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Alternative News:
Effects of
Complementary Combination Therapy of Korean Red Ginseng and Antiviral Agents
in Chronic Hepatitis B - J Altern Complement Med. 2016 Sep 7 -
"This study suggests the possibility of Korean Red
Ginseng as a complementary therapy for chronic hepatitis B" - See
ginseng at Amazon.com
Omega-3 fatty acids may prevent some forms of depression - Science
Daily, 10/1/14 - "They recruited 152 patients with
hepatitis C to participate, each of whom was randomized to receive two weeks
of treatment with EPA, DHA, or placebo. EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA
(docosahexaenoic acid) are the two main omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil
supplements ... Following the two-week treatment, the patients received a
24-week course of interferon-alpha treatment and were evaluated repeatedly
for depression ... The researchers found that treatment with EPA, but not
DHA or placebo, decreased the incidence of interferon-alpha-induced
depression in patients being treated for hepatitis C" - See
fish oil supplements at Amazon.com
Impact of Coffee on
Liver Diseases - Medscape, 8/14/14 - "Coffee
consumption was associated with improved serum gamma glutamyltransferase,
aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase values in a dose
dependent manner in individuals at risk for liver disease. In chronic liver
disease patients who consume coffee, a decreased risk of progression to
cirrhosis, a lowered mortality rate in cirrhosis patients, and a lowered
rate of HCC development were observed. In chronic hepatitis C patients,
coffee was associated with improved virologic responses to antiviral
therapy. Moreover, coffee consumption was inversely related to the severity
of steatohepatitis in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Therefore, in patients with chronic liver disease, daily coffee consumption
should be encouraged"
Serum Carnitine Level
in Chronic Viral Hepatitis - Medscape, 7/1/14 -
"64 out of 86 patients (74.4%) and 21 out of 86 (24.5%) healthy individuals
suffered from carnitine deficiency (p < 0.001). Carnitine dietary intake was
significantly lower (p < 0.001). Compared with patients with chronic
hepatitis C infection, a more severe form of carnitine deficiency was
detected in patients with chronic hepatitis B infection (18.39 ± 15.68
μmol/l vs 42.30 ± 32.92 μmol/l; p = 0.03)" - See
L-carnitine at Amazon.com
of a Diet Rich in n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Hepatic Lipogenesis and
Beta-Oxidation in Mice - Lipids. 2014 Mar 14 -
"In conclusion, a diet rich in fish oil has beneficial effects on hepatic
insulin resistance, lipogenesis and beta-oxidation and prevents hepatic
tissue from liver damage and NAFLD" - See
fish oil supplements at Amazon.com
consumption delays the hepatitis and suppresses the inflammation related
gene expression in the Long-Evans Cinnamon rat - Clin Nutr. 2013 May 17
- "Large-scale epidemiological studies have shown
that drinking more than two cups of coffee per day reduces the risks of
hepatitis and liver cancer ... Coffee administration for 25 weeks delayed
the occurrence of hepatitis by two weeks, significantly improved survival,
reduced the expression of inflammatory cytokines, and reduced the incidence
of small pre-neoplastic liver foci in LEC rats ... This study showed the
efficacy of coffee in the prevention of hepatitis and liver carcinogenesis
in the LEC model"
Hepatitis B Viral
Levels May Soar When Vitamin D Drops - Medscape, 6/10/13 -
"They analyzed serum samples from treatment-naive
patients with chronic hepatitis who visited the outpatient liver clinic of
the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Hospital in Frankfurt, Germany from
January 2009 to December 2012 ... 25(OH)D3 and HBV DNA serum levels showed a
significant, inverse correlation ... HBV DNA was the strongest determinant
of low 25(OH)D3 serum concentration in our cohort" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Vitamin B12 May Boost Hep C Treatment - WebMD, 7/17/12 -
"In the newly reported Italian study, previously
untreated patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) who received vitamin B12
along with the drugs pegylated interferon and ribavirin were more likely to
have undetectable levels of virus at 24 weeks after stopping treatment
compared to patients who did not receive vitamin B12" - See
vitamin B12 at Amazon.com
Caffeine consumption associated with less severe liver fibrosis -
Science Daily, 1/6/10 - "patients with chronic
hepatitis C virus (HCV) who consumed more than 308 mg of caffeine daily had
milder liver fibrosis. The daily amount of caffeine intake found to be
beneficial is equivalent to 2.25 cups of regular coffee. Other sources of
caffeine beyond coffee did not have the same therapeutic effect"
- Low Vitamin D
Levels Impair HCV Response to Interferon - Medscape, 12/16/09
The Healing Power of Proteolytic Enzymes - Dr. Murray -
"The list of conditions benefited by pancreatic
enzyme supplementation seems to be growing all the time. For example,
one potential use is in the treatment of viral related illness including
hepatitis C and herpes simplex infections. For example, in one study in the
treatment of herpes zoster (shingles) an orally administered proteolytic
enzyme preparation was more effective than the standard drug therapy
(acyclovir).8 In a study in patients with hepatitis C, proteolytic enzymes
were shown to be slightly superior to alpha-interferon in improving
laboratory values and symptoms." - See
Wobenzym-N products.
Liver Health - Powerful Support for Liver Function & Hepatitis C - Dr.
