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Recent Longevity News for the week ending 5/29/19 Sleep Apnea Can Have Deadly Consequences - NYT, 5/27/19 - "Obstructive sleep apnea, an increasingly common yet often missed or untreated condition that can result in poor quality of life, a risk of developing heart disease, stroke, diabetes and even cancer, and perhaps most important of all, a threefold increased risk of often-fatal motor vehicle accidents. ... There’s a constellation of symptoms, starting with unrestorative sleep no matter how long you sleep. Even if you try to sleep more on weekends, you still wake up feeling unrefreshed. The fractured sleep results in feeling like you’ve stayed up all night ... And if you’d rather not base your suspicions on symptoms alone, you might invite a close friend to share a room with you for a night or two and ask in the morning if the friend heard or was awakened by your snoring and noticed whether your noisy inspiration of air followed a seemingly prolonged stoppage of breathing. The snoring doesn’t have to be loud to be a symptom of sleep apnea, but it’s likely to be irregular and interspersed with quiet pauses." A gut check for heart failure patients - Science Daily, 5/26/19 - "Heart failure patients had lower biodiversity of intestinal microbes than healthy controls, with differences in the two main phyla of bacteria present in the human gut. Patients with heart failure had a lower ratio of Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes (F/B) compared to controls, and this difference was even more pronounced when the cause of heart failure was non-ischaemic ... Dietary and outcome analyses were performed in heart failure patients. Patients who had a heart transplant or died had lower biodiversity and a lower F/B ratio than controls. Regarding diet, bacterial diversity and Firmicutes levels were positively associated with fibre intake ... Our findings suggest that the altered microbiota composition found in patients with chronic heart failure might be connected to low fibre intake" Don't overdo omega-6 fat consumption during pregnancy - Science Daily, 5/25/19 - "In Western societies, we are eating more omega 6 fats, particularly linoleic acid, which are commonly present in foods such as potato chips and vegetable oil. Other research has shown that linoleic acid can promote inflammation and may be associated with an increased risk of heart disease" Growing up high: Neurobiological consequences of adolescent cannabis use - Science Daily, 5/26/19 - "The researchers found substance use to be linked to low cognitive functioning, a finding that could be indicative of an underlying common vulnerability. Cannabis use was linked to impairments in working memory and inhibitory control, which is required for self-control. Cannabis use was also linked to deficits in memory recall and perceptual reasoning. Alcohol use was not linked to impairments in these cognitive functions, suggesting cannabis could have more long-term effects than alcohol ... adolescent exposure to THC induces changes in specific a region of the brain called the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and in a brain circuit, the mesolimbic pathway, that closely resemble the abnormalities observed in schizophrenia. Furthermore, adolescent THC exposure also caused affective and cognitive abnormalities including deficits in social interactions, memory processing and anxiety regulation" Eggs Not Tied to Higher Stroke Risk - NYT, 5/22/19 - "On average, the men ate about four and a half eggs a week and consumed 408 milligrams of cholesterol a day. After controlling for other health and behavioral characteristics, the researchers found no difference in risk between a man who averaged less than two eggs a week and one who ate more than six. And a man who took in 333 milligrams of cholesterol a day was at no higher risk for stroke than one who had more than 459 milligrams a day." A Possible Weight Loss Strategy: Skip Breakfast Before Exercise - NYT, 5/22/19 - "If we skip eating in the morning, we have no calories from a meal available for fuel during exercise and instead will rely on — and reduce — our internal carbohydrate stores, along with some of our fat ... Some researchers have speculated that we might then wind up overcompensating later, eating more calories than we burned during the workout and undermining our efforts to maintain or lose weight ... But that possibility had not been investigated ... It was when they had skipped breakfast before exercise that their eating became most interesting. Having presumably depleted most of their bodies’ stored carbohydrates during the cycling that day, the men seemed ravenous at lunch, consuming substantially more calories than during either of their other lab visits ... But afterward their eating tailed off and at the end of the day, they maintained an energy deficit of nearly 400 calories, meaning they had replenished few of the calories they had burned while riding ... They suggest that working out on an empty stomach in the morning may not prompt us to overeat later and might, instead, lead to calorie deficits." - Note: Skipping breakfast before a workout has been my strategy for years. For me, eating breakfast and cutting down throughout the Day leaves me so hungry in the middle of the night that I can't sleep. Most e-cigarette users want to quit, study finds - Science Daily, 5/21/19 - "The study found that more than 60 percent of e-cigarette users want to quit using e-cigarettes and 16 percent plan to quit in the next month. More than 25 percent have tried to quit using e-cigarettes in the past year." - Duh! Why start in the first place? Why lack of sleep is bad for your heart - Science Daily, 5/21/19 - "people who sleep fewer than 7 hours per night have lower blood levels of three physiological regulators, or microRNAs, which influence gene expression