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Multiple Sclerosis
Medications (that I have a separate web page on):
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Alternative News:
Half an Hour of Daily Sun
Exposure Cuts - Medscape, 12/14/21 - "participants
who spent an average of 30 minutes to 1 hour outside daily during the previous
summer had a 52% lower chance of developing MS compared with those who spent
less than 30 minutes outdoors daily. Additionally, those who spent 1-2 hours
outdoors daily had an 81% lower risk for MS ... Particularly, low sun exposure,
low ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure, and low vitamin D status are
environmental risk factors for adult-onset MS, with increased risk associated
with "insufficient sun exposure in childhood" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com.
Melatonin Improves Sleep
in MS - Medscape, 10/15/21 - "The study was a
double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study. Participants had a Pittsburgh
Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) score of 5 or more, or an Insomnia Severity Index
(ISI) score higher than 14 at baseline. Other baseline assessments included
patient-reported outcomes for sleep disturbances, sleep quality, daytime
sleepiness, fatigue, walking ability, and mood. Half of the participants
received melatonin for the first 2 weeks and then switched to placebo. The other
half started with placebo and moved over to melatonin at the beginning of week 3
... During the second and fourth weeks, participants wore an actigraph watch to
measure their physical and sleep activities, and then repeated the
patient-reported outcome measures at the end of weeks 2 and 4. Melatonin
improved average sleep time (6.96 vs. 6.67 hours; P = .03) as measured by the
actigraph watch. Sleep efficiency was also nominally improved (84.7% vs. 83.2%),
though the result was not statistically significant (P = .07). Other trends
toward statistical significance included improvements in ISI (–3.5 vs. –2.4; P =
.07), change in PSQI component 1 (–0.03 vs. 0.0; P = .07), and change in the
NeuroQoL-Fatigue score (–4.7 vs. –2.4; P = .06)" - See
melatonin at Amazon.com and
Effect of probiotics
supplementation on disease progression, depression, general health, and
anthropometric measurements in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients:
A systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials - Int J Clin Pract
2021 Aug 11;e14724 - "Probiotics may have a promising
role in chronic autoinflammatory diseases. The current systematic review and
meta-analysis investigated the effects of probiotics on disease progression,
depression, general health, and anthropometric measurements in
Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS) patients ... Our findings revealed
that probiotics supplementation can improve disease progression, suppress
depression, and general health in MS patients" - See See
probiotic supplements at Amazon.com
Vitamin D Deficiency
Linked to Early Cognitive Impairment in MS - Medscape, 3/1/21 -
"those with cognitive impairment were significantly more
likely to have severe hypovitaminosis D compared with those with sufficient
vitamin D levels, none of whom showed cognitive impairment ... Vitamin D was
already linked to cognitive function in other neurodegenerative diseases,
[including] Alzheimer's disease, but more importantly, also in other autoimmune
diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus ... The study adds to recent
research showing longer-term effects of vitamin D deficiency and cognitive
impairment in MS" - See vitamin D at Amazon.com.
acid may help combat multiple sclerosis, study finds - Science Daily,
1/18/21 - "Fat tissue in patients diagnosed with MS
lack normal levels of oleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid found at high
levels in, for instance, cooking oils, meats (beef, chicken, and pork), cheese,
nuts, sunflower seeds, eggs, pasta, milk, olives, and avocados, according to the
study ... This lack of oleic acids leads to a loss of the metabolic sensors that
activate T cells, that mediate the immune system's response to infectious
disease, the Yale team found. Without the suppressing effects of these
regulatory T cells, the immune system can attack healthy central nervous system
cells and cause the vision loss, pain, lack of coordination and other
debilitating symptoms of MS ... When researchers introduced oleic acids into the
fatty tissue of MS patients in laboratory experiments, levels of regulatory T
cells increased ... obesity triggers unhealthy levels of inflammation and is a
known risk factor for MS, an observation that led him to study the role of diet
in MS" - Note: oleic acid is omega-9, like in olive and avocado oils.
Effects of Long-Term
Administration of Multi-Strain Probiotic on Circulating Levels of BDNF, NGF,
IL-6 and Mental Health in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis: A Randomized,
Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial - Nutr Neurosci 2020 Jun 5;1-12 -
"Patients were randomized into intervention and control
groups to receive 2 multi-strain probiotic capsules or placebo, daily for six
months ... From baseline to 6 months, probiotic supplementation resulted in a
significant increase in BDNF and a significant reduction in the IL-6 levels (P <
0.001). Our findings revealed that probiotic supplementation compared to placebo
caused a significant improvement in the general health questionnaire-28 (GHQ-28)
(-5.31 ± 4.62 vs. -1.81 ± 4.23; P = 0.002), Beck Depression Inventory-II
(BDI-II) (-4.81 ± 0.79 vs. -1.90 ± 0.96; P = 0.001), Fatigue Severity Scale
(FSS) (-3.81 ± 6.56 vs. 0.24 ± 5.44; P = 0.007) and Pain Rating Index (PRI) ...
Overall, six months of probiotic supplementation resulted in greater improvement
in mental health parameters" - See
probiotic supplements at Amazon.com
Effect of omega-3 fatty
acids and fish oil supplementation on multiple sclerosis: a systematic review
- Nutr Neurosci. 2019 Aug 28:1-11 - "These studies
showed the beneficial roles of fish oil supplementation and omega-3 fatty acids
in improving the quality of life of MS patients. These roles were attributed to
their beneficial effects on inflammatory markers, glutathione reductase,
reducing the relapsing rate, and achieving balanced omega-6 to omega-3 ratios.
Conclusion: Omega-3 and fish oils supplementations have beneficial effects on
reducing the relapsing rate, inflammatory markers, and improving the quality of
life for MS patients" - See
omega-3 supplements at Amazon.com
lends hand to repair cells damaged in multiple sclerosis - Science Daily,
12/8/17 - "taurine helps spark a process called
remyelination, which is crucial to repairing the nerve cells damaged in multiple
sclerosis" - See
taurine at Amazon.com
OTC Supplement May Reduce
Brain Atrophy in SPMS - Medscape, 9/25/16 - "The
small, 51-patient pilot trial showed that those randomly assigned to 1200 mg of
lipoic acid daily had a significantly lower annualized rate of whole-brain
atrophy at 96 weeks, as measured by MRI, than the participants who were assigned
to matching placebo ... At 96 weeks, the group receiving placebo had a
whole-brain atrophy rate of 0.65% per year, "which is comparable to rates in
other progressive MS natural history cohorts," ... On the other hand, use of
lipoic acid resulted in a significantly lower annualized atrophy rate of 0.22%,
which represented a 66% reduction vs placebo" - See
alpha lipoic acid products at Amazon.com
alpha lipoic acid at iHerb.
treatment helps recovery of motor functions after brain injury - Science
Daily, 8/3/16 - "Brain injuries were created in the area
controlling each monkey's favored hand. Four monkeys received inosine treatment,
while four received a placebo ... While both the treated and placebo groups
recovered significant function, three out of four of the treated monkeys were
able to return to their pre-operative grasping methods. The placebo group
developed a compensatory grasping method for retrieving food rewards unlike the
original thumb-and-finger method ... Inosine has also been administered in human
clinical trials for multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease and has been
proven to be safe in doses up 3000 mg/day. Athletes have used inosine as a
nutritional supplement for decades, and inosine supplements are widely available
commercially" - See
inosine at Amazon.com
Diabetes Drugs Have
Positive Effect in MS - Medscape, 3/22/16 - "After a
mean follow-up of 26.7 months, patients receiving metformin or pioglitazone had
a significant decrease in the number of new or enlarging T2 lesions on brain MRI
compared with the control group and compared with findings on MRIs performed 2
years before ... This decrease was evident even after 6 months of treatment. The
lowest mean number of new or enlarging T2 lesions occurred after 18 months of
treatment (metformin, 0.5; pioglitazone, 0.6) and remained low throughout the
study ... There was no significant difference between the two treatments ...
