Recent Longevity News for the seven days ending
4/7/10. You should consult your doctor if you are taking any medications.
Healthy no matter what? - Science Daily, 4/6/10 -
:"Rancid fish oil smells bad and tastes so
awful that no-one would want to swallow it. But if the fish oil is in capsules,
it is impossible to smell if it is rancid or not. That is why it is important
for us to examine whether rancid fish oil is less beneficial to health, or, at
worst, harmful to anyone who takes it ... One of the possible negative impacts
of ingesting rancid fish oil to which Frøyland is referring is what is known as
oxidative stress in the cell membrane, i.e. where oxidants break down the cell
membrane ... fish oil from capsules caused oxidation of the cell membrane, even
when antioxidants had been added and when the capsules still had over a year
left before their expiration date. Juice containing omega-3, on the other hand,
produced no oxidation ... The fish oil in Smartfish products comes from the
company Marine Harvest Ingredients AS and is manufactured from the discards from
salmon production -- within an hour of the salmon being slaughtered" -
That's why I don't buy cheap band X brands when I buy supplements. - Ben
Endocrine disruptors: Babies absorb the most bisphenol A - Science Daily,
4/5/10 - "The study revealed that babies and infants
absorb the most BPA. Babies fed using PC bottles are the worst affected, on
average taking in 0.8 micrograms of BPA per kilogram of body weight via bottles.
This amount is well below the statutory minimum. "But the latest studies on rats
have shown that even low doses can have a harmful impact on the development of
the animals,""
Vitamin D may save 40,000 Canadian lives per year - Nutra USA, 4/2/10 -
"The results of this study strongly suggest that the
personal and economic burden of disease in Canada could be significantly reduced
if the mean serum 25(OH)D level was increased from its current level of 67
nmol/L to the optimal level of 105nmol/L" - [Abstract]
- See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
is dumb: Young men who smoke have lower IQs, study finds - Science Daily,
4/2/10 - "The average IQ for a non-smoker was about 101,
while the smokers' average was more than seven IQ points lower at about 94, the
study determined. The IQs of young men who smoked more than a pack a day were
lower still, at about 90. An IQ score in a healthy population of such young men,
with no mental disorders, falls within the range of 84 to 116"
Blueberries may protect muscles from exercise damage - Nutra USA, 4/2/10 -
"Although it is difficult to deduce the biological
significance of the data presented here from in vitro studies, one may speculate
that consumption of
blueberry fruit polyphenolics and particularly
malvidin glycosides may be beneficial in alleviating the damaging consequences
oxidative stress in muscle tissue" - [Abstract]
- See
blueberry extract at Amazon.com .
Elevated CRP Level Linked to Decline in Executive Function and Frontal Lobe
Damage - Medscape, 4/1/10 - "They found that higher
levels of
hs-CRP were associated with worse
performance on tests of executive function, even after adjustment for age, sex,
education, and cardiovascular risk factors. "It's not like these people are
really cognitively impaired," Dr. Wersching emphasized, "but it's just they do
worse than people who have a lower CRP.""
Vitamin D Levels Linked to Lower Risk for Female Pelvic Floor Disorders -
Medscape, 4/1/10 - "In women at least 50 years old with
vitamin D levels of 30 ng/mL or higher (OR,
0.55; 95% CI, 0.34 - 0.91), the likelihood of
urinary incontinence was significantly
reduced" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
The Perils of Plastic - Environmental Toxins - Time Magazine, 4/1/10 -
"The levels observed are considered well below the
federal safety threshold of 50 micrograms per kg of body weight per day. But
that recommendation was made 22 years ago, and in the time since, scientists
have learned more about the effects of even a bit of BPA. In 1998, Patricia
Hunt, a geneticist at Washington State University, found that female mice dosed
with BPA had serious reproductive problems, including defective eggs. More
recently, she published a study showing that the offspring of mice exposed to
BPA while pregnant can end up with corrupted eggs, a situation that leads to
trouble for their offspring ... As a synthetic estrogen, BPA can mimic hormones,
those powerful chemicals, like testosterone and adrenaline, that run the body.
Tiny amounts of hormones produce immense biological and behavioral changes"
-See Stainless Steel Water
Bottles at Amazon.com. Also I've been replacing plastic containers
with jars at Specialty Bottle.
Click here for wide mouth short.
