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> Anemia
Alternative News:
Real-World data on efficacy
of L-glutamine in preventing sickle cell disease-related complications in
pediatric and adult patients - Front Med (Lausanne) 2022 Aug 1 -
"L-glutamine has been shown to play an important role in
the regulation of oxidative stress which is one of the key contributors to the
pathophysiology of sickle cell disease (SCD). In a Phase 3 clinical trial,
L-glutamine demonstrated a significant reduction in SCD-related complications
including vaso-occlusive crises (VOCs), hospitalizations, and acute chest
syndrome (ACS) compared to placebo in patients with SCD ... Compared to
baseline, patients had significantly fewer pain crises (median change from 3.0
to 0.0; P < 0.00001), hospitalizations (median change from 3.0 to 0.0; P <
0.00001), days of hospitalization (median change from 15.0 to 0.0; P < 0.00001),
and blood transfusions (median change from 3.0 to 0.0; P < 0.00001) at 24, 48,
and 72 weeks following L-glutamine therapy. Moreover, there was a drastic
decrease in the number of ACS events during this time. A significant increase
was observed in mean hemoglobin levels and hematocrit proportions from baseline
to 72 weeks (P < 0.001). Conversely, compared to baseline, mean reticulocyte
counts and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels were considerably lower at
follow-up time points (P = 0.003 and P < 0.001, respectively). No patient
reported treatment-related adverse events" - See
L-glutamine at Amazon.com.
ossible Mechanism of Hematocrit Elevation by Sodium Glucose Cotransporter 2
Inhibitors and Associated Beneficial Renal and Cardiovascular Effects -
Circulation 2019 Apr 23 - "SGLT2 inhibitor therapy is
associated with a modest increase in hematocrit (2%–4%) relative to placebo, and
this effect is consistent for all 4 SGLT2 inhibitors (empagliflozin,
canagliflozin, dapagliflozin, and ertugliflozin)" - See
empagliflozin inhousepharmacy.vu.
Effects of
Sodium-Glucose Co-transporter 2 Inhibitors on Hemoglobin Levels: A Meta-analysis
of Randomized Controlled Trials - Front Pharmacol 2021 - "Compared
to control patients, SGLT2 inhibitors were shown to increase hemoglobin levels
in patients with T2DM and chronic kidney disease (standard mean difference =
0.70" - See
empagliflozin inhousepharmacy.vu.
Association of Vitamin E Supplementation with Hemoglobin Levels in Mildly Anemic
Healthy Pakistani Adults - Int J Vitam Nutr Res. 2015;85(1-2):39-49 -
"The study showed a positive association between vitamin
E supplementation and enhanced hemoglobin levels in mildly anemic adults"
- See
Jarrow FamilE (contains all eight members of the vitamin E family, includes
Tocomin) at Amazon.com
Impact of
weekly iron folic acid supplementation with and without vitamin B12 on anaemic
adolescent girls: a randomised clinical trial - Eur J Clin Nutr. 2015 Dec 23
- "iron folic acid (IFA) ... IFA supplementation with or
without vitamin B12 is an effective measure to cure anaemia. Although addition
of vitamin B12 had similar impact on improving haemoglobin status as IFA alone,
it resulted in better ferritin status. Hence, more multi-centre studies with a
longer duration of supplementation or higher dose of vitamin B12 may be
undertaken to assess the possible impact of vitamin B12 on improving haemoglobin
levels in the population"
supplements improve anemia, quality of life for women with heavy periods -
Science Daily, 6/9/14 - "One year after treatment women
in the anemic group had a significant increase in energy, along with physical
and social function, and a decrease in anxiety and depression compared to the
non-anemic group. It took five years for the iron stores to reach normal levels"
- See
iron supplements at Amazon.com
vitamin D levels raise anemia risk in children - Science Daily, 10/21/13 -
"their results are not proof of cause and effect, but
rather evidence of a complex interplay between low vitamin D levels and
hemoglobin, the oxygen-binding protein in red blood cells. The investigators say
several mechanisms could account for the link between vitamin D and anemia,
including vitamin D's effects on red blood cell production in the bone marrow,
as well as its ability to regulate immune inflammation, a known catalyst of
anemia ... researchers studied blood samples from more than 10,400 children,
tracking levels of vitamin D and hemoglobin. Vitamin D levels were consistently
