Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending
3/24/10. You should consult your doctor if you are taking any medications.
exhaust associated with lethargy in offspring - Science Daily, 3/23/10 -
"The researchers speculate that certain components, such
as ultrafine particles, in the diesel exhaust may be translocated into the
offspring of mice, disturbing the normal timetable of development in offspring
and leading to the behavioral and physiological abnormalities seen in this
study. Alternatively, or additionally, diesel exhaust exposure may affect the
mother's behavior toward the pups after birth, which could also cause lethargy
and altered brain chemistry"
fructose corn syrup linked to liver scarring, research suggests - Science
Daily, 3/22/10 - "The researchers found only 19 percent
of adults with NAFLD reported no intake of
fructose-containing beverages, while 52 percent
consumed between one and six servings a week and 29 percent consumed
fructose-containing beverages on a daily basis"
Long-Term Marathon Running Linked With Increased Coronary Calcification -
Medscape, 3/22/10 - "Compared with controls, marathoners
had significantly more calcified plaque
volume--274 mm3 for the marathoners and 169 mm3 for the controls--and higher
calcium scores and noncalcified plaque volumes, although the latter two measures
did not reach statistical significance"
A: Key mechanism that guides cells to form heart tissue - Science Daily,
3/19/10 - "Second Heart Field (SHF) ... retinoic acid
(RA), a derivative of vitamin A, regulates the
SHF tissue formation and the septation, or division, of the outflow tract into
the ascending aorta and the pulmonary artery ... We now know that vitamin A is a
critical regulator of this process, and too much or too little RA can lead to
common congenital defects"
Omega 3
curbs precancerous growths in those prone to bowel cancer, study suggests -
Science Daily, 3/17/10 - "randomly assigned to six
months of treatment with 2 g daily of a new highly purified form of the omega 3
polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) EPA. The
other 27 were given the same amount of a dummy treatment (placebo) ...number of
polyps increased by almost 10% among those treated with the placebo, but
fell by more than 12% among those treated with the EPA capsules, representing a
difference of almost 22.5% ... Similarly, polyp size increased by more than 17%
among those in the placebo group but fell by more than 12.5% in those taking the
EPA capsules, representing a difference of just under 30% ... the effects of EPA
were similar to those produced by celecoxib, which is used to help curb the
growth of new and existing polyps in patients with FAP ... celecoxib has been
associated with harmful cardiovascular side effects in older patients" -
See See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com .
protects men against diabetes, study suggests - Science Daily, 3/17/10 -
"The role of selenium
diabetes has been controversial, with some
studies suggesting that it raises diabetes risk and others finding that it is
protective. Now, research published in BioMed Central's open access journal
Nutrition and Metabolism, has shown that, for men, high plasma selenium
concentrations are associated with a lower occurrence of
dysglycemia ... for French elderly males,
having plasma selenium concentrations in the top tertile of the population
distribution (1.19-1.97 μmol/L) was significantly associated with a lower risk
of developing dysglycemia over the following nine years ... The reason we
observed a protective effect of selenium in men but not in women is not
completely clear, but might be attributed to women being healthier at baseline,
having better antioxidant status in general and possible differences in how men
and women process selenium" - [Nutra
USA] - See
selenium at Amazon.com .
Green tea may boost oral health, reduce tooth loss - Nutra USA, 3/17/10 -
"analysed data from 25,078 people aged between 40 to 64
years. By measuring tooth loss in people with up to 20 teeth still remaining,
the researchers calculated that one to two cups of
green tea per day was associated with an 18 per cent reduction in
tooth loss risk. The same reduction was calculted
for three to four cups per day, while five or more cups was associated with a 23
per cent reduction in risk ... The researchers noted that the a certain level of
tea was required to produce the effect" - [Abstract]
- See
green tea extract at Amazon.com .
FDA Approved Diabetes Drug Despite Hints at Cancer Risk - US News and World
Report, 3/16/10 - "Victoza,
among a class of medicines called glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor
agonists, is meant to be used along with diet and exercise to control blood
sugar by helping the pancreas make more insulin after a person eats ... Victoza
has one advantage over its only other competitor in this class of drugs, Byetta.
Byetta is administered as a twice-daily injection, whereas Victoza is a
once-daily injection"
vaccine protects from cancer recurrence - Science Daily, 3/16/10 -
"The study shows that
Gardasil reduces by approximately 40 percent the chances that more cancer or
pre-cancerous changes will occur in the cervix, vagina and vulva up to 3.8 years
after a female has surgery for one of those conditions"
Metabolic Syndrome Lifts Cognitive Aging Risk in Women - Clinical Psychiatry
News, 3/10 - "The rate of cognitive impairment was 7%
among women who had metabolic syndrome,
compared with 4% among those who did not have the syndrome"
Severe Hypoglycemia Raises Dementia Risk in Type 2 Elderly - Clinical
Psychiatry News, 3/10 - "compared with patients who had
no severe hypoglycemic episodes were 1.7 for those with at least one episode,
2.2 for two or more, and 2.6 for three or more episodes. Further adjustment for
diabetes-related comorbidity, HbA1c level, diabetes treatment, and years of
insulin use modestly attenuated the effect but it remained “statistically
significant and clinically relevant” with hazard ratios of 1.3, 1.8, and 1.9,
Abstracts from this week's
Doctor's Guide Nutrition/Dietetics
plus abstracts from my RSS feeds (Click here
for the journals, the PubMed ones at the top):
metformin use is associated with decreased risk of breast cancer - Diabetes
Care. 2010 Mar 18 - "The mean age was 67.5 (+/-std 10.5)
years at the time of the cancer diagnosis. Long-term use of 40+ prescriptions
(>5 years) of
metformin, based on 17 exposed cases and 120
exposed controls, was associated with an adjusted OR of 0.44 (95% CI 0.24-0.82)
for developing
breast cancer, as compared to no use of
metformin" - See
metformin at OffshoreRx1.com.
Folic acid
supplementation may cure hot flushes in postmenopausal women: a prospective
cohort study - Gynecol Endocrinol. 2010 Mar 16 - "To
examine the effect of
folic acid supplementation on the occurrence
hot flushes and the plasma level of
3-methoxy 4-hydroxy phenyl glycol (MHPG, the main metabolite of brain
norepinephrine) ... The number of women who reported improvement in hot flushes
was significantly higher in the treatment group. On comparing the mean plasma
levels of MHPG before and after treatment, a significant lowering was found in
the treatment group (mean % change =-24.1 +/- 17.9, p < 0.001) when compared
with the placebo-control group (mean % change =-5.59 +/- 16.4, p = 0.10). In the
treatment group, there was a significant negative correlation between
improvement in hot flushes and the plasma level of MHPG (r =-0.453, p = 0.03)"
- See
folic acid products at Amazon.com .
Vitamin B6
and Risk of Colorectal Cancer: A Meta-analysis of Prospective Studies -
JAMA. 2010 Mar 17;303(11):1077-83 - "Omitting 1 study
that contributed substantially to the heterogeneity among studies of
vitamin B(6) intake yielded a pooled RR of
0.80 (95% CI, 0.69-0.92). The risk of colorectal
cancer decreased by 49% for every 100-pmol/mL increase (approximately 2 SDs)
in blood PLP levels (RR, 0.51; 95% CI, 0.38-0.69)"
Association between green tea consumption and tooth loss: Cross-sectional
results from the Ohsaki Cohort 2006 Study - Prev Med. 2010 Apr;50(4):173-179
- "Consumption of >/=1 cup/day of
green tea was significantly associated with
decreased odds for tooth loss, and the
association appeared to fit a threshold model. In men, the multivariate-adjusted
ORs for tooth loss with a cut-off point of <20 teeth associated with different
frequencies of green tea consumption were 1.00 (reference) for <1 cup/day, 0.82
(95% CI, 0.74-0.91) for 1-2 cups/day, 0.82 (95% CI, 0.73-0.92) for 3-4 cups/day,
and 0.77 (95% CI, 0.66-0.89) for >/=5 cups/day" - See
green tea extract at Amazon.com .
improves insulin resistance in skeletal muscle of rats - Nutr Metab
Cardiovasc Dis. 2010 Mar 12 - "Curcumin
improves muscular insulin resistance by
increasing oxidation of fatty acid and glucose, which is, at least in part,
mediated through LKB1-AMPK pathway" - See
curcumin products at Amazon.com .
Health Focus (Exercise):
Alternative News:
Exercise Enhancement and Risk Precautions - Life Extension Foundation
Plays a Preventive Role Against Alzheimer's Disease - J Alzheimers Dis.
2010 Feb 24 - "Regular physical activity increases
the endurance of cells and tissues to oxidative stress, vascularization,
energy metabolism, and neurotrophin synthesis, all important in
neurogenesis, memory improvement, and brain plasticity. Although extensive
studies are required to understand the mechanism, it is clear that physical
exercise is beneficial in the prevention of AD and other age-associated
neurodegenerative disorders"
levels of vitamin D linked to muscle fat, decreased strength in young people
- Science Daily, 3/6/10 - "A ground-breaking study
published in the March 2010 Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
found an astonishing 59 per cent of study subjects had too little
Vitamin D in their blood. Nearly a quarter of the group had serious
deficiencies (less than 20 ng/ml) of this important vitamin. Since Vitamin D
insufficiency is linked to increased body fat, decreased muscle strength and
a range of disorders, this is a serious health issue ... The study by Dr.
