on Therapy for
Moderate Persistent Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 4/8/03
Asthmatic Rhinopathies Require Pulmonologist Management
- Doctor's Guide, 4/2/03
Daily Budesonide Effective In Mild Persistent Asthma
- Doctor's Guide, 3/27/03
Inhaled Glucocorticoids More Effective Than Leukotriene Receptor Antagonists
Review Finds - Doctor's Guide, 3/20/03
- Air pollution spurs asthma,
allergies - MSNBC, 3/19/03
High Estrogen/Progestin Levels May Reduce Asthma Severity
- Doctor's Guide, 3/19/03 -
"women's lung function and asthma symptoms improve
estrogen and progesterone levels are raised, both naturally during
certain times in the menstrual cycle and with the administration of oral
contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy"
Pulmonary Insulin Delivery System Safe, Well Tolerated in Smokers and
Asthmatics - Doctor's Guide, 3/17/03
- Can you purify the air you
breathe? - MSNBC, 3/12/03 -
"SO FAR, there’s little hard evidence that filters
can prevent allergies and block asthma"
Symptom-Guided Budesonide and Formoterol Dosing in a Single Inhaler Provides
Effective Asthma Control - Doctor's Guide, 3/12/03
- Inhaled
Steroids Safe During Pregnancy - WebMD, 3/11/03
- Child Asthma
Symptoms Poorly Recognized - WebMD, 3/11/03
Increased Use of Inhaled Corticosteroids, Visits to Allergist Result in
Fewer Emergency Room Visits for Asthma Patients - Doctor's Guide,
Montelukast/ Inhaled Budesonide Combo More Effective In Asthma Subset
- Doctor's Guide, 3/11/03
Fluticasone Appears to Improve Asthma Control in Children 24-47 Months
- Doctor's Guide, 3/11/03
Omalizumab Appears Effective in Patients with Poorly Controlled Allergic
Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 3/11/03
Montelukast or Salmeterol Improves Asthma in Conjunction with Fluticasone
- Doctor's Guide, 3/10/03
Combination Fluticasone /Salmeterol Effective as Inhaled Corticosteroid
Sparing Agent - Doctor's Guide, 3/10/03
- Montelukast
Comparable to Salmeterol in Fluticasone-Treated Asthma Patients
- Medscape, 3/10/03
Asthmatic Children Do Not Differ With Streptococcal Tonsillopharyngitis Rate
- Doctor's Guide, 3/4/03
Asthma Associated With Sleep, Attention Problems in Children - Clinical
Psychiatry News, 3/03
Beclometasone Dipropionate Effects In Asthma Similar Among Routes Of
Administration - Doctor's Guide, 2/28/03
Added Omalizumab Improves Quality of Life In Severe Allergic Asthma Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 2/28/03
- Treating Colds
With Steroids Prevents Asthma - WebMD, 2/25/03
Short-Term Oral Steroids Don't Affect Bone Growth In Asthmatic Children
- Doctor's Guide, 2/25/03
Metered-Dose Inhalers With Spacers Efficient In Wheezing Episodes In Very
Young Children - Doctor's Guide, 2/24/03
Disease Burden Considerable In Children With Mild-To-Moderate Asthma
- Doctor's Guide, 2/19/03
Update on Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 2/18/03
Rate Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Four Higher Among Asthmatics
- Doctor's Guide, 2/13/03
Short-Course Glucocorticoid Therapy Does Not Affect Bone Metabolism In
Asthmatic Children - Doctor's Guide, 2/12/03
Greater Airway Inflammation With Frequent Child Asthma Attacks
- Doctor's Guide, 2/11/03
Breath Activated Inhalers Provide Better Asthma Control
- Doctor's Guide, 2/7/03
- Safety Concerns
Halt Asthma Drug Study - WebMD, 1/23/03
Corticosteroids May Help Children With Mild Asthma And Normal Pulmonary
Function - Doctor's Guide, 1/17/03
Salmeterol Produces Novel Anti-Neutrophilic Effect In Mild Asthma