lower in children with low hemoglobin levels compared with their non-anemic
counterparts, the researchers found" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
One Iron Pill a Day Keeps
Fatigue Away? - Medscape, 8/20/13 - "evidence is
growing that fatigue in non-anaemic, menstruating women with low ferritin can be
influenced positively by iron supplementation ... the authors randomised 198
menstruating women with considerable fatigue (>6 on a 1–10 Likert scale),
ferritin levels less than 50 μg/l and haemoglobin ≥12 g/dl to have 80 mg oral
ferrous sulphate or placebo for 12 weeks ...A total of 47.7% of the patients in
the iron group compared with 28.8% in the placebo group reported decreased
fatigue. Quality of life, depression and anxiety were not affected ... As in all
oral iron trials, darkening of stool leads to possible differentiation of verum
from placebo, therefore, blinding was not totally assured; a substantial
limitation considering the huge placebo effect on fatigue reported in studies
using parenteral iron"
Iron Deficiency Linked to
Psychiatric Disorders in Kids - Medscape, 6/24/13 -
"Children and adolescents with iron deficiency anemia (IDA) are at increased
risk for psychiatric disorders, including depressive disorder, bipolar disorder,
anxiety disorder, and autism ... should check the iron level in those children
and adolescents with psychiatric disorders ... Iron plays a key role in brain
development, including myelination of white matter and the development and
functioning of the different neurotransmitter systems, including the dopamine,
norepinephrine, and serotonin systems ... There is well-documented evidence in
the literature that IDA has a significant influence on cognitive development,
intelligence, and developmental delay ... Odds Ratio ... Bipolar disorder ...
vitamin D in kids may play a role in anemia - Science Daily, 5/1/11 -
"vitamin D deficiency may play an important role in
anemia ... looked at data from the blood samples of more than 9,400
children, 2 to 18 years of age. The lower the vitamin D levels, the lower
the hemoglobin and the higher the risk for anemia, the researchers found.
Children with levels below 20 nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml) of blood had
a 50 percent higher risk for anemia than children with levels 20 ng/ml and
above. For each 1 ng/ml increase in vitamin D, anemia risk dropped by 3
percent" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Spirulina shows immune boosting power for seniors - Nutra USA, 2/17/11 -
"Twelve weeks of spirulina supplementation were
associated with increased counts of white blood cells, foot soldiers of the
immune system ... Immune function was measured using complete blood cell
(CBC) counts and indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) enzyme activity, and
results showed that over half of all participants receiving spirulina had
higher IDO activity after 6 and 12 weeks, while this proportion was
“striking in men with over 75 percent of subjects manifesting such
phenomenon” ... In terms of cell counts, spirulina was associated with a
steady increase in corpuscular hemoglobin, thereby ameliorating anemia"
- [Abstract] - See
spirulina at Amazon.com
effects of Spirulina on anemia and immune function in senior citizens - Cell
Mol Immunol. 2011 Jan 31 - "Participants took a
supplementation for 12 weeks and were administered comprehensive dietary
questionnaires to determine their nutritional regimen during the study. Complete
cell count (CCC) and indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) enzyme activity, as a
sign of
immune function,
were determined at baseline and weeks 6 and 12 of supplementation. Thirty study
participants completed the entire study and the data obtained were analyzed.
Over the 12-week study period, there was a steady increase in average values of
mean corpuscular hemoglobin in subjects of both sexes. In addition, mean
corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration also increased
in male participants. Older women appeared to benefit more rapidly from
Spirulina supplements. Similarly, the majority of subjects manifested increased
IDO activity and
white blood cell count at 6 and 12 weeks of
Spirulina supplementation. Spirulina may ameliorate anemia and immunosenescence
in older subjects" - See
spirulina products at iHerb.
- Not Enough B12? - Dr.
