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Alternative News:
Vitamin D deficiency is associated with inflammatory cytokine concentrations
in patients with diabetic foot infection - Br J Nutr. 2014 Oct 21;:1-6 -
"As cytokine regulation plays a significant role in
infection and wound-healing processes, the present study aimed to evaluate
the association between vitamin D status and inflammatory cytokine profiles
in patients with diabetic foot infection ... severe vitamin D deficiency is
associated with elevated inflammatory cytokine concentrations in diabetic
patients, particularly in those with foot infection" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Antioxidative and Anti-Inflammatory Protection from Carnosine in the
Striatum of MPTP-Treated Mice - J Agric Food Chem. 2010 Oct 6 -
"The preintake of carnosine significantly attenuated MPTP-induced
glutathione loss, retained the activity of GPX and SOD, diminished oxidative
stress, and lowered inflammatory cytokines and nitrite levels as well as
suppressed iNOS activity (P < 0.05). MPTP treatment significantly suppressed
GPX mRNA expression and enhanced iNOS mRNA expression (P < 0.05). Carnosine
preintake significantly elevated GPX mRNA expression and declined iNOS mRNA
expression (P < 0.05). Preintake of carnosine also significantly improved
MPTP-induced dopamine depletion and maintained 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic
acid and homovanillic acid levels (P < 0.05). These results suggest that
carnosine could provide antioxidative and anti-inflammatory protection for
the striatum against the development of Parkinson's disease" - See
carnosine products at Amazon.com
Resveratrol shows metabolic benefits for obese: Study - Nutra USA,
10/11/10 - "When human fat cells were exposed to
IL-1B, the researchers noted increases in the secretion of pro-inflammatory
compounds, including IL6, IL8, MCP-1. However, when the cells were
simultaneously exposed to resveratrol, a 16 to 36 percent reduction in the
expression of these cytokines was observed" - [Abstract]
- See
resveratrol products
at iHerb.
Anti-inflammatory effect of resveratrol on adipokine expression and secretion in
human adipose tissue explants - Int J Obes (Lond). 2010 Jun 8 -
"This study is the first to show anti-inflammatory
effects of RSV on adipokine expression and secretion in human adipose tissue in
vitro through the SIRT1 pathway. Thus, RSV is hypothesized to possess beneficial
effects and might improve the metabolic profile in human obesity" - See
resveratrol products at Amazon.com
General Information:
Cytokine - American Academy of Family Physicians
Cytokine - emedicine.com
Cytokine - familydoctor.org
Books on Cytokine - Amazon.com
News & Research:
What role do cytokines play in autoimmune diseases? - Science Daily,
Inflammation May Be Link Between Extreme Sleep Durations And Poor Health
- Science Daily, 2/7/09
Vitamin E Shows Possible Promise In Easing Chronic Inflammation -
Science Daily, 12/4/08 - "the larger take-home
message of the study, published in the December issue of the journal
Experimental Physiology, is that Vitamin E “may be beneficial in individuals
with chronic inflammation, such as the elderly or patients with type II
diabetes or chronic heart failure" - See
Jarrow FamilE (contains all eight members of the vitamin E family, includes
Tocomin) at Amazon.com
Proinflammatory Cytokines Could Help Improve Diagnosis And Treatment Of
Prostate Cancer - Science Daily, 12/3/08
Wine's Resveratrol May Help Battle Obesity - Science Daily, 6/16/08 -
"resveratrol inhibited the pre-fat cells from
increasing and prevented them from converting into mature fat cells. Also,
resveratrol hindered fat storage. Most interesting, according to
Fischer-Posovszky, was that resveratrol reduced production of certain
cytokines (interleukins 6 and 8), substances that may be linked to the
development of obesity-related disorders, such as diabetes and clogged
coronary arteries. Also, resveratrol stimulated formation of a protein known
to decrease the risk of heart attack. Obesity decreases this substance,
called adiponectin" - See
resveratrol products at Amazon.com
Curcumin Suppresses IgE-Mediated Allergic Response and Mast Cell Activation
- Medscape, 6/3/08 - "Two cytokines, TNF-alpha and
IL-4, are among those that are critical to allergic inflammation. In studies
using the RBL-2H3 tumor mast cell line, the researchers found that curcumin
significantly inhibited the antigen-stimulated expression of mRNA for both
cytokines, and the secretion of both cytokines in the mast cells, in a
dose-dependent manner" - See
curcumin products at Amazon.com
Between Inflammation, Cancer Confirmed - Science Daily, 6/2/08 -
"Chronic inflammation of the intestine or stomach
can damage DNA, increasing the risk of cancer ... Researchers have long
known that inflammation produces cytokines (immune response chemicals that
encourage cell proliferation and suppress cell death), which can lead to
Protein Found That May Provide Relief From Neuropathic Pain - Science
Daily, 12/5/07
Associated With Low Bone Mineral Density - Medscape, 12/3/07 -
"The novelty of this study is the fact that these
women were not severely depressed ... Depression is considered a disease of
chronic stress, Dr. Cizza said, with attendant increases in the stress
hormone cortisol, and cytokines produced by the immune system. "Those
substances are helpful to fight stress, but if there is too much cortisol or
cytokines, there are side effects," he said. "One of the side effects is
bone loss, so it was obvious to ask the question, 'do women with depression
have low bone mass?'""
Exercise May Play Role In Reducing Inflammation In Damaged Skin Tissue -
Science Daily, 11/28/07 - "moderate exercise sped up
how fast wounds heal in old mice ... the improved healing response “may be
the result of an exercise-induced anti-inflammatory response in the wound.”
... Cytokines are molecules that signal and direct immune cells, such as
macrophages, to the site of an infection ..."
- Blood Inflammation Plays
Role in Alzheimer's Disease - Doctor's Guide, 5/29/07 -
"The participants' blood was tested for levels of cytokines, which are
protein messengers that trigger inflammation. Those with the highest amount
of cytokines in their blood were more than twice as likely to develop
Alzheimer's disease as those with the lowest amount of cytokines"
Cytokines Play Role in Sleep Disorders, Obesity - Clinical Psychiatry
News, 10/06 - "Interventions to reduce or neutralize
proinflammatory cytokines may be novel treatments in patients with sleep
disorders and obesity ... Three inflammation-associated cytokines—tumor
necrosis factor-α (TNF-α, interleukin-1 (IL-1), and IL-6—are elevated in
obese and sleep-deprived patients, and may mediate excessive daytime
sleepiness and fatigue"
- High Cytokine
Levels Linked to Fatigue and Cognitive Impairment - Medscape, 8/24/06
Play Crucial Role In Depression-Cardiac Link - Psychiatric News,
Fibrogenic Cytokines May Play Role in Nephrogenic Fibrosing Dermatopathology
- Doctor's Guide, 10/15/02
Cytokine Levels Signal Worse Prognosis in Severe Sepsis - Doctor's
Guide, 9/20/02
Growth Hormone Benefits Cardiomyopathy Patients - Doctor's Guide, 9/2/02
"Growth hormone
reduces serum levels of proinflammatory cytokines
in patients with chronic heart failure secondary to idiopathic dilated
cardiomyopathy. It also reduces soluble Fas and soluble Fas ligand system in
these patients ... The investigators also observed significant improvements
in peak oxygen consumption"
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