Murray (.pdf)
Drinking Coffee Daily Linked to Lower Progression of Chronic Hepatitis C
- Medscape, 11/2/09 - "Drinking 3 or more cups of
coffee per day is linked to a lower risk for progression of chronic
hepatitis C"
Patients With IBD, Chronic Liver Disease at Increased Risk of Vitamin D
Deficiencies - Doctor's Guide, 10/7/08 -
"conducted analysed vitamin D levels of 504 patients with IBD ...
researchers found almost 50% of the patients were vitamin D deficient at
some point, with 11% being severely deficient ... with hepatitis C virus
(HCV) ... 92.4% of the patients had some degree of vitamin D deficiency and
at least one-third was severely deficient" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Caffeine Consumption Appears Protective Against Liver Injury in At-Risk
Populations - Doctor's Guide, 5/19/04
- New Drugs Show
Promise in Hepatitis C Fight - WebMD, 5/18/04 -
"Mistletoe, Green Tomatoes, Novel Antiviral Drug May
Work When Standard Treatments Don't"
Mistletoe Extract May be Effective for Hepatitis C Patients Intolerant or
Unresponsive to Interferon and Ribavirin - Doctor's Guide, 5/18/04
- Treat Hepatitis C with
Simple Changes in Diet - Healthwell.com, 5/6/04
Effects of cis-9, trans-11 and trans-10, cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid
(CLA) isomers on immune function in healthy men - Eur J Clin Nutr 2003
Apr;57(4):595-603 -
"Seventy-one healthy males aged 31-69 y received one
of the following treatments: (1) mixture of 50% c9,t11
CLA and 50% t10,c12 CLA isomers (CLA 50:50); (2) mixture of 80% c9,t11
CLA and 20% t10,c12 CLA isomers (CLA 80:20); and (3) sunflower oil fatty
acids (reference) ... Almost twice as many subjects reached protective
antibody levels to hepatitis B when consuming CLA50:50 fatty acids (15/24,
62%) compared with subjects consuming the reference substance (7/21, 33%,
P=0.075). In subjects consuming CLA 80:20 glycerides this was 8/22 (36%)"
- See
conjugated linoleic acid at Amazon.com
- Chinese Herbs [with
the active ingredients bufotoxin or kurorinone] Boost Hepatitis B Treatment
- WebMD, 10/1/02
- Helping to Control
Hepatitis C with Diet and Exercise - New Hope Natural Media Online,
Zinc Adds Value To Interferon In Chronic Hepatitis C - Doctor's Guide,
Natural Remedies for Hepatitis C - Nutrition Science News, 10/00
Astragalus Asserts Immunity - Nutrition Science News, 10/00
Other News:
Hepatitis C Combo Pill May Cure Those Who Can Afford It - WebMD,
10/10/14 - "The medication is so powerful it cures
the disease for nearly all who take it ... called Harvoni, is a combination
of the already approved drug sofosbuvir (Sovaldi) and a new drug called
ledipasvir ... There are no significant side effects with this drug. And no
serious drug-to-drug interactions ... For a typical 12-week course of
treatment, the tab will be $94,500"
Breakthrough in treatment of hepatitis C - Science Daily, 6/22/11
Combination of direct antivirals may be key to curing hepatitis C -
Science Daily, 5/5/10
Chronic hepatitis C patients who achieve an early viral response can be
successfully treated within 6 months - Science Daily, 4/16/10
Report recommends steps to tackle hepatitis B and C - Science Daily,
Drinking Coffee Slows Progression Of Liver Disease In Chronic Hepatitis C
Sufferers, Study Suggests - Science Daily, 10/24/09 -
"Patients with chronic hepatitis C and advanced
liver disease who drink three or more cups of coffee per day have a 53%
lower risk of liver disease progression than non-coffee drinkers"
Cases Of Liver Cancer Reduced In Younger Population Vaccinated For Hepatitis
B - Science Daily, 9/16/09 - "A 20-year
follow-up study revealed a dramatic drop in liver cancer cases among 6- to
19-year-olds who were vaccinated for the hepatitis B virus at birth"
Current Hepatitis C Treatments Work Equally Well, Researchers Report -
Science Daily, 9/8/09
Experience Sexual Dysfunction During Hepatitis C Therapy - Science
Daily, 9/1/09
Era In Hepatitis C Treatment? - Science Daily, 6/5/09
Liver Disease 'Shrunk' By Blood-pressure Drug - Science Daily, 6/2/09 -
"analysed a small clinical trial of losartan, a drug
normally prescribed for hypertension, on 14 patients in Spain, who had
Hepatitis C ... Half of the patients in the trial saw the scars in their
liver shrink allowing the organ to repair itself ... Researchers believe
that the drug blocks the signalling pathway so that the liver myofibroblasts
die, removing the source of scar tissue. As the scar tissue breaks up, the
damaged area of the liver is repaired by the body"
Hepatitis C Is Killing Liver Cells - Science Daily, 2/5/09
Therapy For Hepatitis C Treatment - Science Daily, 12/19/08
Liver Damage In Hepatitis C Patients Could Be Treated With Warfarin, Says
New Study - Science Daily, 7/31/08
Treatment Therapy Helps Inhibit Hepatitis C - Science Daily, 7/31/08
Shorter HCV Treatment Shows Notable Success - Science Daily, 1/8/08
Hepatitis C: Less Treatment OK for Some - WebMD, 1/3/08
Boosts Platelets In Hepatitis C Patients - Science Daily, 11/28/07
