Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending
3/17/10. You should consult your doctor if you are taking any medications.
Coffee’s anti-diabetes benefit strengthen - Nutra USA, 3/16/10 -
"coffee is one of the richest sources of polyphenols in
the Western diet, with one cup of the stuff providing 350 milligrams of
phenolics. Of these, the most abundant compounds coffee are chlorogenic acids,
making up to 12 per cent of the green coffee bean. The most abundant of these
compounds is caffeic acid ... adiponectin
levels increased by 6 per cent. Adiponectin is a protein hormone linked to
various metabolic processes, and levels are inversely related to body fat levels
... the impact of inflammation on the progression of diabetes may support an
anti-diabetic role for the beverage" - [Abstract]
Turmeric Cream Decreases Signs of Aging - Medscape, 3/16/10 -
"A new moisturizing cream containing turmeric
extract, an ingredient found in curry, significantly improves the appearance
of facial spots, fine lines, and
wrinkles, according to results from 2 split-face
studies (1 with an all-white and 1 with an all-Asian patient population)
presented here at the American Academy of Dermatology 68th Annual Meeting"
- See
curcumin products at Amazon.com .
provide more support for health benefits of coffee - Science Daily, 3/15/10
- "Although it is sometimes referred to as "the devil's
brew," coffee contains several nutrients (eg,
calcium) as well as hundreds of potentially biologically active compounds (eg,
polyphenols) that may promote health"
vitamin D deficiency significantly reduces heart disease risk, studies find
- Science Daily, 3/15/10 - "Preventing and treating
heart disease in some patients could
be as simple as supplementing their diet with extra
vitamin D ... For the first study ... 47
percent of the patients who increased their levels of vitamin D between the two
visits showed a reduced risk for cardiovascular disease ... In the second study
... The patients in each category who increased their vitamin D levels to 43
nanograms per milliliter of blood or higher had lower rates of death, diabetes,
cardiovascular disease, myocardial infarction, heart failure, high blood
pressure, depression, and kidney failure. Currently, a level of 30 nanograms per
milliliter is considered "normal" ... Increasing vitamin D intake by 1000 to
5000 international units (IU) a day may be appropriate" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Magnesium may decrease colon cancer risk: Study - Nutra USA, 3/15/10 -
"Intakes of the mineral
of at least 327 milligrams per day were found to reduce the risk of
colon cancer by 52 per cent, compared to intakes less than 238 milligrams
per day, while no benefits were observed in women" - [Abstract]
- See
magnesium supplements at Amazon.com .
High-intensity interval training is time-efficient and effective, study suggests
- Science Daily, 3/12/10 - "Doing 10 one-minute sprints
on a standard stationary bike with about one minute of rest in between, three
times a week, works as well in improving muscle as many hours of conventional
long-term biking less strenuously ... less extreme HIT method may work well for
people (the older, less fit, and slightly overweight among us) whose doctors
might have worries about them exercising "all-out.""
Abstracts from this week's
Doctor's Guide Nutrition/Dietetics
plus abstracts from my RSS feeds (Click here
for the journals, the PubMed ones at the top):
Dietary Intake of Magnesium May Decrease Risk of Colorectal Cancer in Japanese
Men - J Nutr. 2010 Feb 17 - "When adjusted for
potential confounders, the hazard ratio and 95% CI in the highest quintile of
magnesium intake compared with the lowest quintile in men were 0.65 (95% CI,
0.40-1.03) for
CRC (P-trend = 0.04), 0.48 (95% CI, 0.26-0.89) for
colon cancer (P-trend = 0.01), and 0.97 (95% CI, 0.47-2.02) for rectal cancer
(P-trend = 0.93)" - See
magnesium supplements at Amazon.com .
Effect of St
John's wort on severity, frequency, and duration of hot flashes in
premenopausal, perimenopausal and postmenopausal women: a randomized,
double-blind, placebo-controlled study - Menopause. 2010 Mar;17(2):326-31 -
"The fall-off in frequency of hot flashes on the 4th and
8th weeks of intervention was more evident in women receiving St John's wort,
and the differences between groups were statistically significant (P = 0.005 and
P < 0.001, respectively). Furthermore, comparing both study groups, we showed
that the decrease in the severity of flashes in women who received St John's
wort was more evident on the 4th and 8th weeks (P = 0.004 and P < 0.001,
respectively). CONCLUSIONS:: St John's wort can be used as an effective
treatment for the vasomotor symptoms of perimenopausal or postmenopausal women"
- See
St. John's wort at Amazon.com .
Effect of
Niacin Therapy on Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients With Coronary Artery
Disease - J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2010 Mar 5 -
"Compared to placebo group, niacin therapy
significantly reduced coronary artery revascularization (RR [relative risk]:
0.307 with 95% CI: 0.150-0.628; P = .001), nonfatal myocardial infarction ([MI];
RR: 0.719; 95% CI: 0.603-0.856; P = .000), stroke, and TIA ([transient ischemic
attack] RR: 0.759; 95%CI: 0.613-0.940; P = .012), as well as a possible but
nonsignificant decrease in cardiac mortality (RR: 0.883: 95% CI: 0.773-1.008; p=
0.066). CONCLUSIONS: In a meta-analysis of seven trials of secondary prevention,
niacin was associated with a significant reduction in
cardiovascular events and possible small but non-significant decreases in
coronary and cardiovascular mortality" - See
niacin at Amazon.com .
