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Natural aphrodisiacs: 'Spicing' up your love life possible, finds study of
ginseng and saffron - Science Daily, 3/28/11 -
"Ours is the most thorough scientific review to date. Nothing has been done
on this level of detail before now ... They found that panax ginseng,
saffron and yohimbine, a natural chemical from yohimbe trees in West Africa,
improved human sexual function ... People report increased sexual desire
after eating muira puama"
- Natural Remedy for
Erectile Dysfunction - New Hope Natural Media, 9/5/02 -
"received three separate treatments for two weeks
each, in random order: (1) 3.25 grams of
arginine plus 6 mg of yohimbine, (2) yohimbine
alone and (3) placebo ... Combination treatment was considered successful by
40% of the participants, compared with 28.9% with yohimbine alone and 17.8%
with placebo ... Arginine is available in health food stores without a
prescription, but yohimbine can be obtained only with a doctor's
prescription. Although the herb yohimbe is sold in health food stores, it
contains much less yohimbine than the amount used in the new study" -
l-arginine at Amazon.com
Yohimbine Plus L-Arginine Potential Therapy For Mild To Moderate Erectile
Dysfunction - Doctor's Guide, 7/31/02 -
"randomly assigned 45 men with
erectile dysfunction to treatment with 6 mg of
L-arginine glutamate combined with 6 mg of yohimbine hydrochloride, to 6
mg of yohimbine hydrochloride alone, or to placebo ... They took the drugs
orally one to two hours before intended sexual intercourse ... Changes in
this score [Index of Erectile Function (IIEF)] were significantly greater
among patients taking yohimbine plus L-arginine compared to those taking
placebo" - Note: That "6 mg of L-arginine glutamate" has to be a
misprint. It probably should have been 6 grams as in a
U. of Texas study on
postmenopausal women.
- Be All
That You Can Be - Life Enhancement Magazine, 7/99 -
"Yohimbe works through alpha-adrenergic blocking,
which prevents the emptying of blood from the penis, thus helping erections.
However, we haven't seen any controlled scientific studies supporting its
effects on libido"
- Prosexual
Enhancement - Life Enhancement Magazine, 3/97 -
"In addition to promoting erection, yohimbine's
blockade of alpha-2 adrenergic receptors is probably the central means by
which this compound stimulates sex drive."
- Yohimbe
Problems Rising - WebMD -
"yohimbine engorges blood vessels in the genitals of
both men and women. It also raises blood levels of the neurotransmitter
norepinephrine, which stimulates areas controlling sexual response in the
brain ... researchers from the University of Exeter Medical School in
England surveyed the available clinical trials and concluded that yohimbine
should be considered as part of the first line of treatment for erectile
dysfunction. The possible benefits, they found, outweigh the risks ...
Published studies found few serious problems. But as yohimbine has become
more popular in both prescription and over-the-counter forms, doctors are
reporting cases of headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, increased urinary
output, elevated blood pressure, increased heart rate, irritability,
anxiety, psychosis, spontaneous abortion in women, kidney damage, and even
death. The German Commission E, the German government’s group of herbal
experts, warns that men with liver and kidney problems should not take it"