Hepatitis C Treatment Reduces The Virus But Serious Liver Problems May
Progress - Science Daily, 11/6/07
Pegylated Interferon Alfa-2a Monotherapy Efficacious in Treating Dialysis
Patients With Hepatitis C - Doctor's Guide, 11/5/07
Danazol Increases Platelet Counts in Thrombocytopenic Patients With Chronic
Hepatitis C or Cirrhosis - Doctor's Guide, 11/5/07
Hepatitis C Virus Eradication Linked to Sustained Response After Treatment
With Either Interferon alfa 2b or Pegylated Interferon alfa-2b Plus
Ribavirin - Doctor's Guide, 11/5/07
Drug Users With Hepatitis C Virus Can Achieve a Sustained Virologic Response
With Standard Treatment - Doctor's Guide, 11/5/07
24-Week Course of Interferon-Alpha Therapy Prolongs Survival in Patients
Hepatitis C Virus - Doctor's Guide, 11/2/07
It Pancreatitis In Acute Abdominal Pain In Acute Viral Hepatitis? -
Science Daily, 10/31/07
Weight-based Dosing Of Ribavirin Improves Outcomes For Patients With
Hepatitis C - Science Daily, 10/26/07
To Fight Treacherous Hepatitis B - Science Daily, 10/1/07
Longer Hepatitis C Treatment Best - WebMD, 7/11/07
Drug Warning Prompts Treatment Changes for Those with Hepatitis B, HIV -
Doctor's Guide, 6/20/07
Hepatitis C ‘Cures’ Now Common - WebMD, 5/21/07
Of Lymphoma Increases With Hepatitis C Virus Infection - Science Daily,
Sweat May Pass On Hepatitis B In Contact Sports - Science Daily, 3/1/07
- "Sweat may be another way to pass on hepatitis B
infection during contact sports"
Hepatitis C: Stopping Reinfection - WebMD, 11/3/06
Drug Helps Hepatitis C Patients Start Antiviral Therapy - Science Daily,
Headway Against Hepatitis C: Study Shows Liver Damage Can Be Reversed -
Science Daily, 10/30/06
FDA OKs New Hepatitis B Drug - WebMD, 10/26/06
Cholesterol Drugs Fight Hepatitis C - WebMD, 7/7/06
Statins Stop Hepatitis C Virus From Replicating - Doctor's Guide, 7/7/06
Entecavir Achieves Hepatitis B Suppression Through 2 Years - Doctor's
Guide, 5/29/06
Alternative Emerges for Hepatitis C Treatment Nonresponders: The REPEAT
Study - Doctor's Guide, 5/24/06
Acetaminophen Linked to Acute Liver Failure in Acute Hepatitis Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 5/24/06
Coley's Actilon for Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Therapy Granted - Doctor's
Guide, 5/17/06
Chronic Hepatitis B Patients Still in Remission Two Years After Treatment
With Pegasys (Peginterferon Alfa-2a) - Doctor's Guide, 4/28/06
WIN-R Study Demonstrates Efficacy of Shorter PEG-Intron and Rebetol Regimen
in Hepatitis C Patients with Genotype 2 or 3 Virus - Doctor's Guide,
Baraclude (Entecavir) Demonstrated Benefits Over Lamivudine In Treating
Chronically Infected Hepatitis B Patients At 48 Weeks - Doctor's Guide,
Beats Epivir for Hepatitis B - WebMD, 3/8/06
Preventive Treatment Helps Avoid Hepatitis B Relapse During Chemotherapy
- Doctor's Guide, 2/1/06
U.S. FDA Approves Cangene's Anti-hepatitis B Product - Doctor's Guide,
Vaccinating Infants of Hepatitis B Mothers Effectively Prevents Transmission
- Doctor's Guide, 1/27/06
High Level of Hepatitis B Virus in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B
Infection Predicts Increased Risk for Liver Cancer - Doctor's Guide,
Entecavir Efficacy Holds Up After Two Years of Treatment for Chronic
Hepatits B Virus - Doctor's Guide, 12/23/05
Viramidine May Reduce Anemia Complications of Hepatitis C Treatment -
Doctor's Guide, 12/16/05
Tenofovir More Effective than Adefovir for Long-Term Treatment of Resistant
Hepatitis B Virus - Doctor's Guide, 11/23/05
Short Therapy Regimens Effective for Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 2 and 3
- Doctor's Guide, 11/21/05
Double-Dose Interferon-alpha Plus Ribavirin Improves Sustained Virologic
Response in Non-Responders - Doctor's Guide, 11/21/05
Interferon-Alpha Reduces Liver Cancer Risk and Mortality in Cirrhosis
Patients - Doctor's Guide, 11/18/05
Largest Hepatitis C Trial in U.S. Patients Shows Weight-Based Rebetol in
Combination With PEG-Intron Increases Sustained Response, Lowers Relapse
- Doctor's Guide, 11/14/05
Baraclude (Entecavir) Two-year Data Analysis Did Not Detect Emergence of
Resistance in Nucleoside-Naive Chronic Hepatitis B Patients - Doctor's
Guide, 11/14/05
Globe Study Demonstrates Telbivudine Provides Significantly Greater Response
on Antiviral Measures vs. Lamivudine in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B
- Doctor's Guide, 11/14/05
Pegasys (peginterferon alpha-2a) Shows Encouraging Interim Results for
Hepatitis C Patients in Whom Peg-Intron (peginterferon alpha-2b) Therapy
Failed - Doctor's Guide, 11/11/05
P. Amarus Derivative May Help Prevent Progression of Hepatitis B to Chronic
State - Doctor's Guide, 11'8/05
Interferon with Ribavirin Safe and Effective for Children with Chronic
Hepatitis C - Doctor's Guide, 11/1/05
GlaxoSmithKline's Havrix (hepatitis A vaccine, inactivated) Now Approved
- Doctor's Guide, 10/18/05
Most Chronic Hepatitis C Sufferers Will Develop Cirrhosis in Later Life
- Doctor's Guide, 9/1/05