Exposure and the Risk of Parkinson's Disease: A Systematic Review and
Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies - J Alzheimers Dis. 2010 Feb 24 -
"When considering only the cohort studies, the RR was
0.80 (95%CI: 0.71-90; I;{2}=8.1%). The negative association was weaker when only
women were considered (RR=0.86, 95%CI: 0.73-1.02; I;{2}=12.9%). A linear
relation was observed between levels of exposure to caffeine and the RR
estimates: RR of 0.76 (95%CI: 0.72-0.80; I;{2}= 35.1%) per 300 mg increase in
caffeine intake. This study confirm an inverse
association between caffeine intake and the risk of
PD, which can hardly by explained by bias or
uncontrolled confounding"
Plays a Preventive Role Against Alzheimer's Disease - J Alzheimers Dis. 2010
Feb 24 - "Regular physical
activity increases the endurance of cells and tissues to oxidative stress,
vascularization, energy metabolism, and neurotrophin synthesis, all important in
neurogenesis, memory improvement, and brain plasticity. Although extensive
studies are required to understand the mechanism, it is clear that physical
exercise is beneficial in the prevention of AD
and other age-associated neurodegenerative disorders"
Intake is Associated with a Lower Risk of Cognitive Decline: A Cohort Study from
Portugal - J Alzheimers Dis. 2010 Feb 24 - "Caffeine
intake (> 62 mg/day [3rd third] vs. < 22 mg/day [1st third]) was associated with
a lower risk of cognitive decline in women
(RR=0.49, 95%CI 0.24-0.97), but not significantly in men (RR=0.65, 95%CI
0.27-1.54)" - Note: I don't know how they determine that 0.65 isn't
Caffeine as
a Protective Factor in Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease - J Alzheimers Dis.
2010 Feb 24 - "In the CAIDE study,
coffee drinking of 3-5 cups per day at midlife
was associated with a decreased risk of
dementia/AD by about 65% at late-life. In conclusion, coffee drinking may be
associated with a decreased risk of dementia/AD. This may be mediated by
caffeine and/or other mechanisms like antioxidant capacity and increased insulin
sensitivity. This finding might open possibilities for prevention or postponing
the onset of dementia/AD"
Health Focus (Periodontal
Alternative News:
- Life Extension Foundation
- Periodontal Disease
- The Natural Pharmacist
Omega-3 may combat mouth bacteria, boost oral health - Nutra USA,
2/10/10 -
"The study, sponsored by the US National Institutes
of Health, found that all six compounds showed cent 50 per cent inhibitory
activity for concentrations ranging from 1 to 10 micrograms per millilitre"
- See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Omega-3 may reduce risk of dental disease: Study - Nutra USA, 1/28/10 -
"The average number of dental disease events was 1.5
times higher in people with low DHA levels, compared to those with the
highest average levels of DHA" - [Abstract]
- See
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com
relationship between dietary omega-3 fatty acids and periodontal disease
- Nutrition. 2010 Jan 22 - "Low DHA intake was
significantly associated with more periodontal disease events. The mean
number of periodontal disease events for participants who consumed the
lowest tertile of DHA was approximately 1.5 times larger (lowest tertile,
incidence rate ratio 1.49, 95% confidence interval 1.01-2.21) than the
reference group (highest tertile of DHA consumption), after simultaneously
adjusting for possible confounders" - See
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com
Probiotics may protect against gum disease: Yakult study - Nutra USA,
9/30/09 - "One group was required to drink 65 ml of
Yakult daily, giving a daily probiotic dose of 100 billion bacteria per 100
ml. The other group was given no product to consume at all ... analysis of
the fluid between the gum and the tooth (gingival crevicular fluid) showed
that the probiotic was associated with reductions were in elastase activity,
and enzyme linked to inflammation, and matrix metalloproteinase-3 (MMP-3),
an enzyme that is responsible for the degradation of extracellular matrix
components and known to have increased activity during inflammation"
- [Abstract] - See
probiotics at Amazon.com
The influence of a
probiotic milk drink on the development of gingivitis: a pilot study - J
Clin Periodontol. 2009 Oct;36(10):850-6 -
"Interproximal PI and papillary bleeding were not different between the
groups. In the test group, elastase activity and MMP-3 amount were
significantly lower after the intake of the probiotic milk drink (p<0.001
and 0.016). There was a significant increase of MPO activity in the control
group; both groups were different at the end of the study (p=0.014).
