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Selective Estrogen Receptor
Modulators for BPH - Medscape, 10/17/13 - "Many
epidemiological and experimental researches have shown that dietary estrogens
are beneficial to men's health.[29,31,32] This may be evident from the fact that
men living in Western nations have higher incidence of prostate cancer and BPH,
plausibly because of their lower dietary phytoestrogen intake, as compared with
their counterparts in Asian countries.[33–35] Many of these phytoestrogens are
found to display ERβ receptor selectivity, especially compounds whose core
structures have isoflavone or flavones group. Genistein, a naturally occurring
SERM which shows 22-fold selectivity for ERβ, is an isoflavone usually found in
soy ... Our in vivo studies in rat[3] indicated that irrespective of the
molecular structure and mechanism of action, the SERMs universally and
significantly reduce prostate weight. This response was better in combination
with a 5α-reductase inhibitor, finasteride. We found that the ventral prostate
of adult mature rats receiving tamoxifen, BP and ormeloxifene each at 1.0 mg
kg−1 dose for 21 days regressed significantly by 37%, 32%, 36% respectively"
- Note: It's a nine page article. I was disappointed that it didn't get in to
aromatase inhibitors such as Femara (letrozole). See
genistein at Amazon.com
Letrozole - Steroidal.com - "Letrozole (Femara)
belongs to a category and class of drugs known as aromatase inhibitors
(AIs). Aromatase inhibitors belong to an even broader class of drugs known
as anti-estrogens. The other subcategory of drug under the anti-estrogens
category is known as selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs), such as
Nolvadex and Clomid. AIs and SERMs make up anti-estrogens. Aromatase
inhibitors differ greatly from SERMs in their action and how they deal with
the issues of estrogen control"
Soy-based formula? Neonatal plant estrogen exposure leads to adult infertility
in female mice - Science Daily, 5/2/12 - "A paper
published May 2 in Biology of Reproduction describes the effects of brief
prenatal exposure to plant estrogens on the mouse oviduct, modeling the effects
of soy-based baby formula on human infants. The results suggest that exposure to
estrogenic chemicals in the womb or during childhood has the potential to affect
a woman's fertility as an adult, possibly providing the mechanistic basis for
some cases of unexplained female infertility ... part of the National Institutes
of Health, previously demonstrated that neonatal exposure to the plant estrogen
genistein results in complete infertility in female adult mice. Causes of
infertility included failure to ovulate, reduced ability of the oviduct to
support embryo development before implantation, and failure of the uterus to
support effective implantation of blastocyst-stage embryos ... The team now
reports that neonatal exposure to genistein changes the level of immune response
in the mouse oviduct, known as mucosal immune response. Some of the immune
response genes were altered beginning from the time of genistein treatment,
while others were altered much later, when the mouse was in early pregnancy.
Together, those changes led to harmfully altered immune responses and to
compromised oviduct support for preimplantation embryo development, both of
which would likely contribute to infertility ... estrogenic chemical exposure to
the female fetus, infant, child, and adolescent all have potential impacts on
mucosal immunity in the reproductive tract and, therefore, on adult fertility.
The authors present the view that limiting such exposures, including minimizing
use of soy-based baby formula, is a step toward maintaining female reproductive
compound reduces breast cancer mortality, study suggests - Science Daily,
9/13/11 - "The most important type of phytoestrogens in
our Western diet are lignans, which are contained in seeds, particularly
flaxseeds, as well as in wheat and vegetables. In the bowel, these substances
are turned into enterolactone, which is absorbed by the mucous tissue and which
was determined by the Heidelberg researchers as a biomarker in the patients'
blood ... Compared to the study subjects with the lowest enterolactone levels,
the women with the highest blood levels of this biomarker had an approximately
40 percent lower mortality risk ... Another observation that may be interpreted
in this direction is that Asian women are less frequently affected by breast
cancer. Their soy-rich diet contains large amounts of another type of
phytoestrogens, isoflavones. On the other hand, scientists fear that isoflavones
might imitate the growth-promoting properties of real hormones and, thus,
accelerate hormone-dependent tumors such as breast cancer and prostate cancer.
"It has not yet been finally determined whether lignans in the body imitate the
hormone effect or, on the contrary, counteract it,""
Plant Estrogen May Cut Breast Cancer - WebMD, 3/20/07 -
"A diet rich in estrogen-like compounds found in
flaxseed, tea, and many plants may help curb breast cancer after menopause ...