Kremer and co-investigator Dr. Vincente Gilsanz, head of musculoskeletal
imaging at the Children's Hospital Los Angeles of the University of Southern
California, is the first to show a clear link between Vitamin D levels and
the accumulation of fat in muscle tissue -- a factor in muscle strength and
overall health" - [Nutra
USA] -See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Omega-3 may boost lung function during sport - Nutra USA, 3/3/10 -
"Amateur Iranian wrestlers, and not the Hulk Hogan
kind, experienced improvements in numerous measures of lung capacity,
including lung volume [forced vital capacity (FVC)] and airflows [forced
expiratory volume in one second (FEV1)], and found significant improvements
following 12 weeks of supplementation and training ... At the end of the
study, improvements in FEV1 of 41 per cent and FVC of 53 per cent, in the
omega-3 supplements and training group as well as four other measures,
compared to the other groups" - [Abstract]
- See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
effects of omega-3 supplementation on pulmonary function of young wrestlers
during intensive training - J Sci Med Sport. 2010 Mar;13(2):281-286 -
"consuming omega-3 during 12 weeks training had a
significantly positive effect on pulmonary variables such as FEV1, FVC, VC, MVV,
FEF25-75, FIV1 (p=0.001), but no significant changes were observed in FEV1%
(p=0.141) and FIV1% (p=0.117). The results of the present study suggest that
consuming omega-3 during intensive wrestling training can improve pulmonary
function of athletes during and in post-exercise" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
What You Eat After Working Out Matters - WebMD, 1/29/10 -
"A new study shows that eating a low-carbohydrate
meal after aerobic exercise enhances insulin sensitivity. Increased insulin
sensitivity makes it easier for the body to take up sugar from the
bloodstream and store it in muscles and other tissues where it can be used
for fuel ... Impaired insulin sensitivity, or insulin resistance, increases
the risk for type 2 diabetes and heart disease"
Antioxidants aren't always good for you and can impair muscle function,
study shows - Science Daily, 1/26/10
physical activity and breast cancer risk: the effect of menopausal status
- Cancer Causes Control. 2010 Jan 19 -
"Participating in moderate-intensity physical activity decreased the risk of
BC in both pre- and postmenopausal women (OR = 0.96; 95% CI 0.92.-0.99; OR =
0.90; 95% CI 0.86-0.93, respectively) for every 3 h per week of
moderate-intensity physical activity. There was a statistically significant
modification effect by menopausal status"
of cocoa flavanol consumption on blood pressure responsiveness to exercise
- Br J Nutr. 2010 Jan 19:1-5 - "randomised to
consume single servings of either a high-flavanol (HF, 701 mg) or a
low-flavanol (LF, 22 mg) cocoa beverage in a double-blind, cross-over design
... the BP response to exercise (area under BP curve) was attenuated by HF
compared with LF. BP increases were 68 % lower for DBP (P = 0.03) and 14 %
lower for mean BP (P = 0.05). FMD measurements were higher after taking HF
than after taking LF (6.1 (se 0.6) % v. 3.4 (se 0.5) %, P < 0.001). By
facilitating vasodilation and attenuating exercise-induced increases in BP,
cocoa flavanols may decrease cardiovascular risk and enhance the
cardiovascular benefits of moderate intensity exercise in at-risk
l-Carnitine l-tartrate supplementation favorably affects biochemical markers
of recovery from physical exertion in middle-aged men and women -
Metabolism. 2009 Dec 30 - "Two grams of l-carnitine
supplementation had positive effects and significantly (P </= .05)
attenuated biochemical markers of purine metabolism (ie, hypoxanthine,
xanthine oxidase), free radical formation (malondialdehyde), muscle tissue
disruption (myoglobin, creatine kinase), and muscle soreness after physical
exertion. However, markers of physical performance (ie, strength, power, get
up and go) were not affected by supplementation. These findings support our
previous findings of l-carnitine in younger people that such supplementation
can reduce chemical damage to tissues after exercise and optimize the
processes of muscle tissue repair and remodeling" - See
l-carnitine at Amazon.com
Exercise reduces death rate in prostate cancer patients - Science Daily,
12/7/09 - "men who walked four or more hours a week
had a 23 percent lower risk of all-cause mortality compared to men who
walked less than 20 minutes per week. Men who walked 90 or more minutes at a
normal to brisk pace had a 51 percent lower risk of death from any cause
than men who walked less than 90 minutes at an easy walking pace"
Danisco extends betaine’s sport science - Nutra USA, 8/13/09 -
"During various power, muscle endurance and anaerobic
power exercise tests over a two week period, subjects given BetaPower showed a
significant improvement in lower body muscle endurance and quality of the
workout compared to those participants that were not given supplementation"
- [Abstract] - See
trimethylglycine at Amazon.com
Effect of betaine supplementation on power performance and fatigue - J Int
Soc Sports Nutr. 2009 Feb 27;6:7 - "Subjects were tested
prior to the onset of supplementation (T1) and 7 (T2) and 14 days (T3) following
supplementation ... No differences were seen at T2 or T3 in the repetitions
performed to exhaustion or in the number of repetitions performed at 90% of both
peak and mean power between the groups in the bench press exercise. The number
of repetitions performed in the squat exercise for BET was significantly greater
(p < 0.05) than that seen for PL at T2. The number of repetitions performed at
90% or greater of peak power in the squat exercise was significantly greater for
BET at both T2 and T3 than PL" - See
trimethylglycine at Amazon.com
CLA may protect against elderly muscle loss - Nutra USA, 7/24/09 -
"Supplementation with conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)
prevented age-related muscle loss in mice ... After six months the researchers
note that both the trans-10 cis-12 and CLA-mix showed “significantly higher
muscle mass, as compared to corn oil and cis-9 trans-11 CLA groups” ... Both
groups also exhibited increased cellular energy production (ATP), as well as
higher levels of the antioxidant enzymes catalase and glutathione peroxidase in
the muscles, compared to the corn oil and cis-9 trans-11 CLA groups" -
conjugated linoleic acid at Amazon.com
Exercise Cuts Decline in Mental Skills - WebMD, 7/13/09 -
"sedentary older people who began new exercise programs
curbed their rate of cognitive decline, especially when it came to the ability
to process complex information quickly ... people who were consistently
sedentary had the worst mental skills. On a standard test that measures overall
cognitive function, including memory, attention span and problem-solving, "they
scored the worst at the beginning and experienced the fastest rate of cognitive
Antioxidant may
boost exercise endurance - msnbc.com, 6/29/09 -
"Compared with days of no supplementation, the quercetin supplement periods were
associated with a modest — nearly 4 percent — increase in maximum oxygen uptake.
Quercetin was also associated with a 13 percent increase in "ride time" before
the volunteers were too fatigued to continue" - See
quercetin at Amazon.com
25-hydroxyvitamin D is related to indicators of overall physical fitness in
healthy postmenopausal women - Menopause. 2009 Jun 6 -
"Serum 25(OH)D was the common contributor to physical
fitness indices (androidal fat mass, lean mass, balance, handgrip strength) in
healthy postmenopausal women" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Extension Improves Athletic Performance And Mood - Science Daily, 6/8/09
Antioxidants needed by exercising populations: Nutritionist - Nutra USA,
5/14/09 - "Commenting on the design of the study, Dr
Childs said it was unclear if the subjects encountered the same absolute level
of muscle fatigue during exercise in the supplement and control conditions and
hence stimulus for antioxidant up-regulation. “Because of this, the reported
‘prevention of the ‘health promoting effects of antioxidants’ may be nothing
more than an experimental artefact,” ... In addition, Dr Childs said that
comments by the authors that antioxidants may block many of the beneficial
effects of exercise were a “gross over extrapolation of the experimental
findings on two levels”"
Do Antioxidants Curb an Exercise Benefit? - WebMD, 5/11/09
Vitamin-exercise study questioned - Nutra USA, 5/12/09 -
"The authors noted that biopsies for the ‘early’
time-point were only obtained from five people in the vitamin group, and four in
the placebo group. “Yet the authors conclude a “strong induction of PGCl-alpha,
PGCl-beta, and PPAR-gamma expression in skeletal muscle following 4 weeks of
exercise training in previously untrained, antioxidant naïve individuals” and
“markedly reduced exercise-related induction” in those taking antioxidants,
based on these limited number of biopsies,” ... “Would it not have made more
sense to appropriately increase the intensity and duration of exercise slowly
and then see if the subject’s bodies didn’t accommodate handling of ROS without
a significant change in induction of these markers?” ... The study reflects a
‘transient’ increase in ROS during ‘limited periods of physical exercise only’,
noted Dr Schauss, “whereas the bulk of the literature, including that in
non-primate models have not observed these concerns obtained in models of
‘continuous exposure to increased levels of ROS’” ... the authors presented no
evidence of adverse effects by any of the individuals from vitamin C and E
Do Antioxidants Curb an Exercise Benefit? - WebMD, 5/11/09 -
"Physical activity induced an increase in insulin
sensitivity only in the absence of antioxidants"
linoleic acid (CLA) prevents age associated skeletal muscle loss - Biochem
Biophys Res Commun. 2009 Apr 21 - "using 12 months old
C57BL/6 mice fed 10% corn oil (CO) or a diet supplemented with 0.5% c9t11-CLA,
t10c12-CLA or c9t11-CLA+t10c12-CLA (CLA-mix) for 6 months. Both t10c12-CLA and
CLA-mix groups showed significantly higher muscle mass, as compared to CO and
c9t11-CLA groups ... may be a novel dietary supplement that will prevent
sarcopenia by maintaining redox balance during aging" - See
conjugated linoleic acid at Amazon.com
Activity Improves Life Expectancy And Decreases Need Of Care Among Older People
- Science Daily, 4/28/09 - "people who have been
regularly physically active since middle age and have lived long, needed less
hospital and institutional care during their last year of life than those people
who have been only occasionally or not at all physically active"
Glycemic Breakfast May Increase Benefits Of Working Out - Science Daily,
4/15/09 - "Overall, fat oxidation was higher in the LGI
treatment than in the HGI treatment (P < 0.05) during the post-breakfast and
exercise periods. Following lunch, fullness scores were higher in the LGI trial
than in the HGI trial (P < 0.05). The authors concluded that consuming a LGI
breakfast increases fat oxidation during subsequent exercise and improved
satiety during recovery in sedentary females. As such, individuals trying to
shed fat may consider choosing LGI foods eaten prior to when they exercise"
Reduces Pain During Exercise, Study Shows - Science Daily, 3/30/09 -
"What's interesting ... is that when we found that
caffeine tolerance doesn't matter ... caffeine reduces pain reliably,
consistently during cycling, across different intensities, across different
people, different characteristics"
Strong Bones: Running May Provide More Benefits Than Resistance Training, Study
Finds - Science Daily, 2/27/09 - "both resistance
training and high-impact endurance activities increase bone mineral density.