CONCLUSIONS: The data suggest a beneficial effect of the probiotic milk
drink on gingival inflammation"
- See
probiotics at Amazon.com
Patients With Moderate To Severe Periodontitis Need Evaluation For Heart
Disease Risk - Science Daily, 6/30/09 -
"Periodontitis is common, with mild to moderate forms affecting 30 to 50% of
adults and the severe generalized form affecting 5 to 15% of all adults in
the USA. In addition, there is now strong evidence that people with
periodontitis are at increased risk of atherosclerotic CVD — the
accumulation of lipid products within the arterial vascular wall"
Resolvins Have Potential To Resolve Periodontal Inflammation And Restore
Tissue Health - Science Daily, 4/4/09 - "These
results support the hypothesis that both EPA- and DHA-derived Resolvins have
therapeutic potential in resolving periodontal inflammation and restoring
the tissues' health" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Drink Green Tea For Healthy Teeth And Gums - Science Daily, 3/5/09 -
"those who regularly drank green tea had superior
periodontal health than subjects that consumed less green tea ... Green
tea's ability to help reduce symptoms of periodontal disease may be due to
the presence of the antioxidant catechin. Previous research has demonstrated
antioxidants' ability to reduce inflammation in the body, and the indicators
of periodontal disease measured in this study, PD, CAL and BOP, suggest the
existence of an inflammatory response to periodontal bacteria in the mouth"
- See
green tea extract at Amazon.com
Light-enhanced Tooth Bleaching Dangerous To Eyes and Skin, Study Shows -
Science Daily, 1/29/09 - "The light treatment gives
absolutely no benefit over bleaching without UV, and damages skin and eyes
up to four times as much as sunbathing"
Treating Gum Disease Linked To Lower Medical Costs For Patients With
Diabetes - Science Daily, 12/23/08 - "treating
gum disease in patients who have diabetes with procedures such as cleanings
and periodontal scaling is linked to 10 to 12 percent lower medical costs
per month"
Grape seed extract may boost oral health: Study - Nutra USA, 11/26/08 -
"The extracts showed a good antibacterial activity,
as evidence by the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of the test
compound against the two strains" - See
grape seed extract at Amazon.com
Bleeding Gums Linked To Heart Disease - Science Daily, 9/10/08 -
"People with poor dental hygiene and those who don't
brush their teeth regularly end up with bleeding gums, which provide an
entry to the bloodstream for up to 700 different types of bacteria found in
our mouths. This increases the risk of having a heart attack"
My dentist tells
me that I have periodontal problems and he doesn't think I will be able to
keep my teeth much longer. Is there anything that I can do? - Dr. Murray
Mouthful of Mercury? - Dr. Weil, 8/25/08
Healthy Gums? Hit The Dairy Aisle - Science Daily, 2/6/08 -
"subjects that consumed 55 or more grams of products
containing lactic acid each day had a significantly lower prevalence of deep
PD and severe CAL, therefore demonstrating a lower instance of periodontal
Winemaking Waste Proves Effective Against Disease-causing Bacteria In Early
Studies - Science Daily, 1/2/08 - "specific
polyphenols, present in large amounts in fermented seeds and skins cast away
after grapes are pressed, interfere with the ability of bacteria to
contribute to tooth decay. Beyond cavities, the action of the wine
grape-based chemicals may also hold clues for new ways to lessen the ability
of bacteria to cause life-threatening, systemic infections" - See
grape seed extract at Amazon.com
- Research shows benefits
of cranberries -MSNBC, 11/20/06 -
"A compound Howell discovered in cranberries,
proanthocyanidine, prevents plaque formation on teeth" - See
cranberry supplements at Amazon.com
Stress May Wreak Havoc on Your Mouth - WebMD, 8/13/07
- Diseased gums raise risk
of pancreatic cancer - MSNBC, 11/13/06 -
"that men with gum disease and recent tooth loss had
a 2.7-fold increased risk of developing pancreatic cancer compared with
those who reported neither gum disease nor tooth loss"
New Way to Stamp
Out Tooth Decay - WebMD, 10/24/06
Red Wine May Fight
Gum Disease - WebMD, 3/10/03
Case Researchers Find Exercise, Eating Right and Maintaining Weight Benefit
Oral Health - Doctor's Guide, 8/22/05
Healthy Gums May Help Fight Alzheimer's
- WebMD, 6/20/05 -
"Brushing your teeth may be one of many ways to help
keep your mind healthy and lower the risk of Alzheimer's disease"
Raisins May Help Fight Cavities - WebMD, 6/8/05
- Do Clean Teeth
Promote Heart Health? - Dr. Weil, 5/3/05
Electric Toothbrushes May Be Better At Fighting Plaque, Gum Disease -
Science Daily, 4/20/05 - "Over the short term of one
to three months, the rotating brushes reduced plaque by 11 percent over
manual toothbrushes and reduced the signs of gingivitis, or gum
inflammation, by 6 percent over the regular brushes ... The powered brushes
reduced gingivitis by 17 percent over the manual brushes after more than
three months’ use" - See
Braun Oral-B products
at drugstore.com.
Pearly Teeth Could Help Save Your Heart
- WebMD, 3/11/05 -
"It's possible that in someone with gum disease the
mouth's pesky bacteria travel through the bloodstream and prompt
inflammation that clogs arteries"
Yogurt: An Antidote to Bad Breath?
- WebMD, 3/10/05 -
"the participants ate about 3 ounces of yogurt twice
daily for six weeks .... levels of plaque and the gum disease gingivitis
were also significantly lower among yogurt eaters"
Study Finds Direct Association Between Cardiovascular Disease and
Periodontal Bacteria - Doctor's Guide, 2/8/05
- Bleeding Gums? - Dr.
Weil, 9/14/04
- Does Poor Dental Health
Determine Overall Health? - Dr. Weil, 5/28/04
- Is It Safe to Whiten Your
Smile? - Dr. Weil, 4/6/04
- White Tea for Healthy
Teeth? - Dr. Weil, 12/11/03
- Brushing Off Gingivitis?
