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Alternative News:
Prevalence of micronutrient
deficiency and its impact on the outcome of childhood cancer: A prospective
cohort study - Clin Nutr 2022 May 18 - "Selenium deficiency was
independently predictive of adverse outcomes in childhood cancer, particularly
in haematological malignancies. Zinc deficiency adversely affected solid tumours"
- See se-methyl l-selenocysteine at Amazon.com
and zinc supplements at Amazon.com.
deficiency harms young children's development, and the food relief we provide
isn't good enough - Science Daily, 5/3/22 - "A
lack of vitamin B12 doesn't just potentially lead to anaemia, it can damage the
nervous system. And for young children, B12 is crucial for brain development ...
B12 deficiency is one of the most overlooked problems out there when it comes to
malnutrition. And unfortunately, we can see that the food relief we provide
today is not up to the task" - See
vitamin B12 at Amazon.com.
Choline Supplementation
Partially Restores Dendrite Structural Complexity in Developing Iron-Deficient
Mouse Hippocampal Neurons - J Nutr 2021 Dec 27 -
"Early-life choline supplementation, with postnatal iron repletion, improves
learning/memory performance in formerly iron-deficient (ID) rats" - See
citicholine at Amazon.com.
Iron supplementation given
to nonanemic infants: neurocognitive functioning at 16 years - Nutr Neurosci
2021 Dec 19 - "There is concern that high iron uptake
during the critical period of early brain development carries potential risks,
especially for nonanemic infants ... Compared to adolescents in the no-added
iron condition in infancy, those in the iron-supplemented condition had poorer
visual-motor integration, quantitative reasoning skills, and incurred more
errors on neurocognitive tasks. Consuming larger amounts of iron-fortified
formula in infancy was associated with lower arithmetic achievement. Of
adolescents who had high hemoglobin at 6 months (Hb ≥ 125 g/L), those in the
iron supplemented condition had poorer performance on arithmetic, quantitative
reasoning, and response inhibition tests than those in the no-added iron
condition. Of adolescents who had marginally low 6-month hemoglobin (Hb > 100
and < 110 g/L), those who received no-added iron incurred more errors on a
visual searching task than those in the iron-supplemented condition"
Prevention of Atopic
Dermatitis in Mice by Lactobacillus Reuteri Fn041 Through Induction of
Regulatory T Cells and Modulation of the Gut Microbiota - Mol Nutr Food Res
2021 Nov 26 - "The development of atopic dermatitis (AD)
in infants is closely related to the lagging development of intestinal
microbiota, including that inoculated by breast milk bacteria, and immune
development. Lactobacillus reuteri Fn041 is a secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA)
-coated bacterium derived from human milk ... Our study strengthens the
understanding that breast milk-derived sIgA coated potential probiotics are
involved in the development of infant intestinal microbiota, thus promoting
immune development and preventing allergic diseases, and expanding the knowledge
of breast milk sIgA and bacterial interactions on infant immune development"
- See probiotic supplements at Amazon.com.
Effect of vitamin D
supplementation on markers of cardiometabolic risk in children and adolescents:
A meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials - Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis
2021 Jun 30 - "Vitamin D supplementation appeared to
have a beneficial effect on reducing fasting glucose and TG level when total
vitamin D supplementation ≥200,000 IU but not HDL-C, LDL-C TC, blood pressure
and waist circumferences levels in children and adolescents" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com and
vitamin D
at iHerb.
N-3 PUFA-Deficiency in Early
Life Exhibits Aggravated MPTP-Induced Neurotoxicity in Old Age While
Supplementation with DHA/EPA-Enriched Phospholipids Exerts a Neuroprotective
Effect - Mol Nutr Food Res 2021 Aug 11 -
"Malnutrition in early life affects the growth and development of fetus and
children, which has a long-term impact on adult health. Previous studies
revealed a relationship between dietary omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (n-3
PUFA) content, brain development, and the prevalence of neurodevelopmental
disorders and inflammation ... Dietary n-3 PUFA-deficiency in early life
exhibits more aggravated MPTP-induced neurotoxicity in old age, then DHA/EPA-PLs
supplementation recovers brain DHA levels and exerts neuroprotective effects in
old age in long-term n-3 PUFA-deficient mice, which might provide a potential
dietary guidance" - See omega-3 supplements at Amazon.com and
Effect of Omega-3 Long Chain
Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (n-3 LCPUFA) Supplementation on Cognition in
Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Literature Review with a Focus on n-3
LCPUFA Blood Values and Dose of DHA and EPA - Nutrients 2020 Oct 12 -
"The aims of the current review were to investigate
whether: (1) a certain O3I level and (2) a minimum daily n-3 LCPUFA dose are
required to improve cognition in 4-25 year olds ... daily supplementation of
≥450 mg DHA + EPA per day and an increase in the O3I to >6% makes it more likely
to show efficacy on cognition in children and adolescents" - See
omega-3 supplements at Amazon.com and
Probiotic Reduces Crying
Time in Colicky Infants - Medscape, 12/4/19 - "80%
of BB-12 recipients showed a ≥50% reduction in crying duration after 28 days,
compared with 31.5% of those in the placebo group (P < .0001)" - See
probiotic supplements at Amazon.com.
Impact of Omega-3 Fatty
Acids Among Other Nonpharmacological Interventions on Behavior and Quality of
Life in Children with Compromised Conduct in Spain - J Diet Suppl. 2018 Oct
31:1-12 - "Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaires
(SDQ) ... The omega-3 fatty acid supplementation subgroup presented greater
improvements in each category of SDQ (p < .05), except for the emotion subscale.
Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation alone or in combination with other
nonpharmacological treatments is effective in improving children's mental
health. Overall, nonpharmacological recommendations currently made by
pediatricians seem to be effective in improving the perceived health status and
patients' QOL and in the reduction of health problems, especially
hyperactivity/inattention and conduct problems" - See
omega-3 supplements at Amazon.com.

Vitamin D Deficiency in
Middle Childhood Is Related to Behavior Problems in Adolescence - J Nutr.
