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> Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Specific Supplements:
Alternative News:
Botanical Product Containing Cistanche and Ginkgo Extracts Potentially Improves
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Symptoms in Adults: A Randomized, Double-Blind, and
Placebo-Controlled Study - Front Nutr 2021 Nov 26 -
"A total of 190 subjects (35-60 years old, non-obese) with CFS were randomized
to receive one tablet of a low dose (120-mg ginkgo and 300-mg cistanche), a high
dose (180-mg ginkgo and 450-mg cistanche) or a placebo once daily for 60 days.
Blood samples and responses on the Chalder fatigue scale (CFQ 11), the World
Health Organization's quality of life questionnaire (WHOQOL), and the sexual
life quality questionnaire (SLQQ) were collected at baseline and
post-intervention. CFS symptoms of impaired memory or concentration, physical
fatigue, unrefreshing sleep, and post-exertional malaise were significantly
improved (p < 0.001) in both of the treatment groups. The botanical intervention
significantly decreased physical and mental fatigue scores of CFQ 11 and
improved WHOQOL and SLQQ scores of the subjects (p < 0.01). Levels of blood
ammonia and lactic acid in the treatment groups were significantly lower than
those of the placebo group (low-dose: p < 0.05; high-dose: p < 0.01). In
addition, the change in lactic acid concentration was negatively associated with
the severity of CFS symptoms (p = 0.0108) and was correlated with the change in
total physical fatigue score of the CFQ" - [Nutra
USA] - See
Ginkgo biloba at Amazon.com and
cistanche at Amazon.com.
Robuvit®: improvement of
fatigue in medical convalescence - J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2018
May;58(5):678-683 - "Weakness and heart rate were significantly reduced with Robuvit® in comparison with the controls (P<0.05) at 10 days and at 3 weeks;
Attention and sleep patterns improved significantly at 3 weeks with Robuvit®
(P<0.05) in comparison to controls. Recovery after efforts was normalized at 10
days in the supplement group, significantly better versus controls (P<0.05). O2
saturation increased significantly with Robuvit® at 10 days in comparison to
controls (P<0.05). The alterations in working/concentration capacity were better
improved with the supplement (P<0.05). Oxidative stress was significantly
decreased (P<0.05) in comparison to controls. The improvement of health
according to the Karrnofsky Scale was significantly more pronounced in the
Robuvit® group (P<0.05). The supplement was well tolerated" - See
Robuvit® at
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Linked to Low T3 Syndrome - Medscape, 3/29/18 -
"Some people with the condition known as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) have low
circulating levels of the thyroid hormone triiodothyronine (T3) and normal
levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) ... This low T3 syndrome might be in
line with recent metabolomic studies that point to a hypometabolic state (Proc
Natl Acad Sci U S A.
2016;113:E5472-E5480), and if confirmed, T3 and iodide supplements may be
indicated as treatments, say Núñez and colleagues" - See
T3 at the Antiaging Store and iodine at
fatigue syndrome possibly explained by lower levels of key thyroid hormones
- Science Daily, 3/20/18 - "In hypothyroidism, the body
tries to encourage thyroid hormone activity by releasing more
thyroid-stimulating hormone -- however, this does not happen in patients with
chronic fatigue syndrome ... the researchers compared thyroid function and
markers of inflammation between 98 CFS patients and 99 healthy controls.
Remarkably, the CFS patients had lower serum levels of certain key thyroid
hormones such as triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), but normal levels of
thyroid-stimulating hormone ... Additional analyses indicated that CFS patients
had a lower urinary iodine status and low-grade inflammation, which possibly
mirrored the symptoms of patients with hypothyroidism. These CFS patients,
however, had relatively higher levels of another thyroid hormone called "reverse
T3" or rT3. This appeared to be due to a shift in hormone production, where the
body preferred to convert T4 to rT3 instead of producing T3. The low T3 levels
found in CFS patients coupled with this switchover to rT3 could mean that T3
levels are severely reduced in tissue" - See
T3 at the Antiaging Store and iodine at
Effect of
coenzyme Q10 plus nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide supplementation on
maximum heart rate after exercise testing in chronic fatigue syndrome -
A randomized, controlled, double-blind trial - Clin Nutr. 2016
Aug;35(4):826-34 - "80 CFS patients assigned to receive either CoQ10
plus NADH supplementation or matching placebo twice daily ... The CoQ10
plus NADH group showed a significant reduction in max HR during a cycle ergometer test at week 8 versus baseline (P = 0.022). Perception of
fatigue also showed a decrease through all follow-up visits in active
group versus placebo (P = 0.03). However, pain and sleep did not improve
in the active group. Coenzyme Q10 plus NADH was generally safe and well
tolerated" - [Nutra
USA] - See
ubiquinol products at Amazon.com
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide at Amazon.com .