Weil, 1/20/04
Iron Supplements May Help Fatigued Women - Doctor's Guide, 5/22/03 -
"Women who experience unexplained fatigue, but who
are not anaemic may benefit from iron
supplementation ...The level of fatigue after one month decreased by -
1.82/6.37 points (29%) in the iron group, compared with - 0.85/6.46 points
(13%) in the placebo group ... the lower limit for serum ferritin
concentration is controversial: iron stores in the bone marrow may serve as
a better indicator of iron deficiency, they add. The lower reference limits
for serum ferritin and haemoglobin concentrations have been considered too
low for women and it has been suggested should be the same as for men"
- [Abstract]
- Taurine Helps Correct
Iron-Deficiency Anemia - New Hope Natural Media, 12/19/02 -
"Half of the women were also given
taurine (1,000 mg per day), while the others received a placebo ... the
group receiving taurine had a significantly greater increase in blood count
than did the placebo group. The advantage of taurine over placebo was
equivalent to the production of more than three-quarters of a pint of
additional blood" - See
taurine products.
Fighting Fatigue: Iron Overload vs. Anaemia - Functional Foods &
Nutraceuticals, 2/02 -
"Menstruating women are more likely to feel tired
because of an iron deficiency, whereas men 40 years and older are more
likely to tire from iron overload ... the anaemia rate of adults older than
85 may be similarly high—ranging from 17 to 28 per cent ... In a state of
iron overload, fatigue is often accompanied by arthritis, diabetes,
infertility, male impotence, skin pigmentation, and liver or heart disease
... unexplained fatigue may be a physical symptom of masked depression"
Dying From Neglect - Life Extension Magazine, 3/02
Other News:
High and Low Hemoglobin
Tied to Long-Term Dementia Risk - Medscape, 8/6/19 -
"individuals with anemia were 41% more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease
(AD) and 34% more likely to develop any dementia type compared with individuals
without anemia. The investigators also found that those with high hemoglobin
were also at greater risk of developing dementia"
deficiency anemia associated with hearing loss - Science Daily, 12/29/16 -
"iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is a common and easily
correctable condition ... An association exists between IDA in adults and
hearing loss" - See
iron supplements at Amazon.com
- What Constitutes
Normal Hemoglobin Concentrations in Community-Dwelling Older Adults? - J
Am Geriatr Soc. 2016 Jun;64(6) - "Men with
hemoglobin concentrations of 15.0 to 15.9 g/dL and women with hemoglobin
concentrations of 13.0 to 13.9 g/dL had the lowest risks of all-cause,
cardiovascular, and cancer mortality. Risks of all-cause and cancer
mortality increased significantly when hemoglobin concentrations were less
than 14 g/dL in men and less than 12 g/dL in women. Even mild anemia
(11.0-11.9 g/dL) was associated with greater mortality risk"
- Better Than Oral Iron
for Preop Anemia? IV Iron, Maybe - Medscape, 6/24/15 -
"standard therapy of oral iron has limitations of
its own. In fact, issues with noncompliance typically caused by
gastrointestinal discomfort can occur in more than 30% of patients ... The
increase in median ferritin level from baseline to surgery was significantly
greater with the IV therapy (32 µg/L to 544 µg/L) than with the oral therapy
(76 µg/L to 107 µg/L; P < .001). And at 3 months, ferritin levels were
significantly higher in the IV group than in the oral group (176 µg/L vs 90
µg/L; P < .001)" - Note: I through this in because supplement
can take up to five years.
- Iron
supplements improve anemia, quality of life for women with heavy periods -
Science Daily, 6/9/14 - "One year after treatment women
in the anemic group had a significant increase in energy, along with physical
and social function, and a decrease in anxiety and depression compared to the
non-anemic group. It took five years for the iron stores to reach normal levels"
- See
iron supplements at Amazon.com
- Peginesatide
Rivals EPO as Anemia Treatment - Medscape, 1/25/13 -
"Peginesatide taken once monthly was as safe and
effective as epoetin taken 1 to 3 times per week in treating anemia"
Anemia may more than triple your risk of dying after a stroke - Science
Daily, 2/2/12 - "Without red blood cells to carry
oxygen throughout the body, fatigue, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat
and other symptoms can occur .. Patients with severe anemia were 3.5 times
more likely to die while still in the hospital and 2.5 times more likely to
die within a year"
Hemoglobin level in older persons and incident Alzheimer disease:
Prospective cohort analysis - Neurology. 2011 Jul 13 -
"When compared to participants with clinically
normal hemoglobin (n = 717), participants with anemia (n = 154) had a 60%
increased hazard for developing AD (95% CI 1.02-2.52), as did participants
with clinically high hemoglobin (n = 10, HR 3.39, 95% CI 1.25-9.20). Linear
mixed-effects models showed that lower and higher hemoglobin levels were
associated with a greater rate of global cognitive decline (parameter
estimate for quadratic of hemoglobin = -0.008, SE -0.002, p < 0.001).
