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Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending 9/30/09.  You should consult your doctor if you are taking any medications.

Natural Compound In Extra-virgin Olive Oil -- Oleocanthal -- May Help Prevent, Treat Alzheimer's - Science Daily, 9/29/09 - "Measuring ADDL binding with and without oleocanthal, they discovered that small amounts of oleocanthal effectively reduced binding of ADDLs to hippocampal synapses. Additional studies revealed that oleocanthal can protect synapses from structural damage caused by ADDLs ... An unexpected finding was that oleocanthal makes ADDLs into stronger targets for antibodies. This action establishes an opportunity for creating more effective immunotherapy treatments, which use antibodies to bind to and attack ADDLs" - See olive leaf extract at Amazon.com.

Few Eating Enough Fruits, Veggies - WebMD, 9/29/09 - "Only 14% of U.S. adults and 9.5% of U.S. teens meet the government's goals for eating enough fruits and vegetables"

Antihypertensive Therapy Slows Cognitive Decline in Alzheimer Disease - Medscape, 9/29/09 - "patients using antihypertensive treatments had significantly higher MMSE scores at 1, 2, and 3 years, compared with patients not taking antihypertensive treatments"

Impaired Kidney Function Linked To Cognitive Decline In Elderly - Science Daily, 9/29/09 - "poor kidney function, assessed at the beginning of the study, was linked with a more rapid rate of decline in cognition over the next several years – not in visuospatial ability or perceptual speed, but in three specific areas: episodic, semantic and working memory ... The rate of decline in cognition was equivalent to that of a person seven years older at baseline"

The Pursuit of Sexual Happiness - Newsweek, 9/29/09 - "We learn that 31 percent of women have had sex to evoke jealousy in the ones they love, while others have done it to protect themselves from getting hurt. Some, like the 25-year-old woman we described earlier, have had sex to boost their self-esteem, and 84 percent of women report they've done it simply to "keep the peace" at home. "I think the stereotype tends to be that women have sex for love and men have sex for pleasure," says Meston, director of the Sexual Psychophysiology Lab at UT Austin. "But in reality, women's sexual motivations are vastly complex.""

Diabetes Weakens Your Bones - Science Daily, 9/28/09 - "They observed increased levels of inflammatory molecules, including TNF-α during fracture healing. The diabetic animals had rapid loss of cartilage in the healing bones, which was due to increased numbers of osteoclasts, cells that remove bone and cartilage. Factors that stimulate osteoclast formation were regulated by both TNF-α and a downstream mediator, FOXO1. These results suggest that diabetes-mediated increases in TNF-α and FOXO1 may underlie the impaired healing of diabetic fractures"

H1N1 Flu Season Hits U.S. Early; Swine Flu in 26 States - Time Magazine, 9/25/09 - "By Thursday morning, nine of the area's roughly 300 schools were reporting absentee rates in excess of 10%. H1N1 had arrived with the end of summer, just as expected ... This would be comparable to what we would see in a moderate flu season in January or February"

U.S. Swine Flu Vaccinations Start Oct. 6 - WebMD, 9/25/09 - "Vaccinations against H1N1 swine flu will start on Oct. 6"

Live Attenuated Flu Vaccine May Be Less Effective Than Inactivated Flu Vaccine - Medscape, 9/24/09 - "the inactivated influenza vaccine (injection) was more effective than the live attenuated vaccine (intranasal spray) in preventing laboratory-confirmed symptomatic influenza A (mostly H3N2) in healthy adults"

Antidepressants Linked to Birth Defect - WebMD, 9/24/09 - "the risk is greatest when moms-to-be take more than one selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressant or switch SSRIs early in pregnancy ... babies born to women who had filled prescriptions for more than one SSRI had a fourfold increase in septal heart defects -- a malformation of the wall that divides the left and right sides of the heart"

Health Buzz: Fructose-Heavy Diet Linked to Hypertension and Other Health News - US News and World Report, 9/24/09 - "A small study is among the first to show that regular consumption of fructose-heavy foods and drinks might raise blood pressure—at least in men"