- Doctor's Guide, 1/10/03
Montelukast Effective for Children's Exercise-Induced Asthma Only 12 Hours
Post-Dose - Doctor's Guide, 1/3/03
Add-On Therapy Better than Increased Doses for Corticosteroid Treatment in
Asthma Patients - Doctor's Guide, 12/31/02
Single Or Multiple Albuterol Dosage Equal For Asthma Control
- Doctor's Guide, 12/23/02
Asthmatics With Reflux Benefit From Proton-Pump Inhibition - Clinical
Psychiatry News, 12/02
Aerosol Beclomethasone Dipropionate Effective In Childhood Asthma
- Doctor's Guide, 12/18/02
- Asthma Drugs
Boost Hip Fracture Risk - WebMD, 12/12/02
Desloratadine Relieves Both Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis And Nasal Congestion
- Doctor's Guide, 12/10/02
Adjustable Dosing Provides Greater Empowerment For Asthmatics
- Doctor's Guide, 12/9/02
Infectious Bronchial Asthma More Frequent In Elderly Asthmatics
- Doctor's Guide, 12/6/02
Heliox-Driven Bronchodilator Better In Moderate To Severe Asthma
- Doctor's Guide, 12/3/02
- New Approach to
Asthma Targets Sputum Eosinophils - Medscape, 12/2/02
Asthma Treatment Strategy Shows Promise - Intelihealth, 11/30/02
Asthmatic Patients Likely to Have Animal Allergies
- Doctor's Guide, 11/21/02
Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - Similar Airflow Obstruction,
Different Characteristics - Doctor's Guide, 11/20/02
Combined Salmeterol, Fluticasone Allows Lower Steroid Dose in Asthma
Patients - Doctor's Guide, 11/20/02
Once Daily Momentasone as Effective as Twice-Daily for Asthma
- Doctor's Guide, 11/19/02
IgE Monoclonal Antibody, Omalizumab, Improves Quality of Life in Patients
with Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 11/19/02
Early Steroid Treatment Maintains Lung Function in Asthma Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 11/15/02
Cost Justified for Early Use of Steroids in Asthma
- Doctor's Guide, 11/15/02
- Mometazone Reduces
Oral Prednisone Requirements in Severe Asthma
- Medscape, 11/11/02
Brief Therapy With High Dose Formoterol or Salbutamol Well-Tolerated and
Efficacious for Patients With Mild Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 11/11/02
Initial Fluticasone Treatment Associated with Fewer Asthma-related
Hospitalisations - Doctor's Guide, 11/8/02
Combined Fluticasone/Salmeterol Provides Control with Less Inhaled
Corticosteroid - Doctor's Guide, 11/8/02
Etanercept May Be Effective For Chronic, Severe Asthma
- Doctor's Guide, 11/7/02
Mometazone Furoate Effectively Reduces Oral Prednisone Requirements in
Severe Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 11/8/02
Formoterol Protects Children Against Exercise-Induced Asthma All Day
- Doctor's Guide, 11/8/02
Inhaled Corticosteroids Early in Life Do Not Alter Natural Course of Asthma
- Doctor's Guide, 11/7/02
Mometasone Improves Lung Function In Asthma Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 11/7/02
Etanercept May Be Effective For Chronic, Severe Asthma
- Doctor's Guide, 11/7/02
Budesonide/Formoterol Effective In Moderate, Persistent Paediatric Asthma
- Doctor's Guide, 11/6/02
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Suggests Fluticasone/Palmetto Combination
Associated with Lower Costs than Budesonide Plus Eformoterol
- Doctor's Guide, 11/5/02
Prolonged Allergen Exposure Could Increase Sensory Reactivity In Allergic
Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 11/5/02
Once Daily Fluticasone Propionate Improves Asthma Symptoms
- Doctor's Guide, 11/1/02
Early Sibling/Day Care Exposure Cut Hay Fever But Not Asthma Risks
- Doctor's Guide, 10/29/02