Although not designed to detect treatment effects, the study did find that
fasting glucose levels, fasting insulin levels, insulin resistance, total
cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, and systolic
blood pressure all declined significantly in both treatment groups after 12
months" - See
metformin at The Antiaging Store.
Could Vitamin D Help Fight Multiple Sclerosis? - WebMD, 12/30/15 -
"His team tested two doses in 40 adults with MS. Over
six months, one group took 10,400 IU of vitamin D a day -- about 17 times the
amount that the U.S. government recommends for healthy adults (600 IU a day);
the other group took 800 IU a day ... In the end, only the high-dose group
showed changes in their immune system activity. The largest effect, Calabresi
said, was a reduction in cells that produce an inflammatory protein called
interleukin-17" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Coenzyme Q10
as a treatment for fatigue and depression in multiple sclerosis patients: A
double blind randomized clinical trial - Nutr Neurosci. 2015 Jan 20 -
"Our study suggests that CoQ10 supplementation (500
mg/day) can improve fatigue and depression in patients with multiple
sclerosis" - See
ubiquinol products at Amazon.com
of cannabis on cognition in patients with MS: A psychometric and MRI study
- Neurology. 2014 Apr 30 - "Patients with MS who
smoke cannabis are more cognitively impaired than nonusers. Cannabis further
compromises cerebral compensatory mechanisms, already faulty in MS"
Q10 supplementation ameliorates inflammatory markers in patients with
multiple sclerosis: a double blind, placebo, controlled randomized clinical
trial - Nutr Neurosci. 2014 Jan 10 - "Subjects
in the CoQ10 group had significantly lower IL-6 levels (P = 0.037), compared
to the placebo group. CoQ10 supplementation also resulted in decreased serum
levels of MMP-9 as compared to the placebo group (P = 0.011). However, CoQ10
supplementation did not alter the IL-4 and TGF-β levels (P = 0.16 and P =
0.81, respectively). Discussion CoQ10 supplementation at a dosage of 500 mg
appears to decrease the inflammatory markers (TNF-α, IL-6, and MMP-9) in
patients with MS" - See
ubiquinol products at Amazon.com
Vitamin D May Slow Multiple Sclerosis, Study Suggests - WebMD, 1/20/14 -
"For the study, researchers measured vitamin D
levels in 465 patients with signs of MS who took part in a trial designed to
study interferon beta-1b treatment. For the next five years, patients
underwent MRI scans so the researchers could track brain lesions associated
with the disease ... During the first year of follow-up, increases of 50
nmol/L of vitamin D were associated with a 57 percent lower risk of
developing new brain lesions ... In addition, patients had a 57 percent
lower risk of relapse ... They also had a 25 percent lower yearly increase
in T2 lesion size (these hallmarks of MS appear as bright spots on an MRI)
and a 0.41 percent lower yearly loss in brain size over the course of the
study" - [Science
Daily] - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Antioxidant drug knocks down multiple sclerosis-like disease in mice -
Science Daily, 12/26/13 - "The antioxidant -- called
MitoQ -- has shown some promise in fighting neurodegenerative diseases. But
this is the first time it has been shown to significantly reverse an MS-like
disease in an animal ... the researchers induced mice to contract a disease
called experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, or EAE, which is very
similar to MS in humans ... After 14 days, the EAE mice that had been
treated with the MitoQ exhibited reduced inflammatory markers and increased
neuronal activity in the spinal cord -- an affected brain region in MS --
that showed their EAE symptoms were being improved by the treatment. The
mice also showed reduced loss of axons, or nerve fibers and reduced
neurological disabilities associated with the EAE. The mice that had been
pre-treated with the MitoQ showed the least problems. The mice that had been
treated with MitoQ after EAE also showed many fewer problems than mice who
were just induced to get the EAE and then given no treatment"
- MitoQ - Wikipedia -
"The active antioxidant component of MitoQ is
ubiquinone, which is identical to the active antioxidant in Coenzyme
Q10" - See
ubiquinol products at Amazon.com
D as a protective factor in multiple sclerosis - Neurology. 2012 Nov
20;79(21):2140-5 - "2 population-based biobanks with
291,500 samples from 164,000 persons collected since 1975 in the northern
half of Sweden were used ... This study supports the presence of an
association between high 25(OH)D levels during the years preceding disease
onset and a decreased risk of MS. In the very limited material with samples
drawn in early pregnancy, where month-of-birth effects were controlled for,
we found no association between gestational 25(OH)D levels and MS risk in
the offspring. Decreasing 25(OH)D levels in the population may contribute to
explain the increasing MS incidence that is suggested from epidemiologic
studies" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Vitamin D levels in pregnancy may protect mother more than baby against
multiple sclerosis - Science Daily, 11/19/12 -
"scientists reviewed information about 291,500 blood samples from 164,000
people collected since 1975 in the northern half of Sweden ... women who had
high levels of vitamin D in their blood had a 61 percent lower risk of
developing MS, compared to those who had low levels of vitamin D in their
blood ... No association was found between the mother's vitamin D level and
whether her child would later develop MS ... our study suggests the
protective effect may start in later pregnancy and beyond" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Month of birth effect: Give pregnant women vitamin D supplements to ward off
multiple sclerosis, say researchers - Science Daily, 11/14/12 -
"The risk of developing multiple sclerosis (MS) is
highest in the month of April, and lowest in October ... there is now a
strong case for vitamin D supplementation of pregnant women in countries
where ultraviolet light levels are low between October and March ... The
analysis indicated a significant excess risk of 5% among those born in April
compared with what would be expected. Similarly, the risk of MS was 5 to 7%
lower among those born between October and November, the data indicated"
- See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Low vitamin D levels linked to more severe multiple sclerosis symptoms
- Science Daily, 10/2/12 - "For the study, Mowry and
her colleagues used data from a five-year study of 469 people with MS. Each
year, beginning in 2004, researchers drew blood from, and performed MRIs on,
the brains of study participants, looking for both new lesions and active
spots of disease, which lit up when a contrast dye was used. The
investigators found that each 10-nanograms-per-milliliter increase in
vitamin D levels was associated with a 15 percent lower risk of new lesions
and a 32 percent lower risk of spots of active disease, which require
treatment with medication to reduce likelihood of permanent nerve damage.