Click here for jars that fit the Yogourmet
yogurt maker. Also, Pyrex products at Amazon.com.
I see at least one with glass lids.
Also Go Green GlassLock.
Vitamin D shows promise against seasonal ‘flu: Study - Nutra USA, 4/1/10 -
"daily supplements of
vitamin D3 reduced the influence of seasonal
‘flu (influenza A) by over 40 per cent ... The
benefits of vitamin D supplementation were even more noticeable in children who
had low levels of vitamin D at the start of the study, with a 74 per cent
reduction in the incidence of ‘flu observed" - [Abstract]
- See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
EPA: Bisphenol A Is a 'Chemical Concern' - WebMD, 3/31/10 -
"Some experts are concerned that exposure to
BPA and its weak estrogen-like effects during critical periods of human
development may be associated with a wide range of health problems, including
behavioral effects, reproductive problems, cancer, heart disease, and diabetes"
Stainless Steel Water Bottles at Amazon.com .
amounts of chocolate lower BP, cut strokes and MIs - theheart.org, 3/31/10 -
"those who ate the most chocolate—around 7.5 g per
day—had a 39% lower risk of MI and stroke than individuals who ate almost no
chocolate (1.7 g per day) ... It's important to read the small print with this
study. The amount consumed on average by even the highest consumers was about
one square of chocolate a day or half a small chocolate Easter egg in a week, so
the benefits were associated with a fairly small amount of chocolate ... Before
you rush to add dark chocolate to your diet, be aware that 100 g of dark
chocolate contains roughly 500 calories"
Avodart May Lower Prostate Cancer Risk - WebMD, 3/31/10 -
"those who took the drug
Avodart had a 23% lower risk of being diagnosed with
prostate cancer
over four years of treatment, compared to men who did not take the drug"
- See Avodart (dutasteride) at
Sharp Rise in
HPV-Related Oropharyngeal Carcinoma -- A Legacy of the "Sexual Revolution"?
- Medscape, 3/30/10 - "The incidence of oropharyngeal
carcinoma related to human papillomavirus (HPV) has been increasing in recent
years, and there is speculation that this is the result of the "sexual
revolution" of the 1960s" - Tell me about it (click
here). I passed the 5 year mark in February. Somehow I made it
through that with just a scratch. See:
Growths: Mouth Growths - "if the cancer has spread
to lymph nodes, the 5-year survival rate is only 25%"
Abstracts from this week's
Doctor's Guide Nutrition/Dietetics
plus abstracts from my RSS feeds (Click here
for the journals, the PubMed ones at the top):
Eicosapentaenoic acid reduces rectal polyp number and size in familial
adenomatous polyposis - Gut. 2010 Mar 26 -
"Treatment with
EPA-FFA for 6 months was associated with a
mean 22.4% (95% CI 5.1% to 39.6%) reduction in polyp number (p=0.012) and a
29.8% (3.6% to 56.1%) decrease in the sum of polyp diameters (p=0.027). Global
polyp burden worsened over 6 months in the placebo group (-0.34) unlike the
EPA-FFA group (+0.09, difference 0.42 (0.10-0.75), p=0.011) ... EPA-FFA has
chemopreventative efficacy in FAP, to a degree similar to that previously
observed with selective cyclo-oxygenase-2 inhibitors. EPA holds promise as a
colorectal cancer chemoprevention agent with a favourable safety profile"
- See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
A "Hot"
Topic in Dyslipidemia Management--"How to Beat a Flush": Optimizing Niacin
Tolerability to Promote Long-term Treatment Adherence and Coronary Disease
Prevention - Mayo Clin Proc. 2010 Apr;85(4):365-79 -
"Approximately 5% to 20% of patients discontinued treatment because of flushing.
Flushing may be minimized by taking niacin with meals (or at bedtime with a
low-fat snack), avoiding exacerbating factors (alcohol or hot beverages), and
taking 325 mg of aspirin 30 minutes before niacin
dosing. The current review advocates an initially slow niacin dose escalation
from 0.5 to 1.0 g/d during 8 weeks and then from 1.0 to 2.0 g in a single
titration step (if tolerated). Through effective counseling, treatment
prophylaxis with aspirin, and careful dose escalation, adherence to niacin
treatment can be improved significantly"
Blueberry fruit polyphenolics suppress oxidative stress-induced skeletal muscle
cell damage in vitro - Mol Nutr Food Res. 2010 Mar;54(3):353-63 -
"These in vitro data support the concept that
blueberry fruits or derived foods rich in malvidin glycosides may be
beneficial in alleviating
muscle damage caused by oxidative stress"
- See
blueberry extract at Amazon.com .