Children with Asthma Not Adhering to Emergency Steroid Prescriptions
- Doctor's Guide, 10/23/02
Magnesium Added to Nebulised Albuterol Provides Faster, Greater Improvement
for Asthmatic Children - Doctor's Guide, 10/23/02
Asthma Hits Many People Hard - WebMD, 10/23/02
- Magnesium Plus
Albuterol More Effective Than Albuterol Alone in Asthma
- Medscape, 10/21/02
Consistent Corticosteroid Use Essential To Cut Asthma Hospital Admissions
- Doctor's Guide, 10/4/02
Inhaled Steroids Ease Asthma Attacks - WebMD, 10/1/02
Airway Pre-Responsiveness/Respiratory Symptoms in Older Asthmatics
Apparently Not Due to House Dust Mites or Endotoxin
- Doctor's Guide, 9/24/02
Adding Montelukast to Budesonide as Effective as Doubling Budesonide in
Uncontrolled Asthmatics - Doctor's Guide, 9/20/02
Even Well Controlled Asthmatics not Aware of How Serious Disease Symptoms
May Be - Doctor's Guide, 9/17/02
Equal Lung Function Changes Seen with Morning/Evening Administration of
Ciclesonide for Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 9/16/02
Indoor Moulds Adversely Affect Adult Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 8/26/02
Moulds Increase Severity of Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 8/23/02
Involuntary Smoke Exposure Affects Asthma Severity Among Children, Study
Confirms - Doctor's Guide, 8/16/02
Low-dose Inhaled Corticosteroids Reduce Asthma Relapse Rates
- Doctor's Guide, 8/15/02
Family History May Influence Reaction to Corticosteroids Among Asthmatic
Children - Doctor's Guide, 8/14/02
Secondhand Smoke Linked to Early Asthma - WebMD, 7/30/02
- Inhaled Steroids
Helpful in Emergency Treatment of Asthma
- Medscape, 7/23/02
New Research on Asthma and Breast Feeding; Medications; Symptoms and Smoke
From the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
- Doctor's Guide, 7/22/02
Asthmatic Kids Plagued by Pets, Smoke - WebMD, 7/9/02
Nasal Provocation Test Helps Diagnose Aspirin-Induced Asthma
- Doctor's Guide, 5/8/02
Higher Atopy Risk In Obese Debunked As Explanation For Asthma Link
- Doctor's Guide, 6/28/02
Pollen Sensitisation Linked to Pollen Asthma Risk
- Doctor's Guide, 6/21/02
Antibiotics for Asthma - WebMD, 6/14/02
Treating Bacterial Infections Can Help Asthmatics
- Doctor's Guide, 6/11/02
Update On National Asthma Guidelines Released - Doctor's Guide, 6/10/02
Adherence to Asthma Self-Management Often Poor - Doctor's Guide, 6/5/02
Improved Delivery Leads To Lower Dose Corticosteroids For Asthmatic Children
- Doctor's Guide, 6/3/02
Lung Function, Bronchial Eosinophil Changes In Atopic Asthma Related
- Doctor's Guide, 5/30/02
Inhaled Steroids Best First Asthma Therapy For Children
- Doctor's Guide, 5/28/02
Inhaler Techniques Often Not Taught Correctly - Doctor's Guide, 5/23/02
Steroids Only Mask Asthma Symptoms - Doctor's Guide, 5/23/02
Mouldy Houses Adversely Affect Symptoms In Fungi-Sensitive Asthmatics
- Doctor's Guide, 5/21/02
Breath-Condensate Analysis Useful In Assessing Asthmatic Inflammation
- Doctor's Guide, 5/21/02
Investigational Model Tests Anti-Exudative Effect Of New Asthma Drugs
- Doctor's Guide, 5/16/02
Albuterol Nebulized With Heliox Better In Acute Asthma Exacerbation
- Doctor's Guide, 5/16/02
Gearing Up For The Allergy Seasons: New And Old Treatments For Allergies And
Asthma - Intelihealth, 5/3/02
Flovent (Fluticasone) in Asthma Management Saves Money/Trips to Hospital
- Doctor's Guide, 4/10/02
Emergency Department Protocol for Children with Severe Asthma
- Doctor's Guide, 4/1/02
Allergen-Virus Combo Heightens Asthma Hospital Admissions
