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Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending 6/3/09. You should consult your doctor if you are taking any medications. Spirulina extract may reverse pain sensitivity - Nutra USA, 6/2/09 - "Both doses of C-phycocyanin were found to “significantly attenuate carrageenan-induced” inflammation ... Markers of inflammation, including inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), cyclooxygeanase-2 (COX-2), and the formation of nitrate, tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and prostaglandin E2, were also measured ... induction of both iNOS and COX-2 was suppressed by the compound, and this was accompanied by an inhibition of the nitrate, PGE, and TNF-alpha formation" - [Abstract] - See spirulina products at iHerb.
Omega-3 may improve blood pressure during weight loss - Nutra USA, 6/2/09 -
"Consumption of fatty fish like salmon, or
fish oil supplements, may reduce
blood pressure during an energy-restricted
diet" - Note: The abstract isn't available yet. I should have
it next week.
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com Skin Lesion Leads To More Cancer Types Than Once Believed - Science Daily, 6/2/09 - "Two-thirds of the patients who had developed squamous-cell carcinomas, a form of treatable skin cancer, could trace their cancer to actinic keratoses. One-third of patients who ended up with basal cell carcinoma, the most common form of skin cancer in the United States, could trace their cancers to actinic keratoses" - I do a lot of swimming and just had three of these frozen by a dermatologist even though I wear a sun block shirt (coolibar.com) and plaster both a high number sun block plus zinc oxide on my face. Alcohol And Smoking Are Key Causes For Bowel Cancer - Science Daily, 6/2/09 - "people who consume the largest quantities of alcohol (equivalent to > 7 drinks per week) have 60% greater risk of developing the cancer, compared with non-drinkers ... Smoking, obesity and diabetes were also associated with a 20% greater risk of developing bowel cancer - the same risk linked with consuming high intakes of red and processed meat" Liver Disease 'Shrunk' By Blood-pressure Drug - Science Daily, 6/2/09 - "analysed a small clinical trial of losartan, a drug normally prescribed for hypertension, on 14 patients in Spain, who had Hepatitis C ... Half of the patients in the trial saw the scars in their liver shrink allowing the organ to repair itself ... Researchers believe that the drug blocks the signalling pathway so that the liver myofibroblasts die, removing the source of scar tissue. As the scar tissue breaks up, the damaged area of the liver is repaired by the body" Semen Quality May Depend Upon Antioxidants In Man's Diet - Science Daily, 6/2/09 - "Low antioxidant intake is associated with low reproductive capacity in semen" Breast Cancer Gene Can Be Blocked By Blood Pressure Drug - Science Daily, 6/1/09 - "The gene, called AGTR1, caused normal breast cells to behave like cancer cells. This behavior was reversed by treatment with the blood pressure drug losartan. Tumors in mice that expressed AGTR1 shrunk by 30 percent eight weeks after treatment with losartan" Zap! Wrinkles And Sun Spots Be Gone - Science Daily, 6/1/09 - “Patients are generally treated in two passes. The first pass acts very deeply on the skin, working on deeper lines, atrophic scars and the like,” Orringer says. “The second, more superficial pass, typically focuses more on blending skin tones and getting rid of sun spots and uneven pigmentation.” Teen soy intake linked to lower breast cancer risk - Nutra USA, 6/1/09 - "Adolescent intakes of soy foods were associated with a 43 per cent reduction in pre-menopausal breast cancer risk, while high intakes of soy protein and isoflavones were associated with 59 and 56 per cent reductions in the risk of breast cancer before the menopause" - [Abstract] Folic acid in pregnancy better than thought - MSNBC, 6/1/09 - "Baby-protecting folic acid is getting renewed attention: Not only does it fight spina bifida and some related abnormalities, new research shows it also may prevent premature birth and heart defects"
CoQ10 Improves Endothelial
Dysfunction in Statin-Treated Type 2 Diabetics - Medscape, 5/29/09 -
"Study subjects were randomized to receive either 200
mg/day of oral CoQ10 or placebo for 12 weeks ... Our
absolute improvement in FMD of 1% with CoQ10 supplementation may potentially
translate to a 10-25% reduction in residual
cardiovascular risk in these
patients" - See
ubiquinol products at Amazon.com
Fatty Acid Balance Can Alter Immunity And Gene Expression - Science Daily,
5/29/09 - "Anthropological evidence suggests that human
ancestors maintained a 2:1 w6/w3
ratio for much of history, but in Western countries today the ratio has spiked
to as high as 10:1. Since these omega fatty acids can be converted into
inflammatory molecules, this dietary change is believed to also disrupt the
proper balance of pro- and anti- inflammatory agents, resulting in increased
systemic inflammation and a higher incidence
of problems including asthma,
diabetes, and arthritis ... many key
signaling genes that promote inflammation were markedly reduced compared to a
normal diet, including a signaling gene for a protein called PI3K, a critical
early step in autoimmune and allergic inflammation responses"
- See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com American Academy of Pediatrics announces that it is doubling the amount of vitamin D it is recommending for infants, children and adolescents - ABC News video - 6:09 minutes More Vitamin D for all - ABC News Video - 1:11 minutes Multivitamins linked to younger ‘biological age’: Study - Nutra USA, 5/27/09 - "Compared to non-multivitamin users, the researchers noted that that telomeres were on average 5.1 per cent longer for daily multivitamin users ... Whereas the evidence is not sufficient to conclude that these 2 dietary antioxidants mediated the observed relation, the results are consistent with experimental findings that vitamins C and E protect telomeres in vitro" - [Abstract]
Vitamin D Deficiency Linked To Alzheimer's Disease And Vascular Dementia? -
Science Daily, 5/26/09 - "Several studies have
correlated tooth loss with development of cognitive
impairment and Alzheimer's disease or
