Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending
11/5/08. You should consult your doctor if you are taking any medications.
Diabetes Patients: Fish May Help Kidneys - WebMD, 11/4/08 -
"fish consumption
lowers abnormal levels of protein in the urine in people with diabetes ...
Abnormal amounts of protein appear in the urine when the kidneys are damaged;
it's a key indicator of kidney disease
... Leslie Spry, MD, a kidney specialist in Lincoln, Neb., who serves as a
National Kidney Foundation spokesman, says he typically doesn't tell patients to
eat more fish but recommends fish oil supplements to control triglycerides
(blood fats)"
- See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Rate-lowering Drug Improves Exercise Capacity In Patients With Stable Angina
- Science Daily, 11/4/08 - "adding ivabradine over and
above the standard of care achieves increases exercise tolerance" - It
doesn't look like it's available in the U.S. plus I didn't see any overseas
pharmacies selling it either. The only place I've see is
http://www.drugdelivery.ca/s33870-s-CORALAN.aspx but they want $3.16 per
pill with the shipping.
Form of Vitamin B3 May Help Alzheimer's - WebMD, 11/4/08 -
"Researchers from the University of California, Irvine
dissolved nicotinamide in drinking water and
fed it to mice with Alzheimer's. The
researchers found that nicotinamide prevented mental deficits in mice with
Alzheimer's. It also seemed to improve short-term memory of mice without
Alzheimer's" - [Science Daily} - See
nicotinamide at Amazon.com .
How Did
Glycine Significantly Decrease Liver Injury? - Science Daily, 10/31/08 -
"Recent studies demonstrated that dietary
protected both the lung and liver against
lethal doses of endotoxin in rat or other animals and improved graft survival
after liver transplantation" - See
L-glycine products at
Vitamin E may slash lung cancer risk: Study - Nutra USA, 10/31/08 -
"The researchers calculated that the highest average
intakes of alpha-tocopherol (more than 7.73 mg
per day) were associated with a 53 per cent reduction in
lung cancer risk, compared to the lowest
average intakes (less than 4.13 mg per day) ... When the researchers accounted
for the other tocopherols they observed no significant associations on lung
cancer risk for beta-, gamma, and delta-tocopherol" - [Abstract]
(see the abstract, I don't believe that last part is true on the gamma. - Ben
Too Much Body Fat Bad for Bones? - WebMD, 10/31/08 -
"postmenopausal women with a higher proportion
of body fat tend to have lower bone mineral
Antioxidants Can Reduce The Toxic Effects Of Lead, Study Suggests - WebMD,
10/31/08 - "administering natural
antioxidants can reduce the effects of
lead poisoning in animals during the gestation
and lactation periods"
Obesity Linked to Erectile Dysfunction - WebMD, 10/31/08 -
"conditions related to
obesity, particularly hypertension (or
high blood pressure), are the most significant causes of obesity-related
erectile dysfunction. Abnormal penile blood
flow was found to be linked to high blood pressure"
Dose Of Vitamin E Maximizes Benefits, Minimizes Risk - Science Daily,
10/30/08 - "One of the most compelling studies of the
benefits of vitamin E is the Women’s Health
Study, in which 40,000 healthy women, 45 and older, took 600 IU vitamin E
supplements or a placebo every other day for 10 years. Women taking the
supplements had 24 percent fewer deaths from heart disease. Vitamin E’s
protective effect appeared even stronger in women 65 and older. Those taking the
vitamin experienced a 26 percent reduction in cardiovascular events and a 49
percent reduction in cardiovascular deaths ... Vitamin K in the liver appears to
diminish as vitamin E increases" - Note: Alpha-tocopherol is the
only form of vitamin E that is measured in IU's. See my
vitamin E page for problems with just taking
the one form of vitamin E. For one thing, in addition to reducing vitamin
K it reduces the gamma-tocopherol form of vitamin E which may be as important if
not more important. See
Jarrow FamilE (contains all eight members of the vitamin E family, includes
Tocomin) at Amazon.com .
Diabetes Up 90% in U.S. - WebMD, 10/30/08 - "Scary
Halloween news from the CDC: Type 2 diabetes is
up 90% since 1997"
Vigorous Exercise Cuts Breast Cancer Risk - WebMD, 10/30/08 -
"When we evaluated the relation of
vigorous activity to
breast cancer among women who were of normal weight ... the risk among women
reporting the highest amount of vigorous activity decreased by about 30%
compared with women with no vigorous activity"
Hazardous Levels Of Metal Ions Found In Many Commercial Table Wines, Study
Suggests - Science Daily, 10/29/08 - "An analysis of
reported levels of metals in wines from sixteen different countries found that
only those from Argentina, Brazil and Italy did not pose a potential health risk
owing to metals"
Drinking May Help Preserve Hip Structure in Elderly Women - Medscape,
10/29/08 - "The cross-sectional analysis revealed that
mean total hip aBMD was 2.8% greater in
tea drinkers ... Compared with non–tea
drinkers, tea drinkers had a significantly higher aBMD at the total hip and
trochanter sites but not at the femoral neck and intertrochanter sites" -
green tea extract at Amazon.com .