2019 Aug 20 - "Vitamin D deficiency (VDD) is associated
with depression and schizophrenia in adults ... VDD and low DBP in middle
childhood are related to behavior problems in adolescence" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
levels of vitamin D in elementary school could spell trouble in adolescence
- Science Daily, 8/20/19 - "Children with blood vitamin
D levels suggestive of deficiency were almost twice as likely to develop
externalizing behavior problems -- aggressive and rule breaking behaviors -- as
reported by their parents, compared with children who had higher levels of the
vitamin ... Also, low levels of the protein that transports vitamin D in blood
were related to more self-reported aggressive behavior and anxious/depressed
symptoms" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Intervention for childhood behavioral problems? - Science Daily, 5/15/15 -
"One hundred children, aged 8 to 16, would each receive
a drink containing a gram of omega-3 once a day for six months, matched with 100
children who received the same drink without the supplement ... what was
particularly interesting was what was happening at 12 months. The control group
returned to the baseline while the omega-3 group continued to go down. In the
end, we saw a 42 percent reduction in scores on externalizing behavior and 62
percent reduction in internalizing behavior" - See
fish oil supplements at Amazon.com
Childhood Vitamin D Levels
Linked to Later Atherosclerosis - Medscape, 2/18/15 -
"low 25-hydroxy (25-OH) vitamin-D levels in childhood
are associated with increased carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) almost 30
years later, particularly in females" -
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Probiotics Cut Autoimmunity
33% in Infants at Risk for Diabetes - Medscape, 9/19/14 -
"the results show a definite trend that strongly
suggests a positive effect of probiotics in infants under the age of 3 months
... One theory is that the probiotics enhance the maturity of the gut barrier to
help defend the body against environmental exposure…[to] viruses and foreign
proteins ... [With probiotics], the infant is better prepared to process these,
and in this way they may not trigger an adverse autoimmune response"
during pregnancy and early life may affect children's behavior and intelligence
- Science Daily, 9/13/13 - "Blood samples were taken
from 493 schoolchildren, aged between seven and nine years, from 74 mainstream
schools in Oxfordshire. All of the children were thought to have below-average
reading skills ... Analyses of their blood samples showed that, on average, just
under two per cent of the children's total blood fatty acids were Omega-3 DHA
(Docosahexaenoic acid) and 0.5 per cent were Omega-3 EPA (Eicosapentaenoic
acid), with a total of 2.45 per cent for these long-chain Omega-3 combined. This
is below the minimum of 4 per cent recommended by leading scientists to maintain
cardiovascular health in adults, with 8-12 per cent regarded as optimal for a
healthy heart ... levels of Omega-3 fatty acids in the blood significantly
predicted a child's behaviour and ability to learn. Higher levels of Omega-3 in
the blood, and DHA in particular, were associated with better reading and
memory, as well as with fewer behaviour problems as rated by parents and
teachers" -
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
during pregnancy and early life may affect children's behavior and intelligence
- Science Daily, 9/13/13 - "folic acid, which is
recommended in some European countries, to be taken by women during the first
three months of pregnancy, can reduce the likelihood of behavioural problems
during early childhood. Eating oily fish is also very beneficial, not only for
the omega-3 fatty acids they which are 'building blocks' for brain cells, but
also for the iodine content which has a positive effect on reading ability in
children when measured at age nine"
low in polyunsaturated fatty acids may be a problem for youngsters - Science
Daily, 9/13/13 - "A proper ratio of omega-6 to omega-3
PUFAs plays an important role in cell function, inflammation, eye development
and neural functioning. However, the ideal dietary intake of PUFAs for young
children is unclear ... of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
decided to estimate the average intake of PUFAs in the diet for children between
infancy and kindergarten ... The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 intake was high --
about 10. Some experts use this as an indicator of diet quality, with a high
ratio being less healthy ... In addition, intake of a key fatty acid known as
DHA in children 12 to 60 months of age was low -- lower than what infants
generally consume -- and it did not increase with age ... At present, there is
no official dietary recommendation in the U.S. for DHA and EPA intake or
supplementation among children, although the Institute of Medicine has issued
what they call a "reasonable intake" level of two 3-oz servings of fish per week
for children ... children are clearly not consuming this much fish" - See
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com
DHA-Enriched Formula in Infancy Linked to Positive Cognitive Outcomes in
Childhood - Science Daily, 8/13/13 - "infants who
were fed formula enriched with long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA)
from birth to 12 months scored significantly better than a control group on
several measures of intelligence conducted between the ages of three to six
years ... the children showed accelerated development on detailed tasks
involving pattern discrimination, rule-learning and inhibition between the ages
of three to five years of age as well as better performance on two widely-used
standardized tests of intelligence: the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test at age
five and the Weschler Primary Preschool Scales of Intelligence at age six"
- See
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com
administration alters HPA reactivity in the context of parent-infant interaction
- Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2013 Jul 29 - "The
neuropeptide oxytocin (OT) and the steroid cortisol (CT) have each been
implicated in complex social behavior, including parenting, and one mechanism by
which OT is thought to exert its pro-social effects is by attenuating
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) response to stress ... we examined the
effects of intranasal OT administered to the parent on parent's and infant's CT
levels following parent-child interaction that included a social stressor ... 35
fathers and their 5-month-old infants were observed in a face-to-face-still-face
paradigm twice, one week apart ... OT increased fathers' overall CT response to
the stress paradigm. Furthermore, OT altered infants' physiological and
behavioral response as a function of parent-infant synchrony. Among infants
experiencing high parent-infant synchrony, OT elevated infant HPA reactivity and
increased infant social gaze to the father while father maintained a still-face.
On the other hand, among infants experiencing low social synchrony, parental OT
reduced the infant's stress response and diminished social gaze toward the
unavailable father. Results are consistent with the "social salience" hypothesis
and highlight that OT effects on human social functioning are not uniform and
depend on the individual's attachment history and social skills" - See
Pro (Oxytocin) Nasal Spray at International Anti-aging Systems.
Low Omega-3 in Kids Linked
to Behavior, Cognitive Deficits - Medscape, 7/23/13 -
"This study formed the screening stage of a previously
published randomized controlled intervention study that included 362 healthy
children aged 7 to 9 years from primary schools in Oxfordshire, a large county
in the UK, who had low reading scores. The DOLAB study reported that
supplementation with 600 mg DHA daily for 16 weeks improved reading and behavior
in children with the lowest 20% of reading scores ... The study showed that
reading scores were significantly and positively associated with the omega-3
fatty acids DHA (P < .003), docosapentaenoic acid (DPA; P < .04),
eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA; P < .005), and the omega-3 index (EPA+DHA; P < .04).
