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Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending 12/5/07. You should consult your doctor if you are taking any medications. New Diabetes Drugs Bad for Bones - WebMD, 12/3/07 - "The diabetes drug Avandia promotes osteoporosis not only by slowing bone growth but also by speeding up bone loss. Actos, the only other drug in the same class, likely does this as well"
Study gives vitamin K anti-inflammation boost - Nutra USA, 12/3/07 -
"Limited in vitro data support the inverse association
between vitamin K and
interleukin-6, and this may influence
the association between vitamin K and other cytokines, such as osteoprotegerin"
- [Abstract]
- See
vitamin K at Amazon.com Depression Associated With Low Bone Mineral Density - Medscape, 12/3/07 - "The novelty of this study is the fact that these women were not severely depressed ... Depression is considered a disease of chronic stress, Dr. Cizza said, with attendant increases in the stress hormone cortisol, and cytokines produced by the immune system. "Those substances are helpful to fight stress, but if there is too much cortisol or cytokines, there are side effects," he said. "One of the side effects is bone loss, so it was obvious to ask the question, 'do women with depression have low bone mass?'"" Honey May Soothe Kids' Coughs - WebMD, 12/3/07 - "Honey ranked highest, followed by dextromethorphan, and the placebo was in last place in terms of cough relief ... honey's slim lead over dextromethorphan may have been due to chance" Insufficient Sleep Raises Risk Of Diabetes, Study Suggests - Science Daily, 12/1/07 - "subjects who reported sleeping five or fewer hours and subjects who reported sleeping nine or more hours were significantly more likely to have incident diabetes over the follow-up period than were subjects who reported sleeping seven hours" Altered Sex Hormone Levels, Higher Body Temp Affects Sleep Quality In Postmenopausal Women - Science Daily, 12/1/07 - "lower estradiol (E2) and higher luteinizing hormone (LH) levels were significantly correlated with indices of poor sleep quality, with relationships between LH and quality of sleep being stronger than those for E2" Diets With High Glycemic Index May Raise Cataract Risk - Medscape, 11/30/07 - "Glycemic load, a food's glycemic index multiplied by the total available carbohydrate content, was used to gauge both carbohydrate quantity and quality ... each standard deviation increase in dietary glycemic index was associated with a 19% increase in the risk of cortical cataract. Subjects in the highest glycemic index quartile were 77% more likely to develop cataract than those in the lowest quartile"
Night Shift Work May Cause Cancer - WebMD, 11/30/07 -
"They note that shift work may raise
cancer risk by suppressing production of
melatonin, a chemical involved in the
circadian rhythm" - See
melatonin at Amazon.com
Omega-3 Fatty Acids vs. Parkinson's? - WebMD, 11/30/07 -
"Our results suggest that this
DHA deficiency is a risk factor for developing
Parkinson's disease, and that we would
benefit from evaluating omega-3's potential for preventing this disease in
humans" - See
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com
Wine Compound Spurs Diabetes Research - WebMD, 11/29/07 -
"In October, Chinese researchers reported that
resveratrol curbs insulin resistance in mice. Insulin is a hormone that controls
blood sugar. Insulin resistance can lead to type 2 diabetes ... Like
resveratrol, the lab-made chemicals activate a gene called SIRT1, making the
diabetic mice more sensitive to insulin ... the newly developed chemicals are
1,000 times more potent than resveratrol" - See
resveratrol products at Amazon.com Exercise May Play Role In Reducing Inflammation In Damaged Skin Tissue - Science Daily, 11/28/07 - "moderate exercise sped up how fast wounds heal in old mice ... the improved healing response “may be the result of an exercise-induced anti-inflammatory response in the wound.” ... Cytokines are molecules that signal and direct immune cells, such as macrophages, to the site of an infection ..." - Doctor's can't believe how fast I heal. Maybe that is why. I've probably averaged at least an hour of exercise per day for the last 40 years. Treating Your Periodontal Pockets May Benefit Your Pocket Book - Science Daily, 11/28/07 - "prevention of periodontal diseases may lead to savings on not only dental costs, but also medical care costs. Periodontal, or gum diseases have been linked to systemic health conditions including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory problems ... cumulative health care costs were 21% higher for those patients with severe periodontal disease than those with no periodontal disease" High Blood Pressure May Heighten Effects Of Alzheimer's Disease - Science Daily, 11/28/07 - "Having hypertension, or high blood pressure, reduces blood flow in the brains of adults with Alzheimer's disease" High Carb Diet Linked to Prostate Tumor Growth - Science Daily, 11/27/07 - "A diet high in refined carbohydrates, like white rice or white bread, is associated with increased prostate tumor growth in mice ... Having too much insulin in the blood, a condition called hyperinsulinemia, is associated with poorer outcomes in patients with prostate cancer" Low Testosterone, Early Death? - WebMD, 11/27/07 - "The lower a man's testosterone level, the higher his risk of death -- especially death from heart disease ... Men in the highest quartile were 41% less likely to die" Statin Use Tied to Fewer Relapses in Prostate Cancer - oncologystat.com, 11/26/07 - "Men who happened to be on statins when given radiotherapy for prostate cancer were significantly more likely to be disease free 10 years later" Abstracts from this week's Doctor's Guide Nutrition/Dietetics plus abstracts from my RSS feeds (Click here for the journals, the Medline ones at the top):