Hepatitis A Vaccine: More 'C' Patients Need It - WebMD, 8/24/05
Article Supports Pegasys (Peginterferon Alfa-2a) as First-Line Therapy in
Chronic Hepatitis B - Doctor's Guide, 6/30/05
Quality of Life Improves/Stabilizes With Entecavir Treatment for Chronic
Hepatitis B - Doctor's Guide, 5/18/05
Hepatitis C Drug Rocks Virus in Early Test - WebMD, 5/17/05
FDA Approves Pegasys (Peginterferon alfa-2a) as Pegylated Interferon for the
Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B - Doctor's Guide, 5/16/05
Combo Hepatitis C Treatment May Work in Kids - WebMD, 5/4/05
PegInterferon-alfa-2b with Ribavirin Shows Promise for Treating Children
with Chronic Hepatitis C - Doctor's Guide, 5/2/05
FDA Approves Baraclude (Entecavir) for Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B
- Doctor's Guide, 3/30/05
Cancer In Patients With Hepatitis C - Science Daily, 3/11/05 -
"People infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV)
have a higher risk of developing non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and multiple
- Vaccine Stops
Hepatitis B for 15 Years - WebMD, 2/28/05
FDA Approves First Ever Treatment for Hepatitis C in Patients with HIV -
Doctor's Guide, 2/28/05
Depression Caused by Common Treatment for Hepatitis C May Affect Outcome
- Doctor's Guide, 1/17/05
Peginterferon Alfa-2b May be Effective As Monotherapy In the Treatment of
Chronic Hepatitis B - Doctor's Guide, 1/6/05
- Hepatitis C in
Children - Medscape, 12/20/04
Liver Metastases Destroyed by Cold Ablation - Doctor's Guide, 12/1/04
Early Combination Therapy Prevents Liver Cancer in Hepatitis C Patients Who
Fail on Interferon Monotherapy - Doctor's Guide, 11/11/04
Studies Demonstrate Positive Data In Treatment Of Hepatitis C - Science
Daily, 11/8/04
Pegylated Interferon Alfa-2b Produces Greater Hepatitis C Load Reduction
Than Pegylated Interferon Alfa-2a - Doctor's Guide, 11/4/04
Sustained Viral Response Dependent on Pegylated Interferon Dose in First 20
Weeks of Hepatitis C Retreatment - Doctor's Guide, 11/4/04
Extended Therapy With Pegylated Interferon Alfa-2a (Pegasys) and Ribavirin
(Copegus) for Hepatitis C Infection Improves Responses and Reduces Relapse
Rates - Doctor's Guide, 11/3/04
Drug Combination May Become New Treatment Paradigm for Hepatitis C Virus
- Doctor's Guide, 11/3/04
Attention, Treatment for Mental and Physical Fatigue in Hepatitis C Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 11/3/04
- New Hepatitis
C Treatment Shows Promise - WebMD, 11/2/04
Thymalfasin Adds Efficacy to Standard Hepatitis C Combination Therapy -
Doctor's Guide, 11/2/04
Pegylated Interferon Induces Sustained Responses in Asymptomatic Patients
With Hepatitis C Infection - Doctor's Guide, 11/2/04
Consider Peginterferon as First-Line Therapy for Chronic Hepatitis B
Infection - Doctor's Guide, 11/2/04
EPIVIR-HBV (Lamivudine) Appears to Significantly Delay Liver Complications
From Chronic Hepatitis B - Doctor's Guide, 10/7/04
- Drug effective for advanced
hepatitis B - MSNBC, 10/6/04
Ondansetron Reduces Fatigue in Patients With Hepatitis C - Doctor's
Guide, 10/1/04
Clevudine Potent and Well Tolerated Against Hepatitis B Virus - Doctor's
Guide, 9/29/04
Pegasys (Peginterferon alfa-2a) Appears to Generate Higher Response Rates in
Patients with Advanced Hepatitis B Compared to Current Treatment in 48-Week
Regimen - Doctor's Guide, 9/16/04
- Hepatitis B
Vaccine May Be Linked to MS - WebMD, 9/13/04
- Liver
Transplantation and Hepatitis C - WebMD, 9/9/04
Hepatitis C: Surprise Finding Could Lead To Vaccine - Science Daily,
Researchers Identify Breakthrough In Hepatitis C Virus Infection -
Science Daily, 8/17/04
- Response to Hep
C Treatment Worse for Blacks - WebMD, 5/26/04
12-Week Pegylated Interferon Alpha-2b Treatment Effective in Acute Hepatitis
C Patients - Doctor's Guide, 5/6/04
Independent Study Evaluates Virologic Response of Two Approved Forms of
Pegylated Interferon In Combination with Ribavirin - Doctor's Guide,
New Data Support Hepsera's Long-Term Efficacy Against Chronic Hepatitis B
- Doctor's Guide, 4/19/04
Lamivudine Safe, Effective for Preventing Hepatitis B Virus Reactivation in
Patients Undergoing Immunosuppressive Therapy - Doctor's Guide, 3/15/04
- Bad Mix:
Alcohol and Hepatitis C - WebMD, 3/12/04
- Hepatitis C
Cure Rates Highest Ever - WebMD, 3/3/04
Peg-Intron Redipen Delivery System for Peg-Intron (Peginterferon alfa-2b)
Available in US - Doctor's Guide, 2/17/04
Age at Infection, Degree of Inflammation Play Role in Rate of Progression of
Hepatitis C - Doctor's Guide, 2/16/04
Ribavirin Dosing Should be Based on Renal Function Not Body Weight for
Chronic Hepatitis C - Doctor's Guide, 2/6/04
Persistently Abnormal Liver Function Tests May Be Marker Of Occult Hepatitis
C - Doctor's Guide, 1/5/04
- Hepatitis B rates decline,
except for adults - MSNBC, 12/31/03
Lamivudine Controls Viral Replication in Relapsed Hepatitis B Patients
Although Resistance Eventually Develops - Doctor's Guide, 12/2/03
Hepatitis Patients' Quality of Life Improved With Epoetin Alfa Treatment for