and play a key role in maintaining vascular health ... MicroRNAs are small molecules that suppress gene expression of certain proteins in cells. The exact function of circulating microRNAs in the cardiovascular system, and their impact on cardiovascular health is receiving a lot of scientific attention, and drugs are currently in development for a variety of diseases, including cancer, to correct impaired microRNA signatures ... They are like cellular brakes, so if beneficial microRNAs are lacking that can have a big impact on the health of the cell ... people with insufficient sleep had 40 to 60 percent lower circulating levels of miR-125A, miR-126, and miR-146a, (previously shown to suppress inflammatory proteins) than those who slept enough" Collagen supplement use growing in popularity, improves skin, hair and nails - 10News, 5/20/19 - "After the age of 30, collagen decreases by 1 percent, so by the time you're 50, you've lost 20 percent of your collagen ... If you have injuries, collagen is going to help and repair tissue ... The experts say collagen powder works, but make sure it’s not your main source of protein" - See collagen supplements at Amazon.com.
might be alleviated by regulating gut bacteria - Science Daily,
5/20/19 - "People who experience
anxiety symptoms might be helped by taking steps
to regulate the microorganisms in their gut using
probiotic and non-probiotic food and
supplements ... Of the 14 studies that had used probiotics as the
intervention, more than a third (36%) found them to be effective in reducing
anxiety symptoms, while six of the remaining seven studies that had used non-probiotics
as interventions found those to be effective -- a 86% rate of effectiveness ...
Some studies had used both the IRIF (interventions to regulate intestinal
microbiota) approach and treatment as usual ... The authors say one reason that
non-probiotic interventions were significantly more effective than probiotic
interventions was possible due to the fact that changing diet (a diverse energy
source) could have more of an impact on gut bacteria growth than introducing
specific types of bacteria in a probiotic supplement ... There are two kinds of
interventions (probiotic and non-probiotic interventions) to regulate intestinal
microbiota, and it should be highlighted that the non-probiotic interventions
were more effective than the probiotic interventions" - See
probiotic products at Amazon.com Dietary cholesterol or egg consumption do not increase the risk of stroke, Finnish study finds - Science Daily, 5/20/19 - "a moderately high intake of dietary cholesterol or consumption of up to one egg per day is not associated with an elevated risk of stroke. Furthermore, no association was found in carriers of the APOE4 phenotype, which affects cholesterol metabolism and is remarkably common among the Finnish population ... Findings from earlier studies addressing the association of dietary cholesterol or egg intake with the risk of stroke have been contradictory. Some studies have found an association between high dietary cholesterol intake and an increased risk of stroke, while others have associated the consumption of eggs, which are high in cholesterol, with a reduced risk of stroke. For most people, dietary cholesterol plays a very small role in affecting their serum cholesterol levels. However, in carriers of the apolipoprotein E phenotype 4 -- which significantly impacts cholesterol metabolism -- the effect of dietary cholesterol on serum cholesterol levels is greater ... The findings suggest that moderate cholesterol intake or daily egg consumption are not associated with the risk of stroke, even in persons who are genetically predisposed to a greater effect of dietary cholesterol on serum cholesterol levels" Should ICDs in Primary Prevention Go the Way of Aspirin? - Medscape, 5/19/19 - "Over nearly 6 years of follow-up, implanting an ICD did not result in a statistically significant reduction in the primary endpoint of death ... The impetus for this research came from a meta-analysis of 12 heart failure trials spanning a 20-year period that showed a statistically significant 44% decline in the rate of sudden death from old to new trials ... Relative to the older trial, the rate of ventricular tachycardia (VT)/ventricular fibrillation (VF) and death decreased by roughly 30% and 60%, respectively in the newer trials ... They observed ICD-related complications in 195 (13.5%) patients, including 113 (7.8%) with major complications. Nearly half the complications occurred after 30 days; 106 (7.3%) patients required surgery to deal with a complication. Five patients died of ICD-related complications ... ICD proponents might push back and cite a systematic review of ICD complications that found a lower 9% rate of complications in randomized, controlled trials (RCTs) and a 3% rate in the National Cardiovascular Data Registry (NCDR).[15] Two reasons you should favor the Dutch and Danish data are that RCTs typically underestimate harms, in part because of the careful selection of "healthier" patients, and the NCDR describes only complications around the time of the implant ... At the same time, real-world data from reliable, contemporary sources suggest significant harms from the device. As the population ages and patients with heart failure live with more comorbid conditions, ICD complication rates will likely increase" - Note: One of my pet peeves is cardiologists that push ICDs and demonize supplements when the supplements show better results. Here's an example:
compound found in broccoli reawakens the function of potent tumor suppressor
- Science Daily, 5/16/19 - "By analyzing the enzyme's
physical shape, the research team's chemists recognized that a small molecule --
formally named indole-3-carbinol (I3C), an ingredient in broccoli and its
relatives -- could be the key to quelling the cancer causing effects of WWP1 ...