New study shows chronic fatigue isn’t just in your head. It may have to do with
your gut - Washington Post, 6/30/16 - "Cornell
University researchers looked at stool and blood samples of 48 people diagnosed
with chronic fatigue syndrome (or more formally, myalgic encephalomyelitis) and
at 39 healthy volunteers ... They found two main differences: Through DNA
sequencing, they found the stool samples in the patients with the condition had
less diversity in bacteria present in the gut and that there were fewer that
were anti-inflammatory. The blood samples were also distinct: There were markers
of inflammation which the researchers theorized may be due to a "leaky gut from
intestinal problems that allow bacteria to enter the blood." ... it suggests
that diet and things like probiotics may be a way to help treat the disease by
getting the gut microbiome back in balance" - See
probiotic products at Amazon.com
Probiotics a Potential
Treatment for Mental Illness - Medscape, 11/19/13 -
"although human studies are still largely lacking, they did find some with
promising results on behavior, including 1 showing that healthy volunteers who
received Lactobacillus helveticus R0052 plus B longum for 30 days reported
significantly lower stress levels than those who received placebo, as well as
significantly reduced urinary free cortisol levels ... Another study of 124
volunteers (mean age, 61.8 years) showed that those who consumed
probiotic-containing yogurt for 3 weeks had significantly improved mood compared
with those who received placebo ... the term "psychobiotic" was created as
recent studies have begun to explore a possible link between probiotics and
behavior ... As a class of probiotic, these bacteria are capable of producing
and delivering neuroactive substances such as gamma-aminobutyric acid [GABA] and
serotonin, which act on the brain-gut axis ... a study of human patients with
chronic fatigue syndrome showed that those who consumed an active strain of L
casei 3 times a day had significantly higher improvement scores on anxiety
measures than did those who received matching placebo" - See
probiotic products at Amazon.com
improves hippocampal atrophy in chronic fatigue mice by enhancing neurogenesis
and inhibiting apoptosis of granular cells - Biol Pharm Bull.
2011;34(3):354-9 - "Neuroimaging evidence showed
structural and/or functional abnormalities existing in the central nervous
system, especially the hippocampus, in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) patients.
However, its pathophysiologic mechanisms are unclear in part due to the lack of
an applicable animal model. We established a chronic fatigue murine model by six
repeated injections of Brucella abortus antigen to mice, which was manifested as
reduced daily running activity and hippocampal atrophy. Thereafter, resveratrol,
a polyphenolic activator of sirtuin 1, was used for treatment in this model.
Daily running activity was increased by more than 20%, and the hippocampus was
enlarged after 4-week resveratrol therapy. Furthermore, resveratrol inhibited
neuronal apoptosis and expression of hippocampal acetylated p53 in the fatigue
mice. Resveratrol also improved neurogenesis and expression of brain-derived
neurotrophic factor mRNA in the hippocamous. We concluded that repeated
injection of B. abortus antigen could induce hypoactivity and hippocampal
atrophy in mice. Resveratrol may be effective for improving fatigue symptoms and
enlarging the atrophic hippocampus by repressing apoptosis and promoting
neurogenesis" - See
resveratrol products at Amazon.com
Polyphenol-rich choc may ease chronic fatigue symptoms: Study - Nutra
USA, 11/23/10 - "either the high or low chocolate,
followed by two weeks of washout and cross over on to the other
intervention. The study used chocolate provided by Nestlé PTC York, UK ...