- Doctor's Guide, 3/28/02
Allergies, Viruses Aggravate Asthma - WebMD, 3/28/02
Spring Cleaning Without the Sneezes - WebMD, 3/19/02
6.7 Percent Of Children/Adolescents In the US Have Asthma
- Doctor's Guide, 3/18/02
Asthma Sufferers Get Worse -- Not More -- Colds - WebMD, 3/7/02
Mattress Covers Offer Protection To Asthma Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 3/5/02
Omalizumab Improves Quality of Life in Allergic Asthma Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 3/5/02
Pulmicort Respules (Budesonide Inhalation Suspension) Helps Tough-to-Treat
Asthmatic Children - Doctor's Guide, 3/5/02
Omalizumab Cuts Need for Inhaled Corticosteroids in Severe Asthmatics
- Doctor's Guide, 3/4/02
Study Links Pollution, Asthma - Intelihealth, 2/25/02
Parents Breath Easier About Kids' Inhalers - WebMD, 2/21/02
Asthma's Deadly Warning Often Missed - WebMD, 2/20/02
Ventolin HFA (Albuterol) Now Available in US - Doctor's Guide, 2/20/02
- Small Doses of Xopenex
(Levalbuterol) More Effective than Standard Albuterol in Paediatric Asthma
- Doctor's Guide, 2/1/02
Smog linked to asthma in children - USA Today, 2/1/02
Sports, Pollution Linked to Asthma - WebMD, 1/31/02
Allergy Shots Reduce Risk Of Developing Asthma - Intelihealth, 1/24/02
Leukotriene Antagonist Montelukast Significantly Improves Aspirin-Intolerant
Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 1/18/02
Asthma Drug Safe for Young Kids - WebMD, 12/17/01
- 40/60 Heliox Beneficial in
a Conventionally Ventilated Adult Asthmatic
- Doctor's Guide, 12/4/01
- Levalbuterol Superior to
Racemic Albuterol for Emergency Room Asthma Management - Doctor's Guide,
Flu Shot Is Safe for People With Asthma - WebMD, 11/21/01
- Combination Fluticasone
and Salmeterol Inhaler May Benefit Young Asthmatics
- Doctor's Guide, 11/21/01
- Singulair (Montelukast)
Increases Number of Symptom-Free Days in Young Asthmatic Children -
Doctor's Guide, 11/20/01
- Nebulized Lidocaine Allows
Sparing of Glucocorticoid Use in Asthmatics
- Doctor's Guide, 11/20/01
- Once-Daily Mometasone
Produces Superior Control Over Moderate Persistent Asthma than Budesonide
- Doctor's Guide, 11/19/01
- Levalbuterol Safe And
Effective In Asthmatic Children under 12 Years
- Doctor's Guide, 11/19/01
- Omalizumab Allows Asthma
Patients to Reduce Corticosteroid Dose
- Doctor's Guide, 11/19/01
- QVAR (Beclomethasone
Dipropionate Extrafine Aerosol) Effective In Children With Asthma -
Doctor's Guide, 11/29/01
- Once-Daily Fluticasone
Propionate Relieves Asthma Symptoms - Doctor's Guide, 11/18/01
- Omalizumab Safe and Well
Tolerated for Moderate to Severe Allergic Asthma
- Doctor's Guide, 11/8/01
- Leukotrine Modifier,
Montelukast, May Help Control Perimenstrual Asthma Exacerbations
- Doctor's Guide, 11/8/01
- Formoterol Beats
Salmeterol as Add On to Inhaled Steroids for Asthma Control
- Doctor's Guide, 11/8/01
- Hormone Replacement
Therapy Linked to Increased Risk of Asthma Exacerbations
- Doctor's Guide, 11/8/01
Anti-IgE Clinical Trials Confirm Effective Treatment For Allergic Asthma
- Intelihealth, 11/8/01
- Levalbuterol Lowers
Hospital Admissions for Pediatric Acute Asthma
- Doctor's Guide, 11/6/01
- Inhaled Fluticasone Linked
to Acute Adrenal Insufficiency - Doctor's Guide, 11/6/01
Asthma Caused by Genes, Not Environment - WebMD, 10/23/01
Rising Crisis of Asthma and Obesity -- Coincidence? - WebMD, 10/22/01
- Two Studies Favor Xolair
(Omalizumab) Over Beclomethasone For Asthma Attack Prevention
- Doctor's Guide, 9/28/01
- European Investigators
Identify Potential Cause of Asthma in Swimmers