Compared to participants with clinically normal hemoglobin, participants
with anemia had a -0.061 z score unit annual decline in global cognitive
function (SE 0.012, p < 0.001), as did participants with clinically high
hemoglobin (-0.090 unit/year, SE 0.038, p = 0.018) ... In older persons
without dementia, both lower and higher hemoglobin levels are associated
with an increased hazard for developing AD and more rapid cognitive decline"
Anemia Underappreciated in Elderly Psychiatric Inpatients - Medscape,
3/14/11 - "Below-normal hemoglobin levels commonly
occur in older patients, which has led to the misconception that anemia is a
natural consequence of aging. However, recent research has challenged this
view, with several studies showing a direct link between anemia and adverse
outcomes in older patients. Outcomes may include deterioration in cognition
and mood, overall physical function, and quality of life and also an
increased risk for death"
Helicobacter pylori infection linked to decreased iron levels in otherwise
healthy children - Science Daily, 3/7/11 - "Half
of the world's population is infected with H. pylori and most of the
individuals are asymptomatically infected ... Previous research has shown
that iron levels correlate with several body functions including brain
activity and have well documented long-term health consequences such as
increased morbidity and mortality and loss of productivity ... the infection
causes a decrease in the levels of iron in children who do not have anemia
or an iron deficiency. The bacterium H. pylori infects the lining of the
stomach resulting in chronic swelling of tissue, a condition known as
gastritis. H. pylori is also a major cause of peptic ulcer disease and the
cause of most cancers of the stomach ... Over time markers of iron stored in
the body increased in children no longer infected. However, children who
remained infected lagged in levels of one marker, serum ferritin, at their
six month follow-up. The protein serum ferritin measures the amount of iron
stored in your body"
How To Confirm The Causes Of Iron Deficiency Anemia In Young Women -
Science Daily, 6/23/09
- Anemia May Raise
Mortality Risk in Heart Failure Patients - Medscape, 9/15/08
The effect of losartan on hemoglobin concentration and renal outcome in
diabetic nephropathy of type 2 diabetes - Kidney Int. 2007 Dec 19 -
"Compared with placebo, losartan treatment was
associated with a significant decrease of hemoglobin, with the largest
between-group difference at 1 year. After adjustment, there were significant
relative risk reductions for losartan compared with placebo for ESRD and for
ESRD or death regardless of the baseline hemoglobin even in those patients
with a baseline hemoglobin below 120 g l(-1). Hence, the renoprotective
properties of losartan were maintained despite a significant lowering of the
hemoglobin concentration"
New Way To Boost Red Blood Cell Numbers - Science Daily, 1/10/08
High-Dose Anemia Drug May Have Risks - WebMD, 11/16/06
Deferiprone and Deferasirox Equally Effective in Patients With Thalassemia
Major - Doctor's Guide, 6/19/06
Drugs for Managing Anemia Are Not Clinically Different - Doctor's Guide,
New Drug Poised to Radically Change Treatment of Severe Anemias -
Doctor's Guide, 4/21/06
FDA Approves Extended Dosing of Aranesp (Darbepoetin Alfa) to Treat
Chemotherapy-Induced Anemia - Doctor's Guide, 3/27/06
Simple Darbepoetin (Aranesp) Regimen Reverses Chemotherapy-Induced Anemia
- Doctor's Guide, 2/3/06
Darbepoietin Effective for Chemotherapy-Induced Anemia - Doctor's Guide,
Data Show Ferriprox Is More Efficacious than Deferoxamine in Removing Iron
from The Heart and in Preventing Early Death in Patients with Thalassemia
- Doctor's Guide, 1/9/06
Meta-Analysis Shows Darbepoetin Alfa Treatment Improves Outcomes in Patients
with Chemo-Induced Anemia - Doctor's Guide, 12/16/05