However, high-impact sports, like running, appear to have a greater beneficial
D Tied To Muscle Power In Adolescent Girls - Science Daily, 2/10/09 -
"Our study found that vitamin D is positively related to
muscle power, force, velocity and jump height in adolescent girls ... Vitamin D
affects the various ways muscles work and we've seen from this study that there
may be no visible symptoms of vitamin D deficiency" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Discovery Could Help Fight Human Obesity - Science Daily, 2/12/09 -
"arginine, an amino acid, reduces fat mass in
diet-induced obese rats and could help fight human obesity ... dietary arginine
supplementation shifts nutrient partitioning to promote skeletal-muscle gain ...
The findings were published recently in the Journal of Nutrition ... arginine
supplementation for a 12-week period decreased the body fat gains of low-fat and
high-fat fed rats by 65 percent and 63 percent, respectively. The long-term
arginine treatment did not have any adverse effects on either group ... funded
by the American Heart Association" - See
L-arginine products at Amazon.com
D Tied To Muscle Power In Adolescent Girls - Science Daily, 2/3/09 -
"Vitamin D is significantly associated with muscle power
and force in adolescent girls" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Brief, Rigorous Exercise Cuts Diabetes Risk - WebMD, 1/27/09 -
"doing a few intense muscle exercises, each lasting only
about 30 seconds, dramatically improves your metabolism in just two weeks"
L-Arginine Supplementation Reduces White Fat Gain and Enhances Skeletal Muscle
and Brown Fat Masses in Diet-Induced Obese Rats - J Nutr. 2008 Dec 23 -
"l-arginine-HCl ... Despite similar energy intake,
absolute weights of white fat pads increased by 98% in control rats over a 12-wk
period but only by 35% in arginine-supplemented rats. The arginine treatment
reduced the relative weights of white fat pads by 30% and enhanced those of
soleus muscle by 13%, extensor digitorum longus muscle by 11%, and brown fat by
34% compared with control rats ... arginine treatment resulted in lower serum
concentrations of leptin, glucose, triglycerides, urea, glutamine, and
branched-chain amino acids, higher serum concentrations of nitric-oxide
metabolites, and improvement in glucose tolerance. Thus, dietary arginine
supplementation shifts nutrient partitioning to promote muscle over fat gain and
may provide a useful treatment for improving the metabolic profile and reducing
body white fat in diet-induced obese rats" - See
arginine products at Amazon.com
Protein Sports Drinks Proven To Give Best Performance - Science Daily,
12/23/08 - "Both formulas had the same energy
content ... Both formulas had the same energy content. After their six-hour
rest, the athletes did another virtual cycle race. According to Berardi,
"Both groups showed a reduction in performance in the afternoon session.
However, the reduction in distance traveled and power output during the
afternoon exercise was significantly less among those who had the protein
and carbs drink, relative those who just had the carbs ... The subjects'
self-reported fatigue levels were lower in the protein group and increases
in fat oxidation were also seen"
Exercise Suppresses Appetite By Affecting Appetite Hormones - Science
Daily, 12/19/08 - "A vigorous 60-minute
workout on a treadmill affects the release
of two key appetite hormones, ghrelin and
peptide YY, while 90 minutes of weight lifting affects the level of only
Exercise Increases Brain Growth Factor And Receptors, Prevents Stem Cell
Drop In Middle Age - Science Daily, 11/27/08 -
"exercise significantly slows down the loss of new nerve cells in the
middle-aged mice. They found that production of neural stem cells improved
by approximately 200% compared to the middle-aged mice that did not
exercise. In addition, the survival of new nerve cells increased by 170% and
growth by 190% compared to the sedentary middle-aged mice. Exercise also
significantly enhanced stem cell production and maturation in the young
mice. In fact, exercise produced a stronger effect in younger mice compared
to the older mice"
Dietary Sport Supplement Shows Strong Effects In The Elderly - Science
Daily, 11/7/08 - "In the treatment group, 67% of the
subjects showed an improvement in their fitness levels, compared to 21.5% of
the people receiving the placebo treatment"
- See
beta alanine at Amazon.com
Walking Boosts Brainpower - WebMD, 9/2/08 -
"Those in the exercise group scored higher on cognitive tests and had better
delayed recall. For example, they could more accurately remember a list of
words after a certain amount of time had passed than those in the other
group ... Unlike medication, which was found to have no significant effect
on mild cognitive impairment at 36 months, physical activity has the
advantage of health benefits that are not confined to cognitive function
alone, as suggested by findings on depression, quality of life, falls,
cardiovascular function, and disability"
Exercise May Prevent Brain Shrinkage In Early Alzheimer's Disease -
Science Daily, 7/14/08 - "People with early
Alzheimer's disease who were less physically fit had four times more brain
shrinkage when compared to normal older adults than those who were more
physically fit"
Interval Training May Beat Mild Exercise at Taming Metabolic Syndrome -
WebMD, 7/7/08 - "aerobic interval training -- in
which people push their heart rate almost to its limits briefly, followed by
a more moderate pace, several times during a workout -- may be even better
at reining in metabolic syndrome"
Post-exercise Caffeine Helps Muscles Refuel - Science Daily, 7/1/08 -
"Recipe to recover more quickly from exercise:
Finish workout, eat pasta, and wash down with five or six cups of strong
coffee ... Athletes who ingested caffeine with carbohydrate had 66% more
glycogen in their muscles four hours after finishing intense,
glycogen-depleting exercise, compared to when they consumed carbohydrate
alone" - Yeah, if you want to fell like crap for the rest of the
day. I drink by caffeine before the workout then again after a power nap. -
Extra Sleep Improves Athletic Performance - Science Daily, 6/9/08 -
"Getting extra sleep over an extended period of time
improves athletic performance, mood and alertness ... The athletes then
extended their sleep to 10 hours per day for six to seven weeks ... After
obtaining extra sleep, athletes swam a 15-meter meter sprint 0.51 seconds
faster, reacted 0.15 seconds quicker off the blocks, improved turn time by
0.10 seconds and increased kick strokes by 5.0 kicks"
It Comes To Living Longer, It's Better To Go Hungry Than Go Running, Mouse
Study Suggests - Science Daily, 5/14/08 - "at
least two studies which examined people who engage in high-volume exercise
versus people who restricted their calorie intake, had a similar outcome:
caloric restriction has physiological benefits that exercise alone does not
... One theory is that exercise places stress on the body, which can result
in damage to the tissues and DNA. Another theory is that caloric restriction
leads to physiological changes which benefit the body" - I still
think it boils down to the ravages of higher insulin and blood sugar which
increase advanced
glycation end products a major cause of aging.
CoQ10 may cut muscle injuries for athletes - Nutra USA, 5/5/08 -
"The volunteers had daily training sessions of five
and a half hours per day for six days during the intervention period. At day
three and five of the six day training period, the researchers report that
both groups experienced increased in serum creatine kinase activity and the
concentration of myoglobin, but these increases were significantly lower in
the group receiving the CoQ10 supplements ... Elevated levels of the enzyme
are indicative of muscle damage and injury ... levels of lipid peroxide, a
marker of oxidative stress, were also lower in the CoQ10 group after three
and five days of training" - [Abstract]
- See
ubiquinol products at Amazon.com
Reducing exercise-induced muscular injury in kendo athletes with
supplementation of coenzyme Q10 - Br J Nutr. 2008 Feb 20;:1-7 -
"Subjects in the CoQ10 group took 300 mg CoQ10 per d
for 20 d ... These results indicate that CoQ10 supplementation reduced
exercise-induced muscular injury in athletes" - See
ubiquinol products at Amazon.com
HDL Cholesterol Linked to Lower Extremity Performance in Elderly -
Medscape, 5/2/08 - "HDL-C levels were significantly
associated with all indices of function ... participants with the highest
HDL-C levels having the best physical performance"
Low plasma carotenoids and skeletal muscle strength decline over 6 years
- J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2008 Apr;63(4):376-83 -
"These findings suggest that older community-dwelling adults with lower
plasma carotenoids levels, a marker of poor fruit and vegetable intake, are
at a higher risk of decline in skeletal muscle strength over time" -
Jarrow Formulas, CarotenALL, Mixed Carotenoid Complex at Amazon.com
Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen Help Build Muscle in Older Resistance Trainers
- Medscape, 4/10/08 - "We used 1200 milligrams a day
for ibuprofen and 4000 milligrams per day of acetaminophen, which is the
maximum over-the-counter daily dose ... Muscle volume increased 11% in the
ibuprofen group and 13% in the acetaminophen group, compared with 9% in the
placebo. Muscle strength increased 30% in the ibuprofen group and 28% in the
acetaminophen, compared with 23% in the placebo group"
Docosahexaenoic acid-rich fish oil improves heart rate variability and heart
rate responses to exercise in overweight adults - Br J Nutr. 2008 Mar
13;:1-7 - "heart rate variability (HRV), a predictor
of cardiac death ... 6 g fish oil/d (DHA 1.56 g/d, EPA 0.36 g/d) or
sunflower-seed oil (placebo) for 12 weeks ... maximal heart rate (HR) ...