Anemia - Doctor's Guide, 11/17/03
Study Suggests Telbivudine More Effective at Suppressing Hepatitis B Virus
Than Current Standard Of Care - Doctor's Guide, 11/14/03
Epoetin Alfa Decreases Need for Dose Reduction in Hepatitis C Patients With
Treatment-Related Anaemia - Doctor's Guide, 11/13/03
- Combination
Vaccine-Lamivudine Therapy Helpful in Chronic Hepatitis B - Medscape,
Lamivudine Significantly Delays Liver Complications in Chronic Hepatitis B
- Doctor's Guide, 10/31/03
Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 4 Responds to Pegylated Interferon alfa-2b Plus
Ribavirin - Doctor's Guide, 10/31/03
Adefovir Helps Hepatitis B Patients With Viral Resistance to Lamivudine
- Doctor's Guide, 10/31/03
Peg-interferon Alfa-2b Plus Ribarvirin as Effective at 24-Weeks as at 48
Weeks, Better Tolerated, for Hepatitis C - Doctor's Guide, 10/30/03
Mycophenolate Mofetil Therapy Improves Liver and Bilirubin Function in
Patients With Refractory Autoimmune Hepatitis - Doctor's Guide, 10/29/03
Pre-Treating Hepatitis C Patients With Anti-Depressants Before Interferon
Therapy Prevents Psychological Problems - Doctor's Guide, 10/28/03
- Experimental
Hepatitis C Drug 'Promising' - Doctor's Guide, 10/27/03
Tissue Screening Procedures Inadequate for Detection of Hepatitis C -
Doctor's Guide, 10/22/03
FDA Approves Peg-Intron (Peginterferon Alfa-2b) Redipen For Treatment of
Chronic Hepatitis C - Doctor's Guide, 10/14/03
Hepatitis C Offers Unique Challenges for Physicians - Doctor's Guide,
Some Improvements Observed with Amantadine/Interferon-Alpha/Ribavarin
Retreatment in Non-Responder Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C -
Doctor's Guide, 10/9/03
Increased Risk for Type I Diabetes in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients
Undergoing Interferon Therapy: a Review - Doctor's Guide, 9/25/03
Interferon and Ribavirin Safe for Patients With Hepatitis C-Related Renal
Insufficiency - Doctor's Guide, 9/8/03
Guidelines Issued For The Screening Of Infants Born To Hepatitis C
Virus-Positive Mothers - Doctor's Guide, 8/7/03
- Twice Weekly
Dose Better for Hep C - WebMD, 7/30/03
Hepatitis C Virus Drug Pegintron (Peginterferon Alfa-2b) Should To Be Given
Twice Weekly - Doctor's Guide, 7/28/03
High Rate of Spontaneous and Treatment-Induced Clearance of Acute Hepatitis
C Infection - Doctor's Guide, 7/23/03
Lamivudine May Benefit Hepatitis B Virus Patients With Chronic Renal Failure
- Doctor's Guide, 7/2/03
- More Effective
Hepatitis B Treatment [pegylated interferon] - WebMD, 7/2/03
Pegasys (Peginterferon Alfa-2a) Twice as Effective as Current Standard
Therapy for Hepatitis B Patients - Doctor's Guide, 6/30/03
- Adult Hepatitis
C Drug Also Helps Kids - WebMD, 5/23/03
Patients with Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 1 Respond to Treatment -
Doctor's Guide, 5/22/03
Fatty Liver Complicates Hepatitis C but Has No Impact on Effectiveness of
Treatment - Doctor's Guide, 5/22/03
Beneficial Effects of Lamivudine Seen in Children with Chronic Hepatitis B
- Doctor's Guide, 5/13/03
No Need for Hepatitis A Booster Vaccination - Doctor's Guide, 5/12/03
Hepatitis Vaccines Can be Given on Accelerated Schedule - Doctor's
Guide, 5/12/03
Key To Hepatitis Virus Persistence Found - Doctor's Guide, 4/21/03
- Drugs Being
Tested May Shorten, Ease Hepatitis C Treatment - WebMD, 4/17/03
Researchers Find No Evidence of Need for Hepatitis A Boosters - Doctor's
Guide, 4/11/03
FDA Grants Priority Review To Rebetol (Ribavirin) for Treating Pediatric
Hepatitis C - Doctor's Guide, 4/8/03
Therapy Boosts Hepatitis C Response Rates - Doctor's Guide, 4/7/03
Control Of Chronic Hepatitis B Achieved By Lamivudine Therapy In Half Of
Patients - Doctor's Guide, 4/4/03
High-Dose Interferon Has Long-Term Benefits In Hepatitis C Patients -
Doctor's Guide, 3/28/03
Hepatitis B Virus Replication Decreased, Alanine Aminotransferase Values
Improved by Lamivudine in Children with Chronic Hepatitis B - Doctor's
Guide, 3/21/03
Hepatitis C Therapy Mix Works As Well In Clinic As In Clinical Trials -
Doctor's Guide, 3/20/03
Pegasys (Peginterferon alfa-2a) More Tolerable Treatment for Hepatitis C
Patients - Doctor's Guide, 3/14/03
Paediatric Hepatitis C Is Mild But Persistent - Doctor's Guide, 3/5/03
Biopsies For Mild Liver Disease Need Four-Year Intervals - Doctor's
Guide, 2/28/03
Lamivudine Can Help Some Chronic Hepatitis B Patients With Hepatic
Decompensation - Doctor's Guide, 2/28/03
- New Hepatitis B
Drug Hepsera Better Than Current Treatment - WebMD, 2/26/03
Fibrosis Progression And Interferon Response In Hepatitis C Patients -
Doctor's Guide, 2/19/03
Combination Treatments Can Effectively Reduce Hepatitis C Progression -
Doctor's Guide, 2/17/03
Worse Hepatitis C Disease Linked To Previous Hepatitis B Infection -
Doctor's Guide, 2/12/03
Interdisciplinary Care Works For Hepatitis Patients At Psychiatric Risk
- Doctor's Guide, 2/6/03
Some Comorbid Infections Common In Hepatitis C Patients - Doctor's
Guide, 1/30/03
Efficacy Of Interferon Alpha Therapy For Hepatitis B Most Evident After