Randomized trial of vitamin D supplementation to prevent seasonal influenza A in
schoolchildren - Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 Mar 10 - "Influenza
A occurred in 18 of 167 (10.8%) children in the
vitamin D(3) group compared with 31 of 167 (18.6%) children in the placebo
group [relative risk (RR), 0.58; 95% CI: 0.34, 0.99; P = 0.04]. The reduction in
influenza A was more prominent in children who had not been taking other vitamin
D supplements (RR: 0.36; 95% CI: 0.17, 0.79; P = 0.006) and who started nursery
school after age 3 y (RR: 0.36; 95% CI: 0.17, 0.78; P = 0.005). In children with
a previous diagnosis of asthma, asthma attacks as a secondary outcome occurred
in 2 children receiving vitamin D(3) compared with 12 children receiving placebo
(RR: 0.17; 95% CI: 0.04, 0.73; P = 0.006)" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Vitamin D Deficiency in Urban Massachusetts Newborns and Their Mothers -
Pediatrics. 2010 Mar 22 - "Overall, 58.0% of the infants
and 35.8% of the mothers were
vitamin D deficient" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com .
Neat Tech Stuff :
Vista Shortcut Overlay Remover - PC World - Freeware removes the
annoying arrows from the desktop icons.
- IconWorkshop™ - Make your
own icons for Vista, XP and MacOS using a professional Icon Editor
Supplement Focus (Liothyronine/Cytomel®/Triiodothyronine
Where to purchase (check with your doctor first):
News & Research:
Antipsychotics Significantly Decrease Free Thyroid Hormone Concentrations
- Doctor's Guide, 9/4/08 - "In patients who receive
antipsychotic medication, levels of free thyroxine and free triiodothyronine
show significant decreases that may affect thyroid hormone functional
activity in some tissues, such as the liver"
Best Thyroid Treatment? - Dr. Weil, 8/29/08
Looking For The Fountain Of Youth? Cut Your Calories, Research Suggests
- Science Daily, 7/3/08 - "While scientists do not
know how calorie restriction affects the aging process in rodents, one
popular hypothesis is that it slows aging by decreasing a thyroid hormone,
triiodothyronine (T3), which then slows metabolism and tissue aging"
- All the studies I've read seem to support the opposite:
Longer-lived Rodents Have Lower Levels Of Thyroid Hormone - Science
Daily, 10/12/06 - "T4 levels varied significantly
between all of the groups, with the shorter-lived groups having higher
levels of T4 than longer-lived groups ... However, because T3, levels did
not differ significantly among all the groups, further research in this area
using larger sample sizes (numbers of rodents in each group) is needed"
STUDY - J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Jan 2 -
"Low-triiodothyronine (T3) syndrome is a predictor of poor outcome in
patients with cardiac dysfunction ... dilated cardiomyopathy (DC) ... In DC
patients, short-term synthetic L-T3 replacement therapy significantly
improved neuroendocrine profile and ventricular performance"
Low triiodothyronine: a strong predictor of outcome in acute stroke patients
- Eur J Clin Invest. 2007 Aug;37(8):651-7 - "The
1-year mortality was 27.34% for low T3 and 19.37% for normal T3 cases (P =
0.006). A smaller percentage of patients with low T3 values were independent
at 1 year compared to those with normal T3 values [54.2% vs. 68.7%, chi(2) =
12.09, P < 0.001, odds ratio (OR) = 0.53"
Natural killer activity and thyroid hormone levels in young and elderly
persons - Gerontology 2001 Sep-Oct;47(5):282-8 -
"Decreased serum concentrations of total T(3) may
contribute to low NK activity in the 'almost healthy' subgroup of the
Does low tri-iodothyronine independently predict mortality in elderly
hospitalised patients? - Int J Clin Pract 2001 Jul-Aug;55(6):409-10 -
"Our study shows an association of low serum T3 with
patient mortality in elderly hospitalised patients"
T3 Supplementation Raises Patients' Response to Sertraline - Clinical
Psychiatry News, 11/06 - "The sertraline-T3 cohort
also was much more likely (odds ratio 2.69) to go into remission by the
sixth week of treatment. At that point, 58.5% (31/53) of the T3-augmented
patients but only 38% (19/50) of the placebo group was in remission"
Longer-lived Rodents Have Lower Levels Of Thyroid Hormone - Science
Daily, 10/12/06 - "T4 levels varied significantly
between all of the groups, with the shorter-lived groups having higher
levels of T4 than longer-lived groups ... However, because T3, levels did
not differ significantly among all the groups, further research in this area
using larger sample sizes (numbers of rodents in each group) is needed"
- Thyroid
Supplementation Enhances Antidepressant Response - Medscape, 9/21/06 -
"Remission occurred in 31 patients (58.5%) receiving T3 compared with 19
patients (38%) in the placebo group" - See
T3 at International Anti-aging Systems
but check with your doctor first.