Total omega-6 fatty acids also showed a positive correlation with reading ...
Results were similar for working memory. Scores for Recall of Digits Forward
were significantly and positively associated with DHA (P < .003), DPA (P < .04),
EPA (P < .005), the omega-3 index (P < .001), and total omega-3 (P < .004)"
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Effects of
long-chain PUFA supplementation in infant formula on cognitive function in later
childhood - Am J Clin Nutr. 2013 Jun 19 - "Infants
were randomly assigned to receive formula containing either docosahexaenoic acid
and arachidonic acid or no LC-PUFAs for a period of 4 mo. A reference breastfed
group was also included. In a follow-up conducted at age 6 y, children received
assessments of intelligence quotient (IQ), attention control (Day-Night Test),
and speed of processing on the Matching Familiar Figures Test (MFFT) ... IQ
scores of children who were fed a formula containing either LC-PUFAs or no
LC-PUFAs did not differ at age 6 y. However, children who received LC-PUFAs were
faster at processing information compared with children who received
unsupplemented formula. Variation in the dietary supply of LC-PUFAs in the first
months of life may have long-term consequences for the development of some
cognitive functions in later childhood" - See
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com
Arachidonic acid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
"Arachidonic acid (AA, sometimes ARA) is a
polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acid 20:4(ω-6). It is the counterpart to the
saturated arachidic acid found in peanut oil"
D supplementation may delay precocious puberty in girls - Science Daily,
6/17/13 - "Among girls, puberty generally begins between
the ages of 10 and 14 ... Precocious puberty is diagnosed in girls when sexual
development begins before the age of 8 ... girls with precocious puberty were
significantly more likely than those with age-appropriate development to have a
severe vitamin D deficiency. Among the precocious puberty group, 44 percent had
a severe deficiency in vitamin D, compared to 21 percent of the group with
age-appropriate physical development"
Magnesium may be as important to kids' bone health as calcium - Science
Daily, 5/5/13 - "Lots of nutrients are key for children
to have healthy bones. One of these appears to be magnesium ... Results showed
that the amounts of magnesium consumed and absorbed were key predictors of how
much bone children had. Dietary calcium intake, however, was not significantly
associated with total bone mineral content or density" - See magnesium supplements at Amazon.com
status and neurodevelopmental outcomes at 5 years of age in the Seychelles Child
Development Nutrition Study - Br J Nutr. 2013 Jan 9:1-7 -
"The aim of the present study was to examine the
association between plasma concentrations of free choline and its related
metabolites in children and their neurodevelopment in the Seychelles Child
Development Nutrition Study, an ongoing longitudinal study assessing the
development of children born to mothers with high fish consumption during
pregnancy ... The children's plasma free choline concentration (9.17 (sd 2.09)
μmol/l) was moderately, but significantly, correlated with betaine ... Adjusted
multiple linear regression revealed that betaine concentrations were positively
associated with Preschool Language Scale - total language scores (β = 0.066; P=
0.04), but no other associations were evident" - See
citicholine at Amazon.com
Babies' Vision
Improves With Fatty Acid Formula Supplements - Medscape, 12/18/12 -
"from the Department of Pediatrics at the Children's
Hospital of Michigan in Detroit, and colleagues found that long-chain
polyunsaturated fatty acid (LCPUFA) supplementation started within 1 month of
birth significantly improved infants' visual acuity at 2, 4, and 12 months of
age ... "[R]etinal cells have the highest concentration of [docosahexaenoic
acid] in the human body ... the fatty acid is necessary not only for optimal
retinal function but also for the proper function of the visual processing
centers, optic tract, and optic nerve" - See
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com
Two cups
of milk a day ideal for children's health, new research shows - Science
Daily, 12/17/12 - "looked at how cow's milk affected
body stores of iron and vitamin D -- two of the most important nutrients in milk
-- in more than 1,300 children aged two to five years ... children who drank
more cow's milk had higher Vitamin D stores but lower iron stores ... two cups
of cow's milk per day was enough to maintain adequate vitamin D levels for most
children, while also maintaining iron stores. With additional cow's milk, there
was a further reduction in iron stores without greater benefit from vitamin D"
Children's healthy diets linked to higher IQ - Science Daily, 8/7/12 -
"We found that children who were breastfed at six months
and had a healthy diet regularly including foods such as legumes, cheese, fruit
and vegetables at 15 and 24 months, had an IQ up to two points higher by age
eight ... Those children who had a diet regularly involving biscuits, chocolate,
sweets, soft drinks and chips in the first two years of life had IQs up to two
points lower by age eight"
Soy-based formula? Neonatal plant estrogen exposure leads to adult infertility
in female mice - Science Daily, 5/2/12 - "A paper
published May 2 in Biology of Reproduction describes the effects of brief
prenatal exposure to plant estrogens on the mouse oviduct, modeling the effects
of soy-based baby formula on human infants. The results suggest that exposure to
estrogenic chemicals in the womb or during childhood has the potential to affect
a woman's fertility as an adult, possibly providing the mechanistic basis for
some cases of unexplained female infertility ... part of the National Institutes
of Health, previously demonstrated that neonatal exposure to the plant estrogen
genistein results in complete infertility in female adult mice. Causes of
infertility included failure to ovulate, reduced ability of the oviduct to
support embryo development before implantation, and failure of the uterus to
support effective implantation of blastocyst-stage embryos ... The team now
reports that neonatal exposure to genistein changes the level of immune response
in the mouse oviduct, known as mucosal immune response. Some of the immune
response genes were altered beginning from the time of genistein treatment,
while others were altered much later, when the mouse was in early pregnancy.
Together, those changes led to harmfully altered immune responses and to
compromised oviduct support for preimplantation embryo development, both of
which would likely contribute to infertility ... estrogenic chemical exposure to
the female fetus, infant, child, and adolescent all have potential impacts on
mucosal immunity in the reproductive tract and, therefore, on adult fertility.