Long-Term Follow-Up - Doctor's Guide, 1/21/03
Mycophenolate Mofetil Has No Effect On Hepatitis C Virus - Doctor's
Guide, 1/14/03
Asymptomatic Hepatitis C Virus Infection Widespread - Doctor's Guide,
Acute Hepatitis C May Need Only Simple Follow-up - Doctor's Guide,
Smoking May Boost Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Activity - Doctor's Guide,
Re-Treatment With Interferon-Beta Not Effective For Hepatitis C -
Doctor's Guide, 12/17/02
Entecavir More Active Against Hepatitis B Virus Than Lamivudine -
Doctor's Guide, 12/11/02
Steatosis Raises Fibrosis Risk In Some Hepatitis C Patients - Doctor's
Guide, 12/9/02
Specific Extrahepatic Disorders Tied To Hepatitis C In Large Study -
Doctor's Guide, 12/6/02
FDA Approves Pegasys (Peginterferon Alfa-2a) Combination With Copegus
(Ribavirin) For Hepatitis C Treatment - Doctor's Guide, 12/4/02
Serum Cholesterol Lowered By Hepatitis C Virus-3a - Doctor's Guide,
- Depression Common
with Hep C Treatment [interferon] - WebMD, 11/22/02
Interferon/Ribavirin Mix Ineffective In Most But Not All Monotherapy
Non-Responders - Doctor's Guide, 11/22/02
High Seroprotection Rate from Two Hepatitis B Vaccine, 12 Months Apart -
Doctor's Guide, 11/18/02
FDA Advisory Committee Unanimously Recommends Approval of Pegasys
(Peginterferon Alfa-2a) in Combination with Copegus (Ribavirin) for
Hepatitis C - Doctor's Guide, 11/15/02
Efficient Dialysis Improves Response to Hepatitis B Virus Vaccination -
Doctor's Guide, 11/12/02
Pegintron (Pegylated Interferon Alfa-2b) with Ribavirin Effective in
Previous Nonresponders to Virologic Treatment - Doctor's Guide, 11/8/02
Interferon Does Not Prevent Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients with
Hepatitis-C Related Cirrhosis - Doctor's Guide, 11/8/02
- Hep C Drug Combo
for Difficult Cases - WebMD, 11/8/02
Genotype 4 Hepatitis C Virus Responds to Pegasys (Pegylated Interferon
Alfa-2a) - Doctor's Guide, 11/7/02
Thymalfasin Plus Pegasys (Pegylated Interferon Alfa-2a) Increases Response
Rates in Hepatitis C Patients Nonresponsive to Interferon - Doctor's
Guide, 11/7/02
- Diabetes Therapies
Show Promise for Treatment of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis - Medscape,
Chronic Hepatitis-C Patients Achieve Sustained Response with Amantadine Plus
Pegasys (Pegylated Interferon Alfa-2a) and Ribavirin - Doctor's Guide,
Re-treatment with Pegasys (Pegylated Interferon Alfa-2a) Helps Relapsed
Hepatitis C Patients Achieve Viral Clearance - Doctor's Guide, 11/6/02
Early Withdrawal of Ribavirin from Pegasys (Pegylated Interferon Alfa 2a)
Combination Therapy Does Not Appear to Affect Efficacy in Chronic Hepatitis
C Patients - Doctor's Guide, 11/6/02
Adherence to Peginterferon-Alfa-2b Plus Ribavirin Treatment Directly Linked
to Sustained Response in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients - Doctor's Guide,
Patients With Hepatitis C Awaiting Liver Transplant Experience Significant
Gains With Interferon Plus Ribavirin - Doctor's Guide, 11/6/02
Interferon-Treated Hepatitis C Patients Should Be Monitored For Depression
- Doctor's Guide, 11/5/02
Combined Therapy A Major Advance For Children, Youth With Hepatitis C -
Doctor's Guide, 11/5/02
Responders to Ribavirin and Peginterferon Alfa-2b for Chronic Hepatitis C
Best Identified 12 Weeks of Treatment - Doctor's Guide, 11/5/02
Peginterferon Alfa-2a Achieves Better Clearance of Hepatitis C Virus Than
Peginterferon Alfa-2b after 12 Weeks - Doctor's Guide, 11/5/02
Pegylated Interferon Alpha-2b Plus Ribavirin Provides Treatment Option for
Patients with Hepatitis C Virus and Normal Liver Enzymes - Doctor's
Guide, 11/5/02
Emtricitabine Achieves Sustained Response in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis
B - Doctor's Guide, 11/5/02
Uncomplicated Hepatitis C Shows No Symptoms - Doctor's Guide, 11/1/02
FDA Approves Pegasys (Peginterferon Alfa-2a) For the Treatment of Hepatitis
C - Doctor's Guide, 10/17/02
FDA OKs Another Hepatitis C Therapy - Intelihealth, 10/17/02
Problems With Routine Hepatitis B Vaccination In End Stage Renal Failure
- Doctor's Guide, 10/10/02
Emtricitabine Maintains Potent Antiviral Activity in Hepatitis B Patients
after Two Years - Doctor's Guide, 10/1/02
Pegylated Interferon Plus Ribavirin Superior For Chronic Hepatitis C -
Doctor's Guide, 9/27/02
Hepatitis Shots Show Promise - Intelihealth, 9/26/02
- Better Treatment
for Hepatitis C - WebMD, 9/25/02
FDA Approves Gilead's Hepsera (Adefovir Dipivoxil) For The Treatment Of
Chronic Hepatitis B - Doctor's Guide, 9/24/02
FDA OKs Chronic Hepatitis B Drug - Intelihealth, 9/21/02
Factors Predicting Discontinuation of Interferon Plus Ribavirin Therapy in
Hepatitis C Patients Identified - Doctor's Guide, 9/6/02
FDA Advisory Committee Unanimously Supports Approval of Gilead's Adefovir
Dipivoxil to Treat Chronic Hepatitis B - Doctor's Guide, 8/7/02
Bcl-2 Expression May Regulate Cholangioles Growth in Chronic Hepatitis -
Doctor's Guide, 7/22/02
Hepatitis B e Antigen Positivity Linked To Hepatocellular Cancer -