When Pandolfi and colleagues tested this idea by administering I3C to cancer
prone lab animals, the scientists found that the naturally occurring ingredient
in broccoli inactivated WWP1, releasing the brakes on the PTEN's tumor
suppressive power ... But don't head to the farmer's market just yet; first
author Yu-Ru Lee, PhD, a member of the Pandolfi lab, notes you'd have to eat
nearly 6 pounds of Brussels sprouts a day -- and uncooked ones at that -- to
reap their potential anti-cancer benefit" - See
indole-3-carbinol at Amazon.com Here's What Eating Processed Foods for Two Weeks Does to Your Body - Time, 5/16/19 - "Both diets contained nearly identical nutrient profiles, with the same amount of sugar, fat, sodium, fiber and more. But the meals had very different effects. When people ate a highly processed diet, they ate about 500 more calories per day than they did on the less-processed diet. They also gained about two pounds over the course of two weeks on the ultra-processed diet—and lost about the same amount on the unprocessed diet ... They ate faster, too, which could be one reason why they gained more weight. “Ultra-processed food tends to be softer, which makes it easier to chew and swallow,” Hall says. “One of the theories is that if you’re eating more quickly, you’re not giving your gut enough time to signal to your brain that you’ve had enough calories and that you’re full and to stop eating. By the time the brain gets that signal, it’s too late—you’ve already overeaten.”" - Yeah but playing devil's advocate, this could because it tastes better an you need to control yourself. Regular crosswords and number puzzles linked to sharper brain in later life - Science Daily, 5/16/19 - "researchers calculate that people who engage in word puzzles have brain function equivalent to ten years younger than their age, on tests assessing grammatical reasoning and eight years younger than their age on tests measuring short term memory." - Yeah, but if you want to exercise your brain and get something useful out of it at the same time, try learning Mandarin. Several years ago I bought all four versions of Pimsleur (used) and imported them into iTunes and put them on my iPod and iPhone to also listen to in the car. I don't see any advantage of buying the new. You used it only once to import it into iTunes.