- Dr. Weil, 9/26/03
- Brushing Technique
Important in Removing Plaque - New Hope Natural Media, 8/21/03
- Mercury in Your Mouth?
- Dr. Weil, 7/10/03
Too Much Pressure or Time Brushing Your Teeth Can Hurt
- WebMD, 6/20/03
- Guarding Your Gums? -
Dr. Weil, 6/16/03 -
"Periodontal disease is a chronic gum infection
caused by bacteria in plaque ...
Coenzyme Q10: Take 120 mg per day of a soft-gel
form with meals ... young women who get less than 800 mg of
calcium a day have double the risk of periodontal disease" - See
coenzyme Q10 products.
Microwave Zaps Denture Germs - WebMD, 6/11/03
- Borage Oil Reduces Periodontal
Inflammation - New Hope Natural Media, 5/29/03
Green Tea Boosts Antimicrobial Properties Of Toothpaste
- Intelihealth, 5/21/03 -
"green tea extracts
(GTE) and polyphenol (PP) have an adverse effect on bacteria that cause
strep throat, dental caries, and other infections"
What supplements for periodontal disease?
- Dr. Janson's Newsletter, 12/02
Oral Health - Nutrition Science News, 12/99
- Calcium,
Vitamin D Help You Hold on to Those Pearly Whites
- WebMD, 10/29/01 -
"examined 145 healthy men and women aged 65 and
older who had taken either
calcium plus
vitamin D supplements or placebo ... The calcium was given at a dose of
500 mg and vitamin D at 700 IU daily ... 27% of the placebo group, but only
13% of the supplement group, lost one or more teeth during the three-year
study ... Once the study was finished, the researchers continued to count
teeth for a couple of more years. Again, they found that those taking in at
least 1,000 mg of calcium each day were able to hold on to more teeth"
Keep That Smile! Calcium and Vitamin D Prevent Tooth Loss - WebMD,
- Low Dietary Calcium, Low
Vitamin C Linked To Increased Risk Of Gum Disease
- Doctor's Guide, 6/29/98
- Link Between Heart Attack
Risk and Gum Disease May Be Folic Acid
- Doctor's Guide, 6/10/97
Other News:
Are Mercury Dental Fillings Safe? - U.S. News, 1/20/10
health and risk for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: the Carolina Head
and Neck Cancer Study - Cancer Causes Control. 2010 Jan 5 -
"squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck (SCCHN)
... Routine dental visits were associated with 30% risk reduction (OR: 0.68,
95% CI: 0.53, 0.87). CONCLUSIONS: These data provide support for a possible
modest association of periodontal disease, as measured by self-reported
tooth loss indicators, but not tooth loss per se, with SCCHN risk" -
Interesting because I survived neck cancer with about a 1 in 10 chance of
survival (it will be 5 years next month,
click here). I've been getting my teeth cleaned every three months for
about twelve years.
than 90 percent of people with gum disease are at risk for diabetes, study
finds - Science Daily, 12/15/09 - "An
overwhelming majority of people who have periodontal (gum) disease are also
at high risk for diabetes and should be screened for diabetes ... 93 percent
of subjects who had periodontal disease, compared to 63 percent of those
without the disease, were considered to be at high risk for diabetes and
should be screened for diabetes"
Older dental fillings contain form of mercury unlikely to be toxic, study
finds - Science Daily, 12/9/09
Ma, No Mercury In Fillings! - Science Daily, 11/26/09
Gum Disease Raises Arthritis Risk - WebMD, 10/20/09
periodontitis and the incidence of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
- Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2009 Sep;18(9):2406-12 -
"Patients with periodontitis were more likely to
have poorly differentiated oral cavity SCC than those without periodontitis
(32.8% versus 11.5%"
Prevent Periodontitis To Reduce The Risk Of Head And Neck Cancer -
Science Daily, 9/8/09 - "Chronic periodontitis, a
form of gum disease, is an independent risk factor for head and neck
squamous cell carcinoma"
Wide And Say 'Zap': New Way To Clinically Assess Condition Of Tooth Enamel
Using Lasers - Science Daily, 8/22/09
Flying By The Skin Of Our Teeth - Science Daily,8/19/09
FDA: Mercury Fillings Not Harmful - WebMD, 7/28/09
Tooth Gel: Healing Power Of Aloe Vera Proves Beneficial For Teeth And Gums,
Too - Science Daily, 7/17/09
Between Oral Infections And Cardiovascular Disease Morbidity Explained -
Science Daily, 7/9/09 - "A recent study that will be
cited during the presentation explored the existence of bacteria known to
cause periodontitis and the growth of blood vessel walls, which is a symptom
of CVD. After examining the subjects used, the investigators found a
positive connection between the growth of blood vessel walls and the
existence of bacteria found in dental plaque, causing periodontitis"
Treatment For Receding Gums: No Pain, Lots Of Gain - Science Daily,
Orange Juice Worse For Teeth Than Whitening Agents - Science Daily,
6/30/09 - "the effects of 6 percent hydrogen
peroxide, the common ingredient in professional and over-the-counter
whitening products, are insignificant compared to acidic fruit juices.