Higher vitamin D levels were also associated with lower subsequent
disability" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
High-dose vitamin D may not be better than low-dose vitamin D in treating
multiple sclerosis - Science Daily, 10/24/11
Sun exposure, vitamin D may lower risk of multiple sclerosis - Science
Daily, 2/7/11
Blueberries and other purple fruits to ward off Alzheimer's, Multiple
Sclerosis and Parkinson's - Science Daily, 12/7/10 -
"Eating purple fruits such as blueberries and drinking green tea can help
ward off diseases including Alzheimer's, Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's
... the majority of debilitating illnesses are in part caused by
poorly-bound iron which causes the production of dangerous toxins that can
react with the components of living systems ... These toxins, called
hydroxyl radicals, cause degenerative diseases of many kinds in different
parts of the body ... In order to protect the body from these dangerous
varieties of poorly-bound iron, it is vital to take on nutrients, known as
iron chelators, which can bind the iron tightly" - See
blueberry extract at Amazon.com
green tea extract at Amazon.com .
bugs and brains: Gut bacteria affect multiple sclerosis - Science Daily,
7/20/10 - "This study shows for the first time that
specific intestinal bacteria have a significant role in affecting the
nervous system during MS -- and they do so from the gut, an anatomical
location very, very far from the brain ... Perhaps treatments for diseases
such as multiple sclerosis may someday include probiotic bacteria that can
restore normal immune function in the gut… and the brain"
Vitamin D Exposure in Childhood Linked to Age at Onset of MS - Medscape,
6/10/10 - "For those living in low– to medium–solar
radiation areas, the researchers found a significant association between
earlier age at onset of symptoms and sun exposure in the fall/winter season
between the ages of 6 and 15 years (2.3 years average earlier onset; P =
.01). Intake of cod liver oil during childhood produced a 3-year delay in
vitamin D levels are related to MS brain atrophy, cognitive function,
studies show - Science Daily, 4/29/10 - "only
seven percent of persons with secondary-progressive MS showed sufficient
vitamin D, compared to 18.3 percent of patients with the less severe
relapsing-remitting type ... Higher levels of vitamin D3 and vitamin D3
metabolism byproducts (analyzed as a ratio) also were associated with better
scores on disability tests, results showed, and with less brain atrophy and
fewer lesions on MRI scans"
First evidence that chitosan could repair spinal damage - Science Daily,
4/16/10 - "Cho was amazed to see that the spinal
cord was completely dark. None of the dye had entered the nerve cells.
Chitosan had repaired the damaged cell membranes ... Next Cho tested whether
a dose of chitosan could prevent large molecules from leaking from damaged
spinal cord cells. Testing for the presence of the colossal enzyme lactate
dehydrogenase (LDH), Borgens admits he was amazed to see that levels of LDH
leakage from chitosan treated spinal cord were lower than from undamaged
spinal cords. Not only had the sugar repaired membranes at the compression
site but also at other sites where the cell membranes were broken due to
handling. And when the duo tested for the presence of harmful reactive
oxygen species (ROS), released when ATP generating mitochondria are damaged,
they found that ROS levels also fell after applying chitosan to the damaged
tissue: chitosan probably repairs mitochondrial membranes as well as the
nerve cell membranes"
Exercise helps protect brain of multiple sclerosis patients, study suggests
- Science Daily, 2/18/10
Vitamin D for Mom May Lower Baby’s MS Risk - WebMD, 2/9/10 -
"We also found the risk of MS among daughters whose
mothers were in the top 20% of vitamin D intake during pregnancy was 45%
lower than daughters whose mothers were in the bottom 20% for vitamin D
intake during pregnancy" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
vitamin D levels associated with greater risk of relapse in childhood-onset
multiple sclerosis - Science Daily, 1/21/10
Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis with Inosine - J Altern Complement Med.
2009 May 8 - "These data suggest that the use of
inosine to raise serum UA levels may have benefits for at least some MS
patients" - See
inosine products at iHerb.
High Doses of Vitamin D Cut MS Relapses - WebMD, 4/28/09
Vitamin D may be critical to reduce multiple sclerosis risk - Nutra USA,
Genetic Study Shows Direct Link Between Vitamin D And MS Susceptibility
'Gene' - Science Daily, 2/5/09 - "The research
suggests that vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy and the early years may
increase the risk of the offspring developing MS later in life"
Vitamin D Linked to Genetic and Environmental Risk for MS - Medscape,
9/26/08 - "Everyone who has examined this from the
National Academy of Sciences to the dietary committee of the European Union
to a variety of professional organizations all agree pretty much that the
amount of vitamin D that people are getting is too low" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
'protective' against MS - BBC News, 7/28/07 -
"An earlier study found women who took vitamin D supplements were 40% less
likely to develop MS ... Depending on the activity, the twin who spent more
hours outdoors had up to a 57% reduced risk of developing MS"
Vitamin D May
Protect Against MS - WebMD, 12/19/06 -
"Compared with whites with the lowest levels, those
with the highest were found to have a 62% lower risk for developing the
disease ... Most multivitamins contain 400 IU of vitamin D, which has been
thought to be a sufficient daily dosage. But Finn argues that most people
need between 800 and 1,000 IU a day, especially in the winter"
Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Levels and Risk of Multiple Sclerosis - JAMA.
2006 Dec 20;296(23):2832-8 - "high circulating
levels of vitamin D are associated with a lower risk of multiple sclerosis"
Alpha-Lipoic Acid Improve Multiple Sclerosis? - Dr. Murray's Natural
Living, 10/18/06
Vitamin B3 May
Help MS - WebMD, 9/19/06
The Role of Vitamin D in Multiple Sclerosis - Ann Pharmacother. 2006 May
New Data on Natalizumab Demonstrate Significant Improvement in Cognitive
Function in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 9/28/06
Ginkgo May Ease Some Attention Problems in MS - WebMD, 5/6/05 -
"they were assigned to take a placebo or ginkgo
biloba (120 milligrams twice daily) for three months ... The ginkgo group
shaved four seconds off their time on the Stroop test, a 13% decrease
compared with their performance prior to starting ginkgo. The placebo
group's time remained unchanged"
Study Finds Ginkgo Beneficial For MS Symptoms - Science Daily, 4/28/05
Ginkgo biloba may improve memory in MS sufferers - Nutra USA, 4/28/05
Exercise Therapy Builds Strength, Mobility In MS Patients - Science
Daily, 3/12/05
Why we should offer routine vitamin D supplementation in pregnancy and
childhood to prevent multiple sclerosis - Med Hypotheses.