Women with the highest lignan intake were 17% less likely to be diagnosed with
breast cancer during the study than those with the lowest intake"
More support for soy's protection against prostate cancer - Nutra USA,
2/13/06 - "High intake of food items rich in
phytoestrogens was associated with a decreased risk of prostate cancer. The
odds ratio (OR) [the risk compared to a standard of 1.00] comparing the
highest to the lowest quartile of intake was 0.74"
Veggies in Diet May Cut Lung Cancer Risk - WebMD, 9/27/05 -
"the people who consumed the highest amount of
phytoestrogens from food had nearly half the lung cancer risk as those with
the lowest phytoestrogen intake from food" [Abstract]
Supplements for Menopausal Symptoms (Soy and Red Clover Isoflavones, Black
Cohosh, and Progesterone Cream) review - ConsumerLab.com, 8/2/05
Phytoestrogens May Not Prevent Breast Cancer - WebMD, 2/4/04
Phytoestrogens May Shield Against Endometrial Cancer - Natural Foods
Merchandiser, 11/03
Phytoestrogen review - ConsumerLab.com, 7/16/02
- Soy and Health:
What's the Scoop? Most Recent Addition to Soy Research Shows Lower Breast
Cancer Risk - WebMD, 12/21/00
Phytochemicals: Nutrients Whose Time Has Come - Nutrition Science News,
Recent advances in the
anti-aging effects of phytoestrogens on collagen, water content, and oxidative
stress - Phytother Res. 2019 Nov 20 - "Skin
undergoes degenerative changes as it ages, which include the loss of
elasticity, reductions in the epidermal thickness and collagen content,
elastic fiber degeneration, and increased wrinkling and dryness. Skin aging
can be significantly delayed by the administration of estrogen. Estrogen
deficiency following menopause results in atrophic skin changes and the
acceleration of skin aging. Estrogen administration has positive effects on
human skin by delaying or preventing skin aging manifestations, but the use
of estrogen replacement is a risk factor for breast and uterine cancer.
Phytoestrogens are a large family of plant-derived molecules possessing
various degrees of estrogen-like activity; they exhibit agonist or
antagonist estrogenic properties depending on the tissue. These molecules
could be ideal candidates to combat skin aging and other detrimental effects
of hypoestrogenism" - See
phytoestrogens at Amazon.com.
Breast development in the first 2 years of life: an association with
soy-based infant formulas - J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2008
Feb;46(2):191-5 - "We suggest that phytoestrogens
impose a preserving effect on breast tissue that is evolved in early
infancy, leading eventually to a slower waning of infantile breast tissue"
Exposure to the phytoestrogen daidzein attenuates apomorphine-induced penile
erection concomitant with plasma testosterone level reduction in dose and
time-related manner in adult rats - Urology. 2007 Sep;70(3):613-7 -
"The phytoestrogen daidzein has the potential to
adversely affect erectile function in a dose and time-related manner that is
at least partly attributable to androgen deficiency. These findings
implicate that phytoestrogens, especially isoflavones, if overconsumed for a
long period, might be a novel risk factor for erectile dysfunction"
Phytoestrogens and indicators of breast cancer prognosis - Nutr Cancer.
2006;56(1):3-10 - "In women with higher intakes of
phytoestrogens, there was a 32% reduction in the odds of being diagnosed
with any stage of cancer other than stage 1 (95% confidence interval, CI =
0.49-0.93; P = 0.02), a 38% reduction in odds of being diagnosed with
positive lymphovascular invasion (95% CI = 0.40-0.95; P = 0.03), and a 66%
increase in the odds of being diagnosed with a positive progesterone
Dietary Phytoestrogen Intake Is Associated with Reduced Colorectal Cancer
Risk - J Nutr. 2006 Dec;136(12):3046-3053 - "Dietary lignan intake was
associated with a significant reduction in colorectal cancer risk [OR (T3
vs. T1) = 0.73; 95% CI: 0.56, 0.94], as was isoflavone intake [OR (T3 vs.
T1) = 0.71"
Dietary intake of phytoestrogens, estrogen receptor-beta polymorphisms and
the risk of prostate cancer - Prostate. 2006 Aug 18 -
"Our study provides strong evidence that high intake
of phytoestrogens substantially reduce prostate cancer risk among men with
specific polymorphic variation in the promoter region of the estrogen
receptor-beta gene"
Dietary phytoestrogens and lung cancer risk - JAMA. 2005 Sep
Phytoestrogen supplement use by women - J Nutr 2003 Jun;133(6):1983S-6S
"Until safety with respect to breast cancer is
established, phytoestrogen supplements should not be recommended,
particularly for women at high risk of breast cancer"