Fish oil supplementation improved HRV by increasing high-frequency power,
representing parasympathetic activity, compared with placebo (P = 0.01; oil
x time interaction). It also reduced HR at rest and during submaximal
exercise" - See
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com
Low-intensity Exercise Reduces Fatigue Symptoms By 65 Percent, Study Finds
- Science Daily, 2/28/08 - "Sedentary people who
regularly complain of fatigue can increase their energy levels by 20 percent
and decrease their fatigue by 65 percent by engaging in regular, low
intensity exercise"
Reducing exercise-induced muscular injury in kendo athletes with
supplementation of coenzyme Q10 - Br J Nutr. 2008 Feb 20;:1-7 -
"These results indicate that CoQ10 supplementation
reduced exercise-induced muscular injury in athletes" - See
ubiquinol products at Amazon.com
ubiquinol products at Amazon.com .
Astaxanthin may boost muscle endurance and fat loss - Nutra USA, 2/5/08
- "astaxanthin supplementation "accelerated the
decrease of body fat accumulation with exercise training" - [Abstract]
- Note: Astaxanthin is just one of over 600 carotenoids. The problem with
taking large doses of just one carotenoid is that it may cause a deficiency
of the others. I had a study on that but the link went dead. I tried to
find it via
http://www.archive.org/web/web.php but it was a .asp web page and it
appears that it doesn't work with those extensions. (Click
here and see the OnHealth.com, 5/2/00 article). I take
Jarrow Formulas, CarotenALL, Mixed Carotenoid Complex at Amazon.com
Astaxanthin improves muscle lipid metabolism in exercise via inhibitory
effect of oxidative CPT I modification - Biochem Biophys Res Commun.
2008 Feb 22;366(4):892-7 - "Astaxanthin increased
fat utilization during exercise compared with mice on a normal diet with
prolongation of the running time to exhaustion. Colocalization of fatty acid
translocase with carnitine palmitoyltransferase I (CPT I) in skeletal muscle
was increased by astaxanthin. We also found that hexanoyl-lysine
modification of CPT I was increased by exercise, while astaxanthin prevented
this increase. In additional experiment, we found that astaxanthin treatment
accelerated the decrease of body fat accumulation with exercise training"
Sedentary Lifestyles Associated With Accelerated Aging Process - Science
Daily, 1/28/08 - "Telomere
length decreased with age, with an average loss of 21 nucleotides
(structural units) per year. Men and women who were less physically active
in their leisure time had shorter leukocyte telomeres than those who were
more active. ... "The mean difference in leukocyte telomere length between
the most active [who performed an average of 199 minutes of physical
activity per week] and least active [16 minutes of physical activity per
week] subjects was 200 nucleotides, which means that the most active
subjects had telomeres the same length as sedentary individuals up to 10
years younger, on average."" - I'm must be in fat city on this one.
I must have averaged 60 minutes per day since I've been 18 which comes to
420 minutes per week. Maybe that's the main reason people claim I look
young. Plus I've always taken vitamin D which helps with telomere length
also. - Ben
Fitness Cuts Men's Death Rate - WebMD, 1/22/08 -
"Compared to men with a low level of fitness, death rates were 50% lower for
highly fit men and 70% lower for men in the "very fit" category"
Oral administration of vitamin C decreases muscle mitochondrial biogenesis
and hampers training-induced adaptations in endurance performance - Am J
Clin Nutr. 2008 Jan;87(1):142-9 - "The
administration of vitamin C significantly (P = 0.014) hampered endurance
Moderate Exercise Cuts Rate Of Metabolic Syndrome - Science Daily,
12/17/07 - "a person can lower risk of MetS by
walking just 30 minutes a day, six days per week ... Before exercising
regularly, 41 percent of the participants met the criteria for MetS. At the
end of the 8-month exercise program, only 27 percent did"
Exercise May Play Role In Reducing Inflammation In Damaged Skin Tissue -
Science Daily, 11/28/07 - "moderate exercise sped up
how fast wounds heal in old mice ... the improved healing response “may be
the result of an exercise-induced anti-inflammatory response in the wound.”
... Cytokines are molecules that signal and direct immune cells, such as
macrophages, to the site of an infection ..."
Study: Stretching Won't Prevent Sore Muscles - WebMD, 10/17/07
Alpha-tocopherol supplementation prevents the exercise-induced reduction of
serum paraoxonase 1/arylesterase activities in healthy individuals - Eur
J Clin Nutr. 2007 Sep 19 - "Alpha-T supplementation
may result in protection of the enzyme PON 1/Aryl activities from free
radical production"
Extra Sleep Boosts Athletic Performance - WebMD, 6/13/04
Exercise May Boost 'Good' Cholesterol - WebMD, 5/29/07 -
"Participants who got at least two hours per week of
aerobic exercise had a modest rise in their HDL cholesterol level ... the gains
in HDL cholesterol levels translate to a 5% drop in men's heart disease risk and
more than a 7% drop in women's heart disease risk"
Drinking Fluids Doesn't Cool Runners - WebMD, 5/10/07
Maintain Healthy Muscle Mass As You Age - Life Extension Magazine, 1/07
- "By adopting a regimen that includes dietary
modifications, hormone replacement therapy as indicated, nutritional
supplements, and exercise, it is possible to dramatically improve lean
muscle mass at virtually any age"
- Coffee helps douse
workout pain - MSNBC, 1/10/06 -
"Those who consumed caffeine one hour before the
maximum force test had a 48 percent reduction in pain compared with the
placebo group"
Athletic Performance Linked To Vitamin Deficiency - Science Daily,
12/27/06 - "Current national B-vitamin
recommendations for active individuals may be inadequate, and athletes who
follow the recommended daily allowances set by the U.S. government may be
receiving lower amounts of nutrients than there bodies need"
Red Wine
Ingredient Increases Endurance, Study Shows - New York Times, 11/16/06 -
"Resveratrol makes you look like a trained athlete
without the training" - See
resveratrol products.
Exercise Important in Reducing Size of Abdominal Fat Cells - Doctor's
Guide, 8/8/06 - "The diet-alone group had no changes in
abdominal fat cell size. However, both exercise groups had decreases of about
18% in the size of their abdominal fat cells"
Coenzyme Q10 and exercise training in chronic heart failure - Eur Heart
J. 2006 Aug 1 - "CoQ10 main effect was: peak VO2+9%,
EDDBA +38%, systolic wall thickening score index (SWTI) - 12%" - See
coenzyme products.
Exercise in Itself Improves Blood Glucose Control in Type 2 Diabetes -
Doctor's Guide, 7/24/06 - "exercise helps regulate blood
glucose (sugar) levels, increases the body's sensitivity to insulin, and
decreases blood lipids (fats) while also helping to burn body fat ...
Participants who exercised had an overall decrease of 0.6% of A1c levels. While
that may not sound like much, it represents a 30% improvement towards the goal
of attaining an A1c of 7%, and a 20% improvement towards a normal A1c of 6%"
Exercise: Key to good sex, good sleep - CNN, 6/20/06 -
"exercise in the afternoon can help deepen shut-eye
and cut the time it takes for you to fall into dreamland ... exercise has
also been linked to a better sex life"
Key Sugar Sweetens Athletic Performance - HealthDay, 1/12/06 -
"The women were tracked on how they performed on
2,000-meter rowing time trials over eight weeks ... The women who took the
dextrose drink showed a median improvement of 15.2 seconds over eight weeks,
compared to a median improvement of 5.2 seconds among the women who took the
ribose drink" [WebMD]
- See
dextrose at Amazon.com
. By my calculations, 10 grams would be 3.125
teaspoons or about a tablespoon and would be 37.5 calories. It's worth a
try to see if it makes my jogging a swimming easier. - Ben
Exercise could build brain cells in elderly, study suggests - USAToday,
9/20/05 - "Older mice that exercised on a running
wheel developed new brain cells and learned a new task more effectively than
older mice that took it easy all day"
Sleep May
Be Athletes' Best Performance Booster - Psychiatric News, 8/19/05
Few 30 Second Sprints As Beneficial As Hour Long Jog - Science Daily,
Moderate Exercise Reduces Risk of Colon Cancer Recurrence - Doctor's
Guide, 5/20/05 - "disease-free survival was 49%
lower in patients who engaged in 18 to 27 MET-hours/week of physical
activity, compared with those who exercised less than 3 MET-hours/week.
"This is equivalent to a 2 to 3 mph walk a day, 6 days a week, running fast
2 times a week or playing tennis 3 a week,""
- Fighting fat - MSNBC,
- Physical Activity
in Old Age Keeps Mind Sharp - WebMD, 12/28/04 -
"elderly men who decreased the duration or intensity
of their physical activity level over a 10-year period experienced a greater
decline in cognitive skills, such as attention, memory, and language skills,
than men who maintained the intensity of their physical activity"
- Pre-Exercise
Stretching May Not Be Helpful - WebMD, 9/24/04
- What’s the Best Workout?