May Aid A Bunch Of Heart Risk Factors, Animal Study Finds - Science Daily,
10/29/08 - "Could eating
grapes help fight high blood pressure
related to a salty diet? And could grapes calm
other factors that are also related to
heart diseases such as heart failure? A new University of Michigan
Cardiovascular Center study suggests so" - See
grape seed extract at Amazon.com .
Abstracts from this week's
Doctor's Guide Nutrition/Dietetics
plus abstracts from my RSS feeds (Click here
for the journals, the PubMed ones at the top):
of androgen receptor signaling and prostate specific antigen expression by
(-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate in different progression stages of LNCaP prostate
cancer cells - Cancer Lett. 2008 Oct 31 - "EGCG
suppressed cell proliferation, prostate specific
antigen (PSA) expression, and AR transcriptional activity in the different
LNCaP sublines. Intraperitoneal administration of EGCG also suppressed the
growth of relapsing R1Ad tumors and decreased tumor-derived serum PSA. Effects
of EGCG on tumor PSA expression have the potential to affect accurate monitoring
of patient tumor burden by serum PSA measurement" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com .
C-lipid metabolites: Uptake and retention and effect on plasma C-reactive
protein and oxidized LDL levels in healthy volunteers - Med Sci Monit. 2008
Nov;14(11):CR547-551 - "ascorbic
acid (AA), calcium ascorbate (CaA) ... PureWay-C(R) supplementation leads to
the highest absolute serum vitamin C levels when compared to AA, CaA and
Ester-C(R). PureWay-C(R) provides a statistically significant greater serum
level than calcium ascorbate at 1, 2, 4, and 6 hours post oral supplementation
whereas Ester-C(R) shows a less but slightly statistically significant increase
at only 1 and 4 hours. Oral supplementation with PureWay-C(R) also led to a
greater reduction in plasma C-reactive
protein and oxidized LDL levels compared to the other vitamin C
formulations. Conclusions: PureWay-C(R) is more rapidly absorbed and leads to
higher serum vitamin C levels and greater reduction of plasma levels of
inflammatory and oxidative stress markers than other forms of vitamin C,
including Ester-C(R)" - See
PureWay C products at iHerb.
Effects of Combination Therapy with Angiotensin II Receptor Blocker and
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor on Vascular Endothelial Function -
Hypertens Res. 2008 Aug;31(8):1603-10 - "these results
suggest that the
angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitor perindopril is superior to the
calcium channel blocker amlodipine for reducing vascular endothelial dysfunction
when co-administered with angiotensin
receptor blockers in patients with essential hypertension"
Dietary alpha-, beta-, gamma- and delta-tocopherols in lung cancer risk -
Int J Cancer. 2008 Sep 1;123(5):1173-80 - "Using
multiple logistic regression analysis, the adjusted odds ratios (OR) and 95%
confidence intervals (CI) of lung cancer for
increasing quartiles of dietary alpha-tocopherol
intake were 1.0, 0.63 (0.50-0.79), 0.58 (0.44-0.76) and 0.39 (0.28-0.53),
respectively (p-trend < 0.0001). For dietary intake of beta-tocopherol, the OR
and 95% CI for all subjects were: 1.0, 0.79 (0.63-0.98), 0.59 (0.45-0.78) and
0.56 (0.42-0.74), respectively (p-trend < 0.0001). Similar results for dietary
gamma-tocopherol intake were observed: 1.0, 0.84 (0.67-1.06), 0.76 (0.59-0.97)
and 0.56 (0.42-0.75), respectively (p- trend = 0.0002). No significant
association between delta-tocopherol intake and lung cancer risk was detected"
receptor blockers in the treatment of NASH/NAFLD: Could they be a first-class
option? - Adv Ther. 2008 Oct 29 - "Nonalcoholic
fatty liver disease (NAFLD) ... nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) ... In
our opinion there are two major advantages of
ARBs that make them a possible therapeutic option for treating NASH and MS:
their specific antihypertensive effect, and their impact on liver fibrosis. In
light of this, and based on the current evidence (including existent human
studies), we can speculate that some ARBs like telmisartan, candesartan, and
losartan can be beneficial in treating NASH/NAFLD and its consequences, and
further larger controlled clinical trials will bring consistent data into this
Neat Tech Stuff :
Health Focus (Skin
Alternative Skin Care News:
Vitamin D may protect skin from within: Study - Nutra USA, 10/8/08 -
"Atopic dermatitis (AD) ... All of the participants
were given daily vitamin D supplements of 4000 IUs for 21 days ... After
supplementation, the skin of people with AD showed statistically significant
increases in cathelicidin from 3.53 to 23.91 relative copy units (RCU).
