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Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
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Abnormal gut bugs tied to worse cognitive performance in vets with PTSD and
cirrhosis - Science Daily, 9/12/19 - "A study
involving military veterans with PTSD and cirrhosis of the liver points to an
abnormal mix of bacteria in the intestines as a possible driver of poor
cognitive performance -- and as a potential target for therapy ... the findings
add to the substantial evidence linking gut health and brain function ... Those
with PTSD had microbiota that were less diverse, meaning they had fewer types of
bacteria overall ... These veterans, along with the relative lack of diversity
in their gut, tended to have more potentially harmful types of bacteria, such as
Enterococcus and Escherichia/Shigella, and fewer beneficial ones, such as
Lachnospiraceae and Ruminococcaceae ... He cited probiotic supplements or fecal
transplants as two possible therapy approaches" - See
probiotic products at Amazon.com
Comparing Perika St.
John's Wort and Sertraline for Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in
Mice - J Diet Suppl. 2019 Feb 18:1-9 - "exaggerated
acoustic startle response (ASR) ... Thirty-six mice were tested for baseline
ASR, then they were exposed to rats in a predator exposure paradigm known to
induce PTSD-like symptoms. Mice were randomly divided into three groups for
treatment (control, sertraline, SJW), and ASR was retested one week later.
One-way ANOVAs found no significant group differences in ASR amplitude at
baseline but a significant effect of Treatment Group after predator exposure,
F(2, 33) = 5.645, p = .008, n2 = .225, when SJW-treated mice had ASR amplitudes
that were significantly lower than sertraline-treated mice (by 27%) and controls
(by 26%). Fecal boli counts showed a similar pattern, with lowest counts in
SJW-treated mice. These results suggest SJW could be considered for studies of
PTSD treatment in humans as well" - See
Perika St. John's Wort at Amazon.com.
Cannabis may hold promise to treat PTSD but evidence lags behind use -
Science Daily, 9/3/19 - "The lack of evidence supporting
cannabis as a PTSD treatment is striking ... Every study had medium to high risk
of bias and all were assessed as low in quality due to limitations such as small
sample size, retrospective study design, lack of a control group or placebo,
short follow-up periods, and not reporting other medication use or addiction.
Only one study was a randomised controlled trial, investigating nabilone, but it
was in a small sample over a relatively short period of time ... The researchers
say there are still many unanswered questions about the safety and efficacy of
cannabis-based medications for PTSD, and potential long-term effects such as
addiction or a risk of psychosis ... Current prescribing of cannabinoids for
PTSD is not backed up by high quality evidence"
Supplementation with
Robuvit® in post-traumatic stress disorders associated to high oxidative stress
- Minerva Med. 2018 Oct;109(5):363-368 - "After 4 weeks, the percentages of
subjects with recurrent memories and dreams, transient walking-dissociative
states and reactive flashbacks/hallucinations, alarm reactions and intense
emotional distress, emotional numbness, social disinterest and detachment were
significantly lower in the subjects treated with Robuvit® (P<0.05%). Sleeping
problems, irritability, and fatigue were also significantly reduced with
supplementation." - [Nutra
USA] - See
Robuvit® at
- Effects of omega-3
polyunsaturated fatty acids on psychophysiological symptoms of
post-traumatic stress disorder in accident survivors: A randomized,
double-blind, placebo-controlled trial - J Affect Disord. 2016 May 30 -
"A total of 83 participants received either omega-3
PUFAs (1470mg docosahexaenoic acid and 147mg eicosapentaenoic acid per day)
or placebo within 10 days of the accidental injury. After 12-week
supplementation, participants performed script-driven imagery of their
traumatic event during monitoring of their heart rate and skin conductance
... Analysis revealed that heart rate during both rest and script-driven
imagery was significantly lower in the omega-3 group than the placebo group,
whereas baseline heart rate was comparable between the two groups" -
USA] - See
docosahexaenoic acid at Amazon.com
Blueberries show promise as treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder
- Science Daily, 3/31/15 - "Ebenezer et al. have
previously demonstrated that SSRIs increase levels of serotonin (5-HT) and
the neurotransmitter norepinephrine (NE) and that the increased NE may
reduce the effectiveness of SSRI therapy. In the new study, the research
team looked at the ability of blueberries to modulate neurotransmitter
levels in a rat model of PTSD ... PTSD rats who did not receive blueberries
demonstrated a predictable increase in NE and 5-HT when compared with the
control group. However, the PTSD rats that received blueberries showed a
beneficial increase in 5-HT with no effect on NE levels, suggesting that
blueberries can effectively modulate neurotransmitters in PTSD" -
Note: That's probably another one that's a better alternative to pot
for people who claim pot helps their PTSD when there's no evidence to
support it and it's probably just a con-game to get high. See