High-Dose Epoetin Alfa (Procrit) Every 3 Weeks Effective for
Chemotherapy-Induced Anemia - Doctor's Guide, 12/14/05
Exjade, a Breakthrough Once-Daily Oral Iron Chelator, Receives First
Approval Worldwide in the U.S. - Doctor's Guide, 11/3/05
Anemia Associated With Higher Risk Of Death In The Elderly - Science
Daily, 10/25/05
Heart Failure Worsens With Anemia, Increases Risk Of Death - Doctor's
Guide, 8/16/05
Fixed Dose Epoetin Alfa Shows Efficacy and Safety for Cancer-Associated
Anaemia: Presented at EHA - Doctor's Guide, 6/9/05
Daily Oral Iron Chelator ICL670 (Deferasirox) Well Tolerated and Effective
in Patients With Transfusional Iron Overload: Presented at EHA -
Doctor's Guide, 6/8/05
Mild Anemia Associated Negatively Affects Quality of Life - Doctor's
Guide, 5/19/05
Undiagnosed Anemia Common With Chronic Illness - Science Daily, 4/6/05 -
"anemia, a reduction in the number of red blood
cells, occurs surprisingly more often than medical professionals and
patients recognize ... Anemia is also caused by a dietary deficiency of
iron, folate or vitamin B12, all of which are needed to produce healthy red
blood cells"
Erythropoeitic Agents May Help Cancer Patients With Cancer-related or
Chemotherapy Related Anemia - Doctor's Guide, 3/21/05
- New Warning for
Anemia Drug Aranesp - WebMD, 1/14/05
- Mechanisms and
Treatment of Anemia in Chronic Heart Failure - Medscape, 11/29/04
Epoetin Alfa Effective for Mild Chemotherapy-Associated Anemia -
Doctor's Guide, 6/8/04
- FDA Eyes Safety
of Popular Anemia Drugs - WebMD, 5/4/04
Addition of Intravenous Iron to Recombinant Human Erythropoietin May Improve
Response in Patients With Chemotherapy-Related Anaemia - Doctor's Guide,
Laparoscopic Splenectomy Safe, Effective for Autoimmune Haemolytic Anaemia
in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia - Doctor's Guide, 3/11/04
Autoimmune Haemolytic Anaemia Responds to Treatment With Rituximab -
Doctor's Guide, 1/8/04
- Late-Life Anemia
Affects Morbidity and Mortality - Medscape, 12/17/03
Anemia in Elderly Cancer Patients Should Be Diagnosed and Treated -
Doctor's Guide, 12/16/03
Treat Anemia Early, Even if Mild, During Blood Cancer Therapy - Doctor's
Guide, 12/10/03
Anemia Often Underdetected In Diabetes - Physician's Weekly, 11/17/03
- Anemia Drug May
Hurt Cancer Treatment - WebMD, 10/17/03
Anaemia in Diabetics Often Unrecognised, Undetected, and Untreated -
Doctor's Guide, 10/16/03 -
"Although anaemia is a key indicator of renal
disease, a significant complication caused by diabetes, most diabetics are
not tested for anaemia and remain unaware of an association between anaemia
and kidney disease ... reduced quality of life was evident by reports of
being down or depressed (21%), very down or depressed (17%), or feeling
frustrated (17%)"
Immunosuppressive Therapy May Offer Good Response Rate, Survival in Severe
Aplastic Anaemia - Doctor's Guide, 9/29/03
Death Risk Higher if Anaemia Accompanies Heart Failure - Doctor's Guide,
Darbepoetin Alfa Effective for Cancer-Related Anemia When Given Once Every 3
Weeks - Doctor's Guide, 9/17/03
Anemia Leads to Physical Declines in Elderly - Doctor's Guide, 8/18/03
Hydroxyurea May Eliminate Transfusions In Patients With Beta-Thalassemia
Major - Doctor's Guide, 8/12/03
Once Weekly Epoetin Beta Regimen Effectively Treats Chemotherapy-Induced
Anaemia - Doctor's Guide, 8/8/03
Anaemia Elevates Risk of Physical Decline in Older People - Doctor's
Guide, 7/28/03
- Anemia in
Elderly Linked to Declines - WebMD, 7/25/03 -
"Elderly people with
anemia have twice the risk of experiencing physical declines that can end up
robbing them of their independence ... the findings should help call
attention to a condition that is underdiagnosed and undertreated in elderly
populations ... anemia can often be caused by an underlying disease such as
cancer or kidney failure or by treatments for these diseases. Poor nutrition