2005;64(3):608-18 - "Prevention of MS by modifying
an important environmental factor (sunlight exposure and vitamin D level)
offers a practical and cost-effective way to reduce the burden of the
disease in the future generations"
- A Dangerous Treatment
for MS? - Dr. Weil, 11/4/04
- Yoga Fights
Fatigue in People With MS - WebMD, 6/11/04
Yoga Reduces Fatigue In Multiple Sclerosis Patients, OHSU Study Finds -
Science Daily, 6/10/04
- Sunshine May
Lower Multiple Sclerosis Risk - WebMD, 1/14/04
- Vitamin D May
Prevent MS - WebMD, 1/12/04 -
"women who get doses typically found in daily
multivitamin supplements -- of at least 400 international units -- are 40%
less likely to develop multiple sclerosis compared with those not taking
over-the-counter supplements"
- Try Turmeric for MS? -
Dr. Weil, 8/12/03
High Levels of Sun Exposure Prior to Age 15 Associated with Reduced Risk of
Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 8/8/03
- Sun Exposure
May Reduce Multiple Sclerosis Risk - WebMD, 8/6/03 -
"Researchers say the findings suggest there may be a
link between multiple sclerosis and insufficient ultraviolet radiation or
vitamin D -- or both"
- Multiple
Sclerosis: Exercise, Yoga Help - WebMD, 4/4/03
- Echinacea: A Bad Bet for
MS? - Dr. Weil, 3/13/03
- An Indian Spice for
Alzheimer’s? - Dr. Weil, 6/12/02 -
"Curcumin blocked the
accumulation of beta-amaloid plaque and also appeared to reduce inflammation
related to Alzheimer’s disease in neurologic
tissue. The rats fed curcumin also performed better on
memory tests than rats on normal diets ... Researchers at the University
of Illinois have also found that it helps prevent plaque formation. And
preliminary studies at Vanderbilt University suggest that curcumin may block
the progression of multiple sclerosis ... only low dose curcumin reduced
plaque in the Alzheimer’s disease studies ... Turmeric appears to have
significant anti-inflammatory and
cancer-protective effects as well"
- Ginkgo May Boost
Mental Function in MS - WebMD, 4/18/02 -
"Millions of people take the herbal supplement
ginkgo biloba
in the belief that it boosts brain power, and several studies suggest it
improves mental function in some patients with
Alzheimer's disease. New research now shows that it may do the same
thing for patients with multiple sclerosis (MS)."
Other News:
Exposure to paint, varnish, other solvents linked to increased risk of MS
- Science Daily, 7/3/18 - "The researchers
determined that the MS genes and exposure to solvents combined were
responsible for an estimated 60 percent of the risk of developing MS"
Cannabis Smoking
Common, Affects Cognition in MS - Medscape, 5/28/15 -
"From 40% to 70% of patients with MS have some
impairment in information processing speed, working memory, visual-spatial
memory, and/or executive function. Dr Feinstein's own research shows that
smoking marijuana can make those deficits worse ... if they start smoking
cannabis, the numbers go up; it aggravates preexisting cognitive deficits
... One of his studies showed that persons who had smoked marijuana were
about 50% slower on a single-digit test than nonsmokers"
Combination of two pharmaceuticals proves effective in the treatment of
multiple sclerosis, study suggests - Science Daily, 11/26/12
drug for multiple sclerosis significantly reduces disease activity and slows
disability - Science Daily, 4/11/11
study suggests key role of environmental factor in the disease - Science
Daily, 4/28/10
Statins may slow progression of multiple sclerosis, new study suggests -
Science Daily, 4/14/10
Linking Epstein-Barr Virus To Multiple Sclerosis - Science Daily,
Virus Responsible For Deadly Brain Disease Found In MS Patients Treated With
Natalizumab - Science Daily, 9/9/09
Blood Pressure Drug May Help Treat MS - WebMD, 8/17/09
Smoking Associated With More Rapid Progression Of Multiple Sclerosis -
Science Daily, 7/14/09
Pill To Treat Multiple Sclerosis - Science Daily, 4/29/09
Could Caffeine Stop MS in Its Tracks? - WebMD, 6/30/08 -
"When consumed in large amounts in a newly reported
study, caffeine was found to protect against multiple sclerosis by blocking
key steps in the development of the disease"
Cancer Drug Helps Hard-to-Treat MS - WebMD, 6/11/08
High-dose Immunosuppressant Drug May Reduce Disability In MS Patients -
Science Daily, 6/9/08
Good News for Oral MS Drug Fingolimod - WebMD, 4/16/08
Rituximab Shows Promise for MS - WebMD, 2/13/08
Pot Use May Hamper Thinking in MS - WebMD, 2/13/08 -
"Marijuana smokers had slower average reaction times
on a test that challenged them to process information quickly. And they were
more likely to report a history of psychiatric diagnoses, most of which were
depression or anxiety diagnoses"
Combination Therapy Including Antibiotics May Be Beneficial For Multiple
Sclerosis - Science Daily, 12/17/07
Blood pressure drug
hope for MS - BBC News, 11/12/07
Rituximab in Adults With Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis -
Doctor's Guide, 10/17/07
Alemtuzumab Reduces Relapses, Prevents Accumulation of Disability Compared
With Standard Therapy - Doctor's Guide, 10/17/07
Interferon Beta-1a New Formulation Has Benefits in Patients With Relapsing
Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 10/16/07
No Differences Found Between Interferon Beta-1b and Glatiramer for Multiple
Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 10/16/07
Fluoxetine Shows
Promise in Multiple Sclerosis - Medscape, 10/16/07
Eye Scan May Help Spot MS Damage - WebMD, 10/16/07
Interferon Beta-1a and Glatiramer Acetate in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple
Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 10/16/07
Simple Eye Scan Opens Window To Multiple Sclerosis - Science Daily,
Cigarette Smoking May Accelerate Disability In Those With MS - Science
Daily, 10/13/07
That Runs In Families Appears More Severe Than Non-familial MS - Science
Daily, 10/12/07
Antibody May Help Heal MS Nerve Damage - WebMD, 10/9/07
Disease Activity Increases After MS Patients Stop Drug - Science Daily,
Interferon beta-1b Promising in Delaying Progression for Patients at Very
Beginning of Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 8/30/07
Multiple Sclerosis Patients Benefit From High Dose, High Frequency
Interferon Beta - Doctor's Guide, 6/20/07
Super-Early MS Treatment Best - WebMD, 6/1/07
Testosterone May Help Treat MS in Men - WebMD, 5/14/07
New Formulation Interferon Beta-1a Demonstrates Improved Safety for
Multiple-Sclerosis Patients - Doctor's Guide, 5/8/07
Mitoxantrone Can Extend Time to Disease Progression in Worsening Multiple
Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 5/7/07
Ultra-high-field MRI Allows For Earlier Diagnosis Of Multiple Sclerosis
- Science Daily, 5/4/07
Cancer Drug Rituxan Cuts MS Flare-ups - WebMD, 5/1/07
Multiple Sclerosis Patients Not Receiving Medications To Slow Disease
Progression, Research Shows - Science Daily, 4/18/07