Garden of Life, Radical Fruits Antioxidant Complex at Amazon.com
- Medical Marijuana May
Worsen PTSD Symptoms, Increase Violence - Medscape, 12/15/14 -
"A large observational study of more 2000
participants who were admitted to specialized Veterans Administration
treatment programs for PTSD showed that those who never used marijuana had
significantly lower symptom severity 4 months later than those who continued
or started use after treatment. Veterans who were using marijuana at
treatment admission but quit after discharge ("stoppers") also had
significantly lower levels of PTSD symptoms at follow-up ... On the other
hand, the highest levels of violent behavior were found in the so-called
"starters," those who were not using the substance at admission but who
started use after discharge"
Other News:
risk can be predicted by hormone levels prior to deployment, study says -
Science Daily, 3/7/17 - "Seminal research in the 1980s
connected abnormal cortisol levels to an increased risk for PTSD, but three
decades of subsequent research produced a mixed bag of findings, dampening
enthusiasm for the role of cortisol as a primary cause of PTSD ... However, new
findings published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology point to cortisol's
critical role in the emergence of PTSD, but only when levels of testosterone --
one of most important of the male sex hormones -- are suppressed ... Prior
attempts to link PTSD to cortisol may have failed because the powerful effect
that testosterone has on the hormonal regulation of stress was not taken into
account ... Before deployment, soldiers' stress responses were tested in a
stressful CO2 inhalation challenge. "Healthy stress responses showed a strong
cortisol increase in response to the stressor, whereas abnormal stress responses
showed a blunted, nonresponsive change in cortisol ... soldiers who had an
abnormal cortisol response to the CO2 inhalation challenge were more likely to
develop PTSD from war-zone stress. However, soldiers who had an elevated
testosterone response to the CO2 inhalation challenge were not likely to develop
PTSD, regardless of the soldiers' cortisol response"
with death in deployment - Science Daily, 4/13/15 -
"Many people assume that deployment equals exposure to specific forms of combat
trauma, but the two are not equivalent ... The study found a 43 percent
increased suicide risk when people were exposed to killing and atrocity compared
to just 25 percent when looking at deployment in general"
Hypertension Treatment May Reduce PTSD Symptoms - Science Daily, 6/11/14 -
"individuals diagnosed with PTSD, and who happened to
also be treated with ARBs or ACE inhibitors, exhibited fewer PTSD-like symptoms
... Our current preclinical results show that the ARB losartan, given acutely or
chronically to mice, enhances the extinction of fear memory, a process that is
disrupted in individuals with PTSD. Overall these data provide further support
that this class of medications may have beneficial effects on fear memory in
PTSD patients"
a stress-induced hormone, primes the brain for PTSD - Science Daily,
10/17/13 - "ghrelin released during chronic stress makes
the brain more vulnerable to traumatic events, suggesting that it may predispose
people to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) ... Drugs that reduce ghrelin
levels, originally developed to try to combat obesity, could help protect people
who are at high risk for PTSD, such as soldiers serving in war"
A Trial of
Prazosin for Combat Trauma PTSD With Nightmares in Active-Duty Soldiers Returned
From Iraq and Afghanistan - Am J Psychiatry. 2013 Jul 12 -
"Prazosin is effective for combat-related PTSD with
trauma nightmares in active-duty soldiers, and benefits are clinically
meaningful. Substantial residual symptoms suggest that studies combining
prazosin with effective psychotherapies might demonstrate further benefit"
Pre-existing insomnia linked to PTSD and other mental disorders after military
deployment - Science Daily, 6/29/13 - "The risk
conferred by insomnia symptoms was almost as strong as our measure of combat
exposure in adjusted models ... insomnia is both a symptom and a risk factor for
mental illness and may present a modifiable target for intervention among
military personnel"
Half of Survivors of
Traumatic Events Experiencing Nightmares and Insomnia - firstwordpharma.com,
6/6/13 - "Stressful events were defined as exposure to
natural disasters; involvement in an accident or fire; experiencing combat or
work in a war zone; experiencing physical or sexual assault; witnessing physical
or sexual assault; observing a threat or injury to a family member; witnessing a
death due to violence; and witnessing a sudden, unexpected death ... 43.7% of
respondents to this survey complained of sleep disturbances"
Many Older Veterans
Suffer PTSD in Silence - Medscape, 4/2/13 - "Well
more than half (67%) of respondents reported having a lifetime emotional health
problem; such problems included depression, attention-deficit disorder, anger
issues, mania, anxiety, and substance abuse" - Note: A lot of problems
with that study though. It wasn't compared to non-vets plus only 72 of 400
responded and they may have been different plus it was at an Armed Forces
Retirement Home and they may also have been different.