is a less common cause among the elderly, and no cause can be identified in
about 30% of cases ... the diagnosis of anemia among elderly patients has
not been a priority in the past because there were no effective treatments
for the condition. That changed, however, with the introduction of epoetin
alfa ... The injectable drug is marketed under the brand names Epogen and
Recombinant Human Erythropoietin is Safe, Effective Postpartum Treatment for
Anaemic Women - Doctor's Guide, 7/16/03
New Cancer and Treatment-Related Anemia Practice Guidelines Provide
Direction on Dosing of Erythropoietic Agents - Doctor's Guide, 7/2/03
Recombinant Human Erythropoietin Treatment Provides Quality of Life Benefits
for Cancer-Related Anaemia - Doctor's Guide, 6/27/03
One Weekly Epoetin Beta Dose As Effective and Well Tolerated as Three Per
Week - Doctor's Guide, 6/24/03
One Weekly Epoetin Beta Dose As Effective, Well Tolerated For Treatment Of
Anaemia As Three Per Week - Doctor's Guide, 6/19/03
Area-Under-the-Curve More Sensitive than Haemoglobin Alone to Determine
Quality of Life in Cancer Patients with Anaemia - Doctor's Guide, 6/9/03
Erythropoietin Protocol Spares Red-Blood-Cell Transfusions in Anaemic
Intensive-Care Patients - Doctor's Guide, 6/9/03
Long-Term Safety And Efficacy Of Deferiprone Defined - Doctor's Guide,
Severe Sleep Abnormalities Found In Children And Adolescents With Chronic
Anaemia - Doctor's Guide, 5/23/03
Long-Term Deferiprone May Protect Heart Against Toxic Iron Overload In
Patients With Thalassaemia Major - Doctor's Guide, 5/22/03
Hydroxyurea May Be A Useful Alternative To Erythrocyte Transfusions For
Children With Severe Beta Thalassaemia - Doctor's Guide, 5/20/03
Blood Donation May Cause More Adverse Effects Than Commonly Thought -
Doctor's Guide, 5/15/03
Iron Deficiency Alters Brain Development and Functioning - J. Nutr.
133:1468S-1472S, May 2003 -
"Iron deficiency anemia in
early life is related to altered behavioral and neural development. Studies
in human infants suggest that this is an irreversible effect that may be
related to changes in chemistry of neurotransmitters, organization and
morphology of neuronal networks, and neurobiology of myelination"
Immunological Safety Not a Problem with Bovine-Derived Human Blood
Substitute - Doctor's Guide, 3/10/03
Anaemia A Marker For Higher Mortality Among Elderly With Heart Failure -
Doctor's Guide, 2/19/03
Inadequate Definition Of Iron Deficiency In Infancy - Doctor's Guide,
Elevated Serum Alpha-Fetoprotein Marker For Fanconi's Anaemia - Doctor's
Guide, 12/19/02
Erythropoietin Reduces Transfusions, Increases Haemoglobin in the Critically
Ill - Doctor's Guide, 12/11/02
- Oral Iron Chelator
Reduces Iron Overload - Medscape, 12/10/02
Reducing Adhesion Molecule Expression In Leukocytes May Improve Sickle Cell
Symptoms - Doctor's Guide, 11/26/02
Iron Saccharrate Infusion Found Safe, Effective For Iron Deficient Children
- Doctor's Guide, 10/25/02
- Darbepoetin Alfa
Reduces Anemia and Fatigue in Lung Cancer - Medscape, 8/23/02
Ventilation Monitoring and Analgesic Essential for Those in Vaso-occlusive
Sickle Cell Crisis - Doctor's Guide, 7/26/02
Haemoglobin, Ferritin Levels At Constant Difference Between Men And Women
- Doctor's Guide, 7/23/02
Low Hemoglobin Means High Risk For Mobility Problems In Elderly Women -
Doctor's Guide, 7/9/02
Iron Deficiency Anaemia Patients Not Adequately Investigated - Doctor's
Guide, 6/10/02
Severe Iron Deficiency Anemia Warns of Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 5/21/02
"Severe anemia defined by a
ferritin level of 20 ng/mL or less, or a hemoglobin level of 12.5 or
less, is a sign of cancer risk that should be investigated by endoscopy"
Simple Colour Tint Scales Improves Anaemia Diagnosis - Doctor's Guide,
- Anemia In Elderly Indicates
Underlying Disease - Doctor's Guide, 5/11/99