Treatment For MS Also Reduces Vision Loss In MS Patients - Science
Daily, 4/16/07
Pregnancy Hormone Key To Repairing Nerve Cell Damage - Science Daily,
Benign MS May Not Stay Benign - WebMD, 2/12/07
Cause Of Nerve Fiber Damage In Multiple Sclerosis Identified - Science
Daily, 10/30/06
FDA Approves Betaseron(R) (Interferon beta-1b) for Use After the First Event
Suggestive of Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 10/23/06
Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis at the First Demyelinating Event Delays
Progression - Doctor's Guide, 10/12/06
16-Year Follow-Up Data for Interferon Beta-1b Show Positive Impact on Course
of Multiple Sclerosis and Mortality - Doctor's Guide, 10/2/06
Safety and Tolerability of Mitoxantrone for Worsening Multiple Sclerosis
Appears Stable in Long Term - Doctor's Guide, 10/2/06
Age Should Not Deter Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis - Doctor's Guide,
Four-week Rehab Significantly Improves Fatigue and Functional Deficit in
Multiple Sclerosis Patients - Doctor's Guide, 10/1/06
Combination of Modafinil and Interferon-Beta-1a Appears Effective and Safe
for Treatment of Cognitive Symptoms in Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's
Guide, 10/1/06
Glatiramer Acetate Shows Positive Impact on Average Relapse Rate and Disease
Progression in Multiple Sclerosis For Up to 5 Years - Doctor's Guide,
Natalizumab (Tysabri) Reduces Brain Atrophy, Improves Cognition During
Second Year of Multiple Sclerosis Treatment - Doctor's Guide, 9/30/06
New Formulation Rebif for Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis Lowers Immunogenicity
and Improves Tolerability - Doctor's Guide, 9/30/06
Early Results
Promising for MS Drug - WebMD, 9/13/06
Natalizumab Has Benefits on Disability and Quality of Life in Patients With
Relapsing MS - Doctor's Guide, 9/11/06
Trial Shows Risk of Developing Multiple Sclerosis Significantly Reduced with
Interferon Beta-1b Early Treatment - Doctor's Guide, 8/17/06
FDA Approves Baclofen for Spasticity in Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's
Guide, 8/16/06
Biogen Idec and Elan Announce Availability of Tysabri (Natalizumab) for
Treatment of Relapsing Forms of Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide,
New Autoinjection Device Designed to Work With Interferon beta-1b Now
Available for Patients With Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 7/12/06
FDA clears
restricted return of MS drug - USA Today, 6/5/06
Psychiatric Conditions Other Than Depression Common in Multiple Sclerosis
Patients - Doctor's Guide, 6/1/06
Interferon Beta-1a Reduced Relapses and Stabilized Disability as Measured by
Expanded Disability Status Scale - Doctor's Guide, 5/31/06
Early Treatment Favored For Multiple Sclerosis - Science Daily, 5/23/06
Depression in Multiple Sclerosis Patients Clue to Better Treatment -
Doctor's Guide, 5/17/06
Long-Term Glatiramer Acetate Injection Study Showed 92% of Multiple
Sclerosis Patients Were Walking Unaided After a Mean of 10 Years on
Treatment - Doctor's Guide, 5/8/06
Epstein-Barr Virus Might Kick-Start Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide,
Epstein-Barr Virus May Be Associated with Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's
Guide, 4/11/06
Long-Term Follow-up Data of Mitoxantrone in Multiple Sclerosis Show Good
Safety and Tolerability - Doctor's Guide, 4/7/06
High Dose Cyclophosphamide Achieves Rapid Clinical Improvements in Early,
Aggressive Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 4/6/06
Interferon Beta-1b Improvements in Multiple-Sclerosis Patients Maintained
Over the Long Term - Doctor's Guide, 4/5/06
Early Interferon Beta-1b Treatment Thwarts Multiple Sclerosis Progression
- Doctor's Guide, 4/5/06
Combination Appears Safe in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis -
Doctor's Guide, 4/4/06
Evidence Suggests Statins Could Prove Useful In Treating Multiple Sclerosis
- Science Daily, 3/17/06
- Brain disease linked to
MS drug worries FDA - MSNBC, 3/6/06
- New Hope for MS
Patients? - ABC News, 3/1/06
MS Drug: No
More Rare Disease Cases - WebMD, 3/1/06
Work and Multiple
Sclerosis - WebMD, 1/25/06
Fat Hormone Tied
to Multiple Sclerosis - WebMD, 1/12/06
Immunosuppressive Drug Appears Effective in Reducing New Brain Lesions in
Multiple Sclerosis Patients - Doctor's Guide, 12/16/05
- Azathioprine May
Reduce New Brain Lesions in Multiple Sclerosis - Medscape, 12/15/05
Drug May Slow Down
Multiple Sclerosis - WebMD, 12/12/05
FDA Sends Out Alert about Alemtuzumab (Campath) - Doctor's Guide,
Copaxone (Glatiramer Acetate) Demonstrated Protection Against Neuronal
Injury In Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide,
Neurologists Refine Multiple Sclerosis Diagnostic Criteria - Doctor's
Guide, 11/10/05
BENEFIT Study Shows Interferon Beta-1b Delays Development of MS in Patients
with First Clinical Signs of Disease - Doctor's Guide, 10/14/05
Combination Mycophenolate Mofetil (CellCept) and Interferon Beta
(Rebif/Betaferon) Safe and Effective in Advanced MS - Doctor's Guide,
Titration Averts Some Side Effects of Switch From Avonex to Rebif in MS
Patients - Doctor's Guide, 10/6/05
Three-year Study Shows Good Efficacy and Safety for Copaxone in MS -
Doctor's Guide, 10/5/05
Doxycycline Could Enhance Interferon Beta 1-a (Avonex) Therapy in Remitting
Relapsing MS - Doctor's Guide, 10/4/05
Study Shows Natalizumab (Tysabri) Plus interferon beta 1-a (Avonex) Reduces
Disease Activity - Doctor's Guide, 10/4/05
Mitoxantrone for Advanced MS Stabilizes Disease and Is Safe - Doctor's
Guide, 10/4/05
Cyclophosphamide Appears to Prolong Immunosuppression After Maximum
Cummulative Mitoxantrone Dosing - Doctor's Guide, 10/4/05
Real-life Mitoxantrone (Novantrone) Study Confirms Efficacy, Safety With
Known Risk of Malignancy - Doctor's Guide, 10/3/05
Most Patients with Multiple Sclerosis Who Continue Therapy Have Reduced
Disability, Researchers Report - Doctor's Guide, 10/3/05
Non-compliance With Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Appears Treatment-related,
Affects Quality-of- Life - Doctor's Guide, 10/3/05
Fatigue and Depression, But Not Cognitive Dysfunction, Significantly Reduces
Quality-of- Life in Early MS Patients - Doctor's Guide, 10/3/05
Long-term Use of Glatiramer Acetate (Copaxone) for Multiple Sclerosis
Appears Safe and Efficacious - Doctor's Guide, 9/30/05
Oral Contraceptives Associated with Reduced Risk of MS - Doctor's Guide,
Patients' Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Type Dictates Effective Treatment -
Doctor's Guide, 8/12/05
- Coming to Terms
With MS - WebMD, 7/22/05
Not all Interferon-beta Treatments are Created Equal in Developing
Neutralizing Antibodies - Doctor's Guide, 7/14/05
Copaxone (Glatiramer Acetate Injection) May Protect Against Axonal Injury
Over the Long-Term in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's
Guide, 6/30/05