Results showed a significant improvement in Chalder Fatigue Scale scores
following the high polyphenol chocolate intervention, whereas a
deterioration was observed in the low-polyphenol chocolate intervention"
Treating Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia? - Dr. Weil, 8/17/09
Treating Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia? - Dr. Weil, 1/13/09
The use of D-ribose in chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia: a pilot
study - J Altern Complement Med. 2006 Nov;12(9):857-62 -
significantly reduced clinical symptoms in patients suffering from
fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome" - See
D-ribose at Amazon.com
Focus on Magnesium - Dr. Murray's Natural Facts, 3/3/05 -
"Double-blind studies in people with CFS have shown
magnesium supplementation significantly improved energy levels, better
emotional state, and less pain"
Exercise Helps Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - WebMD, 7/23/04
Eicosapentaenoic acid-rich essential fatty acid supplementation in chronic
fatigue syndrome associated with symptom remission and structural brain
- Int J Clin Pract. 2004 Mar;58(3):297-9 - "The
EPA-rich essential fatty acid supplementation led to a marked clinical
improvement in her symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome, starting within 6-8
weeks" - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
- A Worthwhile Approach to
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? - Dr. Weil, 1/27/04
Melatonin, Phototherapy Ineffective in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome -
Doctor's Guide, 11/14/02
- Thymus Protein
Effective in Treating Chronic Fatigue - New Hope Natural Media, 8/1/02 -
"23 people with CFIDS received 12 mcg of
thymic protein A per day by mouth for three months ... Positive changes
included a reduction in fatigue, better quality of sleep, less anxiety and
depression, and fewer panic attacks"
- Chlorella for Chronic
Fatigue? - Dr. Weil, 6/25/02
Chronic Fatigue: Its Own Entity - Functional Foods & Nutraceuticals,
2/02 -
"Ninety per cent of patients with chronic fatigue
who took omega-3 fatty acids for 3 months improved fatigue scores, with
two-thirds regaining full-time duties."
Fighting Fatigue: Iron Overload vs. Anaemia - Functional Foods &
Nutraceuticals, 2/02 -
"Menstruating women are more likely to feel tired
because of an iron deficiency, whereas men 40 years and older are more
likely to tire from iron overload ... the anaemia rate of adults older than
85 may be similarly high—ranging from 17 to 28 per cent ... In a state of
iron overload, fatigue is often accompanied by arthritis, diabetes,
infertility, male impotence, skin pigmentation, and liver or heart disease
... unexplained fatigue may be a physical symptom of masked depression"
- Graded Exercise Benefits
Patients With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Doctor's Guide, 2/16/01
Chronic Fatigue News - Nutrition Science News, 4/00
Enada Reduces Chronic Fatigue Symptoms - Nutrition Science News, 8/99
- Exercise Helps Patients
With Chronic Fatigue Feel Better - Doctor's Guide, 6/6/97
Other News:
Chronic fatigue syndrome not linked to suspect viruses; Study puts to rest
notion that XMRV or pMLV cause the mysterious ailment - Science Daily,
9/18/12 - "The causes of chronic fatigue syndrome
(CFS) have long eluded scientists. In 2009, a paper in the journal Science
linked the syndrome -- sometimes called myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) -- to
infection with a mouse retrovirus called XMRV (xenotropic murine leukemia
virus (MLV)-related virus). Given that affected patients often have symptoms
consistent with a chronic infection, this viral connection seemed plausible,
and the findings were celebrated as a major achievement for a complex
disease that afflicts nearly 1 million in the U.S. ... To definitively
resolve this issue, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), commissioned a
study ... None of the laboratories found evidence of XMRV or pMLV in samples
from the recruited CFS/ME or control subjects"
Viral Theory of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Origin Suffers Setback - ABC
News, 12/23/11
Spinal fluid proteins distinguish Lyme disease from chronic fatigue syndrome
- Science Daily, 2/23/11
Further doubt cast on virus link to chronic fatigue syndrome - Science
Daily, 2/16/10
Inflammatory Disease Causes Fatigue - Science Daily, 2/28/09 -
"Chronic inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid
arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, psoriasis, and liver disease cause
"sickness behaviors," including fatigue, malaise, and loss of social
interest ... These findings suggest that people with chronic inflammatory
diseases may benefit from treatments that limit monocyte access to the
