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Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending 2/8/06. You should consult your doctor if you are taking any medications.
Chromium supplement offers diabetes hope – animal study - Nutra USA, 2/7/06
- "Obese rats treated with
chromium picolinate had significantly improved
glucose disposal rates" - See
Compound Prolongs Lifespan And Delays Onset Of Aging-related Traits In A
Short-lived Vertebrate - Science Daily, 2/7/06 -
"The researchers added
resveratrol to daily fish food and found that
this treatment increased longevity and also retarded the onset of aging-related
decays in memory and muscular performance" - See
Broccoli chemical's cancer check - BBC News, 2/7/06 -
"A chemical in vegetables such as
broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage can boost DNA repair in cells and may stop
them becoming cancerous ... Vegetables such as broccoli were found to contain a
compound called I3C" - See
indole-3-carbinol at Amazon.com Alzheimer's Found To Be Mostly Genetic: Largest Twin Study Ever Undertaken Confirms Highest Estimates Of Genetic Risk - Science Daily, 2/7/06 - "Alzheimer disease has a genetic cause in up to 80 percent of cases" Older Adults May Reduce Risk of Metabolic Syndrome by Eating More Whole Grains - Doctor's Guide, 2/6/06 - "as whole-grain intake increased, fasting blood sugar levels were lower in these subjects. Refined grain intake, on the other hand, was associated with higher fasting blood sugar levels ... people who consumed high amounts of refined grains had twice the risk of having metabolic syndrome than those people who consumed the fewest servings of refined grains" Coffee May Decrease Risk of Developing Type 2 Diabetes in Women - Medscape, 2/6/06 - "The RR of type 2 diabetes was 0.87 for 1 cup per day, 0.58 for 2 to 3 cups per day, and 0.53 for 4 or more cups per day vs no coffee consumption" - Related study:
not sun, best to boost vitamin D - MSNBC, 2/6/06 -
"Sunbathing intentionally to get more
vitamin D is like taking up smoking to lose weight" - See
Vitacost High Magnesium Intake Lowers Colon Cancer Risk in Women - Medscape, 2/6/06 - "Women in the highest quintile of intake were 23% less likely to develop colon cancer than their peers in lowest quintile of intake ... Magnesium has been hypothesized to cut the risk of colon cancer by reducing oxidative stress, improving insulin sensitivity, or through mechanisms that reduce colon epithelial cell proliferation" US teens not getting sufficient calcium - Nutra USA, 2/6/06 - "The article, published in the journal Pediatrics (Vol. 117, pp. 578-585), reported that about 30 per cent of boys and only 10 per cent of girls were achieving the recommended daily intake (RDI) of calcium" - [WebMD] Pycnogenol reduces osteoarthritis pain, study - Nutra USA, 2/6/06 - "300 mg pine bark extract supplements ... Thirty minutes after taking the supplement, the mean inhibition of COX-1 and COX-2 was 22.5 and 15 per cent" Midnight Snack Won't Pack Fat - WebMD, 2/2/06 - "weight gain depends on how many calories we eat, and not when we eat them" High Levels of Dairy Foods May Increase Ovarian Cancer Risk - Medscape, 2/2/06 - "The case-control study findings were heterogenous and the only positive association that could be established was a relative risk of 1.27 in the highest versus the lowest category of whole milk drinkers"
Omega-3 Fatty
Acids in the Management of Hypertriglyceridemia: New Findings and Formulations
- Continuing Medical Education (CME):Princeton Media Associates, exp. 10/29/06 -
"To lower TG levels, the dose of omega-3
therapy is ~4 g of EPA + DHA per day" - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Melatonin may cut hypertension - Nutra USA, 2/2/06 -
"A 10 per cent decline of BP over
daytime values is considered appropriate to reduce the cardiovascular risk ...
During placebo use only 39 per cent of the subjects reached this value, but this
rate surged to 84 per cent during melatonin
administration" - [Medline]
- See
Vitacost Study shows why meat may increase cancer risk - MSNBC, 2/2/06 - "red meat raises levels of compounds in the large bowel which can alter DNA and increase the likelihood of cancer ... The chance of developing colorectal cancer was a third higher in people who regularly ate more than two portions of red or processed meat a day compared to someone who ate less than one portion a week" MSM
Alleviates Arthritis Pain - Healthwell, 2/2/06 -
"reports Osteoarthritis and Cartilage
(2005 Nov 22 ... The level of pain decreased significantly and physical
functioning improved after 12 weeks in the MSM group
compared with the placebo group" - See
Vitacost Vitamin D – sunlight or supplements? - Nutra USA, 2/1/06 - "Supplements and diet, and not sunlight, should be your source of vitamin D, dermatology experts have concluded after reviewing studies from both sides of the on-going debate" Corn oil, omega-6 could speed up prostate cancer, study - Nutra USA, 2/1/06 - "After we added omega-6 fatty acids to the growth medium in the dish, and only omega-6, we observed that tumors grew twice as fast as those without omega-6" - [HealthDay] [WebMD]
Human Study Shows Protandim(R) Provides a Fundamentally New Approach to Antioxidant Therapy - Yahoo, 1/17/06 - "The study measured the levels of TBARS (thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances), harmful substances created when cells are damaged by oxidation, in 29 subjects. People taking Protandim® experienced reduced oxidative stress, as demonstrated by reducing the amount of TBARS circulating in the blood by an average of 40 percent" Insulin Resistance Syndrome - U. of Alabama, exp. 3/1/07 - "it is prudent to counsel patients to eat a low-fat diet rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates ... preferred hypertension therapies include angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor antagonists, and calcium channel blockers ... For hyperlipidemia unresponsive to lifestyle modification, lipid-lowering medication is recommended" Abstracts from this week's Doctor's Guide Nutrition/Dietetics:
Long-chain n-3 PUFA: plant v. marine sources - Proc Nutr Soc. 2006
Feb;65(1):42-50 - "An important question
is whether dietary intake of the precursor n-3 fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid
(alphaLNA), can provide sufficient amounts of tissue EPA and DHA by conversion
through the n-3 PUFA elongation-desaturation pathway ... in adult men conversion
to EPA is limited (approximately 8%) and conversion to DHA is extremely low
(<0.1%). In women fractional conversion to DHA appears to be greater (9%), which
may partly be a result of a lower rate of utilisation of alphaLNA for
beta-oxidation in women" - See Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com Effect of PLC on functional parameters and oxidative profile in type 2 diabetes-associated PAD - Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2006 Jan 27 - "These results suggest that adjunct therapy with PLC may be warranted in type 2 diabetes-associated PAD" - See Ester Carnitine Propionyl at iHerb. Affiliates (I could sure use some sales. Click here for more stores): |