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Rapamycin improves the
quality and developmental competence of in vitro matured oocytes in aged mice
and humans - Aging (Albany NY) 2022 Nov 26 - "Women
over age 35 suffer from the inadequate number and poor quality of oocytes during
assisted reproductive treatment, and making full use of the oocytes by in vitro
maturation (IVM) is crucial. Rapamycin could improve the developmental
competences of the post-maturation oocytes during in vitro aging, yet its
effects on the IVM process of oocytes from an aged population were not clear ...
Overall, rapamycin improved IVM outcomes of oocytes from aged mice and older
women. The specific mechanism of the positive effects of rapamycin on IVM
outcomes might be reducing ROS levels, mitigating DNA damage, and promoting
developmental potential" - See
Siromus (rapamycin) at ReliableRXPharmacy.
Effects of fish oil on
methotrexate-induced reproductive damage in rats - Andrologia 2022 Nov 11 -
"Methotrexate (MTX) is a folic acid antagonist that is
commonly used in paediatric and adult oncology to treat a variety of
malignancies. Internal organs, including the testis, are severely cytotoxic and
genotoxic to MTX. Omega-3, as an antioxidant, has been shown to protect rat
testis tissue from injury. The effect of fish oil (FO) on MTX-induced
reproductive damage in rats was investigated in this work ... All sperm quality
measures were significantly lowered in the MTX group, while FO had a recovery
effect. There were no notable variations in histopathology across groups except
for germ cell thickness, which reduced considerably in the MTX group and
recovered with FO treatment. As a result, FO has been shown to reduce testicular
toxicity following MTX treatment in rats" - See
omega-3 supplements at Amazon.com.I
nvestigation of the effect
of hesperidin on some reproductive parameters in testicular toxicity induced by Bisphenol A - Andrologia 2022 Aug 19 - "Bisphenol A
(BPA) is one of the chemicals that cause dysfunction and infertility in
testicles. Therefore, it is crucial to develop effective treatments against this
damage. In this study, the effects of Hesperidin (HESP), a flavonoid in
testicular toxicity induced by BPA in rats, on oxidative stress, inflammation,
apoptosis, histological damage, spermatogenesis, steroidogenic enzymes and
reproductive hormones were investigated ... Bisphenol A (BPA) is one of the
chemicals that cause dysfunction and infertility in testicles. Therefore, it is
crucial to develop effective treatments against this damage. In this study, the
effects of Hesperidin (HESP), a flavonoid in testicular toxicity induced by BPA
in rats, on oxidative stress, inflammation, apoptosis, histological damage,
spermatogenesis, steroidogenic enzymes and reproductive hormones were
investigated" - See hesperidin at Amazon.com.
Trehalose Suppresses
Lysosomal Anomalies in Supporting Cells of Oocytes and Maintains Female
Fertility - Nutrients 2022 May 22 - "Our results
suggest that autophagy maintains the healthy state of the supporting cells of
human oocytes by suppressing the formation of lysosomes. Thus, our results
provide insights into the therapeutic effects of trehalose on female fertility"
- See
trehalose at Amazon.com
Coenzyme Q 10 alleviates
testicular endocrine and spermatogenic dysfunction induced by high-fat diet in
male Wistar rats: Role of adipokines, oxidative stress and MAPK/ERK/JNK pathway
- Andrologia 2022 Jul 27 - "The current study
investigated the possible protective effects of Coenzyme Q10 (Co Q10 ) on rat
model of high-fat diet (HFD) induced testicular dysfunction ... In comparison to
the untreated HFD group, the Co Q10 treated group revealed significantly
increased serum testosterone, adiponectin levels, and decreased LH, FSH, and
leptin levels. In addition, HFD resulted in significant increase in testicular
oxidative stress (increased MDA, iNOS, NO, XO & decreased catalase, SOD, GSH)
and inflammation (increased pJNK/JNK, pERK/ERK, and p-p38MAPK/MAPK), while Co
Q10 was effective to ameliorate these changes. In addition, Co Q10 significantly
increased sperm count, motility and viability that were markedly deteriorated by
HFD. Regarding testicular ultrastructure, seminiferous tubular diameter and
epithelium height were reduced in HFD group and Co Q10 significantly improved
these testicular changes. Finally, a significant reduction in spermatogenic cell
proliferation was detected by PCNA fluorescent expression and Co Q10
significantly reversed this change" - See
ubiquinol products at Amazon.com.
Short-term resveratrol
treatment restored the quality of oocytes in aging mice - Aging (Albany NY)
2022 Jul 8 - "The quality of oocytes declines by aging,
resulting in their low competences for fertility. Here, resveratrol treatment
showed increases in the rates of implantation and live offspring as well as
decreases in the abortion rate as short as one week after treatment, although
the number of ovulated oocytes and the rates of fertilization and blastocyst
formation were not changed following resveratrol treatment. Resveratrol
treatment did not cause abnormalities mouse estrous cycles and body weights. No
abnormality was detected in both fetuses and placentas after 22 weeks of
resveratrol treatment and the fetuses had normal fertility. Positive
correlations were found between serum resveratrol levels and pregnancy and live
offspring rates as well as ovarian expression levels of Sirt1, Sirt3, Sirt4,
Sirt5, and Sirt7. The mitochondrial membrane potential and ATP content but not
copy number of mitochondrial DNA in oocytes was increased in aging mice with
resveratrol treatment. In conclusion, we demonstrated the restoration of oocyte
quality in aging mice in addition to the prevention of their quality decline
during aging by restoring mitochondrial functions by resveratrol treatment
without adverse effects in the animals and their offspring" - See
resveratrol products at Amazon.com.
Genistein lowers fertility
with pronounced effect in males: Meta-analyses on pre-clinical studies -
Andrologia 2022 Jun 27 - "Genistein, an isoflavonoid, is
found in a plethora of plant-based foods, and has been approved for use in
various therapies. A couple of studies in adult men observed a negative
correlation between genistein exposure and reproductive parameters ... Pooled
analysis showed significant decreases in sperm count in males exposed to
genistein during adulthood (Hedges's g = -2.51, p = 0.013) and in utero (Hedges's
g = -0.861, p = 0.016) compared with controls. In males exposed to genistein in
utero, serum testosterone levels decreased (Hedges's g = -6.301, p = 0.000) and
luteinizing hormone (LH) (Hedges's g = 7.127, p = 0.000) and FSH (Hedges's g =
6.19, p = 0.000) levels increased in comparison with controls. In females, the
number of corpora lutea (Hedges's g = -2.103, p = 0.019) and the litter size (Hedges's
g = -1.773, p-value = 0.000) decreased; however, female reproductive hormones
remained unaffected. These meta-analyses show that genistein has detrimental
effects on male reproductive system and on the progression and sustenance of
pregnancy, with more pronounced adverse impact in males, particularly when
exposed in utero"
Silymarin abrogates
acrylamide-induced oxidative stress-mediated testicular toxicity via modulation
of antioxidant mechanism, DNA damage, endocrine deficit and sperm quality in
rats - Andrologia 2022 Jun 26 - "Acrylamide (ACR) is
a toxic chemical formed in foods processed at high temperature; it is a
food-borne toxicant with increasing public health attention due to its
carcinogenic, neurotoxic and reproductive toxicities. However, till date, it is
unknown whether silymarin (SIL) could attenuate ACR testicular toxicity ...
Overall, SIL prevents ACR-induced testicular reproductive deficits via
modulation of antioxidant mechanism in rats" - See
silymarin at Amazon.com.
Beneficial effect of L-Proline
supplementation on the quality of human spermatozoa - Andrologia 2022 Jun 18
- "L-Proline is a natural anti-oxidative and
osmoprotectant agent, playing a versatile role in cell metabolism and
physiology. The present study aimed to explore the antioxidant effects of L-Proline
on human sperm function during incubation. Thirty healthy, normozoospermic men
(27-40 years) were enrolled. Sperm samples were incubated in an unsupplemented
sperm medium (control group), or supplemented with L-Proline (1, 2 and 4 mmol/L)
to evaluate its effect during 0, 1, 4 and 24 h of incubation ... The results
indicated that 2 mmol/L of L-Proline significantly improved the maintenance of
sperm motility, viability, normal morphology, chromatin and DNA integrity, and
TAC levels compared to the control group during 24 h of incubation (p < 0.05).
However, 1 and 4 mmol/L of L-Proline could not significantly preserve sperm
parameters, chromatin quality, and antioxidant status during different
incubation times compared to the control group (p > 0.05). Collectively, the
inclusion of L-Proline (2 mmol/L) in the human sperm medium maintains sperm
parameters and chromatin quality probably by modulating the oxidative status"
- See L-Proline at Amazon.com.
Silymarin modulates
cadmium-induced oxidative stress in human spermatozoa - Andrologia 2022 May
31 - "Environmental pollutants such as cadmium can negatively affect sperm
parameters and decrease male fertility by inducing oxidative stress.
Antioxidants are considered a useful strategy for oxidative stress conditions to
neutralize free radicals and strengthen the antioxidant defence system ...
silymarin attenuated oxidative stress biomarkers in human sperm treated with
cadmium, and consequently improved the sperm quality. In summary,
cadmium-induced oxidative stress impaired human sperm structures and silymarin
with its antioxidant properties compensated for the adverse effects of oxidative
stress on human spermatozoa" - See
silymarin at Amazon.com.
