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Anti-aging Research > Ribose
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News & Research:
- Does Ribose Really
Energize? - Dr. Weil, 10/5/07
Dextrose May Be Better Than Ribose for Enhancing Athletic Performance -
Medscape, 1/17/06
Sugar [dextrose] Sweetens Athletic Performance - HealthDay, 1/12/06 -
"The women were tracked on how they performed on
2,000-meter rowing time trials over eight weeks ... The women who took the
dextrose drink showed a median improvement of 15.2 seconds over eight weeks,
compared to a median improvement of 5.2 seconds among the women who took the
ribose drink" - [WebMD]
- See
products at iHerb. By my calculations, 10 grams would be 3.125 teaspoons or
about a tablespoon and would be 37.5 calories. It's worth a try to see if it
makes my jogging a swimming easier. - Ben
powerhouse nutrients - Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals, 4/05 -
"L-carnitine shuttles fuel into cells to be burned
as energy; coenzyme Q10 sparks the energy within the cells; ribose is a
component of adenosine triphosphate (ATP); and alpha-lipoic acid increases
ATP levels"
- Benefit of Ribose
in a Patient With Fibromyalgia - Medscape, 1/7/05 -
"Ribose is a naturally occurring carbohydrate with
documented medical benefits in patients with cardiovascular disease. To our
knowledge, this is the first report to suggest its potential benefit in a
patient with fibromyalgia, who had had suboptimal results with conventional
Ribose Recovery - Nutrition Science News, 3/01
ATP, The Energy Currency - Nutrition Science News, 3/01
The Latest from the American College of Sports Medicine - Nutrition
Science News, 9/00
Hot Stock - Nutrition Science News, 1/00
Does Ribose Matter? - Nutrition Science News, 5/99
Effects of Ubiquinol and/or
D-ribose in Patients With Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction -
Am J Cardiol 2022 May 26 - "Patients with heart failure
with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) have few pharmacologic therapies, and
it is not known if supplementing with ubiquinol and/or d-ribose could improve
outcomes ... Group 1 received placebo ubiquinol capsules and d-ribose powder,
Group 2 received ubiquinol capsules (600 mg/d) and placebo d-ribose powder,
Group 3 received placebo ubiquinol capsules with d-ribose powder (15 g/d), and
Group 4 received ubiquinol capsules and d-ribose powder ... Kansas City
Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire (KCCQ) clinical summary score ... Treatment with
ubiquinol and/or d-ribose significantly improved the KCCQ clinical summary score
(17.30 to 25.82 points), vigor score (7.65 to 8.15 points), and EF (7.08% to
8.03%) and reduced B-type natriuretic peptides (-72.02 to -47.51) and
lactate/adenosine triphosphate ratio (-4.32 to -3.35 × 10-4). There were no
significant increases in the septal E/e' or the 6-minute walk test. In
conclusion, ubiquinol and d-ribose reduced the symptoms of HFpEF and increased
the EF. These findings support the use of these supplements in addition to
standard therapeutic treatments for patients with HFpEF" - See
ubiquinol products at Amazon.com and
D-ribose at Amazon.com.
Progresses in both basic
research and clinical trials of NAD+ in Parkinson's disease - Mech
Ageing Dev 2021 May 11 - "The decline of nicotinamide
adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) levels is a hallmark of aging in multiple organisms
and tissues, including the human brain. Hence, agents that increase
intracellular NAD + could have beneficial effects in aging and age-related
neurodegenerative diseases. Disturbances in NAD + metabolism have also been
observed in Parkinson's disease (PD), supporting a link between neuronal
bioenergetics failure and disease pathogenesis" - See
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide at Amazon.com.
Potential use of ubiquinol and d-ribose in patients with heart failure with
preserved ejection fraction - Annals of Medicine and Surgery, Volume 55,
July 2020, Pages 77-80 - "HFpEF is a common and often debilitating disease
process that may be difficult to diagnose and has limited targeted therapeutic
options. Mitochondrial dysfunction appears to play a significant role in the
pathophysiologic processes of this clinical syndrome. Improved methods of
diagnosis for HFpEF are needed, as are specific effective therapies. Active
ongoing research into the roles of ubiquinol and d-ribose in HFpEF may provide
clinicians with additional management opportunities" - [Nutra USA]
- See
D-ribose at Amazon.com and
ubiquinol products at Amazon.com.
Effect of D-ribose
supplementation on delayed onset muscle soreness induced by plyometric exercise
in college students - J Int Soc Sports Nutr 2020 Aug 10 -
"D-ribose supplementation reduces muscle soreness,
improves recovery of muscle damage, and inhibits the formation of lipid
peroxides. Young adult males performing plyometric exercise are likely to
realize a DOMS reduction through consumption of D-ribose in 15 g/doses both
before (1-h) and after (1-h, 12-h, 24-h, 36-h) exercise. These results suggest
that appropriately timed consumption of D-ribose may induce a similar
alleviation of exercise-induced DOMS in the general public" - See
D-ribose at Amazon.com and
Benefits Restless Legs Syndrome - J Altern Complement Med. 2008
Nov;14(9):1165-1166 - "D-ribose did not totally
eliminate their discomfort, but the severity and onset of symptoms affecting
their quality of life was substantially improved with D-ribose without any
adverse reactions"
The use of D-ribose in chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia: a pilot
study - J Altern Complement Med. 2006 Nov;12(9):857-62 -
"D-ribose significantly reduced clinical symptoms in
patients suffering from fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome" -
D-ribose at Amazon.com
Effects of Oral D-Ribose Supplementation on Anaerobic Capacity and Selected
Metabolic Markers in Healthy Males - Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab, 13
(1) (2003)