Moreover, normal skin showed a “modest increase”, said the researchers, from
1.0 to 1.78 RCU" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Flax and borage oil may boost skin health from within - 10/3/08 -
"the researchers noted a significant decrease in
reddening of the skin in the flaxseed and
borage oil groups of 45 and 35 per
cent, respectively, compared to baseline values. No differences were
recorded in the placebo group ... blood flow to the in skin also decreased
in the oil groups ... Measurements of water loss from the skin showed that
the oil supplements were associated with decreases of about 10 per cent
after six weeks, with only the flaxseed oil group showing further decreases
at the end of 12 weeks (25 per cent) ... The roughness and scaling – dry
peeling skin – was also decreased significantly after 12 weeks of flaxseed
and borage oil supplementation, with no differences in the placebo group"
- [Abstract]
To Eat For Glowing Healthy Skin - Science Daily, 11/14/07 -
"the antioxidants in vitamins C and E can protect
the skin from sun damage and help reduce damage in skin cells caused by
harmful free radicals, which contribute to aging skin. Similarly, we have
long known that the B vitamin biotin is responsible for forming the basis of
skin, hair and nail cells, and vitamin A – found in many fruits and
vegetables – maintains and repairs skin tissue"
The Cover: Scientifically Advanced Skin Care - Life Extension Magazine,
Right To Keep Healthy Skin - CBS 2 Chicago, 4/30/05 -
"Clinical studies have found that eating a diet rich
in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and omega-3 fatty acids can
help skin retain its healthy glow and look youthful ... foods for healthy
skin include those rich in lycopene. That's a pigment that gives many fruits
and vegetables their red color. It's a proven antioxidant, and antioxidants
are important because they reduce the risk of several types of cancer and
they prevent the formation of harmful byproducts of metabolism called free
Rub Away Aged Skin - Life Extension Magazine, 6/04
- What do you recommend for
thin, dry skin and hair and brittle nails? - Dr. Weil, 10/21/03
Rejuvenate Your Skin While You Sleep - Life Extension Magazine cover
story, 8/03
Green Tea Gives Skin Healthy Glow - HealthDay, 5/15/03 -
"Green tea contains
compounds called polyphenols, which help eliminate free radicals. These free
radicals can cause cancer by altering DNA. Polyphenols also protect healthy
cells while promoting the death of cancer cells ... Cells that migrate
toward the surface of the skin normally live about 28 days, and by day 20
they basically sit on the upper layer of the skin getting ready to die. But
EGCG reactivates them ... EGCG may offer potential benefits for skin
conditions including
rosacea, wrinkles
and wounds" - See
iHerb or
green tea extracts. My favorite is
Jarrow green tea at iHerb.