Orange juice markedly decreased hardness and increased roughness of tooth
Treating Gum Disease May Help Rheumatoid Arthritis - WebMD, 6/12/09 -
"It was exciting to find that if we eliminated the
infection and inflammation in the gums, then patients with a severe kind of
active rheumatoid arthritis reported improvement on the signs and symptoms
of that disease"
Placement Of Dental Implants Results In Minimal Bone Loss - Science
Daily, 5/12/09
Evidence Of Periodontal Disease Leading To Gestational Diabetes -
Science Daily, 4/4/09 - "Gestational diabetes is
characterized by an inability to transport glucose -- the main source of
fuel for the body -- to the cells during pregnancy. The condition usually
disappears when the pregnancy ends, but women who have had gestational
diabetes are at a greater risk of developing the most common form of
diabetes, known as Type 2 diabetes, later in life ... In addition to its
potential role in preterm delivery, evidence that gum disease may also
contribute to gestational diabetes suggests that women should see a dentist
if they plan to get pregnant, and after becoming pregnant"
Oral Health Is Connected To Your Overall Health - Science Daily, 4/4/09
- "While treatment of mothers with mild periodontal
disease usually does not have an effect on infant prematurity, the greatest
effect has been reported by scientists to be observed in mothers with
generalized severe periodontal disease"
Obesity Associated With Periodontal Disease - Science Daily, 4/4/09 -
"The team observed significant associations between
all measures of obesity and periodontal disease when accounting for age,
smoking, race, dental profession, physical activity, fruit and vegetable
intake, and diabetes status at baseline. Obesity (BMI > 30 kg/m2) at the
beginning of follow-up and over follow-up was significantly associated with
a 25% and 29% increased risk compared with normal weight (BMI 18.5-24.9
kg/m2), respectively ... These results provide the first evidence following
a large group of people over time with clear evidence of obesity occurring
prior to periodontal disease, and support an association between obesity and
risk of periodontal disease"
More Oral Bacteria, The Higher The Risk Of Heart Attack, Study Shows -
Science Daily, 4/1/09 - "two oral pathogens in the
mouth were associated with an increased risk of having a heart attack, but
that the total number of germs, regardless of type, was more important to
heart health"
Tooth Cavity Protection: Make Surface Too Slippery For Bacteria To Adhere
- Science Daily, 12/20/08
Inflamed Gums Linked To Heart Disease - Science Daily, 12/20/08 -
"a protein associated with inflammation (called CRP)
is elevated in people who are at risk for heart disease. But where's the
inflammation coming from? ... infected gums may be one place ... something
as simple as taking good care of your teeth and gums can greatly reduce your
risk of developing serious diseases"
Root Canal or Dental Implant? - WebMD, 11/19/08
Periodontal Disease May Independently Predict New-Onset Diabetes -
Doctor's Guide, 8/7/08 - "Individuals with elevated
levels of periodontal disease were nearly twice as likely to become diabetic
in that 20-year timeframe"
Effective Dental Braces Are Least Attractive - Science Daily, 7/9/08
Warning issued for silver dental fillings - USATODAY.com, 6/12/08
Gum Disease May Make Diabetes Worse - WebMD, 6/6/08 -
"The suggestion from the study is that treating gum
disease could actually slow down the progression to diabetes in those at
high risk of developing the disease"
Mercury dental fillings may
harm some - MSNBC, 6/4/08
Gum Disease May Raise Cancer Risk - WebMD, 5/27/08 -
"Compared to men with healthy gums, men with a
history of gum disease were: ... 14% more likely to develop cancer overall
... 49% more likely to develop kidney cancer ... 54% more likely to develop
pancreatic cancer ... 30% more likely to develop blood cancers"
New Drug Reverses Dentists' Anesthesia - WebMD, 5/12/08
Bonelike Coating For Dental Implants Makes Everyone Smile - Science
Daily, 4/4/08
Periodontal Disease Can Lead To Gestational Diabetes, Study Shows -
Science Daily, 3/24/08 - "Inflammation associated
with periodontal disease is believed to play a role in the onset of
gestational diabetes, perhaps by interfering with the normal functioning of
insulin, the hormone that regulates glucose metabolism"
And How Often You Consume Acidic Foods Or Beverages Affects Dental Health
- Science Daily, 2/5/08
Periodontal Disease Is Associated With Chronic Kidney Disease -
Medscape, 1/30/08 - "subjects with periodontal
disease and those who were
edentulous were nearly twice as likely to have CKD (adjusted odds
ratios, 1.60 and 1.85, respectively)"
Dental Tooth Fillings Containing Mercury Don't Affect Children's Brain
Development, Study Suggests - Science Daily, 1/25/08
Healthy Smile May Promote A Healthy Heart - Science Daily, 1/8/08 -
"individuals with periodontal disease whose
biomarkers showed increased bacterial exposure were more likely to develop
coronary heart disease or atherogenesis (plaque formation in the arteries)"
Success With Directly Loaded Implants In The Mouth - Science Daily,
Treating Your Periodontal Pockets May Benefit Your Pocket Book - Science
Daily, 11/28/07 - "prevention of periodontal
diseases may lead to savings on not only dental costs, but also medical care
costs. Periodontal, or gum diseases have been linked to systemic health
conditions including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory
problems ... cumulative health care costs were 21% higher for those patients
with severe periodontal disease than those with no periodontal disease"
Smoking Can Harm The Long-term Effects Of Some Oral Plastic Surgery
Procedures - Science Daily, 9/18/07
Chronic Gum Disease Associated With Tongue Cancer - Science Daily,
Treat Gum Disease, Help Heart? - WebMD, 2/28/07 -
"One group got standard gum disease treatment --
having a dentist scrape and polish their teeth ... The other group got more
aggressive treatment, including a shot of anesthesia to let dentists remove
plaque below the gum line and extract teeth, if necessary ... two months
later, the intensive treatment group had better endothelial function than
the standard treatment group. That advantage was still seen at the end of
the six-month study"
Gum Disease Ups Pancreatic Cancer Risk - WebMD, 1/16/07 -
"subjects who reported gum disease were 64% more
likely to have pancreatic cancer ... Michaud and colleagues suggest that
long-standing gum infections trigger a body-wide immune response:
inflammation. Inflamed tissues give off chemical signals that promote tumor
Periodontal Therapy Helps Patients With Type 2 Diabetes - Doctor's
Guide, 10/31/06
Tooth Whiteners Work, at Least Briefly - WebMD, 10/17/06
New Study Finds a Positive Association Between Periodontal Disease and
Coronary Heart Disease - Doctor's Guide, 9/27/06 -
"A number of pathways are suspected to be involved,"
said Geismar. "One way is that periodontal bacteria directly invade the
arterial wall and another way is that bacterial products from the
periodontal pocket exert a systemic effect on atherosclerosis development
based on the immune system."