Why some
soldiers develop PTSD while others don't - Science Daily, 2/21/13
Embattled childhoods may be the real trauma for soldiers with PTSD - Science
Daily, 11/19/12 - "traumatic experiences in childhood --
not combat -- may predict which soldiers develop the disorder"
pressure drugs linked with lower PTSD symptoms - Science Daily, 5/1/12 -
"These data come from an observational study, not a
randomized clinical trial, so it is important to limit our interpretation until
larger, placebo-control, double-blinded trials can be performed ... Patients
taking ACE inhibitors or ARBs had an approximately 30 percent decrease in PTSD
symptom scores, but no significant differences were apparent for those taking
other blood pressure medications, including beta-blockers, calcium channel
blockers, and diuretics. In particular, individuals taking ACE inhibitors or
ARBs tended to have lower levels of hyperarousal and intrusive thoughts"
- See telmisartan or ramipril at
Casualties of war: Wounded veterans more likely to die of coronary heart
disease - Science Daily, 1/26/11 - "During the
28 year follow up , out of 412 deaths, 140 were due to coronary heart
disease (CHD), making wounded veterans 1.7 times more likely to die from CHD
than the comparison group ... those who had been wounded in action had a
higher BMI, a greater history of self-reported depression and were more
likely to be claiming disability pension. This also suggests that as well as
increased risk of PTSD, physical trauma in early life may cause longstanding
physiological implications"
prevents post-traumatic stress syndrome, study suggests - Science Daily,
Inflammatory bowel disease can cause post traumatic stress, say doctors
- Science Daily, 12/1/10
Post-traumatic stress disorder linked to death, atherosclerosis in veterans,
research finds - Science Daily, 11/21/10
Troops' PTSD Rate As High As 35 Percent, Analysis Finds - Science Daily,
Innovative Therapies For Treatment Of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder -
Science Daily, 9/1/09
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Primary Suicide Risk Factor For Veterans
- Science Daily, 8/25/09
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Associated With Higher Alzheimer's, Dementia
Risk - Science Daily, 7/23/09
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: Psychological Treatments May Not Prevent
PTSD - Science Daily, 7/7/09
Quetiapine Monotherapy Effective for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder -
Doctor's Guide, 5/26/09
Beta-Blocker May Erase Fearful Memories - WebMD, 2/16/09
High-Dose Hormone Treatment Might Reduce Risk For Post Traumatic Stress
Disorder (PTSD) - Science Daily, 10/22/08
Focal Brain Damage
Reduces Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Risk - Medscape, 1/2/08
Olanzapine May Be New Option for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder -
Doctor's Guide, 10/19/07
Most PTSD Treatments Not Proven Effective - washingtonpost.com, 10/18/07
Effectiveness Of Most PTSD Therapies Is Uncertain - Science Daily,
Common Drug May Ease Some PTSD Symptoms - Doctor's Guide, 4/12/07
Posttraumatic Stress Ups Heart Disease - WebMD, 1/3/07
Posttraumatic Stress: 19% of Viet Vets - WebMD, 8/17/06
- 1 in 10 U.S. Iraq
veterans suffers stress disorder - MSNBC, 2/28/06
SSRI Drugs Ease Depression in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - Doctor's
Guide, 1/25/06
Sustained-Release Venlafaxine Improves Symptoms in Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorder - Doctor's Guide, 10/31/05
Deployed Combat Medical Personnel Vulnerable to PTSD - Clinical
Psychiatry News, 10/05
Heart Disease Patients Face Greater Risk Of PTSD - Science Daily,
PTSD Algorithm Hits Cyberspace - Clinical Psychiatry News, 9/05
- Millions suffer
post-traumatic stress disorder - MSNBC, 8/14/05