Trehalose Suppresses
Lysosomal Anomalies in Supporting Cells of Oocytes and Maintains Female
Fertility - Nutrients 2022 May 22 - "Electron
microscopy analysis revealed the proliferation of abnormal lysosomes in
chloroquine-treated KGN cells. Conversely, the addition of an autophagy inducer,
trehalose, suppressed chloroquine-driven problematic lysosomal anomalies and
ameliorated ovulation problems. Our results suggest that autophagy maintains the
healthy state of the supporting cells of human oocytes by suppressing the
formation of lysosomes. Thus, our results provide insights into the therapeutic
effects of trehalose on female fertility" - See
trehalose at Amazon.com
Curcumin improves the
protective effects of quercetin against atrazine-induced testicular injury in
adult Wistar rats - Andrologia 2022 Apr 18 - "This
study evaluated the beneficial protective effect of cotreatment of curcumin
(CUR) and quercetin (QUE) on atrazine (ATZ)-induced testicular toxicity in rats.
ATZ challenge diminished luteinizing hormone, follicular stimulating hormone,
testosterone and myeloperoxidase enzyme activity, but these effects were
attenuated on co-treatment with CUR and QUE. Also, co-treatment of CUR + QUE was
better than separate administration of QUE at diminishing malondialdehyde and
glutathione and improving tumour necrosis factor-α concentration, germ cell
numbers (spermatogonia, spermatocytes and round spermatids) and epididymal sperm
quality ... We conclude that CUR can improve the protective effects of QUE
against ATZ-induced testicular injury by enhancing the levels of reproductive
hormones, recovering testicular biochemical parameters and improving the
histological features of the testes" - See
curcumin at Amazon.com and
quercetin at Amazon.com.
Predictors of pregnancy and
time to pregnancy in infertile men with idiopathic oligoasthenospermia pre- and
post-coenzyme Q10 therapy - Andrologia 2022 Feb 1 -
"Different antioxidants including coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) have been tried to treat
idiopathic male infertility (IMI) with variable results. Therefore, this study
aimed to determine the clinical and biochemical predictors of pregnancy outcome
and time to pregnancy (TTP) in infertile men with idiopathic oligoasthenospermia
(OA) pre- and post-CoQ10 therapy ... CoQ10 therapy of 6 months is a potential
treatment for men with idiopathic OA. CoQ10 level, male age, semen parameters,
ROS and GPx could potentially be used as diagnostic biomarkers for male
fertility and predictors for pregnancy outcome and TTP in these patients"
- See ubiquinol products at Amazon.com.
Quercetin and vitamin E
attenuate diabetes-induced testicular anomaly in Wistar rats via the
mitochondrial-mediated apoptotic pathway - Andrologia 2021 Jul 18 -
"The role of quercetin and vitamin E treatment against
streptozotocin (STZ)-induced testicular abnormalities in diabetic rats and the
possible mechanism of action they use for protection were investigated ... The
study showed a positive correlation in the levels of LH, FSH and testosterone;
it was further established that all treatments normalised diabetes-induced
alterations. Treatment with quercetin and vitamin E resulted in 34% decrease of
apoptogenic cytochrome c release. This protected the testes against excessive
apoptosis by decreasing caspase 3 and caspase 9 activation by up to 30 and 28%
respectively (p < .05). Histology also showed that treatment prevented
testicular cell death. The findings show that quercetin/vitamin E possess free
radical scavenging properties that protected against testicular damage in
diabetes. This suggests the possibility of pharmaco-therapeutic intervention"
- See quercetin at Amazon.com and
iHerb and
Vitamin E at Amazon.com
Strawberry fruit (Fragaria x
ananassa Romina) juice attenuates oxidative imbalance with concomitant
modulation of metabolic indices linked to male infertility in testicular
oxidative injury - Andrologia 2021 Jul 13 -
"High-performance liquid chromatography analysis of SFE revealed the presence of
rutin, caffeic acid, p-coumarin and cinnamic acid. These data imply the
protective potentials of strawberry fruits against testicular oxidative injury"
- See strawberry powder at Amazon.com.
The effect of Quercetin on
the quality of sperm parameters in frozen-thawed semen of patients with
Asthenospermia - Andrologia 2021 Jul 5 - "The mean
percentage of total motility and progressive motility, normal morphology,
viability and antioxidant enzyme activity had significant increase in the
Quercetin group than the control group. In the Quercetin group, the MDA level
and DNA damage also had significant reduction in comparison with the control
group (p ≤ 0.001). Therefore, the Quercetin supplementation improves the quality
of cryopreserved human semen" - See
quercetin at Amazon.com and
Taurine ameliorates
cytotoxic effects of Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate on Leydig cells - Andrologia
2021 Jun 24 - "It has been revealed that di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate
(DEHP) has toxic impacts on the male reproductive system. Taurine (TAU) is an
amino acid with antioxidant property and beneficial impacts on the male
reproductive system ... DEHP could significantly decrease the cell viability
percentage, reduce testosterone level, increase apoptosis, elevate Bax/ Bcl-2
ratio and enhance caspase-3 and -9 activity in the TM3 cells. Additionally, DEHP
significantly elevated malondialdehyde contents and reactive oxygen species
levels. It also augmented superoxide dismutase and catalase activity in the
Leydig cells. Co-treatment of DEHP with TAU increased viability and testosterone
level, while oxidative stress and apoptosis significantly reduced. TAU could
decrease Bax/Bcl-2 ratio and caspase-3 and -9 activity in the DEHP-intoxicated
cells. Our results have clearly shown that TAU protects TM3 cells against
oxidative stress and apoptosis induced by DEHP" - See
taurine at Amazon.com and
Protective role of vitamin E
in testicular development of mice exposed to valproic acid - Andrologia 2021
Jun 21 - "Valproic acid (VPA) is a teratogenic
antiepileptic, causing alterations in oxidative stress in prenatal development,
being altered the development of the male reproductive system. The purpose of
this study was to determine the protective effect of vitamin E (VE) on the
testicular development in embryos, foetuses and pubertal mice exposed to VPA,
VPA+VE and only VE ... VE reduces the effects caused by VPA throughout
testicular development, from embryonic stages, continuing until pubertal stages"
- See vitamin E at Amazon.com
Effects of resveratrol on
female reproduction: A review - Phytother Res 2021 Jun 7 -
"The analysis of the available information suggests that
RSV has a number of properties which enable its influence on various
physiological processes including female reproduction at various regulatory
levels via various extra- and intracellular signalling pathways. Despite some
contradictions and limitations in the available data, they indicate
applicability of both stimulatory and inhibitory effects of RSV for control and
influence of various reproductive and non-reproductive processes and treatment
of their disorders in phytotherapy, animal production, medicine, biotechnology
and assisted reproduction" - See resveratrol products at Amazon.com.
Evaluation of the effect of
vitamin D supplementation on spermatogram, seminal and serum levels of oxidative
stress indices in asthenospermia infertile men: a study protocol for a
triple-blind, randomized controlled trial - Nutr J 2021 Jun 2 -
"It is suggested that vitamin D may have a beneficial
role in male reproduction. The male reproductive system is a target tissue for
vitamin D. This study will aim to evaluate the effects of vitamin D
supplementation on sperm parameters, seminal and serum levels of oxidative
stress and serum endocrine factors in asthenospermia infertile men ... The
deficiency of vitamin D as an antioxidant is common all over the world. Numerous
observational studies have shown a positive association between vitamin D levels
and semen quality. However, few clinical studies have been conducted in this
area. So considering with the high prevalence of this antioxidant deficiency
specifically in infertile men, it seems that the supplementation of vitamin D in
infertile men with insufficient levels or deficiency may improve the status of
oxidative stress and thereby may affect sperm parameters and endocrine factors
involved in male fertility" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com.
Turmeric and vitamin C
mitigate testicular atrophy induced by lead diacetate via regulation of
GRP-78/17β-HSD pathways in rat's model - Andrologia 2021 May 24 -
"TMRC or VIT-C specially in combination group prevents
Lead diAC testicular damage via reduction of oxidative injury as well as
inflammation, downregulation of GRP-78/BAX and upregulation of 17β-HSD and STAR
expression as well as improvement in the histological architecture of the
testis" - See turmeric extract at Amazon.com
and American Health Ester-c With Citrus
Bioflavonoids 500 Mg, 240 Count.
N-acetyl cysteine
co-treatment abates perfluorooctanoic acid-induced reproductive toxicity in male
rats - Andrologia 2021 Mar 16 - "Perfluorooctanoic
acid is a synthetic perfluoroalkyl-persistent in the environment and toxic to
humans. N-acetylcysteine is a pro-drug of both amino acid l-cysteine and
glutathione-a non-enzymatic antioxidant. N-acetylcysteine serves as an antidote
for paracetamol poisoning and alleviates cellular oxidative and inflammatory
stressors ... Co-treatment with N-acetylcysteine significantly (p < .05)
reversed perfluorooctanoic acid-mediated decreases in reproductive enzyme
activities, and adverse effect on testosterone, luteinising and
follicle-stimulating hormone concentrations. N-acetylcysteine treatment alone,
improved sperm motility, count and viability, and reduced total sperm
abnormalities. Co-treatment with N-acetylcysteine mitigated perfluorooctanoic
acid-induced alterations in sperm function parameters. N-acetylcysteine abated
(p < .05) perfluorooctanoic acid-induced oxidative stress in experimental rats
testes and epididymis, and generally improved antioxidant enzyme activities and
cellular thiol levels. Furthermore, N-acetylcysteine suppressed inflammatory
responses and remedied perfluorooctanoic acid-mediated histological injuries in
rat. Cooperatively, N-acetylcysteine enhanced reproductive function in
perfluorooctanoic acid dosed rats, by lessening oxidative and nitrative
stressors and mitigated inflammatory responses in the examined organ." -
See See
n-acetyl cysteine at Amazon.com.