Diabetes Drug Shows Promise In Fighting Lethal Cancer Complication - Science Daily, 9/24/09 - "in an animal study, a diabetes drug that promotes insulin sensitivity slowed the progression of muscle wasting and fat loss, the main consequences of a syndrome called cachexia ... Research suggests that cachexia is responsible for between one-fifth and one-third of all cancer deaths ... These data provide evidence that in mice with colon cancer tumors, insulin resistance may be involved in the development of cachexia rather than occur as a result of cachexia ... Within eight days, the mice with cancer receiving the rosiglitazone showed more sensitivity to insulin than did the mice with tumors that received no medication. The insulin sensitivity of the medicated mice matched that of mice without tumors ... In addition to stopping fat and muscle loss, the rosiglitazone also dramatically reduced two biological markers present when proteins break down, particularly in muscles, and a third marker that indicates cells are eating their own amino acids in an attempt to survive" - Note:  I don't know why they did this study with rosiglitazone.  That's the one that may be connected to heart disease.  Pioglitazone is the same class of drug and is not connected to heart disease.  I take it for anti-aging also.  See my Insulin and Aging page.

Sleep Loss Linked To Increase In Alzheimer's Plaques - Science Daily, 9/24/09 - "Chronic sleep deprivation in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease makes Alzheimer's brain plaques appear earlier and more often"

Does Vitamin D Protect Against High BP? - WebMD, 9/24/09 - "Vitamin D deficiency earlier in life appeared to be a predictor of hypertension more than a decade later" - See vitamin D at Amazon.com.

Shots beat back the flu much better than spray - Cold and flu- msnbc.com, 9/23/09 - "In a study of nearly 2,000 healthy adults during a recent flu season, standard shots were twice as effective against regular winter flu as the newer nasal spray" - Note:  For what it's worth, I read or viewed somewhere (I think it was  Sunday's Dr. Rosenfeld) that the shot contains dead viruses and the spray contains weakened viruses.

Gout Drug May Lower Blood Pressure - WebMD, 9/23/09 - "A new study suggests a direct link between a high-sugar diet and high blood pressure ... allopurinol could lower high blood pressure by lowering uric acid" - Note:  Kind of a confusing article.  Yeah, high blood sugar probably is a cause of high blood pressure and high uric acid but the article implies that allopurinol lowers blood pressure by lowering the uric acid not the blood sugar so why is it discussing blood sugar?  I've  written WebMD before about articles like that and they've agreed and changed it.  This one is minor I guess.

Abstracts from this week's Doctor's Guide Nutrition/Dietetics plus abstracts from my RSS feeds (Click here for the journals, the PubMed ones at the top):

Ascorbic Acid for Anemia Management in Hemodialysis Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis - Am J Kidney Dis. 2009 Sep 22 - "Combining the 3 randomized clinical trials involving patients with baseline hemoglobin levels <11 g/dL, change in hemoglobin level was greater for ascorbic acid use compared with standard care (WMD, 0.9 g/dL; 95% CI, 0.5-1.2 g/dL). Compared with standard care, ascorbic acid use also was associated with a statistically significant decrease in rHuEPO dose (WMD, -17.1 U/kg/wk; 95% CI, -26.0 to -8.2 U/kg/wk) and improvement in transferrin saturation (WMD, 7.9%; 95% CI, 5.2-10.5%), with no change in ferritin concentration"

Coffee consumption and risk of heart failure in men: an analysis from the Cohort of Swedish Men - Am Heart J. 2009 Oct;158(4):667-72 - "Compared to men who drank <or=1 cup of coffee per day (unadjusted rate 29.9 HF events/10,000 person-years), RR were 0.87 (95% CI 0.69-1.11, unadjusted rate 29.2/10,000 person-years) for 2 cups/d, 0.89 (95% CI 0.70-1.14, unadjusted rate 25.1/10,000 person-years) for 3 cups/d, 0.89 (95% CI 0.69-1.15, unadjusted rate 25.0/10,000 person-years) for 4 cups/d, and 0.89 (95% CI 0.69-1.15, unadjusted rate 18.1/10,000 person-years) for >or=5 cups/d (P for trend in RR = .61) ... This study did not support the hypothesis that high coffee consumption is associated with increased rates of HF hospitalization or mortality"

Antioxidant Treatment With Tempol and Apocynin Prevents Endothelial Dysfunction and Development of Renovascular Hypertension - Am J Hypertens. 2009 Sep 24 - "The data suggest that a compromised mechanism of antioxidant defense and an increase in oxidative damage contribute to the development of hypertension and associated vascular dysfunction in 2K-1C rats, and that tempol and apocynin prevent these effects"

Association of sex hormones and C-reactive protein levels in men - Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2009 Sep 21 - "A robust, inverse dose-response correlation between testosterone and SHBG levels with CRP levels provides further evidence of a potential role of androgens in inflammatory processes"

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