Glucosamine Supplements
Linked to Lower CVD Event Risks - Medscape, 5/14/19 -
"Glucosamine use was
associated with a 15% lower risk for total
CVD events and a 9% to 22% lower risk for stroke, coronary heart disease
(CHD), and CVD death after adjustment for age, sex, body mass index, race,
lifestyle factors, diet, medications, and other supplements ... A few other
cohort studies have raised this question including the Vitamins and Lifestyle
(VITAL) cohort study, in which high glucosamine use (at least 4 days per week
for at least 3 years) was associated with a 17% lower adjusted total mortality
risk ... the associations may be driven by the anti-inflammatory properties of
glucosamine or that the popular supplement may mimic a low carbohydrate diet by
decreasing glycolysis and increasing amino acid catabolism"
- [New
York Times] - See
glucosamine products at Amazon.com Study: Low-Dose Aspirin's Risks Outweigh Benefits - WebMD, 5/14/19 - "Researchers said the findings support a recent change to guidelines on low-dose aspirin: The blood thinner should now be reserved for people at high risk of heart attack or stroke ... Others can skip it ... Instead, the average person should focus on controlling their blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol, eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise and not smoking ... The guidelines say people over age 70 should avoid aspirin if they do not have overt cardiovascular disease. But it may still be considered for certain people ages 40 to 70 who are at heightened risk of cardiovascular complications" Is There a Role for Hyaluronic Acid in Knee Osteoarthritis? - DocGuide.com, 5/8/19 - "This suggests that HA of high molecular weight is more effective and has been shown to meet the criteria for a minimally effective difference" - See high molecular weight hyaluronic acid at Amazon.com. Abstracts from this week:
Randomized Study of the
Effect of Vitamin D and Omega-3 Fatty Acids Cosupplementation as Adjuvant
Chemotherapy on Inflammation and Nutritional Status in Colorectal Cancer
Patients - J Diet Suppl. 2019 May 20:1-17 - "Vitamin
D3 plus omega-3 fatty acids cosupplementation in
colorectal cancer patients has
beneficial impacts on inflammation and nutritional status" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com Oxyresveratrol exerts ATF4- and Grp78-mediated neuroprotection against endoplasmic reticulum stress in experimental Parkinson's disease - Nutr Neurosci. 2019 May 17:1-16 - "n summary, oxyresveratrol is protective against ER stress induced by two different triggers of PD. Owing to its wide range of defense mechanisms, oxyresveratrol is an ideal candidate for a multifactorial disease like PD"
Blueberry Supplementation
Mitigates Altered Brain Plasticity and Behaviour After Traumatic Brain Injury in
Rats - Mol Nutr Food Res. 2019 May 21 - "Our data
indicate that BB supplementation has a beneficial value for mitigating the acute
aspects of the TBI pathology" - See
blueberry extract at Amazon.com
Blood Pressure-Lowering
by the Antioxidant Resveratrol is Counterintuitively Mediated by Oxidation of
cGMP-Dependent Protein Kinase - Circulation. 2019 May 22 -
"Resveratrol mediates lowering of
blood pressure by
paradoxically inducing protein oxidation, especially during times of oxidative
stress, a mechanism that may be a common feature of 'antioxidant' molecules"
- See
resveratrol products at Amazon.com
Pomegranate juice and
extract extended lifespan and reduced intestinal fat deposition in
Caenorhabditis elegans - Int J Vitam Nutr Res. 2017 May;87(3-4) -
"Pomegranate juice with a high content of polyphenols,
pomegranate extract, ellagic acid, and urolithin A, have anti-oxidant and
anti-obesity effects in humans. Pomegranate juice extends lifespan of Drosophila melanogaster. Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) (n = 6) compared to the
control group in each treatment, lifespan was increased by pomegranate juice in
wild type (N2, 56 %, P < 0.001) and daf-16 mutant (daf-16(mgDf50)I) (18 %, P =
0.00012), by pomegranate extract in N2 (28 %, P = 0.00004) and in
daf-16(mgDf50)I (10 %, P < 0.05), or by ellagic acid (11 %, P < 0.05).
Pomegranate juice reduced intestinal fat deposition (IFD) in C. elegans"
- See
pomegranate extract at Amazon.com
Neuroprotective Effects
of Diets Containing Olive Oil and DHA/EPA in a Mouse Model of Cerebral Ischemia
- Nutrients. 2019 May 18;11(5) - "These findings support
the use of DHA/EPA-omega-3-fatty acid supplementation and
olive oil as dietary
source of MUFAs in order to reduce the damage and protect the brain when a
stroke occurs" - See
omega-3 supplements at Amazon.com
Long-Chain n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Aortic Calcification in
Middle-Aged Men: The Population-Based Cross-sectional ERA-JUMP Study
-Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, 05/23/2019 -
"This study showed the significant inverse association
of LCn-3PUFAs with aortic calcification
independent of conventional cardiovascular risk factors among men in the general
population. This association appeared to be driven by DHA
but not EPA" - [Nutra
USA] - See
docosahexaenoic acid at Amazon.com
Effects of MaquiBright® on improving eye dryness and fatigue in humans: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial - J Tradnd Compl Med, 22 Nov 2018 - "The MB group demonstrated a significantly higher lacrimal fluid production in both eyes (increased 6.4 ± 8.1 mm, P = 0.005) in Schirmer's test compared to the P group before VDT load (playing a video game) at 4 weeks after intake. In the VAS method after VDT load, the reduction of subjective symptoms in eye fatigue (P = 0.047) and stiff shoulders (P = 0.035) were significantly higher in the MB group than in the P group as well as bothersome ocular symptoms (P = 0.037) by the DEQS. No adverse events were reported. Thus, the consumption of 60 mg of MaquiBright® per day for 4 weeks reduced eye dryness and seemed to alleviate eye fatigue" - [Nutra USA] - See MaquiBright® at Amazon.com.