Safety of Dental Fillings Questioned - WebMD, 9/7/06
Study Supports Findings That Periodontal Bacteria May Be Linked to Heart
- Doctor's Guide, 7/21/06 - "acute coronary syndrome
(ACS) ... Seventy-seven percent of the participants in the ACS group and 42
percent in the control group demonstrated evidence of periodontitis"
No Harm Found in
Amalgam Fillings - WebMD, 4/18/06
Periodontitis Associated With Pregnancy Complications - Doctor's Guide,
Treating Gum Disease May Reduce The Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease -
Science Daily, 1/6/06 -
"inflammation in the mouth has a measurable effect
in the bloodstream, and therefore the rest of the body"
Tooth Loss and Heart Disease Linked, Even Among Nonsmokers - Doctor's
Guide, 12/20/05 - "Heart disease was present in 4.7%
of those without tooth loss, 5.7% of those with 1 to 5 missing teeth, 7.5%
of those with 6 to 31 missing teeth, and 8.5% of those with total tooth
Common Antibiotic May Affect Tooth Enamel - WebMD, 10/3/05
Dangers of Teeth Whitening Obsession - ABC News, 7/30/05 -
"When people abuse teeth whitening products, the
results aren't pretty ... The edges of your teeth will become
bluish-translucent in color, and that is irreversible ... Your teeth can
become very sensitive. You can harm the gum tissue and burn it away"
Drinks Can Permanently Damage Teeth - CBS2 Chicago, 6/9/05
Dental Erosion -- Consume Pickles, Lemons And Soft Drinks In Moderation
- Science Daily, 5/29/05
Wisdom Teeth Removal Often Unnecessary - WebMD, 5/5/05
Dental Implants Build Bone, Speed Healing - CBS 2 Chicago, 4/26/05
Electric Toothbrushes May Be Better At Fighting Plaque, Gum Disease -
Science Daily, 4/20/05 -
"Over the short term of one to three months, the
rotating brushes reduced plaque by 11 percent over manual toothbrushes and
reduced the signs of gingivitis, or gum inflammation, by 6 percent over the
regular brushes ... The powered brushes reduced gingivitis by 17 percent
over the manual brushes after more than three months’ use"
Oral Bacteria Found In Arterial Plaque - Science Daily, 3/31/05 -
"Gum disease has been linked to hardening of the
arteries ... This report certainly provides a smoking gun that live bacteria
have become seeded from the oral cavity to become inhabitants of the vessel
wall ... The exciting implications focus on the known ability of these
bacteria to destroy connective tissue in the mouth, suggesting that when
infecting the vessel wall they may contribute to the instability of the
atherosclerotic plaque — leading to acute events such as heart attack or
Columbia Study Suggests Brushing Your Teeth May Reduce Risk Of Stroke And
Heart Attack - Science Daily, 2/17/05 -
"people with gum disease are more likely to suffer
from atherosclerosis – a narrowing of blood vessels that can lead to stroke
or heart attack ... one possible explanation for the link is that the
bacteria that cause the gum disease may migrate throughout the body via the
bloodstream and stimulate the immune system, causing inflammation that
results in the clogging of arteries"
- Which Drinks
Damage Your Teeth the Most? - WebMD, 2/16/05 -
"noncola soft drinks, energy/sports drinks, and commercial lemonade "showed
the most aggressive dissolution effect on dental enamel,""
- Listerine no replacement for
flossing? - MSNBC, 1/7/05
Little Evidence To Link Mercury Fillings To Human Health Problems
- Science Daily, 12/20/04
Possible Link Between Oral and Overall Health in Diabetics
- Doctor's Guide, 12/13/04
- Mercury Fillings:
They're Not Risky - WebMD, 12/9/04
- Dental Plaque May
Harbor Pathogens for Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia
- Medscape, 11/11/04
Further Evidence Reveals The Association Between Periodontal Disease And
Coronary Artery Disease - Science Daily, 10/27/04 -
"One reason is that periodontal pathogens could enter the bloodstream,
invade the blood vessel walls and ultimately cause atherosclerosis ...