- Dr. Weil, 8/27/04
Study Shows Vitamins C And E Can Prevent Metabolic Damaage In Extreme
Exercise - Science Daily, 7/15/04 -
"ultramarathon runners who used supplements of
vitamins C and E for six weeks prior to their races totally prevented the
increase in lipid oxidation that is otherwise associated with extreme
Vitamin E benefits athlete recovery, further antioxidant evidence -
Nutra USA, 6/24/04 -
"This study clearly showed that supplementation with
these antioxidant vitamins could help prevent the significant levels of
lipid oxidation that are associated with intense exercise"
- Is Stretching Useless?
- Dr. Weil, 6/24/04
- Got Exercise?
Workouts Better for Bone Health - WebMD, 6/11/04
Study: Stretching Doesn't Prevent Injuries - Intelihealth, 3/29/04
- Fish Oil May
Help Elite Athletes - WebMD, 11/14/03 - "Among
the athletes with exercise-induced asthma, there was an almost 80%
improvement in a lung function test taken 15 minutes after exercise. The
athletes also reduced their use of bronchodilators by 20% after exercise"
Benefits of Exercise Reach Deep in the Brain - Psychiatric News, 11/7/03
- Exercise May Be
Better Than Diet for Heart - WebMD, 11/7/03
Exercise: What A Little Can Do - Time Magazine, 9/22/03 -
"Even 30 minutes a day of moderate exercise, such as
walking, led to a weight loss of 14 lbs. over a year. Women who worked out
vigorously for an hour a day lost only 6 lbs. more. The second study, part
of the Women's Health Initiative, showed that women who exercised moderately
for 75 to 150 minutes a week were 18% less likely than inactive women to
develop breast cancer. The more the women exercised, the more their risk
declined, but once again the incremental difference was small"
- What’s the Right Time to
Exercise? - Dr. Weil, 8/25/03
- Stretching: Is It Optional?
- Dr. Weil, 8/4/03
- Vitamin E,
Exercise Prevent Aging Damage - WebMD, 7/31/03 -
"Whether they exercised or not, those taking
vitamin E pills had the same reduction in harmful substances known as
free radicals -- unstable molecules that damage cells and are believed to
contribute to the development of some 200 different diseases, many of them
age-related. The levels of a blood marker that signals free-radical damage
were cut in half ... Basically, vitamin E prevents free radicals from
bumping into cell walls and destroying them" - See my favorite,
Jarrow FamilE (contains all eight members of the vitamin E family, includes
Tocomin) at Amazon.com
- Iron Improves Muscle
Strength and Endurance - New Hope Natural Media, 4/10/03 -
"after six weeks of iron supplementation, the
women had 10 to 15% less muscle fatigue after the fourth minute of leg
exercises, and leg muscle strength after completion of the exercises was
increased by 26.5%"
- See
iron supplements.
How much physical activity is enough to prevent unhealthy weight gain?
- Obes Rev 2003 May;4(2):101-14 - "The following
consensus statement was accepted unanimously. 'The current physical activity
guideline for adults of 30 minutes of moderate intensity activity daily,
preferably all days of the week, is of importance for limiting health risks
for a number of chronic diseases including coronary heart disease and
diabetes. However for preventing weight gain or regain this guideline is
likely to be insufficient for many individuals in the current environment.
There is compelling evidence that prevention of weight regain in formerly
obese individuals requires 60-90 minutes of moderate intensity activity or
lesser amounts of vigorous intensity activity. Although definitive data are
lacking, it seems likely that moderate intensity activity of approximately
45 to 60 minutes per day, or 1.7 PAL (Physical Activity Level) is required
to prevent the transition to overweight or obesity. For children, even more
activity time is recommended. A good approach for many individuals to obtain
the recommended level of physical activity is to reduce sedentary behaviour
by incorporating more incidental and leisure-time activity into the daily
- Best Remedies for
Tendonitis? - Dr. Weil, 10/24/02
News & Research:
High-intensity interval training is time-efficient and effective, study
suggests - Science Daily, 3/12/10 - "Doing 10
one-minute sprints on a standard stationary bike with about one minute of
rest in between, three times a week, works as well in improving muscle as
many hours of conventional long-term biking less strenuously ... less
extreme HIT method may work well for people (the older, less fit, and
slightly overweight among us) whose doctors might have worries about them
exercising "all-out.""
Physical activity associated with healthier aging: Links between exercise
and cognitive function, bone density and overall health - Science Daily,
1/25/10 - "After one year, women in both resistance
training groups significantly improved their scores on tests of selective
attention (maintaining mental focus) and conflict resolution. The program
simultaneously improved muscular function in the women ... Moderate or high
physical activity appears to be associated with a lower the risk of
developing cognitive impairment in older adults after a two-year period ...
The incidence of new cognitive impairment among participants with no,
moderate and high activity at baseline was 13.9 percent, 6.7 percent and 5.1
percent, respectively," the authors write ... Fractures due to falls were
twice as common in the controls vs. the exercise group"
Running Boosts Brainpower - WebMD, 1/19/10 -
"Running may do more than improve your cardiovascular fitness and overall
physique. It might actually make you smarter ... Scientists reporting in the
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences say that running has a
profound impact on the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for
learning and memory"
Young adults who exercise get higher IQ Scores - Science Daily, 12/2/09
- "The study shows a clear link between good
physical fitness and better results for the IQ test. The strongest links are
for logical thinking and verbal comprehension ... Being fit means that you
also have good heart and lung capacity and that your brain gets plenty of
oxygen ... This may be one of the reasons why we can see a clear link with
fitness, but not with muscular strength. We are also seeing that there are
growth factors that are important"
keep muscles strong, the 'garbage' has to go - Science Daily, 12/1/09
Molecular Proof: Exercise Keeps You Young - WebMD, 12/1/09 -
"Compared to people who did not exercise, elite
runners in the study had cells that looked much younger under a microscope
... Just as the plastic tips on the ends of shoelaces keep the laces from
fraying, telomeres protect the chromosomes that carry genes during cell
division ... Each time a cell divides, telomeres get shorter. When telomeres
get too short, cells can no longer divide and they die ... Researchers now
believe telomere shortening is critical to aging, making people more
vulnerable to diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer ... That
study suggested exercise might trump genes when it comes to keeping people
Cardiovascular Fitness May Sharpen Mind - WebMD, 11/30/09 -
"A large new study links cardiovascular fitness in
early adulthood to increased intelligence, better performance on cognitive
tests, and higher educational achievement later in life ... When researchers
looked at twins, they found that environmental factors rather than genetics
appeared to play the largest role in these associations. Non-shared
environmental influences accounted for 80% or more of differences in
academic achievement, whereas genetics accounted for less than 15% of these
much physical activity may lead to arthritis - Science Daily, 11/30/09 -
"Middle-aged men and women who engage in high levels
of physical activity may be unknowingly causing damage to their knees and
increasing their risk for osteoarthritis"
Exercise Keeps Dangerous Visceral Fat Away A Year After Weight Loss, Study
Finds - Science Daily, 10/29/09 - "as little as
80 minutes a week of aerobic or resistance training helps not only to
prevent weight gain, but also to inhibit a regain of harmful visceral fat
one year after weight loss"
Exercise Minimizes Weight Regain By Reducing Appetite And Burning Fat First,
Carbs Later - Science Daily, 9/4/09
Sedentary Lives Can Be Deadly: Physical Inactivity Poses Greatest Health
Risk To Americans, Expert Says - Science Daily, 8/10/09 -
"Blair is a professor of exercise science and
epidemiology at the University of South Carolina's Arnold School of Public
Health. He is one of the world's premier experts on exercise and its health
benefits and was the senior scientific editor of the 1996 U.S. Surgeon
General's Report on Physical Activity and Health ... approximately 25
percent to 35 percent of American adults are inactive ... meaning that they
have sedentary jobs, no regular physical activity program and are generally
inactive around the house or yard ... these individuals are doubling their
risk of developing numerous health conditions compared with those who are
even moderately active and fit ... moderately fit men lived six years longer
than unfit men ... Blair also highlighted the benefits of exercise on the
mind, referring to recent emerging evidence that activity delays the mind's
decline and is good for brain health overall"
Exercise Won't Make You Thin - Time Magazine, 8/9/09 -
"Many obesity researchers now believe that very
frequent, low-level physical activity — the kind humans did for tens of
thousands of years before the leaf blower was invented — may actually work
better for us than the occasional bouts of exercise you get as a gym rat ...