Antioxidant effects of N-acetylcysteine
on the male reproductive system: A systematic review - Andrologia 2020 Nov 9
- "It is undeniable that N-acetyl cysteine as a powerful
antioxidant compound can medicate many diseases such as cardiovascular, kidney,
liver and reproductive system disorders. With the increasing environmental
pollution that has a direct adverse effect on male fertility, the use of this
compound is able to positively function on human fertility health. In this
study, we have been collected the main data of scientific articles (1994-2020)
about N-acetyl cysteine effects. By searching in the scientific databases of
PubMed, Google Scholar, Science Direct, Wiley and Web of Science, related
articles were extracted. As a result, all observations have confirmed that
N-acetyl cysteine can improve and normalise the spermatogenesis in the male
reproduction system" - See
n-acetyl cysteine at Amazon.com
Estimation of folic
acid/micro nutrients levels; does it reflect sperm parameters - Int J Clin
Pract 2020 Oct 30 - "It was declared that with every 1
unit increase in vitamin B12, FA and MMA the prevalence of infertility was
decreased by 1%, 17% and 74% respectively. Multivariate analysis revealed that
vitamin B12, FA and MMA had a significant association with total sperm count,
motility and morphology. The sperm parameters were also affected by increase in;
LH, BMI and body fat %. There was a significant positive correlation of; LH with
Vitamin B12 and FA (0.423<0.001,0.338 <0.001) and testosterone with vitamin B12
and FA (0.326<0.001,0.291<0.001) respectively" - See
folic acid products at Amazon.com and
Fish Oil Supplements Tied to Sperm Health - NYT, 1/17/20 -
"Researchers studied 1,679 Danish men taking physical
examinations for compulsory military service. Their average age was 19, and 98
of them reported taking fish oil supplements during the previous three months
... Compared with those who took none, men who took fish oil supplements for at
least 60 days during the previous three months had higher sperm count, a greater
proportion of normal sperm cells, higher average semen volume and larger average
testicular size. They also had significantly lower follicle-stimulating hormone
levels and lower luteinizing hormone levels, both indicators of better
testicular function" - See omega-3 supplements at Amazon.com.
Effect of lycopene on
testicular androgenic and anti-oxidative enzymes in cyproterone acetate-induced
male infertile Wistar strain albino rats: An in vitro study - Andrologia.
2020 Jan 8:e13494 - "Incidents of male
infertility are
mushrooming worldwide. Oxidative stress plays a prime role for its onset.
Considering this background, the study was designed to focus the direct role of
lycopene on cyproterone acetate (CPA) induced testicular hypofunction in rat.
Four groups have been considered including the vehicle-treated control,
lycopene-treated control, CPA-treated and CPA+ lycopene-treated groups.
Androgenic, antioxidant and toxicity profiles were assessed ... lycopene
exposure to the testicular tissue of CPA-treated rat (CPA+ lycopene-treated)
exhibited a significant (p < .05, p < .001) rectification in testicular catalase,
superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, glutathione-S-transferase activities towards
the vehicle- and lycopene-treated control groups. Toxicity profile also showed a
significant (p < .001) recovery in CPA-treated group after direct exposure of
lycopene towards the vehicle- and lycopene-treated control groups. So, it can be
concluded that direct exposure of lycopene may rectify the CPA-induced
testicular hypofunction either by its free radical-quenching ability or by
stimulating antioxidant enzyme activity without modulating androgenic key enzyme
directly" - See Jarrow Lyco-Sorb
(contains Lyco-O-Mato) at Amazon.com.
Lycopene improves sperm
quality: A promising nutrient for the treatment of male infertility -
Phytother Res. 2020 Jan 10 - Doesn't show the write-up but I guess the title
covers it. See Jarrow Lyco-Sorb
(contains Lyco-O-Mato) at Amazon.com.
Carnosine treatment
during human semen processing by discontinuous density gradient - Andrologia.
2019 Dec 3 - "20 mM of carnosine supplementation on the
layers of Percoll; and (b) 50 mM carnosine supplementation ... The 50 mM
carnosine supplementation led to improved sperm mitochondrial activity when
compared to untreated samples. Motility variables, such as percentage of motile
and progressively motile spermatozoa, average path velocity, straight line
velocity, curvilinear velocity and linearity, showed an improvement after semen
processing irrespective of carnosine supplementation. Both concentrations of
carnosine increased the beat-cross frequency (BCF) when compared to samples
before processing. We conclude that carnosine supplementation in semen samples
benefits sperm mitochondrial activity and BCF" - See
carnosine at Amazon.com
Curcumin improves
asthenozoospermia by inhibiting reactive oxygen species reproduction through
nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 activation - Andrologia. 2019
Dec 3:e13491 - "Our results have shown that curcumin
might protect spermatozoa by regulating Nrf2 level" - See
curcumin at Amazon.com.
supplement from tomatoes discovered to boost sperm quality - Science Daily,
10/9/19 - "The 12-week trial designed by Dr Williams
involved 60 healthy volunteers aged 19 to 30. Half took LactoLycopene
supplements and the other half took identical placebo (dummy pills) every day
for 12 weeks ... The improvement in morphology -- the size and shape of the
sperm, was dramatic. We used a computer system to make these measurements, which
takes a lot of the human error out of the results. Also, the person using the
computer didn't know who had taken LactoLycopene and who had taken the dummy
pills either" - See
lycopene at Amazon.com
The effects of lycopene
supplement on the spermatogram and seminal oxidative stress in infertile men: A
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial - Phytother Res.
2019 Aug 30 - "44 infertile men with oligozoospermia
were randomly divided into two groups: The experimental group was supplemented
with 25 mg of lycopene, and the control group received placebo for 12 weeks ...
At the end of the study, there was a significant increase in total sperm count
and concentration in the lycopene group, and the latter total count remained
significant after adjustment (p < .05). Intragroup analysis showed a significant
increase in ejaculate volume, total sperm count, concentration total motility,
nonprogressive, and nonmotility in lycopene group (p < .05). The TAC changes, in
both groups, remained significant after adjustment (p < .05). Also, within-group
analysis showed a significant increase in TAC levels (p < .05). Lycopene
supplement can improve sperm parameters and oxidative stress biomarkers in
oligozoospermia infertile men" - See
lycopene at Amazon.com
study yet shows type of underwear is linked to men's semen quality - Science
Daily, 8/8/18 - "Men who wear boxer shorts have higher
sperm concentrations than men who wear tighter fitting underwear ... The
researchers also found that boxer shorts-wearing men had lower levels of
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), compared to men who most frequently wore
briefs, "bikinis" (very brief briefs), "jockeys" (underwear that finishes just
above the knee) or other tight-fitting underwear. FSH stimulates sperm
production and the researchers say that these findings suggest that it kicks
into gear when it needs to compensate for testicular damage from increasing
scrotal temperatures and decreasing sperm counts and concentration ... Men who
primarily wore boxer shorts had a statistically significant 25% higher sperm
concentration, 17% higher total sperm count, 33% more swimming sperm in a single
ejaculate and 14% lower FSH levels than men who did not usually wear boxers ...
Other factors that might affect scrotal heat, such as type of trousers (e.g.
skinny jeans) and underwear fabric, could also affect the results" -
Adequate Vitamin D Levels
Prior to Conception Improve Birth Odds - Medscape, 6/11/18 -
"women with adequate preconception vitamin D
concentrations were also more likely to achieve a clinical pregnancy, at a risk
ratio (RR) of 1.10 ... Similarly, women with adequate preconception vitamin D
concentrations were more likely to achieve a live birth, at an RR of 1.15,
compared to women with insufficient vitamin D concentrations" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
deficiency in sperm causes male infertility - Science Daily, 5/11/18 -
"The researchers keyed in on one telling clue, an
unusual "kink" in the tail of the sperm. Sperm cells in CDO-deficient mice were
nearly twice as likely to have a wrongly-angled tail when placed in an
environment like that of a uterus. Strikingly, the defect disappeared when the
sperm were supplied with extra taurine. These observations led the authors to
conclude that, by controlling osmosis, taurine helped to maintain the right
shape of sperm during fertilization" - See
taurine at Amazon.com
supplementation in women undergoing assisted reproductive technology with poor
ovarian response. A prospective case-control study - J Int Med Res. 2017 Jan
1:300060517720005 - "poor ovarian response (POR) ...
DHEA supplementation in women with POR had a positive effect on hormonal
profiles, the quality of the endometrium, the number of oocytes retrieved, the
quality of embryos, and the pregnancy and live birth rates" - See
Pure Encapsulations 7-KETO at Amazon.com.
Vitamin D Supplements May
Raise Sex Hormone Levels in Men - Medscape, 6/1/17 -
"Testosterone is converted to estradiol, and SHBG binds testosterone and
estradiol, Dr Lerchbaum observed, but only the unbound fraction of hormones is
biologically active. Effectively, the lower SHBG levels result in more
bioavailable testosterone. "We think that low SHBG levels should be an advantage
for these men because they have more biologically active hormone." ... Maybe.