T3 Therapy Not Yet Ready for Psychiatric Use - Clinical Psychiatry News,
2/05 -
"Today, many patients with complaints of chronic
malaise or fatigue approach their physician seeking T3 therapy, but the fact
is that none of the handful of well-designed randomized controlled trials
done since then has been able to confirm the initial report of superior
outcomes ... There is reason for concern that supraphysiologic doses of T3
in this setting could interfere with protein and fat metabolism and interact
synergistically with catecholamines to increase myocardial oxygen demand,
with resultant increased arrhythmia, MI, heart failure, and death"
- Reply to
Doctor Who States that T3 is Dangerous--Fibromyalgia, Hypothyroidism,
Thyroid Hormone Resistance - DrLowe.com, 12/8/03
Combinination Levothyroxine/Liothyronine Shows No Obvious Benefit Over
Levothyroxine Alone in Patients With Primary Hypothyroidism - Doctor's
Guide, 12/11/03
- Combination Therapy
No Better Than T4 Alone for Primary Hypothyroidism - Medscape, 12/9/03
Thyroxine Plus 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine Treatment for Depressed Patients with
Hypothyroidism Does Not Improve Patient-Assessed Well-Being - Doctor's
Guide, 10/30/03
Thyroid Hormone T3 Doesn't Boost Effectiveness of SSRIs - Clinical
Psychiatry News, 10/03
Adding T3 to Paroxetine Adds No Benefit in Depressed Patients - Doctor's
Guide, 4/28/03
Algorithm-Based Treatment Shows High Lack Of Response To Selective Serotonin
Reuptake Inhibitors - Doctor's Guide, 4/17/03 -
"When the clinicians added T3, they found it was
effective among 10 out of 16 women patients (62.5%), but was not effective
in any of the 9 male patients who received it. Although values were within
the normal range, patients who responded to T3 had higher serum
thyroid-stimulating hormone levels than those who did not ... The effect of
T3 may be related to thyroid function even within the normal range"
- Options for
Treatment-Resistant Depression - Psychiatric Times, 7/02 -
"Use of T3 may interfere with thyroid metabolism if
taken chronically, so its use should generally be limited to two or three
weeks. Doses of T3 between 25 mcg/day to 50 mcg/day are more effective than
Bipolar Patients Sensitive to Thyroid Function Variations - Doctor's
Guide, 1/8/02 -
"They studied 65 patients in the depressed phase of
bipolar I disorder to test the hypothesis that patients with lower thyroid
function, even within the normal range, might have a poorer response to
treatment initially ... Outcomes were relatively poor unless patients had
FTI [free thyroxine index] values above the median and TSH values below the
Does thyroid supplementation accelerate tricyclic antidepressant response? A
review and meta-analysis of the literature - Am J Psychiatry 2001
Oct;158(10):1617-22 - "This meta-analysis supports
the efficacy of T(3) in accelerating clinical response to tricyclic
antidepressants in patients with nonrefractory depression"
- Sustained
Release T3 / Time Release T3 - WilsonSyndrome.com -
"When Dr. Wilson first started treating Wilson's
Thyroid Syndrome, Cytomel (instant release) was all he used. When he had
about 300 patients at a time on Cytomel, he would get about 6-8 beeper pages
over the weekend from patients having complaints and 2-3 of those calls
would be about some pretty worrisome side effects. When Dr. Wilson conceived
of and started using T3 mixed with a sustained release agent (see WTS
history) he would go 6 months without a page"
- Synthroid
/ Armour Thyroid - WilsonSyndrome.com -
"Some patients and physicians hear about the need
for T3 and think they can gain the benefits of T3 by using Armour instead of
Synthroid because it contains T3. But Armour thyroid doesn't contain just