The authors present the view that limiting such exposures, including minimizing
use of soy-based baby formula, is a step toward maintaining female reproductive
your baby on demand 'may contribute to higher IQ' - Science Daily, 3/20/12 -
"demand-feeding is associated with higher IQ scores at
age eight, and this difference is also evident in the results of SATs tests at
ages five, seven, 11 and 14 ... The difference in IQ levels of around four to
five points, though statistically highly significant, would not make a child at
the bottom of the class move to the top, but it would be noticeable"
Memo to
pediatricians: Screen all kids for vitamin D deficiency, test those at high risk
- Science Daily, 2/23/12 - "Prolonged and untreated
vitamin D deficiency can affect multiple organs and functions, including bone
growth and density, metabolism, heart and immunity, but it rarely causes overt
symptoms and often goes unnoticed ... Vitamin D deficiency in childhood can
cause skeletal deformities, brittle bones, frequent fractures and lead to
premature osteoporosis in later life. However emerging evidence suggests that
vitamin D is involved in far more than bone health. Recent studies have found a
link between low vitamin D levels and some cancers, heart disease, suppressed
immunity and even premature death" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Childhood diet lower in fat and higher in fiber may lower risk for chronic
disease in adulthood - Science Daily, 10/28/11 - "In
this study, researchers evaluated 230 women between the ages of 25 and 29 years,
who nine years before the current study participated in the Dietary Intervention
Study in Children (DISC). DISC was a randomized controlled clinical trial of a
reduced-fat dietary intervention that strived to limit fat intake to 28 percent
of daily caloric intake and increase dietary fiber intake by encouraging
consumption of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. The current study was
conducted among females who had participated in the DISC trial to determine the
longer-term effects of the DISC intervention ... Few participants in our
follow-up study met the criteria for metabolic syndrome, however the
intervention group had statistically significant lower mean systolic blood
pressure and fasting plasma glucose levels compared to the control group ...
Longer follow-up studies of DISC participants are needed to determine if the
differences found in this study persist or widen with increasing age"
Neurophysiologic and neurobehavioral evidence of beneficial effects of prenatal
omega-3 fatty acid intake on memory function at school age - Am J Clin Nutr.
2011 Mar 9 - "The beneficial effects of prenatal and
early postnatal intakes of omega-3 (n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) on
cognitive development during infancy are well recognized. However, few studies
have examined the extent to which these benefits continue to be evident in
childhood ... Repeated-measures analyses of variance revealed that children with
higher cord plasma concentrations of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which is an
important n-3 PUFA, had a shorter FN400 latency and a larger LPC amplitude; and
higher plasma DHA concentrations at the time of testing were associated with
increased FN400 amplitude. Cord DHA-related effects were observed regardless of
seafood-contaminant amounts. Multiple regression analyses also showed positive
associations between cord DHA concentrations and performance on neurobehavioral
assessments of memory ... To our knowledge, this study provides the first
neurophysiologic and neurobehavioral evidence of long-term beneficial effects of
n-3 PUFA intake in utero on memory function in school-age children" - See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Bifidobacterium breve effective in the treatment of childhood constipation?
Results from a pilot study - Nutr J. 2011 Feb 23;10(1):19 -
"Probiotics are increasingly used in the treatment of
functional gastrointestinal disorders. Studies in constipated adults with a
Bifidus yoghurt (containing Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacterium bifidum and
Lactobacillus acidophilus) showed a significant increase in defecation frequency
... The defecation frequency per week significantly increased from 0.9 (0-2) at
baseline to 4.9 (0-21) in week 4 (p< 0.01). The mean stool consistency score
increased from 2.6 (2-4) at baseline to 3.5 (1-6) in week 4 (p = 0.03). The
number of faecal incontinence episodes per week significantly decreased from 9.0
(0-35) at baseline to 1.5 (0-7) in week 4 (p <0.01). Abdominal pain episodes per
week significantly decreased from 4.2 (0-7) at baseline to 1.9 (0-7) in week 4
(p = 0.01). No side effects occurred" - See
Bifidobacterium breve products at iHerb.
vitamin D levels linked to allergies in kids - Science Daily, 2/24/11 -
"When the resulting data was analyzed by Einstein
researchers, no association between vitamin D levels and allergies was
observed in adults. But for children and adolescents, low vitamin D levels
correlated with sensitivity to 11 of the 17 allergens tested, including both
environmental allergens (e.g., ragweed, oak, dog, cockroach) and food
allergens (e.g., peanuts). For example, children who had vitamin D
deficiency (defined as less than 15 nanograms of vitamin D per milliliter of
blood), were 2.4 times as likely to have a peanut allergy than were children
with sufficient levels of vitamin D (more than 30 nanograms of vitamin D per
milliliter of blood)" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Careful cleaning of children's skin wounds key to healing, regardless of
antibiotic choice - Science Daily, 2/21/11 -
"proper wound care, not antibiotics, may have been the key to healing"
Processed food diet in early childhood may lower subsequent IQ - Science
Daily, 2/7/11 - "A diet, high in fats, sugars, and
processed foods in early childhood may lower IQ, while a diet packed full of
vitamins and nutrients may do the opposite ... Three dietary patterns were
identified: "processed" high in fats and sugar intake; "traditional" high in
meat and vegetable intake; and "health conscious" high in salad, fruit and
vegetables, rice and pasta ... after taking account of potentially
influential factors, a predominantly processed food diet at the age of 3 was
associated with a lower IQ at the age of 8.5, irrespective of whether the
diet improved after that age. Every 1 point increase in dietary pattern
score was associated with a 1.67 fall in IQ ... On the other hand, a healthy
diet was associated with a higher IQ at the age of 8.5, with every 1 point
increase in dietary pattern linked to a 1.2 increase in IQ. Dietary patterns
between the ages of 4 and 7 had no impact on IQ"
blood levels of vitamin D linked to chubbier kids, faster weight gain -
Science Daily, 11/8/10 - "the kids with the lowest
vitamin D levels at the beginning tended to gain weight faster than the kids
with higher levels ... children with the lowest vitamin D levels had more
drastic increases in central body fat measures ... Vitamin D deficiency was
also linked to slower growth in height among girls but not boys" -
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Probiotic Reduces Crying Time in Infants With Colic - Medscape, 6/17/10
"One week of supplementation with the probiotic
Lactobacillus reuteri Protectis reduced crying time in colicky babies by
74%, compared with 38% with placebo" - See lactobacillus at Amazon.com
Calcium in early life may prevent obesity later - Science Daily, 5/13/10
- "not getting enough calcium in the earliest days
of life could have a more profound, lifelong impact on bone health and
perhaps even obesity than previously thought"
Supplementing Babies' Formula With DHA Boosts Cognitive Development, Study Finds
- Science Daily, 9/15/09 - "children who were breast fed
as infants have superior cognitive skills compared to those fed infant formula,
and it's thought that this is due to an essential fatty acid in breast milk
called docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) ... because infants who display superior
performance on the means-end problem-solving task tend to have superior IQ and
vocabulary later in childhood, it's possible that the beneficial effects of DHA
extend well beyond infancy"
Boys Who Eat Fish At Least Once A Week Achieve Higher Intelligence Scores -
Science Daily, 3/9/09 - "Eating fish once a week was
enough to increase combined, verbal and visuospatial intelligence scores by an
average of six per cent, while eating fish more than once a week increased them
by just under 11 per cent"
- See
Mega Twin EPA at Amazon.com
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com .