You cannot sit still all day long and then have 30 minutes of exercise
without producing stress on the muscles ... The muscles will ache, and you
may not want to move after. But to burn calories, the muscle movements don't
have to be extreme. It would be better to distribute the movements
throughout the day"
Aerobic Activity May Keep The Brain Young - Science Daily, 6/29/09 -
"The brain’s blood vessels naturally narrow and
become more tortuous with advancing age, but the study showed the
cerebrovascular patterns of active patients appeared “younger” than those of
relatively inactive subjects. The brains of these less active patients had
increased tortuosity produced by vessel elongation and wider expansion
Levels Of Cycling Training Damage Sperm: What Can Be Done To Protect
Triathletes From Infertility? - Science Daily, 6/29/09 -
"While all triathletes had less than 10% of
normal-looking sperm, the men with less than 4% – at which percentage they
would generally be considered to have significant fertility problems – were
systematically covering over 300km per week on their bicycles"
Regular Daily Exercise Does Not Increase Total Sleep Time - Science
Daily, 6/8/09
24 Hours of Fat Burning From Exercise? - WebMD, 5/28/09
Exercise Effective In Preventing Low-back Problems, Review Suggests -
Science Daily, 3/1/09 - "Strong and consistent
evidence finds many popular prevention methods to fail while exercise has a
significant impact, both in terms of preventing symptoms and reducing back
pain-related work loss"
People Who Exercise Lower Their Risk Of Colon Cancer - Science Daily,
2/12/09 - "people who exercised the most were 24
percent less likely to develop the disease than those who exercised the
Physically Fit Kids Do Better In School - Science Daily, 1/28/09 -
"physically fit kids scored better on standardized
math and English tests than their less fit peers"
Exercise No Danger For Joints, Review Suggests - Science Daily, 1/27/09
- "There is no good evidence supporting a harmful
effect of exercise on joints in the setting of normal joints and regular
Physical Activity Improves Mood For People Serious Mental Illness -
Science Daily, 1/14/09 - "even meager levels of
physical activity can improve the mood of people with serious mental
illnesses (SMI) such as bipolar disorder, major depression and
Prospective cohort study of lifetime physical activity and breast cancer
survival - Int J Cancer. 2008 Nov 17 - "A
decreased risk of breast cancer death and all deaths was observed among
women in the highest versus the lowest quartiles of recreational activity"
Physical Exercise Keeps Brain Young - WebMD, 11/19/08 -
"The brain-boosting effects of exercise diminish
rapidly after early middle age ... mice that worked out every day grew 2.5
times more new brain cells than couch potato mice. And in the exercising
mice, far more of these new neurons survived, grew, and integrated into
existing brain networks"
Physical Activity, Sleep May Cut Cancer Risk - WebMD, 11/17/08 -
"Among the most physically active women younger than
65 -- women who reported getting about an hour a day of moderate physical
activity -- cancer was 47% rarer for those who got at least seven hours of
nightly sleep. Those findings held regardless of other cancer risk factors"
Heart Rate-lowering Drug Improves Exercise Capacity In Patients With Stable
Angina - Science Daily, 11/4/08 - "adding
ivabradine over and above the standard of care achieves increases exercise
Vigorous Exercise Cuts Breast Cancer Risk - WebMD, 10/30/08 -
"When we evaluated the relation of vigorous activity
to breast cancer among women who were of normal weight ... the risk among
women reporting the highest amount of vigorous activity decreased by about
30% compared with women with no vigorous activity"
Running Slows the Effects of Aging - WebMD, 8/11/08 -
"Older runners have fewer disabilities, remain more
active as they get into their 70s and 80s, and are half as likely as
non-runners to die early deaths, the study shows ... If you had to pick one
thing to make people healthier as they age, it would be aerobic exercise ...
The researchers used national death records to learn which participants died
and why. Nineteen years into the study, 34% of the non-runners had died,
compared with only 15% of the runners"
'Exercise Pill' Is No Replacement For Real Exercise, Expert Cautions -
Science Daily, 8/5/08 - "Media reports have
described this substance as an “exercise pill,” potentially eliminating the
need for exercise ... A complete list of the 26 benefits not tested in the
paper is included below"
Exercise Could Be The Heart's Fountain Of Youth - Science Daily, 7/23/08
- "Absence may make the heart grow fonder, but
endurance exercise seems to make it younger ... older people who did
endurance exercise training for about a year ended up with metabolically
much younger hearts ... after endurance exercise training -- which involved
walking, running or cycling exercises three to five days a week for about an
hour per session -- the participants' hearts doubled their glucose uptake
during high-energy demand"
Exercise May Cut Risk of Dementia - WebMD, 6/3/08 -
"In a study of more than 1,400 adults, those who
were physically active in their free time during middle age were 52% less
likely to develop dementia 21 years later than their sedentary counterparts.
Their chance of developing Alzheimer's disease was slashed even more, by
Stay Fit, Avoid Breast Cancer? - WebMD, 5/12/08 -
"the women whose activity equaled 13 walking hours a
week or 3.25 running hours per week had a 23% lower risk of premenopausal
breast cancer compared with the less active women. The strongest association
was seen with increased exercise during adolescent and young adult years
(ages 12-22)"
Regular Exercise Through Middle Age May Delay Biological Aging -
Medscape, 4/29/08 - "Review of the available
evidence suggests that a regular program of aerobic exercise can slow or
reverse functional deterioration, lowering biological age by at least 10
years, and potentially prolonging independence by a similar amount"
Tailored Workouts for Heart Disease? - WebMD, 4/22/08 -
"Endurance training involved one- to three-hour
sessions of rowing on the water or on gym equipment. Strength training
involved weight training and drills designed to improve muscle strength and
reaction time ... Both the right and left ventricles of the endurance
athletes expanded, while the heart muscle in the left ventricle tended to
thicken (but did not expand) among the strength athletes. The ventricles are
the principal pumping chambers of the heart and are responsible for sending
blood to the body and to the lungs ... The heart relaxed more in the
endurance athletes, but less well in the strength athletes, though still
remaining within normal ranges. In general, better heart muscle relaxation
is considered advantageous"
Veggies, Exercise May Cut Cancer Risk - WebMD, 4/15/08 -
"Overall, women who engaged in recreational exercise
30 to 150 minutes per week were 50% less likely to have breast cancer than
women who exercised less than a half hour per week"
Who Are Continually Active At Work May Have Decreased Prostate Cancer Risk,
Study Suggests - Science Daily, 2/13/08 - "The
message from this study for today is that if you’re more active, you may be
able to prevent this cancer from happening"
Recreational Physical Activity and Cancer Risk in Subsites of the Colon (the
Nord-Trondelag Health Study) - Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2008
Jan;17(1):183-8 - "Overall, we found an inverse
association between recreational physical activity and colon cancer risk,
but subsite analyses showed that the association was confined to cancer in
the transverse and sigmoid colon. The adjusted HR, comparing people who
reported high versus no physical activity, was 0.44 (95% CI, 0.25-0.78) for
cancer in the transverse colon and 0.48 (95% CI, 0.31-0.75) for cancer in
the sigmoid colon. The corresponding HR for cancer mortality was 0.33 (95%
CI, 0.14-0.76) for the transverse colon and 0.29 (95% CI, 0.15-0.56) for the
sigmoid colon. For rectal cancer, there was no association with physical
activity in these data"
Surprise -- Cholesterol May Actually Pose Benefits, Study Shows -
Science Daily, 1/10/08 - "Three days a week for 12
weeks, participants performed several exercises, including stretching,
stationary bike riding and vigorous weight lifting ... At the conclusion of
the study, the researchers found that there was a significant association of
dietary cholesterol and change in strength. In general, those with higher
cholesterol intake also had the highest muscle strength gain ... One
possible explanation is through cholesterol’s important role in the
inflammation process"
Marathon Runners Beware Of Drinking Too Much Water - Science Daily,
Staying Active And Drinking Moderately Is The Key To A Long Life, Study
Suggests - Science Daily, 1/9/08 - "ischaemic
heart disease ... People who drank at least one drink a week and were
physically active had a 44-50 per cent lower risk of IHD compared to
physically inactive non-drinkers"
Moderate Exercise May Cut Dementia Risk - WebMD,12/19/07-
"Moderate physical activity (such as walking and
climbing stairs) may help prevent dementia in people aged 65 and older"
Physical activity recommendations and decreased risk of mortality - Arch
Intern Med. 2007 Dec 10;167(22):2453-60 -
"During 1 265 347 person-years of follow-up, 7900 participants died.