Sufficient estradiol levels are important for the feedback mechanism with
hypothalamus and the pituitary gland (LH and FSH levels) ... It may be
speculated that the decrease in SHBG and the resultant increases in free
testosterone levels might help improve the hypogonadism problem and fertility in
these" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency in Infertile Women Referring for Assisted
Reproduction - Nutrients. 2015 Dec 2 - "Serum
25(OH)D levels are highly deficient in women seeking medical help for couple's
infertility ... Importantly, this deficiency status may last during pregnancy
with more severe consequences" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Fatty Acid Supplementation Lowers Serum FSH in Normal Weight but not Obese Women
- J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2015 Nov 2 - "Dietary
administration with omega-3 PUFA decreased serum FSH levels in NW but not in
obese women with normal ovarian reserve. This effect is intriguing and is
directionally consistent with murine data whereby higher dietary omega-3 PUFA
extends reproductive lifespan. Our results imply that this nutritional
intervention should be tested in women with diminished ovarian reserve in an
attempt to delay ovarian aging" - See
fish oil supplements at Amazon.com
mitigates fenitrothion-induced testicular toxicity in rats - Andrologia.
2015 Aug 11 - "Fenitrothion (FNT) is a widely used
organophosphorus pesticide in agriculture. Quercetin (QR), a plant-derived
flavonoid, has a free radical scavenging property ... FNT administration caused
significant decreases in sperm count, motility and hormonal levels, a
significant increase in abnormal sperm morphology and a significant
down-regulation of steroidogenic and antioxidant genes in the testis. However,
QR administration ameliorated FNT-induced toxic effects. Our results concluded
that QR effectively mitigated testicular damage induced by FNT in rats" -
quercetin at Amazon.com
Effect of
metformin therapy and dietary supplements on semen parameters in
hyperinsulinaemic males - Andrologia. 2014 Oct 30 -
"Nineteen hyperinsulinaemic male patients were treated for 3 months with
metformin alone (Group A), and fifteen patients used metformin in combination
with the nutritional supplement (Group B) ... The improvement in sperm
morphology after treatment was similar for the two respective groups (P < 0.05).
The morphological normal sperm forms increased from the mean percentage of 3.9
to 5.5% and from 4.2 to 5.5% for Group A and B respectively. Where a combination
of metformin and the supplement were used (Group B), the combination treatment
proved to be superior in obtaining enhanced chromatin packaging quality although
not statistically significant (P = 0.5929) when compared with the metformin
(Group A) group. The chromatin packaging quality in Group B improved with 10%
while the improvement in Group A was approximately 8.3%" - See
metformin at The Antiaging Store.
Vitamin D
Deficiency and Infertility: Insights From in vitro Fertilization Cycles - J
Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014 Aug 14 - "Subgroup analyses
showed that the group of women with the highest serum levels (>30 ng/mL) had the
highest chances of pregnancy ... Vitamin D is an emerging factor influencing
female fertility and IVF outcome" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Meat Intake Is Unfavorably and Fish Intake Favorably Associated with Semen
Quality Indicators among Men Attending a Fertility Clinic - J Nutr. 2014 May
21 - "Among the 155 men (median age: 36.1 y, 83% white
non-Hispanic), processed meat intake was inversely related to sperm morphology.
Men in the highest quartile of processed meat intake had, on average, 1.7
percentage units (95% CI: -3.3, -0.04) fewer morphologically normal sperm than
men in the lowest quartile of intake (P-trend = 0.02). Fish intake was related
to higher sperm count and percentage of morphologically normal sperm. The
adjusted mean total sperm count increased from 102 million (95% CI: 80, 131) in
the lowest quartile to 168 million (95% CI: 136, 207) sperm in the highest
quartile of fish intake (P-trend = 0.005). Similarly, the adjusted mean
percentages of morphologically normal sperm for men in increasing quartiles of
fish intake were 5.9 (95% CI: 5.0, 6.8), 5.3 (95% CI: 4.4, 6.3), 6.3 (95% CI:
5.2, 7.4), and 7.5 (95% CI: 6.5, 8.5) (P-trend = 0.01)"
effect of Pumpkin seed extract on sperm characteristics, biochemical parameters
and epididymal histology in adult male rats treated with Cyclophosphamide -
Andrologia. 2013 Oct 11 - "Cancer treatment with
cyclophosphamide (CP) may result in reproductive toxicity as one of its side
effects. The pumpkin seed is a rich natural source of antioxidant ... Male adult
Wistar rats were categorised into four groups. Group 1 served as control and
received intraperitoneal (IP) injection of isotonic saline solution. Group 2
rats were treated with CP by IP injection in a single dose of 100 mg/kg body
weight, only once. Group 3 and 4 received CP plus 300 and 600 mg/kg pumpkin seed
extract respectively. Six weeks after treatment, sperm characteristics,
biochemical parameters and histopathological changes were examined. Results
showed that, sperm characteristics in CP-treated rats were significantly
decreased ... pumpkin seed extract could improve the above-mentioned parameters
remarkably in CP-treated rats. Our findings indicated that pumpkin seed extract
might be used as protective agent against CP-induced reproductive toxicity"
- See
pumpkin seed extracts at iHerb.
Nutrient Supplementation
- Medscape, 9/25/13 - "men taking antioxidants had a
statistically significant increase in both live birth rates and pregnancy rates.
For those undergoing assisted reproduction, the odds ratio that antioxidant use
would improve pregnancy rates was 4.18, with a 4.85-fold improvement in live
birth rate also noted" - See
Garden of Life, Radical Fruits Antioxidant Complex at Amazon.com
Garden of Life, Vitamin Code, 50 & Wiser Men at Amazon.com .
Coenzyme Q10
supplementation in infertile men with low-grade varicocele: an open,
uncontrolled pilot study - Andrologia. 2013 Aug 22 -
"38 patients were recruited from a pilot clinical trial. A standard semen
analysis was also performed at baseline and 3 months after an oral
supplementation with exogenous coenzyme Q10 100 mg per die ... Coenzyme Q10
therapy improved semen parameters and antioxidant status. This study highlights
the importance of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of male infertility,
namely in varicocele, and strengthens the possibility of the usefulness of the
antioxidant therapy" - See
ubiquinol products at Amazon.com
 .
prevent the effect of intermittent hypobaric hypoxia in rat epididymis -
Andrologia. 2013 Aug 19 - "Intermittent hypobaric
hypoxia (IHH) induced a decrease in sperm count and oxidative damage in
epididymis. We have previously demonstrated that a blueberry-enriched polyphenol
extract (BB-4) reduced the adverse effects of oxidative stress in rat testis
under hypobaric hypoxia. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether BB-4
could reverse oxidative stress in epididymis ... Our results showed a reduction
in LPO and a decrease in GR activity in rat epididymis exposed to IHH. These
results suggest that BB-4 can prevent the effects of IHH in rat epididymis"
- See
Garden of Life, Radical Fruits Antioxidant Complex at Amazon.com
Supplementation of Antioxidants Improves Semen Quality of IVF Patients in Terms
of Motility, Sperm Count, and Nuclear Vacuolization - Int J Vitam Nutr Res.
2012 Dec 1;82(6):391-398 - "Patients were divided into
oligoasthenoteratozoospermic (OAT) and non-OAT men. Between first and second
semen analysis, patients were supplemented orally with an antioxidative
preparation ... The results demonstrated a considerable improvement in semen
quality, notably in OAT patients. Considering the putative relationship between
semen quality on the one hand and reactive oxygen species on the other, the
observed changes in the sperm parameters indicate that a decline in semen
quality, and even subtle morphological changes, might be associated with
oxidative stress. Our findings suggest that an antioxidative and micronutrient
supplementation has a remarkable benefit for IVF patients having restricted
sperm parameters, in particular" - See
Garden of Life, Radical Fruits Antioxidant Complex at Amazon.com
Effect of
different dietary omega-3/omega-6 fatty acid ratios on reproduction in male rats
- Lipids Health Dis. 2013 Mar 13;12(1):33 - "These
findings demonstrated that a balanced n-3/n-6 ratio was important in male rat
reproduction. Therefore there is a necessity to determine an appropriate n-3/n-6
PUFA ratio in man and different male animals in the future" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Hours of TV a Week Linked to Almost Half Sperm Count of Those Who Watch Little
TV - Science Daily, 2/5/13 - "Healthy young men who
watch TV for more than 20 hours a week have almost half the sperm count of men
who watch very little TV ... Conversely, men who do 15 or more hours of moderate
to vigorous exercise every week have sperm counts that are 73% higher than those
who exercise little ... light physical exercise made no difference to the sperm
count, no matter how frequent it was"
Effect of
Coenzyme Q10 supplementation on antioxidant enzymes activity and oxidative
stress of seminal plasma: a double-blind randomised clinical trial -
Andrologia. 2013 Jan 7 - "Sixty infertile men with
idiopathic oligoasthenoteratozoospermia (OAT) were randomised to receive 200 mg
d(-1) of CoQ10 or placebo for 3 months ... CoQ10 levels increased from 44.74 +/-
36.47 to 68.17 +/- 42.41 ng ml(-1) following supplementation in CoQ10 ... There
was a significant positive correlation between CoQ10 concentration and normal
sperm morphology (P = 0.037), catalase (P = 0.041) and SOD (P < 0.001).