Pediatrics Group Doubles Children's Recommended Daily Vitamin D Intake -
WebMD, 10/13/08 - "The new guidelines are especially
important for breastfed babies, since breast milk isn't rich in vitamin D ... I
would have probably gone with 400 IU in the first year or two of life, and after
that I would have increased it to at least 1,000 and also monitor the vitamin D
[blood] level" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Eating Fish in Infancy Lowers Eczema Risk - WebMD, 9/24/08 -
"Babies in a newly published study whose diets included
fish before the age of 9 months were 24% less likely to develop eczema by their
first birthdays than babies who did not eat fish"
Assessing the effect of docosahexaenoic acid on cognitive functions in healthy,
preschool children: a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study -
Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2008 May;47(4):355-62 -
"Regression analysis, however, yielded a statistically significant positive (P =
.018) association between the blood level of docosahexaenoic acid and higher
scores on the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, a test of listening comprehension
and vocabulary acquisition" - See
Jarrow Max DHA at Amazon.com
Lack of vitamin D rampant in infants, teens - USA Today, 6/16/08 -
"Vitamin D deficiency is much more of a health problem
than anyone realized ... 40% of infants and toddlers tested below average for
vitamin D. In a previous study, Gordon and fellow researchers discovered that
42% of adolescents were vitamin D deficient ... Current recommendations by the
Institute of Medicine suggest 200 IUs of vitamin D a day for children and 400
IUs for adults, but Callahan, who serves on an institute committee that aims to
update those guidelines, says she suggests higher levels to many of her
patients, at least 800 to 1,000 IUs a day" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Exposure And Vitamin D Levels May Play Strong Role In Risk Of Type 1 Diabetes In
Children - Science Daily, 6/5/08 - "This research
suggests that childhood type 1 diabetes may be preventable with a modest intake
of vitamin D3 (1000 IU/day) for children, ideally with 5 to 10 minutes of
sunlight around noontime, when good weather allows"
Babies, Tots Low on Vitamin D - WebMD, 6/2/08 -
"Forty percent of those kids had suboptimal blood levels of vitamin D, including
12% who had vitamin D deficiency. And X-rays showed that a third of kids with
vitamin D deficiency had bone demineralization, a sign of thinner bones ...
Breastfed babies were particularly likely to be low in vitamin D"
Current Vitamin D Recommendations Fraction Of Safe, Perhaps Essential Levels
For Children - Science Daily, 5/27/08 - "The
current recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamin D for children is 200
International Units (IUs), but new research reveals that children may need
and can safely take ten-times that amount ... Only children given the
equivalent of 2,000 IUs a day of vitamin D increased 25-OHD levels from the
mid-teens to the mid-thirties (ng/ml)--the level considered optimal for
adults. None of the children in either trial showed any evidence for vitamin
D intoxication" - See
vitamin D products at iHerb. I've gone to
2,500 IU on vitamin D. If you're worried
about that being to high, just skip a day or two per week which most do
anyway just by forgetting to take them.
Vitamin D3 for 1 Year Is Safe in Adolescents - Medscape, 5/5/08 -
"Vitamin D3 at doses equivalent to 2000 IU/day for 1
year is safe in adolescents and results in desirable vitamin D levels"
Breast development in the first 2 years of life: an association with
soy-based infant formulas - J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2008
Feb;46(2):191-5 - "We suggest that phytoestrogens
impose a preserving effect on breast tissue that is evolved in early
infancy, leading eventually to a slower waning of infantile breast tissue"
Infants With Poor Intestinal Flora Often Develop Eczema - Science Daily,
1/23/08 - "children with only a limited variety of
bacteria in their feces one week after birth more often developed atopical
eczema by the age of 18 months"
Kids' Bones at Risk From Low Vitamin D - WebMD, 7/9/07 -
"55% of the children had lower than recommended
vitamin D levels ... Overall, 68% of children had inadequate stores of the
vitamin in their blood during the colder months when they spent more time
indoors" - See
vitamin D at Amazon.com
Maternal Intake of Vitamin D during Pregnancy May Protect against Early
Childhood Wheezing Illnesses - Doctor's Guide, 3/6/06
Fatty Acid Supplementation May Be Helpful in Developmental Coordination
Disorder - Medscape, 5/6/05 - "117 children with
DCD were randomized to dietary supplementation with omega-3 and omega-6
fatty acids or placebo for three months in parallel groups, followed by a
one-way crossover from placebo to active treatment for an additional three
months ... there were significant improvements for active treatment versus
placebo in reading, spelling, and behavior for three months of treatment in
parallel groups"
Low-Fat Diet in Male Infant Affects Later Insulin Resistance Risk -
Doctor's Guide, 5/3/05
Fortified Formula Boosts Infant Development - WebMD, 4/25/05
- How Do You Cure Bedwetting?