- Doctor's Guide, 9/28/01
- Adding Formoterol to
Budesonide May Not Provide Benefit for Mild Asthmatics
- Doctor's Guide, 9/28/01
- Singulair (Montelukast)
Well-Tolerated In Toddlers With Persistent Asthma
- Doctor's Guide, 9/25/01
- Symbicort Turbohaler
(Budesonide/Eformoterol) Provides Rapid, Effective Asthma Control
- Doctor's Guide, 9/24/01
- Intravenous Montelukast
Plus Standard Therapy Rapidly Improves Pulmonary Function After Acute Asthma
- Doctor's Guide, 9/24/01
- Proven Link Between Asthma
and Childhood Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke
- Doctor's Guide, 9/11/01
- Advair Diskus 100/50
(Fluticasone/Salmeterol) More Effective In Asthma Maintenance Than Singulair
(Montelukast) - Doctor's Guide, 9/6/01
Academic Success With Asthma - WebMD, 8/29/01
- Children Show Improved
Compliance With Oral Leukotriene Receptor Antagonist - Doctor's Guide,
- New Extra-Fine Aerosols
Provide Equal Or Better Asthma Control Compared To Standard Formulations
- Doctor's Guide, 7/16/01
- Fluticasone Superior to
Montelukast for Initial Asthma Controller Therapy - Doctor's Guide,
- Montelukast Increases
Symptom-Free Days In Young Children - Doctor's Guide, 7/16/01
- Inhaled Corticosteroid Use
Safe During Pregnancy - Doctor's Guide, 7/16/01
- Qvar (Beclomethasone
Diproprionate) More Effective than Chlorofluorocarbon-Containing Asthma
Treatments - Doctor's Guide, 7/13/01
- Leg Bone Growth Rate
Slower In Asthmatic Children Using Budesonide
- Doctor's Guide, 7/12/01
What You Should Know When Kids Have Asthma, Tips for Controlling Symptoms
- WebMD, 6/13/01
Health Focus: Take Action Against Asthma - Intelihealth, 5/30/01
- Advair Diskus (Fluticasone
Propionate and Salmeterol) More Effective in Asthmatics Than Fluticasone
Propionate/Montelukast Combination
- Doctor's Guide, 5/23/01
- Persistent Pediatric
Asthma Better Controlled With Foradil (Formoterol Fumarate) Aerolizer -
Doctor's Guide, 5/23/01
Asthma drug should not be used by itself - USA Today, 5/23/01 -
"Two new studies have found that using a long-acting, airway-dilating asthma
drug by itself can worsen the condition ... while salmeterol, sold as
Serevent, eases symptoms of asthma, it does not alleviate the underlying
inflammation that exacerbates the disease. Inhaled steroids reduce
- Azelastine and Montelukast
Combo Has Protective Effect in Allergy-Induced Bronchoconstriction in Asthma
- Doctor's Guide, 5/22/01
Pets May Protect Children From Allergies, Time to Rethink Advice to Avoid
Four-Legged Friends? - WebMD, 5/22/01 -
"A growing body of evidence suggests that pets in
the home may actually have a protective effect against developing pet
allergies, at least for the first seven years of life"
Inhaled steroid crucial in treating asthma - CNN, 5/22/01 -
"A new study confirms that taking two types of
medicine instead of just one gives patients the best chance to control it"
You'll Never Guess What's Sleeping in Your Bed, Dust Mites -- and They're
Known to Trigger Asthma, Allergies - WebMD, 5/22/01 -
"some 86% of American homes have detectable levels
of dust mite allergen, but more importantly, around 23% of homes have enough
of the irritant to trigger respiratory problems" - See my
dust mite page.
Inhaled Steroids Most Effective Treatment for Asthma, Inhaled
Bronchodilators Useful Aid, But Shouldn't Be Used Alone - WebMD, 5/22/01
- "Corticosteroids are used in asthma treatment to
prevent or reduce airway swelling. These steroids are completely different
from the anabolic steroids some athletes use to bulk up their muscles.