War's Toll: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder - WebMD, 8/2/05
Dissociative Symptoms May Play a Substantial Role in PTSD - Clinical
Psychiatry News, 4/05
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation May Improve Re-Experiencing Symptoms in
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder - Doctor's Guide, 3/23/05
Early Results Show Topiramate May Be Effective in Posttraumatic Stress
Disorder - Doctor's Guide, 3/22/05
Propranolol, Other Drugs Eyed to Block PTSD - Clinical Psychiatry News,
Emotional Disclosure Is Key in PTSD - Clinical Psychiatry News, 1/05
Strategies for Treating PTSD - Clinical Psychiatry News, 12/04
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Confers Greater Medical Illness Burden Than
Depression Among Female Veterans - Doctor's Guide, 6/30/04
- Posttraumatic
Stress, Fibromyalgia Linked - WebMD, 6/10/04
Patients Who Broke Bones in Traumatic Accidents Frequently Suffer from
Stress Disorder - Doctor's Guide, 6/4/04
PTSD Prevalence in Some Female Veterans at 22% - Clinical Psychiatry
News, 4/04
PTSD Findings May Pinpoint Specific Tx - Clinical Psychiatry News, 4/04
Pharmacotherapeutic Options in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - Doctor's
Guide, 3/25/04
- Busy Hands in
Hard Times May Prevent PTSD - WebMD, 3/9/04
Structural Abnormalities Reported in the Anterior Cingulate Cortex of
Post-Traumatic-Stress Patients - Doctor's Guide, 11/14/03
Combat Experience a Better Predictor of Cognitive Problems Than
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - Doctor's Guide, 11/13/03
- Common Drug
[Inderal] May Help Prevent PTSD - WebMD, 10/30/03
Mirtazapine More Effective Than Sertraline On Veterans' Post-Traumatic
Stress Disorder - Doctor's Guide, 10/14/03
Few Traumatized Patients Fit PTSD Criteria Found in DSM - Clinical
Psychiatry News, 8/03
- Posttraumatic
Stress From Childbirth - WebMD, 5/27/03
Veterans With Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Have High Risk of Involuntary
Commitment and Violence - Doctor's Guide, 5/26/03
Risperidone Shows Efficacy in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - Doctor's
Guide, 4/1/03
Combining Prolonged Exposure With Sertraline Enhances Drug Benefits of Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder - Doctor's Guide, 4/1/03
PTSD Underrecognized in Pregnancy, Childbirth - Clinical Psychiatry
News, 4/03
Exposure Therapy a Success in Chronic PTSD - Clinical Psychiatry News,
Tiagabine Effective in Drug Resistant Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder -
Doctor's Guide, 3/31/03
Early Treatment With an SSRI Following Trauma May Stave Off Post-Traumatic
Stress Disorder - Doctor's Guide, 3/31/03
Venlafaxine XR Effective and Well Tolerated in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
- Doctor's Guide, 3/30/03
PTSD in Orthopedic Trauma Patients - Physician's Weekly, 2/24/03
- Prazosin Helpful in
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder - Medscape, 2/7/03
PTSD Can Deter Growth of Neurons in Brain - Clinical Psychiatry News,
Cancers Pose Significant Risk for Acute Stress, PTSD - Clinical
Psychiatry News, 2/03
- Reduction of Nightmares and Other PTSD Symptoms in Combat Veterans by
Prazosin: A Placebo-Controlled Study - Am J Psychiatry 160:371-373, 2/03
Changes to the Brain's Structure Are a Hallmark of Posttraumatic Stress
Disorder - Clinical Psychiatry News, 1/03
Combat-Related, Difficult PTSD May Respond to Risperidone - Clinical
Psychiatry News, 11/02
Childhood Post-Traumatic Stress May Affect Brain Development - Doctor's
Guide, 10/24/02
Younger Children at Higher Risk of Developing Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
- Doctor's Guide, 10/24/02
Memory Cited in Stress Disorder - Intelihealth, 10/15/02
Remission Higher With Paroxetine Treatment For Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorder - Doctor's Guide, 8/29/02