T3. It contains a lot of T4 as well! T4 is the very hormone we're trying to
reduce in WTS in order to deplete RT3 levels"
Thyroid Hormones Accelerate Depressive Response to Drug Therapy -
Doctor's Guide, 10/30/01 -
"Five of the six studies found T3 to be
significantly more effective than placebo in accelerating clinical response
... Investigators say they found that the average effect was highly
The acute effect of calcium carbonate on the intestinal absorption of
levothyroxine - Thyroid 2001 Oct;11(10):967-71 -
"When 1,000 microg of levothyroxine alone was given
to subjects, the maximum average total T4 absorption was 837 microg (83.7%
of the dose ingested) at 120 minutes. When levothyroxine was coadministered
with 2.0 g of calcium (as calcium carbonate), the maximum average T4
absorption decreased to 579 microg (57.9% of the dose ingested) at 240
- Use OF T3 Thyroid
Hormone to Treat Depression - DrMirkin.com, 5/19/01 -
"some people become depressed when they take just T4
and their depression can be cured when they take both thyroid hormones, T3
and T4"
Replacing T4 With Triiodothyronine Improves Cognition And Mood In
Hypothyroidism - Doctor's Guide, 7/5/00 -
"Substituting T3 for a portion of T4 changed the
concentrations of thyroid hormones and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) as
well as improving cognition and mood"
T3---fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, thyroid hormone resistance -
- Wilson's
Thyroid Syndrome -
"Conversion of T4 to T3 can also be impaired by
glucocorticoids" - Maybe that is the mechanism by which
cortisol causes depression, and if so,
could T3 then cure the depression? - Ben
- Adding Natural Hormone
Boosts Brain Function In Hypothyroidism - Doctor's Guide, 2/11/99 -
"We found there wasn't much difference between the
two treatments in terms of metabolic effects or effects on various
peripheral organs," Prange said. "There were big differences, however, in
the mental state of the patients. If these findings hold up, they will be
very important."
Depression Management - ContinuingEducation.com, exp. 12/31/02 - See
table six, recommends 5 - 50 mcg T3, 100 mcg (.1 mg) T4
Liothyronine Sodium - RxList.com -
"Twenty-five mcg of liothyronine [T3] is equivalent
to approximately 1 gram of desiccated thyroid or thyroglobulin and 0.1 mg of
L-thyroxine [T4]" - I don't know if that is correct concerning 1 gram
of desiccated thyroid. That would mean that it would take 17 of the normal
60 mg desiccated thyroid capsules to equal 25 mcg T3 and 100 mcg T4 (1000/60
= 17). I would think that that amount would be lethal. Maybe it should
have been grains instead of grams. Any feedback would be appreciated. - Ben
pharmacodynamic equivalence of levothyroxine and liothyronine. A randomized,
double blind, cross-over study in thyroidectomized patients - Clin
Endocrinol (Oxf). 2009 Sep 10 - "The therapeutic
substitution of L-T3 for L-T4 was achieved at approximately 1:3 ratio"
reverse T3 is associated with shorter survival in independently-living elderly.
The Alsanut study - Eur J Endocrinol. 2008 Nov 10 -
"rT3 was the only thyroid hormone associated with shorter survival"
Higher Serum Free Thyroxine Levels Are Associated with Coronary Artery Disease
- Endocr J. 2008 May 23 - "The relative risk (RR) for
CAD in highest tertile of FT(4 )showed increased risk compared with the lowest
tertile (RR 1.98; 95% CI 0.98-3.99, p<0.001). Our study showed that FT(4 )levels
were associated with the presence and the severity of CAD. Also, this study
suggests that elevated serum FT(4 )levels even within normal range could be a
risk factor for CAD" - That might be an argument for going with T4 on say
even days and T3 on odd days.