- GLA: The Right Remedy
for Eczema? - Dr. Weil, 11/21/02 -
"It has specific nourishing effects on skin, hair,
and nails that are not duplicated by omega–3
fatty acids ... It is true that a high ratio of
omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids
in the diet promotes
inflammation by favoring synthesis of
pro-inflammatory hormones (prostaglandins). But the amount of
GLA needed to treat
eczema and other skin conditions (500
milligrams twice a day) is too small to affect that ratio significantly"
- See
gamma linolenic acid at Amazon.com
Increased Blood Antioxidants And Selenium Levels May Augur A Promising
Therapy For Patients With Vitiligo - Doctor's Guide, 11/8/02
Link Found Between Vitamin E Intake and Immunoglobulin E In Treatment Of
Atopic Dermatitis - Doctor's Guide, 5/31/02 -
vitamin E (VE) could be an excellent tool in
atopic dermatitis"
Nutrition for the Skin - What You Should Know Before Undergoing a Surgical
Procedure - Wellness Insider, 5/23/02 -
"free radicals can accelerate the aging process of
the skin, resulting in wrinkles and
sunspots, not to mention an increased risk of skin cancer ... These
antioxidants are important in
protecting you from disease and can help shield you from skin cancer,
maintain youthful, healthy skin, and even help to promote and expedite the
healing process after a surgical procedure"
- Few Vitamins
Effectively Prevent or Reverse Skin Damage - Medscape, 3/02 -
"Despite advertising claims, almost all available
topical formulations contain very low concentrations of antioxidants that
are not well absorbed by the skin ... There are 3 antioxidants that have
been proven to decrease the effect of the sun on the skin and actually
prevent further damage:
vitamin E, and
vitamin C ... Recent animal studies have
found that when selenium is taken orally or through the skin in the form of
L-selenomethionine, it provided protection against both everyday and
excessive UV damage ... New laboratory studies suggest vitamin E helps
inactivate free radicals, making them less likely to cause damage ... Even
minimal UV exposure can decrease the vitamin C levels in the skin by 30%,
while exposure from the ozone of city pollution can decrease the level by
Topical Vitamin C May Have Beneficial Effect On Photaged Skin - Doctor's
Guide, 4/13/01 -
"vitamin C levels
of the skin can be severely depleted following UV irradiation ... By
comparison with placebo controls, there was a highly significant increase in
the skin microrelief density and a decrease of the deep furrows on the side
of the neck treated with Vitamin C cream"
Antiaging Products for Skin, Hair and Nails - Nutrition Science News,
Green tea may help prevent skin cancer - CNN, 8/15/00
Nourishing your skin: Choose the right vitamin - CNN, 6/16/00
Proanthocyanidin Power - Nutrition Science News, 6/00
Skin Aging
Update - Life Extension Magazine, 1/00
More Than Skin Deep - Nutrition Science News, 11/99
Nourishing your skin from within - CNN, 6/30/99
Other Skin Care Information:
Really? -
Drinking Lots of Water Is Good for Your Skin - NYTimes.com, 10/27/08
Ingredients In Drug-like Anti-aging Products Improve Skin - Science
Daily, 12/28/07 - "skin surface irregularity can be
improved through the topical application of niacin, while the appearance of
fine lines can be diminished through the application of moisturizers
containing engineered peptides and over-the-counter retinoids. Skin
pigmentation can become more regular with the use of photoprotective
ingredients. Furthermore, combining cosmeceutical ingredients in a
moisturizing agent can magnify benefits and improve skin appearance"
Antiaging Skin Care: Reversing Skin Aging By Gene Blockade In Mice -
Science Daily, 11/29/07
11 Causes of Dry Skin Problems - WebMD, 11/29/07
Retinol May Smooth Aging Skin - WebMD, 5/22/07
Vitamin A Helps Reduce Wrinkles Associated With Natural Skin Aging -
Science Daily, 5/21/07 - "Applying vitamin A to the
skin appears to improve the wrinkles associated with natural aging and may
help to promote the production of skin-building compounds ... Researchers
applied a lotion containing 0.4 percent retinol"
- Is Zapping Hair Safe?
- Dr. Weil, 5/28/03
Oral Terbinafine With Topical Ciclopirox Clears Toenail Onychomycosis Faster
- Doctor's Guide, 3/26/03
Tacrolimus 0.1% Ointment Safe and Effective Long-Term for Atopic Dermatitis
in Children and Adults - Doctor's Guide, 3/24/03
Bexarotene Gel May Be New Option for Hand Dermatitis - Doctor's Guide,
Dangerous Pigmentation Recognized By Computerized-Image Analysis -
Doctor's Guide, 3/14/03
- New Skin Cream
[Avage] Reverses Sun Damage - WebMD, 11/22/02 -
"At the 24-week point, researchers found
significantly more patients who used the
tazarotene cream