Significant difference was shown between the mean of changes in seminal plasma
8-isoprostane in two groups (P = 0.003) after supplementation. Three-month
supplementation with CoQ10 in OAT infertile men can attenuate oxidative stress
in seminal plasma and improve semen parameters and antioxidant enzymes activity"
- See
ubiquinol products at Amazon.com
High dietary
intake of saturated fat is associated with reduced semen quality among 701 young
Danish men from the general population - Am J Clin Nutr. 2012 Dec 26 -
"The objective was to examine the association between
dietary fat intake and semen quality among 701 young Danish men from the general
population ... A lower sperm concentration and total sperm count in men with a
high intake of saturated fat was found. A significant dose-response association
was found, and men in the highest quartile of saturated fat intake had a 38%
(95% CI: 0.1%, 61%) lower sperm concentration and a 41% (95% CI: 4%, 64%) lower
total sperm count than did men in the lowest quartile. No association between
semen quality and intake of other types of fat was found"
Melatonin as
a free radical scavengr in the ovarian follicle [Review] - Endocr J. 2012
Nov 22 - "Melatonin reduces oxidative stress as an
antioxidant, and contribute to oocyte maturation, embryo development and
luteinization of granulosa cells. Our clinical study demonstrated that melatonin
treatment for infertile women increases intra-follicular melatonin
concentrations, reduces intra-follicular oxidative damage, and elevates
fertilization and pregnancy rates. Melatonin treatment also improves
progesterone production by corpus luteum in infertile women with luteal phase
defect. Melatonin treatment could become a new cure for improving oocyte quality
and luteal function in infertile women" - See
melatonin at Amazon.com
Epigallocatechin gallate
affects survival and metabolism of human sperm - Mol Nutr Food Res. 2012
Nov;56(11):1655-64 - "estrogen receptor (ER) ... These
results provide a novel mechanism involving ERs through which low doses of EGCG
exerted benefits to sperm physiology, also detected data evidence the adverse
action of high EGCG concentrations probably related to its prooxidant and
antiestrogenic potential"
- See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
Men who
do exercise produce better quality semen, study finds - Science Daily,
10/31/12 - "conducted by researchers at the University
of Cordoba ... The results conclude that the physically active subjects display
better semen values. More specifically, the differences found were in the
seminological parameters of total progressive velocity and morphology, in the
FSH, LH and T hormones and in the T/C ratio. Hormone data thus supports the
hypothesis of a more favourable environment for sperm formation"
Soy-based formula? Neonatal plant estrogen exposure leads to adult infertility
in female mice - Science Daily, 5/2/12 - "A paper
published May 2 in Biology of Reproduction describes the effects of brief
prenatal exposure to plant estrogens on the mouse oviduct, modeling the effects
of soy-based baby formula on human infants. The results suggest that exposure to
estrogenic chemicals in the womb or during childhood has the potential to affect
a woman's fertility as an adult, possibly providing the mechanistic basis for
some cases of unexplained female infertility ... part of the National Institutes
of Health, previously demonstrated that neonatal exposure to the plant estrogen
genistein results in complete infertility in female adult mice. Causes of
infertility included failure to ovulate, reduced ability of the oviduct to
support embryo development before implantation, and failure of the uterus to
support effective implantation of blastocyst-stage embryos ... The team now
reports that neonatal exposure to genistein changes the level of immune response
in the mouse oviduct, known as mucosal immune response. Some of the immune
response genes were altered beginning from the time of genistein treatment,
while others were altered much later, when the mouse was in early pregnancy.
Together, those changes led to harmfully altered immune responses and to
compromised oviduct support for preimplantation embryo development, both of
which would likely contribute to infertility ... estrogenic chemical exposure to
the female fetus, infant, child, and adolescent all have potential impacts on
mucosal immunity in the reproductive tract and, therefore, on adult fertility.
The authors present the view that limiting such exposures, including minimizing
use of soy-based baby formula, is a step toward maintaining female reproductive
diets may be associated with reduced semen quality - Science Daily, 3/14/12
- "The study of 99 men in the USA found an association
between a high total fat intake and lower total sperm count and concentration.
It also found that men who ate more omega-3 polyunsaturated fats (the type of
fat often found in fish and plant oils) had better formed sperm than men who ate
less ... if men make changes to their diets so as to reduce the amount of
saturated fat they eat and increase their omega-3 intake, then this may not only
improve their general health, but could improve their reproductive health too
... the relationship between dietary fats and semen quality was largely driven
by the consumption of saturated fats. Men consuming the most saturated fats had
a 35% lower total sperm count than men eating the least, and a 38% lower sperm
Micronutrient combination may boost male fertility: Study - Nutra USA,
1/4/12 - "group received supplements providing total
daily doses of 440 mg L-carnitine, 250 mg L-arginine, 40 mg zinc, 120 mg vitamin
E, 80 mg glutathione, 60 micrograms of selenium, 15 mg coenzyme Q10, and 800
micrograms of folic acid ... men receiving the active supplement displayed a 33%
improvement in ejaculatory volume, a 215% improvement in sperm cell density, and
a 23% improvement in total sperm motility"
Effect of
α-lipoic acid on sperm quality, reproductive tract measures in thinner exposed
rats - Andrologia. 2011 Sep 15 - "The aim of this
study was to investigate the effect of alpha lipoic acid (ALA, an universal
antioxidant) on thinner-induced testicular toxicity regarding spermatological
features, body and reproductive tract measures in rats. Adult male
Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into five treatment groups, eight rats in each.
Control group was treated with placebo. Group O was given only olive oil. The
group L received only α-lipoic acid. Thinner + Lipoic Acid group received
thinner + α-lipoic acid and group T received only thinner. Thinner alone
administration caused significant decreases in body and some reproductive organ
weights, sperm count, motility and sperm membrane integrity, and significant
increases in seminal vesicle weight and abnormal sperm rates compared with the
values in the control group. However, concomitant administration of thinner with
α-lipoic acid provided significant improvements in sperm parameters compared
with values in alone group T. In conclusion, the results of this study suggest
that α-lipoic acid has a protective effect against thinner-induced reproductive
dysfunction in male rats"
- See
alpha lipoic acid products at Amazon.com
I assume that the thinner is something like this:
ScienceDirect - Toxicology Letters : Melatonin protects the central
nervous system of rats against toluene-containing thinner intoxication
by reducing reactive gliosis - Toxicology Letters, Volume 137, Issue
3, 3 February 2003, Pages 169-174 - "Thinner
containing 60–70% toluene is a neurotoxic mixture which is widely used
as an aromatic industrial solventThinner containing 60–70% toluene is a
neurotoxic mixture which is widely used as an aromatic industrial
Antioxidants of growing interest to address infertility, erectile
dysfunction - Science Daily, 7/28/11 - "A
growing body of evidence suggests that antioxidants may have significant
value in addressing infertility issues in both women and men, including
erectile dysfunction, and researchers say that large, specific clinical
studies are merited to determine how much they could help ... Some commonly
used antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, could help, Hagen said. But
others, such as lipoic acid, are a little more cutting-edge and set up a
biological chain reaction that has a more sustained impact on vasomotor
function and health ... Polyphenols, the phytochemicals that often give
vegetables their intense color and are also found in chocolate and tea, are
also of considerable interest"
Vitamin D increases speed of sperm cells, researchers discover - Science
Daily, 5/25/11 - "A new study conducted in 300
normal men showed a positive correlation between the percentage of motile
sperm and serum vitamin D levels. The study was recently published in the
scientific journal Human Reproduction, and showed additionally that
stimulation of human spermatooza in the laboratory with activated vitamin D
can increase their forward movement" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Antioxidants may improve chances of conceiving in male subfertility -
Science Daily, 1/18/11 - "Compared to controls, a
couple was more likely to have a pregnancy or live birth if the man took
of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation on semen profile and
enzymatic anti-oxidant capacity of seminal plasma in infertile men with
idiopathic oligoasthenoteratospermia: a double-blind, placebo-controlled,
randomised study - Andrologia. 2011 Feb;43(1):38-47 -
"Effective medical treatments of infertile men with
idiopathic oligoasthenoteratospermia (OAT) have yet to be determined ... A
significant improvement of sperm cell total count (from 38.7 +/- 8.7 ' 10(6)
to 61.7 +/- 11.2 ' 10(6) , P = 0.001) and sperm cell concentration (from
15.6 +/- 4.1 ' 10(6) per ml to 28.7 +/- 4.4 ' 10(6) per ml, P = 0.001) was
observed in the omega-3 group. A significant positive correlation was found
between the EPA and DHA in seminal plasma and the semen parameters. Seminal
plasma EPA and DHA concentrations were positively correlated with seminal
plasma SOD-like and catalase-like activity (both P = 0.001). In seminal
plasma, both SOD-like and catalase-like activity were positively correlated
with sperm count, sperm motility, and sperm morphology.
Oligoasthenoteratospermic men with low levels of EPA and DHA may benefit
from omega-3 FA supplementation" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Increasing fertility threefold with DHEA? - Science Daily, 7/1/10 -
"women being treated for infertility who also
received supplements of DHEA were three times more likely to conceive than
women being treated without the additional drug ... The latter group took
75mg of the supplement daily for 40 days before starting fertility
treatments, and continued for up to five months ... In the DHEA group, there
was a 23% live birth rate as opposed to a 4% rate in the control group ...