Serum Lutein is related
to Relational Memory Performance - Nutrients. 2019 Apr 2;11(4) -
"Findings from this study indicate that among the
carotenoids evaluated, lutein may play an
important role in hippocampal function among
adults who are overweight or obese" - [Nutra
USA] - See
lutein at Amazon.com Effects of 12 Weeks of Hypertrophy Resistance Exercise Training Combined with Collagen Peptide Supplementation on the Skeletal Muscle Proteome in Recreationally Active Men - Nutrients. 2019 May 14;11(5) - "Evidence has shown that protein supplementation following resistance exercise training (RET) helps to further enhance muscle mass and strength. Studies have demonstrated that collagen peptides containing mostly non-essential amino acids increase fat-free mass (FFM) and strength in sarcopenic men ... In conclusion, the use of RET in combination with collagen peptide supplementation results in a more pronounced increase in BM, FFM, and muscle strength than RET alone. More proteins were upregulated in the COL intervention most of which were associated with contractile fibers" - [Nutra USA] -See collagen supplements at Amazon.com.
Mid-life microbiota crises: middle age is associated with pervasive neuroimmune alterations that are reversed by targeting the gut microbiome - Mol Psychiatry. 2019 May 16 - "Male middle age is a transitional period where many physiological and psychological changes occur leading to cognitive and behavioural alterations, and a deterioration of brain function. However, the mechanisms underpinning such changes are unclear. The gut microbiome has been implicated as a key mediator in the communication between the gut and the brain, and in the regulation of brain homeostasis, including brain immune cell function ... Male young adult (8 weeks) and middle-aged (10 months) C57BL/6 mice received diet enriched with a prebiotic (10% oligofructose-enriched inulin) or control chow for 14 weeks. Prebiotic supplementation differentially altered the gut microbiota profile in young and middle-aged mice with changes correlating with faecal metabolites. Functionally, this translated into a reversal of stress-induced immune priming in middle-aged mice. In addition, a reduction in ageing-induced infiltration of Ly-6Chi monocytes into the brain coupled with a reversal in ageing-related increases in a subset of activated microglia (Ly-6C+) was observed. Taken together, these data highlight a potential pathway by which targeting the gut microbiome with prebiotics can modulate the peripheral immune response and alter neuroinflammation in middle age. Our data highlight a novel strategy for the amelioration of age-related neuroinflammatory pathologies and brain function" - [Nutra USA] - See oligofructose at Amazon.com.
I decided to take a stab at making an ice cream that was somewhat healthy so I bought the ice cream maker below. First I took their recipe and replaced the milk and cream with 98% fat free milk and replaced the sugar with inulin. It turned out icy and all that inulin gave me gas. Then I tried 98% milk for the milk, kept the cream and used 50% inulin and 50% sugar. That turned out to be the best ice cream I’ve ever tasted. I just need to experiment with the right about of 98% milk and cream. There’s a lot of advantages to using inulin such as weight loss, it improves diabetes rather than making it worse like with sugar, a 33% increase in lifespan in mice, cholesterol, it's a prebiotic and a fiber, etc. plus it makes ice cream creamier and gives it a better taste. The first recipe below is from the Cuisinart book that came with the machine. That second is the Salt & Straw recipe. Salt & Straw says to add xanthan gum claiming that it makes the ice cream smoother and helps prevent ice crystals if it's been in the freezer more than a couple days. I'd go with the Cuisinart recipe substituting inulin for half the sugar and adding about a half teaspoon (mostly adjusted for recipe size) of xanthan gum. I doubt if you'd beat the taste and smoothness.
Health Focus (Cayenne/Capsicum):