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Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending 1/16/02:
PMS Remedies - ABC News, 1/16/02 - "Some over-the-counter supplements can help alleviate the symptoms. The best one is chasteberry, which can either be purchased in its pure form, or found as a main ingredient in other remedies, Snyderman said. Chasteberry (also called vitex), improved symptoms for 52 percent of women who took 20 mg a day as part of a German study. Calcium, magnesium and vitamin E may also work"
Do You Have Metabolic Syndrome? - WebMD, 1/15/02 - "The metabolic syndrome affects almost a quarter of Americans and greatly raises the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and stroke ... Only 7% of people aged 20 to 29 were affected, but the number jumped to over 40% in people in their 60s and 70s ... For almost all people with this problem, improper nutrition and lack of exercise is the underlying problem"
Heart Guidelines Increase Drug Eligibility - ABC News, 1/15/02 - "Two new guidelines indicate that tens of millions more people could be regularly taking aspirin and/or cholesterol-lowering medications to prevent their first heart attack ... The first set of prevention guidelines, which appears in the latest issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine recommends that patients at high risk of heart disease, defined as a 5-year risk of 3 percent or greater, consider taking aspirin to prevent a first heart attack ... The second set ... guidelines lower the medical treatment level of 'bad' or LDL cholesterol from 160 milligrams per deciliter to 130 milligrams per deciliter"
Under-Controlled Hypertension Paves Way For Other Ills - Doctor's Guide, 1/15/02 - "Poor blood pressure reductions could be behind still-escalating end-stage renal disease and greatly increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in diabetics"
Vitamin C May Improve Alzheimer's Treatments - WebMD, 1/14/02 - "When ascorbic acid -- better known as vitamin C -- is chemically attached to certain drugs, it allows them to penetrate the [blood brain] barrier, reaching more of its target cells within the brain ... they tested one of the modified drugs in mice with induced convulsions. They injected some of the animals with the normal version of the drug and others with the modified version. Only animals that received the drug with attached vitamin C had delayed convulsions -- indicating that the drug was more effective"
Science has been winning battles against old age, but can it win the war? - Time Magazine, 1/21/02 - "Even before the human genome was mapped, scientists found genes that appeared to play a role in how cells age. More significantly, they discovered a cufflike structure—dubbed a telomere—at the end of chromosomes that shortens each time a cell divides. When the telomere all but disappears, the cell stops dividing, and the cell line dies out. A naturally occurring enzyme, called telomerase, can maintain telomere length in some cells ... But things aren't as easy as simply dosing a cell with telomerase. Once you immortalize the cell, it will start to divide indefinitely—just the thing cancer cells do to such destructive effect"
Arginine-Enriched Food Bar Plus Traditional Therapy Effective in Angina Treatment - Medscape, 1/11/02, user=benhess, pwd=asdfgh - "Angina patients given a medical food bar enriched with L-arginine, as an adjunct to traditional treatment, have improved vascular function, exercise capacity, and quality of life ... In addition to L-arginine, the bar contains folate, vitamins C, E, B6 and B12, niacin, and soy isoflavones ... flow-mediated percent increase in brachial artery diameter improved from a mean of 5.5 to 8.0 ... Exercise time also improved by an average of 16%"
Aspirin dose for heart patients should be halved - MSNBC, 1/10/02 - "Most doctors and heart specialists prescribe 325 milligrams of aspirin — the same as a regular strength adult aspirin tablet — per day when applying it as a blood thinner. The latest analysis shows that between 75 milligrams and 150 milligrams works just as well, with less chance of internal bleeding ... We’ve got clear evidence now from this review that people who haven’t yet had a heart attack or stroke do benefit, but they are being treated less than half the time with aspirin ... If we were to tackle that group, that would save about 40,000 extra lives a year worldwide ... If the likelihood of having a heart attack or stroke is smaller than the chance of internal bleeding from the aspirin, the drug would cause more harm than good"
Fiber-Rich Diet May Cut Women's Heart Attack Risk - ABC News, 1/10/02 - "those who ate the most fiber--about 26 grams daily--were less likely to develop heart disease and suffer a heart attack than women with the lowest fiber intake"
Stress Reduction May Improve Blood Sugar Levels In Type 2 Diabetes Patients - Intelihealth, 1/10/02 - "A new study funded by the National Institutes of Health suggests that stress management training may help people with type 2 diabetes control their blood sugar levels" - I feel it all rolls back to cortisol. Stress increases cortisol, cortisol increases blood sugar. It makes sense that supplements that reduce cortisol would reduce blood sugar but I haven't seen a study that proves it. - Ben. Related articles:
Some interesting articles I came across regarding cortisol's effect on thyroid hormones (mainly T3) and how low T3 might affect depression:
Kidney-stone advice turned on head - MSNBC, 1/9/02 - "Researchers found the long-recommended low-calcium diet may actually worsen the painful problem; instead, the secret to avoiding the painful stones appears to lie in cutting back on salt and protein"
The New Faces Of Whey - Life Extension Magazine, 1/02 - "whey may be able to reduce stress and depression by lowering cortisol and increasing brain serotonin, improve liver function (in those suffering from certain forms of hepatitis) and reduce blood pressure"
Lycopene lowers PSA - Life Extension Magazine, 1/02 - "32 mostly African American patients who had been diagnosed with prostate cancer and were awaiting radical prostatectomy were put on diets that included enough tomato sauce to provide 30 mg/day of lycopene for three weeks. Prostate cancer is more frequent and serious among African Americans than among Caucasians ... Mean serum PSA concentrations fell by 17.5%, while a measure of oxidative status fell by 21.3%. DNA damage in the cancer cells fell by 40% after three weeks, of which author Phyllis E. Bowen says, “We don’t know whether that’s good or bad.” Most important, high concentration of lycopene in prostate tissues resulted in a nearly three-fold increase in programmed cell damage among cancer cells, which is a good thing"
Statins and Supplements - Natural Foods Merchandiser, 1/02 - "Statins limit both cholesterol and the Co-Q10 essential to heart, muscle and liver function, resulting in fatigue and liver side effects, explains Syndrome X (John Wiley & Sons, 2001) co-author Jack Challem. "The issue is not just lowering LDL cholesterol, which is essential transport for fat-soluble vitamins, but preventing its oxidation," he says"
Diabetes Control: Cut The Fat - Delicious! Online, 12/01 - "A long-term study overwhelmingly confirms that trans fats, a ubiquitous ingredient in fried and processed foods, substantially increase the risk of Type II diabetes ... Researchers concluded that by substituting nonhydrogenated, polyunsaturated fats for trans fats, "the incidence of Type II diabetes could be reduced by 40 percent.""
Depression Management - ContinuingEducation.com, exp. 12/31/02 - "The results of at least one trial suggest that Hypericum, used in higher doses, may be considered a therapeutic alternative in patients with moderate to severe depression"
St. John's Wort Equivalent to World's Best-selling Antidepressant - herbs.org - "…the two treatments are essentially equipotent in their antidepressant effects." Furthermore, the researchers asserted that there was "…no evidence to suggest an advantage in treating these patients with fluoxetine."
The Life Extension Foundation's annual sale end the end of the month. It is 10% off everything.
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iHerb policosanol products - use this link to receive a 5% discount (discount code "qc") plus free shipping on orders over $60 - see policosanol