Prevention of hypertension, cardiovascular damage and endothelial dysfunction
with green tea extracts - Am J Hypertens. 2007 Dec;20(12):1321-8 -
"green tea extract
(GTE) ... The GTE prevented hypertension and
target organ damage induced by a high Ang II dose, likely by prevention or
scavenging of superoxide anion generation" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com Multivitamin supplementation improves nutritional status and bone quality in aged care residents - Eur J Clin Nutr. 2007 Nov 28 - "multivitamin (MV) ... randomized to receive a daily MV or placebo (P) tablet for 6 months ... There was a trend towards a 63% lower mean number of falls in the MV vs P group"
Vitamin K and Vitamin D Status: Associations with Inflammatory Markers in the
Framingham Offspring Study - Am J Epidemiol. 2007 Nov 15 -
"Vitamin K status,
measured by plasma phylloquinone concentration and phylloquinone intake, was
inversely associated with circulating
inflammatory markers as a group and with several individual inflammatory
biomarkers" - See
vitamin K at Amazon.com Prevention of Type 2 diabetes: fact or fiction? - Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2007 Dec;8(18):3147-58 - "Both studies have shown that intensive lifestyle intervention could reduce the progression of IGT to diabetes by 58%. Furthermore, four currently-available drugs have been established as being effective in preventing diabetes in subjects with prediabetes. The Diabetes Prevention Program revealed that metformin 850 mg b.i.d. reduced the risk of diabetes by 31%. The STOP-NIDDM (Study To Prevent Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus) trial (n = 1429) showed that acarbose 100 mg t.i.d. with meals decreased the incidence of diabetes by 36% when the diagnosis was based on 2 oral glucose tolerance tests. The XENDOS (Xenical in the Prevention of Diabetes in Obese Subjects) study examined the use of orlistat, an antiobesity drug, as an adjunct to an intensive lifestyle modification program in obese non-diabetic subjects. Orlistat treatment resulted in a 37% decline in the development of diabetes. More recently, the DREAM (Diabetes Reduction Assessment with Ramipril and Rosiglitazone Medication) study (n = 5269) demonstrated that rosiglitazone at 8 mg once/day in subjects with prediabetes (IGT and/or impaired fasting glucose) was effective in reducing the risk of diabetes by 60%. It can be concluded that Type 2 diabetes can be prevented or delayed through lifestyle modifications and/or pharmacologic interventions. This is a fact" Glycemic Index, Glycemic Load, and Cereal Fiber Intake and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in US Black Women - Arch Intern Med. 2007 Nov 26;167(21):2304-9 - "Increasing cereal fiber in the diet may be an effective means of reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, a disease that has reached epidemic proportions in black women" Prospective Study of Dietary Carbohydrates, Glycemic Index, Glycemic Load, and Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Middle-aged Chinese Women - Arch Intern Med. 2007 Nov 26;167(21):2310-6 - "High intake of foods with a high glycemic index and glycemic load, especially rice, the main carbohydrate-contributing food in this population, may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Chinese women"
Pycnogenol((R)), French maritime pine bark extract, augments
endothelium-dependent vasodilation in humans - Hypertens Res. 2007
Sep;30(9):775-80 - "These findings suggest that
Pycnogenol((R)) augments endothelium-dependent
vasodilation by increasing in NO
production. Pycnogenol((R)) would be useful for treating various diseases whose
pathogeneses involve endothelial dysfunction" -
Some say that grape seed extract is the
same as Pycnogenol((R)) without the patent markup. See
Pycnogenol at Amazon.com
Endocrine regulation of the course of menopause by oral melatonin: first case
report - Menopause. 2007 Nov 8 - "The data obtained
in this case report show that melatonin
administration was able to delay the characteristic endocrine changes that occur
during the course of menopause" - See
melatonin at Amazon.com Long-term use of sildenafil in the therapeutic management of heart failure - J Am Coll Cardiol. 2007 Nov 27;50(22):2136-44 - "In CHF, improvement in exercise ventilation and aerobic efficiency with sildenafil is sustained and is significantly related with an endothelium-mediated attenuation of exercising muscle oversignaling. Chronic sildenafil seems to be a remedy based on CHF pathophysiology and devoid of remarkable adverse effects" Health Focus (Telomeres): I'm surprised that the below abstract regarding vitamin D being associated with longer leukocyte telomere length didn't hit the news. Telomere length is believed to be and important factor in anti-aging. The way I understand it, when they cloned Dolly (Sheep) she was six years old when she was born because she had the telomere length of her mother when she was born. Some theorize that was the reason she had the diseases of old age such at arthritis at a young age and died young. I understand that on Dolly's offspring, the telomere length was reset to normal.
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