- Dr. Weil, 12/12/03
Balanced Nutrition, Better Behaved Kids - CBS News, 5/14/03
- Baby
Supplements, Asthma, Allergy Linked - WebMD, 5/5/03
Vitamin A and sudden infant death syndrome in Scandinavia 1992-1995 -
Acta Paediatr 2003;92(2):162-4 -
"We found an association between increased risk of
sudden infant death syndrome and infants not being given vitamin
supplementation during their first year of life"
- Preventing
Heart Disease Starts With Children - WebMD, 3/6/03 -
"Parents should give their kids low-fat, low-sugar,
and low-sodium foods after age 2"
Zinc Helps Kids Grow - WebMD, 5/24/02 - "This new report looked at 33
studies on the effects of zinc supplementation on
children up to 10 years old that were published between 1976 and 2001 ...
Overall, zinc supplementation produced very significant positive effects on
both height and weight measures of the children. And the effect was even
greater among children who already suffered from stunted growth or were
Premature Infants Who are Exercised Grow Faster - Doctor's Guide, 5/6/02
Lactobacillus Safe, Effective For Infectious Diarrhoea In Children -
Doctor's Guide, 4/8/02 - see my probiotics page
- New Formulas May
Help Infant Vision - WebMD, 3/18/02 -
"babies fed formula containing a type of fatty acids
known as long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCP) have better vision
than those who didn't receive the fortified formula, and babies must receive
either the special formula or breast milk during the first three months"
Other News:
Fathers-to-be should avoid alcohol six months before conception - Science
Daily, 10/3/19 - "Aspiring parents should both avoid
drinking alcohol prior to conception to protect against congenital heart
Lied-to children more likely to cheat, lie - Science Daily, 3/19/14 -
"The 5-, 6- and 7-year-olds who had been lied to
were both more likely to cheat and then more likely to lie about having done
so, too"
Antibiotic use in infants before six months associated with being overweight
in childhood - Science Daily, 8/21/12 - "on
average, children exposed to antibiotics from birth to 5 months of age
weighed more for their height than children who weren't exposed. Between the
ages of 10 to 20 months, this translated into small increases in body mass
percentile, based on models that incorporated the potential impacts of diet,
physical activity, and parental obesity. By 38 months of age, exposed
children had a 22% greater likelihood of being overweight. However, the
timing of exposure mattered: children exposed from 6 months to 14 months did
not have significantly higher body mass than children who did not receive
antibiotics in that same time period"
Benefits of male circumcision reconfirmed as rates decline - USA Today,
8/20/12 - "The researchers say that if U.S. rates
dropped to 10% — the level seen in European countries where insurers don't
cover circumcision — the results would include ... 211% more urinary tract
infections in baby boys ... 12% more HIV cases in men ... 29% more human
papillomavirus (HPV) cases in men ... 18% more high-risk HPV infections in
Overly Strict, Controlling Parents Risk Raising Delinquent Kids - WebMD,
2/23/12 - "Uber-strict parents who rule with a
controlling, iron fist -- while not giving their children a chance to speak
their mind -- are more likely to raise children who are disrespectful and
engage in delinquent behaviors such as stealing, hurting others, and/or
substance abuse"
Controlling parents more likely to have delinquent children - Science
Daily, 2/10/12 - "When children consider their
parents to be legitimate authority figures, they trust the parent and feel
they have an obligation to do what their parents tell them to do. This is an
important attribute for any authority figure to possess, as the parent does
not have to rely on a system of rewards and punishments to control behavior,
and the child is more likely to follow the rules when the parent is not
physically present"
Common insecticide used in homes associated with delayed mental development
of young children - Science Daily, 2/10/11 -
"When the EPA phased out the widespread residential use of chlorpyrifos and
other organophosphorus (OP) insecticides in 2000-2001 because of risks to
child neurodevelopment, these compounds were largely replaced with
pyrethroid insecticides ... scientists of the Columbia Center for Children's
Environmental Health at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public
Health found a significant association between piperonyl butoxide (PBO), a
common additive in pyrethroid formulations, measured in personal air
collected during the third trimester of pregnancy, and delayed mental
development at 36 months ... While the results demonstrate that a
significant prenatal exposure to permethrin in personal air and/or plasma
was not associated with performance scores for the Bayley Mental
Developmental Index or the Psychomotor Developmental Index at 36 months,
children who were more highly exposed to PBO in personal air samples (≥4.34
ng/m3) scored 3.9 points lower on the Mental Developmental Index than those
with lower exposures ... This drop in IQ points is similar to that observed
in response to lead exposure"
Tonsillectomy linked to excess weight gain in kids - Science Daily,
Early Antibiotic Use Linked to Asthma and Allergy at Age 6 Years -
Medscape, 1/11/11 - "Children with early antibiotic
exposure had an increased risk for asthma, with an adjusted odds ratio (OR)
of 1.52 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.07 - 2.16). In children in whom
asthma was first diagnosed after age 3 years, the adjusted OR was 1.66 (95%
CI, 0.99 - 2.79). In children who had no history of lower respiratory tract
infection before age 1 year, the adjusted OR was 1.66 ... Children with no
family history of asthma had an even stronger association of early
antibiotic use with subsequent development of asthma (adjusted OR, 1.89; 95%
CI, 1.00 - 3.58; P for interaction = .03). Adjusted OR for a positive blood
or skin test result for allergy was 1.59"
Even kids who play sports don't exercise enough - MSNBC, 12/7/10 -
"Practices sometimes lasted more than three hours,
but much of that time is likely spent improving skills and strategy, during
which kids are often standing in line. In baseball, hitting, catching and
other skills require little activity, he added. "So, time spent on skills
can compete for active time.""