Doctor's Guide, 7/18/02
Zadaxin Produces Sustained Responses in Most Difficult to Treat Hepatitis B
Patients - Doctor's Guide, 7/16/02
Cause Of Thyroid Dysfunction Of Hepatitis C Patients Remains A Puzzle -
Doctor's Guide, 7/12/02
Combined Vaccination Effective Against Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B And Typhoid
Fever - Doctor's Guide, 7/8/02
Treatment Duo Works In Subset Of Hepatitis C Patients - Doctor's Guide,
- Experts Weigh in
on Hepatitis C - WebMD, 6/13/02
Hepatitis C RNA Decline Useful Treatment Indicator In Chronically Infected
- Doctor's Guide, 6/13/02
Hepatitis C Treatment Said Improved - Intelihealth, 6/13/02
High Viral Load In Mother Tied To Hepatitis C In Infant - Doctor's
Guide, 6/11/02
Hepatitis G Adds No Anti-Liver Action To Hepatitis C In Coinfected -
Doctor's Guide, 6/7/02
Hepatitis C Viral Load Is About More Than Numbers - Doctor's Guide,
Low to Moderate Alcohol Intake Increases Fibrosis Progression In Hepatitis C
- Doctor's Guide, 6/4/02
Immune Response Against Plasmodium Falciparum May Be Suppressed In Carriers
Of Hepatitis B Virus - Doctor's Guide, 5/30/02
Children With Hepatitis B Tolerate Lamivudine - Doctor's Guide, 5/30/02
- Easier Hepatitis B
Treatment for Kids - WebMD, 5/29/02
Daily Interferon Effective In Hepatitis C - Doctor's Guide, 5/29/02
Ongoing Interface Hepatitis C May Signal More Fibrosis Later - Doctor's
Guide, 5/28/02
Pegylated Interferon Plus Ribavirin Cuts Hepatitis C Fibrosis - Doctor's
Guide, 5/24/02
Hepatic Stellate Cell Marker Tied To Degree of Hepatitis C Liver Injury
- Doctor's Guide, 5/24/02
Liver Disease Worsened By Dual Infection Of Hepatitis B And C - Doctor's
Guide, 5/24/02
Schering-Plough Reports Results Of Clinical Studies Of Peg-Intron And
Rebetol Combination Therapy For Hepatitis C At Digestive Disease Week
Meeting - Doctor's Guide, 5/23/02
Blood Test Successfully Used to Replace Liver Biopsy in Some Hepatitis C
Patients - Doctor's Guide, 5/23/02
- Get Hepatitis A
Vaccination Before Traveling Internationally - WebMD, 5/23/02
- Treatment Works
for Advanced Hepatitis C - WebMD, 5/22/02
Pegasys and Ribavirin Effective at 24 weeks in Patients With Hepatitis C and
Advanced Fibrosis/Cirrhosis - Doctor's Guide, 5/22/02
- Amantadine Role in
Hepatitis C Treatment Debated - Medscape, 5/20/02
Markov Method Quantifies Fibrosis Progression In Hepatitis C - Doctor's
Guide, 5/8/02
No Iron Metabolism Disturbance In Paediatric Hepatitis B Patients -
Doctor's Guide, 4/26/02
Adefovir Dipivoxil Promising In Treatment Of Chronic Hepatitis B -
Doctor's Guide, 4/19/02
- New Hepatitis C
Drugs Looking Better - WebMD, 4/18/02
Pegasys (Peginterferon Alfa-2a) Breaks Sustained Virological Response
Barriers in Hepatitis C - Doctor's Guide, 4/18/02
Elevated Alanine Aminotransferase, Smoking and Drinking Linked in Hepatitis
C - Doctor's Guide, 4/17/02
Sustained Virologic Response Related To Treatment Adherence In Hepatitis C
Patients - Doctor's Guide, 4/8/02
- Pamela Anderson
Says She Has Hepatitis C - WebMD, 3/21/02
Rivarin-High Dose Interferon Combination Improves Responses In Hepatitis C
- Doctor's Guide, 3/18/02
Zadaxin In Combination With Interferon Shows Sustained Response In Hepatitis
B - Doctor's Guide, 3/13/02
- New Hepatitis C
Drug Improves Quality of Life - WebMD, 3/8/02
- Hepatitis C Bad
for Heart - WebMD, 1/11/02
Lilly, Vertex Select Drug To Develop For Hepatitis - Intelihealth,
Announcement Expected On New Hepatitis C Drug - Intelihealth, 1/'7/02
Docs: Babies Need Hepatitis Vaccine - Intelihealth, 1/7/02
- Combination
Treatment Offers Fresh Hope for Many - WebMD, 12/26/01
- Coviracil (Emtricitabine)
and Clevudine Show Promise for Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B -
Doctor's Guide, 11/13/01
- Positive Results Seen With
Omega Interferon In Hepatitis C - Doctor's Guide, 11/12/01
- Peg-Intron
(Peginterferon)/Rebetol (Ribavirin) Combo Continues to Show Great Efficacy
for Hepatitis C - Doctor's Guide, 11/12/01
- Hepatitis C
Treatment Helps Damaged Livers Heal, Cirrhosis Reversal Seen in Half of
Patients - WebMD, 11/12/01
Lower Ribavirin Dose Effective In Hepatitis C Therapy Mix - Doctor's
Guide, 10/23/01
- Peg-Intron (Peginterferon
Alfa-2b)/Rebetol (Ribavirin) Combination Launched in U.S. for Chronic
Hepatitis C - Doctor's Guide, 10/3/01
- The Earlier, the
Better for Treating Hepatitis C - WebMD, 10/1/01
Interferon Nearly 100 Percent Effective In Curing Early Hepatitis C
Infection - Intelihealth, 10/1/01
- Consensus Interferon
Effective In Hepatitis C Non-Responders - Doctor's Guide, 9/24/01
- Hepatitis B Patients With
Cirrhosis Respond to Lamivudine Treatment - Doctor's Guide, 9/24/01
- New Hepatitis C
Combo Treatment Is a 'Cure' for Many - WebMD, 9/20/01
- A Virus
[Hepatitis G] That Slows HIV? - WebMD, 9/5/01
- FDA Approves
PEG-Intron/Rebetol Combination Therapy For Chronic Hepatitis C -
Doctor's Guide, 8/8/01
- FDA Approves New
Hepatitis C Combo Treatment - Doctor's Guide, 8/9/01
FDA OKs Ribavirin Sold Separately - Intelihealth, 7/26/01