Cyclophosphamide Shows Advantages over Mitoxantrone in Reducing MS
Disability - Doctor's Guide, 6/24/05
Mitoxantrone Effective and Well Tolerated for Treatment of Multiple
Sclerosis in Daily Clinical Practice - Doctor's Guide, 6/24/05
Early Use of Glatiramer Acetate May Mitigate Course of Disease in Multiple
Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 6/24/05
One-Year Results Show Patients With Multiple Sclerosis Lean Toward Higher
Dose of Interferon - Doctor's Guide, 6/24/05
Higher Doses of Abatacept May Reduce Disease Activity in Relapsing-Remitting
Multiple Sclerosis: Presented at ENS - Doctor's Guide, 6/23/05
Treatment with Glatiramer Acetate Linked to Greater Disease Stability in
Early Multiple Sclerosis: Presented at ENS - Doctor's Guide, 6/23/05
- New Details on
Suspension of MS Drug Tysabri - WebMD, 6/9/05
- Smoking Tied to
Multiple Sclerosis Progression - WebMD, 4/26/05
Multiple Sclerosis Patients With Minimal Lesion Burden Continue to Progress,
MRI Studies Find - Doctor's Guide, 4/26/05
No Differences Seen in Interferon Beta Products in QUASIMS Study -
Doctor's Guide, 4/22/05
- Long-Term Use
of MS Drug Seems Safe - WebMD, 4/18/05
High-Dose Treatment, High Frequency Dosing Reduce Events in Early Multiple
Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 4/15/05
Pirfenidone Shows Halted Disease Progression, Improvement of Symptoms in
Patients With Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide,
- Blood Test May
Spot Early Multiple Sclerosis - WebMD, 3/15/05
- New MS drug pulled after
patient death - MSNBC, 2/28/05
- Why More Women
Get Multiple Sclerosis - WebMD, 1/27/05
- Baby Siblings
May Cut Multiple Sclerosis Risk - WebMD, 1/25/05
- Sex Hormones May
Affect Multiple Sclerosis - WebMD, 1/18/05
Abnormalities in Sex Hormones May Contribute to Brain Damage of Multiple
Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 1/18/05
- Stem Cells May
Heal Multiple Sclerosis Damage - WebMD, 12/1/04
Alzheimer’s Drug Improves Memory Of MS Patients - Science Daily,
First Monoclonal Antibody Treatment For Multiple Sclerosis Approved -
Science Daily, 11/25/04
FDA Approves Innovative Treatment Tysabri (Natalizumab) - Formerly Antegren
- for Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 11/24/04
Thyroid Hormone May Treat Multiple Sclerosis - WebMD, 11/11/04
Aricept May Help Memory in Multiple Sclerosis - WebMD, 11/8/04
No Evidence That Glatiramer Acetate Slows Multiple Sclerosis Progression
- Doctor's Guide, 11/3/04
Interferon Beta Therapy May Delay MS - WebMD, 10/21/04
Immune Therapy Appears To Reduce Risk Of Second Attack Of Multiple Sclerosis
Symptoms - Science Daily, 10/14/04
Early Therapy May Alter Multiple Sclerosis - WebMD, 10/12/04
Interferon Treatment May Stabilize Multiple Sclerosis Progression As Well As
Reduce Attacks - Doctor's Guide, 10/12/04
Immune Therapy Appears to Reduce Risk of Second Attack of Multiple Sclerosis
Symptoms - Doctor's Guide, 10/11/04
Rebif (Interferon beta-1a) Appears to Provide Significant Clinical Benefits
for Patients With Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's
Guide, 10/8/04
Grey and White Matter Changes Earlier Than Expected in Multiple Sclerosis
- Doctor's Guide, 10/6/04
New High-Tech MRI Shows Earlier Signs of MS - WebMD, 10/5/04
Hepatitis B Vaccine May Be Linked to MS - WebMD, 9/13/04
Patients with Multiple Sclerosis May Want to Take Wait-And-See Approach to
Medications - Doctor's Guide, 8/31/04
Study Confirms Benefits of High-Dose, High-Frequency Beta Interferon Regimen
in Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 7/20/04
Statins May Cut Brain Inflammation in MS - Clinical Psychiatry News,
New MS Drug Shines in Animal Tests - WebMD, 6/22/04
Copaxone (Glatiramer Acetate) Reduces Brain Atrophy in Patients with
Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 6/8/04
Mothers May Be Origin of Children's Multiple Sclerosis Risk - WebMD,
Small Trial Shows Daclizumab Add-on Therapy Improves Multiple Sclerosis
Outcome - Science Daily, 5/28/04
Small Trial Shows Daclizumab Add-On Therapy May Improve Multiple Sclerosis
Outcome - Doctor's Guide, 5/25/04
MS and Hodgkin's Lymphoma May Run in Families - WebMD, 5/18/04
Most With MS Still Enjoy Good Quality of Life - WebMD, 5/17/04
Cholesterol Drugs May Slow MS - WebMD, 5/13/04
Copaxone (Glatiramer) Effective in Reducing Multiple Sclerosis Progression
Over 10 Years, Study to be Extended - Doctor's Guide, 4/28/04
High Dose, High Frequency Rebif (Interferon beta-1a) May Result in Sustained
Reduction in Accumulation of Brain Lesions in Multiple Sclerosis -
Doctor's Guide, 4/28/04
- Alzheimer's Drug
May Help Memory in MS Patients - Medscape, 4/27/04
Chemo Could Help Treat Multiple Sclerosis - Intelihealth, 3/23/04
Stress Associated with Exacerbations of Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's
Guide, 3/19/04
Study: Stress Bad for MS - WebMD, 3/18/04
Widespread Axonal Dysfunction Associated With Fatigue In Patients with
Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 2/18/04
Test Predicts MS Flare-Ups - WebMD, 2/3/04
MS Progresses Slowly for Most Patients - WebMD, 1/27/04
Multiple Sclerosis Not as Progressive or Disabling as Once Thought -
Doctor's Guide, 1/23/04
Epilepsy Drug
[Keppra] Helps Multiple Sclerosis - WebMD, 12/16/03
Anti-Epileptic Drug Levetiracetam Also Effective in Controlling Debilitating
Symptom of Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 12/16/03
Imaging Technique May Diagnose Early MS - WebMD, 12/2/03
Three Recent Independent Publications Confirm that Neutralizing Antibodies
Matter in Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 11/27/03
Cannabis May Help Multiple Sclerosis - WebMD, 11/6/03
MRI Quickly Clinches Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis - Clinical Psychiatry
News Online, 11/03
Clinical Effects of Copaxone (Glatiramer) or Interferon Therapy Compared to
Untreated Patients with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis -
Doctor's Guide, 10/30/03
New Blood Test Helps Confirm MS - Doctor's Guide, 10/24/03
Multiple Sclerosis Tied to Iron in Brain - Doctor's Guide, 10/22/03
New Study Shows Long-Term Effect Of Avonex (Interferon beta-1a) On Multiple
Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 9/22/03
Risk of Multiple Sclerosis Exacerbation Doubles Following a Stressful Event
- Doctor's Guide, 9/19/03
- MRI Allows Earlier
Diagnosis, Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis - Medscape, 9/8/03
Copaxone (glatiramer acetate injection) Effective In Relapsing-Remitting
Multiple Sclerosis Regardless Of Disease Severity - Doctor's Guide,
Acute Eye Problem: Possible MS Symptom - WebMD, 7/17/03
Seropositivity For Antimyelin Antibodies Predicts Relapse In Multiple
Sclerosis Patients - Doctor's Guide, 7/10/03
Study Shows Benefit Of Switch To Copaxone (Glatiramer Acetate Injection) For
Multiple Sclerosis Patients - Doctor's Guide, 6/23/03
Higher Dose/Frequency Rebif (Interferon beta-1a) Provides Significant