Children with high blood pressure more likely to have learning disabilities,
study finds - Science Daily, 11/9/10
Children Who Are Spanked Have Lower IQs, New Research Finds - Science
Daily, 9/24/09
Vaccine Expert Advises: Immunization Should Be Given As Early In Life As
Possible - Science Daily, 9/14/09 - "Many
parents would prefer to postpone the vaccination of their babies until these
are older, by fear that their young immune system would be too weak or
overwhelmed by the vaccines. In contrast, pediatricians insist that babies
should be immunized as rapidly as possible after birth against the most
dreadful microbes causing bacterial meningitis or whooping cough. These
infections can cause irreversible damage or even kill the children"
Praising Your Kids Can Hurt Them - ABC News, 9/3/09 -
"A decade of groundbreaking research suggests that
constant praise can lead kids to lose self-confidence, not gain it, and make
them actually perform worse, not better"
Bullied Children Develop Psychotic Symptoms - Science Daily, 5/4/09
Diabetes Drug Slows Early-onset Puberty In Girls, Study Shows - Science
Daily, 6/16/08
Kids: Less Sleep May Lead to Overweight - WebMD, 11/5/07
Hazards of Crib Bumper Pads Outweigh Their Benefits - Doctor's Guide,
Frequent TV Viewing During Adolescence Linked With Risk Of Attention And
Learning Difficulties - Science Daily, 5/7/07
Used In Baby Bottles May Have Health Risk - cbs2chicago.com, 3/5/07
Maternal Diet During Pregnancy Can Impact Offspring For Generations, Study
Shows - Science Daily, 12/28/06
- New policy recommends
pacifiers to cut SIDS - MSNBC, 10/10/05
Obese Mothers May Overfeed Infants - WebMD, 5/20/05
Is TV Bad for Babies? - ABC News, 5/13/05
Parents Often Unaware Kids Not Sleeping Enough - WebMD, 4/20/05
- Children
'harmed' by vegan diets - BBC News, 2/20/05
- Spring-Fall
Flu Shots May Protect Toddlers - WebMD, 10/4/04
- Child
Depression: What Should Parents Do? - WebMD, 9/15/04
- Tonsil Removal
Has Little Benefit - WebMD, 9/10/04
- Computers Boost
Preschool Kids' Intelligence - WebMD, 6/7/04
- Kids not
Getting Enough Sleep - WebMD, 3/31/04
- Young Children
Don't Sleep Enough - WebMD, 3/30/04
- Why Human
Babies Are Fattest (and Smartest) - WebMD, 2/20/04
Bacteria-Containing Formulas May Reduce Colic - WebMD, 2/4/04
- Stomach
Sleeping Isn't Only SIDS Risk - WebMD, 1/16/04
- Couch Potatoes
May Start as Tater Tots - WebMD, 1/15/04
- Parents
Underestimate Their Kids' Weight - WebMD, 11/21/03
- Iron Supplementation
Beneficial in Healthy, Full-Term Infants - Medscape, 10/6/03
- Cereal May
Trigger Type 1 Diabetes - WebMD, 9/30/03
- Mothers' Diet
Patterns Influence Girls - WebMD, 8/8/03
- Teen Emotional
Problems Go Unnoticed - WebMD, 8/4/03
- Internet Use
May Make Kids Smarter - WebMD, 7/30/03
- All-Day Day
Care a Problem For Some Kids - WebMD, 7/21/03
- Mold May Lead
to Croup in Infants - WebMD, 7/17/03
- Bed-Wetting,
Ear Infections? Fix the Jaw - WebMD, 7/17/03
- Back-Sleeping
Babies Risk Flattened Head - WebMD, 7/8/03
- Teens Misuse
Nicotine Patches and Gum - WebMD, 6/10/03
- Movies Boost
Teen Smoking - WebMD, 6/9/03
Study: Maternal Care Affects Adult Stress - Intelihealth, 6/9/03
Prematurity, Infections Most Likely Causes Of Brain Damage Among Infants
- Doctor's Guide, 6/9/03
- Use Booster
Seats Till Kids Are 8 - WebMD, 6/3/03
Rickets Rates Rising - Physician's Weekly, 5/26/03
Outside the Crib Deaths, an Underreported Cause of Sudden Infant Death
Syndrome - Doctor's Guide, 5/25/03
- Parents More
Upset By Kids' Birthmarks - WebMD, 5/19/03
- Angry Children
at Risk for Heart Disease - WebMD, 5/19/03
- Firm Mattresses
May Reduce SIDS - WebMD, 5/12/03
- White Noise May
Delay Infant Development - WebMD, 4/17/03
- Antisocial
Behavior Puts Health at Risk - WebMD, 4/17/03
- A Little Lead
Can Lower Kids' IQ - WebMD, 4/16/03
- Breastfed
Babies Need Vitamin D Supplements - WebMD, 4/7/03
- Potty Training
Tip: Earlier Isn't Better - WebMD, 4/7/03
- Study
Helps Pinpoint Children With Depression - Psychiatric News, 4/4/03
Exposure to TV Violence Linked to Aggression in Adulthood - Clinical
Psychiatry News, 4/03
- Plastic Baby
Bottles: Do They Hold a Danger? - WebMD, 3/31/03
- Secondhand
Smoke Leads to More Cavities - WebMD, 3/11/03
- TV Violence Has
Long-Lasting Effects - WebMD, 3/11/03
- Childhood
Depression Clues Found in Play - WebMD, 3/11/03
- Unfit, Heavy
Teens With Insulin Resistance on Path to Diabetes
- WebMD, 3/7/03
- Sleep
Deprivation Hurts Child's Learning - WebMD, 3/4/03
- Anxiety and
Depression Taint Children's Perception of Themselves - WebMD, 3/4/03
Higher Sudden Infant Death Risk Found In Infants Placed In Unaccustomed
Sleeping Position - Doctor's Guide, 3/3/03
- Do Kids' Flat
Feet Need Surgery? - WebMD, 2/20/03
- Babies Learn
Visual Continuity Early On, Peek-a-Boo Gets Old Fast - WebMD, 2/19/03
- More Children
Means More Heart Disease - WebMD, 2/18/03
Playground Equipment May Pose Cancer Risk - Intelihealth, 2/10/03
Experts Warn Against Sleep-Deprived Kids - Intelihealth, 1/29/03
- Restricting
Kid's TV May Backfire - WebMD, 1/29/03
Possible Relationship Investigated Between Adolescent Diet, Sex Hormone
Changes And Breast Cancer - Doctor's Guide, 1/27/03
- Feeding Infants
Less Helps Sleep - WebMD, 1/22/03
- TV Influences
Babies' Behavior - WebMD, 1/22/03
- Kids Eat Too
Much Fat at School - WebMD, 1/10/03
- Many Babies
Born With Flat Heads - WebMD, 1/3/03
Wild Child? Head Back to Class - WebMD, 1/1/03
FDA Approves Pediarix, First US Combination Vaccine to Protect Infants