- 1 in 10 New
Yorkers Has PTSD - WebMD, 8/6/02
Paroxetine Eases Broad Range of Trauma Symptoms in Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorder - Doctor's Guide, 6/26/02
Acute Stress Disorder Seen In Children, Parents After Traffic Injury -
Doctor's Guide, 6/3/02
First And Only Medication For Patients Suffering From Posttraumatic Stress
Disorder Receives Approval - Doctor's Guide, 5/15/02
Study: Stress Risk for New Yorkers - Intelihealth, 4/8/02
Adrenergic Blockers Shortly After Trauma Can Block PTSD - Clinical
Psychiatry News, 2/02
- Highlights of the
51st Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychiatric Association. - Medscape,
1/02 -
"several recent studies conducted by Dr. Yehuda and
her colleagues have reported that patients with PTSD demonstrate decreased
cortisol levels, increased sensitivity of the HPA negative feedback
inhibition, and an increased sensitization of the entire HPA axis.[5,6]
Thus, PTSD develops as a result of alterations in the stress response
system, and these alterations prevent a normal path of recovery. One
possible explanation for this biological difference is that exposure to
prior traumatic events may cause a sensitization to the present situation.
This, in turn, causes the HPA axis to shut itself off prematurely, therefore
preventing the proper regulation of other neurobiological systems and
resulting in a cascade of biological consequences"
- Researchers Probe
Link Between PTSD and IQ - WebMD, 1/30/02
- Stress Causes
Lasting Brain Changes - WebMD, 1/17/02
Prolonged Exposure Therapy Effective for PTSD Treatment - Clinical
Psychiatry News, 1/02
- Paxil (Paroxetine) First
Medication Proven Effective in All Three Major Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorder Symptom Groups - Doctor's Guide, 12/3/01
- Post-traumatic Stress
Disorder Related to Increased Medical Problems - Doctor's Guide, 9/24/01
Nation Shows Signs Of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - Intelihealth,
- FDA Approves Zoloft
(Sertraline) For Long-Term Use in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder -
Doctor's Guide, 8/16/01
- Research Sheds Light On
Etiology, Treatment Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - Doctor's Guide,
- The Lasting
Trauma of Stillbirth - WebMD, 7/24/01
- Prevalence of Problems
Related to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Grossly Under-Recognized -
Doctor's Guide, 5/10/01
- Studies Find That
Paroxetine Effective In Treating Both Men And Women With PTSD - Doctor's
Guide, 5/8/01
- Paxil (Paroxetine HCl)
First Effective Medication For Posttraumatic Stress Disorder - Doctor's
Guide, 5/7/01
- Link Found Between Loss
Suffered During Earthquakes And Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder -
Doctor's Guide, 7/10/00
- Children Suffer From
Post-Traumatic Disorder Following Accidents - Doctor's Guide, 6/20/00
- Sertraline Effective in
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder - Doctor's Guide, 5/17/00
- Zoloft (Sertraline)
Significantly Reduces Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms - Doctor's
Guide, 4/12/00
- Sertraline Effective
Treatment For Posttraumatic Stress Disorder - Doctor's Guide, 4/11/00
- Dementia In Aging Veterans
May Trigger Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - Doctor's Guide, 1/14/00
- FDA Approves Zoloft For
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder - Doctor's Guide, 12/8/99
- Researchers Link
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder With Heart Disease - Doctor's Guide,
- Serious Crime Victims Risk
PTSD, Multiple Disorders - Doctor's Guide, 10/29/98
- Psychotherapy Helps
Patients Recover From Post-Traumatic Stress - Doctor's Guide, 7/23/98
- Lower Intelligence May Be A
Risk Factor For Post-traumatic Stress Disorder - Doctor's Guide, 3/36/98