Reduction In Frequency Of Multiple Sclerosis Relapses In Patients Who
Convert From Avonex - Doctor's Guide, 6/18/03
Multiple Sclerosis Treatments Face Off - WebMD, 6/3/03
Rebif (Interferon Beta-1a) More Effective In Reducing Frequency of Relapses
in Relapsing Forms of Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 5/30/03
FDA Approves Prefilled Syringe for Multiple Sclerosis Therapy, Avonex
(Interferon Beta-1a) - Doctor's Guide, 5/29/03
Stem Cell Study Repairs Multiple Sclerosis-like Nerve Damage - WebMD,
Child-Onset Multiple Sclerosis More Likely to Have epstein-barr virus
Antibodies than Controls - Doctor's Guide, 4/8/03
Epstein Barr Infection Raises Risk of Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis -
Doctor's Guide, 4/7/03
Semi-Automated Measure Of Whole-Brain Atrophy In Multiple Sclerosis -
Doctor's Guide, 4/4/03
Mitoxantrone Shows Promise in Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis -
Doctor's Guide, 4/4/03
- Early Use of
Campath in MS May Decrease Disability - Medscape, 4/3/03
Chlamydia Pneumoniae Infections Linked to Disease Flare-Ups in Multiple
Sclerosis Patients - Doctor's Guide, 4/3/03
Zocor for Multiple Sclerosis Treatment - WebMD, 4/2/03
- Statin Appears
Promising for MS - Medscape, 4/2/03
Immunoablation May Aid Multiple Sclerosis Patients - Doctor's Guide,
Ethnicity May Influence Therapeutic Response in Multiple Sclerosis -
Doctor's Guide, 4/2/03
Cholesterol drug [simvastatin (Zocor)] hints at use as MS treatment -
USA Today, 3/31/03
Multiple Sclerosis Drug, Copaxone (Glatiramer Acetate), Does Not Generate
Neutralizing Antibodies - Doctor's Guide, 3/27/03
Association Between Epstein-Barr Virus/Development Of Multiple Sclerosis
Confirmed - Doctor's Guide, 3/26/03
Keppra (Levetiracetam) In Combined With Conventional Treatments May Provide
Pain Relief In Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 3/20/03
Betaseron (Interferon Beta-1b) Gains Expanded FDA Labeling Approval for
Treating Relapsing Forms of Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 3/17/03
- Avonex Linked With
Psychiatric Disorders, Other Adverse Effects - Medscape, 3/14/03
Multiple Sclerosis Treatment With Interferon Drugs Questioned - WebMD,
- Long-term
Interferon of Unknown Benefit in MS - Medscape, 2/13/03
FDA Approves Avonex (Interferon beta-1a) Approved for Patients with Early
Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 2/7/03
Normal Appearing Grey Matter May Have Significant Abnormalities In Primary
Progressive Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 2/6/03
Short-Term Correlations Between Clinical And Magnetic Resonance Imaging In
Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 1/31/03
New Scan May Improve MS Treatment - Intelihealth, 1/28/03
New Drug [natalizumab] Fights MS and Crohn's Disease - WebMD, 1/2/03
Exposure To Anaesthetic Gases May Raise Multiple Sclerosis Risk -
Doctor's Guide, 12/19/02
Copaxone Does Not Increase Headache In Multiple Sclerosis Patients -
Doctor's Guide, 12/9/02
Childhood MS: A Silent Epidemic? - Intelihealth, 12/4/02
Immunoablation and Immunoreconstruction: First Promising Results in Rapidly
Advancing MS Patients - Doctor's Guide, 11/29/02
Continuous, Low Dose Prednisone with Interferon Beta 1a Reduces Multiple
Sclerosis Relapse Rate - Doctor's Guide, 11/28/02
Astrocytes in Multiple Sclerosis Plaques May Play Role in Autoimmune
Reaction - Doctor's Guide, 11/28/02
Mycophenolate-Mofetil May Stabilize Patients with Progressive Multiple
Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 11/28/02
Neurology Study Finds Approved Dose of Avonex (Interferon Beta-1a) Equally
Effective as Higher Dose in Treating Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis -
Doctor's Guide, 11/26/02
Multiple Sclerosis Patients On Rebif (Interferon Beta-1a) More Likely To
Remain Relapse Free Than Patients On Avonex At 48 Weeks - Doctor's
Guide, 11/26/02
- Don't Delay MS
Treatment - WebMD, 10/25/02
Early Treatment Of Multiple Sclerosis With Copaxone (Glatiramer Acetate)
Delays Accumulation Of Additional Brain Lesions - Doctor's Guide,
Tremor In Multiple Sclerosis Patients Eased with Glatiramer Acetate
Treatment - Doctor's Guide, 10/16/02
Modafinil Reduces Cytokine-induced Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis Patients
- Doctor's Guide, 10/16/02
- Statins May
Help MS Patients - WebMD, 10/7/02
Mitoxantrone Monotherapy Associated With Low Incidence of Congestive Heart
Failure in Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 10/7/02
Sustained Immunological Effects Of Copaxone (Glatiramer Acetate Injection)
In Patients With MS Treated Over Six Years - Doctor's Guide, 9/25/02
- Pregnancy
Hormone May Treat MS - WebMD, 9/24/02
MS cases on the rise among children - USA Today, 9/22/02
Betaferon/Betaseron (Interferon beta 1b) Demonstrates Treatment Effect in
Patients with Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide,
- Is MS an STD?
- WebMD, 9/18/02
Walking Speed Correlated With Muscle Strength In Multiple Sclerosis Patients
With Sensory Loss - Doctor's Guide, 9/2/02
Survey Of MS Patients Suggests Widespread Use of Cannabis for Pain and
Symptom Relief - Doctor's Guide, 8/20/02
New Criteria Aids In Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis From Single Clinical
Episode of Demyelination - Doctor's Guide, 7/29/02
Disease-Modifying Therapy In Multiple Sclerosis: Major Pan-European Survey
Shows Treatment Is Still Delayed - Doctor's Guide, 6/24/02
- MS Discoveries
Edge Closer to Cure - WebMD, 5/31/02
Ventricular Function Decreased In Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide,
Botulinum Toxin Improves Urinary Continence in Multiple Sclerosis Patients
with Overactive Bladder - Doctor's Guide, 5/28/02
New Technique That Monitors Water Particles in Brain May Lead to Early
Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimers and other Brain Disorders -
Doctor's Guide, 4/30/02
- Fine-Tuning
Interferon Treatment in Multiple Sclerosis - Medscape, 4/29/02
High-Dose Interferon Beta 1b Offers More Benefit For Multiple Sclerosis
Patients - Doctor's Guide, 4/25/02
- Alternating
Treatment Days Improves MS - WebMD, 4/25/02
Viagra (Sildenafil) Effective for Erectile Dysfunction in Men with Multiple
Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 4/19/02
Avonex (Interferon Beta-1a) Provides Long-Term Efficacy in Relapsing
Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 4/19/02
Copaxone (Glatiramer) Shows Significant, Long-Term Benefit in Multiple
Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 4/18/02
Induction Therapy with Mitoxantrone Reduces Relapses in Multiple Sclerosis
- Doctor's Guide, 4/17/02
Rebif (Interferon Beta-1a) Appears to Prevent Relapse Better than Avonex
(Interferon Beta-1a) in Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 4/17/02
- New MS
Treatments: Guarded Good News - WebMD, 4/16/02
Skin patch purports to relieve MS symptoms - USA Today, 4/1/02