Against Five Diseases - Doctor's Guide, 12/16/02
- Colic Usually Gone
in Three Months - WebMD, 12/9/02
- Home Alone and
Having Sex - WebMD, 12/2/02
- Violent Video
Games Affect Teenage Brain - WebMD, 12/2/02
- Drug Deaths Are
Common Among Kids - WebMD, 11/4/02
- ADHD Caused by
Infant Formulas? - WebMD, 10/9/02
- Infants Need Flu
Shot - WebMD, 9/24/02
Officials Urge Flu Shots For Babies - Intelihealth, 9/23/02
- TV Makes Kids
Isolated, Aggressive - WebMD, 9/13/02
Children Who Avoid Cow Milk Have Low Calcium Intakes, Poor Bone Health -
Doctor's Guide, 9/10/02
New Heart Disease Battle Targets Children - Intelihealth, 9/4/02
Poor Nutrition In Infancy May Lead To Development Of Type 2 Diabetes -
Doctor's Guide, 8/29/02
Babbling Babies Hard At Work, Researcher Says - Intelihealth, 8/29/02
- Are Ear
Thermometers Accurate? - WebMD, 8/22/02
New Theory Says Colicky Babies Probably Not In Pain; Then Why Are They
Crying? - Intelihealth, 8/15/02
Behaviour In Children With Sleep Disorders May Improve Following
Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy - Doctor's Guide, 7/30/02
Neuro-Developmental Benefits Of Formula Addition Indefinite In Pre-Term
Infants - Doctor's Guide, 7/23/02
- Protecting
Children From Evil - WebMD, 7/17/02
Study Links Working Mothers To Children's Slower Learning -
Intelihealth, 7/17/02
- First Day Jitters
- WebMD, 7/8/02
Enriched Eggs Boost Omega-3 Levels Without Raising Cholesterol -
Doctor's Guide, 6/20/02
Mothers Often Wean Pre-Term Babies Too Early - Doctor's Guide, 6/6/02
- Bedroom TVs Linked
to Fatter Kids - WebMD, 6/3/02
- Egg Yolks Good
Choice for Weaning Babies - WebMD, 5/24/02
Baby Talk Said To Be Educational - Intelihealth, 5/24/02
Having Sons May Shorten Moms' Lives - Intelihealth, 5/10/02
- Flu Vaccine
Recommended for Infants - WebMD, 5/8/02
- Colicky Babies
Sour on Apple Juice - WebMD, 5/8/02
Colicky Infants React To Introduction Of Some Juices - Doctor's Guide,
Gov't Warns On Baby Sleep Dangers - Intelihealth, 5/3/02
- Curing Severe
Sleep Problems in Babies - WebMD, 5/2/02
Infectious Cause for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome? - Doctor's Guide,
Narrowed Artery May Be Factor in SIDS - Doctor's Guide, 4/29/02
SIDS May Be Linked To Infection - Intelihealth, 4/26/02
- Infant Diet May
Affect Adult Obesity - WebMD, 4/25/02
- Parents Can Foster
Safe Teen Drivers - WebMD, 4/2/02
- Soothing Baby to
Sleep - WebMD, 4/1/02
- Continuous
Pacifier Use Linked to Ear Infections - WebMD, 4/1/02
- Enhanced Baby Food
Boosts Brain, Eyes - WebMD, 3/29/02
- Sippy Cups Causing
Too Many Cavities, Get Infants to the Dentist by First Birthday - WebMD,
- The Bottom Line on
Potty Training - WebMD, 3/6/02
Babies Need Exercise, Experts Say - Intelihealth, 2/7/02
Violent Video Games May Spur Boys' Aggression - Clinical Psychiatry
News, 2/02
- As
Very-Low-Birth-Weight Babies Grow - WebMD, 1/16/02
- Baby Formula
Additives May Improve Mental Function - WebMD, 8/10/01 -
"more than 400 premature infants were fed formulas
fortified with or without DHA and AA for the first 12 months of life. The
babies who received the formula with the two fatty acids, particularly the
very tiny babies who weighed less than 2.5 pounds at birth, showed signs of
improved brain and visual development compared to children who did not
receive the fatty acids"
- No Benefit To Adding Fatty
Acids To Term Infant Formula - Doctor's Guide, 8/1/01
- Pacifiers Don't
Necessarily Cause Early Weaning - WebMD, 7/17/01
Academy Recommends New Limits On Fruit Juice For Kids - Intelihealth,
5/8/01 -
"in finicky eaters, too much juice may replace more
important nutrients, and in other children it adds calories that can
contribute to obesity"
Study casts doubt on value of SIDS monitors - USA Today, 5/1/01
Study: Lead paint more unsafe than first thought - Intelihealth, 4/30/01
"Children with a lead concentration of less than 10
micrograms per deciliter of blood scored an average of 11.1 points lower
than the mean on the Stanford-Binet IQ test"
Ecstasy Use During Pregnancy May Affect Offspring, Researchers Say -
Intelihealth, 5/1/01 -
""These findings suggest that (ecstasy) may pose a
previously unrecognized risk to the developing brain," causing long-term
learning and memory problems"
- Preventing SIDS:
New Advice for Parents - WebMD, 4/27/01
- New Technology Will Help
Reduce Sudden Infant Death Syndrome - Doctor's Guide, 4/25/01
- Children's Growth
Patterns Predictive of Later Heart Health - WebMD, 4/20/01
Day Care Linked To Child Aggression - Intelihealth, 4/19/01
Moms' poor vocabulary hurts kids' future- USA Today, 4/12/01
- Food for Thought:
Rickets on the Rise? A Smattering of Cases Is Raising Eyebrows -- and
Questions - WebMD, 3/29/01 -
"Rickets is a disease typically caused by vitamin D
deficiency; the classic symptom is weakened or deformed bones. The disease
was common a century ago during the Industrial Revolution when children went
malnourished and without regular exposure to the sun, which triggers the
body to make vitamin D. But now, thanks to a better understanding of
nutrition, and fortification of certain foods, rickets is preventable and
extremely rare in the U.S."
- To Circumcise or
Not to Circumcise? - WebMD, 2/28/01
- Babies
get an uneven healthy start across USA - USA Today, 2/20/01
Preventing Crib Death Linked To Flat-Headed Phenomenon - Intelihealth,
Nurturing May Help Intelligence - Intelihealth, 7/19/00
- New Perspectives on Baby
Bottle Tooth Decay - Doctor's Guide, 10/3/97