STUDY - J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Jan 2 -
"Low-triiodothyronine (T3) syndrome is a predictor of poor outcome in
patients with cardiac dysfunction ... dilated cardiomyopathy (DC) ... In DC
patients, short-term synthetic L-T3 replacement therapy significantly
improved neuroendocrine profile and ventricular performance"
Low triiodothyronine: a strong predictor of outcome in acute stroke patients
- Eur J Clin Invest. 2007 Aug;37(8):651-7 - "The
1-year mortality was 27.34% for low T3 and 19.37% for normal T3 cases (P =
0.006). A smaller percentage of patients with low T3 values were independent
at 1 year compared to those with normal T3 values [54.2% vs. 68.7%, chi(2) =
12.09, P < 0.001, odds ratio (OR) = 0.53"
Free triiodothyronine and thyroid stimulating hormone are directly
associated with waist circumference, independently of insulin resistance,
metabolic parameters and blood pressure in overweight and obese women -
Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2007 Jun 4
A Comparison of Lithium and T3 Augmentation Following Two Failed Medication
Treatments for Depression: A STAR*D Report - Am J Psychiatry. 2006
Sep;163(9):1519-30 - "After a mean of 9.6 weeks
(SD=5.2) of treatment, remission rates were 15.9% with lithium augmentation
and 24.7% with T(3) augmentation"
T3 augmentation of SSRI resistant depression - J Affect Disord. 2006
Apr;91(2-3):211-5 - "The women took a mean daily
dose of 40.6 mug of T3 for a mean duration of 3.75 weeks, while the men were
on a mean daily dose of 43.8 mug of T3 for 3.5 weeks. T3 augmentation was
associated with a statistically significant drop (p<.003) in the mean HAMD
at end of the three weeks compared to baseline scores"
Critical appraisal: Combined T3 and T4 replacement therapy is not better
than replacement with T4 alone - Rev Med Chil. 2005 Sep;133(9):1116-9
Natural killer activity and thyroid hormone levels in young and elderly
persons - Gerontology 2001 Sep-Oct;47(5):282-8 -
"Decreased serum concentrations of total T(3) may
contribute to low NK activity in the 'almost healthy' subgroup of the
Effect of triiodothyronine on mitochondrial energy coupling in human
skeletal muscle - J Clin Invest 2001 Sep;108(5):733-7 -
"these data suggest that T(3) promotes increased
thermogenesis in part by promoting mitochondrial energy uncoupling in
skeletal muscle"
Topical triiodothyronine stimulates epidermal proliferation, dermal
thickening, and hair growth in mice and rats - Thyroid 2001
Aug;11(8):717-24 -
"hair length that was 1,180% longer ... 85% more
hairs per millimeter ... topically applied thyroid hormone has dramatic
effects on both skin and hair growth. These observations offer a new
strategy for developing thyroid hormone and its analogues for treating
disorders of skin and hair growth"
Does low tri-iodothyronine independently predict mortality in elderly
hospitalised patients? - Int J Clin Pract 2001 Jul-Aug;55(6):409-10 -
"Our study shows an association of low serum T3 with
patient mortality in elderly hospitalised patients"
Thyroid Hormone Replacement Therapy - Horm Res 2001 Jan;56 Suppl
S1:74-81 -
"Desiccated thyroid contains both thyroxine (T(4))
and triiodothyronine (T(3)); serum T(3) frequently rises to supranormal
values in the absorption phase, associated with palpitations. Liothyronine
(T(3)) has the same drawback and requires twice-daily administration in view
of its short half-life ... TSH values of </=0.1 mU/l carry a risk of
development of atrial fibrillation and are associated with bone loss
although not with a higher fracture rate. It is thus advisable not to allow
TSH to fall below - arbitrarily - 0.2 mU/l ... recent animal experiments
indicate that only the combination of T(4) and T(3) replacement, and not
T(4) alone, ensures euthyroidism [normal
thyroid status] in all tissues of thyroidectomized rats ... It could
well be that a slow-release preparation containing both T(4) and T(3) might
improve the quality of life, compared with T(4) replacement alone, in some
hypothyroid patients"
Effects of thyroxine as compared with thyroxine plus triiodothyronine in
patients with hypothyroidism - N Engl J Med. 1999 Feb 11;340(6):469-70 -
"among 15 visual-analogue scales used to indicate
mood and physical status, the results for 10 were significantly better after
treatment with thyroxine [t4] plus triiodothyronine [t3]"
No pathinfo