- New Test Will
Make Hepatitis C Diagnosis Easier - WebMD, 7/9/01
- Chronic Hepatitis Responds
To Lamivudine/Thymosin Alpha-1 combo Therapy - Doctor's Guide, 7/4/01
- Antisense Drug, Isis
14803, Shows Viral Load Reduction in Drug Resistant Hepatitis C -
Doctor's Guide, 6/18/01
- Hepatitis C Drug
May Help Stop Liver Cancer Recurrence, Interferon Alpha, Given After
Surgery, Shows Promise - WebMD, 5/30/01 -
"The drug, called interferon alpha, appears to help
prevent the return of liver cancer in people with hepatitis C who have had a
tumor removed surgically"
- Long Length of Immunity
Conferred by Twinrix (Hepatitis A Inactivated & Hepatitis B [Recombinant]
Vaccine) Confirmed - Doctor's Guide, 5/29/01
- Pegasys (Pegylated IFN
Alpha-2a) Shown Effective, Safe And Tolerable For Chronic Hepatitis C -
Doctor's Guide, 5/24/01
- Once-Weekly Peg-Intron
(Peginterferon Alfa-2b) Injection Plus Daily Rebetrol (Ribavirin, USP)
Capsules Shows Promise In Hepatitis C - Doctor's Guide, 5/24/01
- Hepatitis C Patients
Switched To Pegylated (40 Da) Interferon Alpha-2a Tolerate Treatment Better
- Doctor's Guide, 5/24/01
- Ribavirin/PEG Interferon
Alfa-2a Combination May Be More Effective Than Standard of Care For
Hepatitis C - Doctor's Guide, 5/23/01
- Pegasys, in Combination
With Ribavirin, Superior Treatment for Hepatitis C - Doctor's Guide,
- Second New
Interferon Drug Combo Cures Hepatitis C, Drug combo KO's Hepatitis C in More
Than Half of Patients - WebMD, 5/22/01 -
"The new interferons are called "pegylated"
versions, because they are linked to a chemical called polyethylene glycol,
or PEG. This makes the drugs stay in the body much longer. Instead of the
frequent injections needed for standard interferon, a patient needs only one
shot per week of the new PEG-interferons. But that's not the only difference
-- the PEG-interferons work much better than standard interferon both alone
and in the current state-of-the-art combination with ribavirin"
- FDA Approves Twinrix
[Hepatitis A Inactivated & Hepatitis B (Recombinant)] Vaccine - Doctor's
Guide, 5/14/01
- Histamine Augments Effect
of Interferon in Clearing Hepatitis C - Doctor's Guide, 5/2/01
- Immunization of Children
Against Hepatitis B Considered First Step in Preventing Cancer -
Doctor's Guide, 4/27/01
- Zeffix (Lamivudine)
Induces Virologic Response In Children With Hepatitis B - Doctor's
Guide, 4/23/01
- Adefovir Dipivoxil
Promising In Treatment Of Hepatitis B Virus Mutants - Doctor's Guide,
- Web Based Program,
SeqHebB, Helps Diagnose And Monitor Hepatitis B Virus - Doctor's Guide,
- Thinking About
Getting a Tattoo? Think Again - WebMD, 4/9/01
- Help Available
for Depression Triggered by Interferon - WebMD, 3/29/01
Study Sheds Light On Pernicious Hepatitis C Virus - Intelihealth,
3/16/01 -
"A research scientist has provided the first glimpse
into a kind of fatal hijacking that occurs at the molecular level of the
hepatitis C virus"
- Daily Interferon Alfacon-1
Plus Ribavirin Appears Promising For Hepatitis C - Doctor's Guide,
- New Hepatitis C
Treatment Hellish -- but Less Frequent, Once-Weekly Shots Give Patients More
Time Away From Needle - WebMD, 1/31/01
- FDA Approves
Long-Acting Treatment for Hepatitis C - WebMD, 1/23/01
FDA Approves Hepatitis C Therapy (Peg-Intron) - Intelihealth, 1/22/01
- FDA Approves Peg-Intron
(Peginterferon Alfa-2b) Powder For Chronic Hepatitis C - Doctor's Guide,
- Combined Drug
Therapy May Be Required to Treat Hepatitis C - WebMD, 1/9/01
New generation of interferon treatment helps hepatitis C - CNN, 12/7/00
- New Hepatitis C
Treatment Looks Promising - WebMD, 12/6/00
- Peg-Intron (Peginterferon
Alfa-2b) Plus Daily Rebetol (Ribavirin) Effective In Previously Untreated
Hepatitis C - Doctor's Guide, 11/2/00
- A Better Weapon
for the Hepatitis C Arsenal - WebMD, 10/30/00
- New Treatment
Offers Hope for Hardest-to-Treat Hepatitis C Patients - WebMD, 10/13/00
- Daily Interferon Alfacon-1
And Ribavirin Safe For Patients With Hepatitis C - Doctor's Guide,
- New Guidelines Endorse
Zeffix (Lamivudine) As Key Treatment Option For Hepatitis B - Doctor's
Guide, 8/28/00
- High-Dose Interferon Alpha
Effective And Tolerable For Chronic Hepatitis B In Children - Doctor's
Guide, 8/10/00
- Interferon Alpha Shows
Long-Term Efficacy For Children With Chronic Hepatitis C - Doctor's
Guide, 8/10/00
- Interferon Alpha More
Effective For Hepatitis C In Children Than In Adults - Doctor's Guide,
- Lamivudine May Clear
Hepatitis B In Children - Doctor's Guide, 8/8/00
Hepatitis C Emerges As A Top Health Concern - Intelihealth, 7/24/00
- Being Free of
Hepatitis C Six Months After Treatment May Mean You're Cured - WebMD,
Study: Liver Cells From Bone Marrow - Intelihealth, 6/27/00
- Sleep Disturbances Found
In Patients Taking Common Hepatitis C Treatment - Doctor's Guide,
Vietnam Veterans Are Warning Of Hepatitis C 'Crisis' - Intelihealth,
- Incidence of
Liver Cancer Expected to Climb as Hepatitis C Progresses, Death Toll From
Hepatitis C-Related Illnesses to Rise in Coming Years - WebMD, 11/10/99