vascular dementia. There are two primary ways that people lose teeth: dental
caries and periodontal disease. Both conditions are linked to low
vitamin D levels, with induction of human
cathelicidin by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D being the mechanism ... There is also
laboratory evidence for the role of vitamin D in neuroprotection and reducing
inflammation, and ample biological evidence to suggest an important role for
vitamin D in brain development and function ... those over the age of 60 years
should consider having their serum 25(OH)D tested, looking for a level of at
least 30 ng/mL but preferably over 40 ng/mL, and supplementing with 1000-2000
IU/day of vitamin D3 or increased time in the sun spring, summer, and fall if
below those values" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com Abstracts from this week's Doctor's Guide Nutrition/Dietetics plus abstracts from my RSS feeds (Click here for the journals, the PubMed ones at the top): Antiinflammatory and antihyperalgesic activity of C-phycocyanin - Anesth Analg. 2009 Apr;108(4):1303-10 - "Pre- or posttreatment with C-PC (30 or 50 mg/kg, IP) significantly attenuated carrageenan-induced inflammatory nociception and the induction of iNOS and COX-2 at the late phase, (4 h) accompanied by an inhibition of the formation of TNF-alpha, prostaglandin E(2), nitrate and myeloperoxidase activity ... Based on these results, it is suggested that the inhibition of NO and prostaglandin E(2) over-production through suppressing iNOS and COX-2 induction and attenuation of TNF-alpha formation and neutrophil infiltration into inflammatory sites by C-PC may contribute, at least in part, to its antihyperalgesic activity" - See spirulina products at iHerb. Doxycycline inhibits the adhesion and migration of melanoma cells by inhibiting the expression and phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) - Cancer Lett. 2009 May 29 - "doxycycline inhibits the adhesion and migration of melanoma cells. Afterwards, the cells undergo apoptosis (aniokis). Remarkably, doxycycline also inhibits the expression and phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK), a protein tyrosine kinase involved in the regulation of cell adhesion and migration. We further demonstrate that doxycycline down-regulates the activities of MMP-2 and MMP-9, and its effects are stronger than those of an Integrin beta1 antibody. Finally, we suggest that doxycycline might exert its anti-tumor effects by inhibiting FAK signaling pathway. These results provide an insight into the possible mechanisms that underlie the multiple drug actions of doxycycline. The potential use of doxycycline in anti-tumor treatment is promising and warrants further studies" Soya isoflavone supplementation enhances spatial working memory in men - Br J Nutr. 2009 Jun 1:1-7 - "Volunteers were randomised to take four capsules/d containing soya isoflavones (116 mg isoflavone equivalents/d: 68 mg daidzein, 12 mg genistein, 36 mg glycitin) or placebo for 6 weeks, and the alternate treatment during the following 6 weeks. Assessments of memory (verbal episodic, auditory and working), executive function (planning, attention, mental flexibility) and visual-spatial processing were performed at baseline and after each treatment period. Isoflavone supplementation significantly improved spatial working memory (P = 0.01), a test in which females consistently perform better than males. Compared with placebo supplementation, there were 18 % fewer attempts (P = 0.01), 23 % fewer errors (P = 0.02) and 17 % less time (P = 0.03) required to correctly identify the requisite information. Isoflavones did not affect auditory and episodic memory (Paired Associate Learning, Rey's Auditory Verbal Learning Task, Backward Digit Span and Letter-Number Sequencing), executive function (Trail Making and Initial Letter Fluency Task) or visual-spatial processing (Mental Rotation Task). Isoflavone supplementation in healthy males may enhance cognitive processes which appear dependent on oestrogen activation" Adolescent and adult soy food intake and breast cancer risk: results from the Shanghai Women's Health Study - Am J Clin Nutr. 2009 Jun;89(6):1920-6 - "Adult soy food consumption, measured either by soy protein or isoflavone intake, was inversely associated with the risk of premenopausal breast cancer, and the association was highly statistically significant (P for trend < 0.001). The multivariate-adjusted relative risks (RRs) for the upper intake quintile compared with the lowest quintile were 0.41 (95% CI: 0.25, 0.70) for soy protein intake and 0.44 (95% CI: 0.26, 0.73) for isoflavone intake. High intake of soy foods during adolescence was also associated with a reduced risk of premenopausal breast cancer (RR: 0.57; 95% CI: 0.34, 0.97). Women who consumed a high amount of soy foods consistently during adolescence and adulthood had a substantially reduced risk of breast cancer. No significant association with soy food consumption was found for postmenopausal breast cancer" Circulating Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Concentrations during the Menopausal Transition - J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009 May 26 - "Cross-sectional analysis at baseline, showed a linear decline in circulating log-transformed DHEAS with increasing age for either the entire cohort (2.81% per year) for individual ethnicities. A similar negative association with baseline age (2.44% decline per year) was seen in longitudinal linear mixed modeling including observations from premenopause through late postmenopause, an additional 0.33% decline/year" Multivitamin use and telomere length in women - Am J Clin Nutr. 2009 Jun;89(6):1857-63 - "After age and other potential confounders were adjusted for, multivitamin use was associated with longer telomeres. Compared with nonusers, the relative telomere length of leukocyte DNA was on average 5.1% longer among daily multivitamin users (P for trend = 0.002). In the analysis of micronutrients, higher intakes of vitamins C and E from foods were each associated with longer telomeres, even after adjustment for multivitamin use. Furthermore, intakes of both nutrients were associated with telomere length among women who did not take multivitamins"
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