Compared with being inactive, achievement of activity levels that
approximate the recommendations for moderate activity (at least 30 minutes
on most days of the week) or vigorous exercise (at least 20 minutes 3 times
per week) was associated with a 27% (relative risk [RR], 0.73; 95%
confidence interval [CI], 0.68-0.78) and 32% (RR, 0.68; 95% CI, 0.64-0.73)
decreased mortality risk, respectively. Physical activity reflective of
meeting both recommendations was related to substantially decreased
mortality risk overall (RR, 0.50; 95% CI, 0.46-0.54) and in subgroups,
including smokers (RR, 0.48; 95% CI, 0.44-0.53) and nonsmokers (RR, 0.54;
95% CI, 0.45-0.64), normal weight (RR, 0.45; 95% CI, 0.39-0.52) and
overweight or obese individuals (RR, 0.48; 95% CI, 0.44-0.54), and those
with 2 h/d (RR, 0.53; 95% CI, 0.44-0.63) and more than 2 h/d of television
or video watching (RR, 0.50; 95% CI, 0.45-0.55). Engaging in physical
activity at less than recommended levels was also related to reduced
mortality risk (RR, 0.81; 95% CI, 0.76-0.86)"
Fit Beats Fat for a Longer Life - WebMD, 12/4/07 -
"Fitness was found to be a strong predictor of
longevity in the study, which involved adults ages 60 and older, while
obesity had little influence on death risk"
It Or Lose It: Physical Activity In Middle Age - Science Daily, 11/28/07
- "Researchers from the Peninsula Medical School in
Exeter, UK, have concluded a study that proves a direct link between levels
of physical activity in middle age and physical ability later in life --
regardless of body weight"
Exercise Helps Repair Muscle Damage In Heart Failure Patients - Science
Daily, 11/7/07
30 Minutes Vigorous Exercise A Day Can Stabilize Body Mass Index -
Science Daily, 11/5/07
Expensive Trainer Running Shoes Are A Waste Of Money - Science Daily,
Exercise When Young May Reduce Risk Of Fractures Later In Life - Science
Daily, 12/7/06 - "Even though the best time to gain
lifetime bone health benefits is while people are young, exercising when
people are older is essential to maintain bone mass and balance, as well as
maintain aerobic fitness, all of which aid in reducing the risk of
low-trauma (osteoporotic) fractures associated with aging"
Fasting Blood Glucose Levels Are Related to Exercise Capacity in Patients
With Coronary Artery Disease - Medscape, 12/5/06 -
"The VO2max values were lower in subjects with FBG
levels between 126 and 140 and ≥140 mg/dL ... The lower exercise capacity of
patients with CAD with higher FBG levels could theoretically be attributed
to differences in left ventricular dimensions and pump function, ischemia,
or differences in baseline and exercise-induced hemodynamics, compared with
patients with normoglycemia"
Walking Not Enough For Significant Exercise Benefits - Science Daily,
9/22/06 - "low-intensity activity such as walking
alone is not likely going to give anybody marked health benefits compared to
programs that occasionally elevate the intensity"
Ear Drops Best for Swimmer's Ear - WebMD, 3/31/06
First Clinical Guidelines Issued For Treatment Of 'Swimmer's Ear' -
Science Daily, 3/29/06
Study: Lifting weights attacks belly fat - USA Today, 3/3/06 -
"Women who did the weight-training for two years had
only a 7% increase in intra-abdominal fat, compared to a 21% increase in the
group given exercise advice"
- Working out may help
prevent colds, flu - MSNBC, 1/17/06 -
"moderate amounts of aerobic exercise such as
jogging, brisk walking and cycling during the cold and flu season boost the
body’s defenses against viruses and bacteria"
Research shows exercise protects against Parkinson's - USA Today,
1/17/06 - "men who said they jogged, played
basketball or did some other sweat-breaking activity at least twice a week
as young adults reduced their risk of getting Parkinson's later by 60%"
- Staying active helps keep
the mind sharp - MSNBC, 1/16/06 -
"healthy people who reported exercising regularly
had a 30 to 40 percent lower risk of dementia"
Seeking Long Life? Researchers Get Clues - WebMD, 11/14/05 -
"Compared to those with low levels of physical
activity, highly active men in the study lived 3.7 years longer and
moderately active men lived 1.3 years longer. In women, the figures were 3.5
and 1.5 years"
Regular Exercise Keeps Brain Young - WebMD, 11/14/05 -
"In people, that translates to a daily 30-minute
walk or a light 1-mile run ... The DNA for these animals after two years
looked as if it were from their younger counterparts of only about 6 months
of age"
Don't Run Away From Jogging - WashingtonPost.com, 10/4/05 -
"regular runners reported about 25 percent less
musculoskeletal pain than the controls. The benefit was seen in participants
through the age of 76"
Exercise Fights 'Hidden' Body Fat - WebMD, 9/14/05 -
"Higher amounts of exercise cut deep belly fat and
fat around the waist ... Deep belly fat (technically called "visceral fat"
or fat surrounding organs within the abdomen) has been linked to health
problems including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome --
a cluster of risk factors that greatly increase the chance of developing
these diseases"
Studies Link Bike Seats, Erectile Dysfunction - WebMD, 8/25/05 -
"three new studies in The Journal of Sexual Medicine
... when erectile dysfunction is related to bicycling, it's linked to
pressure on the perineum (the area between the anus and scrotum where nerves
and arteries pass). The pressure, which comes from sitting on a bicycle seat
with a nose extension, restricts blood flow to the penis"
- Is exercising at night
really so bad? - MSNBC, 8/23/05
Level of Activity Key to Cutting Stroke Risk - WebMD, 8/4/05 -
"Being moderately to highly active during leisure
time can slash stroke risk ... This means vigorous activity (like running,
swimming, or heavy gardening) for more than three hours a week"
Fitness Level Predicts Likelihood of Death - WebMD, 8/3/05 -
"Having a good fitness level for one's age predicts
better survival ... If you are below the fitness level for your age, you are
more likely to die ... women double their risk of death if they can't
exercise at 85% of the level normal for their age"
Fitness Level Declines Dramatically With Age - WebMD, 7/25/05 -
"By participating in a training program, you can
raise your aerobic capacity 15% to 25%, which in our study would be
equivalent to being 10-20 years younger"
Exercise May Boost Performance on the Job - WebMD, 6/8/05
Fitness in 6 Minutes a Week - WebMD, 6/3/05
Aerobic Exercise, Weights Boost Bone Strength - WebMD, 4/4/05
Type 2 Diabetes: The More Exercise, the Better - WebMD, 3/25/05
Less exercise
is 'just as good' - BBC News, 3/24/05
- Exercise Away
Risk of Early Death - WebMD, 12/29/04 -
"After six months, 18% of exercisers and 15% of the
comparison group no longer had metabolic syndrome. However, 8% of volunteers
in the comparison group had developed the syndrome ... Older people can
benefit greatly from exercise, especially to reduce their risk for
developing metabolic syndrome"
- Exercising More
Cuts Need for Doctor Visits - WebMD, 12/9/04 -
"Fit men, as well as those who become fit, may
reduce health care costs by more than 50%"
Exercise Increases Bone Mass: Start Early For Long-Lasting Effects
- Science Daily, 10/7/04 -
"Mechanical loading through exercise builds bone
strength and this effect is most pronounced during skeletal growth and
Beginners Take Weightlifting Too Easily - WebMD, 9/17/04
Study: Weightlifters Don't Lift Enough - Intelihealth, 9/15/04
- Olympian
Today, Couch Potato Tomorrow? - WebMD, 9/3/04
Muscles Are Smarter Than You Think: Acidity Helps Prevent Muscle Fatigue
- Science Daily, 8/23/04
- The Downside
to Stretching Muscles - WebMD, 8/19/04
Intermittent Exercise Better Than Continuous - Doctor's Guide, 8/17/04
- Regardless of
Weight, Physical Activity Lowers Diabetes Risk
- WebMD, 9/25/03 -
"A new study shows a brisk 30-minute walk every day
can substantially lower a person's risk of diabetes, no matter how much they
- Lack of
Physical Fitness Hurts Women More - WebMD, 9/15/03
- A Little
Exercise Lowers Blood Pressure - WebMD, 8/29/03 -
"The ability to lower blood pressure was
greatest among those who exercised 61-90 minutes per week -- an average of
12 point drop in systolic and eight points in diastolic. But there were no
further reductions in systolic blood pressure among those who exercised more
than 90 minutes a week ... The researchers also found that how many times
the participants exercised per week had no obvious effect on blood pressure
-- just the total amount of time"
- Stress
Incontinence: Exercise Works Best - WebMD, 7/15/03
- How much exercise is
enough? - MSNBC, 5/14/03
- It's Never Too
Late to Start Exercise - WebMD, 5/13/03
- Exercise Can
Help Dissolve Blood Clots - WebMD, 5/8/03
Staying in the Game - Natural Foods Merchandiser, 5/03
- Walking Won't
Prevent Heart Disease - WebMD, 4/15/03 -
"only more strenuous
exercise and physical activity, such as
jogging, swimming, and climbing stairs, on a regular basis can significantly
reduce the risk of early death due to
heart disease"
- Textured Shoe
Insoles Prevent Sports Injuries - WebMD, 4/9/03
- Exercise Training,
Without Weight Loss, Increases Insulin Sensitivity and Postheparin Plasma
Lipase Activity in Previously Sedentary Adults
- Medscape, 3/19/03 - "Exercise, without weight
loss, increases SI [insulin sensitivity] and PHPL activity in previously
sedentary adults, without changing K2 or fasting lipid levels. Furthermore,
increased LPL is associated with a decreased total:HDL
ratio, and an increased LPL:HL ratio is associated with a decreased waist
circumference. Therefore, even modest amounts of exercise in the absence of
weight loss positively affect markers of glucose and fat metabolism in
previously sedentary, middle-aged adults" - I threw this out because
I didn't know that "decreased total:HDL ratio ... is associated with a
decreased waist circumference". This might be a long shot but that sounds
like increasing insulin sensitivity via such methods as
metformin and increasing HDL via supplements such as
niacin might decrease
pot bellies. - Ben
- Heart Failure
Patients Benefit From Exercise - WebMD, 3/3/03 -
"Exercise may be the best medicine for even those
with the weakest hearts, such as people with heart failure who are awaiting
a heart transplant"
- Exercise Cuts
Breast Cancer Risk - WebMD, 2/10/03 - "women who
reported high levels of physical activity from as young as age 16 in some
cases cut their risk of developing breast cancer
after menopause in half, compared to women who reported no strenuous
activity ... The study has a drawback, though, that all such studies face,
which is what's called a "healthy patient bias." In this case, women who
exercise often might be more apt to take care of themselves in other ways,
so that a decrease in breast cancer later in life may not be due to the
exercise itself, but rather some other associated factor. The researchers
accounted for this by factoring in subjects such as smoking history and
weight. "After adjusting for all these factors we're pretty confident that
what we see is the effect of exercise,""
Long distance Women Runners Risk Low Bone Mineral Density
- Doctor's Guide, 1/29/03
- Exercise Saves
Brain Cells - WebMD, 1/29/03 -
"aerobic exercise can help protect brain tissue from
age-related damage and mental decline ... the brain loses an average of 15%
to 25% of its tissue between the ages of 30 and 90 ... exercise decreased
the amount of brain-tissue loss associated with aging"
- Physical
Activity Helps Even Sick Lungs - WebMD, 1/28/03
- Ex-Athletes
Prone to Joint Problems - WebMD, 1/27/03
- Long-Distance
Runners Risk Bone Loss - WebMD, 1/27/03
- Exercise Alone
Trims Tummy, Health Risks - WebMD, 1/14/03 -
"173 sedentary, overweight menopausal women between the ages of 50 and 75
were randomly assigned ... Women in the exercise group participated in
moderate exercise, such as brisk walking or riding a stationary bike for an
average total of about 171 minutes a week ... After 12 months, researchers
found that weight loss among the exercisers was modest, but the loss of
intra-abdominal fat was considerable and increased with the amount of
exercise. Women who exercised for more than 195 minutes a week lost almost
7% of intra-abdominal fat compared to a loss of about 4% among those who
exercised between 136 to 195 minutes per week"
Exercise Capacity Predicts Overall Mortality in Healthy Women
- Doctor's Guide, 11/22/02
Daily Exercise Training As Effective As Stent Angioplasty In Stable Coronary
Artery Disease - Doctor's Guide, 11/19/02
Aerobic Exercise Improves Insulin Sensitivity Without Affecting Plasma Tumor
Necrosis Factor-Alpha - Doctor's Guide, 11/19/02
Exercise Cuts Risk Of Hip Fractures - Intelihealth, 11/13/02
- Older Runners
Delay Disability, Death - WebMD, 11/12/02
Dose-Response Relationship Between Exercise, Heart Disease In Men
- Doctor's Guide, 10/23/02 - "There is a significant
inverse, dose-response relationship between total physical activity and risk
of myocardial infarction (MI), and coronary
heart disease (CHD) in men"
- 1 Hour of
Exercise Daily Put to Question - WebMD, 9/18/02
How Much Exercise Is Enough? - Intelihealth, 9/16/02
Heart's Autonomic Responsiveness Preserved By Fitness
- Doctor's Guide, 9/5/02
Walking Is As Heart-Protective As Heavy Exercise For All Postmenopausal
Women - Doctor's Guide, 9/5/02
- Walking Lowers
Women's Heart Risk - WebMD, 9/4/02 - "women who
either walked briskly or exercised vigorously at least two and a half hours
per week had a 30% lower risk of heart-related problems, such as heart
attack, stroke, the need for heart bypass surgery, heart failure, or death.