More than that, of the pregnancies in the DHEA group, all but one ended in
healthy deliveries" - See
DHEA at Amazon.com
Lack of
omega-3 fatty acid linked to male infertility, study suggests - Science
Daily, 4/12/10 - "In our experiment, we used 'knockout'
mice that lacked the gene responsible for an enzyme important in making
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). In the absence of DHA, male mice are basically
infertile, producing few if any misshaped sperm that can't get where they need
to go ... But, when DHA was introduced into the diet, fertility was completely
restored. "It was very striking. When we fed the mice DHA, all these
abnormalities were prevented,"" - See
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com
Omega-3 fish oils linked to better semen quality - Nutra USA, 8/10/09
Daily Sex Helps Reduce Sperm DNA Damage And Improve Fertility - Science
Daily, 6/30/09
Daily Sex May Help Men's Fertility - WebMD, 6/30/09
CoQ10 may boost sperm quality: Study - Nutra USA, 6/16/09 -
"randomly assigned them to receive a daily CoQ10
supplement (300 mg, Kaneka, Japan) or placebo for 26 weeks. This was
followed by 30 weeks with no intervention ... The Tehran-based researchers
reported a significant improvement in both sperm density and motility
following supplements of the coenzyme. A positive association was also found
with regards to sperm count. Further analysis showed an increase in the
percent of normal forms of sperm" - [Abstract]
- See
ubiquinol products at Amazon.com
- Efficacy of
coenzyme Q10 on semen parameters, sperm function and reproductive hormones
in infertile men - J Urol. 2009 Jul;182(1):237-48 -
"were randomly assigned to receive 300 mg coenzyme
Q10 (Kaneka, Osaka, Japan) orally daily (106 in group 1) or a similar
placebo regimen (106 in group 2) during a 26-week period, followed by a
30-week treatment-free phase ... Coenzyme Q10 supplementation resulted in a
statistically significant improvement in certain semen parameters"
- See
ubiquinol products at Amazon.com
Semen Quality May Depend Upon Antioxidants In Man's Diet - Science
Daily, 6/2/09 - "Low antioxidant intake is
associated with low reproductive capacity in semen"
of N-acetylcysteine on Semen Parameters and Oxidative/Antioxidant Status
- Urology. 2009 May 8 - "To examine whether a
beneficial effect of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) on semen parameters and
oxidative/antioxidant status in idiopathic male infertility exists ... NAC
had significant improving effects on the volume, motility, and viscosity of
semen" - See
n-acetyl cysteine at Amazon.com
Soy foods 'reduce sperm numbers' - BBC News, 7/23/08 -
"A regular diet of even modest amounts of food
containing soy may halve sperm concentrations"
- [WebMD][Science
Dads-to-Be May Need Folate, Too - WebMD, 3/20/08 -
"Sperm with chromosomal abnormalities called
aneuploidy were rare for all of the men, but they were 18% to 30% rarer in
men who reported high folate or folic acid intake" - See
folic acid products at Amazon.com
Effect of L-carnitine and/or L-acetyl-carnitine in nutrition treatment for
male infertility: a systematic review - Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2007;16
Suppl:383-90 - "the administration of LC and/or LAC
may be effective in improving pregnancy rate and sperm kinetic features in
patients affected by male infertility"
The Fertility Diet: Eat Right to Get Pregnant - US News and World
Report, 11/30/07
- Iron Supplements
May Reduce Risk for Ovulatory Infertility - Medscape, 11/1/06
Does folic acid and zinc sulphate intervention affect endocrine parameters
and sperm characteristics in men? - Int J Androl. 2006 Apr;29(2):339-45
- "intervention treatment significantly increased
sperm concentration in subfertile males"
Sperm Swim Better With Carnitine - WebMD, 3/9/05 -
"The finding could help men coping with fertility
issues -- specifically, those men whose sperm don't move very well" -
iHerb carnitine products.
- Low-Dose Aspirin May
Increase Birth Rate From IVF - Medscape, 6/24/04
A nutritional supplement for improving fertility in women: a pilot study
- J Reprod Med. 2004 Apr;49(4):289-93
- Nutritional
Supplement May Improve Female Fertility - Medscape, 5/7/04 -
"Five of 15 women taking the supplement
[FertilityBlend] for five months became pregnant compared with none of 15
women in the placebo group" - See
at drugstore.com.
Supplement raises fertility stakes - Nutra USA, 4/20/04 - See
at drugstore.com.
Coenzyme Q10 & Fertility - Physician's Weekly, 4/5/04
Laparoscopy Can Help Infertile Women Avoid Months of Unnecessary Treatments
- Doctor's Guide, 2/24/04
- Coenzyme Q10 May Play
Positive Role in Treatment of Male Infertility - Medscape, 1/30/04 -
"Patients underwent oral administration of
CoQ10, 200 mg/day
twice daily for six months ... After treatment, CoQ10 levels increased in
seminal plasma; the mean value rising significantly from 42.0 +/- 5.1 ng/mL
at baseline to 127.1 +/- 1.9 ng/mL after six months of CoQ10 administration"
- See
ubiquinol at Amazon.com
- Coenzyme Q10
Helps Sperm Movement - WebMD, 1/12/04 -
"Researchers say coenzyme Q10
is known to be active in the testes and is an antioxidant that plays an
important role in forming the membranes and other structures within cells by
fighting the effects of oxidative stress ... researchers looked at the
effects of daily oral supplementation with 200 mg of coenzyme Q10" -
ubiquinol at Amazon.com
- Fertility
Supplement Looks Promising - WebMD, 11/24/03 -
"includes ... Chasteberry ... Folic acid ... Green
tea and vitamin E ... L-arginine ... Vitamins B-6 and B-12, iron, magnesium,
selenium, and zinc"
- Vitamin C Increases
Fertility in Women with Luteal Phase Defect - Healthwell Exchange Daily
News, 10/30/03
Coffee Drinkers Have Faster Sperm - Doctor's Guide, 10/23/03
- A Magical Route to
Pregnancy? - Dr. Weil, 8/9/02
- Supplement May
Help Women Get Pregnant - WebMD, 5/15/02 - See
FertilityBlend at drugstore.com

- Supplements Boost
Sperm Count - WebMD, 3/20/02 -
"Researchers found that the men with fertility
problems who took 5 mg of folic acid a day and 66 mg of zinc sulfate a day
for 26 weeks had a 74% increase in total normal sperm count"
Herbal Remedies For Reproductive Concerns - Natural Foods Merchandiser,
- Can Vitamin C or
E Help Male Infertility? - WebMD, 6/22/01 -
"abnormal amounts of free radicals, naturally
occurring but sometimes dangerous molecules that can damage cells, may be
responsible for infertility in some men. Vitamins C and E, which are called
antioxidants, may have the power to neutralize sperm-busting free radicals"
Other News:
Smart but shy: What women want in a sperm donor - Science Daily,
Physical Activity,
Television Watching and Semen Quality - Medscape, 3/25/15 -
"men in the highest quartile of moderate-to-vigorous
activity (≥15 h/week) had 73% (95% CI 15% to 160%) higher sperm
concentration than men in the lowest quartile (<5 h/week)"
Successful use of aromatase inhibitor letrozole in NOA with an elevated FSH
level: a case report - Andrologia. 2013 Jun 26 -
"We present the case of an infertile man with small testes and an elevated
FSH level, which was diagnosed as NOA, hypospermatogenesis proven by
testicular biopsy. After taking letrozole for 3 months, semen analyses by
computer-aided sperm analysis present that this man had normal
Semen quality of young men in south-east Spain down by 38 percent in the
last decade - Science Daily, 1/18/13 - "Another
relevant result is that "40% of those university students analysed in Murcia
suffered from alterations in at least one semen parameter (morphology,
mobility). Furthermore, all sperm indicators are below the norm in 15% of
the sample," ... these data are worrying because "it has been verified in
recognised studies that a concentration lower than 40 million/ml makes
conception more difficult. If the rate of loss we have outlines continues,
with an average decline in quality of 2% per year, the sperm of young men
could reach this danger level of 40 million/ml in a very short space of
Relationship between dyslipidaemia and semen quality and serum sex hormone
levels: an infertility study of 167 Japanese patients - Andrologia. 2012
Dec 22 - "serum triglyceride (TG) ... There was no
significant relationship between serum TG levels and sperm concentration or
motility; however, the serum TG level was positively associated with the
sperm morphological traits. Furthermore, the serum levels of glutamic
oxaloacetic transaminase and glutamic pyruvic transaminase were associated
with the serum TG levels. By contrast, a negative relationship between serum
testosterone and TG levels was discovered"
of the metabolic syndrome on male reproductive function: a case-controlled
pilot study - Andrologia. 2012 Dec 28 - "This
study aimed to investigate the effect of MetS on testosterone and
progesterone, and semen parameters, in a case-controlled pilot study ...