However, the inhaled steroids used for asthma control sometimes do have
harmful side effects such as mouth infections or weight gain. If used for
long periods, they may lead to bone loss"
Kids 'Silently Suffering' With Asthma, Doctors, parents, patients all share
some fault - WebMD, 5/2/01
- FDA Approves AccuNeb
(Albuterol Sulfate) For Treatment of Pediatric Asthma - Doctor's Guide,
5/2/01 - "the first premixed, premeasured,
reduced-dosages of albuterol inhalation solution for the relief of
bronchospasm in patients two to 12 years of age with asthma"
- Many Kids With
Asthma Suffering Needlessly
- WebMD, 4/24/01
- FDA Approves
Non-Chlorofluorocarbons-Containing Ventolin (Albuterol) Inhaler For Asthma
- Doctor's Guide, 4/23/01
Trouble breathing? Find out if you've got asthma - CNN, 4/20/01
The Anxiety of Asthma: Emotions Can Trigger Attack, Recognizing
Psychological Triggers Can Help Master Disease - WebMD, 4/7/01
- Low-Dose Flovent
(Fluticasone) More Effective Than Singulair (Montelukast) In Key Measures Of
Asthma Control - Doctor's Guide, 3/19/01
Pet Cats May Keep Some Kids From Developing Asthma - WebMD, 3/12/01
Don't Get Rid Of That Cat Yet, Say Asthma Researchers - Intelihealth,
3/12/01 - "high levels of cat allergen in the home
decrease the risk of asthma, apparently by altering the immune response to
Improving Home Environment Reduces Risk of Childhood Asthma, Pets, Gas
Stoves, Tobacco Smoke Can Lead to Respiratory Distress - WebMD, 3/5/01
Avoiding Pets Could Help Yield Big Drop In Asthma, Study Says -
Intelihealth, 3/5/01
Asthmatics Prone To Heart Disease - Intelihealth, 3/2/01 -
"Some experts believe that chronic inflammation may
increase the risk of heart disease. Much of the attention in this research
has focused on bacterial causes, such as lingering gum disease or sinus
infections. Earlier this week in the journal Circulation, European doctors
reported that people with a variety of chronic bacterial infections have
triple the usual risk of developing hardening of the arteries."
When Work Can Literally Make You Sick, Work-Related Asthma Not in Your Head
- WebMD, 12/21/00
- FDA Approves Orapred
(Prednisolone) Oral Solution For Children With Asthma - Doctor's Guide,
Aspirin-Induced Asthma May Be Treatable - WebMD, 11/17/00
- Low-Dose Flovent
(Fluticasone Propionate) Aerosol More Effective Than Singulair (Montelukast)
In Key Measures Of Asthma Control
- Doctor's Guide, 11/7/00
New Asthma Medication: Good Breathing With No Side Effects? - WebMD,
Dust Mites, Cats Doubted as Cause of Childhood Asthma - WebMD, 10/20/00
Kids Taking Steroids for Asthma Need Calcium and Exercise - WebMD,
- Long-Term Use Of Inhaled
Corticosteroids For Childhood Asthma Does Not Impact Growth
- Doctor's Guide, 10/12/00
Inhaled Steroids Don't Affect Children's Growth in the Long Run - WebMD,
- Asthma Drug, Pulmicort
Respules (Budesonide), Available In US - Doctor's Guide, 10/4/00
- FDA Approves Flovent
Diskus (Fluticasone Propionate) For Asthmatics Four Years And Older -
Doctor's Guide, 10/3/00
- Flovent (Fluticasone
Propionate) More Effective Than Singulair (Montelukast) In Reducing Asthma
Symptoms - Doctor's Guide, 9/20/00
Over-the-Counter Asthma Inhalers Should Be Used Cautiously - WebMD,
- Two-in-One Asthma
Treatment Promises Good Results - Doctor's Guide, 9/5/01
- Singulair (Montelukast)
Safe and Effective For Very Young Children With Asthma - Doctor's Guide,
- Extra Fine-Particle
Beclomethasone As Effective As Other Popular Anti-Asthma Drugs
- Doctor's Guide, 9/1/00
UK, Saudi study shows junk food-child asthma link - CNN, 8/22/00
- Allergy Shots Should Be
Used More Often In Allergic Asthmatics
- Doctor's Guide, 8/21/00
The Stomach's Role in Asthma - WebMD, 7/26/00
10 Simple Steps Help You Bag Allergy-Causing Dust Mites - WebMD, 7/17/00
Combination of Activities May Be Recipe for Reduced Asthma Risk - WebMD,
- Singulair (Montelukast)
With Inhaled Corticosteroids Offers Better Protection Against Activity
Induced Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 7/3/00