Another hypothesis is based on several studies that have shown that
periodontal infections can be correlated with increased plasma levels of
inflammation such as fibrinogen (this creates blood clots), C-reactive
protein, or several cytokines"
- Can Tooth
Whiteners Cause Oral Cancer? - WebMD, 8/7/04 -
"the active ingredient in these popular whiteners -- available at a
dentist's office or in over-the-counter kits -- may be the reason why two
patients with no other identifiable risk factors developed advanced tongue
cancer while in their 20s ... Free Radical Damage Suspected"
Repeated Treatment Of Gum Disease Reduces Levels Of Inflammatory Factors
Known To Increase Heart Disease Risk - Science Daily, 4/8/04 -
"in people who had elevated levels of CRP at
baseline, removal of dental plaque bacteria by scaling or scaling combined
with topical antibiotics produced a statistically significant reduction,
bringing CRP levels close to the low-risk level. Both treatments also
significantly reduced levels of fibrinogen in patients with elevated
fibrinogen levels"
- Tooth-Whitening
Strips and Trays Face Off - WebMD, 3/18/04
- Eating
Breakfast May Prevent Cavities - WebMD, 1/16/04
- Angry, Lonely
Men Prone to Gum Disease - WebMD, 12/22/03
- Oral Piercing
Causes Long-Term Dental Damage - WebMD, 7/21/03
- Painless Root
Canal Quicker, Cheaper - WebMD, 7/18/03
- Obesity Leads
to Gum Disease - WebMD, 6/2/03
Dental Erosions Due to Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Often Undiagnosed
- Doctor's Guide, 5/22/03
- Secondhand
Smoke Leads to More Cavities - WebMD, 3/11/03
Sink Your Teeth Into Denture Alternative - TheSanDiegoChannel.com,
- Dental Problems
From Depression Drugs - WebMD, 2/4/03
Dental Health Associated With Nutritional Status In Older Adults
- Doctor's Guide, 1/20/03 -
"individuals with no posterior occluding pairs, one
to four pairs or complete dentures had consistently lower scores on the
[Healthy Eating Index] HEI than individuals with five to eight posterior
occluding pairs of teeth ... Those with impaired dentition also ate fewer
servings of fruit and had lower serum values of beta carotene and ascorbic
acid ... Dietary intake levels of vitamin A, carotene, folic acid and
vitamin C were poorer in individuals with impaired dentition, as were HEI
scores for diet variety, cholesterol and sodium"
- Tooth Loss
Linked to Stroke Risk - WebMD, 12/12/02 - "tooth
loss may increase the risk of stroke by
as much as 74% compared with those who have a healthy mouthful of teeth ...
The findings add more evidence to support the growing link between gum
(periodontal) disease, which is caused by bacterial infections, and the risk
of stroke and heart disease" - Possible solution?:
Low-dose Periostat (Doxycycline) Shows Benefits in Patients with Heart
Failure - Doctor's Guide, 11/20/02 -
"At six-month follow-up, sub-antimicrobial dose
doxycyline significantly reduced CRP
levels by 45.8 percent compared to baseline values (p<0.05). The drug
was also associated with a 33.5 percent reduction in interleukin-6 and a
50 percent reduction in metalloproteinase ... The findings are exciting,
since research is now showing that CRP is both a key marker of
inflammation leading to future acute coronary events, but also that CRP
itself may contribute to the initiation and progression of
Periodontitis in Estrogen-Deficient Women - Archives of Internal
Medicine, 12/9/02 -
"The influence of
estrogen deficiency directly on alveolar
bone seems likely to only partially explain the association between the lack
of estrogen and tooth loss. Many studies suggest a beneficial influence of
estrogen directly on gingival and periodontal tissues even though this
concept is not mentioned in recent reviews of risk factors for periodontal
disease ... We continue to see nonsmoking women without diabetes mellitus in
their 50s and 60s whose periodontal disease is strikingly improved within a
few months following the onset of systemic estrogen therapy without other
Periodontal Diseases Increase C-Reactive Protein In Haemodialysis Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 11/7/02
Risk of Preterm Low Birth Weight in Women With Periodontal Disease Reduced
By Periodontal Therapy - Doctor's Guide, 9/2/02
Delayed Maxillary Implants Best for Buccal Dehiscence Defects
- Doctor's Guide, 8/20/02
Subantimicrobial Dose Doxycycline Reduces Deep Pockets In Severe
Periodontitis - Doctor's Guide, 8/8/02
Amniotic Fluid Infection May Be Linked To Dental Plaque
- Doctor's Guide, 6/5/02
Periapical Status Of Tooth And Survival Of Tooth After Root Filling
- Doctor's Guide, 6/4/02
Periodontitis Link to Autoreactive B Cells - Doctor's Guide, 5/17/02
Study of Heart Transplant Patients Further Demonstrates Periodontitis May Be
A Risk Factor For Heart Disease - Doctor's Guide, 5/8/02 -
"This study adds one more piece of significant evidence that, along with