And the heart-healthy benefits extended to all women in the study,
regardless of race or ethnic group, age, or weight"
Reduction of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy After Exercise and Weight Loss in
Overweight Patients With Mild Hypertension - Doctor's Guide, 7/15/02 -
"Blood pressure fell by 7.0 / 6.0 mmHg in
weight management group and by 3.0 / 4.0 mmHg in the aerobic exercise
Physical Training Benefits Heart-failure Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 5/15/02
Some Foods Raise Dehydration Risk - Intelihealth, 5/6/02
Group Warns Of Soccer Head Injuries - Intelihealth, 5/1/02
Sports concussions in kids could pose long-term risk
- USA Today, 4/29/02
Exercise Said Best For Blood Pressure - Intelihealth, 4/22/02 -
"The average reduction was 3.8 milligrams of mercury
in systolic pressure ... average diastolic ... 2.58 milligrams of mercury
Dip In Icy Water May Help Runners - Intelihealth, 4/15/02
Researchers Say A Pill May Someday Replace Sweaty Workouts For The Health
Conscious - Intelihealth, 4/11/02
Government Study: 7 in 10 Not Exercising - Intelihealth, 4/8/02 -
"A new government report says seven in 10 adults
don't regularly exercise and nearly four in 10 aren't physically active at
all ... About 300,000 people a year in the United States die from diseases
related to inactivity. In addition to diabetes, lack of exercise can
increase the risk of heart disease and stroke"
- Exercise Helps
Everyone's Heart - WebMD, 4/1/02 -
"The overwhelming evidence shows exercise can reduce
blood pressure in virtually anyone -- regardless of weight, race, or current
blood pressure level ... regular aerobic exercise decreased systolic blood
pressure (the top number) by an average of 3.8 mmHg and diastolic (the
bottom number) by 2.58 mmHg, in people who were previously inactive"
Cardiorespiratory Benefit Of Aerobic Exercise Applies To Older Patients Too
- Doctor's Guide, 3/26/02
New product targets the 'core' - CNN, 3/18/02
- Exercise Helps
Men Live Longer - WebMD, 3/13/02
Intense Training May Not Stunt Growth - Intelihealth, 2/11/02
Surgical Release Of Iliac Obstruction Helps Top Endurance Athletes
- Doctor's Guide, 2/7/02
- Regular Exercise May be
More Beneficial than Angioplasty/Stent Implantation
- Doctor's Guide, 11/13/01
- Flexibility Exercises
Decreases Some Injuries in Athletes - Doctor's Guide, 11/9/01
- Exercise: What
Makes Us Falter and How to Stick With It
- WebMD, 9/28/01
- Body Makes
Natural Antidepressant After Moderate Exercise
- WebMD, 9/27/01 - "Even moderate exercise
apparently raises levels of a brain chemical that improves a person's mood
... The substance is phenylethylamine, or PEA, a natural stimulant produced
by the body. It is related to amphetamines but does not have the
long-lasting effects that make "speed" or "ice" such deadly drugs ...
moderate exercise increases PEA levels for most people"
Six Months Of Endurance Exercise Reverses 30 Years Of Aerobic Decline
- Intelihealth, 8/18/01 -
"The studies indicate that middle-aged men can
actually reverse many of the negative results of non-exercise, even after
being physically inactive for a long time ... We found that 100 percent of
the age-related decline in aerobic power that occurred over 30 years in
these men was reversed by six months of endurance training"
- Looking for the
Fountain of Youth? Try the Gym - WebMD, 9/17/01 -
"endurance training reversed a 30-year decline in cardiovascular fitness
among a group of middle-aged men who were first studied in their 20s ...
After the six-month training period, all five men were back to the fitness
level they had 30 years earlier ... Remarkably, this study shows that 20
days of bed rest caused the cardiovascular fitness of these men who were in
their 20s to decline worse than 30 years of aging"
- Study Shows
Inactive Adults Think They Work Out Harder Than They Do
- WebMD, 9/11/01
- More Evidence
That Exercise Lifts Mood, Energy - WebMD, 8/30/01
Exercise can help you recover faster from the discomfort of arthritis
- Healthscout, 1/29/01 - "Not only is regular
exercise the best way to prevent pain from occurring in arthritic joints in
the first place, those who exercise regularly also recover faster from
existing arthritic pain"
- Stress Fractures
-- Who Gets Them and Why? - WebMD, 7/18/01
- Just Minutes of
Exercise Can Pump You Up - WebMD, 7/12/01
Strength training's 7% solution - USA Today, 7/12/01
Olympic swimmer does key training on shore - USA Today, 6/28/01
Study Relates Jogging And Strong Bones - Intelihealth, 6/28/01 -
"Young men who jog regularly build strong bones and may be less likely to
develop the brittle bone disease osteoporosis ... For couch potatoes, men
who do little or no exercise, the bone density of joggers was almost 8
percent better"
- Exercise Boosts
Physical/Mental Health in Diabetics, Breast Cancer Patients, Healthy Males
- Doctor's Guide, 6/22/01
Fitness, stretching go hand in hand - USA Today, 5/1/01
Exercise Junkies: How Hard Should You Push Your Heart? - WebMD, 3/8/01 -
"Researchers found that maximal heart rates were
strongly related to age in both men and women. This led to the development
of a new formula to estimate heart rate: 208 - (0.7 × age)"
Campaign Pushes At-Home Exercises - Intelihealth, 2/27/01 -
"specialists are starting a campaign to help
Americans properly treat a sprained ankle with at-home strengthening
exercises that can work as well as formal physical therapy"
Study: Stretch Cords Help Exercise - Intelihealth, 2/26/01 -
"Straining against the stretch cords, which were
made for exercise, has the same effect as weight training - spurring muscle
growth in a way that simply bounding up and down on a step platform cannot
Six-pack abs not for every body - USA Today, 2/23/01
Skin Rash Outbreaks in Hotel Hot Tubs and Swimming Pools - WebMD,
Kids Taking Steroids for Asthma Need Calcium and Exercise - WebMD,
Studies: Older exercisers have youthful potential - CNN, 10/16/00
Study: Old Exercisers Have Potential - Intelihealth, 10/16/00
Exercise May Reduce Impotence Risk - Intelihealth, 10/2/00
Exercise Advice May Stretch Truth - Intelihealth, 9/11/00
Intense Sports Training Poses Special Concerns for Female Athletes -
WebMD, 7/7/00
Exercise Could Be Fountain of Youth for Blood Vessels - WebMD, 6/26/00
Exercise Trains Fat Cells - Intelihealth, 4/7/00
Diet, Exercise And Gain Weight? - Intelihealth, 4/3/00
Growing evidence indicates that exercise cuts chance of breast cancer -
CNN, 3/13/00
Researchers Say Stay With Exercise - Intelihealth, 3/13/00
Ergogenics for Endurance Athletes - Nutrition Science News, 3/00
Biologist Crusades For Recognition Of Exercise As Preventive Medicine -
Intelihealth, 2/21/00
Exercise Can Boost Brain Capacity, Researchers Say - Intelihealth,
- Cipro Available In Canada
For Swimmer's Ear - Doctor's Guide, 8/18/99
A Surprising Reason To Wear A Sports Bra - Dr. Dean, 8/13/99
Biking Unlikely Cause Of Trauma For Women - Dr. Dean, 8/2/99
Long Distance Biking - And Genital Numbness? - Dr. Dean, 8/2/99
Eating before exercise: The facts - CNN, 6/11/99
A Guide to the Best Cures for Tired Muscles - Nutrition Science News,
Essential Nutrients for Endurance Athletes - Nutrition Science News,
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