Participants were divided into the control group (n = 28) and the MetS group
(n = 26). Differences were found between the groups for body mass index,
WHR, blood pressure, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), triglycerides and
glucose. The MetS group showed significant reductions in sperm concentration
(P = 0.0026), total sperm count (P = 0.0034), total motility (P = 0.0291),
sperm vitality (P = 0.002), MMP (P = 0.0039), free testosterone (P = 0.0093)
and free progesterone (P = 0.0130), while values for DNA fragmentation
increased (P = 0.0287). Results indicate that patients with MetS have
compromised sperm parameters in the absence of leucocytospermia. A reduction
in free progesterone suggests that steroidogenesis cascades may be
Are Common Chemicals Affecting Your Fertility? - WebMD, 11/14/12 -
"These chemicals, called persistent organochlorine
pollutants, may persist in the environment for decades. Some, such as
persistent lipophilic organochlorine pollutants, accumulate in fatty tissues
in animals, while perfluorochemicals or PFCs are used in clothing,
furniture, adhesives, food packaging, nonstick cooking surfaces, and
electrical wire insulation ... The new study shows that men and women with
high levels of these chemicals in their blood took longer to conceive than
couples with lower levels"
Antidepressants may cause infertility in males - Fox News, 2/6/12 -
"SSRIs cause the sperm to be abnormally shaped and
unable to swim properly, which is believed to be a direct result of the
medication on the sperm itself. These changes in shape and function of
sperm, added to the drop in overall sperm count, can push men into the
"infertile" range while he is taking the SSRI ... the situation is
reversible and corrects itself once the medication is discontinued"
Wifi-enabled laptops may be nuking sperm - MSNBC, 11/28/11 -
"placed a few drops under a laptop connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi and
then hit download ... Four hours later, the semen was, eh, well-done ... A
quarter of the sperm were no longer swimming around, for instance, compared
to just 14 percent from semen samples stored at the same temperature away
from the computer ... nine percent of the sperm showed DNA damage,
three-fold more than the comparison samples"
Caffeine consumption linked to female infertility, study suggests -
Science Daily, 7/20/11 - "By studying tubes from
mice, Ward and his team discovered that caffeine stops the actions of
specialized pacemaker cells in the wall of the tubes. These cells coordinate
tube contractions so that when they are inhibited, eggs can't move down the
tubes. In fact these muscle contractions play a bigger role than the beating
cilia in moving the egg towards the womb ... This provides an intriguing
explanation as to why women with high caffeine consumption often take longer
to conceive than women who do not consume caffeine"
disease can increase the time it takes to become pregnant - Science
Daily, 7/5/11 - "women with gum disease took an
average of just over seven months to become pregnant -- two months longer
than the average of five months that it took women without gum disease to
conceive ... Prof Hart said that the reason why pregnancies in non-Caucasian
women were more affected by gum disease could be because these women
appeared to have a higher level of inflammatory response to the condition"
lowers male fertility, mouse study finds - Science Daily, 6/4/11 -
"Mice that received daily BPA injections for two
months had lower sperm counts and testosterone levels than those of mice
that received saline injections without BPA ... Compared with untreated
controls, mice exposed to BPA produced litters that were 50 percent smaller
... We are being exposed to BPA in our daily lives at a level much higher
than the safe recommended exposure ... this study, we are trying to explore
what the outcome can be if we are continuously exposed to BPA in our routine
life ... BPA-exposed mice received a dose that was twice the daily upper
limit of safe exposure recommended by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
and the Environmental Protection Agency ... At a BPA dosage of 100
micrograms per kilogram of body weight daily, the mice also had structural
defects in their testicles and were considered subfertile. If the same dose
had been given longer than two months, Singh speculated that it might lead
to infertility"
caffeine can reduce fertility in women - Science Daily, 5/23/11 -
"Caffeine reduces muscle activity in the fallopian
tubes that carry eggs from the ovaries to the womb"
phone use may reduce male fertility, Austrian-Canadian study suggests -
Science Daily, 5/19/11 - "Researchers in Austria and
Canada have found that while cell phone use appears to increase the level of
testosterone circulating in the body, it may also lead to low sperm quality
and a decrease in fertility ... EMW may increase the number of cells in the
testes that produce testosterone; however, by lowering the levels of LH
excreted by the pituitary gland, EMW may also block the conversion of this
basic circulating type of testosterone to the more active, potent form of
testosterone associated with sperm production and fertility"
in early life affects fertility, study suggests - Science Daily,
Increased BPA exposure linked to reduced egg quality in women - Science
Daily, 12/15/10 - "As blood levels of BPA in the
women studied doubled, the percentage of eggs that fertilized normally
declined by 50 percent ... Given the widespread nature of BPA exposure in
the U.S., even a modest effect on reproduction is of substantial concern"
Letrozole Plus FSH a
"Good Initial Option" in Older Infertile Women - Medscape, 7/8/09
IVF Work For A Particular Patient? The Answer May Be Found In Her Blood
- Science Daily, 7/1/09
Accelerated Fertility Treatment Leads To Shortened Time To Pregnancy And
Cost Savings - Science Daily, 6/30/09
Levels Of Cycling Training Damage Sperm: What Can Be Done To Protect
Triathletes From Infertility? - Science Daily, 6/29/09 -
"While all triathletes had less than 10% of
normal-looking sperm, the men with less than 4% – at which percentage they
would generally be considered to have significant fertility problems – were
systematically covering over 300km per week on their bicycles"
Infertility: 11 Sperm Hazards - ABC News, 6/18/09
Laptops Linked To Male Infertility - Science Daily, 6/12/09
Hormone Offers Promise As Fertility Treatment - Science Daily, 3/16/09
Widely Used Chemicals, Perfluorinated Chemicals, May Reduce Women's
Fertility - Science Daily, 1/28/09
IVF, ICSI May Be Linked to Higher Birth Defects Risk, Says CDC - WebMD,
SSRI Antidepressant
Treatment May Reduce Male Fertility - Medscape, 11/11/08
Cell Phone Use Linked to Male Infertility - WebMD, 9/19/08 -
"researchers collected semen samples from 32 men and
divided each man's sample into two parts. They placed half of the semen
samples 2.5 centimeters away from a 850 MHz frequency cell phone in talk
mode for one hour. Most cell phones used in the U.S. are 850-900 MHz. They
chose this distance because it is the typical distance between the testes
and the trouser pockets ... Semen exposed to radiofrequency electromagnetic
waves emitted from cell phones had higher levels of damaging free radicals,
lower sperm motility (the ability of the sperm to move and swim) and sperm
viability (the percentage of live sperm), and possibly greater oxidative
Diabetes Linked To Male Infertility; Excess Sugars In The Body Have Direct
Effect On Sperm Quality - Science Daily, 7/9/08
Significantly Higher Success Rates With Artificial Insemination Using New
Ova Assessment Tool - Science Daily, 2/6/08
Infertility Often Caused By 'Varicose Veins' Simple Surgery Can Correct
- Science Daily, 10/17/07
Diabetes May Affect Men's Fertility - WebMD, 5/2/07
Thyroid Disease and Female Reproduction - Medscape, 4/9/07
Much Weight Spells Double Trouble For Couples Trying To Conceive -
Science Daily, 3/7/07
Tubs Hurt Fertility, Study Shows - Science Daily, 3/7/07
Trans Fats May Increase Infertility - WebMD, 1/12/07
Male Infertility May Have Obesity Link - WebMD, 9/1/06
- New infertility option:
frozen donor eggs - MSNBC, 5/2/06
Fertility Drugs Given 'All-Clear' In New Study - Doctor's Guide, 4/20/06
Helps Doctors Tailor Infertility Treatments For Couples - Science Daily,
Male Infertility Patients Are 20 Times More Likely to Have Testicular Cancer
- Doctor's Guide, 11/16/05
Research Brings New Insights for the Treatment of Male Infertility -
Doctor's Guide, 11/14/05
Infertility Treatments and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes - Medscape,
Obese Women Need Higher Doses of Gonadotropin during Assisted Pregnancy
- Doctor's Guide, 10/19/05
Small Alterations in Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Antagonist Protocols May
Increase Assisted Pregnancy Rates - Doctor's Guide, 10/19/05
Estrogen Receptor Affects Women's Infertility - WebMD, 7/22/05