experienced a more than 50% overall improvement in skin appearance compared
to those who received the placebo. The Avage users also reported less
wrinkling, mottled pigmentation, and skin
FDA Approves First One-Day, Oral Antiviral Treatment of Cold Sores -
Doctor's Guide, 9/10/02
Pimecrolimus Cream Helps Control Atopic Dermatitis in Adults - Doctor's
Guide, 7/3/02
Atopic Dermatitis Symptoms Improve with Clobetasol Propionate 0.5 Percent
- Doctor's Guide, 7/3/02
Rubefacients Protect Skin Against Moderate Cold - Doctor's Guide, 7/1/02
- The Right Way to
Apply Sunscreen - WebMD, 6/20/02 -
"The sun protection factor, or SPF, that a sunscreen
delivers is determined by testing skin that's been generously slathered with
a thick coat of sunscreen. But studies have shown that most people apply
only 25% to 75% of this amount"
Many Children At Risk Of Skin Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 6/3/02
Navigating the maze of sunscreens - CNN, 5/28/02
- Stress Hormone
Behind Bad Skin - WebMD, 5/17/02 -
"In response to stress, the brain signals production
of several hormones. One of them is stress hormone, which makes the oil
glands in the skin go into overdrive. Triggering of the stress system can
also lead to hair loss, skin aging, and other skin problems" - I
believe they are talking about
Phosphatidylserine (PS) is believed to reduce
Reducing The Risk Of Occupational Hand Dermatitis - Doctor's Guide,
- Smokers Look
Older -- Butt Why? - WebMD, 3/22/02 -
"Bottom line: Smokers get a double whammy -- once
from the sun and again from tobacco, since both trigger this
skin-destructive MMP-1 action"
Low-Dose Topical 5-Fluorouracil As Effective, Better Tolerated Than Standard
5% Cream - Doctor's Guide, 2/26/02
- Study Links Tanning
Beds to Skin Cancer - WebMD, 2/5/02 -
"those who had ever used a tanning bed were 2.5
times more likely to have squamous cell cancer and 1.5 times more likely to
have basal cell cancer ... those that started using tanning beds at an
earlier age tended to be more likely to end up with skin cancer"
- Solaraze (Diclofenac
Sodium) Gel, For Treatment Of Actinic Keratosis, To Be Available In US In
January 2002 - Doctor's Guide, 12/10/01
- Lower Dose Tretinoin Cream
As Effective, Less Irritating Than Higher Doses In For Photodamaged Skin
- Doctor's Guide, 8/2/01
- Abreva (Docosanol 10%)
Speeds Healing of Cold Sores - Doctor's Guide, 7/25/01
- Cancer Risk From
Tanning Beds Similar to Direct Sunlight - WebMD, 6/6/01 - "ultraviolet
exposure from tanning beds is just as dangerous as direct exposure to the
- Gatifloxacin Proves Of
Value For Treating Dermatological Infections - Doctor's Guide, 7/4/01
- Tanning Salon Exposure Can
Lead to Skin Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 5/29/01
- FDA Approves Avelox
(Moxifloxacin HCl) for Treatment of Uncomplicated Skin Infections -
Doctor's Guide, 4/30/01
Research On Why Smokers Look Older - Intelihealth, 3/23/01 -
"smoking switches on a gene involved in destroying
collagen, the structural protein that gives skin its elasticity ... Smoking
has also been found to trigger oxygen damage to the cells and to mess up the
blood flow to the skin"
- 59th Annual Meeting of
the American Academy of Dermatology - Medscape, 3/7/01
- New Photorejuvenation
Treatments Effective For Aging Skin - Doctor's Guide, 3/6/01
- Hygiene of the Skin:
When Is Clean Too Clean? - Medscape, 3/01
- Herpes Virus
Shows Early Promise for Advanced Skin Cancer - WebMD, 2/15/01
- Zindaclin (ResiDerm A) Gel
As Effective As Dalacin T (Clindamyacin) Topical Lotion For Skin Disorders
- Doctor's Guide, 12/20/00
- Infrared
Technology: A New Answer to 'Tattoo Regret' - WebMD, 10/20/00
- FDA Approves New
Indication For Levaquin (Levofloxacin) For Skin Infections - Doctor's
Guide, 9/15/00
- FDA Approves New
Formulation Of Renova (Tretinoin Cream) For Reduction Of Fine Facial
Wrinkles - Doctor's Guide, 9/6/00
- New Laser
Promises Clearer Skin With Less Pain - WebMD, 8/24/00
- For Acne Scars,
Laser Resurfacing Is Popular, Effective - WebMD, 5/16/00
- More Sun Equals
More Skin Cancer -- Even for Blacks - WebMD, 4/14/00
- FDA Approves Levulan
Kerastick For Pre-Cancerous Skin Lesions - Doctor's Guide, 12/7/99
The ABCs of SPFs: What's new under the sun - CNN, 8/13/99
- Vernix Replicates Human
Skin’s Natural Protective Properties - Doctor's Guide, 12/23/98
- Tanning Beds: Hotbed Of
Controversy - Doctor's Guide, 10/30/97
- Tiny Skin Flaws Contain
Genetic Mutations Linked To Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 6/11/97
- Prescription Skin Protector
Helps Prevent Environmental Aging - Doctor's Guide, 3/27/97
- Poison Ivy, Oak and Sumac
Skin Protectant Now Available - Doctor's Guide, 3/20/97
- Spring and Summer Skin
Irritations - How to Fight the Fungus Among Us - Doctor's Guide, 5/29/96