Special Delivery: Brown Can Thrash Your Packages With A 30-Yard Delivery
Toss, That's What - WebMD, 1/5/09
Steroid for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? - WebMD, 3/21/08 - I'm not buying
this one. See my cortisol page.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome A Physical Or Psychological Affliction? -
Science Daily, 12/18/07
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Linked To Stomach Virus - Science Daily,
Stomach Bug Could Trigger CFS - WebMD, 9/13/07
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Linked To Stomach Virus - Science Daily,
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Impairs A Person's Slow Wave Activity During Sleep
- Science Daily, 5/1/07
Therapy For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome To Be Tested - Science Daily,
CDC: Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome 'Real' - WebMD, 11/3/06
Hit-and-run Injury To The Brain: New Evidence On Chronic Fatigue Causation
- Science Daily, 3/1/06
What Causes
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? - WebMD, 1/26/06
Research Provides More Evidence That Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Is A
Legitimate Medical Condition - Science Daily, 1/10/06
Evidence for
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? - WebMD, 12/1/05
- Helping Teens
With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - WebMD, 12/7/04
New Study Shows Sinus Surgery Can Improve Chronic Fatigue - Science
Daily, 11/2/04
Sinus Surgery Can Improve Chronic Fatigue Caused by Sinusitis - Doctor's
Guide, 10/8/04
Sedentary Children At Higher Risk Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Later in Life
- Doctor's Guide, 10/6/04
- Inactivity
Linked to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - WebMD, 10/5/04
- Skin Offers
Clues to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - WebMD, 8/26/04
- High Price of
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Set - WebMD, 6/24/04
Diagnosing Chronic Fatigue? Check For Sinusitis - Doctor's Guide,
- Chronic Fatigue
Linked to Sinus Problems - WebMD, 8/11/03
- Tricky Heart
May Cause Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - WebMD, 4/14/03
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Review - Am J Psychiatry 160:221-236, 2/03
Measure Aids Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Assessment - Doctor's Guide,
Immunology/Psychiatry Chronic Fatigue Clinics Compared - Doctor's Guide,
- Growth Hormone for
CFS in Older Patients - Medscape, 5/02 - "Only 1
study was located in which patients with CFS were treated with GH
therapy.[7] Twenty patients with CFS with peak serum
GH levels below 10 mcL during sleep were randomized to receive either GH
therapy (6.7 mcg/kg/day) for 12 weeks or placebo. When this treatment period
ended, 17 individuals were given GH treatment at the previously identified
dosage, leading to significant increases in IGF-1, fat-free body mass, and
total body water at 12 months. However, quality of life (assessed by 2
measures) in this cohort did not improve during treatment, but 4
participants resumed work after an extended period of sick leave"
Chronic fatigue syndrome more than being tired - CNN, 12/24/01
Promising Results For Chronic Fatigue Sufferers - Intelihealth, 11/29/01
- Chronic Fatigue
Is Very Disabling, Doctors Say - WebMD, 11/20/01
- Two Treatments
for Chronic Fatigue Top the List - WebMD, 9/19/01
Behavioral Treatments For Chronic Fatigue Promising, But Research Flawed,
Review Says - Intelihealth, 9/19/01
- Chronic Fatigue Associated
With Additional Health Problems - Doctor's Guide, 1/10/01
- Fludrocortisone Not
Helpful For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients Who Feel Faint - Doctor's
Guide, 1/3/01
- Ritalin (Methylphenidate)
Improves Chronic Fatigue in Patients With Cirrhosis - Doctor's Guide,
- Circulation Problem May
Contribute To Chronic Fatigue In Gulf War Veterans - Doctor's Guide,
- Researchers
Pinpoint Chronic Fatigue Sufferers Who Are More Likely to Recover, Those
With More Symptoms, Less Clear Thinking Are Less Likely to Get Better -
WebMD, 12/14/99
Behavior therapy helps chronic fatigue patients - CNN, 11/10/99
- The Mysteries of
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Infections and Psychological Disorders
May Create Complex Disease - WebMD, 11/9/99
- Ampligen® Effective
Treatment For Severe CFS - Doctor's Guide, 9/13/99
- Safety Of Hydrocortisone As
CFS Treatment Questioned - Doctor's Guide, 9/22/98
- Consult Your
Pharmacist - The Many Faces of Fatigue - Medscape, 12/98
- Mental Impairment And
Functional Incapacity Linked In Chronic Fatigue - Doctor's Guide, 4/9/98
- New Chronic Fatigue Drug
Available in U.S. and Canada - Doctor's Guide, 6/26/97
- Autonomic Nervous System
Dysfunction Linked To Chronic Fatigue - Doctor's Guide, 6/3/97