Discovery May Help Doctors Treat Infertility - Science Daily, 7/21/05
Report Suggests Infertility Could Be Affecting More Men Than Women -
Science Daily, 6/23/05
Secondhand Smoke Affects Fertility - WebMD, 5/25/05
Little Evidence Found For IVF As Most Effective Infertility Treatment -
Science Daily, 4/30/05
Bilateral Treatment of Varicocele More Effective than Unilateral in
Addressing Male Infertility - Doctor's Guide, 4/11/05
Good Results With Only One Egg in In-Vitro Fertilization - Doctor's
Guide, 12/2/04
- IVF Technique
Could Reduce Multiple Births - WebMD, 12/1/04
- Obesity Takes
Toll on Sperm and Fertility - WebMD, 10/22/04
FDA Approves Infertility Treatment Luveris (lutropin alfa) for Concomitant
Use With Gonal-f (follitropin alfa) - Doctor's Guide, 10/15/04
Appetite Hormone Restores Fertility - Science Daily, 9/24/04
High Protein Diet May Be Bad For Women Trying To Conceive - Science
Daily, 6/29/04
- Fertility
Treatment Less Successful After 35 - WebMD, 6/18/04
- Study Fails to
Find Fertility Drug-Cancer Link - WebMD, 6/16/04
FDA Approves Gonal-f RFF Pen To Treat Infertility - Doctor's Guide,
Women Undergoing a Cycle of In Vitro Fertilization Treatment with Menopur
May Have a Significantly Improved Chance of Becoming Pregnant - Doctor's
Guide, 5/13/04
FDA Approves New Presentations Of Gonal-F (Follitropin Alfa for Injection)
to Treat Infertility - Doctor's Guide, 3/29/04
- FDA Approves
Fertility Hormone Pen - WebMD, 3/25/04
FDA Approves Follistim AQ Cartridge (Follitropin Beta Injection) Pre-Mixed
Fertility Treatment Delivered by a Pen Device - Doctor's Guide, 3/24/04
- Popular Pain
Relievers May Affect Pregnancy - WebMD, 3/18/04
- ICSI Kids Show
No Developmental Delays - WebMD, 12/19/03
- Infertility
Treatments: More Successful - WebMD, 12/17/03
Delay In Conceiving Can Lead To Birth Risks - Doctor's Guide, 10/30/03
Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone Agonist, Antagonist Show Similar Efficacy In
Ovarian Stimulation - Doctor's Guide, 10/16/03
High Body Mass Index Linked to Lower Motile-Sperm Counts - Doctor's
Guide, 10/15/03
FDA Approves Ovidrel (Choriogonadotropin Alfa Injection) Prefilled Syringe
for Treatment of Infertility - Doctor's Guide, 10/8/03
FDA Advisory Committee Issues Favorable Recommendation for Efficacy of
Luveris (Lutropin Alfa For Injection) in Follicular Development -
Doctor's Guide, 10/1/03
- Infertility
Centers Focused in 5 States - WebMD, 8/29/03
Weight Reduction Key to Infertility Management in Obese Women - Doctor's
Guide, 8/14/03
- The future of babymaking
- MSNBC, 7/22/03
Babies as Healthy as Others - WebMD, 7/2/03
First Study of Children Born After In Vitro Maturation Indicates the
Technique is Safe - Doctor's Guide, 6/30/03
When Counting Frozen As Well As Fresh Embryos, Single Embryo Transfer Does
Not Reduce Chances of Having a Baby - Doctor's Guide, 6/30/03
- Male Biological
Clock Ticking Too, Affects Fertility - WebMD, 6/26/03
- Surgery for
Male Infertility Ineffective - WebMD, 5/29/03
Varicocele Repair Ineffectual At Increasing Partner's Chance Of Pregnancy
- Doctor's Guide, 5/29/03
The Male Biological Clock - CBS News, 5/8/03
- Infertility
Treatments Not Shown to Up Miscarriage Risk - WebMD, 5/2/03
Couples Undergoing In Vitro Fertilization Should Receive Extra Emotional
Support in Early Pregnancy - Doctor's Guide, 3/28/03
- Babies Born
Through In Vitro Fertilization Linked to Rare Bladder Defects - WebMD,
New Procedure Helps Treat Male Infertility - TheSanDiegoChannel.com,
- Estrogen
Affects Fertility Window - WebMD, 2/10/03
Lead In Seminal Plasma Should Be Measured In Infertility Testing -
Doctor's Guide, 2/7/03
Large Study Reinforces Decline In Semen Quality With Age - Doctor's
Guide, 2/7/03
- Lead Linked to
Male Infertility - WebMD, 2/6/03
- Men, Your
Fertility Clock Is Ticking - WebMD, 2/5/03
- IVF May Be
Linked to Rare Eye Tumor - WebMD, 1/23/03
- New Clue to
Common Infertility Cause - WebMD, 1/16/03
- IVF Linked to
Rare Genetic Disorder - WebMD, 1/15/03
- Tamoxifen
Boosts Fertility - WebMD, 1/7/03
Fertility: For Conception, Early Is Best - NY Times, 12/31/02
FDA Approves Bravelle (Urofollitropin) For In Vitro Fertilization -
Doctor's Guide, 12/23/02
At Risk: Fertility and the Mountain Biker - NY Times, 12/03/02
Bad News For Male Mountain Bikers - CBS News, 12/2/02
- Sperm Quality
Lower in Farming Areas - WebMD, 11/12/02
- A Hands-On
Approach for Infertility - WebMD, 10/23/02
- Quality of Sperm
Decreases as a Man's Age Increases - WebMD, 10/17/02
- Birth Control
Pills May Aid Fertility - WebMD, 9/27/02
- Smoking Can Hurt
Male Fertility - WebMD, 9/24/02
Study Links Insurance To In Vitro - Intelihealth, 8/29/02
- IVF or
Insemination in Early 40s? - WebMD, 8/9/02
- Assisted Reproduction
Should Be Postponed for Healthy Women - Medscape, 7/9/02
- Needle-Free Device
Enables Hormone 'Injection' for IVF - Medscape, 7/8/02
New Study Shows Most Healthy Couples Conceive Within Two Years -
Intelihealth, 7/3/02
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI): Is It Really Safe? - Doctor's
Guide, 7/1/02
Sperm Donor Women Fear Time - Intelihealth, 7/1/02
Girls Born Underweight May have Fertility Problems Later in Life -
Doctor's Guide, 6/21/02
- Contraceptives
Don't Protect Against Leading Cause of Infertility - WebMD, 5/31/02
Transvaginal Ultrasound Can Aid In Assisted Reproduction Process -
Doctor's Guide, 5/27/02
FDA Approves Bravelle (Urofollitropin for Injection, Purified) Ferring's New
Human-Derived Follicle-Stimulating Hormone For Infertility Treatment -
Doctor's Guide, 5/7/02
- Fertility Decline
Strikes Earlier - WebMD, 4/30/02
Study: Fertility Declines Earlier - Intelihealth, 4/20/02
- Infertility
Treatments - Time Magazine, 4/15/02
Poor Response To Ovarian Hyperstimulation And Early Ovarian Failure Strongly
Linked - Doctor's Guide, 4/15/02
Women warned of infertility trap - CNN, 4/11/02
Increased Risk of Endometrial Cancer in Women Undergoing in Vitro
Fertilisation - Doctor's Guide, 3/19/02
Researchers Say Birth Defects, Low Birth Weight More Likely In Test-Tube
Babies - Doctor's Guide, 3/7/02
- Infertility
Treatments Linked to Defects - WebMD, 3/6/02
CDC: Fertility Procedures On Rise - Intelihealth, 2/8/02
Risk Of Neurological Disorders Increases In Children Born Of In Vitro
Fertilisation - Doctor's Guide, 2/7/02
- In Vitro Babies
at Risk for Brain Disorders - WebMD, 2/7/02
- Fertility Drugs
Don't Cause Ovary Cancer - WebMD, 1/25/02
- Discovery Could
Lead to Fertility Treatment or Contraception - WebMD, 10/10/01
- Workplace
Chemicals Drop Sperm Count, Printers, Painters at Highest Risk - WebMD,
- Preserving
Fertility - WebMD, 9/13/01
- Fertile -- or
Futile? Women Over Age 35 at Risk for Infertility, Problem Pregnancy -
WebMD, 9/11/01
- Smoking May Lead
to Female Infertility - WebMD, 7/16/01
- Can Stress Keep
You From Making Babies? Talking Therapy Seems to Cure Common Cause of
Infertility - WebMD, 7/16/01
- In Vitro Fertilizations
Increasing But Multiple Births Decreasing - Doctor's Guide, 7/3/01
- Helping Infertile
Women Be Biological Mothers - WebMD, 7/3/01
Human eggs 'manufactured' for fertility treatment - CNN, 7/3/01
Scientists identify new male infertility syndrome - CNN, 7/2/01 -
"Hormone disruptors, which are also known as
gender-bending chemicals, are compounds used in paints, pesticides and
detergents that can disrupt natural hormones in the body causing birth
defects and other problems in humans"
- For Some, Newer
Procedure Offers No Advantage Over In Vitro Fertilization - WebMD,
- FDA Approves Gonal-F
(Follitropin Alfa) Multi-Dose Infertility Treatment - Doctor's Guide,
- FDA Grants Marketing
Approval For Ovidrel (Choriogonadotropin Alfa) For Infertility Treatment
- Doctor's Guide, 10/2/00
Doctor reports three pregnancies in infertile women after using Viagra -
CNN, 3/23/00
- FDA Approves Gonal-F
(Follitropin Alfa) for Male and Female Infertility - Doctor's Guide,
- Nifedipine Linked To Male
Infertility - Doctor's Guide, 9/21/99
- FDA Approves Repronex For
Ovulation Induction, In Vitro Fertilization - Doctor's Guide, 8/30/99
- FDA Approves Antagon For
Women Undergoing Fertility Treatment - Doctor's Guide, 6/30/99
- Infertility Leads To
Increase Risk Of Premature Birth, Perinatal Death - Doctor's Guide,
- New Drug May Help Women
With Infertility Syndrome - Doctor's Guide, 4/29/99
- Study Shows Intrauterine
Insemination More Effective Than Intracervical Insemination - Doctor's
Guide, 1/21/99
- First Recombinant Fertility
Treatment Available in the U.S. - Doctor's Guide, 9/30/97
- Infertility Treatment May
Help Pass On Genetic Risk Factor - Doctor's Guide, 8/15/97
- Fertinex Improves Quality of
Patient Care By Reducing Stress - Doctor's Guide, 11/4/96
- Fertinex Cleared by FDA to
Reduce the Stress of Infertility Treatment - Doctor's Guide, 8/28/96
- New Procedure Using Frozen
Testicular Tissue Helps Achieve Pregnancy - Doctor's Guide, 5/21/96
- New Treatment For Male
Infertility Available From Diamond Institute - Doctor's Guide, 4/8/96