Hiccups Can Herald MS - Clinical Psychiatry News, 3/02
- Once-Weekly Avonex Shows
Better Patient Compliance Than Other MS Treatments - Doctor's Guide,
Twelve-Year Follow Up of Betaferon (Interferon Beta-1b) in Multiple
Sclerosis Shows Sustained Benefits and Tolerability - Doctor's Guide,
FDA Approves Rebif (Interferon Beta-1a) For Relapsing Forms Of Multiple
Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 3/8/02
- Multiple
Sclerosis Runs in Families - WebMD, 1/24/02
- Brain Scan
Helps Tell the Future of MS - WebMD, 1/16/02
- Copaxone (Glatiramer
acetate) and Betaseron® (Interferon beta-1b) Yield Statistically Significant
Results In Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide,
Study Links Multiple Sclerosis, Mono - Intelihealth, 12/26/01
- Epstein-Barr
Virus Linked to MS - WebMD, 12/25/01
- Regular Health
Check-Ups Important for Women with MS - WebMD, 10/29/01
- Interferon Beta-1b
Produces Greater Benefit Than Interferon Beta-1a In Multiple Sclerosis -
Doctor's Guide, 10/4/01
- Copaxone (Glatiramer
Acetate) Shown to Reduce Brain Lesions In Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's
Guide, 10/2/01
- Cooling Vest Improves
Symptoms for Multiple Sclerosis Patients - Doctor's Guide, 9/11/01
- Cool News About
MS - WebMD, 9/10/01
MS Society Announces New Guidelines - Intelihealth, 7/11/01
- High-Dose Interferon
Beta-1a Decreases Relapse Rate in Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide,
- Antegren (Natalizumab)
Looks Promising For Crohn's Disease - Doctor's Guide, 5/23/01
- Interferon,
Given Early, Keeps Multiple Sclerosis at Bay, But Whether Approach Will Work
for the Long-Term Is Unknown - WebMD, 5/17/01 -
"We have demonstrated that a very low dose of
interferon beta, given within three months of the first attack of multiple
sclerosis, is able to reduce by 24% the probability of having a second
- Early Copaxone
(Glatiramer Acetate) Could Decrease Permanent Multiple Sclerosis Disability
- Doctor's Guide, 5/11/01
- Double-Drug Therapy,
Mitoxantrone/Interferon beta-1b, Shows Benefit in Multiple Sclerosis -
Doctor's Guide, 5/10/01
- Avonex (Interferon
Beta-1a) Slows Disability Progression In Secondary Progressive Multiple
Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 5/9/01
- Rebif (Interferon Beta
1a) Appears More Effective Than Avonex (Interferon Beta 1a) In Treating
Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 5/8/01
- Higher Dose Avonex
(Interferon-ß-1a) Not More Effective Than Currently Approved Dose In
Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 4/23/01
- Help Available
for Depression Triggered by Interferon - WebMD, 3/29/01
- Multiple Sclerosis Drug
Copaxone (Glatiramer Acetate) Reduces Relapses, Sustains Efficacy -
Doctor's Guide, 3/28/01 -
"relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS)
patients treated with the immunomodulator Copaxone (glatiramer acetate for
injection) have a significant reduction in number of MS lesions"
- Early, High-Dose Rebif
(Interferon Beta-1a) Slows MS Progression - Doctor's Guide, 3/23/00
- Copaxone (Glatiramer
Acetate) Reduces Number Of Relapses In Relapse-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis
- Doctor's Guide, 3/6/01
- Fears of
Hepatitis Vaccine/Multiple Sclerosis Link Unfounded, Flu and Tetanus
Immunizations Also Safe for MS Patients - WebMD, 1/31/01
- Antegren (Natalizumab)
Promising Treatment For Multiple Sclerosis, Crohn's Disease - Doctor's
Guide, 1/23/01
- Avonex (Interferon
Beta-1a) Slows Progression In Secondary Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's
Guide, 1/16/01
- Avonex (Interferon
Beta-1a) Has Positive Effect On Cognition In Multiple Sclerosis -
Doctor's Guide, 12/4/00
- Weekly Avonex
(Interferon Beta-1a) Effective In Reducing Disability Progression In
Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 11/28/00
- In Multiple
Sclerosis, Do Relapses Make Disability Worse? - WebMD, 11/15/00
Study: Early Treatment Can Limit MS - Intelihealth, 10/17/00
- FDA Approves Novantrone
(Mitoxantrone) For Worsening Forms Of Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's
Guide, 10/13/00
- Cancer Drug
Gets FDA OK for MS Treatment - WebMD, 10/13/00
FDA OKs Multiple Sclerosis Drug - Intelihealth, 10/13/00
- Multiple Sclerosis
Patients Susceptible To Accelerated Mental Fatigue - Doctor's Guide,
William Stuart on recent advances in treating Multiple Sclerosis - CNN,
- Should Multiple
Sclerosis Drug Be Given Earlier? - WebMD, 9/26/00
- Early Avonex (Interferon
Beta-1a) Treatment Reduces Risk Of Multiple Sclerosis Development -
Doctor's Guide, 9/26/00
Drug [Avonex] may limit development of multiple sclerosis - CNN, 9/25/00
- Avonex (Interferon
beta-1a) Shows Effect on Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis -
Doctor's Guide, 9/11/00
- Sustained Use Of
Copaxone (Glatiramer Acetate) Reduces Relapse Rate In Multiple Sclerosis
- Doctor's Guide, 8/22/00
- Genetic Link
Found Between MS, Autoimmune Diseases - WebMD, 8/8/00
- Interferon Beta-1
Effective In Long-Term MS Treatment - Doctor's Guide, 3/24/00
- Interferon
Works Best in Early Stages of MS - WebMD, 5/3/00
- Avonex (interferon
beta-1a) helps delay development of multiple sclerosis - Doctor's Guide,
- In the MS
Pipeline: A Vaccine, and a Drug That Fights Fatigue - WebMD, 5/2/00
- Betaseron (interferon
beta-1b) therapy delays axonal damage in secondary progressive multiple
sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 5/2/00
- Narcolepsy drug,
Provigil (modafinil), controls fatigue in multiple sclerosis - Doctor's
Guide, 5/2/00
- Higher doses of beta
interferon effective in slowing multiple sclerosis progression -
Doctor's Guide, 5/2/00
- Interferon Beta-1
Effective In Long-Term Of MS Treatment - Doctor's Guide, 3/24/00
Medication Urged For MS Patients - Intelihealth, 3/14/00
- Rebif (Interferon
Beta-1a), Given Early, Benefits MS Patients - Doctor's Guide, 2/29/00
- MS Patients Show
Significant Improvement With Paclitaxel - Doctor's Guide, 2/28/00
- FDA Panel Unanimously
Recommends Approval For Novantrone For Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's
Guide, 1/31/00
Study: Stroke Drugs May Help MS - Intelihealth, 12/29/99
- Early Drug Treatment May
Preserve Brain Tissue In MS Patients - Doctor's Guide, 11/9/99
- Viagra Effective In MS
Patients - Doctor's Guide, 10/15/99
- Paclitaxel Shows
Benefits In Secondary Progressive MS - Doctor's Guide, 10/15/99
- Viagra Effective In MS
Patients - Doctor's Guide, 10/15/99
- Copaxone, Betaseron
Effective But No Statistically Significant Effect for Avonex - Doctor's
Guide, 10/13/99
- Ibuprofen Reduces Side
Effects Of MS Treatment - Doctor's Guide, 6/9/99
- Drug Therapy Slows Rate
Of Brain Shrinkage In MS - Doctor's Guide, 4/21/99
- Epileptic Drug [Neurontin
(gabapentin)] Used To Treat MS Symptom - Doctor's Guide, 4/20/99
- Stress Linked To New
Brain Lesions In Multiple Sclerosis - Doctor's Guide, 3/26/98