high cholesterol and blood pressure, periodontal disease should be seen as a
risk factor for
cardiovascular disease ... It is now common practice for dentists to
prescribe antibiotics prior to oral surgery or even advanced cleaning
techniques for patients with particular heart health profiles. Among the
newer methods for administering antibiotics is the product Arestin(TM),
which uses patented microsphere technology to deliver the antibiotic
minocycline beneath the gum, directly into the infected periodontal pocket,
after deep cleaning of the teeth and gums with a common method of treatment
known as scaling and root planing" - see
Potentially Dangerous Oral Spots and Sores Need More Attention
- Doctor's Guide, 3/28/02
Good Denture Design Assists Tooth Health - Doctor's Guide, 3/14/02
Strong Link Found Between Mother's Gum Disease and Premature Birth, Low
Birth Weight - Doctor's Guide, 3/7/02
Vioxx (Rofecoxib) Relieves Acute Pain from Dental Surgery Better than
Oxycodone/Acetaminophen Combination - Doctor's Guide, 3/4/02
Old Toothbrushes Not Up To Job - Intelihealth, 2/12/02
One-Third Skip Annual Dental Visit - Intelihealth, 1/29/02
Goodbye, Dentures: Implants Are Gaining Favor - Intelihealth, 9/11/01
- New Material
Enhances Fillings, Rebuilds Teeth - WebMD, 8/27/01
- Too Much Soda
Taking Its Toll on Kids' Teeth - WebMD, 7/12/01
- Incidence of Periodontal
Disease High In People With Rheumatoid Arthritis - Doctor's Guide,
- Is Mercury in
Fillings Really a Problem?, Dentists Split on Controversial Issue
- WebMD, 5/29/01
Passive Smoke Linked to Cavities in Children, Tooth Decay Nearly Doubles in
Smoking Homes - WebMD, 5/1/01 -
"the rate of cavities in children was nearly double
in smoking households, even after considering a number of variables
including sex, race, dental visits, family income, and nutrition status"
Brush Your Teeth -- It Prevents More Than Cavities, Oral Health Strongly
Impacts Overall Health - WebMD, 4/19/01 -
"having bad teeth and gums contributes to high
cholesterol, which is linked to a host of other illnesses, including heart
disease. Poor oral health also may place you at increased risk for
developing diabetes"
Chronic Periodontal Disease May Be Risk Factor For Diabetes - Doctor's
Guide, 4/20/01 - "While it has been established that
people with diabetes are more prone to developing periodontal disease, new
research is suggesting that periodontal disease may, in turn, be a risk
factor for diabetes ... Periodontal disease can cause bacteria to enter the
bloodstream and activate immune cells. These activated cells produce
inflammatory biological signals (cytokines) that have a destructive effect
throughout the entire body"
Tattletale Toothpaste, Toothbrush May Help Keep Cavities in Check -
WebMD, 3/26/01
- FDA Approves Arestin
(Minocycline) For Adult Periodontitis - Doctor's Guide, 2/19/01
Technology makes possible a designer smile - CNN, 2/19/01
- Link May Exist Between
Passive Smoking And Periodontal Disease, Researchers Say - Doctor's
Guide, 2/15/98
Straight Talk on Invisible Braces, They Work -- But For a Price - WebMD,
New Research Finds Link Between Gum Disease, Acute Heart Attacks -
Doctor's Guide, 11/13/00
Bad Gums, Bad Heart Link Questioned - Intelihealth, 9/20/00
- FDA Approves Atrisorb
Tissue Regeneration Barrier With Doxycycline - Doctor's Guide, 9/14/00
Too Few Heart Patients Take Antibiotics Before Dental Work - WebMD,
- Women With Periodontal
Disease More Likely to Delivery Premature Babies
- Doctor's Guide, 5/8/00
- Atridox Periodontal
Disease Treatment Approved In Europe - Doctor's Guide, 1/4/00
- Hormone Replacement May
Slow Progression Of Periodontal Disease - Doctor's Guide, 8/30/99
What Do You Think Of These New Teeth Whitening Methods?
- Dr. Dean, 8/20/99
- Atridox Effective For
Chronic Adult Periodontitis - Doctor's Guide, 6/16/99
- Periodontal Disease May
Increase Risk Of Stroke - Doctor's Guide, 4/21/99
Trip to the dentist becoming less painful - CNN, 11/30/98
- Atridox Therapy Now
Available In U.S. For Periodontal Disease - Doctor's Guide, 12/12/98
- First Capsule For Adult
Periodontitis, Periostat, Available in U.S. - Doctor's Guide, 11/18/98
- PerioChip Now Available In
The U.S. For Periodontitis Treatment - Doctor's Guide, 9/16/98
- FDA Approves Atridox
Periodontal Disease Treatment - Doctor's Guide, 9/8/98
- Study Of Bacteria Further
Supports Possible Link Between Gum And Heart Disease - Doctor's Guide,
- Osteoporosis And Oral
Health Closely Linked, Study Shows - Doctor's Guide, 2/16/98
- Medications Have Unintended
Positive and Negative Side Effects on Gums - Doctor's Guide, 10/3/97
- Gum Grafting Provides New
Smile Options - Doctor's Guide, 10/3/97
- Is a Trip to the Dentist
Necessary for Moms-To-Be? - Doctor's Guide, 10/3/97
- Scientists Link Gum Health
And Heart Disease In Humans - Doctor's Guide, 6/18/97
- New Product Launched to
Repair Diseased Gums - Doctor's Guide, 4/16/97
No pathinfo