Asthma Linked to Sexual Problems - WebMD, 6/29/00
How to help kids manage their illness and lead healthier lives
- Intelihealth, 5/24/00
Early diagnosis and therapy are keys to managing asthma - CNN, 5/12/00
- Montelukast Has Limited,
If Any Value As Add-On Therapy For Severe Asthmatics - Doctor's Guide,
- Flovent (Fluticasone) More
Effective Than Accolate (Zafirlukast) in Improving Asthma Control -
Doctor's Guide, 5/8/00
- Depression symptoms affect
asthma patients' quality of life
- Doctor's Guide, 5/3/00
Steroid Inhalers for Asthma Can Weaken Bones - WebMD, 4/21/00
Immunotherapy Reduces Asthma Symptoms for Allergic Asthmatics - Doctor's
Guide, 4/11/00
- Alcoholic Drinks May
Trigger Asthmatic Response - Doctor's Guide, 3/21/00
- Daily Or Weekly Use Of
Paracetamol Linked To Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 3/21/00
FDA OKs Asthma Controller For Kids - Intelihealth, 3/7/00
- Asthmatics Using Asmanex
(Mometasone) Reduce Steroid Use - Doctor's Guide, 3/6/00
- FDA Approves Singulair
(Montelukast Sodium) For Asthmatics As Young As Two Years
- Doctor's Guide, 3/6/00
- Lower Asthma Mortality
Rates May Be Due To Inhaled Corticosteroids
- Doctor's Guide, 1/12/00
- Anti-IgE Therapy Allows
Some Asthmatics To Eliminate Steroid Use - Doctor's Guide, 12/23/99
- Smoking Away From
Asthmatic Children Does Not Prevent Exposure
- Doctor's Guide, 12/15/99
Alpine Treatment Relieves Asthma In British Homes - Intelihealth,
- Researchers Report Link
Between Body Weight And Asthma In Kids - Doctor's Guide, 11/2/99
- Asthma Study Shows Flovent
Superior to Accolate For Asthma Treatment - Doctor's Guide, 11/2/99
- Asthma Under-treated Among
Health Professionals - Doctor's Guide, 11/2/99
- Lidocaine Improves Outcome
Of Acute Asthma Attacks - Doctor's Guide, 11/2/99
- Singulair Can Play
Critical Role In Asthma Control
- Doctor's Guide, 10/20/99
- Nuvance Stabilizes Lung
Function In Asthma Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 10/13/99
- Accolate Available For
Asthma In Children - Doctor's Guide, 9/21/99
- Once-Daily Use of
Nebulized Budesonide Improves Asthma Control In Kids - Doctor's Guide,
- Asthma Underdiagnosed And
Undertreated In U.S. Elderly
- Doctor's Guide, 9/8/99
- Asthma Study Reveals
Patients Skip Medication To Avoid Side Effects
- Doctor's Guide, 8/25/99
- Once-Daily Pulmicort
Turbuhaler Significantly Improves Asthma Control
- Doctor's Guide, 7/28/99
Home May Be Worst Place For The Allergic - Intelihealth, 7/20/99
- Use Of Singulair Can Cut
Inhaled Steroid Dose Nearly In Half - Doctor's Guide, 7/16/99
- Asthma Medication Misused
Due To Lack Of Understanding, Survey Shows - Doctor's Guide, 7/7/99
Exercise-Induced Hyperventilation May Be Misdiagnosed As Asthma -
Doctor's Guide, 7/7/99
- Serevent More Effective
Than Accolate For Patients With Persistent Asthma - Doctor's Guide,
- Accolate Well Tolerated In
Children With Asthma
- Doctor's Guide, 4/27/99
Long-term Drugs Often Needed To Control Asthma - Intelihealth, 3/25/99
- Air Pollution Directly
Linked To Asthma In Children - Doctor's Guide, 3/15/99
- Singulair As Effective As
Inhaled Steroid For Asthma Control
- Doctor's Guide, 3/8/99
- Education Is Key In
Managing Asthma Among At-Risk Groups
- Doctor's Guide, 5/7/98
- Obesity May Increase Risk
Of Asthma - Doctor's Guide, 4/27/98
- Accolate Combination May Be
Alternative Asthma Treatment
- Doctor's Guide, 3/17/98
- Singulair, A New Option In
Asthma Treatment, Approved By FDA
- Doctor's Guide, 2/23/98
- New Training Method Helps
Reduce Asthma Attacks
- Doctor's Guide, 9/3/97
- Physicians
Under-Prescribing Important Asthma Therapy
- Doctor's Guide, 6/9/97
- Many Cases Of Asthma May Be
Due To Workplace Chemicals
- Doctor's Guide, 5/16/97
- Benefits Of Singulair
Maintained Over Long Term
- Doctor's Guide, 4/27/97
- New Class of Asthma
Medication Now Available
- Doctor's Guide, 12/9/96
- ACCOLATE, First New Class of
Asthma Drug in 20 Years Cleared by FDA
- Doctor's Guide, 9/26/96